3.49pm I'm sitting on the lounge-chair in my room, waiting. When I'm in a hotel like this it's usually work-related. At this hour I'm normally inside one of the meeting-rooms doing whatever it is I came to do.... Presenting, listening or organizing. Today of I'm taking a little time off work, and staying in a hotel as a guest (of sorts), so I'm in His room. When I'm not working I'm always asleep at this time of day, but now I'm awake. I could pretend I don't know why things are different today, but that would be blatantly untrue. There is a soft tingle between my legs that spreads down to the thighs and up into the belly, hinting that it could go further and spread more. I know what would spread it.... The chance to obey my Sir would spread that feeling like wildfire through my veins to every inch of me. The shameful safety I feel with Him is like none other. To allow myself to be so debased is beyond me, and yet with Him I plead for it, consent to it in writing. Whatever He chooses to do to me will be well done, and there will be no defense for my honor. In His presence my honor is submission to Him, whatever that may require. The last defense would have been to keep these truths secret from Him, but I have not. Instead I will place myself before Him on my knees to await His pleasure. I will receive what I deserve, and so will He. My body pulses with that thought. It throbs and jumps and clenches and winks. My breathing speeds up, my skin tingles with anticipation and dread. Nipples point, pussy moistens, tongue, teeth and lips play with themselves. My hands and fingers run over them all, checking, reaffirming, stimulating, making ready for Him. I'm wearing all black. My sheer teddy top opens down the front with a built-in front-hook bra. A sheer black thong does little to cover my puss or hold my wetness. A velvet choker on my neck and my thigh-high sheer stockings invite His control. He will be here soon, so I take my position kneeling on the floor half-way between the bed and the door. I hear His key slot into the room's lock. My heart races, my slit throbs and moistens, and I start to salivate. I swallow, take a deep breath, and exhale slowly. I remain kneeling, keeping my eyes on the floor, watching his shoes come into view. It is time. He stands there, looking me over, but saying nothing. I wait. He puts his things on the countertop just inside the door, and then closes the door behind him. He moves quickly into the room, grabs my choker, and uses it to pull me into the bathroom. I slip, slide, scramble, knee-walk and crawl beside Him. When he closes this door he settles his weight against it, with his feet comfortably apart. I get on my knees so that my face is in front of His crotch. His hands hang loosely at his sides, but then He gives a slight turn of his right wrist. I unbuckle His belt, unzip his pants and ease them off his hips. My hands hook His briefs at the sides, and I ease them down too, so that His stiffening cock is pointing at my face. I take it into my mouth without touching, using the suction from my lips to lift it, and then letting it slip between my lips with gravity. He pushes on my head, rocking it, rubbing himself on the roof of my mouth and at the back of my throat, guiding the suck back and forth to give Himself maximum pleasure. Eventually He leaves me to my own devices. I keep the rhythm He's set while he gropes into my teddy to grab at my breasts. Soon He is shuddering into my mouth, and clutching hard at my shoulders and hair. He grunts His Release. I feel the spurts on my palate, and taste the slippery, bitter cum. I gulp several times, swallowing nearly all of it, but some leaks from the corners of my mouth. When I've finished He pushes my head back so that my mouth releases Him. His hand pushes on my shoulder. I sit back onto my heels, and let my head loll forward in a relaxed bow. I wait. I'm beginning to wonder what's going on. He still hasn't said a word, and I dare not meet His eyes. I hear Him relax against the door and sigh. My waiting and wondering cease as a stream of pungent, sunshine coloured Piss passes my eyes and lands on the middle of my chest, running down my body to soak my teddy. It drizzles over my shoulders, crossing my chest. He grabs my hair with His free hand and pulls my head closer, to the side and back so I'm looking up at Him as He aims for my face. My mouth opens in a silent startled cry and I shut my eyes, but feel some stinging, telling me I was not fast enough. The Piss splashes over my face, rivulets running back into my hair. Some gets into my nose, so I hold my breath. His Piss keeps flowing and flowing and for a time I think it will never stop and I will drown. Eventually He empties the last of His Golden Shower into my mouth and shakes Himself off. My mouth is full and running over, and I'm breathing as hard as I can through my nose, nostrils flaring, chest heaving, watering eyes wide and blinking with desperation. He pinches my nose shut and watches me struggle briefly. I give up and swallow. He releases me then, but all I can do is kneel there and catch my breath. When I can focus again He is washing His hands. He walks past me, puts His phones back on His belt, and goes out, leaving me kneeling in a pool of His Piss. He still hasn't said anything.
Kate and I were discussing the many challenges families now face with the advent of DNA testing. After reading a recent news story of one family's surprising results, we came up with the following tale. As always, all characters are figments of our imagination and have no connection to any living or dead persons. "Let sleeping dogs lie" Ancient Proverb/Origin Unknown 23 and Who? Jeb Philip's sister-in-law Barbara gave everyone in the family one of those kits to trace their ancestors. Her own family had all spit in a test tube and were excited with the results, turns out they were one-hundred percent Swedish/Norwegian; not a lick of any other blood. Barbara knew her husband's family were mutts and thought it would be interesting to learn how mixed up they were. "It'll be fun!" She had no idea -'mixed up' can have so many different meanings. You never know how these things are going to end. But; Barbara is one of those women that can light up a room just by walking into it; so the entire Philips family did the spit-in-the-test-tube and were going to reveal the results right after Easter dinner. Ma Philips, Haley, did it up right; the dinner table overflowed with an assortment of vegetables and other side dishes to accompany the great roast of lamb in Spanish rice. All family favorites. Jeb's siblings, older brother Hal (short for Harold) and younger sister Marti were there with their spouses. Jeb had invited his current squeeze; but she bowed out to spend the day at her grandparents. The relationship was in its infancy, so they were lucky not to be required to eat twice on Easter. Jeb's dad, Harold (Senior), did the honors by slicing the lamb and passing out a slice to the outstretched plates of each person around the family table. Even Marti took a slice, obviously over her two-year experiment with vegetarianism. With their plates filled, Hal said grace and Harold gave a toast. "To the love and the kindness this family has shown each other." If anyone noticed the tears falling from Haley's eyes, no one made mention of it. Haley had a habit of crying when she was happy, when she watched old movies or, on those rare occasions, when she was sad. The family was inured to Haley's tears. When everyone finished eating, Hal and Jeb cleared the table; this was a custom in the Philips' house; Ma cooked with Marti's help, the boys cleared the table and filled the dishwasher. Jeb and Hal came back to the table to find everyone sitting with their unopened envelopes in front of their seats. The plan was to read the results and then dig into the banana cream pie for dessert. As the envelopes were being opened, Haley got up from the table and excused herself. Everyone assumed she was going to use the bathroom and continued to read the results from the testing service. Harold read his first: ninety-five percent British/Irish, five percent Dutch. As soon as Hal opened his envelope, Barbara grabbed it from his hands, too excited to wait. "I knew it! I knew you had an interesting mix! Forty-six percent British/Irish, twenty-eight percent French/German and twenty-six percent Iberian. That's Spanish and Portuguese, right?" Barbara handed the printout back to her husband and leaned to her left to look at Marti's printout. "Almost exactly the same; except Marti has more French/German and less Iberian. What's yours say, Jeb?" Jeb was staring at the printout; the look on his face showed the confusion raging in his mind. He looked up from the page to focus on Barbara's smiling face, then to his brother and sister sitting on each side of Barbara. He finally swiveled to the head of the table; his father was staring back at him; he couldn't read his father's eyes. The silence was interrupted by Hal. "Did I just hear the garage door open? And where's Mom?" Hal got up from the table and looked out the front window. "Dad; Mom's pulling out of the drive! What the heck is going on?" Marti pulled out her phone and dialed her mother's cell. Everyone was now staring at Marti as she waited for Haley to answer her phone. The room was quiet, quiet enough to hear Haley's voice when she picked up. "I'm sorry, baby. Tell everyone that I'm sorry." And then the line went dead. "Dad, what's going on?" Harold looked like he had aged ten years in the last ten minutes. "Jeb; why don't you read what the service sent you." Jeb hesitated, did his father really want this made public? "Go ahead, son." "It says I'm fifty percent Italian, twenty-two percent Iberian and twenty- eight percent French/German." Suddenly, Jeb remembered all the ribbing Ted Rizzo and he got in school because they looked similar. He looked at his father. "Dad, did you know?" The rest of the family sat in stunned silence, watching and waiting for Harold's answer. "I started to suspect it when I saw you and Ted Rizzo standing close together on your junior high baseball team. It happened about the same time that Ted's mother and father split up. No one knew why they split; but it didn't take a genius to make an assumption that Ted's mother saw the same thing I did." Harold addressed the others. "I hate to be rude; but I think Jeb and I need to discuss this alone; outside on the porch. Hal, Marti - I think you should give your mother a little time before you call her and when you do, please be kind. This is no time to drill her for answers. I have my own questions that I believe should be answered first. Please respect your mother's and my privacy. Jeb, grab your drink and let's head outside." Jeb and Harold walked out to the porch and sat down; Jeb didn't wait to ask his first question. "So, is Mr. Rizzo my father?" "Well, I'm your father; please don't insult the twenty-two years I spent raising you by denying me that title." "Sorry, Dad. That came out wrong." "Me, too. What I meant to say is just because I didn't contribute to your DNA doesn't mean you're not my son or that I don't love you just as much as I always have. But, to answer your question; maybe Rizzo is your biological father; I don't know. We'll have to ask your mother when she's ready." "Where do you think she went?" Harold actually laughed. "Where else? I suspect she's sitting on your Aunt April's sofa right now bawling her eyes out in her sister's arms." "Dad, you said you started to suspect over twelve years ago. Why didn't you ever confront Mom and ask her about it?" "A bunch of reasons. For one, I didn't want anything to come between you and me. By the time I began to suspect it, I was hopelessly in love with you as my son. I've always been proud of you and proud to be your father. I didn't want anything to change." Harold took a drink from his whiskey glass and continued. "I hope you don't think any less of me as a man; but the second reason is I love your mother so damn much that I didn't want that to change either. As far as I could tell, your mother was in love with me. She showed me that love every day we were married. When I reflect on it; her love only intensified after you were born. If she had a fling with Ted's father, she tried to make it up to me for the past twenty-plus years. I was happy to let her." "But if you liked the status-quo, why did you go along with Barbara's suggestion for the DNA tests?" "Hell Jeb; you know your brother's wife. Do you think she'd ever let it go? That girl is so damn innocent, she never dreamt our family could have a skeleton in our closet. Your brother's a lucky s-o-b." Both father and son laughed as Harold refilled Jeb's glass with two fingers of Wild Turkey. "Besides; it was time to bring it to a head. Your mother and I have had a secret between us all these years and I wanted to know the who, what and why. I probably could have done it in a better setting; but I guess I got a case of the stupids. That, and I thought your mother would approach me with some answers before it got this far; I really didn't expect her to take off like that." Now, the two of them sat and let the quiet of Haley's backyard fill their senses, neither saying a word. Haley's spring flowers: the white lilies, blue irises and multi-colored pansies graced the brick patio; it was truly a peaceful, beautiful space. Ten minutes went by in silence before Hal stuck his head out the back door. "Dad, Jeb; we're all going to take off unless you need us here. Marti tried calling Mom again, but it went to voice mail. You know Marti and Barbara; neither of those two could let it go." Marti was standing right behind Hal when he said this and made her displeasure known by punching her oldest brother in the arm. Marti hugged her dad and then her brother Jeb; practically squeezing his breath away. There were tears in her eyes. Marti's husband shook everyone's hand and led Marti away. Barbara was next, repeating the sequence; hugging Harold and squeezing Jeb while kissing his cheek before Hal led her out the side gate. Harold watched them leave and pointed Jeb to the patio chair. "Let's finish our drinks." "I'd like you to do me a favor. Could you ask Ted if he knows how to get in touch with his father?" Jeb looked over at his father. "Why? You're not going to do something stupid, are you?" "No, not that it hasn't crossed my mind once or twice or... Sometimes I fantasize hurting him; but right now I just need to talk with him before I talk to your mother. That's the trouble with infidelity, Jeb; it robs you of the trust you have in your spouse's words and actions. Remember that, if and when you get married. You'll have plenty of opportunities to stray and you may think you can pull it off without hurting your marriage; but it always takes at least a little chip out of the relationship; no matter how inconsequential the betrayal may seem at the time." "OK, Dad; as long as you promise. I'll give Ted a call tomorrow. Last I heard Mr. Rizzo was selling cars up north in Dallas." "What are you going to tell Ted?" "Let's wait till our family situation gets squared away. Then Ted and I will talk about our relationship. I expect Ted's always wondered himself; if he doesn't already know." "Thanks; I'd like to surprise Tony Rizzo, if I can." ****************************************** Now that the lid was blown off the kettle, no one wanted to waste any time. Jeb called Ted Monday morning and after the usual catch-up, found out where Ted's father worked without revealing the why. Just two friends shooting the shit. "How's your mom? How's your dad? What are they up to?" Tuesday at 3pm Harold Philips was knocking on Tony Rizzo's sales office doorjamb at the Lexus dealership where Tony worked. As Tony looked up from the papers on his desk; the old feelings were welling up inside Harold - the desire to punch this asshole right in the nose. "Harold?" It had been over a dozen years and Tony couldn't think of a reason his old neighbor was standing in his doorway. Harold took a moment to collect himself. "Hi Tony. I was wondering if you had a moment to talk. It's private, so maybe we could go somewhere a little less public." Tony's thoughts were starting to catch up. "Sure. Let's grab a car and go for a ride." Tony grabbed a set of keys to a car and held the door open for Harold. They drove to a nearby park and got out without saying a word. Both men sat on the bench facing a small pond. "I want to know about you and Haley." Tony was still catching up; Harold's words weren't what he expected. His face showed the surprise. "What do you mean - me and Haley? There never was anything between me and your wife." Tony's attempt at deflection pissed Harold off. "What the fuck do you mean; nothing? Don't fuck with me, Tony. It doesn't take a genius to see Jeb and Ted are brothers and Jeb's DNA just came back; he's half Italian, RIZZO!" Although the situation was hilarious to Tony, he was smart enough to realize it wouldn't be funny to Harold; after all, Tony had a dozen years to get used to the idea. Harold was only now going to learn the truth. Tony stifled the laugh. "Geezus, Harold. Haven't you and Haley talked? It wasn't me that you're looking for. At first, I thought it was you banging my ex, Sofia. When I saw Jeb and Ted playing in the ballpark together, I figured they both had to be your sons, because I never touched your wife. In fact, I was ready to go down and kick your ass. Luckily, I picked a fight with Sofia first. Told her I was going to make you pay. That's when Sofia told me the truth. Paul Mazzetti is Ted's father; Mazzetti, that son-of-a-bitch that lived on the corner before he moved West." Dad was stunned. "You mean Mazzetti was banging Sofia and Haley?" "Sofia didn't say if she knew anything about Haley; although she suspected, I guess. What Sofia did say was Mazzetti was most likely Ted's father because they were having an affair when she got pregnant." "Why didn't you tell me?" "Because you and Haley seemed to be happy. I thought you two had a good marriage. Hell, I thought if I figured out about Ted and Jeb, you probably had. And who was I to make waves if you didn't?" Harold had to think about this; but it did make sense. "Harold, I'm sorry if you think I should have said something. After I found out I knew that Sofia and I were getting a divorce, I couldn't live with her betrayal; but I didn't want to be the cause of your divorce. "Plus, let me confess to a more selfish reason. If you were nearby, you could keep a close eye on Ted. And you did that; half the reason he turned out to be a fine young man is your influence on him. I know that and I'll always be grateful for that." It's true. After the Rizzo's divorce and until Sofia moved away three years ago, the boys became closer and Harold was almost a second father to Ted. Tony watched Harold for a minute, watching him try to absorb this information. "Kind of makes your head spin, doesn't it?" "Spin? I'm ready to puke, I'm so dizzy. I can't tell you how many times I thought of beating the shit out of you and here you are, just as much a victim as me." "I'm glad you're not one of those hot-heads, coming into my office with guns blazing." "Well, now I have to find Mazzetti and have a talk with him. Any idea where he went to?" Tony answered, "Mazzetti's dead." "Dead? How?" "Boating accident. He had too many drinks, went out on his boat on Lake Mead and fell overboard. Drowned." The smile on Tony's face as he related Mazzetti's fate sent a chill down Harold's back. The smile was there for only a split-second before being replaced by a look of deep concern. "Shame really. We both probably could have sued the bastard for child support or something. But, in the long run, it's probably better this way. I don't think either boy would want to connect with an asshole that goes around seducing married women." With that, both men got off the park bench and walked to the car. As they drove back to the dealership, Tony asked what brought this up after so many years. Harold explained how the DNA tests precipitated it all, including Haley's flight to her sister's. "It's none of my business, but what are you going to do now with Haley?" "I guess with Mazzetti gone, I'll have to get my answers from Haley. I was hoping to hear both sides to the story; but all in all, I'm not saddened to hear the asshole drowned. Does Ted know?" "No, Ted still believes I'm his sperm donor. I try to keep in touch with him, show him I care despite the divorce from his mom. Some days are better than others. One of us calls the other at least every other week." Harold nodded. "Jeb knowing he's half-Italian will probably complicate things. He thinks he's Ted's half-brother and that you're his biological father. When I tell him the truth, he's bound to want more answers and it will eventually get back to Ted. You and Sofia might want to get ready." Tony was suddenly overwhelmed with sadness. He loved Ted and didn't want that to change. "Can you ask Jeb to hold off a week? Give me a chance to talk to Ted?" "You know I will; and I know Jeb will agree. Good luck, Tony - and thanks." ****************************************** By the time Harold climbed into his car and started the drive home, he was physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. There was a sign for chain hotel before one of the exits as he headed south. Harold decided to pull over and get a room, whether for a few hours or the night, he'd decide later. With the key to a room in hand, Harold changed his mind about a nap. The Gentlemen's Club across the street seemed to be calling his name. He hadn't been in a strip club since his bachelor party almost thirty years ago. In fact, Harold had only seen one naked woman besides his wife in all those years. Time to fix that. As Harold walked into the club, he almost turned around. "What the hell am I doing here?" But, he paid the cover and sat down in the rear of the room. A waitress wearing a skimpy costume took his drink order and he watched the surprisingly attractive woman on the stage, dancing in nothing but the smallest G-string possible. Harold was a little disappointed. The club wasn't a totally nude club, the dancers still covered their vaginas. Harold wanted to see a vagina, especially a shaved vagina; something he'd never seen in anything but girly magazines. An Asian girl approached him and asked if he'd like a lap dance. Harold was tempted; but declined when he was told he'd get bounced out of the club if he touched her during the lap dance. Damn; how does any guy sit there while some broad with beautiful tits rubs them against your chest and her bare ass on your crotch? A few more girls danced and stripped on stage as Harold sipped his drink; all the girls did a decent job of showing enthusiasm. Harold tipped each girl five dollars. Harold ordered a second bourbon while he watched the Asian girl dance on stage. He couldn't believe a woman could bend herself in half like that. He walked up to the stage and put a ten-dollar bill in her G-string. Harold couldn't take his eyes off her; and she noticed. When she finished her dance routine, she approached Harold a second time. "We can go in the back, the private room. We can be alone in there." Harold looked at those perfect breasts, the curve of her waist and her perfect belly that led to the spot where her G-string was hiding what he knew would be a perfectly smooth cunt. He wanted to see that mound more than almost anything. He looked into those eyes. Why would any creature so beautiful need to make a living stripping and offering sex to strangers? Harold would never know because instead of following the girl into the back room; he stood up, handed her another ten-dollar bill, mumbled, "thanks" and walked out the door. Next door was a liquor store. Harold bought a pint of bourbon and went to his room. ****************************************** The following morning, Harold woke up with a splitting headache. He looked at the clock; damn, it was nine-thirty. His mouth tasted awful; no wonder, the last time he brushed his teeth was yesterday morning. Harold put on his pants and a t-shirt and walked to the office. He grabbed a tin of aspirin, a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, and a cup of coffee before heading back to his room. The shower helped and within an hour he was feeling more human. He dialed Haley's number and was pleased when she picked up. "We need to talk." "I'm at work right now. When do you want to meet?" "I can be at the house in an hour. Can you take the rest of the day off?" "Why, where are you?" Harold's headache was coming back and it was making him miserable. "Never mind where I'm at. Just tell me if you can be at the house soon." Harold could hear Haley start to cry. "I'll be there. I love..." Harold had hung up. As Harold drove north on the freeway, he wondered why, after all these years, he so angry. He'd known for years that Jeb wasn't his biological son. He always suspected Rizzo was the father. Was part of his anger the new knowledge that Haley was fucking that greaseball Mazzetti and it was Mazzetti who sired Jeb? Damn! He always hated that asshole! Harold realized that no matter how far down you push the feelings of being cuckolded, those feelings are always there. "I should have fucked that Asian stripper last night." He said it out loud in the car. But; he knew better, he had grown up and was no longer the kind of man to break a promise. After breaking his vows all those years ago, he made a promise to himself never to make the same mistake again. Haley was already at the house when Harold pulled into the drive. He walked in the house to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee; Haley was sitting at the same dining room table, at the same seat, where Harold last saw her three days ago. "So much has happened since Easter." he thought to himself as he watched Haley open a box of pastries from his favorite bakery. "Bribery?" Harold said it with a smile in his voice, he loved this woman. "Who said these are for you?" Haley replied as she took a bite out of the cream cheese sweet roll. Haley's humor was one of the traits Harold loved about her, and she knew it; he appreciated her attempt to lighten the moment. But; it was time to get serious. "Tell me about Paul Mazzetti." Haley actually flinched when Harold said the name. She suddenly looked small and scared. Could this be the end of her marriage? How did Harold find out it was Paul? All these thoughts swirled in her head. With nothing else to help her clear her mind, Haley stood up and poured the coffee into the two cups sitting in front of her. She passed one coffee cup and the box of pastries to Harold. Harold sat there, waiting, without taking a sip of coffee or a bite of the cinnamon roll. Haley finally started to speak. "It happened twice. I'm sorry. I'd give anything to undo it. Then I ended up pregnant with Jeb. I swear I thought Jeb was yours, everyone said how much he looked like me and my brothers. It wasn't until he started to grow up and I saw Jeb and Ted together when they were in the same fifth grade class. I can still remember that horrid moment; it was during a field trip when both Sofia and I were chaperones. I looked at Sofia when the two boys were waiting together to get on the bus. I could see it in Sofia's eyes, without her even saying a word; we both knew. We never spoke about it; even after Tony left Sofia and filed for divorce; even when Sofia put the house up for sale and left town." Harold was getting tired of the rambling; he wanted answers. "Tell me how it started." Haley looked Harold right in his eyes. "When I tell you, I want you to understand something. I'm not excusing my behavior or blaming anyone but myself. I also want you to know that Jeb has been your son in everything but in DNA since he started to grow in my belly. He's our son; yours and mine." "I told Jeb the same thing Sunday evening." "I'm glad; he loves and needs you. It started with Paul six months after Hal was born. I was still fighting the extra pounds from the pregnancy and feeling fat and ugly." Harold interrupted Haley. "Don't give me that 'I was feeling fat and ugly bullshit!' When did I ever say you were anything but beautiful?" Given Harold's outburst, Haley's reply was calm, much calmer than she felt. "You didn't have to say it; all you had to do was screw that bitch from work for the year you two were carrying on your affair before and after Hal was born." If Haley had pulled out a shotgun and blasted Harold in the chest, the effect of her words couldn't have been more severe. He sat with his mouth open and just stared without saying a word. "What? You didn't think I knew? Did you think you were so sneaky that I couldn't smell the sex and her perfume on you when you rolled in late from 'working all evening on important projects'?" Harold still hadn't said a word; so Haley continued. "I didn't set out to cheat or to get even. All I wanted was for you to figure out you still loved me and wanted me for your wife instead of that whore. What kind of bitch tries to steal a man away from his wife who just gave birth to his infant son? "Paul took advantage of the situation. He was walking past the house one evening; I had just come home and Hal was in the back seat. I had the groceries in the back of the car and Hal was screaming his head off because he was dirty. Paul stopped and while I changed Hal, Paul brought in the groceries. You were 'working late' again. "I invited Paul to sit and have a beer while I put the groceries away. Paul was charming and I told him more than I should have. That was Paul's in and my downfall; he was a master seducer with his charm and good looks. I was the lonely, pissed-off new mom with low self-esteem. For the next few weeks, Paul seemed to be available any time I needed something done. "Call me any time" he said. "So I did. When the garage door got stuck and you were at work; Paul fixed it. When the furnace was putting out a bad odor; Paul found a dead mouse trapped inside. And every time he came over, he'd tell me how beautiful I was. He even gave me a bouquet of flowers. They sat right there on the dining room table for four days and you never noticed them. "Then one day, he kissed me and before I knew it; I was naked, on my back, and Paul was inside me. Do you want specifics; like was he better than you or bigger than you?" Harold just shook his head. "No." He was still trying to get his head around the fact Haley knew about the affair. An affair with a co-worker that lasted eight months before he ended it. He remembered why it ended; when he felt Haley slipping away from him and he realized how much he loved her. He remembered the fear when Janice Mueller threatened to call Haley and tell her all about their affair. He had dodged a bullet. A nearly year-long affair and his wife was none the wiser. It was a secret Harold kept for these past twenty-plus years. Haley wasn't finished and her words interrupted his thoughts. "Good, but I will tell you he was neither, no better, no bigger, but he was there when I needed a friend. Only he wasn't a real friend, just one more asshole with an ego who was looking to score. A couple days after that first time, he came back and we did it again. Two things happened after that second time. Number one, my conscience hit me so hard I cried on and off for two days. Number two, the very next day you came home right after work and kissed me like you hadn't kissed me in almost a year. When I told you I hadn't made dinner; you took Hal and me to Sullivan's for a nice dinner. We made love that night and every night for the next week. I was in heaven; you were my husband again. I thought that was the week Jeb was conceived because it was my fertility week; I never dreamed that Paul was the father; not until the day of the field trip." "Was he the only one?" Haley was pissed and her voice rose when she responded. "Yes! Was Janice Mueller the only one?" Damn; she even knew and remembered her name. "Yes, she was. And I'm sorry. It was stupid of me. And it's the one thing I'm most ashamed of in my entire life." "Well, I guess that makes two of us. What do we do now? I know you always hated Paul's guts and now you know he and I had an affair, even if it was a short one; and that he's Jeb biological father. Can you even look at me after this?" "I still love you, Haley. I still want to be your husband, friend and lover. I want us to grow old together. I'm not naïve; there might be some fallout, maybe a few arguments after this; but I want you to move back home; today." Haley got up from her chair and sat in Harold's lap. She put her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. "Take me to bed." And he did. Epilogue After they made love; they got up and ordered Thai for dinner. Harold and Haley sat on the back porch eating spring rolls, Green Curry and Pad Thai, drinking a nice Pinot Gris and talking. "Harold; please tell me you're not going to do anything stupid and go after Paul now." "Haley, do me a favor; stop referring to him as Paul, call him 'Mazzetti' or 'asshole', but not 'Paul'. And to answer your question; no, I'm not going to chase after him. I can't because Mazzetti is dead." "Dead? How do you know that?" "Because Tony Rizzo told me Mazzetti died in a boating accident." "Tony told you? You don't think?" "I don't know; and I don't care. But; not everybody whose name ends in a vowel is mobbed up. So, just fagettaboutit." "You have to work on your Sopranos accent if you're going to do that. You suck at it." Still that crazy humor that made Harold laugh. They were going to be OK. "I'll stop with the New Jersey accent if you promise to do one thing for me." "Oh boy, this will be good. What is it?" "Shave down there." "What? You've got to be kidding. I'm forty-six years old and you want me to shave?" "You're forty-six and you're still beautiful. I promise to make it worth your while and if you don't like it, you can always grow it right back." "It'll itch. Everyone says it." Harold was getting desperate. "If it itches, I'll scratch it." "OK; but you have to do one thing for me." Harold was now hopeful. "Anything; name it." "You have to stop shaving every day and keep a five o'clock shadow. The Jason Statham look." "Really? That's it? It's a deal." Haley was surprised. They'd been married for twenty-seven years and she could count on her fingers the number of mornings Harold hadn't shaved. He must be desperate. She had a clue when he took her upstairs and started filling the tub with warm water. It took nearly twenty minutes that first time; but for Harold it was worth it. Damn, it was beautiful! It was worth it for Haley, too, because Harold kept his promise by making it worth her while. His head was still between her legs when she had to stop Harold by pulling him up by his ears after her third orgasm. He had stuck his tongue inside her; nibbled on her clit with his teeth. He swirled his tongue in that sensitive spot between her vagina and her ass, she thought he was going to kiss her in that forbidden spot, but he moved back up before she had a chance to stop that. She came the last time when he was rubbing her clit between his lips. Yes, a girl could get used to this. ****************************************** A little over a week later, Jeb and Ted were knocking at the front door on a Saturday afternoon. Harold was pleased to see the two boys and even more pleased to see them both smiling. "I can't believe this bum is my brother." Ted said it while laughing. "Dad and I talked on Thursday, told me all about it. It got me thinking how much I owe you, Mr. Philips. You've been there for me since my folks split up. I know I wouldn't have gone into engineering if you hadn't encouraged me. All I can say is, 'Thanks'. Harold gave Ted a hug. "You're welcome. And you know you are always welcome in our home. The world is a crazy place, almost as crazy as this household. You and your dad work everything out?" "We're going to be OK. He's a funny guy; he was more worried about my mom and you. Said I should never think less of my mother, that everyone screws up and she'll always love me and be my mom. Said you were someone I should look up to; the way you and Mrs. Philips stuck it out and worked to keep your marriage going. How you've shown a rare manliness in it all. I can see what he's saying. Thanks again." Harold smiled, "I told Jeb the other day and I'll tell you. When you get married, don't let a sweet piece of ass turn your head. Haley and I are the rare exception; few couples survive infidelity. Now come on into the garden; Haley is back there and would love for you two to visit. I'll get us all a beer." Harold was pulling four beers out of the fridge when he saw it. A fresh banana cream pie on the second shelf. He never did get a piece of the pie on Easter Sunday. Harold smiled. "I think I better keep her." ****************************************** Note from the Authors One of the recent comments to an earlier story asked why we never had the husband committing adultery. This got us thinking and the story above was the result (that and the whole news story on DNA testing). Thanks to that commentator for the suggestion; we appreciate that kind of feedback. And we'll write more of these stories just as soon as Literotica starts a "Loving Husbands" section.
It all started when she caught me masturbating on the couch. She wasn't coming home for awhile so I was going to pleasure myself thinking about her. She drops her bags and gasps "What are you doing?" She seen me. How is she going to react? What can I say as I try to hide my shame? "Umm " is my only witty retort. Walks in front of me lifting my chin up with a finger she surprises me "Don't stop." "What?!?!?" Am I dreaming? Is this really happening? "Sit back, take off your clothes and slowly finish as I watch you." My mind is racing as I obey her commands. First my shirt then I squirm to remove my pants and boxers. Naked on the couch she stares while I slowly stroke myself. Then, the real shocker. She begins moaning, then dances like a stripper. Hips circling around, body moves like a snake. Hands run up her body slowly, erotic. Touching her thighs, moving up her ribs, on each breast, up her neck and through her hair, head tilted back. Deftly, she unbuttons her blouse. Skin exposed only enough to tease. Still dancing and moaning as I continue masturbating. Turning around, letting the blouse hit the floor. She reaches back to unhook her bra. Right hand crosses over to pull down the strap ever so sensual while looking back at me with that sly smile. The left hand crosses over doing the same with the other strap. Turning back around smoothly she let's her arms drop along with the bra. Tits fully exposed for me. That moan and dance tease me. Hands running up her sides once again this time holding and massaging each beautiful breast. Teasing each nipple I watch them harden from her touch. Leans into me, grabbing a tit in each hand, she plants one nipple then the other upon my yearning lips, allowing me, but a taste of what's to come. Once again her back side facing me I hear pants unzip. Looking back at me she blows me a kiss. Hands on each hip, rocking side to side, pulling down both pants and panties together slowly, bending over, ass is exposed inch by delicious inch. Pussy peaks out, wet and juicy. Smiling at me the whole time watching me stroking my cock. Fully bent over now, one leg is out then the other. That ass and cunt only inches from my face. I want to kiss those lips. I need her so bad. The space between her closed legs forms a perfect heart. That heart belongs to me. Standing back up and running her hands up her thighs around to her butt, she slaps herself. Grabs her ass. Turns back facing me. One hand feels her own body as the other touches her wet pussy. Finger deep inside herself she moans loud. Removes that finger and places it in my mouth. I taste her love. I want more. Her hands grab each tit, leans into me, face enclosed in her bosom. She whispers in my ear "Finish yourself off. Cum for me. Now!" I pound my cock hard and fast. Her moaning increases. Body moves faster. Hands cover every delectable inch of her burning flesh. Her erotic dance and her moans enhance my orgasm like never before. Cum shoots out onto my belly as she screams "Yes! Cum for me baby cum!" I moan with her, bent over in orgasmic bliss. Shaking and sweating now, I still feel myself secrete even more fluids. Dick still tingling. Sitting besides me wiping off my love for her with the tissues I had out she then grabs my face, kissing me, I melt from her touch. I'm hers to mold. Let's go of that sensual kiss, smiles and says "It's my turn now. Dance for me and watch me finger myself." Standing up gingerly, body still shaky. I try and fail. I can't watch her. On my knees, she's staring at me. I tell her I can't wait. Diving into her pussy I move her fingers, sucking them dry. Tongue penetrates her soul. Body tenses up, she gasps in her sexual way. Legs tangled on my shoulders. Thighs squeeze my neck. Hands hold me into her cunt for pure ecstasy! Licking and sucking. Nibbling and biting her sweet, wet, sexy lips. My tongue goes into her cunt so far up I can taste her g spot. Orgasm builds fast. Juices flow out like a river down my chin and onto to my chest. I eat her like a man starving. She tastes so delicious and delectable I devour ever last part of her being. Staring up into her eyes, those deep pools of passion I get lost into every time wanting to fulfill her ever desire. She locks up her body. Mouth open. Eyes in shock. Moaning and screaming. Shaking and sweating. Her orgasm is released. Squirting down my throat. Cum pours forth. I drink in her love. Swallowing every last drop. So lovely. I love doing this to her. Watching her body and her face. Taking in her beauty. Her orgasm seems to last forever. Finally she releases me. Letting go. I lay her on her back on the couch. Sweat caresses her forehead. I lean in and kiss it." WOW! " is her only response. I feel her hand grab my cock. My shaft hardening a bit at her touch. " I want you inside me. Now! " "Yes, my love. Always and forever yours. " TO BE CONTINUED **Whispers of Submission (#7 of Kelly Series)** _(C) Copyright 2010 - MindSplinter - Published under Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike)_ _This is more prose than story but its still part of the Kelly series. I hope everyone enjoys!_ * Lean back in your chair and close your eyes my little subbie and feel me holding you gently in my arms, my breath warm and moist on your neck as I kiss and nibble on you. Hear the soft breeze that is my voice as I whisper to you how much I want you, crave you, love you... My fingers leave burning trails of fiery sensations on your skin as they trace their way across your body. Exploring that which you have given so freely to me, the gentle hills and peaks that are your breasts crowned in their majesty with pink nipples hard and erect as I pinch them between my fingers, pulling and rolling them and delighting in the soft sighs that part from your lips; lips so soft and tender that kissing them is a sensual pleasure unmatched by any other. I feel you melt into me as I slip the buttons of your jeans free and my hand slides in to caress your thighs and tease your clit, rubbing it, trapping it between my fingers before flicking it with my thumb. The soft sighs become urgent moans of delight as I drive you higher, a lone finger slips into your soft folds to torment you further and draw you ever deeper into my web of love. Probing, teasing and tormenting you with sensual pleasure. You cry out to me pleading for me to take you, to fill you with my cock, use you, love you and mark you as my submissive. I silence your cries with my lips on yours kissing you hungrily as I crave you as much as you crave me. I gather you up in my arms and carry you to bed setting you gently upon it; my hands fumble clumsily with your clothes my eagerness to have you clouding my dexterity. Clothes soon litter the floor as you join into the fray, tearing at my shirt and jeans with wild abandon as I climb upon the bed to join you. I kiss you once more before flipping you over in one smooth motion and kissing, no worshipping that beautiful temple that is your body, burning yet soothing coolness traces down your spine as my lips journey down your back, nibbling, sucking, and licking your soft creamy skin to the base of your spine. My hands busy, still exploring you one following the gentle rise of your shoulders across and down your sides, the other working its way up from your feet to your thighs seeking that sweet valley where they meet. I reach up and gather your hands and draw them under you, lifting your ass into the air and bringing your ankles up to meet your wrists, where I bind them together. I move between your legs, pushing them further apart. You feel my raging cock as it bumps idly against your thigh and you whimper quietly for me to take you. I shush you softly as I stroke your back with my hands telling you that I will take you my love for you are mine to take but to remember your place as I will have you in my own good time. I dig my nails into your back and claw at your skin hearing you suck in your breath sharply as you feel the pain you so desire. Clawing morphs into scratching, slapping and thudding blows as I increase the tempo of my loving attack. I drink in the sound of your cries and moans for its music to my ears, I reach around and under you to once more caress and tease you... Flicking your clit and driving you wild with desire, my cock bumping randomly against your thighs. I increase the pressure on your clit causing you to arch yourself higher and with one smooth motion enter you and bury my hardness to the hilt. A soft growling moan of satisfaction passes from your lips as you finally receive what you so desperately crave, to be used, taken and loved. I pull out and thrust in over and over, slowly at first savoring the feeling of you grasping my cock and trying to draw me deeper into you. I match my pace to your attempts to grind yourself against me, the dance of my fingers on your clit and the thudding blows I deliver to your back and ass. You call out my name as you become lost in the ecstasy of the moment and I call to you in reply as I too become one with you. I drive harder, thrusting faster to speed up the pace and drive you wild with lust, seeking to bring out the animal within you. Crying, moaning and gasping in our delight I urge you on, to let go of your singular self and become one with me. Submit to me and be free my little subbie slut, for I will take you, use you and mark you as mine and love you like no other has been loved before. I feel you approaching your climax, you clamp yourself around my cock as if it were your very soul being taken and with a final thrust I bury myself as deep as I can and shoot my cum deep inside you, marking you forever as mine. My subbie, my little slut, my love... I hold myself in you as you shake uncontrollably in your orgasm, holding you tightly to me and stroking your clit gently to prolong your pleasure. I drape myself over your back and kiss the base of your neck and shoulders and whisper my love for you, before loosening the ropes that bind your wrists to your ankles so that you may lay comfortably on the bed; my body partially draped over yours to keep you warm, my cock still firmly lodged within you as we rest. My hands trace lazy patterns on your skin and we snuggle together, drifting on the afterglow. Slowly you begin to stir once more, soft sighs coming from your lips once more as I stir the embers of your passion again; I gently roll you over onto your back and begin my assault upon your senses once more. Fingers teasing and cajoling, lips tempting and tormenting you as I kiss my way from your lips, to your nipples and down your stomach, you cry out as the burning fire of my lips descends upon your clit, I nibble and suck at it before pulling back to blow a gentle cooling breeze across it with my breath before attacking it again with my lips. I feel your bound hands grasp my hair as the ember becomes a raging fire once more... I pull back and move up to kiss your delicate lips and neck as I settle between your thighs and enter you, feeling you wrap your legs around my waist and lock your ankles together as you try to pull me in. I should discipline you but I crave you too much to be displeased and forcefully bury my cock in you, listening to your sharp cry as I fill you completely. I let you savor that feeling for a moment before pulling almost all the way out and thrusting back in. While I know you crave me too much to back away, I reach my arm under your back and grasp a shoulder to keep you firmly seated on my cock and dictate the pace at which I will take you the second time. I teasingly fuck you into complete submission by driving you close to the edge and then stopping for a moment, buried in you. You try to grind yourself on me but I hold you down and forcefully whisper for you to stop squirming bitch, you're mine to take and I'll tell you when you are allowed to enjoy it. You obey like the good little submissive you are and I resume my pace, I take you right to the edge several more times before finally telling you to fuck me like you want it. You waste no time using all of your skill to show me how much you wish to cum and to please me. Grinding yourself wantonly, legs locked around me tighter than ever before as you urge me to fuck you like the little slut you are, extolling me to cum in you. You drape your bound hands over my shoulders, clawing on my back with your fingers digging deeply into my flesh, I fuck you roughly pulling as far out as I can, then plunging back into you. Your moans and cries become screams of pleasure as you reach your climax, forcefully pulling me deep into you with your legs as your pussy clamps down on my cock causing me to cum deep within you filling you and marking you again as mine. I collapse onto you as we are thoroughly spent... Laying there in a tangled mass of torsos and limbs, breathing heavily as we recover, I pick my head up off of your chest and kiss you softly and tell you how much I love you. <3 End <3 I knew I was addicted. I knew it was wrong. I knew that it was dangerous. But when I was horny I just didn't care. I needed to be used. I needed to be used hard. I needed to switch off my brain, to switch off my controlling personality. I needed to switch it off and live instead through my body. And my body craved sweat and dirt and pain and cum. My body betrayed me as the slut that I am. I knew as I drove home from my office job that I wouldn't be turning into the underground parking at my condo. I knew that I would keep driving until I found satisfaction. I didn't have a particular place in mind. I just knew that I would drive to another town and then give myself away. As I left the city limits I reached under my dressy little jacket and pinched my nipple through my bra. I kept right on pinching and turned slowly to the car beside me. No luck, the guy didn't even notice. If he only knew how his life could have been different! I let go of my nipple and took a handful of my small breast. I slowly squeezed the whole thing until the pressure was almost too much, then I twisted and squeezed some more. I was just beginning. I licked my lips as my breathing got heavier. I knew I was going to go through with it. I wasn't going to chicken out. I only give in to this addiction once or twice a year—when it becomes too much to resist. I know that each time I am jeopardizing my career and the life that I have built up for myself, but I just can't help it. I don't know how to explain it, but it keeps me sane. I let go of my breast, grabbed the lapel of my jacket and also my blouse and I pulled hard. Buttons flew. My bra was open for any to see. I moved from the middle to the slow lane. I was getting too excited to drive. But I also wanted to prolong this time. Now that I knew I was going to let my self go, I wanted to savor the last vestiges of control. I wanted to languish in giving myself away. I grabbed my bra and yanked down. The straps hurt my shoulders but my firm breasts spilled free. I stuck my thumb and two fingers in my mouth—imagining it to be a cock. I slobbered over them and then twisted my saliva into my nipples. I felt myself slide forward on the car seat. I was trying to get some pressure on my cunt by getting my panties to ride up. It wasn't enough, but for now it served to keep my arousal simmering as I drove away from home. From past experience I knew where this would end up. What I didn't know was the path that I would take to get to the bottom. This was maybe my fifth or sixth time doing this over the past few years. Once I hit thirty and was still single I just decided to give in and do what I wanted. It always ended with me feeling hurt and scared, guilty and even a little foolish. But while I was falling I felt so alive. I knew this time would be the same. I would get progressively more daring and slutty. I would go to dangerous places, and above all I would follow my one rule, the one constant in each of these outings: no matter what, and I mean no matter what, obey everyone. I know this path may get me killed, either outright or by catching some disease, but I am addicted to it. I am addicted to the rush, to the feeling that my entire being centers on my uterus as it orgasms, and orgasming through the danger, because of the danger. My hand was back in my mouth. I pushed two fingers down my throat until I gagged. I trailed the slime out, along my neck and back to my breasts. My hips were thrusting as I tried to generate more pressure on my clit. I had to pull over. I made it to the shoulder of the freeway. I was about fifteen minutes outside of my hometown. I had much more distance to travel tonight, but I needed another little flash. The man in the car didn't see me pinch my nipples. My next stunt would be a little more daring, and I knew I would keep upping the ante until I got caught. With the car stopped I reclined the seat all the way back. I kicked off my pumps and placed my stockinged feet on the dash. I knew what my next stunt would be. I would do what I call a "two hundred". A two hundred means that I would plunge my fingers deep into my pussy two hundred times—and I would not stop for any reason. If anyone approached I would continue until I finished. I reached up and pinched both of my exposed nipples, sending a jolt to my pussy. With that I began. I pushed my fingers in without removing my panties or hose. I pushed the material inside me as deep as I could. With my other hand I alternatively deep-throated my fingers and coated my breasts with saliva. My toes curled along the dash. I could here cars go by and I could see the reflections of headlights on my shiny hose. When I got to fifty I had my first orgasm. I shoved my fingers inside me and kept them there through my throes. My other hand was pushing itself down my throat. I came hard, and I should tell you, I am a squirter. As I came liquid gushed out of my pussy and splattered up into my panties and hose, running up my back as I kicked my legs higher, my feet on the ceiling. I resumed my two hundred after the orgasm. Now I was rushing, my desire ebbing in the aftermath of my come. The liquid pooled on the leather seat. I could feel it squishing in the small of my back. My slick panties and hose rubbed uncomfortably along my sensitive labia. As I approached one hundred I had a wicked thought. I reached under my hose and grabbed the front of the thong panties that I was wearing. I could feel the liquid squeeze out as I pulled up, harder, harder until they gave way with a snap. The straps dug a little into my hips but I didn't care. I brought the panties up to my mouth and stuffed them in. They tasted like sex. I wanted more so I turned around and put my face directly on the seat with my belly button on the headrest and my knees on the back seat, baring my ass to the world. I wanted to keep my hose for now so I pulled them back up, reached between my legs and started the next hundred. My face was inhaling my musk from the seat—a combination of come and sweat. I stuck my tongue out around the thong and licked the leather. Now the headlight illuminated my ass as my fingers pumped my pantyhose inside of me. Would I make it through the next one hundred without anyone approaching? I didn't know. But I was already at twenty and no one had stopped so far. I pumped slowly, drawing out the hundred, increasing the chances of getting caught. I think part of me slowed down because I knew I wasn't going to get caught yet. I was cheating in a strange way. I picked up the pace and finished the second hundred. As I rolled back over I could feel the sweat and sin on my chin. My body felt alive, and I had passed the first little test. I did it again. I put myself out there. Had anyone stopped I would have been there's. I felt pleased that I didn't chicken out, that I took to another level. My mind hadn't totally given up control yet, but I was glad that it was taking a back seat. I slipped my pumps back on, raised the seat back and merged back into traffic. I was happy to get a little further away from home. My breasts were still slightly exposed. My blouse had lost the top half of its buttons, and my jacket only had one button left. No one would notice from a distance, but any one close up would see my pert breasts highlighted by the bra that sat useless, pulled down across the top of my abdomen. I kept my panties in my mouth, leaving a one of the strings dangling down my chin. I was ready for the next test. _Author's note:_ If this character strikes a chord within you, please let me know. I find pleasure in exploring what we usually keep hidden. kurious
Hi everyone it's me again, Exakta66. I have another confession to make. I know you've heard this before, but this one is big. Are you ready? I am on a sex fantasy website. Oh yes, believe me. I know it sounds filthy and perverted, but really it's not that bad. Believe me, you should try it sometime. Anyway, I know you've heard it before, but I enjoy reading the stories for the most part. I've even written a couple, OK thirty-four, of my own. I think it has improved my writing skills and has provided me with hours of fun. I find most of the stories interesting, but not always all that arousing. As I've mentioned before, in general I only find the girl on girl and girls with toys stuff arousing. OK, maybe a few other things. I really don't find reading about sex acts all that arousing for the most part. Same for me when watching porn and I know from reading here that I am not the only guy that fast forwards to the girl on girl parts. So, I really don't always have huge expectations in that area when I log on. The other thing I really don't expect is to meet anyone on the site. I know it is not a dating site. I am a member of an Internet dating site. Actually two, but who's counting. So, that was never an expectation. I have to say I enjoy the messages and the chats with the girls on the site. Most I have met are very friendly and nice. They write some hot stories as well. But I never really had the expectation of meeting anyone. Certainly not for sex. So, when the subject of cybersex came up in a couple of chats, I literally laughed it off. I mean cybersex? Sounds like an oxymoron. I think computers suck most of the time, but not in a good way. I have a hard time saying computer and sex in the same breath. Let's face it, I am a 48-year-old man. I am a bit old fashioned in some ways. The fact that I can even use a computer is amazing. But sex to me means being in the same room with another human, a girl by the way, and that is that. If I don't often get aroused reading about sex acts, I am certainly not going to get anything out of typing some conversation on a computer screen. Right? So when yet another girl mentioned that she liked to cyber in a recent chat, I laughed it off yet again. It had been brought up to me in chats with girls before, but I never took it serious. I could not even have imagined myself sitting there in front of a computer with a straight face and attempt to cyber, as they call it. When the subject came up, I usually tried to change it. It is not like I am not easily aroused. Heck, I can snap to attention faster than a group of cadets when a five star general walks by. But only with a real live girl in the same room, or so I thought... So, when I started chatting recently with a new girl, it just seemed like more of the same. ClassyLady made it clear she was into cybersex. I told her in our first few chats how I felt about it. I thought it was a joke, seriously. I repeated my feelings in our next couple of chats. But this girl was not the type to take no for an answer. She set out to seduce me, being the sexy seductress she is. Hell, it was more like rape. Let's see if I remember how the chat went. I may have to refer to the transcript I mailed myself. Oh yes, it went something like this. ClassyLady: Hi. Exakta66: Good morning. Exakta66: Hanging out on the sex site again, eh? Exakta66: How is your story doing? ClassyLady: Have not done any more on it but have made notes for a couple of others. ClassyLady: It is nice to chat with you. Exakta66: I usually finish a story in the same day once I start. Exakta66: And thanks, nice to chat with you as well. ClassyLady: I respect your honesty with me. Exakta66: I like honesy. Exakta66: I mean honesty. ClassyLady: Me too. Exakta66: Even if it's not always what I want to hear it is better in the long run. ClassyLady: I was talking to someone earlier and he was pressuring me to be too personal and I didn't like that. Exakta66: You will find all sorts here. I have heard a lot of stories. ClassyLady: I am lucky I found you to talk to. Exakta66: Guys can be aggressive. I don't have any expectations of the site other than a fantasy site. Exakta66: The chat is nice, but I don't expect anything. If someone wants to get personal fine. But I can't expect that. Exakta66: I've heard some guys won't even chat unless it is about sex. That seems stupid. ClassyLady: He was wanting me to explain things about my body and me personally in detail. He wanted to know everything. Exakta66: LOL. ClassyLady: It was not nice. It was very rude. Exakta66: I agree. ClassyLady: I will say some stuff but as you say this is a fantasy site. Exakta66: Yes this is a fantasy site. Exakta66: I have heard of people hooking up but everyone I chat with seems so far away. I don't expect that. Exakta66: This is not a dating site. Exakta66: I am on a dating site. ClassyLady: You are on a dating site? Exakta66: Yes, singlesnet. Same screen name. Exakta66: Same pictures I am sure. ClassyLady: I thought you were in a relationship? Exakta66: No, not really. Was with a girl for seven years but she died in 2006. ClassyLady: Yes, you said. Exakta66: Have not been in what I would call a serious relationship since. Exakta66: You in a relationship? Don't recall you saying. ClassyLady: Yes. I am in a committed relationship. Exakta66: Good for you. Exakta66: I would say most people I have met on here are married, but not all. ClassyLady: I love him very much. Exakta66: Lucky man. Exakta66: And lucky you. ClassyLady: He knows I chat here. Exakta66: I don't think there is anything wrong with exploring fantasies here. ClassyLady: No, not at all. Exakta66: I am sure he knows that. Better here than in the corner bar. ClassyLady: Lol. Exakta66: This is a different outlet for me. This whole fantasy thing is new to me. Exakta66: I am amazed at how much I came up with in my writing. ClassyLady: He knows I would never cheat on him in reality. Exakta66: He truly is a lucky man to have you. I am sure he realizes it. ClassyLady: He also knows I have a hot mind and a lot of sexual thoughts to explore. Exakta66: A hot mind is a good thing! Exakta66: A hot woman with a hot mind. You can't beat that. ClassyLady: But I am full of love and hot thoughts. Exakta66: That is a real good thing. Exakta66: Believe me. ClassyLady: Would you give me a hug? Exakta66: Yes I could do that. That sounds good. ClassyLady: Put your arms around me. Exakta66: I will give you a big squeeze. Exakta66: You feel so warm. ClassyLady: And I snuggle up. Exakta66: And soft. Exakta66: I feel your breath on my neck. ClassyLady: and kiss your neck. Exakta66: Your lips feel nice. Exakta66: And I return the favor. ClassyLady: and nibble your ear. Exakta66: I tease your ear with my mouth. ClassyLady: Then look up into your eyes. Exakta66: and breathe lightly in your ear. I let out a soft hum... Exakta66: Your gaze is captivating. A note here. By now I was starting to have trouble typing. I think I have corrected a few of the spelling errors, but it was getting tough. Exakta66: I lean in and we touch noses. ClassyLady: giggling. Exakta66: I look deep in your eyes for a moment, hesitating. Exakta66: Then we kiss. ClassyLady: A wonderful sensuous kiss. ClassyLady: So soft. Exakta66: Lingering, I slowly insert my tongue in your mouth just touching your teeth. ClassyLady: It tingles. Exakta66: I feel you shudder in my arms. ClassyLady: and my tongue dances with yours. Exakta66: I tease your gums and tongue. ClassyLady: mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Exakta66: I pull my tongue back and nibble at your lower lip. ClassyLady: Sparks run through me. Exakta66: I feel it too. ClassyLady: I push my body in closer to you. ClassyLady: running my hands over you. Exakta66: Your hair is so soft it tickles me. Exakta66: Your hands feel so good on my body. ClassyLady: I can feel your heartbeat. Exakta66: I stroke your neck with my hands. I recall hesitating at around this point. It was getting increasingly difficult to type. Exakta66: then I start to take off your top. ClassyLady: the hairs on my neck stand up. ClassyLady: as my arousal grows stronger. Exakta66: I kiss you again in a passionate kiss as I undo your pants. I am getting quite hard...I am actually. ClassyLady: Really? Exakta66: Oh yes, once you started with the neck I was getting aroused. Exakta66: I didn't realize this can be so stimulating. Exakta66: I can see you've done this before. ClassyLady: u like? Exakta66: yes! Exakta66: Getting harder to type...lol. ClassyLady: Wriggling my hips a little as you fumble with my clothes. Exakta66: I pull your pants down as you kick off your shoes. ClassyLady: My hands reach your ass. Exakta66: I pick you up and put you on the bed. Exakta66: I reach around and unhook your bra. ClassyLady: Still kissing you. Exakta66: Your erect nipples are staring me in the face. ClassyLady: shivers running right through me. Exakta66: I start kissing down your neck to your breasts. Exakta66: I tease your nipples with my tongue. Exakta66: I trace circles around them. Exakta66: I push you back on the bed and pull off your panties. ClassyLady: tracing a finger around your thighs and your hips. Exakta66: I feel your gorgeous breasts with my right hand then kiss down your stomach. ClassyLady: getting even more aroused and i start squirming and moaning Exakta66: I kneel down and spread your legs Exakta66: I start to kiss your inner thighs ClassyLady: oooooooooooooooo ClassyLady: yeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss Exakta66: delicate tongue strokes up towards your womanhood Exakta66: I can smell your scent as I get closer Exakta66: It is delicious. ClassyLady: aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh Exakta66: I hear your soft moans. ClassyLady: driving me crazy just feeling your breath Exakta66: I kiss around your soft mound and then delicately taste your outer lips ClassyLady: mmmmmmmmmmmmm Exakta66: I insert my tongue up and down your moist pussy ClassyLady: My back arches now. Exakta66: I insert my index finger of my right hand and rub the upper part of your love canal putting pressure on your g-spot ClassyLady: OOOOOOOOOOOO Exakta66: I gently tease the area around your clit with my tongue as I slowly circle it] ClassyLady: my juices flow Exakta66: As I keep up the pressure on your g-spot, I tongue your clit with the same rhythm ClassyLady: I'm reaching new highs Exakta66: You are squirming uncontrollably under my tongue and mouth ClassyLady: hips gyrating Exakta66: I have to bury my face in you to keep up ClassyLady: orgasm follows orgasm Exakta66: I feel your hairs and your juices entering my mouth and nose, it is delicious...you taste soooo good ClassyLady: WOW Exakta66: Hey Exakta66: Was it good for you? ClassyLady: Oh yes! ClassyLady: u? Exakta66: Oh yes! ClassyLady: mmmmmmmmmmmm Exakta66: I think I need a break. Exakta66: For a moment. ClassyLady: i see ClassyLady: too hot for you??? Exakta66: Not used to it. Exakta66: But I like it. ClassyLady: I'm glad. Exakta66: Not used to describing everything. Exakta66: But it is good. Exakta66: Really. ClassyLady: i hope you aren't disappointed Exakta66: No, not at all. Exakta66: How am I doing? ClassyLady: it makes it feel real i think Exakta66: Much more than I would expect. ClassyLady: you are great!! ClassyLady: Really hot!!!! Exakta66: Thank you. Exakta66: I will probably get better. ClassyLady: i don't want to pressure you into anything Exakta66: No, not at all Exakta66: Just not used to typing everything in real time. Exakta66: I sort of wanted to try this. Exakta66: but you had me at the neck kissing part and it gets hard to think! lol. ClassyLady: sometimes i think its nice to put your true feelings down and bring something to life Exakta66: agreed I am starting to think at this point of the possibilities. I want to try something. Exakta66: Can I kiss your toes? Exakta66: You have such pretty feet. ClassyLady: i felt really good ClassyLady: mmmmmmmmmm that's nice Exakta66: I hold your ankles and lift your foot to my face Exakta66: I take my tongue and delicately stroke the bottoms of your toes, one by one ClassyLady: that sends tingles up my spine Exakta66: I kiss each toe one by one. Exakta66: I take each one in my mouth and stroke it with my tongue ClassyLady: I smile at you. Exakta66: I rub your foot while I do this paying attention to your arches ClassyLady: Feels soooo good. Exakta66: I massage your foot with my thumbs ClassyLady: i feel so relaxed Exakta66: you emit soft moans of pleasure Exakta66: I suck each of your toes harder Exakta66: I kiss the tops of your feet and then start working my way back up your legs ClassyLady: leaning back just enjoying you pleasuring me Exakta66: I want to kiss every inch of your body ClassyLady: my whole body feels the pleasure Exakta66: and if I miss a spot I want you to make me start over again Exakta66: I glide my tongue up from your feet to the insides of your legs ClassyLady: electricity running through me Exakta66: I work my way up your calves one at a time holding your legs firm in my hands ClassyLady: My legs open up. Exakta66: When I get back up to your thighs, I massage them firmly with both hands as I kiss and lick every inch ClassyLady: breathing deep. Exakta66: I take the skin of your inner thighs and pinch it delicately between my teeth ClassyLady: oooooooooo Exakta66: I do this all the way up working back to your womanhood once again Exakta66: I take my time, doing it very slowly ClassyLady: the slower the better ClassyLady: moaning louder now. Exakta66: Your moans increase in intensity, as your pleasure is obvious ClassyLady: feeling quite wet Exakta66: I work up to the area between your pussy and your butt. I work the area hard with my tongue as I hold and massage your thighs ClassyLady: desires growing. Exakta66: I softly tease the hairs of your mound as I take in your delicate scent. You smell so good ClassyLady: your touch makes me wild Exakta66: I squeeze your hips as I again kiss the whole area around your wet pussy ClassyLady: i have no control over my increasing wetness Exakta66: I pause for a moment to bask in the scent then slowly kiss and lick your whole area. The taste is delicious as your juices start to drive me wild ClassyLady: my body succumbs Exakta66: I lap them up like an animal at feeding time ClassyLady: my juices flow. Exakta66: I don't want to miss a single drop of you ClassyLady: more and more. Exakta66: your juices flow like they threaten to drown me and I want to drown ClassyLady: take me my love. Exakta66: I lift my head for a moment Exakta66: I take off my shirt and throw it aside Exakta66: I remove my shoes and pants Exakta66: You admire the bulge in my underwear ClassyLady: getting impatient. ClassyLady: screaming for you now! Exakta66: I remove my underwear and throw them in the pile ClassyLady: NOW!!!! Exakta66: you reach out and touch the head of my stiff cock and give it a rub Exakta66: it feels so good. Exakta66: I insert the head in your wet folds ClassyLady: I lift my legs high. Exakta66: I tease your wetness for a moment ClassyLady: hook them over your shoulders Exakta66: then I slowly insert it as I feel every inch of your tight wetness engulf me ClassyLady: deep deep Exakta66: It is comforting and feels so good like your embrace Exakta66: I push it all the way in as I lean forward over you ClassyLady: we are as one. Exakta66: my arms are at your sides as I begin to pump. I kiss your breasts as your nipples are before my face ClassyLady: feels so good. Exakta66: As I pump harder your breasts bounce before my face and I start to get lost in my own pleasure ClassyLady: our pleasure. Exakta66: I am quite unaware of my surroundings, all I can hear is your pants and moans ClassyLady: louder and louder! Exakta66: Your sounds of pleasure increase as I feel my orgasm building ClassyLady: begin to climax ClassyLady: going beyond the clouds. Exakta66: I feel your muscles gripping me as I force against them...you are getting louder...I hear you pant in my ear ClassyLady: reaching the stars. Exakta66: your breath I can feel as I lean in and we both cum together ClassyLady: yeeeesssssssss!!!!!!!! ClassyLady: I begin my descent now with you. ClassyLady: holding you close. Exakta66: I feel so relieved...an incredible feeling of relaxation comes over me Exakta66: I slide my member out of you as I sit back ClassyLady: a wonderful feeling. Exakta66: I roll over next to you and we look in each other's eyes ClassyLady: we lay together. Exakta66: we smile at each other. ClassyLady: I close my eyes. Exakta66: I take your hand and kiss your palm and you giggle Exakta66: then we lie back and relax ClassyLady: satisfied. Exakta66: oh yes! ClassyLady: how did you feel? Exakta66: nice. Exakta66: I get aroused, but then I sometimes lose it when I have to think what to type ClassyLady: Did it feel real? Exakta66: at times. Exakta66: This is new to me Exakta66: but then I come out of it when I think too much what to type ClassyLady: good. Exakta66: but I see the possibilities ClassyLady: it's the way it should be if you got some pleasure Exakta66: oh yes ClassyLady: thank you. Exakta66: No, thank you. Anyway, shows over folks. You can go back to work or whatever. I would like to thank the staff at this site for all the features this site offers. Thanks to the mail yourself your chat feature, this story was just a matter of cut and paste. It was the easiest story I ever did. I would also like to thank ClassyLady for starting off my July 4th weekend with a bang...you know who you are. Until next time...later.
_Author's Notes: I want to thank all of those who have messaged me with their wishes for my continued writing. It means a lot when you want to write, but can't. I was able to squeeze a day of writing in, and this is what came out. Counter to what the name implies, this is not part of the Halloween writer's contest. Thanks again for all your support and enjoy._ * Abby was doing the dishes when the phone rang. "Hey, you sexy thing you." She smiled as she answered her lover. "Hey yourself." Lindsey replied happily. "So, what are you cooking for our eighth anniversary?" She smiled at the happy tune she could hear her mate humming under her breath. "Cooking...? Cooking, hell... you're supposed to take me out to wine and dine me, so you can get lucky." Abby teased back. "Oh, I've already got lucky... I got you babe." Lindsey laughed. "Even my boss couldn't bring me down today sweetheart." She sighed. "I still say you need to cook, that way when I can't wait anymore I won't embarrass or bare your sweet ass in public." "Oh, the horror... I don't know dear, it's been awhile since we've been arrested for indecent exposure. Who knows, they might like a floor show. Only three more days." She burbled, giddy at the thought. "It's hard to believe it's been eight years already." Lindsey sighed. "I can still remember when you seduced me away from that jerk I was going out with." "Oh, you mean... umm what was his name? That arrogant jock, super stud; who treated you like shit!" Abby smiled at the memory. "And Sweetie, it was you who seduced me." She added as she stirred the pot of homemade chicken soup and checked the loaf of sweet bread in the oven, for dinner. "Let not argue about who seduced who." Lindsey said in a very bad British accent. "I'll be home soon babe. I better get going before I have a wreck." Lindsey sighed. "Okay sweetheart, I'll be here waiting for you. Love you!" Abby spun around, making her dress flair out as she danced to the music in her head. "Love you too....OH SHIT!" Lindsey screamed. "Lin... Sweetie, what's wrong." Abby stopped spinning and tried to listen. "No, no, NO...!" Lindsey screamed. Abby was screaming. "Lin... Lindsey. What's wrong? Answer me baby, please answer me." She listened and heard the screech of breaks and the sickening sound of ripping metal right as the line went dead. "LINDSEY...!" Abby fumbled with the phone as she tried to push the buttons. She hit the buttons for Lindsey's number. "The cellular customer you are trying to reach is not in the service area or has turned their phone off." "Fuck!" She hit the end button three times until the thing shut up and tried again. "The cellular customer...." "Goddamnit...! Don't do this to me Lindsey. Answer the fucking phone. I have to know you are alright." Abby paced the kitchen of the home they had restored together. Five hours later, the burned bread and dry soup were still where she left them when her friend came and got her and took her to the hospital. No one would tell her anything. Not the cops, the emergency room people, no one. Abby was tired of hearing. "We can't divulge any information unless you are her family or spouse." She tried to tell them they were together, but since they were not married, all they would repeat was. "I'm sorry ma'am, but we cannot...." Before she would slam the phone down and scream. By the time she found Lindsey, it was too late. Abby shuttered and collapsed on the couch, ignoring the smell of the ruined dinner. She wanted to forget the last five hours. "Are you going to be okay Abby?" Tracy, Lindsey's old roommate and friend asked, wiping her own eyes. "I... I don't know." Abby said and buried her head into one of the fancy pillows Lin demanded for their off-white couch, to give it some color. "I'm so sorry honey. I know how much you loved her. You were all she would talk about. It drove us mad most of the time." Tracy said as she tried to give comfort in her own grief. Abby was numb. She couldn't feel anything but the huge hole in her middle. Her heart was gone. She wanted to lay down, close her eyes, and never wake up until she found her Lindsey again. It had to be a lie. Lin couldn't be dead. Her car was barely dented. From the side, you couldn't tell it was in an accident. Lindsey had to be playing some sick joke. Five days later, Tracy tossed out the stinking pot and brick hard loaf of bread. She couldn't tolerate the smell as she and her sister forced Abby into a shower. Abby was almost catatonic. She had her sister give her a shower while she cleaned the house. They knew it was going to be bad, but never expected to find Abby right where she left her when she brought her home from the hospital. It took both of them to get Abby dressed. All Abby would do is cry and wail as they had to tighten the small belt, trying to make the now too large dress fit. They tried to force some food and water into her. They had to get her through this day. She had to be at the funeral, even if Lindsey's parents didn't want her there. They held her tight as Lindsey's mother spewed hurtful things. She said things like. "I dressed her in my wedding dress since she will never get married now. She will never know they joy of having children, the joy of finding true love and happiness. I hope I gave her some of the dignity she could never find in life." Her mother never accepted that Lindsey decided to live with her lesbian lover and mate. She always hoped she would find her way back to a normal relationship. **************************** Kari wondered if it would have been easier to just die, than sit there and watch them together. She wondered what the fuck she ever did to deserve this shit. She watched as the person she thought was always going to be with her, frolicked with her brother. 'Fuck them both anyway.' She thought bitterly. She was supposed to be my girl, not have that asshole seduce her and get her pregnant. 'What the fuck did I do to him to have him do that to me?' "Come on Kari, this is fun." Trevor said, as he spun his pregnant wife in circles. "Come on, join the fun." She could hear the laughter in his voice. "No thank you." Was all Kari said, as she tried to leave. She didn't get ten feet before her mother stopped her. "What the hell is your problem?" "My problem...?" She asked, shocked that her mother was so clueless. "Oh, I don't know mom. Maybe I'm pissed that my lover and my brother, bumped crotches behind my back and fucked me over. Maybe I just can't sit there and eat shit as they play the happy couple. I don't know. Maybe, just maybe I expected some member of my family to see just how fucked up this is." She spat at her mother. "But, what the hell. They're happy so I should just paint a smile on my face and act happy for them." She shook her mom's hand off her arm. "What do you mean?" He mom asked confused. "You introduced them. She was your friend...." Her mother never accepted the facts. "No mom, she wasn't my fucking friend." She pulled her hair back in frustration. "She was my lover. I'm Gay, remember! I love women. I loved her before she betrayed me. We were supposed to get married when they legalized it next year." She ranted at her obtuse mother. "But... but... but." Her mother sputtered. "I thought that was just a phase." "No mom... it wasn't a phase!" Kari was tired of the whole mess. "Fuck this, I'm out of here." She found her purse and grabbed it before her mother could stop her. "Tell them I hope they're happy." She seethed. "But, never invite me to anything they will be at. I won't come. I hate fucking cheaters, so that means I hate them!" Kari spun away before the building emotion could escape again. "What's wrong with her?" She heard her brother ask, as she slammed the door behind her. "I won't cry. I won't break down. I won't give them the fucking satisfaction!" She told herself as she got into the car and started it. Less than a mile out of the neighborhood she grew up in, Kari had to pull over because she couldn't see for the tears. ******************************** One year later Abby put the last of her stuff into the big moving truck. "Are you sure this is what you want to do? You've done so much to the house. You'll never get all your money back out of it." Tracy said sadly. "Yeah, I just can't be here anymore. I'd rather see it go to someone I know will appreciate it, than some stranger. It will be a good place for you. It has room for a growing family. I just can't stay. The memories are killing me." Abby put her hand on Tracy's arm. "I can still smell her, feel her, and hear her. I just can't. It's been a year and I still can't." She sniffed back her tears. "Are you going to be okay?" Tracy asked, tearing up also. "Yeah, I've accepted that job out west. It will be the new start I need. I might even learn how to ski." Abby tried to smile. Everyone knew, besides her dancing, she was a major klutz. "You take the house. Have babies, send me pictures and be happy." She kissed Tracy's cheek and pressed the house key into her hand. Tracy and her husband waved as she pulled away from the drive. He rubbed the growing bump. "We can never thank her enough." He said emotionally. "We couldn't have gotten into a house for years if it wasn't for her." He added as Tracy buried her head into his shoulder. "I know..." She sniffed. "I hoped that... but she's right. All she did was mope around. Maybe she can find happiness out there." Tracy knew she was overly emotional. She knew the date and knew this couldn't have been easy for Abby. Tomorrow would have been their ninth anniversary. In the cab of the rental truck, Abby had on her music so loud she couldn't hear her own sobs as she drove away. She missed Lindsey so much it still felt fresh and new. She had to leave or die; and her friends refused to let her die. She hoped over the next few days of driving, she could find some peace. **************************** Kari looked around her new apartment complex. "What the fuck is with all the adobe?" She sighed. She started her new job and ignored all the looks. She had become the master of how to ignore things over the last year. She ignored her mother, her brother and her ex-lover. She ignored the baby pictures, and she ignored the phone calls from the people who called themselves her friends. She ignored it all. She was finished with all of them. Let them live in their fantasy world. She rather live cold and alone, than a lie. She only once wondered how long it would be before Trudy cheated on Trevor or Trevor cheated on Trudy. 'What a fucking joke. Trevor and Trudy just like a comic strip.' She scoffed then realized what she was doing. She bitched herself out for a month over that lapse and started looking for an out of state job. It wasn't perfect, but it was out of state. She thought long and hard as she flew into Denver airport about the big move. Should she just move on? Or should she fight for her place in the family. She looked at the invitation to the baby's birthday party and made up her mind. It was time to move on. She negotiated what she thought was a fair deal and signed the contract. It didn't matter that she had stopped teaching in a classroom. The money was okay and it was the clean start she needed. She could look at going back into a supervisory job later if she wanted. She didn't leave her contact information. She made a clean break. She had just enough time to get moved, find an apartment, and get her curriculum set up, before school started. After that she was too busy to even worry about her past and that is exactly the way she wanted it. ************************** Ten months later. Abby had come to love the stark beauty of her new state. She wished everyday that Lindsey was there to share it with her. She kept thinking that it would have been ten years if only.... She would sigh and have to stop that thought. It didn't matter that most marriage didn't last that long. To the hateful world, she was still just a single woman. Since she stopped dancing for exercise, she started running. There were so many good places to run. If she wanted to see the plains, it would take her five minutes to get there. If she wanted mountains, that would take fifteen minutes. If she wanted woods, a half an hour. If she just wanted privacy, well that took the same half an hour but in the opposite direction. She didn't realize that four times out of five, she automatically headed for privacy. The open park had a two, five and ten mile loops, all depending on your determination and how alone you wanted to be. Abby found a second loop that it seemed that had been hardly used and ran on that one. It kept her away from the leering looks, the overly friendly 'Hello's' and the eyes of the guys as they watched her breasts bounce with every tread. Abby didn't notice her eyes following the shapely figure in front of her. She just listened to her music and tuned out the world. Abby didn't know why she picked up her pace. She figured it was just her feet following the rhythm of the music. She hoped she didn't overdue, as her heart picked up the pace as she got near. Kari heard the person running behind her. She knew it had to be a woman or a young person because of the slight footfalls. She had hoped to be alone today. The kids had driven her to distraction and she needed an outlet before she went off on them. She had found this trail soon after she started teaching and it had become her solace and mind saver. She didn't think anyone else ran it regularly, because of its appearance. Abby watched the tiny wiggle of the butt in front of her and felt a tingle up her spine. She ignored it and just picked up another step. She just wanted to get done and get home. Before she knew it, she was beside the stranger. She saw the profile and gasped. She shook her head, smiled and hit her longest stride. She knew she needed some distance between her and the woman who shared her track. Kari heard the gasp and looked. She was stunned by the thin well breasted woman who had caught up with her. She didn't want to think about the hard nipples as they bounced under the woman's sports bra. She didn't want to think about the instant attraction she felt. She knew it would be just another runner who had her boyfriend waiting for her at the car. She didn't need any complications. She liked her simple life. 'The lies we tell ourselves.' She thought bitterly. Abby couldn't help herself. The last half mile she was running like she was being chased by a demon. She was gasping for air as she saw the end of the trail and her small SUV waiting for her. She felt like her life depended on getting away as far and as fast as she could. 'SOTP IT...!' Linsey's voice in her head screamed. She slowed her pace and tried to catch her breath. She leaned against the side of her car and sipped from her water bottle. "God damn it Lindsey, I need you." She told the air around her as she cooled down. Kari's mind was no longer on running. She was thinking about the woman who had left her in the dust. She felt a pull she hadn't felt in a long time. For the first time in over a year she wondered and maybe wished just a little. Her heart rate picked up as she turned the last corner. The blonde was standing next to her vehicle. Kari couldn't keep the smile off her face. For some reason this person just made her want to smile. "Hi...." Kari said and pulled out her own water bottle and took a big drink. "Hi." Abby replied automatically. "Well, I better get going." She stammered as she fled. "Yeah, maybe we'll meet again." Kari said as she waved and watched the blushing woman get into her car and leave. "Wow...!" She shook her head and got into her Jeep and headed home to grade the abysmal attempts at an essay her class had turned in. Two weeks later, Kari was stunned to see her again. She was in the teacher's lounge, and her boss was bringing her in. "Mrs. Kari, here is your speaker for today in health education." Stan Womack made the introduction. "Hi again." Kari said automatically reaching out her hand. "Hi... I haven't seen you on the trail." Abby said as she felt the zing go up her arm at the innocent contact. "Well, I'll leave Mrs. Alberta in your hands so you can go over the lesson plan.' Stan said and walked away. "Alberta...?" Kari asked with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, mom was into weird names. You can call me Abby." Abby blushed at knowing she still had Kari's hand in hers. "Abby works...." Kari said and pulled her hand away and rubbed the warmth against her skirt. "I'm Kari." She smiled. "So, what do you know about sixth graders?" "Um, they're loud boisterous and hard to keep their attention." Abby smiled. "Well, I don't think that will be your problem today. I have mostly boys in my class and they have yet to learn how to act around girls." Kari smiled cynically. "Well, tell me when they do. Most are into their sixties before they learn." Abby grinned. "I've done this before." "Okay then... we're doing a block on basic first aid." Kari went over what she had covered so far. "I can handle that." Abby said, confident she was ready. An hour later she sighed as Kari made her introduction. "Okay class, we have a guest speaker today. I know you will show her the respect she deserved for coming here and talking to you." She smiled at one boy in particular. "That means you Mr. Roberts.... Yes Ma'am...?" "Yes Ma'am." The class intoned as Abby walked in. "Look at those tits!" The boy blurted out as Kari blushed. "Mr. Roberts... Office now...!" Kari pointed. "What, it's not my fault she has big tits. They're even bigger than yours" He snickered as he grabbed his stuff. He didn't want to stay for the stupid lecture. He wanted to go home and get high off his dad's pot stash. "But smaller than your rude mouth." Abby added. The rest of the class just kept silent. Abby looked at the red faced Kari and asked. "Should I come back after school and give him his lecture then?" Knowing the boy had made a scene to get out of it. "I'll let you know." Kari said as she walked behind the boy. "Okay class. I'm Abby. I'll be teaching you how to save a life so please pay attention. What I'm going to teach you is as easy as A B C and 1 2 3...." Abby started her presentation. After the second presentation, Kari asked Abby. "Can I get you something to eat for your trouble?" They watched the sullen boy walk out of the class. "You don't have to do that." Abby answered automatically. "My treat since you put up with my class." Kari smiled her invitation. She wanted to spend more time with Abby. There was something about her that just made her feel good. "Okay... Pizza?" Abby gave in. "I was thinking Chinese takeout, but whatever." Kari said and then asked. "Your car or mine?" "Oh, I'll just follow you." Abby blushed. "I wouldn't want...." She stammered to a stop before she could put her foot in her mouth. Kari wondered about the blush as she drove to the pizza joint. She knew she was attracted to the woman, but not why she was so attracted to her. She wasn't her usual type. Abby followed and talked to the air. "What do I do Lin? She looks just like you. She even has the same sassy twinkle in her eye. I miss you so much." She held back the tears and parked next to Kari's Jeep. "Have I got a treat for you." Kari smiled. "This place has the best food this side of the great divide. They don't mind special orders either." "Get whatever you like, just no onions or bell peppers please." Abby smiled at the enthusiasm. It was so familiar. "Okay, you asked for it." Kari smiled at the young girl behind the counter. "Large chicken ranch with avocado and tomatoes." Kari ordered as Abby looked on stunned. "A pitcher of Sprite, since you don't have sweet tea." Kari added as the girls scribbled as fast as she could. Abby didn't know what to do. She was overwhelmed. "Sorry", she said, as she bolted to the bathroom. She locked the door behind her and left the light off. She held her hands to her mouth to stifle the sobs that caught her in the middle and forced their way out. She couldn't believe it. There couldn't be two people who like the same mishmash on their pizza. Lindsey loved sweet tea; the sweeter the better. She couldn't be... was this Kari, Lindsey, coming back to her or just another torture to live through. It was so close to their anniversary. It hurt so much. Abby flinched at the knock at the door. "Just a minute." She gasped out. She turned on the light and did a hasty repair to her makeup after washing her face. She didn't want to confront the pretty brunette. All she wanted to do was run home and hide. "Quit being a Silly Billy." She heard Lin's voice in her head again. "Are you okay?" The voice was in her ears. That same voice. "Yeah, I just had a moment." Abby answered hesitantly. "Do you want to talk about it?" Kari saw the red rimmed eyes and knew Abby had been crying. "Did I do something wrong?" She put her hand over Abby's and felt the same warmth go up it again. It happened every time they touched. "No..." Abby sighed. "Just memories." Abby looked down at the long fingered hand and wondered where the jade ring was. The ring that she bought Lin.... She shook her head trying to clear it. "What... what's wrong?" Kari pushed. For some reason she needed to know. "I never knew two different people could like the same Pizza." Abby looked up knowing she wasn't making sense. "Oh, that. Sorry, it was something I heard once. It sounded interesting, so I ordered and tried it. The guy asked if we were sisters. We thought it was funny and winked at him as we took out boxes out and waved at each other. "You knew my Lindsey?" Abby asked shocked. "No, not really. Lindsey, I never knew her name." Kari looked at the love, hurt, and pain in Abby's eyes and just knew. "I'm so sorry I never knew. How long?" "It will be ten years...." Abby started. "Here you go... enjoy." The girl set the pizza down in front of the two women. "I'll be right back with your drinks." She looked at the two women and hoped that someday her girlfriend was brave enough to hold hands like that in public. "If you rather..." Kari said, not paying attention to anything but Abby. "No, I haven't had this since before she... died. It just took me by surprise. How did you end up out here if you lived back there?" Abby refused to allow the sorrow overcome her again. They sat and ate. They talked about Kari's past and why she moved. Before they knew it, the pizza was gone and it was getting dark outside. "I missed my run." Kari said breaking the tension that had been building. "Yeah me too. Thanks for dinner." Abby smiled as she stood up. "I was nice meeting you Kari." She said as they walked out to their cars. Abby knew she had to get out of there or she would crack. Kari didn't want to let Abby go. She wanted to take her home and make all the hurt go away. She never felt this way with anyone else. The memory of Trevor and Trudy didn't even make her mad, as she told Abby about them. "Oh, just kiss her already." The girl from behind the counter laughed. "I need to close up and you two are steaming up my windows." Kari thought that was a great idea. She leaned in and moaned as their lips touched. She could feel Abby start to hyperventilate but couldn't pull back. "Damn, some girl is going to get lucky tonight." The voice shattered the mood as the two pulled back. "I've got to go." Abby said and got into her car and pulled away. She needed to get home, she needed to hide. ********************** Three weeks later, after a very long and hard day, Abby forgot to avoid that running spot. She automatically headed to the solitude of the long loop. She bit her lip when she recognized the Jeep parked there. "Damn it." She swore, but she needed the run too bad. "Maybe she'll be gone before I get finished." She tried to convince herself as she did her stretches. She was torn between taking her time so they wouldn't meet on the trail or hurrying, so Kari couldn't be done before she left the parking lot. She raced to the first curve, so she wouldn't be in sight of the vehicles. "You're being a Silly Billy again." The voice in her head laughed. "No I'm not." She hissed between her teeth. "I'll never love anyone like I loved you again." She slowed her pace. "Especially if you keep running away from it. When did you become such a chicken shit?" The voice scolded her. "I'm not...." Abby insisted. "Yeah, right...." Lindsey's voice said in total disbelief. They argued as Abby ran. The good thing was she completely forgot the pressures of work. The bad, she also forgot that there might be someone waiting for her at the end of the run. "So, have you been avoiding me?" The voice said as she rounded the bend to the parking lot. Abby had to shake her head. She could have sworn that voice wasn't in her head. "Alberta... earth to Alberta." Kari touched her arm. "What..?" Abby asked stunned. "So have you been avoiding me?" Kari asked as she jogged next to Abby the last quarter of a mile. She had stopped as soon as she saw Abby's car and waited. "No... not really." Abby came as close as she ever had to lying. "Uh huh..." Kari smiled. "And who are you trying to convince?" Kari asked, seeing the confusion. "I've been hoping to see you here again." Kari felt like a fool. She had been there every day in the hopes of casually bumping into Abby. Today was going to be the last day. If they didn't meet, then she would just get over it and move on. It was something she had learned how to do. "Sorry... I've just been going to some of the other great places to run lately." Abby shrugged, know Kari could see through her feeble excuses. "I'm afraid of how I feel." She added, knowing she wouldn't have to explain. "About...?" Kari's heart beat harder. "You... me... Lindsey. Everything...." Abby sighed and slumped against her car. "Ah, I see." Kari did see. "It scared me too. I haven't... with anyone since... and yeah." She didn't complete her thought. She didn't have too. "I'm not Lindsey." Kari said with sad eyes. "Oh shut up!" Abby didn't know why, but she lurched up and kissed the woman she unknowingly hurt. Abby held Kari's head still with one hand as she feasted on her mouth. She wanted to go deeper and deeper. Abby other hand grabbed her tight bottom and pulled her as close as they could be with clothes on. Kari was stunned by the fierce kiss. She felt it from her spinning head to her toes that were curled in her shoes. She didn't fight it, she didn't move, she did grab Abby and filled her hands with her butt and thighs. She wanted to strip her right there and make love to her. The fire that had been simmering since they kissed last time flared ready to consume them. The horn shocked them apart. "Sorry folks, it's time for me to lock up." An elderly man said from the Ranger's truck. "The park closes at dark." "Follow me." Kari told Abby, not allowing for any argument. Abby just nodded her head and did what she was told as the Ranger watched them get into their vehicles and drive out of the park. Abby didn't know what to expect as she pulled behind Kari in the well lit parking lot. She was nervous and afraid. Did she just cheat on her beloved Lindsey? Why did she kiss Kari like that? What was she supposed to do now? "Okay sweetheart. Here are some ground rules." Kari looked at the confusion on Abby's face. "Don't ever do that again, unless you mean it." She smiled. "Because I do." "You do what...?" Abby asked, looking at her mouth. "Mean it." She leaned down and kissed Abby, this time with her in control. Her control almost broke as she felt Abby moan into the kiss. She could feel the hard nipples dig into her breasts and could feel the sweat even in the cooling night. Kari knew she had to pull back before.... "Alright... none of that here. This is a respectable place." A deep male voice said behind them as he flicked on a bright flashlight. "Sorry...." Abby giggled. It has been years since they had.... 'That's right sweetheart. Isn't she fun? I love you.' The voice in her head said softly. "Damn, can't a person ask someone out in peace around here?" Kari complained exasperated. "Not looking like that... you might want to put some more clothes on. Something a bit less revealing maybe?" The deep voice said with some humor. "You might also want to find a room before I have to take you in for indecent exposure." He laughed as he turned off his flash light. "Yes officer." Abby smiled and blushed. "That's twice in one night." She told Kari with a grin. "Yeah... okay, fine. Friday night. The Robin's Nest at six." Kari said, wanting to kiss Abby again. "Okay..." Abby said in a small voice. In the back of her mind, she knew what date it was and wondered. "Oh, and we need to swap phone numbers please." Kari pulled Abby into a lose embrace, knowing instinctually that she was ready to bolt again. Abby let her head rest on Kari's breast and heard the heavy thud of her heart. The sound reverberated into her soul. She remembered listening to Lindsey's heart every chance she got. It just felt like the right thing to do. Pulling away was the hardest thing she had to do since selling their house to Tracy. Kari knew if they didn't separate, everyone would get a show they would never forget. She wanted to feel Abby's skin next to hers and to have her fall asleep in her arms. "We better get going before that cop comes back." Kari sighed as Abby pulled away. "Yeah...." Abby shrugged. "I'll see you no later than six on Friday." Kari said after they exchanged numbers. "I'll call you if I have time between grading papers and stuff." She promised. "Okay... if I'm at work, just leave a message." Abby said as she climbed into her vehicle and drove away. ********************** They played phone tag all week. Kari would call just to hear Abby's voice on the recording. Abby fought with herself, thinking how she couldn't disrespect Lindsey's memory like this. Both of them were wound tight by six. Abby looked at the calendar and knew she had to stop this before things got out of hand. "Tomorrow will be ten years my love." She said as she walked out of the room. She looked for Kari in the crowded bar. She was ready to bolt when she felt a soothing calm come over her. She knew Kari was behind her. She could feel her step close. She willed Kari to put her arm around her middle and hold her together. "There's my girl." Kari said automatically, not knowing where the words came from. "Am I really?" Abby said with a lilt in her voice. This was an old game. "If I have my wish you will be." Kari finished and nipped her neck playfully. "Hi Kari..." Abby smiled. "Yeah, I know you're not Lindsey, no matter how much you remind me of her." She sighed. "That's good." Kari answered. "Let's blow this joint." She grabbed Abby's hand and pulled them against the stream of people. "I thought you wanted too...." Abby said as she followed Kari to her Jeep. "I changed my mind and decided to take that cops advice." Kari said and held the door for Abby. "We'll come back and get your car." She said as she climbed in and started the engine. "Where are we going?" Abby asked, knowing she couldn't give the little speech she had worked on all week. "Your place or mine, it doesn't matter as long as we are alone." Kari looked at Abby with anticipation. "You're driving." Abby lifted her eyebrow. "Fine, mine this time." She put the Jeep in gear and headed to her apartment. Ten minutes later, she pulled up and parked her Jeep in her space. "It's not much, and I hate all the adobe, but its home for now." Kari said as she opened Abby's car door. Abby looked around, not knowing what to say. She started the evening thinking she would give Kari the polite brush. Now, she didn't know what was going to happen next. "It's not bad...." She said trying to make conversation. "Oh shut up." Kari said and did what she has wanted to do since she met Abby. Once kiss led to two. By the third, no words were needed as they started taking each other clothes off. By the time they made it the ten feet to the couch, both of them were only in their bra and panties. Abby turned Kari and forced her to sit under her. Abby straddled her lap as Kari fought the clasp of the bra. As soon as they were free, she guided Kari's head to her nipples. "Oh yeah." She moaned as Kari captured a nipple and started suckling her. Abby cradled her head as the first orgasm in two years ripped through her body. Kari spent as long as she could, kissing and sucking Abby's offered breasts. She could feel the heat and dampness in her lap. She knew if Abby was naked, her legs would be covered in her fluids. She took her time as her hands explored the precious person in her lap. This was too perfect to rush. This was just the beginning. Abby shuttered in another orgasm and knew it was time. She pulled Kari's sweet mouth away from her breast and started her long journey down. Every time Kari started to say anything, she would kiss her quiet. By the time Abby had her lover laying naked on the couch, she couldn't stand it any longer. She needed to feast. She softly opened the petals of the flower in front of her, looking for the musky center. Once she dipped her head down, time stopped as she gave the attention Kari deserved. "OH GOD PLEASE...!" Kari screamed in climax fifteen minutes later. "Oh shit, oh god, oh, oh...OOOHHHHHHH!" She shuttered as her body clutched and released in a rhythmic climax. She had never felt the things Abby made her feel. It was so perfect. For the first time she found true bliss. "Baby, baby... you have to stop... I can't take... OH SHIT!" She fought Abby off her over sensitive sex. "Get your sexy ass up here." Kari demanded once she caught her breath again. "It's my turn sweetheart." She announced and she started kissing and licking every inch of the moaning Abby. Kari was in heaven. This is what love is supposed to feel like. Not hidden kisses and blushes if someone sees. This is what she has been looking for. She prayed that once they were done, that this would, could, should; happen every day. This was more than good sex. This was... wonderful. They ate cold pop tarts and muffins for dinner, before Kari pulled a very eager Abby into her bed and they started again. Kari screamed as Abby found her spot and worked it until she gushed in exquisite release. At one in the morning, they lay exhausted in the middle of the damp bed, trying to catch their breath. Even they knew they couldn't go on any longer, but their hands continued to stroke and caress soft subtle skin and looked for pleasure spots. Kari or maybe it was Abby, finally pulled up the comforter as they cuddled. Abby woke up to go to the bathroom at four. Kari didn't let her go back to sleep until after five. Kari woke up at ten, but they fell back asleep at noon. The phone jarred them both awake. They looked
at each other as Kari answered the phone. "Hello...?" "It's about time. Love her well and enjoy the gift you've been given." The husky voice said and the line went dead. "That was Lindsey." Abby gasped. "I recognize her voice." The pounding on the door woke them up. Kari had the phone in her hand and tossed off the bedding as she groaned. "What...?" Kari groused. "I'm coming." She shoved her arms into her robe. She opened the door a crack. Looking at the manager, she asked. "What...?" "I told you no loud parties." The cranky old man said. "There have been complaints about the noise last night." "I didn't have a party. I had a friend over for dinner." Kari scowled at the old busybody. "Who is it dear...?" A sleep rumpled and very naked Abby, walked out making the manager blush and look down. "There is a package for you." He shoved the box of school supplies into Kari's hands and left in a hurry. "Who was that?" Abby asked and hugged Kari from behind. "The manager... I'm sure to hear about this when I pay rent next." Kari wove her fingers into Abby's hand that was wrapped around her waist. "You need a robe, or do you always walk around the house naked?" "Why wear something only to take it off." Abby pulled Kari's robe tie and opened the front. As soon as Kari's reddened nipples came into view, she leaned down and softly kissed and suckled them. "Oh man that feels so good... we need a shower." Kari gasped and moaned. The water was past cold by the time they felt clean and sedated. "So, what do you want to do tonight?" Kari said after she finally convinced Abby they needed to get dressed and get her car. "Go to my place where I can really let my hair down and see who can make the other scream the loudest." Abby nuzzled her way into Kari's arms. "Let's go before you start something and have the manager banging on the door again." Kari pulled a reluctant Abby behind her and held her door to get in the Jeep. Half way back to the bar, Kari had to ask. "So, did I dream that phone call...?" Abby thought about that question as Kari followed her home. She did have some strange dreams, but never knew what was real. All she could remember was the feeling of love as they made love. Abby knew it was so much more than just sex. She never climaxed during sex. She could only do that when she made love to Lindsey. When they pulled up in front of the fixer upper Abby was buying, Abby went to get the mail. With the assorted flyers, advertisements and usual junk, there was a small package from her old address. She wondered what Tracy had sent her this time. "Wow, this place needs some work." Kari said as she looked around. "Yeah I know. That's why I bought it. That way I can make it mine. I have just about enough to start in the kitchen." Abby shrugged. "It has good bones and everything works. It's just ugly." "So what you got there sweetheart?" Kari saw the package and the frilly script. "Must be something from Tracy. She was Lindsey's best friend. She bought the house we lived in." She opened it and everything fell out of her hands. "No way...." She breathed. "What's wrong?" Kari asked, instantly there. Abby held out the package and the note that surrounded it. It read. "This is for her. Happy Anniversary; Lindsey." She opened the small box and found the jade ring she had been looking for on Kari's hand. "I need to sit down." Kari said stunned. "Is this some kind of sick joke? First the call last night and now this?" Kari was looking at Abby. "I, I don't know. It might be Tracy, but how would she get your number?" Abby sat next to Kari. "I just don't know." "Oh quit being so fucking stubborn Abs'. Do you know how hard this was for me to do?" Abby heard in her head. "I can't help you any longer my sweet. I love you. It took me a long time to find her. She already loves you." Lindsey told Abby. Lindsey knew it was time to go. Abby had found someone to love and she knew it was a forever love. She would see them again and welcome them both with open arms. How could she not? Abby sighed. Lindsey was the only person who called her that. She looked at the calendar and knew. "So what color do you think we should paint the kitchen? I'm having hickory cabinets made." Abby leaned against Kari. "Oh, and Lin said this is yours." She pulled out the ring and slipped it on her finger, knowing it would be a perfect fit. "Happy Anniversary love." Abby kissed the confused look off Kari's face. ****************** One Year later: "Hey sexy, whatcha cookin." Kari asked over the phone on her way home. "You'll have to wait and see." Abby teased back. "Well as long as its home cooked. I'm tired of eating out. How is the new stove working?" Kari smiled as she knew Abby would be dancing around the kitchen naked or as near to as she could get away with. "Fantastic." Abby checked the bread and turned off the oven so she could put the melted butter on the sweet bread. She turned the chicken noodle soup to simmer and spun in the middle of the kitchen, making her dress flair out and giving her a breeze on her newly shaved mound. It was a surprise for Kari for their anniversary. "Okay honey, I better get off this thing before I have a wreck." Kari laughed then shouted. "OH SHIT!" "What's wrong? Kari.... KARI!" No, no this couldn't be happening again. She heard the squeal of breaks and her heart stopped. "Hey asshole; watch where the hell you're going!" Kari yelled. "Sorry sweetie, some idiot on a bike, just about became road hamburger. I'll be home in a few... love you." "Love you too. See you when you get home." Abby reached in and pulled out the bread before it burned and shut off the chicken noodle soup so it wouldn't go dry. "She isn't going anywhere, you Silly Billy. Happy Anniversary." She heard Lindsey's voice in her head for the first time in a year. End. Post Script: I have to be completely honest. I found the impetus to write this story by reading a submission by Kaelac62, 'To find Love Again'. I've tried to contact the author to gain permission to use the plotline and or devices, in my story. Unfortunately I haven't received any response from the author. So, since I am not breaking any copy-write rules, I am posting this and giving credit where it is due. If you read the other story, you will see I have used some of the plot devices in a different story. For me, this is a much shorter story than I am known for writing, but I hope you enjoyed it all the same. Once again, since I am still in the process of doing home repairs, (hopefully I getting to the end of this... I'm very tired of working on the house), my wife is the only editor I have been able to use. All the mistakes that might have slipped through, are mine alone. _As always, please feel free to comment and vote._ "You're breaking up with me?" I stared at her. Beautiful, sexy, everything I've ever desired in a woman. That was Alexandra. She nodded, clearly eager for the conversation to be over with. We were in my apartment, sitting on my couch. She had come by to drop off some stuff that I had left at her place, and to drop this bomb on me. "Why?" I asked, shocked. She seemed edgy. Immediately, I became suspicious. She'd been hanging with this guy from work, Marcus, which really didn't bug me. I could clearly see us growing old together eventually and now she was throwing my plans awry. She tossed back her black hair, which was a vanity of hers. And then I saw it. The slight, purple hickey. I felt my anger immediately, swelling up my neck like an actual line of mercury like a thermometer. She sensed this change in me instantly, pushing back into the couch instinctively. "Robert," she began. But I was through with her talking. I had other things she could be doing with that perfect mouth of hers. I sprang at her, shoving my body on top of hers, using my legs to pin her thighs together while my hands forced her head back so I could inspect her neck clearly. She whimpered, which set something off in my mind. I'd never heard her whimper before, not even in bed, which I've been pretty gentle with her. Until now. "Explain." I said coldly, inwardly shocked at my hard on. "Please.." she began. I shoved three fingers into her mouth and watched her eyes well up with tears. I used my other hand to grope her tits, luscious and heavy through her t shirt. No bra. "Fucking bitch." I muttered. Her hands fluttered around my forearms, weak and helpless. I was straddling her thighs awkwardly and suddenly jerked her up, pushing her onto her back. holding her head over the arm of the couch by her hair. "Be still." I hissed at her. Her already weak protests halted immediately, going stiff within my hands. "You're a horny bitch, I see." She sobbed softly, her voice thick. "No, Robert, it just happened.." I yanked her hair harshly wanting to shut her up. I pushed two fingers into the side of her mouth, my hand still firmly in her scalp. My other hand was yanking her shorts down, baring her curved ass. Finally, with her shorts around her knees, I stared at her backside, almost mesmerized. It was creamy, soft looking and delicious. I leaned my head forward and spit a huge wet one into the crack of her ass. She jerked at the movement, understanding dawning on her. "Robert...stop.." she began. "That's what you should've said, Alex." I said evenly, too far gone to stop regardless of any implications now. I unzipped my jeans, my cock springing free, hard and eager for any hole in her. I placed my knees between her thighs, watching my spit slide down over her asshole to glob onto her thighs and my couch. I'd never been so hard in my life. "Do you understand why I'm doing this, Alex." I asked her, wanting an admission from her. She whimpered, an insanely sexy sound and I felt her head nod, which signaled to me acceptance of this new situation for her. She knew that she had violated a rule of our relationship and instead of bailing out, she was going to give me her ass cherry. I spit one more time onto her hole, not wanting to ruin it. I used my free hand and poked my index finger into her cunt, feeling her dripping, hearing the nasty, sloppy noise. "You fucking want this." I hissed triumphantly. I fingered her for several moments, listening to her moan softly, hearing her nails scratch upon the leather, the sound of her pussy dripping across my palm. I pulled my finger out, and saw with satisfaction, that she was beginning to ride my finger. I held the wet finger up to her face. "Look at how you want this." I stated, smearing her juices across her face, letting her smell herself, my other hand still holding her head, two fingers still stuffed in her mouth. I pushed my cock into her cunt, slowly, luxuriously. She arched her back, my eyes taking the play of muscles across her creamy skin. I pulled out immediately. She sighed in disappointment. "Just getting my dick wet." I sneered, putting the head of my cock against her asshole. She stiffened immediately. "You'll like it." I ordered her. Without further hesitation, I rammed my cock in, the head barely pushing in. She froze immediately, her back arching crazily and little squeals came from her throat indicating pain. I held her head down forcefully, and began to slowly push my cock further inside her. "Shh." I whispered, glorying in this feeling, her tightness, her subservience to me. My eyes were half closed, concentrating on getting my entire cock into her ass. She whimpered brokenly, and I could feel spittle falling from her lips and tears upon my fingers. "You like it, don't you?" I asked her, finally getting my cock into her tight ass. It was hot and clenching me like a wet vise. I stilled, allowing her to adjust to this. "Did you let Marcus do this?" I taunted her. She shuddered on the couch, her sobs quiet now. I leaned forward and bit her shoulder, wanting her to feel everything from me. She moaned at that. I began to piston in and out of her, intent upon coming in her ass, wanting to watch my cum drip out of that pink, torn hole. She was breathing heavily, one of her hands reaching underneath her, rubbing her clit, the other bracing herself so she could lift her bottom higher. I yanked her head back strongly, wanting to taste her mouth, needing to. Her tongue came out instinctively, seeking mine and I kissed her brutally, reaming her ass as hard as I could. She started coming, her ass clenching me fiercely, low moans erupting into her mouth, the vibrations turning me on even more. I rode her through out this, waiting for her spasms to subside. When they did, I jerked her head down and fucked her as hard and as fast as I could, coming and coming into her ass. I bit into her shoulder, growling, "Bitch...bitch.." over and over again. I pulled out as soon as I could, amazed and out of breath. Immediately she turned around, and kissed me, holding my neck and nuzzling into my shoulder. "I love you," she whispered, "it'll be okay." And it was.
I never realized how much fun grocery shopping could be until I was divorced. While I was married, I either did the grocery shopping with my wife, or I had to take my kids along while she worked. I never really had the time, or the inclination, to look around. I was there to pick up the week's groceries. As I said, though, all that changed after I split up with my wife. Working in the construction trades, I had the advantage of getting off of work at a relatively early hour on Fridays, which gave me plenty of time to get home, shower, stop off for a beer or three, and then go shopping. If I was too tired, put in some O.T., or just didn't feel like going on Friday, I went out early Saturday morning. At first, I looked at it the same way that I did all my life, a chore that needed to be done. However, not long after I had established myself in my new apartment, I started looking at it in a new point of view. It was a beautiful, warm, bright June day, and, wearing my normal summer garb of a Hawaiian shirt, shorts, and flip-flops, I decided to head out to do my shopping, stopping off for an adult beverage first. When I got to my favorite local bar, my favorite bartender was working, much to my surprise. Normally, Tracey didn't start until 7:00, but she was already there at 5:00. After telling me that she was filling in for the daytime bartender, and then giving me grief about my shirt, something she always did, she brought me a beer. "What brings you here so early?" she asked. "Just heading out to get my grocery shopping out of the way," I told her. "Ahh," she replied. "Are you going to Major's?" she asked, referring to a large local chain. "No, I usually go to Super. They're generally cheaper," I answered. "Yeah, but the scenery is much better at Major's" she said, smiling at me. She went on to explain that if I waited another couple of hours, I would catch the after-work rush, which according to her, consisted mainly of single women. "Oh, really?' I asked, intrigued. "Yep," she answered, again smiling. "That's when I usually go." The ongoing joke between Tracey and me was that, while she was very hot, she was, as far as I was concerned, out-of-bounds, being the bar owner's girlfriend. What I would always tell her was that, not only didn't I want to be banned from my favorite local for doing the owner's girl, considering that I was fifteen years older than she was, she'd probably kill me if we ever hooked up. "That's true," she would tell me, "but at least you'd go out with a smile on your face." "Of that," I would reply, "I have absolutely NO doubt!" "Kurt," she said, grabbing my hands with hers, "you've got to believe me on this one. If you wait until, say, 6:30 to do your shopping, you won't be disappointed. Friday night and Saturday morning are the absolute best times to go!" "If I'm wrong, I'll buy you your first beer the next time I see you," she added. Well, that sounded like an offer too good to pass up, so I agreed. So, two hours, and three beers, later I left the bar and went to Major's to do my weekly grocery shopping. To my amazement, Tracey proved herself right as soon as I stepped out of my truck. There were a number of women, all attractive, all by themselves, and all just arriving to do their shopping. Walking in directly in front of me was a woman that looked to be in her mid-40's, with long, curly, dark hair tied back in a pony-tail, dressed in a business suit. I enjoyed watching her walk in front of me, her every curve moving with each step. This was not a thin, Barbie Doll of a woman, this was a soft, curvy, REAL woman walking in front of me. She had what looked like a large pair of breasts, a nice, full ass, and big, soft lips on her body. After we walked in and got our carts, we both went straight to the produce section. I started gathering some veggies for a pasta dish that I was making the next night, and soon she was standing next to me. She started asking me about the peppers that I was picking out, and then we began walking and talking together as we made our way through the store. While we walked the aisles together, I checked out her body further, and was quite pleased with what I saw. The suit that she was wearing was fitted enough to show off her breasts, while still being conservative, and the skirt looked like it gripped her well-formed ass perfectly. I kept reminding myself to thank Tracey the next time I saw her! My first time out, and I was having a great time! As we finished our shopping, we wound up in check-out lanes next to each other. I finished up just ahead of her, so I waited a little, and then walked out with her. "I don't normally do this, hell, I've NEVER done this before, but would you like to get together some time, for dinner or a drink? I'd love to get to know more about you!" I told her. "I'd like that," she replied, smiling at me. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a business card, wrote down her cell number, and handed it to me. Over the next couple of weeks, Catarina and I saw each other three times, ranging from having a drink to having dinner, drinks, and seeing a local band. I found out that she had her masters in Business Finance, and that she was an Executive V.P. at a major bank in the city. What really shocked me was when she told me that she was in her mid-50's, and a grandmother. "Wow!" I thought to myself. "I never would have guessed either of those!" I drove her home after our third date, and walked her to her door. The 'third date' scenario was going through my head as she pulled her keys out of her purse and she leaned in to kiss me. We had kissed briefly at the end of our first date, and a little more passionately after the second, but I wasn't sure what to expect this time. She sighed as I held her tight while we kissed at her door. I enjoyed the feel of her full, soft lips on mine, and when I softly kissed her neck, my hands sliding down her back, she moaned, and her hands gripped my arms tightly. "Ok, we've got to stop," she breathed, pushing me back gently. Reluctantly, I stepped back as she turned and unlocked her door. As she stepped inside her house, she stopped and turned to me. "Would you like to come for dinner tomorrow night?" she asked, smiling, and with glazed eyes. "I'd love to," I told her. The next night, I showed up at Catarina's at six, and as she opened her door I heard the sounds of kids playing. She greeted me as I walked in, and I gave her a quick kiss as I handed her two bottles of wine that I brought. I noticed right away that she was wearing a very sexy floral perfume. "You look beautiful," I told her. She was dressed in a loose fitting, flowery summer dress that buttoned down the front and a pair of ballet slippers. The dress was unbuttoned at the top just enough to entice, showing off just a hint of her deep cleavage and the fine lace of her bra, and at the bottom to show off a firm pair of legs. As I quickly glanced around at her tri-level house, a young boy came running up the stairs from the lower level. "Hi! Who are you?" he asked. "My name is Kurt," I answered. "What's your name?" "I'm Jimmy," he exclaimed. "This is my sister, Suzie," he then informed me, pointing to the little girl who came running up next to him. "Are you a friend of my Gramma?" Suzie asked softly. "Yes, I am," I replied. Catarina then sent them back downstairs, telling them that dinner would be ready in a few minutes. As Jimmy and Suzie ran back downstairs, Catarina took my hand and led me into her kitchen. "I'm sorry," she said, as she stirred a pot of pasta sauce. "My daughter called an hour ago and asked if I could watch the kids while they go to the hospital." "Is everything alright?" I asked. "Yes. My son-in-law's father was in a car accident, and he's in the ER right now. I couldn't tell them no." "That's completely understandable," I replied. "Do you want to reschedule tonight?" "Not unless you do," she said. "The kids will be going to sleep in a couple hours, and then we'll be alone." "That works for me," I said, smiling. "Do you need any help?" After a very amusing dinner with her grandkids, we all sat down to watch a movie, during which the kids fell asleep. I helped Catarina put them to bed upstairs, and she suggested that I go back downstairs and open up the wine. "I'll be there in a minute," she said softly, kissing me on the cheek. A few minutes later, as I sat in her loveseat with the glasses of wine ready, flipping through the guide on the TV, I heard her walk around behind me, and quickly sit next to me. "Anything good on?" she asked. "Not really," I said, handing her a glass. "Let me see what I can find," she said, taking the remote from me and sliding next to me. "This is good," she commented, holding up her wine glass. "I'm glad you like it," I replied. "I admit, I don't know much about wine, but I do know what I like." As she flipped through the movie channels, she continued drinking, and soon we had finished the first bottle. "Should I open the other bottle?" I asked. "Of course!" she replied. I went back upstairs to her kitchen and opened the other bottle, and brought it down stairs. "How's this?" she asked, nodding toward a romantic "chick-flick" she found. "Whatever you want to watch," I told her as I poured the wine. "I'm here for the company." "Mmmm. Nice answer," she said. "I noticed all of the decorations, and things on the shelves," I told her. "Are you Russian?" "Yes," she replied. "My father was proud of his Russian heritage, and I inherited all of this when my parents passed. All of this came from Russia with him. He managed to defect from the U.S.S.R., and brought my mother with him, settling in Chicago." "He was so proud of his heritage, he even named his first-born daughter after Catherine The Great," she said softly. "Oh, really?' I asked, my eyebrows raised. "Yeah, I don't think he knew about the legend," she laughed. "I like sex, a lot, but a horse would be too much, even for me," she continued softly, sliding closer to me. "That's good," I laughed. "There's no way I could compete with a horse!" She looked up at me, and we kissed softly. "I'm sure you won't disappoint," she whispered as we parted. As I looked at her, I noticed that the top and bottom of her dress were open further than they were at dinner, with the top open almost to the middle of her breasts, and the bottom just below her crotch. I also noticed that there was no more lace peeking out of the top of her dress. She turned back and sat, leaning into me, and I slid my arm around her shoulder. "Mmm," she moaned, leaning closer. We continued watching the movie, and soon it came to the obligatory steamy sex scene. Holding her as close as I was, when that came on I started getting a little aroused. A couple of seconds later, she moved her far arm over and placed her hand on my chest. That caused my hand to fall, landing on her breast. "I'm sorry," I said, quickly moving my hand back. "Don't be," she said, taking my hand and moving it back. As my hand rested on her soft, bra-less breast, I felt her hand sliding up and down my chest. I began to softly caress her breast, sliding my fingers across her nipples, as her hand slid slowly closer to my waist. I didn't know quite how far she was willing to go, with her grandkids just upstairs from us, but I figured there was only one way to find out. I began moving my hand around more across her breasts, until my fingers slid under her dress. Feeling my fingertips on her bare flesh, Catarina sighed and slid even closer to me and moved her hand down to my thigh. As I slid my fingers across the tops of her tits, slowly getting closer to her nipples, she began to slide her hand closer to my quickly hardening cock. Catarina gasped, and then sighed, as I cupped a full, soft tit with my hand, gently rolling her nipple between my fingertips, and then she cupped her hand around my bulge. I slid my hand out just a little, and opened one more button, allowing my entire hand inside her dress to cup her big, full, soft tits. Catarina moaned softly, squeezed my bulging cock harder, and then turned to face me. With her dress open, showing her swaying tits underneath, she leaned in and kissed me hard, mashing her lips passionately against mine. I wrapped my arms around her soft body as we kissed, our tongues dancing and battling, as she straddled me. I started to slowly slide my hands down her sides as she began moving her hips against my body and brushing her big tits against my chest, until I was cupping her full asscheeks. I moved my hands across her ass, squeezing and massaging her cheeks, and was surprised that I felt nothing but her ass underneath. She was naked under her dress! At the same time that I started to slide my hands under her dress, she pulled her body back from mine just enough to unbutton my shirt. Just as I moved my hands around to the front of her legs and stared sliding my thumbs up along her inner thighs, she pulled open my shirt and ran her fingers across my chest hair. I slid my hands back under her dress, around to her ass. Cupping her cheeks, I held tightly to her ass and stood. Catarina gasped and wrapped her legs around my waist as I turned around, and then I slowly lowered her to the love seat. Sliding my hands out from under her ass, I leaned in and kissed her as I cupped her tits, squeezing them and rolling her nipples between my fingers. I started kissing my way down her neck, moving from one side to the other, spending a lot of time on the sensitive spots below her ears and just above the collarbone. I continued working my lips down her body, until my face was centered between her tits. I released her soft pillows, pulled open her dress as far as I could, and then proceeded to kiss and lick her nipples, going from one to the other, back and forth. Catarina was moaning with pleasure, and arched her back, pushing her chest out at me. Stopping after a couple of minutes, I placed my hands on the outsides of her breasts and pushed them together. Placing my thumbs into her cleavage, I gently pulled down on the skin, which placed her stiff nipples together. With the tips of her nipples touching, I flicked my tongue across them, causing Catarina to gasp. I shook my head back and forth as I held her tits together, licking and flicking her big, stiff tips. I looked up at her as I blew some air across her wet nipples, and our eyes locked together. Maintaining that eye contact, I wrapped my lips around both nipples and began to suck on them. "Ohhhh!" Catarina gasped, and reached down to my head. "You like that?" I asked, after I had licked, nipped, and sucked on both of her nipples for a couple minutes. "Yess!" she moaned. "It makes my tummy tingle!" "Mmm. Let's see what else I can make tingle!" "Ok!," she breathed, as I released her tits and started kissing just above her mound. Catarina gasped and moaned as I placed my hands under her legs and lifted them. I then kissed all across her belly just above her mound, and then down to her inner thighs. Finally, after teasing her like that for a while, I leaned back and looked at her pussy. It was glistening and wide open, the sparse hairs matted down with her juices, just begging for attention. I leaned back in and placed my tongue at her wet hole and slowly dragged it up het slit, bringing some of her seeping juices with it. I stopped just short of her stiff clit, and I heard her moan. "Ohhh! Please!" 'Please what?" I asked, teasing her. "Ohhhgoddd! Please don't tease me! I need it so bad!" "Well, since you said please," I replied, and flattened my tongue and dragged it over her clit. Catarina gasped loudly, and her hips jumped as she felt my tongue slowly slide over her hard little bud. I moved my head sideways and up and down, my tongue dancing and flicking all across her clit, as her moaning and gasping started getting louder and her hips moved even more. Reaching an arm over the top of her leg, I used my fingers to spread her wet pussy lips as far apart as I could. After taking another couple of swipes at her clit, I placed my face even closer to her pussy, wrapped my lips around her clit, and started sucking on it. "Oh shit!" she exclaimed. I felt her hands on the back of my head, pulling me in tighter, as I continued to suck on her clit. With my other hand, I placed two fingers at her pussy and slowly slid them in, pressing on the top wall. "Ohhh godddd!" she gasped. "Yeeessssssss!" I was a little surprised how tight she was with just my fingers inside her. I had to take my time, making sure they were both wet enough to get hem in. Once I had both fingers all the way in her pussy, I started sliding them in and out slowly. I began to build up a rhythm, sucking on her clit as I slid my fingers out, and releasing her clit as I slid my fingers back in. Her pussy was soon getting so wet that my fingers were making a sloshing noise. When her breathing started getting heavier, I began sliding my fingers in and out at a faster rate, and her gasping and moaning increased. She let go of my head, and when I looked up at her, she was squeezing her tits and pulling on her nipples, all while pushing her pussy up at my face. I released her clit and slid my fingers back just far enough to reach the backside of her pubic bone and started pressing on her top wall as my tongue flicked quickly at her clit. "Ohhhhyeahhhh!" she moaned. "Right there! Don't stopp!" I felt her pussy start to squeeze my fingers, and I slid them in just a little further. Suddenly, Catarina almost roared. "OooohhhhNnngggghhhhhshhiiittt!" "Ohhhmyyygodddd!" Her hips were bouncing off the loveseat, and when I looked back up her body, it looked like she had pulled her nipples six inches. Her hips jumped every time I flicked my tongue lightly at her clit, and she soon released her nipples, reached down, and pulled my head away from her wet pussy. "Oh my god!" she breathed. "That was amazing! I don't think that I've ever come that hard, or that fast!" "Well, I'm glad that I could do that for you," I told her. Catarina then sat up at the edge of the seat, took my face in her hands, and kissed me hard. "Mmmm," she said when she pulled away, "I taste pretty good!" "You taste DAMN good!" I corrected her. She smiled, almost blushing, and patted the seat next to her. "Sit down," she told me. I did as she instructed, and she turned to kiss me again. "Wow! I was kind of loud! I'd better check on the kids," she told me when our lips parted. "I'll be right back." "I'll be right here," I replied. I watched her as she stood, and then reached out to catch her when she swayed. "Oh my!" she gasped. "My legs don't want to work!" "Do you need some help?" I asked. "No, I'll be ok... I hope," she answered, a she started walking away. I laughed quietly as I watched her hold on to the wall going up the stairs. A couple of minutes later, I watched as she came back down. "Are they ok" I asked. "Yes. They're sleeping soundly," she said, walking back to me. "Well it's good they weren't awake," I told her. "Why is that?" "I think you would have had a hard time explaining why Gramma's boobs were hanging out her dress like that," I laughed. "Huh? Oh, shit!" she said, looking down at herself. "I can't believe I didn't notice that!" "I guess that means I did well," I said. "Well?" she replied. "My legs still feel like spaghetti!" Catarina walked up to me, straddled my legs again, and sat in my lap. She then leaned in and kissed me, spreading my shirt open and pressing her tits against my chest. I could feel her hard nipples pressing into my chest while we kissed, and she started grinding her hips against me. After a couple of minutes, she pulled her lips from mine and straightened up slightly. Looking me in the eyes, she slowly began to slide her body back, and then down, until she was kneeling on the floor between my legs. Still not taking her eyes from mine, she wordlessly opened my pants. As she started pulling my pants down, I stood, making it easier for her. First, she pulled just my pants down, and I stood there facing her in just my boxers. I watched as she lowered her eyes to my bulging drawers, and sighed audibly as she wrapped her fingers around my cock. "Oh yes," she whispered, squeezing my shaft gently. "You don't disappoint at all!" I then moaned as she leaned in, kissing my rod while her hands slid up to my waist band. She began to slowly tug my boxers down, and then she gasped when my thick, hard pole sprang free. "Oh, shit!" she said softly. "Nice and thick, and long! And you said you couldn't compete with a horse!" Letting my boxers fall to the floor, she then leaned back, wrapped her fingers around me again, and slowly stroked the length of my cock. After a couple of strokes up and down, she held my cock against my leg, leaned back in, and began kissing the length of my shaft, starting at the ring below the head, and slowly moving up to my body. Reaching the base of my cock, she then held it up against my stomach. She first kissed and licked my balls, and then began kissing and licking her way back to the head. When she reached the head, she flicked her tongue around the rim, and then slowly lowered the shaft. As I watched her, she looked back up at me and softly wrapped her full lips around the head of my cock.. Opening her eyes wide, she slowly slid her lips down the length of my rod, until her nose reached my pubic hair. "Oh, damn!" I moaned, reaching down to hold her head. Her full, soft lips felt like they formed a vacuum around my cock as she began to suck on it. Feeling me hands at the back of her head, she moaned, "MmmHmm!" and started to slowly bob her head up and down the length of my pole. I stood there for a couple of minutes, reveling in the sensations that she was giving me, until I finally had to lean back and sit down. "What's wrong?" she asked softly, as my cock slid from her mouth. "Wasn't that good for you? I haven't had a real cock in a long time, so I'm sorry if I'm out of practice." "Out of practice?" I laughed. "That was incredible! I couldn't stand any longer. You were making me weak in my knees!" "So, you want me to keep going?" she asked, reaching up and stroking me. "Oh, hell yes!" I told her, reaching for her head again. "Mmmmm!" she moaned as she plunged her face back down on my cock. "Oh yeah!" I gasped. Catarina continued to suck me off for the next few minutes, almost bringing me off deep in her mouth a couple of times, until I finally had to pull her head back. "Holy crap!" I gasped. "If you don't stop, I'm going to cum!" "Why would that be a bad thing?" she asked. "Because, my dear," I gasped as she slid her tongue along the underside of my shaft, "I am no longer 18 years old. I don't know if I can go more than once a night, and I don't want to finish like that our first time together!" "Hmmm" she moaned, wrapping her lips tightly around the head of my cock again. "Ohh damn!" I gasped. "Ok," I said, reaching down to pull her back a couple of seconds later. "You're just being naughty now! Come up here!" Giggling, Catarina sat back on her legs and slowly stroked my wet shaft. I reached down, took her hands and pulled her up until she stood in front of me again. I then reached down to the backs of her legs and slowly pulled her towards me. Straddling my legs once again, Catarina reached down and took my hard cock in her hands as I slid forward, until my ass was at the edge of the seat. I then slid my hands up to her hips and slowly started to pull her down. She placed her knees on the seat cushion at the sides of my hips and looked me in the eyes as she started sliding the head of my cock up and down her wet slit. Nestling it at the opening to her hot pussy, she whimpered softly. Her eyes opened wider as she lowered herself just enough to make sure te head was set inside her, and she exhaled sharply. She reached her hands out and held on to my shoulders as I kept my grip on her hips, and then she slowly bent her knees, sliding her hot, wet pussy down the length of my pole. "Ohh Kuuurrrt!" she breathed when her ass finally rested on my legs. I was buried deep inside her, and I could feel her pussy hugging tightly to my cock as we both remained motionless. Catarina then started moving her hips back and forth when I slid my hands around and began squeezing her ass. "Ohhhh godd yesss!" she moaned softly as she gripped my shoulders tightly and grinded herself against me. She started moving her hips faster and her breathing was soon getting heavier. "Ohhhhhhhh!" she moaned a few minutes later, as she released her grip on my shoulders and lay her head on my chest. My hands were still on her ass, and I pulled her forward hard, slamming her wet pussy onto my hard shaft. She yelped loudly when she felt the head of my cock press against her cervix, and then she moved her hips and moaned again. "Oh damn!" she moaned in my ear, pressing her tits against my chest. "I feel so full!" Catherine continued to move her hips, grinding against me, forward and back, side to side, as I held her asscheeks firmly. "Oh my god! This feels so good!" she moaned, pushing against me. I let her ride me for a little more, and then backed her off of me. We both stood, and I led her around to the arm of the love seat. Turning her around, I bent her over the arm and flipped up her dress. Stepping up behind her, I placed the head of my cock just inside her wet hole, and shoved my hips forward. "Ohh!" Catarina yelped loudly, as my hips slammed up against her ass. "Shh! You don't want your grandkids to wake up and see Grandma like this!" Catherine moaned and reached out for a pillow as I grabbed her asscheeks again and squeezed them. Burying her face in the pillow, I heard her moan louder as I started fucking her. I slid my thumbs over to the ass cleavage and pulled up and out on her cheeks as I started moving my hips a little faster. "Ohh yeah!" she moaned, pulling her face from the pillow. "Fuck me! That feels so good! Fuck me harder!" "Shhh!" I reminded her. "Don's shush me!" she growled at me. "Fuck me!" Laughing, I pulled harder on her asscheeks, and started slamming my hips against her. "Ohh shit!" she moaned. "Sooo goooood!" I fucked her tight, wet pussy, feeling it squeeze down on my shaft as she continued moaning and breathing hard. After a couple more minutes, Catarina reached her hands out and planted them on the seat. Raising her head and shoulders, she started pushing back at me. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" she moaned loudly. "Fuck me! I'm gonna cum! Fuck me hard!" I did as she asked, squeezing and pulling on her asscheeks, almost lifting her feet off the floor, as I slammed forward. Her pussy was getting so wet, I could feel her juices on my balls and see a frothy foam forming around the base of my pole. "Oh shit! Yes!" she exclaimed. "Right there! Yes!" A couple of seconds later, her arms collapsed and she fell forward again, and I could feel her pussy walls clamping down on my cock. "Ohhhyeahhh!" she growled. "Fuck me! I'm cumming! Yes! I'm cumming!" I slid my cock back, until just the head was still inside her, and then slammed it forward, burying it deep. "Ohhhyeahh!" she yelled, her body quivering. She lay bent over the arm, her body still shaking and her ass coated in a layer of perspiration, as I slowly slid my cock from her pussy. Catarina moaned at the empty feeling, and then gasped as I slid my cock along her asshole, coating it with her juices. Just as I placed my thumb at her tight, puckered back door, we heard a noise from upstairs. "Gramma!" "Shit!" she moaned quietly, jumping up from the arm of the loveseat. "I've got to see what's wrong!" "Tuck yourself in!" I reminded her as she tried to walk quickly to the stairs. Giggling, she adjusted her dress as she looked over her shoulder at me, and then went up, clutching tightly to the railing for support. I sat on the arm of the loveseat as I heard her quietly talking to her grand- daughter for a minute, and then all was silent. A couple of minutes later, she came back down, still leaning heavily on the railing. "She wanted to know why we were fighting," Catarina whispered as she walked up to me. "I told her that we weren't fighting, that we were just wrestling around." "She fell back asleep, but we have to be quiet," she continued, reaching out and stroking my still hard pole. As I leaned against the side of the loveseat, Catarina knelt down and looked up at me. Still stroking my shaft, she leaned in and kissed the head. With our eyes still locked on each other, I sighed while she slid her lips down the length of my rod. I reached down and took a handful of her long hair, holding it tight, as she continued cleaning her juices off of my cock. After a short while, she leaned back, licking her lips. "I taste pretty good on you!" she told me. Still holding her hair, I gently pulled her up. "You taste pretty good right from the tap," I replied, kissing her. "You taste pretty good on those lips, too!" I continued, turning her around. When the backs of her ass was up against the arm of the seat, I gently pushed her backwards until she went over the side. With her ass still on the arm, my hands on her hips, and her legs hooked over my elbows, I stepped forward and lined my cock back up with her pussy. Catarina yelped as I slammed my hips forward, shoving my hard shaft into her depths. I started fucking her faster, holding tight to her hips and keeping her legs in the air. Her tits fell back out of her dress and were bouncing around on her chest, almost hitting her in her face as I thrust back and forth. "OhhYEAHHH!" she moaned loudly, throwing her head back. "Shhh! You're going to wake up the kids again!" I teased her. "Don't'shhh' me!" she hissed at me. "Just fuck me harder!" I laughed, and did just that. I slid my hands to the backs of her legs and pushed them back and started slamming my hips forward. "I don't know what you're hitting, but it's going to make me cum again!" she moaned, her eyes open wide and her hands grabbing the seat cushion. "Oh damn!" I replied. "Your pussy's so tight like this, it's going to make me cum, too!" "Oh fuck! Yes! Cum with me!" she gasped. "Cum! Cum! Oh baby! I'm almost there! Cum with meeee!" she whimpered. "OhhhDAMN!" she wailed, as her hips started bouncing off of the arm. "I'm cumming!" I felt her pussy squeeze down on my shaft, as she came, her juices flowing freely around my cock and down her ass. "Oh shit!" I gasped suddenly. "Yesss!" I slammed my hips forward hard, burying my rod as deep as I could, as I felt my cum start to spew inside her. That seemed to set off another mini-orgasm for her, and her pussy walls started milking my shaft. "Oh, damn!" I moaned, my hips bucking against her. "Ohhyeahhh!" she moaned in agreement as I let her legs down and she wrapped them around my waist. We stayed locked together like that for a couple of minutes, until I felt her legs open and start to slide down my body. I looked down at her sweat-covered body, draped across the arm of her loveseat, her dress open and disheveled and her tits exposed as I slowly slid my shrinking cock out of her wet hole. She moaned as I stepped back, her legs still splayed open, and our combined juices starting to slowly drip out of her. "Holy crap!" I breathed, holding on to the arm as I tried to walk around to the front of the seat to sit. "Oh yeah!" she breathed back, reaching her arms out to me. As I sat down, giving my legs a much-deserved break, Catarina rolled over and laid her head in my lap. She reached out and ran a fingernail along my wet, deflated shaft, sliding it through the wetness. Without a word, she then slid off of the seat and knelt between my legs, wrapping her fingers around my cock. I moaned softly as she started licking our combined juices off of my rod, and then slid her lips down the soft length. "Mmm," she moaned when she released me from her mouth. "We do taste good together!" "Are you SURE you can't go again?" she asked, licking her lips. "There's only one way to find out," I told her.
It wasn't working. He wasn't satisfied. He tried everything, but all he could think about was getting more. The orgasms were intense, but not complete. Virtual sex just left him wanting. He needed to actually be with a woman. To feel her warmth. To share sweat and breath and friction. That was easier said than done when your one true love had passed and you hadn't been with anyone else in over 30 years. She had passed 3 years ago and Martin had finally been ready to try dating again. Then Covid hit. He had never been interested much in pornography. It was always so degrading and followed the same script. Pull out and spray cum on a woman's face. It was even more frustrating when the woman was actually doing a good job getting him aroused, only to switch back to the facial at the last minute. If a guy was about to blow while lying back getting a great massage, why not let it happen? Switching to standing over the woman at the last minute was like saying, "Oops, we almost forgot this was a porn film." The search function had gotten ridiculous as well. The big commercial sites seemed to just serve you up the same bunch of teaser clips no matter what you typed in. The lesser known sites just served up the same malware. Webcams had caught his interest, but he had peaked. There were some very beautiful women, but eventually that just made him want something physical in the worst way. When the vaccines first came out a lot of places started opening up again. He tried going out to social events and clubs. He just wasn't into women his age, however. He knew it was unfair, but a young, beautiful woman seemed so much more interesting. The only way that was going to happen is if he paid for it. That was something he had never done. He wasn't even sure where to start. Martin lived in a smaller city in the southern US. Prostitution was illegal. Underage trafficking was also a bad problem. He wasn't into nubiles, but he didn't want to give business to a company that forced anything upon a woman regardless of her age. He started by doing searches for escorts. That was frightening. Either he flew someone in from a big city like LA for an exorbitant price, or he was stuck again not finding something he was interested in. A funny ad caught his eye. Cock waxing. Seriously? He did a search and found that it was quite popular and often men were offered happy endings afterwards. But was it worth the pain? He was basically a wuss. Having a woman rip out his pubic hair wasn't exactly an arousing thought. He finally just did a search for "massage". Without even putting in "Happy Ending" he was bombarded with sites that supposedly did just that. It had to be a trap. Or a scam. The massage parlors had been constantly raided for decades now. This wasn't New York. If he tried anything he would most likely end up being led down the street naked with some large nun behind him ringing a bell and shouting, "shame....shame!" One of the locations wasn't far. The description included women with a lot of "dancing" experience. That sounded dubious. Upon opening the site he was presented with a number of women listing their prices and specifics. Not one listed anything out of the ordinary. One of the women seemed quite young and attractive, however. One of the options she listed was Swedish massage. He knew that was a legitimate technique that had nothing to do with the old porn connotations. It just meant that the masseuse used long flowing strokes to stimulate blood flow. Just her image was stimulating his blood flow. Was he really that desperate? Would he subject this poor young woman to his perverted body pretending to want a massage, only to get a raging erection in the process? He was likely to be arrested. He decided that was just not right. He wasn't that sick. He was just about to close the sight when he noticed the cursor light up over what looked like a page border. He clicked it. A pop-up window appeared that had a whole new set of options, at significantly higher prices. The window also listed a different address, a phone number, and a password. He could not believe his luck. \--------- When he arrived at Annette's he was shaking from his nervousness. He just knew that police would pop out as soon as he pulled money out of his wallet. If this was a legitimate encounter he would probably do something stupid to blow it. He remembered all the rules he read about setting up an escort. Meeting first, not discussing specifics, etc. Was this the same thing? The place looked like a small private residence. Upon knocking the door was answered immediately. By a large and terrifying looking man. He just looked at Martin, who gave the password. Inside the place looked much larger and was quite cozy. There were a few women floating around. Some he recognized from the ad. He didn't see any other men. One of the women approached and asked him to follow her. They entered the massage suite on the left and she sat down with a business planner. She went over pricing, but it was strange. It was per time, not act. He had always thought it got very specific. Maybe this place was different. Regardless, he had made sure he had plenty more to leave as a tip. He knew that happened. He had watched enough cop movies. Annette entered the room in a long satin robe. She was beautiful, but a bit older than she appeared in the ad. She looked to be in her late 30s. That was more than fine with him. She had long, wavy blonde hair and beautiful emerald green eyes. A flash of freckles ran across her nose. He knew that was going to drive him nuts with passion. She flashed him a beautiful smile. "No names. How would you like to refer to me?" He looked confused. "Miss? Honey? I don't do anything degrading." Something popped into his head. He was old enough to be her father but it started to get him excited to think of her that way. "Mom?" She didn't even bat an eye. "Would you like me to call you son?" "Yes please." "You didn't indicate domination in your profile, would you like me to simply be in charge?" "Yes." "You are shaking like a leaf. If you are nervous, you came to the right person. Let's get you relaxed. Step out of your clothes and hop up on the table." She walked over to the opposite side of the table and started preparing oils, candles and incense. He started shaking even more as he removed his shorts. He was already rock hard. "Pop onto your back. Don't bother with the towel. I see discretion is no longer an issue. Don't feel bad at all." He felt ridiculous lying there completely stiff and nothing had even happened yet. She turned towards the table and had a large tub of soapy water. "Let's get you to relax a bit." The water was warm and soothing. It did get him to stop shaking, but now he was even harder and precum was flowing out of him. She took him in her hands. And squeezed the base of his cock firmly. "I know you haven't been with a woman in some time. It is not unusual these days. I want you to hold off just a few more seconds. I want your cum to build up like it never has before. When you release, I want every drop to empty out of you. Nothing left, understand?" He was so hard it hurt. A beautiful, living breathing woman had just grasped his cock. Now she was talking about draining his balls completely dry. He nodded his head. Without letting go of the base, she took the rag from the soapy water and rubbed it around the tip of his cock. Then she moved up and down his shaft. The feeling was so intense he felt like he was going to force his way through her blockade with the other hand. She looked down at him with her emerald green eyes and asked, "you can't hold off any longer, can you?" He simply nodded. Instead of releasing her grip, she moved her hand up his shaft until she was at the tip. Then she loosened it and rubbed back down. He let go. The first wave seemed to contract his muscles and blow his mind for a very long time. Cum was pouring out of the end of his cock. Then he released the tension and a huge spurt shot straight up in the air, coming down with a splat in the middle of his chest. It covered his whole chest. Spurt after spurt came out of him. She looked pleased as a bucked and moaned. It made her freckles look even that much more arousing. As he slowed down she cupped his balls and made some unusual movements. It didn't hurt, but it wasn't pleasant. "This is to lessen any discomfort during the refractory period," she said. He knew what that phrase meant. It was the time before he could cum again. He looked at her curiously. "You paid for an hour. You've been here three and one-half minutes. Drink this. It will help too." \---------------- She was now dressed in a red blouse and jeans. She leaned over the table as if her back hurt. He had returned to his clothes. "I'm sorry Son. I don't know what to do. I hurt myself lifting that box. My back is having spasms." Martin played along. "Can I do anything, Mom? "I don't know, Sweetie. I don't think you've ever seen your Mom like this. Normally your Dad can just rub the cramps out of the muscles in my back, but he is out of town for three days." "Can I try?" "I don't know, Son. Your Dad is very strong." Nice. The competition bit. Calling him Sweetie as well as Son was also good. "I can do it Mom." She did a nice pretend spasm, then started to climb up on the table. "OK," she said. He reached over and grabbed her by the hips, helping her up. She lay on her stomach, but not completely. She still curled up a bit as if in pain. She was good at this roleplay stuff. Real good. "OK, Mom, what next?" She started to pull her blouse out of the back of her jeans, but then stopped as if it were painful. "Pull my shirt up, Honey. There you go. Keep going. Keep going." She stopped him at the strap of her bra. She had an incredible body. He had only seen her lower back, but was in awe. The jeans weren't skin tight, but her ass was incredible all the same. He lay his palm on her back. She flinched. "Oh Sweetie don't do that. Only touch me when I tell you, OK?" "OK." "It is OK. You didn't know, now you do. Son, I need to be able to lie flat on my stomach. That means I need to get out of these pants. You have seen other girls in college I presume? You can handle seeing your old Mom in her underwear, can't you?" Annette was now his favorite person in the whole world. She was really good at this. "Of course, Mom. I just want to help you." "Thank you. If it becomes a problem, just let me know and we can stop." Like that would happen. "Let me just unhook them. Go slowly please. I don't want to start having really bad spasms again." He reached out and started sliding down her pants. It was as if her body had been sculpted by a master artist. He held her purple panties with one hand so they didn't come down with the jeans. He got the pants well below them and stopped. Her thighs and ass were starting to get him aroused again. It had been only 10 minutes. "All the way, Honey. The back muscles have to be eased out slowly. That means starting on my legs." He pulled them off and placed them on a chair. "Start just above my heel, Son. You can see how the muscles of my calves and thighs are all tense. You need to relax them completely before we can work on my back." He was touching a real, live woman. A beautiful one with fantastic legs. As he worked his way up each side he caught each twitch and jerk of her ass when her leg muscles moved. Her skin was silky smooth. Oh heavens it felt good just to have his hands on her! His massage strokes were starting to get near her ass. As he rubbed the inside of her thighs he could see more and more of her purple panties. He was getting hard. He brushed against the panties covering her vagina. She closed her legs. "OK that should be it for my legs," she interrupted. "My back is ready, but I have to ask you to really be mature now, Son." "How so, Mom?" "Don't be grossed out, Sweetie, but you have to rub my butt. The spasms are just above it. Start on my butt and gently work your way up my back. Gently. Gently." "OK, Mom. Don't worry. I will do anything that helps." "Thank you, Sweetheart." It was difficult not to just grab her ass and start kneading away. He lightly touched her and felt like he was oozing precum again. He worked his way slowly up and very lightly worked his fingers into her back. "Stop. Wait." She sounded as if she was crying. "Mom?" "Son. I have to ask you to do something you have never done. I am so sorry." "Mom, you know you can ask me anything." "I know, but, well...there is too much friction. I need you to use oil. There is a bottle of it on the shelf over there." "But that will-" "Ruin my underwear. I know. I need you to be mature enough to do this while I don't have them on. And I need you to swear that you never tell your father this happened. He won't understand." "Of course, Mom. I promise." "Grab the oil. Pick up a few towels next to it." He was rock hard now. He grabbed the decanter and the towels. He turned around and she had nothing left on but her bra. His jaw dropped. He had wanted to be with a woman, but he was with this beauty named Annette who had the most amazing body he had ever seen. As she lay stretched out before him on her stomach, her ass was begging him to touch it. He was actually going to. This was a dream come true. She guided him as to how to warm the oil in his hands, how to touch her lightly and work to a deep rub, and how to get the supposed spasms to stop. The whole time he was dying to have her simply grab him and start stroking again. He wasn't going to last long this time either. He tried not to look too often between her legs. Her ass was so tight he couldn't get a great view, but what he did see drove him wild. She gave a coo and thanked him. "I think you have done it, Son. You are even better than your father." She rolled up on her side, keeping one leg down to cover her pussy. "My God, you are covered in oil. Best just throw those clothes away. Out of them. Chip chop." "Mom!" "Oh, it is OK to see your Mom naked, but I can't see you?" "But I've only seen-" He stopped. She was now rolling completely onto her side. She had a small patch of neatly trimmed pubic hair. "Only seen what?" She smiled coyly as she reached back to unhook her bra. Then she stopped. "But if you don't want to continue." He dropped his pants and shorts to the floor. His cock was harder than he ever felt it and was painful again. He reached up for his shirt. She held out a hand to stop him. "Let's save the tops for the next session. I'll give you this." She lowered the strap on her left shoulder. Her tits were smaller, but her nipples seemed to be pressing the bra away from her skin. She rubbed the nipple. "Oh I know how badly you want to see this. It wants to see you too, but let's not do everything the first time." That was the most arousing thing anyone had ever said to him. It meant that even if he shot so much cum out of himself that his balls would have to work for a week to refill, she would be there when they did. "I want to reward you. You fixed my back. I want to give you an idea of how good your Mom can make you feel, but only with the outside, OK? I can't let you go inside me." She slid off of the table and grabbed hold of his cock. Leaning back she pulled him in tightly and placed his cock so that the shaft was between her lips. Then she looked him in the eyes. "Fuck me, son. Rub your cock in my lips until you can't hold it anymore. Spray your cum all over my belly, but stay in my lips. It will make me cum too." That was all she needed to say. He looked down at the swath of freckles between her eyes and drifted off into a beautiful place. She was moving with him as he slid his cock up and down against her pussy lips. He didn't stop as he climaxed. She arched against him. A warm, wet lake started to build between them. She continued to press tight and licked his ear. She whispered, "You have a beautiful cock and are filled with so much cum. I think we are going to need at least a few more sessions. Each one will need to get more intense." "Do you..." "Only for my best clients." He started to cum again. He had never done that. She seemed surprised but kept pressing against him. The lake was now spilling out onto the floor. He was lost in the most amazing ecstasy and there was more to come. This was going to be a fantastic experience. This was going to make him feel alive again. End of Day 1 My alarm shatters my ears as 8:00 brings the morning. I slowly lift my right hand to slam down on the alarm clock. It shuts off, and silence echoes through the room. I roll onto my back, and I blink my eyes, attempting to wake up. I only have a couple more months left of school, until I graduate, so I finally have something worth getting up to in the mornings. I grab the big comforter, and I throw it off of me to my right. I sit up, and look around the room once more before deciding to get up. I've been 18 for a couple months now, and I'm a senior in high school, so I take advantage of my age. I throw my white shoulder shirt on over my white bra, and I stand infront of the mirror to ensure I look good in it. I flick the lighswitch, and I look back to the mirror. I spot my pink panties peeking out from under my shirt. I turn to my bed and I grab the black skirt. I step into it, and I pull it up to my waist. I admire the skirt before thanking that the skirt has a crotch protector, to cover my panties. I enjoy myself. I'm happy with my body. I've got a slim figure, I'm petite, and I'm about five foot four. My long, thick brunette hair is something of mine that I appreciate, and my brown eyes are another thing that I love. Despite my figure, I've got sizeable breasts, and I've got what I think is a perfect ass. I look down at the floor to pick up my black thong sandals, and I sit on my bed to slip them on. I choose my normal bus seat, on the left side of the bus, and I immediately grab my phone from my white backpack. I enjoy sitting in the front of the bus, because the crazy kids sit in the back. I'm not popular, but I'm not unknown either. I've got many good friends, and I enjoy those friends. I swing my left leg over my right knee, and I continue texting as the other kids get on the bus. Someone sits in the seat beside me, and I pay no attention. The excitement of today being a Friday is causing me to text like a mad-man. Once we are on the highway, I look up from my phone to examine the highway, and I notice the kids' head is turned towards me. I look from the corner of my eye, to trail his eyes. My foot? That can't be right. I turn my head to look at him, and with haste, he yanks his head away from me. I look back to phone, and I notice his head starting to turn back towards me. I continue texting, but I start swaying my foot back and forth. This goes on for about ten minutes, until our bus pulls into the school. I put my phone into my bag, and I throw it over my shoulder. I walk down off the bus, and across the concrete into the big school. This is the first time I've worn sandals this school year. I'm sitting in my desk, in seventh hour, my last hour of the day. It's dead silent, because we are taking a history test. Because of my skirt, I have my legs together, and out of the blue, I feel a tingle down there. It surprises me, and I readjust my legs. My thighs squeeze tight on my pussy, and now my hips feel like they need to rock. I manage my test, and after sitting there with my legs together and my pussy throbbing, the bell finally rings. I don't say anything on the bus ride home. I'm so horny! I don't think I've ever been this horny. I walk into my two story house, and I realize my parents aren't home. I immediately drop my backpack, and I check the clock. 4:21, it reads. I run up the stairs into my room, and I grab a soft pair of pajama pants. I walk across the hall into the bathroom, and I start the water. I pull my shirt off, and I undo my bra. The bra falls to the floor, and I reach down to undo the sandals. I kick them off under the toilet, and I grab my skirt. I yank them down off my legs, and I grab my pink panties, and I pull them off of me. I've never been so horny. I've only had a couple orgasms, and that was from lightly rubbing myself when I was younger. I haven't masturbated in, what must be, years. I guess the thigh squeeze was just enough to turn me on. I turn the shower on, and and step in. I proceed to take a sensual shower, really turning myself on. I rub my thighs, and I squeeze my nipples. My pussy feels so hot, and my hips instinctively want to buck. The white soap slides slowly down my wet body. I let the hot water drench my body, until the soap is all washed away from my body. The water spraying out of the shower head hot, and it's coating me in a hot blanket. I turn the shower off, and I step out of the shower. I dry myself off, and I give my pussy a small little rub with the towel. The feeling caused my knees to jerk. I throw the soft pants on, and I quickly blow dry my hair. I walk out into the dark hallway in nothing but a soft pair of pajama pants. My erect nipples standing proudly as my fine breasts bounce with each step. I walk into my room, and I shut the door behind me. I stare at my room, bed still messed up from this morning. My table lamp puts off a perfect amount of light. I walk over to my bed, and I crawl onto it. My bed faces the door. It's like that so I can see anyone coming in. I face the door, my knees digging deep into bed. I grab my white body pillow, and I swing my leg up, and I rustle the pillow into a such a position that it fits perfectly between my legs. I lower myself, and the moment my eager pussy feels the softness of the pants, my eyes roll back, and my mouth opens slightly. I've wanted to try this position for a while. I thrust my hips into the pillow. I contain my moans until my clit becomes too sensitive, to the point where it almost hurts. I thrust my pussy onto the pillow, and I start to twitch, and I have to stop. I push the pillow off the bed, and I fall onto the bed with a gasp. I roll over onto my back, and I run my fingers through my brown hair. I grasp my pussy through the soft pink and purple pants, and my hips rise high into the air, where the only thing sticking up is my mound. I'm so turned on, my body is quivering in anticipation. I let go of my pussy, and my hips drop hard onto the bed. I rip the pants off, and I spread my legs wide. I grab my lamp and I turn it off, leaving me in pitch black, thanks to my window curtains. I take a deep breathe, and I reach my right hand out to set on top of my pussy, while my left hand travels across my body. I grasp my left boob with a light squeeze. I reach down and pull the soft pants off my waist, then down my legs, and I toss them down on the floor. I lay naked in my bed, I feel my satin sheets sliding against my back. I roll over onto my stomach, and I prop myself up with my forearms, still leaving my pelvis on the mattress. I slide slowly up and down, allowing my silky, slippery sheets to caress my clit. I press my mound hard into the bed, and I grind into it. It feels amazing. I grind back and forth, my clit digs deep into the bed, and I start moaning with light gasps. I have to quit when my clit gets too sensitive. I roll back over onto my back, and I start thinking about how I'm going rub it. I don't want to use my fingers, so I place the lower part of my palm of my right hand just above my clit, and I put the palm of my left hand down on my right hand, and I push down. I feel my clit, and the whole outer area of my pussy scrunch up. I stretch my arms as far as they will go, then I use my right palm to pull my pussy back up, then I push my hands down again. My mouth opens wide, and I start pushing hard, and I start twitching uncontrollably, but I keep pushing my pussy with my palm. I gasp, and my body rocks. I have to let go, the pleasure is insane. I bring my hands up to my sides, and I frantically sit up, and lean against my head board. I struggle to catch my breath, and I realize I'm about to have an orgasm. First one in years. I spread my legs wide, and my hips come a couple inches off the bed. My orgasm hits me like a train. I gasp, but only get little air. My body trembles, and I feel the muscles in my red hot pussy contracting, and even my clit is moving with each contraction. I'm not even touching, but its still happening. I stare at the top of my pussy, watching it move with each contraction. My eyes are wide, and so are my legs. I feel the muscles in my legs starting to cramp, and just as I think I'm about to pass out, my hips drop, and I can breathe again. After catching my breath, I stand up and see myself in the mirror, and my hair is all messed up, my chest is red, my nipples could cut through class, and also see a little string of something leaking from my pussy. I wipe it with my fingers, and reluctantly, I taste it. It doesn't really have a taste, but I kind of like it. I lick my fingers clean, and I start getting my pajamas on. I think this is gonna become a new thing. —Guys! This is my first crack at a female only story, and I know there's room for improvement. I'll more than likely come out with another one like this, but I have absolutely no clue when that'll be. So watch for it. Hope you liked this one!—
My wife Alison sat astride of me, her long brown hair lay gently across her bare shoulders. We were just relaxing after an afternoon of sex, sex that was always very good with such a beautiful woman. I had been Ali's only partner; she enjoyed sex very much, sometimes too much if there could ever be such a statement! We had discussed fantasies between ourselves but to be frank, I never thought we would ever carry them out, although secretly I did. 'Have you ever wanted to be naked in front of other couples Ali?' I said. She looked at me with that sly, sexy smile. 'You know I have!' she responded 'But I don't know if I would ever do it'. The remainder of the afternoon was spent lazing around the house, Ali was just wearing an old tee shirt of mine and nothing else, and the occasional glimpse of her pussy was keeping me interested all day. Ali came up to me and asked me 'where we could go later that evening?' I responded jokingly, 'We could always go for a sauna, whirlpool and steam bath if you want?' I waited a second or so then said 'Of course you're not allowed to wear clothes there you know'. She bit her lip and asked me 'where about I was thinking of going?' 'London, there's a place in London we could go. We could be there in an hour or so maybe stay over the night'. She suddenly pulled off her tee shirt and stood there completely naked, her firm young breast standing up pert, the afternoon sun glowing across her pussy. 'You want other people to see me like this eh? Come on then let's go, but I need few drinks first!' An hour or so later we were sat in pub in north London looking out on the road beyond. 'That's the club over there, you still sure you want to go?' 'Well I gave the guy opposite me on the train a couple of flashes of my pussy on the way down' I looked puzzled, 'what d'ya mean!' She was sat slightly to one side of me an slowly opened her legs, she wasn't wearing any underwear and her trimmed pussy was there for all to see if she wanted to, I just stiffened in my pants there and then. A bottle of wine later we entered the club, it was nice, clean and well laid out. Several couples of all ages were walking round in towels, half naked or naked. We just felt at ease straight away. We both changed and entered the lounge area wearing our towels. We walked around the club, familiarizing ourselves with the surroundings. Two whirlpools, a small swimming pool, saunas and steam bath, even'relaxation' rooms upstairs. We approached the large whirlpool which could seat at least 20 people, several couples, mainly between the ages of 25 - 40 years sat there, talking amongst themselves. 'You ready Ali?' I said, she just nodded and smiled. I watched as she took off her towel and entered the pool naked for the first time in front of others. A couple of people looked as she entered, particularly one couple in there early thirties. The water was warm as we sat there, Ali's breast occasionally rising to the surface. After a few minutes the pool emptied and we were alone. I put my arm around her and played slowly with her pussy, god she was wet. 'What you been thinking of?' I asked. She smiled sexily, 'Oh nothing really, just that this is so nice and I feel so horny, we'll have to investigate the rooms upstairs later.' Another couple entered the pool, I would guess around mid thirties. She was tanned, with largish breast, which displayed her erect nipples, he was quite well built, tanned and displayed a semi erect penis. They sat down next to us in the pool on Ali's side. Ali leaned towards me and asked 'if I seen his dick?' I just nodded and smiled. She rested her head on my shoulder with her ass side towards our new neighbours. A couple of minutes later Ali whispered in my ear'someone's playing with my ass' 'what d'ya mean' I said, 'playing?' Ali replied,'stroking it'. I was erect, the thought of someone playing with my wife albeit only stroking her naked ass. 'Do you want to leave I said to her' She waited a second or so then replied that she 'was comfortable and found it was turning her on'. I felt relieved, we often spoke about being with another couple and this was our chance. 'Do you want them to play with you tits and pussy' I said quietly so our neighbours wouldn't hear. 'Can they?' she whispered. Ali moved around slightly, her back against the side of the pool, now we could get a better view of who was playing with her. I was surprised when I saw it wasn't the man, it was his partner, the girl with the gorgeous figure. I could she her hand under the water, it was obvious she was playing with Ali's pussy and the look on Ali's face confirmed what I was thinking. Ali lay there, her pussy being played with like a woman knows only knows. I placed my hand over Ali's pussy, I could feel the other girls hand there, playing with her clit, Ali was trying not to move too much as not to draw attention to herself from others who had since entered the pool. Suddenly I felt a hand on my dick, slowly stroking it, was it Ali? Was it the other girl? I didn't know. I looked over and the girl just smiled. I moved my hand across Ali's body and wormed my way towards the other girl's pussy. There was another hand there, gently stroking her clit, it wasn't his, it was Ali's, I nearly came there and then. I knew Ali had talked briefly about other girls but I didn't think she'll do it. Ali was in ecstasy! No words were ever exchanged between the two couples, our mutual fondling continued for several minutes until the pool became full again. We just simply smiled, let go of our various hand positions and left the pool. We spent the next hour or so wondering around naked from pool to sauna to steam bath. We finished our bottle of wine we'd purchased prior to coming to the club and relaxed a while. Laying there on the relaxation beds, Ali suddenly asked if 'do I want to go upstairs to one of the rooms to relieve the pressure which was filling up between us. As we climbed the stairs to the rooms, we could hear muffled voices, we reached the area of the rooms only to find two other couples waiting there for a vacant room. One of the couples were older, maybe late fifties the other couple were the young couple I saw when Ali first entered the pool. We all greeted each other with small smiles and sat on the stairs waiting for a room. One room emptied and the older couple entered. The younger couple and we were left waiting for a spare room. Our patience began to wane as time passed, the other couple present that we now knew as Martin and Lesley obviously knew this. Lesley stood there holding a bottle of massage oil; she smiled at both Ali and me and said that if room 1 comes free first then you may as well share it with us, as there is plenty of room for 4! I looked across at Ali who just gave me a smile; I knew she would like it. We exchanged small talk between us all for a few minutes when suddenly room ones door opened and a rather sweaty older couple emerged. All 4 of us entered the room; there was a large mattress to the side of the room. Martin positioned Lesley to one side of the mattress; he slowly removed her towel and asked her to lie on her back. Both Ali and myself moved to the other side of the mattress where I took Ali's towel off her. Both Ali and Lesley lay on the mattress naked side by side. Martin passed me the massage oil and I proceeded to massage Ali's back and ass while Martin did the same to Lesley. I noticed that Martin began to get hard, it he was slightly large than me, about 8 inches. As I moved across Ali's back towards her ass, she lifted herself up slightly so that I could gently stroke her pussy. Ali and Lesley's bodies got closer and closer, their forearms resting against each other. Martin would often massage Lesley's arms and touch Ali's arms at the same time. Lesley began to glide her hand across the side of Ali's body, it was clear Ali was enjoying her communal massage. Martin instructed Lesley to lie on her side facing Ali while he massaged her side. Ali moved to the same position without being asked. Both girls were now facing each other. Lesley moved her hand to Ali's breast and began to fondle it gently, Ali responded by taking Lesley's breast in her hand. Both Martin and myself ceased our massaging and watched the girls play with each other, Lesley's hand now on Ali's pussy. Martin suggested we carry on with the massage, but this time we swap partners. I gave Ali a quick reassuring look she looked nervous but smiled and gave a small nod in agreement. Martin moved over to Ali, his erect dick just inched away from Ali's face as he massaged her. His hands gently smoothed oil into her back. Both Lesley and myself decided to watch rather than massage each other, we sat very close to each other on the bed, Lesley draped across me as I could feel the softness of her breast gently pressed against my side. Martin moved down towards Ali's ass and slowly rub her cheeks, occasionally rubbing deep into her cheeks and obviously just catching her pussy. Martin continued to massage Ali's legs until Ali said she would like to return the favour. She pushed Martin onto his back, his erect cock displayed to all. Ali spread her legs either side of Martin and rested her pussy just below his groin. She massaged his chest with firm strokes slowly moving down towards his stomach. Easing her ass down his legs a little further her hands moved down his stomach, occasionally she just caught Martins cock with her forearm, on purpose, I presumed. Suddenly I felt Lesley's hand on my cock, gently wanking it, she was obviously turned on by what she was seeing. I retuned the favour by taking her tit in my hand, gently squeezing and tugging at her nipple. Ali saw what was happening between me and Lesley decided she was going to lift to sexual tension that little bit further. Ali moved her hand down to Martins fully erect dick and wrapped her lips around it slowly at first then moving her head up and down with more rhythm. She continued to suck his cock for a couple of minutes then moved up to resume her massaging but this time she placed herself so her pussy rested on top of Martins dick, I could see her slowly moving her by now, wet pussy against his dick. She suddenly let out a small gasp, I realised that Martins dick was now inside her and he was pumping my wife, I couldn't take anymore, I needed a pussy for myself. Lesley obviously felt the same; she moved me on to my back and pressed her pussy against my face. My tongue explored her pussy, as I licked harder and harder I could feel her tense up as her orgasm swelled up inside her. Just as Lesley was about to come I moved round and placed my hard dick into her pussy, it was warm and wet, she let out an intense gasp and her body tensed as she came. I looked over towards my wife; she was grinding her hips hard on to Martins cock. Lesley was wanking me and moved her hand over towards Ali's tits and started to massage them, Ali suddenly stopped fucking Martin and moved her mouth down to his dick and started to give him head. Ali looked towards me with a satisfied and naughty smile on her face. She reached out and started to wank me them placed her mouth over my cock. Martin still wanted head and tried to get his dick into Ali's mouth as well. I was surprised at how erotic it felt to have another cock touch mine, the first time I had ever felt another dick touch me. Ali proceeded to give us both head aching for both of us to come. Ali's pussy was getting attention from Lesley's tongue now, Ali was moaning louder as she neared orgasm. Suddenly I felt a mouth around my dick, it was Ali, it was Martin, I was shocked, but at the same time so turned on, it was a combination of eroticism and freight at the same time, but I was enjoying it. Ali looked at Martin and smiled at me, she urged me to take his cock in my hand. I reached down and started to wank him, slow at first then harder and harder, I could feel him come. What I did next surprised me so much, as I felt Martin coming, I moved my head down to his cock and took it my mouth, I pulled Ali's head down with me, I wanted him to come over both of us, first me, then Ali, we took it turns to wank him and give him head, I could feel him coming, first a drop of pre-cum then suddenly his hot spunk hit my face then Ali's, we both carried on wanking him, he shot his spunk over us both. I wrapped my lips around his cock and sucked him dry, I had his come in my mouth and turned to Ali and kissed her placing Martins cum in her mouth, she swallowed it and smiled. Lesley now was sucking my cock and urging me to come, I had both Lesley and Martin sucking my cock and Ali's pussy in my mouth, Ali was fingering herself as licked hard, I could feel her coming, Ali let out a low moan as she came, I could taste her as she frigged her clit harder and harder until she burst into orgasm. Lesley wanted one last fuck before the night was over. She lay on her back and pulled Martin off my dick, I entered her warm pussy again, pumping slowly at first the faster and faster, I could feel myself coming, I pulled out and wanked myself until I came over her tits and belly. Ali started to lick my dick clean then moved over to Lesley's belly and breasts and slowly licked my cum off her body. This was a fantastic night, so many new experiences, one we would never forget and one, which we were going to repeat again. I see you standing there, adjusting the water in the shower.My eyes travel down your naked body, stopping at your ass. I lick my lips.You step into the shower, the water running over your body. Droplets stick to your breasts. I walk further into the room and start to take my clothes off, slipping my shirt over my head and tossing it with yours on the floor, then reaching down and unzipping my jeans. I step out of them, then my boxers. I walk over to the shower and stand there admiring your form through the sheer curtain. I love to watch the way you run your hands over your stomach as you wash yourself. I lick my lips again then slowly pull back the shower curtain and step inside, moving up behind you and reaching out to cup your breasts in my hands. I startle you; you jump and turn around to face me. "Shhh, turn around and place your hands on the wall." I say, my hands going to your waist to and helping you turn. You do as I say and bend over slightly, parting your Legs. It makes your ass spread and your cunt totally visable. You look over your shoulder at me and giggle. You feel my hands on your ass, rubbing it, squeezing it, massaging it with my fingers. I part you more with my hands and look down at your little pink asshole. I slide one hand to the crack of your ass and trace my fingers lightly over your hole, watching you moan slightly and push back against me. "More" You whisper. I press my thumb against your asshole, pressing lightly and rubbing it in small circles. "That's it, please baby" You beg. I lean forward and whisper in your ear "Beg harder." "Please baby fuck my ass, shove your thumb up my ass please " I press a bit harder on your asshole, the tip of my thumb sliding in. I push the rest of my thumb into your asshole and move it in and out, slowly fucking you with it. Your moans become louder, as the water runs down your back and over your ass. I lean forward and kiss the side of your neck, biting into it gently. I fuck your ass with my thumb, speeding up now, fucking it faster. You are going to take my cock up there." I feel your body tremble slightly at these words, your asshole tightens around my thumb. I pull my thumb out of your ass and drop down behind you, my knees hitting the hard wet floor of the shower. I reach up and part your ass cheeks. "Bend over more" I tell you. You bend over, pushing your ass out and arching your back. I lean forward, pressing my face into your crack, my tongue sticking out and touching your asshole. "Godddddddd" you moan and start to wiggle. I bring my hand up and slap it down hard on your ass, leaving a bright pink handprint. "Owww that hurt" you say, but you turn your head and grin down at me. I slowly slide my tongue up and down against your asshole. "That feels so good baby." You moan and grind back against my face. I press my tongue against your asshole, sliding it in slowly then moving my head back and forth. I fuck your ass with my tongue, while my fingers travel to your cunt. I slide two fingers into your pussy as my tongue slides in and out of your ass. My fingers start pumping in and out your cunt hard and fast, your pussy juices coating my fingers. My tongue goes back to circling your asshole. "I'm close" you say as my fingers continue to slam into your wet cunt over and over. I feel the slickness of your arousal, the scent of your cunt filling my nose. I take a deep breath, loving the way you smell when you are aroused. Your body shudders and your juices pour over my hand as you cum hard. Your whole body shakes. Your ass grips my tongue as you cream on my hand. "Oh God yessssssssssssss" you scream. I slide my tongue from your ass and my fingers from your cunt and stand up behind you. I reach up around you and grab your breasts, my fingers going to your nipples. I take both nipples between my fingers. I twist them and tug on them, making you moan. "I'm going to fuck that sweet ass of yours now." You tremble, moaning softly. I let go of your left breast and reach down, grabbing my cock and placing it against your asshole. "Ready?" I ask. You nod your head as I thrust my hips forward, sliding the head slowly into your asshole. "God yes, it feels so good!" I continue to press forward until I slide all of my cock into your hot hole. I stop, letting you relax around my cock for a moment, feeling the tight warmth of your ass. I start to slowly move my hips back and forth, my cock sliding out of your ass almost all the way to the head. I slam it back in, making you scream out. I start to fuck you hard, pounding into your ass with all my might. Raising my hand high, I bring it down on your asscheek, leaving another pink handprint. You whimper. "Bad, bad girl." I raise my hand again, bringing it down in the same spot. My cock slides in and out your asshole hard and fast; strecthing it, making it hurt. Suddenly your body goes rigid and shudders against me as you orgasm again, the muscles of your asshole clenching tightly around my cock. "Ohhhh yes baby." I pound your ass even harder, feeling my own orgasm building. I feel myself tense up and I have to let go. I cum hard in your ass, filling you with my thick cum. I pull slowly out your ass. I bend down to look as it slowly closes, some of my cum dripping out. I reach up, grab a sponge and begin to clean you. I met Abbey last week when my wife hosted a boutique sale in our house. Abbey was the merchant who essentially brought her store to our home. There were probably 20 or more of my wife's friends in attendance. But even with the variety of attractive women in my home, it was Abbey who has captivated me and led to several fabulous masturbation sessions. As I write this I feel as though I can smell her radiance. Abbey is a lovely, petite Jewish girl with strong Mediterranean features. My guess is that she is in her early thirties. Most striking to me were her facial features. Lustrous dark brown hair. Big brown eyes with petite trendy glasses and a magnificent smile showing perfect white teeth. I walked into the front of the house as they were setting up and was introduced to Abbey. It was very informal since she was hurriedly setting up for the sale. Later however, we met in the kitchen as she was coming for a drink and I was going for an update on how things were moving along. This was our only one-on-one conversation that evening. Abbey was appreciative of us opening our home to her and our friends/customers and commented on how pretty our home was. I immediately tried to direct my questions toward what she was all about. We were only about two feet apart, but I struggled to catch her scent while maintaining constant eye contact. I'm sure my imagination is wild, but I do not think mine was the only attraction. I immediately felt as though I could talk to Abbey for hours and I had an incredible urge to hold her. My fantasy of Abbey is one of pure romance. I find myself meeting up with her accidentally in a public place and engaging in conversation. I drop the hint, rather directly, of my attraction to her hoping she not only feels the same, but will keep it between only us. Later Abbey contacts me and declares a desire to see me as well. I cannot even imagine how wonderful that first kiss would be, as I hold her beautiful face in my hands, stare into those deep brown eyes and lower my lips to her mouth. I want to taste every part of her and feel her warm breath meeting mine as our tongues join in an erotic tangle of lust. Abbey's head falls back and I cup her head with my hands while entwining my fingers in her lustrous long hair. From her mouth, my lips trace her jaw and find her ears and the nape of her neck. Her scent is delicious. I lick and kiss her neck as I slide her blouse from her shoulders. Eventually all of the buttons are open, the blouse falls away and Abbey stands in front of me in only a simple cream-colored satin bra. I continue my endeavor to taste every part of her. My objective is simply to please this fabulous, beautiful woman and have her enjoy the carnal release of sexual desire. As I continue down her chest, my mouth comes to rest between her breasts as I soak up her scent and the hollow sound of her deep breathing. Slowly, I undo the front clasp of her bra, and she allows the straps to slide down her arms. Abbey's breasts are revealed to me for the first time and I enthusiastically cater to them. Her nipples are dark pink, but not as brown or large as I had imagined. The buds have grown under my attention and I gently suck on one while tenderly massaging the other. Abbey seems to thoroughly enjoy the attention paid to her breasts, but as I wander below she subtly presses my head down. Seemingly inviting me to explore her flat stomach and the heaven waiting below. Before dropping to my knees I silently lift my shirt over my head and take off my pants. I now stand before my desire, naked and obviously aroused. Abbey reaches for my swollen penis. Her touch sends shivers down my spine and I quake at the sensation. Her lust turns to surprise when she realizes that my crotch is shaven and is as smooth and hairless as a child. The eroticism overwhelms her and the desire is evident on her face. I tell Abbey that my turn will come later. For now, this is about her. I drop to my knees and open her pants. Her hips hold them up but I slide them over and down her legs revealing the matching cream panties, already damp and smelling of a woman in heat. The perfect shape of her body overcomes me. The flowing hips and athletic thighs. Her strong calves; perfect feet. Until now I have not laid my eyes upon her lovely toes. Perfectly pedicured and freshly painted. As I kiss and lick her hips and pelvis, my hands gently massage her round ass and knead the firm cheeks of her butt, pulling her toward my waiting mouth. My kisses surround her heavenly pussy, which, to my surprise, is very neatly trimmed and inviting. I can see her brown lips sticking out and the hood just below her hairline hides the sensitive bud that I will soon caress. My kisses now cover her thighs. As I move from leg to leg my warm breath is blown onto her burning pussy, now glistening with moisture. The time is not yet here for that delight. I motion for Abbey to lie on the bed. I straddle her and again begin the trek down her gorgeous body being careful not to over stimulate her swollen nipples or moist pussy. As I progress down Abbey's legs, I take first one and then the other. Slowly massaging the thighs and calves before getting to my personal torment, her beautiful feet. Holding a leg up off the bed, I raise her foot to my mouth. My assault begins at the heel as I drive my thumbs in a deep massage and continue through her arch and the balls of her feet. Abbey moans with delight. Slowly now I run my tongue under her foot. Gently nibbling her heel. The scent is hypnotic. Clean and fresh. My tongue runs along and between each of her toes. Slowly I place each one in my mouth. Abbey shivers with delight at this new sensation. As I finish making love to her beautiful feet I lean back on my own feet and allow my hard on to jump from my lap. In one last motion I wrap her feet around my prick and melt at the erotic image of her toes holding the head of my swollen cock. I get lost for a minute but catch myself and again apply all my energy to satisfying this beauty. Abbey spreads her legs and begs me to enter her. That will come in good time. For now I am going to take her to the heights of orgasm with my mouth, tongue and fingers. I lower my mouth to her wetness and she shudders in anticipation. My tongue works her slit from bottom to top, taking in the fluids of her desire. Like a small penis my tongue penetrates her tunnel in and out, my hot breath driving her wild. As I move up, her swollen clit is begging for attention. I gently lick the bud and then take it between my lips in a sucking motion. This drives Abbey wild. She arches her back and tries to escape the sensation that is taking her over the edge. However her bucking has allowed me to get my hands under her ass and I have a firm grip on her butt, pulling her into my waiting tongue. Abbey's breathing is uncontrollable now and she begins to moan as a long, strong rush of orgasmic pleasure takes over her body. The moistness of her pussy is now a creamy flow and I increase the pace of my licking to keep up with her. I remove my tongue from the bud of her clit and again run up and down her lips. Cum is dripping down between her cheeks. With that I tell Abbey to grab her legs and pull her knees to her chest. My eager tongue cleans up the fluids of her orgasm. As I lick down my tongue brushes the pucker of her anus. A new, unknown sensation takes over. I sense her pensive curiosity and continue to lick the tight hole. The feeling is unlike any Abbey has ever felt. Forbidden yet so delightful. I stop and roll Abbey to her stomach and gently pull her to her knees. As my hand reaches between her legs and rubs her clit Abbey begs for more. I stick a finger in her pussy and begin moving in and out. My thumb inches up and rubs the pucker of her anus driving her into a frenzy. Slowly my thumb finds its way into her hole as I bend over to lick it as well. Abbey has all she can take and begins to tremble as another torrid of lust comes over her. In an uncontrollable frenzy Abbey begs me to make love to her. At this point, I too, am beyond resisting. I remove my hand from her pussy and take my position behind her. Holding my throbbing dick I guide it into her pussy and slide to the hilt. Abbey shrieks with satisfaction. I grab her hips and slowly thrust in and out of the steaming hole. Her pussy is hot, soaked and incredibly tight. Gently I slide my finger into her ass. This is more than Abbey can take and she explodes with yet another violent orgasm. As I glide my dick and finger in and out of her in unison, Abbey is lost in a wave of pleasure. The sounds, smells and images are more than I too can stand. I quickly pull out and roll Abbey to her back. I want to look in her eyes so she can see my desire and appreciation for her allowing me to give her such pleasure. I push her knees to her chest and drive my cock into her with everything I have. Looking down from above I see her sweaty face and beautiful eyes looking directly into mine. Her lovely feet are at my face and I eagerly lick her toes as my own orgasm approaches. I grab each foot and quicken my pounding of her pussy. Suddenly the all too familiar feeling comes over me as my balls tighten and I know there is no turning back. I drive one last, deep thrust. Holding my dick in her as my pelvis rubs her mound. Spasm after spasm overtakes my cock as I empty my semen into her. We collapse into each other's arms in a forbidden embrace knowing we can never completely have each other.
If you were hiding in a corner or even sitting in a chair, watching me from across the room, you would have gone absolutely crazy. You would have seen me sitting on my couch, leaning back into the corner pillow, my laptop on my left side, leaving my right hand free for whatever I may need it for. Usually, I go to a couple of free amateur video sites, to see if there are any new posts of women pleasuring themselves and that night was no different. After watching a few videos, I, as always, made my way to Literotica.com to read the latest stories. When I'm watching the videos, unless it is a really good one, my dick doesn't get completely hard. Just about half way, not quite stiff, but definitely, not soft either. I laid back enough that my cock was lying back on my stomach, and I started rubbing a couple of fingers just around the underside of the head. It was so sensitive there, since I wasn't completely hard yet, it felt more like a tickle. By the time I made it over to Literotica, there was a little precum, starting to leak out of the slit. A definite sign of my arousal, even though, I have yet to get completely hard yet. My seven inch dick had started to grow more solid by the end of the first story, my hand having been constantly rubbing the underside of my cock as I read the first couple of stories. (I usually start out with a short story of two, to really get the blood flowing. This way I know I won't get carried away and cum before I want to.) I started by placing my thumb and forefinger around the base, lifting my cock away from my stomach, watching the string of clear liquid stretch from the now engorged head to where it was lying just above my bellybutton. I squeeze my fingers up from bottom to the top, forcing more precum from the tip. It was at this moment that I found "Painting the Flagpole". The beginning built the characters nicely and when Amy started spraying the hose up and down the length of Ken's cock, is when I started to stroke my thick shaft. Not too quickly though, I wanted to build up with the characters, to feel the teasing he was going through. I was getting really into the story, especially when they decided that since she had the hose, she was in charge. I could already feel the beginnings of my orgasm, though still not close to happening; I knew if I wasn't careful though, it wouldn't be long. I was pleasantly surprised though, when I scrolled down to the bottom of page 1 only to realize there were 2 more pages to this story. The beginning of page 2 was really exciting, the way Amy kept trying to convince herself, she was just helping her brother clean up, nothing sexual was going on, it was just natural. My hand was really stroking my hard cock. I was harder than I had been in a very long time. I could feel the veins pulsing throughout my dick, especially the thick one where my thumb was rubbing. I, like Ken, was getting close to cumming. I was so turned on, that I was going to let myself cum when he did, it would be almost as if Amy had made us both cum. As turned on as the story had made me, I knew I would be able to cum once more before it was over. When his hand went down to join her, to help speed up his orgasm, I started stroking even faster, hoping to time my orgasm to the amazing one she was going to give him. But then, she saw his toes, his damn toes!? Which brought her back to reality... guess what, it brought me back too. I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to keep from cumming. I squeezed the base of my cock with my thumb and forefinger at the last possible moment. I could feel the muscles under my fingers contracting, trying to force the cum past my ever tightening grip. Finally the feeling subsided, the head of my prick much larger, and a much darker shade of red and purple than it had been just a few moments before. I relaxed my grip and just a trickle of semen made its way out, my shaft still bobbing up and down with my pulse. I decided to take a break for just a minute to calm down a little more. I stood up to adjust my shorts I was wearing, and I noticed I had to pull the waist up higher than usual so the plum sized head of my cock was covered. As I made my way back to the couch, I could feel the wetness of the semen leaking from my slightly softening dick. After only a couple of minutes back on the couch reading the story, my hand made its way back to my throbbing penis. The pace of my strokes had slowed, as had the tempo of the story. It was time to build up to that climatic ending I had been waiting for. As Ken turned the tables on Amy, I started wondering if I was going to be able to make it through the entire story without cumming. Most of the time, I can hold back my climax at least two or three times, before giving into my climax. But the way this story was going, I didn't know if how much more I could take. I tried to keep from stroking my painfully erect member, but as Ken's tongue reached out and touched Amy's nipple, I gave in. I squirted a little more lotion around the mushroom shaped head and used my thumb and forefinger to spread it down the shaft. Precum was literally dripping out of the slit, as I stroked upward from the base back up to the head, just gripping my cock with the semi-circle created by those two digits. Once the shaft was completely slick with the mixture of lotion and my own lubricant, I brought the rest of my fingers into play. My pinky at the base of my cock and the head and about an inch of the shaft exposed to the cool air from the ceiling fan above me. I continued to stroke my pulsing shaft, ignoring the ultra-sensitive head as best as I could. Once Amy finally gave in to the taboo feelings she was having for her brother, I let my thumb glide over the leaking head of my dick, sending a shudder through my body. There was so much precum leaking from that winking eye at the top, it was starting to pool in the area of skin where my thumb and index finger meet, making a squishing sound every time I went past the ridge of the head. The pace of my strokes increased again as Amy finally allowed her knees to part and she felt the liquid from her pussy "drizzle" past her asshole. I was getting closer and closer to my orgasm, but since I was on page three now, I knew I just needed to wait a little bit longer for Amy to make me cum. As luck would have it, Ken stopped his tonguing of Amy's delicious flooded pussy. I pulled my hand away my dick and looked away from the computer screen for a few seconds. I was visually taking my pulse as I watched my cock throb with the beating of my heart. When Ken pulled her soaked panties to the side and just inserted the mushroom head of his penis into her steaming pussy, my hand once again found my cock. I knew it was getting close to the end of the story, so I set the auto-scroll feature on my computer. This allowed me to bring my left hand down to my balls. They, like my dick, were slick with a mixture of precum and lotion, allowing my hand to just slide around them. Amy was just gripping Ken with her legs when I felt the muscles in my lower stomach tense up. Just a little quiver at first, but enough to let me know I needed to slow my strokes a little but to make it last. I began to roll my balls around in my left hand and rub my hard cock with long full strokeswith my right; going from the base all the way up until the fat head had disappeared, being massaged by the palm of my hand. I pulled my scrotum out away from my penis, downward, making the skin of my cock tighten even more. Finally I could take no more, just as Amy's body was being overtaken by her orgasm, my body exploded with an orgasm if its own. Cum erupted from my cock, much faster than I had anticipated. I was unable to grab my towel, the one I had brought for this very moment, fast enough. I began to get soaked in my own semen. Volley after volley flew out from that angry eye in the center of the mushroom tip. The first spurt went past my, by now, almost prone body and landed on the arm of the sofa just to the right of my head. The second and third shots landed just below my neck, coating a line with the thick white substance. The remaining fluid flowed onto my stomach, and began to trickle down to my navel. My breath coming in ragged gasps, almost unable to breathe at all. Once I stopped cumming, I grabbed the towel to start cleaning myself up, but instead, just set it on my chest. I laid back into the cushion of the couch and attempted to recover from the most incredible orgasm I have ever had, or at least the best one I had ever given myself. I finally got the cum cleaned off of my chest, my lotion and the soiled towel put away, and sat back down on the couch. Still slightly out of breath 10 minutes later, I put my laptop on the coffee table, and went back to page one of Painting the Flagpole by Literotica.com author Amyss. I read it again, not to get turned on, or for any further sexual release, but for the joy of reading such a perfect story with unclouded vision. It was, simply put, perfection. Thank you again, Amyss for your inspiration and the feedback on my story. If not for your story and encouragement, I would have never have written or submitted this story. You're an angel! Ring; Sarah heard something soft interrupt her sweet dream. Ring; there it is again, she opens her eyes slightly as she moves toward consciousness. Ring; she snaps awake and grabs the phone quickly before the machine can answer it. She hears the metallic voice and her spirits rise immediately. Please, please, let it be Claremont. She thinks. Sarah is a 23 year old substitute teacher with big dreams. She just graduated from college last spring and now was trying desperately to get her foot in someone's door. Everyone has been telling her teachers were needed everywhere. What she was finding out now much to her chagrin was that that was not exactly true, at least not in this town. She had already gone through 4 interviews and received 4 rejections. We are looking for someone with a little experience. How many times has she heard that? Sarah listened to the voice, waiting for the details. Please, she continued to beg with all her energy. Then she heard it. Yes! It was a math class at Claremont High School, her dream school. She so wanted to work there. The school was perfect, very large, in a middle class neighborhood close to where she grew up. This was another chance for her to get herself seen and start to build up some sort of network. She was learning quickly that in this industry it was how many people you knew that mattered in determining how many opportunities would come your way. She could play that game. Sarah jumped out of bed and whisked herself into the bathroom. She had plenty of time as she didn't have to get there for another 90 minutes but she was having trouble containing her excitement. She looked at herself in the mirror. Not bad, she thought, especially for just rolling out of bed. Her face was pretty, the beauty of youth. Her skin was on the light side but flawless like a porcelain doll. Her shoulder-length hair, while unruly at the moment, had that natural curliness so many people classified as "cute". She grabbed her toothbrush and brushed her teeth quickly. Sarah was a unique young girl, while being very attractive and sensual, because of her strict religious upbringing her thoughts did not wander over to sex very often. She is a virgin, technically, as no penis had ever penetrated her. She had been involved in many heavy petting sessions but has stuck to her guns so far in saving that last bastion of innocence for her future husband. When sex did cross her mind, it embarrassed her and it usually involved a dark room and never anything that would be considered scandalous of any sort. This feature of her personality made her even more attractive to most guys. She came across as innocent and naïve. While she was innocent compared to most girls she was far from naïve. Sarah knew very well how guys minds worked she just wasn't real interested in that except when she could use it to help herself. The hot water felt good rolling over her body. She loaded up generously with soap and spread it over her tight body. She loved the way her tummy was still tight and small, the many hours in the gym still paying off. Her breasts were not large but big enough to be noticed and that was about all she thought about them. She rubbed soap across her nipples and felt them harden. They were very sensitive and it didn't help that no one else had touched them for a while. She rubbed the soap down her slender long legs. Sarah was not very tall, around 5'5" but most of that was leg and she needed all of them to hold up her best feature, her well-formed ass. It was again not incredibly large but on Sarah's small frame it really stood out and when she packed it in a pair of jeans most of the male eyes were glued to it as she passed by. Sarah finally soaped up between her legs. She was shaven smooth down there not because of anything sexual but she thought it felt cleaner to her. It felt good to her whenever she did touch herself but she pretended to ignore it and moved on even though her fingers would linger there sometimes a little longer than they needed to. Sarah jumped out of the shower and dried herself off before wrapping herself in her plush robe. She wrapped her wet hair in her towel and started to make herself up. She used so little makeup most people would consider it none. She did put on a soft red lipstick today that made her lips stand out from her pale complexion. She finished and turned to her closet to select what she would wear today. It was Friday, a typical casual day for school but Sarah wanted to dress to impress today. She needed to be noticed and she wanted to look as professional as she could. She selected her favorite black skirt. It was simple and came to a few inches above her knees and she thought it looked great on her. The skirt would have been considered short to her mom's generation and Sarah was very conservative in her dress. However, Sarah was also young and compared to everything else in the stores this skirt was long so it fit right in with Sarah's conservative nature. What shirt to wear? She picked out a white one and put it back. She didn't want to look like a factory worker. She needed a little more color. She finally decided on a soft yellow shirt that buttoned up the front. It was sleeveless but she had a pretty little white sweater she could wear over it and she would look very nice. Clothes always made Sarah feel good and today combined with her teaching opportunity made her almost giddy. She opened her underwear drawer. Sarah's underwear collection would not be considered conservative. While it would not in any way be considered slutty Sarah did love lace so all of her stuff was lace and with her body being so small her stuff was also very tiny. Not that she owned any thongs, those things were so uncomfortable, but her panty collection was quite lovely. She picked out a pair of yellow lace panties and the matching bra. Another of Sarah's quirks was that she detested pantyhose. It made her feel so constricted not to mention they were usually very hot when the temperature was high. She so loved colored stockings so this was her one non-conservative clothing choice that would ever be visible to anyone. She selected a pair of black stockings. Sarah dressed quickly and loosened the towel around her hair. It was not completely dry but dry enough to not wet her clothes so she fluffed it a little and she was ready to go. She grabbed her light white sweater and bounced into the kitchen to eat breakfast. Mr. Jack Thompson sat at his principal's desk in Claremont High School. He was rubbing his temples as he looked over the personnel roster for today. He had 3 teachers already called in sick. He had only one sub locked in at the moment, Sarah Johnson. She had worked here before but she was very young. He liked her and thought she was going to be a great teacher. The kids loved her too but she was young and hot so that was to be expected. Thompson had a good heart but he was also a normal male and this Johnson girl was a nice little package that put a little tingle in his crotch. He smiled and shook his head, wiping those thoughts away and got back to his problem. He had originally penciled her into the freshman math class. Johnson was math and science certified and she had worked with that grade level before so that was a no-brainer. Now his problem was that he had two other spots to fill and the sub system was getting to the bottom of the barrel. He had senior math and junior English open. He couldn't use Johnson for the English but she could take the senior math. He hesitated giving her seniors, especially since he had a couple of 19 yr old repeaters in that class that were trying to pass the class for the third time. He had no choice as he could fill the freshman math with a TA if he had to but the seniors really needed a certified teacher. Well, it is Friday and she should be able to handle one day without a problem. He would check on her often and this could be a good test for her. He erased her name and wrote it in the senior spot, now he had to try and round up two others. He got up and went to see if his secretary had an update. Sarah was singing loudly to the radio as she drove down the expressway. Her favorite song was on and she was so psyched that she just had to sing. She was only 10 minutes from school when Mr. Thompson penciled in her name for senior math, the first of many small things that sealed her fate for the day. Had he known what that little change would do to Sarah's life he might have reconsidered? Sometimes, however, our fates are determined for us so Sarah continued to sing and drove on towards what would turn out to be one of the most important days of her young life. "Get the fuck out of bed! Can't you try and start one day NOT like a fucking low-life?" a shrill voice ripped through Tyshawn's brain, ripping him out of a deep sleep. He rubbed his face and rolled over in bed. Yep, she's still here, he thought. She was his stepmother, a bitch if there ever was one. What his dad saw in her was beyond him, but then again his dad wasn't around much with him running between three jobs. So Tyshawn got to spend day after day with this bitch. He reached down and felt his cock, morning wood again, his huge shaft felt like steel in his hand. He had to get some pussy today or he would go insane. Maybe he could get one of the white whores to open up for him. He had no other choice as he went to Claremont High School and there weren't any black girls there. Tyshawn and his two friends Jesse and Frank were in a special program that had them bussed to a suburban school. Tyshawn was no dummy by any means, he was one of the best students in his old school but that wasn't hard, most kids only went to school a couple of days a week. His dad thought it would be his ticket out of the neighborhood to get into the program and go to Claremont. Tyshawn fit in relatively well considering he was one of only three blacks among 1500 students. Most of his acceptance was due to the fact that he was an incredible athlete in pretty much any sport he tried. He played tailback for the football team and point guard for the basketball team and was the best player on both teams. Not everyone at Claremont was so accepting, however, he saw the looks and heard the whispering from some people. He was very rarely confronted, at least ever since he pounded that senior redneck in his freshman year in the bathroom. Tyshawn smiled every time he thought of that episode. He hit the guy once in the gut and then across his jaw once and dropped him. It happened so fast his redneck buddies didn't even have time to step in although when Tyshawn remembered the rage he felt at that moment it made him wonder sometimes how many of them he would have taken out had they tried. Tyshawn got into the shower, his powerful body rippling as the water ran down and dripped off his impressive cock, still erect. He rubbed it a little but he refused to masturbate. His juice was meant for the girls not to run down his shower drain. Sometimes he would succumb but this wasn't to be one of those days. He thought of the white girls that had tasted his dick over the last four years and smiled. He was especially fond of the blonde ones as he loved the way their white skin and blonde hair contrasted to his dark skin. He especially loved to look down and see his cock sliding in and out of their sweet little mouths. Yes, that was quite a lovely sight. He got out of the shower and got dressed quickly, hoping to get out of the house without seeing the bitch again. He walked into the little kitchen, it was filthy again. The bitch wasn't exactly an award-winning housekeeper. No, her only talent as far as he could see was screaming at him. "Well, look at that, dogshit walks." He heard her voice from behind him. He felt his anger rising. He turned to confront her. "If it's not too much trouble could you try and not fuck up today, I have to go to work and your dad has to work until 7:00 so no one will be around to go pick up your sorry ass." She said to his face, her eyes cold and hard. Tyshawn felt himself getting madder and madder and he felt his face turn. He didn't see it at all until he felt her hand slap the side of his face hard. He recoiled and instinctively balled his right fist and held back at the last minute. "Go ahead and try it tough guy, it'll be the last thing you do around here. I can finally convince your dad to put your ass in reform school where you belong instead of that pussy white school you go to." She said, the spit flying out of her mouth. Tyshawn knew his dad would kill him and very well could send him away if he hit her but oh it would be so sweet. He fought back his anger and turned and walked out of the house. His mood was ruined for the day, he was pissed and horny and that always was a deadly combination. Sarah pulled up in front of the school as Tyshawn was feeling the sting of his stepmother's hand. She could not possibly know that another event was unfolding that would have a huge influence on her as she walked into the school, her pretty skirt blowing in the wind, showing off her long legs wrapped in black nylon. Mr. Thompson was walking back into his office when he saw Sarah come through the front door. God damn, that girl was fine, he thought. He loved her curly hair framing her porcelain face and those legs. He came to his senses and called out to her. "Good morning, Miss Johnson, can you come into my office for a minute?" he said. Sarah looked up to see the principal speaking to her. She got a little excited that he knew her name. She knew his but she didn't think he knew her at all. She followed him into his office. "Have a seat." He said and motioned to the chair in front of his desk. Sarah sat down and crossed her legs, smoothing down her skirt. Mr. Thompson sat on the corner of his desk, his eyes locked for just a second on her thighs as she crossed her legs. Did he see a glimpse of stocking top? No, this girl was way too conservative to wear stockings. He must have been imagining things. "Miss Johnson, I have to ask you to do a favor for me." He said. She looked up at him and leaned forward a little. She was obviously anxious to make a good impression, he thought. "Anything, Mr. Thompson. What do you need?" she said. Her innocent eyes looking at him, not realizing how what she just said could be misconstrued so easily. His mind raced for a second, well you could kneel down right her and blow me, he thought. Or bend over the desk right here. Those two images flew across his brain and he felt his cock start to harden a little. He shifted his hands to his lap. "I have a problem today. I have three teachers out and only two certified subs. You are the only one math certified and I have two math classes. One of them is the freshman class you have worked before and the other is a senior class. I had you slated for the freshman but I need you to take the senior class for me." He said. He formed it as a request even though he knew in her situation she pretty much had to do it. Sarah heard him and thought quickly. Seniors? She had never taught seniors before. In fact the oldest kids she had ever taught were 9th graders even in her student teaching. Could she handle it? She was a little nervous when she realized they would only be about 5 years younger than her. "Miss Johnson, can you do that for me?" Thompson asked again. "Umm, yes, yes, I guess so, Mr. Thompson. I have never taught seniors before." She stammered. "I understand that but I feel confident you can handle it. I will be around to help and the Math department will be there to help also." He said. She felt her confidence grow as she heard him tell her he thought she could handle it. Maybe this was her chance to prove herself and help her land a permanent job. "No problem, Mr. Thompson, I will do it." She said. "Thank you so much, Miss Johnson. You're a lifesaver and I won't forget this." He said. She smiled wide and stood up and shook his hand. "It is room 105, last door on the right down this hall." He said. "Thank you sir. I'm sure it will go fine." Sarah said and turned to leave his office, unaware that his eyes were locked onto her ass as it swayed back and forth. _(look for Chapter 2)_ Jenny, You talk like a person on the edge. Like you're leaning further and further out, gingerly probing for that spot where leaning becomes falling. You're clearly waiting for someone to push you. To say the right things. To talk you into something you already know you're going to do. You're teasing gravity, and gravity, much like me, will grow tired of your games. We will reach up and grab you by the throat and pull you down. You speak of your husband as if you aren't all ready cheating on him. As if it's is just a fantasy. As if by drawing a flimsy line between these letters and actually fucking me, that you're somehow sparing him. But it doesn't. In the end you're going to jump, you've already made the decision. You know I'm right. You're going to give in to this darkness in you, you need too, you've been waiting your whole life too. You've just been holding off, leaning further and further out, staring down, wondering if it will hurt, prolonging the moment because it's a one-way trip. There is no coming back. Once you give in you will never be clean again. Every interaction with every person you love will be a lie. You will hide the truth from them, for their sake, that you are filth, and you are beyond saving, because you want to be filth. You are already lying to them aren't you? You are already hiding your real self from them aren't you? You will be tainted, spoiled and you will fucking love it. You will revel in it, you will be consumed by it. And you know what? That moment is coming. Sooner than you might realize. Some night you are going to find yourself in a slow empty ticking silence where there is nothing to drown out the thoughts running through your head over and over and over... And you'll realize that I am out there, That I am real, that you don't even have to go looking. That it is within your power to make it REAL. Suddenly the words won't be enough anymore. You will take a deep breath and blink and suddenly you will be at my door, your hand poised to knock, your will heart racing, your mind will be on fire, fear and excitement and adrenaline will be rushing through your veins and you won't even remember how you got there... and then it will be too late. I will open the door, and I will invite you in, and there will be no condoms, and there will be no safe word. After, you will sit in your car, crying, a strangers cum soaking into the upholstery beneath your swollen, sore, bruised cunt and the full realization of what you have done will hit you. You'll be crushed under a mountain of guilt, and shame, and despair. But your swollen pussy will get wet again and you realize that you will be back for more. Do you know why? Because you need someone to see you for what you really are. Someone to see that thing inside that you are so afraid to let anyone who loves you see. They would reject you, shake their heads at you, turn their backs, the disgust clear in their eyes. But it will still be there won't it? It will always be there, inside, and if you don't let it out you will go insane, you will never really be complete. So, you need someone. Someone you don't have to hide from, someone you can share this horrible secret with. You need someone who will look you dead in the eye and see the Whore. Not the wife, not the mother, not a daughter or a friend, or a boss, employee or a sister. A filthy, disgusting, worthless fucking whore. You crave that freedom, freedom from fear of consequences. You need to be exposed, stripped bare. You need to be punished. This is why you have been waiting to jump. You need a witness. And now you know I am at the bottom, looking up, with a crooked smile and a beckoning finger, waiting for your swan dive. You will learn to compartmentalize what happens beyond the threshold of my doorway, just like you hide these letters now. You will bury it so that you can cope with it, until the pressure forces you to crack and you need it again. You will learn to lie, on a moment's notice. Your mind will find it has a hundred, no, a thousand explanations for why you have that bruise, that welt, those friction burns that seem to always reappear just as they're healing. You will parlay any signs of suspicion, or mistrust into insecurity on another's part. Your boyfriend will find, much to his confusion, that he is both the recipient of unexpected adoration and sweetness, and clueless as to just what he did wrong. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that some of this was already going on. That when you look in the mirror at a restaurant, or a friend's house, or as you're brushing your teeth, knowing that he is in the other room, waiting for his wife to share their bed...you have these moments of panic inducing clarity, that the person you see is a lie and if you're not careful, the mask will slip. Interesting how falling feels so much like flying until you hit bottom isn't it? You will climb back up, over and over, and you will make promises to yourself, but you will always see the edge out of the corner of your eye and you will know that if you just take a few steps, you will be flying again... for a moment. Do you know why people who deal heroin are called pushers? Because they look for people on the edge, flirting with gravity, and they give them a shove. That's what I am. A Pusher. And you, my dear, are a junkie.
The midday sun was high and relentless in the still blue Mediterranean sky when I woke sometime around noon. From the vantage point of my bed I could see snatches of the day through the light billowing curtains that danced with the breeze through the ever open blinds. The air was heavy and though I slept without clothes on white linen sheets I felt incredibly warm and stifled. There was little the cool notes of sea breeze that sometimes pricked the stifling air could do to abate me. For a moment it would relive me, it's invisible chill cooling my young naked body, but the choking heat remained. I sat up crossed legged on the bed and swept my damp blond fringe from my anxious face. It was going to be another frustrating day. For the past seven days I was having increasingly erotic dreams. I knew not what they meant or why I was having them, but they haunted me in daytime as much as the night, and I knew not how to appease the frighteningly sensual burning that remained. I knew little of sex. The mechanics I could comprehend, but desire, passion and the pleasure that two bodies in rapture could attain were alien to me. My education had been learned watching animals mating on the farm. Making babies, that's all sex meant to me, a means to an end. How, I wondered, could pleasure be derived from so base a function? Thirsty and fatigued I walked yawning into the small kitchen of my parents holiday apartment. From the window I could see children playing by the pool side, laughing and merry beneath the faultless summer sky. I drank a glass of water then pulled on some panties and a little white vest that were thrown carelessly over the back of a chair. I strode out onto the modest balcony wiping perspiration from my brow and looked down at the people having fun. My parents were amongst them, spread out on sun loungers at the far side of the pool. I waved over to them but they did not respond, asleep no doubt at this time of the afternoon. I drank some more water then went back inside to the bathroom to pee. Before I sat down I splashed my face with water to cool me down. My hair was stuck to the sides of my face, uncombed and matted, and my arms and legs glistened with perspiration. I desperately needed to cool down. Off came my panties and vest as I sat on the loo, my intention to shower before joining Mom and Dad below. As I waited I looked down at my body, the vessel that bore the weight of the sensual curse that came to me at night. I was lithe and supple, a slip of a thing both skinny and awkward yet as pretty and endearing as a young doe. Again I thought of the dreams I was having and that unknown intensity of needing something returned. Shocking, perverse, sexy dreams, there was I naked doing things with men I had not yet known, touching, kissing caressing them in places I had not yet seen. Under men, above men, sometimes two men, their things inside me, in my mouth. I was ecstatic in them all, ravished, overcome, a lover and supremely rude. My body was used selfishly by men, but I used the men equally for a sequential demonstration of pleasure and lust. There I was, thrown into such shapes I was convinced my body could not endure, but remaining always pliable to my perversions. The men left me glowing, satisfied, trembling with pleasure, but only in my dreams. For when I awoke I was frustrated and confused and not a little ashamed of the perversions my thoughts had entertained. A few feet opposite from the loo was the bidet. I had not known what it was for when we first arrived, and when I was told of it's purpose I wrinkled up my nose and gagged. But still it remained a n object of curiosity for me. I reached down and brusquely hit the switch that turned it on. An arc of water gushed out of the nozzle with great force, splashing over the far rim of the ceramic bowl. I stared at it a while as if hypnotized, then curiosity got the better of me and I turned round so my bottom loomed above the water then sat down upon it. I gasped as I was instantly taken at how pleasurable it felt to have the force of the water stimulate my ripe buttocks. It was wonderful. I squat down and let the strong liquid finger interfere between my peachy cheeks, pleasuring the mouth of my ass. God, it was amazing! I didn't know why I liked what I felt but it felt good, and the water between my buttocks was doing strange but lovely things to me. It felt as if all the frustration and desire I carried with me would somehow be fulfilled if I remained on the bowl. I leaned forward, my head on my knees, and closed my eyes. Feeling behind me blindly I hit the switch again and turned the pressure of the bidet up to full power. I gasped (or did I moan?) as the increasing intensity of the water pleasuring my behind sent me giddy with feeling, with vibrant spasms of delight emanating from within my porcelain buttocks that wriggled as if to bear down on the water. My head was then further between my legs to fully expose my self to the ceaseless caresses of the water, and when my ass slipped on the ceramic edging the water brushed against the tip of my sex. I moaned for sure this time in delight as this unknown pleasure consumed me. Purposely this time I raised my ass off the bowl to allow the water to further pleasure my sex. There was something going to happen to me that I could not control, nor did I want to, like an itch that needs to be scratched, but to satisfy the itch I knew I had to open my sex completely to the water. I shifted round on the bidet so I faced the wall behind, water splashing my thighs and belly as I straddled the bowl as I would later sit upon a man. My thighs seemed to part of their own accord so at last my sex was completely exposed to the loving water. The spray of the water like a hose on my intimacy was almost intolerable such was the overwhelming sense of pleasure it gave. Without thought I moved my hips slowly in a gentle grind to heighten the intensity of feeling on my sex, then reached down to part the open lips of my flower to the passionate water. I thrust and delighted with the intensity and passion of a woman making love to a man, but I was making love to the water. With my sex open to full stretch and my breasts shaking I was in the heights of passion, moaning inconceivably and mouth wide open. Just then I cried out as in a heartbeat I attained my critical juncture, the water coaxing me to orgasm as it lapped relentlessly at my virgin sex. Anxious and bewildered by the changes of sensation in my body I nonetheless pursued my unknown denouement, the water now flesh and blood ravaging my helpless body. Then, as if a switch had been turned inside me in the midst of all this passion I felt a balloon of pleasure explode inside my womb and at last I came for the first time, the climax aggressive and prolonged as the water pleasured me in a way I had not been able to satisfy for myself. Then it was over, as quickly almost as it had begun. I remained on the bowl for a short time, panting, elated, my hands gripping the bowl and the water still licking my thighs as I tried to comprehend what had happened to me. Then I recognized myself now from my dreams and knew my frustrations were over. I was almost a woman. Finally I stood up limply, and with a flick of the switch the water ceased to be my lover. With trembling steps I made my way to shower after my moment of unexpected passion. That was not the end of my affair with the water. I repeated this episode throughout the holiday, and indeed my life. But at that moment, after I had showered and put swimsuit on, it was a different girl who had joined her parents at the poolside under the Menorcan sun.
Trigger Warning! (Contains dubious consent, you have been warned. I don't condone coercion and dubious consensual sex and remember this is just a fictional fantasy. I will continue this story at a later date and it will be consensual, unlike the first story. Regardless, have a nice day and feel free to comment and leave me feedback.) "We're here guys." My girlfriend's dad said as he opens the door to our hotel room, I am immediately hit with the lingering smell of cleaning products but at least the room is clean. There were two queen size beds, eight light sources, two desks, one vanity, and a place to hang your clothes, a sink and finally a bathroom. I was hoping I would get to share the bed with Rebecca my girlfriend but I really doubt this. Her dad won't even allow us to get two-room even if I am willing to pay, he said it was a waste of money since we're only going to spend three days here but the real reason is he doesn't want me to be alone with his daughter. Originally, Rebecca and I plan to travel to our company meeting from Long Beach California to Palm Spring with our team leaders but her father insists that he tag along with us and he drives us here himself. He doesn't trust our leaders and we are a pair of inexperienced eighteen-year- old, who are naïve and plus he is a doting father but of course, this is all bullshit. Robert, my girlfriend's father wants to come along so that he can keep his eyes on us ensuring that we are on our best behavior. I sign and groan to myself, I could have asked my sister to drive us here instead and she would have been more understanding and leave me and Rebecca alone. Now I am about to spend three fucking days and half of those days sitting down listening to people and their success stories for six to eight brutal hours without any action from Rebecca to make up for it. The only reason why I joined the company in the first place is to spend more time with my girlfriend, I could care less about selling life insurance. I groan again but this time louder earning a "what the fuck" face from Robert but I ignore him. Rebecca went inside first and she drops her duffel bag by the bed that she picks and when I went inside to drop my own duffel bag to the bed opposite of hers, she looks up at me with a questionable expression while I gesture my eyes and face behind me toward her dad. She rolls her pretty eyes before she opens her mouth to speak. "Dad...! Alex is just going to sleep next to me and you're literally going to be like what a yard from us. I don't see a problem!" "Honey, you will have plenty of downtime with Alex in your meetings away from my prying eyes. I don't want to see you guys in bed together!" "Dad...!" "Rebecca...! Have mercy on your old man's heart. End of discussion young lady! Are you hungry? I packed some sandwiches." "Ugh! I am not hungry!" "What about you Alex?" "I am good sir." Rebecca glared at her dad, who ignores her while he pulls out a ham sandwich from his bag before her eyes rest on me again. I shrug and give her a small smile but she did something unexpected, she playfully bites her lower lips and pushes her top down exposing her breasts to me. Well damn, she didn't wear her bra, this is why I adore her and her perky breasts. Her tits although small still look incredibly suckable but then I remember Robert so I whip my head around to face him. I exhale in relief Rebecca's old man is lounging in the chair while chomping away at his ham sandwich and he is completely oblivious to his daughter's breasts just hanging out there for me to see. I turn my attention back to her and I put on my own show, I smirk and lick my lips seductively while I pull my t-shirt up showing her my tone pecs and flat abs. Rebecca's eyes instantly gleam with lusts, I know she wants to touch me just as badly as I want to touch her and my cock is already pressing against my khaki shorts. I kick it up a notch, I start to sway my hips side to side doing a little dance causing Rebecca to giggle but her cute chuckle is a little too loud. "What is so funny?" "Nothing daddy! Just an inside joke between me and Alex." Rebecca said pulling her top back up in a split second while I pull my shirt back down. "Whatever! You guys should start unpacking soon, bathe and then eat because your meeting starts at six o'clock in the morning and it is already ten." Rebecca and I nod our heads responding to her father briefly before we unpack some of our necessary things. The rest of the evening went uneventfully until around bath time. Rebecca went to shower first and I am waiting around in my boxer shorts and a t-shirt while eating one of the sandwiches Robert packed for us. I am eating absently mindedly while reading a Literotica story on my cellphone with my legs cross on the carpet floor. I look over to Robert when I feel his eyes on me but as soon as our eyes meet, he quickly turns away to stare at the television while he flips through the channels. I didn't think anything of it as I continue reading and taking the final bite of my sandwich before I reach for the water bottle. Rebecca came out dress in her favorite pink pajama and she looks so cute with her long damp brown hair. I grab my pajama bottom and a clean shirt before I walk over to her. She smiles at me when I walk pass her to the bathroom entrance and I took the opportunity to playfully pinch one of her butt cheek and wink at her. She yelps in surprise and slaps my arm in return while Robert grunts a warning at us from where he is lying on the bed. I quickly shut the door when I heard him grunt and once inside I grin happily from ear to ear feeling the high but my excitement quickly die down. I strip down my shirt and boxer dropping my clothes to the floor. Seeing my naked body in the full-length mirror in the bathroom reminds me of the erection I had earlier when Rebecca decided to tease me especially when I look down at my cock. I am not well endowed or anything but at least my dick is average and Rebecca said that I have a nice looking cock. I suppose she is right but I don't really pay much attention to my own cock so long as it is still attached to me and I am not itching down there. Unfortunately, Rebecca and I have yet to have actual penetrative sex except for groping and oral. I was hoping that this trip is going to resolve that problem but thanks to her father my issue is still an issue. Hopefully, I will find some quiet time with Rebecca later. I observe myself in the mirror I think my face is handsome but my girlfriend said I am cute, which annoys me but I suppose she is right. My face is a little rounder then I would have liked plus I don't possess a strong masculine jawline unlike most guys due to my baby face but in the end, I will take whatever I am given. I don't know if being half Chinese and Caucasian have something to do with having a baby face but I have a long skinny nose, thick lips, and I think my best features are my striking grayish-blue eyes. Rebecca always tells me that I look haunting because I have an Asian face but my eyes are grayish-blue giving me an almost ethereal vampiric look but I just tell her that she is being weird. I adjust the water before I rub one out but I didn't want to take too long because Robert might be suspicious and besides he is going to shower next leaving Rebecca and me alone. Once I am done bathing I quickly towel dry and dress in my pajama bottom and t-shirt before I comb my damp black curly hair and brush my teeth. I step outside and smile at Rebecca, who smile in return before she turns her attention back to her tablet screen. Movements from the corner of my eyes distract me as I look away from my girlfriend to her father. Robert starts to strip down to his boxer right in front of us and I have to admit my girlfriend's father doesn't look half bad for his age. Robert is in his early fifties and he still has his coarse thick hair even though it is mostly gray but unlike most men I know, who are over fifty like my own dad they are either bald or have receding hairlines. Robert is, however, kind of overweight, he is probably about forty pounds over and most of that fat is visible in his protruding belly but his weight doesn't distract from his overall appeal, he has what people call a dad bod. His face is handsome enough I suppose, he has a full set salt and pepper beard, a hawk-like narrow nose, strong square jaw, and his eyes are a brilliant bluish-green the same color as Rebecca's eyes. Anyway, I don't really pay too much attention to his physical traits but I can see why a lot of the single moms in my high school try to get his attention. Although I do wish that I am tall as Robert because he is above six feet towering a head higher than me and Rebecca. "Dad, do you really need to sleep in your underwear and next to Alex no less." "Yes, it is more comfortable and you don't mind do you, Alex?" "No, it is fine." "See! He has no problem, unlike a certain princess. Anyway, I am going to turn in early and you two should do the same." "Wait?! You're not going to bathe! Ew! How can you expect my boyfriend to sleep next to you?" "I am tired and old so he can breathe through his mouth and then there is always the floor. Goodnight!" Bastard, he is suggested that I sleep on the floor like an animal and on second thought, I do feel gross-out sleeping next to someone, who smells like moldy crusts but it is not like I have a choice. It doesn't help my case that the man is covered in a carpet of long thick dark hair from his chest, arms and legs looking like a Sasquatch. I recalled that Rebecca hates hairy guys and prefers smooth guys like me which I am glad that I am naturally. Anyway, when Robert's bluish-green eyes meet my grayish-blue pairs again I look away because I didn't want it to be weird, I am merely comparing our physique with a small amount of admiration and that is all. Robert shrugs it off and he walks over to the light switch and turns it off leaving the room mostly dark except for the glowing light coming off from Rebecca's tablet. Robert then went to bed and tuck himself in. I walk to Rebecca and plop myself on her bed, she smiles at me and before I can say anything, she starts talking about the company we work for. I try to steer our conversation elsewhere but the fun-loving Rebecca from earlier is gone and replace with business serious Rebecca so I excuse myself and give her a quick peck on the cheek before I went to bed. I tuck myself in with my cellphone in hand while keeping a good distance from Robert without falling off the edge. I presume reading the erotic story on Literotica until my eyes grow heavy so I put my phone on the nearby stand and said my goodnight to Rebecca before I close my eyes. ***** I must have been out for a couple of hours because when I stir awake the room is pitch black and judging from the snoring coming from Rebecca she is deeply asleep. I didn't know she snores but any sound coming from her is endearing to me but when Robert moves around on his side, I immediately close my eyes willing myself to fall back to sleep. I was about to fall back to sleep but abruptly Robert place one of his heavy arms around my waist and he even scoots closer to me. I try not to let the sudden skin contact freak me out because I don't want to make a big deal since it is Robert and besides he is probably just dreaming and thinking I am a pillow or something. I shift to remove his arm but his hands gently glide along my hips before he squeezes and fondles one of my ass cheeks. Air snag in my throat, I can't believe my girlfriend's dad is groping my ass and for a few seconds, I am too shocked to immediately react while some part of me hopes it is an accident but he continues to purposely fondle me. In fact, Rebecca's dad is very explicit in the way he is kneading my ass cheeks, I feel strange along with something else that I didn't want to analyze at the moment. I roughly push his arm away before I turn my face to speak to him. "Robert, what the fuck are you doing?!" I whisper aggressively. "Relax Alex, it is just a little male bonding. Besides, you must be stress and frustrated all day. I should take responsibility for cock blocking you. Here let me help." I gasp when I feel Robert forcefully shove his large hand into my pajama bottom and once inside he instantly wraps his callous palm around my flaccid cock. He begins to stroke my cock up and down along the shaft at a steady pace while his other hand goes back to squeezing and massaging my ass cheeks but this time from the inside of my pajama. I try to shove him off again but he wouldn't budge. "Robert! This is..." "Shh...Alex, let me take care of you." Robert moves even closer to me until I feel his body pressing against my backside and without warning, he presses his lips to mine while his hand pumps my cock a little faster and at the same time the fingers of his other hand start to tease my crack. Oh my God, my girlfriend's dad is serious but I still can't believe this is happening. I continue to struggle by pushing him off of me while trying to keep my lips away from him but I am starting to feel really good as he continues to stroke my cock that is steadying becoming harder. I instinctively moan when his fingers lightly rub the outer rim of my anus giving him the chance to slips his tongue into my mouth. Robert kisses me aggressively and passionately swirling and twisting his tongue inside my mouth while he tries to get my tongue to duel with him and all at once he continues to strokes my cock to full mast. Curse my youth! This time he pumps even faster while applying more pressure to my hard flesh. I moan a little more when I feel the friction of my cock and the texture of his callous palm. I don't know how I should morally feel about this, my cock actually got hard in his grip while he kisses me. I have never been kissed with such intensity before and Robert's lips are definitely rougher than Rebecca's delicate lips and then there is the short bristle of his trim beard that keeps scratching my face. Surprisingly, I kind of like the tiny prickly sensation across my face, I hesitate feeling uncertain but only for a few seconds. I am not sure why I respond but my body is doing all the thinking as I return his touch by swirling and twisting my tongue around his while I moan hoarser especially when he squeezes the more sensitive tip of my cock as he continues to stroke me. Chills run up my spine when his thumb circle the head of my dick. There is also Robert's fingers that keep on pressing firmly against my crinkle hole, which I have never try stimulating before. He rubs the surface of my skin in circles causing me to groan and shudder a little more audible. He kisses me for a moment longer before pulling his lips away. Once again, I don't understand why I am allowing him to do this to me. Perhaps, I am just horny and sexually frustrated like he said but I guess I don't mind being touch by him. "I am going to make you feel even better and you don't need to worry about Rebecca. She is a very deep sleeper and she has her earplugs on so if you need to moan just moan." I nod my head but it is not like he can see me in pitch darkness yet I get the feeling that he understands anyway. I can feel him backing up while he partially pulls and drags my leaner body to the middle of the bed. He takes off my t-shirt follow by my pajama bottom and I assume he throws my clothes over the edge of the bed. I heard some faint rustling sounds along with the creaking sound of the bed when Robert moves around. The panic of the situation came back to me, Robert is stripping out of his brief so it only means he intends to fuck me and not just touch me. I don't mind the touching and I even like it but fucking me is on another level. I got up to a sitting position and he must have sensed that I am distress because I feel him placing both his hands on my shoulder. "Relax Alex, I am not going to hurt you." "Robert, I don't want to be-!" He didn't let me finish as he grabs and pulls me into another deep open mouth kiss, I am back to pushing him away again but he just held me tighter as he plunges his tongue deeper into my mouth. I try even harder to buck him off but I feel he is shifting around to get on his knees as he continues to fiercely kiss me while he pushes his heavier mass on to me causing me to lie back down. He suddenly pulls his lips and his portly body away from me while I got right back up to a sitting position causing him to back up. "You're so beautiful Alex and all I want is to have sex with you so may I?" "What?! You're not listening, fuck no!" "Have it your way! Put your clothes back on, pack your things and call Uber or Lyft because starting from now on, you no longer have permission to date my daughter." "You fucking bastard! You're threatening me?! Rebecca will never-." "She will do nothing because I am her father so she will listen to me if she wants money for college and a free place to live. Besides, you said you love her so let's see you make the sacrifice." "You sick fuck!" "Aw..., don't get angry Alex. You were enjoying yourself moments ago and you even kiss me back. Should I tell Rebecca how you responded to me?" "Fuck you!" I shout while lying back down and hoping that I wake Rebecca up but when I turn my face over to listen to her, she didn't even so much as peep in the dark but continues to sleep like a fucking corpse and her cute snoring is suddenly irritating. "I will ask again, may I have sex with you?" "MMM!" "What does MMM mean?" "Yes! Get on with it, you fucking old fag!" "Wonderful, I knew you will come around, we will have the best consensual sex. I will make you feel real good soon, sweet boy." "Hurry the fuck up before I change my-!" "Hmph!" I yelp when I feel Robert's mouth suddenly latch on to one of my nipples, I am not sure how he knows where all my parts are when I can only make out a very dim outline of his hulking frame. Still, I am glad that I can't see what he is doing but I can definitely feel it so I am not sure if that is a good thing or bad. I don't know if agreeing to sleep with Robert is going to fuck with my mind later but one thing I am certain I don't want to lose Rebecca, I will just have to endure this mess up situation. I left my limbs level to either side of my head while I feel Robert's large wet tongue circling my nipple along with the scratch feeling I get from his facial hair causing me to shudder before he sucks my flesh in. One of his hand glides on the flat tone plane of my stomach then to my navel and then finally to my erect cock while he uses his other hand to support himself. Robert firmly grips my dick with his large callous hand at the base and begins to stroke my flesh again going from the base to the tip and then back down again repeatedly at a leisure pace. He particular tighten his palm around my flesh when he reaches the more sensitive tip of my cock causing my breath to sharpen. I squirm a little when I feel the sharp point of his teeth grazing lightly on my nipple and I wiggle even more when I feel the tip of his tongue lashing the nub of my nipple giving me a ticklish feeling but admittedly enjoyable all the same. I had no idea that my nipples were this sensitive and I can feel the skin there harden and erect to a tiny pebble. Robert glides his fat tongue across my sternum to my other nipple where he instantly swirls his tongue around and around across the areolar and nub of my nipple before he sucks my flesh in deeply causing me to pant some more. I am enjoying this assault way too much as he continues to suck on my flat nipple as if my flesh protrude outwardly like a girl's breasts while he gradually stroke my cock faster picking up speed. Fuck it, I must as well enjoy this sick predicament! He pulls his mouth away slightly to tongue-lash at my nipple sending electrical chills up my spine while I moan. "Mmm...ah...ah...Robert...! This...mmph...feels...good...Shit!" "Mmm..." Robert hums in agreement while he lets go of my cock and moves over me so that he is lying directly on top of me and at the same time I adjust myself to make room for his larger girth to nestle between my legs. He continues to tease my nipple until my skin erect before he licks a hot saliva trail up toward my clavicle bone then to my neck and then further up across my round cheeks before finally claiming my open mouth once again. He kisses me roughly clamping his open mouth tightly around mine and I return his passion without hesitation, I wrap my arms around his broad shoulder and the back of his thick neck while he wraps his own thicker and hairier arms around me pulling me closer to his hairy and obese body. We both moan when our tongue collides and crash against each other. Surprisingly again, I like the feel of his heavier body press to mine and the hair of his arms, chest and even his bushier pubic hair against my groin and navel. Oddly yet, I also kind of like his hairy protruding belly crushing me slightly. We continue our heated kiss as our saliva is exchanged back and forth. I can feel his hot breath against my face while he pulls my hands off his shoulder and guides them low toward his groin. I groan in anticipation I know what Robert wants me to feel, he lifts his hips giving me enough space so that my hands can access his cock and holy fuck his hard firm dick feels way heavier, thicker and longer than mine. It feels so strange to fondle another man's junk in my hands even though he feels the same as me but somehow different all at once. I am at a loss of words but one thing is for sure I am enjoying how his hard flesh feels as I toy with his sex between my palm and fingers. My sense of touch is more acute due to the dark, I rub his huge dick with both my hands feeling the slightly bumpy smooth texture and heat of his meaty cock. Shit, how thick is he it feels like my fingers are wrap around a coke can. I try my best to stroke him with both my hands while our tongue and lips continue to mingle and I even press and swirl my thumb across the silky smooth surface of his glan as he did to me causing him to shudder. My thumb came away feeling slightly wet and sticky from his precum. I don't know how my tiny little hole is going to be able to take his huge cock and he is probably going to wreck me more ways than one but I am ready for him to fuck me. To hell with the consequences, I want to surrender my control to him and not worry about regret and guilt. I release his cock and pull away from our kiss. "Fuck me!" "Heh...heh...not yet. Be patient I need to prepare you first, you hungry boy." "I am ready Robert." "Call me daddy." "Please fuck me, daddy!" "Shh..." Robert whispers before his mouth attacks my neck while I whimper when I feel his lips and tongue on my skin. He gently bites my skin and then he twists his tongue in a circle for a few seconds before he moves down to my clavicle bone where he gives the delicate skin there the same erotic treatment. He moves his mouth down to my firm pecs then further down to the tone plane of my stomach while I moan as I rest my hands on the crown of his head. Robert swirls his tongue around and flicks at my belly button for a few seconds before he makes his way to my navel. He bites and sucks the skin there a little longer building my anticipation for his inevitable next move. "Daddy, yes...Fuck!" I pull on his hair with a cry when I feel his mouth engulf most of my erect cock. It is rather exciting calling Rebecca's dad daddy too! I am nowhere near big as he is but still, I think it is impressive that he swallows the nearly the entire length of my cock in one go before he backs off and then he rams my cock back into his mouth and throat. My moans become increasingly louder and hoarser when Robert aggressively bob his head up and down slurping loudly while bathing my hard flesh in his saliva. He pulls my foreskin back with one of his hands that is firmly wrapped around the base of my dick. I moan deliriously when Robert sucks me in even harder and it is so fucking delicious how his mouth is tightly sealed around me. He continues to pull my cock into his warm mouth before releasing me again while his other free hand massages and caresses my balls. "Hmph! Daddy...fuck...daddy...mmm...ah...ah..ah...! Fuck yes!" I pull on his hair rougher trying to control my breathing and he is so much better at blowjobs than his daughter, Rebecca never sucks my cock this hard nor deep. Robert is undoubtedly starving for me and I really love the intense sensory and erotic friction from his affection on my cock that sends a pleasurable charge after a pleasurable charge through me causing my cock to leak a bit of cum at a time. I gasp and frantically groan when I feel the sensitive end of my dick being repeatedly rammed into the tight velvet snug cavern of Robert's throat as he continues to penetrate his mouth on my cock without slowing down. It feels incredibly good as I enjoy the feeling of his tongue along with the roof of his hot wet mouth rubbing against the length of my stiff cock especially the sensitive glan. I also really appreciate that Robert is taking care to give me a hot blowjob. After some pleasurable time, I feel the familiar pulse of an orgasm coming on but Robert pulls his mouth away when I am a few more suck from cumming. "Daddy...(whimper), no...I want to cum..." "Heh...heh..., don't worry sweet boy, daddy won't leave you unsatisfied." Robert said hoarsely sounding sexy before he returns to my throbbing cock but this time he grinds his tongue in a circular motion over and over again on the sensitive tip of my dick causing me to squirm and tremble. The sensation lights up my nerves and after a few more tortuously erotically sweet seconds of his tongue swirling on the head of my cock he changes his oral tactics. He dips the tip of his tongue in before he flicks teasingly at my urethra causing me to whimper and my toes to curl from the sharp tingly feeling. Fuck, I am at his mercy as he continues to lap lightly at my slit sending pleasurable sensitive pulse coursing through me causing me to moan even more and the erotic play causes my body to tremble as loads after loads of cum flooded out of me. "Hmm...daddy...so good...Fuck! Ahhh...!" I cry as my cum fill Robert's mouth while I hear him gulp all of my juices down his throat. Robert glides his tongue away from the tip of my dick just when my orgasm fade and down my soft shaft, he stops at my balls and he begins to roll and suck my saggy flesh into his mouth. He gently gnaws on my balls between his teeth and lips before he pulls my flesh back into his mouth sucking on it for a moment. Next, he licks across the textured surface of my sack and he did the same with my other testicle sucking and grinding his tongue against my skin. He suddenly lifts my hips up folding me in half while I let go of his hair and his tongue slides further down to my perineum. Robert licks the small area back and forth eliciting a purr like moan out of me when I feel his tongue pressing and gliding across my skin. My cock is also beginning to harden slightly from getting my perineum stimulated. I wish I can see what he is doing but at least I can feel it since my sense of touch is more enhanced in the dark, Robert licks further down and when he reaches my anus he begins to suck. Boy, I am so glad that I didn't skip that area! I wiggle a bit when I feel him suck on my pucker hole, in the future I might have to give this area more love and it feels really pleasurable when he starts to lick. He is teaching me new erogenous places on my body that I never consider exploring. I feel Robert's fat tongue swirl around my crinkle hole going in one direction for a few pleasurable strokes before his tongue grinds in the opposite direction while I moan and pant. "Ah...mmm...nnn...hmph! Fuck, daddy...your...so good...mmm...at this." Holy shit, the ass should definitely be played with more often, this feels really good as my sense of touch is picking up the physical feel of Robert's tongue and mouth on me. Robert continues to glide his tongue and suck on my hole for a few seconds longer before he pulls off and then I heard him spat on my hole. He instantly returns to sucking and licking my hole applying an erotically delicious amount of pressure causing me to groan louder while both of his hand firmly pulls and spread my butt cheeks apart so that his mouth can get even closer to my anus. I shudder every time I feel the scratch of his facial hair rubbing against my white ass and especially when his face burrows deep between the cleft of my crack. I try to relax when I feel Robert's tongue trying to slither its way inside me and after some sucking, teasing and flicking from his mouth and tongue at my hole, he manages to wiggle a bit of his tongue inside me but this is not enough for him. I somewhat choke on air when Robert forcefully pushes his tongue further inside my hole probably losing his patience while my body quake in a new experience when I feel him wiggling inside me. This feels more intense than earlier as the feeling of something soft but firm lapping around inside me. Robert withdraws his tongue and then he penetrates his slippery limb back inside me like he is fucking me and he alternates this action with sucking on my hole. He pulls off again but this time he didn't return with his mouth, I feel a finger circling my anus for a few rounds before the digit forces its way inside causing me to gasps when I feel my hole pop. Robert just leaves his finger there while he pulls and bends my legs further back with one of his arms and the pressure from his body causing both my knees to press against the mattress with the backside of my pelvis resting against his torso. "Don't tense and keep relaxing, alright Alex?" "Yes...daddy." "Good boy, daddy needs to open you up." Robert slowly but surely shoves his finger in and out of my hole for a couple of thrusts allowing my entrance to get accustomed to his invasion and all at once I can feel my anal sphincter loosening before he adds another finger in. All this anal play causes my cock to fully erect once again. I moan and when I try to squirm due to the stimulating sensation he held onto me tighter. I moan a little higher pitch when I feel his fingers penetrating deep to a certain spot inside me that causes my cock to spit a tiny bit of cum along with some twitching. I was beginning to enjoy him stretching and scissoring my hole but suddenly I feel his fingers withdrawing leaving me empty. Then, I feel him moving across my body while he let go of my pelvis, which in turn causes my lower body to naturally fall back down onto the mattress due to gravity. I think Robert is reaching for something because the next thing I hear is a snap sound and then a barely-there squeeze noise. He went back to folding me in half with my pelvic area toward his face and my ass resting on his hairy torso while both my knees are bend all the way back aligning with my head once again. This time Robert didn't go slowly, I feel three of his thick fingers ram inside my hole all at once and his fingers went in with lesser resistant unlike earlier and his fingers feel slick or wet. I realize he coated his fingers with lube but I didn't see the product when I was preparing for bed and then something else came to me, he must have the plan to take me all along. I didn't care at this point, I already made my peace and I want him to fuck me and it wouldn't be justice if he didn't. I moan when I feel his fingers burrowing its way inside me before pulling back then penetrating me again repeatedly. I bet his thick heavy cock will feel even better especially when he grinds against my special spot. Robert pulls his fingers away after a bit more stretching and then I feel his mouth and tongue on my hole again. He sucks and slurps on the outer surface of my pucker hole while I moan in pleasure and I also hear the slick sounds of his cock being lather. This is what I am waiting for, I was holding off my orgasm for this moment! Robert is going to finally fuck me and I couldn't help but squeal a little from the thrill. He pulls away allowing my lower half to drop back down on to the mattress while he keeps my legs spread apart. "Remember to breathe deeply." "Yes daddy, I can't wait anymore. Please fuck me!" "Alright, sweet boy." Robert said as he lies on top of me nestling his portly body within my legs, he presses his open mouth on mine and I eagerly welcome his lips and tongue with my mouth wide open and my legs spread further apart. We kiss like we're ravenous for each other while his cock teases the outer rim of my entrance. He continues to kiss me for several seconds while his cock rubs the outer surface of my anus for far too long and just when I think he is going to prolong the torture, he suddenly shoves his entire dick inside me with one rough push. I am glad our lips are locked because I think I would have screamed loud enough to wake the neighbors' never mind just Rebecca instead, I end up crying into his mouth and I can feel his large balls resting against my ass. I scream from the sudden intrusion and wide stretch of my hole from his cock along with a sharp pain but Robert knows of my discomfort so he didn't move right away. He keeps his cock bury inside me while he passionately kisses me and rubs the side of my arms, which helps to ease and comfort me. I breathe in deeply through my nose while we kiss to help me adjusts to the uncomfortable pressure and despite the lube and preparation, I still feel some pain but most of all I like the feeling of his hot flesh inside my hot flesh. The physical feeling of being penetrated also gives me an odd serene feeling of being whole and stuff at the same time. Robert moves my arms to hold onto his back and I immediately follow suit by gripping onto him while he pulls his lips away. "You're alright, Alex?" "Yes...daddy." "Daddy is going pound your sweet little hole." "Please!" Robert presses his lips to mine again kissing me hard for a few seconds before I feel his cock withdraw with just the tip of his dick embedded in me leaving me hollow but the feeling only lasted for a few seconds as he rams his entire length back in causing me to shudder in a mixture of pain and excitement while I breathe deeply. He continues to pull his cock out of me leaving only the head of his dick before splitting my hole open again over and over while I moan and grunt into our lock mouth. The more he fucks me the better I feel even though I still feel some discomfort but pleasure is there. At the same time Robert gradually picks up speed and it didn't take him long to really pound my ass as promise once my hole adjusts to his big fat cock allowing him to plow me at will. I can feel him alternate between pulling his cock until his length is nearly out of my hole or just halfway through but I feel incredible all the same. We both moan and groan into each other mouth only semi kissing while his rough thrusts cause the bed to creak noisily beneath us along with the audible sounds of our skin slapping. I love how he is fucking my hole and the feel of his heavy balls slapping my ass. Oh God, it feels so intoxicating I can feel every inch of his rock hard cock ramming in and out of my body stirring my inside while my own fleshy cavern wraps warmly around him. I wrap my legs around his ass pulling him even more intimately closer to me because I want him deeper. It didn't take us long to move together, I can tell that he is enjoying this too when his cock inserts and pull out of my slick warm hole with the way he breathlessly moans and grunts into our kiss. Damn, I even like the feel of his hairy and fat dad bod crushing and rubbing against my leaner youthful frame, I can feel his fur like chest hair tickling my hairless skin. The raw taboo nature of our coupling is so fucking scandalous too. Who am I kidding, I love being fuck by him! I even love his protruding beer gut grinding against my flat abs but one crucial element is missing. I pull my lips from him while he instantly clamps his mouth on my neck sucking and kissing on my skin. "Daddy! Ah...ah...mmm...ah...ah...special spot...daddy...please...hmph!" I whine and moan hoping Robert understands what I mean but he got my message because he adjusts his pelvic when he pulls out and on his return thrust I feel his cock rubs against my prostate giving me what I want. I feel him moves his arm to push my legs further to the side before he presumes to throttle my ass and this time around he makes sure each hard thrust of his cock collide with my special spot. I moan and grunt uncontrollably and even louder when he increases his speed causing his balls to slap frantically against my ass cheeks, thrusting his dick repeatedly and forcefully while I claw at his back. "Fuck yes, daddy
! Ah! Ah! Right there! Fuck! Shit! Fuck! I...ah...mmm...love your...AH..AH..AH...BIG COCK! FUCK ME HARDER, DADDY!" Robert did just that he fucks me with so much force that the friction causes us to move closer to the headboard until my head bumps the frame but he didn't slow down, he kept on plowing my ass like no tomorrow. I remove one of my hands from Robert's hairy wet back to press against the headboard, which in turn prevents my head from being repeatedly smashed against the structure and to brace myself against Robert's continuous onslaught. The spring mattress squeak and creak even louder matching my own cry and grunts as Robert's cock ram into my hole penetrating me deeply while rubbing my prostate sending wave after wave of pleasure pulsing through me. He is not just fucking me, he is breeding me and the way he is pounding my hole is so intense that my toes begin to curl upward midway through our fucking while my sweaty arms cling to his back. This is not all my cock is constantly being smother and rubbed by his damp hairy belly as he continues to thrust in and out of my sore hole with vigorous strength causing us both to sweat even more. I am impressed he is in his fifties yet he fucks like a horny teen. Robert lightly bites before he sucks each side of my neck while he plows my ass like a beast taking what he wants and I enjoy the hell out of the ride. "AH! AH! OH SHIT! OH SHIT! MMM...DADDY! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! AHHH...FUCK YES, DADDY! MMM...YOUR...COCK...SO...FUCKING...OOO...BIG...HYMPH!" "(Chuckle) Aw, you love (grunt) daddy cock! Daddy loves...mmm...your (grunt) hole...too...so...mmm...tight! I am going...to...ah...destroy your boy hole! This hole is all mine!" "FUCK YES..., DADDY! MY...AH! FUCK..., BOY PUSSY IS YOURS! DESTROY MY ASS CUNT! FUCK...MY...AH...AH...SLUTTY HOLE, DADDY!" "You...ah...mmm...won't be walking (grunt) straight after I am...hmph...done with you!" "Heh...heh..." Rebecca giggles and immediately Robert stops thrusting while I hold my breath and I think we both instinctively turn to face her. We both listen intently for her to say anything more but there were none only some shifting sound follow by her snoring again. I exhale in relief Rebecca is merely dreaming about something but imagine if she were to see her dad fucking her boyfriend. The results will be devastating but then again the idea of getting caught doing something so shamefully wrong might intoxicate me even further but all of sudden Robert pulls out. I was about to complain but he presses a finger to my lips to silence me before I feel him getting off the bed and onto the carpet floor below. I got up to a sitting position waiting for Robert further instruction, I feel him pulling one of the pillows off the bed to the ground. Next, I feel him pulling on my wrist. "Come here, Alex." "Ah...ah...yes, daddy." I said sounding out of breath while I got onto the floor with Robert, he immediately maneuvers me so that I am lying on my stomach. He lifts my hips slightly off the carpet floor and then with one hard push his fat cock is deeply embedded in me again while I groan when I feel his hot dick splitting my anus open. I grab the pillow Robert pulls for me to rest my head and upper torso while I feel him move behind me. Fuck yes, this is what I want I begin to moan and grunt again when I feel Robert's cock ram in and out of my slick hole repeatedly and this time due to our position I can really feel his hard shaft burrowing really deep. Robert spanks my ass cheeks a couple of times causing me to groan when I feel the sting as he continues to fuck me. It didn't take him long to resume his rhythm. I hear him moan and groan matching my own voice before he firmly grips one side of my hip. He grips my hips a little too rough because I can feel a simmering pain there but honestly I don't care so long as he is fucking me. I am not sure how I am will be able to have sex with Rebecca after her father, now that he opens up a new world with enticing pleasure between men. Hopefully, he will want to fuck me over and over again and even if he doesn't I will force him. He is turning me into his personal cum rag so he will have to take responsibility for every deep penetration. I moan even louder when Robert picks up pace again pounding my ass like a raging bull causing my ass to jiggle every time his pelvis collide into me while I brace myself against every inch of his hard cock pushing and grinding its way into my hole. Every time his dick rubs against my prostate the electrical feeling causes my toes to once again curl while I clutch the pillow tighter. This is so fucking hot my own dick is probably going to get carpet burns after this while Robert continues to slam his dick into my ass and my hole greedily swallows him up. I feel Robert rests his torso on my back and he begins to twist, pull and tweak my nipple with one of his free hands while he tongues my ear and teases my earlobe between his lips causing me to shudder as he continues to abuse my ass hole. "(Grunt) Your...sweet little hole does...mmm...a body good. How about I...hmph...breed you every day? Would you like that, Alex?" "Yes, daddy! Fuck me...ah...ah...everyday! I am your...mmm...your personal cum dump! I am your...hmph...cum rag! Fuck yes, cum in my hole! Ooo...daddy...I love...your cock so...fucking...hmph...much!" "Mmm...your words are so sweet..., Alex. (Grunt) Daddy loves your...ah...hole too! Take all of daddy's love...you filthy beautiful boy..." "Yes, daddy! Give it to me! I am ah...mmm...your beautiful slut..." Robert suddenly pulls us both away from the carpet floor while we remain on our knees as his cock continues to thrash deep into my ass. He turns my face so that we can kiss and I happily oblige but the position is really awkward for my neck so I can only kiss him for a few seconds. When I try to grab my own cock in between the thrusting, Roberts grabs both my arms preventing me from touching myself while he fucks me even faster from behind. I try my best not to moan so loud unlike earlier. He uses my arm for leverage as he repeatedly pushes in and out of my hole making my body rattle while I moan and gulp for air as my heart race due to the vigorous fucking. Damn, getting fuck by Robert is a workout! I don't know how much time has passed but holy mother the man has stamina to keep going like he is setting a goal, he pulls on my arms so hard that I think he will pull them out of my socket while he continues to plunder my hole. Robert pulls me even closer to him letting one of my arms go and he uses the same arm to wrap around my shoulder. I think he wants to make sure that his cock reaches as far as he can inside of me while I pant and after few more intense deep thrusts, I feel the constriction in my balls and the orgasmic physical effect that is taking hold of me. Robert catches wind of my inevitable end like the other times so he thrusts even rougher and really hammering my hole while I cry out and for the second time I ejaculated load after a load of viscous cum. "AH! AH! AH! UGH! UGH! SHIT! SHIT! FUCK! AAAAAHHHHH...!" I don't how much came out of my balls but it feels a lot even though I already came earlier and when I cum my ass squeeze around Robert's cock causing him to reach his own pleasurable orgasmic ending as well, he cries out a horse victorious sound that follows mine. "UGH! UGH! YYYEEESSS...! TAKE...DADDY'S...CUMMM...!" I feel his dick combust inside me as pumps after pumps of his cum hose my inner walls and fuck it feels like a turkey baster is squirting in me but Robert ever the active player manages to thrust a few more even if his cock is steadily losing its hardness. We both immediately crash onto the carpet floor with his sweaty torso resting on my equally sweaty back. After several long minutes, I feel Robert pulls his cock out of me and I can also feel his hot cum leaving my hole at the same time while I catch my breath enjoying the lingering high of my orgasm. I feel Robert moves away from me and then I feel his hands stretching my ass cheeks while I got into a position to make it easier for him. I feel Robert's tongue licking away his cum essentially cleaning me up and once he is done I return the gentlemen favor. I turn around and lick his soft cock clean, I taste myself along with him and his cum as I am licking him. After a couple more tongue strokes, he slaps my ass giving me nonverbal cues to get back into bed, which I did while I hold his hand leading him with me. We end up spooning naked forgetting all about our clothes and I quickly fall asleep due to being spent but tonight has been really hot. To be continued... (Happy New Year)
April 2013 Contrary to most sound bites, not everyone knows right away that they've signed onto a great film. But in some weird way, I felt like the exception. I wasn't an actor or screenwriter, and I wasn't even an assistant on the set. My boss was costume designer Michael Wilkinson -- the one who actually signed on to do the wardrobe for "American Hustle" Yet with David O. Russell as director, the premise of con men and the FBI working together in the 1970s, and with the likes of Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence fitting into wacky 70s clothing -- well, even if the film itself tanked, there's no way the costumes and clothes would. This was a virtual playground for Michael, and by extension myself as well. We worked to create eye popping 70's fashion -- at least eye popping by 70's fashion standards. But even if it was terrible by today's standards, it didn't matter, which gave us a lot of margin for error. Then again, there wasn't much these actors couldn't make look good in some way. And it certainly wasn't hard to make Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence look eye popping, in any era. Yet Michael still put in an extra effort, as did I when I was needed. Together, we created outfits that were sure to be iconic by this time next year. Amy had at least two dresses with some of the lowest necklines I'd ever seen, going almost down to her bellybutton. Her side boobs were only halfway exposed, however -- this was an R-rated film, but not that R-rated. Still, the amount of skin these dresses showed, and the way they clung to the parts that didn't, would show Amy in a whole new light. Of course everyone knew her as talented, thanks to those four Oscar nominations, beautiful, thanks to that irresistible face and pretty red hair, and even sexy -- thanks to some notable moments in her last film with David. But this was another seductive level. It even helped fill the plot hole of why Christian Bale would have her as a mistress, when the No. 1 it girl in the world right now was playing his wife. Or at least it would until they saw Jennifer in Michael's tight, revealing white dress during her big moments. Like I said, some movies are obviously great right away after all. At least some aspects of them are. Michael showed his greatness designing and making the outfits, and Amy and Jennifer filled in the rest when they came in to try them out. They came in one at a time, so I didn't see them next to each other in Michael's clothing. That embarrassment of riches would be saved for the set. For that reason and others I put together, I made my case to be sent to the set in Boston, Massachusetts. I'd watch and make sure the costumes worked perfectly, especially in the big party scenes. These were some of the most fashionable sequences in the movie, so I would report back to Michael and assure him it all looked good. It also gave me an excuse to watch a more intimate moment set in a bathroom. Not in that way -- although many dirty minds would fill in the blanks when the movie came out. But this particular moment had Amy and Jennifer in a heated confrontation, while dressed to the 70's nines in the bathroom. Jennifer had on the aforementioned white dress that showed off a good deal of her breasts, and the rest of her sinfully curvy body. Amy had one of those aforementioned plunging dresses -- the sparkly one -- along with unruly curly hair instead of her usual straight style. Jennifer's blond hair was still straight and long, but pinned up for this moment. With this setup, these looks and these two actresses, there was no doubt fireworks would fly. I had read the script and this scene, yet I knew that wouldn't do it justice. And it didn't. Especially in the one moment that wasn't in the script. The one where Jennifer planted a full on kiss on Amy before leaving the bathroom. Well, those dirty minds would sure fill in the blanks now. Somehow, I knew they would. I tried to ignore my....knowledge until I could leave the set. When shooting was done for the day, I got my stuff together and started to make my way out of the building. But before I got too far, I barely stopped myself from bumping into someone. That someone being Amy, of course. Her hair was straight and flowing again, while her dress was green and her neckline was normal. "Sorry for....almost doing something to be sorry for," I babbled. "Then apology almost accepted," Amy played along. She looked pretty chipper, although this wasn't out of the ordinary for her. "Least I have a preview of how happy Michael will look," I responded. "Of all days for him not to come himself, huh?" Amy said. "You said it, not me," I preemptively defended. "When did David come out with that....last minute rewrite?" "He didn't have to. I did it for him," Amy surprised me. "Is that what you're gonna say to the press? Should get a good laugh," I checked. "The funniest things are true," Amy still insisted. "You're not conning me?" I tried to still be funny, in spite of my shock. "You do know why it's hard to believe....a man didn't come up with that." "I sure saw why today. I mean, she's so cute," Amy joked. Not everyone could be cutesy while talking about a sexy moment like that -- although it was technically more funny than sexy. But that was just another crazy, cutesy, sexy layer on this whole thing, and on Amy in general. "Yeah, that's the first word coming to mind," I had to quip, now able to walk down the halls with Amy. "Well, no one will forget your costumes now. Michael will be pleased about that." "Yep. Now that his clothes will be the enemy of straight men everywhere," Amy kept joking. "Okay, I see the ego and sexism there." "Maybe. It's kind sexist I'm surprised you came up with....that, though. So we're even," I offered. "Yeah. I don't know, with something like this, and with David and Jennifer.....you kind of want to push the envelope, you know?" Amy reasoned. "That's been working out pretty well for me lately. And I felt it working today. Still feeling pretty pumped right now, really." "I can see that," I commented, wondering if I shouldn't see it that much. But as Amy said, pushing the envelope from her earlier, sweet, good girl characters had been paying off. If that scene was the next step, it was hard to argue she shouldn't stick with what was working. Of course, so many younger actresses went too far going from sweet to sexy. As someone with more experience, more talent and more of a winning personality, Amy seemed to know how to straddle the line. Both in her career and other areas. Jennifer was younger and flasher with more....developed body parts all over, and the talent and personality to match them. Amy's beauty was the kind that slowly got under the skin, until you couldn't get your mind off it. It would be hard with that modest but still stunning body -- even by late 30's Hollywood mother standards -- that sweet, subtly seductive face, all that luscious red hair surrounding it, and a demeanor that could probably switch from girl next door to total vixen in a split second. Anyone that pumped over thinking up and acting out a kissing scene with Jennifer Lawrence....well, it sure backed up the vixen theory. "You know what? We might as well take care of it now," Amy offered. "I've got the outfit for tomorrow's scene in my trailer. You see me in it now, it should save you a trip." "You know I'm not just here to check on your outfits," I qualified. "I know. But you'll have one less thing to worry about tomorrow. You helped make us look this....unique. Least I can do is make you bored for your trouble," Amy figured. "I don't think that's possible here. But if you wanna try, be my guest," I agreed, as there was little point in saying no to her. With her looking that eager -- to model a dress for me in her trailer, no less -- the point was completely lost. I brushed aside any nervous, suspicious feelings I should have felt. Amy's company should have made that harder, but it was the direct opposite somehow. Besides, no one -- especially a married mom -- could be that pumped from getting kissed by Jennifer Lawrence to do more with another guy. Another guy who already helped make whatever she was trying on. Therefore, there was no need to feel anything. Even if Michael and the crew wouldn't be around this time. I tried pushing that aside as I sat in Amy's trailer, waiting for her to change. "So what scene is this for, exactly?" I asked. "You'll know it when you see it," Amy called from behind her door. "My boss made it, so you got me there," I shot back. Those words became pretty accurate when Amy came back. I recognized the white bra, panties, and strings and pearls attaching them together. I already knew Amy would have nothing else on with this outfit. I'd seen drawings of how she'd look with it on, and I'd even seen pictures of Amy herself in it. This....was different. "Looks in order," I tried not to croak. When Amy spun around, I found it best not to say anything. After that, I had only one safe idea left -- kind of. I took out my cell phone, set it up like I needed to, and prepared to take Amy's picture. I did forget one step, though. "Oh, this isn't for me!" I remembered to say. "I, um, I'm sending it to Michael. In case he sees something I missed. Not that I missed anything." "I believe you," Amy answered. Before I wondered what exactly she believed, she smiled and put a hand on her mostly bare hip. Taking the cue, I snapped the picture of her, then went over and showed her I was just e-mailing it to Michael. Once I finished, I prepared to delete the pic, proving I had no other motive for it. "Keep it. Call it a souvenir," Amy offered. "I'm calling it a lot of things. That's just one more," I accepted. "Well, thanks for proving you're on the level anyway. I knew you were, but it's nice you didn't want me to forget," Amy praised. I nodded, keeping the thought that I might be more on the level than her to myself. "And then came the idea you should kiss me and storm out, like Jennifer did to you," I said, rolling my eyes and sounding extra sarcastic. If I turned my dirtiest thoughts into a joke, that'd probably make it easier. Besides, leaving the married part aside, she couldn't well leave the trailer in that costume. That was my last thought at all before Amy grabbed my face and kissed me. It was hard at first, but she made it softer and seductive before breaking off. She chuckled, like it was just a regular gag, and smiled as if it was just a regular kiss. I was more at a loss, until I blurted, "So now comes the storming out, right?" "I can't leave in this. I can just go to my dresser. If that's what you want," Amy proposed. "You're the star here. And the pumped up one," I reminded, ignoring how....pumped up I was getting. "I technically work for you. So what do you want me to do?" It was unfair to put it on her, but she started most of this. Still, I was getting ready to crumble and back out, until Amy made her decision. Once her lips glided over mine, I gave in and glided back. Once I put my hand on her bare waist, I was just about gone. When I felt those pearls that my boss designed -- which I had felt before, but just not on Amy's body -- that was the clincher. Both my hands went on Amy as our mouths opened and got faster. I alternated between feeling her soft skin and the almost as soft costume. I merely touched the side of her panties and between her bra cups, but I didn't go further yet. Before I could, I figured this had to be more even. I took my hands off Amy to try and get my clothes off, yet she broke and had to help me. I got my suit and shirt off and had my belt flung off as well, leaving us both with a lot of skin on display. Now I figured it was my turn to help Amy show more. I turned her around and stood behind her, reaching for her bra strap as my face went into her hair and neck. "Trust me, I'm going to be careful with this," I assured her. "You really should know how to do this, so I trust you," Amy said. Moments later, I rewarded that trust. Her bra cups fell off, leaving them and the strings dangling between her legs, since they were still attached to her panties. I shook off how it reminded me of a penis and moved forward. I didn't turn Amy around, as I kissed down her back and reveled in her soft, firm shape. I soon got down to my knees and put my hands on her hips, sliding my fingers into her panties. Finally, I slowly pulled them down, making sure not to hurt the integrity of the costume. After Amy stepped out of it, I went forward with debauching my own integrity. I kissed up her right leg and stopped just shy of her rounded ass. That seemed like the right time to get up and spin her back around. Before I let myself take the front of her naked body in, I led her to the couch and sat her down, then got on my knees right between her legs. Without giving either of us time to get ready, I dove my head in and started licking. If she wanted this and set this up for me, despite everything, I was gonna make it worthwhile -- at least in the moment. I started by circling my tongue around her opening, then diving it right in and wiggling inside her. My hands followed by sliding up her waist and grabbing onto her boobs. They held on tight while my mouth and teeth worked on her pussy, right as my thumbs teased her side boobs and nipples. Amy let out some sweet little moans, perhaps needing to be quiet. They got deeper when I teased her clit, then louder when I sucked on each of her lips. My entire face rubbed her while she lifted her legs up and rested them on my shoulders, before putting a hand into my hair. I looked up and finally appreciated her completely bare front, chest and aroused face. As I cupped underneath her breasts, Amy looked down at me with a fire matching her red hair. There was the sweetheart turned total vixen stuff I was thinking of. "Well?" Amy dared me in that spirit. I answered by sticking out my tongue and showing Amy how I licked her out. To follow up, I took my left hand off her chest and slid my forefinger into her, pumping away. At that point, I licked the top of her pussy and took my right hand down to lick my forefinger and thumb -- before having them go back to tug on her right nipple. They wet and teased Amy's nipple and breast while I finger fucked her and tasted her below. Amy let out a deep breath and tightened her legs around my head, pushing my head down deeper between them. I kept up by licking her and rapidly swiping my thumb beneath her pussy, despite my finger slowing down inside her. "Fuck me harder," Amy asked while gasping. Instead, I took my finger out of her and lapped up her open space. Meanwhile, my wet finger and thumb rubbed together, before I reached out and put them on her left breast. With her left perky flesh being coated and rubbed, I took my right hand off her right breast. Now I would use my right thumb to rub up and down her pussy, without going in. My tongue then did the same, much to Amy's frustration and pleasure. But I did get my thumb into her for a few seconds, though I took it out and let my tongue go in next. Eventually, I just let my thumb stroke the right side of her pussy while I ate her out harder. Amy put both hands on top of my head and grinded herself against me. Her sounds and taste consumed me -- enough so that I brushed off another suspicious sound. One that sounded like a knock. When I started hearing it again, Amy drowned it out by asking, "You gonna make me cum for you?" in that sweet voice of hers. I did want to do that, and my rhythm was getting good enough to make it happen -- hopefully. I didn't want to stop the momentum now. "Go on, make me cum for you," Amy said, passionately and lovingly. I couldn't ignore that combination. My mouth, teeth and tongue devoured Amy in one more burst, as my thumb rubbed what I couldn't eat. Amy groaned and called out "Fuck" -- but then I heard another "Fuck" A different sounding fuck. One that sounded like it came after the words "What the" Yet Amy pushed my head down harder, all but holding it so I couldn't look up. It seemed the only way out was to make her cum. And I was planning on doing that anyway. Despite the sneaking suspicion that I had a larger audience, it didn't make me run away like it should have. I at least wanted something for my efforts first, so I licked and rubbed her all over to get it. I thought I heard "What the fuck?" again in the background, only even more shocked. I just heard Amy say, "Watch me cum," and I chose to assume she was talking to me. Once I sucked on her clit and lips, then tugged them with my fingers, I got to see it. Amy thrust herself up on my face as she came on it, leaving me to lick and collect it up. She moaned enough to drown out anyone else who might be there. But when she got quieter, I heard another voice say again, "The fuck...." This time things were quiet enough for me to recognize that other voice. Recognize, but not believe who it sounded like. She couldn't have.... The minute Amy's hands left my head, I turned and realized she had. So now Jennifer Lawrence was watching me emerge from Amy's legs, with traces of her cum on my lips. That's all I missed earlier. "The fuck?" I asked this time. "You want a straight answer, get in line," Jennifer replied, somehow still quippy despite all this. "I think I started the line and then some," I retorted. "Did you get here before Amy invited me here?" Jennifer asked, pulling out her cell phone and showing such a text from Amy. Which seemed to be sent a few minutes before I ran into her. If that's what it really was. "You actually have me there," I admitted, then turned to Amy as she took her legs off me. "Why does she have me there? Were you....planning to put on a show for her?" "You didn't seem to object when she came in," Amy reminded me. "And she didn't either. Not once she saw what you did." Jennifer didn't have an answer to that yet. It was pretty rare when this chatty, red hot force of nature didn't have words for something, so this was rare if nothing else. As if I didn't know that already. "You haven't seen something like that in a while. Or been part of it, probably," Amy appeared to be saying to Jennifer. "With the Oscars and the on- off thing with Nicholas, how could you? Yet you still had enough energy to tear my ass up today. That kind of power shouldn't burn out. Not without some relief." Amy slid down the couch, getting closer to a still stunned Jennifer. "Look, I'm just coming off the Oscars and jumping back to work too. I've done this four times in eight years, and I still need stuff like this to give me relief. And I'm older than you and I still haven't won yet! So what are you gonna do?" "I, um....I hadn't thought ahead that far yet," Jennifer settled on answering. "Right. As freakishly loved and level headed as you are right now, there's still some things you need to learn," Amy laid out. "Since I have the experience, and I'm technically the leading lady around here....I figured I could help you learn." "That's what kissing her and fucking me was about?" I chimed back in, getting back on my feet. "Well, I've only done one of those so far," Amy pointed out. "I haven't even seen what I'd be fucking yet. So before I forget...." Amy slid back over to me, now sitting in front of my crotch. Just as I realized that, she worked fast to unzip me and pull my cock out -- still erect despite the little break and Jennifer's presence. Not that her being around was a boner shrinker. "There we go. See, this is a good place to unwind," Amy told Jennifer, before going back to me and licking my head. As if she hadn't, she continued, "Working off the stress of a busy schedule and big movie....with a guy who had to study your body very close, before he could make costumes that fit it. The parts they covered, anyway." "That was Michael. I just double checked," I stupidly reminded Amy. "Well, you had to do that stuff too, just to make sure he got it right. Right?" Amy asked, licking down my shaft before I could answer. "And you were very adept at getting them off me just right. She's not wearing Michael's stuff now, but I think you could make due. I'll bet she could make due with a lot of things too. I know I am." With that, Amy slowly slid her mouth down my shaft and started sucking. This did take my mind off the other issues for a while. Especially as Amy slid her tongue on me and looked up, her gorgeous blue eyes and lovely face mixed with a seductive hunger. I enjoyed that for several seconds, until I remembered to check Jennifer's own lovely face. It wasn't quite as hungry yet, though she was standing next to me and watching the show instead of running in disgust. Still, as freakishly mature, level headed and bouncy as she was, she was still only 23. Maybe this was finally the one thing she couldn't handle. "This wasn't my idea," I told her through Amy's suckling. "I know," Jennifer spoke up, shyer than I'd ever heard her. "It has been a while....maybe I do need a breather. Obviously she knows what she's doing," she gestured to Amy. "You seemed to know a few things too." "She lured you at the right moment," I said, impressed with my ability to talk while Amy sucked more of my cock in. "It'd be hard to show you now, though." "But not impossible," Jennifer said. With her mind apparently made up, she got bold again and took my right hand, guiding it to the top of her jeans. Although I could slide my fingers in, they wouldn't be in the ideal place to stroke her. Nevertheless, she unbuttoned her jeans to give me a better fit. Amy hummed her approval on my shaft and licked it up and down, removing some key bits of doubt. With that, my hand went into Jennifer's jeans and the back of it brushed the center of her underwear. I still tried to rub it and give her some friction, and it did seem to work after a while. "Okay, I can see it now," Jennifer commented, stepping over to stand in front of me and next to Amy. Therefore, when she lowered her jeans and showed her purple panties and long legs, I had a better position to work on them. My right fingers brushed the center of Jennifer's undergarment, while my left hand went onto Amy's hair. It took a handful of that silky surface, as my right hand got acquainted with Jennifer's. I got a finger into her panties and into her, as my thumb brushed her below like I did with Amy. Jennifer made it easier -- but not at first when she got my hand off her. Yet when she lowered her panties and exposed her bare pussy and voluptuous hips, it got pretty easy. Particularly when I put my finger back in and started pumping her, curling into her pussy while my thumb went up top this time. After letting me wiggle around, Jennifer took a step closer to me. She studied me, quivered a bit once I got deeper in her, then lunged to kiss me. Between Amy's lips below me and Jennifer's lips on my own, it was a formidable double whammy. My left hand couldn't reach over to Jennifer, since it was still tangled on Amy's head. I took a risk by taking my right hand off Jennifer's center, so I could touch the top of her leg and go over to her ample backside. I squeezed and rubbed her round cheek hard to make up for it, but since she didn't stop kissing me, it seemed I was okay. My hand went under her striped shirt and slid up her back, until I found the surface of a bra. At that, I slid back down to her ass and returned to her pussy. Jennifer broke our kiss soon after, taking a deep breath before pulling her shirt over her head. Once she threw it to the floor, I saw that Jennifer had nothing on but a purple bra. A purple bra with mouth watering cleavage, to go along with the rest of her bare, mouth watering figure. Jennifer's va-va-voom, eye catching curves were such a stark contrast to Amy's more modest, demure but still heart-stoppingly gorgeous features. Yet such a contrast made everything even hotter at this point. Dropping my face between Jennifer's breasts while Amy stroked and suckled me helped too. To help Jennifer, my finger thrusted harder into her while stroking whatever it could. Amy took me in harder too, so I tried to sync up my finger's movements with her mouth. We probably lost the sync up somewhere, but Amy's mouth, the top of Jennifer's breasts and her tightening pussy were handy distractions. "Okay, we can switch up," I heard Amy say. I felt her leaving my cock alone too, and feared Jennifer's tits would leave soon after. "Don't worry, it'll be worth it," I heard Amy sell further. Taking her word for it, Jennifer backed away from me and my hand. Amy left the couch to stand where Jennifer was standing, then Jennifer sat where Amy had sat -- on the couch and in front of my cock. Getting the idea, her mouth picked up where Amy's left off. Jennifer's tongue slid on my underside and teased it, all as her mouth sunk lower. Like with Amy, I almost trembled at seeing Jennifer's beautiful face taking my cock in, and at feeling her hot mouth cover more of it. Her hair wasn't done up anymore, so I could put my left hand in it and play around like I did with Amy. The same Amy who was already standing bare naked next to me. While I'd enjoyed the bottom part of her body, I hadn't done the same with her top. And her's was actually bare. My head went down to cover Amy's rosy nipple and rosy, firm breast. Meanwhile, my right hand went down Amy's back to her peachy rump, sliding my middle finger below her cheeks. It played around with her pussy as my mouth went to her right tit, then up to her neck. In the meantime, Jennifer was tonguing my slit while wrapping both hands on my shaft. She kissed and coated my head, but soon brought it down to her cleavage. She did slide it over her bra cups, so I hadn't missed her taking off her bra -- which made it easier to focus on Amy's chest. Yet I didn't feel anything on my cock for several seconds after that. Even when I felt Jennifer's hands back on me, they were on my pants. In all this, they hadn't been unbuttoned or lowered yet, but she took care of that. After she did, her hands were right on my bare ass while her tongue slid up my staff. Jennifer kept making me wet, before I felt something fuller on my cock. Two fuller things, actually. That made me finally turn from Amy to see Jennifer's bare tits -- which looked even better out of a tight white dress and on my erection. They pumped it thoroughly until Jennifer took them off, so she could all but deep throat me and then rub my wet shaft on the front of her breasts. I had to grab them when she was done, rubbing her own saliva onto her ample flesh. She used her remaining saliva to wet my cock even more, making me forget Amy was still there. Until she came back into view and put her left hand between Jennifer's legs. "What-" Jennifer started. But I instinctively pushed my hips forward, leaving my head on her lips. Amy slid a finger on her lower lips as my cock parted her upper ones. Eventually, Jennifer took it back in, although her focus was more on Amy than me. She still looked stunned at all this -- yet her moans on me when Amy dug deeper into her betrayed her. Amy sat next to her and placed more of her hand on Jennifer's crotch, fingering her as Jennifer bobbled on me faster. I went back to holding her tits in the process, but the combined feels and sights were getting a bit much already. As soon as Amy got more fingers into her, and Jennifer groaned on the bottom of my shaft, I knew my limits. "Oh God, this is too much," I excused, pulling out of Jennifer's mouth while it still seemed like a sane idea. As soon as I backed away, Amy put her head across Jennifer's lap. "Jesus Christ....oh, Jesus Christ," Jennifer moaned as Amy made contact. If I touched myself to this, I would likely be finished. So I settled for going on my knees in front of Jennifer, kissing her breasts and putting my hands on her. I pulled back and watched Amy work on Jennifer, then noticed her ass was almost up in the air on the couch. Therefore, I reached over and grabbed it with my right hand, just as I went back to Jennifer's chest. The plan was to finger Amy to make her finger and eat Jennifer harder, while my mouth added extra support. Before long, I heard Amy's muffled moans get louder, while Jennifer struggled to keep hers down. "You gotta be....oh, fuck me!" Jennifer cried, as her moans and body shuddered for obvious reasons. I pulled back to see Jennifer's orgasmic face and movements, as Amy drank her down out of my sight. Once Jennifer got herself still, I looked at her and she looked utterly stunned, drained....and a few other un-describable things. Amy lifted her head up and looked much more confident. "I think we can give her a few minutes," Amy told me as she backed away from Jennifer. "If it's still not too much for you...." She trailed off, lying on her back on the couch after Jennifer got up. I checked my cock, touched it to make sure I wasn't that fragile, and declared myself good to go. A still distracted Jennifer gave me room, leaving me to get on top of Amy and settle myself between her. After Amy put her hands on my hips, I pushed them a little further. After adjusting to Amy's warmth, I slowly slid in and out of her, needing to prolong this. I then remembered to kiss her again too, while there was still a bit of Jennifer on her lips. Amy let me lick it off before sliding her tongue into my mouth, setting off another slow make out session. I needed this to settle me down, though I knew Amy would turn this up before long. Therefore, my left hand made its way between us while I savored the sensual kisses. I got to her pussy right as I broke from her mouth, trailing my lips down her neck instead. I couldn't give her a hickey or any marks, so I still kissed her gently while I tried to finger and fuck her. My lips went over to her shoulder, allowing me to nuzzle her flowing hair too. My right hand went onto her shoulder to help me keep my grip on her, as my mouth went to her ear right while my hips and left hand went faster. "God, you're so sexy," I whispered. Amy being beautiful and lovely was undeniable, but this took her to a new level of sexy -- like the movie was already doing. I figured she should hear it now before everyone else told her in eight months. "Oh, fuck, thank you," Amy groaned a little louder, then promptly planted her hands on my ass. They helped move it faster while Amy tightened on my cock, so I just rested my head next to hers and prepared to hold on. "Don't finish her without me," I heard next to me. I lifted my head up to see Jennifer kneeling down next to us, looking much more composed. "She did this for both of us, right?" she asked rhetorically. Ready to play her part in this again, Jennifer started it the way it began, by kissing Amy. This time it wasn't by surprise, it was unscripted in a different way, and Amy was able to kiss her back. When she broke apart, I leaned down to kiss Amy myself, then broke to give Jennifer a smooch. "Okay, now that we're all acquainted. Sit up, man," Jennifer asked. It seemed she was much more confident and was ready to go all in, like with everything else she did. Taking her orders, I sat up on my knees and let Amy wrap her legs around me before pumping her again. Now Jennifer had open space to put her hand on Amy's pussy, while I was still fucking it. She teased it while I went over to tease Amy's breasts again. I even tried to reach over and touch Jennifer's right boob at the same time. Eventually, she slid closer to me and made that easier. Soon I mastered jiggling two different breasts at once, while Jennifer played with Amy's pussy and even her own. However, I saw her head inching towards Amy's pussy. When I figured out what she was thinking about doing, I slowed my hips down in case they'd have company. Before long, Jennifer took a breath and put her head above Amy's center. I was able to fuck Amy slow so I wouldn't bump into Jennifer, who took a tentative lick above her pussy. I pulled my hips back and just left my head in, giving Jennifer more room to experiment. Her tongue circled the top of Amy's filled opening, with neither actress noticing that my left hand left Amy's chest. I did it so my finger could trace and lightly rub Amy's pussy, all as Jennifer's tongue was doing the same and my cock was still inside her. When Jennifer had enough and pulled away, I slammed all the way back into Amy right as they kissed again. She moaned into Jennifer as she tasted herself on her, with more than enough juices going on me as well. "Oh, mother fucker...." Amy gritted her teeth after breaking the kiss. I had to go slower after that, but it wasn't by that much. Yet before I fingered her again, Jennifer said, "Let's try something else while we still can." Jennifer made Amy sit up and get off me, which might have been for the best. We watched as Jennifer sat on the couch, before taking Amy's hand and having her straddle her co-star. After Amy settled down and wrapped her legs around Jennifer, I checked to see that I still had room to get in. Unfortunately, I couldn't get back into her pussy from behind her -- not with her straddling Jennifer like that. This left one option to go. Amy already started grinding herself on Jennifer, their pussies rubbing together. I dove my right hand in between, collecting as much wetness as I could. When I had enough to work with, I put my wet fingers right above Amy's ass, though I hesitated to go lower. "Mmm hmmm," Amy muttered, although that could have been due to Jennifer. Just in case, I trailed my fingers down Amy's cleft, and she didn't protest. This gave me the green light to smear Amy's juices over her own backdoor. I put my fingers back between their other holes to get more, dabbing it onto Amy's behind. Deciding I had enough, I put some leftover lube on my head before lining it up. My head was all I put in, and all I could stand to put in as Amy's perfect ass surrounded it. Amy took some deep breaths, stopping her movement on Jennifer. Still, Jennifer fingered her pussy and massaged her breasts to settle her down. I put my hands around her waist myself, very slowly moving in and out behind her. Before long, Amy was able to relax and lean against me. Jennifer sat up as well, making sure Amy was sandwiched between the two of us. I took over holding Amy's tits, leaving Jennifer to stroke her pussy and Amy to play with Jennifer's chest. All the while, I was speeding up in Amy's ass and burying my face in her hair and neck. "Is this what you wanted?" I asked Amy quietly. "Coming between us like this?" "Not quite there yet," Amy teased, even in her position. "Oh God....still can't complain," she cooed when Jennifer's finger curled in her just right. "You'd better not," Jennifer commented. On that note, Amy bucked herself against my cock and Jennifer's finger, as we sped up her double penetration. She kept it up even when she leaned forward to push up and taste Jennifer's breasts, which only made me go faster. "My God, you two...." I exclaimed. "Why haven't I cum yet?" "You gonna?" Amy muttered into Jennifer's chest. "Won't take much now," I admitted, holding onto Amy's ass and getting ready for her go-ahead. "Damnit, I still have to be the good girl," Amy groaned, more frustrated this time. "That's why I can't let you cum until you have Jennifer. So....go on, get out before I change my mind." "You sure?" I asked them both. "Well, some parts of me were getting lonely," Jennifer conceded. "I could....use a nice balance with you guys." I thought it over, until my thoughts gave me the perfect mental image. A few more final pumps into Amy, and I
was ready to get it out of my head. After pulling out of Amy, I had her get off of Jennifer and sit down on the middle of the couch. Once Jennifer got up, I led her to stand in front of Amy. "Hands and knees, please," I asked, and Jennifer didn't object. Once she was on all fours with her face in front of Amy's open legs, I stood behind Jennifer. "If you wouldn't mind helping Amy, I can help you out too," I told her. I looked down to admire her shapely ass, then positioned my cock head right against her pussy. After brushing my head on it, Jennifer got the hint and put her head down between Amy's legs. This lifted her ass up further, giving me room to insert myself below. "Okay, we're set now," I insisted, thrusting into Jennifer for the first time. Amy seemed to groan her approval once Jennifer resumed touching her. This little chain of ours went slowly but surely in pleasing each other. I took it up a notch when I went faster, needing to see Jennifer's heart shaped rump ripple. If I went hard enough to make Jennifer dive harder onto Amy too, so much the better. I added on by grabbing Jennifer's dangling tits while gyrating against her ass. It seemed to make her groan harder on Amy, who put a hand into her hair in return. She pushed herself deeper on Jennifer's face as I pushed harder against her from behind, making her the DP recipient in a way. "Fuck, what am I doing?" Jennifer said on Amy's pussy, more out of amazement than confusion. "Cumming soon, hopefully," I answered, putting my left hand on her pussy. It rubbed her while my cock pounded her and my other hand bounced her tits, all as Amy tried to flood her mouth. "Hopefully that's going around," Amy added. Jennifer got the hint right away. She put her hands on the couch, but still stayed in position for me to keep going. Now that she wasn't leaning on her hands, she could put her right one on Amy's side, and use the left one to tug and rub her pussy. As she got a good grip on her lips and clit, she licked rapidly and deeply nearby. "That what you're talking about? Huh?" Jennifer teased, as Amy's barely quiet moans answered her. In my own response, I fucked her faster in a big burst, causing her to lie her head on Amy and grip her harder. "Right, something like that?" I got out while gritting my teeth. It was a miracle we were all quiet enough at this point. It was a miracle everyone assumed Amy and Jennifer had left -- at least I assumed they thought that. If they were looking for them or me, I hoped they could wait a few more minutes. Less than one might be all I needed to take care of Jennifer. She sounded closer when I put both hands on her pussy and tried to finger it, collecting some juices on my fingers. I put my wet left finger on her ass and rubbed the liquid on her cheek, before lightly slapping it. Jennifer groaned lightly, then did it again when I smeared my wet right finger onto her nipple. I rubbed both ample body parts as Amy put her hands back on Jennifer's head. She humped her face as both she and Jennifer hopefully got closer. To make sure Jennifer did, I squeezed her ass and tit one more time, then put both my hands on her pussy and rubbed mindlessly. "Jesus, fuck, I'm gonna fucking fuck...." Jennifer babbled between Amy's legs. Finally, she settled for exploding onto my cock. I had been slowing down ever since my fingers got involved, out of pure necessity. I was almost still by the time she came, so I forced myself to freeze up. I was about there right around the time Amy arched her body and let out a deep cry of her own. It seemed both Jennifer and Amy beat me with their second orgasm before I reached my first -- and maybe last of my life, at this rate. To prolong it at least a second more, I pulled out of Jennifer. She immediately dropped her ass to the floor as she caught her breath, removing her face from Amy's wet surface. I risked walking over to them for a better look, my wet and erect cock still standing up. Jennifer rolled out of the way, with some traces of Amy still on her lip. Amy saw the traces of Jennifer on my cock, then looked up and noted, "Still nothing, huh?" "Don't know how," I sighed, both relieved and annoyed. "I know why. You couldn't go without letting me be the one to taste you. As a thank you for all this," Amy predicted, before putting me back in her mouth. "Yeah, let's go with that," I hurried along. Amy hummed her approval and practically Frenched my head, before popping off and stroking me. Given that I'd been in Jennifer after going into Amy's ass, this wasn't technically ass to mouth. Amy was still going back and forth between stroking and blowing me anyway. I put my right hand back on her shoulder and hair, right as Amy took me all the way down. She swallowed me and slowly slid back up, only getting halfway before she bobbled me and licked my top half all over. When she made it wet enough, she came off and stroked me again, the extra lube getting me closer and closer. "Oh God," I was reduced to, although it made sense. Amy held the bottom of my shaft and licked the top, her mouth open the whole way. I pictured shooting into that hot mouth, then on her lovely face, her creamy neck and upper chest before it dripped down her perky tits. Between that and the actual image of Amy kissing and licking my head, that was the ball game. I tried to keep my groaning down, though it was enough of a warning for Amy. She pulled back and opened her mouth, but when the first spurt came out, she pulled my cock down and aimed it at her chest. The neck and upper chest fantasy came true, at least. When the first few drops landed on Amy's body, she opened her mouth again and caught the next few. Right before I finished, she closed her mouth around my head to get the rest. I could have sworn she swirled my cum around in her mouth and let it go on my head, then she came off and swallowed it after all. "Jen? Did you want some? Sorry I didn't ask, but you looked busy," Amy casually asked Jennifer. Now letting me cum on her chest made more sense. Jennifer looked at me and Amy, then shrugged and said, "Fuck it. Yeah, yeah, I know," before any of us made any puns. But we were both quiet when she started licking my cum off Amy's chest and neck. She didn't lick the parts that dripped down her tits, yet she rubbed those instead. After Jennifer licked Amy's neck clean, Amy took her face and kissed her suddenly, almost like she was kissed on set. Of course, this time had a more private audience, along with less clothes and something extra between their lips. Jennifer eagerly kissed back for a few moments, which I caught right before I sat down next to them. My head laid back and caught them getting on their feet, as it all seemed to hit Jennifer. "Whoh....finally found something off limits for interviews," she joked. Amy just chuckled and helped her gather all their clothes from the floor. I lifted my head back up, taking my first and last chance to see them actually standing side by side while naked. Even after being fully exposed to Jennifer's luscious shapes and sizes, along with Amy's stunning, siren-like beauty, seeing it all again now would have made me rock hard -- if it was biologically possible. Well, it was still one more image to file away for solo use later. Jennifer broke it by getting dressed first, since she came in with her regular clothes on. I took my last glimpses of her private naked parts, ignoring that Amy hadn't gotten dressed herself. Once Jennifer was fully dressed -- and the only one of us wearing clothes -- she looked at both of us and laughed nervously. However, her laughter got fonder somehow as she took it all in. We locked eyes and I would have joked about her not having words for once, yet the silence and her smile was too nice to break. My little farewell moment with Jennifer stopped when I caught Amy in the corner of my eye. Now I noticed she was still naked, though she could go in her dresser and get her regular clothes back on at any time. Instead, she lingered on me as I got on my feet, then went over for one last, firey kiss. The one last kiss turned into a few more, especially as our naked bodies pressed against each other one more time. "Okay, this time I know when I'm not wanted. At least I can handle being passed over for Amy in real life," I heard Jennifer say before I broke off and saw her leave the trailer. "Cheerio," Amy called out, using her intentionally cheesy English accent from the movie. It was something that she had the mindset to do that, given the circumstances and what she'd just done. But perhaps it wasn't surprising she took so well to a character like Sidney after all, despite what everyone would say in eight months. The lines further blurred when Amy kissed me again and then turned away to her dresser. My eyes didn't leave her swaying, apple shaped backside, at least when they weren't on her bare legs, back or her hair. When she went in the other room and took those sights away, it took everything not to go in there and take one last 'view.' If only to bow -- so to speak -- in the presence of a real hustler.
_This another story I had previously written. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I have writing it. Comments are most welcomed. I just hope that I caught all the errors. Sexy_Lisa Collins_ ***** Setting in my one bedroom apartment, drinking my Bud light, feeling a little down with myself, I sat near the window looking out at the raindrops falling on the glass pane, looking back Thinking about my miserable life. Coming from a loveless home life, both mother and father were drunks and always high on drugs, I often wondered how I had escaped without being drawn into the same trap. I had fooled around a little kissing and touching some of the girls when I was a little younger, but nothing really became of that, at least I didn't look at it as having sex, but more like experimenting. I'm sure by now each of them has grown out of that faze of their lives and are now married with four kids each. Seeing my reflection in the window, I look good for where I've been. At five foot ten, with curly brown hair. Looking at my breasts, a nice C cup, narrow hips and strong firm legs and thighs, I don't look bad. I keep my hair short, out of my face. This is very helpful when running nearly five miles a day and working out at the gym. Sometimes I wonder if it's to keep in shape or maybe to keep the frustration and anger in check. As soon as school was over and I turned eighteen, I enlisted in the Marine Corps. I was assigned to the motor pool, and within a year was being shipped out to Iraq. I had done six months in Iraq and one tour in Afghanistan, where I was wounded in a firefight with insurgents, earning me the Silver Star. I avoid thinking how I had earned the commendation; the loss of some of my closest friends is still hard to deal with. I was shipped back home for my wounds to heal and some much needed R&R. Having been back in the States for 3 months, I felt I was as good as new and ready for a real assignment. Not being anxious to be sent back over there, I was getting a little bored sitting behind a desk doing filing. One day my Captain walks in and tells me to pack my gear, I'm being shipped out. Being a little leery of where I'm going, I slowly looked up and asked; "Sir, can you tell me where I am going?" "Gunny, you know it's not your place to ask such questions, but because I like you, I am going to tell you. You're being shipped out to Parris Island where you will be in training for the next eight weeks on becoming one of the Marine Corps finest drill instructors." He had sat on the edge of my desk, giving me that big shit ass-eating grin he was so famous for. Slowly rising to me feet, standing at attention, "Sir, I don't... I mean... Why me?" "Gunny you had won the Silver Star, that alone being enables you to name your next station, I thought I would step in and see to it that you were placed where you would do the most good. With your combat experience, and rank, you would be perfect to teach our young recruits how to stay alive." Standing at attention, I gave my Captain my sharpest salute, "Thank you sir, I won't let you down." I had spent the next four years at Parris Island, doing my very best to make sure each recruit assigned to me left with knowledge and skills to return home safely, were ever they were assigned. Getting another bottle of Bud and returning to my seat next to the window, I again started to reminisce about my past. Ever since joining the Corps, I had dated men. I knew women were what captured my imagination, but with the military's stance on lesbians and gays I wanted to avoid problems associated with it trying to make the Corps my life long career. I also wanted to avoid any conflicts with dating men I worked with, so I only dated civilians, hoping to avoid any repercussions. Maintaining my housing in the NCO barracks, I was semi living in my currant boyfriend's apartment. Coming home early one night, I walked in and caught him and two of his buddies gangbanging a girl on our bed. Totally losing it, I grabbed the closest guy, flipping him. I later learned that I had dislocated his shoulder. I then grabbed my then boyfriend, yanked him back off the bed by his hair. When he had raised his arm to me, I punched him three quick short jabs in his ribs, hearing bones cracking on each jab. As the third guy started to approach me, I stepped back then going into a flying kick, knocked him backwards, and unfortunately right into the girl trying to escape. I had no idea anyone called the police, but they showed up shortly afterwards along with the MP's and a couple ambulances. Since they had three naked men and one naked girl who just happened to be seventeen years old on their hands. It probably was the girl being underage that kept me from being arrested then and there. I had gathered my belongings and was ordered to returned to my barracks and stay there until further notified. It wasn't until two days after the incident that I had received orders to report to Major Thorns office on the double. Standing in front of his desk at attention, cap under my arm, I knew I was in a world of shit. I had never seen his face as red as it was at this moment. My eyes were fixed on a placard behind him. I could however see him sitting there staring at me. Slowly he stood, placing his fingers on the desk. "Gunny Sgt., just why in the hell did you send three civilians to the hospital. If it weren't for an ex-marine detective, your ass would be sitting in the local jail rotting right now. I still have a mind to throw you in the brig. Now would you care to explain everything to me?" It took me about ten minutes to tell Major Thorn the whole story. I even explained that I only dated civilians in the hopes of avoiding any additional problems with military interactions. Maj. Thorns had by now sat back down. After looking at me for another minute or two, he finally told me to stand at ease. "I am trying very hard to understand your position, but you must know, this has stirred up a hornets nest in the press. I even have Washington calling me and asking why I can't keep my men in line. I want you to report to Capt. Peters tomorrow at o-one hundred hours. She will be handing this situation from here on out. Dismissed Gunny Sgt." Snapping back to attention, saluting him, doing an about face walking out of his office. I knew then and there, that my carrier was over in the Corps and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. I just lost it and it cost me. By o-one hundred hours the next day, I was sitting in a straight back chair outside Captain Marie Peters Office. Having seen her many times on the drill field, she was a strikingly beautiful woman, early forties, around five foot five with short blond hair. Her B cup breasts filled out her uniform very nicely. I was snapped out of my day dreaming when she stepped out of her office telling to come in. I stood, walked into her office, stood at attention in front of her desk saluting her saying, "Gunny Sgt. Bella reporting as ordered ma'am." She gave me a quick salute and told me to have a seat. I sat down, sitting at attention. "Sergeant, relax and now off the record, I'd be the first to throw you a party for what you had done. As a combat veteran, you have shown everyone what it takes to be a Marine." "Thank you ma'am." "Now I must put back on my Captains hat and get serious. The news is playing this up as sex triangle gone awry. You know your career is basically over with the Corps. There are some stiff pricks in Washington wanting your head on a platter." I sat listened to my Captain talking and soon I felt my eyes watering up and my tears slowly making their way down my cheeks. From somewhere in her desk, Captain Peters had pulled out a box of tissues, walking around her desk she sat beside me, handing one to me. As I took it and started to dry my eyes, I started blabbing how Marines weren't supposed to cry. "Who the fuck said that, I cry, I laugh, and yes, sometimes I even scream for no reason. Sometimes we all need a shoulder to cry on, and if you'll allow me, I'd like nothing better than for you to use mine." Pulling a few more tissues from the box, I laid my head on her shoulder and let my tears flow. For each tear, was a memory of my time with the Corps. My days overseas, the friends and comrades I had made and lost in battle. The proud look on the faces of the men and women who I had trained when they graduated. With each tear that fell, it left a woman that was nothing but a shell, hollow and empty. "I'm sorry ma'am..." "Please call me Marie, that is my name. Don't be sorry, you have nothing to be sorry about, it's us who you are leaving behind that should be sorry." She was looking at me with care and honesty in her eyes. "Do you have any plans, where you are going to do, or go." "No, I have no idea, this kind of happened all of the sudden, at this very moment I think all I want to do is crawl up in a ball and lay down in some hole and just die." "Well, the Major has given me his nod of approval on this, but I am going to put in an early retirement for you. I want to do this before any of those stiff pricks in Washington can do anything to you. You'll receive an honorable discharge with nothing attached. Your record is clean and we're going to keep it that way." "Thank you Marie, I know that it might not mean much now, but one day I know there will be no way that I could thank you enough for doing this for me." "Do you have a home to go back to?" "No! I really have no idea where I will go or do for that matter." "Tell you what, take a few minutes to put yourself back together, then get your affairs in order here on base. Have your car packed and report back to my office sixteen hundred hours on Friday. I'll expect you to be dressed casual, could you do that for me?" "Yes ma... Yes Marie, I really don't have much in civvies, but don't expect much, I don't have that many good civilian clothes, yet." "Not a problem, we're not going anywhere fancy, but I am taking you out to dinner. Will that be a problem with you?" "No ma... sorry old habits are hard to break. But you don't really have to do that. I feel you have done enough as it is." "Nonsense, it's the least I can do for one of my men. Well... Woman. See you Friday. Dismissed Sgt." For the next two days I was running all around the base, signing discharge papers, turning in equipment that was assigned to me. By Friday at fifteen thirty hours I was again sitting outside Capt. Marie Peters door waiting to be summoned into her office. I was wearing an 'A line' black skirt that came about half way up my thighs, and a blue shot sleeve blouse. It was just tight enough that my breasts filled it out nicely. I had on two-inch pumps, not adding too much to my already five foot ten height. When she exited her office and called out to me, when I stood and started walking towards her, she just stared at me. As I walked up to her, she smiled and said how beautiful I looked. I could feel my face blushing, not really hearing anyone say that to me before now. "Thank you, I really don't feel I deserve such a compliment." Again feeling my face getting redder by the minute. I stood in front of her, until she realized I could not enter until she moved out of the door way. Stepping aside, I entered the office and took a seat in front of her desk. She had my final discharge papers laying on top of the desk ready for me to sign. After signing the papers, I agreed to follow her to her apartment so that she could change clothes and freshen up a bit before we went to dinner. While eating dinner she explained to me that her life partner lived in Charleston and owned a cab company left to her by her grandfather. She had explained that if I didn't have a problem that once we were through with our meal, we would head out for Charleston to meet up with Barbara and to get me settled in over the weekend. Marie had explained that every free weekend she had, she spent them with Barbara in Charleston. Seems she had arranged for her partner, Barbara to give me a job working as the maintenance foreman in the garage keeping the fleet in good running order. I had told her that I was very grateful for her help and would try very hard not to let her down. During the rest of our meal, talking about our past experiences while in the service. She had told me how she had met her life partner and now fully dedicated to one another. She went on to say that she only had three years left before she could retire, and the two of them would then be able to be together without concern who saw them together. It took us a little less than two hours to get to Barbara's house in Charleston. I followed Marie up the walkway to the front door feeling a little nervous meeting Barbara for the first time, not knowing what to expect. Apparently Marie had her own key to the house opening the door, waiting for me to step inside. We were met by a squealing woman running down the hallway towards us. Standing to one side, both women embraced into a soul-searching kiss that seemed to go on forever. Once the kiss was over, they hugged each other tightly, again what seemed like forever. I could see Barbara's face as she laid her head on Marie's shoulder and tears falling from her eyes. Barbara was at least five foot five, long blond hair going down to the middle of her back. She was slim, but very curvy. She had what appeared to be B cup, not really sure with the sweatshirt she was wearing. Seeing such love between two people, I too began to get choked up over the display of love and emotions. Suddenly Barbara started to pull away from Marie, while looking at me. "Shame on me, ignoring my newest guest, my name is Barbara and you must be Gunny Sgt. Bella." She said as she reached out her hand to me. "Ma'am, there is no need for apologies, honestly I could never get tired seeing the interactions of two people who loved each other as you and Marie. Secondly, it's no longer Gunny Sgt., but just plain Alexandria, but please just call me Alexi." Releasing my hand, I was pulled into a bone-crushing hug. As I stood there unsure what to do, I could see Marie smiling at me as she dried her tears and winked at me. I slowly put my hands around Barbara and began hugging her back. I stayed with Barbara, at hers and Marie's insistence until I could find a suitable apartment I felt comfortable moving into, which only took me two weeks to find. I have been working for the Ace Cab Company now for four months. I believe I have seen Marie in passing at least five times since then. Now finishing my second beer, I had decided to go out this evening, and have a little fun and stop feeling sorry for myself. Barbara had been telling me about a bar down on Fourth Street, called the Purple Palace. She said that it was a nice place, and the owner didn't allow anyone being pressured. After taking a long hot shower and drying my hair, I stood in my closet not sure what to wear, I decided to be a little conservative and wear a sundress that came down to my knees, with wide straps over the shoulders. It was tight enough that it did show my breasts, but not like they were my main focal point. It was about eight when I arrived. The doorman, or should I say woman looked at me and gave me a toothy grin. She had tattoos up and down both arms and on her neck. By the look of her arms and shoulders, you could tell that she worked out regularly. I was later to learn that her name was Jo, and she and the owner was a couple. Smiling back, I stepped inside to a dim lit bar with a purple glow. Standing off to one side, I began taking in my surroundings. Off to one side was a large dance floor, with several couples already on it dancing, some holding onto each other and others kind like free flowing it doing their own thing. At the edge of the dance floor, I spotted a woman, long black hair; her gown went down to the floor. Beside her was a younger woman, wearing what looked like a petty coat, and around her neck was a collar with a lease attached to it. The woman gave me a nod and a smile. Ignoring her, I turn towards the bar. The stools around the bar were mostly empty being so early I thought. The bar had a few people sitting around it, so I slid into an empty stool at the bar giving me a good view of the door and dance floor. It was between two women to either side of me. The woman to my left glanced over her shoulder at me, but turned and continued her conversation to the person next to her. The bar tender came up to me, wiped the bar in front of me saying, "Hey sugar, never seen you in here before, are you new to the area?" "Yes I am and yes, this is the first time being here." Giving her a slight smile. "Well welcome to the Purple Palace, my name is Patty, I own this place and the first drink is on the house, what'll you have?" "How about a Bud Light, got that on draft?" "Sure thing, be back in a moment." Turning towards the other end of the bar. Turning in my head and looking around, surveying the people in the bar. There was a mixture of young and old. Some dressed as if they were men, and some dressed very sexy, each looking for someone who pleased them. I spotted a woman sitting in a corner booth with another woman, they were apparently talking to one another, but her eyes never left mine. The entire time they were conversing with one another, she kept her eyes on me. I turned my head, looking back around the room, but when I again looked towards her, she was still staring at me. I couldn't tell much about her, except that she had black hair that came down to her shoulders and the darkest eyes. They were almost hypnotic. I could almost feel myself being drawn into them. Her complexion was an olive hue, as if she were from somewhere around the Mediterranean. Just as her staring was about to get to me, I felt a bump against my back. Looking over my shoulder was a woman, possible a few years older than myself. "Sorry, I was just trying to get up to the bar to order a drink." "No, that is alright." Leaning over a little giving her more room. From my seated position I guessed her to be around five foot five, long sandy colored hair and blue eyes. Looked like she was at least a full C or possibly a D cup. Being possibly five or ten pounds overweight, she did carry it very well. While waiting on the bar tender, she asked, "Never seen you in here before, are you new? "Yes I am, my name is Alexi." "Well, welcome to the Purple Palace, my name is Nancy." Extending her hand to me. "I smiled, nice meeting you." Clasping her hand in mine, it felt cool to the touch and very soft. It was a softness one might want touching all over your body. When the bartender came up to us, she ordered a glass of Merlot. Turning back to me, "So do you live around here, or just visiting?" "Yes, I live here now, I moved here a few months ago, and for now, I would like to make this my home, and you?" Trying to find more about this woman. "Born and raised here." While looking me up and down, hoping that what she is seeing meets her approval. After she had received her drink, again turning to me, "would you like to find a table and get to know one another?" "I think that would really be nice." Tilting my head to one side, smiling at her. I was looking at one side of the room as she was looking in the other direction. She laid her hand on my forearm, "There is a table over there near that booth, let's take it before someone else grabs it." When I turned and looked in the direction she was looking, my heart skipped a beat, seeing that it was near the same booth the other woman was staring at me earlier. Taking me by the hand she began dragging me towards the empty table. As we got closer, the woman looked up and I could tell her eyes were once more trying to see into my soul. A slight smile had begun to form on her lips. As we got to the table, I made sure that my back was towards the woman as we sat down, I saw my new friend give a slight wave to the woman behind me. Being a little curious, I had to ask, "A friend of yours?" "Oh no, not really. That's Jana, she's a regular here, we talked a few times, but nothing serious." "Sorry, I just don't want you to be bored and missing out being with your friends." Trying to cover my curiosity. "Oh no, that's ok. I'm a friend with a lot of the people that come in here, and a lover to a few. Does that bother you?" Sitting there looking at me for any expression I might have on my face. "No, not at all." Looking down at my drink for a second. Lifting my head up, "While we're being honest with one another, I think there is something I need to tell you. I am kind of new at this. I just got out of the Marines, but before that I have fooled around with some girls when I was in younger. I won't be offended or angry if you decide to get up and leave to be with someone else... more experienced." As we sat across from one another, she looked at me for a moment or two, and then reached across the table, putting her hand on top of mine, giving it a slight squeeze. Tilting her head a little to one side, "Why don't we just take it slow and see where this goes. If nothing more, maybe we'll become just good friends who just might like to hang out together." Turning my hand over under hers, and wrapping my fingers around her hand and giving her my sweetest smile, "I think I would like that very much. Taking it slow is good, and besides, I think I might enjoy getting to know you a little better. I just hope I don't disappoint you." Over the next hour or so, we talked about most everything, the things we liked doing, the music we listened to, our favorite movies and TV shows. I told her I was an avid runner, while she told me she liked Zumba dancing when she could attend. I kind of hinted that I might try it one day with her, but then she was going to have to join me on one of my five o'clock five mile run. She had ordered another glass of Merlot, while I just stuck with nursing my beer. I didn't need to get drunk and get into an accident. A couple of times we got up and went to the dance floor. I wasn't much of a dancer, but just being out there with Nancy, I felt relaxed enough I kind of just went with the flow. One of the tunes being played was a slow one. When I started to turn to walk back to the table, Nancy grabbed my arm and pulled me in close. Her hands went to my waist holding me firmly to her, my hands resting on her waist. After a moment or two, we laid our heads on each other shoulders. As we glided across the floor, I could smell the sweet apple scent of her hair, with a hint of the perfume she was wearing. I began to feel light kisses on my neck. Sliding my hands further, I pulled her in tight to me, mashing our breasts together. I felt her hand slide down onto my butt cheek and give it a little squeeze. My juices from my pussy were beginning to soak my panties. After a moment more, I pulled back from Barbara, I looked into her eyes and could see the passion in them. I wanted to continue, but knew that if we did, it might get a little too carried away out here on the dance floor. "You know, as much as I love the closeness of you to me, I think maybe we should slow it down a little." Starting to regret saying that. "You know, you're probably right. How about we leave here, go and find a nice quite place and have a drink. What do you say to that?" Standing out on the dance floor, I began to contemplate her suggestion, when an idea came to mind. As she started to walk off holding my hand, I stayed rooted where I stood. "What's up babe? We really don't have to go anywhere, it's ok." Looking at me, still holding my hand. "No, it's not that, but... ah... can I ask you something? Biting my lower lip thinking on what I was about to ask her. "Sure, ask me anything you want." Giving my hand a squeeze for reassurance. "Instead of going to some bar or someplace, how about if we just go to your apartment, drink whatever you have on hand and relax there." As I stood there looking at her, wondering what she was going to say, her face light up like the lights on Broadway, and a smile spread across her face from ear to ear. "I think that is a great idea, and I promise, we'll go as slow as you want, no pressures." Squeezing her hand, "Thanks, I appreciate that." Walking hand in hand towards the door, I happen to glance to one side and noticed the dark haired girl Jana staring at me. I really couldn't see if she had any kind of expression on her face but thought 'why do I care'. As we stepped out into the cool night air, I shivered for a second, grabbing hold of Barbara's arm. Looking around I spotted my car only a few yards from where we were standing. She gave a shiver and said, "I'm parked way down on the other end of the parking lot, where are you parked?" "I parked up close, only because I was here early. Why don't I give you a lift to your car? "Burr, sounds great," as we walked briskly to the car, opening the passenger door for her then running around and opening mine. "Well, it's not much, but it's all paid for and almost the way I want it." "What year is this car?" She asked. "It's a sixty six GTO. I just had the interior done and next is the paint job." When I turned the key and the powerful five hundred and twenty five HP engine fired up with its deep throaty roar, I heard Nancy gasp as she put her hand to her chest. "Oh my! Sounds like you have a monster under your hood." "I was assigned to the motor pool, and learned my way around engines. Over the years, a couple of the guys assigned with me, helped me rebuild the engine, and added a six-speed transmission and positraction rear end. It will hold its own." Putting the car in gear we slowly made our way through the parking lot to her car. The ride to Nancy's home was not all that far. We pulled up in front of a four-story apartment building. It looked fairly modern, considering Charleston is an old city with many of its colonial type homes. I met up with Nancy at the entrance of the building, where we walked hand in hand inside. After entering her apartment, I noticed it was very spacious, living room on one side and dinning on the other, with what looked like a large doorway to the kitchen. Once inside, Nancy asked if I would like to pick out some music we could listen to as we sat and talked. She turned and went into the kitchen; I could hear glasses clinking and the pop of a cork. I found something from Philip Riley and put that into the CD. Being not a real wine drinker, I was a little concerned that I would be served a glass of wine, but Nancy came out with a tray with cheese snacks, a glass of wine and a can of Bud Light and a glass half filled with beer. We both took a couple of sips of our drinks, listening to the music playing. "I like the music you selected. Nice and slow and very romantic." Touching my glass with her wine goblet. "It's the kind of music I like to listen to when I want my mind to wonder." I softly said as my fingertip circled the rim of the glass I was holding. As she started to take another sip of her drink, she indicated that I also have another drink of mine. We both sat quietly, sipping on our drinks and listening to the music. When my glass was almost empty, I started feeling a little funny. It seemed that my eyes were no longer able to focus on what I was looking at. My eyelids felt like they were getting heavier and heavier. I was totally unaware when Nancy slid closer to me, putting her glass on the tray, then taking mine from my hand and placing it alongside of hers. My mind seemed to be in a fog, aware of my surroundings, but unable to control myself. Nancy placed her hand on the side of my face, turning it so that we were looking at one another. "Don't be nervous, you know this what you want, what we both want." Next I felt her lips on mine, her tongue slipping back and forth across my lips. Deep down I knew this is not how I wanted it to be, but feelings deep within me beginning to surface, exciting me. Before I knew it, I was returning her kiss with as much passion as she was giving to me. My mind kept screaming; "STOP!... STOP!..." My body began begging for more, twisting and turning for more contact. I felt her fingers sliding my dress and bra straps, over and off my shoulders. Her lips were on my neck, kissing, licking her way down my chest. When she reached the top of my breasts, she pulled the dress and bra down exposing my breasts. Taking each nipple in her fingers, she began twisting and pulling on them, making me moan and push out my breasts to her. Her lips now on my nipples, I could feel her unzipping my dress, then unclasping my bra. She then stood before me, lifting my body from the sofa. My dress and bra fell to the floor around my feet. She pushed my panties down to my knees, where they also fell around my ankles. Kneeing down, she lifted one foot removing shoe, then the other. I now stood before her naked. My mind, comprehending what was happening, my body unable to stop what she was doing to me. Slowly she began pulling me down a hallway, her walking backwards, holding my hands pulling me with her. She had pulled me into a bedroom, and taking me to the bed. She had pushed me down onto the bed. I tried as hard as I could, I could not lift myself from the bed, but could only lie there and watch as she stripped the clothes form her body. I could see a grin on her lips, an evil grin I knew that was meant for me. I could barely hear her whispering; "Relax, we are so going to enjoy this evening, before the weekend is over, you'll totally belong to me." Nancy had spread my legs wide, crawling up between them. When her face was over my pelvis, she lowered her head and gave my mound a slight bite, then licked down my slit. Her fingers began pulling my lips open as her tongue began moving up and down my slit. Slowly I could feel the juices starting to leak form my pussy. "Oh baby, I see you're starting to like this, you just wait, the fun is just starting." Looking up at me smiling. She went back to licking my pussy, as she slowly slid a finger inside of me. She then wrapped her lips around my clit and began sucking it into her mouth as she started fucking me with her finger. Soon a second finger joined her finger. As she sucked and licked my clit, her fingers began fucking me harder and faster. The fire within my pussy now lit, began to burn hotter and hotter. Feeling movement on the bed, I felt a second person joining us. As I opened my eyes, there kneeling before me was the woman with the long black hair from the club. She was naked except for the strap on with an eight-inch dildo attached to it. She held the dildo in her one hand while she reached down, taking me by the hair and lifting my head, she pushed the dildo to my lips. "Open your mouth my little pet, suck on it and make it nice and wet for me before I fuck you senseless." Unable to resist, the dildo slid into my mouth until it touched the back of my throat. When I started to choke and gag, she pulled it out a little. "Don't worry little one, you'll get use the whole thing soon enough." Giving me an evil laugh. Before I could react, I was flipped over onto my stomach while something was placed under me, lifting my ass into the air. I felt the dildo at the entrance of my pussy, and then it was slammed into me all the way. Foggy mind or not, I screamed at the sudden intrusion. Again my head was lifted, but this time when it came back down, it was onto a wet pussy. With two hands on my head, moving my head around, I was told to lick and suck on the pussy, all the while the dildo was being slammed repeatedly into my pussy. The fires again reignited, I started bucking back against the dildo, trying to get more of it in me. My tongue found its way to the pussy licking up the juices that were now flowing from it. The night seemed to never end. I was changed from position to position, at times, I was licking on a pussy, or an ass was being pushed down onto my face. After how many orgasms I never knew I could have, I finely passed out. When I finally opened my eyes again the room was dark... As I lay there, I let my eyes take in the room. Lying next to me was the woman with the long black hair. She reminded me of the TV character Elvira. I could see Nancy lying on a settee across the room. My head throbbed something fierce, but I knew I needed to leave here as quickly as possible. Slowly I began to sit up, each movement causing bolts of pain in my skull. Pressing my lips tightly together to keep form making any sounds, I slowly sat up, shaking off the dizziness so that I could stand. Slowly I stood, holding onto the nightstand for support until was finally on my feet. After a moment or two I finally got my equilibrium under control and slowly started making my way to the door. With each tiny step I took, it felt like a fist was being punching my lower stomach and groin. When I finally got to the door, I turned my head to make sure I was un-noticed, both seemed to be still sound asleep, but for how long I was not sure. I needed to use the bathroom, but decided to forgo it, just so I could get out of the house without any undue noises. Once in the living room, I noticed my clothes and shoes lying in front of the sofa lying where Nancy had removed them earlier. Picking up my dress, I slipped it on, half way zipping it up. I reached down, grabbed my bra, panties and shoes. Picking up my purse, I stuffed my undergarments in it and walked barefooted to the front door. Steeping out into the hallway, I stopped long enough to put my shoes on, and started making my way to my car. Just because I was in my car, I knew I still wasn't really safe. They could come bursting out the door any second and try to drag me back in. Shaking my head to try and clear it a little more, I started they car and began easing out the space and heading to the street. I started driving slowly down the street, by now you could see the light on the horizon as it was near daybreak. Seeing a motel on my right, I pulled into it and around the back to park. Slowly I began to get a better handle on my senses, even though my head was still throbbing. Taking my bra out of my purse, I slipped the dress off my shoulders and started to put on my bra. It took me several minutes, but I finally got it in place and the straps of my dress back up on my shoulders and zipped up. Feeling a little better, I decided to go and try and find a restaurant, use the bathroom and maybe get myself something to eat, which might give me enough strength to make it home. After driving another mile or two down the road, I spotted a Waffle House. Pulling into the nearly empty parking lot, I got out of my car and went in. Once inside, I immediately went into the restroom to pee and get myself straighten up. After peeing, and wiping myself, I looked and saw how red and swollen my lips were. I slipped on my panties, washed my face and combed out my hair. Feeling half way presentable, it was time I went out and got myself some coffee and maybe something to eat. While I was eating my breakfast, I felt confident that I was finely safe. I was sure when they woke up they would have no idea what direction I would take. I knew no one at the bar knew who I really was, and I never did say where I worked or where I lived, so finding me was not going to be all that easy. After I had gotten home, I stripped and took a long hot bath. After drying my hair, and myself I put on a nightgown, crawled into bed, and began crying, thinking all that I had been through. Later after all the tears had dried up, I laid there thinking about revenge. Since I really didn't want to spend the rest of my life in prison, killing them would have been so easy for what they had done to me, but was totally not
the way to go. Calling the police seemed like the next step, but what would I tell them. It all boiled down to my word against the two of them. Everyone did see me freely leave the club with Nancy, and as far as being drugged, I knew that would be a tough one to prove without some evidence. Over the next several weeks, it was to work, then home for me. My soreness was gone and the humiliation began to fade from my memory. After having to stay late one night trying to catch up on some billing errors, I decided to stop on my way home to grab a bite to eat. Sitting in a booth, I had ordered some lasagna. Looking out the window, I saw a police car pull up to the side of the restaurant. Soon afterwards, another car pulled up alongside of it. My heart nearly stopped when out of the unmarked car was my mystery woman who I only knew as Jana. On her hip looked like a Glock and a badge on her belt beside it. When they came in, they were seated on the other side of the restaurant from me. After they had placing their orders, I saw Jana rise and start walking towards me. When she got almost to the next booth from me, she spotted me and froze in her tracks. Both of us were staring into each other's eyes. I could see her lip curl into a slight smile as she continued towards the restrooms. Being not sure if this was going to be a good decision or a bad one, I pulled out one of my business cards and wrote my cell number on it. I got up and went into the restroom. One of the stall doors was closed, figuring she would be in that one. I stepped up to the sink and began washing my fingers, waiting for her to emerge. Hearing the toilet flush, I knew she was about to come out. Turning around, I held my breath as she stepped out, seeing me and again she froze while staring at me. Clearing my throat, I apologized for startling her, but then tried to hand her my business card. "I really need to talk to you. If you could find the time when you're off duty, would you call me and we can meet somewhere, say for coffee or something so we can talk." She took my card, looking at it, then to me. "Can you tell me what this is all about?" She asked. "For me, it's personal. It really dosen't have anything to do with you, but if you'll meet with me, I'll explain everything, and then you might or might not be able to help me. Would you at least meet with me?" "Do you know the coffee shop on Fourth Street? She asked after what seemed like an eternity. "Yes I do." "Good, then meet me there at five tomorrow afternoon." "Thank you." I said as I turned and walked out the door. Trying to be normal, I sat back down at my booth. Not really hungry any longer, I sat there until Jana came out and went back to her seat. It appeared that she never gave me a second look as she walked past me. I quickly paid my bill and left shortly afterwards. All that night, I had a very restless sleep, wondering if I was doing the right thing or burying myself deeper into the mess I felt I was in. At four forty five the next afternoon, I found an empty table on the patio away from everyone else and sat down with my coffee. I sat wondering if she was even going to show, when out the side door I saw her walking towards me carrying a cup of coffee. Wrapping both my hands around my cup, she sat down we just looked at one another. For the first time I was able to get a good look at my mystery woman. She was tall, probably around five ten or so, broad shoulders. Her breasts looked like they would be a good B cup. Her hips were flared nicely, and her thighs had a firm look with her tight slacks, not too big, nor too skinny. Her hair was jet black and hung down around her shoulders. It was those eyes that always seemed to get to me. For some odd reason, I had a hard time turning away from them. "I want to thank you for meeting with me. I know it seemed like a strange request from a stranger." "Before I came here, I checked you out to see who and what kind of a person you are. Your boss, Barbara, is a very good friend of mine. We had gone to school together and been friends ever since. We were never lovers, but we were close. She told me all about you Gunny Sgt. Alexandra Bella. I hope you don't mind me checking you out, but it was kind of strange the way you had approached me." Taking a sip of her coffee to sturdy my reactions. "No, you had every right to, and I do think I would have done the same if I were in your shoes. I only heard your name at the Purple Palace, but that is all I know of you." Letting my hands play with my cup. After a little chuckle, "Alright, my friends call me Jana, my name is Janalee Dixon, and as you have surmised, I am a detective with the CPD. Now why don't you enlighten me as to why you wanted to meet with me." Taking a deep breath and holding it for a second or two I started my story from the time I walked into the Purple Palace and ending it when I was driving myself home the next morning. Even though I had my head down mostly in shame, I did get a glimpse or two of Jana a couple times, and it appeared that she was trying very hard to control her emotions. The lines on her brow were deep and set, her lips pressed tightly together. After another short pause, I continued telling her that I was not afraid of going to the police, but knew it would be a hopeless cause with no proof. It would be one of those I said, she said, and would be nearly impossible to be proven, even though I did walk out of the Palace freely on my own accord. I was in the middle of saying that I didn't know what to do when my tears starting down my cheeks. I just sat there, watching my teardrops forming little puddles on the table before me, when I felt a hand lay on top of mine. She then handed me a napkin with her other hand to dry my eyes; Taking the napkin, I thanked her. "Look, as you have said, there is little that can be done, especially without some proof, but if you'll give me a little time, I'd like to ask around if anyone else at the department has heard anything or knows of something like this happening before." "No, that is ok, ask around if you want. In the back of my mind, I am starting to feel there is really not going to be any justice for what happened to me, and revenge would only mean I would be spending a long time in prison, and I do not look forward to doing that." Feeling her give my hand a slight squeeze. "Can I ask you a personal question?" Looking her in the eyes, trying to read her. "Sure, if it's to personal I just won't answer you." Giving me a little grin. "Why were you staring at me at the Purple Palace. I mean it was kind of intense, and I admit, it did make me feel a little uneasy." She looked at me, then lowered her head and pulled back her hand from mine. I really regretted her hand leaving mine, but then I saw that she was starting to turn a little red in the cheeks. "It's ok, tell me." As I reached out and gave her hand a little squeeze. "As she looked directly into my eyes; "Promise you won't laugh if I tell you?" "No, I promise, now tell me." "When you walked into the Purple Palace, I saw a woman whose beauty stood out more than anyone else I've ever met. Laugh if you must, but I fell in love with you the moment I first laid eyes on you. Christi, the one I was with, kept telling me to go and talk to you. But when you started talking to that other woman, I knew I'd never get a chance to know you." As I sat looking at Jana, I could see the sadness in her eyes. I had no idea what I wanted to do at that moment. All my emotions seemed to flash before me in an instant. "Are you hungry?" "What?" She asked. "I asked if you were hungry?" Making it clear what I was asking. "Maybe a little, I haven't eaten since this morning. Why are you asking?" "I might be taking a big chance here, but follow me home, I'll fix us a diner, nothing fancy mind you, but filling at least. We can sit and talk and maybe get to know one another and not worry about being disturbed. Can you do that?" "Yes... but are you sure? I mean you don't really know me or anything especially what you have been just put through." Looking at me with skepticism. "Tell you what, we each pour our own drinks, how's that?" Watching her smile was almost like watching the sun rising on a beautiful morning... "I think I would like that very much, shall we go?" We each got into our own cars, she stayed right on my bumper the whole trip, afraid she might lose me along that way. Once in my apartment, I showed her around my little apartment, not that there was much to see. She took a moment to stop and look at my wall, with the pictures of some of those that I had served with, and of some of the places I had been. I saw her lightly run her fingers over my Silver Star next to the plaque that was presented to me. After she had read the plaque she looked at me with those big dark eyes and smiled. "One day, if it's not too painful, will you tell me how you earned it? "Maybe one day, sometimes the memories are too much to bear, but maybe one day." Lowering my head and turning to head into the kitchen. Once I was in the kitchen, looking through the cupboards for something to eat, Jana came in and sat at the table. "I have a little confession to make, for the past twelve years, the Marines have been doing all my cooking, so I've only had what maybe seven or eight months to learn how to cook, just so your warned I'm not a great cook." After a few good giggles, she stood and came to where I was standing... "I'm not all that great either, but maybe between the two of us, we can fix something eatable, shall we give it a try?" Standing in front of me with that big grin on her face. Going through the cupboards, panty and refrigerator, we found enough to fix ourselves something to eat. While cooking we talked about what we liked eating and some of the different things we've tried and hated. I had told her that I was going to pick up some MRI's to fix for her so she would have an idea how we ate in the field. During dinner, we talked about what colors we liked, the clothes we wished we had and didn't have. I told her about my running five miles almost every morning and going to a gym to work out a couple times a week to stay in shape. I had mentioned that I was a DI Instructor before I left the Marines, and if she wanted to join me in some defensive tactics sparing. With that question, I did get a raised eyebrow as if telling me I was probably crazy for even asking that question. After a little kidding and some ribbing, she did finally agree that it might be good for her also to brush up on some defensive moves. After the dishes were rinsed and put in the sink, I had made a pot of coffee. We went into the living room putting on some soft music so we could sit and talk while drinking our coffee. Sitting back enjoying the coffee, listening to the music, I turned towards her, tucking my leg up under me, my hand resting on the back of the sofa. "Jana, you have no idea how much I have enjoyed this evening with you, and getting to know you. Not knowing what is going to happen next, and if this Nancy or the one I call Elvira approaches me again, I make no promises. My only concern is that I don't mix you up into all of this. I'll keep my cool, I'll even try and keep my head straight, but if either of them lays a hand on me, all promises are off. Can you understand what I am saying?" Putting her coffee cup down on the coffee table in front of us, she turned, tucked her leg up under herself facing me. "Yes I understand, but also understand this, I'll be right there, backing you up and making sure you don't cross over that line. I don't intend on loosing you just when I've found you, can you understand that?" Reaching out and taking her hand in mine and giving it a squeeze... "Yes, and I feel the same for you." I sat, looking into her eyes, those big brown beautiful eyes, seeing them full of life. I felt her fingers holding my hand, her thumb caressing the back of my hand. She suddenly pulled her hand back and jumping up... "You know, it's getting late I do believe that we both have to get up early tomorrow for work." I got up following her over to where my pictures and trophies were, watching her pick up her gun and badge from the table, which I never saw her take off. I walked behind her to the door. She reached out and put her hand on the doorknob and paused. While standing there holding the doorknob, I felt she wanted to say or ask something, but needed to gather her courage to do it. "Alexi, will we see each other again?" Her voice sounded a little unsure and nervous. I took her arm and started turning her towards me. When we were facing one another, I cupped her face in my hands and leaned in giving her lips a kiss. "Maybe, but if you call and ask me out, I just might agree to go out with you again." Before I had a chance to react, she had me in a tight hug, holding on to me, while holding her just as tight. She back off suddenly and opened the door, rushing out saying she would call me tomorrow, closing the door behind her. I stood there, my back against the door, thinking of the evening I had spent with Jana, when all of the sudden there was a loud knocking on the door, scaring the shit out of me. Turning around I yanked the door open only to find Jana standing at the door holding a card in her hand towards me... "I forgot to give you my card with my phone number on it, sorry." "I think that's not all you forgot, but thanks anyway." Giving her my best smile. "What else did I forget?" Cocking her head showing a little confusion looking at me. "Don't I even get a goodnight kiss?" Grabbing me by the lapels of my blouse, she pulled me in and gave me a full kiss on the lips while holding me tightly against her. After she pulled back, she smiled and said; "Yeah, I kind of did forget that, didn't I?" Turning, I watched as she walked down the hall towards the door with a little bounce in her step. Stepping back into my apartment, I looked at the card she had given me, Det. Janalee Dixon. Below the name was her cell number and work number. Walking over to my purse, digging out my phone, I entered both numbers into it, and then plugged it in to charge. After I had finished cleaning the dishes and picking up in the living room, I decided to soak in the tub to easy any the tensions I was feeling. Sitting in the tub soaking, I went over the conversation I had with Jana. As hard as I had studied her, I felt that everything she had told me was sincere. We talked a lot of the things we liked and disliked, and so far I was really starting to like her... maybe too much too soon. For the next two days, I had heard nothing from Jana, but I was kept pretty busy at the shop. We had gotten in ten new cars that needed refitting to be used as taxicabs and we had to strip out the old ones to be sold at auction. It was Thursday that I had to work late, while going over the paper work I had heard a knock on my door. My night shift lead mechanic Joe stuck his head in and said that there was someone here looking for me. Curious as to who would be looking for me, I told him to show them in. Just as I had cleared my desk of the papers I was going over, I looked up to see Jana standing in the doorway holding a large bag in her hands. Seeing her standing there with a smile on her lips, brighten my evening. As I started to rise, she raised her hand as if to say stay. "Sorry I didn't get a chance to call you, I've been pretty busy myself lately. I had picked us up a little food from my favorite Chinese restaurant. When I didn't see your car at the apartment, I took a chance and came over here. Is that ok with you?" Sitting the bag down on the desk. "No... err... yes... as a matter of fact, I'm starving to death. But if you're going to try and make me use those chop sticks they hand out, you're going to have to feed me, I'd starve to death using chop sticks." "Well, I'm not going to sit here and feed you while I starve, so you're going to have to learn on your own, but I will help teach you how to use them." For the next ten minutes we both laughed and giggled with her trying to teach me how to hold and use chop sticks. I did get to the point I was finally getting some food into my mouth, but much more practice was needed, that I could see. While we sat and ate our diner, Jana told me that she had asked around about the two women I had my encounter with. She had told me that I wasn't the first one they had done that to, and it seemed that if anyone did come forward, it was immediately rebuffed, especially without any proof. I told her I wonder how many women they have hurt beyond the point of healing, and that we had to find a way to stop them from doing it to any others. Jana said that she was at a loss as to how to stop them, but did believe something needed to be done. She needed to think how it could be done. She had said that she did talk to Patty and Jo at the Purple Palace and they weren't very happy hearing what the two of them had done. Having eaten and cleaned up my desk with the left overs put away for lunch tomorrow, we sat and made some small talk about nothing and everything. Jana said that she had to go back to the station and finish up on some paper work that needed to be turned in before the end of the day. I had asked her if she wanted to stop by the apartment, maybe have some coffee and relax a little. She said she would like nothing better, but thought it might be too late when she got done, but asked if I would like to join her tomorrow at the Palace. Lowering my head, and biting my lower lip, I felt confused about going back there. "You know babe's, you can't hide forever from those two. Hell, they probably won't show up. They really haven't been seen there since they were with you; maybe they are running a little scared. Come on, I want you to meet my ex- patrol partner and very best friend." Putting her hand on my arm. "Why don't I swing by your place and pick you up, say at eight. I promise I won't leave you alone. Please say yes." Again giving my arm a little squeeze. "Alright, if you promise not to abandon me, else I'll hunt you down with a vengeance." "Deal, and I'll even leave cookie crumbs to make it easy for you to find me." Trying to suppress her giggles as she said it. Getting up at five the next morning was a little hard, not getting a good night's sleep, thinking about going back to the Palace tonight. After my morning run I did feel a little better, working off some of my stress. My day went rather quickly. There were few problems and no one seemed to keep coming to me asking me questions that they themselves could answer. As the day got later and later, my anxieties begin to kick in about my upcoming date. Finely it was time to go home. After a nice hot shower, I stood in my closet for a long time trying to decide what to wear, go bold, go sexy, or be conservative. Then it hit me, every time I had seen Jana, she was always in a pantsuit or jeans and blouse. Not that I had that many dress clothes, but if I was going to be her date, then I was going to dress as elegantly and sexy as I could for her. At about five to eight, there was a knock on my door. Knowing who it was going to be, I opened the door, staying mostly behind it, trying to hide what I had on, wanting it to be a surprise for Jana. After she stepped into the apartment, I closed the door so that she could see what I was wearing. She turned and froze in place, her eyes were as big as saucers, with her mouth gapped open, she held her breath for a moment or two. In a soft whisper, "God you look so beautiful." Standing there, wearing my 'A' line skirt that fit snuggly against my hips and thighs, showing off my well-rounded ass, my white blouse with three quarter sleeves rolled up once. I had on my gold chain necklace with pinnate and matching earrings. I had makeup on this time, not much, but just enough to bring out my eyes and cheeks, and a little gloss on my lips. "I'm sorry, if this is too much, it'll only take a minute to go and change." Thinking maybe I went too far. "Don't you dare! You look so beautiful, even more so now than the first time I saw you." "Thank you, I just wanted to look pretty for you." Feeling my face beginning to blush. "I was hoping that you would like my selection. During my time in the Marines, I always wore fatigues, which aren't very flattering, but tonight I wanted to feel like a woman, and since I'm your date this evening, your woman." For a moment there, I thought I could see her eyes beginning to mist up, but before I could really tell, she turned and opened the door. Grabbing my purse off the table next to the door, we were on our way. As we were walking down the hall towards the parking lot, I felt her take my hand in hers. Turning my hand over, I interlaced my fingers in hers and giving her a little squeeze. On the drive over, she told me about Christi. They were partners while they both were on patrol. It was during this time they got to really know one another. Christi was as straight as they come, and had no reservations with Jana being a lesbian. She was dating a fellow officer, and because they were a couple, they had to work different shifts. Since she hated being alone on her weekends, she often came to the club with Jana just to get out of the house. Her boyfriend Chris, knew all about Jana, and welcomed her accompanying Christi, keeping an eye on her. It didn't take to long for us to get to the club. After we parked, she motioned for me to stay a moment. Leaning over she gave me a kiss on my cheek, then jumped out of the car, running around to open my door. Once inside of the Purple Palace, Jo was there to greet us, as she greets everyone who enters. This time she stopped us, standing in front of me, I could see the look in her eyes like she was having trouble forming the words she wanted to say to me. "Honey, I've heard what happened to you the last time you were here, and I promise you, as far as Patty and I are concerned, they will never step foot in here again." Reaching out and putting my hand on her arm; "Jo, thank you for your words of kindness, but I have been formulating a plan, after I talk to Jana more about it, I might need for you and Patty to give us a little leeway with it, do you think that might be possible? It took only a second, but a big toothy smile was all over her face, and a hint of a gleam in her eyes. "Anything... you just tell me if I need to do anything." "I promise, you'll know all about it before it happens." Giving her arm a little squeeze. As Jo stepped aside, Jana took my hand and started leading me over to the booth where I had first saw her. Already sitting there was Christi, with a bright smile on her lips. I slid into the booth sitting between Christi and Jana. From what I could see of Christi, she appeared to be maybe four or five inches shorter than Jana or myself. She had on a loose fitted blouse and could see that she was at least a C cup or maybe a small D cup. She had short red hair and freckles across her nose and forehead. "Christi, I want you to meet the very lovely Alexi, Alexi, this is Christi." I started to put my hand out to shake hers, but before I knew it she had her arms wrapped around my neck hugging me in a death grip. As the waitress came over to our table, I ordered my usual, Bud Light. It was quickly decided that what we needed was three glasses and a picture of beer. Christi then piped up telling the waitress the tab was on her tonight and there were going to be no arguments about it. We sat, and talked about past experiences and stories of the things we had done. I really got to see Jana letting her guard down, and her laugh was becoming very contagious. Christi on the other hand, was also doing her fair share of giggling and laughing. During the evening, Jana and I got up and danced to a few songs, including a couple slow ones. Christi even got me on the dance floor for a couple fast ones. Once when Jana had returned from the restroom, Christi grabbed my hand saying she wanted me to accompany her to the restroom with her. Not that I minded, but I let her drag me along behind her. Once in the restroom, she went onto one of the stalls and I the other. We both emerged about the same time, going to the sink to wash our hands. Once done, she stood in front of the door, blocking it. Her face had a very serious look on it. "Alexi, I like you very much, but Jana in my best friend, better than any I ever had. I want you to promise me you won't hurt her. She has a heart of gold, and even if she acts like she is tougher than nails, she is a teddy bear on the inside." Putting my hands on her shoulders; "Christi, I promise you I would never do anything to hurt Jana in anyway. My feelings for her grow stronger each passing moment. I can only hope she feels the same as I do." Slowly sliding my hands from her shoulders to my sides. I watched as a smile spread across her lips, her eyes sparkling... "You're a keeper, you know that?" Turning to open the door and grabbing my hand dragging me back to the table. After we had returned, it wasn't long that Christi said that she had to cut the night short, because she had to get up early to do some running around. That left Jana and I alone for the rest of the evening. "Well, shall we finish off the rest of this picture?" She had asked me. "No, let's not. Take me home please." Causing a look of panic in her eyes. Feeling I needed to put things more at ease, I then added; "I want to be alone with you, unless you'd rather not." It didn't take her long before she started sliding out of the booth and reaching out for my hand. As we were walking towards the door, Jo got up off her stool to meet us. I stopped, pulled on Jo's arm, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Not saying anything I then took Jana's hand in mine and proceeded out the door, hearing Jo yelling to hurry back. Once in the car, just as Jana was about to put they key in the ignition, I put my hand on hers, stopping her. "I want to tell you a little story, maybe a fantasy I've always had, would you like to hear it?" I was looking down at my hands as my fingers played with the hem of my skirt. "Sure babes, please tell me." "When I was about fourteen or fifteen, I knew then that women turned me on. I always had a thing for them. Looking and yearning, wondering what it would be like making love to them. There was no love in the home I grew up in; love was a word that was only found in a dictionary. When I was old enough I left my drunken stoned parents and joined the Marines. I wanted to make it my career, doing twenty or thirty years. Well, you know how that all ended. Yes, I had dated men, but it was only because the policies of the armed forces that made me." I paused for a moment to finish collecting my thoughts... "Anyway, I've always had this fantasy of finding love, finding a woman who would love me as much as I could love her. Someone with the patience to put up with some of my quirkiness as I would put up with hers. Someone, no matter how far or how long we were apart, we would only wait for the other. I know that no two dreams will ever be the same. But maybe you can understand what I am saying, but if this is not what you really want, either from me, or from life itself, then maybe you should take me back to my apartment. If it is, would you take me to your home?" Finally looking up at Jana for the first time, in dim light from the parking lot security lights, I could see tears streaking down from both eyes. Reaching up with both hands, using my thumbs, I wiped the tears from her, "I'm sorry if I said the wrong things. I just need for it to be said." By this time, the tears were in full force. She had reached out and pulled me to her, laying her head on my shoulder, letting her tears run down onto my neck and shoulder. Finally after a moment, she pulled back, wiped the tears from her eyes and cheeks. "Who said two dreams can't be the same. I've always had that same dream, just never been able to find someone with the same dream I could share it with." After hugging me a second time, her fingers digging into my shoulders. "I'd love to take you to my home, but I have to warn you, it's a mess, I'm a messy person, but if you're willing, and if you're really sure about this, I'd like nothing better than to take you home with me." "Other than being drugged, if you'll have patience with me, I'm still kind of new at this." Moving closer giving her a little kiss on the cheek. "Then let's go, I want this to be the first day for the rest of our lives." Once Jana had the car started and out of the parking lot, I slid over, resting my hand on her thigh. I could see the smile on her face as I did this. "Not now, but one day, would you tell me about when you were growing up. As sad as it might be, it is still apart you what makes who you are." Jana asked me. "Yes, one day soon, but not today." Patting her leg a couple times. After a moment of silence... "I'd like to hear about your past also, and your family." "Of course, and probably like yours not very pretty." Shortly afterwards, we pulled up in front of a colonial two story home. As we parked I could see the wrap around porch with the columns all in front of the home. We slowly pulled alongside of the home, making our way to the back of the house to a freestanding garage. "Do you rent a room here, or..." "No, my aunt left it to me much to the dismay of the rest of my family when she passed a few years ago." "That story you're also going to have to tell me one day." Giving her my widest grin. "You know, on second thought, maybe we should go back to your apartment that is..." "No, unless you got rats crawling all over the counters and roaches hanging from the ceiling, we're going in." Hold my breath hoping what I said was not really true. "No, I have an exterminator that comes by once a month to make sure none of that is in the house. Come on, we might as well get this over with." She opened her door and getting out. As we approached the back of the house, a light came on over the back door, lighting the up the stairs. After she opened the screen door and unlocked the door, she turned to me, looking, trying to read my face... "Are you sure you want to come in with me tonight?" I felt her eyes almost begging me to say yes. "Only if you're sure yourself, yes I want to." "Then never let it be said I didn't warn you that I was a messy person." Taking my hand pulling me inside while turning on the lights to the kitchen area. There were a few dirty dishes piled up in the sink, and odd and end things sitting on the counter, but nothing all that bad so far. She took me for a tour though out the down stairs showing me each room. All the rooms had tall ceilings; the floors were all wood, looked like either oak or maple flooring. Along the walls, almost waist high were lattice boards, with a wood trim on the top. Each of the rooms had crown molding, which looked as if it were real wood and not the fake stuff you see in most homes now. Walking into the living room, I did see a few articles of clothing lying about, a tee shirt here, bras and a couple of sweats shirts. Not all that bad. Sitting down on the sofa, next to one another, she half turned to me... "See I told you it was a mess." While saying this, she was looking down at her shoes. Reaching over and lifting her chin up to look at me... "It's not all that bad, nothing that a little TLC can't cure, besides, DI Bella is back at Parris Island, so don't worry." In a soft whisper I almost missed... "Thank you." Leaning in giving me a kiss. Sitting beside her, I balled my hands into a fist, digging my nails into the palms of my hands. I started hitting the top of my knee, trying to reach deep inside of myself for the courage of what I was about to ask of her. Before I could form the words in my throat to say them, she placed her hands on top of mine. "What Alexi, is there something wrong?" "No... Yes... I mean..." Biting my lower lip. "I want to make love to you, but I'm afraid that once we do, you'll cast me aside and forget about me. I'm scared." Laying my head on her shoulder. "Alexi, I'm just as nervous and scared as you are. I fear the same things you do this moment. Tell you what, do you want to just lay down and cuddle for the rest of the night?" "Can we do it in your bed?" "Yes, if that is what you really want." Standing she reached down and pulled me to my feet. When we got to the bottom of the steps, she asked me to wait a moment while she locked the back door and turned off the kitchen light. When she returned, she turned off the living room light and turned on the light at the top of the stairs. When we got to the top of the stairs, it looked like there was a bathroom; off to the left I could see that the hallway led to a bedroom. "Wait, if you don't mind, I need to use the bathroom first." "No go ahead, I'll find us something to wear while you're doing that." Once I was in the bathroom and finished peeing, I got up, washed my hands and looked into the mirror. I almost didn't recognize the face staring back at me. There was a twinkle in the eyes, up turned lips forming a smile. I can't remember the last time I had seen this happy looking face. I unbuttoned my blouse, taking it off and laying over the edge of the tub. Next I removed my bra, rubbing under the breasts where the strap had been, wondering if she would like these breasts or not. My areolas were about the size of half dollar, slightly on the pink side, and darker nipples that were now standing hard and pointing. I kicked my shoes off and slid them over at the side of the tub. I unzipped my skirt, sliding it and my panties down at the same time. After stepping out of my skirt and panties, I laid them down on top of the rest of my clothes. Standing naked, I looked once more at myself, and almost in a whisper to myself; 'Tonight is the first of a life time of many more nights.' Opening the door, I noticed the hall light was out. I turned off the bath light and started walking towards the bedroom; a small light on the nightstand next to the bed gave the room a soft glow. Walking barefooted down the hallway, my steps were silent. When I got to the doorway, I saw Jana bending over going through a dresser drawer looking for something. She must have felt my presence; she stood and turned towards me, frozen with a wide-eyed stare. I slowly walked to her, took the nightgowns from her hands and tossed them towards the open drawer. I cupped her face in my hands, caressing her cheeks with my thumbs. Looking into her eyes, I could see her passion growing stronger. "What..." She started to say as I silenced her with a kiss. "But..." Again I silenced her with a kiss. When I pulled back the second time, I looked into her eyes seeing confusion and passion and maybe a little hope also. "I told you my dreams or fantasies, whatever you want to call them, but instead of taking me home, you brought me here.
You told me that your dreams were similar, but in truth I feel they are the same as mine." Leaning back in, I kissed her once more, but this kiss was much deeper and more sensual. "Just because I am naked, doesn't mean we have to have sex, we can just hold each other and cuddle. What I am trying to say is... Oh hell, I have no idea what I am trying to say. I am beginning to have more than feelings for you and in my own stupid way, I am trying to see if you feel the same about me." "Oh Alexi, I feel in love with you the moment I first laid eyes on you. I can't tell you what will happen tomorrow or next week or a year from now. I'm sometimes not an easy person to be around. I know I'm a bitch sometimes, moody, stubborn, you name it. You'll need a lot of patience and understanding." "You know Jana, I can be just as hard headed, stubborn and I have no reservations about putting you on your ass and teaching you some manners. I am willing to work at this if you are. I also want this to work for the both of us. Tell me if I'm wrong, but I think we need each other a lot more than either us would like to admit." Jana stepped in close to me, taking me in her arms and kissing me. Her tongue slid across my lips, seeking a way in. Parting my lips, feeling her tongue slide across my teeth and then deep into my mouth. With each breath, our passion grew as our need for each other became more evident. Stepping back, she looked at me, her hands slid down my arms, now holding my hands in hers. "Undress me. Take your time. Uncover what is before you." Stepping closer, I leaned in and kissed her lips, my hand behind her neck. Pulling back I slid my hand down over her shoulder, down her arm, sliding across her breast, felling the softness of it. I felt her hard nipple under my fingertips. Clasping both breasts now, squeezing and rubbing my thumbs over her nipples as I leaned in and again kissed her lips. A soft moan came from deep within her throat. After a few tender kisses, I began to unbutton her blouse, pulling it from her slacks. My fingers up around the collar, I kissed her skin as I slowly uncovered her shoulders. Letting go of the blouse, it fell from her arms to the floor, Standing before me in her white cotton bra. Again I ran my fingers over the cups of the bra, feeling the swell of her soft breasts beneath it. I kissed the side of her neck, coming around to the front. Slowly my lips made their way to the edges of the bra. Unclasping her bra from the front, I let it hang from her shoulders, kissing back up across her chest and onto the shoulders. Jana stood panting, moaning coming from her throat. Taking the bra strap between my teeth, I gently pulled it to the edge of her shoulder and let it go. Kissing my way towards her breast. As my lips ascend her breast, my fingers slowly cup the bottom of the soft tissue, holding it in my hand as my tongue traces a line to her nipple. As my lips encircle the nipple, I lower the strap on the left shoulder. Allowing the bra to now drop to the floor with her blouse. Her breath now ragged, a constant moan emanating from her lips. Using my hand to cup her left breast, thumb and forefinger, pinching and pulling on the stiffened nipple. Jana's hands were now on the back of my head, guiding me to her nipples. With both my hands on her breasts, tweaking and pulling on her nipples, I lowered myself to my knees, kissing my way down to the waistband of her jeans. I could feel her body shake with each gasp of air that she took in. I released my right hand from her breast, and slid it down to her waist, undoing the belt, then the button of the jeans and slowly pulling down the zipper. Planting soft kisses across her stomach, I reached down and began removing her shoes, first the right, then the left. With both hands I pulling down her jeans, slowly uncovered her black panties. The aroma of her sex filled my senses as I yanked down her jeans allowing her to easily step out of them. I leaned back, able to take in the sight of Jana, breasts heaving while looking down at me. Her hands still holding onto my shoulders, I could feel the slight pull, beckoning me closer. For the first time I wasn't sure of myself but I did know that I needed to do this, I knew I couldn't stop now. This is that I've always imagining myself doing, and now this is what I needed to do. A large dark spot covered the gusset of her boxer type panties, and the outline of her swollen lips hidden behind the wet spot. My fingers under her waistband of the panties, I pulled them down, over the flair of her hips, lower, starting to uncover her mound, devoid of any hair. As the cleft of her pussy lips came into my view, I suddenly sucked in my breath. I stopped pulling for a moment, leaned in and kissing her cleft, getting a faint taste of her juices on my lips. As I pulled her panties lower, I could see her swollen lips glisten with her juices. Pulling her panties down around her ankles, allowing her to step free. Again I leaned in and kissed her lips and for the first time tasting the juices of this woman I now cared about so much, I took her hands and led her over to the bed. I lay down and scooted over making room for her. Pulling on her hand, Jana sat on the edge of the bed, then laid down alongside of me. Moving up against her, I turned her head towards me and gave her a soft lingering kiss. Wrapping her arm around my shoulders under my head, she drew me closer, pressing my breasts onto her side. "Alexi, hold me... don't let go." "I'm right here... I'm not going anywhere." I laid my head down on her shoulder nuzzling in close to her neck. As I lay there, I could hear the faint sound of her heartbeat. Slowly it started to slow down, her breathing slowed. I knew she was soon going to be asleep. Within a few short minutes, she was indeed asleep, her arm still holding me, but without much pressure. I felt my eyelids also getting heavy and was asleep soon afterwards. I have no idea how long we were asleep, but I began to wake when I felt her trying to untangle herself from me while trying to get up. I grabbed her, mumbling... "Don't go" "It's ok baby, I just have to go and pee, I'll be right back." Pulling free getting out of bed. I was still a little groggy from sleep; I heard her faint footsteps walking across the floor. I soon heard her pee splashing into the toilet bowl. In the Marines, you quickly become accustom to peeing when others are around you, but knowing she felt comfortable enough with me so close made me smile. After hearing the toilet flush and water running, I soon felt her crawl back into bed beside me. This time she turned to her side facing away from me, allowing me to spoon up behind her, wrapping my arms around and pressing my breasts into her back, as she pushed her butt into my groin area. The next thing I knew, the sun shining through the window lighted the room. Reaching out, I soon realized I was in bed alone. My nose caught the faint smell of coffee and bacon in the air. When I lifted my head, I then noticed a large t-shirt lying where Jana had slept. Picking it up and looking at it, it had CPD stenciled on the left side with J. Dixon under it. Slipping it on, I slowly got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. After peeing and washing my face and hands, I used the brush lying on the counter to brush back my hair now standing on end. Making my way down the steps and towards the smell of bacon frying, I stood at the doorway watching Jana at the stove, also in a shirt much like the one I had on. I could just see the bottom of her butt cheeks sticking out from under the shirt, which almost made me moan. Without turning around, she said... "Bout time you got up, I was thinking that I might have to take a bucket of ice water and throw it on you to get you up." "That would be your second biggest mistake of the day you could have made." Folding my arms and leaning against the door jam. "Oh, and pray tell, what was the first mistake?" She asked while looking over her shoulder. Walking over behind her, I wrapped my arms around her waist, drawing her back against me. "Bringing me here in the first place, never know, I just might never want to leave." Kissing the back of her neck. Turning off the burner and moving the pan to the back of the stove, she turned around while staying within my arms, resting her forehead on mine. "Woke up early this morning lying there with your arms wrapped around me, I began to think of what you told me last night about your dreams, and when I saw you standing in the doorway naked, and how beautiful you looked. I wanted you so bad, but I don't want our relationship based on sex, anytime we want it or whatever. I want this to work, not only today but until we grow old, blind and bed ridden. Pulling back a little I felt my eyes starting to moisten up, biting my lip to stop the tears... "I'm sorry, did I say something wrong?" Saying it with hesitation in her voice. "No... No, you didn't say anything wrong. It's just when you said what you did, you have no idea what that did inside of me. My heart did a few flip flops, my feelings had started to overwhelm me, I feel like I am going to wake up and find myself alone, and that scares me to death." Tears started sliding down my cheek. She took my face in her hands, kissing away the any tears that had escaped from my eyes. She wrapped her arms around me and held me tightly against her. Wrapping my arms around her, we stood, holding onto each other for dear life. After what seemed like forever, I kissed the side of her neck. "You know, you're a terrible host." "Huh... Why is that?" "I'm starving and you haven't even feed me yet." Pulling back, still holding onto my arms; "So that's how it's going to be." "Yep, need some help cooking or anything?" "Look hard enough you'll find everything you need to set the table. Coffee is already made, if you want toast, bread is on the counter next to the toaster. I'll finish the bacon and cook us some eggs. By the way, how do you like your eggs?" "Is there any other way than scrambled? That's all we had in the Corps." "That's easy enough, just glad you weren't expecting anything fancy like over hard." Giggling a little as she turn back towards the stove. "So, are you trying to tell me you're not much of a cook? To be honest, I am not either." "No, if it doesn't come from take out or a can, I don't eat much." Jana said. "I see it looks like we need to get some cook books, then the both of us can learn how to cook." I started opening drawers and doors searching for plates and silverware. Soon I had the table set and she had the eggs and bacon done. After pouring us both some coffee and putting out some toast we sat down to eat. After hearing she was off the weekend and wasn't on call, we tried to figure out what we wanted to do for the rest of the day. I had told her that I did need to go in late Sunday to make sure everything was in order for Monday morning, but that shouldn't take too long. After the table was cleaned and the dishes put in the dishwasher and turned on, she stood there with her back to the sink, looking down at the floor. Walking up to her and putting my hands on her hips; "What's wrong babe?" Looking up at me, biting her lower lip, one could see the hesitation in her eyes. "I... We..." "Just ask me, spit it out." "I need a shower, would you take one with me?" I leaned in and kissed her lips, not long and not too hard. "I'd like nothing better than to take a shower with you, but I don't have any clean clothes to put on afterwards, and I don't want to wear what I had on last night if we're going to do anything this afternoon." "We're almost the same size, except maybe for bra's, unless you have an objection to a sports bra's. I know just where to take you, and I think you will love it." "Oh and where would that be?" "I'm not telling." Taking my hand leading me towards the steps. As we climbed the steps, Jana was already pulling her t-shirt over her head, giving me a perfect view of her tight ass. By the time we got to the top step, I had already had mine off also. Walking in the bedroom, she tossed her shirt on the bed and went into the master bath, with me right behind her. As she reached in to turn on the shower, I decided that I needed to pee, so I just sat and started peeing as she adjusted the water. Looking over at me, I could tell that she also was in need to go. Quickly wiping myself, I stood up flushing the toilet as she scooted around me and sat to pee herself. Feeling the water getting warmer, I stepped into the tub making final adjustments to the water. Jana stepped in behind me, holding onto my hips, pulled me back against her. Grabbing the soap, she started to wash my shoulders and chest. As I stood there, water cascading off my back, her hands began to rub in the soap on my breasts. After doing my arms, she poured more soap into her hands kneeling down started working on my legs. As her hands worked their way higher and higher, I could feel the moisture forming on my pussy. As her hand slid up the inside of my thighs, I spread my legs a little wider, giving her more room. When her hand had reach the top of my thighs, she let her fingers slid along my slit, slightly parting them, Causing me moan, but it took everything I had not to make it too loud. Standing she grabbed my shoulders and turned me around, ready to do my back. Again she started at my shoulders and slowly worked her way down my back. Skipping my ass, she started at my knees and worked her way upwards. As her hands came to my ass, she began rubbing and squeezing my ass cheeks. With a little more soap on her hand, she began moving it up and down the crease of my ass, going lower each time. Finally her hand went between my legs and was cupping and rubbing my pussy, letting her fingers nearly slip into my pussy. This time there was no controlling my moaning. I had to put my hands on the wall before me to maintain my balance. As she started pulling back, she let her fingers slowly slide up and across my tight little rosebud. Stopping a moment, she let her finger make small little circles around it, not really entering me, but putting a little pressure, as if she was about to try. A long "ahhhhhh" and "ohhhhhh" came from my lips as I pushed back against her fingers. Suddenly her fingers were gone, and she again turned me around and had me kneel down before her. Taking the shampoo bottle, she lathered up her hands and began washing my hair. With her fingers massaging my scalp, I believe I could have stayed there all day. Soon enough she took the shower nozzle and began to rinse out my hair. Now it was my turn to wash her. I was going to show her what a bitch I can be. I had her kneel first so I could do her hair, then the rest of her body. After finishing her hair. I got her to her feet turning her around so I could do her back first. Washing her shoulders, then down to the small of her back. When my fingers slid up her sides, I let them slid over the sides of her breasts, my fingertips barely touching her areolas causing her to moan, then back up to her shoulders. Kneeling down I poured a little more soap on my hands and began at her ankles and worked my way back up her legs. Just as I had done she parted her legs slightly, giving me a little room to move between them. My hands, still soapy, I began massaging her ass cheeks, letting my fingers slip down between the crack of her ass. Now standing, I slid my hand between her legs and let my fingers lightly massage her pussy lips. Extending my finger, I pressed it against her clit, circled it once as she moaned loudly. Then slowly pulling it back and up towards the crack of her ass. As my finger came to her rosebud, I stopped, lightly rubbed it, and then pushed my finger into her ass to the first knuckle, really causing her to moan as she pushed back against my hand. Twisting my finger inside of her ass, I heard a "oh God..." pulling my finger from her ass, giving each cheek a little squeeze. I turned her around once more, and with more soap on my hands I started washing her chest, taking my time to rub the soap into her breasts. They were smaller than mine, but filled my hand nicely. Washing her stomach and going down her legs, I stood straight, pushed her back against the wall. My hand went to her pussy once more, slipping my fingers between her legs, again massaging her pussy lips, feeling her juices coating my fingers. With her eyes closed I pressed my lips to hers, forcing my tongue deep into her mouth as I pushed my finger deep into her pussy. With my tongue deep in her mouth, my finger deep in her pussy, all she could do was moan into my mouth as her hands gripped my shoulders. With the palm of my hand rubbing against her clit, I started finger fucking her hard and fast. When I added a second finger, it was all that was needed to push her over the edge. Her nails digging into my shoulder, a long wail being screamed into my mouth, I kept finger fucking her until she began to come down from her orgasm. Slowly pulling my fingers from her pussy, I brought them to my lips and licked them clean. She stood there, leaning back against the wall, eyes closed slowly recovering from her orgasm. Giving her a peck on the cheek, I quickly stepped out of the shower and took one of the towels off the rack and began to dry myself. "You bitch, get back in here, I need some payback time with you." "You had your chance and blew it... Maybe next time if you're lucky enough." Giggling a little as I reached for the second towel on the rack. I heard her turning off the water, pulling back the curtain and started to step out, I tossed her the other towel from the rack. "Turn around, I'll dry your back, then you can dry mine." I said. "I don't know if I trust you near me, your sneaky" As she turned so I could start drying her back. After drying her back, I began rubbing the towel through her hair, trying to get it dried a little. Pulling her hair to one side, I lightly kissed her shoulder then neck, and whispered in her ear; "You hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for just being you." As I heard her let out a long slow breath. "Now you can dry my back." Turning around giving her access to my back. We took turns, combing and drying each other's hair. Once that was done, we went into the bedroom where Jana found us a pair of panties to wear, and a sports bra that I was able to fit into. She found a couple pairs of gym shorts that we could wear and plain t-shirts. Come to find out, we almost wore the same size shoe, I was an eight and half and she was a nine, but the tennis shoes did fit comfortably. Just before we were to walk out of the room, I told her to wait a moment. I went around the room, picking up the clothes she had strewn all over the room. I asked her where her clothes hamper was, and all she could do was shrug her shoulders. I opened the closet door and dropped them just inside. I walked to the far side of the bed and began to make it. I stopped and looked at her... "Well, you going to help or not?" Snapping herself out of her little trance, she quickly jumped in and helped me finish making the bed. "See, looks a lot better, doesn't it?" "Well yeah but you are a little bossy." "No, just trying to teach you how not to be so messy." Giving her a sweet smile as I started walking out of the room. As I got to the top of the stairs, I heard her start to scramble towards the door saying... "I like being messy, it's easy to find what I'm looking for." "You know, that's what a man would say." Looking over my shoulder and she came down the stairs. "I'm no man, and I've got the pussy to prove it." "What you really need is a... Ah never mind." "No you don't, what do I need?" "You need a maid." Thinking quickly trying to cover what I really wanted to say was 'you need a wife.' "Oh, and before you say anything, I don't wear little fancy aprons, so don't even go there." Bumping her playfully in the arm with my elbow. Jana went to a closet and pulled out two fanny packs, one she handed to me, and the other she put her weapon, badge, wallet and cell phone. I put my wallet and cell phone into the one she handed me. As we were driving across town, Jana turned to me, putting her hand on my leg; "Are you going to stay with me tonight?" Giving me a little squeeze. Looking over, trying to see if I could read her face, "Are you sure you want me to stay?" "Yes, I am very sure." "Yes, I would like that." Laying my hand on top of her hand. After about thirty minutes driving, we arrived at Patriots Point. After parking the car, we got out and started walking down the pathway. Not sure she wanted to show any affection in public, mostly because of her job and position, I kept my hand by my side, but after a few feet, she moved over and took my hand in hers. Lacing my fingers between hers, I raised her hand and kissed the back of her hand. Looking at me, she smiled as we continued our walk. We spent the afternoon at the point, taking a tour of the aircraft carrier moored in the harbor. At the rear of the Carrier was a restaurant where we got ourselves something to eat. I was telling her how I thought I wanted to get my revenge. Since we really couldn't actually prove anything legally, but to catch them in the club when it was crowded, and verbally putting them down for what they had done to me. With the club crowded, word would spread quickly to their tactics, hopefully putting others on the lookout for them. Jana thought that it sounded like a great idea, and that we would need to talk to Patty and Jo, letting them know what our plans are. With the sun low in the western sky, a slight breeze started to pick up blowing in off the harbor, which started to cool things down quickly. Grabbing Jana's arm, I told her that I was starting to get a little cold and asked if we could soon go. She had said that she was also feeling the chill and it was time to leave. After we got into the car and started our way back home, I had told her if she would stop at my place, I could pick up a few things to wear tomorrow, and follow her home in my car, that way when I went to the shop, she didn't have to drive me there. "You can bring your car back with you, but I'd like to take you anyway, gives me a chance to see what you actually do." Turning towards me giving me a wink. "Only if you insist, that would be fine with me." Once we arrived at the apartment, I had her come in with me and relax while I packed a few items to take with me. Instead of sitting down in the living room relaxing, she followed me into the bedroom. Once inside the bedroom, she looked around and noticed that it was picked up, bed made and everything else in its place. As she sat down on the bed and was looking around, all I heard was a "humph..." "What?" Looking at her. "Nothing... Nothing at all." Was all she said. Getting out an overnight bag, I started to put a bra and panty set into it, she reopened the drawer and added several more bras and panties. Whatever I added, she tried to double and triple it. "Stop that. I'm not moving in, I just taking a couple things for tonight." Putting my hands on my hips, looking at her sitting on the bed. "Who said you was moving in, I thought just in case it was more than one night." "Then I'll steal your clothes if need be. You have way more than I do, and besides, yours are a lot better looking than mine." "You would too, wouldn't you?" "Damn right I would and you'd love every second I had them on, wouldn't you?" As I stood there, grinning down at her knowing what the answer would be. Having stuffed the bag full, we went out to the living room where I collected my spare set of keys. I stopped thinking about what we might want to eat later, so I asked her. "What do you want to do about diner later, want to stop by the grocery store and pick up something or what?" Standing there thinking, she looked at me, then came up with an idea. "I know of this great Mexican Restaurant that's on the way home that has the best burrito's in town, wanna give them a try?" "Sure I'm game, let's go." We pulled in to a little place called El Cid's. It didn't look like much from the outside, but I guessed if Jana said they had good food, it probably was. Once inside, we were seated at a small table. A server brought over a bowl of dip and some nacho's, which we both started munching on. Jana told me to relax and let her do the ordering. I wound up with a huge bean and pulled pork burrito with a side of Spanish rice, and a glass of iced tea. I was only able to eat about a third of my burrito, which is all Jana had been able to eat. We had them wrap it to go and maybe have them tomorrow. Once we got to the house, I parked alongside of her car getting my bag out of the trunk, as she carried in the leftovers. Once in the house and the left overs put away she told me to follow her to the bedroom. She made room in the dresser for me to put some of my stuff up, then went to the closet and made some room for my dresses and blouses I brought. Since she had given me her spare toothbrush that morning, and I really didn't wear makeup, I didn't bring any toiletries. "So now that everything is put away, what would you like to do the rest of the evening, do you want to watch a movie?" I asked her. "Well I do have one or two DVD's that I have been saving, or would you like to go to the Palace tonight, just you and I?" Jana asked. "Maybe not, it's been a long day, especially being in the sun all afternoon, would you mind just staying in for the night. We could take a shower, then dress for bed, but... and I mean this, you wash yourself and I'll wash myself. Deal." Looking at her with conviction in my eyes. "But I want my chance to pay you back for this morning." Giving me that puppy dog look. "Next time, and I promise you'll have your chance to do whatever you want, deal?" "As long as you promise, it's a deal." "I never go back on my promises, and honestly, I'll be looking forward to next time." Grinning at her as we started to take off our clothes. The shower was quick, but we did dry each other off, getting a few caresses here and there when we could. Once dried, we put on the same shirts we wore that morning and headed down stairs. Jana went to the kitchen got herself a glass of wine and a Miller lite for me. Not my usual but close enough. She told me that she had this DVD, Blue is the Warmest Color that she hasn't seen yet and asked if it was ok to watch. I told her that I thought it would be all right, having no idea what it was about. After about five minutes into the movie, I realized that it was a lesbian love story. She had settled in on the far end of the sofa, with me curled up beside her with my head on her shoulder her arm draped down over me resting between my breasts, which I was ok with. During a love scene I started getting wet watching the two women kissing and making out, setting my mind to thinking. Sometimes too much thinking gets me into trouble, but sometimes it turns out good. I think about half way into the movie, I felt I knew what I wanted. I started playing with the hem of the shirt I had on, trying to get enough courage to go through with what was dancing around in my mind. Finally feeling I had the courage to go through with it, I abruptly stood. Jana looked at me with a shocked expression on her face. "What wrong babe, we can change the movie if you don't like it." Thinking she had hurt my feelings. "No, there is nothing wrong with the movie, but I think I'm going to go upstairs and lay down, and when your finished watching the movie, I want you to come up and make love to me. I want you to teach me how I can please you." Turning I started heading towards the stairs. Before I got to the steps, the TV and DVD player were shut off. Since the kitchen light was already off, before I could get half way up the steps, the hall light was turned on upstairs and living room lights shut off. Walking into the bedroom, I turned on the bathroom light and nearly closing the door, putting just enough light in the bedroom to see one another. Jana stood there, by the bed, in front of the nightstand, seemly unsure what to do next. Walking around to the other side of the bed, I indicated that I wanted her to help me turn down the covers. Pulling the blanket and top sheet down to the foot of the bed, I reach around myself and pulled the shirt up and over my head, dropping it to the floor. Laying down on the bed and moving over towards the middle of the bed, I reached to Jana taking her hand to pull her down to me. Suddenly she reached up and pulled her shirt up and over her head, dropping it to the floor. She sat down on the bed, taking her hand and lightly touching the side of my face. Pulling on her shoulder, I indicated that I wanted her to lay with me. Once she was lying beside me, on her side facing me, she propped herself up on her right arm, taking her left hand and again began to caress the side of my face. Turning my head I kissed the palm of her hand. "Jana, I don't just want to have sex with you, I want this to be our night that we might remember for a long time. I want you to teach me how to make love to you, teach me how to please you. I want to be your woman, and your woman only. I'll do anything you ask of me, as long as it pleases you. Can you do that for me?" With her face nearly over mine, I could see tears forming in her eyes. I reached up with both hands on her face, my thumbs ready to wipe away any tears that might fall. "Please, don't cry, just love me. Let me feel all the love within your heart." I pulling her down and kissing her softly on her lips. She began kissing me all over my face, my nose, and my forehead working her way back down to my lips. After several tender kisses, she raised up a little. "Alexi, I'm scared, I'm..." I put my finger to her lips to silence her. "Jana, I scared too. I'm almost frightened out of my wits. I want to take that final step and give you my heart and soul if you'll have me." "Oh God yes..." Again I felt her fingers caressing the side of my face. Slowly her face moved closer to me, her fingers slowly encircling behind my neck, I could feel her breath on my lips, the smell of the wine on each breath. I leaned in and when our lips touched, I felt a spark I had never felt before. The kiss was very light and only lasted a moment. When she pulled back, I looked into her eyes. I could see them full of compassion and a deep yearning. I slid my hand up and behind her neck, wetting my lips, I pulled her to me and kissed her, this time with more pressure and need. Parting my lips, I began sliding my tongue back and forth across her lips, seeking a way into her mouth. As our passions grew, I was allowed entry, only to be met with her tongue that danced and played with my tongue. My breath had quickened, my nostrils flared as my need for oxygen was increasing. The need I felt between my legs had now moved to my chest, causing my breasts to swell and my nipples to harden. My other hand had now moved behind her back and with my hand on her neck, I used both hands to draw her tighter to me. Finally out of breath we separated. Resting our foreheads on one another, we both laid in each other's arms panting to catch our breath. Her hand on my shoulder gently pushed back a little. We both looked into each other's eyes. The heat in my lions were now burning red hot, my pussy soaked. I could see the points of her nipples sticking out, waiting to be touch, to feel my mouth on them. As we kissed once more, I parted my lips, sliding my tongue across her lips, feeling them part as well. Our tongues began to dance and spare with one another seeking to explore each other's mouth. Both her hands now cupped my breasts, her thumbs rubbing back and forth across my nipples. Small moans of pleasure escaped my lips. As our kiss became more passionate, her thumbs and forefingers began pulling and pinching my nipples, causing me to moan louder and hold her shoulders tighter in my hands. Scooting down in the bed, I kissed each nipple, taking a nipple between my lips, I held it while moving my tongue over the nipple. Sucking harder until I had most of her breast in my mouth, I pulled her down with me. Moving from one nipple to the other, I nibbled and lightly chewed on her nipples, having her to moan and press her pelvis to my thigh. Pulling away from me, she sat on my legs, running her hands from my neck, across my chest, and down to my breasts. Slowly her hands began moving lower, down my sides, across my stomach until they reached my mound. Her fingers moving lower, through my matted turf soft curls covering my mound. Sliding lower down my legs, she started at my knees, kissing and rubbing each one with her hands. As she would kiss me, then would turn her head and rub her cheeks against my skin. Slowly moving higher and higher, she would kiss on one leg, then the other ever so slightly spreading my legs farther and farther apart. As she passed mid-thigh, she lifted my knees and bent them towards me, opening me up. I could feel my juices now flowing out of my pussy. No one has ever made me this hot in such a short period of time. I was squeezing my breasts, pinching my nipples while moaning and moving my hips around seeking her wet tongue and soft lips. When she had reached my mound, she went over the top of it, going back and forth. Now and then, she would stop, take a few of my curly hairs in her teeth and pull on them lightly, as if trying to pull my hips off the bed. Placing my hands on the side of her head, I tried desperately to center her mouth over my throbbing pussy. Between my hands and my moving hips, she evaded my every attempt. Feeling her fingers on my pussy, pulling me open, she stopped and looked inside me. I watched as she lowered her head, I could feel her hot breath each time she exhaled. Her tongue touched my slit, causing me to moan loudly while trying to push myself to her lips. I nearly screamed when I felt her tongue slowly sliding down my slit until it reached my little rosebud. My body began to tremble as mini orgasms started from my pussy radiating through me. Jana put my hands behind my knees, indicating she wanted me to hold myself open for her. With her fingers holding me open, she began lick up one side of my slit and down the other. When her tongue came to my clit, she would circle around it, flick it a few times and return it's journey downwards. I could feel my juices seeping out of my pussy, soaking her tongue and the bed. Pulling her tongue back, I felt her finger slowing entering me, sliding all the way in, then being pulled back out. After a couple of strokes, I felt a second finger entering me, stretching me open. I felt her fingers starting fucking me faster and faster, her tongue once again, licking and nibbling on my clit with her teeth. My breath ragged, gasping between moans, I felt the tremors start deep within me, slowly rising to the surface. Grabbing her by the hair, I pulled and pushed at the same time, each time she bottomed out with her fingers, I would push, then try and pull her back into me. As the tremors got stronger, my body began to shake uncontrollably, until at last they burst forward
. White flashes of light would pass before my eyes, my hips frozen midair off the bed. Just as I thought I could take no more, she would wrap her lips around my clit and nibbling and pulling on it, while adding a third finger to fuck me. With three fingers, she fucked me hard and deep. I heard a scream as my body exploded. I hung in the air for what seemed like forever before I passed out. When I started to return to the real world once more, Jana was sitting beside me, wiping my face down with a warm washcloth. As soon as I was able to move, I pulled her down to me and began kissing her face, not caring what I kissed, her nose, mouth or whatever. Push me back down on the bed; she lightly kissed me asking; "Are you ok babe's, you came very hard? I've never seen anyone cum as hard as you just did." "Oh Jana, I have never came like that before. I can't tell you how you made me feel. Just before I passed out, I swear, I looked into your soul and for the first time in my life, I felt love like I've never known before, or would probably feel again. I know we've only known each other a short time, but honestly, I do love you so much. If you'll have me, I'll be yours as long as you will have me." Caressing her face with my hands. "Oh babe's I love you just as much, and I think you're going to be stuck with me for a very long time, at least until I'm blind and bed ridden." "It's my turn to please you, to try and show you how you've made me feel." "Oh no, I'm not done with you yet. Do you trust me?" Looking at me, biting on her lower lip. "Yes, I've told you, you can do anything you like. I'm yours." "Wait right here, be right back." Slowly rising and walking to the closet giving me a great view of her ass. When she came out of the closet, she had a strap around her waist, and from the dim light in the room, when she turned I could see that she was wearing a strap on. When I saw the strap on, I felt that she was wearing it to please me, not try and hurt me. "Look, I'm not sure if you'll like or even want this, but if you'll let me, I think you might enjoy it." I could see the worry and concern in her eyes and in her voice. Looking at the dildo, looking out of place on Jana, it looked as big as a beer can. Sometimes we tend to exaggerate a little, a hundred yards is a mile, but when I wrapped my fingers around it, I was able to touch my own fingertips, knowing it wasn't as big as a beer can. Looking up at Jana. "I told you that you could do anything you wish. I'm your woman, and your... well your... let's just say in the bedroom, you're my lover, you're my man. Everywhere else, you're my girlfriend." "If this is too big, I do have a smaller one, so tell me if it hurts to much." "Just go slow, ok... Let me get used to it, then we will see." Jana used the lube she had in her hand to lube it up. I moved over to the center of the bed, and spread my legs out wide, waiting for my lover to fuck me with her cock. As she got up on the bed and between my legs, she wiped the excess lube from her fingers onto my pussy, sliding two of her fingers into me; I began to moan feeling her in me once more. As she moved up on me, I reached down taking her cock between my fingers and guiding it to my pussy. Once I had it lined up with my pussy, I nodded to her that I was ready Slowly I felt the pressure of the dildo pushing against my pussy, when it slipped in, helped by the lube that she had coated it with. It felt huge, having never had anything this big before. Moving ever so slowly, she would push a little more into me, then pull out, wait a second and push again. Slowly I felt it stretching me, filling me like I've never been filled before. After she had all nine inches in me, she stopped moving, resting on her hands looking down at me. Slowly she lowered herself until I felt her lips on mine. Raising her head, she looked down once more asking. "Are you ok, am I hurting you." "I've never been this full, but no baby, just start slow and fuck me. Fuck me good and deep." Slowly she starting moving in and out of me, my legs wrapped around her, the heels of my feet digging into her ass, pulling her tighter into me. Each time she bottomed out, I would grunt, then moan at the feeling it gave me. As I looked up at her, I could see how hard she was working, just trying to please me. "Please stop a minute, pull it out." Pushing on her shoulders. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." Hearing the fear in her voice. "No, I want you to lay on your back, I want to sit on your cock and ride you. Is that ok with you?" Rolling over onto her back, I quickly straddled her legs, slowly moving up and lifting myself high enough so that my pussy was high enough for the dildo to stand up and slide into me. Reaching behind me, I took ahold of the dildo and placed it at the entrance of my pussy and slowly started to slide down on it. When I had it buried in me as deep as it would go, I relaxed, feeling once again the fullness it gave me. I started rocking my hips, side to side, then back and forth. I was soon able to tell which movement caused her to moan the longest and loudest. Rocking back and forth, I started to set a rhythm that would make us both cum. At times I would stop, then make circular motions. I took her hands in mine and placed them on my breasts. She immediately began squeezing and pinching my nipples. I started doing the same to hers. My movements and playing with each other's breasts, we both were moaning and gasping for each breath. Little by little I started to raise up and slam my hips down, making the dildo bottom out and press that much harder onto her clit. Each time I did it, she would pinch my nipples a little harder. It wasn't long when I heard her say that she was about to cum. "Hold on baby, wait for me, let me cum with you..." I started really fucking myself harder and harder on my lovers cock. Each time it bottomed out, brought me one step closer to cumming. It wasn't very long before she started wailing... Crying out... her body stiffened and when it did, I came with her. Each other's cries drowning out the others. Lying down on top of her, I continued to rock my hips, stimulating the both of us. After a few minutes, I pulled up and felt it slide out of my pussy with a pop. Getting down between her legs, I began to undue the strap and remove the dildo from her hips. Once it was loose and pulled down off her legs, I dropped my head down and began licking and sucking on her pussy. As hard as she tried to pull me up to her, telling me to stop, I would not budge, I kept licking and sucking, while sliding two fingers to her soaked pussy. This caused her to stiffen her legs and moan very loudly. Feeling her hands now on the top of my head, guiding my mouth all over her pussy. Wetting my finger with her juices on my left hand, I pressed my finger to her tight little rosebud. Between all of her movements, I felt her relax for only a second, giving me enough time to push my finger deep into her ass. Lifting her hips as if to escape my finger, pushed her clit harder and deeper into my mouth. Soon all I head was Jana calling out; "Oh god... Lexi... Oh my god Lexxxxiiiii... ahhhhhhhhh" As she was cumming I kept fucking her as hard as I could, even when her juices squirted out of her over my fingers and chest. Pulling my fingers from her pussy, I licked them clean, and then slowly pulled my finger from her ass. Moving up beside her I took her in my arms and held her tightly as her breathing began to slow down. I could hear her heartbeats also slowing down as my head lay on her chest. I soon felt her arms wrapping around me as she also started to hold me tightly. "I love you Lexi, I love you so much." Feeling her hand rubbing my shoulder. "I love you too Jana." Lifting my head from her chest, pulling up to give her a kiss. "You know Jana, we're going to have to get up and change the sheets before we try and sleep in this bed." "I know, but I just want to lay here and hold you for a little bit more if that is ok with you?" "Of course my love... of course." "Jana, can I ask you a question?" "Sure hon, what do you want to know?" "One day, are you going to let me put on that strap on and fuck you with it?" "Hmmm I would love nothing better than to be fucked by you with it. I also think I might have found a good use for the smaller dildo that goes with the belt." Giving her a little squeeze, knowing that she probably wanted to use the smaller one on my ass, having never done that before made me slightly nervous, but I knew she would never do anything that would really hurt me. "You know, I did tell you that I would do anything you asked, and I meant anything." "I know you did, it's just I don't want to do or try anything that you're not comfortable doing." "Well, let's just test the boundaries one step at a time. We won't do anything that makes the other feel uncomfortable. We definitely will not humiliate one another. Ok?" "Deal." "Oh and one more thing, no spankings or paddles. Not unless you want to end up with a black eye." As I poked her ribs a couple times, making her jump. "I do agree on that, I'm not into pain, but I am into tickling matches." As she tried to poke and tickle my ribs. I just lay there, not moving or even giggling. After a minute or so, she stopped and looked at me. "You're not ticklish. Are you." "No, sorry." But I did giggle a little seeing the disappointment on her face. We both settled down and before we both knew it, we were sound asleep in each other's arms. It must have been around one or two in the morning when I was awaken feeling Jana crawling out of bed, apparently going to the bathroom to pee. Feeling like I also need to go, I crawled out behind her, feeling a big cold wet spot against my ass when I slid over to the edge of the bed. Bending over I picked up the strap on and decided to wash it off while waiting for Jana to finish. As I stood at the sink cleaning the dildo, I couldn't help being transfixed at it in my hands. I think Jana noticed this and asked; "What's up, looks like your obsessed over the dildo." Tearing off a piece of toilet paper to wipe herself. "Oh, no... I was just amazed at the size of it and thinking it was completely buried deep inside of me and made me come so hard. If I weren't a little sore, I would say it never happened." Laying it down on the counter top. Stepping around Jana, I sat down on the toilet and started to pee. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked. "Sure, ask away." She said while washing her hands. "What did you really mean when you said that you may have found a use for the smaller dildo that goes with the belt?" After drying her hands, she turned leaning back against the counter, looked at me and with a smile on her lips. "I wasn't sure how to ask you, or even if you would have been interested in doing it, but I would love to try anal sex with you. I had never done it before, have heard some people talking about it and what it has done for them. When you finger fucked my ass, well... it got me to thinking." "How far up on your priority list is this for you?" "It's not really, I mean... I'm sorry I even brought it up, I just..." "Good!" I said cutting her off. "But, only if you promise me that you'll have patience and go slow. If I say stop, you stop. No questions asked, Ok?" "How did I ever get so lucky to meet a person like you?" Not knowing exactly what to say to her last comment, I just simply asked, "Do you have any clean sheets we can use, I don't think either one of us wants to sleep in the wet spot the rest of the night." Giggling a bit, "Yes, let me get them out and we can change them before going back to bed." Turning to leave. After changing the sheets, we climbed back into bed, pulling the blanket up over us, getting into what was now becoming my favorite position, spooning up behind Jana. A light kiss on the neck and "I love you", she pushed back against me, saying she loved me very much also. Except for getting up in the middle of the night, it was one of the best night's sleep I had in a very long time. My internal alarm clock had gone off, waking me at five am. Sliding out of bed, I got up, peed, washed my face and brushed my teeth. I had found the sports bra she gave me yesterday, liking the way it supported me, and pulling out one of my t-shirts. I put on my socks and running shoes after putting on the shorts I had worn yesterday. I figured all I was going to do was run, so no need to dirty up clean clothes. Looking over at Jana, she was sprawled out across the bed, still sound asleep. Reach down and pulling down the blanket, uncovering her, I yelled out, wakie, wakie, time to get up. Looking over at the window, she could see that it was not quite daylight yet. "What time is it, it's still the middle of the night." Trying to find the blanket to cover her with. "No it's five AM, time for our morning run." Pulling the blanket back down. "Girl, you're crazy. Refrigerators run, watches run, but this girl does not run." Again reaching for the blanket. "Hey for a tough old cop, you need to be in better shape, besides, if you're going to be fucking me with your strap on every night, you need to build up your stamina." This of course did bring a smile to her lips. "Tell you what, I'll take it easy and go slow, just for you, and once we get back, we'll take a shower and I'll let you do anything you want. Deal!" "You mean that, anything I want to do?" This time, one eye opened looking at me. "Yep, anything. Promise." She quickly sat up and starting looking for clothes to put on. I went down stairs to see if there were any bottles of water in the house. Thinking that I saw a Waffle House about a mile and half up the road, it would be a good place to stop and maybe get a little breakfast. After putting a twenty in my pocket, I did find one water bottle near the sink. Refilling it, it would have to do for the both of us until we could get more. It wasn't long before Jana came down the stairs, she was kind of slow, but she did come down. I was standing near the back door when she saw me with the water bottle in my hand. She started to reach for her fanny pack, but thought of it bouncing on her hip while she ran changed her mind. We started out the back door, and once the door was closed, she stopped and was staring at the cars parked in the back yard. "What's wrong?" Looking at her staring out at the cars. "Oh nothing. It's just seeing your car parked there, is something I could get very use to seeing all the time." Using the steps, I showed her how to stretch out her muscles to avoid any pulls or cramps. Once we were stretched out, we headed out at a slow jog, heading up the street towards the Waffle House. The morning air was not to crisp, but did feel good, especially after a block or two. Normally I run an eight or nine minute mile, but today it was going to be more like a seventeen- minute mile. After a bit, I could see the Waffle House coming into view and getting closer. I directed Jana across the street, and by the time we reached the Waffle House, she was ready to stop. I told her that I brought some money with me, so we could get a bite to eat, but it was going to have to be lite, since we were going to run back home. "Tell me, who are you going to love after I drop dead over all this running." Giving me a playful slap on the arm. "Oh stop your bitching, it's not going to kill you and after a couple of weeks doing this, you'll be thanking me for getting you in better shape." After we walked into the nearly empty restaurant, I told Jana to go wash her face and I would order for the both of us. After sitting down, the waitress came over and I ordered us both a glass of juice, single scrambled egg with a side of grits. By the time Jana came back out of the restroom, the waitress was sitting our glasses of juice on the table. "What no coffee?" She asked while sitting down. "No, coffee will only make you hot and besides, you'll be wanting to stop and pee before we even get half way home." "Oh." "I'll be right back." Standing and heading to the restroom. It didn't take to long for them to serve us our breakfast. We talked about what we might want to do the rest of the day. Neither of us could come up with any good suggestions, but I did mention that maybe we should take a little time to go to the grocery store to stock up on for the week. I told her that I really wasn't much into take-outs or going out to eat every night. We finally decided that maybe after our shower, we could take a little nap, and then go to the mall, do some window shopping, and maybe take in a movie if anything good was playing. For the moment, that seemed like a good idea. After our light breakfast, on the run back home, I began to notice the look of concentration on Jana's face. Not really saying anything I kind of attributed it to completing the run. Once we had reached the driveway, the look never went away. I then knew that something else was on her mind, and it wasn't the run. As we neared the back steps, I stopped and taking her arm, I turned her towards me. "Ok, tell me, what's been on your mind since we left the restaurant, I know something is bothering you." "Oh it's nothing." Trying to turn and walk away. "Nothing my ass. Now tell me. It's ok, really." Trying to put her at ease a little. "Well, if you must know smarty pants, I was trying to figure what you meant by anything goes. So there, are you happy now." Take her hand in mine; I started to pull her over to the steps. "Sit, let's talk." As we both sat down on the top step. "First thing I want to say is that I am still a little sore from last night, so let's be somewhat limited on anything this morning, ok." She gave me a little nod telling me she understood. "Ok anything is between one and ten, ten being no way in hell are we going there. If you bring up something and I tell you it's a nine or ten, then you need to think of an alternative. Anything else I might be game for unless I find I really can't handle it, and it's then moved to a ten." Pausing a moment to let her think on what I have just said. "I've already told you two of my ten's, no spanking or paddles, and no humiliation. But if you think of something or find anything on the Internet or in a book, show me, and maybe we can talk about it and maybe try it. For me actually, fingers, tongues and dildo's is really all that I need, but if there is something more you can think of that just might spice things up a little, I'd like to see what it is and give it a try also." "Can I tell you something and not get upset or think badly of me?" Looking at me hoping I would at least listen. "Yes, please tell me. Help me to better understand you." Taking her hand in mine and bring it to my lips and kissing it. "When I was a teenager, and after I really came to terms that I was a lesbian, I found my old man's stash of dirty magazines, Penthouse, Playboy, you know, those kind of books. Well, I got to reading the letters written in them, and some seemed really nasty, but some, maybe being a little kinky did get me to wonder and think about." I remained silent as she paused to collect her thoughts. "Anyway, as you may already have guessed, I have had lovers in the past, just as you had. I had a few one nightstands, and a few I've dated for a period of time. Over the years, I've even tried bringing up one or two of the things I had read about or fantasied about, and was always, put down and called a freak." I could see that she was having a hard time talking, but still remained silent to let her finish. "One night with a girl I had been dating for a while, I tried to fuck her in the ass. She couldn't get out of the house and away from me fast enough. I just don't want to make the same mistake with you. I've fallen so much for you, I think I'd die if I ever lost you." As her eyes began to mist up. Taking her face in my hands, I leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, then on each eye, stopping on her forehead. "Before the day is over, you're going to fuck my ass. I've never had anal intercourse before, so you're going to be my first. If I like it, you might be doing it often, hopefully not to your dismay. Besides, I might as well go to work with a sore pussy and ass tomorrow. Least it will give me something to remember you by." This of course brought a smile to her lips. "You never know, I might hear of or read something, and come to you and ask you if we could try this or that, whatever it is." This also brought a bigger smile to her lips. "Are you ok about all of this now. Are you still afraid to talk to me, or suggest anything to me?" "No, but you did take a lot off my mind by talking to me." "Can I tell you something else?" "Sure what would that be?" Jana said looking at me. "There might be times also, that maybe you, or I really don't want to make love, but just cuddle and hold one another. It's times that all we really want to be in someone's arms and to know your loved, not having to prove anything." "You know, I would love doing that with you. Matter of fact, I'd like nothing better than to go upstairs right now and lay down and cuddle with you, would you mind if we did that now." She asked me. Standing up, I reached down, taking her hand and helping her up, and started pulling her towards the door. Once inside, I kept pulling her towards the stairs. After we got to the bedroom, I pulled my t-shirt off and shorts next. Reaching over I began undressing Jana, taking her shirt off while she started working on her shorts. I next removed my sports bra and panties. As I was getting into the bed, Jana had already started to remove her bra and panties. After she had climbed into the bed, I moved up beside her, laying my head down on her shoulder, giving her neck a little kiss, wrapping my arm around her waist, holding her close. "Lexi." Realizing she had given me a new nickname. "Yes baby." "Thank you." "I love you Jana." "Love you to baby." I don't remember much after that, falling asleep, cuddled in each other's arms. I was starting to have a weird dream. I could feel a wetness between my legs, like I had peed on myself, but it wasn't all that wet. Nice warm feelings began to radiate upwards through my body. As I started to slide my hands down towards my pelvis, I suddenly felt a lot of hair and it was moving. Fully waking up, I realized Jana was between my legs, eating my pussy. Her tongue was sliding up and down my slit, sinking into my pussy, then going down and rimming my ass. As her tongue was rimming my ass, I pushed down against it, moaning and pulling on the hair now clenched in my fists. As her tongue went back up to my pussy, I felt her finger now rimming my ass. It felt wet and very smooth. As I relaxed, it slid easily into me. Slowly she began fucking my ass, going deeper and deeper with each slow thrust. Moving my head side to side, I began moan with each thrust, her tongue now circling my clit. I soon felt her teeth on my clit, very lightly chewing on it. Her hand was now on my breast, her fingers pinching and pulling my nipple. Suddenly I felt her teeth starting to bite down on my clit. I was about to push her away, when a second finger was working its way into my ass. With two fingers in my ass, it was a little painful, but that soon disappeared when her lips and tongue went back to work my clit and pussy. I started pumping my hips to the rhythm of her fingers in my ass. Just as I was about to move towards the crest of an orgasm, a third finger was slowly being added. Being stretched even more started to become a little more painful. Giving out a little grunt and pushing on her head a little, her fingers stopped moving, put still remain in me. After a minute or two when the pain eased off, I again began pumping my hips, indicating to her to continue. All too soon, she pulled her fingers out of my ass, and rolled me over onto my stomach. I knew that she was soon going to be fucking me in my ass. I silently prayed that she would be gentle and slow. She apparently had planned this out while I was still asleep, because when she rolled me over, my hips were laying on top of a pillow. I felt her hands now on each of my ass checks, spreading them open. As I felt movement on the bed, I felt the dildo starting to press on my tight rosebud. I knew I had to relax, and I guess she felt me do just that. As I relaxed myself as much as I could, she started to push it in me. After a little effort, the head did finely go in. I gave a little painful moan, which stopped her from going any deeper. After it had eased up a little I started moving, like I was trying to push myself back it her. Slowly she started easing it into me, going in a little deeper, and then stopping until I would move once more. I soon felt her press against my ass cheeks. I knew then that she was all the way in me. Once more she stopped until again I would press back to her. Slowly she started moving it in and out. At first it was a little painful, but then the pain eased up and a warm glowing feeling began to spread through me. After a few minutes of her slowly pumping in and out of my ass, I looked over my shoulder. "Honey, would you stop a minute, but don't pull it out." "Sure hon, does it hurt?" "No, not really, but keep it in me while I try and get up on my hands and knees, think you can do that?" "Sure, go slow, I'll help as much as I can." Taking ahold of my hips and began pulling me upwards. Slowly I finally got up on my knees, my forearms and head were now being pressed down on the bed. With her between my legs, she once more started sliding it in and out of my ass. This time she had her hands on my hips, helping to pull me back onto her. I took my hand and reached down to rub my clit for some extra stimulation. Moaning, I told her I loved what she was doing to me, and to fuck me harder. I soon heard and felt the slapping of her hips striking my ass. "Harder baby, fuck me harder..." I cried, feeling so good now, I slipped a finger into my pussy while rubbing my clit with the palm of my hand. Soon her hips seemed to be flying, each time you could hear the loud smack of her hips hitting my ass. "I'm getting so close... Yessss harder baby... Ohhhhhhh." I cried as my orgasm hit me full force. My body stiffened, but she never slowed down, fucking me hard and deep; my orgasm seemed to be riding a large long wave, going on and on. Finally as it started to wane, I began to fall. Jana also fell with me, slamming the dildo deeper into my ass, causing the orgasm to flare up once more. I lay panting from cumming so hard. Jana was lying on top of me, panting, trying to catch her breath, all the while the dildo was still deep in my ass. "Oh God baby, that was so wonderful. It really was a different kind of cum, so intense, so fulfilling." Slowly I felt it being pulled from my ass. With a sudden pop, it was free. I felt her get off the bed and walk towards the bathroom. A minute or two later, I heard water running in the sink, knowing she was washing it off. Soon afterwards, I felt her getting back into the bed and rolling me over once more. "Was it good for you babes? I mean did I hurt you." Showing real concern in her voice. I had to tell her what I really felt. "At first it did hurt some, but when you went slow and stopped every so often, I got use to it and then it really did start to feel very good." Emphasizing the word'very' so she knew I meant it. "And if you're wondering, yes, I definitely want you to do it again, just not today, ok." Causing her to giggle a little. "Ok! But you have to know, I love you so much, I don't know whether to cry or kiss you." "A kiss right now would be nice." Putting my hand behind her neck, pulling her in for a kiss. We soon got out of bed and headed into the bathroom for a much needed shower. While in the shower, she was taking extra time to clean off the extra lube around my now sore ass. When I looked over my shoulder, I could see that she was crying. Turning around, being a little concerned what might be wrong; I cupped her face in my hands. "What's wrong baby, why are you crying?" "Because, how did a dumb bitch like me end up with someone so wonderful as you." "I think what you meant to say was, how did two dumb bitches end up with each other." Pulling her face to mine, so I could kiss away the tears. "I really think that it's time for this dumb bitch." Pointing my finger at her. "To feed this dumb bitch." Pointing the finger at myself. "Because this bitch is hungry." Without missing a beat, she backed up a little, somewhat spread her legs and pulled her lips apart like that was going to be my meal. I started to laugh so hard, she had to catch me to keep me from falling in the tub. We quickly finished our shower, getting out and once more drying each other off. We decided that going to the mall was one of our only choices, not having made plans for the weekend. We had decided to stop at a nice restaurant for lunch, not that we were looking for anything special, but you can only do a Waffle House so many times before it becomes a little too much. Once in the mall, going from store to store, looking at clothes, even trying some on, testing our likes and dislikes. We were having so much fun teasing one another, and talking about the other people we saw in the stores, we actually forgot about the movie. In a couple of the smaller boutiques, we did try on a few clothes, and in one sport shop I did buy a few new sports bra's, liking the way Jana's felt when I wore hers. While in the kitchen and appliance section in one of the stores, Jana made a comment how nice it would be to have a newer modern stove in our kitchen. I had said that it really would be nice but had to turn away. When she mentioned 'our' home I had to bite my lip, trying to keep my composure. I did however, reach over and take her hand giving it a little squeeze not caring who saw me doing it. With all of our playful antics, it was soon almost three thirty. We were sitting in the food court, quenching our thirst with a smoothie. "We have three things that we need to do before we go home." Saying this while I put my hand on top of hers. "Oh yeah. And what might they be?" Arching her eyebrows at me. "We need to eat, I need to go into the shop, and we also need to buy some groceries before going home." "So do you want to go and get something to eat, then go into your shop?" Taking a sip of her smoothie. "No, let's go to the shop, let me check things out, then get something to eat, that way when we go and get groceries, it would be with full stomach's keeping us from buying everything we see." "That sounds like a plan, if you're ready, let's go." Taking my hand in hers. We walked back through the mall, hand in hand. I saw a few people look at us with maybe a little disgust in their eyes, but I would really say that we did get a lot more smiles and winks from others that passed us. It took us probably thirty-five minutes to make the drive to the shop. I didn't talk much, just sitting back and enjoying the scenery and relaxing. Once at the shop, I got out, dragging Jana with me. She really didn't want to actually go in, but I made her do it anyway. Once inside, we had met Joe, my swing shift lead mechanic. He was an older black man, as sweet as you would want to meet. When I first started, he kept referring to me as 'Missy Bella'. When I tried to get him to just call me Alexi, he would just smile and walk away. I soon gave up on changing him. Most everyone else just referred to me as Gunny, knowing I just mustard out of the Marines. After I made the introductions, I took her into my office. I had told her that he likes working the swing shift on Sundays, giving his wife a chance to be with her folks and not having to drag him along. He said all they wanted to do was sit and gossip about the neighbors. After checking the repair list, I checking what cars needed major repairs, and if there were enough cars to cover those that were out of order. I also did a quick search of inventory to make sure we had the parts on hand to fix the cars, if not I could order them online to be delivered first thing in the morning without causing too much of a delay. Having done all this, I turned out the lights, asking Jana if she would like a nickel tour of the place. Grinning and nodding her head I took her around, stopping every now and then to introduce her to some of the people working here. I had one female working in the shop as a tire changer. She was what I called a perfect ninety six. Thirty two, thirty two, thirty two, strong as an ox and as tough as nails. She had always ignored me, probably referring to me as just another pansy sissy, but when she saw me dragging Jana around by the hand, I believe I saw something a little different in her eyes. I had never paid that much attention to her, since she was always flirting with the guys, but now seeing a faint smile I thought that maybe she was maybe a little bi also. Once back in the car, heading to a restaurant, I started telling Jana about when I first started. I told her how I had gotten rid of the slackers and what I called potheads. I said that I only had trouble with one good ole boy red neck. He acted as if no woman was going to be telling him what he had to do and when it was to be done. One evening with everyone standing around, I finally told him to get the job done or get out. He said I had no business telling him what to do, and that I was only a pretend boss, collecting brownie points. I turned and looked at one of the guys standing around watching all this, saying this asshole had two minutes to get his ass out the door or we're both going to the hospital, him and me, with my foot deeply planted in his ass. When I turned and squared off with him firmly planting my feet on the ground, balling my hands into tight little fists, he looked around not seeing any help from anyone he just lowered his head and walked out the door. Since then, I've never had any trouble with any of the rest of the men. Jana did say that she thought that she might have recognized one or two of them, but was really glad to see that maybe they got their lives straightened out and are doing good for themselves. Pulling into a nice little steak house, the idea of a good steak seemed to wet my appetite even more. All through dinner, we both talked about the experiences we had encountered at our jobs. Listening to Jana talking about her job seemed a lot more interesting,
being new to me learning the differences from what you hear and see on TV and what really goes on. Grocery shopping was a whole different matter. One of the first isles Jana headed for was the frozen TV dinners. I would only let her get one or two, just for emergencies. Her next isle was the soup isle. Again I told her that we were going to start eating healthy, and it started right now. All I got form her was a little smile. I did talk her into getting a small roast, some pork chops, more eggs and bacon. We got some syrup for waffles or pancakes, and fresh vegetables. I did however pick up a lot of fruit, thinking this would be good to snack on instead of junk food. The last thing we did get was a case Bud Lite and a case of bottled water to take on our runs. After getting home and putting all the grocery's away, I opened a bottle of juice and poured us both a glass. Sitting at the table, I looked over at Jana, seeing if I could tell just how tired she really was. "What!" Looking at me like I was gauging her up for something. "Oh I was just wondering if you had anything special you wanted to do the rest of the evening." Looking at me, I could see in her eyes what she really wanted to say, but felt maybe tonight was not the night to ask it. "You know, we could go to the gym, get a little workout in, or go up and take a shower, come back down and finish watching that movie we started to watch or..." Letting my words hang in the air while I took a sip of my juice. "Or what." She asked looking at me. "Or we could go up and take that shower, go to bed and I could make love to you the rest of the night." Smiling at her, knowing that is what she really wanted to do. "I just thought you would be a little sore to do anything." "I am still a little sore, but you could never get tired of your tongue and fingers in me. Besides, I just might bend you over the foot of the bed and fuck your pussy and ass half the night away." Finishing off the rest of my juice. I could see Jana sit and look at me with wonder... She tipped her glass and finished off her juice. Setting the glass back down on the table, she stood and walked over to the doorway and turned off the lights. Turning she asked; "Well aren't you coming?" Picking up her glass and putting both of our glasses in the sink, I went out trying to catch her as she had already gotten to the stairs going up them. Once in the bedroom, as she removed her blouse, I stopped her from taking off the rest of her clothes. Placing her hands to her sides, I indicated that I wanted her to let me take them off her. Kneeling before her, I reached up and started undoing the belt she had on, unsnapping her jeans, slowly pulling down the zipper. Lifting one leg, I removed her shoe and sock, then doing the same to the other. Pulling down her jeans until they were at her knees, I stopped, looking up at her mini boxer briefs. I took both hands and began rubbing them on her legs, working them high until my hands were on her panties. I rubbed across the bottom of her stomach, and back down across her abdomen. Slowly circling my hands behind her, I caressed each ass check, giving each nice little squeeze. When my hands returned to the front of her panties, I heard a little moan escape her lips. I slid my hands down to her jeans and finished pulling them down, lifting a leg, pulling it free. After completely removing the jeans, I laid my head on her abdomen, my hands going up her sides to her back. Feeling the coolness of her skin, I reached high until I felt her bra strap. Unhooking it, I slowly came to the front of her where my hands went under her now loosened bra and cupped each breast in my hands, kneading her breasts, I let my thumbs slide across each nipple, feeling them beginning to harden. Giving each nipple a little pull and squeeze, another moan escaped her lips as her hands now covered mine. Pulling my hands free and pulling the bra the rest of the way off, I slid them down to her panties. Hooking my fingers into her waistband, I began to pull them down. Little by little, as her skin was being exposed, I would kiss her, and using my lips to nibble on the spots I just kissed. After her panties dropped to her ankles, I lifted each leg, completely removing them from her. Placing my hands on her ass, I pulled her to me, pressing my lips to her mound. I slid my tongue down her cleft, going between her lips. She had put her hands to the top of my head, trying to push me back a little while telling me to stop until she could wash up. Not listening to her, I pressed in harder, trying to push my tongue in deep. I heard a long moan then felt her legs spread slightly. Her hands now pulling rather than push me away. As I tilted my head up for a better access to her pussy, I could see her hands, now on her own breasts, her eyes closed and moans and coo's coming from her lips. With the bed already at her back, I pushed lightly, making her sit down on the edge of the bed. Before any more objections could be raised, I lifted her knees, and dove straight into her pussy, coating my entire face with her juices, pulling her lips apart, I slide my tongue from the bottom of her pussy, all the way to her clit. I got a taste of her juices, a little of her sweat, and also a faint hint of her urine. None of this bothering me, I began to lick and tongue fuck her pussy in earnest. All I heard from Jana were was a barrage of constant moans and ahhhh's. As I was licking and sucking on her pussy, I started to remove my own clothes. I did have to pause a moment to remove my shirt, but returned quickly, trying to get my lover off. By now I had removed all my clothing and was kneeling before my lover, making sweet love to her. Every now and then I would hear my name being called and faint gurgling noises I could not make out. At times it sounded like she was actually talking to me in a foreign language. I inserted a finger into her pussy. As her juices lubricated my finger I started pushing it in and out of her pussy faster. When I knew she was relaxed enough, I slowly slipped in a second, then third finger. I felt the walls of her pussy really starting to clamp down on my fingers. I knew that it wouldn't be long before she was going to cum, and cum hard, but I didn't want her to cum this way, I wanted her to experience something different from me. When I pulled my fingers out and lifted my head, I heard a long, "nnnnnooooooo" coming from her lips. "Hold on a minute baby, be right back." Quickly jumping up and getting the strap on and dildo's from the bathroom sink. As quick as I could, I was again kneeling, licking her pussy. I reached over and retrieved the lube she had left on the floor last night. Putting a good amount in my hand I began to coat the dildo. Once I had it well coated. While lightly licking around her clit, just to keep her levels high, I started to slide my lubricated fingers into her pussy once more. I had used my four fingers, slowly sliding them into her very wet tight pussy. Slowly I started working my hand in, not going to deep, nor going too fast. By now her fingers were entangled in my hair, pulling me, trying to guide my lips and tongue over her clit. Feeling she was now ready, I stood; pulling my hair from her fingers, though a little painful I knew I had her near her peak, ready to be fucked by me. Not really having done anything like this, I thought that if a man can do it, I could do it better. Placing the head of the flesh colored dildo to the entrance of her pussy, I slowly push on it until the head entered into her pussy. "Oh God baby... ohhhh..." Taking her hands in mine, I held them as I wait a moment for her to adjust. I felt her squeeze my hand once, feeling she was ready, I pushed a little more into her, pausing once more. I kept this up for a few more minutes until I had the entire nine inches inside of her. Thank goodness she had one of those high beds, allowing me to almost stand flat footed while pressed against her pussy. Slowly I started rocking my hips side to side, then up and down. I'd slowly pull it out an inch or two and slide it back in rocking once more side to side. Letting go of her hands I began rubbing her stomach and abdomen, not hard, but firmly with gentle strokes. I started sliding in and out of her, slowly but steadily. Each time I slid a little farther out, and push it back in a little harder. "Lexi... Oh my darling... ohhhhhh yessssssss" I was now pulling almost all of it out, leaving maybe an inch or two inside of her, and pushing it back in to the faint sound of my thighs slapping hers. I soon began to feel her muscles tightening up, her body becoming stiff. Pushing her legs higher up onto her, I reached out and cupped her breasts, punching, twisting and pulling on her nipples. I almost couldn't believe how hard they felt between my fingers. By now, her head was turning side to side, her eyes shut tightly, a constant moaning coming from deep in her throat. Her nostrils flared, gasping for breath. Suddenly, she froze, arching her hips into the air. Still kneading and pinching her nipples, I never slowed down fucking her. I felt I knew what she needed, and was going to give it to her. Just as she was about to start to relax, I stepped up my pace, driving it in harder and faster. In no time it felt like my hips were a blur, pumping the dildo into her pussy. I put my thumb over her clit and began rubbing it vigorously. That was all it took to send her back over the edge again. As the spasms over took her body, she shuddered and shook while the only thing she could do was nearly scream, "Leeeeeeeexxxxxxxxxxxxxiiiiiiiiii." She totally passed out on me. I pulled the dildo from her pussy, I could see that her hole still remained open, being able to peer deep inside of her. Quickly removing the dildo, I grabbed the smaller one and attached it to the belt. Putting the lube at the end of the bed, I lifted and positioned Jana up on the bed on her hands and knees, ok, her arms and knees. I got up behind her, seeing her little brown rosebud looking back at me, slightly opened being in the position that she was in, lubing up the dildo really good, I took a little more on my fingers and began smearing it around her asshole. Slowly I pushed some inside of her. Adding a little more lube to my finger, I pushed a little more into her, making sure she was well lubed. I got behind her, knowing that she was totally relaxed, entering her should not be a problem. I slowly slid the dildo into her ass until I was pressed up against her. I just stayed there, totally still, not moving at all. Slowly she began to respond. When she tried to move, I knew she felt her ass being stuffed full with the dildo. "No Lexi, I can't take any more, you're going to kill me." "Shhhh, it will be alright. Feel how full you are, in a minute; you're not going to want me to stop. I know that is how I felt last night." As I rubbed my hands over and across her well rounded ass cheeks. Slowly I began rocking. Not really moving in or out, but just rocking back and forth. I felt her hips starting to push back against me. Very slowly at first, but gradually her thrusts back towards me began to increase. "You ok baby, am I hurting you at all?" "No, it's starting to feel really good. Just go slow. Let me get a little more use to it being so deep in me." As she moaned a little, not of pain, but from the pleasure she was starting to feel. Ever so slowly, I started flexing my hips, causing the dildo to begin to move in and out of her ass. After a moment or two, she grunted, pushing back hard against me. "Harder baby, do it a little harder please." I knew now that she was really starting to get into it. I increased my movements, pulling a little farther out, and sliding back in, filling her completely. I steadily began to go a little fast. Remembering yesterday when she was doing this to me, I knew how it felt and how much I began to enjoy it. Moaning and grabbing onto the sheets, she started bucking back at me harder. I reciprocated and started fucking her harder. I soon had set up a steady rhythm, with Jana now continually moaning and grunting. "Baby, take your hand and rub your clit, make it feel good." She had moved her hand and began rubbing her clit. This brought more and louder moans from her lips. Again her body began to spasm and shake. Not wanting to push it too far, I let her ride it out, gently pulling from her ass. I quickly stood and pulled the strap on from my waist, and dropped it to the floor. Crawling back up on the bed, pulling her into my arms, I starting kissing her face and neck, whispering how much I loved her and needed her. Returning my kiss, she then put her arms around me, holding me tight. It wasn't very long afterwards she was sound asleep. I gently got up, and picked up the strap on and dildo and took them into the bathroom to clean them. After they were clean, I took a warm washcloth, went to my baby and started to wipe the excess gel from her pussy and ass. Once she was clean I put the washcloth in the bathroom, turned out all the lights and went back to bed. Around five thirty in the morning, I began to wake. Jana was still hugging me tightly, her leg lying over the top of my legs. Feeling like I really needed to pee, I tried to untangle myself from her, but woke her in doing so. "No, don't go." Holding me a little tighter. "It's ok baby, I just need to pee, I'll be right back." Slowly starting to release her grip on me. As I sat there peeing, Jana came staggering into the bathroom. "Hurry, I need to go too." "Ok, one second." Tearing some paper off to wipe myself with. I got up from the toilet and before I could really step away, Jana was already starting to sit down, before you knew it, she was peeing hard into the bowl. Kneeling down before her, I rested my forearms across the top of her legs. "Are you ok, I didn't hurt you last night did I." Feeling some real concern towards her. Her fingertips, lightly caressing the side of my face, like she was drawing lines outlining my cheeks and lips. "You know, last night you took me where no one ever has come close to. I'm so afraid that I am going to wake up and find that this is all but a dream." Kissing her finger as it traced over my lips, "It's no dream. I felt the same way you do now, and soon realized, it was all true." She had leaned over giving me a kiss on my forehead. Tell you what, why don't I go down and put a pot of coffee on while you jump in the shower. I don't think getting in with you would be a good idea. Neither one of us might make it into work this morning. "Yeah, and plus how sore I am, I don't think I could really handle it anyway." We both giggled on that comment. Pushing myself up, I left her to shower as I went down to make the coffee. After we both had showered, while standing in the bedroom she was pulling out some clothes she was about to wear. I walked over, picking up the mini boxer brief's she had on yesterday, and started to put them on. "Wait. Those are dirty, I wore them all day yesterday, let me get you a clean pair." "No. I want these. They have your smell on them, plus a little of your juices. I want to feel like I'm actually apart of you every step I take." She stood, looking at me like maybe I was a little crazy, but then she quickly yanked off hers, threw them back into the drawer, picked up the ones I had on, and put them on. "Two can play this same game. Besides, I know sitting or walking will also remind me everything we did." Turning to find a bra. For the next two and half weeks, things went very smoothly. I only stayed at the apartment one night during the whole time, and that was because Jana said that she was probably going to work most of the night. I knew if I stayed there, I would wake her in the morning when I got up to run and go to work. When she didn't get to bed to late, I also got her up to run. She began to get better. She was not as fast as I was, but you could see steady improvements. While inspecting the vehicles that were to be taken to auction, one of the mini vans, driven by an older driver, appeared to be in pretty good shape. I pulled it aside, deciding that I was going to purchase it for myself. My car, although being my baby, did only get about five miles per gallon. Gas money was really starting to dig deep in my pockets. Later that night when I saw Joe coming in, I brought him into my office explaining what I wanted. I had told him, if he wanted to make some extra cash, on his days off, or just come in early, and fix up the old van. I would pay him for doing it for me, all he needed to do, was leave me a list of parts that he needed and I would purchase them out of my own pocket. I told him also I wanted it painted, and if he knew someone that could do a good job. Nodding his head, he just looked at me and smiled. I came home one evening, and after walking into the kitchen, a woman was sitting there with Jana. I really had no idea who this woman was, and immediately started conjuring up all kinds of wild thoughts, she was dumping me, an old girlfriend came back to claim my Jana. Jana stood... "Sandy, I want you to meet my wife, this is Alexi." Turning, I gave Jana my biggest smile, knowing she was going to get a lot more later. I stuck out my hand to shake her hand, standing; she took my hand giving me a firm shake. Looking around I said, "Jana may be my man of the house, but lacks in any real manners, "Can I get you something to drink, some sweet tea or juice?" Looking over I could see Jana rolling her eyes. "Some sweet tea would be good." Starting to sit back down. "Alexi, the same thing that happened to you, has also happened to Sandy. Sandy, as I had told you earlier, the two women you described, did the same thing to Alexi. If you would, why don't you tell her what happened to you." Holding up my hand, as if telling her not to speak. "Sandy. I know how you must feel, being there myself. You don't have to say anything, Jana can tell me later without embarrassing yourself in front of me." "No, that is alright. I'm starting to learn, by talking about it, I really am starting to learn how to deal with it. If it's ok with you, I would like to tell you." Letting her head drop a little. "Only if you're sure, take your time and tell me." For the next half hour, Sandy related to the both of us the events she went through for the entire weekend. Her first night was a lot like what I had experienced, but on the following day, things did seem to get a little worse, the humiliation and torture they had put her through. By the time she was done telling her story, I could feel the anger seething inside me. My knuckles were white, balled up into fists in my lap. I could only imagine what my facial expressions showed. Glancing at Jana, I think she was even a little frightful. After she had finished talking, there was a deafening silence in the room. Slowly getting to my feet, I walked over to Sandy, pulling her to her feet; I wrapped her in my arms, holding her to me. Almost at the same moment, we both started crying. After a couple minutes of us crying on each other's shoulders, I felt Jana by my side, somehow finding a box of tissues handing each one of us a handful. After getting our crying under control, I turned to Sandy, "If you like we have a bathroom just down the hall, if you would like to go and freshen up." Nodding her head, she walked out of the kitchen and headed down the hallway. I turned to Jana falling into her arms, "Hold me baby." Hold me she did. When I heard footsteps coming down the hallway, we pulled apart. When Sandy turned the corner into the kitchen, I took her by the hand and led her over to the chair she was sitting in. Once she was seated, I sat down and asked her... "When are you supposed to meet up with them again?" "I suppose to meet them at the Purple Palace this coming Saturday night around nine PM. I'm also supposed to wear a little skimpy outfit they gave me." She sat calmly saying all this looking back and forth between Jana and myself. "I hate to ask you this, but would you be willing to wear that skimpy outfit one time? We don't want to tip off anything before we put our plan into action. Bring a change of clothing with you, so you can throw the skimpy outfit in the trash once we accomplished our mission." "But why." She asked. I went into detail about what my plan was, explaining that it was very doubtful the law would actually do much if anything due to the lack of proof. I had told her, me standing up making the accusations, was one thing, but if someone else also stood up saying basically the same thing, maybe we can put enough humiliation on them in a crowded bar, letting everyone one know what they do to any woman they can get alone in their apartment. The more I talked, the bigger Sandy's smile got. "We have three days, think that is enough time to get everything in place?" I asked Jana. "Come hell or high water, your damn right we can." By Saturday night, we felt everything was in place. Walking into the Purple Palace, we knew immediately that Patty and Jo got the word out that something big was going down and to be there to see it. The place was packed. As we walked in, Jo gave me a wink, letting me know everything was set. A little before nine, Sandy walked in, carrying a large purse with her. She was wearing the skimpy outfit, and I had to admit, she did look very good in it. Not that I wanted her, but it did turn me on somewhat. I was standing at the bar, pulling Sandy in alongside of me. I knew Jana was near, even though I couldn't see her, no way was she going to be very far from either Sandy or myself. Right on cue, a few minutes after nine, they both came walking in the door. Behind the one I called Elvira, was the girl with the collar around her neck being led in with a leash. Nancy must have spotted Sandy right away since she started walking over to the both of us. "Fancy seeing you here. I forgot your name, what was it again?" Trying to member me. Not even tempted to answer her, I turn towards Patty and winked at her, letting her know I was in full control of myself. Nancy had by then turned to Sandy saying, "Come my dear, you need to come and join us." "No, she is staying right here with me. It's you that needs to leave." I said trying to control my anger. "Nonsense, come with me." As she reached and put her hand on Sandy's arm. She never saw my hand come up and grab her hand holding onto Sandy. Wrapping my hand around hers, my fingers on the back of her hand, my thumb pushing her forefinger backwards towards her wrist. I supposed going to the gym every week had some benefits, not realizing my own strength, when I pushed on her finger, it snapped sounding like a stick of celery being broke in two. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Miss Elvira hurriedly approaching. Just as she was about to raise her arm, using the heel of my palm, I struck her in the center of her chest, just above her breasts. She immediately dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. I could see a flash of anger in her eyes, as she was about to get off the floor. Letting go of Nancy's hand, I stepped over, placing my foot on Miss Elvira chest. The two-inch heel of my pumps was on top of one of her enormous breasts. With a little force, I pushed her back to the floor, her head hitting the hard floor, sounding like a melon being dropped. "Don't bother trying to get up because the next time you hit the floor, it's really going to hurt for a long time." Again, out of the corner of my eye, I saw two what I would call, hard core dykes approaching. "Hey, you can't do that to our friend." As I started to turn and square off in front of them, Jana seemed to appear from nowhere. "Ladies, I'm not about to interfere with what you think you want to do, but let me just say this. I know for a fact that this little lady here has sent three grown men to the hospital using only her bare hands. Now I will do this for you, I will call an ambulance for the both of you when she is finished." They both looked at one another, and not saying a word to each other, turned and headed towards the door. Reaching down, I slid my hand up the back of Nancy's head under her hair. My fingers were spread slightly. When my hand was at the back of her head, I clenched my hand into a fist around her hair. This is what we termed as a hair hold, and I knew it was very painful. Squeezing my fist a little tighter, I got a loud, "eeeeeeeeeiiiiiii" from Nancy. Turning her head a little, making her look up at me, "There will be no more coming in here, picking up unsuspected women and talking them home, drugging them just so you can have sex with them. If there was any way I could prove it happened, I'd make sure you were arrested, and I would be the first to testify. Do I make myself clear?" Giving her hair another little twist, causing a scream of pain. "It's all Monica's fault. She told me no one would dare say anything for fear of embarrassment." "I don't care whose idea it was, it all ends here tonight. Everyone here has heard what you had to say, and word will spread. No matter where you go in this city, people will know who and what you both are. My advice, get out of town, and fast." Pushing Nancy away causing her to fall on her elbows. Jo had by now joined us, reaching down, grabbing both women by the hair and started dragging them across the floor towards the door. You could hear her telling them that they both were eighty sixed and if they ever showed up again, they would not like what happens next. I walked over to the blond girl, standing there looking very frighten. I started to reach up to the collar when she flinched a little. I just nodded my head and this time my fingers went to the buckle of the collar. Taking it from around her neck, I held it in my hand. "You can take this collar and follow them out that door and be a dumb ass twit for as long as they keep you around, or... You can hold your head high, and maybe find someone who respects you for who you are." She just stood there, the corner of her mouth twitched a few times, but nothing came from her lips. A woman came up to us, and draped a coat over her shoulders. "Come on Suzie, it's time I take you home, we have a lot to talk about and a lot of making up to do." As she started to turn Suzie towards the door, she turned to me saying, "I'll take care of her, this will never happen to her again." I just nodded my head, hoping all was going to go well for the both of them. By now Jo was making her way back to me. "Dam girl, those were some moves, just don't ever get pissed at me, ok?" Leaning in, kissing her on the cheek, "Never Jo, your too good a friend." I could see her face starting to blush. I caught a glimpse of Sandy heading towards the bathrooms, her giant purse in hand thinking that she was going to change out of the skimpy outfit. Looking around I could not find Jana anywhere, but knew that she was not far away. I turned and started walking towards what I now called our little booth. As I got closer, I noticed three women sitting in the booth. When I was about to turn and walk away, all three raised their hands in the air. "No... here, it's all yours." Scrambling to get up. When they walked past me, all three were smiling, letting me know they weren't forced to get up. After I had sat down, I could feel my hands starting to shake as my adrenaline came down. A moment or two later, Jana slid in beside me. "You ok honey, everything alright?" "Just hold me please until I stop shaking." As her arms went around me holding me tightly against her. "I'm so proud of you, you were wonderful." Kissing me on my forehead. The waitress appeared, sitting down three glasses and a pitcher of beer. Just as I was really starting to calm down, Sandy came up to the table, sitting down beside Jana. "Jana... Alexi... I... I really don't know how to thank the both of you for what you have done." I was about to say that no thanks were needed when she continued... "I know that this will not erase the memories, but it did give me some closure. Maybe now I can pick up the pieces and hopefully start moving on with my life." Jana took her other arm and wrapped around Sandy, drawing her in for a hug, while I took Sandy's hand in mine holding it tightly. With Jana hugging the both of us, I think we were all a little relieved that it was finally over. As we started to sit up, I noticed a very beautiful young Asian girl coming up to our table. I started to take note of her, as she got closer. She looked like she was about five foot five, maybe a little shorter. Her jet black hair was just barely covering her neck, but the long bangs in front framed the pale skin of her face. Her dark slanted eyes even added a certain beauty difficult to explain. Even being as slim as she was, she had small breasts; her hips did have a flare to them, completing her figure. Finally reaching the booth, her eyes scanning over the three of us, "Forgive me for intruding," turning and looking at Sandy, she continued. "I just wanted to say how brave you are." Lowering her head as her bangs hid her face. "Nearly a month ago, they had done the same to me. Since that time I have lived with the shame and guilt of it. Your bravery..." turning her head looking at me... "And yours has allowed me to come forward." "We're so sorry. We were afraid that this might have happened to others, we just weren't sure, that is until just told us. Tell us your name please." I said to her. "My name is Jo Li." As she was telling us her name, I could see that it appeared that Jo Li and Sandy were staring at one another. Pulling on Jana's arm, moving over in the seat to make room. "Jo Li, would you care to join us?" I asked. "Oh no, I do not wish to intrude on your celebration." She said with a bit of an accent coming out. Just as if it looked like she was about to turn and leave, Sandy reached out with her hand, taking ahold of Jo Li's. As Sandy sat and held her hand, it was if you could see a transfer of energy going from one to the other. "No, please sit with us." Sandy said as she slid over, not letting go of Jo Li's hand. Slowly she sat down, never letting go of Sandy's hand. When she was seated, she slightly turned in the seat, never taking her eyes from Sandy. "I'm so sorry to hear that you also were abused by those women, but thanks to Alexi and Jana here, I am free of them and never have to worry about them again." Sandy said to Jo Li. As Sandy and Jo Li began talking to one another, Sandy was still holding Jo Li's hand in hers. Neither one seemed to notice or could see anything but each other. I nudged Jana with my elbow, indicating with my head to look at the two of them. After a short time, she turned her head back to me and smiled as if she understood my thoughts. "Sandy, Jo Li... I think the two of you have so much in common with the experiences you've both had. I think maybe you two should get together and talk to each other, talk about your feelings and experiences and the guilt associated with them. I think that it would help the both of you to overcome your shame and guilt, and in time, this will help the memories to fade." I was saying to the both of them. They turned back looking at one another when Jo Li said, "I think I would like that very much." "I think I would like that too." Sandy had said. With a moment's hesitation, Jo Li stood, pulling on Sandy's hand as they both started walking towards the door hand in hand. "You know..." looking at Jana, "I remember seeing that same goggled eye stare once before." "Oh yeah, where" Looking me with questionable eyes. "I think I was standing over by the bar, and this other person was sitting somewhere near this same corner of the room." After a moment or two, with deep concentration lines on her face, her eyes went wide with a big grin on her lips. "Oh yeah, now I remember." Causing us both to giggle We sat, sipped our drinks, making light conversation. A few times we got up to dance. While sitting in our booth, a few of the ladies stopped by our table thanking us for what we had done. They stated that they had heard rumors, but the events of the evening seem to verify them, and maybe put an end to that kind of abuse. We even had a couple of what I termed 'hard dykes' come over and thank us. In the back of my mind I felt that it was because we had shamed the other two in leaving earlier, cutting back on their direct competition. As it got later, Patty came over taking a break from her duties behind the bar, also thanking us and making the Purple Palace a safe and better place to come to. The three of us chatted a few minutes, before she said that she needed to get back to her job. As she started to get up, I grabbed her arm and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Lord sweetie, what was that for?" "That was saying thanks for my favorite bartender." "Hell, I'm probably the only bartender you know." We all giggled at her comment. "Which by the way, how much do we owe for our drinks tonight?" I had said to her. "Sweetie, enough people have come up saying they wanted to buy you both your next drink, there is enough money in your little kitty to keep you in beer the rest of the year." Giggling a little still attempting to stand. "Well in that case, pulling a ten from my pocket, give this to our waitress for taking good care of us." "Now that I can do... which reminds me, you know each time you give Jo a kiss on the cheek, it seem she can't get enough loving from me until I am flat worn out." Feeling a bit bad for maybe causing her to get angry with me, I touched her arm... "I promise, I'll never do that again, I am so sorry." Lowering my head a little in embarrassment. "Oh no sweetie, don't you dare stop. Our sex life is really great, and that just brings a little extra. Oh God I love it so much, don't you dare stop." Giggling as she turned and walked away. Taking my final sip of beer, I laid my head down on Jana's shoulder, snuggling in against her. "Honey, would you take me home?" "Sure, is there anything wrong?" "No, I just want you to take me home and make love to me," Lifting my head and looking into her eyes. Her eyes got that little sparkle in them, and I swear it was more like a hint of mischief, "Love to baby." Walking hand in hand to the door, I stopped in front of where Jo was sitting on her stool. Pulling away from Jana, I leaned over and gave both of Jo's cheek's a kiss. Glancing over at the bar, I could see that Patty had been looking at us, shaking her head as she turned to pour a beer. Walking out the door, Jana once more took my hand in hers. "You know, you're going to be the death of Patty yet, then we won't have our favorite bartender serving us." We both started laughing as we made our way to the car. Holding her hand I snuggled against her, putting my other hand on her arm, pulling it in tight against my breast.
"Honey, when we get home, can we make this another special night for us." "And what would that be." Looking over at me. "I'll tell you when we're home. I don't want you distracted while driving and get us into an accident." Giving her a wide grin. Maybe it was imagination, but I could have sworn that her pace quicken heading to the car. Once in the car, I slid over, leaning on the console, rested my head on her shoulder, and lightly sliding my fingernails of my left hand up and down the inside of her thigh. I only got high enough to almost feel the heat being generated by her pussy. Once out of the car, hand in hand we walked towards the house, and as always, the light above the door came on as if to welcome us home. After entering in the house, I went into the kitchen to prepare the coffee maker for our morning cup of coffee. By this time, Jana was already up stairs. When I walked into the bedroom, she had candles lit all around the room. Walking up to her, I slipped my arms around her waist, pulled her to me and gave her a kiss. "Honey, give me a few minutes, let me go and freshen myself up for you. Is that ok?" "Yes, I'll be right here waiting on you." After stripping then peeing and brushing my teeth, I gave myself a mini bath using the washcloth. Feeling fresher, I opened the door, turning off the light. Jana was already naked lying on the far side of the bed, waiting for me. I lay down and scooted over so that we both were lying on our sides facing each other. Placing my hand to the side of her face, I looked deep into her eyes. "Honey, tonight I want us both to make love to each other, I want you to cum as many times you make me cum." My words making her suck in a deep breath, the corners of her mouth turning upwards. Jana had pushed me onto my back, nearly getting on top of me; she started to cover my face with kisses. Her kisses were soft and lingering. She was in no rush to please me. Slowly she began making little trails of wet kisses down my neck and across my chest. Her right hand was caressing my body; going down the leg as far as she could reach, then back up to my armpit. I wanted her to touch my sex with her hand, but she kept it away from my mound and breasts. Just as her lips were working their way up to the areola of my right breast, her hand now started circling and cupping my left breast. I felt her tongue slide across my nipple, sending little shock waves through me. With her lips now wrapped around my nipple, she began sucking on it while pinching and pull the other nipple. I could feel the vibration in my throat as my moans escaped my lips. My arm lying across her shoulder, my other hand on her head, rubbing, pulling and pushing her to my right breast my moans became louder, and with each nip of her teeth on my nipple I gave a slight shutter while gasping for a breath. Soon, she began to move towards my left breast, as she did this her hand started its journey towards my hips. I felt her fingers now on my smooth mound. A couple times, she pressed her fingers over the bump in my cleft against my clit. Slowly she started kissing her way down, over my stomach. Jana's tongue began tickling on my bellybutton. Soon I could feel her lips also on my mound. By now I had my legs spread wide, her fingers were lightly tracing up and down on the outside of my labia. As she moved down and got between my legs, her tongue was now sliding up and down on the outside of my labia. Putting her hands under my knees, she pushed them up towards my chest and outwards opening me up. I felt her hands move down to my thighs by my hips. My legs now staying where she had placed them, leaving her fingers free to roam. Using her fingers to open my lips, I felt her tongue lying flat on my rosebud. Slowly she began wiggling her tongue back and forth before sliding it up, probing my pussy for a moment, then going to my clit. By now I was almost constantly moaning and a few grunts as she set about pleasing me. Lifting her head with my hand, and with pleading eyes, "Turn around, let me do you at the same time." Smiling at me, I scooted down as she turned around and placed her knees beside my head spreading herself open, as I peered into her soft pink flesh. Lifting my head, I slid my tongue down her wet slit, sucking up all her juices. It wasn't long before she pushing herself onto my face as she climbed nearer to the peak of her climax. I inserted two fingers inside her pussy making her groan. Chewing on her wet puffy lips and she almost shrieked in her ecstasy. I kept at her and was more engrossed in getting her to an orgasm than I was paying any attention to myself. When I realized the contortions that my body was going through, I knew I was so close to my own climax. I felt her teeth on my soft lips as she lapped at me. Her hips responded to my hand and my mouth, which was sucking at her clit. Her orgasm suddenly erupted, splashing me with her juices and girlcum triggering my orgasm to wash over me. I was pushing up against her face, still sucking at her clit; my head fell back as an eerie scream like sound emanated from my throat. Then I could hear myself saying, "oh god... oh god... oh oh oh..." as I was so overcome with pleasure... The kind of pleasure that only comes from orgasmic bliss. I pulled her around to lie beside me. Caressing her face and kissing her lips and anywhere else I could reach. As we lay there, lightly caressing one another, she began to rub and touch my nipples, lightly pinching them. I reached down with my hand and slid my fingers between her legs. Rolling slightly on her back, she was able to open her legs more, allowing my fingers to reach her wet pussy. As I slid my finger down her slit, I watched as she closed her eyes while a deep groan escaped her lips. Slowly siding my fingers up and down her slit, they became slick with her juices. The first finger I slid into her pussy was my index finger. I slowly slid it in and out, while letting the web of my hand rub across her clit. With each pull and slow push, Jana would moan, and with each moan she would pinch my nipple. Rising up so that I could prop myself up on my left elbow, it also pushed Jana onto her back. She put her right leg up and over mine, and lifting her left leg up giving me complete access to her pussy. Pulling my finger out, I inserted two fingers into her. This had caused her to stiffen and moan as they slid in. Fucking her with my two fingers, she started humping her hips with my thrusts. Leaning over, kissing her lips, then sliding my tongue back and forth across them. Pressing my lips to hers a little harder this time. I took her bottom lip between my teeth and lightly pulling on it, then letting it go. I did this two or three more times, with a kiss before doing it again. When I pulled out of her pussy, Jana moaned loudly, "no baby more please, don't stop." I brought my wet fingers to her lips and spread her juices across her lips, feeling her tongue also licking my fingers. Going back to her pussy, I now slipped a third finger into her. I could feel the soft lining of her pussy grabbing at my fingers. Her hips pushing at my hand, her moans seemed to be getting louder and louder. My thumb now rubbing her harden clit, I started to fuck her harder. With each push into her, she would grunt and moan simultaneously. As my hand went faster and a little harder, I could feel her body beginning to tense. I was licking and kissing her lips, I knew she was on the verge of a massive climax; I took her nipple in my mouth, sucked really hard, then gently bit down on the nipple. This sent her over the edge. Her body arched up, strange gurgling noises then I heard, "Lexiiiiiiiiiiiii..." that came from deep within her throat. Not wanting her clit to become too sensitive, I lifted my thumb, but kept fucking her trying to extend her climax as much as I could. I could feel her girlcum pulsing from her pussy matching her grunts. Finely she started to settle back down on the bed after riding her wave of bliss. I slowly stopped fucking her, letting my fingers gently rub her outer pussy lips for a moment. Stopping all together, I brought my hand to my mouth, licking and sucking my fingers clean. Reaching back to her pussy, I again coated my fingers with her juices. I kissed her lips, feeling her beginning to stir; I wipe her juices on her lips once more letting her get a taste of herself. I kissed her lips clean of her own juices. Laying my head down beside hers, I held her as she slowly fully recovered. I soon felt her hand on the side of my face, holding me as her lips sought out mine. "Lexi, you take me where I have never been before. You know, I do love you so much." Giving me several more kisses. "I can't promise you that it will always be like this, but I can promise that I will always give all my heart and soul to you." I had said to her. "I know, but sometimes I don't feel I deserve what you give to me." She said to me. "Hush, I really have nothing else but myself that I can give to you, so yes you deserve it because it's freely my choice to give." Pulling her in tighter to my chest. After a few minutes, she pulled back and kissed me once more. At first it was lightly, but soon became much more. We finally had to break away so we both could catch our breath. "Back at the Palace, you had said that we were going to do something special tonight. Care to tell me what it is?" "Well, if you're not worn out or anything, we really don't have to." Feeling a little nervous now. "No, we don't have to do anything we don't want to, but still, care to tell me exactly what you had in mind when you said it." "Like I said, we don't have to if you don't feel up to it, or even care to do it." Pausing a moment... "I would like you to fuck me in the ass again, like you did the first time. Remember?" Now biting my lower lip. "Are you sure?" Looking into my eyes to see if I was being honest with her. "Yes baby." Giving her a peck on her lips... "I could see how much you enjoyed using your strap-on with me, and I could feel how much more special it was for you to fuck my ass, and... well... I also started to feel that it was special to me also. But if you're too tired, we can do it another time." I felt her wedge her leg in between mine until her thigh was against my pussy, I could feel her start to slightly move her leg, knowing full well it was going to be getting my juices flowing and very quickly. "Lexi, can I be honest and tell you something." Hearing her now call me Lexi, almost gave it a special meaning to me. "Of course honey, you can tell me anything." Give her a peck on her lips. "Before I met you, I had been fucked twice, and I can honestly say I did not enjoy it at all. I was always the one wearing it. But with you, it was different. I really can't explain it, the only thing I can say is that it was different and I was really getting into you fucking me. When you put it in my ass, I suddenly began to feel what I thought you had felt when I fucked your ass. I knew then that you were going to be fucking me a lot more including my ass." I gave her a light slow kiss. I pulled back slightly, wet my lips, then I wet hers with my tongue. I pulled her face to mine and began sliding our wet lips together back and forth. Pulling back once more, I looked into her eyes, seeing it full of passion and need. "Maybe honey, it was because it wasn't your wife giving you all her love." At first she just looked at me, then as if someone turned on a light inside of her head, she began to smile. You know, one of those big toothy smiles, showing her near perfect white teeth. They were near perfect because on the left side of her mouth, the eyetooth was about to overlap the tooth next to it. Giving me a peck on my lips, Jana moved away from me getting out of bed. She reached into the nightstand and pulled the strap-on out, and began attaching the smaller dildo to it. She also pulled out the lube and laid it on the bed beside the pillow. Reaching back into the nightstand, she pulled out a clean washcloth and put it beside the lube. She then took a couple of the pillows and slid them under me so that I hips were directly on them. Sliding down she put her face over my mound giving my cleft a little kiss before pressing her tongue on the bulge over my clit. I could feel her tongue sliding down my outer lips until she got almost to my ass. Stiffening up her tongue it penetrated my lips and slide easily back to my clit. Pulling my legs upwards, she went back down until she reached my rosebud. Placing the flat of her tongue on my ass, she rimmed it a few times, going back towards my pussy. By now, I was turning my head back and forth, moaning and pumping my hips, not know whether to push down or lift up. I soon felt a finger pressing against my rosebud. As it smeared some of the lube around, it slowly sank into me to the first knuckle. As her finger started sliding in and out, she began to blow lightly up and down my slit, driving me even wilder. Her lips and tongue attaching to my clit once more, believing that she applied more lube to her finger, I felt her finger return to my rosebud. Suddenly I felt a second finger being added to the first, and both were slowly slipped into me. Slowly she started fucking me, going deeper with each thrust. Suddenly they were gone. I felt empty, craving to be filled once more. Jana wiped her hands on the washcloth, and then slid it under my ass. My legs were lifted and placed on her shoulders. After she had scooted up, I felt the tip of her dildo slightly pressed to my ass. My hands on her upper arms, I slowly nodded to her that I was ready. It seemed that with little effort, she started to slide into me. After what felt like an inch or so, she stopped. When I felt comfortable, I began moving my hips, a signal to her I was ready for more. I was really beginning to like this position, her on top of me, being able to look into each other's eyes. Soon it began, slightly penetrating me, hold for a moment, then going farther until I felt her hips pressing against me. She now slid her hands up and was squeezing my breasts, her thumbs and forefingers pulling and pinching my nipples. Sliding my hands down to her elbows, I began pulling myself up against her. With each thrust she gave me, I pulled myself onto her harder. As her speed picked up, my moaning and grunting got louder. My hips were thrashing about, my breathing coinciding with my grunts. Jana had moved one hand down to my pussy, using her thumb to massage my clit, sending me higher and higher. I was about to cross over that cliff to my world of bliss; she pressed her thumb to my clit, and starting rubbing it harder. My back arched, every muscle froze, and every fiber in my being seemed to come alive. In the background, I heard a long wail of a woman screaming. My body then began to convulse. It felt like I was floating in the womb of my lover, held and protected. Next thing I knew, I was lying flat on my back, and warm washcloth wiping my face and neck. When I opened my eyes, Jana's sweet smiling face was just above mine. Unable to really speak, I just mouthed the words, "I love you." "I love you so much Lexi." Leaning in and kissing me. Trying hard to return her kiss, but I had a feeling I wasn't doing it very well. Putting my hand to the side of her face, I was able to say, "Lay with me and hold me tight." "Oh yes baby... one second." She climbed off the bed and ran and turned off the bathroom light. I could hear her rushing back to the bed, then felt her climbing over me, then snuggling up behind me, pulling the covers up over the both of us. I had this feeling of being safe snuggled in her arms, I closed my eyes. The next time I opened my eyes, the room was well lit. Discovering that I was alone in bed, I looked over at the alarm clock and noticed that it was almost noon. Just about then, Jana came walking into the room carrying what looked like a cup of coffee. "Morning Sunshine... Here I thought I was going to have pour water on you to get you up." Giving me an evil grin. "Morning beautiful. How long have you been up?" Stretched my arms while yawning. "I woke up around nine and decided that you needed to sleep. Am not sorry, but I think I wore your ass out last night, so a lot of sleep was needed." Sitting down on the bed next to me. "Thank you for both. For last night, and well... for letting me sleep in this morning." "I brought you up some coffee to get you started. How do you feel this morning, a little sore?" "Actually not too bad, I feel pretty good surprisingly." Trying to untangle myself from the sheets. "Here, let me help you up." Take my hand and giving me a pull. "As I sat up, I could feel the soreness in my ass." Causing me to moan. "Tender huh..." She said to me. "Yeah, a little." After taking a sip of my coffee, I stood and took a step, and stopped. This time I moaned a little louder but continued to the bathroom a little more gingerly. After making sure that I make it all the way to the toilet, Jana stuck her head in the door and said that she was going to go down and make us some breakfast. "Thanks." I eked out. After sitting there a couple minutes, I knew I needed to poop, so after I finished doing all my business, I got up and washed my face, brushed my teeth. Slipping on a nightshirt, I made my way down to the kitchen. For the rest of the day, Jana pampered me. I never wanted for anything. We stayed at home, lounging around in the living room, me mostly hanging onto Jana. What we did the night before, somehow brought me closer to Jana, if that were even possible. I called into the shop, and Joe said that nothing was really going on, so I told him I wasn't feeling well and would not come in unless I was really needed. As the weeks seemed to fly by, each night I would stop by the old apartment and bring over more of my stuff, putting most of it into the spare bedroom of Jana's house. It was about three weeks later that one night when Jana came home, it was her custom after giving me a hug and kiss, to go immediately to the bedroom, put her weapon and badge away, and put something more comfortable depending if we had anything planned. On this one evening, I was in the kitchen preparing us something to eat. She came in, gave me a hug and a kiss, asking me how my day was. Telling her it was great; she turned to take her stuff off. I was listening, but I did not hear her climb the steps like I normally would. Holding my breath, she called out to me. I slowly came around the corner, and there she stood, looking at what I had done to the wall. As I leaned against the door sill, she stood, her finger tracing my Silver Star, even though it was behind glass, you could see as if she were able to touch every bump and curve in the metal. "Did you do this?" Looking back at the plaques. Biting my lower lip, I slowly started making my way to her, not sure what she really thought of what I had done. I had brought all my pictures and plaques and hung them on the wall beside the living room. Mixed in, I had also hung pictures I had found of Jana and her fellow Officers, her plaques and rewards she had received over the years. I finally caught up to her as she walked down, looking at all that I had done. "I'm sorry, I'll take them down as soon as we eat. I should have asked you first before doing it." "No... Don't you dare. This just proves that it's our home. But you mixed mine in with yours, why?" She asked. "Because I didn't want my section and your section, I wanted it to be ours. When we have company stop by, they can see that we're truly together, as it would be evident with our pictures mixed in together." "Does this mean you're actually moving into our home?" I turned her placing my hands on her hips, looking her in the eyes. "Tell me honestly, is that what you really want?" "Yes, more than anything my love." Kissing me holding onto my shoulders. "Then this coming Saturday, I have to return to the old apartment, give it a good scrub down, because I turned in my notice that I was moving out at the end of the month." Before I knew it, she had her arms around my waist and my feet off the floor swinging me around until she almost tripped. Dropping me and catching her balance, She took me by the hand and began leading me up the stairs. I started to pull back on her hand, "But dinner is almost ready." "Fuck dinner I need to show my wife just how much I love her." That evening we made slow tender love, lots of tongue and fingers all over each other's bodies. It wasn't until nearly two hours later, that the grumbling in our stomach's forced us back to the kitchen. With both of us nude, we were able to salvage dinner and fill our empty stomachs. One day going into work, Joe met me just as I pulled into my usual parking spot. When I got out, he said that he wanted to show me something. Walking around the side of the building, there sat what looked like a brand new minivan. Holding my fingers over my mouth, I mumbled, "Oh my God." Joe just looked at me, gave me that famous grin he always giving me when words weren't needed. "What do you think Missy Bella?" What he called me whenever he addressed me. "It's beautiful. I don't believe it's the same car you started out with. Tell me, how much do I owe you for all the work you did on it?" "How about five hundred, you paid for all the parts and whatever else I needed, so I think that is fair." I took Joe into the office and wrote him a check for a thousand. When I handed it to him he tried to give it back, saying that it was way too much. "Joe, hide half of it in a shoe box and the next time your wife gets really mad at you, take a little out and take her to dinner at a nice fancy restaurant." "Oh no, I can't do that." "Why not Joe?" "Because she'll get mad at me every week, and soon I won't have any left, then what do I do?" We both laughed a little, I just wrapped my arm around his neck, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and said, "Thank you." If a black man could blush, he sure did as he walked out of the office. After Jana came into the house, giving me my hugs and kisses that I got every time she came home, she asked about the car parked by the garage, "What's wrong with your car babe, you broke it?" "No, it's fine. That is one of the vehicles that we were to auction off. It was driven by one of our older drivers who took very good care of it, so I had Joe, you met him remember, well anyway, I paid him to fix it up for me." "Wow, it looks almost like a brand new car." "Yeah, the GTO only gets about five miles to the gallon, so it was starting to cost me a bundle, now I have something with better gas mileage, saving me money and wear and tear on the ole goat." "Which reminds me, would you drop me off at work one morning, or we can wait till the weekend to bring the 'goat' home." "Sure babes, we can do that tomorrow, I don't need to go straight into the office, perfect timing." I was starting to get the hang of cooking, with the help of the cookbooks I had purchased. After our dinners, Jana always stayed and helped clean the kitchen. We always helped one another, either cleaning, cooking or laundry. As she put it, "our house is a shared responsibility." So after she had changed we sat at the kitchen table to eat her favorite, homemade chicken potpie. First time I put it on the table, she was kind of skeptical, but after the first bite, she was hooked. Now she wants it at least a couple times a month. One day while driving around town, picking up parts, I came across a sex novelty store. Taking a few minutes, calling it my break time, I stopped in to see what they had. As I was walking around the store looking, this very sexy woman came up to me looking me up and down. "Anything I can help you with sugar." She asked me while chewing her gum. "Well I was just looking for something a little different that maybe my wife and I could try using." Giving her a cute little smile. She kind of frowned a little, but then smiled and said what I was probably looking for was over on the back wall. After close to three hundred dollars, I walked out with two large bags of toys. Some I definitely had plans on using with Jana as a surprise. Later that evening, when Jana returned from work, I was in the kitchen, wearing a new baby doll outfit. It was sheer, so there was little left to the imagination, not that we haven't seen each other naked almost every day. As soon as she stepped into the kitchen, she just froze in her tracks, her eyes got real beg, almost as big as her grin. "Dam babes, I could get use to coming home and seeing this every day." Slowly walking over to me. "Oh, I just happen to come across a little sex shop, and picked this up along with a few other things that we could use on each other, that is if you're in a playful mood sometime." After getting a kiss on my lips, she started tracing her fingers around my areolas under the sheer nightie. Slowly turning and putting her up against the counter and standing very close to her, I started to undo her belt, snap and unzipped her slacks. Sliding my hand down inside of her opened slacks making sure my fingers when inside of her panties. I had a finger vibrator on the tip of my index finger. A small little device that in a way looks like a fingernail going over the tip of the finger. Just as I had reached her mound, sliding my finger over her little bump, I turned it on. Jana's eyes opened wide, her fingernails digging into my shoulders. Moving it side to side, then up and down, I felt it starting to slide much easier, as her fluids began to seep out of her pussy. Pressing my breasts up against her, I started kissing and nibbling on her lips. Jana was moaning, gasping for air between each kiss. Afraid of going too much lower and having her lips pull the vibrator from my finger, I kept it over her clit, alternating from light to moderate while rubbing her clit. It seemed that doing something naughty outside of the bedroom and seeing me nearly naked got her going a lot faster. When I pressed my leg up against my hand, mashing it to her pussy was all that was needed. In the middle of a kiss, Jana's gave out a weird sounding screech into my mouth, her nails digging into my shoulders almost to the point of drawing blood as she went into a strong orgasm standing in the kitchen. Not wanting to get her clit too sensitive, I turned off the vibrator, but held my finger to her clit, making her orgasm last a little longer. Once she had calmed down and started to breathe normally, I pulled my hand from her panties and showed her the little toy. Looking at it for a moment, she asked how it worked; I showed her the little switch that can turn it on and off just using your thumb. Switching it back on, I pressed it against her breast, causing her to shutter and place her hand over mine... Pulling it off my finger, she slipped on her finger, turning it off and on with her thumb. Holding it up, as if showing me she was in control, "Now my little vixen, I'm going to ravish you with this until you beg me to stop or the battery goes dead." As she started to push herself towards me. "Wait." I said. "I have a few new surprises upstairs that might interest you even more." Before I knew it, she had one hand holding up her slacks and the other latched onto my wrist, dragging me towards the stairs. Once she had reached the bed, she stopped, letting go of my hand and her slacks. Her slacks dropped to the floor, making a loud thud, her weapon and badge still attached to the belt. With everything wrapped around her ankles, the first thing she picked up was the new strap-on. This one quite different than the one we already had. The belt going around the waist was larger, and the front panel wider. On the outside was a knob the dildo attached to, but on the inside, was a small three-inch dildo and a two-inch putt plug that inserted into the user. Also beside it were three new dildos', a nine-inch, seven and half, and a six inch dildo. Of course as the length increased, so did the diameter. Also on the bed, I had a rotating vibrator dildo, a couple butt plugs of different sizes, and a pair of fleece mittens. Jana kept looking at the strap-on, then to me going back and forth. It was if her eyes were asking if she could use tonight on me. "Yes my love, I'd like nothing better than to feel you deep in me, making love to me tonight." A quick kiss on my lips, she began stripping her clothes off. I laid the items that were on the bed on the nightstand, while removing my nighty; I crawled onto the bed and waited for my lover to join me. Even though I knew Jana was anxious, we always took the time for some foreplay. No matter how hot and horny we were, we made sure the other was also dripping. Just as she was about to crawl into the bed, I raised my hand stopping her. "Honey, put the belt on before you get into the bed. I've been thinking about this all afternoon and I don't think I can wait any longer." Smiling at her reaching for the belt. After she stepped into the belt, I applied some lube to the inside dildo's as she held the belt up. She had her eyes closed as I inserted both of them into her making her moan each time. As she started to climb over my out stretched legs, I grabbed the little nub and jerked on it a couple times, making her again stop and moan is it move inside of her. Losing my grip on the nub as she slid down, her mouth descended directly onto my slit, feeling her tongue working into my pussy. My pussy was so wet; her face was immediately covered in my juices. Lifting my knees up, giving her better access to my pussy, she spread my lips open, licking up and down my slit drinking in all my juices, my fingers clutching the sheets. Feeling that I was wet enough, she stopping licking me, and started to reach for the dildo. When she grabbed the larger one, I told her to get the smaller one, the seven and half incher. Giving me a little smile, she took it and began slipping it on the strap-on. I put some lube on my hands and began lubing up her flesh colored cock. When I had it between my lips just touching my hole, I grabbed her hips and yanked her down hard into me. I was now impaled with my lovers cock. With each stroke moving in and out of me, we both were moaning. Whispering in her ear, "Don't ever stop doing this, I love it so much when you fuck me." As I squeezed her ass cheeks with my hands, she gave an extra hard thrust, which caused her to stop and moan just as loud as I did. "Honey, stop a minute." "What's wrong am I hurting you?" "No, not at all, it's perfect, I want you to get behind me and do me from the back doggy style, ok?" "Oh god yes..." Pulling out me. "Here, stand beside the bed and bend over, our bed is the perfect height for me to fuck you." Jana said to me. Getting off the bed, I spread my legs, leaned over the edge of the bed and grabbed onto the sheets ready for my lover to fuck me senseless. Sliding the dildo back into my pussy, she held onto my hips and began fucking me. It wasn't long before the both of us were again moaning and panting with each thrust. Jana had reached over and taken the little clit vibrator, slipped it on her finger then pressed it to my clit while turning it on. That was all that it took, I started screaming; "Fuck me... Fuck me harder... ohhhhhhhhh goddddddd..." Jana never let up, she kept ramming that dildo into me over and over, her finger pressed against my clit, and second wave began to overtake me. I must have momentarily passed out, because I was still bend over the edge of the bed and Jana was still deep in me, quivering from her own climaxes. As I felt her slowly starting to pull out of me, I told her to stop. Looking over my shoulder, "Honey, I want you to lube up my ass and fuck my ass tonight with the same dildo you have on. Just go slow, give me time to adjust, but I want you so bad to fuck my ass tonight." "You sure babes?" "You know you want to do it as bad as I want you to, so fuck your wife the way she needs to be fucked." Giving her my best smile. Putting a little more lube on my ass, she started to loosen me up with her fingers. After working three of her fingers into my ass, she slowly started pushing the lubricated dildo with my juices and added lube. For the first time with the bigger dildo, it was somewhat more painful, but I soon began to adjust to the size. It wasn't long before she had it buried deep in my ass, and started slowly fucking me. After she got into a steady rhythm, not only was I able to hear her moans, but also was able to feel her body tremble each time she pressed against me. I could feel my rising tide, slowly moving throughout my body, spreading from my ass, moving up to my breasts. Again she took the finger vibrator and latched onto my clit moving it in circles. The vibrations from the clit stimulator only increased the tides moving within me. "I'm cumming baby... can't hold out much long... cum with me..." Doing everything I could to stall the inevitable. As Jana increased her speed, I couldn't hold out any longer. My ass grabbed the dildo, holding it in a vise grip, I starting shaking and howling, only to cause Jana to cum with me. Having laid down on my back, her breasts pressed into my back, we lay there, trying to catch our breath's. Jana recovered first, pulling the dildo from my ass with a loud pop, loosened the straps and let it drop to the floor. Helping me up onto the bed, crawling in beside me, holding me tightly in her arms, as we both feel asleep exhausted. It wasn't until the alarm went off the next morning that we stirred. Waking up and looking into my lovers eyes, was I able to see a love so strong. Our one year anniversary was almost upon us, I wanted to do something different and special, and something we could talk about and remember for a long time. I tried every way possible to come up with some way of winning a bet with Jana. I would get into discussions hoping to get her to make a bet with me that I could win, but somehow she knew something was up, and skirted around me every time. Finally two days before our anniversary, I told her that I wanted to take her out and do something very special with her. I also told her that if she did everything I asked of her, she could do whatever she wanted the following weekend with me. Having said that, knowing what I had planned for her, I wondered what she was going to come up with that would make it special for her. With this in the back of my mind I just hopped that it wasn't too drastic. On the evening of our anniversary, I had made reservations at a very exclusive restaurant that I heard served great food with impeccable service. I wanted to take her dancing afterwards and decided to take her to the Purple Palace, knowing that she would be very comfortable with its surroundings. After we were dressed, me in new gown I had purchased, a Black netted short sleeve sexy LBD with two-inch pumps. From the neck almost to the waist going between the breasts, then curving over to the left hip down to the hem of the dress was fine netting four to eight inches wide, which meant that I was naked
under it, no panties or bra. I went to the spare bedroom to put on my dress, making Jana stay in our bedroom until I returned. When I had returned to our bedroom, Jana was standing by the nightstand patiently waiting on me. She was wearing a Calvin Klein two-button cotton blend blazer with straight leg pants and white silk blouse. I stopped at the door, giving her my sexiest pose. She just stood and starred with her mouth gaped open. Finely after a somewhat long pause, and then just above a whisper. "Babes, you look so beautiful." Slowly walking towards me. In mid stride, "Fuck it, we're staying home tonight." She said starting to pull her jacket off. "No we're not, you're going to take your sexy wife out to dinner and show her off for all to see, then we're going dancing afterwards. I put too much effort into all of this to celebrate our anniversary." "Babe's, I can't, I'll never be able to keep my hands off you, god you look so beautiful, not to mention sexy." Making me smile, hearing her say that. "One last thing, remember you promised me that you would do anything I asked, no questions asked?" Cocking my head to look at her. "Yeah, so..." Taking my clutch purse from the dresser, tucking it under my arm, I stepped up to Jana and began unbuttoning her slacks and pulling down the zipper. "Hey, keep this up and we're dam sure not leaving here tonight!" Looking strangely at me. "Remember you're promise and what I promised if you did as I asked." Opening the purse, I pulled out my secret weapon. It was a remote vibrating egg. It was about one and half inches in diameter with a four-inch wire coming out one end of it. Holding it up to show her, "I'm going to put this in your pussy, and you're going to have to keep it there until we got back home." As she started to open her mouth to object, I raised my hand, "Ah... it's either you corporate or sleep on the couch for a month." Which she immediately shut her mouth, knowing I was serious. Sticking half of it in my mouth to wet it, I slipped my hand inside of her mini boxers and started going between her legs. "Please open your legs." I asked her. Having spread her legs enough I got the egg to her pussy, which already had some moisture on it, either from looking at me, or knowing what I was about to do. Slowly I slipped it into her, causing her to moan as it slid in. Leaning over, I gave her a kiss on her lips, not to hard that it would smear the gloss I had on mine. "There, that's not so bad now is it?" Zipping her back up and buttoning her up. "You think so, you should be wearing this." Giving me a funny face while wiggling her ass. "I can't honey, I'm not wearing any panties to keep it in me." Grabbing her hand and pulling her out the bedroom door. "Oh god... that thought alone is driving me crazy, and now with each step, I'll never last the night." When we got out to the cars, we always took mine, not that I minded, but Jana had to drive. That was her thing, and I didn't mind sitting back relaxing as she drove. By the time we got to the restaurant and went up the elevator, Jana was walking a little stiff legged. I had asked if she was all right, but all I got was a glare and a raised eyebrow. When we walked into the restaurant, we did attract a few stares, especially from the two hostess's waiting at the front door. "Ms Dixon and Ms Bella, I think we have a reservation for two in one of your booths overlooking the bay." The young girl gave us a big smile, as she was looking me up and down before turning and walking us to our booth. After being seated, she told us who our waitress was going to be and that she would be with us shortly. Having already removed the remote switch from my purse, as she was turning to walk away, I turned it on high. Jana jumped in her seat, lips pressed tightly together. After switching it off, Jana looked over at me with eyes that looked like she was ready to kill me. "You wait, when we get home, I'm..." Putting me fingers to her lips. "I know honey, but tonight, this is just for you. I may fail miserably, but I want this to be your night. You have taken me as your girlfriend, your life mate, and your wife. You are my soul mate, my husband, who I will always love. In my own way, let me try and make this special for you." Giving her a soft kiss on the lips. "You know how special you are to me babes." "Every day I feel it, yes I do know." I said to her looking into her eyes. Just then our server showed up with some water and asked if we would like anything from the bar. We both ordered a glass of wine, I felt Bud Lite might be too uncouth in this restaurant. After reading over the menu, we both knew what we wanted as we waited for our wine. Our server returned with our wine, I again switched on the remote, but at its lowest setting. This time, Jana just flinched a little. I had left it on as she served us our wine and asked if we were ready to order. "Yes, why don't you order for the both of us honey." Getting another one of those looks as she started and stopped a couple times to order our meal. I again turned it off after the waitress left. Turning to me, she again threatened me. "Babes, you're not going to be walk for a month when we get home." Squeezing my leg. Putting my hand on top of hers, "Is that a promise or..." For the rest of the meal, I didn't do it to Jana again, letting her enjoy the meal. We made small talk through the meal about our jobs, the house, anything to keep her mind off sex. The meal in itself was very good. We did however decided that desert was going to be a little too much, so we settled for a cup of coffee. After paying our bill, I switched the remote on high and said it was time to go dancing. Jana just froze, giving me that glare. After a giggle or two, I switched it off, pulling her up out of the booth. Our drive to the Palace was not very long. We didn't really talk much, but enjoyed being together. Walking into the club almost brought the house to a standstill, me in my sexy dress, and Jana dressed to the nine's. Jo tried to give me a 'cat call whistle' but only was able to blow air between her lips. Leaning over, I gave her a kiss on the cheek, which immediately brought a smile ear to ear on her face. Walking over to the bar, I asked Patty for a towel and a pitcher of beer, and a wine for Jana. Turning to Jana, I asked if she was ready to lay an egg while turning it on. Grabbing my hand she nearly ran to the bathroom. Once inside, I turned off the vibrator and locked the door. Unbuttoning her slacks pulling them down to her ankles along with her mini boxers, I helped her up on the counter, dropping the towel to the floor kneeling on it. With her pussy at the edge of the counter, I began working the egg out of her. Once it was free, I dropped it into the sink, dropping my head to my lover's pussy. She was soaked which I loved, getting to taste all of her juices licking up and down her slit before pulling them open and pushing my tongue in as far as it would go. I knew my baby needed relief, so I wasted no time trying to get her off. I took her clit between my fingers, rubbing and pulling on it, was all that was needed to take Jana over the edge. Unable to wrap her legs around my head, she made up for it by using her hands in my hair and mashing my face to her soaked pussy. I continued licking and sucking on her pussy, trying to extend her orgasm as long as possible. Once she calmed down I stood, taking her face in my hands I kissed her lips, I used my tongue to coat her lips with her juices. As she leaned back against the wall, I pulled her slacks up over her knees, letting her sit and recover. I washed off the egg and was about to wash off my face. "Stop babe's, I think it would be nice if you wear my girlcum on your lips the rest of the night." Giving me a devilish grin. "And when I give Jo a goodbye kiss on the cheek, she'll know what your pussy smells like." Smiling back at her. "Poor Patty." Was all that she said before kissing me. With our table being used by a few other girls, we sat at the bar and had our drinks. A few times we got up and danced, drawing all eyes at the two of us. After a short while, the pheromones being given off by so many horny women started to make the Palace smell like a den of raw sex. I was beginning to think that some of our local butches were going to try and put the make on me, but all was kept calm. As we started to leave a couple hours later, I did give Jo her goodbye kiss on her cheek, and this time, she did stop and stare at me for a moment before a very large shit ass eaten grin appeared on her face. I knew she had smelled Jana's juices on my face, even after a couple hours. As I looked back at the bar, I knew Patty was going to have a hard time getting up tomorrow. Walking back to our car, I kind of wondered how hard it was going to be for me to get up in the morning also, especially since I had to work tomorrow. We talked about what a great night this was, and how much we really enjoyed our dinner. We both thought it was really funny how everyone seem turned on watching us dance. Jana said that it was my dress, leaving no doubt that I was naked under it. Sliding the back of my fingers down across the side of her face, "You know honey, you're the only one who is going to touch and enjoy this body. I'm sorry but you're not sharing me with anyone else." "You know babes, I feel the same way about sharing. Besides, if I ever looked at someone else, I know you'd cut my tits off." Making me giggle as she said it. "Damn right, and don't you forget it." Giving her a kiss on the cheek. The drive home was really nice. I laid my head on Jana's shoulder as my hand lightly caressed up and down her thigh. When we did park in the driveway, we stayed in the car kissing and making out in our driveway, not caring who might see us. With Jana's hand now inside of my dress, her fingers lightly caressing my swollen pussy lips, spreading my juices across them. Pulling her hand from between my legs, I licked one of her fingers tasting my own juices; I then offered her the other to taste. I watched as she slowly wrapped her lips around her fingers, a chill of excitement made me shudder. "Honey, take me to our bed and make love to me. I want to feel your naked body next to mine, your lips kissing me and telling me how much you love me." Leaning over, her lips pressed on mine, her hand holding the back of my neck, all I could do was moan into her mouth my content. After she pulled back, I started to reach for the door handle when she told me to sit still. Getting out my lover skipped around the car opening my door to let me out. I had pulled my dress up a little, and when I swung my leg out, it gave her an unobstructed view of my wet pussy with my lips opened wide for her. I could hear her sucking in her breathe and give out a slight groan. Walking hand in hand, again we were welcomed home by the light above the door. After entering the house, before Jana could turn on the lights, I pulled her into a loving kiss. Placing my left hand to the side of her face and the other pulling on her hip as I pressed my lips into hers. Pulling back from the kiss, I put my forehead onto hers, breathing deeply. Using my term of endearment, "Honey, I love you so much." "I know babes, I love you so much." Taking my hand in hers once more we slowly walked towards the stairs, going to our bedroom. Once in the bedroom, I reached out and slipped her jacket off her shoulders and down her arms. I laid it on the back of the chair we had in the bedroom. Sitting her down I knelt down and started taking off her shoes and socklets. Once I had them off and out of the way, I leaned forward and started undoing the buttons on her blouse. When I got down to her waist, undoing the belt and the button on her slacks. After pulling down the zipper, I unbuttoned the final button on her blouse. Laying my head on her lap, I started caressing the exposed skin across her stomach and sides. When I heard a moan escape her lips, I rose to my feet, and gently pulled Jana to her feet. It only took a slight tug on her slacks and they were down around her ankles. Slipping her blouse off her shoulders, I started kissing her chest before going to her neck while slowly removed her blouse and throwing it off to the side. Reaching behind her, unclasping her bra, pulling the straps off her shoulders, it fell to our feet between us. Cupping each of her breasts in my hands, my thumbs lightly caressing her nipples as she began moaning leaning into my hands. "Lexi... Please..." Trying to push down on my shoulders wanting me to go lower. Placing my thumb and forefinger on the edge of her areola, I squeezed it, making the areola and nipples stand out. I lightly ran my tongue over the breasts, making the nipple stand out painfully harder. With a couple flicks of my tongue across her nipple, I switched breasts, doing the same to the other one. By now her fingers were digging into my shoulder, her moans sounding more like grunts, her breath was ragged and deep. Slowly I made my way down, kissing and licking until I got to the top of her mini boxers. I kissed her mound under her panties, causing her to jerk her hips towards me. Slowly I started sliding down her panties, kissing and licking her skin as it was exposed. I knew that she was near her limits, so when her mound was clear, I gave it a firm kiss and lick, feeling a shutter as a mini orgasm over took her while pulling her panties to her ankles. After removing her panties from around her ankles, I stood and pushed her back onto the bed. She landed on her back, her legs hanging over the side of the bed. Kicking off my pumps, I reached behind me, and slowly unzipped my dress. Pushing the strap off one shoulder, I let it hang, teasing her with my slow strip tease allowing the dress to almost expose my left breast. I slowly slid the other strap off, letting the dress far to my hips, exposing both my breasts Rubbing my hands across my breasts, giving them a few squeezes, while wetting my lips as I stared into her eyes. I could see her need and passion in those beautiful eyes, yearning for me to come to her. Letting the dress fall to my feet, I slipped my fingers between my legs, feeling my swollen wet lips. With my other hand I slid my fingers between her legs, also feeling her swollen wet lips. Coating both my hands with our juices, I presented the fingers coated with my juices to her lips, while taking her juices and putting them to my lips. We both sucked on the fingers, cleaning off the juices coating them. As she started to rise, I pushed her back, letting her know I wanted her to stay where she was. Walking over to the nightstand, I had removing the strap- on and started putting it on. Once I had the little dildo's lubed and inserted, I stood and reaching in pulling out the bigger one and medium sized dildo's and held them up for her to choose. Looking first at the bigger one, and smiling, she then looked at the other. Her eyes were going back and forth until she nodded towards the smaller of the two. Up to this point no words were said or needed, words can never say what the heart feels. Having attached the dildo to the harness, I knelt down between her legs, her sexual aroma almost causing me to cum just looking at her swollen wet lips. I couldn't resist licking her juices, sliding my tongue between her lips, getting all I could from her. I knew that she was more than wet enough that I could slam the dildo into her, but added additional lube to it, knowing this was not going to just any fuck, but one we both would remember for a long time to come. Putting her legs up on my shoulders, I stood and pulled her hips to the edge of the bed. Her ass was just barely off the bed, but at the right height for me to fuck her. Slowly sliding it into her, not stopping until it was buried deep in her pussy. Jana grabbed the sheets in her hands; her knuckles turning white as she held them so tight, a long moan escaped her lips. Placing my hands on her thighs at her hips, I started pounding the dildo into her. Jana pulled the sheets so hard, I thought that she was going to rip them to shreds. Soon she was yelling, "OH FUCK... fuck... fuck... fuck. Oh god Lexi... fuck me..." After a minute or so of fucking her, I placed my one hand just above her mound, light pressing down to hold her, and with my other hand I began rubbing her clit between my thumb and forefinger. Both her hands now were on top of mine, holding, pushing at the same time. Jana was continually saying my name over and over. Knowing she was just about there, I squeezed her clit between my fingers, causing her to go over the edge of her bliss. Feeling her juices squirting on my thighs, her body began to spasm then started jerking. Easing the pressure on her clit, I held her down while rubbing on her lower abdomen. Continuing to jack hammer my hips, burying the dildo as I slapped her thighs with mine. As she rode out her orgasm, I kept fucking her hard and fast, soon once more she jerked up, unintelligent sound coming from her lips. I continued this until I started feeling a cramp in my leg, forcing me to slow down and stop. After I had stopped, Jana laid back and appeared to be in a semi state of consciousness. Pulling the dildo out of Jana, I knelt down between her legs. Her pussy was still gapping open, with her lips covered with a frothy foam. I leaned in and began licking her lips and pussy clean of all of her juices. I even tasted a hint of urine on her lips, knowing how hard I had fucked her it was no wonder she didn't lose everything. Helping Jana up and onto the bed was no easy task, with her being dead weight. I did manage to get her up on her knees, with her ass sticking up in the air, her pussy just in front of me, her lips slightly spread allowing me to peer inside of her. I removed the smaller dildo, putting the larger one on. I felt the smaller one had sufficiently stretched her pussy enough to enjoy the fullness of the larger one. Coating the dildo with plenty of lube, I slowly sank back into her pussy. I took my time slowly fucking my lover. Once in a while, I would rotate my hips, causing the dildo to move at odd angles inside of her. This only caused her to moan that much louder. "Oh god baby, I can't take it anymore, please stop." Her mind telling her to stop, but her body was pushing back, wanting more, as the larger dildo filled her completely. Slowly going a little faster, pushing in a little harder, soon she was panting once more, pushing back harder each time. "Ohhhhhhhh... god fuck me, fuck me harder..." Grabbing onto her hips, I began thrusting in and out of her, harder and harder. This time I had put on the finger vibrator, and when I felt her rising towards her cliff, I reached under her and turned it on, pressing it to her clit. Jana jerked and screamed my name over and over, continuing to fuck her as hard as I could while she rode out her orgasm. Finally Jana collapsed onto the bed, dead to the world. I had no idea how many times I had made her cum, but I knew they were some of the most powerful that she ever had. With the smaller dildos in me, I knew I had cum several times, relieving any stress I might have built up during the evening. Removing the strap-on, cleaning it in the sink and returned to the bed with a warm washcloth. After wiping down Jana, I pulled up the covers. Just as I had lain down, Jana scooted beside me and wrapped her arms around me, nestling her head on my shoulder. Giving her a kiss on the forehead, she let out a contented coo, and was again fast asleep. When I woke up, I had no idea what time it was. Jana was still snuggled close, her head still on my shoulder. I looked down at her, the love in my chest about to burst fearing I could no longer contain what felt for her. Slowly I began to realize, my chest wasn't the only thing that was about to burst, I needed to pee and soon. Trying to wiggle out from underneath Jana, I was unable to without waking her. Reaching out, she grabbed me, saying, "No, don't go..." "Sorry honey, but I have to go pee, I'll be right back." "Oh, ok, but do me a favor, pee for me to so I don't have to get out of bed." Giggling a little, "Sure honey, I'll try." I wasn't back in bed ten minutes when she playfully slapped my arm complaining that she had to get up to pee, saying I didn't do a very good job for her. Just as I got comfortable curled up to her pillow, the alarm went off, knowing I had to soon get up and go to work. Jana climbed back into the bed, replacing the pillow I was curled up to. Wrapping my arms around her, I pulled her in for a kiss, which was deep and passionate. After we pulled apart, Jana raised up on her elbow, looking down at me as her finger traced the outline of my face. "Call in sick today, stay home with me, we'll make love the rest of the day and all weekend." "Oh honey, I'd like nothing better than that, but Barbra said that I needed to meet with her first thing this morning and it was very important that I make it. I'm sorry." "No, that is ok, I almost forgot I actually need to go to the station this morning myself, so it'll work out, but your ass is mine all this weekend. I can't let you have all the fun on our anniversary." At eight, I was standing outside of Barbara's door, waiting for her to get off the phone with someone. When she looked up and saw me, she motioned me in and gestured to a seat for me to sit. After she had hung up the phone, she started moving papers around on her desk. I kind of felt something was up, because she was acting a little nervous and would not look at me. I didn't think it was going to be bad, but then I really didn't know. Finally after a few minutes of shuffling papers around, she laced her fingers together and placed them in front of her. "Alexi, I need for you to find me another shop foreman to replace yourself." My heart immediately dropped, I lowered my head as the same feelings I had once before began to surface when I was asked to resign from the Corps. "The reason you need to hire a new shop foreman, is because Mr. Higgins is retiring in two weeks and your being promoted as the supervisor over the entire shop. I'm sorry if I scared you there for a moment, I need to learn how to do this better; anyway I believe this is a big step for you and a big salary increase. So do you feel up to the challenge?" "Yeah... ah... Yes, thank you so much for even considering me for the position. I really don't know what to say, I'm still in shock." "That's understandable, your promotion is effective as of eight this morning. An announcement will go out this afternoon, letting everyone else know. You know it was Larry himself that suggested that I promote you, saying that you turned the shop around cutting our loses to almost nothing. I also had to agree with him, hiring you was one of the best decisions I ever made. Now give me a hug and welcome to management." Just as I was about to leave her office, I turned, trying to form the words I had on my mind, when Barbara looked at me, "Is there something you would like to ask?" "Yes, right now, as you may already know I am living with Jana, you've met her once or twice, well anyway, I'm quite comfortable with my present salary, but do you think that with the additional raise, I could invest the additional salary in stock with the company. It would be far better than putting the money in a bank for nearly next to nothing." "So you would prefer stock options?" Smiling at me. "Yes, unless you know something I don't, I feel it would be a good investment when I do retire." "Stop by payroll, and tell them your wishes, if they have any questions, have them give me a call. I knew I was making the right decision in promoting you." "Thank you." Smiling as I turned and walked out the door. Stopping by personnel, I picked up the files I wanted to look over with the employees I thought were best suited to be the new shop foreman. By eleven thirty I had it narrowed down to three very good possibilities. Pulling out my phone, texting Jana to meet me for lunch. It was a little after one when Jana and I met at our favorite BBQ restaurant. She came in carrying a manila envelope with her. She had this somber look on her face, which meant that she had a bad day or was very deep in thought. As much as I wanted to jump up and down about my own news, I felt I needed to find out what was troubling Jana first. "What's up honey, you look like the cat stole your chocolate pudding?" Cocking her head at me with a crooked smile, plopping down she tossed the envelope in front of me. " Would like it if you would sign these for me." "What are they?" Picking up the envelope, I started to pull the papers out of it. "It's just something I felt I needed to do... just in case." I started reading over the papers she handed me; they were copies of her life insurance making me her beneficiary along with her work retirement, joint title to the house. I sat, totally stunned by what I was reading. When she laid her hand on my arm, bringing out of my trance, "You don't have to sign them if you don't want to." As her big brown eyes looked into my soul. "There is something that I need to tell you, and some papers you also need to sign. The meeting I had with Barbara this morning, she had asked me to find a replacement for my position at the cab company." Jana's eyes opened wide, her brow wrinkled up and the little clef between her eyes deepened. "I've been promoted to supervisor. This also meant a large increase in salary. I felt I was comfortable with what I was already making, helping pay all the bills still leaves me with enough money if I should need anything, I don't have to worry about it." Taking a deep breath to finish collecting my thoughts. "I'm having payroll take the extra money I will be making and buying stock with it. I've included your name on the stocks purchases also. I wanted us to have something to fall back on when we both decide to retire." Removing the papers from my purse and handing them to Jana. "So this means you're staying with me no matter what?" As she squeezed my arm she was holding. "Only if you're my husband and I am your wife, yes... only because we haven't finished fulfilling each other's fantasies and I'm not done teasing you yet." As I gave her my biggest grin while she rolled her eyes. Leaning over she gave me a soft kiss on my lips, only to be interrupted by our waitress, "Listen you two, either you both need to get a room somewhere or place an order." We both started giggling like little schoolgirls trying to give her our order. She did smile back at us she turned to leave. Through lunch, she told me that she went in early to take her sergeants test, and fill out the paper work. She said that she thinks she did really well, and after her oral's she is number one on the list. She will know the results by Wednesday and they want to promote someone by the end of the week. I asked if I was going to have to start referring to her as'serge', or can she still be my honey. She explained that she felt that she was going to have to start wearing those day pads, because each time I looked at her and called her 'honey', it always made her a little wet. Pulling on her arm and giving her a kiss on the cheek, "I love calling you honey, it's an endearment that lets anyone listening know how sweet and wonderful you are to me." This only caused her to turn a few shades of red, but this time she didn't try to hide it. Later that day after I had gotten home, Jana had dinner ready and on the table. Later that evening when we went to bed, making passionate love. The only times we got out of bed was to either pee or run to the kitchen to find something to eat. By Sunday afternoon, we both admitted that both our asses and pussies were very sore and our jaws hurt from our tongue licking each other. Wednesday around three in the afternoon, I got a call from Jana who was nearly screaming into the phone saying she got her promotion and that she was able to stay in the detective division although it wasn't going to be official until the following Monday. I told her that a party was slated for this upcoming weekend, and I was going to invite all of our friends to our house for a cookout. The first thing I did was go over to Barbara's office and ask if Marie was coming up this weekend and to make sure they were free Sunday. I told her that it was a double celebration, for my promotion, and for Jana's promotion making sergeant. Barbara said that she would be there, and if Marie was not on duty for the weekend, she would make sure they both were there. I then called Patty and invited her and Jo, explaining what it was all about. She told me wild horse couldn't keep them from attending. That night we sat and talked about whom else we wanted to invite and what we would cook and eat. For the next two days it seemed like everything was in a blur. When I woke Friday morning to go to work, I was frantic that I couldn't find my friendship ring that Jana had given me. She heard me fussing and came to see what the trouble was. "I can't find my ring." Almost putting me in tears because it was so precious to me. "Look, it's time for you to go, I promise I will find it and call you when I do. Hell babes, you got the best detective in the city now looking for you." Giving me her best shit eaten grin. I suppose looking back I should have known something was a little weird, but for the moment I let it drop knowing my lover was going to come to my rescue. Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day, not to humid or to warm. A slight breeze was blowing in from the ocean making everything comfortable. Around ten that morning, the people started showing up. What I didn't know was Jana's old friend from her high school days ran a catering business and volunteered to do the cooking and serving. She brought two of her helpers with her and in no time the place was all set up, banners raised and grills warming up. By noon it looked like everyone we invited had shown up. Sandy and Jo Li were also there. Just from looking at them, you could tell they were so in love with each other. I wondered if that is how people looked at Jana and myself, if we actually had that same look. Even though most of the people we invited were lesbians, we did invite a few of our straight friends, and they of course brought their children. Jo looked like she was having a ball playing with the children. Of course when Patty wasn't talking to someone, her eyes were only on Jo. Jana said that she had something to do in the house and would be back in a few minutes. We were going to make the announcement soon, so if someone had someplace they needed to go, they wouldn't miss anything. As I was talking to Barbra and Marie, I heard some oh's and ah's. I turned and look and nearly gasped out loud. My hand covering my mouth I was speechless. Walking across the lawn was my Jana; She wore a white tuxedo, the collar trimmed in emerald green, along with the buttons and belt that she wore. As she passed a waitress she took the towel that was draped over her arm. Walking up to me, she dropped the towel to the ground and knelt on it. As everyone gathered around she reached into her pocket and drew out a small box. When she opened the box, inside was a beautiful diamond ring, flanked by two stones, one ruby and one emerald. Looking up at me, "Alexandria, would you be my wife, for today, tomorrow and forever?" Dropping to my knees wrapping my arms around her neck, "Yes... yes... yes... oh god yes." I slowly felt Jana pulling my arms from around her neck, and she started to rise, then pulling me with her. When we were on our feet, she started to wipe the tears of joy that were on my cheeks. Lifting my chin so that we could look at one another, "There's one more thing for you, it's lying on our bed, if you would please go and get it for me, please!" As I slowly started walking towards the house wondering what on earth could be in our bedroom that she wanted me to get. I suddenly felt a presence turning to see Patty walking beside me her arm wrapping around my waist. "I think you might need someone to help give you a little support, come on walk with me and lets see this surprise Jana has waiting for you." We both walked into the house, our arms around each other's waist. Once we walked into the bedroom, I totally lost it. I dropped to my knees, hands to my face crying like a baby. They were no tears of sorrow, but of pure joy. There on the bed was this beautiful princess style wedding dress. Done up in a white chiffon and lace. The bodice was covered in lace with red ribbons in a crisscross pattern. On the bell of the skirt, was an intricate design in red stiches. The neck and shoulders were bare, but it also had long sleeves totally done in lace. The rube was Jana's birth stone color and mine was the green emerald. Patty brought me to my feet, helping me regain control of myself. "Look baby, we need to get you dressed, everyone is waiting for you, so let's hurry. Ok?" Patty started to help me get undressed. When I was down to my panties and bra, looking at the dress, I knew there was no way I was going to be able to wear any sort of bra with it. I knew that I was going to be bra less, but then I really didn't care at the moment. I took off my bra and threw it on the chair. As I looked at the dress, an idea popped into my mind. Without even thinking about it, I removed my panties. Standing naked in front of Patty, I heard her suck in her breath as she looked at me. I only smiled and went to the dresser and pulled out my sexiest pair of red lace panties and began to put them on. I could see a smile on Patty's lips, thinking I had done the right thing. Once dressed, I looked in the mirror, totally amazed at the transformation it had done on me. I thought for a moment that every femme's dream was to be dressed as I was and to be married to the one they loved so much. Taking Patty's arm, we walked back towards the yard where everyone was waiting on me. When we stepped out onto the back porch, I paused when I heard the oh's and ah's once more, but this time they were meant for me. Patty took my arm as I raised the skirt to walk down the steps without tripping. When we walked up to Jana, we both now had tears on our cheeks. The tears were saying what our lips could never do, to express how much we needed each other in our lives. As if by some unknown force, we both wiped the tears from each other's face. Taking my hand in hers, Jana turned, "Babes, this is Julie, she is an Ordained Minister and will be preforming our civil marriage today." "Oh yes honey, but..." I was cut off when I felt Marie take my hand in hers. "I'm here to give you away, if you'll allow me that one privilege." Wrapping my arms around her neck, "Yes I would love that if you would do it for me. What about Jana?" Jo then stepped up, "I am her best person, if she'll allow me?" Jana gave Jo a hug, and said she was be proud if she did that for her. After our ceremony, we all stood around talking. It seemed that the waitresses were also professional photographers. They were taking pictures of everyone and us. We even did a few possess of us together and in groups with others around us. As the last of the people left, Jana and I went to change out of our clothes so that we could finish
cleaning up. I wanted so much to tackle her and make love to my new husband... I wanted her to take me as only she knows how too. We settled up with the caterer and her assistants. For the rest of the afternoon, I really had to stop a few times and look at the ring, and what it really meant to me and for the both of us. I thought I was really sore last weekend, but after all the loving Jana gave me on our wedding night, after I cuddled up behind Jana, I was so glad that I had a desk job now. I had lost count after my sixth orgasm. My pussy and ass were sore, plus my clit felt like it was a raw piece of meat she licked me so much. As the years passed, Jo and Patty actually did get married, and with the help of lawyer Jo knew, she had adopted three children. Patty was of course a little worried at first, but when she saw how much Jo loved those kids, she soon loved them as much as Jo did. Marie kept her promise and when she retired out of the Corps, she moved in with Barbara. Barbara had by then bought out two smaller cab companies, and she made me VP over maintenance, Marie was VP of Operations and Barbara kept her title as COO. It was about ten years later, that Barbara decided to sell the business and when I was able to cash out my stock, neither Jana nor myself ever needed to worry about money. Jo Li moved back to San Francisco so she could care after her ailing mother, and of course Sandy moved with her. After her mother had passed, they inherited Jo Li's mothers house, which I have been told is very beautiful. Jana did make it to Lieutenant and had retired at the end of last month. We plan on traveling the world while we are still able. Our first stop of course is going to be in San Fran to see Sandy and Jo Li. They both hold a special place in my heart, probably because the three of us had shared a bond between us for what we had experienced. As I sit here now, remembering my past, my wonderful years married to Jana, I have no regrets, but only fond memories of the friends we've made and the balance we had between our lifestyle and that of others. I was suddenly jolted back from my memories with Jana yelling... "Come on Lexi, the cab is here to take us to the airport..." The End
**Synopsis:** It was intended to be just a simple night of passion between him and his devoted mistress, the Green Fairy... _La Fée Verte_, but will his usual _l'heure verte_ "Green Hour" dreams of love now become real instead? **Sex Contents:** Some Sex **Genre:** Romantic **Codes:** Ma/Fa, Drunk/Drugged, Magic, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Cream Pie, Slow Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don't know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... _This is another story that has been posted at my main story site for several years... and has now made it over here to Lit_ _And no... I've never drunk Absinthe -- my imagination is wild enough as it is_ * * * _Il n'est rien de réel que le rêve et l'amour -_ Nothing is real but dreams and love - (from _Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun_ by Anna de Noailles) "Let me be mad, mad with the madness of Absinthe, the wildest, most luxurious madness in the world." — Marie Corelli "The first stage is like ordinary drinking, the second when you begin to see monstrous and cruel things, but if you can persevere you will enter in upon the third stage where you see things that you want to see, wonderful curious things." — Oscar Wilde **************************** She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home again I yearned 0nce more for her tender embraces, but I resolved myself to wait but for yet awhile longer, to stoke the fires of anticipation just a bit further. As in most passionate romances, it is often good to tease one's lover, to dangle her remotely, but tenderly just out of arms reach. To entice her but yet remain seemingly unmoved by her charms so that the flames of passion might be further stoked, and the ultimate embrace of surrender is ever that much sweeter still. My other suitor for my immediate attention, my long-neglected tomcat, Admiral "Bull" Halsey, had pleas of his own, quite equally vociferous and forceful! My downstairs neighbor had been feeding him while I was gone, but that never substituted for the sort of regular proper attention that my rather needy feline roommate tended to require at regular and frequent intervals. Bull wasn't much of a companion, truth be told, but he was reasonably affectionate, fairly decorative (if not too bright) and other than an affection for regular feedings and frequent bestowments of cat-treats, he wasn't too terribly high maintenance... which is more than I could say about either my ex-wife or my last two serious girlfriends. The alternatives being much the worse, Bull made for an adequate life-companion -- and he held little if any annoyance for my other vices, such as my regular companionship with my _other_ lover, La Fée Verte, the Green Fairy. I was home now after being away for two full weeks, as usual. I have a good petroleum engineering job that's absurdly high paying and utterly secure employment, both pleasant rarities in this shitty economy, but the duties require me to be 'on-site' at the production site in North Dakota, far from my home down here in the South. Working in teams, our group works two weeks _,_ twelve hour shifts every day _,_ and then has two weeks off back at home. Most of the drilling crew is from down here as well and we even have our own corporate 707 jet to shuttle us back and forth every other Friday. No frequent flier miles, but letting the company handle all of the travel does save a lot of hassle. It's a perfect schedule for getting a lot done at the drilling site without distractions or much corporate over-management and then being able to enjoy a prolonged rest and recuperation period at home, allowing me time to do other things... including a great deal of quality time spent with my green lady, La Fée Verte. More than my job or any past relationship, my _l_ a heure vertes, my so-called 'green hours' spent with the fairy have increasingly become my primary pleasure and enjoyment of life. My income would allow me any other sort of diversion and recreation that I could wish, but just being home and relaxing is invariably pleasure enough. As for inspiration, my green dream lover provides that too. In my weeks off here at home I can indulge my novice skills as a writer, and when properly inspired, I've been able to type the night away, working on a half done novel or just creating a short story for amusement, to be posted anonymously at an internet story site. For me, it has been my green muse that inspires and gently both provokes and encourages me, and when I am apart from her for those long weeks absent from her companionship the pain is at least as real as any romantic pains I've suffered in the past. As in most romances, absence doth indeed make the heart grow fonder. Now already, here in the quiet still of the growing dusk of the late afternoon, she was already beckoning plaintively to me, calling me to grasp her and hold her to my bosom as the lover that she is. It is early still for my usual green hour with her to begin, but I decided that I could not refuse her any longer. She is my mistress and I cannot rebuff her entreatments any further. She is my joy and my comfort, but a demanding and stern one. My lovely Green Fairy soothes and reassures my fears, and placates my other more dangerous and perilous desires. Her cost is small, and one that I am more than willing to pay. I've always enjoyed alcohol and had a healthy taste for it, and I'd like to think that I'd taken more from my liquid pleasures than they've exacted from me. I've always enjoyed wine, often taking several glasses of it a night, but occasionally imbibing more. My last girlfriend went so far as to consider me a functional alcoholic, but I reject that notion. True, if I were to take any of the AA 'Are you an alcoholic?" tests, I'd probably score pretty highly. But far from ruining my life, my thirst (while considerable) remains within the bounds that I have set for it. I cannot enjoy my hours with my green lady during my sober weeks at work, but that just means that I can enjoy her company all the better during my long days of rest at home. While it is true that sometimes I feel that I need my _l_ a heure verte on most days, my lovely wonderful Green Fairy has never caused me the pain or heartbreak that my more'real' former lovers and companions have, and given the choice I would eagerly prefer my gentle green lover, La Fée Verte instead. While alone at night at the drilling site, far from home and comfort, I sometimes think of old lovers, of our better days together and the genuine warmth that only a human companion could offer, but those visions tend to be fleeting and often surreal. Contrasting the merits of these all too tangible ghosts, it's the reassurance of my Green Fairy that beckons to me most in these long lonely twilight hours when every whim could now be satisfied. Some nights, it is the forlorn calling of potential human companionship that beckons the strongest, but not this evening. Besides, my love luck with women of the warmer flesh is less than satisfactory and even when I go out for the evening to some club or restaurant is rare that I'll even make eye contact, let alone speak with a woman. Sometimes my muse La Fée Verte will offer me tantalizing visions of herself, an ideal dream-woman that no flesh and blood female could hope to match or compete with. I think it is her that I see in my near sleep visions when I am tired and lonely and very far from home. She once again calls to me and I can refuse her tender embraces no longer. I'd opened the china cabinet in my green room, my study and writing room and held the antique glass bottle in my hand. The glass Absinthe decanter was a rare one, an 1890's era Daum hand-engraved cameo glass with silver gilt bottle that had a provenance originating from the hands of the famous French Art Nouveau artist Henri Toulouse Lautrec, a gift from him to a friend complete with a short hand-written note. I'd bought it at auction at an absurd price, but I could afford it easily. The thought that I possessed a decanter that had poured service to this great master, and many other impressionistic and post- impressionistic artists and also famous writers of the Gilded Age and the Lost Generation was an irresistible one. The bottle was fragile and utterly irreplaceable and thusly I only used it for serving my finest liqueur and on special occasions, like my first green hour back home. Decanted into this was a very expensive Czech-made Absinthe that bent, if not quite broke, the current EU alcohol distillation rules. A fine beverage that nearly duplicated the famous original French Pernod recipe, using distilled wine rather than grain alcohol for its base. There were many cheaper but similar liqueurs on the market, but this one was my favorite and undoubtedly the closest'modern' version of the classic beverage. I own a few rare bottles of pre-1915 Absinthe, bottled before the final European ban of 1915, but those were hugely expensive to obtain as well and will be saved for some future happy occasion, if not for posterity. They're nearly irreplaceable. After placing the decanter lovingly in the center of the round wooden golden oak table in front of the bay window of my study, private office and museum to my La Fée Verte, I turned on the table side lamp, formally lighting the green lamp to officially begin my 'green hour'. The lamp was another rare antique I'd acquired at a major auction in New York, bidding online from here from my computer at home. The lamp base was of cast bronze bearing the nude figure of a beautiful young woman, an ecstatic follower of Dionysus, bearing a large drinking cup. The hand-etched signature of the artist on the base marks it a Raoul Larche, a very famous sculptor of the late 19th century. The lamp post behind the nude figural held three glass tulip shades of hand-blown and etched green Tiffany glass. What I paid for this lamp could possibly send a student to college for at least a few years, but it was worth it! Next, it was time to move the fountain from its position of honor in my display cabinet onto the table, next to the decanter. It was a dual-robinette Absinthe Legler-Pernod fountain with engraved glass and circa 1900 Pernod publicity on the sterling silver base. It was scarce, but not unique, purchased from a noted Absinthealia antique collector and dealer in Switzerland. The clear central reservoir was now carefully filled up with pure spring water and ice, ready for dispensing. Once the ice-cold water had filled the dual nozzle fountain, I selected a small sugar bowl for the table. I had several very nice vintage appropriate pieces to select from, made from either antique European leaded crystal or silver, mostly plated but I had a few good sterling pieces as well. Today I selected an English Sheffield plated piece that had nice period advertising engravings upon it. It wasn't my rarest or even my most aesthetically pleasing sugar bowl, but it was one of my favorites. It had been used for years, perhaps decades in some British drinking house and now it still served its original purpose and function well once again. To fill the sugar bowl for use, I had to rely upon more modern materials, a Swiss brand of ultra-processed and pure rectangular flat sugar cubes, individually each wrapped in paper. The sugar itself was as pure as was chemically possible and only minimally compressed so that the sugar would dissolve easily and completely into the absinthe. Then came the antique silver match striker or pyrogene, which would have been on every Parisian café table. I didn't usually smoke, except for the occasional cigar, but the table wouldn't be truly set complete without one and I set it down next to the lamp base. I wasn't in the mood for a smoke just now but there was no telling what inclinations might strike once my Green Fairy lover began to hold me in her embrace. Last, from a selection that filled two full rows of the large china display cabinet, I selected a La Rochere reservoir glass, also from the circa 1890-1900 period along with a sterling silver Absinthe spoon selected entirely at random. I'm extremely proud of my vintage spoon collection, having now acquired more than 200 antique spoons from all over Europe, and a few rare ones from the US. Mostly from eBay, but some of the nicer and scarcer pieces came from specialty absinthealia antique dealers in Europe. They still make entirely suitable modern ones from vintage patterns, but in keeping with my rituals to the Green Fairy, I prefer the original antique ones the best. With the lamp lit, it was now officially l'heure verte, the green hour had begun! I was about to begin the ritual to prepare my first glass of refreshment when the doorbell rang and my evening plans were interrupted and delayed, but not entirely abandoned. ***************************** "Hi Simon," the cheerful tall red-haired woman outside cheerfully chirped with just the slightest toss of her rich harvest golden-red hair. "I heard you stomping about upstairs so I figured that you were home again, but I thought I'd double-check to make sure. You usually don't make it back home until much later in the evening. Anyway, I've already made dinner and have lots to share... and thought I'd bring you over some." Pamela Fleming was my ever-friendly downstairs neighbor and the gal who watched over Bull Halsey and kept his food and water bowls filled while I was gone. Just on the more gracious side of the age of forty, she always looked pretty good for her age. Her secret, she'd once told me, was to remove any and every source of stress from her life. In her case, that had most definitely involved a former husband and a minimal number of former boyfriends since then. Like me, she didn't get out much except for work and trips to our condo's laundry room on Friday or Saturday nights. We'd met there and became casual enough friends that when she'd seen my bulletin board notice about requesting a teenaged cat-sitter, she'd applied for the job. She was a cat person too, and the first two teenaged girls I'd hired to watch over Bull had both been very neglectful and in both cases I'd returned home to find that my roommate's food and water dishes had been allowed to both become empty. Pam in the two years since she'd taken over cat-sitting for me had done a perfect job and even did a few extras, like keeping his litter box immaculate and also emptying out my normal trash for me. She also needed my bit of largess to keep up with the condo payments since she only held down a single part-time job and money was always tight for her. She'd been a nurse once, while she was still married, and she had worked crazy hours and could easily afford the condo payments then in those days. After the divorce and after quitting her job entirely to make her new life entirely stress-free, things were less rosy financially. Weekday mornings and early afternoons she now drove a school bus for a local private school and apparently enjoyed it. Dealing with kids didn't stress her... it would have given me a mental breakdown! Once, about a year ago, made a pass at her, kind of... really nothing more than an invitation out to dinner but she'd declined and I'd quickly retreated. While we were very much 'Simon' and 'Pam' with each other, the friendliness had very definite boundaries and I'd strictly observed them. Being offered a home cooked dinner was something new and entirely different. "Our flight left early today, just after lunch really. The weather was getting bad with snow forecasted later and once our replacement crew arrived they didn't see any sense in leaving the plane on the ground for another four hours, so they hurried us onboard and off we went. It is different to get home while there is still some daylight outside." "And dinner too," she added, "I was trying a new recipe for chicken and dumplings and just kept adding more things into it until the pot was full." She gestured at the oversized covered casserole dish and took a tentative step forward, thinking that I was now holding the door open for her. I wasn't really, but the idea of dinner did sound good. She parked our oversized meal onto the dining room table and began to feign fumbling about to find the necessary plates and utensils. In truth, she spent about as much time in my place as I did and knew where everything was. She knew _exactly_ where the kitchen stuff was... and probably where my porn DVD's were stashed as well, hidden on top of a bookshelf. Bull sometimes needed a _lot_ of personal attention and could be a lap-cat when in the right mood (or bored enough). If Pam enjoyed just hanging out in my place and watching TV or playing DVD's or console games on my big screen with Bull snoring in her lap, that was to be expected and quite fine with me. Still, for appearance sake only, she let me set the table and I poured us a pair of glasses of red wine to enjoy our dinner with. Probably white wine would have been more correct, but I didn't keep any on-hand. As the Cajun comedian-chef Justin Wilson always said, 'the right wine to serve with any dish is your favorite', so red it was and she didn't complain. I had no complaints about the dinner either. We did our best with the conversation over the meal, but frankly it was noticeably stilted. We were both rather shy and independent types of people and when our hands almost met together reaching for the wine bottle in between us, she jerked her arm back probably rather more forcefully and abruptly than she might have intended, almost knocking over her nearly empty wine glass. She let me be gentlemanly and pour her refill, while doing so I could see that she was mentally reproaching herself for her skittish abruptness. I'd had the general impression that she had a bit of a phobia against being touched, at least by men anyway, and the apparent guilt on her face now rather sort of confirmed this notion. The remainder of our dinner was kept to increasingly inane small talk, and with growing durations of awkward silence in between. She helped me clear away the dishes and load up the dishwasher but collectively the evening didn't seem to be heading anywhere for either of us. I'd always been attracted to her, physically anyway, and she was only a year older than me... but I was determined to not screw up a good friendship by making what would probably be (from my viewpoint) another unwelcome advance, and she had already been about as forward as she dared by coming here at all bearing food. Now it was time to either find a second act to this rather awkward performance or else we were both likely to give up and call it quits for the night. I was searching for some sort of invitation I could make for her to stay, hang out, have another drink (or three) and maybe watch TV together on opposite safe sides of the sofa when Pam suddenly discovered a way to break the ice between us after sneaking a peak into my green room office while returning from using the restroom next door to it. When I'm gone away from home, I keep the door shut and even locked, using an old mundane skeleton key for the door lock. Nothing that couldn't easily be picked, but enough to keep the room marked as being out of bounds, especially for Bull Halsey, who tended to rip and tear up things when I wasn't home. I do a lot of online shopping and banking and this just seemed prudent, to keep my study/computer room somewhat secure during my absence. Not to mention the vintage absinthealia collection stored in there as well. Pam had actually never seen the insides of this room before, with everything decorated in full Art Nouveau style, every piece antique and precious to me, except for my desktop computer where I did my writing. I've tried writing from a laptop, but it just doesn't work for me. I need a full-sized screen and keyboard to bring my inspirations out. Now that my Shangri-La was open for her inspection, she insisted upon the complete tour. "The art posters on the wall are all originals, 1880's to early 1910's, mostly all French or Swiss liquor advertising, except for the small Toulouse Lautrec charcoal study above my desk." I didn't bother to tell her that this _was_ a real, entirely authentic original work and not a modern print or even a vintage reproduction. It portrayed a man sitting at a café table in front of a bottle with green pencil coloration fills. The work's title, 'The Absinthe Drinker' made this one of the highlights of my shrine to the La Fée Verte. It had cost me several months pay, but since I didn't do much else with my salary, it made for a most pleasant and crowning figure piece within this holy cathedral to the Green Fairy. "This one, the girl holding the glass while not wearing much very... I suppose that's your favorite?" "It's my rarest one. That's a very famous and iconic 1896 advertisement for Absinthe Robette and is regarded as an artistic masterpiece. I paid too much for it at a French auction, but it's an original in almost perfect condition and not one of the 1898 2nd printings or later reprints. My favorite actually is the one with the cat drinking next to it; it's for Absinthe Bourgeois, called 'Chat Noir'. That one _is_ a later reprinting, but still antique. It's one of the single most desired of the original advertising posters and when I find a first printing, it will be outrageously expensive." "It does fit the room. Is everything here devoted to absinthe? What is absinthe anyway? Didn't they make it illegal because it drove the drinker insane?" "Yes and no. Absinthe was banned virtually everywhere in Europe by the start of World War One. The EU legalized it again back in the 1980's and it's even legal again to buy now in the US. The drink was no more dangerous than any other alcohol, except when demand began to exceed supply in France; bootleggers, like during prohibition here, made their product illegally from industrial alcohol. That, more than anything else, was responsible for driving people mad." "So, what's the big deal about it then?" "It's the history, and for me especially it's the relationship absinthe has with great art and authors. It was the drink of the Impressionist artists and the Post-Impressionists as well....Toulouse Lautrec, Degas, Manet, Monet, Van Gogh.... all of the culture and decadence of Paris in the Belle Epoque. It was the muse of many writers such as Edgar Alan Poe, Oscar Wilde, Mary Shelly (she wrote Frankenstein while drinking Absinthe), and later in the twentieth century, Earnest Hemingway, Somerset Maugham and Jack London all worshiped at the altar of the Green Fairy too. It gave them inspiration and clarity." "Or rather it got them insanely shit-faced drunk!" Pam giggled. "Well... and that too," I admitted. "Most of the posters seem to feature women, rather happy ones at that!" "During this time period, absinthe was directly and uniquely advertised at and _for_ women. Bars or saloons had always been a male dominated establishments, but the absinthe cafes and clubs promoted 'drinking equality' for women, alcoholic if not quite sexual liberation previously unknown to European women. It was the drink of the working-class guys and gals, and especially the bourgeois." "Even more popular than wine?" "Much more so, at least for awhile. Absinthe gives you a different sort of drunk, mostly due to the herbal additives with combined local herbs, wormwood, anise, fennel and hyssop among others, in an alcohol base. It's the wormwood, or rather the chemical thujone, the psychoactive stimulant it contains, which alters, usually benevolently, your cognitive thought. The wonderful contradictions of absinthe make it a unique drinking experience! It has a high alcohol content, which you know is generally a depressant, relaxes inhibitions and promotes creativity, but with the powerful herbal stimulants, your brain can process these new thoughts and ideas rationally with an unusual level of lucidity, and for me sets free my mind to write, with clarity and a forcefulness of vision that it would otherwise never have had before." "You're a writer? So am I! What do you write?" She exclaimed. Now that we apparently had something in common, the opportunities to interrogate me, about both my writing and the Green Fairy were irresistible. "Take the chair there and sit, and if you'll share a glass with me, I'll tell you anything else you want to know... no matter how embarrassing." Pam seated herself at the French golden oak round table in front of the empty reservoir glass and spoon, originally intended for my pleasure, now awaiting hers. I gathered up a second chair for the other side of the table and quickly selected another vintage glass and spoon for my own service. She reached out for the Daum decanter, but I abruptly stayed her hand. "No, wait! Let me serve you. There are important crucial rites and formalities that _must_ be observed." I beseeched her, as her hand returned to her side and she began to more closely inspect all of my gathered absinthe paraphernalia. "Please do, but I probably won't like the taste. I hate the flavor of almost all hard alcohol. It just doesn't suit my tastes, so I mostly drink wine... even while I write, but I can't say that it blesses my clarity or vision very much." "This will be either a very sweet or very bitter taste, depending upon how much sugar one uses and the licorice taste is one that takes getting used to, admittedly... at least at first. Will you promise to be patient and try at least two glasses with me?" "Two? That much? I don't normally drink that much." The sideways glance she then gave while looking away from me suggested otherwise, but it certainly wasn't my place to discuss or criticize other people's drinking habits. "Back in the day, most imbibers would drink at least ten glasses, if not many more. You won't be getting immediately drunk, and the overall affect does take a certain amount of intake and time to properly develop, so please trust me." "Alright, if you insist." She was none too certain about this, but her curiosity was still fully in charge and had mostly overwhelmed her innate shyness. Undoubtedly, some logical part of her brain was telling her that I was a dangerous alcoholic and drug fiend, now out to poison and corrupt her... undoubtedly for sordid debauchment purposes later, but her courage (and her curiosity) was holding steady. "There are rituals to drinking absinthe, important ones that must be followed if the La Fée Verte, the Green Fairy is to be properly respected, summoned and worshiped. The rituals are all French, and extremely elaborate and very socially important... much like the famous Japanese Tea Ceremony. The original Greek word for absinthe translates into "undrinkable", so at least at first for starters, your drink needs to be diluted and sweetened to make it palatable. I like a bit of bitterness myself, but for starters you should take at least one sugar cube in your drink." I cradled the Daum decanter of absinthe in my hand and like a good French café waiter poured exactly three ounces into her empty glass, pre-marked already accurately by the design of the glass to accept this exact correct amount of the liquor. I then paused to allow my guest to examine the coloration of the liquid, its bright emerald green, almost glowing florescent color and also, it's absolute perfection of clarity with utterly no sediment at the bottom at all. This Czech brand of absinthe was top shelf, perhaps the best over the counter brand available and my usual tipple. Its innate concentration of 10 milligrams of thujone per kilogram is less than 20% of what vintage concentrations of the chemical would have been in the past, but this amount is dictated by the EU's current legal limit, and also US law. Fortunately, thujone oil, along with other traditional herbs customarily infused in vintage absinthes, is quite legal to buy... unless it is to be used as a food additive, which this was not! I'd earlier prepared this additional infusion into the absinthe and allowed it to steep during the two weeks I'd been off at work. Now this enhanced concoction was pure to the original vintage specifications... and entirely suitable to my drinking preference. Next, I placed the absinthe spoon over her partially filled glass and unwrapped a sugar cube from its paper and placed it onto the center of the spoon, right over the slotted openings of the center of the utensil so that it was centered over the glass. "Here is where the sugar is added and infused into the absinthe slowly, by a very slow flow of the ice water directly over the sugar cube. Watch as it melts slowly and flows with the water into the glass and combines with the drink. Get ready to watch it begin to change color!" The pure alcohol of the absinthe began to blend with cold ice water from the tap of the fountain, very slowly, barely more than a trickle and the mixture below began to become cloudy. The color was still green but it became increasingly translucent, in a green milky sort of way as I doubled the contents of the glass, now diluting the absinthe by exactly half. "Some people eager to show off sometimes dip their sugar cubes in absinthe first and then light them on fire, before pouring the water. This gives a little of a caramel taste to the drink, for those that like that sort of thing, but I think it detracts myself," I commented, completing the last few measured drops of ice water onto the spoon to make sure that all of the sugar had been melted and had flowed into the glass. "The French name for the clouding effect is called la louche and occurs because the herbal oils within the absinthe are not soluble in water. Now, give the glass a gentle spin with the spoon and drink like you dripped—slowly, like you were a famous authoress of the Belle Epoque!" "Very definitely a drink for the hipsters! I swear there was smug superiority demonstrated in every single step taken!" she laughed, as she took her very first slight tentative sip. "Like I said, drinking absinthe has a ritual! And not just all smugness either. This ritual when performed at the Parisian café is what really came to be known as l'heure verte, the green hour. And yes, the great masses of the unwashed will watch us hipster elite performing this ritual in envy and before long they'll all want in and wish to join us too! Maybe a few of them can write as well, or can discover their own Muse through the Green Fairy... now sip your drink and tell me what you think." "Very licorice, but not badly so, in a good sort of girly way, just like nibbling on a rope of candy on a nice summer's day while on a swing, floating through the air. Smooth, but rather sweet. Maybe less sugar next time, like yours?" I was preparing my own glass now, with less than a half of a cube of sugar to sweeten it. "I like my drinks just like I do my women, perfectly aged and a little bitter!" I laughed. For a moment I thought I might have offended her, but she smiled and took a longer sip of her drink. "As for me, I like my men just like Kleenex, soft, sturdy but disposable," she laughed. "Very bitter indeed! Did I mention that Dorothy Parker, the famous writer ofinfamous and profound wit and snark loved absinthe too? Now tell me about your writing, and I'll tell you about mine!" **************************** For the next three hours, we enjoyed the ritual and shared our l'heure verte about eight more times, that is I think I was just starting to prepare our tenth glass when she lit the literary bombshell under me. I had been discussed the historical murder-mystery novel that I had been writing off and on for the last two years and she in turn had told me about her own novel in the works, a paranormal romance about a mortal detective and coroner in a world ruled by vampires. Both of our ideas sounded good to the other, and we were feeling positively chummy, and not a little under the influence of the fairy. I wasn't drunk yet and Pam wasn't noticeably slurring her words either, but stimulated she was, talking with exuberant enthusiasm about our shared literary craft, when the bombshell hit. "But, just to get started... learning my craft, and so on... I started writing stories for an online erotic web site." Oops. I think she realized after the fact that this was being perhaps a bit too forthcoming, but it was my turn to meet her advancement into friendly territory. "Uhhh... so did I. I write those sorts of stories on my laptop, when I'm off away from home after work and bored and sometimes lonely. I think I've written at least fifty stories, and maybe only about half of them suck." "What site?" she enquired with insistence and having nothing left to fear, I told her... and then she told me she wrote for that same site, and another alternate place that I was familiar with. Then she told me her author alias, and I gave her mine. We knew of each other.... and had both already 'Favorited' each other's stories! "I liked 'Gray Swampy Nights of Passion' the best of your stories," she admitted, while logging into her author account on my computer to show me the review of the story that she had written for the tale. "It was about two people, a man and woman that don't like each other much who are then trapped together in a Rangoon hotel room for three days and nights, stuck with each other, until they end up in bed together." "You didn't find the anal scene too... extreme? Some women don't like that sort of thing, especially while being held down tightly by their hair." "No nastier than my story 'Fevered Buns of Desire' was, about the girl who could orgasm only after being spanking," she proclaimed. I didn't remember that story of hers but I'd read it before and gave it a perfect grading score. I looked it up and started reading the story out loud while Pam took the honors of performing the ritual and refilling our near empty glasses. If she was at all ashamed to be exuberantly drunk at a friend's house while he read aloud her ode to the joys of rough anal sex (after a firm belt whipping of the heroine's lovely ass) she didn't show it. A bit drunk and festive, if not entirely hallucinatory yet, I slapped her ass rather boldly, to which she didn't object to, even when I left it there, bolding fondling her jeans covered ass. She then kissed me, as much in a joking humor as from any actual romantic intent, but it sufficed... more than adequately. A few minutes later her skirt was on the floor and I was unfettering her bra to reveal a nice pair of breasts that were in no way a disappointment to hold, lick and nibble upon. Five minutes later we were in bed together, recreating several scenes from both 'Gray Swampy Nights' and 'Fevered Buns'. "I've been missing you lately, while you've been gone off at work." Pam admitted, briefly taking her mouth off of my swollen cock to give the tip a healthy swirling lick. "I've been thinking about you too lately, well... for at least the last year or so anyway. Absence does seem to make the heart grow fonder." "Or perhaps instead, it's absinthe making our hearts grow fonder! You didn't tell me that the stuff is an aphrodisiac! I've never been this drunk and horny before in my entire life! I just want to fuck and be fucked, hard! Give it to me hard, right in my cunt and if you can make me cum with just your cock inside me, I'll let you screw my ass next afterwards, after spanking it good and hard first!" "It's a deal!" Being possessed fully of the spirit of the Green Fairy herself, I pounded into her for hours, first while she was on her back with her legs arched upon my shoulders as high and tightly as they would go, and after she squirmed and squealed (and came, repeatedly), I continued driving into her while she crouched upon all fours, with her ass now increasingly up into the air, daring and desiring for me to possess it. She'd never allowed her ex- husband to fuck it and I was the first guest to be allowed this deep intimate pleasure and she found it at least as enjoyable as the fantasies that she had written about. Since both of us were rather creative sorts of people, and rather filled with clarity of purpose and no small amount of inspiration, the remainder of the evening (and early and later hours of the morning) consisted of the production of an entirely new and original erotic drama, with two very cooperative and willing co-authors. ************************ I woke up in bed alone about mid morning and assumed that my night guest had gone back home either for some real sleep or perhaps out of a sense of regret. Our relationship had exploded in a single night of passion together and I wasn't entirely sure what the remnants of the 'friendship' were going to be like in the morning. She'd have regrets, certainly, which would probably lead to apologies on my part and a lot of awkwardness when our paths crossed in the elevator or the laundry room in the future. But, I needn't have worried. I found Pam frantically typing away on my computer, still naked and quite still flying under the wings of the Green Fairy. I'd remembered that I'd had to open another bottle of absinthe late last night before things became too delightfully carnal. I'd thought a good half of the bottle should still remain, but it too was now empty.
My lover had seen La Fée Verte in all of her wonderful glory, I could see it plainly in her eyes, having been to that wonderful and yet breathtakingly terrible place myself quite often enough. She'd travelled past any stages of fear, regret or even mundane hallucination and had reach that rarified summit of divine inspiration where the Green Fairy reveals her most profound and inspired secrets and blessings, gifting you with vision, and if you're divinely fortunate, a glimpse of your very heart's desire. "I've never written while this inspired in my entire life!" Pam exclaimed as she leaned to the side of my typing chair far over enough for me to kiss her and also caress a soft bare breast. She grasped my stiffening penis with her left hand and stroked it a few times and took it for a long happy moment into her mouth, slowly sucking its entire length until my entire shaft was fully in her mouth and even at the entrance to her throat. She sucked me in and out again a few more times as I thickened into a full erection and she with some reluctance took me out of her mouth and kissed my cockhead. "That stuff got me drunk alright, nearly entirely out of my head... but also at the same time I was... and still am, clear-headed! When it started to fade on me earlier this morning, I conducted the ritual again and resummoned the Green Fairy and she returned! I should be writing complete and utter deranged crap, like unintelligible ravings on the wall done with crayons, but I'm not. No madness, just drunken clarity between me and my muse, like I've never felt it before." "Shall I find a fresh bottle for us? I feel moderately inspired to write myself and I think there's room on the desk for us both to write, and worship La Fée Verte together. Shall we?" "Please! And this time, at the end of the ritual, I want to jerk you off, to make you cum inside of my glass, so that I can drink of the fairy... and of you, at the same time." Now this was something different! I opened a fresh bottle and performed the ritual and Pam took my cock once more into my mouth to suck me and also firmly tug my shaft with both hands to coax my load of semen out into her glass, to add its new milkiness to the cloudy green swirls of the absinthe. It didn't take me long to ejaculate and as I began to do so, her tongue swirled across the upper crown of my cockhead as she milked my load into her drink. With a smile and slight stir of her glass with the spoon, she slowly consumed this holy elixir slowly but steadily until the last drops had passed between her lips. Then in something of a religious ecstasy, she kissed my mouth deeply so that we could share the last bits of the holy drink together and then, as our tongues parted she once again took my cock back deeply into her mouth, keeping it there, sucking hard and fervently until awhile later another load of my semen discharged into her mouth. Still, my lover, lost in the Green Fairy's tender embrace, and my loving arms, wasn't done with her desire for morning lovemaking. "Get me another drink, then sit down in your chair here and me sit in your lap, mounting myself with you inside of my ass. I want to write this last anal sex scene in the story with you inside of me, deeply filling and thrusting... and cumming, but later... right after the story is done!" As the spirit of the fairy continued to possess her, she rode herself upon my cock with increased need and erotic fury, but held her concentration to type the last pages of her story and when her heroine has surrendered to her final rapture, my own lover released her last final bits of self-restraint and control and began clinching my cockshaft with her sphincter with the force of an increasingly tight vise. Eventually dismounting from my lap as I became at last flaccid with tired contentment, she took her glass and allowed the flow of this last final very intimate discharge to flow into her refreshed glass and then without any sugar to her absinthe, she drank down this last very bitter mixture with unconcealed delight and near orgasmic rapture, shivering with pleasure as she licked the last milky drops with her tongue and then began to lick and suck my penis immaculately clean from its visit within her warm and friendly resting place without any hint of reluctance. Her eyes held only love and adoration, and more than a bit of magical wonder. "I am one with the La Fée Verte and she is now one with me!" She giggled as we kissed. "I am her holy receptacle, as I become filled with her, so shall I also become filled by you, my lover... and now my Muse! Let us drink, and write and love!" Indeed. We spent the day writing and by the evening we'd edited each other's works and pronounced them first rate, and that Saturday night two new erotic stories were posted. Both stories were about a lonely pair of functional alcoholics who with magical help found each other, and future happiness as each other's muse. It was the first of our many future collaborations... including several novels. Pam quit her part time job and moved in with me and she now writes full time... and is a most devout worshiper of La Fée Verte, our Green Fairy. Nearly every day that we are together we worship her together, that gives us our greatest inspiration... being together. She takes her absinthe now mostly bitter, like mine, and nearly always preferably for at least the first glass with my cum added, invariably a creampie from either her freshly fucked ass or cunt. Perhaps we are falling into madness, but it's a path we've decided to take together. Even on the rare times that I'll enjoy an evening l'heure verte alone, when the visions of the Green Fairy come to me, it is entirely Pam's face that I now see. We are indeed each other's Muse... and true love. Prelude My name is Marcus. I am a mercenary commander, a leader of a band of misfits, outsiders, and those who do not belong to what the majority say a normal world. From a rugged untried professionals, my regiment became the most feared, and effective mercenary units in the world. It is not the size of the organization that matters. It was the equipment, quality of men, training, experience, discipline, and sheer will power that have allowed my mercenary regiment to rise up in its current status. The Rim-Cats are not cheap to hire but once it is deployed, the client nation can rest assured that they have a mobile armored regiment guarding the safety of their country from internal and external threats. The Fertile Valley of the Two Rivers, Ankarian Desert, the Middle East Defense Minister Ahmed Al Shabah waited patiently in his office, sitting on a comfortable leather chair. He reviewed the proposal submitted by a mercenary company and middle aged Middle Eastern man pondered the thought of hiring an elite mobile armored regiment to help his country quell the insurgency that plagues the country of Ar'Raq. It has been over six years since the western coalition have invaded and deposed their country's ruthless tyrant. But in doing so, the coalition of western nations have unleashed Pandora's Box. Half a dozen factions started to fight among themselves for the control of the country, but the ruling elite of Ar'Raq have been voted by the majority faction of the country and yet cannot help to stem the tide of anarchy that occurred. The Defense Minister is under pressure from the Prime Minister in finding a solution to this problem, though the coalition of western powers have done their share of the fighting, it was not enough for the insurgency to be finally and totally defeated. "Allah oh merciful GOD, help me in this time of need, I do not know what I should do to finally give peace to my country and I hope that this will finally be the solution all of us are looking for," he have prayed glancing on the proposal. His dilemma does not stop there, on Ar'Raq's eastern border lies Phartia. The country of Phartia is ruled by a religious zealot Shiite president, while the ruling Sunni of Ar'Raq have became weak to mount a proper defense if they are invaded. The ruling elite of Phartia supported the Shiite insurgents in destabilizing the government of Ar'Raq, among those insurgents are the foreign Mujahadeen warriors who came into the country to evict the armies of the foreign devil of the western coalition, the Mahdi holds a third faction, which fights for the control of the country themselves under the banner of the religious leader, the Islamic terrorist also infiltrated the country and fights to bring shame upon the western coalition, and finally the local warlords who enacts barbaric raids taking what they want, pillaging, raping, looting, and murdering innocent civilians, government troops, fighters of other factions, and the western coalitions soldiers as well. Ar'Raq is a mess beyond comprehension and yet Defense Minister Ahmed Al Shabah and his government have decided to hire a foreign mercenary regiment. They have signed the agreement two weeks ago and hoped that it will bring them the security that they need for the sake of their people. "Very interesting," he commented at the capabilities and prior experience of the personnel of this elite mobile armored regiment as he reviewed them again, "they are what my country need." The buzzer of his intercom emits a loud buzzing sound. Defense Minister Ahmed Al Shabah knew that his appointment just arrived. Finally he can personally talk to the mysterious Colonel Marc the Black Cat of the Rim-Cats Regiment, a regimental mobile combat team. Though it will cost his country five billion Euros a year, he have deemed it a good price for the mercenary's expertise. "Sara, lead our guest into my office please," he instructed the secretary working for him. "Yes Minister," she replied. 1 The Contract Office of the Minister of Defense, Ar'Raq City, Republic of Ar'Raq two hours earlier The moment I got out of the jet liner, the dry hot air of the Middle East have engulf and nearly overwhelmed me. Though I just arrived and still having a bit of a jet lag, I cannot relax for the appointment to meet with Ar'Raq's Defense Minister is scheduled within two hours, just enough time to shower, dressed up for the scheduled meeting, and drive towards the Defense Ministry Office. I arrived at the office with five minutes to spare. Making my way towards the secretary I offered to her the letter of agreement, my ticket to see the Defense Minister of Ar'Raq. "Good afternoon Mr. Marcus," she greeted smiling after reading the letter, her voice trailing a slight Arabic accent, "The Defense Minister is waiting for you." I nodded my approval gazing at her well developed body, she looked rather young around early twenties as my mind raced thinking how she would react if fucked by me. She stood up and opened a filling cabinet, leaning forward her well rounded ass can be traced from the long western style skirt she is wearing. She fetched a file and handed it to me, my eyes gazed a bit lower to her chest marveling at her rounded breast, I smiled at her and she in turn smiled back. "You will need this Mr. Marcus since the Defense Minister wanted you to explain your men's capabilities," she explained her eyes meeting mine. "Call me Marc and I didn't even know your name," I replied to her extending my right hand. "I am Sara Ibrahim," she giggled a bit reaching for my hand, grasping it, and we both shook hands, "I'll let the Minister of Defense know you're here Marc." She pushed the intercom button and spoke in Arabic, a reply came and she moved away from her desk. "Right this way Marc," she ushered me inside the office. Two hours passed and I walked out of the office with a slight smile on my face. This contract has been secured though many questions were asked by the Defense Minister and I have provided the answers he wanted which my regiment and I can deliver. Because of the Defense Minister's trust in my regiment's abilities, the government of Ar'Raq signed another two years contract which gives my company three years of work. Fifteen billion Euros is a very high price and yet the government of this country is willing to it for their security. "Did you get what you wanted Marc?" "Oh I did Sara," I replied to her with a wide grin on my face. "Wonderful," she exclaimed, "I'm under the impression that you're new here." "Yes I am." "Have lunch with me since I got a two hours break," she offered. "Sure why not," I replied as Sara joined me exiting the Defense Ministry building. Sara Ibrahim showed me a well known restaurant in the city, ordering some kabobs and an ice tea, my stomach started to rumble in anticipation of the meal to come. The young woman sitting in front of me giggled hearing the rumbling stomach. "You must be hungry aren't you Marc," she stated to me giggling. "Uh yes I am actually," I honestly replied. Our food arrived and we started to eat our lunch. We have talked for about an hour mostly about her family, her job, and her dreams in life. Sara Ibrahim grew up in a small village thirty minutes from the capital. During the tyrant's regime her older sister was kidnapped and raped by the tyrant's eldest son, her family was devastated and only found their solace in sending their daughters to college, hoping for a better life outside the country. After graduating top of her class in political science, the western coalition invaded at the time she was barely sixteen years old. Very few achieved what she have achieved in scholastics at her young age, when the regime was toppled and an interim government took over she was given a post in the Ministry of Defense as a secretary, five years later she is still the secretary for the Defense Minister. She don't have a brother, her parents now live in the capital city in one of the luxurious apartments of a wealthy neighborhood, and her sister now married a man from Hu'wayt, a small emirate country south eastern of Ar'Raq. "I'm impressed with your accomplishments Sara," I have praised her sipping my tea, gazing at her well rounded tits. "I never met a mercenary before Marc," she confessed, "You're the first." "Well there are first times for everything," I replied taking another bite of my kabob. Sara's cell phone rang. Quickly she flipped the portable phone open and answered the call. She spoke in Arabic which I can only understand a few words, sipping my drink I continued with my meal. After Sara finished her phone conversation, she placed her cell phone back into her purse and smiled which is in turned was returned by my own what others call my charming smile. "I got the rest of the day off," she said to me, "Looks like your regiment coming over have made our port busy and so did the ministry office. Because of that I am not needed for the Defense Minister will not be bothered by anyone only preparations with your whole regiment. I don't know what you told the Defense Minister but he is very impressed with you Marc." "I was only honest of what my men are capable of and how they can aide your government against the enemies of your country," I have replied. "But with only just a regiment of three thousand men?" she asked skeptical about what can be done, "isn't that too few for a country like Ar'Raq?" "It is enough unless your country wanted to pay ten billion in Euros for two regiments." "Oh," she said a bit surprised, "One regiment should be fine then." I laughed and finally finished my meal. "Well I am a bit tired and still suffering from a jetlag," I explained to her, "you go ahead and go home. I will go back to my hotel." "My single apartment is a few blocks away from here. Why not come over and rest there instead," Sara offered. "What about your parents?" "They are out of town for a few days, so I am alone in the apartment." "Alright," I agreed with her. I want you so bad. I watched you come home from work today and I just cannot get you of my head. I ache and yearn for you, your touch and your scent. It is time for me to take my pleasure. Yes please! I walk into your bedroom. Opening your door without knocking only to find you on your bed with your work skirt hitched up, and a hand stuck in your panties. I take in everything I am seeing before you open your eyes and rearrange your clothing once you realise that I have entered the room. I race across the room and I pick you up physically off your bed I have one arm around your chest and the other I use to grip the cheek of your butt. You kick your legs back and forth at the knees like a cartoon character trying to run in mid-air when they run off the cliff. I slide you across my body so that your chest presses against mine and your hips are at my waist and I carry around the bedroom looking directly into your eyes still with your legs flailing in the air. You squeal in protest, but I am a man on a mission here and I will not be distracted. I pull up the back of your skirt and place the hem in my hand around your chest, your feet still have not found the ground. I have told you before what will happen if I catch you pleasuring yourself. Now I have just the excuse that I need. I smack your bottom, three times in quick succession. Smack, smack, smack. Your feet have still not touched the floor since I picked you up and you have struggled to get out of my grip around your chest relentlessly. I love it I bring you bodily back to the bed and throw you onto the bed so that you bounce up a good few inches off the bed. As you bounce your skirt has risen up so that I can just glimpse your panties. I reach out and grab you by the ankle and drag you back down to the foot of the bed as you slide down the bed your skirt rides up even further so I can see your white knickers again and also a little flesh above the waist band too. Your skirt is simply no more than a belt around your waist. I reach out and grab your panties and drag them down your thighs, past your knees, over your ankles and off your feet and cast them onto the floor. You have the most gorgeous pussy, I love that you only trim not shave, t I like real women not wanna be porn stars. I want to fuck you right now my cock is so hard, I want you so much I take my shirt off over my head and throw it aside, I stare at your pussy as I slide my pants and underwear down my legs and I step out of them to stand naked over you. You squeal again and push your skirt down over your hips to cover your nakedness. I reach out again and push it back up over your belly. I grab your wrist that you were using to try to cover yourself and I use that to drag you around to turn you on the bed so that your head hangs over the side of the bed right in front of my hard cock. I place my cock on your lips. "Suck it you naughty naughty girl. I told you what would happen if I caught you touching yourself " I say. You comply by parting your lips and opening your mouth and I arch my hips to push my cock forward into your mouth. I can feel my cock sliding in over your tongue. I push further into your mouth as I lean forward and reach down your body to your belly and raise the hem of your blouse and drag it up over your breasts in your bra. I remove my cock from your mouth just long enough to drag your top up over your head and arms, I move straight back to you and into the warmth of your mouth. I love looking down the length of your body to see those great boobs in your bra, your skirt scrunched around your waist and your pussy out for me to enjoy whilst I fuck your mouth. I continue to sway back and forth so that my cock slides its length into and back out of your mouth, at the same time I let my hands move to your shoulders and push the shoulder straps of your bra down over your shoulders down your arm to your elbow. I draw your arms to me so the straps continue further down your forearm and wrist and over your hand. Your great tits move free of the bra cups, that movement is so erotic, and I push your bra down to join your crumpled knickers on the floor. Fuck I love this. My cock in your mouth, your tits and pussy out in front of me. I love the feeling of my balls slapping against your face and nose as I fuck you deeper down your throat. "Look at you, you naughty little slut, suck that cock. Suck it good." I want to fill your mouth with my cum, but that should wait. I need to fuck you first. Before I reach the point of no return, I jerk my cock out of your mouth and move around the base of the bed so I can grab you by the ankle again. Holding your ankle with one hand I reach out with my other hand and grab you by the knee. That gives me the leverage to roll you into your belly. Oh, what an arse. It looks even better framed by your skirt around your waist. I work your legs over the end of the bed. "On your knees you little tart. Get that arse in the air." You raise yourself onto your knees with your glorious arse stuck up in the air. It looks fantastic I force my knees between your feet hanging over the end of the bed and I reach forward to force your knees apart with my hand. I let my hand run up your thigh until I cup your pussy lips in my hand. I feel the moisture from your cunt. You are more than ready. But not just yet, you can wait. I let my hand slide further up the length of your pussy lips and over the bud of your arse and run my finger up your bum crack and up your spine and under your skirt and push it back up further up into the small of your back. I let my cock brush against then press into your pussy as I explore the skin of your back and arse. I slide my hands over your skirt and around your ribs to find your tits hanging free and I take them into my hands and tweak your nipples between my forefinger and index finger. Oh my, You really know how to make a girl horny! I cannot wait any longer, so I move my hips to slide my cock up and down the length of your pussy lips and over the hood of your clit. Up and back, up and back. Up and then into your opening pussy and the beautiful grip of your cunt. I cup your breasts and roll your nipples in my finger as I thrust deep into you. I rock back and forth to pound my cock into your hole. You feel fantastic to be in. When you least expect it I remove my hands from your tits and I slap your arse hard. You jump immediately and I chase your pussy with my cock and drive it deeper into you. Your arse reddens almost immediately. Well that was pleasing so I slap your other cheek with my other hand. You cry out again, well that was unexpected but nice. I grab your hips and pull you toward me as I drive my cock in and out of your beautiful pussy. My pace quickens as I approach orgasm, I feel your breathing intensify and I realise you're getting close as well. To help you along I slip one finger into your arsehole. I feel my cock sliding in and out of you through the wall of your pussy. I work my finger in small circles against the in and out motion of my cock until you cum. Your shaking and the pulsations from your pussy push me over the edge and I cum deep inside you. "Yes, oh yes, cum into me, make me cum too. Tell me to cum for you and I will." You squeal. "Oh fuck me, you feel so good." I continue to play in your arse with my finger and stroke your swollen clit with my other hand until you cum. Good girl. I collapse onto the bed next to you and draw you to me so I can hold you whilst we recover.
_[Note to readers: I wrote a story called, The Transformation Rings that received a number of comments and suggestions. I incorporated them as best as I could and edited the original version extensively. The resulting story is much longer than the original version, and is in many ways a new story. For this reason I gave it a new name. I am grateful for the interest and the suggestions, and hope you will like the new version even more!]_ * "Can they really work? Elaine, it would be cool and crazy if they did. But it's impossible. Just impossible." Bob was referring to the anniversary present Elaine had just given him. Purchased at an antique store, the transformation rings were hundreds of years old. Bob felt embarrassed that all he had gotten her was a dozen red roses and a bottle of Champaign, which he had not yet given to her. "Let's give it a try, Bob. Each so-called magic ring has a green compartment for the starting stage, and a red compartment for the ending stage. The center of each compartment can be set to blue, for boy, or pink, for girl. Simple." "Simple, sure, but impossible. And what if it works?" "It would be an incredible adventure. Come on - let's try it. If we like it we could try it for a day or two, and if either of us doesn't like it we can always reverse it a few minutes." "OK. Since this is Friday evening and Monday is a holiday, let's try it until the end of the day on Monday, or until either of us wants to change back sooner. But first let's remove our wedding rings because if our bodies increase in size the metal in the rings could cut into our fingers." Elaine agreed, took off her wedding ring, put on one transformation ring, and turned it so that pink was in the green compartment and blue was in the red compartment. Bob took off his wedding ring, put on the other transformation ring, and set his so blue was in the green compartment, and pink was in the red compartment. They touched their rings together and -- there was a lightening spark, and each of their bodies turned into that of the other! They stared silently at each other in shock for several minutes. Finally Elaine said the obvious: "I can't believe it -- but they worked perfectly." Bob nodded mutely, slightly in shock, looking first at his new hands, and then at the rest of his new body. Elaine looked at her new body for several minutes, and then continued: "These clothes are much too small for me now. My bra broke and my shirt ripped - I have to get out of these girl clothes." She then removed her broken bra and top, and took off her skirt. Everything except her panties. Then she noticed with embarrassment that her cock was tight against her too-small panties. Embarrassed, she used her hands to try to cover it. Bob, by contrast, was swimming in his old large guy clothing, and took off his pants. But just then he saw Elaine staring at him, and her rising cock, which was barely contained by her panties and hands. It was getting more and more erect and was peeking out of her panties. Bob stopped taking off his shirt even though it was way too large for him. Elaine stared at Bob, who was looking at her expanding penis through her sheer panties with a combination of fear and disgust in his face. "What's the matter, Bob, why don't you take off the rest of your clothes? Its not like I haven't seen your sexy little body before - it was mine up until a minute ago. Besides, we're going to make love like we always do, right? In reverse of course. But you know what I mean. I can't wait - and neither can my new cock." Bob stared at Elaine's erect cock as it bulged against her panties and replied, "No way. My body is now your old body, but my mind has not changed at all. I still only like girls. The thought of you touching me in any way disgusts me - even though the body doing the touching would be my old body. No thank you, no way. And your cock - to be honest I find everything about it disgusting. Please don't rape me - because that's what it would be." Elaine was taken aback. "Don't be silly, Bob, I'm not going to rape you. I'm still the same sweet, sensitive girl you married. I just happen to be in a male body for a while. How could you..." "I'm sorry, Elaine. I know you wouldn't rape me. I'm just feeling really vulnerable right now. A feeling I am not used to. And embarrassed." "I understand, Bob. Since I'm still a girl inside this body I know how vulnerable you feel. But we simply have to try out our new bodies. Sexually, I mean. We just have to. And that cock you find so loathsome used to be yours, remember?" "Yes, but now I want nothing to do with it. Nothing. But I agree that we each should check out our new bodies. You go into that bedroom, while I'll go into the other one. We'll each masturbate." Elaine paused, looked perturbed, nodded, and slowly walked to a bedroom, with her now fully erect penis showing its tip outside her panties. Elaine lay back on the bed and started to masturbate. She was about to try thinking of one of her favorite sexual fantasies when she remembered how hard her cock got when she looked at Bob's new body. He sure looked sexy in that large man's shirt with no bra. No wonder men found that kind of thing so attractive. Figuring she might as well go with her new erection, she decided to concentrate on Bob's new body in his loose clothing. Elaine's cock immediately started to get harder. And then she heard Bob in the next room, gasping in his newly feminine voice, "Oh, yes, God, ooooohhhhh, Yes, yes, ooooooooooo..." Elaine fixed on the sound of Bob starting to come, and pictured Bob's hand on his clit, in his pussy, while he writhed, and Elaine thought about how sexy Bob was now, and the thought made Elaine come. But Bob was still getting louder by the second. His feminine voice escalated in pitch and quickness. He continued for another minute or more: "Yes, yessssssss, ooooooo, Oh my GGGOOOODDD, oh, ohhh, ohhhhh, OOOOHHHHHHHH." Finally he came, with screams that dwarfed his earlier sounds and filled their house for a full minute. Elaine calmed down, cleaned up, put on a robe, and went out to their living room. Then she heard Bob, still in his bedroom, starting up again. Again, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, God, God, oooooo, my Godddddd, I can't stand it, my God, toooo much, ooooh, oh..." Elaine, fully spent, listened as Bob came again. Even though the sounds were incredibly erotic, her cock couldn't get hard again so quickly. Then there was silence for a few minutes, but instead of footsteps, Elaine heard more girl cum sounds, ecstasy that kept going on and on. "My gosh", Elaine thought, "you've experienced what it feels like to a girl when she comes. Enough already." But then Elaine remembered how in her old body she loved cuming over and over. Sighing, resigned herself to waiting. As the moaning built towards a crescendo Elaine again tried to masturbate, but once again her useless cock seemed dead. Then she heard an even louder scream from Bob, one that, if she didn't know better, sounded like someone getting murdered, again and again, followed by silence. Finally, 5 minutes later, Bob opened the door wearing a robe, looking exhausted but happier than he had ever looked in his life. "Are you finished too Elaine? How was it?" Elaine paused and replied carefully: "It was different. Nice. My nipples felt very little, as you know, no matter what I did to them. But my cock felt really nice when I came. After it rests up I sure would like to try using it with a girl (then seeing the disgusted look on Bob's face, she quickly added) but I think I get the idea of what sex is like as a guy. So I am happy, I had my adventure. How did you like coming as a girl?" Bob hesitated, and finally replied: "It also was different and nice." "Different and nice?" Come on, Bob, you loved it, didn't you? I could hear you. You came, what, five or ten times? And you came louder than you have ever come in your life! Much louder! You liked it more than you ever liked sex when you came as a guy, right?" Bob turned reddish. "You heard me while I was cuming? I'm really embarrassed. Yes, I enjoyed it." Elaine replied with a grin: "Don't be embarrassed at liking that body. I understand, Bob. Believe me, I understand. I know how much pleasure that body can bring." Then she grinned even more; "You've heard me scream in ecstasy many times while we made love. I think turn about was fair play. It's OK, Bob, to admit you liked cuming more as a girl. Besides, how do you think I came? I listened to you cum! I pictured you with your hand on your hot pussy - my hot pussy - rubbing away, and the image - together with your girlish moans and screams - was the most erotic thing imaginable." Bob was beet red. And silent. "Be man enough, Bob, to admit you like sex better as a girl." Bob laughed at the joke, as did Elaine, and replied, "OK, OK. I admit it." "Go on and say it." "Sex as a girl is way, way better than sex as a guy. Not even close. I love it. It was the most incredible experience ever." "What were you thinking of when you came, Bob." More silence. "Please don't be embarrassed. I told you that I was thinking about your sexy body. What were you thinking about?" "The same thing." "You were thinking about me? I thought male bodies didn't turn you on?" "No no no. When I said, 'the same thing' I meant I was also thinking about me. About how beautiful a girl I am now. How sexy I am now, how awesome it is to have my incredible tits and pussy. How wonderful it is to be soft and smooth and pretty and curvy. Everything about my new body is, as you know, gorgeous and sexy." "I understand, Bob. I often think of myself when I cum. In fact, its... my favorite fantasy. Its just that girls' bodies are so sexy.... In fact, Bob, I'll take all that as a compliment. After all, you are complimenting my body - which you happen to be using for a while." There was then several minutes of silence. "Bob, you don't want to touch a guy, let alone have a cock penetrate you. OK But don't you want to experience what real sex is like - not just masturbation? Before we switch back, do you want to make it with another girl? In your current body, I mean?" More silence. Finally Bob answered; "In a way, yes, of course. But I don't want to make love with another woman. Ever. We are married and we have a great marriage, so my answer is 'no'." Then Bob continued: "Elaine, are you hinting that you want to make love with a girl or (he paused) a guy while you are in my body?" Elaine looked amused. "A guy? Why would I want to do that? That would be silly." Another silence. Finally Elaine spoke up. "Bob, would you like to make love with... me? Bob responded quickly. "Sorry, Elaine, I love you, but as I said, my mind is still that of a heterosexual male, and...." Elaine interrupted him. "No, silly. I mean to the old me. To the girl I used to be? If I could change back while you are still me, would you make love with me?" "What? My gosh! Is that possible? Elaine? If it is i'd of course love to. But... would you want to do that?" "I think we should experience what lovemaking really is all about before we change back. Masturbation is fine, but we should experience, even if only one time, real lovemaking with another person. I certainly understand that you want that person to be a woman, and I love that you want that woman to be me." "And... I think I would like it too. Being a guy with an erect cock from looking at you and hearing you masturbate has given me a new appreciation for female sexuality. Given how I reacted to you, to your moans, to thinking about your - my - nude body, how this got me off, I am pretty sure I would enjoy making lesbian love. And... she blushed... I have always been a bit... a lot... narcissistic. The thought of making love to myself seems like it would be incredible. Besides, if I don't like it, we could always stop, right?" "Right, right!! Let's try it! If the rings will allow it." They adjusted the rings. Elaine set her green compartment to blue, and her red compartment to pink. Bob, by contrast, set both of his compartments to their pink settings. Pink in, and pink out. They touched their rings, and there was another flash. Two identical copies of Elaine stared at one another. However, this time there was no embarrassment, no need for cover ups, no awkwardness, no disgust, no fear of touching, no fear of rape or even of penetration. Only attraction. Only symmetry and empathy. No one larger or more powerful. Only two equals connecting intimately and examining each others' beauty. Elaine was the first to speak: "Congratulations to us both!" Bob laughed. He stepped forward to embrace Elaine, but she quickly and firmly whispered, "No". "But --- I thought we would try it?" "We will. But not like this. Bob, I was a virgin the first time we made love, and so were you. And this will be my first time with a girl, and your first time as a girl. So we are in a way virgins again, and I want it to be really special. We are each like a virgin on her wedding night, and I want it to be as romantic as possible." "Yes! We can even pretend we're getting married again. Just like our wedding, except that instead of husband and wife, we'll be wife and wife. Two virgin brides marrying one another!" Elaine grabbed Bob by the hand and pulled him into the shower so they could wash their bodies and hair. After they dried off she brought him to the chair in front of the mirror she used to put on her makeup. "You are going to be so beautiful, like a bride should be on her wedding night!" Then Elaine did as complete a makeover on Bob as she could do - makeup, hair, eyelashes, perfume, earrings, nails, the works. She expertly turned Bob's raw beauty into heartbreaking eroticism. Turning the chair so Bob could see himself in the mirror, he gasped. He could not breathe for several seconds. My gosh! Pretty had turned breathtaking! The blushing bride was a goddess! With a look of triumph, Elaine went to her lingerie drawer and took out 2 identical pink baby doll nighties. Handing one to Bob she said, "I've been saving these for something special. And nothing could be as special as tonight. Take a pink one because you are definitely not a boy right now. But scoot while I make myself as sexy as you. You can't expect me to make love to anyone more glamorous than I am!" Bob went into their living room, put on the baby doll nightie, and decided he should do his part to help set the mood. Quickly he went to their supply of candles. He placed dozens of lit candles almost everywhere and then turned down the lights. He got the red roses he had been going to give Elaine for their anniversary present and made them into a carpet of flower petals, starting from where Elaine would emerge from their bedroom. He got the bottle of Champaign and poured 2 glasses. He quickly went online and found the song, "Here comes the bride". Finally Elaine emerged from the bedroom, all made up, in her pink baby doll nightie, looking in every detail identical to Bob. Bob started to play, "Here Comes The Bride" as Elaine started to walk on the rose petal path, illuminated only by burning candles, towards Bob, who was waiting for her in his pink baby doll nightie. Bob was smiling and holding two glasses of Champaign and their wedding rings. Elaine looked at everything and smiled brightly, and then started to cry with joy. She composed herself as she reached Bob, who radiated love for Elaine in his beautiful face. As soon as she reached Bob he repeated their wedding wows with a couple of small but significant changes: "Elaine, do you take this woman, Bob, as your wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, so long as you both shall live?" She answered yes, and then he placed her wedding ring on her ring finger. Elaine then took Bob's wedding ring from his open hand (the ring was somewhat too big for the new Bob), and asked: "Bob, do you take this woman, Elaine, as your wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, so long as you both shall live?" He answered yes, and she placed his ring on his ring finger. In unison they whispered, "I now pronounce you wife and wife." Choking back a tear Elaine whispered, "God do I love you Bob, my bride, oh my God. More than ever. You got my heart a long time ago but now you own my soul." Bob replied, "I love you too, Elaine, so much, more than ever. Marrying you again has made me the happiest bride in the world. You are now my perfect soulmate." Elaine caught her breath and replied, "No -- I am the happiest bride in the world. And I'm going to make sure that I will make you even happier on this honeymoon than you were on our first honeymoon!" They each held the Champaign glass for the other to drink while they stared love into each others' eyes. This was followed by a kiss that was the longest they had ever shared in all the time they had known each other. Neither wanted it to end. While just the sensations emanating from their lips surpassed any of the kisses they shared on their first honeymoon in terms of eroticism, as a super bonus during this honeymoon their nipples pushed together through their flimsy nighties, getting harder and harder, poking obscenely outwards. That never happened on their first honeymoon! Elaine's eyes were closed, of course, but so, some of the time, were Bob's. His male mind wanted to keep them open to see the vision of loveliness he was embracing, but his female body wanted his eyes closed so he could better concentrate on the physical sensations. Gradually their kissed wandered from lips to faces, then to necks, then to shoulders, and then to breasts, Bob sucked Elaine's nipples through her nightie, and then she escalated by taking his breasts out and ravenously attacking them. "Bob, your breasts are perfect, awesome; I can't get enough of them. Remember, I've never done this before, so I've got to make up for lost time." Elaine took to nipple sucking so much that Bob couldn't believe how her passion was building. Suddenly, Bob turned 90 degrees, and lay on his side but upside down to Elaine, who was on her side facing him. Elaine had to let go of his breasts while he did this but Bob reassured her, "In this position we can both suck each others breasts at the same time." Elaine resumed with gusto, as did Bob. Soon, however, Bob's hands started to roamed all over Elaine's sensuous body, gradually getting closer and closer to her pussy. Finally, he started to rub her clit while still sucking her breasts. Elaine followed his lead and did the same to him. As soon as this happened their girlish moans escalated, with Bob saying, "Ohh, Elaine, ooooo, this is too good, I can't stand it, ooooooooo, aaaaaaaaa, I never, my Godddd, my god..." At the same time Elaine, in between gulps of Bob's bountiful breasts, moaned and screamed, "Ohhhhh Bob... the best ever, your breassssstttttsssss, iiiiiii,, oohhhhh my God, titttssss, Ican't beleivvveeeeeeee yourr nipplesssss, OOOOHHHHHHH." Elaine came harder and longer than she has ever come in her life. During her cum she managed to mostly keep sucking Bob's tits despite her screams. In fact, if not for Bob's tits smothering her sounds they would have woken the neighbors. But it was Bob whose cum was exponentially more than anything he had ever imagined. He was in overload, in shock, and it was all he could do to keep from passing out in pleasure. This was just the start of their lesbian orgy. Each came more during the next few hours than they ever had come before in a week. Even Elaine! They then drifted off to sleep, with Elaine's body snuggling against Bob's, with her right arm under Bob's head, and her left arm around his body, cupping his right breast. They woke in each others' arms the next morning. After a long kiss (their 100th lesbian kiss?), Elaine spoke. "I am so glad we both tried being girls. I have never experienced anything like this. I thought our first honeymoon was special, but this was awesome." "Yes," said Bob. "Our first honeymoon was wonderful, and the sex was wonderful, but this one ---- I can't begin to describe it." Another long kiss ensued, during which Elaine started to fondle Bob's tits. Bob asked with a mischievous smile: "Elaine, how do you like my new breasts? My new nipples?" Elaine blushed. "I like them, Bob. You know that." "How much?" "Are you really going to make me say it?" "You made me admit I like being a girl better, and that I like cuming better as a girl. It's only fair." "Ok, OK.... Bob, I love your tits, I am crazy about sucking your tits. Since some men are "tit men", I guess I am a tit woman. And... OK, I admit it. Lesbian sex is the best. The hottest sex ever. Lesbian orgasms are unbelievable, the most passionate, they blow my mind like nothing ever did." "And now, because you made me admit it, I'm going to fuck you so much you'll pass out!" At that Elaine turned Bob onto his back and pounced on him. She mounted him, kissed him with a passion that was almost scary, and then started to make love to him in the girl/girl version of the missionary position. With more energy than she had ever showed during sex, she humped him like a madwoman. She passionately rubbed her pussy against his, at the same time rubbing her tits on his while they kissed. Their pussy-on pussy action seemed to make so many sparks that they lit up the room. After a short time, the eroticism built so much that each time her clit bumped against his, they each came. In between cums Elaine decided that tribbing was her favorite position from now on. Bob, on the receiving end of Elaine's furious pussy grinding, was thinking the same thing. He never thought that being humped could be so blissful. Staring into Elaine's straining but beautiful face as she came, he reflected that nothing could be a feminine as what he was experiencing right now. During that day neither of then said anything about changing back. Their cover story was that Bob was Bobby, Elaine's identical twin sister who was in town for a visit. That day Elaine and Bob did normal things -- they went out to eat and to a movie, and did a little bit of shopping. Then back to their love nest for both afternoon and evening ecstasy. Sunday they awoke with another endless kiss, but each had less interest in lovemaking that in cuddling and bathing together. Elaine tried different hair styles with Bob's hair endlessly, and he also found that he liked playing with hers. Mostly, however, they just stared at one another like teenagers in love, whispering terms of endearment. Occasionally one would repeat the line they had exchanged right after the change, "Do you take this woman as your wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, as long as you both shall live?", which always merited a long kiss. Monday started with more cuddling and ended with a stupendous orgy. Afterwards Bob spoke. He mustered his courage for an admission. "Elaine, this has been wonderful. Sexually, the highlight of my life. By far. Being your bride has been the best thing that ahs ever happened to me." "Me too. Everything you said, me too" Elaine caught herself and reflected; it was not surprising that Bob preferred making love in her incredible body. What rational male wouldn't? It was so much sexier than Bob's body, and so much responsive. The new Bob had cum countless times, each one better than any male orgasm ever. She remembered back to when she was in Bob's body, with its cock that turned useless after one small cum. The more interesting thing to Elaine was that she had preferred it too. Greatly! Formerly happily heterosexual, she had embraced lesbian lovemaking with a zest that surprised her. Heterosexual lovemaking was great, but this was simply better. Sucking Bob's tits has been the best sexual experience of her life, except maybe for tribbing him. Elaine started asking herself questions: was she now 100% lesbian? Would she ever be able to go back to making love with the male Bob? Or was this a one time thing, great because it was new? Was she a complete lesbian, or was it the fact that she was in a way making love with herself that so turned her on? Then Bob broke the silence. "Elaine, I guess maybe I should go back to my old body, like we agreed. I can always change back to being a girl any time we want, right?" In truth Bob really and truly did not want change back to his old male body. But was too scared to admit that he wanted to be a girl forever. What if Elaine didn't want to be married to another woman? He couldn't risk losing her. Instead he was silent and hoped Elaine would have more courage, that Elaine would object for him. Elaine had decided that she loved the new Bob even more than the old one. In every way, especially sexually. She reflected that the male Bob would never have been so romantic with the candles, rose pedals, music and champagne. She passionately hoped he would want to remain a girl forever. But she didn't feel she had the right to urge him to do something like that. She would love and support him in whatever he wanted to do. If necessary, she would even think of the female Bob while she made love to the male Bob. While Elaine was crushed that Bob said he wanted to change back, she would respect his wishes. Even though neither wanted the change and both hoped the other would object, each adjusted their transformation rings; his to pink for the inbox and blue for the outbox; hers to pink for both compartments. They touched their rings together and - nothing happened. They did it again, and still nothing. They double checked the settings, tried a third time, but still nothing. There was a brief silence, and then Elaine spoke. "I guess because there was no male input, there could be no male output. You are now a girl - me - forever." "Bob, my love, maybe this is fate. To be honest, I am really glad you will be in that beautiful body from now on. I love you even more this way. We can be even more intimate now, totally in synch, with no more sexual differences or embarrassments. And sexually...." She kissed him deeply, a kiss that almost lasted forever, until he finally broke the kiss (at least temporarily). "Elaine, my soulmate, I was just too embarrassed to admit I would rather be a girl forever, that I love being you. That the thought of going back to being a guy... But now I will proudly say it. Call it serendipity, fate, whatever. I am now the luckiest guy in the world. (They both laughed.)" Elaine whispered, "Bob is no more. Kiss me, Bobby." They embraced tightly and resumed their kiss. This time Bob -- now Bobby -- closed his eyes completely.
_Synopsis: Crime kingpin mistakes a couple, converts wife, feels bad._ Note 1: "My Erotic Fiction", which means you cannot use or repost it without permission; it may be illegal or immoral for you to read; and it is not based on real stuff. Note 2: This touches on my 'A Very Big Mistake' story, and has elements from my SSI universe. I was awake again, groggy from the drugs, pain, hunger, and dehydration. The best I could tell, it had been about a week since my wife and I were kidnapped. We had been on a rare weekend trip to the 'big city'- tickets to a good play, reservations at nice restaurants, and a few nights at a nice hotel downtown. It was a far cry from our usual modest lifestyle but you only celebrate your thirtieth anniversary once, right? The trouble started at a nice lounge where we were having drinks before the show. A well-dressed but rather rough-looking guy came up to us and said something about me having some nerve showing up here. I tried to ignore him, and he grumbled off muttering something about showing me. I assumed he was drunk and shook it off as Carolyn and I tried to get back to our festive mood. As we walked to the show a few buildings down, a van screeched up beside us and a bunch of guys Tasered us, then bundled us into the van. I struggled until they injected something into my neck. For the next several days, I had feverish dreams, confused bouts of wakefulness, and spotty memories. At one point, some masked men were questioning me about what I did with Mr. Vancetti's money. The only Vancetti I could think of was the guy who ran a convenience store in our hometown, but I did not owe him any money that I knew of. They beat me, shocked me, drugged me, and largely ignored me. I spent most of the time passed out. A couple of times I woke up in the bathtub as they sprayed me with cold water, apparently to clean me off after voiding my bowels or bladder. I woke up to someone slapping me. Someone else was taking my blood pressure and talking to someone on a cell phone. A cup of lukewarm water was pushed against my lips and I drank thirstily. One of my captors told the rest "Yeah. he's awake. Go ahead." Another said "Man, this is going to be good!" Somehow, I doubted him. The door opened and a gorgeous woman in a shimmering dinner dress slinked into the room and struck a sexy pose. The blonde bombshell's tight dress was cut both high and low and showed her abundant curves gloriously. Even in my state, I was staring with lust. It took me a long minute, but it was my wife, Carolyn! They had done something to her... a lot of things to her! It was like they made her into my twenty- something wet dream version of her. She was about 5'5", but was now probably as tall as I am, about 5'10". She weighed a good forty or more pounds more than she wanted to (not that I cared), but now was slender, with subtle abs showing through a cut-out in the tight dress. Her old breasts were a small handful but rather saggy as is common for a fifty year-old woman. Now, they were firm, round, and huge with thumb-like nipples showing proudly through the painted-on outfit. I'm no expert, but maybe a 36DD? Her dark hair used to be shoulder length and nearly grey and was now a silky waterfall almost to her bubble butt and platinum blonde. Her sweet face with its network of smile lines and crowsfeet was now baby smooth, blemish free, and sported huge blue eyes and plump ruby lips. I could not help the erection that she caused in me. Dear god, she reminded me of several busty models in my'secret folder', mostly Rhian Sugden, but others as well. "Hey there, sexy." She purred in a voice like velvet sex. The problem was... she was looking at one of my captors. "Hey babe. How are you feeling?" "Oh, god, I feel good. So alive, so energized, sooo horny." She was purring the last bit and moved towards the man. She slid her hands around his neck and gave him a deep, long kiss that nearly made my blood pressure explode. "Carolyn!" I tried to scream, but it came out choked on my own sobs. "Carolyn? I don't feel like a 'Carolyn' anymore. What do you think, hot stuff, do I look like a 'Carolyn'?" "No babe. A hot young thing like you should have a hot name." "Ummm, I agree. How about... Ashley, or Brandy? Brandy sounds good to me." "Brandy? With that hair? I know- Mindy. No, Cindy. I like the'sin' sound in it. It suites the new you." "Cindy. SSSSiiinnnnndy. I like it. Now, big guy, how about we break this hot body in? I cannot wait to suck your big dick." "Hold on. What about this guy?" He gestured at me. "Who? Him?" "Yeah. You know who that is, right?" "Sigh. I guess technically he's my 'husband'." She said it like it tasted bad in her mouth. "But, come one, I want someone exciting, someone sexy, like you!" "Oh, don't be that way Sexy Cindy. After all, he did sort of help us design your hot new looks." "He did? Well, he's got good taste. Too bad he is such an old, ugly loser." My heart was breaking and my rage was rising. "Carolyn! What did they do to you? Come on, help me!" I cried out. "Do to me? They made me a sex goddess. It's amazing- my tits are soo sensitive, and my mouth and cunt are literally drooling for Mr. Vancetti's tasty cock. I can't wait for him to bend me over and shove his meat deep inside me. Umm, but you'll do for now, big guy." She rubbed herself against him some more, practically raping him through their clothes. "But this isn't you! They did something to you!" "They sure did! They gave my brain a good scrubbing, got rid of all that old morality garbage and those stupid inhibitions. They helped me see my true role, serving important people like Mr. Vancetti, and how I can use my body to help them in so many ways," "But what about us?" "Us? Like 'you' and'me'? 'Me' is going to fuck this guys brains out, then go find my master. I don't know or care what 'you' is going to do." With that she deftly opened his fly, pulled out his cock, and fell to her knees to take it deeply and noisily into her mouth. I tried to close my eyes, but another guy came in and taped them open, then tore her nearly bursting dress off and began to fuck her in what sure as hell looked like her ass as she finished up the blow job. She looked like she was in heaven even as I knew I was in hell. I woke up to the sun in my face. I was in our hotel room, which I guess I had been in all this time but had not really paid attention. I was covered in vomit and the room stank. I struggled to the bathroom, vomited again, then tried to clean myself up. I looked horrible! Unshaved, bloodshot and sunken eyes. I looked like I was coming off a nasty bender. A quick search of the room showed that all of Carolyn's things were gone. I called the cops then struggled to get dressed and clean up as best I could. The officers that responded to my call started off sympathetic, but with every call they made or fact they checked, it became obvious that they were rapidly changing sides. I had been set up but good. The hotel reported that I had checked in alone and prepaid for the week, not letting housekeeping in. Carolyn's mother said she had heard from her daughter several times in the last couple weeks and that she was in hiding because I had turned alcoholic and abusive. They found increasingly incriminating texts on my phone that made it look like she was a beating victim and I was a monster. Her work confirmed that had taken some emergency leave because of personal issues. My work was furious that I was 'no call, no show' and made it clear my job was on thin ice. Our bank account was significantly drained and most of our savings and investments were transferred. A call to my folks was nearly the final nail- they wanted nothing more to do with me after what I had done to poor Carolyn. I was dead to them. As I was processing all of this in front of the officers, I mentioned Mr. Vancetti's name. That got the attention of the older officer. "What do you have to do with Mr. Vancetti?" When I told him I did not know the man, he asked if I had ever heard of someone named 'Johnny Lucky'. That was a name that I had heard of. One of those rich guys that pops up on the news every so often, well known as a gambler and playboy, and rumored to be 'connected' to a big crime family. I told them what I could remember of my captors mentioning him. The cop told me that Mr. Vancetti was indeed Johnny Lucky and that if I crossed him, the smartest thing I could do would be to run far away. The officers closed their books and left. I had a distinct sense that this would go no further as far as they were concerned. In short order, I got the bill and a request to vacate from the hotel, discovered my car was missing, and my credit rating was hurting. I got a car from a'rent a wreck' agency and headed home. All of Carolyn's things, and a few other things of value were missing, and some of my favorite stuff had been trashed. I suspect it was her that took a dump on a pile of my clothes. I bagged it up for disposal with my last energy and went to bed in the guest room- the master bedroom was not fit for humans at the moment. The next few days were a whirlwind. The first hurdle was getting work back on track. I had a good boss and I told him the absolute truth as I knew it. He put me on probation. If I kept my nose clean for a month, everything would be OK. We sent around a cover story of an unexpected hospitalization in the city. I also negotiated some time off to try to find Carolyn and get things back to some semblance of normal. My best friend, Steve, was a godsend. He listened to my story, asked some smart questions, then just dove into the messes in the house at my side. As we worked, we created a basic action plan. When Sue, Carolyn's best friend, showed up to scream at me, Steve was there to help things from getting uglier. When I discovered that Carolyn had utterly trashed me on Facebook, Steve helped me do some damage control and delete my account. We developed a multi-prong plan. One part was to try to restore what we could of my life- my job, the bank, my credit, the house, etc. Another part was to try to do some damage control or fix what parts of her life got screwed up with her abrupt departure- after all, I was hoping to rescue her and get things back on track. That was pretty hard- she had done pretty much a'scorched ground' assault and they had a lot of staged photos from when I was out that did not help. Fortunately, most of the photos were poorly taken, and a few of them brought up the question of who had taken it? Finally, the most important prong, to me, was to try to find and rescue Carolyn. Things moved along for a while. I got Carolyn's family to stop spitting at me even if they did not forgive me, my credit was doing OK and I got some of my money back from the bank. Work was going well enough that I wasn't walking on eggshells any more and some of my co-workers were even helping me with some of my personal projects. Occasionally something would happen that put me in a tailspin. I got a few anonymous texts or emails that would send me crying to my room. The most common showed the new Carolyn sucking cocks of men that did not show their heads. A few were videos of her wildly fucking faceless men, sometimes in her ass. One showed her in a fetish maid costume serving a masked man, doing any depraved thing he asked- such as sucking his toes or asshole with a moaning fervor, clearly relishing the opportunity to serve. These always tore me up, which is what I assumed their goal was. I felt the need to watch them 'to look for clues' and tried to not think about how hard I sometimes jerked off afterwards. One of the more typical and'mild' flicks showed Carolyn or Cindy walking into a room, white stuff dripping from her mouth and clean-shaven vagina and walking up to a well-endowed man on the edge of a bed, his head out of the frame. Cindy would wave at the camera and smile, letting more cum dribble onto her firm tits. She turned to look at the man's cock, then exploded! She grabbed it like it was her only purpose in life, stroking and licking it as if born to the task. She would nuzzle it on her cheek and smile at the camera with a lusty gleam in her eye before she slipped her mouth over the tip and s-l-o-w-l-y slid it into her mouth. This would turn her on so much she would reach between her legs and diddle herself. She would speed up her fingers or mouth, orchestrating the eventual climax. Her hips would twitch and churn, her big tits bounce in rhythm, and she would toss her hair as she came while swallowing his cum. Other things that happened included delightful little treats like notes from creditors I never heard of making big-time threats. Carolyn may be going by Cindy most of the time but she seemed perfectly capable of signing credit card slips with her real name. I got a penis enlarging pump in the mail with a note in her handwriting saying she hoped it helped, and a copy of the charge slip to our account. Semen covered panties or filled condoms were other favorite things of hers to send me, sometimes with red-hot stories of how they got that way and accompanying photos. It was heartbreakingly evil, but most of this faded over the course of a couple months. I tried to follow every clue I could. Visits to places she bought stuff usually turned up an employee that vividly remembered the hot blonde- some had especially clear memories of the blow jobs or other sexual favors she did for them. Apparently it got back to her that I was doing this because she started to leave taunting little notes at the stores, like the one at a sex store that had a coupon in it for a fake vagina. Of course she included a close up of her own for comparison. I was nearing the end of my rope when I got a flyer in the mail- an ad from a strip club in the city for their headline dancer, 'Sinnndi!'. It took a minute to see Cindy under the make-up and hairdo, and even longer to see any remaining signs of Carolyn in the amazingly lush, vibrantly sexy woman in the ad. Scrawled on the back was a note- 'Meet me here, alone, at 9:00pm on Saturday." It was signed 'Johnny'. 8:30 Saturday night and I was finding a seat in the surprisingly pleasant club. A suited man patted me down, helped me to a table in a back corner and told me to wait, then collected my cell phone. Another man was standing guard nearby, turned so he could watch me and the room in general. I had told Steve what was going on, and he had a report outlining everything we could think of so if anything went wrong, he could contact the authorities, but that was not much of a safety net. A man joined me. He was a pretty bland-looking guy with a Bluetooth earpiece. "Call me Tom. Mr. Vancetti will not be here tonight but anything you tell me, he will hear, and anything I say after this will be his words, as far as you know." He gestured at the earpiece. He did not offer his hand. "Thank you for meeting with me, Tom. I... I'm not sure what is going on, but all I want is Carolyn back." Tom looked at me neutrally. "What about the rest of your life? Your money, your reputation, your family and friends?" "Without Carolyn, none of the rest of that means anything to me." Tom nodded, then listened to the earpiece. He nodded again and began to speak. "Again, Tom is repeating exactly what I say to him. Because I believe you, I am going to be very frank with you. You will understand that this puts you at risk should you betray my trust. I'm afraid you are a rather innocent victim of mistaken identity." Tom started. "One of my men told me that a man who had stolen from me and then vanished had turned up. I had another man get eyes on you and he confirmed that you were who we were looking for. I was angry enough that I told them to implement a rather nasty plan designed to destroy my enemies. "The good news for you, I guess, is that the person in charge of the plan got soft, and that Cindy's programming was not as solid as I had been promised. They pulled their punches. Your house was to have been burned, your job and finances totalled, social media and relationships utterly decimated. While I could not blame Cindy, I'm afraid I did deal rather harshly with my lieutenant. "It took a while but I eventually cooled off. Having the sexy, willing, and very submissive Cindy around helped me calm down and I felt quite vindicated, taking something so precious from you and twisting it like this. Then I got curious and began to ask Cindy about you and why you had betrayed me. "That was when it came out that you were not who we thought you were. For a while, we just laughed. What a great cosmic joke. Some poor innocent schmoo and we screwed him over royally. Even Cindy thought it was hilarious. "I'm sure you've heard a lot of things about me, but I am not really a monster. My sense of morality may be damaged, but it soon became clear to me that I had to at least try to fix this. I tried to do a few things at your job and the bank behind the scenes, and I hope some of my efforts helped. But it was not enough. Had you answered Tom differently, I would have written you a large check and directed some of my staff to help you rebuild your life. "But here's the rub. The processes we used on Cindy were developed by various business affiliates of mine. They had never tried to use so many so rapidly on one person, although my cousin did something somewhat similar to toy with the wife of a man who could not cover a bet in a card game. Anyway, the long and short of it is that it is probably not possible to restore Carolyn to any real semblance of who she was. We tried a few small tests, and actually made things worse- hence her new part-time job here. In fact..." Apparently they were watching the time. The redhead on the stage took her bows and left as the lights and music changed. The announcer went through some spiel about how lucky we were to be here tonight and such. "Now, our star performer, the incredible, the amazing, the SEXY Sinnnndiiiii!" The music shifted to a throbbing techno beat as Sinnndi came out in a reflective foil- like catsuit. She marched herself around the edges of the stage with dominating steps, shaking her long hair and jiggly ass at the men howling at the edges. She slinked to the pole and began to slide herself along it, then peeled a patch of silvery material off her to reveal the high curve of her left hip. Tom resumed speaking to me. "We'll let her have her little show, then we can speak some more. Wait here." He stepped into a back room. Sinnndi kept up her athletic but sexy routine, occasionally making love to the pole, sometimes simulating sex with the audience, sometimes just sliding her hands around herself like she was her own lover. She kept peeling off pieces of the material and tossing most of them in the audience. Soon she was down to a metallic one-piece swimsuit-like outfit and knee-high boots. She peeled the suit down to reveal a very well-filled bra-like top and skimpy silver panties. She teased us with the bra, whipping the men into a frenzy before she turned her back, dropped the bra, and turned back to us with her arm over her nipples. She kept this sort of thing up long enough that I am sure some guys ejaculated out of the sheer excitement of it all. Once she was totally naked, she danced some more, leaving shimmering juices smeared on the pole before she took her leave to a standing ovation and with what was probably hundreds of dollars in tips. As instructed, I remained at the table, not sure what to do next. I was stunned when Sinndi, or Cindy, or Carolyn came up from behind me a few minutes later, slid her arm on my shoulder, and asked "Mind if I join you, hot stuff?" I stammered something, and she sat down. She was wearing glitter, a towel over her shoulders, and a short robe. She smelled of sweat and sex, and something floral- I would have sworn it was Carolyn's favorite fragrance- White Linen. Somehow that really threw me for a loop. "Did you like the show?" I replied that it was a good show but that she could have done pretty much anything and it would have been worth it. "That's sweet, thanks! I'm pretty thirsty, though. Would you buy me a drink?" I agreed and she signaled a waitress. As she sipped her drink she smiled at me. "I hear tell you are a big shot, and that I should take good care of you. How about we go to the VIP area and I give you a private show. Since you are a special guy, I think we can have some special rules." I was going to say no, I swear I was, but dear god. I had helped design her after my deepest desires and I still saw elements of Carolyn in tiny ways. And it had been so long since I had done anything like this. I let her lead me past some curtains to a side lounge with a big wrap around couch and large screen TVs showing the woman dancing on the stage. Sinnndi sat me down and got me a fresh drink before standing up and putting on some music. It was a lot more friendly somehow, and she began to move differently- softer, more intimately. She moved close, violating my personal space, but I was not complaining. I could feel her heat, smell her scents. Her hair sometimes brushed against me as she swayed and moved closer and closer. "The usual rules are no touching. The rules for big spenders are that we can and will touch you but you still cannot touch us. The rules for people like you are there pretty much are no rules." She whispered in my ear as she stroked my cheek, and leaned a heavy, warm breast on my shoulder. My body shivered as she continued to stroke me so softly but so erotically. "Come on, babe. Touch me back. I love being touched." She was whispering again. When she spoke softly like this, she sounded like Carolyn. I stroked her back with one hand, and her hips with another. "Yessss." She sighed. She was sitting on my lap, rubbing against my cock, pressing her chest against mine. One of her hands was between us massaging my groin. I slipped one of my hands around to cup a full teat and she moaned. Her lips blindly sought out mine and soon I was mindlessly kissing her feeling like a hormone-driven teen on his first make-out date. As we were making out, someone cleared their throat. "Johnny!" Sinndi exclaimed, getting up to hug and kiss the new arrival. He reached out his hand to me. "Hello. I'm John Vancetti. I'm pleased to finally meet you and sorry that it has to be under these conditions. Shall we go somewhere more private?" He led us to an office in the back and poured me a stiff drink, along with a wine cooler for Sinndi. After some introductions and other niceties, Mr. Vancetti sat me down and laid everything out for me. There was a lot to take in, but when he was done, he told me to go home and think about it, then call him when I was ready. He gave me a card and escorted me to my car that he had arranged to have pulled around. A lot to take in, indeed. He explained something about the processes. They were designed to be used sparingly, as an alternative to cosmetic surgery and such, but at a different level mostly available only to the 1%. They also had more capabilities, such as the mental changes they could do. The system was limited, however. For example, they made her younger by basically using nanos and chemicals to flush out accumulated toxins and rebuild her cells at microscopic levels. Similar processes basically rebuilt her skin from the inside out. They did not know of a safe way to restore her older appearance. She was several inches taller now because of forced growth to many long bones, balanced with growth in muscles, nerves, etc. Again, no known safe way to reverse. Similarly, her gorgeous ass and huge tits were created in ways that mimicked natural growth. Surgery was an option but trying to restart the natural processes again in reverse would almost certainly trigger rather nasty cancers and other complications. She had gone through a forced second puberty to get her body to turn out right, and to get hormone levels and such where they wanted them. Trying to turn it all off would probably mess her up in too many ways to think about. Perhaps most insidiously, the mental changes were the results of many things. They used hormones and other chemicals to alter, and in some cases, damage parts of her brain to lower her inhibitions, raise her libido, make her bond tightly to one person yet be sexually aggressive rather than a submissive 'kitten'- although she could certainly be that when it suited her (Sinndi literally purred when Johnny said this. I was not aware she was paying attention since she was mostly sitting there and seemed to be rubbing herself quietly.) The list of mental changes was extensive- some memories were probably totally gone, others distorted. When they tried to break the bond she had to Johnny and restore her memories of me, they seemed to just confuse her on some level and the result was more of an air-headed bimbo than she was before, so they started to call her Sinnndi and got her the job at the club since it bothered Johnny to see her like that. He sheepishly admitted that it was probably not the smartest or most moral way he could have handled it. So, the problems had been laid out for me to see. He listed some options. The first and most obvious was to take her as she was. With a little tweaking, she would be a great trophy wife- loving, perfectly faithful, always ready for any kind of sex... but not really able to do things like carry on a real conversation, or cook anything too complicated, etc. A little more tweaking... or actually, a little less, and she would be a perfectly happy pet for me. They could overlay a new personality profile in her. They had a whole catalog of them. The big downside is that it would probably interfere with her real memories even more. However, profiles for a wide range of jobs, relationships, interests, etc. existed and could be'mixed and matched' to make her like I might want. Johnny even offered to throw in some additional body shaping if I desired, but he did warn that there were a lot of things they just could not safely do at this point. He could help me 'build' a wife, companion, mistress, maid, or more if he so chose. I could, of course, just wash his hands of her. She was badly broken, through no fault of my own (his words), but Johnny would make sure she was well taken care of for the rest of her life. Regardless of what he decided, Mr. Vancetti promised him enough to get back to at least where he was before this started, and then a fair settlement on top to help him move on. He shook my hand, suggested I not say anything just yet, and to think about it for at least a week. He would make sure Sinnndi was safe and cared for, and that she would not have sex with any other guys in the meantime. "Hey, Lindsay, could you come here for a moment when you can take a break?" "Sure, just give me a second." I heard sounds of meal prep coming from the kitchen. Tall, busty Lindsay with her long platinum hair came out wearing a big smile, an apron, and some flip flops, and nothing else. She settled in my lap and wrapped an arm around my neck. "What's up, hon?" "Well, the way you're sitting, you can probably feel one of the things that is 'up'." She laughed at this. I loved her laugh. She had an adorable giggle, but her actual laugh was so infectious and real. "The other is to show you this." I held up an envelope. She squealed when she opened it and found the tickets to an island resort, all expenses paid. "You are getting so fucked tonight!' She exclaimed. I loved how sexually unrepressed she was. She sometimes embarrassed me with how free she was in expressing herself, but at times like this it just made me love her more. "So does this mean you've heard from the lawyer?" "Yeah. A couple weeks ago he let me know that everything was free and clear since Carolyn left me. Her name is off everything we can get it off of, the annulment was approved, everything is spic and span." She ground herself on my slacks. I could feel her excitement through the cloth. "Elopement and honeymoon locked and loaded. Starting the countdown. Now, let's see if we can find a way to seal the deal." She slipped off my lap and squatted between my legs. Her clever fingers undid everything and soon had my pants around my ankles and my cock deep in her talented mouth. I obviously kept Sinnndi, but decided to take advantage of the personality overlays. She thought of herself as Lindsay now, and had a new background based on some memory reads the group had available. She was a very good cook, enjoyed music and dance, and more. It was actually kind of fun to work with the team on this. I got to select things from a database. Each attribute had codes that suggested other things to consider or things that it did not work well with. Carolyn had grown up in a small farm town, so we started with a sort of cowgirl base. That did not work real well with her long hair and pale skin, so we tried more of a'ski bunny' template, albeit one where skiing was more of an excuse to hang out in the lodges. We layered on a gregarious personality that worked well with her enhanced sensuality. Unfortunately, I could not restore her high IQ, but we found several tricks to help- enhanced memory, improved connectivity, etc. That allowed us to add a lot of artistic elements- many of the paintings in the house were hers. I even felt good enough about how things were going to allow the tech (they called themselves Artist Technicians) to add a few templates without my knowledge so there would be some mysteries to explore. It took a couple weeks to get the basic elements inserted and tested. They had something called the'sandbox' where they would inhibit her ability to remember then run her through simulations to see how she would respond. This allowed us to observe and tweak as necessary. The first and most obvious problem was that she was such a sexual creature that she would literally throw herself at anything with a sexual organ. We thought we had that under control but she would still hook up with anyone who basically asked nicely. It was pretty jarring to compare her behaviors in my mind as Carolyn, Cindy, Sinndi, and now Lindsay. (I chose the name Lindsay by looking at a list of popular names from her new birth year and thinking which one worked best for her. She chose her own middle name in a sandbox session- Anne, which was actually her old middle name. I still do not know if she remembered that fact or not.) The more we worked with Lindsay, the more I fell in love with her as her own person. She was so sweet and polite in public- the kind of woman who played with puppies and tickled strange babies, and helped other people in small ways, and played in the rain or spontaneously danced to music in the mall. When it was just the two of us, she was warmly affectionate- constant touches, hugs, and kisses. It took very little to fan her flames and then she was either a tigress or a kitten, depending on her mood. She had memories and skills consistent with a variety of jobs- legal secretary, fashion store supervisor, teacher's aide, and so on but in her mind, her real 'career' was homemaker who had a couple part time jobs on the side. One of the sad notes of all this was that she could not have kids- they had messed that up when they tinkered with her insides so she would not have menses anymore. It took some real delicate touches to keep her from getting melancholy over this. As all this was going on, Mr. Vancetti's people helped in dozens of other ways. they set it up so it would appear that Carolyn had moved overseas, and helped me move to another state and sever most of my ties, even changing my name. My new bank account and credit history was good, more than good, in fact. Work was a lot of fun now that I had the resources to quit any time I wanted. In Lindsay's mind, we met when I was taking a solo vacation in her hometown of Vail to take a break from what had been going on in my life- wife running away and ruining things for me. We'd hit it off enough that she followed me home, partly to be with me, partly to follow a new job offer that'somehow, coincidentally' happened at the same time. We dated for a while, which was fun since she really loved unconventional dates like ice skating at midnight in a park or breakfast picnics in a canoe. She moved in a while ago, and it was like she belonged here. She had taken to waking me with warm hugs and kisses, or a tender blow job, or riding me awake, or going for a tickle attack. We often showered together before I headed off to work and she got things around the house taken care of. Her job was part time, giving her plenty of time to get stuff done, work a shift, and get home before me. She enjoyed wearing sexy or teasing things around the house. Some of her favorite stuff was lacy, racy lingerie, but some of my favorites were soft-to-the-touch plain old pastel undies. I really liked it when she wore things like her powder blue French-cut panties under a coordinating short and slightly too-snug tank top with no bra. of course, she often chose to go nude or nearly so, like today. Thankfully our home was a cabin on some nice land with great views and no neighbors in eyesight in most directions (and the windows where there are neighbors are frosted- too bad for them!) I'm not really sure it would bother her a whole lot of they DID see her, but I'd much rather they just fantasize about her. I'm pretty sure they've heard us. Just a couple days ago, we were pretty noisy as we fucked on the front porch hidden only by the waist-high wall and our angles. When she was finished with the blow job, she nearly skipped back to the kitchen to finish supper. "So, shall we elope here or on the island?" "Is there anyone you'd like to invite to a ceremony if we did it here?" I was pretty sure I knew the answer. "Well, some of the girls at work have offered to throw me a bridal shower and it would be nice to have them at some sort of reception." Lindsay was such a warm person that she made more friends since we moved here than Carolyn and I had in the time we lived in our old neighborhood. "Tell you what. Let's plan a simple ceremony at the courthouse, then throw a party here a couple days before we hit the beaches. We'll invite everyone over and have Jessie cater it." Jessie was a neighbor that managed a nice restaurant and catered on the side. The bridal shower, short civil ceremony, and reception went well. It was great to see Lindsay so happy, and it felt great to feel like all the nastiness was far behind us. We were napping on the warm sands, having enjoyed a day of paragliding, snorkeling, drinking, beach sex, and just plain relaxing. "Hi. Fancy meeting you here!" I looked up and saw Johnny Vancetti in shorts and sandals. My blood ran cold for a moment. "Is this your beautiful bride?" I quickly introduced him to Lindsay, who honestly did not seem to recognize him. "What are you doing here, sir?" I asked, shaking his hand to cover my own shakiness. "Just dropping off a wedding gift." He handed me a nicely wrapped box and walked away. "Who was that, hon?" Lindsay asked. "Just someone I met from before." 'Before' was sort of a code word for the bad times she thought I had gone through before meeting her. I tossed the package in our beach bag, gave her a kiss, and laid back down. Later, at the hotel, I opened the package while she was showering. It was full of files- paper and on thumb drives. A note explained that this was all the records, photos, and so on of our shared experience. He was satisfied that I had kept my part of the bargain and this was his way of showing his own good faith. I told Lindsay through the door that I'd be right back. I ran the stuff to the hotel office and had them shred everything that would fit in the machine, and smashed the drive
to toss in different trash cans on my way back up. I also slipped into the gift shop to get a bracelet Lindsay had looked at earlier. Back in the room she asked me where I had been. I told her I had to hit the gift shop and gave her the bracelet, fibbing that the package had been a gift card that I decided to spend on her. She thanked me and pushed me onto the bed, promising to give me a gift of my own. I'd made the mistake of telling her 'no' before when she really wanted sex and she pouted for hours. I was not about to make another mistake. Gregory Black, ditched by the second female in 27-days, arrived at the bus stop to catch the 7:50 into the city. For the third day running a female in the same soft fleece hat and thick military-style coat and scarf was already in the skinny shelter. Noting that this time they were alone, he said cheerfully, "Morning." She eyed him and looked away without replying. "Are you aware it's spring and yet you are dressed for winter?" That was ignored. "Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't aware you had a limited wardrobe." That goaded her into a response. "Did your mother bring you up to be this rude and disrespectful?" He doubled-blinked exaggeratingly and said, "Wow, it talks." She stared at him disapprovingly and said, "You are so rude. Do you habitually start your mornings in this mood?" "Yeah well I've been dumped twice inside a month by women I've tried to bond with. Perhaps they thought I was grumpy and uncouth and have a smart mouth." "Yes that's probably the case and perhaps you confuse a word like bonding with seducing." Gregory gave her a full minute to bask in her self-anointed superiority and then said, "Do you enjoy verbally putting down males and giving the impression you are frigid?" That knocked her confidence. She said back-pedalling, "I am sorry if I offended you and my excuse is you've persistently provoked me." "Okay I accept your apology. Are you available to have sex with me and perhaps a meal to follow if you have performed impressively?" Her mouth opened and closed as if she was practising to blow bubbles. Gregory pulled out his phone and asked her for her number and she automatically recited it and then said, "No please delete that number; I had no intention of giving it to you." He ignored that and said, "Here's the bus. I'll wait for the next one since I appear to rile you." "No that's unnecessary. Just board after me and sit well behind me." "No that's being treated like scum." The bus stopped and she said, "Well board and sit next to me if we find an empty double seat." There were no empty doubles and she sat beside an older woman. Gregory smiled at the older woman and said, "Ma'am I would be grateful if you could find another seat to allow me to sit by my pregnant wife." "Oh yes certainly," the fat woman smiled and went further back to a vacant seat. "My god, you are something," giggled his accidental companion. He kissed her cheek and said hi, he was Gregory Black. "What the newspaper columnist?" "Yes unfortunately. I wanted to be an editor but there were no vacancies and the managing editor thought I was over-qualified to be a reporter and offered me the weekday _Chewing the Fat_ column. I found out later he'd been unsuccessful in getting that writing vacancy filled because reporters said they were unable to supply a daily column starting off with nothing and here was I thinking I was being offered a plum job as a wordsmith." "Oh god, you intend to fill tomorrow's column by chatting with me?" "Yes." "Oh god." "Do you chat with Him often?" "Who?" "Never mind. What is your favourite position for sex?" "Never you mind about that thank you. My name is Linda Ross and I still live at home and my father is Chief Superintendent Arthur Ross, who heads our city's police force." "Why did you say with a weary tone that you still live at home?" "Because no guy has asked me to live with him and my dad won't allow me to flat with other girls because they might deprave me by leading me into a life of sex, gambling and late night boozing." "Gee most young females would jump to be in an environment with those incentives." "Yes but in my case my father suffering from anxiety would order his drug or vice squad to raid the place and arrest everyone but me and that wouldn't be fair on my flatmates." "I agree and taking such a stand as you have is being b ethical." Linda brushed her great-looking chest with a hand and said, "Obviously you understand what is meant by ethical behaviour." "Yes and I said that to impress you about my understanding." "Oh." "Sorry I must get out at the next stop. Give me a kiss." Linda kissed him automatically and sighed, "Oh god what is this dopey woman doing? If you must know, I'm often off to a slow start in mornings." "Yes and that's why you dress like you are, because you automatically put on the outer garments you wore the day before. I know a very sweet way I could get all of your muscles, your brain and your emotions firing after you wake in the morning." Linda blushed and looked out the window. They sat in silence for the next two minutes and then he stirred, placing a hand high on her nearest thigh. She looked at the offending hand but said nothing. "I get out here," he said. "I like walking the last mile to the office. I'll call you this evening about lunch tomorrow." "Ah but you don't have my phone number," she said smugly and as he left the seat she groaned, "Oh god, he made me give my number to him earlier." Next morning Linda went down to breakfast and found the morning newspaper folded open on page three and on the right-hand edge of that page was the _Chewing the Fat_ column. She smiled knowing it wouldn't be about her because she'd given him not a single thing to chew over. She began reading, expecting Mr Black would have found some other poor sod to write about. _She chose to sit on a bus with me posing as my pregnant wife. Lindal as we'll call her, began chatting to me comfortably as everyone tends does to do to the person sitting beside them when riding to work on a bus, beginning by asking what position do I prefer when having sex._ Linda opened her mouth to shout "That's an outright lie" but remained silent when noticing her parents were watching her intently. She had mentioned her unusual encounter with an uncouth guy on the bus the previous morning. _We chewed the fat with Lindal asking why I hadn't answered her opening question. I ignoring her attempt to deny me of my right to stay silent and she sat quietly, a hand lightly on my thigh, until I asked what racket was her old dad in. She looked disapprovingly at the hand on her thigh and said daddy had an all-day interest in crime, well a 24/7 interest in fact, but she wasn't allowed to talk about his racket because security was tight to avoid giving tip-offs to the news media and rival gangs._ I wondered if her mom was into prostitution, perhaps she ran the brothel near where I live, but Lindlal was busy adjusting her stay-up stockings, modestly I might add. Gee her fingering was sensitive. I found out her mum was an area manager for delivery of hot food to older gang members, the food probably being a great way to deliver dope and condoms and perhaps even stolen gambling chips right under the noses of watchful cops prowling looking for the chance to launch a drug bust or to arrest ladies on the suspicion of prostitution just to enjoy the women ranting and raving about their innocence and claiming they were no more prostitutes that Lindal's mom was a brothel-keeper. Lindal had explained that her mom supervised crews engaged in the distribution of food to people just out of hospital from treatment who lived alone. Gee what a great cover for her workers allegedly delivering dope and condoms oh and stolen gambling chips. Linda's phone on the table rang. Her mother picked it up and announced "Linda's phone" and listened momentarily and then handed it to her daughter and said, "The caller identified himself as Greg Black. Linda dropped the phone and said cussed and picked it up, looking at the disgusted look on her mother's face and at her father's grin and apologized for using bad language. "Yes?" "I just heard you use the f-word emphatically. Is that what you want from me?" "It is too early in the day for pathetic humour. Why are you calling me?" "Because I'm driving to the airport this morning to interview a woman whose company makes jockstraps for sportsmen. I need to make a time and place for the lunch date you urged me to have with you." "Mr Black, I'm not having lunch with you today or no other day, ever." Her father cut in: "Perhaps I would have less of an issue with you for talking yesterday to Mr Black so frivolously and damaging to the reputation of your parents if that stumbling new relationship between you two became strong enough for you to accept his invitation to lunch today." "Um Greg I've changed my mind. I will have an intimate lunch with you today." He said he'd made the booking yesterday and gave her details and cut the call. Linda's parents looked as if they were about to deal with a problem child. "Say nothing," she urged. "There's simply no way I can explain how he twisted things I said and he placed his hand on my thigh and not the other way around." "I understand," said her father with professional experience. "Everyone knows how journalists twist things to produce a better story." "Thanks dad." "Did you have sex with him when you'd only just met him?" "Thanks mum for your confidence in me. No I did not. We met for the first time yesterday morning at the bus stop and did most of our talking on the bus." "Omigod you had sex with him on a crowded bus." Linda sighed and said she was going back to bed but her father looked at the kitchen clock and said her bus was due in ten minutes. "Oh god," Linda screamed and heard her mother yell to wear something soft and sexy. * * * Greg, as she apparently was now expected to call him, was sitting at the table and remained sitting when she said hi Greg and automatically kissed him and sat opposite him. His knees quickly found hers, or had hers found his knees? She was confused. "Do you have condoms?" She smiled indulgently and said, "I tossed two into my handbag but mummy said I should pack a 10-pack because you are so debonair and have such an awesome reputation as a seducer." He looked startled but only for a tenth of a second and then smiled and said she was becoming used to him already. During lunch he invited her to go away with him that weekend. "I'll think about that Greg but first show me what you've got." Her head was spinning in fear that taking him on would come unstuck and he'd humiliate her in a crowded restaurant. "What now and here?" "Yes," she said firmly. "You've acted like a big dick to me so my reasonable expectation is you'll have a big dick but I need confirmation." He turned pale. Linda, who'd not seen any guy's dick for quite some time, waited for him to deliver, squeezing her thighs together and feeling her nipples tighten. Greg stood, looking excited, kissed her and said he must rush, he had a column to write and he said he'd pay on the way out. "Kiss me again, properly," she demanded and Greg visibly jumped when kissing her soundly and she grabbed a firm feel of his flaccid dick tucked away beneath his pants. * * * What happened next morning was like the replay of a movie. Linda went down to breakfast and found the morning newspaper folded open on page three and on the right-hand edge of that page was the _Chewing the Fat_ column. She smiled knowing it wouldn't be about her because Greg with the flaccid dick had gone to the airport yesterday to interview the jockstrap woman. _She arrived at the restaurant to arrange our weekend assignation, dressed softly and sexily, her mouth pouting beautifully and before I could even offer her a cocktail to lubricate her motor, she threw a 10-pack of condoms on to the table._ "You probably don't even know what these are, you mummy-boy fairy." She rubbed a hand over me and asked, "Where is it?" Confused I asked where what was and she slammed into me hungrily with a gentle kiss that women around us in the crowded restaurant observed whimsically knowing at least one guy in the city was being prepared to dish out what every woman deserved. I asked my lunch companion what was her name and in the noise of women talking with their mouths full I thought she said 'Mata Hari'. "Take me," she sighed exotically. Confused I asked where to? Linda had had enough and her fingers worked in a throttling motion. She couldn't bear to read another word of his playful way with her and sharing it with the world. "Daddy please, take a squad an arrest him in his office for writing lies about your daughter." "Are those lies?" "Absolutely. I don't know anyone called Mata Hari or where she works." "And was it you he was writing about?" "Absolutely." "Right those are grounds for taking him in for questioning about obscene writing and character assassination. Are you sure you've never discussed a possible sex assignation with him or touched his dick?" Confused, Linda said, "Who me?" Mid-morning in her job as PA to the city's most feared and most successful criminal defence lawyer in the city Arnold Cudmore, Linda had second thoughts about having her father walk in on Greg accompanied by a couple of cops and invite Greg to accompany them to Police HQ. She phoned Ted the principal call- out manager and asked him to call off the raid that she'd initiated on the _City Mail._ "Gee Linda, we thought that degrading column the day before yesterday may have been about you and your parents was brilliant tongue-in-cheek stuff. This morning that writer was at it again in the condom story and if that was you he was writing about. We knew that was a pack of lies because you'd never offer to supply condoms to a guy because everyone knows you don't fuck." Linda boggled. Oh god, that was the extent of her reputation, that Linda Ross didn't have sex? Inspector Ted Bruce said, "Just a minute I'll call your father." He returned smiling. "It's all over. Your father and his team of twelve from the Crime Squad are returning from the _City Mail_ with that nasty columnist for questioning and with the managing-editor restrained and coming in to be charged with disturbing the peace by attempting to reconfigure your father's head with a computer screen but fortunately your father ducked the throw." "Oh god, I feel sick." The sergeant said she couldn't be pregnant because she didn't have sex. He asked should he call an ambulance. "No thanks Ted. I'm coming over to try to sort out this mess." She succeeded in defusing the situation, firstly by withdrawing her complaint and confirming that everything Greg had written about her was almost true and certainly she accepted it was tongue in cheek stuff and written without malice. Her father suggested Greg should cut the crap when writing and instead produce 'pertinent observations' "And now you Harold," the chief superintendent said, asking a constable to remove the handcuffs. The editor said, "Arthur, I admit becoming hot-headed and became defensive because I thought you guys were raiding us to get back those adult DVDs you guys loaned us some months ago and we forgot to return them." "Nah we don't want them back Harold. We have several thousand of them confiscated during raids on houses of ill-repute and the dens of crims. Take away another box full when you leave." "Aren't I being charged with attempted assault of a police officer?" "Nah, you apologized." "When?" "When you admitted to becoming hot-headed." "Oh." "Off you go and now you young man." "Chief Super, I admit..." "He admits to nothing daddy. Everything he's written about me and my family is based on what I said or did to him. He could admit to writing tongue-in-cheek but according to my boss it has long been accepted by the courts that columnists and broadcasting commentators are free to use tongue-in-cheek-style communication providing it's not blasphemous or is offensive to the average man on the street." "Yes that's what is said, but define average citizen on the street." "Mr Cudmore says anyone with a spare $100,000 and willing to wait a year for a panel of three judges to return their learned decision on the legal definition of what constitutes the average citizen on the street might get that term defined to the satisfaction of the courts. But then that could lead to further debate about which street the average man would be standing on and when that's confirmed as meaning any average street. Then, in all probability, the courts would refer the poser about what is average to Parliament to debate." The chief superintendent sighed and said, "Harold thanks for your friendly involvement here and please take your riding-close-to-the-wind columnist with you." "Thanks Arthur, I'll see you on the tee at 9:00 on Saturday as usual. This week our match for the senior championship is against Cuddy Cudmore and Judge Johnny Johnston." "Yes of course, and let's cream them." Next morning there was anger in the city then the _City Mail_ appeared with nothing in the Chewing the Fat column apart from a brief message in tiny type announcing 'This column has been suspended indefinitely'. Talkback Radio was crammed with hotheads braying for the managing-editor's blood and during the midday lunch break a crowd estimated at 5000-6000 gathered in a side street outside the fortress like Newspaper House. Steel shutters not used since the miners' strikes of the 1930s and WWW2 were in place and armed security guards were at the still opened main doors but no one was entering or leaving the building. High above that scene were men at the ready on the roof with high pressure hoses looking down at the crowd eager and waiting for the order to douse the ardour of troublemakers. Managing editor Harry Piper appeared on the balcony on the second floor where election results used to be announced in the old days when newspapers were king. Harry called, "I'm prepared to invite in a deputation of no more than three people to come in and talk to me. Let's try to resolve this issue amicably." The centre of the crowd parted and the General Security of the Allied Smaller Unions Alf Duff pushed forward a woman in a soft white sexy dress and he called, "We nominate Miss Linda Ross as our spokesperson. Linda says she's Gregory Black's fiancée. I want her to speak from here." "Very well, let it rip Linda." Using Alf's loud hailer, Linda said, "Harry you're not a bad guy; I know that because my father wouldn't have anything to do with you if you were." "I make no threats." "I'll not even mention tarring and feathering." The crowd cheered. "We citizens love and admire our newspaper Harry so please don't goof over this." "Harry just make sure Gregory Black's _Chewing the Fat_ column resumes tomorrow without censorship. We citizens like it the way it is and we trust it because we believe nothing in it is probably true although everything is based on fact, if you get what I mean." "It's over to you Harry. We make no threat and never will. Oh someone suggested if the column fails to be reinstated in tomorrow's _City Mail_ we'll meet again at midday and storm the building. But that's idle talk by dickheads. You just do what you think is right Harry and what's right for our beloved _City Mail_." "Come on everyone, back to work or continue your on with unemployment if that's your thing. Thanks everyone for backing the freedom to read the _Chewing the Fat_ column and supporting my man." "Three cheers for Linda Ross," shouted the minor unions' boss. The cheering was heard beyond the city up to 4.25 miles away. "Thank you and now three cheers for editor Harry Piper." A few in the crowd cheered. Linda said severely, "Come on everyone, three cheers for editor Harry Piper or I won't lead the storming of this building at midday tomorrow. The cheering was almost deafening and caused birds to drop from the sky. The _Chewing the Fat_ column appeared in the morning with Greg writing about a buxom company owner alleging amusing a large crowd at the airport by fitting him with a jockstrap. * * * Greg couldn't get enough of Linda. She was one of the few persons he knew who totally accepted his right to be verbally provocative and understood his humour that had a satirical edge and sometimes was as unfunny as stealing women's underwear off a clothes line. She'd told him thoughtfully: "Usually whenever you say or write something you make people think." Yes, yes, he crowed to himself. That was his mission as a journalist. He was soon calling Linda two or three times a day. "Why are you calling?" "Just to hear your voice." Linda's reaction would be an increased breathing rate and to slowly rub a circling hand over her belly. They got away on their naughty weekend in the week after the crowd gathered outside Newspaper House to express its displeasure of the suspension of the _Chewing the Fat_ column and pressuring for its immediate reinstatement. As reported earlier, the column by Gregory Black resumed next day and it's understood he'd received an increase in salary. It's worth recording how Linda's humour came to the fore when in their resort apartment not long after their arrival. Greg apparently proudly pulled out his very erect and throbbing piece and asked, "What do you think of this." The story goes Linda looked at it in feigned wonderment and said: "What is it? I've not seen one of those before." Whatever, friends say they returned from their weekend looking utterly exhausted. The End Hi Cous, Sorry I don't get around to writing more often, but you know me. Retirement has been great, but I seem to be more active then ever. BTW (sorry, I'm so used to computer lingo I tend to use it in everyday) Anyway, did you ever get around to looking at any of the stories I written? I know there's porn there, too. But I like them cause I can put almost anything in and it goes out. I even have a couple people who told me they liked one or another of my crap. Take a look, it won't make hair grow on your palm. Well, I was going to tell you about Halloween. I had to wait a couple days to get it all straight in my head. One of the crazy things, I think I saw one of them at the bakery the other day. Anyway the day even started out weird. You know I keep a bowl of roasted peanuts by the door to feed the squirrels. They are nutty little beggars (sorry about that, couldn't help the pun) And they give me and the missus, along with the birds visiting the feeders, tons of entertainment every day. Ooops, there was another. Some of these birds have no judgement. One just tried to land on the perch on a feeder, overshot and crashed into the window. Not the first time, either. Maybe for that bird, but maybe not. Anyway I saw one of the two squirrels who visit every day so I grabbed two peanuts, opened the door and stepped out. This one was the one we call skinny tail. He's young, this must be his first winter, and his tail hasn't 'bushed' all the way out yet. Skinny tail is pretty skitterish, and when I opened the door he was right at my feet. So I quickly dropped a peanut on the deck. He scampered over to grab it. He'd no more than got in jammed in his mouth, they look pretty funny with one sticking out the side, when he flipped around and tried to go from 0 to 100 in one step. He didn't quite make it. Out of he corner of my eye I caught Bushy Tail streaking across the deck. That danged youngster had snitched one of his nuts!!!! Skinny Tail hadn't gotten two steps when Bushy was on him. You know those buggers have BIG teeth. Skinny gave the darndest squeak I've ever heard, kind of like a loud, shrill YEEP, put it in high tear and smoked across the yard and around the corner of the house. Bushy was about six inches behind him. That left me holding a peanut in my hand, so I stepped out away from the door, made a kissing sound and actually CALLED, "Hey, squirrel, come back here!" Now who was squirrelly then, let me ask? I'll be damned but it wasn't me. About three seconds later Bushy came running back around the corner and scampered right up to my feet! I gave him his peanut and stood there while he shelled and ate it. Can you believe that? The thing actually came when I called!! Well that started the day, little things like birds fighting over a particular perch, ignoring the other eight. I'll not give you a run down on the whole day, but I do have to tell you about trick or treat time. The way our house is situated we don't get many kids at the door, which I miss. I've always got a kick out of the little ones getting all these treats from total strangers. We had one, about five, who came by and got stage fright. He forgot what to say. His mom was standing maybe ten feet behind him and prompted, "Say Trick or Treat, Randle." So he got it out, scared as could be at this old white haired joker standing in the door. So I held the bowl holding the snickers bars down. I had to coax him to take two! We've had Halloweens when not a kid showed up. Most of the time the last few years we were left with three bags of candy that I had to eat. The missus will take one at the most. So this year I only bought the one bag. I figured I'd end up eating the whole thing again this year. And it seemed I was right. By 7:30 I'd only had the 5 year old. I almost turned the light out at 8:00 but was engrossed in a book and couldn't be bothered. So we had a couple boys around 11 years old come by. When I shut the door after them I grabbed a couple snickers myself, might as well start on the me now. I didn't turn the light out right away to give the boys time to get out to the street. By this time the missus was engrossed in some research on the computer and the blinds were pulled. After a moment I turned off the porch light and went back to my book. I'd not much more than settled in my easy chair when someone was banging on the door again. I climbed out of the chair, grabbed the bowl of candy and opened the door, which by this time had already been hammered at least twice more. As I opened the door I could hear some giggles. I didn't bother turning the light back on, just opened the door. There were an "indeterminate" number of young girls clustered around the door. They were at least four deep! My first guess was they were some cheer squad; could have been from one of the high schools, even maybe from the Community College. At first guess I figured there were at least a dozen outside. AT LEAST! As this went on I upped my estimate. I wouldn't have been surprised if there were more than two dozen young women, very nubile young women, wearing all sorts of costumes. It was chilly out but even so some of those costumes were almost more than an old man's heart could stand. I had stepped out onto the porch, either my first mistake or the first right thing I did all day. Now surrounded by nice looking girls (ain't it wonderful how the older you get the better looking the young girls get?) When I held out the bowl it was like looking at locust descending on a corn field. Hands came from everywhere and in a flash the bowl was empty. I'll tell you, I don't think half those youngsters had a snickers! There was a brief pause when one of the girls (one who I had seen get a candy bar. No way I could miss an athletic girl, maybe 5 foot 11 inches and VERY nicely curved) Anyway I heard her say, "Well, ladies! Guess that means a TRICK!" From the back a very girly voice asked, "What kind of Trick?" There was a brief huddle around the tall girl (they were in all sizes from about 5 foot up to miss loud mouth, all in costume of some kind and all looking F-I-N-E!) Before I knew what was happening I was grabbed by at least three girls per arm, the front door was shut, I knew that because it got a lot darker, and pulled out into the center of my deck. Before I could say a word the tall girl gagged me. It was nice, though. She covered my mouth with hers and sent her tongue down my throat. It wasn't something I really minded. I'm sure you understand that. A feminine voice asked, "Remember what we were talking about before that last toke?" "Oh, yeah! Do you think he'll go along with it?" "He don't have any choice. This is OUR trick remember?" It was dark and I had no idea who was talking what. All I knew was that they were definitely feminine and a lot of them. "Shoot girls, no way he'll mind. Look at him there. We have his arms pulled out from his body but he ain't making any try to get away. And from the look in his eyes he's kind of enjoying Janey's smooching him." "That's for sure. Hey, Kelly you know the most, you show us how, OK?" About this time I felt someone or ones working on my belt. They already had my fly down. Before I understood what was happening I was standing there with a shirt on, my pants and jockeys around my ankles and someone was hefting my privates. "He's pretty small and soft," came a disappointed sounding voice. "Don't worry, watch this," came another voice. That was when something hot and wet sucked me inside this really nice place. Another voice volunteered, "I'll help, this really gets Ronny "interested."" Suddenly my left hand was shoved under some girls shirt, then maneuvered under her bra. She wasn't all that big, but she sure was fine. Her nipple was damned hard, too. I'd barely heard a voice on the other side of me say, "Me too," when my other hand was treated to another helping of breast meat. This gal was better endowed, but without the big hard nipples. Not that hers weren't hard, just not big like the first. Suddenly a voice down around my groin said, "Voila'" as that wonderful hot sucking cavern was pulled off my prong. There were a lot of gasps, one of the girls even said, "I've seen a couple three and this one's woman pleaser!" That made me feel pretty good. Then another voice began giving directions. I guessed it was Kelly telling those who didn't know where the sensitive parts were, how to work the tongue. Then there were a progression of hot mouths slurping and sucking on my tool. Somewhere in there Janey stopped kissing me. Not that I was unhappy, as soon as she stopped someone else started. It was so I couldn't focus on the whole works going on at one. One of the girls complained about me being an old codger. Another voice told her to stop and learn. The old guys might not have the staying power but they sure made up for it in savvy. "In a word," she said, "they know their way around a vagina. Not like the young guys. I know I don't want to be seen out with one of these old guys, but they sure are nice when you can get one alone." There was a longish pause while I was being kissed, being forced to squeeze and fondle a succession of young tits, and being blown with rapidly increasing talent. Then that voice added, "And don't ever ask me what I mean by that!" Well, I am old so while the enjoyment was great the ending, my ending, was a long way from coming, if you know what I mean. I kept expecting the missus to say something from inside or even step out on the porch but she was so tied into what she was doing on the computer she never missed me. When I eventually came back inside she had no idea how long I had been outside. My legs were a little wobbly but the girls were still holding me so there was no problem keeping me on my feet. Finally someone asked, "Has everyone who wants it gotten a taste?" There were a chorus of yes's and no one said no. "OK then. Anyone want to see what one this size feels like? I know I do." There was apparent agreement because I found myself being lowered onto my back, lying on someone's coat. Before I knew what was going on someone had hold of my sword, which was as hard as it had been in years, and was sliding it up and down what felt like a really nice, wet slit. It didn't go on long, but every other trip to the top of the slit I was rewarded with being rubbed over what I knew was the girls'magic button'. Talk about heaven for an old man! It wasn't long though before I felt the crown of my manhood pushing past a set of nether lips and into a hot, tight and very wet hole. The recipient began doing the up and down thing and I'll be hammered if she didn't reward me with some really nice hard ripples all up and down the channel. When she stopped my pole got real cold, soppy wet as it was in the evening air. It didn't stay that way as much as a minute. Then I was treated to another slide in and out of a very tight, hot pussy. I don't have any idea how long this went on and all thought of the missus disappeared from my mind. I couldn't do anything about it anyway, there was never more than a fleeting moment when my mouth wasn't occupied, therefore muffled, with some young woman's mouth. As I was being "abused" Ha, Ha, I smelled weed and guessed the women had been indulging before they got there and kind of primed themselves more while mounting me one after the other. At one time I felt someone's cherry bust when she slid down on me. Oh, well. Not my business. I was finally getting very close and tried to warn the young women playing with me. Someone asked if I'd had a vasectomy. When I managed to nod yes there seemed to be some kind of lottery or contest. Someone won and another voice said, "Alright, ladies, quit riding the pole and let Angie in there. She won the right fair and square. I'll be damned (for this, probably) but this new cunt began sliding down. It was the tightest yet and, YES, it too was a virgin. This must be Angie, and when she began making a noise as the sensations began overwhelming her it sounded like someone put something over her mouth to absorb the sound. I couldn't see, but it must have been some other girls mouth like they were doing to me. It didn't take long. Angie must have been really hot before she began her ride, and I was on the edge anyway. When my soldier discharged his cannon inside her it triggered what felt like a massive orgasm in the little miss atop me. For a moment there was an awed silence in the circle of damsels holding me. Then a voice told me, "I think we'll be back next Halloween too, Mr. Troubador. This has been the best initiation ever." Suddenly my sex was the center of I have no idea how many mouths and tongue. However many there were they soon had me cleaned of all juices. Then I was pulled to my feet, my jockeys and pants were pulled up and fastened and someone was spitting on a handkerchief and wiping the lipstick off my face. Well, Cous. That's this years Halloween. I don't know who the women were, though I heard a couple telling the others their mothers had told them I was a good guy. Apparently I had coached their mothers in soccer when they were growing up. That kind of put me in my place. Just one last thing, then I have to get going. When I was in Safeway's bakery yesterday I spotted the tall girl, the one 5 foot 11 working in the bakery. She didn't notice me at first, then tried not to act like she recognized me. When I walked up she was talking to a really cute, tiny girl she called Angie. If I'm still living here next year I wonder if I'm going to get trick or treated from those girls again? Write soon and let me know how you're doing. T. Troubador
My grandfather wasn't happy...at all. But he stood behind us in that tiny little room at the courthouse as Vic and I exchanged vows anyway. It had taken almost a year for us to get here. Why? Vic wanted time to get used to living in New York with me in my spacious, three-bedroom condo (it had been two bedrooms, but I renovated it). We each had an office (mine had a pretty serious lock on the door given the nature of some of the files in there) and we shared the main, massively sized bedroom. We lived well with each other, respecting each other's space and getting into a routine pretty quickly. First problem solved. Vic also insisted on a pre-nup. Yea, you heard me, _Vic_ insisted on a pre- nup. I think she started to realize how well off my grandfather was when I showed up in Kansas and we flew home on my grandfather's private plane. That, plus the prime real estate in Harlem (the 3-bedroom condo) and she started to get a little freaked out. So, she insisted we chat with some lawyers and sign a pre-nup. That took months, but second problem solved. Finally, she wanted to make sure I didn't change my mind. She said I'd proposed to her when things were crazy. I'd been worried about her, there was a lot of adrenaline and emotions...she claimed those were not good conditions for a proposal (or a marriage). So, six months after I proposed, she wanted me to propose again, _if_ I was serious. Which, of course, I was. So, I did. And then she said we should wait the additional six months just for good measure. Needless to say, I was fucking relieved when we were leaving the courthouse, finally married, after a damn year. If she had delayed it any longer, I might have killed her out of frustration, so there wouldn't have been a wedding. Oh, and why the courthouse? We argued about that too. She said I'd spent enough money on her and she'd never really wanted a big, fancy wedding. She didn't have any family really, and all the moving around during the last couple of years had tested most of her friendships, so what was the point? I must admit I'd been really surprised by that one. I thought she'd want something that would bring New York to its knees...I should have known better. But that didn't stop me from buying her a ridiculously expensive engagement ring. If we were going to have to wait a year, and she didn't want a fancy wedding, she could at least wear my damn 3-karat diamond ring on her finger. My 'apprenticeship' with my grandfather was...ongoing. I was still learning so much, even after an entire year. And now that the other members of his organization understood he was grooming me to take over, I was paid a great deal of respect. But I could also feel their desire to slit my throat. Especially Miguel Cruz, who had risen up through the ranks and now reported directly to my grandfather. In other words, he should have been next in line. Now he reported to my grandfather...and _me_. I could almost taste his resentment. But I had been expecting this. Just meant I would never drop my guard when I was around him and some of the others. In fact, the only time I relaxed, truly relaxed, was when I was in my own bed with Vic snuggled up beside me. I didn't necessarily sleep all that well, _ever_, but I could at least relax for those few hours. Vic had decided, once she realized she didn't need to get a job, to go back to school so she could teach at the college level. She'd applied to Columbia and was admitted, so she was spending tons of time on their campus, attending classes, studying, participating in study groups...that had been another argument. I'd made our apartment one of the safest in Manhattan for _her_. It had a top-of-the-line security system. We had an armed guard posted directly outside of our apartment when we were home [we had the top floor to ourselves] and an armed guard in the lobby 24 hours. It was absolutely, positively safe. But, of course, she wanted to spend time away from it. So, if she wanted to spend hours and hours away from that security, Jari had to be with her, everywhere, _always_. No exceptions. And my future wife had _not_ been happy about that. Then we had to give a fucking donation to Columbia to allow Jari to attend classes even though she was not enrolled. It had been a damn headache, but I had not backed down. Marcos may have slithered into a hole for a while, but if he thought he was fooling me, he was dead wrong. If my grandfather passed, Marcos would be reporting to me. I _know_ he didn't want that. Which means I knew there were several contracts out on me. And my wife had guaranteed her own contracts. So, neither one of us would be walking around alone for quite some time. We'd had some other minor fights, my fiancé and I. Like she was supremely unhappy about me paying her tuition. She'd wanted to apply for financial aid and take out loans...I shut that nonsense down. In fact, I'd paid her tuition for three years. They told her it would only take two to compete the doctorate, but I never believed that shit. And it's not like Columbia would complain and give me back the money. She'd been pissed when she actually visited the financial aid office and they told her about her negative balance. But she'd moved on. Our next few fights had been about me dumping money in a personal account for her so she didn't have to ask for money. That, along with the new car I'd bought her (nothing fancy, a hybrid Toyota, that's all), and the clothing I kept buying for her (she wouldn't buy any herself, so I just kept having tons of stuff delivered)...we'd argued for weeks. Vic had no idea how 'comfortable' my grandfather was financially. I was still struggling to comprehend it. He had fingers dipped into all kinds of money-making pies, nationally and globally. He'd been very smart...and he was _very_ generous, especially with me. So I now owned, outright, quite a few of his businesses and was a relatively wealthy woman in my own right. But I didn't discuss business with Vic, ever. It was something my grandfather insisted on. The business stayed in the family. He said that _might_ change when I married her, but fiancés did not warrant disclosure. So Vic had no idea...which made Vic uncomfortable whenever I spent money on her. Like when she told me one night, after I'd made her scream for me, how she'd always wanted a Mont Blanc pen. She said they were ridiculously expensive and perhaps, one day, she'd treat herself to one. So when I had a rep from the company show up at our apartment a week later, with a catalog for her to pick one out...well, she hadn't been pleased. And she wouldn't pick one, even weeks later. The catalog just sat on the desk in her office. Every time I saw the damn thing, I just shook my head. My woman was fucking ridiculous sometimes. But I was in love, and having her near me made a difference. She was close. If there were any problems, I could get to her in 45 minutes max. So, I could relax and concentrate on being educated by my grandfather now. He might not have been happy about me moving Vic here, or getting married to her (he had never married himself), but even he saw the difference. He was now impressed by how quickly I picked things up, how apt I was at processing information and how good I was a offering alternate options. I also had insight about policing that he'd never had access to, which helped him make better and smarter choices about our less than pristine operations. He was happy, I was happy and Vic was on her way to being happy...nirvana. * "She ain't gonna be happy. Call her." I sighed, "Jari, I'm going to a friend's house for a study group. I don't need to call Tae." "A friend's house in _Chelsea_. Not too far from where she used to live in _Chelsea_. You know, the Chelsea right next door to Fulton which is _owned_ by Marcos? _That_ Chelsea." I rolled my eyes, "yea, I got all of that. But I have _you_. And we're only going to be there for a few hours." "Invite them to a restaurant here, in Harlem. Offer to pay the bill," Jari countered. "I don't have money to waste on a bill for eight people Jari. And everyone is on their way down there already." I was talking about the money I had taken from Dylan. I sighed, closing my eyes for a moment as we waited for the train at 116th and Broadway. Dylan. I hated thinking about him...that always led to the realization that I'd watched him die...and had rolled him up in a rug and shoved him in a closet. I shook my head, not wanting to go there. Instead I thought of my dwindling money in an account separate from the one my crazy wife (oh my God, she was really my wife now) had set up for me. Who just gives someone two million dollars to spend as they please? Who does that? Who can _afford_ to do that? Not an ex-state trooper. Or an ex-U.S. Marshall. Which meant she'd gotten that money from her grandfather...and I still wasn't sure how I felt about what she was doing with, or for, her grandfather. Until I was sure, I really couldn't touch that money in good conscience. So, all I had left was about $2,500...and that was not money to be used hosting people at a restaurant when I could just as easily put in my share of money for pizza at one of their homes. "I will pay for it," Jari offered. I raised a brow in her direction. That just meant she would get reimbursed from Tae...which meant that was not an option. I was tired of Tae paying for everything. And I do mean _everything_. Down to my underwear. If I didn't think I needed new underwear, who was she to buy me dozens and dozens of bras and panties? Sexy ones. _Expensive_ ones. And then she'd thrown out all my old ones! I was still pissed about it. "No." I was done talking about it. We were prepping for an upcoming comprehensive exam. Every student had to complete it at the end of their first year if they wanted to remain in the graduate program. I wasn't really worried about passing...well, not incredibly worried, but a member of our cohort had managed to get their hands on the last 7 years of those exams and I wanted to see them. Wanted to use them to help me study. So that meant I could not miss this study session. If that meant I was going to the infamous, and forbidden, Chelsea, so be it. We finished waiting for the train in silence, and then there was no use talking on the very loud train as it zipped through the tunnels. But I could see Jari was not happy when we stepped onto the platform at 23rd and Seventh. Her entire compact, curvy body was tense and her eyes had grown cold again. She was in protection mode, her hands free and clear in case she needed to grab the weapon I knew was tucked in the small of her back. She was so anxious she was making _me_ anxious. "Jari, it's two blocks from the train station and then we'll be inside all night. It's not a big deal." She nodded, but didn't say anything else. I knew she wouldn't. She rarely spoke to me when she was in protection mode. Sure enough we were being buzzed up to my classmate's studio apartment about five minutes later. After I rang the doorbell, I saw Jari send a quick text, but didn't think much about it (she was always on her phone). When the door open, I noticed I was the last to arrive. Everyone had their hands on an old exam already, carefully scanning them. I was handed a copy and we got down to the business of trying to figure out patterns that might help us determine what would appear on the upcoming exam. It was 1am before everyone decided to stop and pick up where we left off the next day. We had a pretty good idea what core questions might appear on the exam, but we still needed to do some more guess work about other questions. I glanced around and noticed Jari standing near the door, a Coke in her hand (she loved ice cold Cokes), her eyes cool, her stance semi-alert. She was always "on guard" in these types of situations. Especially when someone she didn't know showed up. A student we hadn't studied with before had joined the group. Until she checked him out, she would not be able to relax. Especially since he was Puerto Rican. But if she was planning to be anxious about every Puerto Rican male I encountered in New York, she would _never_ be able to relax. I smiled at the thought. We all filed out of the apartment at the same time, wishing our host goodnight, agreeing to meet in Brooklyn the following evening. We rotated homes for the study sessions...well, everyone except me. Tae said no one would be allowed to know where we lived. My home address was listed as a PO Box everywhere. So when it was my turn, we typically stayed in one of the lounges on campus, or we found a diner that could seat us all at the same table. It was a bit of a hassle, but no one really complained considering I usually paid for drinks all night. We took the second elevator down, since we couldn't all fit in it the first go round, so it was just me, Jari, the new guy and Mary. Mary was cool. She'd introduced herself to me the first day of classes and we often grabbed a meal or coffee together. She was from the Midwest, pretty, blonde, blue-eyed, petite, sweet and this was her first time in a huge city on her own. So, even though she was in her early thirties, she was pretty naïve. I was always worried about her. She's the one the lived in Brooklyn. We would meet at her house tomorrow. "Be careful to take the right train tonight Mary. Downtown, not uptown." She nodded and waved as we parted after exiting the building. The new guy had already taken off. And so it was just me and Jari, standing, waiting. I was about to ask why we were waiting when it dawned on me and I swore under my breath. "You are such a damn traitor," I snarled at her as a silver Mercedes Benz pulled up to the curb. I rolled my eyes at my bodyguard/friend. "Hey, I adore you, but your ass is under _my_ care and your wife pays my salary." Those were the only words we had time to exchange. Tae's bodyguard, a huge, dark-skinned, former football player everyone called Spade, stepped from the car and opened the back door for me. I slid in, avoiding a pair of what I knew would be very angry, stormy, grey eyes. Jari jogged around and slid into the front beside Spade before the car pulled off. Tae raised the divider. "Really?" That's all she said, but I could feel the anger radiating off of her. I stole a glance at her, trying to stop my heart from lurching. She was so fucking sexy in all black, midnight black jeans, a black turtleneck, her short hair framing her sexy face, those stormy grey eyes piercing right through me. "Tae—" " _Don't_ Vic. If you won't listen to Jari, what the fuck is the point of her being with you? You ignored her warning about coming to Chelsea? Ten blocks from Marcos' home territory?" I turned away, looking out of the darkly tinted window. I hated when she was right. It was so easy to forget. I wasn't testifying anymore. The DA had dropped the case months ago after other witnesses started disappearing. Tae had declared, once and for all, I was done with cooperating. I didn't really mind. I was sick and tired of the waiting game with the DA. But that didn't mean I was safe. I still knew things about them that could but Jimmy L. and Marcos away for a long time, which meant I was always going to be a threat. Which meant I was never 100% safe in this city...especially 10 blocks from where Marcos had been born and raised. The first territory he'd been responsible for...certainly his most loyal. If anyone had spotted me down here, they would be heralded a hero. I knew this. It was irresponsible and stupid to ignore this type of danger. "No excuses. You're right. I'm sorry." Tae cut off whatever else she was going to say and instead just stared at me. Eventually I took a deep breath and met that intense gaze. "I mean it. I'm sorry." After another moment's pause, she nodded. I knew she would fume for a little while longer, even after she dropped me off at home. But I also knew by the time she came home, usually around 4am, she would be done being angry...and hopefully she would wake me up and fuck me until I couldn't see straight. * Our married life wasn't much different from our 'engaged' life. We'd settled into a pretty interesting routine. I would get up around 7am, work out until around 8am (Tae had put a treadmill and tread-climber in my office because she didn't want me going to a gym), take a shower, eat something light (usually toast, a bagel or cereal) and then head out to class. I had classes two days a week and I worked at the bookstore two other days. Tae thought my job was cute. I thought it was a necessity in order to maintain my independence. I never wanted to be 100% dependent on another person, not after Dylan. I sighed, forcing myself to shut down thoughts of him immediately. I'd be out and about until around 6pm, and then I would make sure to get my ass home to have dinner with Tae. Tae didn't usually get home until around 4am six days a week. She'd sleep most of the day, run errands, meet with her grandfather...but she was almost always home at 6pm. We always had dinner together. Every day. Neither of us had to cook dinner, she'd hired someone to do that. And to clean. And to shop. And...to do almost everything else in our household. I...I was still getting used to it. So, every evening, from 6pm to 8pm, I spent time with my wife. Then she usually left and I either stayed home to study (or sometimes to watch a movie) or I would attend a study group. If I went out, Jari went with me. Otherwise, I was protected by two armed men at our home. I didn't ask Tae where she went and she didn't volunteer any information. It had been this way for about a year. With one exception. Wednesdays. We didn't do anything business or school related on Wednesdays. Wednesdays were for us. We would go out to dinner, or to a movie, or we would go shopping...she'd flown me to Atlantic City for a show, and a boxing match (I didn't really like the latter), she'd driven me to Phily for jazz and cheese steaks...and sometimes we just stayed home, ordered a pizza and hung out together. We played board games, we watched horrible movies (we both likes tacky B-movies with giant animals attacking humans)...it was _our_ day. No outsiders, no commitments, no work, no school, no studying, no exceptions...and usually, usually, it ended with us in bed and her making excruciatingly sweet love to me for hours and hours... It was generous. I loved her for carving out that one day for me. One day, every week...it was her way of reminding me that no matter what, I was the one who mattered. Me and her...and _us_. I loved it. There was also something special, something important, about the day she reserved for me because Tae was...different. When she was "on," in her grandfather's world, she was...colder. Withdrawn. Quiet. Secretive. We didn't talk about what she did...ever. There was a part of me that was okay with that. I had been so engrained in Dylan's world and look where that landed me. So...I wasn't sure I wanted to share in Tae's new secrets. I wasn't sure I wanted to be a part of _that_ world again. But the difference I noticed in her spilled over into everything. If she had time to meet me for lunch, or take me shopping, or spend any time with me during those six days she was "on," the gangster Tae was always there. She wasn't _my_ Tae on those days. She was protective, she was focused on me and only me (although she had ample opportunities and invitations to focus her time and energy elsewhere)...but she was just...different. Except on Wednesdays. On Wednesdays I got to see glimpses of _my_ Tae...the one I'd fallen in love with, the one that was more open, less intense...less intimidating. Not that I didn't love the new Tae...I did... _especially_ in the bedroom. Tae was most definitely different in our bedroom. That intensity that I saw in other parts of her life had made its way into our bed. She was more... controlling...demanding...innovative... _hungry_. For me. For whatever this bond was we shared. As if she...needed it...needed me. And she was exploring. A different side of herself...exploring how far I would go with her...it was...it was sexy as all hell, just like her...but it was a little scary too. A part of me liked it...a part of me absolutely _loved_ it...and a part of me was worried about what it meant for the long run. * "Where the fuck did you find this movie?" Tae chuckled. I smiled, enjoying the feel of her as I snuggled against her, comforted by the way her entire body moved when she laughed. "This movie is classic." Now she barked with laughter, "classic crap. It's awful." We were watching _Sharktopus_, some terrible movie about a genetically mutated shark-octopus that was attacking people...it was great. Tae had been chuckling throughout the movie...chuckling, smiling, pulling me closer...relaxing. Finally. Something was bothering her. I wasn't sure what...and I'd been afraid to ask. "Okay, this part is the best," I warned her. Minutes later she was laughing so hard she almost spilled her drink! I loved it. I watched as the evidence of stress on her face, in her shoulders, across her back, slowly disappeared...although I couldn't I take full credit for her relaxing. On _our_ days, she usually smoked a blunt or two. When she first started smoking marijuana at home...well, I was more than a little surprised. But then I realized she probably had much better access to it now...and it wasn't like she was law enforcement anymore. But it had still been a little...surprising. Now it was a normal part of her time off. She would never do it during her six days "on duty," but tonight, she was already working her way through her second one, handing it to me periodically. I wasn't a huge fan of smoking marijuana, but I was not 100% opposed to it either. As the music suggested our ridiculous movie was ending, I turned to Tae, removing the drink from her hand and leaning in for a kiss. I smiled as she growled softly, deep in her chest, and I took the time to kiss her gently, tenderly, our lips barely touching...she tasted wonderful...like expensive, aged scotch (her new favorite drink), weed and the candy she'd been nibbling on all night. She let me tease her, play with her, draw her in for a while, shifting her body, her newly developed, well muscled, much larger body, toward me. She'd gained weight over the past year...and she'd bulked up. Significantly. I knew it had everything to do with this new image, this new world she was a part of. The men in her world would not assume she could be easily intimidated if she was heavier, larger, broader, bigger...that, coupled with her police training and her natural swagger...like I said, Tae was _different_. She pulled me closer to her, a little rough, and my body tensed with anticipation. This is what I meant when I said everything new about Tae had found it's way into our bedroom. She was more...authoritative? More...dominating? More...demanding? I felt her fingers caressing the back of my head, gently, tenderly, as she deepened the kiss...as she slowly took control. Her tongue was exploring, gentle yet forceful, one hand holding my head steady, the other at my waist, pulling me even closer. I used a free hand to reach down and explore something else new she'd added to our sex life...a very nice, thick, full "toy" she'd surprised me with a few months ago. She was wearing it more and more often now, _especially_ on Wednesdays. I'd figured out that she liked when I caressed it...stroked it...making sure it pressed against her as I touched it...touched her. She liked when I dragged my lips from her intoxicating kisses and bent down to kiss it...lick it...take it in my mouth...I could feel her muscular thighs tensing as I used my hands...my mouth...I met her eyes as she watched...pressing down on it firmly and switching on a special vibrating addition, settling it against her core over and over... That usually lasted for only a little while, until she curled her fingers into my hair and pulled me up, her lips covering mine as she kissed me...hard. We used to try and make it to the bedroom, but now she just started taking my clothes off here, on our very comfortable, very spacious sofa. I reached over to dim the lights as I felt her hands curve over my backside...pulling me onto her lap, settling me against her...slipping her package into a more comfortable position for us both...her lips were on my shoulders...tasting...her teeth sank into my flesh...staking claim...then suddenly I was on my back, her weight almost suffocating as she moved my panties aside, took a moment to caress my slickened flesh...and then slid that wonderful appendage into me... I moaned softly, shifting so she could go deeper...she changed positions again, pulling me up onto her lap, her back against the sofa cushions as I started to move...slowly...riding her as she feasted on my breasts...one hand at my waist controlling my movements, the other caressing my back...she bit gently into a nipple and I threw my head back, heat coursing through me...her fingers found my wet center, manipulating that delicious nodule of flesh that would have me screaming for her soon, so very soon...and as I rode her, I made sure to come down hard, knowing that vibrating piece was pressing against her, driving her crazy... Her fingers dug into my waist as she shifted us...on my back again, Tae weighing me down...powerful, long strokes...the smell of her...the feel of her...the tension in my body was rising...she was going to make me...she continued to move into me, deeply, hitting every sensitive nerve, those wonderful grey eyes darkening as she watched, her lids heavy... her lips against my flesh, forcing me to climb higher and higher...I held on, enjoying the feel of her against me, fucking me, until I felt I would come apart... "Tae," I breathed against her ear, begging her, wanting so desperately to... "You gonna come for me baby?" She asked me, her voice husky, strained...I knew she was also close... "God yes," I hissed. I could feel her smile as she took a nipple into her mouth, sucking hard...harder. I moaned again, wanting that rush, my skin tingling, needing to... "Tae, please..." I loved when she did this to me. Dragging me to the edge, making me wait...forcing my body to a point where I thought I would just die from the anticipation... "Tae...baby, _please_..." Besides, I knew she loved to hear me beg. "Fuck Vic, _fuck_," her voice, tight, barely holding on as she fucked me deeper, harder, pulling my legs up and around her waist, her thighs trembling, her rhythm just a little off...and then she was groaning in my ear as her hips thrust into me brutally, her thumb on my clit as I finally dove off that cliff, barking out my pleasure as I fell into the abyss with her... * She never just stopped. We might sleep for a little while, or get something to drink or eat, but that was always a precursor of greater things to come. So I was a little surprised when she pulled away from me after a few minutes and started looking around the living room. I was about to ask what was wrong when she found her cell phone and answered it. I hadn't even heard it vibrating... "Yeah?" Silence as she listened, and I saw her face shift from relaxation mode to...I'm not even sure what mode that was. Angry? Furious? She continued to listen and then disconnected without another word. "Gotta go." My first thought? But it was Wednesday. _Our_ day. But that was quickly replaced by the realization that something must be very wrong for her to leave me tonight. She considered Wednesday sacred also... "Is everything okay?" It was a stupid question, but I wanted her to know that I knew everything was _not_ okay. She turned to look at me, something in those cool, grey eyes that had shifted into work mode. "Come with me." And there it was. The invitation I had been dreading. An invitation into _her_ world, her grandfather's world...a world I wasn't sure I wanted to be a part of. So what did a woman do when the woman she loved offered that kind of invitation? She got her ass off the sofa and got dressed, quickly.
It was a fateful day, the day Kyle discovered Craigslist. He had heard of the site and heard stories about people listing things for sale, looking for roommates, etc. Kyle did not, however, realize it had a personals section. *This was before personals went bye bye* Kyle had always had a higher than normal sex drive, even for a male in his early twenties, but did consider himself to be straight. When he discovered the personals section he saw lots of categories: w4m, m4w, ww4m, and on and on it went. He felt it best to stick to the basics...w4m. Surely there was at least one woman in his city looking for a hookup? He began browsing the posts and quickly became discouraged. Most were clearly fake. He did happen to come across one that showed some promise. It was just a simple post that was looking for an anonymous gettogether. That in and of itself struck Kyle as odd, but the rest of the post did not have the broken English, the fake contact information, or anything else that the rest of the fake posts typically included. Kyle honestly didn't even know what was meant by an anonymous encounter. He searched the term and quickly learned that both parties could remain unidentified. There would be no meeting up to chit chat. No drama. Just a no- strings hookup. It was exactly what Kyle was looking for. Kyle responded to the post, and within a couple of minutes had a reply in his inbox. He quickly looked it over and to his amazement it actually seemed to be a real reply. No redirect request, no asking him to sign up for some random site, just an honest to goodness real person. He figured he might as well shoot his shot, so he asked what the woman was looking for, and for her location. She responded plainly that she was craving a hard cock deep in her pussy. Kyle immediately had doubts: 1) how could he know this woman was clean? 2) what about pregnancy risks? He replied and directly asked these two questions. The woman responded that she was on birth control, and that she had just gotten her test results back, with no STDs. Then made it abundantly clear he would also be wearing a condom. She then asked if he was going to continue to waste her time now that his concerns had been alleviated. Kyle had to respect her bluntness. What could go wrong? Kyle replied that he was game. The woman replied back with a list of instructions, as well as her apartment complex's address. Kyle was told he would receive the actual apartment number when he arrived. The other instructions were quite specific: -when he arrived, let himself in and step into the bedroom -drop his shorts and wait -do not turn on any lights -do not expect any talking The woman said she would take care of everything. All he would need to do would be stand there and savor it. And to whet his appetite, said that she would chew on his cock with her pussy. Kyle didn't quite understand what that meant, but it was very intriguing. He replied that he would shortly be on his way. The apartment complex was not too far from his house. He let the woman know he was pulling in, and she responded with her unit number. Kyle's nerves were steadily increasing. What if this was someone looking to rob him? What if she was hideous? Idiot, Kyle thought, it isn't like you'll see her. So why would that matter? The woman's unit was on the 2nd floor. He reached the door and noticed it was slightly ajar. He pushed it open and stepped into a very dark room. Shutting the door behind him, he was able to make out the bedroom right where the woman said it would be. The apartment was eerily silent. Kyle slowly made his way to the bedroom and thankfully, noticed a couple of windows with open shades. Moonlight was illuminating part of the bedroom, almost as if directing him where to stand. He was naturally drawn to the spot and made his way into the bedroom. Kyle did as he had been instructed and dropped his shorts. Out of the darkness he caught motion as a tall and slender figure crawled towards him on her hands and knees. Her face was covered by long dark hair that shined in the moonlight. It was all incredibly surreal. He was exposed in front of a complete stranger, just waiting for her to have her way with him. The woman did not waste any time. She knelt up and gently sucked Kyle's flaccid cock into her mouth. Kyle closed his eyes and lost himself in the warm wet sensation. He felt firm but gentle fingers grip his balls. His cock quickly began to stir in the woman's skilled mouth. She had a very tongue-heavy method of cocksucking. Her tongue danced, darted, and swirled all over his cock. Almost as if it were trying to distract him, while her lips inched forward until he was buried in her throat. Holy shit this woman could suck cock, but she had a peculiar way of gripping the base of his cock, almost too hard. It was almost as if she was afraid he'd try to pull out. After a few more minutes the woman stood, keeping her face turned downwards, and led Kyle by his cock over to the edge of the bed. They stepped out of the moonlight that was shining on the floor, and into darkness as they approached the bed. There was a little light but Kyle could barely make out anything. The woman got on all fours in front of him, exposing her corset-covered torso and thigh high leggings that led to crotch-less panties. Kyle was able to make out that she reached behind and appeared to be playing with her asshole. Slick and wet sounds were coming from it as she appeared to be rubbing in some lube. Odd, he thought, but he was soon distracted by her other hand reaching for his cock. She had poured lube on it and was now stroking and rubbing it on his cock. Kyle thought it strange that someone would lube a cock BEFORE putting on a condom, but was enjoying the sensation all the same. He stood there and let the woman slicken up his cock. The next chain of events unfolded quickly. The woman again gripped the base of his cock firmly, holding Kyle in place. She raised her ass and backed up, guiding Kyle's bare cock towards her asshole. Mental alarms started sounding for Kyle, as they had not talked about doing anal, much less doing it bare. So taken back was he by the quick turn of events though, Kyle could not react in time. Kyle had fucked plenty of asses, and he knew instantly that this was an ass that had taken plenty of cocks. He felt the asshole spread across the head of his cock, and quickly travel down the length until he was balls deep inside of it. This was not an ass that took time to adapt to his girth. This was a well-used ass that greedily gulped down his cock. The woman let out a low guttural moan as she clamped her ass down on his cock, and began to slide it up and down the length. The woman's hands disappeared underneath her body. Kyle tried to pull back but she quickly reached underneath her legs and grabbed his balls. She meant for him to stay right where he was. Kyle relaxed and decided it wasn't that bad. She must just want to get her ass stretched before taking him into her pussy. But the longer he was captive in her ass, the more he realized she was intent on getting him to cum bare inside it. Her hand kept massaging his balls, almost as if she were trying to coax them into cumming. Her wet and loose ass continued to stroke his cock. Her other hand was moving furiously underneath her, evident as Kyle could see her arm moving rapidly. Stroking her clit, Kyle assumed. The longer she kept this up the more aroused he became. Suddenly he felt her ass begin to contract. Holy shit she was cumming and her ass was squeezing his cock. This was too much for Kyle and pushed him over the edge. The woman tightened her grip on his balls as she felt them contract, and pressed her ass back to take Kyle deep. Kyle began to shoot his cum deep into her ass. She moaned deeply as she worked her ass to wring out every last drop. Kyle heard a soft SCHHLOOOOP as she pulled forward and off his cock. She reached up from under her legs and handed Kyle a wet washcloth. Kyle realized this was her plan all along. Kyle took the cloth and absentmindedly cleaned his cock. The woman was strumming her fingers on the bed, as if telling him to pick up the pace. Kyle lifted his shorts and quickly exited the apartment. Driving back home he couldn't get over what had just happened. He didn't know what to think. He had almost pulled into his driveway when his phone dinged. It was another email from the mystery woman. Kyle pulled into his garage and opened the email. His jaw dropped. There was an up close picture of an ass that had clearly been cummed inside, and as he scrolled further down, a set of balls and a cock lowly hanging. There was a caption that read "Thanks so much for the creampie in my sissy-pussy! :) You'll have to come visit me again!" Kyle quickly replied that he wasn't into men, not even those that passed for women. The woman, well, the stranger replied: "Funny, your cock didn't seem to mind as my pussy was chewing on it." Kyle responded that he didn't appreciate being tricked like that and that they would not be seeing each other again. "I've heard that before...night!" Kyle was shaken to his core. A few days passed and try as he might, he kept jerking himself off to the memory of the stranger's loose ass. He could not get the memory out of his head. Before he knew it, he had messaged the stranger again. "Took you long enough. My pussy has been waiting for you to breed it again..." Like a moth to a flame, Kyle the 2nd of many trips to the strangers apartment.
PLEASE NOTE There will be no voting—this is for information only. However comments are welcome, as are PMs and email with any questions about this essay. However any comment which is simply "testimony" otherwise known as witnessing. by churchy people, argumentative, or preachy, will be deleted immediately. This is not a forum for debating—most of the facts are from the bible itself and speak for themselves, or from verifiably known history. The King James Version of the bible is principally used unless noted otherwise As well, I've used Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible which identifies every word in the KJV of the bible as well as where to find them. Other bibles say essentially the same basic things as the KJV, which, where needed or appropriate, I quote from. My writings were originally intended for lesbians who have been intimidated from birth, shamed, humiliated, pushed to feel guilty, and made to believe that they are an abomination in the sight of the god of the bible, that is, the Old and New Testaments of Judaism and Christianity. They have been made to feel a need to hide their true sense of who and what they are in body and mind. Many have given in and attempted to conform to that "accepted normal" life that society, culture, and especially religion, say that it is how they should live, often with disastrous consequences. This need not be, for even as the bible is said to quote Jesus: _And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free._ (Gospel according to John, chapter 8, verse 32.) Chapter 1 "In the beginning...", so goes one story, there were established heavens and the earth, and the earth had nowhere to abide for there was no sun for it to keep it in it's place; at least not until a few days later—on the fourth day, to be exact, then on the sixth day, he created man. But, was that really the beginning? Let's go back a bit. Those "heavens" and the earth had to be put someplace, and that place had to have room for them. And there had to be order—rules—for things to be put into that place, too. That place could only be "nothing" which we have called "space", and that space had to have a lot of room. The major rule had to be one that held things in place, and that space that held things in it had what we call gravity. Now gravity is an odd thing, and frankly, it is still just a theory, but only because we can't find anything that says "I am gravity". If it did have something we could determine that was gravity, we'd call it "gravitons" just to give it a name (and a good one too). It sort of makes sense of the seeming nothing. However, that seeming nothing, that theory, is not to be defied by any of us. We dare not jump up out of a window and fly up and up. Nope! For the rule of gravity is to pull, and not just space, but objects in space have this strange thing we call gravity, and that gravity holds large things (like planets), in place by gravity's own property that causes it to pull on things, just as it does where we stand. Uh, we're glued to whatever is solid because gravity binds us there no matter how we may move about. This we know. We also know that the sun comes up, and the sun goes down. Or do we? No, we're just used to that being said, maybe because we've always said thought that, and maybe because after we learned better, it was how we had said it for ages, and how it seemed to still be no matter that we know better now. Yes, we know better for we still don't try to jump out of a window and hope to keep going up and up. Now let's go back to that "beginning" we started this out with. Maybe it should be: "In the beginning, the earth was made to orbit around its star—sun—so it wouldn't wildly wander about the Universe." Without a star to be a greater gravitational attractant, our planet would be as an orphan wandering through our galaxy as other bodies are thought to have been found doing so. Yes, check out the Internet for orphan planets and you'll see the possibilities. It's all very logical, and it fits with the rules of our Universe lest all heavenly bodies wander aimlessly about. [Extrapolation made from suggestion by Jacob Berkowitz, in The Stardust Revolution, Prometeus Books, 2012, that earth may have a lost sibling, p. 264-65]. So why didn't our bible say this? Maybe because it's not the holy word of any god, Jewish, Muslim, or Christian, but of men who made it all up; men who didn't know any better and thought that the earth was the center of everything we see in the skies. There is no way we could have been placed before a sun was created days later. Without a star, or body much larger than our planet, we would have been like the child's game of Whack the Mole wherein when one pops up and is whacked, it comes up elsewhere. There may or may not be a God, either personal or impersonal, and Jesus may well have existed, but may or may not have said all that is attributed to him. There are too many errors in both the Old and New Testaments for either the God as presented, or of Jesus to be divine as proposed by the bible. Certainly if there is a God, that God would not make errors such as the one above, much less "inspire" any man, or men, to make such errors in His or Her name. There are many more oddities—and oddities is a very good descriptive word to use for many things in the bible—that have come to light to refute this age old work that is supposed to be holy and true. Another is the famous: "...for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." People are not dust! We, and all that we call living, are atoms (at the most common level we normally express matter without going into what constitutes an atom). We are mostly made of hydrogen atoms, then oxygen, and lastly carbon—mostly, that is. We also have other atoms, or elements. Those atoms came together to form various molecules, and molecules formed into cells, and each human body is said to contain trillions of cells (from Life Evolving, by Christian de Duve, Nobel Laureate, p. 10, Oxford University Press, 2002). Again, cells are made of molecules and molecules are made of atoms, therefore we are not "dust", but atoms. So why these errors? Simple. The bible was made up by men at various times, and like the Pope scaring Galileo and many others, and Fundamentalist preachers still scaring people, those men wrote what they thought, to the best of their known knowledge, what it was that a god would do, or make us up with. They had no idea of atoms, or that the sun exerted sufficient gravitational pull to keep the earth in its orbit. They most likely just wanted to keep their people together as a nation that they'd grown used to. See the books of Ezra, and more, Nehemiah to learn about how the intelligentsia of the Jewish people put together a way of life for that became commonly called Jews. In other words, without knowing it, they were blind to the verities we now take for granted, namely gravity and atoms, as well as the sun being the center of our solar system. Eventually, there weren't any Jews who knew the truth of the lies that the learned Jews made up, and it grew into an everlasting Zeitgeist, then remade by later "Christians" to be the present Zeitgeist. In between the times of the creation of the Jewish Laws and other books, and the time of the Christian creation of what Jesus was supposed to have said, was the addition of the Book of Daniel. This book purported to be the writing of a prophet, Daniel, who may or may not have existed during the time of the Babylonian captivity, and into the time of the Persian conquest of Babylon. A not so close study of this book reveals significant errors more than indicating that it is but a historical novel being passed off as autobiographical of the said prophet, Daniel. The give away(s) are the lack of accuracy of the kings of Babylon, just who was the last king of Babylon, and which King of Persia conquered Babylon, and against which king. This book, Daniel, is the largest bridge connecting Judaism and Jesus to Christianity, and that by Jesus' words, perhaps put in his mouth by writers of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, concerning a resurrection. They have Jesus often quoting the so-called prophet, Daniel, and his new theme of a resurrection of the dead. This "resurrection" was never believed by Jews before Daniel, and was propagated by the Pharisees, and the apostle Paul proclaimed that he was a Pharisee, as well as the end times that Jesus had said quite a few times in the gospels that would occur before his generation passed away. We can only conclude that this addition to Jewish belief—though not believed by most of the Sadducees and many other Jews—was false since Jesus' coming to power in the time of his generation as he is said to have proclaimed, and as Paul proclaimed also, never occurred as he was quoted as saying that it would. Chapter 2 Uh, the genealogy, or pedigree of Jesus? I mentioned before that the genealogy in Matthew and Luke conflict. More, according to Giza Vermes in The Nativity (Penguin Books, 2006), there are more than simply disagreements on the line of ancestors, but a very sharp one. Compare the two in Matthew, chapter 1, to Luke, chapter 3, verses 1 through 23, and you'll find a huge difference. More, Matthew begins with Abraham and goes through Joseph, the husband of Mary who was the mother of Jesus. In verse 17, he states that there are fourteen generations from Abraham to David, then fourteen generations from David to the carrying away to Babylon, and fourteen more generations from there to Jesus. There aren't forty-two, but rather forty-one itemized. Beside some other discrepancies, in Luke's genealogy it works back from Jesus to Adam and God, and includes many others by far who are not listed in Matthew's gospel. Not only is Solomon given in Matthew, but in Luke, a different son of David, Solomon's brother Nathan, is given as a part of the lineage of Jesus. There is another genealogy given in I Chronicles, chapter 3 from verse 10 on, that itemizes from Solomon which also gives a differing set of ancestors, but frankly, other than mildly going through it, I opted to end my headache after trying to decipher it for some semblance of order as compared to Matthew and Luke for the Old Testament fathers and sons. Suffice to say that there are differences there too, but interested parties of those will be invited to get their own headaches. Matthew and Luke are bad enough for me. While we're on Jesus' pedigree, let's look at the nativity again. As above, Matthew's account is far different from Luke's. Aside from all the differences of what did or didn't occur, and when Jesus was born, the one early and indisputable fact is that contrary to Luke's saying in chapter 2 in the earliest verses, that there was a world wide decree that all should be taxed, and Cyrenius [Quirinius] was governor of Syria at this time. While it seems to be historically verifiable that there was a tax and that it involved Cryrenius [Quirinius], that was true only for the province of Judea which had been taken away from Herod Archelaus and brought under direct rule of Rome. Joseph, however, was not a citizen of Judea, as it is said in verse 4, but of Galilee. Galilee was under the tetrarch Herod Anitpas, and thus not taxed directly by Rome (poll tax: tributum capitis, A History of Israel from Alexander the Great to Bar Kochba, by Henk Jagersma, page 119, Fortress Press, 1986) since it wasn't under Rome's direct control. Further, this census was in 6-7 CE, and Herod the Great died 4 BCE. All of this points to the gospels of Matthew and Luke to be very spurious, and not fact filled at all. When we consider these gospel beginnings, if we look at it with an objective eye, we have to wonder how they could have gotten those few items very wrong. Perhaps it was because the gospels were written by those who tried to inspire those who couldn't read or write, and who needed some hope for anything better than the life they were leading. Were these writers so concerned for others as it may seem? We have no idea, but we do know from what we do have before us that they weren't looking to be questioned objectively, or seriously compared the one to the other. This is why the title of this essay: Blind Man's (Religious) Bluff—the writers, for whatever reason or reasons, weren't actually Matthew or Luke (or either of the other so-called writers of the other gospels), nor were they "inspired" authors as the Catholic Family Connections Bible would have you believe. The question to be asked here is whether the God of the bible, or any god, have inspired men to write so many falsehoods, so many erroneous words? Doubtful, to say the least. The next question is how it is that Fundamentalists can say with a straight face that the bible is the error free (inerrant) word of God. They either have to be blind or have some hidden agenda that they're not letting people in on. Is it perhaps position, or power, or even money and the easy life it affords. There are many who are profiting more than handsomely from these religious lies. There is a website that gives us the ability to find out just how much some of these preachers have amassed in wealth and just how lavishly they may be living. No, I can't publish a web site's URL as it is against Literotica's rules, but you should be able to easily find it in a web search. This desire for religious power is a thing of old from the days of ancient Egypt and even before. Superstition and the need to believe in a higher power gave rise to many gods. Even the idea of only one god may have preceded Yahweh from the Old Testament, and that is Ahura Mazda of the Zoroastrian belief. This may indeed have been the origin of the Jewish idea of one god for Zoroastrianism was known and popular in Babylon, having been birthed in nearby eastern Persia. So much is unknown, even, as we can see, the date of Jesus' birth. Even the Hebrew meaning of words is unsure. According to Dr. Joel M. Hoffman in his book, And God Said (Thomas Dunne Books, St. Martin's Press, 2010): "If we have a guess about what an ancient Hebrew word means, in the end it will always be a guess. Hopefully it will be an educated guess—one in which we have a lot of confidence, one that is almost certainly correct—but as with any other endeavor, it's hard to know with absolute certainty that we have not made a mistake." He gives many examples of wrong interpretations and why, but we need no longer digress, though it does lead into more about what all really may have been, though not properly reported. Going back to Jesus' birth, and the surrounding so-called facts: though we now have seen that a few very important facts were improperly given (out of ignorance or intentionally, such as Herod and Cyrenius [Quirinius] were living at the same time, there comes the question of just how Herod was considered a Jew. Herod was an Idumaean, and back in the time of the Maccabees, when they did finally rule, John Hyrcanus, in his reigh from 135/34 to 104 BCE, according to Henk Jagersma in his book mentioned above, states: "Great emphasis must be placed here on two of John Hyrcanus' conquests, because they made an important mark on later history. First, Hyrcanus conquered Idumea with its district capital, Marisa. He compelled the Idumaeans to be to be circumcised and to observe Jewish laws, as he did the inhabitants of other conquered areas. As a consequence of this the Idumaeans later thought of themselves as Jews. So the Idumaean Herod could claim to be a Jew, though we know that the Jews themselves, above all the leading circles in Jerusalem, regarded him as inferior." * * * * This Jewishness of Herod, and many others who were forced to become Jews is another ticklish thing in the bible. Genesis, chapter 12, is where the whole thing about Jews and Jewishness began. The god of the bible calls out to Abram (later to have his name changed by his god to Abraham), and tells him that he will make a great nation out of him. As part of his promise to Abram, in verse 7, the bible says: _And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the Lord, who appeared unto him._ To Abram's (Abraham's) seed, it said. Again in chapter 15, verse 18, the above promise is repeated, once more using the word "seed". In chapter 17, verse 10, the above promise is made a covenant: _This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised._ Here again, thy seed is used; not someone else's seed, but those directly from Abram's (Abraham's) lineage. In Leviticus, chapter 26, verse 12, we're told that their god said: _And I will walk among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be my people._ Since this is part of the Law of Moses, Leviticus, god is talking to his Jews. They, from the seed of Abraham, are to be his people. In Deuteronomy, chapter 4, verse 37, Moses is supposed to be saying to the Jews of the Exodus: _And because he loved thy fathers, therefore he chose their seed after them, and brought thee out in his sight with his mighty power out of Egypt:_ Chose their seed, it says, so the Jews can rightly say that they are god's chosen people according to the Old Testament. And now it gets even more interesting. In chapter 7, verse 3 in Deuteronomyl, which says: _Neither shalt thou make marriages with them:_ [the nations of Canaan] _thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son._ A separate people, that is, and later enforced by Ezra as we shall see soon. This separateness is further stated in Deuteronomy, chapter 14, verses 1 and 2, which say: _Ye are the children of the Lord your God: ye shall not cut yourselves, nor make any baldness between your eyes for the dead._ For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself above all the nations that are upon the earth. There it is again: chosen plus they are the children of the Lord, as well as a peculiar people. It doesn't say a separate people...or does it. Let's look at Ezra, chapter 10, verse 11 which says: _Now therefore make confession unto the Lord God of your fathers, and do his pleasure: and separate yourselves from the people of the land, and from the strange wives._ Here Ezra is bringing the Law to the people, and he is saying to not only separate themselves from the people of the land, but also from their foreign—"strange"—wives. Yet they not only took Idumaea, and other lands such as Ituraea (Jagersma's History mentioned above, page 87), but made them Jews, at least it's assumed in Ituraea's case, and known in Idumaea''s. Now how can they be a separate, chosen people and be making Jews out of other peoples? And if Ezra quotes the Law of separation, how is it that Deuteronomy, chapter 21, verses 10 through 13 can say give a how—to to do otherwise? See for yourself: _When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the Lord thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive,_ And seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and hast a desire unto her, that thou wouldest have her to thy wife; Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house; and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails; And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her, and shall remain in thine house, and bewail her father and her mother a full month: and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife. I just checked the Catholic Family Connections Bible, and it says the same thing. Now I ask how it is that the Jews are to be a separate people chosen by their god as above, made by Ezra to put away their foreign wives, yet be instructed on how to take a foreign captive to a wive to a Jew? A long story on Jewishness and foreign wives, but it shows the contradictions in the bible that Fundamentalists say is without error, or inerrant, as they say. It is more, as I have stated, a mishmash obviously written, edited- redacted, by several different people or groups over different periods of time. One does literally have to be blind not to see all of these errors, and the many more I have previously itemized in my other essays and stories. Or maybe willfully blind as some are known to be. As Bill Maher was recently quoted as saying, "These people really believe [what they say]" More, it has been revealed that a person in Iowa sent a letter in late March of this year to a gay bar, also in Iowa, and said something to the effect that he hoped the anthrax in the letter did a lot of harm to them. He's admitted it and been arrested. We all have heard about the Evangelical preacher who tried to order a cake that said something to the effect that he was against gays. Is it any wonder that these things are happening? Senator Cruz of Texas and Senator McConnell of Kentucky have both signed letter with others telling the Supreme Court that same-sex marriage is not a good thing. These men are not blind, they're not ignorant persons, but they are blinded by their faith in a religion that is full of errors such that it couldn't be from any god. They only follow rules that are like pet projects to them, and not all of those rules that set forth that they shouldn't do this or that or face death by stoning. Uh-uh, that's reserved for lesbians and gays only. My, my, how they love to cherry pick then verbally assault others for not believing as they do. Then there''s the new Catholic pope who said "Who am I to [say]" with regard to homosexuality, but is stalling giving his okay to an ambassador to the Vatican who is a homosexual. Talk about hypocrisy, but they're famous for it, as are the many other churches who say homosexuality is against the bible's dictates no matter how error filled the bible is. Do they know that the bible is error filled? It's hard to believe that they don't, but then they're in the faith business, and faith doesn't need facts, only blind followers. Religion is good for them—it keeps the followers from asking questions via the logic of just believing. * * * * Okay, enough of this for now. On to an oddity. Ms. Lesley Hazleton, a former psychologist, has written an interesting book entitled Jezebel, The Untold Story of the Bible's Harlot Queen (Doubleday, 2007). In it, she paints a very different picture of Jezebel, and shockingly, cites the bible often for proof. She cites Psalm 45, which my King James Version of the bible says is _To the chief Musician upon Shoshannim, for the sons of Korah, Maschil, A Song of loves._ A couple of Internet sites call it a musical direction to the leader of the temple choir, presumably a Jewish temple. A couple of others say it is unknown other than in the bible. On the other hand, Korah was one of those with Dathan, who rebelled against Moses. He is also mentioned as being from the line of Esau. Maschil is said to denote a song enforcing some lesson of wisdom, etc. But what does all of this have to do with Jezebel. Maybe nothing, maybe something. Judge for yourself as you read verses 10 through 17: _Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear; forget also thine own people, and thy father's house;_ So shall the King greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worshi8p thou him. And the daughter of Tyre shall be there with a gift; even the rich among the people shall intreat thy favor. The King's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold, _She shall be brought unto the king in raiment of needlework: the virgins her companions that follow her shall be brought unto thee._ With gladness and rejoicing shall they be brought: they shall enter into the king's palace. Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children, whom thou mayest make princes in all the earth. I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise thee for ever and ever. Daughter of Tyre? Jezebel? Sounds like it. I kings, chapter 18, verse 19 further states: _Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, which eat at Jezebel's table._ Prophets of Baal and the prophets of the groves? Jezebel had many maids, or so we are commonly told, but who are these prophets of the grove? Jezebel's virgin maids who serve her? Some of this may be said to be far fetched, but the daughter of Tyre is not far fetched in any way, nor is the king's desire of her. Her name to be remembered in all generations? Indeed! The daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, Athaliah, married Jehoram, king of Judah (II Kings, chapter 8, verses 16-18). Chapter 11 of II Kings, tells of Ahaliah's reign over Judah. Warning: these chapters of II kings, can be very confusing what with Joram and Jehoram mentioned at different times (please try it and see what I mean). What is not confusing is that Athaliah became q queen of Judah for about seven years. Another remembrance of Jezebel is the fact that Elitha, her grandniece, was the queen of Carthage who is best known and remembered by her Greek name, Dido. This grandniece also founded Qart Hadath, or Carthage. Yes, it is odd that this queen is seen in a Psalm, and as Ms. Hazleton suggests, may be sung in Jewish temple. Chapter 3 Having long left the Catholic church, I still yearned to find a church that really lived Christianity as Jesus was said to want us to live. Said was the operative word. Did he really say that? I may have longed for such a church, but I didn't know much about the bible and what it said. I had been to a couple of Baptist services, but some of the members seemed unsure of their church. While still young, I thought I'd found a church that would surely fit the bill for my desires and perhaps teach me what the bible did say. I stayed with it for a several years, but I'd gotten wind of "The Church Fathers". Who were the church fathers? They were said to have come directly after the Apostles, first one, so to speak, then others. Why were they called church fathers. I didn't find out at that time. Some years went by, and suffice to say, churches that looked promising eventually turned out to not be as advertised. There were lots of good people in them, but they were satisfied with the little they had. The little they had was a faith, but they could say only what everyone else was mouthing. It was all too robotic, not "living" as they say. Again, some years went by and lo and behold, my work took me to a bible college that served churches that were based on "The Church Fathers", and nothing else. With an expectant heart, I went there and looked at The Church Fathers they featured. They were men of the 1800s. Hmm! Not even close to any real, original church fathers. I was subsequently introduced to a country preacher via the mail service. I read his pamphlets, and though he spoke funny, he was the most sincere preacher I had ever come across. He preached simplicity, but he also did his own putting together of what the bible really meant. He was good for an uneducated man, and as I said, quite sincere, but as I studied his words, I found that he was sincerely wrong. What he preached as the word of God didn't match up with the intricacies of books of the bible like Daniel. I hadn't yet learned to make sense out of all that predicting that the book of Daniel made, but it sure was scary. In time that led me to listen to some charismatic preachers who preached the "end times". That was both exciting and scary, and it was the rage among many Christians. My mind was into it, but it all still didn't give me any understanding. I think that is how many of today's Christians are: very excited, and very much into believing, but they also have no understanding, just that belief and excitement as the preachers emotionally pushed at them. Hands raised and "Hallelujahs" galore rang out with a chorus of "Amen"s. Many spoke in tongues too, and every now and then, in services, a "prophet" interpreted what was supposedly said while speaking in tongues. Questioning anything though, brought very little in the way of accurate, and properly connecting scriptures—but their answers didn't hold up, though enthusiastically given. Some Isaiah was used, but there was Daniel along with some of what were supposed to be Jesus' words. For a long time, I stayed away, my hungering becoming as a bad taste in my mouth, a taste of dissatisfaction. And then I lucked up on some serious books that questioned not only as I did, but also with knowledge of how to question, where to question, and what was wrong. More, I learned something about those very first Church Fathers that came after the Apostles. Needless to say, with existence taking up too much of my time in providing all the things necessary to keep on breathing and be in good health, I slowly devoured some of those books. You'll find some of them in my last essay, as well as in my first story, "The Devil's Gateway". The big question, apart from working to understand the scriptures, became : Why didn't anyone in the churches preach the original Church Fathers? In time, I found out; slowly but surely, and quite incompletely I admit, but I did find out. There's a book that I haven't mentioned as yet, "The Deepening Darkness" (Carol Gilligan and David A. J. Richards, 2009, Cambridge University Press) that pretty much tells the tale of much of the patriarchy that found its way into Christianity at a very early date, much as it shows in the Old Testament. Here, let's take a stroll through the past. Not much is known about Jesus. The gospels muddle up when his birth was, who he was descended, what he actually said and when, as well as what he did and when. Lastly, his date of dying is unknown with a certainty. According to all the information available, which is little, we can round out for the sake of ease, that he died about 35 C.E. We're told what he supposedly said and did, but there's no accuracy one gospel to the other, some parts badly differing. One of the biggest and easiest differences is when he was supposed to have run amok through the Temple and given the money changers what for. In John, it's almost at the start of his ministry, and elsewhere, it's just before his last time in Jerusalem and his crucifixion. This can all be attributed to the writers of the gospels who were of a certainty not the Apostles or Mark or Luke, but others supposedly writing in their name. More, if Jesus died at about 35 C.E., we pretty much know that the gospel of Mark was most likely, according to textual critics, written after the destruction of the Temple in 70 C.E. Matthew came a little later as well as Luke, and John, about 90 C.E. or later. Also, the gospel according to Thomas may have been written anywhere from 90 C.E. to about 110 C.E. One of the things that really matters here is the time frame: at least 35 years passed before the first gospel was written. Other than that, Paul's ministry is thought to have started at least a decade later. His known letters were to churches, and numbered about seven for sure (Ehrman, Forged, Harper Collins, 2011, page 93), and the rest are known forgeries. The gospels don't mention Paul at all, nor his letters. Were they unknown to the gospel writers? Or were they just not necessary? Probably both as information was slow in being passed around. Remember, there wasn't even a Pony Express in those days, and more, the letters were to specific churches for their purpose and instruction. This lapse in time for information to be spread around is crucial. If any of Paul's letters came to be known outside of the specific church, they couldn't have been widely disseminated. For many years Paul wasn't accepted as an apostle of any sort, and after he was somewhat accepted, there were still problems. That only had to mean that the sporadic letters couldn't have been widely known. Paul states in Galatians (chapter 1, verse 18) (one of his accepted letters) that after his conversion he was three years in Arabia, then Damascus). He is said to have died in the time of Nero, possibly 67 C. E. The Temple was destroyed in 70 C. E. by the Roman army. With only seven of his letters extant, him dying before the Temple was destroyed, and the first gospel most likely written shortly thereafter, and no way to copy and disseminate it widely within any short time frame, we have a lapse of over thirty-five years after the death of Jesus, give or take a couple of years. Follow the above time frames of the other gospels, and you have a longer period with no way to widely develop many churches and converts to Christianity. If any think so, consider Nero blaming Christians for burning Rome during his reign, and the death of many of the known Christians that ensued, as well as the fear of becoming a Christian. Now here's another thing that really matters. Jesus is quoted several times in the gospels as returning and "...some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom." (Matthew, chapter 16, verse 18), as well as again in Matthew, and again in Mark and Luke. Paul also expected Jesus to return from the dead (I Thessalonians, Chapter 4, verses 16 though 17. One author, I can't recall which, said that Paul must have been very confused when he died for Jesus had not returned. His faith must have taken a hit, and that is another thing that leads to something else that matters. Paul preached faith and believing. This is where we find one heck of a glitch in Christianity right from it's nascent days before Constantine. Jesus didn't come, but enough kept the "faith" alive, at least long enough for some to begin anew. They just wouldn't, couldn't, believe that Jesus hadn't come. Someone other than Paul wrote a II Thessalonians an epistle meant solely to prop up the faith, and they did so in the second chapter, verses 1 and 2. "Don't be shaken..." it said, and don't be deceived. Along with the lynch pin of putting the resurrection from the book of Daniel in Jesus' mouth, as well as other verses associating him with Daniel, and changing the Old Testament god from a jealous, vengeful, capricious, and genocidal god to a "heavenly Father", the pushed having faith just as Paul did before the truth must have settled on him as he died. The early, post apostolic fathers decided to accept how it was possible for there to be only one god, and man needing salvation, per the Old Testament's sin by Eve, then Adam, and they ran with it. The "popes" of Rome, formerly called bishops, decided that they should have overlordship of the new church though most of the brains were out of North Africa, Alexandria, and the Middle East. They put on airs saying that Peter, having the "keys to the kingdom", and having been the first pope of Rome meant that the succession of pope-ship should be from the bishop of Rome—er, pope. Peter, though, was considered the bishop of Antioch. Maybe the pope should have been the bishop of Antioch. No, none of this is factually known—not Peter in Rome, nor his death there, or even that he held the title of bishop of Antioch—it's all just what has always been believed. That kind of belief is not fact. However, as I said, the real theologians of the early church were Ignatius of Antioch (supposed successor to Peter as bishop), whose claim to fame was being the first martyr to happily go to his death in the Roman arena, and espousing loyalty by Christians to their local
bishop. He died somewhere in the neighborhood of 108 C. E. One Rome bishop, Clement of Rome died about 99 C. E. He is known for some letters that were thought to have been canonical, but were omitted in the end. Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, was widely known in his day. He died about 155 C. E. Justin Martyr died 165 C. E. He penned a defense of Christianity and sent his composition to the emperor and senate. His last name says it all. He died in 165 C. E. Irenaeus became bishop of Lyon and died about 200 C. E. He was the first to write extensively, and his multi volume text on heretics is available on the Internet. He claimed the four gospels we now have to be canonical. Tertullian was said to be considered the Father of Christianity, or the Founder of Western Theology. He wrote a lot too, and some of his works can also be found on the Internet. It is he who truly began the idea of the Trinity; said that the world was made of nothing; called women The Devil's Gateway according to one translation (and the title of my first story on Lit). However, he is not considered a saint; maybe that's because he switched from Christianity to Montanism for its practice of asceticism. I think that must have upset them. Was Tertullian a misogynist? How can he be called anything else? Along with those last two, came Origen, the boy genius who also wrote extensively, principally "Against Celsus", a pagan who wrote derogatorily about Christians, but we only know of Celsus because of Origen mentioning the points he was defending against. Origen, though, took a supposed saying of Jesus literally and made himself a eunoch "...for the kingdom of heaven's sake." (Matthew, chapter 19, verse 12). He was said to later have regretted doing that, but it was obviously too late to rectify it. Some things you only get to do once. Origen's star later failed within the church hierarchy that was developing for his stated belief that human souls existed before taking human form; that Christ's sacrifice would be repeated in future worlds; and most importantly that Jesus was subordinate to the Father—that, those who fashioned themselves to be in charge of the nascent church, deemed heretical (Heretics, Jonathan Wright, hmhbooks, 2011). The Nicene creed made sure of it. Speaking of the Nicene creed, the above mentioned book states that the Nicene Council was ill attended by Rome, the momentous decisions being made mostly by bishops of the eastern end of the Mediterranean (Heretics, page 69). The last theologian of note is Augustine (354-430 C. E.), bishop of Hippo (North Africa). How he comes to light initially is a matter of posturing by opposing sides. When the new Catholic church took one side, it was still opposed by the other side. From this, Augustine said it was entirely legitimate to use coercion if all else failed. That became de rigur for the new religion. It was bad enough that Priscillian, bishop of Avila, Spain, was executed for heresy in about 386 C. E., but to have "coercion" ratified as proper when needed to induce compliance was to open the door to many needless slaughters of peoples everywhere: supposed heretics, Jews, Moslems, Cathars, etc.. Augustine was also he who developed the idea of "original sin" that was adopted by the Catholic church along with other ideas that had been set forth by other "theologians" of the new church over several years. Pelagius, a British monk said people weren't born with sin, but he was hooted down. Of course, he wasn't made a saint. He was a strong force in the new church writing a couple of books that are still popular in our day, but what was he like, what drove him? He was definitely troubled; he had a common law wife for many years, as we would call their togetherness today, and a child, but he left both. He was, as were the other church fathers I've mentioned, a highly intelligent person, but like the others, he was driven by his need to believe, and to be a force for the church whose doctrines and beginnings he apparently never investigated objectively. But was he a misogynist as Tertullian was? From The Deepening Darkness, Patriarchy, Resistance, & Democracy's Future by Carol Gilligan and David A. J. Richards (Cambridge University Press, 2009), we are given this quote on page 106 attributed to Augustine: "If God had wanted Adam to have a partner in scintillating conversation he would have created another man; the fact that God created a woman showed that he had in mind the survival of the human race." (From his Confessions) In other words, the only value of a woman is to have babies and no mind is needed for that little chore. Was he a misogynist? Many of these ideas were finalized as proper, or where deemed appropriate, canonical, after the Council of Nicaea and the next two centuries. It took that long to formalize most of the beliefs that were deemed proper—about five hundred years after Jesus' death. You see, Jesus wasn't said to give any rules for any church, or what rituals to follow other than by his disciples such as the Passover meal. All the rest was made up, mostly by these church fathers and the egotistical, power hungry popes. Jesus had two commandments, or so they say, and that was to love God with all you... (this is mistranslated according to Joel Hoffman in his book, And God Said, and should be rendered: "...love the Lord your God with all your mind and body..." (Page 123), as well as to love your neighbor as yourself. No mass, no vestments, no incense. The biggest things that I took from learning about all of this was that almost none of these church fathers read the known scriptures objectively, and didn't see all of the errors that I have pointed out in my essays. They were too busy fighting each other for dominance and position theologically, as well as posturing for primacy, and fighting Gnostics. So much was obviously wrong in how they saw things, what they willy-nilly came up with that they said had to be simply because they thought it was so. No wonder that I never heard anything about the Church Fathers, that none of the preachers spoke of them. They would have had to face the fact that the final "church" that was created was a literal creation without substance. The lynchpin that Jesus hooked onto from the book of Daniel, or so they put in his mouth if not really spoken of by Jesus, never came to pass—he, Jesus, never returned as he was supposed to have declared he would about five different times. This the early church never looked at. What the early church did do was to substitute belief and faith in an obvious lie for the lack of the fact that it never occurred as stated—Jesus never came back as he said he would, or as Paul believed he would. Worse, for about fifteen hundred years, anywhere the church ruled, people were forced to believe in what they were told to believe. Even the schismatic Protestant movement never questioned the scriptures objectively, nor spoke of the fact that Jesus' return had never happened as he was supposed to have stated that he would. Every book in the Protestant bible is exactly as in the Catholic bible. Yes, they didn't use all of the books of the Catholic bible, but they had no original or different books. They only shook off some of the rituals of Catholicism. To make matters worse, they also adopted the right to "coerce" those in their purview to accept their new teachings, few though they were. Even wars were fought between Catholic and Protestant believers. All for a church that was "created" out of almost whole cloth. And now those that still adhere to the false teachings of those churches are still trying to coerce the public in our United States and say that same-sex marriage is not to be allowed because if it against their created-by-men belief in a bible that is error filled. They are continuing the same mistakes that the early church fathers committed in trying to force their own ideas of what God is supposed to be, and what God is supposed to want for us all, and their god of the bible is wholly man-made. Putting belief aside, there is none that can refute these words. That being the case, there is no reason why any should say that there is a god that prohibits same-sex marriage, or love between two women being wrong. In the days of old as I've stated here, they fought over personal ideas of what God was and what God was to be. Today they fight over whether evolution is true, some even that the world is not spherical but flat, or that the world is only six to then thousand years old because that's what they think the bible says. The Fundamentalists are making the same errors as those early church fathers: they're not looking at whether or not the scriptures they are true or if they have errors in them, they just blindly believe and try to make everyone else believe without checking them out objectively. Some things never change. It's still blind men, though willfully so, trying to coerce others to follow their blind lead. If they're so blinded, what does that say about other religions. Extrapolate that for yourselves. As the words that Jesus is supposed to have said: "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (Gospel according to John, chapter 8, verse 32) This can be so if you will accept facts and refuse to believe what is told that is not fact. * * * * From the book, "And God Said" by Dr. Joel M. Hoffman (Thomas Dunne books, St. Martin's Press, 2010) wherein he talks about the difficulty of translating Hebrew scriptures into English, we are told in part: "...Hebrew goes something like this: The language was spoken in and around Jerusalem during the first millennium B.C. and for the first seventy years of the first millennium A.D.... Aramaic and other languages quickly replaced Hebrew as the spoken language of the Jews." (Page 26) Previously he had also said (page 19): "If we have a guess about what an ancient Hebrew word means, in the end it will always be a guess. Hopefully it will be an educated guess—one in which we have a lot of confidence, and that is almost certainly correct—but as with any other endeavor, it's hard to know with any absolute certainty that we have not made a mistake." * * * * Lynchpins! Out of a people whose leaders were desperate to hold together their sense of being a people unto themselves and not fall into the oblivion that is the fate of extinction as so many other peoples have succumbed, they created a religion. Out of that religion came a zealousness that soon had them again needing a lynchpin to hold them together came the book of Daniel and the new idea of a resurrection to give the Jews a new hope for something special to keep them together—they were god's chosen people, weren't they? And he would not forget or forsake them, would he? Of course not. But what the Seleucid rule couldn't force on them, the Romans did, and they were dispersed once and for all. Out of that came a new person who was thrust into the mix though he was dead, and they conflated him with the resurrection promised by the book of Daniel. They hooked him, Jesus, to Daniel and the resurrection of the dead, but it went awry. He promised many times to return before his generation was out. That didn't happen. Not to be deterred, a new group of Jews took up the call for the modified religion of the Jews, and kept the lynchpin of the resurrection, but altered it to come sometime in the future, never mind what Jesus promised—yet what else he supposedly promised was used to create a new religion based on salvation and their altered promise of a resurrection. Now the lies have come home to roost in our day and on our society. Will their enforced "kindness" and "coercion" where needed continue to rule our society? They can't burn us "heretics" here, but... * * * * Patriarchy is alive and well in most of our Christian churches, as well as in other religions. The bastion of equality has been America, then Europe joined in too, and maybe surpassed us in so many ways. This month, April, 2015, our Supreme Court is to take up whether we are really equal, at least enough to marry whatever person we say we love regardless of what the bigoted churches and politicians say. Only the truth of the lies coming to the fore can alter their misguided ways. Fundamentalists, many of them politicians, and even Supreme Court justices, are still blind to the errors of their belief and continue to try to bluff and bluster their beliefs onto the rest of us. May the Supreme Court choose to follow the Constitution and vote that all are equal under the law, and marriage is a lawful contract insofar as our Constitution goes. Our Constitution is not a religious pact, but in fact calls for the separation of religion from state. Peace, and much love to those who would love no matter the gender of the one that is loved. w PS: "Belongingness is mattering to someone to someone who matters to you." (From Evolving God, by Barbara J. King, Doubleday, 2007) It is the heart that dictates who matters to you enough to want to be with forever, not the churches, and not the state. _For the reading pleasure of Adults._ © Prahaar 2006. All rights reserved. Author's note: Some of the sexually significant dialogue is in Gujarati or Hindi to preserve the original flavor. Every word has been translated into English. Thank you for all the feedback, comments, requests, story ideas, encouragement and exhortations to write more. They have motivated me to continue writing. Keep 'em coming. I really do appreciate the time you take to give me your opinions. I love hearing from my readers, particularly women! The more mischievous the greater fun! Who knows where that might take us! Please send comments to the address in my profile. * I was 20 years old and just out of college. It was the '70s. I was a virgin who had discovered the wonders of masturbation some weeks ago. I was very curious and my hormones were raging. If there was a sexual revolution on, it had completely bypassed me. A few old issues of Playboy and some bad Black and White pictures of people at sexual intercourse was the only sex education I had had. I travel a lot for my work, being in Sales and Marketing. In the past, many of these trips were undertaken at short notice and trains in India as a rule being overbooked, it was not always possible to get a reserved sleeper. I had just graduated and was out to close deals at any cost to do well on my first job. I used to reach the railway station early in tine for the train to come to the platform. I would then push my way into the unreserved compartment and grab some seats. In this particular instance, I was 2 hours early. I was going from Mumbai to Baroda and had secured myself two seats on this night train, as was my habit. I would always save a seat beside mine, just in case a friend needed one. If no friend turned up, I would offer the seat to a thin passenger and save myself some discomfort. It was an extremely cold winter night and the compartment was empty when I pushed in (sheer habit – people push each other even when there is plenty of space). I was sure it would get packed before departure, though. I was soon joined by a family of four. They occupied the seats across from mine. The man was uncouth, rude and unhelpful and kept snapping at the woman for no reason at all. She did a wonderful job of managing her two young children and all the baggage and maintained a stoic silence all through the ill-treatment. She seemed like a good mother, not passing on any of this shit to her children. After putting away her baggage, she sat her older child down, giving it a cheap toy which easily distracted him. Her other child was an infant girl. She sat down cross-legged in the seat opposite mine and put her in her lap, rocking her occasionally. She asked the man who seemed to be her husband to shut all the windows since it was so cold and the husband grumblingly obliged, pulling down shutters and windows, completely blocking the station from view. I did not raise an objection. It would soon be bitterly cold. Her husband ordered her to protect his seat and stomped off. The woman's facial features were rough but she was by no means ugly. Her face had some tattoos and these and the design of her jewelry indicated her rural origin. She was tall and plump, but not fat. It was difficult to glean more about her body from her seated posture. She seemed relieved at the departure of her husband. Having noticed that I had been observing her predicament sympathetically, she smiled wanly at me. I smiled back and told her that it was not easy to travel with children. She agreed and asked me how many children I had. I told her that I was not married. She seemed surprised and asked me my age. When I said that I was twenty, she said that some men in her village had three children by that age. I asked her how old her husband was. She said that she did not know his age or her own, but he was much older than her. This was his second marriage and her parents had been forced to marry her off to him since they did not have the money for a dowry. He was a worker by day in a factory in Baroda and a watchman by night at the owner's home. She had come to Baroda five years ago after her marriage. Her language was of the soil and she was obviously uneducated. Upon asking, she told me that her name was Mangala but refused to name her husband (a normal practice amongst some Indian women). 'Don't you find it difficult to manage without a woman (Baira vagar kem chale chhe tamne)?' she murmured. I said that I lived in a hostel and so food and other amenities were not a problem. 'You men have other needs too (Tamne purushone to biju badhu bahu joiye)!' she hinted. I could not believe that a woman whom I had just met had made that bold comment and I looked at her in disbelief. I had grown up in a conservative family where sex was not even alluded to. I wanted to talk as much on this subject as I could. When she saw my incredulous look, she repeated what she had said. To provoke her, I said that I did not know what she meant. That drew her out. 'Come on. You are 20 years old and seem to be able bodied! Don't you know what a man and a woman do together? Haven't you been with a woman? Don't get me in trouble by acting innocent and making me talk all these things. (Chalo have. Vih varahna thaya ane kasayelu sharir chhe. Koi baydi jode suta nathi? Manah ane bairu sathe shun kare te khabar nathi? Ajaan banine mari pase badhu bolavsho na!)'she whispered. I said that I had never been with a woman and pointed out that there was no one else in the compartment with us. 'What do you do when your thing stands up (Ubho thaye tyare shun karo chho?)?' she asked. I kept quiet. 'Probably your thing does not stand up or you would find a woman to put it into. Have you never seen a naked woman? You must have women in your neighborhood or amongst your relatives who can teach you these things. (Ubhu nahin thatu hoye nahin to atyar sudhiman ghalva mate koi bairi na shodhi hoye? Nagi bairi joi chhe ke nahin? Ados-pados ke saga-vhala man koi chhe nahin aa badhu tamne shikhvadva?)' she asked. I confessed that I had not and did not. 'You city men go to schools and colleges but are actually completely ignorant and illiterate. You can read and write but can not fuck! (Sheher na purusho shala ane college man jaye pun kain aavde na tamne. Bhanta- ganta aavde, pun chodta na aavde to shun kamnu?)' she scolded. My head reeled at the use of this four-letter word. What a turn this conversation had suddenly taken! My penis started uncurling and raising its head. We were speaking in whispers, after all this was a railway compartment. At this interesting juncture, her husband walked in. She lapsed into silence and I cursed him under my breath. He asked me where I was going, what I did and where I lived and I filled him in on all these details. Such curiosity would be considered ill-mannered in the West. To not respond to such queries or not show a reciprocal interest in one's co-passengers would be considered uncivil in India. I found out his name (A quick smile crossed her face) and where he worked and lived and he readily shared that information with me in minute detail. They lived quite near my hostel. Suddenly, the infant in Mangala's lap started crying loudly. She coolly pushed aside the sari, uncovering her blouse. The blouse was almost unbuttoned and I could see the sides of two enormous breasts at the parting of her garment. She wore no bra. She raised one side of the blouse baring a dark nipple and raised her infant's mouth to it. The child stopped crying and latched on to the nipple, sucking away. She turned her body modestly towards her husband, lowering her sari, hiding this scene from my eyes. The whole process took only a few seconds and although I saw a lot, I could not register much. Feeding babies in public is common in most parts of India. Mangala asked her husband if he had enough 'bidis' (Indian cigarettes) for the trip. He cursed her for reminding him so late, since his brand was not available on the station. He asked me the time. I told him that there was more than an hour and a half left for the train's departure. He asked her to protect his seat and was about to go off to get his 'bidis'. The other child asked to go with the father and he reluctantly agreed to take him along. 'I know that you will ask me for candy', he said. 'They will be able to come back in time. The shops are not far away', I told Mangala after they departed. Mangala looked at me and our eyes met. She moved her body on her seat in my direction and raising her sari, looked down at her suckling infant, patting it on the head. The infant let go of the nipple and looked at its mother. I could see the nipple clearly now. It was black, elongated and thick like a berry. Drops of pearly white milk were clinging to its surface. The aureole was two inches in diameter and had goose bumps all over it. The nipple must have been three quarters of an inch long. The infant reclaimed the teat and continued sucking noisily. Next, she raised the other flap of her blouse and the other boob sprang to freedom. The nipple was not as large, probably because it had not been sucked on yet. Our eyes met again and she started patting, palming and pressing her own boob. It was enormous! Putting her palm under it, she raised it and let it settle down a couple of times, as if she was weighing it. She announced proudly to me, 'Full of milk. I can feed a whole school full of children! (Bahu dudh chhe. Aakhi shala bharine chhokraone paun etlu)' Then, pinching the area behind the nipple between the fingers of her hand, she tugged it a few times. Her milk jetted from it, spraying over her clothes and the floor. She did not cover her boobs this time and I unashamedly drank in this show, my penis painfully erect. She shifted her infant to this nipple and sat up erect, raising one of her knees vertically. Her short, loose and voluminous sari and skirt rose above her knee and her hairy, unshaved leg came into view, pressing her breast to one side. I soon understood what she had done. Anyone passing by in the compartment would be unable to see anything. The windows were shut on all sides and no one would be able to look in. Her sari and leg covered what she was showing me. Her baby was suckling at one boob. The teat that it had vacated was leaking milk very slowly. She made no effort to cover all this up, although she could clearly see that my jaw had fallen to my lap and I was staring at her boobs. I could see amusement in her eyes. This woman was putting on a show for me! 'How do you find it? (Kevu lage chhe?)' she asked me. 'Beautiful (Saras)., I said. 'At least now, you have seen a naked woman (Chalo have to ek nagi bai ne joi.)', she said. I replied that she was only partly naked. 'Should I strip in this railway compartment for you to learn what a naked woman looks like (Ahin train man nagi thaun tamne badhu shikhvadva mate?)?' she asked sarcastically. I lapsed into silence, content to watch what she was showing me. 'Is your cock standing or not? (Lund ubho thayo ke nahin tamaro?)?', she asked me. In an act of boldness for someone new to the ways of sex, I put my palm on my erect cock and outlined it for her, openly rubbing it over my trousers. 'It seems like a large one (Motto lage chhe.),' she said and did something that still boggles my mind. Taking her large, heavy, milk-laden boob in her hand, she raised it and lowering her head, she opened her mouth and licked her own nipple. Then, taking the long milky nipple into her mouth, she gave it a lingering suck. Raising her head, she whispered that her milk was quite sweet ('Maru dudh mitthu chhe'). All this is an open railway compartment with the risk of passengers passing by and an infant suckling at her other teat! I furiously rubbed my penis and squeezed it, throwing caution to the winds. 'Don't press it too much, or you will come. (Bahu na dabavta nahin to badhu puru thai jashe.)', she smiled, looking at what I was doing with interest. 'Does your cock have a big head? That would feel very good coming in and going out of the cunt. (Tamara Loda nu mathu motu chhe? Chut ni under – bahar thaye tyare bahu saru lage)', she said. Her use of four-letter words was very exciting. I had never heard a woman use such language. I had never heard anyone use such language. I continued my feverish rubbing. I scooted forward in my seat and bending forward, I gave her boob a squeeze. She closed her hand over mine, pressing it and causing a pulling motion on the nipple. Milk jetted into my palm, wetting it. Then, she put her hand on my rampant erection and feeling its outline, she squeezed it hard. Without a word, I sat back. I wanted to do more but it was just too risky. Her husband could return any time. Some passengers could pass by or come and sit beside us and the consequences would be disastrous. What we had done and were doing was hazardous enough. She gave me a grateful smile which I returned. I licked droplets of her milk off my fingers. It was indeed sweet and I told her so. She smiled proudly. 'Some other time, you can suck my milk to your heart's content. I make a lot of milk (Biji vaar pet bhari ne maru dudh chusi ne pijo. Bahuj dudh bane chhe.)', she said. All this had happened in a few minutes and I felt as if I was in a dream. She picked up her child and laid it on the seat beside her. It had fallen asleep. Now both her milky boobs were visible. For a virgin's eyes, they were a treasure of sights. Large rounded boobs shaking heavily, thick black nipples slowly leaking milk. My eyes could not leave the sight. I was still rubbing my penis and was close to cumming. Her eyes were on my penis and she had been looking at it just as intently. One leg was vertical, with her foot on the seat. It was naked all the way up to the knee. The hair on it had probably never been removed but the sight did not put me off. The hair was not excessively dark or thick. Just as interesting contrast to her skin which was spotless but pale in comparison. The other leg was horizontal on the seat. She pulled her voluminous sari and skirt up slightly and the other leg, which was folded and on the seat, gradually came into view. Her foot, leg and rounded thigh were slowly being revealed. She caressed her upper leg and then her palm moved to her inner thigh. Her mons was still not in view. It was covered by her clothes and her palm. 'Want to look at my cunt? (Maro bhosdo jovo chhe?)' she asked coquettishly. I was speechless. I just nodded my head. She lifted and pulled aside her clothes slightly. She wore no underwear. Her vagina was now revealed. It was dark, plump and covered with hair. She used her fingers to part the hair and also the dark, thick, fleshy, outer lips. The inner labia were reddish and very moist. Delving lower, she pushed a finger into her cunt and said, 'Take a look. This is my hole. This is where you must put your cock into a woman. All this sucking at my nipples and looking at your cock has made it very wet and juicy. I have shown you your first pussy. Don't you dare forget me! Rub your cock slowly. Let us do this together. (Joi lo. Aa mari chut chhe. Aman tamaro lund ghusadvano. Maru dudh chusavine ane tamaro lund joine bahu pani pani thai gayi chhe. Pehel – vehelo bhosdo mein batavyo chhe, barabar joi lejo ane mane bhulta nahin. Jara dhime ghaso tamara lodane. Aapne sathe kariye.)'. I had been furiously rubbing my cock and would have come momentarily. I slowed down. People had been coming into the compartment but so far our part of the bogey was still empty. The sound level had been going up. We did not have much time. I could see that she was very very alert. At the slightest sound, she could have lowered both ends of her sari and she would be fully covered. All these events had happened in a very short time and it still seemed like a dream. I could not resist the temptation any longer. Bending forward, I reached out and touched her cunt. Parting her thick bush of cunt hair, I rubbed my finger from the upper portion of the flanges of her twat all the way down to her cunt hole. She was soaked with juices and my finger was soon coated with her nectar. Her inner vagina was thick, wet and silky. I pushed my finger into her hole and it slid in slowly all the way to the hilt. Her cunt was hot. She groaned and equally quickly took my cock into her hand, pressing it repeatedly. She held my hand which was playing with her cunt, pulling out and pushing in my finger forcefully. I savored the warmth, softness and moisture. We were interrupted by a loud conversation as two porters passed by. Instantly, we were back in our seats and she covered her exposed parts. I had now touched my first cunt! I told her that I found it very soft and silky (Bahuj pochu ane mulayam chhe). She smiled at the compliment and told me that it would feel even better on my cock than on my finger (Aangli per to kai nathi, haju lund ghusadsho tyare khabar padshe). 'We better hurry up and finish before everyone comes' (Chalo have jaldi puru karo aa badhu. Badha aavi jashe.), she said. I did not understand fully what she meant but looked at her expectantly. 'You press yourself and I will rub myself. I want to fuck you but there is no way' (Tame tamaro lund dabavo ane muthiya mari lo ane hun mari bhos man aangli karun chhun. Mare tamne chodva chhe pun atyare koi rasto nathi), she advised in a whisper. A virgin man and a willing woman but no opportunity. What a shame! With two deft movements of her hands, she once again uncovered her twin globes and her bushy cunt. She looked intently at my cock and ran an exploratory finger up and down her gash a few times. She pinched her inner labia between her fingers a few times, tugging them outwards. Then, she settled the finger on her clit and frigged herself furiously, controlling her groans with difficulty. With her other hand, she pressed her boob and small jets of milk sprayed from her nipple. Occasionally, she would roughly push the finger into her hole and it would emerge with a plop. I could hear squelchy sounds as she leaked even more fluids. More than once, she raised her ass off the seat to meet the thrusts of her marauding finger. I had no idea that women did this. And the sight of a fully grown woman pleasuring herself four feet away from me, excited me beyond any previously known limits. I had been at the boiling point for the last several minutes and the dam was ready to burst. I tugged and rubbed my rampant cock as best I could over my trousers. I soon came in my underpants. For a few seconds, I lost my vision, so violent was my orgasm. I was completely lost in my first sexual experience. I thought I would never stop spurting. Mangala's eyes opened wide and she stopped frigging herself, suppressing her cries of pleasure with difficulty. She said in a hoarse whisper, 'I am done. (Hash, thai gayu)'. She saw the growing wet spot on my trousers and smiled and licked her lips suggestively, 'We will fuck properly some other time' (Biji vaar barabar chodjo mane). We covered ourselves and for all outward appearances became two bored strangers waiting for the train to depart. The rest of her family returned. Her husband reeked of cheap tobacco and the other child soon went to sleep. He asked me if I could help his wife find some part-time work doing domestic chores in my hostel! I acted nonchalant but was pleased as punch. A smile crossed Mangala's face. _Do you want this story to continue? Email me your feedback, ideas and comments._ Please do not forget to vote. I really do appreciate the time you take to give me your opinions. I love hearing from my readers, particularly women! The more mischievous the greater fun! Who knows where that might take us! Please send comments to the address in my profile.
_This is pure fiction by Amy Pussy_ * * * * * Amy makes sure to be on time for Doug's morning toilet. Its 7:00 AM. Amy brushes out her long brown hair then hustles into Doug's bedroom And kneels alongside the bed completely naked with her chin resting on the edge of the bed. Doug's alarm goes off. He reaches out to turn it off and lets his hand flop onto Amy's head. "There you are baby, I've been half awake for an hour ready to pee" Doug is very satisfied at seeing Amy ready for their morning ritual. He sleepily inches close to Amy and lazily finds his cock, which is morning hard, he sits up with Amy's face between his legs. "Amy you're so fucking good, now open up and let me pee, baby, ohhh, that's it, you are so precious…yes." Doug throws his head back as a heavy stream of his stank morning piss makes its way into Amy's ever-eager mouth. "That's right Amy don't spill a drop of that piss, baby, _ohhhh_ … I love it, Amy don't spill a drop, swallow fast so you don't spill a drop!" Amy is successful as usual and swallows the to the last drop. She is quite use to this ritual and is eager to perform so as to please and make Doug happy. Doug pats the bed next to where he is sitting. "You are perfect Amy, now come up here and I'll give you your reward" "Thank you, Doug" Amy says, smiling and tossing her hair to the side. Amy keeps her anus lubed most of the time because she never knows when Doug might to want to fuck it. She keeps a large tub of Crisco by her bed and applies a handful of it right after her shower. "Are you greasy, Amy?" Amy nods and gets up onto the bed with her ass up in the air and her hands reaching around to spread her perky ass checks to reveal a wonderfully well- used asshole. Doug stands on the side of the bed and buries a large, thick cock into Amy's bottom with one thrust and begins to work his cock in and out at a regular pace. Amy's ass takes him with ease and as he quickens his pace she flexes her asshole attempting to milk it. His cock veins bulge purple and his balls pulse up and down. " _Ohhhh_, nasty girl, don't you try to make me cum too quick with that sweet asshole, you know I like to take my time and make it last Amy, don't you dare make me come too quick, I want to work it long and deep and if you make me cum too fast I'll have to punish you!" " _Ohhh_ …. yes... _ohhh_, Doug pound me long and deep into my asshole for as long as you want to." Amy relaxes her asshole as her hands continue stretching her ass checks wide. Doug strokes his cock at a variety of rhythms and after a long while is very ready to cum. He motions for Amy to turn toward him after pulling out of her with a pop. "Ok honey this is for being such a good girl this morning" Amy props her chin up and opens her lips ready for Doug's cock head and as he enters the parted lips he spirts out his load with Amy getting it all in neat shots down the throat. As Doug gets ready for work in his usual business attire he asks Amy to get out one of the bags of dry pinto beans from the kitchen. " Now put all of those beans up your bottom honey, get them all in there before I leave for work." Amy lies down on the bed with her legs up and goes to work on her new project. The bag is not small and after she fits in half the bag she wonders how she is going to fit them all in there, but through her desire to please Doug she continues to work them in. "Oh, I love you Amy" Doug says as he watches her struggle to keep loading an already full ass. When only three fourths of the beans are left Amy begins to really show sighs of a struggle. "How does that feel, Honey?" "Like I have to take a shit more than ever, its very, very full" As Amy speaks her body begins to undergo delicious, visible spasms as her sphincter muscles struggle to close around the pinto bean cargo to keep them in place. "Good baby, now work the rest in, get them all up there." As Amy works in the rest of the beans her forehead breaks into a mild sweat. When she walks around the bedroom her abdomen seems noticeably swollen and she rubs her belly as if to sooth it. "Now keep those in there until I get home tonight, Amy. I know it will be hard but it will be worth it, I love you." Doug says as he reaches for his jacket. He kisses her sweaty forehead, feeling his hard on return and then leaving for the day through the front door. Amy knows it will be worth it to please Doug, it always is because in her nasty way, she loves it. Keeping her sphincter clenched to retain a full bag's worth of pinto beans is going to be a challenge, though. If they are still in by the time Doug gets home Amy is sure to get a treat. Amy must walk very carefully and decides that warring a tight girdle might give her a little extra help "holding" the beans. Amy chats on the phone with her girl friends and declines an invitation to go shopping. She can barley get comfortable on the phone and has to reposition herself from sitting, to laying on her stomach, to finally coming to rest on her side and then starting all over again. At about 12 noon Amy is shaking with steady and not all together unpleasant spasms. In fact Amy has grown to enjoy this sensation and looks forward to it now that she has become experienced in retaining objects in her rear. Amy sits down on the couch bracing herself and not letting her rear rest on the seat She decides to call Doug at work. Amy's breath is heavy and the spasms ripple through her voice. "Oh Doug! Ssssssst! My asshole is just totally burning!' "Burning baby? Calm down and put some Vaseline on it. Go get the Vaseline now and put it on while you're on the phone" Amy returns with a big jar. "Are you doing like I told you Amy?" "Yes, I'm putting a lot on, but ssssssst, Doug I can barley hold it. Can I at least let some of them out now! Oh please I cant even sit down and my bottom is so sore all I can think about is how many beans I have up my ass and hoping I'll get to sit on the toilet soon!" "You will get to sit on the toilet soon, but not until I get home, Amy now I told you that before I left, calm down and relax. I'll be home in five hours. I think your being premature calling about your bum already, don't you think honey? Now hold it tight and I'll see you soon." When Amy hung up she was in quite a tantrum. She knew Doug was right though, that she was just going to have to be patient. By 4:00 pm Amy was resting and quite enjoying the heavy spasms brought on by her overloaded bowels, although the stretching sensation had quite over worked her nerves. At 5:30 Doug walked through the door, with his tie already loosened and a very noticeable hard on, the head of which was tucked underneath the waistband of his slacks and pushing its way up underneath his dress shirt. "Oh God," Amy thought. "Just look at the size of that beautiful cock!" "Amy How does your bottom feel?" "I… You know I love it Doug, my ass is so full… I feel… like dirty little princess but I could barely hold these many beans in my ass all day and I really had to work hard…and…." Amy's voice was low and her breath quick and heavy with flush cheeks to match. Impatience was written all over her face. Doug stripped down to his boxers and began to stroke his penis, his own breath low and heavy, and his eyes hypnotic. Doug fallowed Amy into the bathroom and watched as she inserted several fingers into her sweaty and obviously stressed asshole to unlodge the pinto beans. In a down pour they ran into a bucket Doug had handed her. Doug continued to stroke himself while Amy gasped and grimaced as her rectum emptied out. "That's beautiful Amy, Oh…I love you so much, you are sooo good" Amy breathed as if she had just run a marathon, and tossed her hair back as if trying to regain composer. "Oh Doug… Oh Doug…Oh Doug…" Amy's eyes widened as she gazed at the enormous pile of beans in the bucket. "Yes baby, I know, I can barely wait honey to give you your reward." Doug leads Amy onto his bed and began kissing her body with his mouth and tongue slow and methodically. Amy's pussy had been wet all day and by now was a sloppy mess. She lazily spread her knees and let Doug's slim toned body fall onto her. "You were so good today baby…." Doug says as his wet mouth travels over Amy's drooling pussy, finding her clit with his soft lips and then attaching his warm mouth to her most sensitive spot. Doug uses the meat of his tongue to ritualistically enslave Amy's pussy by never letting up on one stoke of his mouth and tongue bringing Amy to the edge of climax over and over while his fingers move in and out of her pussy gliding over her G spot every time. Amy's orgasm is long and intense. She can barely move after its over and Doug lays next to her, searching her profile. Later that night Amy sets her alarm before going to bed, getting really for tomorrow's morning toilet ritual with Doug. My dearest love, I want you to close your eyes, and imagine the next time we are together. I know you long to be with me again; to feel me next to you. It's ok. I miss it too. Now close your eyes, and imagine you holding me close. You capture my lips and I run my hands up your chest. Can you feel me touching you? I feel your tongue probe through my lips, and I eagerly invite you in with my own tongue. You taste so good baby. I breathe in your scent as our tongues dance around each other. Letting out a soft sigh, my hands rake through your hair. Your hands move down my arms, down to my hips. You step forward, pushing me slightly till I feel the edge of the table behind me. I briefly lift myself up and sit down on the table, parting my legs to invite you in. Our eyes have been locked on each other the whole time, and I could see the fiery lust burning in the back of your eyes, burning for more. I know how much you want this baby. I want it too. I want you so bad, right here right now. I pull you in and lick your earlobe sensually, sending a shiver down your spine as I do so, and I whisper... "Touch me..." I take your hand and guide it up to my chest just above the swell of my breast. You need no further guidance as you move your hand around and cup my breast, squeezing it slightly. You capture my lips once more, our kiss becoming more intense and hungry with lust, and you're now massaging my chest in a steady rhythm. I sigh into your mouth. God baby, it feels so good when you touch me. Instinct tells me to part my legs wider, and I wrap my legs around you, using my calves to push you more into my body. A wave of heat swells up in my chest. Oh god baby, I can feel you pressing into me now. You're already rock hard. Your hands leave my breast and travel down my sides, down to my legs. Your mouth is making a trail of kisses down my chest as you do so. You then push my skirt up my legs, past my thigh highs, allowing my panties to be exposed to you. "That's better," I say, as I move my hips up and press hard into your crotch. The feeling alone make my eyes roll to the back of my head as I let out a soft moan at the feeling of you pressed up against my panties. Fuck baby... you lift my shirt up and off, and reach behind me to unhook my bra in one swift movement. My bare breasts are now exposed to you and you welcome the sight and continue massaging them, pinching my nipples in the process. Oh yes... touch me more. Your mouth moves down to my right breast and you lick it all around, closing down to my nipple as you bite it gently. Oh god, yes... the feeling sends a jolt down to my hips and I thrust myself into your crotch. I begin rocking my hips, grinding hard against you. Your hands move down behind me, your mouth still sucking my breast as you place your hands on my ass and guide me into you harder. Fuck baby, the feeling of you rubbing against me turns me on so much. I can feel a hot wet sensation forming on my panties already. Careful now, you don't want to stain the front of your jeans now do we? We grind against each other a bit longer, our moans getting longer and louder as you continue to kiss and suck my breasts. Oh god baby, this alone can drive me over the edge if we keep this up... One hand leaves my ass as you move your hips back and allow access for your hand to move down and touch me right over my panties. I can hear you curse under your breath, saying how wet and ready I am for you as you rub me right over my panties. Oh fuck... yes right there baby. I press myself further into your working hand. Touch me baby, feel me. Rub me right there, god it feels so good. You move back up to my mouth and kiss me deeply, your fingers pressing into my slit over my panties. My hands slide down your chest, trailing my fingers along your stomach until they reach the hem of your shirt. I pull it up and you let go of me momentarily to take it off, and immediately grab hold of me again. My hand then reaches down to the front of your pants. I undo your belt and slide it off, and loop it around your neck until it is fastened loosely around. You know what's coming? I grab hold of the belt and pull you down, bringing your face just inches away from my crotch. You can see it already, my red lace panties hugging my crotch tightly, you can smell the aroma from the dark patch on my panties, right where my sweet spot is. Hehe, you see how wet you make me baby? I think you're smart enough to figure out what I want you to do. My hands run along the back of your head and guide you further down. You require no further assistance as you place your mouth directly over me, licking my slit through my soaked panties. I arch my back and moan softly. I'm already seeing white as I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling of your tongue pushing into me over my panties. You remembered baby, how being licked over my panties is one of my kinks. It turns me on so much... You push my panties aside and in one swift movement, you stick your finger deep into me, my hot juices making it easy for you to slide in and out. I push the back of your head once more and immediately feel your hot tongue press into my clit. Oh god baby... it feels so good. Lick me all over... You find that one spot deep inside me and rub it as you flick your tongue over and over against my nub. My hips press up into your mouth, and you take it as your cue to slide your finger out of me and replace it with your tongue. I gasp and let out a long moan, a start begging you to lick me all up. Fuck baby... Eat me, suck me, lick me hard. Swirl your tongue all around inside me. You then start pinching my clit with your fingers. Fuck, keep this up baby and I might just go over the edge. But not yet... I grab hold of the belt strap still around your neck and gently pull you back up so that your facing me. I then kiss you deeply, tasting my own juices still on your lips. My other hand reaches down to the front of your briefs. I can feel how hard you are for me already. Heh, naughty boy. I wrap my hand around your length through your briefs, hearing you inhale sharply as I do. Is this what you want baby? You want me to set your free, don't you? You nod and whisper yes. I sit up and push you down onto your back. You're watching me intensely as I scoot my body down so I'm facing right in front of your crotch. Hmm, I don't think I quite heard you before baby, what is it you want me to do again? Tell me what you want, what do you want me to do? What's that? Did you say "Suck me?" Heh, that sound nice baby. I hook my fingers into the waistband of your boxer briefs, and lower my mouth down so that it's just inches above you and pull them down. You sigh as you're finally set free, and my mouth barely hovers over you. The feeling of my hot breath teasing you nearly drives you over the edge as you repeat what you asked me to do just a moment ago. Suck you? Suck what? I need you to be specific. Oh, I see baby. Are you sure you want this? You're still pretty quiet. You start cursing and pleading with me as you feel my mouth just barely touch your tip. Hmm, I love to hear you beg baby. Your demands get louder every time for me to make you feel good and suck you off. Good boy, you did exactly what I wanted to hear from you. I give you a break and finally place my lips around you, and in one swift movement take you deep into my mouth. My tongue presses into your underside as I move my mouth up and down your length. I feel you place your hand behind my head and push me slightly down onto you. I see you're really enjoying this baby. You know how much it turns me on to see you experiencing so much pleasure from my mouth? I continue my movements on you and I take one hand and start stroking you as I suck you off. I can hear you cursing under your breath as you moan in pleasure. Your hips jolt up into me as you feel yourself coming close to the edge. Not so fast baby. I slide my mouth off of you and sit up. You groan in defeat. Shh it's ok baby. I gotta stop now. Gotta save the best part for last, if you know what I mean... I slowly climb my way over you, coming face to face with you as I straddle my legs on each side of you. I lower myself onto you, making it so that my lower lips are resting right against your length. We both gasp quietly at the sensation. The hot moisture coming out of me pressed against you drives you wild baby. I'm sure you're seeing white by now because of the intense feeling. Fuck baby, it feels good for me too. I take the moment to grind myself sensually against you, my eyes rolling to the back of my head as I do so. Oh fuck... you feel so good against me baby. I'm just inches away from you. All I have to do is adjust myself higher, so your placed right outside of me and I'm all yours baby. I do so and god does it feel good. You watch me intensely as I take your hands and bring then up to my breasts, and you grip them and play with them sensually. I throw my head back and slowly but surely lower my hips down onto you, and you slide right into me. Ohhhh yes... baby you feel so good. I let out a long moan as I feel every inch of you penetrate me. You're whispering and cursing under your breath about how good I feel around you, closing your eyes and resting your head back. I lift myself up again, and begin a slow sensuous rhythm on you, feeling you slide in and out. Oh fuck... Your hands move down to my hips, digging your fingers into my skin as you grip me tightly. You love when I ride you baby? After a while I take the belt still around your neck and pull you up. As you sit up your mouth immediately bites hold of my nipple and you suck it as you continue to thrust up into me. Yes, suck me, feel me... fuck me. I whisper it into your ear, and the sound of my voice drive you into a lust filled frenzy. You flipped me around roughly and pin me down to the table so that you're now hovering above me. You then take yourself and start rubbing against my wet slit, feeling your tip graze against my clit each time you thrust up. Fuck baby, don't tease me. I want you to fuck me... fuck me until I can't stand it anymore, till I scream out in pleasure. Take me baby, do it now, please... You laugh silently to yourself and whisper, "Who's begging now?" You then move yourself lower and you forcefully thrust deep inside of me. OH FUCK... Each time you move out you thrust harder into me, your fingers digging into my hips again as you hold me against you. Oh baby... you drive me wild. Keep fucking me. I'm getting louder by the minute, I look up at you and can see the ecstasy in your face as you begin panting as well. How I love watching you babe... seeing how much you get off to me turns me on so much. You then lower yourself down and grab hold of my lips with yours. Our tongues dancing as you continue to bang me hard. We're so out of breath now, moaning and panting in between kisses. Our foreheads pressed against each other, eyes sealed tightly shut as we feel each other's burning passion coming close to its edge. Oh fuck yes baby... I lift my legs up and wrap them tightly around you, giving you better access to thrust deeper into me. I can feel my clit barely rubbing against you as I do and I can already feel myself coming close baby. Fuck me baby, keep going, harder... faster... OH FUCK... I move my head to your shoulder and start biting down on it. The intense pleasure is too much, I'm so close... Make me cum baby... Drive me over the edge. Now baby... NOW... OH GOD... OH FUCK, FUCK ME HARD. YES, I'M COMING...OH FUCK... I bury my face in you shoulder muffling my screams. Holy fuck baby you make me feel so good. You're still thrusting fast into me, and I can hear you panting and moaning louder. Yes baby, cum for me. My hands reach down to your ass and I push you further into me. You suddenly tense up and with a loud moan you cum deep inside of me. Yes baby, good. Ride yourself out inside me. Oh god yes... You then pull out and shoot a couple more times on my lower stomach. Heh, you bad boy. You collapse on top of me, both of us still out of breath as we cling to each other. Your hand rests on my breast, the pad of your thumb rolling around my nipple as you try to steady your breathing. My hands are running through your hair, and I lightly kiss the top of your head resting against my shoulder. And I whisper, "Shall we continue this in our bed?"
Oh my god, she cut her hair. It's a lot shorter than before, well its different but I like it. Her hair is so bouncy especially when she walks back toward the house after getting the mail; almost as if she's expecting that one exciting letter that will forever change her life. I'd love to touch her hair, just hold it in my hands while I kiss her. I know its smell, I stood behind her once in line at the convenient store, I'm surprised she didn't feel me breathing on her neck. I inhaled that scent, the mixture of her perfumed shampoo that gives off such a very distinct smell and the Apricot/Oatmeal scrub she uses on her face in the morning, it captures me. I breathed in so deeply and tried to hold it in, to savor it- but more over to keep from blowing her away when I exhaled. I had closed my eyes to keep it for a second, and was shook back to reality by the clerk calling me. My mind reeled at finding her absence so quickly, and I cursed myself for wasting my time with scent when for the moment I had sight and possibly an accidental touch. Although I could go on forever about the air that surrounds her, for now I won't. I'll descript more about why I found her. Background is always nice when it comes to a good love story, and I do love her. Don't ever confuse what I feel for lust or obsession; to do that would dirty the story and you would miss the point. So we'll begin with how I found her... She's an amazing writer, and I first read her writing via a free web-hosting site on the net. The site is of no importance, but thanks to that page and her posting a small bit of her work on her main profile, and then to my delight, a link on where to find more; I became a part in this wonderful winged ride that is her life. I was absolutely addicted after the first phrase, and every word after that was just another high that I could reach. I loved everything she wrote, I was transfixed, and I like the way it felt. It was like with mere words she grabbed and you held you deep into the night. If you woke up lonely, you read one of her poems that included the words, "I love you", and you felt like somebody in the world really did. I have lots of her work just collected in a notebook, a large purple binder with green dragonflies on it; I know she would approve of it- it's two of her favorite things. I know lots of stuff about her though, more than just what she tells people about herself, I know because I watch. I was rewarded with the gift to see all that goes on her life. Oh at first I was like any other man that read her stuff online, but when she stopped coming online, stopped giving us new installments, they fell off, but I never gave up. Sure for a while I tried to be content with reading the same stuff over and over. I memorized most of it, especially the letters from Raven- thats her best work; but I became hungry for her. I missed her so much; I needed her- so I found her and when she moved, I found her again. Now she has this apartment, and a job that I can see her at whenever I want; but I don't dare go in too often, I don't want her to know me. I'm not ready for her to see me, to know how much I care- but more over how much I love her. I don't think she could handle it right now, she really has a lot going on and to throw me into the mix would be down right mind-blowing. I mean how would I explain how I found her? How would she take the knowledge of the lengths that I went through to get to her? She might be impressed, or angry or scared. But even if slightly weary of me, I still think it would please her greatly to know everything. She is a bit of an attention hound, that's why she started putting her writing on the web, so people would tell her how great she is, and they did- so in reality the site served for two addictions, hers to attention and everyone else's to her. So you have why I sought her, now for the how- that's a little less in depth. It was really quite easy, you see for a time she actually became quite close to a few people on that site I mentioned before, one in particular- he had lots of personal information about her all stored right there in his computer, which he keeps plugged in all the time. So getting the vital stuff I needed was easy after I linked into him some. All I really needed was his email addy but then it was so wonderful, hearing him talk about her- some the surface stuff I know about her, I got from him. He spoke very freely about her when she ceased contact with him, he seemed very hurt; but his problems were the least of my worries by that time. I got into his computer, got the information I needed and then the rest was easy, sure it became some complicated when she switched states, but even that, with his unknowing help, it became easy. He had her within reach the whole time, but he couldn't hold onto her. Now he can't come within so many feet of her and moreover he can't even call and hear that sweet voice-which I do quite often. I hate to call and hang up like that, but then again what could I possibly say? Besides she probably blames the hang-ups on him-, which is just as well for me anyway. So I get to see her at least twice a day most days, and I call to hear her a couple of times a day. Its difficult to take but its like the more I get the more I want. And if I had her what would I do? Could I keep her happy? I couldn't deal with losing her if she ever truly belonged to me, of that I'm sure. Maybe I should have been paying attention when he was crying over her, maybe it was a lesson I could learn without the pain; but you see I have already learned my lesson from his mistake- you never push too hard, sometimes you have to be content with what you get for awhile. Its kinda funny, she told him once- that she compared herself and her affections to a brand new rose bud, if you give it sun and water-via love and attention- and time to grow, she could turn into a beautiful rose. On the other hand, if you tried to just pry the petals open as soon as you start to see the soft shade of color or at the mere hint of scent, the bud will just die, and never be fully enjoyed. He couldn't take what was offered, always wanting more; I have already learned how to be patient and get far more than he could ever imagine. I have smelled her, I have seen her in the moonlight (in far less than she should probably be walking around in), I have almost tasted her once via a half glass of merlot she left behind; she is my dream walking. I enjoy her like I do breathing; yes it comes as first nature, yes inhaling more of it gives me comfort within my chest, and yes its something I can't live without- these statements describe her as well as anything you can think of. I have tried to fill my days with other pass times but trust in the knowledge that nothing is as all consuming as loving her. Remember before I told you that her writing makes you feel like you're being held- that doesn't even begin to describe it. It's as if, you know the tingly feeling of first love, the passion of a summer fling, and the comfort of old true love- she is all of that, with just words. She smiles in a poem, she cries in a story, she yells and argues in an online fight- with her words you feel her, and you love the way she makes you feel. It's really that simple. And loving her is all that complicated, she calls to me in my sleep and I end up getting up and finding a way to get close to her, even if its just standing under the window to the bedroom where she sleeps. Just once I wished she'd come to the window and see me staring up at her, I want her to hear my heart pounding from way down there in the alley. However it would be quite awkward if her husband chose to join her side at that very moment. It would crush me to see the look of surprise on her face, when she first catches a glimpse of me only to follow that delight with seeing her husband hold her from her behind and guide her back to bed. I know he loves her, but I envy him so much. Being able to hold her in his arms night after night, to feel her body touching his. Does he really know what he holds in that heart of his? Hold on tight dear man, for if you should ever falter, know that I'm waiting here, to catch her, to hold her- and trust I'll never let her go. I mentioned before that I have been to her work, which was such an amazing night. More of a roller coaster ride, rather than a wonderful winged ride, (insert nervous laugh here) as I described her life before. It was a Monday night and she is new at this job so she was still training. I arrived shortly after she acquired that table, she tried so hard- I know she did. She smiled, and was nice to the kids and respectful to the adults. She did her best to fill their orders quickly and correctly, but as it all started to fall apart, so did she. I seen her trembling when they started to complain, I watched her tear up when she walked away, I looked on helplessly as panicked and frantic she tried desperately to appease the customers. I even silently cringed as full of shame, the manager walked her out to the table to apologize for her negligence-she should never have the look of shame on her face, it just doesn't fit. But I did feel my spirits rise as I heard her yelling at the manager in the back for chastising the person who was training her. She allows no one to take responsibility for her actions, it was however exciting to hear her yelling and making her point in person- she is very much the way she is online, when she is upset/angry she is overpowering, and you can only sit back and watch in awe. I don't get to see that side of her very often any more, it was mostly online. Usually in real life she is very subdued, overly sexual but quiet. Its that quiet calm that keeps you guessing, I think if she were angry at me I would rather have it, hear it all- but apparently she is (although I hate the word) trained, to keep it under wraps. Another funny metaphor she uses for herself, involves when she gets angry and has to let her other self out, she calls it shaking out her feathers- this has to do with her online alter ego, the Blaqueraven. Note the fair amount of respect that goes along with that name, very regal, commanding, alluring, exciting; as if you would wait up all night just to see a glimpse of her in the sky- far out of reach but at least visible. That is exactly how it was when she was online, and trust a good many people did show up just to see her briefly, to feel that Raven's hand touch their souls. And that's how you become hooked, that's how we all got started with her, and most importantly that's how I got where I am now. I am totally in love with an almost mythical, predominantly untouchable, sensual creature that reins my every thought. Fate have mercy on my heart. That night when she broke down there in front of everyone, it was unbearable, the tears streaming down her face. I wanted to hold her so bad; she slipped outside briefly to compose herself- at that moment I could have taken her away. I wanted to follow her out there, take her hand, whisper a few words in her ears, and then she would have been mine- at least for a while. I could have held her out there in the moonlight, I might have been able to tell her who I am, honestly that doesn't even matter, I just wanted to hold her. I hate to see her cry, to see the look of disappointment she had on her face that night- the disapproval she had with herself was very unsettling. It's just that I hold her up so high, she is my love, my lady, my queen; I honestly love her. I have watched her with her kids, all bright and sunny- the three of them outside are like a spring day. I have seen her angry, slightly depressed with her life, once again agreeing to do something she doesn't want to do. You should have seen the pain in her eyes the first time I seen her after she took out her third hole (its an earring thing, it was very important to her). But now she is just solemn with that decision, she did it to prove her commitment to her husband and her marriage. You might be thinking that this should deter me from loving her, that maybe I should try to find someone free. If this is your feeling so far, then you haven't grasped a very important point- she is the one. A lot of people may believe she is their "one" as well, but there are two facts undeniable- she belongs to him, and I absolutely love her. It is virtually impossible to know her and not feel something for her, but once you read her-say goodbye to your heart. But giving my heart to her is something I would easily sacrifice, I already gave up my home and am ready to offer my soul if it'll help. I'll not state how far I traveled just to be at her side, but I will hint as to the fact that during my brief near encounter with her at the restaurant where she works, I was very careful not to speak when she was around not to any of the wait staff or otherwise- she would have picked up on my voice immediately. I know she would have and that would have been the nail in my coffin, she would have come over to my table and asked where I was from and heart evident, my expressions for her would have come pouring out. And then what, poor Raven falls to the floor from over exposure to love, though she doesn't seem the type prey to fainting spells. Were I to tell that my trip was long and somewhat scary for a man in my position, that it was nothing but passion and love that got me here because when it comes to her I have no free will, I feel that maybe she may very well have to sit down from the shock of it all. And where better a place to sit than at my very table, oh yes that would have been a very good idea after all. At least, here in my mind and in my heart it seems to be, but would it really be her overcome with feelings of weakness, or would my own butterflies be my downfall instead? She is the very beat of my heart, this may seem cliché, but it takes very basic metaphors to describe a love that feels so natural. I wake in the morning with her name on my lips and I go to sleep every night praying that when I do wake it will be to the gentle sound of her voice answering me. I have yet to have those prayers answered but here again is where the patience comes in, I know that to press myself upon her would be too great; so I live here among the letters, words and phrases- and yet dying somehow to get out. But if my death would result in my heaven spent with her then with this I could be quite content. I just want her, I mean I need her. I feel sometimes that my heart was only put inside my chest to be a vessel surging to remind me how much she affects me. There are times when I curse my heart, my soul and my mind for allowing me to get so drawn in on such an untouchable creature. It's like falling in love with a butterfly; the colors hypnotize you, you watch them twirl and perform, and then you follow them as it flutters and dances right before your eyes. The only problem is while you're watching, you forget everything else. Reason goes out the window, logic no longer exists, and you find yourself falling, tripping and subjecting yourself to dangers, just to keep watching. And I do keep watching, as I said I'm hooked, addicted; life is just an invasion on my time in watching her, an interference I sometimes can't afford. I like to believe myself a rational man, not subject to fits of rage or violence, but there are times when I just can't control myself. When it comes to her, I lose all ability to think for myself. Remember I mentioned her calling to me, she doesn't just do it at night; she does it all day long- she talks to me in my head, telling me what to do next, coaching me along the steps that will bring me closer to her side. And the odd thing is I don't even think she knows how well I have carried out her cries for help. When people have hurt her I got rid of the pain by getting rid of the cause. I couldn't very well walk right up and hold her, comfort her as I would have liked to- but I did eliminate the problem. Like that asshole Sam Manning, him and his bitch wife thought it would be fun to screw with her life a little. They went to great lengths to cause her agony over the internet- calling her names, making fun of her work, trying to dirty the beautiful dark veil that made her beyond their ugly reach. Although they did cause her pain, they did make her cry, hell they were one of the reasons she left us all behind- they will never cause anyone pain again. They were just as easy to find as she was, maybe even easier since I was so driven to avenge her. I hunted them like the dogs that they were and made them sorry for hurting her. The whore screamed and cried and begged, it was pathetic. I watched with no mercy- I showed them what she wanted them to see. She wanted them to know agony, I fed it to them on a glass spoon. I silenced him first, he was no match; lame, weak, sad- hardly the hard-core stud he portrays online, people are never what they seem. I couldn't wait to recount to her the memories I had of getting rid of them. I could hear them arguing and her yelling about taking a shower. When I came in Manning was in the living room downstairs, half passed out. It was almost natural coming up behind him, making sure he'd seen the large shiny machete. The blade glistened in the light from the TV and the blue glow seemed to hush my prey as the gash in his throat began to spread wider until his blood was pouring fluidly from his neck. I loved talking to him while the pain cut through his skin, whispering softly and driving him madly into death,"it's amazing what you'll do for the love of an amazing woman, you should have never tried to soil her the way you did, let the Raven's heart be avenged!" She would have smiled at the site of him quivering in fear, not concerned with his wife only with himself; and the bitch seemed real surprised to see me standing over his blood leaking body. She actually tried to run, screaming about me taking whatever I wanted as long as I don't kill her, as if she could bargain with me. I simply caught her up by the back of her hair and yanked back to me. She started scrambling to pull her robe tighter around her flaccid body, questioning if my intent is to rape her, I couldn't contain my laughter any longer. "That idea is purely preposterous, I wouldn't take it if you were giving it away. You are a clear cut whore, and I wouldn't waste the time it would take to make myself sink to a level low enough to want you." She actually seemed hurt, as if she had a heart beating inside her soon to be lifeless chest. Even as she starting begging for a reason why I knew she only wanted to excuse herself from blame, pretended not to know why I was there for them. I took great pleasure in explaining how thankful the Raven would be that I waited quietly for them, killed them quickly and left them to rot in hell. I noticed the look of shock on her face while still gripping her hair and holding her body arched, I brought the machete down with all my might. Severed clean, I was sure to drop it in her husband's lap; I figured he'd enjoy a little head. When the Soviet Union fell, chaos descended over Russia in many different aspects of life. The economy plummeted, Mafiosi ruled the streets, and government officials committed blatant acts of corruption. One of the most startling things to come out of this sudden upheaval was the immense outpouring of sex and sexuality into Russian culture. The repressiveness of the Soviet regime lifted under Glasnost and one of the many outcomes was that sex was finally allowed to be talked about in public. This sudden openness led to a variety of things, all of them products of sudden excess after long years of deprivation. Pornography and erotic imagery became commonplace, STDs became a large problem and sex crimes of all kinds increased. "The breakdown of the old social order, rising economic insecurity, poverty and frustration often exploded into domestic violence and sexual abuse." This sudden deluge of sex also led to other serious problems, including a sharp upswing in human- trafficking and prostitution in Russia. Today, the country is faced with many problems on the sexual front, from learning to accept homosexuality to controlling the rampant prostitution problem that exists in every city. The only way in which such problems can be solved is through a campaign of education which would illuminate the sexual world for the people of Russia after decades of ignorance. SEX IN THE SOVIET UNION In the Soviet Union, sex was the ultimate taboo topic. No one talked about it and it was somehow considered unpatriotic to want to discuss or participate in sexual activity of any kind. Igor Kon quotes George Orwell's 1984 in one of the chapters of his book The Sexual Revolution in Russia in order to help understand the mindset which made the Soviet era so puritanical in regard to sexuality: _It was not merely that the sex instinct created a world of its own that was outside the Party's control and which therefore had to be destroyed if possible. What was more important was that sexual privation induced hysteria, which was desirable because it could transformed into war-fever and leader- worship._ Sex was something which was volatile, unpredictable, and potentially embarrassing, and so it had no place in Soviet society. In the eyes of the Soviets, the sex instinct clouded one's mind and made it much more difficult for one to serve the state effectively. Contraception was never widely used in the Soviet Union, and abortion seemed to be the most popular method of birth control. The legacy of Soviet prudishness or "sexophobia," as eminent sexologist Igor Kon names it, contributes in a large way to the problems of sexuality which exist in Russia today. The people of Russia went nearly overnight from never seeing erotic imagery on display to being completely surrounded by it. Pornography appeared everywhere in the early nineties, and sex soon became a way of life. Many did not know how to handle this new freedom, and so STDs began to proliferate, sexual violence and prostitution increased, and the abortion rate rose significantly. "Sex work in particular became a coping strategy, as well as a shortcut, in most cases only wishful, to a Western lifestyle." Now that the West was suddenly no longer the arch-enemy, and now that images of western sexuality were free to enter the country, sex became fashionable and exotic. Homosexuality was finally allowed to exist in Russia after years of repression when it was decriminalized in 1993. This move was in large part due to the new Western influence rather than to any particular desire to make life easier for the gays of Russia. All, in all, the legacy of the Soviets made the sudden excess of sexual behavior in Russia much more problematic. To go from prudishness to decadence in a matter of months is bound to create many problems, and it certainly did so for Russia. In examining aspects of the new sexual culture in Russia it is incredibly important to take into account the barren legacy of the virtually nonexistent Soviet sexuality. HOMOSEXUALITY IN RUSSIA Russia is not the best country in which to be a member of the gay community. Despite the decriminalization of homosexuality in 1993, there is still widespread homophobia and ignorance throughout the country which prevents homosexuals from obtaining any true freedom. They are discriminated against not only by their fellow citizens but also by members of their very own government. Many Russian gays live in fear of their own identities and there are very few who are willing to stand up and be activists for the cause. When gays and gay rights activists are frequently beaten up by both their fellow citizens and their police force, and there is little government sympathy for the plight of homosexuals, only a brave few are willing to literally risk their lives for the cause. Because of this sudden visibility after many long years of invisibility under the Soviet Union, many gays have become dubious that activism is even necessary. They had never been discriminated against when they were invisible, but now that homosexuality has become such a high-profile issue, the discrimination rarely ceases. Widespread public ignorance is the main root of this problem. Most Russians have no context for homosexuality, and because there is no real widespread initiative to teach the facts, myths abound. Many blame the gay community for the spread of AIDS in Russia, despite the fact that it has now become a problem with which people of all orientations must be concerned. Without proper education, there will never be an end to the frantic homophobia which characterizes gay-straight relations in Russia. PROSTITUTION The problem which is perhaps most representative of the sudden overload of sex in Russian culture is the extreme prominence of prostitution. Not only does organized crime make use of women for monetary gain, but private citizens have been finding it easier and easier to turn to prostitution for support on the one side and for sexual comfort on the other. The prevalence of sex in the culture makes it possible for men to approach women on the street asking to purchase sexual favors and to be at least tolerably certain of getting a positive answer. Businesses place blatant ads stating that in order to be hired, female employees must have "no hang-ups," meaning that they must not be averse to performing sexual favors for their employer and possibly also their co-workers. Prostitution has essentially become the second job for many women working in low-income professions. Female college students use their bodies to pay for books, food and amusements. There are many reasons for the ease with which prostitution has become such a large part of Russia's sexual culture. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, women were no longer guaranteed the right of equal employment or of any job whatsoever. Women are often paid significantly less than their male co- workers, and they could be fired at the slightest provocation. Failure to acquiesce to a superior's sexual advances would be enough to lose many women their jobs. The adoption of prostitution may be a last resort for such women, and they may think that they will do it only a few times, just until they can find steady employment. Many however, find themselves sucked into the world of prostitution for the ease with which it can help them support themselves. This quote from Natalia Khodyreva's article on prostitution, "Sexuality for Whom?" epitomizes the ease with which a woman might find herself working as a prostitute: _At first it was awful to think of, and probably I would not have brought myself to do it if I had not encountered a man who encouraged me. I was just walking along the street one day thinking about this very problem when a car stopped beside me. The man asked, "Do you work?" It was then that I tried it. I replied, "Yes, I work." It was my very first experience working as a prostitute. And since that day I started working every day._ Examples such as this one are numerous. Russian men have been so inundated with sexual images and ideas in recent years that they feel as if it is permissible to accost random women on the street with offers of money in exchange for sexual favors. Western glamour also plays its part in the prominence of prostitution in today's Russia. The sudden flood of Western pornography, erotic films, and literature in Russia after the Soviet Union's fall made being paid for sex seem as if it were glamorous and desirable, a life in which one is paid for pleasure. Many women are roped into a life of prostitution not by their lack of morals or their low self-esteems but because there are naïve enough to believe that the life of a prostitute is glamorous and easy. In reality, these women are faced with a truly brutal life. Many of them lose their ability to be intimate with another human being. They see sex as a job, something from which they must be detached if they do not want to be hurt. They are also faced day after day with the possibility of contracting and spreading STDs, including HIV/AIDS. Most Russian men seem to feel that condoms are unnecessary, even when one is having sex with an unknown prostitute. In the words of one woman, _Many men don't use condoms at all because they are sure that being in a rubber is like living in a space suit. But in response to my question are they not afraid to contract a disease, they used to look at me with innocent eyes and say something like: "Well I hope today I am your first man?"_ Such an offhand response reflects not only an unconcern for personal health but also the widespread ignorance of the Russian public when it comes to sex. This man seems to think that as long as this prostitute has not had sex with any other clients on that particular day then she is free of disease. Such behavior demonstrates the need for some sort of comprehensive sex education to become available to the public. Without such measures, Russia will never be able to combat either the spread of sexually transmitted diseases or the rising popularity of prostitution as a career choice for women. HUMAN TRAFFICKING An issue which can be said to go hand in hand with that of prostitution is the problem of human trafficking. Russia has become one of the largest exporters of captive sex workers in the world, with Russian women working as prostitutes in an estimated fifty foreign countries. The conditions which arose following the collapse of the Soviet Union were ideal for the proliferation of human trafficking. Economic instability, job discrimination, and the threat of the mafia were all great incentives for women to attempt to emigrate to a foreign country in order to find work. Human traffickers will post ads which prey upon these desires. They promise steady jobs in prosperous countries and help the women obtain all of the necessary documentation for their trips. When they arrive at their destinations however, all of their legal documentation is confiscated. They are told that they owe the agency a massive debt for their traveling expenses and it is quickly represented to them that the only way in which they can pay off their obligation is by prostituting themselves. In this way, Russian women are lured all over the world, isolated, and then enslaved. This issue brings to light another problem which has arisen from the sudden deluge of sex in Russian culture. Russian women, who had been guaranteed equal rights under the Soviet Union now find themselves the victims of sexism at every turn. The prominence of the woman trafficking trade in Russia illustrates the low status which women now occupy in the minds of many of Russia's men. They have become sexual objects and it is only in this objectification that others are able to justify selling them as chattel to foreign countries. Mail-order brides are another concern related to the trafficking of women. While the process of becoming a mail order bride is far kinder than that of becoming a prostitute, it is still a reflection of the dismal state of sexuality in Russia during the current times. These women want to exit the country for the same reasons that their kidnapped sisters did: for security and a chance at making a new life. They market themselves to middle-aged, upper-middle class men in the hopes that these men will give them a ticket out of Russia and an automatic place in a Western country. They are prostituting themselves, although to a lesser degree than women who are trafficked. They must shape themselves so that they become what western men seek in a Russian mail-order bride: they must be intelligent, obedient, and enjoy the domestic responsibilities of the traditional housewife. They objectify themselves in order to be marketable. This sort of mindset is comparable to that which seems increasingly pervasive among young women throughout Russia. They believe that it is acceptable and even common to have to sell their bodies in order to achieve material security. SEX EDUCATION Almost all of Russia's current problems of sexuality can be said to stem from the lack of a comprehensive system of sexual education. There are many factors which contribute to this lack, one of which is of course the Soviet legacy of sex as a subject far too taboo to discuss in anywhere as public as a classroom. Despite the fact that images of sex are widely available throughout Russia, the subject remains taboo among family members. Mothers and fathers cannot be depended upon to instruct their children accurately in the facts of life, and in fact many parents will avoid talking about sex with their children at all costs. Teachers have expressed great interest in beginning to teach sexual education in school, but they lack a standardized curriculum to go upon and there is no widespread initiative to create one. Sex education has also been hindered by the joint resistance of the Russian Orthodox Church and the remnants of the communist party. Old soviet "sexophobia" and the desire of the church to take back control of the morals of the country after decades of Soviet repression make these two bodies unwilling to allow a system of sex education. The church maintains that it should be the primary body involved with the sexual health of the nation, being that around eighty percent of what is heard in the confessional is sexual in nature. Together, these two influential groups have effectively put a hold on the creation of a system of sex education. The desire for such instruction, however, lingers in both students and teachers, who are becoming aware of the significance of the problem of ignorance in sexual matters. The public wants to learn how to protect themselves from sexual violence and sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, and it is only through a comprehensive system of education that they can do so. CONCLUSION The prevalence of sex in Russia which proceeded the fall of the Soviet Union caused many problems for the new democracy. Violent sex crimes such as rape and domestic violence increased in part due to the depression which seized the minds of the nation. The chaos which resulted in widespread unemployment and economic instability made it all too easy for women from many walks of life to turn to prostitution in order to support themselves, or to become the victim of a human trafficking scheme. Widespread homophobia illustrates the paranoia of the public when it comes to sex and is perhaps the most convincing proof of the need for a system of sex education to be put into place in Russian. Education is really the only key to the current problems of sexuality in Russia. Laws and legislations can only go so far; it is schooling which creates the most lasting change. BIBLIOGRAPHY Aleksandar Stulhofer and Theo Sandfort, Sexuality and Gender in Postcommunist Eastern Europe and Russia (Binghampton: The Haworth Press, 2005). Donna Hughes, Supplying Women for the Sex Industry, ed. Aleksandar Stulhofer and Theo Sandfort (Binghampton: The Haworth Press). Igor Kon, The Sexual Revolution in Russia (New York: The Free Press, 1995). Igor S. Kon, Sexual Culture and Politics in Contemporary Russia, ed. Aleksandar Stulhofer and Theo Sandfort (Binghampton: The Haworth Press). Igor S. Kon, Homophobia as a Litmus Test of Russian Democracy (Sociological Research: 2009) Paul W. Goldschmidt, Pornography in Russia, ed. Adele Marie Barker (Duke University Press, 1999). Natalia Khodyreva, Sexuality for Whom?, ed. Aleksandar Stulhofer and Theo Sandfort (Binghampton: The Haworth Press). Johanna Granville, From Russia Without Love: The "Fourth Wave" of Global Human Trafficking
I was very new to the family; I had met them all, naturally. James's family were all reasonably sociable and although I had nothing in common with any of them, they all accepted me into the extended family. James was one of four boys in the family, his older brothers had both married some years earlier and his younger brother had a steady girlfriend. I hadn't really been James's girlfriend; I had worked for James in a large department store, in the warehouse. The warehouse manager had tried to get me to transfer to the shop floor as a counter assistant because he knew that the store was moving to, 'Just in Time' deliveries to help cut costs, he couldn't tell me that of course, he was going to be transferred to another store as manager and as I refused to go out on the shop floor, mainly because I was far too shy to work out in public, I found myself in the store manager's office, the first time I really met James. I had an overly long interview with James, when he eventually told me that I had two choices, retrain as a sales assistant or redundancy, I was totally shocked, I had worked in the store since I left school at sixteen, so I had worked there for almost six years already and I expected to, like the rest of the staff there, work until I retired from the company. I had three months' notice of my redundancy, I was allowed unlimited time off for job interviews but, as we were just entering the start of the recession there was little in the way of work about that didn't involve customer interaction in one way of another. While I was in my final weeks of working at the store, James, the general manager had spoken to my mother; he asked her if he could ask me out, as my mother knew him so well, she readily accepted his request. Nothing was said to me of course. My mother picked me up from work on the last Friday that I was employed as she always did, our village having no direct public transport connection to Northampton where I worked. As soon as we got home, I took my shower as I always had to do because my job was so physical. When I got out of the shower I found my best dress laid out on my bed, that caused me some confusion, I preferred jeans and T-shirt after work. My mother called up to me that I should get a move on as I was going out, I just assumed that she had used the wrong verb as I had never 'gone out' on my own, ever, my mother always accompanied me. I put the dress on and went down stairs just as the front doorbell sounded, I opened the door to James, the man who had wished me luck and shook my hand just an hour earlier as I left his employment. I was more than surprised when my mother told me to have a good time and watched as James pulled me, by the hand, down the drive to his car. James took me to a posh restaurant out in the wilds of Northamptonshire and over a lovely meal and an expensive bottle of wine, James made an unusual proposition, he needed a housekeeper. James had trained as a Roman Catholic priest from a very young age but for some reason he hadn't taken up holy orders at the end of his training. James hadn't trained for pastoral work, he wasn't going to lead prayers in church, he had trained to work in the Bishops office, a business specialist and expert on the restoration of old building, such as churches and manses. "I only need a housekeeper but because I'm not actually a priest, no one would believe that our relationship could be innocent, so I propose a more permanent arrangement, I'm offering to marry you but without the usual bedroom duties, we would have separate bedrooms and when people start to ask why we haven't had any children, I'll say that I have problems, an old Rugby injury or something." I was totally shocked by James's offer and turned him down flat. My mother made it clear that she knew that James had asked to marry me and she started to apply pressure just as she had done over every moment of my life. Eventually I said yes to James just to get away from my mother and I took that opportunity to break all further contact with my mother. There was a little complication over the wedding day, James's mother was of Greek extraction and she insisted on one of her old village customs being observed. The new bride had to prove her virginity on her wedding night by having her bloodstained nighty and bottom sheet provided for her new family's inspection. So, far from being a platonic marriage, I had to go to bed with James and let him consummate our marriage. To be honest, I didn't really know what it all entailed, what to expect from consummation, and in truth, the horror of it all was over in a fraction of a second, James was as violent as he could possibly be, tearing my body open to effect the maximum blood flow from the shortest possible contact. We soon settled down to our arrangement, I cooked, cleaned, washed and ironed for James and he gave me money, my own space and for two years he didn't even enter my wing of the house. The house was amazing; it had been three labourers' cottages on a farm that James's parents had bought from its previous owners. There was a field path joining our house to my in-laws, I thought James's house had been impressive, six bedrooms, four reception rooms, office and swimming pool but his parent's house was like having James's house three times over. James's father was in the Freemasons, he had been a member for many years and was now at the point where he expected to be 'Promoted' up the Masonic echelons, his only problem had been his wife, she was, like her son, a staunch Roman Catholic and as such was totally against Freemasonry, and she refused point blank to accompany him to any official functions, Ron was being held back, the answer was simple though, he just enlisted the help of his daughter's-in-law, even Simon, James's youngest brother, gave his girlfriend to his father a few times for 'Ladies night', the annual social event to thank members wives for their help over the previous year. I had seen Mary, the wife of Ron's oldest son on Ron's arm just before I married James, she looked like a cat-walk model, she was dripping with jewels, wearing a top designer dress that showed off her perfect body. Mary looked more like a princess than the wife of a farmer's son from the Home Counties. I had been out for a walk and as I was about to join James's family I had chosen to walk past his parent's farm, just to be nosy. Strangely, at the same time as I walked past, every one of Ron's workers had turned up, I had no idea that Ron gave his staff the use of the large barn at the side of his house for their annual party, the barn and funding for food and drink and while Ron went to his lodge, June 'hosted' the party. I could see that they were all waiting outside just there to see which of his daughter's-in-law Ron had talked into accompanying him. When I saw Mary, I stopped dead in my tracks, Sid, the garage foreman spotted me and he came over, "That will probably be you next year girl!" I didn't answer but old Sid's comment snapped me out of my torpor and I wriggled past the men almost blocking the road as Ron and one of my future sisters-in-law climbed into the stretched limo. I was five hundred yards down the road before Ron and Mary whispered past me in the chauffeur driven car, the smoked glass of the side window was down or I wouldn't have seen Ron and Mary engaged in a passionate kiss and one of Ron's hands on a very inappropriate part of his daughter-in-law's upper body. Nothing had been mentioned about the social event the following day at Sunday lunch, Mary was there but without her husband, I got the feeling that as they got home so late, Mary had stopped over at Ron and June's house instead of going home and disturbing her husband's sleep. There was a lot of talk about our upcoming wedding though, both James and I had been very much left out of the arrangements, his mother was such an organised business woman that she had just taken over everything, including choosing my wedding dress and my trousseau. It seemed very funny to me that after that first glimpse of Masonic grandeur, I hadn't heard another word about it for the following eleven months. I was at home; the postman had delivered James's mail. I say James's because nothing ever came for me through the post. I collected it all from the doorstep and placed it in James's study. I did the cleaning, the baking, washed, dried and ironed all of our clothes and was just about to have a sit down with a cup of fruit tea when the postman returned, he knocked the door and handed me a package, "Could you sign for this please? I've been round to Manor Farm but couldn't find anyone there to sign for the package; I knocked the door for ten minutes too." By way of proof, he showed me his bruised knuckles. I signed the book and took the package in. I had finished all of my work and as it was a nice day, I popped my wellington boots on and took the field path between our house and James's parent's house. I knocked at the kitchen door, there was no answer so I let myself in, slipped my boots off at the kitchen door and checked to see if the name on the package was Ron's or June's name, it could have been addressed to the property company, if so, that would have gone into June's study if it was for Ron or the farm machinery company, that would have gone to Ron's study and if it were for the farm, I would have to go through to the farm office at the far side of the house. The package was in Ron's name and the address label had a compass and square logo at the bottom corner. I was on my way to Ron's study when I heard voices coming from Ron's den. I recognised that one of the voices was Ron's so I changed directions and went towards Ron's huge TV and snooker room. I didn't knock the door as it was open a few inches; I peeked in, if Ron was in a business meeting I could always go to my original plan and pop the package on Ron's desk in his private study. I got the shock of my life when I looked in, Ron and Simon, James's younger brother were sitting on the sofa, Simon's girlfriend, Rebecca, was standing in just her bra and panties, she was stepping into self-support stockings, Ron stopped her, "Didn't you bring proper nylons?" "No, Simon prefers these." Ron went to his bathroom, a Jack and Jill bathroom between his den and his bedroom, when he returned he had a packet of old-fashioned RHT stockings, ultra sheer with a proper seam up the back, he also had a suspender belt that perfectly matched Rebecca's bra and thong set. Rebecca stood there with her back to Ron and he reached around her to fasten the suspender belt around her waist, after he fastened the clasp, he let the fingers of his left hand trail across the bear cheek of her left buttock, over the strand of dental floss that connected the front of her thong to the waistband at the back and on over her bare right buttock. I was twenty three, five years older than Rebecca but I doubted that I would have the courage to wear lingerie like that, especially not in front of two men, especially if one was my boyfriend's father. I just stood there transfixed as Rebecca slipped her foot into the expensive stockings. It took her a while to get the toe and heel just right before paying the nylon tube up her leg, careful to keep the seam as straight as possible. Rebecca repeated the action for her other leg and as she did, Ron had switched the huge TV mounted on the wall on, he was showing pictures from previous years of the Masonic Ladies Nights, Mary was the first on screen, I remembered the way she was dressed the year before. There were dozens of pictures of Mary dancing with several of Ron's friends. Then Sarah, Paul's wife, Paul was James's next oldest brother, Sarah was dressed equally as beautifully as Mary had been, Sarah and Mary could both have been professional models, again, lots of pictures of Sarah dancing with the same group of Ron's friends, the event was far more spectacular as it was the millennium event, then I spotted a very young looking Rebecca, as that was the 1999 social, Rebecca would only just have turned eighteen years old but again, she was dressed up like a model, again, she was dripping in gold and jewels and again, the same bunch of Ron's friends were draped all over her in the photographs. Simon fetched a can of beer from the fridge for his father and himself, they both opened their cans and both took long pulls on the beer from the cans as Rebecca stepped into the first dress off of the mobile rack at the side of the sofa. "I thought that you were going to work on Isabella to accompany you this year dad!" "I can't make up my mind about her yet, I need someone who knows what she's doing, I know that Rebecca won't run a mile the first time the Lodge's Grand Master touches her up while out on the dance floor!" Rebecca had finished dressing, "What do you think Ron?" Ron was silent, Simon chipped in, "Wrong colour for you, I think my dad had Isabella in mind when he picked that dress out." Ron nodded his head, "Yes, try the next one dear." So, Ron had bought me a dress to wear at the Mason's social night but had decided to ask Simon's girlfriend instead, but still it was interesting to see what Ron had in mind for me to wear. The dress was a red 'Peasant' style dress, very full skirting, knee length with a black leather, lace up waistcoat over the bodice, usually a peasant dress would capture the breasts, about equal to a half cup bra but this dress was scooped to below the breasts. It looked like a seventies topless dress, the kind you usually saw with a white polo-top under it, covering the points of interest, this dress had a fake blouse sewn into the front, white, very frilly and almost see through but not quite, with a drawstring neck so that the wearer could set how much was on display. I'm sure the red and black of the dress would work well with my ginger hair, especially with the huge quantity of white lacy blousing between the chin and the low cut front. I shook my head, there was no way I would be seen out in public dressed like that. By the time I refocused on the room, Rebecca was dressed in a green cocktail dress, far simpler than the peasant dress and, it matched her colouring perfectly. Ron took her picture and 'threw it into the TV screen so that Rebecca could see what it looked like, she nodded her head as did both Simon and his father. I slipped out of the house with the package still in my hands, Rebecca was changing into the third dress as I tiptoed back to the kitchen, there had been eight dresses on the rack and I guess that Rebecca would try them all on over the afternoon. When James got home from work I handed him the package, "I'll have dinner ready and on the table in thirty minutes, can you pop this around to your father?" James had to drive to his parent's house as he wouldn't be able to walk there and back in thirty minutes. The following day, Ron turned up out of the blue, I saw him walking the field next to our house with James's oldest brother Ron junior, they were taking soil samples from several places over the field and then they turned up in my back garden, I had the door open before they got to it, "Hi Isabella, we need to do a few soil tests, can we use your kitchen? We could do with a coffee too if there is any going?" My brother-in-law started to add chemicals to the soil samples while I made them both coffee, then, as the chemicals were changing colour, Ron asked if I could find a pen and some paper, I was asked to jot down what Ron told me to write, I leaned on the work surface and began to write down what I was told, Ron moved in close behind me and looked over my shoulder, "No, seven point five, not seventy-five!" Ron said over my shoulder, he was really, really close, his face almost touching mine, my eyes flicked over to my brother-in- law, he was watching his father closely and when he saw the look on my face, he smiled at me. I managed to duck out from under Ron's arms as he pressed his lower body against my bottom, I handed Ron the sheet of paper and he used my phone to call the supplier to order the fertiliser that the field needed, he asked for five tones to be dropped off the next day. I spotted Ron and two of his staff in the field, the field had a slight incline, Ron needed a quarter of a ton per acre on the field by the road, at the bottom of the hill, then half a ton per acre for the middle of the slope and a ton per acre at the top of the hill, once his men began to spread the fertiliser Ron walked down to the house, I already had three cups of coffee and a plate of biscuits on a tray. Ron took the tray out to his men and returned to my kitchen, "Has James mentioned that he's away on Saturday and Sunday night?" I shook my head, "He usually tells me on Friday night, is he away stocktaking?" Ron took a sip of his coffee and then he nodded his head, "I think he's working in the Newcastle area, he's dropping a few things off at my parent's house for me while he's up there." Ron spotted the newspaper and began to read the headlines, he said, almost casually as he flicked through the pages, "Do you have any plans for Saturday night yourself?" It crossed my mind that Rebecca might have changed her mind about going to the social with Ron on Saturday and he may just have been working around to asking me to go with him. "No, I don't have any plans for Saturday night!" There was a long pause as Ron studied page three for the longest time, then as he flicked to page five, "June had to go to Greece at short notice and she was going to host the staff party on Saturday, I can't do it, I have a function to attend, would you be willing to look after the party for us so we don't have to cancel it?" I was a little taken aback; I had become very excited at the prospect of going to the smartest function in Northampton's calendar, even if it meant dressing up in the 'tarty' dress that Ron and Simon both said would suite me more than Rebecca. I nodded my head, just as the tractor driver knocked on my back door with the tray in his hands, "Good news, tell everyone the party is still on for Saturday, Isabella has agreed to house sit for me, so tell everyone, no rowdiness' or there will be no party next year. Ron kissed me on the cheek, "I'll come over and pick you up on Saturday afternoon." "You don't need to do that; I can walk over the field path." "No, I'll pick you up; you'll need an overnight bag, much better if I collect you in the car." "Why will I need an overnight bag?" "The party goes on way past two o'clock in the morning usually, far too late to be walking back home over the fields. My function usually goes on way past two am, so I need you to be here to lock up and make sure the alarm is set properly." I was on edge for the rest of the day, when James got home, I put his dinner on the table for him and he told me that he would be away on Saturday and Sunday, he was going to Newcastle to stock take on a store in Sunderland, that closed every Sunday. "My dad asked me to stop over at my grandfather's house to make sure his house is ready for winter, see if he needs any of the exterior painting before the rain and snow hits." Well, I thought to myself, no wonder Ron knew James would be away over the weekend, the stock take at James' stores could happen any time in the autumn quarter, so long as they were all finished by the end of November ready for the Christmas rush, Ron had set the Sunderland shop's stock take earlier because of James' concern for his grandparents. I wasn't really into partying as a participant, never mind as a hostess, so I was on edge for the rest of the week until Saturday. James left the house quite early, in his boot was his painting kit, a large tin of white gloss paint and his overalls, he was planning on visiting the Sunderland shop on his way to Newcastle, tell the manager what he expected for Sunday morning's stock take before pushing on to his grandfather's house and see what of the external woodwork needed painting, with the hope of just touching the few bits up on Saturday afternoon, so that he didn't have to return on Sunday afternoon to finish off after stocktaking. As soon as James left, I took my shower and wandered into the kitchen wrapped in a towel with my bathrobe on top, I stopped dead in my tracks as I entered the kitchen, I had expected the house to be totally empty but, sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee, was Ron. "I thought you were coming round this afternoon to pick me up." "I had a window of opportunity this morning and some of the wives are coming over to use my kitchen to do the food, I need to leave you with a credit card in case they think of anything they have forgotten. One of the men will take you shopping to buy whatever is needed, within reason." I quickly packed my overnight bag and was just about to get dressed, I pulled the belt fastening my bathrobe but before I let it fall open and expose my naked body to the air I looked towards the bedroom door, I had closed it but now it was open an inch or two, I walked to the door and spotted Ron beating a hasty retreat down the passage. Ron had been peeping at me, hoping to see me naked, just that thought caused me to shiver with excitement. I chose a simple white bra, a plane white T-shirt with slightly scooped neckline, white cotton panties and blue jeans to wear. I also chose white trainer socks and black trainers. Ron drove me to his house, he carried my overnight bag to one of the many spare rooms in the house, "If anyone needs a swimming costume, there are plenty of spares in the pool room, they are all clean." "Why would anyone need a swimming costume?" "The party will start out as a barn dance in the machine barn but usually ends up with everyone in the pool, I've had the heater on all week to get it up to temperature and tomorrow I'll be emptying the water and laying the pool up for the autumn." I spent the afternoon helping the wives of Ron's staff prepare the food for the party, then I helped to set up the barn, saw horses with scaffold planks covered in banquet roll to place the food on, the floor had been pressure washed the day before because the barn was usually used to store the machinery that all farms used sporadically through the year, the kind that often dripped oil or grease onto the floor. I asked if the hay wain was going to be pulled out of the barn before the party but was told that it was to be the stage for the musicians to perform on. The men carried hundreds of straw bales into the barn; some were stacked in front of the hay wain to act as steps and as a safety feature in case the fiddle player got carried away and fell of the four foot high platform. Other bales were placed across the ends and the rear of the impromptu stage for the same reason. The rest of the bales were used as seating and tables around the outside of the room. The party started after Ron and Rebecca left for the Masonic Lodge, just like the previous time, everyone was waiting outside to see Ron and his guest leave the house and step into the limo, as the chauffer rolled forward, Ron wound down the window and called me over, he and Rebecca were sitting close together in the back of the car and as I leaned in the open window, Rebecca pulled the hem of her dress down, covering Ron's hand which was resting on her upper thigh, "Rebecca has left you a present in your room, you should change into it before the party starts, the staff like to have a 'focal' point to look at as they party, and there is a present from me too, in a small velvet covered box." The limo slipped out of the farmyard as silent as a whisper, the last sight I saw as the car turned out onto the open road was Ron, slipping his tongue into Rebecca's mouth as she caressed his face. As the staff and their family sauntered through to the barn at the side of the farm house, I went to the room I would be sleeping in, the dress that I had seen Rebecca try on earlier in the week was laid out on the bed, it looked so beautiful and innocent, just laying flat on the bed but I knew that on my body it would look far less the 'elegant evening gown' and far more the 'prostitutes uniform'. I was still looking at the dress on the bed when there was a knock at the door, the door opened before I could answer it, Sid, the elderly garage foreman walked in the room carrying a tray, "The boss told me to get these from the office safe for you to wear", he lifted the lid of the tray and I gasped as I saw a white gold, diamond and ruby jewellery set, a necklace, ear rings and delicate white gold wrist watch with diamond encrusted face and diamond and ruby wristband. "Ron said the white gold would go with your complexion and the rubies with your hair and they'll set your dress off lovely." I looked back at the dress on the bed, then it dawned on me that Sid had knocked and walked straight in; he had probably heard my father-in-law tell me to change before the party. I thought about it for a moment, if I had walked in and started to change straight away, I would have been in my underwear when Sid walked in. "You need a hand with anything?" Sid had a bit of a disappointed look on his face but after asking me if I needed a hand, he had a cheeky look on his face. I took the jewellery tray and ushered Sid from the room, then confusion hit me, Ron had told me he had left me a little gift in a velvet covered box! I had expected that to be some kind of jewellery but as he had left me a fill set to wear, why would he give me a present of jewellery too? I stood in the middle of the room and scanned around for a velvet covered box, I was expecting something small and expensive looking, it took a second scan, still nothing, then I noticed my overnight bag had been put on top of a purple box that was almost as big as my overnight bag and that box was on top of the dressing table. I lifted my bag; the lid of the box had the word 'Velvet' printed on top of it in black. I quickly opened the box; on top was a red leather basque with suspenders hanging down from the bottom of it, I picked the basque up and looked at it, half cup with a black lace frill highlighting the top of the cup. The basque was exactly the right size for me, then I noticed the thong, just a lace triangle with three strings as thin as boot laces that were the waistband and what was laughingly called the back. Under the thong, a pair of expensive black, very sheer, seamed stockings with reinforced heel and toe. I started to pull my T-shirt over my head but stopped, I went to the bedroom door and Sid was waiting in the passageway, "Do you want something Sid?" "Erm, I was just coming to tell you that we're all ready to start the party, you have to read a little welcome message from Ron to kick things off." "Okay!" I began to walk out of the bedroom, Sid looked horrified, "No, you are the hostess, you have to get dressed up, we'll wait while you get ready!" I stepped back into the bedroom, as I started to pull my T-shirt off I stopped again, there was no lock on the door, so I pulled the chair in front of the door. I stripped out of my T-shirt and jeans and stood there in my white underwear, looking at the dress on the bed. If I put the dress on, at least two inches of bra cup would be on show as well as the straps. Don't ask me why but suddenly a shiver ran through my whole body and I reached behind my back and unfastened my bra. I had to move quickly before I chickened out and put my usual clothes back on. I finished stripping off and stepped into the thong, as I looked at the fringe of wild strawberry hair that poked out in all directions around the tiny triangle of black lace. I had to put the basque on back to front to fasten the row of tiny hooks and eyes up, then turn the basque around with a great deal of difficulty. I could have left it fastened the way it was, my body wasn't a bad shape but I began to tighten the lacing up the front to pinch my waist in and kind of push what was left up a little, I managed to make my thirty-six 'C' cup bust look like thirty-eight 'DD'. I had a little struggle to get my stockings up my legs as I hadn't shaved them in some time but I managed it eventually. I had put off looking at myself in the mirror on the back of the wardrobe door until I finished fastening the snaps on the basque's suspenders. Even though the picture I was looking at wasn't perfect, it still made me shiver and I felt moisture building up between my legs. What was wrong? What was missing? Sid knocked on the bedroom door again, "Are you ready yet?" as he called out, I spotted on the floor in front of the mirror, exactly where I would be looking if I had dressed the way that Ron had wanted me too, a pair of black, patent leather, six inch spike heeled shoes and they were lined up perfectly with my feet as I stood there. The shoes were ridiculously high and a half size too big for me but I still slipped my feet into them and fastened the strap. I slipped the dress on and set the neck string to show off as much of my shoulders as I dare, that was mainly so that the fake blousing was ruffled to hide the bright red and black lace of my basque. I really needed to do my hair and makeup but I didn't have time, I did remember to put the jewellery on though and even though it was only on loan for the evening it still made me feel like a million dollars as I tottered out of the bedroom and Sid caught my arm. Sid escorted me into the barn to a cacophony of applauds and cheers. I tried to get free of Sid's arm but he kept a tight hold on me and dragged me up onto the back of the hay wain and introduced me over the microphone and then he handed me a sheet of paper to read, again over the microphone. My personal vision of hell was to stand up on public and talk with everyone looking at me. I took a deep breath and read the speech that Ron had written for me. When I finally got down off of the'stage' my face was as red as the rubies in my jewellery. I hadn't planned on taking part in the barn dance but I wasn't allowed to get away to the darkened corner of the barn that I had scoped out for myself to hide in. The band started to play, they had a caller and they also had four professional dancers who did a demonstration dance while the caller told us what they were doing and what he would be calling then I was grabbed by one of the older men and we all followed the professional dancers in the massive open space. When I had dressed in the sexy clothing I had become very excited, very turned on but nothing could prepare me for the feeling of dancing with just a strand of dental floss strung across my clitoris and a mature man's arms folding over me and experienced, eager hands, touching me as no other man had ever done in my life before. The only person who wasn't dancing was Sid, he stood back, a pint of cider in his hand and he seemed to be following me around the room with his eyes. The man who had grabbed me first was one of the young salesmen from Ron's farm machinery business. At the end of the first dance, I saw Sid talking to one of his youngest mechanics; he was still an apprentice so he was under twenty-one years old. One of the farm laborious cane to take my hand as I was trying to weave my way off of the dance area but the garage apprentice beat him too it and pulled me back to the floor. Sid watched again, his eyes were almost burning into me he was studying me so closely. "I'm Gavin!" "I know you are, I've seen you around!" "You're married to one of Ron's Sons aren't you?" "Yes, I'm married to James." "Is he the Pope...? Sorry, I didn't mean to say that!" I giggled a little, yes, he's the one they call the Pope. Something dawned on me, dancing with Gavin wasn't turning me on nearly as much as dancing with the older man had, even though Gavin was touching me in almost exactly the same way that the older man had. I looked over towards Sid, he had a smile on his face and he was nodding his head. The professional dancers were very well choreographed but they looked like mere amateurs compared to the choreography that Sid was performing in directing the men who were choosing me to dance with at each new tune. Apart from Gavin, every man I danced with was older than me and from Dance two onwards, the men who danced with me took more and more liberties in how they held me and where they touched me. After five dances the band called a halt for forty-five minutes so that we could all get to the food, Sid came in like a shark and snatched me away from under the noses of three of the younger men that were there, sons of older workers, young men who had been watching their father's dancing with me and touching me up so they thought that they stood a chance as I was closer to their own age. Sid escorted me to the food table and we walked the length of the buffet ahead of the rest of the guests, the darkened corner that I had wanted to hide in was where Sid guided me to, there was a table there that hadn't been there when I helped to set the room out, a real table, small, just a four seater and it had been placed with just two dining chairs next to each other. Someone turned two of the lighting bays off so that the barn went very dark; candles in bottles were lit and placed on every table but Sid blew our candle out. I was using both hands to eat my finger food but Sid was using only his left hand, after two minutes, his right hand slipped under the table and found my knee. My body jerked as if I had been hit by a bolt of electricity. Sid's hand was on top of my dress and he squeezed my leg through my dress, then I felt the hem of my dress being dragged up over my knee and Sid's hand was back on my knee again and this time there was just my sheer stockings between his hand and the flesh of my knee. I began to shiver a little as Sid rubbed his hand up and down my leg a little, when his fingertips passed the tops of my stocking and reached the bare flesh beyond the shiver had changed into a full body quake. When the music started again I got a sudden feeling of being let down but I was grateful to the band for choosing that moment to start the second half, I was trying to stand up but Sid pressed me down again. One of the young men came over to ask me to dance with him but Sid dismissed him. The trembling suddenly returned and I felt so hot, both ways as it happened, I knew my face was bright red, the young man asked me if I was alright, Sid said, "She's not feeling very well, I'm going to take her for a little fresh air!" Sid grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, the barn was full of reeling men and women, there were a few of the workers children there too, they were practicing the dances too, taking advantage of the demonstration dance by the professionals. I was dragged around the outside of the room and through the door, out into the farmyard. Sid pushed me against the back wall of the barn; I could feel the vibration of the music through my back. Sid pushed his knee between my legs and I parted my ankles, he clamped his lips over mine and began to kiss me. He rubbed his right hand all over my upper body and while his left hand began to pull the bottom of my dress up, his right hand pulled the bow on the neckline tie and he pulled the front of the blousing material down until my basque was exposed. Sid's mouth slipped off of my lips and down over my cheek, down my neck and over my décolletage and onto my breasts, he even lifted my breasts clear of the top of my basque to give his lips free access to my nipples, his left hand was searching beneath my dress to find my panties and pull the flimsy material to one side, two strong fingers digging between my legs and finding my cunt soaking wet. "The boss asked me to check you out to see if you'd be ready to help him get his promotion later on tonight. It feels to me like you're well ready." Sid went back to kissing me and feeling my breasts while he used his fingers to give me a mind-blowing orgasm. I know that people say that, mind-blowing, very casually but not me, at that moment in my life I had never actually had an orgasm, so feeling my first one while standing, my back pressed against the back of my father-in-law's barn by Sid, one of the senior men in my father-in- law's business definitely counted as mind-blowing. Sid got his cock out of his trousers and rubbed it against my pussy mound, I almost passed out with the excitement of the situation, I even lifted my foot and put it up on the cross bar of split rail drag harrow that had been
moved out of the barn for the night, to help Sid get his cock into me, "Sadly girl, Ron's given me strict instructions that I can't fuck your pussy tonight, because if you are willing, he'll be needing you after the Masons dinner." Sid reached for my hand and pulled it down to his cock; he made me curl my fingers around his shaft and encouraged me to rub my hand up and down his cock, he was kissing me, masturbating me with his left hand and massaging my tits with his right hand, I wasn't ready for him exploding into my hand and at the precise moment that he fired off his cock's eye was looking directly at my panties. Sid deposited so much spunk over my knickers that I had to take them off before going back into the barn with him. I didn't know where the hell to put my soaking wet panties so I hung them on a nail in the outside wall of the barn. Sid handed me over to Greg, one of the farm labourers, and told me to dance with him; we had to pick up the 'jig' without the benefit of watching the professional's demonstration but we made a good fist of it. If I had been turned on by the way I was dressed earlier in the evening, that was nothing to the way I felt dancing with no panties on. Sid was giving my partner hand signals, telling him to spin me a little more vigorously at the point where I had to do the twirl at the end of the step sequence. Eventually I was spinning so wildly that I was becoming dizzy and I knew for certain that anyone sitting down, like Sid was, would see my ginger bush flashing into view as my dress sailed up in the air. The second dance set didn't have any rapid twirling which Sid didn't appreciate much, it was basically one of those dances where you walk up, stamp twice, then walk halfway back, stamp, side step, stamp twice and set off forward again, the dance was more in what you were doing with your hands and arms, how you linked in with your partner and the way you bent and bowed. I was really getting into dancing with just the partner that Sid had given me to, so I began to get used to how he danced when the caller announced that the next dance was the last for the evening. I checked the expensive watch on my wrist, it was only ten o'clock, seemed a little disappointing to me to finish so early. After the last dance, while the band were packing their instruments away and having a final drink, I stayed with them, after all, I had to pay them for the evening, while I was waiting, the room basically emptied of all of Ron's staff, just me, Sid and the Greg were left in the barn. Sid was sitting at the small table in the darkened corner of the barn and I was led over to him, Sid invited Greg to sit down, leaving me standing but not for long, I was pulled down onto Greg's knee. Sid pulled the hem of my dress up until my stocking tops were on display, I felt Greg's chin over my shoulder as he looked down at the white flesh above my stockings. Sid looked Greg in the eye, then he nodded down to my thighs, Greg reached around my body and started to caress my legs, as he did, he was easing my dress up ever higher, Ron was playing with his mobile phone when it went off. Not a phone call, a text message, Sid read it and smiled. "Your father-in-law has just delivered the loyal toast, not significant in of itself but this is his lodge's most important day, the Grandmaster from the parent lodge will be there and it's almost guaranteed that Ron will get some post on the council, perhaps even keeper of the great seal, who knows." I felt Greg's fingers ruffling through my pubic hair, he eased my dress even higher so that Sid could see my ginger bush, Sid once again pulled at the chord holding the fake blouse closed over my chest and he pulled it right down to expose most of my tits, suddenly he snapped a photograph of my exposed body with the labour's hands all over me. Sid's thumbs were flashing back and forth over the on-screen keyboard, Greg new that Sid was about to press the reply button on the phone to send the photograph of Greg and me to my father-in-law. "I'm not going to get into trouble for this am I Sid?" Greg asked nervously. Sid just shook his head and carried on writing his text before pressing the send button. Greg's fingers were just rubbing back and forth over my pussy mound, playing in the tangled strawberry patch of hair covering my sex, Sid nodded his head at Greg, trying to give him a kind of signal, Greg shook his head, Sid nodded with more emphasis, more force, then Sid reached out and grabbed my knees and pulled them wide apart, "Go on!" Greg began to move his right hand further down over my pussy mound and he pushed two fingers up my cunt while his left hand began to fondle my tits. Sid snapped another picture on his mobile phone. It was Greg that was driving me through my orgasm with his fingers but it was Sid's eyes I was looking into as I tipped over the edge. One of the women who worked in Ron's farm machinery sales office came in and stopped short when she saw the three of us in the corner; it wasn't very easy to see exactly what the three of us were up too, but she could definitely see me sitting on Greg's knee and that my tits were definitely out and under Greg's hand and that whatever was happening lower down, Sid seemed to be filming it on his mobile phone. Sid looked over at her, "What can we do for you Peggy?" "They were wondering if someone could go in the house and put some music on around the pool?" "Yes in a minute," Peggy was about to go and I breathed a sigh of relief until Sid stopped, "Peggy, is that bikini new?" The woman stopped and turned around coyly, "It's one from the pool room, it's a bit too small for me really!" Sid looked at me, then back at her, "Why don't you come over here and let me see?" Peggy walked over to us, if she had any doubts about what Greg was doing to me from the other side of the barn she lost any confusion when she stood at Sid's side and looked down at Greg's fingers exploring inside my body. Sid rubbed his hands all over Peggy's body, Peggy was in her late forties, she had a swimsuit model's body and taught skin, I thought, 'I can only hope that I'm half that pretty and half that sexy looking when I'm her age.' Sid unzipped his trousers and pulled Peggy's bikini bottoms to one side, he pulled her around so that she was facing me and then he pulled her down onto his cock, Sid wasn't fucking Peggy as much as she was bouncing up and down on Sid's cock, her bikini top was pulled off and her tits bounced wildly as she tried to get Sid off as quickly as possible. I reached an orgasm just from watching Sid and Peggy perform. Peggy was a little worried at how long it was taking to get Sid off, "My husband will be looking for me any minute, you know he doesn't trust me when you're around. Just the mention of Peggy's husband possibly catching her and Sid fucking made Sid shoot off into her. As she stood up, Sid pulled the gusset of her swimsuit bottoms and patted the material up against her leaking cunt. Peggy walked off just holding her bikini top in her hand, just as if she had forgotten that she needed to put it back on. Sid sat there with his rapidly shrinking cock, glistening with the lubricant from Peggy's cunt and his own copious amounts of semen, in fact as his cock shrank down, a worm of his spunk started growing out of his little eye. Sid reached over and pulled my head to his crotch, "Here, get down and clean me up!" My face was crushed against Sid's corduroy trousers and my mouth forced down on his cock. "Suck it clean girl and mind your teeth." Sid made me suck his cock clean and then lick his balls too, "Greg, you want to use her mouth; after all you have given her a lot of pleasure in the last two hours." Sid pulled me off of Greg's knee, he made me kneel on the floor, I had to open Greg's trousers and ferret in his underpants to get his hard cock out, then I was made to clean his cock with my hand and Sid 'Taught' me how to suck a man properly to help him cum in the best possible way for him. It took me twenty minutes to get Greg off and swallow all of his seed, the three of us walked out to the side of the pool and those that were still there at eleven o'clock were being very raucous and rowdy in the pool. Disco music was blaring our from the poolside speakers, I noticed that most of the men were naked in the water and all the women were at least topless. Several of the women I knew were married to men that were in the pool with them were kissing and fondling men who weren't their husbands, it was like one large orgy. Greg stopped Sid, "Should we move the bales around in the barn, you know, like we did three years ago when June was away?" "Yes, but this time we'll take the covers off of the poolside loungers and cover the bales with them." I watched as Sid and Greg moved straw bales around, they laid them out in blocks that were roughly six foot square, then Greg left the barn and came back with an arm full of thick sponge lounger covers, there were enough to make up six platforms, then Sid turned the music down a little and announced that the barn was open for use again. I watched as couples started pairing up, not one of them were married to the person they walked off with hand in hand. Eight couples walked over to the barn and two walked back to slip into the water once again. Sid turned off all the pool lights, just left a few low level walkway lights on, then he took my hand and led me into the house and on to the bedroom that I was using. "It's ten to midnight so we need to get you ready. Strip off for me." To this day I'm still not sure why I did it but as I had relinquished control all night to Sid I just did as he told me to. While I was undressing Sid was in the wardrobe, for some reason, Sid had brought out a single trouser leg that seemed to be made out of black spandex. "It's supposed to be one size fits all, I do hope it goes over your huge tits okay." I was totally naked when I stepped into what was supposed to be a sheath dress. I doubted that it would ever fit me as I had difficulty just getting it up over my legs. Sid had to help me to pull the dress up over my hips and breasts. The dressing table in the bedroom had a complete beauty parlour in its draws. Sid told me how to pin my hair up, I would never have done it that way myself but with Sid's guidance I managed to make quite a good job of it. Sid also told me how to make up my face, I was never big on male up, the last time I had a little make op on my face was on my wedding day. There was the sound of heavy rubber on the gravel in front of the farm house, Sid said, "You'd better go and answer the front door, take the man through to Ron's study, I'll be out in the barn if you need me again tonight." I opened the front door to a very distinguished looking elderly man, probably around seventy years old, he had a full head of silver-grey hair, he was wearing an expensive dinner jacket with dress shirt and black bow tie, he had a very ornate 'chain of office' around his neck. "I'm Benjamin Howe, Ron told me to meet him here for a drink." I invited him in and directed him through to Ron's den. "Would you like me to get anything for you?" I was asked for a Rye Whiskey and dry ginger with ice. Ron had a very extensive wet bar in his den, five different kinds of Rye, "You have any 'Old Overholt'?" There was an unopened bottle on top of the bar. I mixed his drink and handed it to him, the music from the poolside speakers was just about making it through to Ron's den, as no one was looking after the hi-fi the disco music had finished and a CD of Waltz music was playing. "Do you dance my dear?" I was taken aback a little by the question, I didn't dance, I had spent two hours dancing to country or line dance or even barn dance music, I think the group had played all three genres of that kind. "Not really, just learned a few dances earlier tonight at the barn dance." "Come here, I'll teach you how to do a simple Waltz." I allowed Ben to pose me and at the start of a bar, he talked me slowly through the basic steps, within minutes we were actually dancing the Waltz together. I felt Ben's hand that had started against the small of my back had wandered upwards, he was trying to feel if I had a bra on and as soon as I realised that, my nipples stood right out, proving that wasn't wearing a bra. Ben smiled when he saw my nipples suddenly stand out, and as soon as he spotted that sign, his hand began to wander back down, passing it's starting point and heading further south to my bottom. He used his fingertips to gently and very carefully map out the area that the waistband of a pair of panties may be found. Ben's grin widened when he realised that not only was I braless but I was also commando too. Ben was just starting to get a little bolder; he had pulled me against him, thrusting his lower abdomen against my belly, just to prove to me that he had a weapon in his pants and was ready to use it. The door to Ron's den suddenly opened and Rebecca walked in, "Hi Mr. Howe, are you being looked after?" "Perfectly well thank you Rebecca." A new Waltz was just starting, Rebecca gave a theatrical twirl, "Oh, a Waltz, I love to Waltz, may I cut in please?" Rebecca took my place in Ben's arms and went off Waltzing around the room. I sat on a barstool to watch the two of them dancing. As I watched them, the lights seemed to dim almost imperceptibly over the length of the dance. Ron came up behind me and rested his hand on the small of my back, then he kissed me on the cheek. He whispered, "Sid did a great job of getting you ready tonight, he taught you a lot in such a short time." Ron kissed me again, this time, not on the cheek, his lips covered my lips and his tongue worked its way into my mouth. Rebecca danced Ben over to where Ron and I were standing kissing. I mixed Ben another drink, I made Rebecca and Ron a drink too, then Ron almost handed me over to Ben, "Look after the girls for me Ben while I wind up the party out in the barn." Rebecca gestured over towards the sofa, "Would you like to get a little more comfortable Mr. Howe?" "Please, and please call me Ben." Rebecca grabbed my hand and pulled me off of the barstool, we were a step or two behind Ben as he walked over to the sofa, Ben sat right in the centre of the long, leather, sofa, Rebecca pushed me so that I went round to the right of Ben and she went to the left, as we sat down, Ben slipped his arms out so that as we sat down his arms were behind our backs and his hands caught us both on the sides of our buttocks. Ben pulled Rebecca and me as close as he could, we were both wearing Lycra so we both slid easily on the highly polished surface of the sofa. Ben kissed Rebecca first and then he kissed me. Ron returned a few minutes later, he took in the scene, "Right, the Jacuzzi is free and up to temperature if anyone would like to relax out there. Rebecca invited Ben to join her and she helped him up from the sofa and walked off holding his hand. Ron held me back, then he took me to where we could watch Rebecca and Ben out at the Jacuzzi. "Watch Rebecca, she's a pro at this now." As I watched Rebecca dancing around the Jacuzzi Ron began to rub his hands all over my body. Rebecca unfastened Ben's bow tie and started to undo his shirt. Ron was pulling the Lycra sheath down over my tits and then struggled to get the dress over my hips. Rebecca had Ben's shirt off and then his vest before she pulled her own dress off; all she had on was her thong, stockings and suspender belt. I watched as Rebecca pulled Ben's trousers down and then she unsnapped her suspender belt from her stockings and rolled them down, I was naked and shaking like a leaf, Ron was exploring every inch of my body with his hands and his mouth and just at the point where I was sure he was going to actually fuck me he pulled up short. Ben was naked and in the Jacuzzi with Rebecca who was also naked. "Right, it's Two o'clock, I want you to go and help Rebecca give Ben the night of his life, whatever he wants, do it for him or to him." I had to walk out across the yard, totally naked, Ben and Rebecca were kissing and Ben's fingers were exploring Rebecca's cunt. When I stepped into the water, both Rebecca and Ben looked over at me and Ben pulled me to them and one hand was in Rebecca's lap and the other hand was exploring my cunt. Ben whispered something in Rebecca's ear; she giggled and then grabbed my hand and pulled me to her side. Rebecca kissed me on the lips, then she whispered in my ear, "He wants to watch a little girl on girl action, the dirty old bugger." Rebecca began to make love to me in the water, then we were on the side of the pool, Rebecca got me on my back, my body just inches from Ben's face and she dipped her head between my legs and blew my mind with an earth shattering orgasm. Rebecca climbed out of the pool and straddled my face, she humped herself off on my face, I think it was more fake than real orgasm but Ben liked it. At ttree o'clock the three of us stumbled into Ron's king-sized bed together and Ben went from one cunt to the other, he fucked Rebecca for a minute first, then just before he climaxed, he switched to fucking me. That went on for over an hour, both Rebecca and I sucked Ben's cock and I let him fuck between my tits, and at four-fifteen Ben finally climaxed into Rebecca's cunt and then he went home, as soon as he left the house, Ron popped into bed with Rebecca and I and we all fucked together for the rest of the night. Rebecca cooked breakfast while I dressed in my boring old clothes, Ron and Rebecca both ate their breakfast still totally naked and as I walked back home I left Ron and Rebecca fucking all over again. I trudged the field path home, I had left my overnight bag for Ron to drop off later, I was walking on air all the way home, as Ron kissed me goodbye, he told me that I would be helping him a lot in the future and that I would be accompanying him to the next important function and he booked me for his next Masonic dinner as well.
_Author's note: This is a sequel to my Halloween contest entry story "Laine Goes to the Ball." While it is not necessary to read that story to read this one, it may increase your enjoyment of this story to read the earlier introduction to Laine and Xanna. Thank you to everyone that enjoyed the original and encouraged me to write the follow-up. I hope everyone likes this one as well._ Laine squirmed in her car seat. The fresh piercing on her clitoral hood still burned. It had been a pain more excruciating than anything she had ever felt. Mistress Xanna had held her as the endorphins had taken possession of her body and mind; the small silver ring she now wore signifying Xanna's possession. She had sat quietly glorying in the sensations back in the aftercare room where she had dedicated herself to her Mistress a short time before. Xanna concluded her business with the organizers of the Ball as it ended. Eventually Laine had recovered sufficiently to drive and she was now following Xanna to her home. She had agreed to spend the rest of the weekend in training and she both thrilled and feared at what that entailed. With every movement the piercing brushed against her swollen clitoris and sent a shiver of stimulation through her body. She was more than a little scared about what she had gotten herself into, but her body's craving for the dark calm that Xanna could give her outweighed any trepidations. If anything the fear added a delicious tingle to her hunger. Xanna pulled off the road and up a driveway to a stately old farmhouse. Laine turned to follow, noting the anonymity of the location. It was set back from the road with no close neighbors. No one would be able to hear them... which was probably a good thing. Laine parked the car and stepped out. She unlocked the backdoor and grabbed her bag. What luck she had brought a change of clothes with her which allowed her to change out of that silly pirate costume, she thought irrelevantly. Her mind was jumping at tangents to avoid the obvious. She followed Xanna into a charmingly decorated wood-paneled living room. "Please sit my dear. You're a ball of nerves. I'm going to make you a cup of tea to help you relax." Xanna motioned to the blue and cream sofa in the middle of the room. Laine sat down, looking around with curiosity. The room wasn't at all what she had expected, but then what had she been expecting; leather and iron and exotic artwork? It was decorated in rather understated and simple good taste. The raciest thing in sight was a print of Picasso's "Blue Nude" which blended perfectly with the subtle decor. Xanna went into the kitchen and put on the kettle. She glanced into the living room and saw Laine looking around. She could tell what Laine was thinking and grinned. Laine would be even more surprised by the room Mistress intended to have them wind up in that night. Xanna quietly slipped downstairs to the basement to grab a few items she needed; a wicked grin on her face as she chose exactly which instruments to use. She clipped her choices to her belt and headed back to the kitchen. She came back upstairs to the kettle whistling and dropped a handful of medicinal herbs in to brew. While the tea steeped she stepped down the hall into another room. She lit a fire in the fireplace and checked to make sure everything was ready in the bed before heading back. Laine's tea was finished. Xanna poured a cup and joined Laine back in the living room. "Thank you Mistress," Laine said, accepting the cup and sipping the earthy mixture. Xanna put her hand on Laine's shoulder and she calmed at the touch. She took another sip of the warming tea. "I want you to get comfortable my dear. I want to get to know my pet," Xanna whispered. Her hands massaged Laine's tense shoulders. "I want you to open up and accept love and pleasure in all of its forms, that's how to find true happiness." Laine melted at her Mistress' electric touch. She felt Xanna remove the sweater she had put on in place of the pirate bodice she had worn earlier in the night. Her fingers played around the straps of Laine's bra. Laine shuddered, gulped at her tea and leaned back into Xanna's soft and willing arms. Xanna's nimble fingers removed Laine's bra and began playing with the rosy buds underneath. "Mmmm...I thought about piercing these as well, but I figured I would space out my fun and do it another time," Xanna purred as Laine's nipples hardened to her touch. She took one tender tip between two fingers and squeezed. Laine stiffened at the sudden pain, stifling a small gasp. Then the glorious sensation of slipping into a sea of black velvet returned. She relaxed more deeply than ever before. Xanna teased then twisted the other nipple. Again the shock caused Laine to tense then fall further into the darkness calling from inside her soul. "Ah, you like that, don't you pet?" chuckled Xanna. Laine blushed and nodded, looking away in shame. Xanna's hand tightened around Laine's breast and the other grabbed her chin and forced Laine to look her in the eye. "I don't want any shame or embarrassment. If you like something you respond, 'Yes Mistress.' Do you understand?" "Yes Mistress." "Yes Mistress, what?" "Yes Mistress, I understand. I will answer you directly in the future." Laine croaked as she tried to catch her breath. "Good girl," Xanna cooed and Laine felt giddily happy at the words. One of Xanna's hands went down to her belt and brought up a short chain with small rubber covered clamps on each end. She continued to stroke Laine's breasts with her other hand as she placed the clamps on each nipple. Laine's whole body jerked in Xanna's lap; the pain ripping through her until she felt like she was shattering from the inside. At the apex, when she felt as if she were going to break apart, a wave of euphoria washed through her being. Laine's eyes filled with sharp tears that released with the flood of relief. The room grew less distinct around Laine. The only things that seemed real were the couch underneath her, the searing pain focused on her chest and Xanna's arms holding her close. Xanna's fingers continued to play with the chain connecting the two clamps, causing Laine to repeatedly gasp and shudder. Her hand dropped lower and pulled off Laine's jeans. Xanna pushed back the lace panties and touched the piercing on Laine's hood. Laine's clitoris was swollen and throbbing from the continuing stimulation and at Xanna's touch she couldn't stop the orgasm that had been building. She cried out and her juices sprayed over Xanna's wrist. Xanna lifted her hand to Laine's face, stern fire in her eyes. "Normally, I would punish a pet for cumming without permission. But I suspect you have had too few to really control yourself so I will be lenient. Clean up your mess." She pushed her damp hand to Laine's lips. Laine licked her fluids from Xanna's fingers as the other hand went back to her massaging her mound around the still fresh piercing. They slipped around to her pink pussy lips. "I suspect I am the first woman to ever touch you." Laine nodded in response, her mouth still busy at its assigned task. "How many men have you been with? Xanna asked Laine finished swallowing the last drop from off of Xanna's nails. "Three Mistress," she responded, trying not to blush again. Xanna gave her encouraging smile. "Three. Go on. What did you do with them?" Laine bit her lip and stumbled, "My first was my high school sweetheart. It was your typical prom night story; fumbling around in the backseat of a car looking over a quarry. It lasted about 30 seconds. We broke up about a month later. My friends are still pissed at me about it, but he broke up with me because I wanted to go to college instead of staying home while he worked at the rail yards. The second guy I met my second semester at State... he had some idea what to do. Or at least he did compared to my first boyfriend. Unfortunately it turned out the reason he was any good was he was practicing on more than one girl and we didn't last. The third..."Laine trailed off, not able to prevent blushing again. "The third, poor thing was my study partner in Contract Law. We fooled around a couple of times after finishing our work up and one day we went all the way. I'm pretty sure...I'm pretty sure it was his first time. He was so embarrassed afterwards he could never look me in the eye after that. And I was so embarrassed by him being embarrassed I just...kind of shut down. That happened last year. " "My friends didn't exactly help either," Laine continued. "Two of them married right out of high school and the others are all engaged or dating the same guys they have since Junior year. We're from a small town where everyone settles down early with someone they have known forever. Only one of them other than me even went to college. They don't understand what it's like to try to date around a job and school and as for sex...forget about it. We might as well all be celibate for how much we talk. Maybe we all are for all I know." Xanna's arm tightened around Laine and she nuzzled her neck. "My poor girl. You shouldn't feel ashamed. So what if your experience is...minimal. There is no shame in that. It means I get the joy of introducing you to more things myself." Xanna's hand travelled again down Laine's back. She tugged at the waistband of Laine's panties and pulled them off. Laine shivered as her naked skin was exposed. "In the future, when you cross the threshold into the house I want you out of your clothes. A pet should appear naked before her Mistress. Do you understand?" "Yes Mistress, "Laine said. Xanna's left hand began playing with Laine's piercing again. The right went down her back, a finger gently stroking the welts she had created earlier. Xanna parted Laine's cheeks and ran a fingertip to the tiny puckered hole of her ass. Laine froze in shock. She had never had anyone touch that area before and the cold terror of the unexpected act was chilling. "Hmmmm...I'm guessing by your reaction that you have never done any sort of anal play," said Xanna with a slightly sinister chuckle. "No Mistress," Laine mumbled through clenched teeth, her body rigid with fear. Xanna's finger continued to trace along the outside of her hole, teasing it slowly. It twitched at the stimulation and Laine felt a cold shudder that resolved into a tense aching. A fingertip went past the opening and her whole body spasmed. Xanna pulled her hand a way for just a moment and Laine relaxed, but not for long. Xanna pulled out a tiny jar and dabbed a small amount of the contents on her finger and moved her hand back into place. Laine felt a slick sensation on her backside then Xanna's finger went inside of her again; the slippery lubricant assisting against the struggling muscles. Laine let out a whimper, her body not knowing how to respond to this new experience. "Relax dear. Don't fight it. Don't fight ME. Just feel," Xanna whispered in her ear. Laine unclenched her teeth and forced a stop to the panicked jerking of her body. She felt the pull of the sweet and calming darkness telling her what she already knew; obeying Mistress Xanna would bring deep pleasure and blissful release from her internal dialogue. Now that she was awakened to that bliss, that close approach to the void, she craved it beyond anything. She let herself slip in to the soft grey world. Her fear transformed at once into desire. Beneath the terror she could feel what Xanna was doing to the sensitive nerve endings and her body's response. She felt an unfamiliar, but not unpleasant gnawing hunger stir to life. Laine's glutes writhed on Xanna's hand. A moment later she cried out as an orgasm rippled through her surprised body. It was different from any she had ever had before; as if she had been shaken by catastrophic seismic forces and left intact. Xanna cradled the girl to her bosom as she let Laine rise and fall in shuddering waves of ecstasy. Laine cried and came and collapsed and came again and again. The permanent knot between Laine's shoulders began to untie and her stiff neck felt nimbler then it had in years. Laine's eyes again filled and flooded with tears of relief. Xanna kissed the tears away, knowing that they were not from sadness but born of feelings beyond words. Laine shook violently as another climax seized her wholly. Xanna stroked a few more paroxysms of pleasure out of her but slowed her finger's work and in a few more moments removed it and held Laine close. Laine's shaking slowed down as Xanna comforted her confused and still somewhat shocked body with gentle strokes and pets. "Good girl, yes just relax. That felt good, didn't it?" Laine dazedly nodded her head then remembered to add, "Yes Mistress." "It makes you feel like such a bad girl to want these things, doesn't it pet?" Xanna whispered in her ear. Laine nodded again. "But then by doing them you become my good girl and that makes you happy, doesn't it dear?" Laine grinned gleefully and responded, "Yes Mistress. I want you to take this bad girl and make her good." Xanna smiled down on Laine as she got to her feet. She unfastened several items from her belt and placed them on the coffee table. "Finish up your tea, then put these on. In the future they will be waiting for you on the table in the entryway." Laine gulped down the last of her tea and looked on the table. There were two sets of cuffs, one for her wrists and one for her ankles, similar to the ones she had worn earlier in the night at the Ball. Sitting next to them was a simple strip of leather with a buckle on the back and an O ring on the front. Laine looked at the collar and couldn't contain a shiver at its implications. Laine felt Xanna's hand on her shoulder in the familiar comforting way. She was outwardly affectionate, but her face was set in a stern expression. "This is your training collar. When you have it on, I expect total obedience. No questions, no recriminations and no explanations. Once we are done and the collar is off you can ask me whatever you want. And of course you can always stop by giving your safeword and removing the collar. But while it is on-I am in control. Are you able to give me that trust?" Xanna's tone and eyes softened with the last words and the hand on her shoulder gave her a gentle squeeze. Laine was torn. A part of her cried out that she wasn't an inferior person to be collared and treated like a pet or... she ran away from the word... a slave. How could she do that even temporarily; to be demeaned and made subservient? She was close to panicking just at the suggestion. Laine raised her head to answer and met Xanna's eyes. The strength and emotion there made a very different argument. She remembered Xanna saying that real power was in being willing to give it up. She didn't believe Xanna thought she was inferior, but she couldn't stop herself from stammering, "Does this make me less of a person?" Xanna embraced Laine. "No, no, never dear. Being submissive doesn't make you lesser or weak or a bad feminist or any of those negatives running through your head. It's the way you are and it isn't wrong. I want to help you understand that." Xanna kissed Laine and helped her to her feet. Laine stood up straight, took a deep breath and picked up the set of ankle cuffs and buckled first one then the other. She followed with the wrist restraints, feeling the smooth leather circle her slim hands. Xanna looked on encouragingly as Laine picked up the collar and examined it. She ran her fingers over the surface. It was coarser then the leather of the wrist restraints, but thinner. The buckle was more elaborate, but not ostentatious. The O ring was simple and utilitarian. It wasn't heavy. It seemed as if minutes passed as Laine took in all the details, but it was really only a few seconds; her sense of time already fading away as she slipped further and further into twilight. She took one more sharp breath and put the collar around her neck. Xanna gave the order, "Kneel!" Laine obeyed, dropping to her knees with her face to the floor. "Keep your back as straight as possible, bend at the waist and lift your palms up." Laine adjusted her posture, changing from a slumped position to her one where her back was bent over at as close to a ninety-degree angle as she her body would allow and lifted her palms out in front. Xanna leaned over and attached a leash to the O ring. "Head up pet and follow Mistress." Laine got up on her knees and crawled after Xanna fighting down the feeling of humiliation. Xanna had said to her earlier that she rarely ever made her servants crawl so she knew that this was a test. She was surprised as her shame and embarrassment passed rather quickly into a sense that on her knees serving was where she felt right. She felt a peace she had never known. The part of her that had always been perennially dissatisfied and frustrated was purring like a kitten in her breast. Every step took her deeper into the soothing darkness. Xanna led Laine down the hall to a door and opened it. She tugged at the leash for Laine to follow. Her knees sank into a plush deep black carpet. Laine raised her head and looked around and couldn't stifle a gasp of shock, "It's beautiful Mistress." If she had been surprised at the front room this one was even less what she had been expecting. Other than the carpet and the black metal light sconces the room was stark ethereal white. The curtains were like gossamer wings covering a white Roman shade on the window. A huge white four poster bed dominated the room. Across from the bed was a fireplace with a white marble mantle. A fire was merrily burning, sending patterns of shadows around the room. The hypnotic flickering of the fire made it even easier for Laine to clear her mind of her nagging concerns and just relax in her servitude. Xanna was so delighted at Laine's reaction she decided to allow her speaking out of turn to pass- this once. She would soon teach her new pet when to speak and when to remain silent. Xanna could see Laine drifting further and further into subspace. It was time to push her over the edge. "Kneel." Laine prostrated herself at Xanna's feet in the position she had been instructed to use. Xanna leaned over and released the leash. She ran her hand over Laine's hair. "From now on, you will only speak when ordered to answer a question. Do you understand?" "Yes Mistress." "Good girl," Xanna patted her head and Laine glowed inside. "I want you to tell me what you are feeling. Describe it to me," Xanna said, her tone of command mixed with a touch of curiosity. Laine paused for a moment then began, "It feels like I'm floating in an endless pool of blackness. But it isn't frightening. It's...soft. I don't know if that makes any sense." Xanna patted her head again encouragingly. "Go on, it's soft?" "It's like velvet cloth or an enormous blanket and I keep sinking in it and...it feels so good. So comforting and welcoming I want to just keep sinking. I'm sorry if I'm babbling Mistress." "Not at all my dear. So it feels good to sink into the darkness?" "Yes and...it feels like it wants me to go deeper. But I'm scared...I'm scared to lose myself." Xanna smiled. She lifted Laine's chin up and raised her to her feet and led her over to the bed. "Isn't it just as likely you will find yourself in the dark?" Xanna asked. She stroked Laine's cheek gently and Laine's heart sang. If she could descend and not erase the person she was, but instead learn more than the darkness was a gift. A gift she couldn't thank Mistress enough for bestowing. "Lie down on your stomach spread eagle," Xanna commanded. Laine obeyed, noting the chains attached to each bed post. She stretched out her limbs on the enormous mattress. Xanna moved around, connecting each of Laine's cuffs to the chains. The clamps on Laine's nipples pinched harder with her lying on her stomach. She shuddered as the endorphin dose increased again and left her dizzy. She could hear Xanna behind her preparing something, but from her current position she couldn't see what it was and she knew better than to try and turn around and look. Xanna picked up the smallish metal vibrator she had carefully selected. She started on a slow setting and ran it up and down along the inside of Laine's thighs. Laine's pussy tingled, twitching the still tender piercing on her hood. She leaked juices all over the toy. Xanna rubbed it closer to her wet and glistening lips, making sure the toy was slick. The tip of the vibrator touched her clitoris and her mind exploded in orgasm. Xanna thrust the toy inside her and Laine cried out as she clenched around the invading shaft. Xanna's hand went up a little higher, back to Laine's nearly virgin asshole. It pulled away briefly and Laine heard a sound like a tube of toothpaste being emptied. In a moment the hand was back and Laine felt again the slimy sensation of lubricant on her second hole. A finger opened it back up. Xanna positioned the plug she had chosen at the entrance and slid it in. Laine bucked against plug, causing the vibrator to shift against her mound. She couldn't even gasp as the dual sensations began to surge through her body. Xanna was at Laine's ear again. "That darkness you are floating in, I want you to completely surrender to it. I want you to sink as deep as you can as long as you can still hear my voice. I want you to let it fill you utterly. Don't fight it. Let go. Give in. It will feel so good to give in. You have my permission to cum; in fact I want you to cum as much and as hard as you can. Let the pleasure guide you down. Further and further, deeper and deeper. Let the darkness envelop you." Xanna words were echoed in the darkness surrounding Laine. It would feel so good to just let go and give in to what it and Mistress and...yes what she really wanted. Another orgasm shook her to the core and she felt herself drift. "Yes dear. Yes. Just like that. Don't stop. Keep falling," Xanna cooed. There was nothing to fear. None of this was wrong. Laine's mind repeated Xanna's words over and over. They ingrained themselves into her core. Surrendering to the wonderful, seductive sensations would be perfection. Then the harsh rhythm of leather meeting skin started to beat out a pulse that shifted and deepened the dark world around Laine. Her heart beat in time with the overwhelming waves of sensation. She almost choked as it began to drown her, but the darkness wasn't liquid and her mind soon understood that she could be engulfed and still breathe. Now all she wanted was to be pulled down into to it; to let it fill her and re-make her into someone worthy to dwell in the stillness and silence. Xanna watched Laine falling further and further into submission and she couldn't remember the last time she had been so pleased. She hadn't expected anything when she was hired to work the Ball. Laine was one in a million and she blessed her luck at finding the girl. Laine's trust was a glorious gift. She eagerly anticipated a future of training, controlling and caring for her dear Laine. Xanna leaned in and tightened Laine's clamps, bringing on another round of dizzying, ripping suffering that made Laine feel as if she were going to faint. Then the cooling numbness of her body's own natural painkillers took over once again and the cloudy haze in her mind grew heavier. She slipped further. Nothing else mattered in the world but pleasing her Mistress and glorying in the incredible sensations She brought. Laine's heart, mind and soul all merged into the adoration of the woman who had given her this gift of peace and desire. And service was the gift she willingly returned. ****** Laine was exhausted after her weekend and a long day of work but she knew if she didn't show up for "Margarita Mondays" at Esteban's her friends would ask questions she didn't have any idea how to answer. Laine drove the twelve miles to the next town to the only Mexican Restaurant in the county wishing she could go home and rest. She couldn't help but giggle at the thought that this was what her friends considered a crazy night out. It would be the same as any other Monday since they all turned twenty-one; three margaritas a piece (half the girls wouldn't finish the third) and the latest gossip about everyone they had ever known. Laine slid into the crowded booth next to her best friend Cassie. Tamara passed the pitcher and Laine poured herself a generous amount of drink. Jenna was rapidly relating a story about one of their classmates. "Can you believe that she moved to New York City? Oh my God what is she going to do there?" Jenna breathlessly finished. "Maybe she wants to be able to get a bagel at two in the morning?" Laine quipped. Her friends were caught off guard and stopped to look at her oddly. Laine was rarely the one to break in with a joke. She almost blushed in embarrassment, but Mistress Xanna's orders about not being ashamed of herself came to mind and she just grinned. Evelyn gave her a hard look then burst out laughing, "You're feeling your oats today Laine. You must have had a good weekend; none of us could get ahold of you yesterday. Sleeping off your big night at the ball with the freaks?" Laine choked down her anger. She had figured her friends would never understand, especially not Evelyn. Evelyn had married her high school boyfriend the summer after graduation and never looked back. Laine paused a moment then thought of what she had been doing yesterday while Evelyn was trying to call and immediately instead of wanting to slap her she just smiled again. "It was an...interesting experience," Laine replied coyly. Tamara howled laughing and slightly slurred, "Well that is pretty vague. I don't know how you of all of us...ok other than Cassie...ended up going through with it. Talk about the wallflower at the orgy." Ugh, Tamara must have gotten there first and had a head start on the other girls, Laine thought. Tamara was already turning into the mean, spiteful drunk she dreaded dealing with every week. But Laine swallowed and kept her cool once again. Evelyn jumped to Laine's defense and Laine remembered why in spite of her lack of understanding she and Evelyn had been friends since grade school. "Knock it off Tam. I'm sorry I was a bitch earlier Laine. We'll leave you alone about it. I'm betting you probably bailed after about twenty minutes, but I give you points for doing that much." Cassie, who had been silent up until then, jumped in, "Besides Jenna weren't you just talking about Carol moving to New York? Do you know where?" Laine thanked everything for her best friend changing the subject; speculations about Carol's reasons for leaving their town were much more interesting to everyone than Laine's lack of details. Laine asked for the pitcher and squirmed a tiny bit as her piercing tickled when she shifted her weight. She hoped no one had noticed, but everyone seemed focused on Evelyn's anecdote about a receptionist at her husband's office. Laine heaved a sigh of relief and barely contained another tease on her clit. Cassie gave her a concerned look and Laine sat up straight and smiled and attempted to ignore her body's growing responses. Laine smiled at the thought of how Xanna would laugh at her trying to keep her bottle in the middle of a restaurant. Cassie gave Laine an even stranger look and Laine realized she had been staring into space thinking about her Mistress. She laughed out loud again and played it off, "Think I've had a little much to drink." Evelyn, Tamara and Jenna all laughed along with Laine. Cassie looked more concerned than ever. "I think I should probably drive you home if you're that drunk. I can send Ben to pick up your car." Cassie suggested. "Thanks hon," Laine replied. She was happy to not have to worry about driving. The girls finished up their drinks and promised to do it again next week. Laine paid her tab and followed Cassie out to her car. She sat down in the passenger seat, grateful to be free of the prying eyes of most of her friends and able to just rest. Cassie started the car and headed for the highway. She remained silent for the first few miles and then said, "Look Laine, I know something is up. You're really squirmy tonight. If you don't want to tell me that's fine, but I wish you would. I won't tell the others, you know that. But you seem distracted. Did you meet someone? I know Evelyn never forgave you for breaking up with Joe years ago, but you don't have to hide it from me." Laine sat up, startled after the quiet, but she had been expecting the question all night. "Well...I guess I did... in a way," she answered sheepishly. Cassie turned off the highway and headed down Main St. "Did you meet him at that Ball?" she asked. Laine took a deep breath, "I met...Her at the Ball." Cassie gasped. "Oh shit! I never even suspected...you never...I never had any idea you were gay." "I'm not a lesbian. I guess I'm bi...but...it's more complicated than that." Cassie parked and the two girls silently walked down the street and up a flight of stairs to Laine's tiny studio apartment above the drug store. Cassie sat on the couch and looked down at her hands. Laine sat down next to her friend. "Oh damn Cass...if you can't even look at me now I guess I understand. That's probably the way most people will react if they know and I better get used to it. That's why I wanted to be discrete and just not say anything." Cassie looked up into Laine's eyes with her large hazel ones, "I've known you since we were six, I'm not going to stop being your friend just because of this, but if you're gay and dating a woman people are bound to react..." Laine chuckled just a bit. "No it's not like that...well I'm not going to say it didn't get physical, but I can't say we're 'dating' either." "Laine! You hooked up and with a woman?" Cassie couldn't keep the dismay out of her voice. Laine sighed. Cassie was so innocent she hadn't quite put it together but either way she seemed appalled. "In a manner. I met a Domina named Mistress Xanna. I know it's hard to believe but...she helped me learn some things about myself. The main one being that I am a submissive. I want to please and serve and feel and oh Cass she made me feel so good and peaceful...I've never felt that wonderful." A look of pure happiness went over Laine's features. She continued, her face changing to a mild frown, "I doubt you will understand, but I hope you won't hate me or think I'm a freak like Evelyn..." Cassie saw the sheer joy Laine felt and knew whether she understood or not she would never want to see that taken away from her best friend. Her beautiful, wonderful friend who looked so turned on as she talked about submitting. She couldn't stop herself as she leaned in and kissed Laine. Laine's eyes lit up in shock, but she didn't pull away until Cassie finished the embrace. "Cassie!" she cried out. Cassie looked away, her face bright red. Laine paused a moment and re-grouped then put her hand on Cassie's shoulder. "Cass, I never knew you felt this way..." Cassie looked away again. "I've always thought you were the greatest person I've ever known and so gorgeous, but I never said anything. I love Ben and I always figured he was all I would need. Then a couple of years ago, after you broke up with that creep your Freshman year, Ben and I were talking one night and I admitted I wished I could love him and you. No shock he got pretty turned on by the idea, but we both figured you would never...and then when you said you had met a woman I was shocked but mostly I was jealous. I didn't know what to think." "Oh Cass...if I had ever known...but Xanna taught me so much about myself I never suspected. And now I'm learning more about my best friend." Laine hugged Cassie close and pulled her in for a kiss of her own. "You don't need to be jealous hon. If you met Mistress Xanna you would understand. Like she told me- love comes in many different forms and being open and accepting is true happiness." Cassie returned Laine's kiss with fervent passion. She moved a tentative hand along Laine's arm, reveling in the feel she had dreamed about but never thought to experience; her best friend quivering under her touch. She stroked Laine's breast through her top and was rewarded with a whimper. Laine mumbled her friend and now lover's name over and over as she rained kisses and licks on Cassie's neck and shoulders. Cassie paused to pull Laine's top off and followed by unhooking her bra; exposing her bosom. "Mmmmm, I've seen these so many times over the years. I've dreamed of this moment, but I never thought it would happen." She touched the silken skin and delighted at Laine's inchoate sounds of lust. Cassie's fingers explored every inch of Laine's breasts before trailing down and discovering the delights of her smooth abs. Cassie's hands dropped further down and removed Laine's slacks. She ran her hand along the bottom of Laine's panties and stopped when she felt something odd. She pushed aside the lace and revealed the silver hoop piercing on Laine's clitoral hood. Cassie gasped again in shock. "What...what's that? You got pierced? On your clit?" Laine blushed just a little. "Yes. Mistress had it done at the end of the Ball. It's her mark." Cassie's eyes were as big as saucers. "What does it feel like?" Laine smiled. "It feels really good. It hurt like hell when it was done and still hurts quite a bit now, but it's worth it for the near constant orgasms. It makes me feel sexy and horny and all those things I've always been scared of." Cassie ran a finger over the hoop and watched Laine squirm and writhe. She teased at the piercing with her fingertip and Laine bucked harder. Laine reached out and pushed aside a lock of Cassie's dirty blonde hair and unbuttoned her blouse. Laine was surprised to see that underneath Cassie wasn't wearing a bra as her grapefruit breasts spilled out. Laine couldn't restrain herself another moment; she dived into Cassie's cleavage and began suckling. Cassie's moans bounced around the tiny apartment. Cassie's hand played around Laine's needy pussy. When she finally worked up her nerve a finger entered and Laine shuddered and spasmed around the single digit. Cassie added a second finger and was amazed at how hard Laine was gripping. A third finger stretched her a bit and Laine was forced to cease her attentions to her friend's breast to cry out. Laine rolled over and unzipped Cassie's skirt and added it to the growing pile of clothes on the floor and was even more surprised to see that her once- believed innocent friend Cassie wasn't wearing any underwear over her completely bald mound. Cassie blushed now and admitted, "I like the feeling of the air on my bare pussy and nipples. I guess that's what I do to feel sexy." Laine threw away the very last vestige of restraint and buried her face between Cassie's legs. Her tongue tasted her best friend for the first time and she all but sobbed at the perfection of the moment. Cassie stretched out underneath her and they twined into a sixty-nine. Their muffled cries rang out through the room in celebration. Laine wasn't sure how long it was before they collapsed exhausted. Cassie nuzzled Laine's neck and whispered, "I would like to thank your Mistress Xanna for giving us this." Laine's eyes lit up. "You can. Why don't you come with me? I have a class...a training class...later this week. I will ask her permission, but from things she has said I don't think she will object." Cassie thought for a moment. She remembered the happiness in Laine's eyes and her new confidence and openness. "I think I will," she said with a smile.
There is a story around these parts about three sisters who got the name of the three little pigs. They weren't called pigs because they were fat; these girls were anything but fat. They were young, trim, athletic and nubile. Everything every man wants in a woman and more than most deserve. These girls were called the three little pigs because they had no shame not a single shred. Between the three of them they had slept with close to half the population of the little town. The other half was female and rumor has it they had gotten through a considerably portion of them too! There was one chap that they hadn't let get a piece of that porcine pie though. Nobody really knows what his real name was, we all just called him Big Bad on account of how he used to chase that little girl in the hood all the way to her Grandmas house. He was just like those pigs, always on the look out. Why I heard that when Little Red hit her eighteenth that old bastard had her and her grandma at the same time. He'd been through his half of the local population too but he didn't swing that way so all the men folk were safe from his charms. It's hard for guys like to understand why he wasn't happy with what he'd already got. I mean I'm happy with the love of my wife Francine, she's a good woman. Big Bad though he wasn't content, and those pigs, they were always teasing him. They'd flash him when they drove by his house. I could sit here for days and tell you all of the things those girls did to him but I'm only going to tell you about the last time and before I get to that part I need to tell you a little more about them pigs. You see like a lot of really pretty and pretty easy girls (and them pigs were both) you see a lot of girls who ain't bright enough to screw in a light bulb. Not really their fault, all they gotta do is bat an eye lid and the light bulb'll jump right out of the socket and a new one'll take it's place just so it can shine down on a beauty like that. It was really the worse in the youngest one, twenty one years young when the story took place. See she grew up knowing she was too danged pretty and knowing how to use it from her sisters. Being the only redhead in town didn't hurt. I long since forgot what her name was so I'ma call her Red. The middle sister, a brunette I'm gonna call Belle didn't have it quite as good. Don't get the wrong idea. That girl could still convince an Eskimo he needed to stock up on ice and if she crawled into bed with him he'd be thankful that she warned him before melting his home. She just wasn't quite a spoiled to the core as her sister. The eldest, Goldie, with blonde hair obviously was the least spoiled of the three. She actually made it a point to be an independent woman. She could put gas in her car without help and even bought her car with money she'd earned from a job that didn't involve no kinds of pole. Not a dancing pole like Belle and not a sittin' pole if you follow my meaning like her sister Red. Goldie was a long way from what most would consider independent but compared to her sisters she was downright fierce. I'm sorry I've been sitting her runnin' off at the jib when you want me to get the point. So I'm gonna get to the point and that is that them girls loved to tease Big Bad everyway that they could and one day they decided to take it a little too far. They went up to his house stripped down to their birthday suits knocked on the door and ran away so all he got to see was their perfect little butts bouncing as they ran home. Some folks used to say that Big Bad took one sniff of their clothes and knew exactly where to find them girls. I know better though, them dumb broads didn't take their wallets out of their pants when they stripped. Big Bad decided right then that enough was enough and he was tired of these shenanigans. He was gonna teach those pigs a lesson and pork em at the same time. Can't say as I blame the guy, if those three had been bothering me I mighta done the same thing. Red's house was the closest so she was the one that he visited first. He came right up to her front door and politely knocked. He called to her. "Come out, come out little pig." Red was spoiled, but she wasn't stupid, well not that stupid. She didn't open the door. Instead she called back to him. "I won't let you in, not by the hair... well actually I shave so just no you can't come in! Just to keep you out I'm gonna lock my door right now!" If that stupid sow hadn't said anything Big Bad might not have known that her door was unlocked. Since she told him het let himself in. Red was still just as naked as she'd been when she ran from his house. The only thing she had on were a pair of pink running shoes. "We can do this one of two ways." Big Bad told her. "You can be a good little pig and let me pork you or you can struggle and squeal and I'll do anyway!" He would really rather the second, the predator in him liked to hold something down as it struggled. Red didn't disappoint him either. She was already nude she could have stayed still but instead she tried to run. Big Bad was on her in an instant. He took her by the hair, twisted her onto her hands and knees. After a bit of playing with her tits though he made a mistake and she ran, naked, to her sister Belle's house. Big Bad frowned. It was enough that these girls had teased him for years but now one of them was going to leave him with blue balls too?! That shit just wasn't fair but since hew knew where she was going he didn't follow her. He just walked over to Belle's house. He was hoping to get lucky so he didn't announce his presence this time. Instead he just tried the door. It had worked on the first pig and maybe this one was just as stupid. Sadly for him she wasn't. The door was locked tight and when he jiggled the door he heard a voice call out. "I'm not like my sister who's just a common tart. I'm older, wiser and dare I say smart? you won't get in here through an unlocked front door." If he hadn't been listening so closely to her words he might have missed the clue she gave. It was true she was smarter than her sister but not by much. A smart woman wouldn't have told him that the backdoor was unlocked which she certainly implied and when Big Bad ran around to check he found it open. For the second time in one night he had the helpless pigs and he gave them a choice. All he wanted was a little tail from the two and then he would go away and leave them alone but if they insisted he would take what he wanted. Pigs never make things easy. Big Bad found is surprisingly easy to hold the two beauties down though stacking them with Red on top of her sister. Even if their mouths were saying no their bodies certainly weren't. Both of those pigs were as wet as slop and Big Bad slid right in pumping a few times in each sister before switching over. They only put up a tiny struggle when he decided he wanted to turn them onto their backs and so he could play with their tits. It was just as Big Bad was about to come that it happened. Belle kicked him in the chest with her sneakers. It wasn't hard enough to hurt him but it through him off balance and off they shot. It's amazing how fast piggies can run when they are denying a wolf. All slicked with sweat even if Big Bad had caught them he couldn'ta held em. Course the girls ran the only place left to go. Goldie's house. I don't know what those girls talked about when they got there all I know is that I've been to Goldie's house and it's like a small fortress. She's got bars on the windows and doors and they all lock automatically when she closes the door. When Big Bad got there he felt his heart sink because there was no way he was getting in. He tried the front door, then the backdoor. "You can't come in Big Bad!" Goldie shouted when she saw him prowling around her home. The girls couldn't really flash him any more since they were nude but they three made quite a show of dancing in front of the windows showing off their big o' titties and working the wolf into quite a frenzy. "Let me in little pigs. Or I'll" "You'll huff and puff? Go on, have fun. What you really want is for us to blow you and that'll never happen!" Belle called. Then she turned around and pressed her ass against the glass. It took a while but Big Bad got a clue and that clue grew quickly into a thought and the thought into an idea. He was a mighty clever fellow you know. "Fine I'll just wait in your car; sooner or later you'll have to come out." He couldn't get to the car of course, it was locked in the garage but just like he expected the pigs didn't remember that. It only took Goldie peeking her snout out of the doorway for a second for him to get his foot in the door. This time Big Bad didn't give them choices, he was going to take what he wanted. This time there was no struggle at all though. Not against him anyway. Whatever it was the pigs had been playing at was over and they were only struggling to see who was first. He'd never had three girls trying to suck his dick and lick his balls but it was definitely something he could have gotten used to. He also didn't mind the dirty little pigs lining up on all fours and letting him take them one after the other. It was without a doubt the best sex that he'd ever had in his life and Big Bad was no stranger to good sex. I can't tell you how long they kept going on like that. I know that Blondie had to go turn her alarm clock off and ended up being skipped over during the reverse cowgirl portion of the night, a fact she still complains about. When he was finally exhausted and felt that the girls had learned their lesson he left. I know what you're thinking and that is how can the story end with the Big Bad winning like that? He got everything he wanted and without consequence. Well that's what he thought at first. He was proud of how he'd put those little pigs in their place but for a life long bachelor sometimes it takes a while for things to catch up to you. In his case it took exactly nine months before Red introduced him to his son Butch. Belle brought his son Brent and Blondie brought him twin girls Ariel and Alexis. More than that they brought lawyers to make claims for child support.
_©_ PennameWombat November 2021 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This is my exceptionally late entry for [Literotica's Winter Holidays 2021 Contest](https://www.literotica.com/s/the-2021-literotica-winter-holidays- story-contest). It's a visit into a corner of reality that is celebratory for some. For others, well, it's up to you. Tags: WINTER HOLIDAY 2021, Anal virgin, Bareback, College, Cunnilingus, Lube, MF, Pussy eating, Romantic, Straight sex ***** "This is one of my housemates, Tom. Tom, Hester." "Good to meet you, Hester," Tom said as they shook hands, "Paul told me you were coming, but a bit later?" "Thanks, Tom, good to meet you too. I skipped a toilet stop on the freeway, ya know, those truck stop restrooms! Ugh! So, uh..." "Down that hall," Paul pointed to his right, "first door on left." "Thanks," Hester said and she walked quickly and the door closed behind her. Paul turned with the parka. He walked past the dining room table that faced a large bay window and turned left into the little kitchen to arrive at the nook they used as a wet room. "I'll turn the lights on the Christmas tree," Tom said behind him, "it's mid afternoon, but not like it's bright outside." "Good idea," Paul called. He put Hester's parka onto a hook. With Jeff away until the new year, that meant the spaces usually occupied by his and his girlfriend's outerwear were free. "Ah, that's pretty," he heard Hester's voice, the slight hoarseness his memory said had always been there seemed stronger, "but not exactly your standard Christmas tree." "This is Barry the Banana Tree," Tom said as he held his thumb and forefinger in an arc, "this big when I got him a few years back and..." "Now his pot is half of a wooden barrel," Paul said, "and it is HEAVY. Only way we got it in here was with a hand truck." Hester laughed as Paul bent over, put his hand on his lower back and groaned. The multi-colored lights strung across the broad leaves of the eight foot tall tree twinkled. It occupied the entirety of the floor space in the second large bay window that faced the street. "Ah...," Hester's voice broke again before her amusement morphed to a broad smile, "do you get any fruit?" "They're self-pollinating," Tom said, "but Barry hasn't come through. Paul's the one grew up on a farm, he should know what's up." "We had some pear trees, but, well, look outside. This look like the tropics?" Another round of laughter. Tom patted Barry's trunk and a broad leaf before he spoke. "Need any help bringing anything in? I need to run a couple of errands, flying out tonight, but have few minutes. You guys'll have the place to yourselves." He and Paul looked at Hester. "Couple of bags," she said, "most of it can just stay in my van. I know Paul's back is shot but I can manage." Paul snorted and shook his head. "Later," Tom waved and traced Paul's path to the coat nook. The pair left behind gave quick waves back. "Is Barry why you keep it so warm in here?" Hester asked before she grabbed the hem of her woollen sweater and pulled it off. She had a snug long-sleeved tee shirt under it. They heard the side door close and a moment later Tom's car backed out of the driveway. "I mostly don't notice," Paul said, "my room's in the basement. Always cooler down there. The big couch is down there in the TV room, but no fold out." "Told me that on the phone, fine with me. I don't roll around much when I sleep. And..." Paul waited as Hester looked at Barry and her expression morphed from her happy smile to a sad one before it settled with a pensive sigh. Her smile lifted slightly when she looked at him. "Anyway, help me grab the bags? Van can stay on the street." "Let's go," Paul said and Hester tossed her sweater so it fell across the back of the nearest chair and the dining room table. He pulled the front door open and led her into the chilly afternoon air. ***** "Anything else?" Paul asked as he set a duffel bag on the floor of the basement's large rec room. The large TV to his right gave the room its more usual name. "This is it," Hester said as a rolled up sleeping bag bounced when she dropped it onto the floor, "definitely cooler down here." "Uh," Paul forced his gaze back to Hester's face. Her face, with the same uneven tan he remembered, even faded this far after summer, was in a huge grin. "Cold outside, too," she said, "guess I should've worn a bra?" "Oh hell no," Paul said, "that would've been a bad idea. Not the first time I've seen you like this. A bra won't be needed while you're here." "That game in the pouring rain," she said, "was summer. I took my bra off after the game. You and Brad were just as soaked through as any of us." "Hey, coaching's a tough gig, sometimes. At least we won." "Oh... that was the last game I played, wasn't it? Season ended..." "That was June. We had the big party end of July and off you went to the other side of the country. Now you're a doctor." She let out an amused exhale. "Yeah. A piled high and deep kinda doctor." He chuckled. "You want anything? Drink? Hungry? Now we got your stuff in." "Got tea?" "Yeah. Upstairs. C'mon." She followed him to the stairs and he led them out of the basement. "You've still got a nice butt, you know that?" She said with a light tone. He stopped quickly and bent over. She let out a slight yelp and used a hand against his ass to stop herself. He shook his hips. She laughed and squeezed his right butt cheek. He straightened and skipped quickly to the top and turned right. She followed and they laughed together. He grabbed a kettle from the stove and carried it to the sink. "That cupboard," he pointed, "I never drink tea but Tom has a few different kinds. Help yourself. There's a bottle of instant coffee, it's shit but it's hot and black so fine for me. Mugs next cupboard over." They worked in silence at their respective tasks. With the water heating and the mugs ready, they looked at each other. "I'm kinda sad," he said, "I'm only your third or fourth choice for where to stay." "Hey," she said, her voice firm but not angry, "try staying in one place for a while! I did call your number first. But, well,'sorry, no idea who he is' was the answer." "Oh... shit... yeah..." "Comes the dawn." "Two and a half years ago. Hey, you saw that place. Would YOU still be there? Always fast turnover, no surprise no one there was around when I lived in that dump." She laughed. "I shoulda just gotten a hotel. But, well, I tried Brad and Karen's number, that's disconnected. Talked to Lil, but she only had your old number." "Brad and Karen moved to Minnesota back in August. Jobs. I passed out my new number..." Hester chuckled. "Finally got Crystal. She's headed out of town but at least she had your number here. But, guess I should mention it." "Oh?" "You're the only one I told I was coming. I just told the others I was just calling to say Merry Christmas." Paul raised an eyebrow and his mouth froze as if to speak. She had her pensive expression again. The kettle whistled and he just nodded then filled the two mugs with boiling water. He dipped his head and led her to the dining table. She sat at the end of the table where she faced Barry's twinkling lights. Paul sat to her right where he could look out the window at the dismal afternoon. A couple of inches of icy snow remained on the lawns but the hard surfaces had been cleaned from the recent storm. "So our secret. Not a worry you staying here." "Sure? I don't want to impose..." "Uh, my housemates are gone until after New Year's. This way I won't have to drink alone! Not like I have any classes to teach until January. I was either going to work on my thesis or play video games. Not like I was planning to rent the sofa out to anyone else." "I won't interfere with all the chicks you plan to bring in?" Her grin was again broad. "No freakin' way! This way I have a witness because NO ONE would believe that happened! So... if you have some ready, bring 'em in. My list's a bit, oh, short." He grinned back and they shared a laugh. "I've got my skis, been a while..." She did a slight shrug. "That'll work, we'll go a day or two next week. But, uh, you know..." She looked at him. Her expression went pensive again. "You didn't really explain why..." "I'm here." "Well, I heard you're coming in the spring. You didn't bother to let me know when you skipped into town couple months back but I heard you got an assistant professor position here." "Only had enough time to fly in, interviews, fly out. Kept it quiet so no one would feel like I slighted them so I skipped everyone. I'll have to go back, do my defense, teaching one class in the new semester. Dissertation's done, just final proofreading. Wanna take a look?" "Sure, happy to help. Not that I'll understand it, but I'm good with grammar." "You're finishing up the MS in the spring? Going for the PhD?" "Nah," he chuckled, "leave that to you brainiacs. I like teaching but the research part, not so much." She nodded slowly. "Jobs?" "Few nibbles, couple local and couple not so local. Pretty sure one or two will come through, not sure which ones." "So we can wave as I come back to town and you jet off to riches and fame." "Yeah. Slaving away in a cubicle," he shook his head, "that's fame. But... well, that's not the only thing I heard about you. Something about... a..." "Fiancé?" "Yeah, that." Her right hand released the mug and her fingers drummed. He slid his left hand to it. She accepted the light grip but kept her eyes on Barry. He saw reflections glitter in moist eyes. "He found someone else." "Oh... shit." "Been kinda tunnel-visioned finishing my work, flat out this semester. Taught two classes, too much with finishing the dissertation too, but too good for experience. And the interview process here and one other school. But didn't think it was THAT bad. Didn't see it coming. At all. We were going to his family's place for the holiday weeks, only couple of hours drive, leave day after the semester ended. I got home from that last day and he sprang on me that HE was going... HE wasn't going alone... but I was NOT going with him." "Ah, oh...," Paul managed but decided to just slightly tighten his grip. She looked at her tea, then at Barry and his twinkling lights. The tip of her tongue caught between her lips for a moment before she sighed and continued in a quiet voice. "So last place I wanted to be for Christmas was within a thousand miles. This is about double that, so good. Packed shit up and threw it in the van, first three hundred and fifty miles that night. He's promised his shit'll be out of the apartment by the time I get back. We'll see. But." She turned and looked at him, a determined expression on her face. Her grip tightened. "You and Sue," she said, "from what I'd heard, that was kinda, uh... serious." It was Paul's turn to redirect his gaze for a moment. He looked at her. "Ok. Yeah. Kinda, I guess." "Out with it." "She's staying with her parents for the holidays. I called her to see about getting together, only an hour away... she said her mother had invited people over and they were all staying in... so not a good night and tomorrow not likely to be..." "And?" Hester's expression added emphasis to the word when Paul went silent. "Was clear I wasn't invited, but I wasn't totally surprised. Last little while I've known something wasn't quite right, so somewhere my brain's more or less been prepped. But that wasn't the main thing that settled it," Paul sighed and took a moment to continue, "that was the exact same story she'd told me about the way she'd dumped that Malcolm. You remember, the guy she was with when she'd joined the team?" Hester's mouth opened slightly and closed before she nodded. She spoke quietly. "That's cold. I only knew her that last year I was here, but... fits what I remember. This shit always happens at Christmas, if there's a weak spot... breaks on the stress line." "You're the PhD in physiology," he said quietly, "yeah. Fits. But not as cold as..." Their hands squeezed a last time before they released. Both stayed silent and sipped before Paul spoke. "Nothing on tonight, Christmas Eve dinner tomorrow with some other strays. Not soccer people, mostly school. Some Jews, Hindus, Muslim or two, folks with problem families. You're coming with me, unless you need to go elsewhere. Christmas Day, drop in to see my mom and step-dad. You should come. Give me an excuse not to stay any longer than is necessary. Oh, hey, not if you don't want to, it'll be, well..." "Nothing changed there?" He shrugged at her question. She nodded and continued. "Not sure which is harder this time of year, to not have any or have ones that are... problems. No. I'll come. And dinner sounds great. I'll let some people know I'm here next week. For now, I don't want to have to repeat my story, everybody will be well-meaning, but... strangers are okay." "We'll make up a GOOD story to tell them! Anyway," Paul said, "you need a shower or anything?" "Yeah, that'd be good. But, since nothing much tonight, I saw your VCR and bunch of movies. Got any Christmas movies?" "Definitely. Real Christmas movies. Proper ones." She mouthed an 'oh' and looked at him, her expression curious. "We can start with 'Die Hard,' then it'll be 'Gremlins.' Then 'Silent Night, Deadly Night,' and one I can guarantee you've never seen." "Oh?" "'Last Stop on the Night Train.' It's truly an experience. It's like an Ingmar Bergman Christmas movie!" She laughed. He liked it when she did that. "The Pie still going strong?" He nodded to her question. "Good. A pizza, plenty of popcorn and wine and we'll be set." "Works on the pizza and popcorn fronts, but lacking on the wine." "Okay," she said after draining her mug, "show me to the shower and then the wine store. My treat." ***** Hester hadn't made it to the fourth movie. She snuffled and pushed closer to Paul as he sat on the couch. He shifted his left arm to rest along her side, his hand at the top of her right hip. Paul emptied his wine glass with a long drink. A glance told him the third bottle was as empty, due mainly to his efforts, although Hester had matched his diligence for the first two. The final scenes of the Bergman-influenced "Last Stop on the Night Train" played on the television. He guessed the Swedish filmmaker would recognize the genesis of this movie as two of the movie's thugs met their gruesome fates at the hand of the vengeful father, but he might not appreciate it. Or, maybe he would. As the credits rolled he nudged Hester. She had on fuzzy pajamas, light blue and decorated with schnauzers, arms and legs covered by the cloth. Her feet were in heavy socks. Her head was against his shoulder and her left arm across his thighs. She shifted slightly and the new angle meant he had a view of her right breast. It was as nice as he remembered it, but he'd had better views, that night he and Brad and half the team had all skinny-dipped at the hot springs after the Park City game chief among them. "Hester," he whispered, "Hester." She stirred. Snuffled. After another moment she shifted so she could look up at him. His view disappeared. Her heavily-lidded gray eyes blinked a couple of times. "Hey, fell asleep." "Yeah. We'll watch it another time." "Toilet," she said and gave him a shy smile. She swung her legs and sat up. He stood and pulled her up. Both swayed for a moment before they balanced each other. "Ah," each said, "bit dizzy." He gathered the empty bottles into the large bowl they'd emptied of popcorn and set them at the base of the stairs as Hester emerged from the bathroom. "Hey," she started but her statement was interrupted with a huge yawn, "thanks for letting me stay. But... I..." She took two weaving steps and met him for a hug. She kissed his cheek before her eyes scrunched as she fought another yawn. "C'mon," he led her into the rec room, "make yourself comfortable. I'll deal with the TV. Nothing to get up for, sleep late as you want." "One bit of shopping to do," she slurred, her voice hoarser. Another yawn didn't help. She unrolled her sleeping bag onto the couch as he extracted the cassette, restored it to its paper sleeve and turned the TV off. When he turned he saw Hester had removed her socks and snuggled into the bag and used the pillow he'd given her. She blinked as he walked to the door. He started to speak but simply smiled. She was already asleep. ***** "I'm a hooker," Paul stutter-stepped as he heard Hester's cheerful voice, "Hester the hooker. He bought my Holiday "girlfriend" special! I hang on his arm like his little sweetie so no one knows he's a lame wastrel who can't get a chick." Paul stopped and stared as Hester and a man and a woman all turned toward him. All had broad smiles. "But, well, look at me. I'm not exactly top tier," Hester continued, "but, not like he's flush with cash. I'm the budget model. Ah, thank you, lover." He handed over a glass of wine and took a sip of his beer. "Little? You're as tall as me," Paul said, "especially in those heels." "And that's a beautiful dress, Hester," the woman, Esther, said, "you're the best-dressed one here." "Like I said, I'm a pro. Pays to advertise!" The flashed expressions Esther and her husband Prakash gave him seemed to indicate they knew she was joking. Well, maybe they knew. He hoped they knew. Prakash was part of his research group and Paul wondered whether this story would push his status up or down. "She's actually an assistant professor of physiology," Paul said, "well, almost." She shifted her wine to her right hand and wrapped his right arm with her left before she slid her hand until it slid into his. Her voice was on the boundary of husky and hoarse. Her light brown hair shook around her shoulders as her body did an amused shiver. "Well, yeah," she said as she turned from Paul to face the couple, "but that pays like shit and I'm not one YET. Gotta keep the cash flowing somehow!" They'd run their separate errands after a slow morning with lots of not- instant coffee and pancakes they'd quickly whipped together. Dual hangovers had faded with caffeine, carbs and chuckling as they revisited past years on the soccer field. Reunited, she'd retreated behind the closed door of the rec room as he'd pulled on one of his better pairs of jeans and an actual button-down shirt over a tee shirt. He'd opened his bedroom door and was shuffling through papers on his desk when he looked up. "Holy...," he'd said. Hester smiled at him in the doorway. "I've never seen you in a dress," he said, "or a skirt. Shorts. Soccer uniforms. Jeans. Pajamas. But a dress... and heels! You look, uh..." "Awesome? Incredible?" "Yeah, those. Definitely. And hot. Yeah. Hot." She chuckled. The dress reached her knees and was red with white trim and traced her athletic figure as she stood with one leg angled sideways and outward, her hips not broad. Its bottom four buttons were undone, which allowed it to expose her muscular left thigh. "Stockings? Not panty hose?" "Thought they fit," she said, "nice to know you're not totally clueless. Did Sue ever wear them?" He sniffed hard. "Never saw her in a dress or skirt either. You know my taste in women." He concentrated his gaze. She shook her head and pushed her chest out as he smiled. The top four buttons were in the same state as the bottom four. "You said I wasn't allowed to wear bras while I'm here, so..." "That dress is very form fitting. You said you didn't play this last semester." "My fiancé's...," a cloud passed over her face but she quickly smiled again, "Ron. My ex-fiancé's family always does... DID a formal Christmas Eve dinner. Bought this to surprise him and them, but that shoulda told me we weren't really a proper match. This... and, wasn't just that he was Ronald... but that he had an I and V at the end." "I... uh, and... V" "Ronald Fancy Family the Fourth," Hester said, "really. SO many red flags. You ever know me to do formal?" Paul chuckled. "That's why we got along. Casual to the bones." "Yup! But, well, my exercise schedule was shit, but got some. Not at peak fitness. But I liked this dress when I saw it." "For good reason! If there's a couple extra pounds, they fit you. Not minding here," he'd said and hadn't prevented his gaze tracing down her figure. She hadn't seemed to mind and had spun slowly as he'd done so. "Assistant professor?" Esther asked. "Physiology, but not quite yet," Hester said, "assuming I don't blow my defense in the spring, get my PhD then I'll be back here for the fall. Did my BS and MS here." "Hey, Prakash, got a minute?" He turned to the voice from a group across the room, He looked at Esther, who shrugged. He nodded at Paul and Hester before he turned and walked to the other group. "So what's the real deal between you two," Esther said and she glanced around and lowered her volume, "you're taller and not a redhead and much better dressed than she ever was. And Paul hasn't said anything but his mood recently I'd put money she's out of the picture." "Paul's my boy toy. I'm an older woman in the habit of seducing young and naive guys and discarding them after I've drained them of money and precious bodily fluids!" She and Esther chuckled at that. "I was the goalkeeper coach, took over fully coaching the soccer team when Brad and Karen left," Paul said, "and she was our star sweeper. Hopefully she'll be ready to slot back in. Still not found a real replacement for the position." "Oh, god," Hester said, "I'm too damned old to play with those young chicks! I'll be thirty by the time I get back here." "So... you're just in town, Hester? Checking things out? You two never been..." Esther asked with a tone that implied she didn't believe that. "Dear friends," Hester said, "he's even read my textbooks to me." Paul watched Esther's mouth open but a slow look passed between the two women. Esther bit her lip and nodded. "So," she said, "what was this textbook?" "Don't remember the name," Paul said, "but it was about human sexual response to various sorts of stimuli." Esther raised an eyebrow and laughed. "He read it so well," Hester said, "I should've had him read me all of my work." "Listen up," Cheryl called from the doorway, "dinner's ready. It's buffet style, grab a plate, help yourself and find a seat!" Paul wondered if his feeling was real that the crooked smiles directed his way during and after everyone had eaten indicated changed attitudes. Or was his imagination. But the whispers definitely carried 'hooker' along with 'Hester' and smiles and choked off laughs when they saw him. It might be the new semester before he really knew what everyone thought. "Oh, hey," he said as he turned his head when an arm slipped around his left arm, "there's my 'girlfriend.'" Hester whispered into his ear. "Want everyone to see you're getting your money's worth." Then she used her free hand on his cheek and directed his head to turn. She kissed him on the lips with a soft and slow pressure. He pressed back and after a moment opened his lips just enough to push his tongue past them. It was met from the opposite direction but the contact withdrew slowly almost immediately, followed by a slow separation. Grey eyes sparkled, but this time he didn't detect tears. He'd noticed earlier that the fifth button from the bottom had been undone at some point in the evening and a quick glance showed it'd now been matched at the top. Anyone who'd not already worked out those perfect if not overly large breasts were unconstrained had no such excuse remaining. Then she shifted but stayed tight alongside him. The buzz of conversation that'd filled the room had dimmed while she'd shown the group he was getting value for his money. "Who's coming with us? My date is taking me to Midnight Mass at the Cathedral. But... well, it's not exactly AT midnight." "Uh," Paul said, "I'm uh... where?" "It's actually 10 p.m. mass. So we should get going. Who wants to come?" "I'm not exactly a Catholic anymore," Paul said, "and..." "Me neither. But not like anyone ever becomes not Catholics," Hester said, "but it's not like they care who goes. But, well, given my line of work my poor, fallen soul needs all the help it can get!" She twisted and kissed him again. This time her lips opened immediately and her tongue pushed a degree harder as people shuffled around the room. "Hey," Hester whispered into his ear, "that blonde in the back..." "Lori," Paul said, "not one of the grad students, seen her around the campus but don't really know her.." Six of their fellow dinner attendees exhaled vapor as they shuffled and followed the crowd into the Cathedral behind Paul and Hester. They in turn followed and were followed by plenty more. "Think I might've played my role too well," Hester said into his ear and glanced to see their followers talking amongst themselves and looking at the combination of Gothic and Romanesque architectures that made up the building, "she asked me how much I get for a 'girlfriend' package! Said she's a bit short of money, if she's giving it anyway, get paid for it." Paul looked at Hester then glanced at Lori. She was shorter than Hester but very cute and certainly curvier and her hair was much longer under her bobble hat. "So, lover," Hester whispered, "how much DO you pay for... uh, companionship?" She shifted and he saw a grin that conveyed the deepest amusement he'd ever seen. "Told her I didn't need the competition," Hester said and chuckled, "I mean, look at her!" Lori caught their eyes at that moment and smiled before she tilted her head slightly. Her eyes were definitely analyzing the scene. Then she winked at them. They smiled back before the crowd's movement caused them to turn. "Hester," Paul said quietly, "why are we here? I never knew you to go to church..." "Another red flag I blew past. Ron didn't either, not really, but his family was into it. He was expected to slot in when around... so. It's Christmas, this is what they did "Yeah, I got relatives like that. But... here?" "Humor me... I can't exactly say. And I'm the one with a minor in psychology!" Paul rubbed her back through the layers of insulation as they worked their way into the building. With a few polite requests, the group managed to crowd into a single pew, their coats piled around and behind them with a couple on the floor. That he and Hester were both lapsed Catholics had been a revelation earlier in the evening, not so surprising had been the fact that the rest of their little party lacked even that connection. But most had heard of the tradition, so given a chance decided to attend. To their queries, he'd advised them there'd be kneeling, standing, some call and response... they could stay silent but following along would be fine. As they'd scrunched into the pew, Paul had noticed that one more of the lower buttons on Hester's dress was no longer employed. He read the scene. Her coat was behind but also around her left side, the view of that neighbor obscured. One flap of her dress had fallen between them and left her entire right thigh exposed. She had the missal in her hands and her gaze seemed to be on it. Her exposed thigh pressed against his thigh covered by denim. Without spending time considering, he put his hand just above her knee and felt firm muscle under what she'd told him were actual silk stockings, Ron's credit card having been employed in the purchases. The edge of her mouth quirked and she pressed her thigh slightly more tightly against his. A glance to his right showed the unidentified couple in quiet discussion with each other. He traced his fingertips along the sartorius muscle, she flexed it and he hummed. Whatever her recent exercise limits, she still had power in these thighs. He played his fingers at the boundary of skin and the elastic band, held up by that and not garters. As his fingers fell toward the inside of her thigh she nudged her legs apart. She kept, or played at keeping, her attention on the missal as the final attendees found spaces wherever they could, every suitable space destined to be filled. He wrapped his palm and fingers across the inner half of her thigh. He glanced again, no attention on them. He could just see her panties, their red matched the dress, likely purchased with that in mind. He'd had a fair amount of alcohol that evening, but hadn't felt impaired driving, but wondered at his decision making. He slid upward along her thigh. Her legs didn't close. He thought he felt more than heard her hummed purr when the edge of his hand pressed against cloth. Smooth, silky but not seemingly silk like the stockings. A wave ran through her body and her glutes flexed to press back. She was warm. Very warm. A sudden change in the timbre of the crowd's sound was followed by it dimming as a procession of robed young men apparead front left. Hester squeezed her legs together, trapping his hand for a moment, then she relaxed them and he took the hint. He gave the top of her thigh a squeeze then kept his hand against the flesh hidden by her panties as he pulled it upwards. She exhaled hard. His hand clear, she reached with hers and grabbed it, pulled it to her mouth and kissed it. Then she turned and gave his neck a glancing kiss before a whisper. "Mmmm," then she kissed his ear before she turned her attention to the front. Near halfway through the service, Paul noticed a couple of things. His crew had essentially played along, some even singing quite well on a couple of hymns. And his left hand was being crushed. He turned his head. Hester held his hand with both of hers. Her gaze was forward but seemed unfocused. There were no tears on her visible cheek, but he saw the sparkled reflections in her eye again. He added his second hand to add reassurance but also to prevent bones from being crushed. She scooted tightly against him and twisted her head. Her grip loosened just enough. "Sorry," she whispered. "Not needed," he added his own slight squeeze. Her face worked through a range of expressions before she took a deep breath and blinked. Her eyes glittered and he released a hand to hopefully find a tissue in a pocket of the sports coat she'd dug out of his closet and coaxed him to wear to dinner. She accepted the offering but beyond quick dabs it wasn't further needed. She was silent but her smile and soft look was thanks enough. Her attention went back to the droning sermon. Despite the provisions for multiple communion stations, it was likely to be a lengthy process given the crowd. Hester relaxed her grip as she sat back and released a long, slow exhale. She leaned her head against his shoulder. But she kept his left hand in the grip of both of her's. He glanced, most of their party studied the missals or watched the procession. Then he noticed Lori. Her attention was rapt on the crowd. He read the concentration on her face as she watched the congregants accepting their wafers and blessings. "Oh, uh," he started before he wondered if he should say something. Hester looked at him then turned. They watched the blonde, conveniently at the end of the pew, rise and work her way into the queue. Her jeans were stylish and tight but fit well and didn't mark her out by much. The square and low cut of her top and the impressive cleavage was somewhat less mainstream. "Ah, she can help us pay for the taxi to hell," Hester said. Paul joined her with a laugh, happy that it'd seemed to lift her mood a bit. Having emerged back into the chilled night air, they'd discovered snowflakes as they'd walked the two short blocks to their cars. Only the lightest dusting had settled as yet on roads or walkways, but since the temperature had never risen above freezing, there was little doubt it'd accumulate quickly. "Hey, Paul," Lori said, her voice bright, "I think that priest was looking down my shirt! And that little wafer of Christ's body was kinda like cardboard. And wine! I was promised wine!" He shrugged and a couple of the other guys offered nervous laughs. Hester's expression was haunted. "So where's the party going, now?" The blonde continued, her exposed hair flew as she threw her arms around two of their companions. Hester looked at Paul. He gave a very slight nod and turned so she could lean against his shoulder. Lori hadn't ridden with them, but they'd brought Ekani. That said, there were two other cars. "Hester's dead tired," Paul said, "we're just headed home. But, Merry Christmas, everyone! Who's closest to where? Ekani, I don't know where you live." Lori flashed a look at him but gave a tiny jerk when she caught Hester's eyes. "Not a problem, Paul," Ekani said in his British accent softened by years in the States, "I'm a block from Jimmy's place. Give me a ride?" "Got room, dude. Hey, drive carefully!" A round of hugs, Paul grunted when Lori grabbed his ass with both hands and ground her hip into his crotch. Winter quarter might be very interesting. That was followed by her repeating it with Hester, with the additional push of going for a kiss. She acquiesced and a short, sharp battle of tongues with no clear winner took place. "I still wanna know," Lori said as she looked at Hester before she stepped between Jimmy and Ekani, "I'm not far from these two, if they don't mind." ***** Paul looked at the closed rec room door as he navigated from his bedroom to use the toilet. It was Christmas Day. From his basement window's blockage, it seemed the snow might still be falling. The drive home hadn't been a challenge, the amount of snow on the roads not yet threatening and he was experienced at winter driving. Hester had been quiet, her mood back to the dip it'd taken during the service. But they'd ended up on the small couch in the upstairs living room that faced Barry and his twinkling lights. He'd gotten himself a beer and they'd opened another bottle of red wine. She'd kicked off her heels with an 'aahh' and had scrunched on the couch next to him, sitting on her legs with his left arm around her shoulders. With only Barry's lights inside, they'd watched in initial silence as the streetlights showed the increasing ferocity of the snowstorm. Paul wondered if he should say anything. He wondered about rubbing Hester's pussy while sitting in a cathedral pew. He wondered what he should wonder about. Then he felt the shaking. He accepted the wine glass, emptied of all but the last sip or two, set it on the little table at the far end of the couch and resettled. Hester's crying hadn't been racking sobs, but it'd been deep. Anger had alternated with sadness and he'd heard few words other than 'Ron' said with heat. Sue's dust off hadn't been graceful, but in hindsight the signs had been clear and in a way he hadn't taken it deeply personally. He had no reason to disbelieve any of Hester's story, unlike a few of her past teammates, she'd never been one to hunt for or create drama, and their friendship had always been deep but easy. They'd flirted outrageously but
had never taken it beyond that nor had either ever taken insult. A week ago she'd been engaged to a man who must've been the love of her life. Well, no. Her work had always been her true love, that'd been obvious from the time he'd first met her when Brad had recruited him from their men's team to help coach the women. So this Ron Rich Fuck the Fourth would've been second. And apparently that hadn't been good enough for him. Paul had a couple of times kissed the top of Hester's head but had mostly just returned pressure when she'd tightened her grip. This time the tears had flowed. He'd not known how long it'd been, but Christmas Eve had long turned to Christmas Day and the snow had covered every surface outside. The street wasn't a main road and hardly any tire tracks marred the snow. A massive, full body shudder ran through Hester before a half dozen repeats of a slow inhale she held before letting it out equally slowly. Then she looked at him. "Oh, god...," she'd said, "I must look like shit. My makeups gotta be everywhere." He'd smiled. "Yeah. It is." Then she'd scrunched against him again and he barely heard her. "I'm sorry. Sorry... sorry. I need to go to bed." Then she'd unfolded herself slowly and looked through Barry to the view outside. "It's beautiful," she'd said. "Freakin' beautiful out there," he'd agreed. He'd stood up and helped her up. She'd hugged him and he'd again heard the very soft'sorry.' "No, don't be," he'd said softly. She'd hugged him. They'd made their way downstairs. He pushed his bedroom door mostly closed but didn't latch it and he padded barefoot back to his bed. It was always cool in the basement, this morning bordering on chilly. He liked it. Made it easy to sleep. He was on his back and pulled the blanket to his armpits and quickly fell into a fugue, not asleep but not entirely awake. Was it a dream? His bedroom door had opened. A figure in a floppy red stocking hat with a big white ball flopped around light brown hair. Below that was a broadly smiling face and below that was a classic Santa Claus coat. The bottom hem was essentially even with the tops of what were long, muscular, tanned legs that ended in fuzzy, green slippers that rose just above ankles. The figure carried a long, red and white scarf. In an instant the figure stood alongside the bed. "Merry Christmas!" The voice was loud and feminine and with a touch of hoarseness. She held the scarf over her head and opened it to reveal the 'Merry Christmas' knitted into it and the jacket shifted enough that he was essentially at eye level with a bit of her anatomy that the previous evening had offered a view of red, cotton cloth and this morning was closely-cropped brown hair. She brought the scarf down around him and bent over. It took his brain an instant to register the screamed request for guidance from his lips as they were pushed open. Then she jumped on the bed and sprawled on either side of him and trapped his arms under the blanket. Only his tongue could offer any response. And it did. He forced her tongue into a fighting retreat and pursued it into her mouth. But it'd been a feint, she wrapped around it and used her greater mobility to change the angle of attack. The ball on the floppy hat bounced around their heads. It might've been one minute. It might've been ten. Finally she forced a truce and lifted her head. Both of them took a couple of deep breaths. "Oh... ah... Merry Christmas, Hester," he said then he winced. His cock was fully awake, he wore nothing but thin pajama shorts and they offered it no resistance. The blankets kept it hidden but the shifting of her hips as she straddled him made clear she knew it was there. Her eyes were red and puffy but her face and body gave off a happy vibe. "Hey, I'm sorry about last night. But... um...," she said but she seemed suddenly hesitant. "Nothing to apologize about. Nothing," he said firmly, "and, this more than makes up for it." "Um, well, good! It's Christmas wish time," she bit her lip then licked her upper lip, "want to unwrap your Christmas present under the tree?" "Uh... hey, we said no presents?" "It's not a package, exactly," she said, her voice again that boundary of husky and hoarse as she looked down her own body. Then looked him in the eyes and raised an eyebrow. Her hips moved and his cock immediately shed its moment of doubt. "Some of my friends opened theirs on Christmas Eve," Paul said slowly, "but I always did it Christmas morning. But. I can't do that trapped in my own bed!" She leaned and kissed him hard. Then she shifted her arms and leaped off the bed and grabbed the blanket in the same move. She threw it almost entirely off the bed. His cock sprang against its thin prison as her jacket bounced up and firmly confirmed it was the only layer needing to be removed. She pulled him to his feet then wrapped the scarf around his waist and tied it quickly with his erection incorporated in the knot. "That's my present," she said, "I've waited years for it! No more!" He reached around her and went under the jacket and grabbed bare ass cheeks. She flexed and he murmured at the firmness and the goosebumps. "And I've waited years for THIS," he said, "c'mon, it's freezing down here! Barry will have it nice and toasty." They spun and he grabbed her hand and they laughed as he led them up the stairs. They both shrugged as the warmer air hit their skin as they made the right turn into the kitchen. As they walked he reached and pushed the button on the coffee maker. "You're so diligent," she said, "did that last night? Even with..." "Thinking too much too early hurts my brain. Pushing a button I can handle." They paused just before the dining room when they caught the view out the bay window. "Wow," Hester said, "it's definitely a white Christmas." "At least a foot's worth. And still falling.." "C'mon," she said softly, "Barry's nice and pretty." "Never turned him off," Paul said as Hester led him by the hand. As they arrived in front of Barry they slid arms around each other's back and faced Barry. Beyond his twinkling lights, large snowflakes fell heavily. "I was bit of a basket case last night," Hester said quietly before she slid behind Paul with her hands around his waist, "but now, I want to..." Before he could react she untied the scarf and grabbed his pajama's waistband and pushed them downwards. He yelped as they initially caught on his cock that had gone to half erect. It bounced as they fell free. She spun him so he stood sideways to the window and dropped to her knees. Her left hand reached around to hold his ass cheeks and her right hand went to the base of his cock just before she sucked first the head and then the first third of the shaft into her mouth. It responded immediately. She gurgled slightly as she accommodated his full erection. He moaned and put one hand on her shoulder and the other caressed her head. He pushed his hips and she worked his prick deeper into her mouth as her tongue worked around the head and shaft. She grunted without getting it fully in and backed off until she wrapped her lips tightly around the head and her tongue found the slit at the front. He moaned and exhaled slowly and audibly. She held her position but her grey eyes looked up. "Ah... Hester... I've dreamed...," he said but he stopped when her eyes crinkled and teeth found his swollen glans. Then she released his erection but kissed its length before she rose slowly and kissed him, starting just above his thatch of pubic hair. "We need to trim that down," she said between kisses. He rubbed her back as she rose. She put her hands around his neck and he reached under her coat to hold her ass cheeks as they kissed slowly. Their lips separated slightly and each tongue traced slow arcs against the other. After a moment Paul shifted his hands to the outside of the coat and traced them along her sides and angled and slowed and cupped then caressed both breasts. Hester shivered and her tongue pushed harder. Then his tongue broke contact so he could speak. His hands went to the top button, unlike her dress every one was gainfully employed. "My turn to unwrap my present," he said, his voice slow and deep. Her smile was his last view. She purred as he kissed her neck before his lips followed his fingers as they undid each button through the furry white stripes that joined to make up the central front of the coat. His kisses made detours, first to the right then the left nipple. Each breast fit nicely in a hand as he braced it and sucked hard to coax the already-erect nipples to grow and harden. He swirled each with his tongue. "Umm, that's nice," hoarseness again edged into rasp as she spoke and her hands rubbed his shoulders and head. He resumed his task to loose the remaining connections and finally kissed his way into a thatch of pubic hair, cut short and slightly darker than the hair that fell around her shoulders. She jerked her hips forward when he ran his tongue just between the outer vulva lips and against the hard nub. "Aahh," she said, "hey!" He stood quickly and spun her by the shoulders and held her coat open as he turned her to face Barry and his light show. And the window. Paul's left hand caressed Hester's left tit and his right hand followed the path his tongue had pioneered but put more diligent effort when fingers found her clit. "I'm the neighborhood's present," she said but neither moved nor tried to pull the coat closed. Her left arm snaked around his waist to press his back. Her right arm slid between their bodies and that hand grabbed his cock and rubbed it to stand vertically along the top of the gap between her ass cheeks. "We can't even see the street in this storm," Paul said between neck kisses, "besides, Barry's in the way." "This the kind of thing Barry sees all the time?" Hester said as she arched her head to offer more neck and rubbed the erect cock between her hand and skin. "Not by me," Paul chuckled, "but maybe Jeff and Andrea." "Barry the perverted banana Christmas tree," Heather said, "twinkling his lights as you molest me in the living room." "Oh," he said, "if you want molest..." He separated them before he grabbed her shoulders. She yelped but let him guide her to the dining table where he spun her, caught the silent question on her face. "I want breakfast," he grunted as he picked her up just enough to allow her ass to land on the table, the coat under her. He spun her and moved a chair so his back was to the second bay window. He sat and pulled her toward him and bent his back so his mouth and tongue found her pussy. "Ooohhh, I can watch the snow and... ah... oh, yeah, there!" She opened her legs to almost a split. He pushed a finger into her as he sucked the flesh around her clit into his mouth and swirled around it with his tongue. He bent the finger and pressed against the hard flesh behind her clit. Her glutes twitched. He used the ample moisture that oozed from her slit to insert two more fingers. He gave her clit a last suck and opened her inner and outer lips so he could work his tongue the length of the opening. "Aaahhh... fuck... Marta said you were good at this!" He left his fingers in place but lifted his head. Hester had lifted herself to her elbows and grinned as she looked at him. Her body jumped slightly as he pushed all three fingers into her and bent them to scissor the flesh at the top of her pussy. "Marta?" "Yeah, your ex. You know, one of the goalkeepers you so ably trained! Said you knew what you were doing." "Shit," she jumped again as he spoke and squeezed her flesh again but her grin remained, "you guys talked?" "C'mon, did you know her to ever NOT talk? She told everyone!" "Damn," he scissored her flesh again before he worked his fingers to maximum depth, "thought I had a clean slate here." Her laugh turned into a moan and a coughed exhale as his mouth again found her very erect clit. Goo trickled from her pussy and ran to the tabletop as his fingers pumped slowly in and out and he sucked and pressed his tongue against her clit. He pulled his slackened third finger from her pussy and with the next push forced it quickly into her ass. "Oh, hey," she humped slightly and clenched, but he pushed his fingers as deep as he could and pressed fingertip to fingertip through the flesh that separated the passages, "Marta never mentioned THAT!" He grunted but kept to his tasks. Her body stiffened and a rhythmic pulse ran from her lower to her thighs and back. Her voice stayed hoarse and rough but left words behind as he worked fingers in their dual passages and his breath sucked her flesh into his mouth and applied hard pressure, before releasing it. "Yes," was the only word she managed in a string of sounds. She grabbed his head and pressed and rubbed his neck. Her glutes flexed and relaxed as she coordinated with her hands to guide him to drive her forward. He felt the wave start just beyond his fingers as a rush of sticky fluid found his fingers, then his lips and his cheeks "Oh, fuck," she said in an explosive burst as her back arched and her legs jerked in. He grunted as her thighs squeezed his skull momentarily before she separated them and held his head hard against her pussy as it spasmed. The pressure of her sphincter was as tight as he'd felt anything. Her body jerked two more times and she bounced slightly and the table squeaked. "Stop," she said and forced his head back, "oh, god, stop! I'll die!" He turned his head and kissed along her sweaty left thigh, then quickly switched and repeated it on the right. Then he sat up. Her chest rose and fell slowly and her eyes were closed. She licked her lips. He slowly withdrew his fingers from her front and rear passages. He watched her abs, which had one of those extra pounds she'd complained about, flex as her legs went either side of him and she sat up. He judged that most of the few extra pounds had gone to her breasts and ass. Where they fit ever so well. She grabbed his head and held him and kissed. She licked at his lips then pushed her tongue into his mouth. Then she broke the kiss and looked down. "Oh, looks like you enjoyed that a bit," she said and kissed him again, "do you trust me?" "Trust you?" "My turn what we do next," she said, "and I want to feel flesh. I'm safe... and... it's been a... while. Shoulda been a sign what was up. You haven't uh, given that Lori a test drive, have you?" His laugh was purely amusement. "Uh...what? No! Same here. Noth..." He shrugged. She kissed him again. Nudged him and he pushed the chair back and stood, balanced her as she slid off the table. Her hands went to his cock. She rubbed her body against his and restored the slight flagging the previous moment had caused in his cock. "Barry," she said. She led them to stand again in front of the banana tree and his lights. "On your back," she purred, "head there. Still snowing like fuck out there." He obeyed, laid on his back with his head a foot from Barry's barrel. She dropped to her knees and sucked his prick into her mouth. She pistoned up and down a half dozen times before she released it and faced him as she climbed over him. She grabbed his erection and paused over it, the swollen head with the merest touch of moist flesh. "Why'd we wait to do this?" He said when her eyes caught his. She smiled and pushed her body down. Both exhaled as his flesh penetrated deeper into hers, her opening well lubricated. She adjusted her legs to accept the final fraction and rested herself on him. The furry trim at the bottom of her coat tickled his thighs. "Because we're stupid," she said, her eyes closed, "you read my sexual studies texts with way too much passion for it to just be..." "Just imagined I was doing what they said." She put her arms on his chest and used them and her legs to lift until only the head of his prick remained inside. Then she dropped with more speed than the first time and hit bottom with some force. Both grunted. Then she leaned backwards and put her hands on his thighs. He reached up and caressed both tits and worked her nipples between fingers. "You've always had awesome thighs," she said as she flexed and rose again. He switched his left hand to her left thigh and traced the muscles she lowered herself. "Not shabby yourself," he said and squeezed her left tit, "and your tits are pretty awesome too." She rose and dropped hard. He grunted. "Goddammit, that fits... so...," she pushed up and down, "ah, Barry. God. He fits me... so well." Apparently deciding the time for discussion had ended she rose again until just the head was inserted but shifted her legs and leaned forward then sprawled with her legs either side of him and dropped forward and the ball at the end of her stocking hat bounced on the floor above his head and the open flaps of the coat fell around them. She put her hands on the floor and found his mouth with hers. They used their fit thighs and each pumped and fucked the other as the kissed. Goo oozed from her slit as the intruder hit each full penetration. Moans and squelching sounds competed with only each other in the otherwise silent room. She broke the kiss and both sets of breath were hard and fast. The sounds of flesh slapping increased as he wrapped his arms inside of the coat around her sweaty back and their pubic regions hit harder with each stroke. Neither managed more than primitive, pre-verbal sounds. He let out a hard grunt. "Give it!" Hester almost shouted and slammed him to the floor, he used the hit to flex and slam himself to full depth. His wave pushed a huge stream of cum from his cock as her pussy spasmed in turn. He pulled back and slammed himself deep a second time to fill her with more of his jism. Three more exertions and she collapsed onto him, sweaty body against sweaty body, his prick still buried in her pussy as they twitched in unison. She nuzzled at his neck but didn't move her head. He rubbed her back and her ass. He kissed her neck. After a few minutes she looked up. "You enjoy the show, Barry?" "I enjoyed helping to provide it," Paul said, "hope you did too." He raised an eyebrow when his cock was squeezed in what was obviously an intentional flex. She raised an eyebrow back. "I need coffee," she said, "you?" "Yeah." She worked off him and they slowly helped each other to stand up. "This storm ever going to end?" She asked as she looked through Barry's leaves. "Who cares." She laughed and nodded. "We were snowed in, we'll tell everyone, needed to generate heat to survive! Now, I'm going to the bathroom, get us coffees?" He kissed her and they went their separate ways. "Hey," she said and spread towels on the little couch, "join me?" He brought the coffees and handed her one and she put the scarf around his neck then sat down. She pulled her legs up in the same position she'd had the previous night, but her mood couldn't be more different. They arranged coat and scarf so bare flesh met bare flesh. Sweat stuck to strands of hair below her floppy hat. "My plan had been to offer myself last night, you know, to carry through on the girlfriend package you bought," she said between sips of her coffee, "but... uh..." He kissed her forehead. "Never mind that, plenty of time to get my money's worth." "I've gotta go back in two weeks," she said, "then... I come back... you... might be leaving. Probably have that Lori in tow." "Uh, I can afford YOU! I, uh, don't even wanna know how much she plans to charge. We got the next two weeks," he said, "but, maybe we should let one or two people know. Might have to share a bit next week.' "Yeah. Let's just enjoy what we have. You, me, Barry," she said. They laughed and kissed and went silent as they sipped at their coffees. Barry made no comment beyond his twinkling lights. After a few moments Hester's free fingers wrapped around Paul's slightly relaxed prick. "Gooey," she said. She smiled at him and sipped, "oh, it likes me doing this." He slid an index finger between her pussy lips and followed the slit. Her body tensed when he flicked the still hard nub at the top. He put the finger under his nose and inhaled audibly. "If we're talking gooey. So, did I live up to Marta's stories? How come I don't have any stories from your exes?" "Unlike the happy hunting ground you had, it was only you and Brad and he was married and you were my designated reader," she said and he snorted, "I'm smart enough to keep it separate." "Happy hunting ground? You forget the, uh..." "Yeah, I slept with one or two, a few of us played around," she gave him a lopsided grin, "just for the hell of it." She squeezed his prick before she took advantage of the ample moisture to stroke it. He grunted. "Well, then. Ok, you're gonna wake it up, you're gonna deal with it," he said and she licked her lips, "but. If Marta told you all my secrets, gonna have to up my game." "Oh?" Her hand had upped its stroking pace. "Trust me?" "Hell no." "Damned right you shouldn't," he said and leaned and kissed her, she returned the kiss, "you said we were doing Christmas wishes, right?" She nodded. Her smile kept the silent question in place. "Wait here." He rose and walked quickly through the kitchen. She looked at him from the couch when he returned. His cock quivered at full attention, her eyes went to it and she licked her lips. But then she looked at his closed left hand and squinted a silent question. He smirked. "Up," he said and gestured. She slid off the couch and set the mug on the little end table. He guided her to again stand in front of Barry. His right hand started on her sweaty stomach and worked its way up until he held it across her breasts. She again reached behind to rub his cock against the top of her ass and press on his back so the furry hem rubbed them both. He pushed the floppy cap aside and kissed her neck. "Snow's slowed a bit, no snowplows. Good thing we pulled my van and your car in the driveway." "Lame side road, this storm they'll be flat out just keeping the main roads half clear." He nipped at her neck and she jumped and laughed. She squeezed his cock in revenge. He pulled away and pulled her back slightly. "Bend over," he said in a firm voice, she purred but obeyed and put her hands on the edge of Barry's barrel, "that's a good idea, you'll need it. Look forward." She sniffed but did so, he used his right hand to nudge her legs into a slight vee. Her head started to turn when something clicked in his hand but a quick 'ah ah' stopped her. She shimmied her ass. His fingers again worked their way along her gooey slit. He pushed into the wet, hot and slick opening. "Ah, Marta always said this was her favorite," Hester said. She shimmied her ass again. "Yes," Paul said, "I well remember. But..." He pulled his fingers and rapidly ran them along her perineum before an instant of pause at her rosebud. The mix of natural and artificial lube on them meant that two slid past the protective ring with little resistance. "Did she ever say she was too lame for what's gonna happen here in a minute?" "Ah, wha...," she said as her heels lifted slightly as he spread his fingers and worked them against the tight confines that held them. "I wonder what all she claimed," he said, "but if there was mention of this she told porky pies!" "You sick bastard," she said, but her voice was light but with a husky tone, "well, she said you were that!" He laughed and she grunted when he pushed his fingers to full depth. He pulled two joints free and added a quick squeeze of lube and pushed them back in for five, six, then a seventh pump before she jumped slightly when he pulled them free and watched her hole flex. Another 'ah ah' got her to avoid looking back. "Last chance," he nudged legs and ass to adjust her and put the tip of his hard prick at her rear entrance, "to go where Marta was too chicken to go." "Do your worst, perv---," she grunted as he held her hip with one hand and used the other to fine-tune his aim as he pushed his rampant prick into her ass. Her hands tightened on Barry's barrel and her neck arched back. "That's half," he said in a husky voice once his forward momentum paused, "let's see if I can get it all in before we're done here." "He's trying to split me in two, Barry," she moaned to the colorful banana tree before she grunted as Paul laughed and pulled back until he was almost free before he shoved forward with a bit more pace than the first time, "I'm sorry you have to see this level of perversion! My poor, virgin ass!" Neither bothered with more than grunts and moans as he pumped his prick fractionally deeper on each stroke, pausing to smear additional lube before his deepest penetration yet. She slid her left hand sideways on the barrel and her right hand went between her legs. "This is...," he'd pulled back and this time shoved hard. She yelped and lifted on her toes. She shoved two fingers into her pussy and he felt them through the thin flesh that separated the passages. Her thumb flicked against his balls. "Marta was a talky bitch, but pretty lame she couldn't take thi---," Hester said but further speech became a grunt as Paul pulled back and shoved himself deep with the most force yet. "Ah, Hester," he said as he pulled back, "this is the best Christmas wish I've ever had." She moaned then grunted hard and her fingers splayed inside of her and flicked hard against the intruder in her other passage. "I thought it was going to be a terrible Christmas," she managed between grunts as Paul upped his pace with each stroke, "and it is! I might be dead, this keeps up for two weeks! Oh, god, Barry, please tell everyone he buried me in the backyard after he fucked me to death!" She half-screamed when he slammed himself to full depth with as much force as he could muster. Her stocking hat swung and bounced off banana leaves and lights made patterns as they moved. "Might be a question who'll bury who!" He pulled back and added a last squirt of lube. "Last respite," he growled, "because..." He slammed himself home and banana leaves bounced and shook as she screamed and he let out a loud and harsh grunt. "Now shaddup and fuck me to death," she screamed! He obeyed the first instruction and set to diligent effort on the second. As he had the entire morning, Barry kept his counsel silent and his visage colorful. ***** I hope you enjoyed this tale. For complete changes of pace, my two previous Winter Holidays contest entries are [A Mermaid Christmas](http://literotica.com/s/a-mermaid-christmas) and [A Christmas Miracle on Dewdrop](http://literotica.com/s/a-christmas-miracle-on-dewdrop). Simply click on my author's [PennameWombat's stories](https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=4644155&page=submissions) at the top or bottom of this or any page if you'd like to explore the stories around some of the folks mentioned here. Thanks again for reading and I hope this is worth a perfect -- but honest -- rating.
_Edited by Sherry_ November-10-2009 Please let me know if you like the story so far. By leaving a comment or sending me a message. DISCLAIMER: This story is copyright © 2009 by Christian G. Kay. This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. The characters, concepts, and plot are original, and are the property of the author. All rights reserved. Distribution for commercial gain, including, but not limited to, posting on sites or newsgroups, distribution as parts or in book form (either as a whole or part of a compilation) with or without a fee, or distribution on CD, DVD, or any other electronic media, with or without a fee, is expressly prohibited without the author's written consent. All commercial use except by educational institutions and libraries requires the author's written consent. The author may be contacted by email at [email protected]. Your comments are welcome. "Adam Martin - The Pupil" is a erotic story, with some parts containing graphic sexual scenes. If erotica is illegal in your area by local, country, province, or national law, please stop reading now and go elsewhere. * Chapter 01 -- The bus ride. I looked out the back window of the bus as it began to pull away from the station. The sky was steel gray, overcast and dreary. I would always remember the shades of yellow, orange, amber, and brown autumn leaves falling from the trees as they surrounded the lone figure of my mother, who was now growing smaller in the distance as the bus picked up speed. She gave me one last wave. I waved back at her then turned to face forward in my seat. This would be my last glimpse of the place I grew up in. There was a small lump in my throat as I began to reminisce about some of the good times I had in this place with her and my family and friends. Even though I felt a bit sad about leaving, I was more relieved and even happier to be able to leave the bad memories behind. Soon I would be able to forget this place I thought, as I laid my head against the window and watched the countryside speed past me in a dreary blur. This nightmare of my life would soon disappear. I hoped the monstrous images of my stepfather would be the first to fade. That loser would never be able to beat me into unconsciousness ever again. He was such a chicken shit, but clever enough to cover the tracks of his darker side to everyone but me. To the rest of the world he was a model spouse, an exemplary community leader and the perfect businessman. To me, he was my tormentor. There was nothing in the world that I hated more than that man, and he knew it. It had seemed like a personal goal of his to make my life a living hell. I had confided all that he had done to me to my grandmother, of my dead father's side of the family. She was my savior, my angel, and the one person I loved and respected above all else. She had arranged for me to attend the Royal Jarvis Conservatory, a private school, in the south. It was a reputable school that was well-known for its music program and curriculum. My dream was to be able to sing in perfect pitch, join a band and to be flawless on the guitar and piano. Music had always been a passion for me and she knew it could be my escape out of reality. Since there had been no current openings in the school dormatory, she had also arranged for me to stay at a local bed and breakfast until I could find more permanent accommodations. I was very shocked and surprised my mother and stepfather had permitted grandmother's set up but it was either this, or go to the police about the ongoing abuse. Neither my stepfather nor my mother wanted that, knowing how much it would taint their perfect image in the town if word got out, so reluctantly they agreed. They even bought me some new clothes, a guitar and had gathered a few of my closest friends together for a little going away party. Since it was also just past my eighteenth birthday we made a bigger event of it. Lost in thought and watching passengers boarding and leaving the bus from town to town, I realized it was slowly filling up. In one town there were a bunch of people getting on the bus. Later, I found out that a group of them had just attended a wedding and now they were home bound. Hours later this routine kinda started to get old. Another town, another stop. I stretched and shifted around a bit, my ass starting to feel numb from sitting so long. Yawning and growing impatient I stopped noticing the new faces entering and leaving the bus long ago. I just wanted this long never-ending bus ride of boredom to end so I could get on with my life. While repositioning myself to get comfortable enough to take a nap, a saw a woman with long, wavy, reddish brown hair walking towards me. I made eye contact with the woman. I don't know why but she had this look of sensuality about her. Even though she was older than me by at least 20 years, I found her face and her full figure very appealing. She looked right back at me with her sparkling dark green eyes. "May I sit here young man?" She asked politely. I just stared at her for a few seconds and finally my mouth started wording what my brain wanted to say. "Yes d... do please do." I stuttered back to her. I'm sure she thought I was a retard or something. Thinking about how drop dead gorgeous she was, I hadn't realized that I had begun to drool off the side of my mouth, which I quickly wiped off with the back of my hand. I looked at her again and bit at my lower lip as she took the seat beside me. Not only was I feeling a bit, no not a bit, VERY awkward sitting next to this woman, but I was getting a hard-on. DAMNIT! I thought to myself, Please don't let my track pants tent up! I don't want to have to adjust myself within this woman's line of sight. Apparently I'm guessing God had other plans, or was busy answering other prayers because seconds later, my boner was making his bus ride debut, growing and growing till he was able to get his head up high enough to greet the world. I tried to be as discreet as I could and moved my cock off to one side. Dear Lord, I could tell she'd seen me! I turned one hundred shades of red and just waited for her to grab her bag off the floor and get up to find another seat. Instead, she looked at me as I turned to glance at her and our eyes met again. Those seductive green eyes of hers sent tingles down my spine and my already excited member started to feel a hurtful prickling sensation. "My name is Elizabeth but my friends call me Liza for short, what's your name?" she asked in a sexy, mature, and self-assured kinda voice as she held out her hand towards me. I took her hand in mine. It was soft, but with a firm confidence. I was hypnotized. I quickly lost my train of thought, and my mind went totally blank...Dear God no, not now!..Come on, what was my name again?! I tried to speak but no sound came from my lips. I blushed again, praying hard that I could remember my name. This woman had bewitched me. She wanted to make me into a hypnotized idiot so she could enslave me and she was succeeding at it...Hmm, that would be so hot I thought suddenly then quickly felt like a fool. I still had not told her my name. My brain was still acting like a primal ape trying to learn how to beat away the lion with a stick. "A-Ad-Adam," I finally managed to stutter as I lowered my head, trying to hide my embarrassment. My ears felt like they were on fire. I had no idea what shade of red my face was, but it felt like hell red as if I had stuck my head in an oven, trying to baste it like a Thanksgiving turkey. It wasn't until I felt a slight tug that I realized I was still holding her hand tight and she was trying to pull it away. While my brain was working on God knows what at this point, I looked at her and gave her a smile as sweet as I could make it and gently and hesitantly let go of her hand. "Well, nice to meet you Adam." She replied. "Pleasure" I mumbled out idiotically. She gave me another smile that could melt the ice caps faster than the green gas effect. Just looking at her sent shivers down my spine again and alerted every part of my being. "So where are you going, if it's okay to ask?" "Um, I'm going to a little town called Jarvis, to the Royal Jarvis Conservatory," I managed to say without acting like a total fool and stuttering this time. She raised an eyebrow slightly and asked what I wanted to study. I told her and we started to chat about music. I could tell from what she said that she loved music and had a passion for it as well. She liked everything from classical to jazz to modern alternative. Slowly, I felt more comfortable talking with her as we chatted about various things to pass the time. All the while I couldn't help myself from occasionally stealing glances at her full breasts, slim waist and oh-so-long legs. She had the figure of a 50's movie star. I tried real, real hard to forget about it and contain myself as we chatted away, but every time I looked at her, my excitement would swell and spring up again, making it a bit uncomfortable for me to sit still. I subtly adjusted it every time I thought she wasn't looking and shifted around a lot in my seat but nothing really worked. I couldn't wait till we stopped somewhere for dinner so I could jerk off in the bathroom. I needed relief badly... At a little past 5pm, we stopped at the next major town. The majority of passengers seemed to unload here. I guessed this was either their hometown or they were in a hurry to catch their next bus. The driver announced that the next destination was about an hour away and that we would stop at a big road side travel plaza for those who needed to stretch, take a bathroom break, or eat dinner. The moment he said it, my stomach grumbled a little too loudly and Liza smiled at me. Up until now I had spilled most of the beans and had told her most of my life story. She was really easy to talk too. The kind of person that you could come clean and open up too. I bet if she had a job interrogating people, she would be really good at it since I bet not many people could resist her charms. The gray, overcast and dreary sky from this morning seemed to have worsened and broken out in a hard, cold rain. Liza stood up and reached for a blanket from the overhead storage and placed it over her legs and motioned to me asking if I wanted to cover up with her. I nodded and smiled at her in reply. I was both thankful because it was getting a bit chilly, and now I could finally be able to put my cock in a more comfortable position, until I could relieve myself.. "I think I will try and take little nap," Liza said looking at me as if to be polite and ask for my approval, not that she needed it from me. "Good idea," I said as I looked out the window at the pouring rain. Thunder struck nearby and a sudden flash of lightening had lit her face as if it were a camera flash and God had just taken a picture of her. This would be the first of my new memories of my journey that I would keep in my mind and heart for the rest of my life. Sitting perfectly quiet and still, I watched her closely as she seemed to fall softly into an angelic slumber. When I was sure that she was finally asleep, I decided to try to put my body more at ease. Very very slowly I started to move my hand from under the blanket, subtly testing to see if she was a light sleeper. So far so good...maybe sitting in the back of the bus with my body towards the window and concealed under a blanket I could help myself out a little before the rest stop. I wondered curiously, inching my hand towards my lap, slipping it through my waistband and boxers and finally gripping the little rascal that had been causing me so much discomfort. I moved him parallel with my leg, hoping it would make the ache die down until we got to the travel plaza. The warmth and pressure of my hand felt so good around my throbbing ache that I knew I could already satisfy myself in seconds if I tried... oh what the hell, I thought as I gave my cock a few tugs and that began to send warm feelings all over my body. I closed my eyes and tugged a few more times. "Do you want me to help you with that?" I heard in a hoarse whisper in my ear. I quickly sat still, startled and embarrassed. I then felt her body heat creeping closer and closer to me from under the blanket until her breath was on my neck. Both dizziness and desire hit me like an erupting volcano. I swallowed hard, not yet facing her, I wondered if my voice would crack like some pubescent boy if I dare attempt to answer her in my current condition. Was she even being serious with me? Unsure of myself, I gave her a brief but definite nod. She leaned even closer and in a calm, seductive voice she whispered in my ear, "pull down your pants a bit Adam, so I have better access..." Mercy me, had I fallen asleep without even realizing it? Or was I awake and letting my erotic fantasies run away with me? Did this older sexy goddess really ask me that just now? Dream or reality, I was taking orders from her, not giving them. I lifted my ass from the chair, placed my thumbs in the waist of my pants and boxers and pulled them down in one fast sweep. All 7inches of my hard cock sprang up like a spring, full of tension. The cool damp atmosphere of fresh air made the ache feel much better... it no longer felt suffocated and restrained. She placed her head on my shoulder and at the moment in time I truly felt that was why God had given me a shoulder. It was like it was made just for her. I smelled her soft hair as it lightly grazed against my neck. The smell of her took over my senses... clean and fresh with a hint of rose and lavender to it. I saw her hand move toward me under the blanket, it looked like a Gerbil searching for a carrot. She placed her hand on my lower abdomen and with her manicured nails tickled me lightly as she slowly played with the trail of hair that traveled lower, making her way down my body. As she reached the base of my cock, she started a gentle rhythmic massage while still softly playing with my pubic hair, twirling it with her fingers as she continued downward. She was sending me over the edge fast. Working her way to my balls and cupping them in her palm, she began to move them around in a delicate massage. I could feel the blood flow to my shaft and balls. Thoughts of ecstasy racing up to my brain screaming and begging for release. I gasped and moaned a little, as she suddenly grabbed my shaft and gave it a few pulls. "Shh, we don't want to attract so much attention, unless you're into public display" she whispered. "Sorry, it's just that you make it feel so good, and it's been such a long time since I've had sex." "I assume you're safe and clean, right?" she asked, looking into my eyes. "I've only been with one girl before, no one after that," I said feeling a bit embarrassed at my inexperience. "Good, because I want to suck and swallow you dry.... Would you like that?" I nodded like a dummy with a big wide grin on my face and said "Very much" She pulled the blanket down and exposed my cock. She took a long look at it, then she used steady strokes sending shivers throughout my body. She casually adjusted herself and bent her head down to my lap and sensually started licking around the head of my penis. I could feel her hot breath and the silky warm texture of her tongue lick the piss-hole of my cock. Then she gently sucked the pre-cum that was oozing on the tip of my cock. She slowly pulled down the foreskin, exposing my big hard cock head. I gasped and wanted to squeal in delight, but I held back not wanting to draw attention to us. She licked her lips and slowly placed them at the tip of my cock. Parting her lips a bit, she pushed lower and my head entered her mouth again. Her mouth was smooth, wet and hot. It felt wonderful. She used her tongue to explore bits of my cock and as she slowly sucked me, bobbing her head in a steady pace and taking more and more of me in as she went. She placed one hand on the base of my cock, stroking it while continuing to suck and lick me, nice and slow. I knew I couldn't hold on much longer and about a split second after I thought about it, I was ready. "I need to cum now," I said in a low voice of urgency while doing my best to hold it in. She lifted her head from my rock hard, pulsating cock and I felt a surge of panic. I thought she might not want to swallow. "Shoot when your ready baby," She said returning to my cock with a renewed longing and taking me in again as if there had been no interruption. That's all I needed to hear. I relaxed a bit, and let myself go so I could cum in the hot, sweet mouth that was giving me so much pleasure. "I'm coming," I whispered to her, as my hand went to the back of her neck, rubbing it and feeling her skin. It was warm and satin smooth. Just touching her sent the last tingle of excitement I could handle through my body. I came hard, my body tensed and started shaking as if I was having a seizure. Four to five shots of thick, hot semen came out of my cock in what seemed like forever. It was mind blowing! I had never felt like this before. I was still shaking and wanted to whimper like a puppy. Quickly, I placed my hand over my mouth so no sound could escape. She continued sucking me and soon enough I became just as stiff as I had been before I came. What in the world?! How was this possible? Usually after I cum, my body relaxes and my cock goes limp. I was flaccid for less than 10 seconds and now I was raging hard again. She had already licked up all the cum, and was now cleaning my cock with her tongue. The pleasure I was feeling was so intense that I felt like this was the closest to heaven I had been so far in my life. "Looks like you need a little more attention. How about we find a quiet spot in the travel plaza when the bus stops and have some more fun?" She whispered, looking up at me with a coy smile. "Yes, thank you, I would love that!" I said enthusiastically, nodding my head up and down like a kid who just got offered a truck full of candy. I placed my hand on her thigh as she sat back upright in the seat. Having the alpha male in me beam, I wanted to claim this woman, she was mine now. If anyone came near us at this moment I would chew their head off and spit it out like a grape seed. She looked at me and smiled, then took my hand and guided it under her skirt. She spread her legs open a bit and brought it towards her center just outside the boundary of fabric. I could feel the heat and wetness radiating from her, wanting to be touched. She placed it on the outer edge of her panties so that I could slip in. Carefully, I slid my hand in and felt my way down to the folds of her vulva. When my fingers found her core, it felt warm and wet. This woman was ready for me, and I now knew that she really wanted to have sex with me. I allowed my fingers to dig and explore a bit into her soft folds,gently massaging and proding as her hot juices began to trickle down my hand. With my fingers still inside wiggling about, I reached up with my thumb and found her clit and I slowly began to massage it in circular rotations. Curiously, I looked up at her. She had her head thrown back on the seat with her eyes shut tightly and her mouth forming an "O." I just knew that if we were in a better place, I'd be hearing erotic moaning coming from her luscious lips. Encouraged and excited by this, I thrust my hand deeper into her when suddenly the bus driver announced we would be reaching the travel plaza in about 5 minutes. DAMNIT! I was just really getting into this, I thought to myself with a heavy sigh. "Let's straighten up, we can continue later," she whispered to me in a low, breathless voice. "Promise?" I mumbled, not wanting to take my hand away from her pussy. "Yes, baby." She said as she reached over and placed a quick, gentle kiss on my lips. I was still puckering my lips even after she had pulled away. I heard her giggle. I bet she thought I was a geek with my eyes closed and lips still puckering. Idiot! I thought to myself as I pulled away and rested my head on the back of the seat. She took out a small compact mirror from her purse and started to straighten herself up. I was mesmerized as she applied her lip gloss to those wonderfully luscious lips of hers. The same lips that had given me so much pleasure not moments ago. I decided I would make a shrine for them because those lips I would never forget. "You better pull your pants up tiger, we don't want you parading around with your pole at full mast," she laughed jokingly. I nodded and slowly lifted myself off the seat with a sigh and pulled up my pants. I stuck my hand down my pants and adjusted my cock, no longer caring if she caught me or not. The bus started to slow down as we neared the travel plaza. The weather was getting worse. The rain was heavy and the lightening and thunder continued to clash and fight with each other. When the bus arrived, the driver told us he would announce when we were to leave but he gave us warning that we might be stalled here for awhile due to extreme weather conditions. He wanted to see if the weather would let up a bit before we continued our journey because the roads were getting too slick and the windows hard to see out of. Liza and I decided to make a run for it. I offered to use my sweater to cover our heads so we would not get so wet. We let everyone get off first since we were at the very back and then counting to three, we darted out. The downpour of the rain was so great that it soaked right through the fleece sweater we had covering our heads, and all of our clothing became soaking wet in a instant. I pulled the sweater down to my side and began to laugh, this is pointless I thought. She looked at me with a curious smirk and one eyebrow arched wondering why on Earth I was laughing. All I could do was shrug. She smiled and shook her head at me and then firmly grabbed my hand guiding us inside. As we entered the plaza, the driver informed us where there were dryers for our clothing, and handed each of us a plastic poncho. We quickly looked around for a private place and soon discovered private shower rooms that you could pay $2.00 for every 20 minutes. We inserted the coins and stepped inside... ========================= _End of Chapter 01 -- The bus ride._ By Christian G. Kay All rights reserved. Dear Husband, I write this note out of anger and frustration. Anger because of all these years that I have been married to you; I gave up all my dreams just so you could have yours. But not once have you truly understood the toll it took on my soul. We (technically you but I began to like it) started out sexual adventurous. We are now to sex about once every 2 or 3 months. It's not just because I am not interested, it's because you don't give me anything to be interested in. So I had an affair. Didn't really hid it, but it happened. Now over a year later, I have stayed away from that person. I went back to the hell of my boring life and yet you still accuse me of having an affair with someone else. So I guess the cat is out of the bag. Want to know who I am having an affair with? MYSELF! Bet you didn't see that one coming. But it's true. While you're at work and the kids are at school, I not only get my wifely duties done in the house, but I take some time for myself. My original toys having long been disposed of by YOU. You replaced a few. Well they are getting more use than you thought. Today I had an affair with the long swirly glass dildo. I was mad because I went to bed last night completely naked. An open invitation to have sex, but was dismissed. So here I am with my pants down to my knees, my shirt pushed up and my bra tugged only to reveal my tits. I close and lock the closet door. Turning to crawl on the floor to once again find the glass dildo. It's so completely dark but that's ok. Someone could be watching. Anyone. They see me crawling, begging to be fucked wanting nothing but the pure bliss of being ridden hard and fast and rough. My right hand found the glass and kneeling on the floor I pressed the cool glass against my hot wet core. Oh! Let me tell you. It was bliss. I was kneeling there, deeply embedded with this glass and I gasp. I fight the urge to move and just sit there my imagination kicking into full speed. 'That's right. Don't move. Just sit there and take it.' This voice whispers darkly in my ear. I can almost feel a man behind me. Dark promise. 'Now lean forward' I lean forward to almost doggie style, my left elbow barely holding me up. My left hand tweaking my nipples hard as my right hand begins slowly to thrust in and out. I can hear the wetness as it slides. A small groan escapes. 'Yes, I knew you would like that.' The voice says as the glass warms by my heat it thrusts in and out faster and faster. My breath stolen from me. I can feel a hand on my right shoulder encouraging me to lie on my side. And then it begins. Faster and faster the glass is slammed in my molten core. I can't help but to cry out "Fuck me. Please just fuck me. Don't stop!" But no one is there to answer. Only the glass going faster and deeper. A hard twist to my nipple and the beginnings of an orgasm hits. No, it's too early, but I can't stop. The glass claims me deeper and harder. "Aaaaggghhhhh... noooooo..." my body trembling as the glass is deeply embedded in my core. My legs trembling, my nipple sore from the hard tweaking I had given it. But that voice whispers in my ear 'yes slave, this is what you want... take it'. My back arching as my thumb finds my clit. The assault of the nipple, the sweet soft and delicate clit and the harsh glass taking me deep, I struggle to continue. "yes... fuck me please... nooo..." my hand covered in my juices, the thumb pressing harder into my clit I can orgasm building to the edge of climax. I can hear that whisper urging me to go over the edge. "Yes.... PLEASE!" I cry out desperately trying to hold onto the orgasm so that I can fully climax. I have been so frustrated I can't stop. It goes deeper, faster, claiming me more and more. I can feel his hand tugging my pants down all the way and just slamming deep into me. With that final image in my head my back arches as I cry out in the wave of pleasure. But my hand seems to have a mind of its own. Pushing me further and further into this orgasm it continues its ministrations drawing the orgasm out. "Yessssss...... aaagghhhhhhhh....... Pleaseeeee...." Before I final just collapse. Completely used and taken by a single glass toy. But you know something. For now on, this glass toy will have a name. He will be forever called Alex. Alex slides out of my hot wet core covered in my juices. I lie back on the floor and pant. This is what you missed. My hand still playing lightly with my nipple. I look at the time and want to cry. I wanted more but I have responsibilities. With a soft sigh my hand finds the hot glass and with that we make our way to the bathroom. This is my affair with Alex. And it's not even with another man it is merely a glass dildo. Turn me down and I will find a way. Your loving but sexually frustrated wife... Jane
100 "Here's what I'm going to do tonight," she says. "I'm going to stroke your cock. Lie back." She sees it in his eyes, the delight, the tiny bit of fear, the eagerness. He likes to be teased. Likes to have his pleasure... extended. And she likes to indulge him. "Don't worry, I won't let you come, but you have to tell me when you're close. If you come, I'm going to punish you." "And not some sexy fun punishment like you think, either. Something you'll hate." His eyes showed something new. What was it? Whatever it was, she liked it. He lies back, she pulls out a little bottle of oil, spreads it on her hands. "I'm going to give you exactly one hundred strokes. Can you handle that?" "One hundred's not that much. I can handle that easily," he says. Was he proud? Disappointed that it would be over so soon? She wraps her hands around his shaft and starts stroking. He moans. She likes to hear him moan. She starts slowly, firmly. At ten, she picks up the pace, counting out loud. "Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen." He's gasping when they get to thirty, so she slows to a crawl, loosens her grip, and moves as slowly as she can. "Thirty...one." He sighs, presses up into her hands. "Thirty...two. Thirty..." she pauses, "three." She cups his balls, and continues, slowly, squeezing hard. Harder. Like that for a while longer, then at fifty, she bursts into motion, faster and faster, then light again, Sixty! Then harder, then light again. He's squirming. Seventy. "Be still," she says. "Don't make me tie you up." She sees his body tense at the idea. Seventy-five. Harder now. Eighty-five. He says, "I'm getting close..." his voice rising. "Don't come!" she orders. Ninety. Ninety-five. "Stop!" he shouts. She drops his cock immediately. "Just give me a minute," he says, panting. "Then you can finish." "OK, while you're cooling down, I'm going to explain the rest of the rules to you." She takes his hand, guides it between her legs. She's so wet. He slides a finger back and forth over her folds. She gasps a little, then regains her composure. Tonight we're going to one hundred. Tomorrow we're going to two hundred. The day after, three hundred. We're going to keep going until we get to one thousand strokes in a day. You can't come until we get to one thousand." "Wait, you mean one hundred a day for ten days?" He looks smug, like what's the big deal? Like, that sounds like fun to him. "No," she says. "Each day, we start the day at zero and add one hundred to the day's target. So tomorrow, we start at zero and go to two hundred. The next day, we start at zero and go to three hundred and so on. By the end, we're going to have to work hard to get all your strokes in within a single day. If you don't make it to your daily quota, we start over at one hundred the next day." She watched him take this in. The enormity of what she had laid out played across his face. Excitement. Fear. Disbelief. "You're really going to do this to me?" He asked. His fingers got more insistent between her legs. A finger parted her lips, found her clit. "Umm," she sighed, sinking into his hand. "No, we're going to do this _together_. Some nights I'll stroke you. Oh! Some nights, I'll going to make you stroke yourself. Some nights...ah...we'll take turns. It, ummm, depends on how I feel." Oh god, right now she felt good. She wanted to land one more shot though. "I might even get bored or tired and take a night off," she said. "Oh god," he said. Then he said the thing he says when he's extremely turned on. "I want to go down on you," he said. "Not til we finish your strokes for today. We've still got five more tonight, remember? Then you're going to make me come. You're going to make me come a lot." 200 "We're going to two hundred tonight," she says. "Are you ready?" He gets that look in his eyes. Is it dreamy? Scared? Whatever it is, she's excited by that look. "Tonight, you're going to read to me while I stroke your cock. In fact, for the rest of this game, you're going to do a lot of reading, so find some things you want to share with me." She knows that he has things he wants to share. He's told her, but he's never shared them. She figures this will force his hand. "Do you have something you can read to me tonight?" "I do," he says. "Let me find it." He gets out of bed, gets his phone, pokes around a bit, then says, "I'm ready." She rubs oil into her hands, looks him in the eye, takes his cock in her hands. He's already hard. "Start reading," she says. "This is from a blog I like called Only She Cums. A husband and wife—she controls his orgasms. I think it's really hot." He's embarrassed. Looks at her, at his phone, at her again. She's holding his cock, but hasn't started stroking yet. "Are you going to read or not?" she asks, teasing. "OK here goes," he says, and begins to read. _When we first started dating, we were hot and heavy, and had sex A LOT! So much so, that I started to worry that he just wanted me for a piece of ass. I wanted a man who would love all of me, not me just for my sex, and since our relation seemed to be based only on sex, I decided better to cut my losses and move on, so I broke up with him, as hard as that was because I still was crazy about him. I didn't take his calls for a long time, but he was persistent, and I finally explained to him why I broke up with him, and he promised that he wanted me for more than just sex with me, and to prove it, he promised he wouldn't initiate any sex at all with me that I didn't start first. I was dubious, but especially because I knew I still loved him, I decided to give him a chance. I took him back on the one condition that he wasn't allowed to initiate any sex that I didn't start._ _We went some time with nothing sexual between us, and he seemed to be keeping his word, which made me feel better. On top of that, it was me who was starting to miss the sex, so on one date, I decided to let him pet me to let some of my pressure off, and I loved his fondling and caressing me. At the same time, I didn't do anything for him. I was waiting for him to betray himself and ask for something, but he never did. He kept his word. In time, him getting me off and going home with blue balls became the norm, and I discovered not only did I like it, I loved it. Something about sending him away adjusting his pants and walking funny turned me on even more, and there I discovered my fetish for teasing and denying him._ He paused here and looked at her. His eye seemed to ask if she was OK with the story so far. She had been stroking him slowly the whole time. She just said, "Thirty," and smiled at him. He cleared his throat. _Eventually, I realized he was just going home to spank his monkey after our dates, which seemed to deflate my fetish. In my fantasy, he depended on me to get off, but I wouldn't let him, so I brought this up. I asked if he would be willing to forgo even masturbation that I don't initiate for him, and he agreed. Not only did he agree, he admitted that it made his dick even harder wondering when if ever I would let him cum again. He seemed to be enjoying my control over his orgasms as much as I was. We discovered then that we were a match made in heaven. It was then that I started straight up teasing him, stroking his dick and daring him to cum without permission. He used to have to make me stop for fear of coming without authorization, but over time, I got to know his body better, and less and less did he have to tell me to stop. I learned how far I could push him and still keep his balls blue, which we both loved beyond measure._ _As for me, teasing and whipping him up made me so hungry for sex that I started to crave and enjoy it like never before. Back then, I used to cum like ten or more times a day. Being a powerful woman in charge is very liberating._ He paused again. His dick was harder than ever now. She whispered, "Seventy- five." She poured some more oil into her hand, rubbed it all over both palms, making a little bit of a show for him. He sighed and went back to reading. _Fast forward to our engagement. I made it clear that after we were engaged, it was no longer acceptable for him to get off in any way shape or form without my approval, and any such sexual activity would, in my book, be considered a betrayal as bad as cheating on me. At this point, we didn't talk about it, but the unspoken rule was that these rules didn't apply to me. Then we got engaged._ _As we were preparing for our wedding we started to work on our vows, and it was during this process, that we formalized our relationship dynamic, that he must vow his fidelity to me, up to and including never coming without my consent. At the same time, the rules of fidelity would not apply to me, that I would be forever bound to him in marriage, but not bound by fidelity. My sexuality would have no limits. Trust me, he would get so excited when we'd talk about various scenarios where other men were doing me. I personally didn't have plans to follow this through, I just liked having the freedom of possibilities._ _He wore a chastity device for the first time riding from the church to the reception. It was my surprise gift to him. And I kept him locked for our entire honeymoon. I came on our honeymoon in every way, shape, and form, and all he got was wedded blue balls. This is a memory we cherish._ As he came to the end of the story, she wasn't sure how she felt about this woman in the story. Was she crazy? A chastity device, like seriosly, what the fuck? But she was sure she liked the way his cock felt in her hands, so she centered herself around that feeling. His cock was rock hard—she imagined she could feel his heartbeat in the veins just below the taut translucent surface. "One hundred and seventy-five!" she said. "Please don't stop," he said. He made it to two hundred. He seemed to be focusing all his attention on his hands which he'd worked between her legs. She was dripping wet. "Let me go down on you," he said. She just spread her legs and said, "Yes." My name is Charleston Winston. I'm a young Black man living in the City of Ottawa, Province of Ontario. Some call me an adventurer just because of how I live my life. I'm not doing anything wrong the way I see it. I recently transferred to Ottawa's very own Carleton University from Hartford University in metropolitan Hartford, Connecticut. My parents Oliver and Martha Winston got tired of my living at home and sent me to study abroad because they wanted to breathe. I got sent to cold-ass Canada, which makes New England look like Florida comes winter time. It's not easy being an African-American in the Capital of Canada but I'm dealing. Got to make the best of a tough situation, you know? Right now, I'm lying in bed with my girlfriend Fathiyah Al-Fatah, a young Arab woman whom I began dating in September 2011. She's originally from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia but has lived in the province of Ontario, Canada, for most of her life. Fathiyah is a business administration major at Carleton University, a fact that doesn't sit right with her father Abdullah Al-Fatah, a wealthy and powerful Saudi businessman who frequently rubs elbows with the Canadian social and political elite in the major cities of Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and Calgary. I admit that I was initially nervous about dating a young Arab woman. I don't mean to sound stereotypical but I hear that Arab guys are really controlling, that they don't respect women and they consider honor killings justified. Hell, there's a case in front of the Ontario legislature right now about an Arab guy, his wife and son who conspired to kill some of their family members. Man, it's a scary world we live in. Seriously. I hate to say it but Middle- Eastern guys are quite backwards in the way they treat women. Some young American and Canadian women delude themselves into thinking Arab guys believe in gender equality. According to my Fathiyah, that's a total lie. In all mosques, the Muslim guys tell the Muslim women to pray in the back rooms because the presence of women isn't considered acceptable to Muslim men when they're praying. Fathiyah told me many disturbing things about the way the men of her faith treat women. Apparently, in Saudi Arabia women aren't allowed to drive and a woman needs to be accompanied by a male relative every time she leaves the house. Apparently, women in the Kingdom need their sons permission to do basically anything at all in the absence of their husbands. According to Fathiyah, Arab guys firmly believe that women are their property. In pretty much the same way that the belt on my pants is my property. That's how these guys view women. And they're not going to change their mindset even if they live in Europe, America, Canada, Australia or New Zealand. Women in the Western world delude themselves into thinking that men from the Muslim world can change their barbaric and sexist ways. According to Fathiyah, that's never going to happen. Islam isn't compatible with liberal democracy or gender equality, according to Fathiyah. My girlfriend tells me she pities Western women who actually believe the lies Arab guys tell about being moderate. Wow. I was stunned when she began revealing those things to me. Fathiyah is different from the other Muslim women I see walking around Carleton University. Yes, she sometimes wears the hijab and yes, like most of them, she's soft-spoken and reserved. However, that's where the similarities end. My lady has a mind of her own. She firmly believes in gender equality. That's the reason she and her father as estranged. She assured me that if he were to find out she'd been dating any man, for any reason, he would have a fit. She also told me, with a cold fire in her eyes, that she would not hesitate to call the Ottawa Police Service and have her father arrested if he ever threatened her with harm to restore his so-called honor. Fathiyah has a mind of her own, and wants to live her life by her own rules. She doesn't want to be the virtual slave of some Arab guy just because the outdated teachings of Mohammed say so. She lives in Canada, where a woman can be anything she wants to be. Fathiyah wants to become a high-ranking businesswoman someday. When I ask her if she will only marry a Muslim guy, she told me that she will choose the man she marries based on how he makes her feel, not his religion. I was satisfied with that answer. I have grown really fond of this lovely Saudi Arabian woman. She's so lovely. Five feet eleven inches tall, slim and fit, with long Black hair, dark bronze skin and pale brown eyes. The first time I saw Fathiyah letting her hair down ( she mainly wears the hijab on holidays ) I was mesmerized. Saudi Arabian women are uniquely beautiful. Of course, Saudi Arabian men know that. Must be why they demand that Saudi Arabian women be veiled at all times. Fathiyah is a traffic-stopping beauty, folks. I still remember the first time I saw her. I was riding the number four bus heading downtown from Carleton University. It was a Friday night and the bus was packed with beautiful young women from schools like Algonquin College, La Cite Collegiale, Ottawa University and Carleton University. Lovely gals of all shades. Gorgeous young Black women. Curvy, blonde-haired and blue-eyed European beauties. Hot and bothered Hispanic gals. Cute and feisty Asian ladies. And every man drooling over them. I was in the bus with my buddy Jake, a red-haired white guy from the City of Melbourne in Australia, and of course my main man Arnold, a burly Jamaican guy from Toronto, Ontario. We were all headed to Lobby Night Club in downtown Ottawa. I was flirting with this cute Black chick named Miranda and she wasn't too responsive. My buddy Jake was making fun of me as he locked lips with Kyra Lee, a short Chinese chick. I wasn't having the best of nights since Miranda told me to get lost and everybody on the bus was laughing at me. Shortly before we got downtown, a tall, pretty lady entered the bus. She was an Arab gal, conservatively dressed, with a modest hijab. And she was also the most beautiful woman on the bus. Upon seeing her, all the other girls started rolling their eyes and pursing their lips. Classic female behavior indicating jealousy over another gal's beauty. If she noticed the effect she had on both men and women, the Arab gal didn't seem to mind or care. She sat down and began reading a book. When the bus stopped at the Rideau Shopping Center in downtown Ottawa, I looked at the Arab gal as she got off. Even though she was slim and athletic, she had one hell of a booty that her long traditional dress couldn't hide. Hot damn! Wow. As my friends and I walked to the club, I found myself thinking about that gal a lot! The next time I ran into her was inside the Carleton University library. I needed help with my Psychology 1002 class ( which I was in danger of failing due to a crappy midterm) and the academic help center assigned me a tutor. As luck would have it, that tutor was none other than Fathiyah Al-Fatah. Wow. I was nervous as hell when she approached me. I was really surprised when she shook my hand as she introduced herself. In my experience with Muslim women who wore the hijab, they weren't big on shaking hands with men. Also, while tutoring me, she excused herself for twenty minutes and came back after lunchtime. I figured she'd gone home to pray, but Fathiyah told me she went home to take care of Abdul. I thought Abdul was her husband, or her grandpa or something but as it turns out, Abdul was her dog. Wait a minute? Fathiyah is a Muslim woman and she has a dog! In my experience with people from the Arab world, and Muslims in general, they consider dogs to be haram, meaning unclean. Well, Fathiyah surprised me by showing me pictures of herself walking her dog Abdul, a large Doberman with big balls. My gaze lingered over the picture, not because of her dog but because of how hot she looked in skin tight jeans. Wow. Yeah, after that first meeting I was smitten with Fathiyah Al-Fatah. We became friends, and I learned a bit more about her. Her father Abdullah Al-Fatah is one of the biggest realtors in the Province of Ontario. He's a multi- millionaire. Also, he deals in real estate in the City of Atlanta, Georgia as well as in the City of Galway, Ireland. The guy has business holdings in Europe, America and Canada. Wow. Fathiyah told me she wanted to follow in his footsteps but he was really traditional and wanted to have her marry some sheikh from Saudi Arabia before her twenty-first birthday. Twenty-year-old Fathiyah Al-Fatah had no desire to be anybody's wife. She wanted to get her bachelor's degree in business administration from Carleton University and then head to McGill University in the City of Montreal, Quebec, to get her MBA. The gal has smarts, ambition and good looks. What's she doing with a guy like me again? The dictionary definition of slacker says "look up Charleston Winston". Folks, I fell in love with Fathiyah Al-Fatah. I gathered my courage and asked her out, and to my immense surprise she not only said yes, but she kissed me on the spot! Everybody stared as the tall, beautiful, hijab-wearing Saudi gal kissed me, a Black guy from America, inside the campus library. Fathiyah and I became an item. Guys, I worship the ground she walks on. She's a goddess in my eyes. We haven't had sex yet. To be honest, it's not because she doesn't want to. Fathiyah likes to grab my ass and pinch my nipples in public. I'm discovering that Muslim women are sexually aggressive! Honestly, I love this young Arab woman and I don't want to fuck things up. I've gone out with hot white chicks who sucked my dick and made me lick their pussy on the first date. I've also banged some hot Black chicks within hours of meeting them. I don't want to do that with Fathiyah. I love her. Although I was raised as an atheist, I'm willing to convert to Islam just to marry her. Fathiyah doesn't want me to convert. She doesn't like the men of her faith and thinks they would corrupt my liberal mindset if I were exposed to them. I told her that I love her and she told me that she loves me. And in spite of my resolve, last night we had sex. I'm sorry, I meant that we made love. I can't tell you how wonderful it felt to finally make love to my Fathiyah. To kiss her lips. To feel her skin against mine. To suck her tits and hear her moan in pleasure. Ah, the sweet taste of her pussy as I gently spread her legs and began licking her like my life depended on it. The firmness of her big butt in my hands as I squeezed it gently. The passion we felt as she climbed on top of me and inserted my hard, uncircumcised penis into her womanhood. Our screams of pleasure as we drank each other in. Man, waking up in her arms is a feeling I cannot describe. Everything felt right. Everything just fell into place. I belonged at last. Fathiyah grinned at me, kissed me tenderly and told me she had to go feed Abdul, the dog. I watched her heart-shaped butt as got up from the bed, naked, and walked to the kitchen. Arab women are goddesses! How can Arab men refuse them anything? Lovely as Fathiyah is, she could say two plus two equaled five and I would say hell yeah! I looked at the ceiling and smiled. I was content at last. God, I thank you for everything. I found my future wife! I recently was paying for a drink at a local 7-Eleven when a new product on the counter caught my eye: coffee-flavored gum. The coffee-flavored gum really surprised me – not that it existed, but the fact that it had taken this long for someone to finally make coffee-flavored gum. That set my mind in motion, and very quickly, I conceived of a new product: cum-flavored gum. Of course, that presents its own issues. First, what would be a fitting name for it? Cum Gum makes sense, since both words rhyme nicely. When I mentioned the idea of cum-flavored gum to a friend, she suggested Snowball and White Spot. But those all seem too "obvious" to me; perhaps Life Gum would be a better choice for a name. In terms of a logo or a mascot, perhaps a cartoon-style image of a few sperm would be useful. An image of an erupting erection would also make sense. But again, those seem to "obvious" to me; I prefer an arc of white, perhaps against a black background so that it truly stood out and captured the attention of potential consumers. Marketing such a product, however, could be tricky. Cum Gum would certainly fall into the realm of "adult products," so it could not be sold to minors or displayed where minors might see it. A small display near the register would be fine at adult stores, and perhaps that would suffice – perhaps word-of- mouth advertising would do the rest. Online adult stores could sell it as well, and maybe also include one or two pieces of Cum Gum with each order in the first few months it is available – again, perhaps word-of-mouth advertising would do the rest. A slogan for this product would be simple: "Have you had your cum today?" Of course, slogan, marketing, logo, and name all mean nothing unless a company is willing to produce cum-flavored gum... and I highly doubt that the companies which currently make "mainstream" gum would be willing to put their name on the package or in any easily-traceable way underwrite the production and marketing of such an item. Therefore, either a brand-new company with no (traceable) ties to the current gum-manufacturing companies would need to be conceived and somehow fully funded, or one of the current companies would need to create numerous shell companies so many levels deep that people would give up trying to determine the corporate identity of the true producers of cum- flavored gum. As for the production process itself, numerous samples would be required first. The question here: How would those samples be acquired? Would cryptic ads be posted in newspapers across the country – especially college and university newspapers – for a "casting call" of sorts? Further, how would the dozens (hundreds? thousands?) of samples be funneled down to a few finalists? And equally as important, who would sample the samples and how would the samplers be selected? In order to ensure that the "tastiest" cum appeals to as wide a range of potential consumers as possible, it would make sense that the group of samplers would be comprised of people of both sexes, from every age range from eighteen to eighty. Similarly, it would make sense that they sample cum from an equally wide-ranging group of individuals... although the providers of the samples would inherently be all men. ...or would they? Both males and females cum, but "cum" when used as a noun is almost exclusively used in reference to the male ejaculate. In fact, WordWeb even defines "cum" (as a noun) as "The thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract." Would Cum Gum (or whatever name is chosen) then come in two flavors, two varieties: male-flavored and female-flavored Cum Gum? Would perhaps two different names be required to more easily designate between the two flavors – perhaps Seed for male-flavored and Nectar for female-flavored Cum Gum? But back to the actual production process. Once a sample (or a male sample and a female sample) has been selected as the "winner," how does the company recreate it scientifically in a manner which is easy to mass-produce? I am definitely not a scientist, so I will not even attempt to tackle this issue. But once the flavor has been refined and is able to be mass-produced, there is the age-old gum-related question: How long will the flavor last? For the average consumer of Cum Gum, is thirty minutes enough? one hour? three hours? What about when the consumer has had enough and is done chewing the cum- flavored gum. Would it be proper to insert it into a condom (especially if male-flavored Cum Gum is in question) before disposing of it? Should the wearer instead take the Cum Gum out of the mouth and place it upon the forehead as a new form of a facial? There is also the interesting scenario of gum with squishy centers: When the consumer first bites into this type of gum, a semi-solidified "goo" rushes out as the casing of the gum is broken by the teeth. Does this mean that for Seed, actual seed would fill the center? While this would certainly be feasible with Nectar, the consistency of female cum is liquid, requiring a gelling process before adding actual nectar to the gum. Yet if actual seed or nectar is used, how could the Cum Gum be kept fresh with as long a shelf life as possible? Then again, true Cum Gum is not yet a reality, so none of these issues truly matter (yet).
Your Instructions: Master's 12 Days of Christmas. This will be difficult as you need to set aside twelve days in the run up to Christmas when you can put the time aside to fulfil the appropriate part of this task on each day, when you will not be disturbed by work/kids and the answer-phones are all on without fail! Not necessarily at the same time or your Master will expect it. You will require an ample supply of chocolate body paint. At the appropriate time you will convince your Master to sit or stand in an appropriate position where you can get at the appropriate part of his body, remove any of his clothing as necessary and cover the appropriate area of his body with chocolate body paint. Then remove it with your tongue. Slowly! The body parts and days are listed below. Day 1: Right forearm Day 2: Left forearm Day 3: Right bicep/upper arm Day 4: Left bicep/upper arm Day 5: Right lower leg below knee Day 6: Left lower leg below knee Day 7: Chest Day 8: Back (going no lower than top of buttocks!) Day 9: Right thigh Day 10: Left thigh Day 11: The area around the waist across front of the torso between the belly button and the beginnings of the pubic hair going no lower down the torso than 1cm above the base of the penis! Day 12: Cock and balls. Once licked/sucked clean (and I mean clean!), finish with a long slow blowjob. The idea is that, by the twelfth day your Master will be 'fit to burst' and that the blowjob he receives on that day will be particularly memorable. You will not give your Master a blowjob for the first eleven days unless he specifically orders you to do so, not requests in anyway, but specifically instructs you. Obviously, this will require a great deal of discipline and self-control on your part. Are you capable I wonder? Your mentor X ***************** The task: Day 1 12pmI was wondering how to go about telling you how it goes so I thought that the best way for me to tell you exactly how is to keep a diary throughout then give it to you at the end. I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of changing chocolate spread for peanut butter. I'm not mad keen on chocolate at the best of times so thought I could be much more enthusiastic about different and possibly stickier foods. Peanut butter, honey, treacle, cheese spread are all considerations. Also, as with varying body parts the varying foods may cause just as much confusion. I promise no chilli dip! 1pm We've just got in from shopping. I bought the brand new jar of peanut butter there. I'd made a fuss about getting it, asking him to not forget it if he went before I was free of my class. He has no idea why I would want it so badly. We've not had any in the house for months. We were just sitting in the office, him at his desk and me here at mine and I thought 'now would be a good time!' So I slipped into the kitchen, grabbed a spoonful from the jar and brought it back into the office. He was oblivious. I felt like giggling out loud but I didn't. Instead I held the spoon behind my back and asked to see his arm. He held it out to me but it was covered still so I rolled up his shirt sleeve asked him to close his eyes. If he could see what I was about to do I'm certain he'd stop me. I could see the confusion on his face but he did as I asked without question. I smothered a patch of about 6" x 4" of peanut butter (smooth of course! I dread to think how chunky would fare later on in the task) onto my Masters right forearm then I began licking without saying a word. "This tickles!" he remarked. Then, "Why are you eating cheese spread from my arm? Is this a new serving suggestion?" I have no idea why he thought it was cheese spread. It might be another time. He obviously couldn't smell it. That was easily fixed. I held the spoon under his nose. His eyes stayed tightly shut as his grin spread further across his face. "Peanut butter? What the fuck....?" He paused, "Does it say to do this on the jar?" He mused "Ways to eat peanut butter no 7: off the mucky arm of your nearest and dearest!" His arm wasn't mucky. He's never mucky! He squirmed a little, I was still tickling him but doing my best to remove all that was there without laughing. The peanut butter was so sticky it was hard to get his arm clean. It was getting difficult to swallow too. I love the stuff but never eat it by itself. Its just too... well peanut buttery! I really did have a hard time not laughing though. He went on and on the whole time. He declared it was making his cock harden. YESSS! He said that my licking of the inside of his forearm was causing tingles. And about time! He said that right before I'd finished. And then it was all over. His arm is now clean and no stickiness, as per your instruction. I kissed it gently, rolled his sleeve back down, buttoned up his shirt cuff and turned back to my PC paying no attention to the obvious erection he is now sporting inside his jeans. That was by far the hardest part. I can feel him looking at me now and wondering what that was all about. I'm saying nothing. I had to log this for you quickly while it's all still fresh in my mind. I know he's confused (and horny now too). It'll only get stranger tomorrow. I can't wait! ************* Day 2 AM He brought me toast in bed with peanut butter on it! He never brings me toast in bed. Mostly that's because I wake up first and bring tea up for us both but even when he's awake first he doesn't bring toast. I wonder if yesterday was the reason. PM Tonight was more difficult than I thought it would be. I went for honey this time, pure natural runny sticky honey. Runny was probably the first mistake. Getting it from the jar to his right arm was challenging. I couldn't very well go into the lounge with the jar in my hand. So I opted for a spoon by way of transportation. But it ran off the spoon too easily. After a few mins of messing around in the kitchen trying to hold it behind my back without dribbling it everywhere I had a flash of inspiration! I got a bigger spoon! Yes I know, it's obvious now but at the time I was too busy thinking about what I might say to get at his arm! I carefully loaded the spoon half full and took great care to hide it behind my back and keep it on the spoon while approaching him. He was sitting on the sofa watching TV wearing long sleeves again. As before, I asked him to close his eyes and roll up his right sleeve. "I don't like this new idea you have very much." he objected immediately. I said nothing, just waited. "Maybe I do. A bit anyway, but it's still weird." I know he's wondering what on earths got into me. I can't tell him though can I! Anyway I didn't ask again. I didn't have to. He was already rolling up his sleeve and closing his eyes. I drizzled honey onto the bare soft skin of his inner forearm then lapped and sucked as it slowly dribbled around towards his hair. He did comment on the stirring in his trousers once again. I watched closely and saw his erection grow the very instant I started licking. I took a few minutes for me to make sure I'd got every single drop of the sticky sweet liquid from his skin and the whole time I lapped I was staring lustfully and longingly at his bulging cock. I know the rules though. You said I couldn't make a blow job any part of this unless he orders me specifically to suck his dick. He didn't and so I didn't and that was that for Day 2. He checked afterwards for stickiness and found none. But now he's more confused than ever. I've just left him sitting there frowning at his arm then at me and back again! What am I going to do tomorrow? It's going to be very difficult. I might have to ambush him straight from his shower. But the second I say "Please close your eyes" he'll know. Honey wasn't such a bad choice but too sweet so I prefer peanut butter! It came off too easily too. Peanut butter takes more licking! ************* Day 3 AMI just checked which part is on the menu for today and realised that I got the last 2 days the wrong way round! I'm putting this down to the fact that on day 1 he was sitting with his right arm closest to me. Also he's left handed (I don't know what that has to do with anything really but it could somehow constitute a reason) and finally (perhaps most importantly) I'm woman! It's my prerogative not get it wrong as often as right. When directing in the car it generally comes down to pointing or I invariably hear "Ah, you mean the OTHER left"! Ho hum! PM(Before) He's showering now. I can hear it running still but I'm going to have to get a move on and get up there before he comes out. Ambush is the only way today. He's not going to be pleased. He's just out of the shower and I dollop something sticky on him. No, I don't think given the choice he would agree to it. Though I think he must like it really because he's yet to stop me. I'm going with cheese spread today, my sweet tooth is asleep. Philadelphia is of course the cheese of choice, 'Lite' naturally. (After) I said "Close your eyes please". His immediate response was "Have you got peanut butter or honey?" "No. Neither". Well I wasn't lying was I? "Why would you think that?" Ok overdoing the Little Miss Innocent maybe. I took his hand and straightened his arm in front of him. I began spreading the cheese on his bicep and inner elbow crease. He opened his eyes and looked at what I was doing as soon as the cold spread touched him. "Ah God! Cheese now? What's got into you? Have you gone mental?" he half yelled and pulled his arm away from me a little. Of course not. I'm performing a task as set by my Mentor. Don't you recognise a challenge when you see one? I thought but all I said was "Mmmmm" as I set to licking. My tongue swirled in his elbow crease and flattened across his muscle. The cheese was so much nicer than the honey. Stickier and not as dribbley, meaning I could take more time over it. It really was lovely! I cradled his arm lovingly whilst I slowly but hungrily freed his arm of its dairy produce covering. He didn't say another word until I had finished. I wondered at one moment if he had closed his eyes. I couldn't see his face. I'd like to think he did and that he really enjoyed it today. He's not saying though. When it was all gone I kissed him gently on the lips. He gestured towards his hard cock in his jeans. He wanted me to suck it but he didn't say so. Still, it was so hard not to. I asked (brazenly) why the sex I just had with his elbow crease wasn't enough for him! He laughed and said that it was lovely but that didn't answer my question. Of course it wasn't enough! Not by a long way. "You can do Marmite tomorrow!" he shot at me out of the blue. Oh God no! I HATE Marmite. I won't be in a room with it in case I might smell it. "What makes you think I'm doing this tomorrow?" I fired back at him. "It just seems something you've taken to doing. Why wouldn't you do it tomorrow?" Does that mean he likes it? Haha I think so. As I left the room his parting words were "Did you come up here just to lick food off me again?" "I did" I admitted, "Is that ok?" He said yes but his face said 'No! Absolutely not! You should be sucking my cock right now! Why aren't you?' I smiled sweetly back at him ignoring his obvious torment and my less obvious torment. I'll suck him in a while when it's defiantly not connected to the task as per your instruction. I can't leave him like that for long. Nor can I wait for his cock for long. Resisting that is becoming the real test I think. And I can't do Marmite! ************* Day 4 9am I worried a bit too much about Marmite. Eventually late last night I just had to know. "Do you really want me to lick Marmite from you?" I asked. He laughed and said "No, in fact I don't really want you to lick anything from me. You're being weird." I'll ignore the weird. I still don't think he minds really and when it goes further he'll like it more I'm sure. So I'm off the hook for Marmite anyway. 6pm It's been a crappy day. I've had my head up my arse most of it stressing about work and just felt like staying in bed or asleep to avoid the day altogether. I wasn't in the mood for performing your task but hoped it would cheer me up a bit and it did. Actually a lot! He wasn't in a much better mood than me all day and I wondered a few times if he might just stop me before I started. He didn't, thankfully, and it went really well. I feel much lighter now and we're both more cheerful since. It would seem that as well as sex being a remedy for bad moods so is this unusual oral sex! Tonight I opted for peanut butter again. I just like it better and I can secretly transport it in much larger quantities than anything else I've tried with the possible exception of cheese spread. And it's stickier than cheese spread. I brought it to him in on a knife and didn't say anything at all this time, just rolled up his right sleeve as far as it would go. He started laughing as soon as I moved his sleeve even before he saw the peanut butter. He chuckled the whole time but said nothing. His cock grew obvious in his trousers again. And again he wanted a blowjob right after. And again he didn't order one so again he didn't get one. I wonder how long he's going to accept my apparent indifference to his cock. I wonder if he really thinks that I'm getting off enough on just this. Baffled but resigned I think is the best way to describe him now. He has no idea why I'm doing this or that I'm documenting it for you. Anyway I'm going to wait an hour and then I owe his cock some attention. It's waited long enough! Tomorrow should defiantly start getting more interesting! ************* Day 5 6pm It's always a good start to any day to wake up horny! We both went to sleep on an orgasm last night and it seemed it stayed with me right through to waking! Wonderful. I checked which part of his body I am to perform on today. I left him in bed whilst I went to feed the horses, fully expecting him to be still in bed when I returned. It would have made things much easier. He usually is but today he wasn't! So as it is I've gone through the day thinking of imaginative ways of getting at his lower leg. It's not been as easy as I thought it was going to be. I thought about just going for the 'roll your trouser leg up' approach but if I don't catch him at just the right time or in just the right mood he will defiantly stop me. This isn't FOR me though, its all for him. He just doesn't know it yet. And of course, it's for you. As my mentor I want your approval. I have a plan for getting at his leg after dinner later! But now my pole dancing lesson looms with the world of pain that goes with it! 11pm This is not going well at all! My plan for a bath together followed by a massage and a sneaky peanut butter application to his left calf has been scuppered by alcohol (wine, then a lovely vintage port with a cheese selection board) and a good movie! None of it was my idea and as lovely as it all was it got right in the way of my plans! Still I haven't given up just yet, I still have time! 11.55pm Talk about cutting it fine! We went to bed after the movie and I grabbed the massage oil and treat him to a sensual back massage. I worked my way slowly down his back and bum cheeks. Before long he was totally relaxed and loving the attention. When I thought it was time I quietly reached for the knife with peanut butter that was secreted on my bedside table and gently smeared it onto his calf and knee pit. He thought it was more oil at first until I started licking it off. Even then it took a moment to register what the hell I was doing. Then, as though a switch had been flicked, he was incredibly ticklish. I giggled as he thrashed around almost uncontrollably with everything but the leg I was paying attention to. That leg remained remarkably still. Maybe he was aware of the potential upset caused by peanut butter up the walls and all over the bed! He landed a kick in my head with the other flailing foot but not very hard and not enough to stop me. He begged me to stop, he didn't like it at all! But he was laughing so hard as he tried to be still. I was licking and laughing all at once. Tomorrow will be impossible! ************* Day 6 12.20am I just cheated. Well sort of. Maybe. You can make your own mind up about it. I decided to strike whilst the iron was hot, so to speak. I came down here on the pretence of making a cup of tea so that I could quickly log Day 5 but while I was making the tea I had a genius idea! I went back up with the tea and apologised telling him I hadn't finished his massage properly and while the tea was cooling I'd finish off. He said he was more than happy with it as it was but I was quite insistent. He rolled over again and I carried on paying particular attention to his thighs and bum cheeks. Therein lie my first mistake. After not too long I reached for the knife that I sneaked up with the tea and hastily applied peanut butter to his right knee pit. The second it landed he groaned and tensed rigid! I got going on it, the idea being that the faster I went the less ticklish he might be. I could taste a slight geranium and elderflower-ness to the peanut butter that I don't think is intended by SunPat. I must have rubbed too low when massaging his thighs! My second mistake was not to watch his legs more carefully. You would think I'd learned after the other leg but no! He bucked and his legs took flight again. After the second kick to my head (again not hard) I threw myself across his left leg and lower half of the right one pinning them both down as I continued to gorge myself on peanut butter/essential oil. His body writhed and flayed from the hips up but I had the legs covered and under control while I devoured his nutty flowery knee pit until it was clean. He's made me promise now, no more legs. I've agreed of course. Haha! For now! ************* Day 7 He might have thought he was off the hook I think because technically it's been 2 sleeps since day 6. He waited all day for some sort of condiment application and it didn't happen so I think he must have thought it was over. Either that or he's just forgotten about it altogether. It's all worked well to keep him guessing I think, don't you? I left it till late again tonight. It's easier getting him on the way either into or out of bed since we progressed past arms at least. We were in bed relaxing. I had the peanut butter on stand-by behind my book on the bedside table as it had been for over an hour. I was touching and stroking him lazily, just being sensual and gentle. I kissed his face and hair. I stroked his skin and nuzzled his chest. All the nice things, you know. But the very second I kissed his eyes he said "You're going to spread something on me again aren't you?" The very second! The suspicion in his voice was unmistakable! Bloody Hell!!! I hadn't even reached for the knife at that point. Maybe he read my damn mind! Yes that's it! He must have developed a highly tuned sense of peanut butter proximity. He was grinning though. I could tell he was excited about it. I'm sure he was excited about it. Or maybe he was just grinning because he hoped I WASN'T going to spread anything on him. Maybe it wasn't excitement that made him grin but rather more of a hopeless dread. Hard to tell! Maybe he wasn't even grinning at all. Still ever the optimist I decided that he was indeed grinning and excited, more than happy to indulge my new strange quirk and enjoyed it more than anything else that's happened so far today and possibly this year. I quickly produced the hidden knife laden with peanut butter, kissed his eyes closed again and daubed it all over his nipples and chest. I knew from the moment I started that this one was going to be difficult. It was so hard to spread because it clung to his hair. That and he squirmed about and laughed out loud right away. So I straddled him, riding him and wiggling my hips provocatively, kissed him again and slid down to his chest. I went for the left nipple first, licking delicately, taking just the edges of his peanut butter areola. Once again the tickle monster struck! He was far too ticklish to enjoy it much and to be honest it was all I could to not to laugh too. So I opted for a more definite approach and licked hard and long across his sticky nipple. This I think went down slightly better but it was still more funny than erotic for both of us despite his obvious erection jabbing at my belly. I pressed on hoping that my determination and apparent hunger would change the mood. I threw in a couple of quiet mmmm's for good measure and I think it worked a treat too. For a while anyway. I cleaned his left nipple thoroughly savouring every lick of the now rock hard bud. And then I switched to his right nipple. I was wrong. It wasn't working. No amount of Mmm's and oooo's were going to help me now! The mood went right back to hilarity and ticklish squirming! I couldn't help myself at this point. I tried I promise you, I really did. I was going to clean his nipple and he was going to love it! I pinned him down with my body and gorged myself on peanut buttery chest. Do you know how hard it is to swallow large amounts of peanut butter all in one go? Factor in trying not to laugh at the same time and you're getting somewhere near where we were! Let me tell you, I was defiantly distributing it rather than removing it. He was howling with laughter, I was trying not to laugh and choke. The whole thing was so comical it was untrue. I know it's not exactly the outcome that you had in mind and for that Sir I apologise whole heartedly. I will make amends as I know some of the areas yet to come will give him immense pleasure. And in many ways so did this one! I think. ************* Day 8 9.00pm Mantra for today, Must take it seriously! Must take it seriously! Right. Tonight I plan to do my very very best to make his experience as sensual and exciting as he deserves and as you expect. Alright, he's probably going to hate it really but I'm being very positive and ignoring that thought with every ounce of me! He thinks I've gone mad! 10.50pm Yes, that's exactly what he thinks. I waited until he was just out of the shower and about to get into bed when I started kissing his back. I sat on the edge of the bed as I kissed and licked lower. He knew what was coming. I have done my best to vary my approach but its no good, he spots it every time! I may as well march in, jar in hand and ask for the relevant part of the body to be presented to me. It's not as though I never touch him sensually or kiss or lick him. I do. But even a passing kiss in the hallway is accompanied with a casual glance at my hands to make sure I'm not brandishing a laden knife. Since this started he's become so suspicious or perceptive of my intentions. Still not to worry, like I said before, he's loving it and that's that! So tonight I got arty! He was totally resigned to his fate straight away. I slowly and carefully smeared peanut butter into a big heart shape on his lower back with the point in the small of his back. It's quite hard to shape peanut butter on skin with a dinner knife. I was wondering if a spatula might be better but I don't have one anyway. I was nonetheless far too pleased with myself for my new design idea. Then I went to work removing it. So far through he went from standing to laying face down on the bed and I carried on. For the first time he didn't laugh, just seemed to totally enjoy it and go with it. But God, peanut butter is hard work! (Did I say that already? I think I might have mentioned it!) I think that's why it's so damn good though. It took ages to get off. Maybe my tongue is getting fitter with all this. I can see how that could have advantages in certain situations!!! Haha could this really be seen as fitness training for cunnilingus? At one stage I stuck my finger into the peanut butter and offered it to him. He sucked on my finger so erotically and licked every bit away. It was the first time throughout this whole task that I wondered how I would like to be on the receiving end of this. I think I'd like it rather a lot! When finally I finished and checked to make sure that there was no sticky residue he turned over with a raging hard on. He told me to suck it. It wasn't an order exactly but nor was it just a request. I maybe could have got out of it but I would have had to come up with some bullshit reason. I know he would have been bothered and probably felt very rejected. He still doesn't know why I'm doing this and I can't tell him. So I thought about if for oooh maybe 3 seconds then I went down on him and sucked him to orgasm. He was delicious! Strange mix though, peanut butter and cum! I went to sleep horny saying I didn't need satisfying when really I did as self punishment for my possible weakness. ************* Day 9 10am I'm looking forward to licking his thighs clean. I can't believe I've got this far already. I know it's going to be maddeningly tempting for him. It will be fun but difficult. I'm glad this is nearly over. It's so much harder than I imagined it could be. You knew it would be thought didn't you? 11.50pm Oh Lordy! I think I almost peed laughing this time. As I smeared peanut butter onto his thigh he kept pushing his hardening cock towards the patch. I took care not to get the peanut butter close enough but it was close! I licked away at the peanut butter until I had licked it into a heart shape again. 'Beautiful', I thought as I admired it. I showed him. He wasn't interested. He was still pushing his cock towards me. He even threatened to fart if I ignored it, I believe just to manipulate what I was doing but he didn't order or command anything. Nor did he fart. So despite his thankfully empty threat and still ignoring his cock I set about removing the heart from his left thigh. It was going well until he remarked that ever since he got his new aftershave all he's smelled of is peanut butter. I almost choked! I'm laughing out loud again just typing this. He said "Joop with a hint of peanuts!" Then "Enjoy the manly fragrance of man with an undertone of SunPat!" Oh God, I tried so hard to keep control but fell back onto the bed in pure hysterics, quite probably dribbling unswallowed peanut butter from my mouth. Most attractive! He pressed on with his rant, "Most men probably wouldn't chose to smell of toast topping given the choice!" He's right, they perhaps wouldn't. Personally I don't think I mind a man smelling of Joop and KP but as it's my doing I'm not sure I'm the best judge. I tried to return to the task in hand still avoiding his cock even when it ended up being pressed into in my eye. He asked me "Will I ever get to appreciate my new aftershave as it was meant to be worn?" followed immediately by "Maybe this is why I'm waking up hungry every morning." It could indeed be so! I just had to finish before I peed the bed! I spluttered and gasped my way through the endless peanut butter, of which I have to say said removal made all the more difficult by hair. Damn that stuff sticks to everything. That reminds me, I'm going to have to try and encourage a 'garden tidy' before I get to day 12. I'm sure He would moult on purpose otherwise! ************* Day 10 9am He sussed it! He's finally guessed what's going on. I have neither denied nor confirmed his suspicion. He didn't actually ask me to so I said nothing. But he's definitely got what's been going on. As we were drifting off to sleep last night he just said "You've been set a task. It's gone on too long for it to be anything else. And it's too regular. Dunc or perhaps Tim or both have set you a task." At least now he can lose the'me being mental' theory. He has no idea how long it's going to go on for. He speculated a week more and even all year. Now who's mental! A year of peanut butter? Even another whole week would be too much now. I think he must guess where it's going to end by now. If he considers the avoidance of his cock throughout the whole exercise with the exception of yesterday he could easily know. He mused over his favourite places so far and surprised me by saying it was his arms! He said that was the most erotic and stimulating. No surprise that he didn't like his lower legs at all! The thrashing was a clue. He specifically asked me if I had been instructed to perform on his feet. At that point I silently and absolutely thanked you for sparing me that torture. But before I said anything he told me that he wouldn't allow me to perform on his feet anyway. Then he wondered out loud about the horror of peanut butter in his arse crack! Oh God please help me! He thought it could be funny if not wrong on so many levels! Only he could think that would be good in any way! The mental image I still have burned behind my eyes I believe will cause me lasting damage. The end is in sight which is good. Im thinking purely in terms of the calorific content of this whole thing. I mean take last night for example. I spent 2 hours pole dancing my ass off, to well reduce my ass size only to come home and devour 5 million calories worth of nutty deliciousness. I don't normally think in terms of energy spent versus calories eaten but I wouldn't ordinarily go to bed on a good sized helping of my once (now not quite so) favourite spread. 12pm He's still in bed watching TV. I think I will take him a cuppa up and deal with his right leg now. He won't be expecting THAT while watching Top Gear repeats on Dave. In the everlasting competition for his attention I WILL beat Jeremy Clarkson, even if it is only until the next Top Gear Special is on. That'll set us on a good stead for the rest of the day (What's left of it anyway). ************* Day 11 He just caught me loading the knife up with peanut butter. I was in the kitchen and he came through in stealth mode. There seemed little point in hiding it so instead I allowed him to speculate as to where it might be devoured from this time. He didn't guess and I kept a poker face. I'm going quickly now so that I can be waiting for him when he comes upstairs. 11.30pm Its funny really, he doesn't have much belly between his navel and pubic hair, in fact his pubic hair doesn't really finish as such, he just gets a lot less hairy as he gets higher. But still that place you instructed me to cover in chocolate then clean thoroughly is up until now the hairiest yet. I have to stress at this point, as I make my beloved sound like a yeti that he really isn't. But as I licked peanut butter from his belly he laughed as it needed extra licking to get it from his hair. I think I must have looked like a long haired cat grooming itself they way they pull their heads away to get to the end of the fur. I took great care not to attract the attention of his cock which was so close to my cheek. It was almost as though by not looking its way I could keep it at bay. This wasn't the case of course but was no less of a surprise when it poked me in the cheek in the manner of someone sneaking up on you and tapping you on the shoulder in a kind of 'Oi! Hello! I'm here you know!' way. Yes yes I know, but I'm busy and can't suck you now. Can't you see I have peanut butter to remove and you're not helping! But as I licked and sucked at the endless patch of peanut butter my thoughts returned to the 'garden tidy' and I thought of an excellent way to encourage the idea. I began lazily twirling my fingers in his hair just above his cock, still ignoring his actual cock of course much to his and its own obvious annoyance! I pretended to find a stray hair in my mouth and removed it dramatically as I idly teased the hair alongside his cock. I was deliberately and obviously drawing attention to his hair and hoping it wasn't going unnoticed! I had the feeling though that my lack of attention to his cock was more noticeable! I know he's guessed it's a task set by you and I'm sure he must know where it's going to end if not when. But I thought that was as much hinting as I dare. I hope he picks up on it though; getting peanut butter out of hair is a bloody nightmare! ************* Day 12 This morning, while I went to the horses he was going to get a shower but our damn heating keeps cutting out and had once again. There was only enough hot water for one shower now and knowing how much I would need a shower after mucking out the stables he kindly left it for me. I know this might not seem that relevant, I didn't even know about it at the time, but the point is, he told me later, that he intended to sort out his shrubbery after his shower! So no shower, no trim! Now I was on one hand ecstatic as I realised that my hinting had worked and gutted at the realisation that due to a faulty microchip in our water heater I may have to go the distance with the peanut butter and 'full beard' after all! I know he will shower later, but whether or not he remembers to trim is another matter. I shall just see. Either way I'm very much looking forward to tonight. I can finally give his cock the attention it's been so craving. I can reward his patience and understanding and come fully clean as to why I've been behaving in this way. And at last I can send this to you for your approval and pleasure. 7pm We have an extra sized bath that's big enough for 2. I ran a bath while he was out and timed it almost perfectly for his return. We shared a bath for ages until the water was too cool to stay in. He got out before me. I stayed put for a while longer not only to do all the things that takes women forever in a bath but also to give him the opportunity to take care of himself. I saw earlier that the clippers were out. By the time I emerged from the bathroom he was laying on our bed, naked, beautifully trimmed and standing to attention. I'd left the jar of peanut butter and a knife in my dressing gown pocket. He rolled his eyes as he saw it but I just smiled and opened the jar. Just one last time then no more food foreplay. I dug in with the knife and scooped a healthy sized dollop. I took off my dressing gown and stood naked before him holding peanut butter jar in one hand and the loaded knife in the other. Now most guys would have an adverse reaction to having their cock approached with a knife, even one such as this that by design would deal perfectly well with butter of any kind but nothing more. I understand this and was ready for it. But he didn't flinch. I crawled over to him and watched his grin widened as I started to smear and spread peanut butter all over his cock. I got more out for his balls and spread it everywhere. He was covered! I started licking it off, sucking his balls that were covered almost totally. His cock clambered for attention and I readily gave it. I sucked him slowly, peanut butter was going everywhere. I seemed to be spreading it about more than removing it at again! It was so hard to lick off once my mouth was full of cock too. He moved me round so he could play with my pussy and arse while I took one then the other of his balls into my mouth. And at last I was getting somewhere. I wanted him clean before he came. I gauged that I still had time. I sucked and licked a little harder and faster then slowed down again. He was enjoying the attention thoroughly and I was enjoying giving it. I concentrated on cleaning around his cock for a while and
then went back to his balls. He was hard as rock and I knew he wanted to cum soon. I deliberately cleaned the remaining food from his balls and damn, they were fit to burst by now. Then lastly I licked up his cock over and over to get every last bit of peanut butter. His head was back, he was groaning. I took his entire length into my mouth. He pushed into my throat and I felt his cock throb. I sucked and licked, took him deep into my throat and out again and didn't slow this time. He came into my mouth as though he'd waited a year to do it rather than a few days. My pussy tightened on his fingers. I devoured every drop, savouring it on my tongue before swallowing. I made sure that I'd got everything there was to get and that he was completely dry before I smiled up to him. We said nothing. Not for a while. ************* Now I'm glad it's finished. I'm glad I won't have to have any more peanut butter for a while. I really underestimated just how hard this would be to stick to. Not just the discipline of remembering to do it every day but also how hard it would be to make each task different from the last and keep it interesting for him. I'm looking forward to your reaction to this diary, I'm looking forward to his too now that he can know everything. I really hope that when reading it you laugh like I did when playing it out. I know that wasn't the intention but it was so much fun because of that. I don't know what you'll make of it Sir, I doubt it's turned out how you expected but I hope it still pleases you. Finally, thank you. Until next time A xox ************* Over the last three months two primary fantasies of mine came to be. One fantasy I had long shared with my wife, Maggie. The other fantasy was a life long secret and had only led to hours of masturbatory pleasure, until recently. I had always wanted my wife to have sex with another man. We had often discussed it and had fantasized about several candidates. In fact, while we were dating she often did sleep with other men. She would share those experiences with me. Partly because she wanted to make me jealous (at the time I was less than committed to our relationship) and partly because it was a huge turn on for both of us. She also had no trouble hooking up when she put her mind to it. She was and still is an all-American hottie and a tremendous flirt when she wants to be. Even after having a couple of kids. Maggie particularly liked to tell me about the men that hard large cocks and how good they made her feel. While I'm about average in that department it became clear that as Maggie became more experienced she enjoyed having a big dick inside her. Hearing her describe the feeling was an incredible turn on for us. Usually she slept with her lovers when I was away. But a couple times she came over to my apartment after having been with a man. She'd relive every detail like she always did but these times I had the extra bonus of eating her lover's jism from her freshly fucked cunt. Two guys stand out; Matt and Keith. She had been with both several times and both were extremely handsome and athletic. She also made it clear to me that their cocks were huge and pleasured her in ways that I was incapable of. That thought, while it should have made me angry or jealous was a great turn on for me. So, when Maggie came home on separate occasions to tell me that she had just fucked Matt or that her box was full of Keith's cum I dove into her pussy like a madman, sucking and swallowing all of their sweet tasting juices. I couldn't get enough. Maggie loved it too. Telling me not to miss a drop, that I couldn't compete with their cocks and coming from the tongue fucking I was giving her. Eventually I'd climb on top of her and pop into her well fucked pussy. Eventually we did get married and while I certainly encouraged Maggie to continue to fuck other men but she was uncomfortable doing it. And, to the best of my knowledge for ten years she hadn't until about three months ago. She had met Adam several years ago and had always enjoyed flirting with him. Fitting Maggie's profile, Adam, like most of the men she was attracted to was very good looking. He also had quite a reputation in our town as a real ladies man. He also wasn't shy about telling others that he had a large cock. This had always intrigued Maggie and we had often fantasized about her making love to him. But she always said she couldn't go through with it. Eventually Adam had found a serious relationship with another girl and jokingly I used to tell Maggie she was jealous. By her defensive reaction I think she might have been. But it was no big deal. About six months ago we heard that Adam had broken up with his girlfriend. And again, half kidding, I suggested that this was her big opportunity to see if Adam really did have the kind of cock that he said he did. The kind of cock, quite frankly, that my wife longed for. And hadn't had in about ten years. This time Maggie surprised me. This time she acted that maybe, if the timing was right, she just might like to spend some time with Adam. I made her promise and she agreed, that if it she did fuck him she'd come home with a fresh load of his spunk for me to eat out. It was something I'd been dreaming of for years. The thought of tasting Adam's cum from my wife's pussy was an incredible turn on. Well, apparently the timing was right about three months ago. Maggie had gone out with a couple of friends to the local club where she ran into Adam. It didn't take her long to turn on her charms and it didn't take long for Adam to respond. After some very public displays of affection Maggie pulled Adam out to his car were she blew him in the parking lot. She said his dick was everything he had said it was. It turned out to be eight inches long and about two inches around. It was everything she loved, long and thick. And when he came after she started gently squeezing his large balls with his dick deep in her throat she swallowed almost all of his cum. Only a little bit leaked from the corner of her mouth. From there they went to Adam's house. Inside Adam fucked her from every possible position and Maggie came at least five times. She couldn't believe how good his cock felt inside of her. And she couldn't believe how great it felt to have Adam cum inside her. Before she left to come home he had deposited three loads of his man juice inside her pussy. I was half awake when she came home that night three months ago. I had been hoping that she might meet up with Adam but I knew there had been no specific plans to do so. Even so, when I had gone to bed I had allowed myself to fantasize about Adam's thick cock sliding into Maggie's tight pussy. The thought gave me a raging hard on. One look at Maggie when she came into our bedroom confirmed it. She looked well fucked. She was glowing. "What have you been up to?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "I just had the best fuck I've had in ten years," she answered. "If you hurry you can taste Adam's cum in my pussy. It's still warm." I didn't need any other encouragement. Maggie hadn't bothered to put her undies back on after leaving Adam's and the dim light showed a pussy still swollen from excitement and matted with cum. Fresh jism, Adam's jism flowed from her box. I dove into her cunt and ate her out for an hour savoring every drop of her lover's juice as she described to me in detail the events of the evening and how he made her cum again and again with his love stick. Once I did finally climb on top of her and stick my dick into her it was clear how much he filled her. Her pussy, up until that moment, had always fit me like a glove. Now my dick floated around in space. Maggie was patient and let me cum in her (which only took about a minute) but she let it be known that now that she had been reminded how good it felt to have huge cock fuck her she wasn't likely to give it up. I was both horrified and excited at the prospect of more nights like this one. It's easy to understand why I was excited. Tasting Adam's cum from my wife's pussy was ecstasy. But living in a relatively small town I was uncertain how our friends would treat us. Based on their very public display (apparently a couple of Adam's friends had seen her give him a blow job in the parking lot) it wasn't likely that their affair would stay secret. After giving it considerable thought I felt that I should probably speak to Adam directly. It wasn't to tell him to stay away. It was only to let him know that I knew and that I hoped he would use some discretion in talking about it. I went to Adam's house one night after I had been working late. He was home alone. Although he was surprised to see me he was gracious about letting me in. While we had known each other for some time we hadn't been close friends. It wasn't that we didn't like each other. We just had other interests. So it was unusual for me to be there. After getting me a beer and making some small talk for a while I finally started to stammer out the real reason I was there. Adam, after the initial shock of seeing me, had been extremely cool and comfortable in my presence. Seeing him and talking to him also reinforced why Maggie was so attracted to him. He was about 6' 1" 195 lean pounds with dark wavy hair. I caught myself checking his crotch a couple of times. He obviously had an attractive package tucked away. I'm pretty sure he noticed my glances. After stuttering about how Maggie had always been some what of a free spirit Adam interrupted me. "Do you want me to stop fucking your wife," he said. I was speechless and then Adam continued, "Maggie really liked the fucking I gave her. She also told me that your cock couldn't compete with mine. She also told me that you were going to eat her out when she got home. That it was going to turn you on to taste my cum." I was shocked. I couldn't believe Maggie had told him all that. I also couldn't believe how bold Adam was. Before I could collect my thoughts Adam went on, "I've heard about guys like you. You'd like to suck some dick yourself but you're afraid to. So you get your rocks off by licking the jism out of your wife's cunt. But your real fantasy is to taste it directly." I had been sitting on his sofa when Adam stood up from his chair and came walking towards me. I didn't have time to react before he stood over me. My face inches from his crotch. "I'll tell you what," Adam said, "How about I let you have a little of what Maggie enjoyed the other night. I like pussy a lot better but you reminding me of Maggie is making me a little horny. Plus I get the feeling you'll enjoy my cock as much as she did." I was frozen. Until Adam grabbed my hand and put it on his bulge. I left it there for a second and then I could feel his cock begin to swell. Adam was right. I needed his cock every bit as much as Maggie did. While he was still standing in front of me I began to loosen his belt, unbutton his pants and pull his zipper down. Adam did nothing to help me. I pulled his pants down and saw his cock through his boxers and grabbed it with my right hand. It was enormous. I still hadn't touched it directly but my own cock was already stiff. I couldn't wait to taste him. I pulled his shorts down and Adam stepped out of his pants and shorts. He was naked from the waist down. He was only wearing a t-shirt. And I felt his cock. It was as hard as a stone and warm. I couldn't get my whole hand around it. His balls were huge and his musky scent was strong and intoxicating. My knees felt weak and I was visibly shaking with excitement. I moaned, "Oh God." Adam hadn't said a word. I leaned forward and licked the slit of his circumcised head. It was size of a plum and I tasted the pre-cum. No, that's wrong. I savored the taste of his pre-cum. I was overwhelmed by my senses. His smell, his taste, his texture, his power all made me want to please him. Holding his balls in my left hand I used my right to guide his cock into my mouth. I could barely get the head in at first but I was persistent and soon I had about two thirds of his dick in my throat. I was sucking my first cock and from the sounds of my muffled moans and Adam's groans my lover and I were enjoying ourselves. Adam had me stop and at first I was nervous he might be ending it. But then he had us switch places so that now he was sitting on the couch and I was kneeling between his legs. I quickly began licking and sucking his dick and soon Adam was holding my head and thrusting into my mouth. I was about to get my first taste of sperm directly from a cock. I again started to gently squeeze his balls. Incredibly I felt his dick swelling. He was groaning louder now and it was all I could do to keep my lips wrapped around his fabulous organ as his hips thrusted his cock deeper into my mouth. I felt his whole body tense and with a shout his cock exploded and his love juice raced into my throat. I almost lost it. I came too as I swallowed what seemed like a quart of cum. The taste was extraordinary and I used what little spilled out of the corners of my mouth to lubricate his shaft and milk out every last drop. Tasting his manliness and letting it wash over me. For several minutes he just lay there as I rested my head on his lap near his cock, still breathing in its aroma. Finally he spoke, "You're a hell of a cock sucker but Maggie knows how to fuck too. Can you?" I wasn't sure what he meant but then he asked me to stand up and turn around. Without even thinking I did as he said. I had never been with a man before but I knew I would do anything Adam asked. I felt Adam reach around to my belt and before I knew it he was taking my pants off. I felt him caress my ass and in that moment I knew I was about to lose my cherry. My knees felt weak again and Adam had me lean forward to put my hands on the coffee table. I moaned as he touched me. He inserted one finger and then two into my virgin ass. My dick was as hard as steel as he worked his fingers in and out. But I wanted his cock in me. I wanted it bad. "Fuck me Adam," I said. It was the first intelligible thing I had said since he put my hand on his crotch. "You want to get fucked like Maggie," Adam said. "Beg for it like she did" "Please Adam I need to feel your cock in my pussy. I want you to cum in me," I said with no hesitation. "Follow me," he said. And with that he headed towards his bedroom where he told me to wait for him on his bed. When he came back he was holding a jar of lubricant. "When Maggie wanted it a second time she worked at it, sucking my cock and getting me ready," Adam told me. It was all I needed to hear. I pulled Adam's shirt off and began to caress his well defined chest, kissing and tasting his sweat. I worked my way down over his six pack abdomen until again I came face to face with his incredible cock. I sucked him deep into my mouth, again tasting and savoring his pre-cum. He was as hard as a rock again. I came up to his lips and offered mine to his. He accepted and then drove his tongue deep into my mouth. I couldn't help think it was a sign of things to come. He rolled me over and now he was on top of me. My legs were spread. I wouldn't have been able to escape from him if I had wanted. And I most assuredly did not want to. Again I felt his fingers probe my ass pussy. But this time he had lubricated them and they moved in and out with ease. I was surprised. I anticipated it might hurt but it didn't. It was obvious he was experienced. I am sure he had fucked many girls in the ass, maybe even Maggie. I expected he would have turned me over, my stomach on the mattress. But he didn't. Adam pulled me towards him and then lifted my legs over his shoulders. I rested him there and then I felt the most incredible sensations of my life. My lover guided his cock head to my ass pussy and began working it in. This was no finger and at first I didn't think I'd be able to. But I wanted him to fuck me, fill me with his seed and so I did my best to relax my muscles. There was some pain but my lover knew what he was doing. Soon I felt the head pop in. The feeling was electric. Slowly Adam pulled out and then he pushed his cock in a little deeper. And then he did it again. And again. Until he had buried his entire eight inches inside me. The whole time he was doing this I was spastic. Shaking my head back and forth, crying out in pleasure, my whole body trembling. "Oh my God, Adam.. oh God.. you feel so fucking good.. oh God.. please fuck me Adam.. I need your cock.. I want to feel you inside of me" were a few of the things I remember saying. After Adam had entered me he rested a few seconds before he began to fuck me. Oh, my God is all I can say. Every sense I had was turned on. I watched him. His faces, his muscles, the sweat from his body were images burned into me. His smell and the texture of his skin I still can't get out of my mind. I was so grateful that he chosen to fuck me in this position. And fuck me he did. He'd start with hard fast strokes and then slow down the pace. Every stroke was deep. Every stroke felt like it was going to split me in half with pleasure. "Don't stop Adam. God don't stop," I said, "cum in me, please cum in me." I swear to you I had multiple orgasms (call them assgasms) from his fucking. My whole body would shake uncontrollably. My moans could have been heard by the neighbors. I would black out and then come back to just as another wave would come over me. I was responding to his thrusts. My hips were meeting his. The only conscious thought I had was to get Adam's dick into me and feel his jism deep inside. After my fourth assgasm Adam began to quicken his pace. I knew he was about to come. "Cum in me Adam, cum in me please," I said. I reached forward and by stretching as far as I could I was able to gently squeeze his balls. I squeezed my legs around his back and clenched my sphincter muscles. "Oh you fucking whore," he shouted. And with that I felt my lover's dick swell and he shot his load into my ass pussy. I couldn't believe how good it felt. We just laid there. "You're one good fuck," he told me. "I'm not sure who's better, you or Maggie." I had forgotten about Maggie. I had forgotten about everything. I had been there about three hours and Maggie had been expecting me home. My mind began racing again and before I wanted to I got ready to leave. Adam's sperm still dripped from my ass pussy as I started to get dressed. I was at a loss for words. I didn't know what to say. I had come to lay some kind of ground rules for Adam and Maggie's relationship but instead I had been overpowered and seduced by this man's animal magnetism. Adam spoke, "listen, that was a lot of fun but I'd still rather be banging pussy. If it's okay with you I'd still like hook up with Maggie. You seem to enjoy that too. I'll leave it up to you if you want to tell Maggie about this but I'm cool keeping it quiet." I was silent for a second. A million thoughts swirling in my mind including the incredible pleasures I had just felt. It sounded like I was going to be a one night stand. But the reality was I wasn't ready to tell Maggie about this. I didn't know what her reaction would be. And, as good a fuck as I had been, I knew that Adam wasn't gay and that he would always prefer to be with a woman. "Let's keep it quiet then," I said. "Just try to keep anything that goes on with Maggie as private as possible." With that I gazed longingly one last time at Adam's gorgeous body as he lay on the bed. His muscular and athletic body stretched out would attract anybody. Even flaccid his cock was an incredible turn on. I could just imagine taking it between my lips and feeling its heat and letting it swell in my mouth again. I almost did too. But I knew it was time to leave. With that I walked out his bedroom and felt his cum leaking from my ass pussy and staining my pants. When I got home it was after 11:00 PM. Maggie had put the kids to sleep hours earlier and was in bed herself watching the news. I left the light off when I came into the bedroom so that she didn't see me clearly. Thinking that I had been at work all evening she was surprised to the way I looked. "Hard day for you, honey," she asked. "You look like you just got fucked." I just said, "yeah, long day." I took a shower. Not at all wanting to clean off Adam's love juice from my body but knowing I had to before I went to bed. Once I did get into bed with Maggie we made small talk for a few minutes. Just before turning off the TV she said casually, "Lisa and I are going to go out again on Saturday." "Do you think you'll see Adam," I asked. "Maybe," she said with a little tease in her voice. I was jealous. Not of Adam. I was jealous of Maggie. What I’m about to tell you happened three years ago, toward the end of the summer of 2000. I was back at home after my first year at college. I worked a few hours each week at my dad’s office, but spent most of the time at the beach or at the pool at my girlfriend’s house. At the beginning of the summer, I had met Mary, a very sweet, very pretty girl. She worked for my dad in the accounts department and I met her my first day at work. She had been reluctant to date the boss’s son, but after a week or so of pestering her to go out with me, she agreed. It had been a wonderful summer. Most evenings, when she finished work, we drove the few miles to the local beach, and stayed there until dusk. I loved lying next to her on the beach, looking at her body and her pretty smile, getting more and more horny thinking about making love with her later in the evening. I had spent so much time with Mary at her house that summer I had become very friendly with her family. Her parents were a nice couple, and her brother Mark, two years younger than Mary, was a good kid. When I told Mary’s parents I was studying math at college, they asked me if I would give Mark some math tutoring. Of course I agreed, and even turned down their offer to pay me (I guess I felt indebted to them for ignoring the fact that I fucked their daughter in their house most nights). So I spent a few hours a week working on math with Mark, usually on the two evenings Mary had classes at the local college. We’d spend an hour or two working on math, and I’d have dinner with Mark and his parents, then go meet Mary after her class. I should tell you now what’s at the heart of this story: Mary and Mark looked alike. Let me describe Mary. She was blond, and had deep brown eyes. She had a pretty face, and a radiant smile. I loved her shoulders, and I could write poems about her tiny breasts -- I had only to picture them for a wave of pleasure to sweep through my body. Even now, three years later, I can vividly picture how her slim waist flowed out towards her hips and ass. How I loved that ass! Every opportunity I had, I walked behind her to watch her ass. She knew the effect her ass had on me: she would run up stairs ahead of me and look back to make sure I was watching her ass. Half way through the summer I bought her a black thong bikini. Buying it, I had been worried that she might think it too slutty. But no. I gave it to her on the beach one evening, and she looked at it, then, in plain view of anyone who might have been watching, took off the bikini she was wearing and put on the one I had given her. As I remember her undressing on the beach, I still get so excited. Let me finish my description: Mary’s legs were toned from her running, and as the summer progressed her body took on a golden glow from the hours we spent in the sun. She was beautiful, and sweet, and over the course of the summer I had fallen deeply for her. Your probably see where this is leading. Mark, too, was blond, and his hair was long like Mary’s. He too was slim, and tanned. But, perhaps most of all, he had his sister’s smile. I hadn’t realized that at first -- perhaps he didn’t smile much when we were working together on math problems. But, at some point during the summer -- I don’t now recall when -- he had smiled his sister’s smile at me, and I had seen the resemblance. I saw it first in an abstract, theoretical way -- my, don’t they look alike. That was to change. I’ll move my story along, for I know that I’m too much inclined towards scene- setting, and too slow to get to the point. What you have foreseen happened on a hot August evening, two weeks before the summer was to end and I was to return to college. Mary was in class, and her parents were out of town visiting relatives in New Hampshire, or Vermont, or some such place – it doesn’t matter where. Mark and I had spent a couple of hours going over some math problems, and I was tired from the mental effort and the heat. When we had finished working, I took a dip in the pool, and came back inside with a towel wrapped around me. I sprawled on the couch and watched some television. Mark stretched out on the floor in front of me, also tired from the math. Whatever program was on, it didn’t hold my attention. I was thinking about Mary, and making love to her in her bedroom later that night. My gaze had rested on Mark’s legs. It struck me that they looked just like Mary’s -- slim, and tanned. My eyes moved up over body, and I imagined I could see his waist, his chest, and his shoulders though his shorts and t-shirt. Whether it was the heat, or my tiredness, I started to imagine it was Mary stretched out before me, and my anticipation of her undressing for me in her bedroom grew more acute. My cock grew under the towel as I thought about how Mary would turn away from me and slowly slide her panties down over her beautiful ass. I don’t know how long I had been staring at Mark as my cock got stiff, but at some point I realized that he was looking back at me over his shoulder, smiling his sister’s smile. “What are you thinking?,” he asked. His question broke my reverie, and I was at once aware that I had been staring at him and that my cock was erect, and clearly so. I shuffled my body to try to disguise my erection. “Nothing,” I replied. Then: “I was just thinking how much you look like your sister.” Mark smiled back at me, not saying anything. I couldn’t meet his glance, and pretended to watch the television. After a couple of minutes, he stood up, and left the room. I sat there a few more minutes, my cock and my embarrassment slowly subsiding. I should get up, I thought, and go meet Mary. A few more minutes, I told myself. Then Mark spoke from outside the room. “Turn off the television and close your eyes.” “Why?” “I have a surprise for you.” I reached for the remote and turned off the television. “Now close your eyes.” “Ok, they’re closed.” I heard him walk into the room. “Ok, you can open your eyes.” I looked up. Mary was standing a few feet in front of the couch where I was sprawling. She was wearing her black leather miniskirt and her white silk blouse, through which I could see the outline of a black bra. Her blond hair was pulled back behind her ears, and her lips were red and her eyes made up. On her feet were the short white tennis socks that, at my pleading, were the only clothes she kept on when we made love. Of course I knew it wasn’t Mary, and if I had had time to collect my thoughts, perhaps things would have been different. But, maybe, things would have turned out the same even had I thought about it. “So, what do you think?,” he asked. “Amazing,” I muttered, “really amazing.” He twirled around so I could see his ass tight in his sister’s miniskirt, and he lifted his arms above his head to accentuate his slim waist. Then he stood still, looking at me with that irresistible smile. “What if I were Mary?” he asked. “What do you mean?” “You know. If I were Mary, what would you do?” I looked at him for what seemed to me a long time. It might have appeared that I was thinking about my answer. In reality there was no thought going on. Rather, as I looked at him, the inevitability of my response was swelling inside me. I stood up and stepped toward him. My hands reached up and gently drew his face towards mine, and I kissed him softly on the lips. His eyes closed as our lips met. I kissed him again, this time our tongues touching. His eyes opened and met mine, and he smiled at me. “Pretend I’m Mary,” he whispered. My hands slid down to his waist, and I drew his body against mine, and we kissed again, deeper than before. “Undress for me,” I said. He started to unbutton Mary’s blouse. I watched avidly as each undone button revealed more of his smooth chest. He slipped the blouse from his shoulders, and stood there looking at me. I recognized the bra as the top of the bikini I had bought Mary, and my cock grew harder as I realized what he had on under Mary’s skirt. Mark turned away from me, and undid the clasp on the skirt. As he released the skirt to fall to the floor, he leaned over so that his ass, dressed only in Mary’s black thong, was toward me. He turned back me and my hands went round his naked waist, and pulled him to me, only Mary’s thong and the towel around my waist separating our bodies. I reached around his back and unclasped the top of the bikini, and my mouth moved from his lips to his nipples. He sighed, as Mary did when I sucked her nipples, and with that sigh I was lost. I lead Mark to the couch, and he sat down facing me. I kneeled between his legs and reached up for his panties. Slowly I pulled them down over his cock. His cock pointed up at my face, and, as though I had done this before, I leaned over to take him in my mouth. Do I have to describe what it was like? I couldn’t begin to do justice to the sublime taste and feel of that hard, warm cock in my mouth, to its smoothness as I ran my tongue over it, to the sound of Mark’s breathing as I sucked him, my hand now between his legs, rubbing his balls. As I sucked his cock, I had a vivid picture of him lying back on the couch, naked except for the Mary's little white socks, with his legs spread, and me between them, and that image excited me even more. I took the towel from around my waist, freeing my cock, which I stroked as I sucked my girlfriend’s brother’s cock. With a loud moan, Mark’s body tensed as he came. I felt his cum shoot into my mouth, and I ran my tongue around his cock, licking his cum against it. I stayed kneeling there between his legs, caressing his cock with my tongue as it softened and his body relaxed. I let his cock slip from my mouth and sat back to look at him sprawled on the couch. I took in his long tanned legs stretched out towards me, his sister’s black thong still around his ankle; his cock, glistening with his cum, and his small, tight balls; his slim waist, and his delicious red nipples; and his face with that amazing smile. Our eyes met, and we looked at each other, neither speaking. My hand moved back to my cock and I masturbated as Mark watched me. He slid off the couch and sat in front of me, his face close to mine. He kissed me, and his hand slipped between my legs, and I gasped as he touched my balls as I rubbed my cock faster and harder. As my excitement built, his finger moved further back to explore my ass. I gasped, as I did when Mary fucked my ass with her finger. He pushed his finger into my ass, at the same time kissing me again. I came at once, so hard, shooting streams of cum over his chest. We sat there silently. I watched my cum slip down over his stomach to his cock. “Lie down,” I said. As he sprawled on his back, I traced the line of my cum with my tongue, down to his cock, which started to harden again as my lips slipped over it. “No,” Mark said. “Not now. You’re going to be late for Mary.” I stood up and dressed. Mark, still naked except for Mary's socks, walked with me to the door. Just before I opened the door, we kissed again. Mark whispered in my ear, “Next time, I want you to fuck me like you fuck my sister.” “Yes,” I replied. TO BE CONTNUED.
I read an article recently that had a lot to say, in a very clearly opinionated way, about why women shouldn't shave their nether regions. Apparently, there are _serious consequences_ to shaving "down there"–like red bumps and friction-burn and even decreased sex appeal. Ummm... okay. Clearly this article was written by someone who appreciates the hirsute, which is all well and good. But to come out and say: "We have hair there for a reason, and it should stay there!" We have fingernails, too. Should we never cut those, either? I'll come right out and say that I'm biased. I'm completely shaved. Bald as a baby. I started shaving ten years ago, and haven't stopped since. I enjoy shaving. (Well, I enjoy being bare!) I don't mind nor am I saying that "au naturale" is a bad thing. Not at all. I love females in all shapes, sizes, and textures. Equal opportunity lover, that's me. Women are beautiful, however they come... (every pun intended there!) But what is this _"Real women don't shave!"_ nonsense all about? The moral judgment there is enormous and completely unnecessary. Last time I checked, not every man had facial hair. They choose to shave–or not–depending on their personal tastes. I didn't see any articles out there on "Real Men Don't Shave!" — at least, not outside of the Amish or Orthodox communities, and I don't think I'll be seeing their views on the Internet any time soon. So men can wear goatees or full beards or shave twice a day - and no one talks about the "shoulds." It's all about "want." Men do what they want, according to their preference. The topic of women's pubic hair, though, that's apparently up for debate. Discussions rage all over the Internet whether a woman should or shouldn't have the option of a landing strip, a full triangle, or shaving bare. Holy double standard, Batman! Not only that, but men have actually started trimming or shaving (or waxing, or using depilatory cream on) their nether regions, too. But I don't hear the same debate going on about men shaving that I do about women. Who gets to say if I go hairless or hairy? Frankly, I do. No one else – not my husband, not my culture, and certainly not some judgmental Internet article. I shave because I love the feeling of being shaved – I love the increased sensation, the baby soft feel of my vulva, the extra friction created, the extra wetness. Hair down there irritates me, in more ways than one. I want to shave, so I shave. It has nothing to do with cultural fashion mandates. It has to do with what I want, what my preference and desires are. An older friend of mine expressed surprise when she found out I shaved "down there." (We were at the gym at the time.) She informed me, rather wryly, "Just wait until you're my age. The hair down there just starts falling out on its own!" Funny, that our cultural judgment is that shaving bald makes a woman look "pre-pubescent," when, in fact, we could equally judge that it makes her look "old" instead! I think we need to have a little more acceptance and a whole lot less judgment when it comes to the women's bodies. And what we need more of, a _bunch_ more of, is _love_ when it comes to the feminine form, whether we're talking about weight or breast size or the care and feeding of the kitty. We need a lot less "shoulds" and a lot more "wants." Desire itself should be the only thing driving the decision to go hairless or hirsute or something in between. So, if a woman wants to give herself a Sinead O'Connor cut, I say, yes! If a woman wants to let her pubic hair grow like Cousin It, I say, yes! In fact, I think that's the root (ha, pun intended) of the whole debate. There really shouldn't be a debate at all–and that's the only "should" we should be throwing around. I may be fashionably bare, but I don't do it because I want to be fashionable. I also don't defiantly _not_ shave because I want to make a fashion statement. That's just playing the game. I do what I want to do. If more people would, fashion would have a lot less influence over our perceptions. So say "yes" to what you want, when it comes to your body. Let's all say "yes!" a whole lot more... to ourselves, and to each other. **\-----** **> ^,,^<** **\-----** ** _If you enjoyed this, remember to leave some feedback and don't forget to vote!_** ** _Thanks for reading,_** ** _~*~*Selena*~*~_** Miss Singh was awful quiet that Friday afternoon. She sat behind her desk, looked down at the papers she was supposed to be grading, but her hands were not moving. She looked to be a far away planet and rules of this world no longer were intended for her. Outside the afternoon was bright and sunny. This was the hottest summer in years. The beaches were packed every afternoon. Almost nobody was staying home anymore. A bunch of kids were playing tackle football in the grass outside of Miss Singh's first window. Freddy Gordon glanced over at the best teacher he ever had and saw the look on her face. She was an attractive Indian woman with a face he could stare at for hours. If time had no made them fifteen years apart he would have married her. But Freddy was too young to think anything serious could ever happen between them. He was eighteen years old and they were plenty fish in the sea. It was still in his best interest to stare at the lovely woman, however. She was dressed for the summer, a pink shirt with a Teddy bear in the middle and black shorts that went down to her knees. Her skin was dark brown and she was skinny as a toothpick. Her breasts were very small and still very lovely. She looked very enticing to most men around the school and most students who saw her walking passed them. Her long dark hair was Freddy's favorite part of Miss Singh. He loved the way it glistened in the morning. He loved the way in went down to the crack of her bony ass. Miss Singh could always make him feel so venerable, so desperate. He could love her forever if he had the opportunity. He resisted the intense urges to stare at her any longer and got back to his American History work. Her image was captured in his mind. His fantasies were written in thick green notebooks. Someday he would be with Miss Singh, he felt this to be true. The fifteen minutes left in the class went by quickly. The sound of the bell that signaled the end of class, and more importantly to most, the end of school, caught Freddy by surprise. He did not want the period to end so fast. He got out of his seat nonetheless and made his way out of Miss Singh's American History class. That's when he heard her voice calling him from behind. Freddy turned around and saw Miss Singh looking at him. She was slightly smiling, but she also looked concerned. "Is there a reason for you staring at me so much during class?" Miss Singh asked when he arrived at the front of her desk. There was plan etched in his mind if Miss Singh ever caught him staring. He had the perfect story made up in his head. "I wasn't staring at you," he said, keeping his acting skills in control. "I was watching the clock." He pointed to the clock behind Miss Singh as if to prove himself correct. "You stare at the clock ten to fifteen minutes a day," she said. "Is my class that boring. You just can't wait to get out of here." Miss Singh sounded a little hurt. "Well the work is too easy. I get an A on just about everything you hand out. But I'm just like most other students here, I just can't wait to get out of school." "You are one of my better students," she spoke slowly. "You have the highest grade of all five of my classes combined." Freddy was absolutely proud of this fact. He was never a bright student, but because Miss Singh was the only teacher he actually liked, he gave each assignment she gave his best effort. "I'm really proud of you, Freddy," she continued. "You do all the work, you never hand in anything late, you never come in late and you never ever complain about all the work I give. Hell, you have not missed a single day." Freddy saw a glare in her eyes. Was that lust? He wasn't sure, but it looked like it. "I'm glad my class gives you so much fulfillment," she talked slower. "It makes me feel like I'm doing a good job. I grew up in India and life there was so much harder. You considered lucky to get a chance to go to school. Here the opportunity comes for everyone and so many just toss it away. But not you. I'm glad to see you achieve so highly in my class, but disappointed to hear you find my class boring." Freddy quickly thought of something to say. He did want this moment to end. He had a good chance with his favorite teacher if he didn't ruin it. "Your class isn't boring. I like doing the work. I think your great teacher. The best teacher I ever had." She smiled revealing her white teeth. Her eyes were moving up and down, seeming to get a good look at Freddy's body. If she was than she liked what she saw. Her smile brightened. "Thanks," Miss Singh said. Her voice was higher, filled with glee. "You're one of my favorite students. Maybe the best I ever had." "Maybe," he acted disappointed. "Who else will do all your work and never complain once?" "Not too many. But homework, class work, quizzes and tests don't tell me everything. I need to get to know you in away know other teacher gets to know before I call you my favorite." Freddy's heart was beating a little faster. Miss Singh was staring a whole through his eyes. "You look like one of the strongest I've ever had in class. You look gentle though." Freddy stood at six foot three and about two hundred pounds. His blonde hair and green eyes made him look like any other all-American young men. He played football and basketball for the first four years of his high school life, and even gave baseball and track a go. He was in excellent condition, indeed very strong, but Miss Singh was right, he was very gentle. Athletics had only made him appear tough in the eyes of his friends and other classmates. Without athletics his schoolwork has improved. "You're very handsome," Miss Singh continued. "I watch you sometimes. I know you watch me from your desk and there's no shame in it. I watch you from mine all the time. Before I got to sleep I dream about your smooth touch. I wonder how you feel deep inside of me." Miss Singh stood up and walked over to the door. She locked it from the inside. "I need you so bad, Freddy. I'll go crazy if I wait any longer. You make feel special." Freddy didn't actually no what to say. He looked at his teacher who was slowly walking toward him, her eyes full of lust, and her tongue rolling around her dark lips. "I guess should be reward for outstanding achievements in your class, huh," was all he did say. Miss Singh nodded her head in agreement. She put her hands on his face and slowly caressed his cheeks, nose, mouth and forehead. She moved her face closer to him and began kissing his nose and eyes, then she softly kissed his lips. The kissing became more powerful. Each wanted to feel each other's tongue. Their hands roamed their bodies. Freddy broke the longest kiss and moved his lips down her neck. Miss Singh moaned lightly while she unbuttoned Freddy's pants. She slid her hands in his boxers and felt his awakening penis with her hands. Freddy's dream was finally coming true and he couldn't believe it. Miss Singh was pulling down his boxers and taking his throbbing penis in her hands. She spit on his penis and stroked it in her hands lightly. "I want this to be the best day of your life," Miss Singh said. She took Freddy's penis deep into her mouth. She licked all around his shaft, taking in his salty flesh with all the pleasure in the world. She sucked him down to his balls and let it back up again. Freddy's watched his cock disappear and reappear from Miss Singh's tight little mouth. Her hands were wrapped around his legs so that she could bury his cock with her mouth. Freddy grabbed her by the side of her face and began pumping into her mouth. They constantly met each other's pace, no matter how fast they went. Miss Singh wrapped her dark lips around his cock tight so she could feel like Freddy was fucking her mouth. Freddy imagined Miss Singh's tight lips to be her pussy. He badly wanted to fuck his favorite teacher. Miss Singh took his cock out of her mouth. She rubbed his pre-cum all over her face, then licked his balls while his penis stood gently on her forehead. "I want you to fuck me," Miss Singh said. "I want you so much," Freddy said back. Miss Singh took off her shorts and her cotton panties. Her pussy looked so tempting. Her fingers were already teasing the opening. She was shaved. Miss Singh gently laid Freddy on the classroom floor and mounted his cock. Her pussy was tight, it took effort to get his cock inside of her, but when the job was done there was no better feeling. Miss Singh rode his cock like a true cow girl. She did all the work for him, holding his hands down and throwing herself on his wonderful cock. She moaned lightly. There were still people remaining in the building. Miss Singh, Freddy knew, couldn't afford to get caught fucking a student. Her pussy juiced were running down his cock. It was the best experience Freddy ever had. Miss Singh, who would believe this tale. He lifted his head up and kissed her again. Her hands played with her small breasts through the fabric of her pink shirt. Finally he took off her shirt. He sucked he tiny breasts through he bra. "I love your cock," she moaned in a whisper. "Oh, yeah, suck my nipples. Oh, oh." Freddy lightly sank his teeth into her dark nipples and Miss Singh let out a small scream. She slapped his stomach lightly and rode him faster. Miss Singh got up without warning. The Indian beauty knocked all the papers and junk off her desk and laid down on it. She spread her legs wide and told Freddy to fuck her pussy. She held her legs wide apart and Freddy entered her gooey warmth once again. He fucked her with all he had, trying to return the kindness Miss Singh had showed him so far. He pumped his cock out of her tight wet pussy and listened to her soft moans. She touched his cock as passed in and out with the tip of her fingers. Freddy leaned down and sucked her nipples once more. Miss Singh was rocked by a violent orgasm seconds later. Freddy took off his shirt and she rammed in her mouth to shut down the screams. When it seemed to be over her sped up the pace once more. "Fuck me. Fuck me, hard. Fuck me, fast." Freddy obeyed. His body was becoming exhausted quicker. The hardness of his cock and the wet tightness of his pussy were making strong friction. He felt the cum flowing through his balls. "I'm gonna cum," he shouted. "Then cum deep inside of me." Freddy let out a deep breath and was rocked by his own orgasm as his cum spewed deep inside of Miss Singh. He came for an entire minutes. When it was over both were tired, but they both wanted more of each other. "Have you ever had real Indian food," Miss Singh asked when they were both dressed. Freddy's cum was still dripping down her legs, but it never went down passed her shorts. "No," Freddy said. "Maybe you should come over then. Our food is so hot and spicy it'll make your eyes water." He followed Miss Singh to the parking lot and got in her beat up car. They drove off together. Despite the differences in their age, time had not cheated this perfect couple. Oh, in case you were wondering, they ended up living happily ever after. When I left school at the age of 18 I was very skinny ; 5 foot nine inches and weighed about 8 stone (not quite the 98 lb weakling of the advertisements but not far off!) When I went to university I decided to go to a gym to put on some weight. There weren't too many around in the late 1960s, but I found a funny old place in Upper Queen Street. We'll call it 'The Warrior Gym' (the real name was similar to that.) There was a small gym in the basement ; fairly basic but with all I needed. The next floor was office, bathroom and sauna, the top floor was the 'TV lounge', a bare room with mattresses on the floor and a TV. The guy who ran it was called Jim; he was an ex-boxer. He had an helper whose name I can't remember. In the morning the gym was reserved for women, but I had most of the afternoon free (a late lecture at 5 pm meant I had to stay in town anyway). So I could spend quite a lot of time there. I don't know how many women, if any, used it in the mornings. Most of the clients were jockeys using the sauna to lose weight, or middle- aged men who went upstairs to the 'TV room'. I was very innocent in those days. The only other frequent user of the gym room was a young maori guy who was training for boxing. But I didn't see him too often. Once I got used to the weight training I started to broaden out a bit (though I always had a light frame) and put on some muscle. One day Jim came down while I was doing my workout, looked at me and ran his fingers lightly down the front of my belly then he remarked 'Your abs are starting to show and they're looking good." The touch of his fingers had rather interesting results and from that day on I looked at him a bit differently. I decided early on that I wanted to develop really good abs. Jim, with his boxing background, recommended that I use weights with my abs exercises, so I started to do that as they got stronger. Soon I was spending an hour a day or more on my abs, and going to the gym five days per week, so they got plenty of exercise. For my abs routine, I would first warm up with sit-ups; about 100 reps, then move on to sit-ups with weights on an inclined bench, side bends with weights, trunk twists with resistance, rope pull-downs with heavy weight, leg raises on a bench wearing 'iron boots', then various hanging leg raises with the boots. After that, usually Jim would come downstairs and punch my stomach for a quarter hour or so, or walk on it while I lay on the floor on my back. This really toughens the muscles up! As my abs got stronger I piled on the weights. My particular favourites were the hanging leg raises. I would hang from an overhead bar, wearing iron boots with up to 40 pounds on each foot (once I got strong and tough). The act of hanging in that position tended to stretch my shoulder girdle, rib cage, back and legs, with good effects on my overall shape and posture. In addition, like stretching a rubber band, my waist tended to shrink as a result of being pulled longer, so I became more wasp-waisted, which helped counteract the bulking-up of my various abdominal muscles. I would then sloooowly raise my knees to my chest using my gut muscles. Various variations coupled with twisting to the sides ensured that all of my abs got an extremely severe workout. The strain of hoisting 80 pounds of iron skywards using your abdominal muscles is considerable; I would groan while I did it, but I got an enormous 'high' from doing so, why not try it and see (if you're young and fit)! I would do several sets of about twenty reps of those various leg raises - an extremely tough workout. The only other person whom I know who had a similar workout was a woman - but that's another story. The little gym was kept pretty warm, I had it to myself usually, and I didn't want to be hauling gym clothes around with me, so my usual attire, once I started to look OK, was a pair of bri-nylon briefs (remember them? the ancestors of lycra), which left little to the imagination and clung rather snugly. They were rather aptly called 'Vigor-8's'. I wasn't too worried about being seen nearly nude; several years at boarding school disposed of any inhibitions about nudity. Now abdominal exercises, once your abs muscles start to develop and harden up, massage the internal organs underneath them pretty well as they flex and contract. I soon found that all of the time that I was working out my abs I had an erection. The thin briefs stimulated my sexual organs even more. The strain of working my abs against heavy weights caused my erections to grow ever harder and larger. When you're young and virile, running a strong erection for an hour or more every day has interesting effects; your cock starts to get bigger, due to being engorged with blood for so long on a regular basis. (Alas, once the 'treatment' is stopped the effects eventually fade, but they lasted for a number of years.) In particular, the various extreme hanging leg raises would find my penis jutting out to the point where the briefs had trouble restraining it; on occasion it would 'escape from custody'. Rather difficult to deal with when you're hanging from an overhead bar with heavy weights strapped to your feet! Oddly enough, both Jim, his helper and some of the 'TV watchers' from upstairs started to take an interest in all of this. I often received offers to help me relieve my hard-on. Being young and innocent I politely declined them. I must say I was looking pretty good by this time; with a fairly ordinary face, but with a slim, tapered frame, very well defined muscles and virtually no body fat, and excellent chiselled abs. They had a small sun-tanning cubicle downstairs (unusual for those days) and so I worked on my overall tan. Despite being in the middle of the city, there was a small steep area of rough lawn outside the gym and well screened by trees and shrubs. So when the weather was right and I had some time to spare I would sunbathe out there, naked of course. So a nice overall tan soon evolved. Sigh; I don't look like that now! Jim gave quite a good massage for a small fee, and I used to get massaged once or twice per week, either by him or his off-sider. The assistant (let's call him Joe) wasn't too bad either, but rather inclined to ask me whether I wanted my 'centre-piece' massaged; I always declined the offer, being rather shy still. One day while Jim was massaging my stomach he remarked "I reckon if I give you a really hard massage here we can increase the separation of your abs." "OK, give it a try" said I.. So he forced his fingers deep into the valleys between the different blocks of my stomach muscles. He had very strong hands. This was really quite painful at first, until I got used to it but, hey, I was accustomed to him trampling on my stomach and punching me in the gut! Certainly it helped to force the muscle blocks apart and my abs showed more serration and got more deeply chiselled. It was quite an intimate business, really. I was always nude during my massage, with just a towel draped over my middle. During my stomach massage I often got an erection, which was always quite obvious to the masseur. One day Jim said "You're developing quite a big cock there; how are your balls keeping up?" He lifted the towel, had a look and said "Could be bigger. Tell you what; I know how to make 'em larger to keep up with the cock. If I massage them really hard and squeeze them, they get bruised and grow." "All right, I said, but if I don't like it you stop. OK?" He promised so I turned over and lay face down on the massage table. He removed the towel and spread my legs wide open. "I'll give them a stretch first!" He grasped a ball in each large hand and pulled them firmly downwards and backwards, stretching my ball sac uncomfortably. I must have given a groan because he said "Don't worry, I won't pull them off. This will hurt a bit, but you'll get to like it; I promise!" And he pulled some more. Yes, it hurt, but I was able to take it. After a few minutes of stretching he started to massage and squeeze my balls, to the point where it was almost unbearable, but not quite. After about 15 minutes of this he slapped my bum and said "That will do for today. You'll be surprised what an effect that has. Tell you what, we'll do this after every workout and I won't charge you! "Thanks Jim " I said through the haze of discomfort " I think!" So five days a week (usually) I finished up my workout by taking a shower and going upstairs to have a hard, painful, intimate massage. I got more at ease with the pain; and my balls started to get bigger. It really does work. Again, the effects wear off eventually once the treatment stops. Quite often the end result of all of this was an ejaculation on my part. Jim was always quite matter of fact about this, and just wiped me clean with a paper towel, then continued the massage. Joe was a bit more excitable, often offering to lick me clean, but I still declined. After some weeks of this Jim said "Now you're getting a cock and balls anyone could be proud of. Time to tickle up your prostate so that you put out more spunk." "Come again?' says I. (Quite innocent, really!) "Yes, and that too" said Jim. I took a little while to get the joke (I was only 20 after all!) But I consented. So a new treatment was added to the massage sequence. A slender dildo (hard plastic in those pre-silicone days) was coated with oil and inserted up my backside and my prostate was massaged vigorously for several minutes, balls being squeezed hard to delay ejaculation. If you've been through this you'll understand that the results were quite an eye-opener to me. Arched back, tongue out, repeated groans of "My God!", slowly writhing hips, twitching belly muscles, strong orgasm, floods of semen! If you haven't been through it, well try it at least once. So now I was being "milked" five days a week as well. No wonder my appetite got stronger, plus my sexual drive. And the amount of semen that I produced got larger and larger, and larger. Soon, they took (sometimes both of them were doing this together now) to replacing the first dildo after a few minutes with another, thicker one. After a few more weeks the second dildo was later succeeded by a third, even thicker. Obviously now I can see that they were preparing me for a mass sodomising. Oiling and lubricating and enlarging my anal sphincter and getting it more and more used to, and comfortable with, being invaded. Tuning up my body and enlarging the parts of most interest. Making me more and more used to most intimate touching, squeezing and probing. As time went by I started to really enjoy it; the slippery slope to sexual abandonment. But all of that was to be put off for a while. One afternoon, I came out of the changing room into the gym, clad in my usual sketchy costume, to find someone else busy at the bench press. It was a WOMAN! Now you must understand that in those days, not too many women went to gyms. Even fewer lifted heavy weights. Which she was doing. And wearing not much more than myself - i.e. brief bikini. And attractive, very attractive. My height, long dark hair, friendly cheerful face, good tan, broad shoulders, great body. "Hello," she said, "you must be Neil. I'm Jan. I hope you don't mind me working out in the afternoons. Dad thought you wouldn't mind. I'm Jim's daughter. I can't come in the mornings now because my work times have been changed." "No problem" I stammered. "It'll be nice to have some company. You look great; I like your stomach muscles!" "Thanks; I work on them a lot. Well, with a father who was a boxer I would have to, wouldn't I? Hey like to help me with my chin-ups; I always have trouble with those" So we started to work out together. This was a nice change! As we worked our bodies together, only one problem; that damn erection emerged. Soon she noticed it. "Hey; nice cock! And it's big; has my Dad been working on it?" "Yes" I admitted sheepishly. "He does like the boys; likes to groom them up; him and that slimy Joe! You know what they've got planned for you don't you? One day soon they'll get a lot of their funny mates around, drug you up with something and have themselves a pack rape, with you as the centre of attraction! I'll have a word or two with him!" I was thunderstruck; what an innocent I'd been! Yes, I was curious for further experiences, but being the subject of a mass anal rape; definitely not! Then she started asking questions: " Are you a virgin?" ("Yes", sheepishly), "Do you like girls?" ("Yes!, enthusiastically), "Can I take your virginity?" ("Yes please", shyly). "Fine, we'll do it now. Dad's out for the afternoon, I'm left in charge, and there's no one else here at the moment. I'll lock the door. Come on!" So she towed me upstairs to the sauna and made a man of me. Not our last sauna encounter; but that's another story. And my encounter with anal posterity had been postponed, and that's yet another story!
_The following is the result of an interview this author had with a white woman named Alysin Carter. Alysin loves black men. She was reluctant to talk about it publically until she gave me this interview. – Mr. Deep._ **Interviewer:** You consented to give this interview on tape. I am going to turn on the recorder now. You are 37 years old. You have an 18-year-old daughter. You grew up in southeastern Virginia and attended the University of Virginia. After you graduated, you worked as a teacher in an inter-city high school. Your husband, David, is an accountant. Now, I am going to let you tell your story. ________________________________________ I have always been very careful about my long-term affairs with black men and especially Del. I like to think of it as a managed relationship. This is no common affair. Del is black and I am white. "Going black" was not something I did on a whim. A black man did not sweep off my feet either. After all, I am a mother of an 18-year-old daughter. I had been studying my moves carefully. Black men seem so powerful and virile. I think it started as a curiosity. Then it turned into deep interest. Yes! That is the way it was. Now it is lust. Yes, it is deep lust. I admit that. (Alysin paused to light up a cigarette.) Interviewer: Describe yourself, Alysin. I am not your ordinary white woman. I am five-feet, two-inches. I weigh 105 pounds. My blonde hair is long and natural, but I enhance the color. Black men tell me I am gorgeous! I love to show off my slender white legs and ankles in short skirts with hemlines 10 inches above my knees. Black men tell me that my full lips make me especially alluring. (Alysin stood up and turned for me.) Look at my ass. That is 35 inches and that makes my 22-inch waist seem narrower. What do you think? (She opened her blouse and unhooked her lacy pink bra. She seemed very at ease about her body.) Look at these tits. I love to hold my hands under them and lift them up then squeeze them together. My original 34C's would have been small on a bigger woman, but on me, they were proportional to my body. Del wanted them enhanced. Therefore, they are 34DD's now. Alysin dropped her clothing in a chair and sat down. She picked up her cigarette, crossed her legs and took a deep drag. She exhaled.) Where was I? Oh, yes! I think that black men had been watching me for years. At the prestigious college I attended, I would see them glaring at me. The boys at the high school where I taught English would hit on me. One day I a young black thug in one of my classes caught me looking at the tattoo on his arm. The tattoo read, "Ever Had a Nigga?" I was embarrassed. From that day on, he hit on me every opportunity. Of course, I wanted to kiss him and let him use me, but that would have been professional suicide! He had a white girlfriend, named Sheryl. I saw them everywhere kissing. Actually, it was more like sucking face. Black men hit on me at the mall, too. Practically, everywhere I went black men hit on me. I think my alabaster white skin, hot body, and blonde hair were like a neon sign to black men. (She uncrossed her legs slowly, revealing her hot pink thong. She was wearing a tight micro-mini skirt. She took a deep draw. Held it and then exhaled again.) About the same time, my hubby, David, and I started watching porn. Our interest started drifting to interracial videos. We began discussing an interracial affair for me. He wanted to watch me. It was spontaneous. The idea of being a cuckold excited David, too. We watched many interracial videos back then. I accumulated a large number of interracial websites. I would masturbate, and he would jerk off. I tried personals on the website, but nothing brought the responses we expected. I am very athletic. I work out. Somehow, in the back of my mind I thought that if my body was tight and buff, I would be successful at a hot affair. Therefore, I was and still am in great shape. I work out two hours a day. I have never told David that those workouts included Kegel exercises to tighten my pussy. (She laughed and took a drag on her cigarette.) My blackening – that is what I call it – started when I saw him standing there. He was smoking a cigarette and looking directly at me. I was walking toward him. I was wearing a very short denim miniskirt and strappy high heel sandals. I had a tight thin sweater that swooped low revealing the top of my tits. I could see his eyes literally feasting on my feet then moved up my legs. His eyes paused on my tits before stopping at my lips. Oh! I wanted him to speak to me. I wanted that so bad! He said, "Hi!" That one word started it. ________________________________________ His name was Brian. It turned out that he was an independent film director and producer. One thing led to another, and then I let him drive me to his apartment. His apartment was a huge loft layout in a trashy side of town that I had never seen before. He poured me a drink. Then he put on a porn video. The images lit up four huge high definition television screens. I almost choked. I had seen porn before and thoroughly enjoyed it. This time, the star was a beautiful blonde woman fucking three coal black men. I was shocked! The contrasts in their skin were erotic. She was thoroughly enjoying it. I wanted that. Most of all, when the camera focused on a big 11-inch black dick sliding into her pussy, I started to faint. Oh! My! (She took a deep drag on her cigarette pushed her blonde hair back behind her left ear. Her dress was revealing her thong and her legs were wide open.) Brian put down his drink and moved closer to me. He had a presence about him. I could smell his manliness. It was cologne mixed with the scent of a man. I wanted him to kiss me. Then he put his arm around my waist and drew me towards him. I thought I was going to swoon when his lips touched mine. I have to admit I have seen black men and white women kissing. It was so hot. I admit that I watched their mouths moving and their tongues touching. Brian's lips were so thick and sexy. His hands were all over me in an instant. I was feeling sensations everywhere. Our mouths were so wet. I could taste him. I felt his tongue slip into my mouth and touch my tongue. I wanted to feel his dick. I reached down and felt his pants and grasp his dick. I never realized how submissive I was until he started undressing me. Each article of clothing he removed was peeling away my resistance and making me more submissive. When the cool air touched my bare tits, it was a shock. He slowly laid me back on the couch. Somewhere he had removed his clothes. I guess my body was in sensory over-load. He whispered, "Take it and guide me in." I had no problem finding his dick. I found out later it was 10-inches long. I felt him push. I thought I was going to pass out. I never felt anything like that before. (She crossed her legs again and took another drag. She looked at her slender thighs for a moment. She exhaled and began again.) He started fucking me. No one had ever fucked me like this. I realized at that moment. I wanted it. Nothing had ever made me feel that way before. It was like a dream. His hands were moving over my body. His lips were so warm. The tastes, the smells, and the pleasure were all I could stand; and at the same time, I wanted more! My eyes stayed closed all this time! I began to feel it in my hips centered on my clit. It was like a tidal wave spreading over my body. First, I began trembling uncontrollably. Then my hips pushed up as the pleasure spread all over my body! I heard a voice and realized it was my voice saying, "I love it. It feels so good." I felt him heave forward and freeze. Then for the first time in my life, I felt a man's cum shoot like a stream inside my cunt. Damn! It felt like a huge amount. I realized I was unprotected. I had stopped using the pill long ago. I was completely unprotected, but I still wanted it. I did not care! We laid there for a while savoring our afterglows. His dick remained hard and deep in my body. I wanted him to stay in me forever. I could imagine his sperm swimming around in my womb. From that first day, I wanted a black baby. Brian told me to stay off the pill. My baby desires strengthen my bond to Brian. Brian made it clear from the beginning that he wanted to feel my pussy bareback. I admit there is something sexier about feeling a man's skin against my pussy walls. He got up, opened a cabinet door, and removed a tape from a machine. He rewound it and put it in a player. Suddenly, the high-definition TV screens lit up with an image of Brian fucking me. I had never imagined how sensual it would be watching a black man fuck me. It was surreal. It was the most erotic porn video I had ever seen! I looked at the clock and realized we had been fucking for an hour. I was exhausted. I continued to tremble with the afterglow. (Alysin gazed out the window for 30 seconds without saying a word. She took a shallow drag and held it. She exhaled and re-crossed her legs. She continued.) Brian lit up a cigarette and took a deep drag. I watched as the smoke curled up and away. He handed it to me. I took a puff. He said, "No! No! No!" He showed me how to inhale by taking a deep drag and opening my mouth to bring in more air. When the smoke entered my lungs, I could feel a deep pleasure mixing with my afterglow. I have been a smoker from that day. I started coming over to Brian's apartment regularly. Then he started texting me to come over. I would drop everything and go to him. ________________________________________ Oh! It was with David's approval, of course. It was exactly what he wanted. David insisted that he had to watch, but I flatly told him that I was going to date Brian alone. He accepted it, but he did not like it. I promised to tell him all about it. I did, too. Well, I told him most of it. I did not want to hurt him. ________________________________________ Brian and I would go out to clubs. I loved going out with him. I thought I knew how to dance. Brian showed me _how_ to dance. Eventually, he let me dance with a number of his friends. One night I went to the ladies' room. Brian's friend, James, followed me and fucked me in a stall. It was so hot. James told Vic about it. He just laughed. He asked me, "How did you like, James?" I wasn't trying to hid anything. I told Vic, it was hot fucking a man in the stall of a woman's restroom. (Alysin crossed her legs again.) He taught me so many things. One thing was how to dress for black men. I started wearing those short, low- cut macro-miniskirts. I would wear sexy clear hose that accentuated my white legs. I let the lacy tops show under my skirt. Sometime I would wear a lacy petticoat that would cause the skirt to flare. I dressed in sexy red or pink platform pumps with five-inch micro stiletto fuck me heels. I wore a lot of sexy eye shadow and bright red lipstick. I always selected the expensive make up. He preferred that I wear a corset-camisole top. My camisoles laced up in the front. They were tight. They pushed up my tits and revealed lots of cleavage. Brian said I should not wear a bra under a cami like that. Watching black men look at my tits caused my nipples to get red and stiff. I loved it. Every time he dated me, we would end up at his apartment. Then we would have a long, slow fucking session on his couch or in his bed. First, I would take off my clothes while he watched. I knew a camera was recording us. Then I would go down on my knees and start sucking his dick. I would take his velvety smooth, shaved nut sack in my left hand. I would grasp his dick shaft at the base in my right hand. Then I would move my mouth over his uncut dick head. I would let my lips push his foreskin back. I loved that musky, male scent under his foreskin. My mouth was like a pussy, hungry for his semen. Brian taught me to deep throat him. One day he laid me down on my back on the bed. He positioned me so that my head has hanging off the edge. He moved over me and put his dick in my eager mouth. I was amazed how easily it slipped down my throat. He fucked me a long time with his nut sack slapping my forehead. He would pull out occasionally to let me take a breather. Then he made a deep thrust and dumped a load down my throat! As he pulled out, he squirted three more loads of his cum in my mouth. I swallowed it all. Brian said that when I swallowed his sperm, he had become a part of me forever. That was so sensual. Later, he showed me the video of my deep throat giving. I could see the outline of his dick far down inside my neck! That was so damned sexy. I came every time he showed it to me. He would cum three of four times in an evening. I wanted all of it in my body. One evening after he came for the fourth time, we were lying on the couch passing a cigarette between us. There was a knock on the door. Brian's member was sticking straight out when he got up and opened the door. It was three of his friends. They slapped hands and laughed. I crossed my legs and continued to smoke. Brian introduced us. I did not bother to stand up. Brian put on the video. It was a compilation of our fuck sessions. It was so sexy watching Brian fuck me. It was sexier watching their reactions. I was still feeling horny after my fourth fuck. I desperately wanted something to happen. They took out their dicks and started stroking. One of them looked at me and said, "Oh Shit! She's a hot ho!" The word "ho" stunned me. I did not think of myself as a whore, but the sound made me feel sexier, hotter, and wanting more. The man nearest me started rubbing my arm. His hand moved up my arm to my neck. I wanted him bad. We started kissing. It was true face sucking! I put my hand on his dick and start stroking it. I leaned over and started sucking his uncut black dick. He was rock hard in an instant. I concentrated on the head for a moment. Then I let it slip down my throat and squeezed the head with my throat muscle. I was thrilled when he started moaning. I felt hands running over my back, tits, and ass. I positioned myself bitch dog waiting to be bred. I was hoping someone would take the hint. I continued sucking the stranger's dick. Soon I felt a pair of hands holding my ass. Then I felt a dick push in my cunt. Damn! It was so sensual. I came immediately. In 10 minutes, the dick in my mouth exploded. Long, thick, ropy cum entered me. I swallowed it immediately. The taste was marvelous! Then the dick in my cunt shot a load against my cervix. Oh! It was so damn hot! Before the evening ended, all the men had cum in me three times. I became a slut that night. That fuck made me feel so damn good. The three men got up and dressed. Before they left, they handed Brian some cash. I was puzzled. I thought, why did they give him some money? Brian counted the money and handed me $400. It was then that I realized that Brian had prostituted me out. I loved it, too. It felt so naughty, sexy, and nasty! I came. Brian told me bluntly that he wanted me to fuck only black men. I agreed without hesitation. ________________________________________ David was not pleased when I told him that I was black only now. I described the sex scene with the three black men. He jerked off frantically. I purposely left out the money part. He was shocked when I told him I was fucking bareback and unprotected. He protested at first, but I threw him a bone. I promised to give him more information about my black dick encounters. I started modeling sexy outfits for him. Sometimes I would let him clean out my cunt or I would suck him off. I enjoyed playing him along. That is what he gets for being such a pencil-dick white boy! (She laughed and took a drag on her cigarette.) ________________________________________ My life became a whirlwind. I fucked Brian every chance I got. I fucked his boys, too. I could afford sexier clothes. I even bought a car. I paid cash for it. It was a red Mercedes convertible! One night Brian sent me a text message. It said, Go to 1395 Bellaire Street. That was all. It was just an address. I did not hesitate. I was not sure what was up. I hoped it was something sexy. I showered and put on some sensual makeup. I painted my lips bright red. I pulled up my nude back-seamed hose. I put on a sexy red micro miniskirt with an asymmetrical hemline. I selected a tight fitting dark gunmetal gray camisole that was semi transparent. I slipped on my red cross-strapped sandals with stiletto heels. My long hair cascaded down my back. I combed and pinned it to let part of my hair hide the left side of my face. I got in my Mercedes and ran the top down. I was tingling with anticipation on my drive over to the mystery address. It was an upscale condominium. I pressed the doorbell, and the door swung open. It was Del. He was a handsome black man. He was very buff. Del was six- feet, two inches tall. He had a great body. He offered me a cigarette and lit it for me. We smoked and talked. The subject went to sex. I wanted him! I wanted to fuck him, and I wanted him to fuck me hard. There was not much foreplay. He stripped me and laid me down on the couch. He fucked me for a while and turned me over. He pushed into my cunt doggy style and fucked me harder. He grabbed a hand full of my hair and pulled my head back. Then he slapped my ass and rammed it in me. Oh! It was so good! I loved it! I felt Del put lube on my asshole. Brian had fucked my ass before. I was accustomed anything. However, Del shoved a gel butt plug in my ass. Then he turned it on by remote control. It vibrated. He fucked me. The vibration enhanced our pleasure. I felt myself hit a peak. I screamed, "Oh! Shit! Fuck me! Del. Fuck me!" Del shot a huge load in my cunt. He pulled out and directed me to turn around. I knew what he wanted. I took his slick dick and started sucking. I sucked out all his cum. When he finally quit squirting, I looked up at him and smiled. Then I opened my mouth to show his cum load. I held my mouth open until he gave me permission to swallow. Oh! It tasted so good! Del came in all my holes that night. After it was over, I expected him to pay me, and I would leave. However, he called Brian and simply said, "Yes! I'll buy her." That was it. Brian sold me to Del. It was that simple. **Sold!** I felt humiliated and sexy hot at the same time. To think, Brian just sold me. I learned later that my price was $20,000. Knowing the price made me feel good, too. That night Del took me to a tattoo and piercing parlor and had my tongue pierced and a sexy golden stud implanted. He had his initials tattooed in small letters on the inside of my left ankle. I stayed with Del through weekend. ________________________________________ I got home Monday night, David was laying in the bed, watching an interracial porn video, and stroking his dick. I was pissed. I told him, "If you have cum then forget about me telling you what happened." He denied he had cum at all during the four days I was Del. He begged me to tell him what happened. David was horrified that Brian sold me! He shouted, "How can he sell what's not his?" I told David, "Well... he did it," I told him, it turned me on. I pulled out a cigarette and lit up in front of David. It was another act of my defiance. He had never seen me smoke. That pissed him off, too. I took an especially deep drag and held it. Then I slowly exhaled through my nose and lips. (She took a long deep drag and exhaled slowly through her partially opened mouth and nose.) I showed him my tongue stud and Del's marks on me. David became more interested. He said, "Why did he have that stud put in your tongue?" I laughed that that. "It was to give black men more pleasure when I suck them off!" I said. David seemed to like that idea. He had descended deeper into cuckolding. He examined my tattoo carefully. I said, " ** _My man_** had marked _ **your wife**_." I laughed. He pulled out his dick and started slowly jerking. I opened my purse and took out my diamond engagement ring and wedding band. David had given them to me. I handed them to David. I showed him Del's gold ring on my finger. I have flaunted it in front of David every day. (She laughed and took another drag.) I started describing my latest fuck with Del. David settled down and started jacking off. When I described how I swallowed a load of Del's cum, David shot his wad high into the air. He went to sleep in my arms that night. ________________________________________ Del did not waste any time with me. He had me out working. I worked clubs, hotels, and motels. I took on parties and conventions. I never used contraceptives. Del wanted it that way. Yeah, I got pregnant. Del would take me to a clinic. He would let me go two or three weeks before having me "fixed". He says that when I am not menstruating, I have more value. I think that is sexy, too. I desperately wanted to have Del's baby; or if not his baby, then any black baby. I guess it was partially my pleading and partially because I had made Del so much money that he allowed me to take a break and get pregnant by him. It took a few weeks to get all the black sperm out of me. Then Del and I made sure I was not pregnant. Nothing is better than repro, pregnancy risk sex! It was wonderful fucking Del during this period. In three weeks, I missed my period. I was carrying his black baby in my white body. ________________________________________ David was shocked. He suspected that I must have gotten pregnant earlier. Now his petite, white wife, who had turned him into a pathetic cuckold, was pregnant by a black man. He pulled out his dick started jerking off. He came almost immediately. I never saw him cum so much! I let him lick my cunt. He had a thousand questions. He wanted to know when I decided to get pregnant. I told him it was my decision. I said, I wanted to be impregnated the first time I fucked Vic. He wanted to know how I was sure it was Del's baby. I described out preparations in detail. David was panting! I described the sensuality of black pregnancy risk sex. He looked at me and said, "I'm glad you got into interracial sexing. I don't regret this at all!" Then I held David until he fell asleep in my arms. ________________________________________ To celebrate my pregnancy, Del took me to a tattoo parlor. He had me marked again. We let David come along, too. The tattooist combed my long blonde hair forward and shaved it from the base of my neck to high on my neck. He fashioned a tribal design. It has images of black men fucking white women. On the left side, high on my neck he tattooed Del's initials. The marks were three inches high. I could comb him hair back over the skin illustration. It was almost invisible. I saw him go to the restroom three times. I know what he was doing in there. ________________________________________ David was very interested in my latest tattoo. I let him lift my hair and examine it in detail. When he finished his examination, he jacked off shooting his sticky cum all over his hand. I let him rub his cum on my tits. I held him until he fell asleep. ________________________________________ As my body began to change, I realized why Del knocked me up. I was fucking more now. Black men loved to fuck pregnant white women. I was making more money than ever for Del. Del arranged to produce a porn video with me as the star. He spliced some footage Vic shot before my pregnancy. He brought in three porn actors. We worked three days on the filming. ________________________________________ My pregnancy sexually excited David. He wanted to examine my tits every day. I let him. He ran it hand over my swollen tummy. He could feel the baby kick. It was a girl. When they released the video to market, I made a few appearances at bookstores. I let David come along. I spent a week in Las Vegas at a porn convention. I fucked a different black man every night in our hotel room. I let David watch for the first time. ________________________________________ I was always careful to keep my life as a mother separate from my life as Del's whore. I felt so smug and even bragged to Del about it. Maybe I should not have done that. Near my eighth month, Del unexpectedly came to the house. It was about an hour before Marci, 18, came home from her job. Del walked in and started kissing me. After 10 minutes of face sucking pleasure, he pulled out my swollen breasts and started nursing on me. My milk was profuse. I could feel the milk rushing through my nipples into his mouth. That is a real turn on for me. I came. He had me stripped in no time. We left a trail of clothing up the stairs to my bedroom. Del laid me down and positioned himself up over me. My belly was huge, and I loved to feel Del gently laying on me. His dick slipped in easily, and we started fucking. I could feel my fetus kicking as he fucked me. Time just flew by. I do not know how long it was. Del had me on my hands and knees fucking me doggy style. I was rocking back and forth. My belly was hanging down and my tits were swinging. He came in me twice. He positioned me on the bed with my head hanging off. I knew what was next. He pushed his 11-inch dick into my throat. I could feel his baby girl kicking. She always let me know when I was enjoying a good fucking. Del whispered how beautiful I looked carrying his baby. He came. I took his entire load down my throat directly in my stomach. I wanted to taste it. Del reclined down on the bed and lit a cigarette. I got on his dick and started sucking him in long deep slow strokes. Every now and then, I would rise up, take a deep drag on the cigarette, and go back to sucking his dick. I knew I was cutting it close with the Marci coming home. What happened next was unexpected. Knock! Knock! It was the door. Marci said, "Mother! Why are all your clothes on the floor?" "Pick them up and put them in the laundry room," I shouted back. Marci left. Well, I thought she left. I went back to sucking Del's wonderful dick. Oh! It felt so good. My pussy was dripping with his seed. My fetus was kicking, and my tits were leaking. Del was smoking. Knock! Knock! The door opened. It was Marci. "Oh! I'm sorry!" she said. I was busted! After all this time, I had managed everything so well. Somehow, I did not care anymore. She was 18. I saw her kissing black boys in school. I knew she was dating black boys. I had no doubt she was fucking them too. Then I suspected she found out about my videos. I got up and put on my robe. I quickly opened the door and peered down the hallway. It was clear. I quickly walked to Marci's room and knocked. I heard a scrambling around. I announced who I was and opened the door. Marci was standing there naked with a young black man. She introduced him as Steve. I looked at his dick. It was wet! Marci's face was flushed. OH! One plus one equals: she was fucking. I told her it was OK. She said what I was doing was OK with her, too. I said, "Let's talk about this later. OK?" I felt relieved and left her room. I hurried back to my lover, Del. I dropped my robe and started sucking Del again. I wanted his cum in my mouth. I was frantic. I was hornier than ever. My cunt was on fire. I wanted to taste Del's cum so fucking bad! Del started moaning. His hips started hunching up. He was getting close. My head was bobbing up and down. I found the right spot to place the tongue stud against his dick for best sensation. KNOCK! KNOCK! I yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK IS IT!" "There's someone at the door!" It was Marci again. "Tell him to go away!" Del had lost it. I had to get it back for him. I was frantic! I sucked harder. My mouth was wet, and I was drooling down his dick shaft. My head was bobbing up and down. Del started stroking my hot clit. Oh! Oh! Shit I started to cum on his finger. I wanted to make him cum! KNOCK! KNOCK! What the FUCK IS IT! DAMN IT! It was Marci, again. I screamed, "Shit!" I put on my robe and flung the door open. Marci and her boy friend were standing there. Del's dick, standing up, was in clear view. Trying to tie my robe, I marched down stairs to see who was at the door. I flung it open. It was a Del's friend, D'Andre. He stepped into the house. His hand encircled my head. He pulled my face to his and kissed me deeply. I responded passionately. It must have been three minutes of non-stop face sucking when he broke it off. Meanwhile, my robe had fallen open. I guess I had not tied it. "Where's Del?" D'Andre had been left waiting for Del in the car. He was tired of waiting and decided to come on in, he said. I said, "He's upstairs." D'Andre followed as I walked upstairs. He reached out and pinched my ass cheek to tell me he thought I was sexy. I looked back and smiled. This is it, I thought. No more fucking today. I was busted and left horny and wanted more. SHIT! I flung the door open. To my shock, Del was fucking Marci doggy style while she was sucking Steve's dick. My daughter was taking on both black men. Well, like mother, like daughter. I felt my robe fall off my shoulders as D'Andre started kissing me again. I was so fucking horny. I did not care. Del's baby was kicking, as I was deep face sucking with D'Andre. I sunk to my knees and began sucking his 11-inch black dick. "This is a freebie" I whispered to him. He came in 10 minutes. Shortly afterward, I heard my man, Del, cum, too. I turned my head to see him frozen in Marci's tight white cunt. She was cumming on Del's fuck stick! Then her boyfriend came in her mouth. I thought, "That little bitch! She just took two loads in MY FUCKING BED!" I still was not satisfied. I had not taken a load in my cunt! Now I wished I had not told D'Andre it was a freebie! Shit! What luck! I watched Del pull out of that little bitch daughter of mine. I saw cum pour out of her cunt. I grabbed D'Andre and pushed him down on his back on the bed. I climbed up on him cowgirl style. I thought, "I'm going to teach Marci how a real ho fucks!" I started to move my ass up and down on D'Andre's dick. Oh shit. I popped a grand orgasm. Then I felt hands on my ass. "Hmm! Del's going to spread my asshole," I thought. I felt a dick enter my ass and start a rhythm with the dick in my cunt. Oh, shit! Oh, shit! It felt so damn good. I came hard again! Then the dick in my ass shot a load filling up my ass good. I froze while the dick in my cunt rammed up and stopped. It filled my cunt with sweet, hot cum. I squeezed hard on the dick, causing cum to ooze out. "Oh! Shit!" KNOCK! KNOCK! I shouted, "WHO THE FUCK IS IT!" I pulled up with dicks popping out of my ass and cunt. Cum was dripping down my legs. I reached for my robe or at least I thought I did. I flung the door open. Shock! It was Denzel, D'Andre's friend. D'Andre had forgotten him. He had been sitting in the car, too. He was standing right there in full view of Marci, her boyfriend, D'Andre, and Del. Except for Denzel, we were all naked. I said, "COME ON IN!" That was all I could think to say. I closed the door. Denzel started removing his clothes. I leaned against the door and took a deep breath. I reached for a cigarette and lit it up. I glanced at the mirror. There I was. My lipstick was smeared. Cum was leaking out of my cunt and ass. My hair looked like a mixer ran over it. My tits were leaking. My baby girl was kicking frantically. My 18-year-old daughter was a ho fucking in MY BED! We all looked at each other. I started laughing. "Wait!" I looked at Denzel's balls. They looked like they were full of cum, and I was still horny. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Marci moving toward him. I thought, "I can't let that little bitch get the last load of cum!" We ended up on the bed with four men fucking Marci and me. After it was over, I asked Marci what protection she was using. She replied, "The same kind of protection you use." Del handed his two hoes cigarettes. I watched Marci take a deep drag, inhale deep, hold it, and exhale. Well, what did I expect? She is a whore, too. I had not seen Marci naked in a quite a while. I was amused that she had a number of tattoos on her. I especially like the sexy design over her cunt and the weave over her ass. She had designs on both ass cheeks. The tattoos looked hot when she bent over. Marci began working full-time for Del, who had two more women working for him. ________________________________________ "Good news, David," I said sarcastically. "Your daughter, Marci, is a whore, too!" I exclaimed. She has been fucking Steve. Now she is working for Del, too. David was livid. When I described the scene, he calmed down and started jacking off. After he shot his wad, David confessed that he knew that Marci was dating black men. He said, "What the fuck! She is 18. She is a woman!" I handed David a cigarette. It took it. I gave him a light. He took in a deep draw, held it, and exhaled slowly. ________________________________________ Marci and I meet at Del's apartment occasionally. Marci would be with Steve or some hot African male. Del had sexy designs tattooed on our shoulders. David watched that, too. I have a beautiful mocha baby girl. _Alysin and Marci are still fucking black men. – Deep._
Dear Janet, I am surprised that you took so long to confess that you have a desire to be held tightly in the arms of a man. We always thought you were so hurt by DJ CK that you never want to entertain another man between your thighs (for that is what the desire to be hugged truly is!) When you asked me to hug you at the top of the stairs, I didnt know what to think, but I was so pleased to feel that your body plastered against mine for that brief moment, felt just as soft and pliable as any womans should. So youre just a normal girl who would feel her breath catch in her throat when I kiss you; who, fondled by my skilful hands would feel wetness gather between her thighs and in her panties. Now that we both know this about you, there should no longer be any shyness between us. Whenever you want to be made love to, just invite me over. I will come and keep you company, give you the opportunity to cook for someone who enjoys good food, eat with him while he touches you all over and telling you what a lovely body you possess. Maybe nobody has honestly appreciated your beauty all these seven years since the divorce, but I for one have always wanted to tell you what a beautiful body yours is, to touch you, fondle your tits and make you feel wanted. I have seen the shape of your tits when you wear those sexy light tops, and how they bounce tantalisingly in your bra. I am sure you remember the solemn promise I made to you: Whatever your excuse will be, your computer, or that modem you bought but have never had installed, whatever it be, invite me of an evening. Whatever your body craves I will give it to you so that by the time I leave at say 10pm, you will have gotten the best sex you have ever had in your entire adult life! And next time it will be easier and we could even spend the whole night fucking like rabbits, because believe you me, I know you to be very sensual woman, who can drive a man crazy in bed. You now know that I do not exaggerate, because you have it on record what happened when I came over last week. From the moment you opened that door to me, the fragrance of the flowers I had bought you assailed your nostrils. I opened my arms you and you came into my embrace. I heard your breath catch, and I knew I had affected you right from the start, or perhaps even before that, when we made arrangements for me to come over. I nuzzled you to my chest and held you tightly. Then I pulled away slightly and gave you the bouquet. I heard your shrill scream of pure pleasure. And you came back to hug me with one arm, like that famed bandit! The meal you had prepared for me was confirmation enough that you had been thinking of me; it was indeed made with me in mind. I ate like a glutton, yet you would not let me rest. Have some more, please! you said in a pleading tone. These chapatis are so soft and lovely. I could keep eating them until my stomach bursts! But I have absolutely no more room, I protested. OK just a bit of the rice, then. You want me to have strength to handle you properly in bed, eh? I said with a wink. It was you who made a vow to me. It is up to you whether you fulfil it, you challenged me, although your voice carried a conciliatory tone. When we were finished eating I helped you clear the table amid your protests. I responded that the mouth that eats and the hands to clear the dishes are both mine. You slapped me hard on my behind. Do you remember how I hugged from behind as we left your kitchen, and how you pretended that the strength has fled from your legs. I then carried you to the sitting area and let you down on the sofa. Immediately I fell to sucking your boobs, which you had been teasing me with the whole evening, because you had forgotten to wear a bra. This failure of memory signalled that my secret of being a boobs man was out. You pushed me away from them with a very gentle strength that could not be expected to achieve much. Indeed, when I latched onto your nipple, your hands fell ineffectively onto the sofa and your legs straightened out, while a loud moan escaped you. I doubt whether you were aware that you made any noise then, or even now. You would probably deny it. I switched to your other nipple, as I captured the one I had sucked between my fingers, rolling it this way and that. You wailed, Plee-ease forgive me for teasing you. You will kill me with too much sweetness! Moving my hands to your tummy, while still sucking your nipples through your blouse, I gave you the bad news, For that offense, no mercy is possible, and went back to torturing your nipples. In fact it got worse because I slipped my hand under your blouse and captured one breast in my fingers. I opened the buttons to better get at your sweet melons. At intervals I ran my tongue down your chest to the tummy. You became delirious with lust. Things became worse yet when I slid my hand under the waistband of your skirt and found your mons pubis. I felt your pubic hairs through the cotton of your panties and your hand came to detain me. But I easily overcame that pressure and continued fondling. Then I moved my hand down to the hem and drew the material up, revealing your thighs to my gaze. Oh, they are so smooth and so soft! I ran my hand a few times over them before returning to the mons. I could smell your juices of arousal all the way from your bosom. I wanted to taste you right at that moment. I said I was fully satisfied, but I was only speaking a half-truth, you were shocked to hear me say. Why lie to me? I have to eat your vagina until you let everything go! I felt your body heave with a series of chuckles. A different upheaval attacked your frame when I parked my lips against yours. One set squeezed the other, causing your legs to splay open. I am quite sure even now that they were only obeying themselves; that you had given no such permission. Indeed your hands came to restrain me. I expected a protest from your mouth also, but you were probably too far gone in lust to form the words. To get full-on access to your vagina, I moved my body to between your legs. Then without warning I grabbed the waistband of your skirt and tugged it, and your panty off. I heard a shocked sound escape your mouth, but your hands did not back it up with increased pressure. I was now able to eat my second meal of the evening right from its source. I spared a moment to think I was not too different from a mouse that can live inside the food it eats! Again I felt your hands on my head pushing me away from your vagina with ineffective pressure. I sank my tongue into your slit, opening you up to my depredations. I sucked with insistence, while I could feel your legs had set up a salsa of their own on the sofa. You lifted your legs off the seat of the sofa, bringing them towards your tummy. This opened you up even more than you had been. I ran all the way up to your clitoris and brushed it twice. You screamed. I went back to sucking inner and outer lips, drinking in the juices that were flowing out. Stiffening my tongue, I inserted it into your hole like a cock and fucked you with it a few times. My reward was a deep groan. To give you satisfaction is my greatest joy. You lifted your groin towards me as if you wanted to be eaten whole, but I feel sure you wanted your clit visited again. When my tongue came to that neck of the woods you screamed like a victim of something. But this time I did not retreat; in fact I sucked its soft slipperiness into my mouth. You barely gave me a minute of sucking it before you thrashed your body all over that seat as you were seized by a giant orgasm. No proper words came from your eloquent mouth, but only animal-like sounds. I felt a real champion for bringing you to that high peak, an Everest of sexual fulfillment. When your speech centres came back online you murmured your gratification in soft sounds. "You have taken me to heaven, Darling, but you didn't let me stay there!" "I promise to try that next time," I solemnly promised you. "Please give me a few strokes!" I immediately understood that you did not mean I was your schoolteacher. I lined my body to yours and let you feel the heat of my rampant cock. I rubbed it in your pubic hair, lay it along your slit, letting it widen the crack. Then when you were just about to say something I lined it with your entrance and began the sweet journey into your hallowed depths. Your legs opened even wider in welcome, as I thrust deeper. Presently I was all the way in your purse. You began movements to indicate you wanted to be fucked like any female in heat. And so I did. Short strokes, long strokes. Fast ones like a sewing machine, slow lazy ones. To one side then the other. Towards your ass, towards your navel. When I did this latter, I felt the clit with my stem. You yelled, "I am coming agaaaain!" And you did. I kept a very disciplined rhythmic chorus going while you reached the celestial sphere, which caused you to hit it again and again. You were denied the power of speech throughout this period. Each time you climaxed I felt really great, as if I had won a big league game. Then as if by tacit agreement we came down the slopes of our mountain. You panted just as if you had been in rarified air. Then your arms encircled me in sheer gratitude. This was the fulfillment of the promise I gave you; and I give it to you anew. Writing this letter has been like reliving those sweet moments; I want you also to travel that road again as you read it. Yours truly, TKK. _Ah, welcome sir, welcome to Al's Sex Slave Lot! I see you are interested in finding the right model, I believe I can be of assistance. Step right this way, sir._ * Here we have Cyndi. She cooks, she cleans, she sucks cock like a pro. You like? She has very few miles on her, might need a little work at first, but she cleans up well. Oh, you don't like the hair color? Not a fan of brunettes? We have many fine blonds, I think I have just what you're looking for. Now this is Petra, she's an older model, got a lot of miles on her, but you know, that just means she can get you where you want to be efficiently. She's not too much work, prefers au natural over a new paint job, sure there might be a little, uh, rust, but really, she's very authentic. No? Petra not your type...hmmm... This is Trina. Trina is the newest model on the lot. She'll do things that no other slave can (or, perhaps will.) Ass to mouth? No problem, Trina is a total slut. Oh, the spikey hair is a turn off? What type of hair do you like sir? Straight? Here's a straight hair model, good and long for the pulling. We call her "Bea" though I think her real name is Besty. Bea, Bea loves a good cock in her ass, if you're the anal type, I must highly recommend Bea. Yes, it's true sir, Bea does have a few extra...pounds...but some men prefer it like that. No? Not for you...ok...next. This is Nancy. Nancy is a fan of free samples. She'll give you one if you'll drop your drawers. She'll also give them to all your friends. Wait wait wait, you aren't into that, I understand...hmm...a hard to please customer, I see. Here, step this way, this way sir... this is Alana. What a beauty right? Black hair, long and straight. Green eyes, green eyes that flash with anger when she's dominated. Ah, yes, Alana is a fighter, she'll make you think she doesn't want it, but oh, she does. She loves dirty talk, and spankings, you like to spank, sir? Well, then Alana might be the one for you. Yes, it's true, she is lacking a little in the chest region, but she makes up for it with her extra long clit. Oh...that wasn't ok, sorry about that sir, not into freaks of nature, I understand, I understand...well, then, I will not take you through the room of mixed gender slaves. Some men put those parts high on the list, but I understand you need a...real woman, I see I see. Ok, well, since you are a man of very fine taste and extreme appreciation of fine sex slaves, let Al show you are very special model...please, we keep her back here, in a velvet room. Right through this rope sir. So, this is Louisa. We keep her tied night and day because that's what she likes. She likes nothing more than meeting your every wish. She also writes, sometimes she's a bit emotional, but you understand, it's a trade off...great sex comes with a bit of crazy. Louisa, dear, show Mr Smith your Downward Dog. Look how she can do that restraints and all, not all women are this flexible. Now, Louisa, she'll cost ya...she not only meets every desire, she'll also run your life, it's what she likes. Keep you in sex and keep your schedule running, gets off on an organized house and a well-fed man. Keep her chained all day, although, if you're feeling generous, you might want to leave her with a video game system, she's a fan of First Person Shooters, puzzle games, strategy games, lots of video games, one of only a couple models that comes with the video game feature. She does not sew though, and she's awful at interior design. So, if those are things you're looking for, Louisa is not for you. You'd like a closer look at Louisa? Good choice, sir, very good choice. Let me just untie her wrists, here...we go...Louisa, this fine young man is considering you as his sex slave. What do you think? You can just whisper in my ear, sweet pea. She thinks you're attractive, sir. She says she's getting wet just looking at you. She asks if you'd like to...check the oil with your dipstick. Just so you know, Mr Smith, I don't believe she's ever made that offer to anyone else, this might just be a perfect match. I've been looking for the right owner for Louisa for far too long. You'd think someone would take her, but...the crazy thing turns a lot of guys off, they just want the basic cooking/cleaning type. But you sir, both Louisa and I know you're looking for a little more in a sex slave. Well, I'm going to leave you two alone for a bit, make sure things run smoothly before you sign that bill of sale, it's a hard choice picking out a sex slave, I understand sir, I truly understand. Kevin was your prototypical mid 20s guy. He had a decent job and lived on his own. He had good friends and whilst he was single he didn't find any problems getting what -- or who -- he wanted in the bedroom. However he had long been fascinated by glory holes and by being serviced in them but by being the one servicing. He was convinced he was straight and loved having sex with women. He was disgusted by the thought of being with a man in the bedroom but yet he watched so much glory hole porn and always found himself imagining that he was the girl and not the guy. For years this had gone on but he had never done a thing to address his kinks. One day he was getting off on watching sissies sucking of guys in a glory hole and his doorbell rang. He stopped and answered the door and his long time friend Laura was there. Kevin had forgotten she was coming round to go to the football so he invited her in and said he'd take a quick shower and be ready in ten minutes. Kevin showered and then remembered he hadn't turned his PC off. He came out of the shower and was happy to see Laura was busy in the kitchen making a cup of tea. He signed a breath of relief and they went off to the game. He thought nothing of it and life continued as usual for several weeks and had long forgotten about this possible situation until he came home from work one night and found a note in his letterbox. ' _I know your deepest darkest secret Kevin and if you want to experience what you really want then you'll do as I say. To let me know you are interested put an 'X' in your window and I'll give you further instructions._ ' Kevin knew this was a reference to his favourite sci-fi show but wasn't sure who knew and more importantly couldn't be sure of exactly what they knew but he was certainly going to find out. The 'X' went on to his bedroom window and he awaited further instructions. Days went past and nothing and he just thought it was a crank letter but a fortnight later he came home and found another note in his letterbox. _'So you are prepared to become the sissy glory hole whore that you want eh? Well now I know I've set up a scenario for you to become just that. At 7PM you are to be dolled up in the most slutty clothing you can get hold of and make yourself up to look like a whore. Use YouTube for inspiration on how to do your make-up._ _'You will drive to the car park outside the Lake Country Park and lock up your car and then you will walk the red trail footpath to the car park on the other side of the lake. It is very public but late at night very few people will be around so you will more than likely not be seen however I need to know you are serious._ _'Should you complete this task you will find a white Ford Transit van parked in the far corner of the car park and you are to knock on the window of the van. When the driver rolls down his window just look at him and say 'I'm a sissy whore...get me out of here' and I'll make your dreams come true. You'll be safe at all times and you will be returned home by 8PM on Sunday night so you can go back to your humdrum life_. _If you do not show up then you'll never know who I am and I'll never offer you this chance again._ ' Kevin read this letter over and over again and he only had two days to decide what to do. He changed my mind many times but when he got in from work on Friday evening he was fully prepared to go through with it. Jumping into the shower Kevin shaved and got rid of all his body hair. He had a school girls uniform that he thought was slut personified that he put on before doing his make-up to look like a proper tart. Quickly looking in the mirror and he saw a person staring back at him of someone he'd want to suck him off and quickly jumped in his car and drove to the arranged car park. Getting out of the car he took a big breath in and noticed the place was deserted before exhaling and checking with himself that he wanted to do this. Kevin had decided not to wear high heels which was a decision he would come to regret as he walked quickly along the path looking out for anyone but no-one was about. He got to the car park but saw no vehicles there. He checked his watch and saw it had only just gone 7:15PM. He stood there wondering what to do and if anyone was coming and what to do if anyone turned up and saw me. After what felt like hours but was actually just 15 minutes a white Ford Transit drove in and pulled into the farthest car parking spot. Kevin waited a couple of minutes before plucking up the courage to go over and knock on the window. He knocked on the window and the window came down and looked in and said,'_I'm a sissy whore...get me out of here._'The driver looked me up and down and said,'_you'll do but you need a lot of practice._ ' Kevin stood there for a few seconds and then the doors of the transit opened up and two men rushed out and gagged him with a penis gag before handcuffing him behind his back and bundling the sissy into the back of the van. At this point Kevin was wishing that he had ignored the letter. He was genuinely scared. No-one said a thing as the van sped off. Kevin feared he might die but before he could get a sense of what was going on the van pulled to a stop and the two men opened the door and told the gagged sissy to get out and walk to the door of a house. His heart was pounding faster than it was when he had run the London Marathon the previous year but he had no choice and he knew that. The door opened and he was instructed to go in. Inside was a vixen with stunning long ginger hair who was wearing a mask. She nodded at the guys and they left and then she spoke. ' _So Kevin you want to be a sissy whore. Well this weekend my friend you'll be the sissiest whore in town. It is 8PM now and for the next 48 hours you are a sissy whore. That is all you are. You can stop this at any time but if you do then you'll just to left by me to fend for yourself and look at you -- if you were left like this I'm pretty sure whoever found you would treat you like a whore. With me you'll only suck cock. Without me who knows what anyone would use you for?_ _'I have decided that as you are new you'll be eager but pretty sloppy in giving blowjobs. So I have put the price on you at £10 a blowjob and you have to swallow to get paid. Your goal is to earn £480 in the 48 hours which as you'll have worked out is an average of one blowjob an hour._ _'You'll be taken from here to a fetish club where there are lots of open minded people. At midnight you'll be taken into the bathroom and locked into the toilet cubicle with a glory hole where you'll have four hours to earn as much cash as possible. Before then you'll have to drum up business in the club and tell people who you are and what you are there for._ _'As for tomorrow you'll have to wait and see. That depends on how much you earn tonight. If you make your £480 total then you'll be rewarded by getting to find out who I am and I will let you go back to your old life if you want to. However if you have enjoyed your experience I would be interested in you being my partner as I've always wanted a real sissy because I get the best of both worlds. An obedient partner who'll do what I say in the bedroom and worship me in every day life._ _So are you in or do you want to walk out of that door right now?_ ' Kevin tried to say that he was in but the gag was still in and he couldn't take it out. She laughed. Kevin was desperate to find out who this stunning woman in a black latex catsuit with cascading red hair was. At this point she came over and added two further points. ' _I notice you haven't worn any high heels which is not very slutty of you. I shall lock on a pair of my 5'' high heels around your ankles. As a punishment for not wearing any you'll not be freed from until 8PM on Sunday night._ _'Secondly as a whore you'll want everyone to know clearly what you are to help you get paid. Here is something I made especially for you,_'and she pinned a badge on Kevin. She unlocked his hands and gag and told him to go to the bathroom and freshen himself up. Kevin scurried to see what he looked like. The first thing Kevin saw was the badge which was like a name badge'_Sissy Whore Allyson_'are the words that glare out at him but the words'_Glory Hole Whore'_ were above them and below them was the slogan'_Swallowing cum so you don't have to!_'Kevin felt more humiliated by that than he had anything else so far. He touched up his make-up and walked back into the living room. There he was told to sit down as 5" heels were locked around his ankles. He stood up and fell straight back down again. The ginger vixen laughed and said that all whores are used to high heels and that he should get used to them and quick. They walked out and the van was still there and once more he was placed in the back but with no handcuffs or gag this time. Again no-one spoke and the drive was a long one. When they got to the club he was taken out and told to stand there whilst they spoke with the bouncers. The bouncers looked at him and smirked and they were waved in. ' _Now Allyson, remember that is your name this weekend. All you have to do between now and midnight is talk to as many people as possible and get as many punters lined up for your four hour suck-a-thon as possible. The only thing you are not allowed to do is suck anyone off for free, leave the premises or make any contact with me._ ' He walked into the bar and realised he had no money. He went to the barman and said that he had no money and the barman smiled and said it wasn't a problem'_you are a glory hole whore...drinks are free for you lot._'Kevin or was it Allyson? He wasn't sure who he was anyone but he sat in the corner and nursed a pint before a friendly man approached him. ' _Allyson is it? What time are you in tonight?_ ' ' _Erm...midnight I think,_'Kevin muttered and he said that he would see me later and instructed me to have fun. Kevin went to the bathroom and saw the bathroom stalls and the one on the end had a sign on it'_Sissy Whore Allyson is out. She'll be in from midnight. £10 blowjobs and if she doesn't swallow your full load you'll get your blowjob free!_ ' Kevin shuddered. This had all become too real. He panicked about diseases and didn't know what to do. The best plan he decided was to get drunk and then at midnight he could explain to the red-headed vixen that he was scared. As the booze flowed he found himself dancing and getting a lot of attention. A lot of the men in the club came up to him having seen the notice in the toilets and seeing his name badge. Lots of ladies came up to him too and he felt he had never been so popular. He found himself feeling like the most popular person in the club and he liked this feeling. Lots of people pinched his bum and squeezed his stuck-on tits and this just turned him on. He thought about having a wank as no chastity belt was stopping him but he decided to just enjoy the attention. At 11:30 he felt hands on his shoulders and it was the two bouncers. They told him it was time to'_pay the entry price_'and escorted him to the backroom.'_No, no, no_'screamed Kevin but that weren't listening. He felt so much relief when he saw the vixen who had brought him here in the backroom as well but saw her with a cock in her mouth and a sign around her neck stating'_Paying the price for Sissy Whore Allyson's rent._ ' Kevin was confused. Very confused.'_You see your owner? She has to pay for your rent in the glory hole and she's been in here all night sucking cock so you can sell blowjobs tonight -- you must be grateful._'Kevin had to watch her finish sucking off her latest punter before the bouncers said that he was next up and promptly she started sucking me off. She was extremely eager and he exploded into her mouth and she gobbled it all up. The bouncers said it was time and she got up and thanked them for their hospitality. Kevin's head was spinning and the vixen whispered into his ear,'_the thing is I love sucking cock too and I was extremely jealous of the night you have in store and I have to supervise you tonight so I had to get my cock sucking in early. I had the choice of paying £100 for your spot in the glory hole or suck off all the male staff. I chose the latter.'_ ' _I just wanted to ask you about condoms and diseases_...' Kevin started to say but was quickly stopped in his tracks,'_you are a sissy whore...you don't care about these things you just care about the money. If you get something then it'll mean you are a proper whore and you should be proud of it._'Kevin's head was spinning as she escorted him to the bathroom and opened the stall that was to become my workplace. There was piss and poo on the floor and the whole place felt like it hadn't been cleaned in weeks.'_This is the glory hole stall for a reason -- it is for starters like you and is as skanky as they can make it. If you stay in here without asking to leave then you'll make it sucking cock anywhere._'The vixen smiled and told her sissy to go in and kneel on the floor in the pee and poo. Kevin did as he was told before his vixen placed a collar around his neck and chained him to the wall.'_Are you ready?_'she asked and he nodded and she closed the door and he could hear the unmistakeable click of a padlock. There he was locked into a bathroom stall in piss and poo and before he could get his head around what was going on a cock came through the glory hole. He caressed it with his right hand for a minute or so before he heard'_suck it you fucking bitch_'and I took it into my mouth. The cock's owner decided it wasn't as much of a blowjob as a face fucking as he roughly fucked my face and exploded but before he could swallow it dripped out all over my dress and on the floor. All Kevin heard was'_the bitch didn't swallow...a free blowjob...get in!_'and Kevin sighed. The vixen apologised to the customer and told me through the stall that she was disappointed in him. Kevin was distraught and promised himself that he would do better next time. Next time happened to be just 30 seconds or so later and this time the guy wanted a slow and sensual blowjob and he got into rhythm and swallowed. Kevin found the taste disgusting but a ten pound note came through the gap underneath the door and he put it down his bra and got back to work. This is how the rest of the evening panned out. Some cocks pulled out on purpose to get away with not paying and some he couldn't handle but some loads were swallowed. Kevin had no idea how many cocks he had sucked but counted his ten pound notes and there were just 17. He knew he had given at least double that many blowjobs and felt like he had let the ginger-haired vixen down. The padlock was unlocked and the door opened. She asked for the money and she counted and seemed to be quite pleased, _'£170...not bad for your first night. However it isn't the £480 I want off of you so you'll be working again tomorrow but for now lets get you back to the house._ ' She unlocked Kevin and told him to not utter a word as she helped him off the floor'_you are a disgusting mess Allyson...I bet you still feel like a Kevin but you are most definitely an Allyson_,' she said as she ushered him out into the bar. No-one was there and the club was closed. The bouncers came up and said they wanted extra payment for a good nights work. The vixen quickly got on her knees but they said they wanted 'Allyson' to show them whether she was worth all the hassle. Kevin still was struggling to be called that but he didn't struggle in sucking them off and swallowing. At this point the vixen came up behind me and uttered the words'_Allyson I am arresting you for prostitution. You do not have to say anything but whatever you do say may be used against you in a court of law._'I was once more confused as she handcuffed me behind my back and led me outside to the van and bundled me in the back. ' _Taking blowjobs that were rightly mine now is it Allyson? I told you never to give away free blowjobs and you got on your knees so quick and started sucking them off before I could stop you. You are some whore and maybe the safety of a fetish club isn't enough for a whore of your calibre._ ' Kevin had no idea what she meant but he would by the time he fell asleep the following night. They got back to where the vixen seemed to live and she told him that he wasn't coming in the house looking or smelling like he did. So he had to go around the back to a small shed. The vixen opened the door and he saw a small jail cell. ' _Right then Allyson lets book you in_,' as she asked Kevin a series of questions as she typed in the answers into her computer. She then instructed Kevin to stand in front of the camera. She placed a sign around his neck with his real surname but luckily only his female first name, a number, the date and the words'_Sissy Whore Jail_'before proceeding to take his mugshot. She then took off his handcuffs and fingerprinted her prisoner before ushering him into the jail cell. ' _Right then Allyson...you will stay in jail overnight whilst I decide what to do with you tomorrow. You have been booked into the Sissy Whore Jail and there is no bail here. You'll face court in the morning and your sentence will be passed. You shouldn't have sucked off two guys for free as that is against the rules of being a sissy whore. Sweet Dreams..._'With that she locked the door to the jail cell and the shed and left him alone. Kevin was still in a daze and wasn't sure what was going on but one thing he did know was that he was shattered and he fell asleep within minutes. Friday night had been more than he could ever have imagined and he had no idea what was in store for him come Saturday morning... Tbc...
A warm, humid afternoon prompts you and I to the gorge for a dip. There is one group of a couple young men there when we arrive; but they head out a few minutes after we settle in, leaving us alone at the gorge. I begin to strip off my clothing, revealing a tiny white and red polka-dot bikini, held together with only a few strings carelessly looped together into a droopy bow. One tug on the right string could send half the ensemble floating down the river, leaving me ever so exposed. Before we descend into the river I let down my ponytail and my golden hair falls softly upon my shoulders. I lean in gently to kiss you and place my hand upon your bare chest. As we enter the water you notice my soft, pale skin become speckled with goosebumps. My nipples harden and you can easily see them poking out through my white bikini top. You place one hand firmly on my hip, and wrap the other around to the small of my back as you pull me in towards you; planting a kiss on my pink lips. I can feel your hard cock through your thin swim shorts, and I gasp: "You wanna sneak off in the woods for a few, babe?" with a devilish grin on my face. But you have other plans. Without warning you spin me around you, reversing our positions, and pinning me back against the tallest cliff there; a small squeal of surprise and delight escapes my mouth. Our hips are still pressed against each other. The water is only up to our waists, meaning anyone who decided to go for a swim at the gorge on this afternoon would most definitely spot us easily. But surprisingly we were still alone. Still kissing me, you slide one hand across my stomach and up towards my chest, it slips under my top without much difficulty. You lightly play with my tit and tease my nipple with your hand, as the other wraps around my hip to my ass. Your lips wander away from mine, and begin to trickle kisses down my neck to my collarbone and to the top of my breasts. You pause for a moment, and return your attention to my lips, but just for a moment, as you tug on the bikini tie at the back of my neck. I draw air sharply through my mouth as i bite my bottom lip and glance up towards the path leading down to the river, only feet from us. But you leave me no time to hesitate, as you're already flicking your tongue around one of my nipples and pinching the other between your fingers. I let out a small moan, and you notice my breath quickening. Just as I was growing comfortable, or at least forgetting about, our risky position here, you grab my hair and pull me behind you. We move farther out of the water and even closer to the path where people could come trotting out at any moment. With your hand still tangled up in my hair, you push me down onto my knees with my face in front of your crotch. I swiftly pull your shorts down to your ankles, sending your cock springing forward into my face. I run my tongue lightly along the full length of your dick, making sure to glance up at you in the process; your face is flushed red and your eyes are shut blissfully. I lick your cock from base to tip one more time, before taking your member completely into my mouth and throat. I repeat this motion slowly, deep throating your cock each time. I quicken my pace and use one hand to stimulate your balls, while the other travels towards my pussy. I finger apart my lips to reveal the wetness previously being contained. i begin rubbing my clit with my saturated fingers, causing me to moan and tighten my lips around your hard dick. You can feel the vibrations of my moans as you realize you're close to cumming. I keep moving faster and faster, taking your dick deeper into my mouth each time, until I no longer need my hand. Your body tenses up, as one last deep thrust sends you over the edge. I remove your dick from my mouth just in time to see your cum spray my chin and drip down onto my tits. You've barely caught your breath when I whisper in your ear, "I want you inside me. Please baby." I try to take your hand and lead you away, to a more secluded spot. "Okay," you say, "but I'll have you right here." And at that you pull my back to you and turn me around, so I'm facing the cliff you're pinning me up against. You spank my ass and run your hand towards my pussy, moving my bikini bottoms aside. My wetness quickly leaks onto your fingers, so you take them from inside me and make me take them in my mouth. Your cock surges with blood, hardening even further until you can't take it anymore. Grabbing my hips, you angle my body downwards and pull off my swim suit. You explore my pussy with a finger one more time before positioning your cock at my entrance. Before you penetrate me you tease my pussy lips with your head, and you can tell I want you. With one swift thrust you push yourself entirely inside me and I moan loudly. You begin to fuck me, grabbing my hips with both hands and riding me hard. My ass jiggles with each thrust. You grow short of breath, and my breathing has increased to a pant, staggered with moans. You pull your cock out of my dripping pussy and turn me around, so i'm facing you. You lift me up into your arms, with your hands supporting my ass, and my back leaning on the cliff wall. You enter me again, and establish a pace. My hand travels towards my clit, first lubricating my fingers with our own mess. I being rubbing and pressing my clit with a pace to match your own. We hear a car door slam, and voices descending into the gorge. As you fuck me harder and faster, I do the same to myself. My breaths are short and fast as I exhale, "I'm gonna cum, i'm gonna cum for you." The people have grown closer and it sounds as if they're right above us. You take this as a queue to move faster, and as you do I'm sent into a powerful orgasm. My whole body convulses, and my pussy tightens around your cock. You can feel my juices leaking down your shaft. You lean in close to kiss me, our sweaty, tired bodies pressed up against each other. We're finished dressing ourselves by the time another couple arrives at the river. We go for a brief dip in the water to cool ourselves off before heading back home; leaving the other couple alone at the gorge. The first time I heard your voice I couldn't help myself. Our contact from years ago came back to me. It was as if nothing had changed over all those years. Did you fuel my fetish for an older man, or was it already there before I met you? During that phone call I wanted to control you with my body, as I did then. It's funny, how I always thought you held the power, but somehow I did. From the first message you sent me, my goal was to have you. I pushed our conversations into something sexual, even when they should not have been. But that night, the first time we spoke, I had the power you as you realized that I was fucking myself to the sound of your voice. How many times was it that night? I wish I could have seen the look on your face. How did we get to the dynamic we had? You, my hero, the master in my mind; me the seductress, pushing things further each time until the breaking point. The growls you make as you cum will stay in my mind forever. You came and went from my life. Time and again I reeled you back. We had our own deprived ways. I fantasized about you choking me, leaving bruises ringing my neck. I longed to have your huge cock inside me - my mouth, my pussy, my ass. I wanted you to fuck me until the point of pain. To pinch and bite my nipples. I loved that you were surprised that I bought the vampire gloves. If we had the chance I would have had you use so much more on me. I wanted you to cut me, deep down my back, or just under my breasts. Didn't you want to feel the my blood flow in the sweet agony of our perversions? To this day I think about you holding me down, pinning me with one of your strong arms around my neck, leaving me no choice but to submit to you as you savagely fucked me from behind. I wanted to be your everything, while at the same time for you to fuck me like a whore. I loved your reactions when I sent you my pictures. I loved making you hard while you were at work, and the pictures you sent me in return to prove it. You brought out the best and worst in me. Buying a new piece of lingerie for you was my thrill. Did you like the time I showed you my chained harness? Did you like the look of the cold metal leaving my nipples hard? Or the time in the black corset, leaving my ass totally bare. I would have loved for you to bend me over and spank me before punishing me even more with your cock. What about the time I sent you the picture of the belt around my neck, wishing it was you pulling the strap tighter? Remember when even my small hand left bruises on my neck when with one hand I choked myself while the other was buried in the wetness of my pussy? Or the "blow job" picture - you always loved my lips. I wanted nothing more than to be on my knees in front of you at that moment. What was your favourite? You know the "pin up" picture is always my favourite for our special reason. During that summer of masturbation I raced home every day, wet with the anticipation. I loved stripping off my clothes as I walked in the door, leaving a trail to the bedroom. Quickly dressing in something to please you while waiting for Skype to connect. Years later you told me that you loved how wild I was then, fucking myself with the dildo for you to see. Fucking my pussy and wishing it was your hard cock, always while choking myself of course. I can hear your commands in my mind as I write this, telling me to keep fucking myself even after I had cum several times. You told me that you loved seeing the spit on my face as I took the dildo in my mouth, showing you what I would do if you were there. I know you wanted me to gag on you huge cock, taking as much in as I could, and yet forcing me to take even more. I dreamed of your big hands in my hair, holding painfully and forcing my head down. You wanted to see the tears come to my eyes as you fucked my face. And I wanted it too. Let's not forget about the times you had me so dripping wet that fucking my pussy was not enough. You were the one who introduced me to the concept of double penetration, although I'm sure I would have found that on my own in time. I regularly fantasize about having one cock in my mouth while another is fucking my wet pussy. Sadly you didn't get the pictures of this, but I know you loved it when I filled both my cunt and ass with a dildo and experienced the pleasure of being so full. I loved watching you stroke your hard cock; even during what seemed like an innocent conversation together you were ready. I liked teasing you in those moments, lifting up my shirt just enough, or taking off my bottoms, just leaving on whatever slutty underwear I had on for you that day. My pussy would get so wet as you told me to keep going, as you told me you needed it. Your hunger for me leaves me with an ache. I miss our days of multiple orgasms, you needed more from me even moments after you had just cum. You made me feel like a goddess, and you made me feel like nothing. In our many moments, what will always stand out to me is the look on your face that day. I could see the lust in your eyes, and knew without seeing that the same was expressed on my face. I have never felt so wanted, so consumed by someone else. I wanted nothing more to be yours in that moment. All of this, and yet we've never been together. Opportunities missed. You know my regret in it all, my ultimate fantasy that didn't get to be. I hope that I still haunt your memory the way you haunt mine. A part of me will be yours forever. here I sit at my computer, not working, again. Instead I'm taking pictures of a bottle I have shoved up my cunt, at the direction of an anonymous man on the internet. He has also instructed me to shave my pubic hair, and write the words, "This slutty cunt belongs to M" across my bare mound in permanent marker, then to take a picture with the marker stuck up my hole. I did that yesterday, and in today's picture you can still see the words, albeit faded a little--I guess it's not a very permanent marker. I'll have to look for something more durable. We are just getting started, and he's the first person I've done this kind of thing with; I'm curious to see what else he will come up with for me to do. He has assured me that I will do whatever he asks; I'm thinking that over. I do get excited when I open the emails from him, though, no denying that. My little pussy starts to throb, imagining something depraved--so far, what I have imagined has been far worse than what he's asked for, but I haven't said that to him. I'm hoping he will ask me to meet him at a theater, wearing nothing under my winter coat, having never seen his face (nor him mine), and that he will sit next to me and put his fist in my pussy. And maybe have someone else sit on the other side of me, and put things in my ass. Maybe I could sit on his lap, his cock in my ass, while the other gentleman puts things in my pussy. I get wet thinking about this. It seems like there is not enough in the world to fill my pussy; she is voracious. I want to lie on a floor somewhere, blindfolded, and have men pinch my nipples, hard. Put things in me, cocks and solid things that hurt a little. Maybe a baseball bat in my pussy--I'm pretty sure she can take it. She likes to stretch. My ass is stretchy, too, just not as much--yet. M says he will make my holes gape, when he finally meets me--I don't think he imagines that he won't get to, but I'm pretty sure I won't meet him. He's not exactly what I want. Then I wonder if I even really know what I want. What I really need. M thinks he has me all figured out, from a few days of emails and some phone calls. But he doesn't know the things I imagine aren't the scenarios he's laying out. I think I'm going to have to take this into my own hands. I decide to try something. I plan to go downtown on the bus, during the morning commute. I work for myself, so I can do things like that. I dress up, like I belong with the rest of them, but I sleep in my makeup the night before and just add eyeliner on top of the smudged stuff. I finger-comb my long hair. I smear pussy juices everywhere I can; in my hair, on my face, my pulse points, all over my thighs. I tear a hole in my stocking, right up near the edge of my skirt, and wear a short coat so it will show. I don't put on a blouse at all--just a tight but business-like skirt, and my coat, stockings, and work heels. I will sit next to men, riding the bus all over, to downtown and then up and down its streets. The first guy is young, mid to late 20s, dressed very well. Nice looking. Not someone who would normally give me more than a glance, being that I'm mid-40s and usually wearing boring jeans and a hoodie. I do have large breasts, 36DDD, so that gets me looks no matter what I wear. I sit next to him, unbuttoning my coat until it starts to be apparent that I don't have anything else on under there. I see him looking, wondering, saying to himself, "It must just be a low-cut blouse..." I pretend not to notice, and keep unbuttoning until he can clearly see my breasts, but the way we're sitting, I doubt anyone else can. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him look up from my chest to my face, surely taking in the messy eye makeup and bedhead, but he surely also notices that my coat is expensive, as are my shoes and bag, and I have on single pearl earrings and a thin gold chain around my neck, with a tiny medallion on it. Is it my imagination, or are his nostrils flaring as he takes in the scent of my pussy juice and my pussy itself, growing wetter under his scrutiny? I recross my legs so the hole in my stocking is easy to see; I start playing with it, as if unconsciously, worrying it with my fingers, sliding them in and out. It's a long bus ride, so I have time to let things play out, if they're going to. I see that he is watching, so I put my legs down, open them, and hitch my skirt up a bit so he can see the edge of my stockings. I finally turn and look at him for the first time, giving him a neutrally friendly smile, and lean back in my seat. My skirt rides up a little more, and I start to play with the garter button, undoing and redoing it. He clears his throat, and crosses his legs, but I spy what he's trying to conceal--a growing bulge in his very nice pants. I flap the edges of my open coat, as if I'm too warm, and in fact, I am--I'm getting very hot. I want him to reach down and put his hand in my pussy, which has started to make my plastic bus seat feel slippery. I lick my lips, and look at him again. His eyes are trained fully on my hand, which has been sliding under my skirt, visiting my wet puss. I see his eyes follow my hand as I bring my glistening fingers up and slide them in my mouth, and finally he lets out a soft moan. I look meaningfully at his hands, and back into his eyes, then spread my legs wider in invitation. He doesn't even look at me, he just places his hand on my thigh and waits to see what I'll do. I tilt my pelvis up, so he can feel that shift and understand my intentions, and quickly he slides his hand down into my waiting snatch. I shave down past my clit, but above I leave it full; my hairs are drenched into soft waves, and I feel him stop to run his fingers up one slick curl. His hands are warm, and his finger feels callused as he slides it in; he must play the guitar. I finally look up to see if anyone has noticed us; at this hour, almost everyone looks half-asleep, and the bus is quiet. His second finger goes in, and I have to suck in a breath; his fingers are large, and just two are filling my capacious pussy. I imagine that his cock is magnificent. I lean over to whisper in his ear, "I bet you have a magnificent cock", and am rewarded by seeing it twitch; yes, it looks thick and long, and he dresses right. He's worked up a good rhythm in my pussy, and I am feeling fine. So fine that I am forced to bite my lips to stifle some moans that would like to come out. My tits are heaving inside my open coat, and he decides to be daring, reaching his other hand over and cupping a heavy breast. I look at him, silently urging him to go further, and he does, leaning over and quickly suckling a nipple, leaving a cold, wet strip on my breast that makes me shiver. I'm so close, about to cum, and I want to touch him. I reach over and put my hand on his bulge, and he opens his zipper in a one-handed maneuver. I slide into his briefs, realizing at this point if anyone looks over or walks down the aisle, it will be absolutely no secret as to what we're doing. I know this route, and figure we have about 5 more minutes before the first downtown stop; I'm pretty sure that will be more than enough time for both of us. Oh, my--he really is lovely. I want my mouth on him, but can't think how that wouldn't attract attention, so I lick my palm and rub him for all I'm worth, but stop first to collect that bead of pre-cum and bring it to my mouth, as a small taste of what I'm missing. His face starts to flush as he nears orgasm; I've never seen a man do that, but have had comments about my own face and neck doing it. This is all I need to tip over the edge into my own delicious orgasm; it's difficult not to make noise, and I have to cough a few times to cover my gasps and moans. That does cause a few heads to raise, but I can't stop and neither can he; he is about to cum, and I'm on my second wave. A thought goes through my mind, "He's going to cum on his nice pants", when I see that he has untucked his shirt and is spurting into the tail, which also serves to cover a bit his open pants; I see the person next to me on the aisle glance over, and apparently not notice anything amiss, although I can't understand how she doesn't see my hand, clearly in his pants. We're both done, and I've retracted my hand, closed my coat and pulled my skirt down; I look over, and he is leaning his flushed face against the cold glass of the window. He sees me looking, and offers a small smile--"thanks, that was fun." I smile back, and say, "It was, have a good day." Just then, the bus makes its first stop, and I decide to get off. I had thought I would get on another bus and do the whole thing over again, but am realizing that I want more--I want someone inside me. I have a moment of regret about getting off the bus; who knows, maybe he would have let me enjoy some more of that fabulous cock. I decide there are lots of men, lots of opportunities; I want to go home and call M, to tell him about my adventure, and I plan to head back downtown around 5, to take another bus away towards the suburbs. Maybe there will be someone on that bus who will take me to his car, in the park and ride, and fuck me senseless, then drive home to his suburban life. As for me, I've just begun this journey of exploration; who knows what I will dream up for myself. The Morning Before It was a slightly cool morning and we had gone to sleep after cuddling on the couch for a while in our underwear, making out slowly in bed pressing our hips into each other as we fell asleep. You woke up to me holding you lightly and on my phone reading something. You see I opened the curtains to let the light in some time before you woke up. I kiss your cheek good morning and you stretch a little before cuddling into me. We make a little morning talk and I tell you that I woke up once or twice last night and pulled you in to press into you again as you sighed and held my arms as we slept. Hearing that makes you smile and remember that you were kind of feeling a little in the mood last night but got sleepy and comfy before we ended up going to bed. You reach a little lower from the top of my chest, where you hand was resting, to rub my side a little under my arm and run your fingertips over my chest a little. Your hips pull a little closer to mine and your leg settles a little more over me, getting comfy but intimately close and feeling me stir under your touch and pull my arm a little tighter around your back. "I like that you like doing that with me," you say. I kiss your forehead where I can reach and chuckle, a little embarrassed. "I couldn't help it, you looked really good and felt even better in my arms last night," I whisper, and you bring your palm down from just your fingertips to feel me under your hand, waking up with you in the slightly cool, sunny room. "I do love this pair," you hint, pushing the blanket down with your legs so both of us can see them on your hip. pulling me a little tighter between your legs to show off your butt a little. It sounds so sweet to hear how much you like something about yourself, and it makes me smile. "You look so good in them hun, they look so soft." You decide to test the theory and gently grind your hips into mine, your center pressing against the top of my thigh. You sigh in content and agree with me, continuing to slowly press into me and relaxing. "They felt so good pressing against my cheeks last night" you tease and feel my shift a little under you. I breathe in the scent of your skin slowly and feel myself fully harden just under the blanket, wondering if you can tell how I'm feeling about our morning banter today. I reach my other hand down to your hips to feel them and breathe deeply when you press your hips tighter to me, rocking just a little more. "They feel so nice hun, and you feel even better," you whisper to me, letting your leg loosen and twisting on top of me. Your back comes to rest on my chest, your head falling just beside mine. Your hips press back into me and you softly moan at the softness against your cheeks and my hardness behind them. "That's better," you follow, as I bring my hands up to your chest and stomach to feel your chest, stomach, and sides under one of my t-shirts. I touch your skin lovingly, softly sighing back into your ear as I rock my hips up into yours. You let your arms reach up and fall on either side of our heads, letting my hands roam your lovely body as the sun slowly warms the room. You feel one of my hands start to trace patterns on your lower abdomen and over the front of your silky soft panties. Silently nodding your head, you hope I get your silent smiling signal that you want my loving touches. Kissing your cheek again softly. I let my fingers trace down the front of your panties. the sweet, sexy moan that escapes your lips surprises even you, making you press your hips down into mine. Slowly, it wakes you up a little more and you sense your body start to think about building. "That feels so good when you do it babe" you say to me as your head turns to meet my lips with yours. Our first morning kiss makes us both sigh into each other's lips as you force your hands to relax above your head and me other one palms your chest just a little more firmly. Feeling me flex between your cheeks, one of your hands relaxes a little to run its fingers through my hair beside you. You know you can't understand how I want to be teased like last night and the almost full week before, but you see how much I love it. It gives you a naughty idea for the morning. You lift your hips up slowly, feeling my lift mine under you to keep contact as long as I can. Letting my hips drop I groan a little and playfully rub your clit a little harder making you moan and giggle. "Baby your boxers are soft, but you have to feel this," you insist, and pull the front of my boxers down. The air makes me flex, and my smooth skin just tingles a little wanting to feel something again. I lift my hips a little to help you push them down behind you a little and moan a little surprisingly into your ear when you bring down your hips and bring us both down onto the bed. You moan a little too, feeling my hardness a little better, the hard ridges closer to your skin with just a thin material you have on between us. "Aren't they good babe," you ask, "they feel so good against my clit, I knew you'd like them". I just press my fingers a little tighter between your legs, feeling your wetness start to soak through to my touch. You begin to build as you rock slowly up and down against my fingers and my cock. Your hands finally come down to join mine on your chest and sides. Fingers lacing with mine as your other hand grips my hip behind you. "Gosh I love your scent," I finally moan, you slow rocking and your scent rising, getting to me. Hearing my words, exciting you a little more, helping you climb a little more as your soaked, smooth underwear rolls against your clit. My hand frees itself from yours and palms your chest again, my elbows nudging up the front of your shirt a little more. Getting frustrated, you reach down and sit up for a second, making me moan under your weight. You rock your hips up for a second, so your weight comes down on the upper half of my shaft. You rock back and forth teasingly for a few seconds, letting the sounds I make turn you on a little more. I pull you back down into me before you can build me up too quickly. "Good, I'm glad you love them baby, because my panties are all you're feeling today", you say with a peck to my cheek. I moan frustratingly into your ear as I pull you in. You feel the wet spot I'm leaving against your cheeks and you press your back into my chest even more. Loving the feeling of your skin on mine, I wrap my arm around you and kiss your neck wetly. My fingers rolling in circles around your clit, your wetness making just the occasional whisper of noise making you blush. I groan into your ear a little as I feel your hips rocking a little quicker, showing me what you need. I give you what you need, starting to slip under but you stop me. "No,", you reach down and keep my fingers there, "outside, don't stop babe I'm so wet." I stay right where I am, lifting my hips into you harder and rubbing you faster. "Yes," you moan, and rock harder back, letting my moans help your pleasure. "Oh god, yes, babe I'm going to cum", both your hands shoot up to tangle in my hair, letting go to me and getting ready to lose control. I let my arms tighten around you and moan, feeling myself get closer but not enough to keep up with you as you start to tip over. The sound you make is beautiful as your hips tremble and then crash down into the bed and me from your raised position. I moan in frustration and a little pride, loving how good it feels to hear and hold you while you go over. You slow your grind and giggle at how wet you are. "You like them hun?" you ask me, kissing me on the lips again and relaxing in my gentle grip. I groan a little and tell you they feel so good. Rolling off of me you slowly slide them off and shyly bring them up to my nose, making me moan and flex in the air just under your leg. "Babe, please touch me," I whimper and you playfully frag them down my chest and let them rest on my throbbing hardness. "Put them on hun, they'll feel even better; My panties are all you're feeling today," you repeat, and slowly push off the bed to get up before I can complain and pull you back.
_Author's Note: To those who requested a sequel to my first Castle-Alexis- story. Here it is!_ Alexis Castle sat in her economics course, bored to death. She looked around and saw some of her fellow students sitting around her being bored to death, too. As she let her eyes wander from one to the other, the 19-year-old spotted a blonde girl giving a hand rub to her neighbor. The redhaired girl was flustered, beet-red and short-breathed, she tried to stay as calm as possible while she was receiving the rub-down from the blonde. Alexis stared at them like a deer in the headlights. She got wet. In recent times she got wet a lot and very fast, as well. She constantly was in a lecherous state of mind, and even her body reacted on the slightest excitement. She felt her nipples growing hard in the black silk bra she wore under her tight green shirt. Her breath accelerated as she watched the redhead climaxing. She was beautiful, her eyes wide open, staring at her blonde friend, her cheeks heated, her bottom lip wet from her own tongue and red from her teeth that had bitten into it. And as her rocking hips calmed down, they both looked around just as if to make sure someone indeed had been watching. They met Alexis's eyes, she grinned at them salaciously and mouthed words of approval. They both winked back at her. Her eyes stayed on them both, so she could still see how the blonde deliciously licked off her fingers. Out of a sudden she remembered the incident two weeks ago. They had never talked about it since. But this exciting episode made her realize now that she wanted it to happen again. She loved her dad deeply. She knew it was wrong but she lusted after him since. She'd like to return the favor and wanted to give him the same sensual treatment she received from him. But there never had been the right moment for it. Though, she had to admit to herself that she indeed was a bit scared of the very probable chance that her dad rejected her out of moral reasons this time. Before he'd made her come with his fingers, he'd had some real troubles touching her. But she hadn't. She had longed for it for so long now, often had fantasized about them since she had been fifteen. Then, her fantasies weren't as much about lust as now but they existed. Then, her fantasies were more about love and kissing her father but not so much about sexual gratification. But now, in a state of constant and extreme excitement, she couldn't think of anything else than the joy she felt two weeks ago as he masturbated her until she came apart, and how her peak shook her body for several minutes with incredible vibrations. Alexis wasn't a virgin anymore but none of her boyfriends had ever made her come like that. She sincerely appreciated that she actually got it from her father what she'd begged for, what she'd always wanted. And ever since she had reached that orgasm through her dad's fingers, she had developed some darker fantasies of committing incest repeatedly. And she hoped, no, she longed for them to become true. She wanted to have sex with her father! Only with enormous struggles she was able to wait out until the end of her course, she decided to get home early. Her next course in the afternoon could wait till she had got herself off. She suddenly had a very salacious thought: _Why not frigging myself on my dad's bed? That will be delicious!_ And there she was, in the middle of her masturbation session, fingering herself with a need she hadn't felt before. She had already come twice merely from picturing his fingers in her or his lips around her nipples. She heard a sound from the living room. _Is he home already? I thought he'd be at the precinct at this time of early afternoon! Hey, but that's good! He's home. Now he's mine!_ Excited by the aspect of getting caught red-handed every second, and also really thrilled with the idea of her dreams finally turning into reality she stood up and looked who was there. Yes, it was her father, she saw him sitting on the couch, wearing only his pants and socks, his head back, eyes closed and one hand in his crotch. Another heat wave shot through her system, and so she couldn't stop herself. Yet only in her bra, she sneaked up on him, climbed on his lap, hugged him, squeezed him, pressed her body to his chest and kissed him below his left ear lobe. "Alexis! Why are you half-naked?" He tried to push her away from him but she clung to him like a leech. "Alexis! Please?! What is it? What happened? Everything okay with you, pumpkin?" "Nothing happened...at least, nothing bad..." "Alexis!" "Okay, dad, no more teasing. I am okay. I am definitely more than okay." "What's the matter then? Why are you hugging me as if you never wanted to let me go again?" "I want you, dad! I want you all to myself!" "Pumpkin, you have to know by now that you are my one and only, and you already have me all to yourself. What's the...?" "No, dad, you got me wrong. I. Want. You", and as she saw his facial expression, one of anxiety, well knowing what she meant but ready to act dense again, she added for clarification: "I. Need. You. Sexually. Now!" "Alexis, this isn't...! This...this should not...! This...this can't... happen again, you know this." "But, dad, I want it to happen again!" "Please, Alexis, stay rational. It can't be, it mustn't." "Who says that? I'm 19, and I wish for it to happen again. I want you." "Alexis, please, I don't think...!" "Please?" Once she pouted and blinked at him, he mumbled while smiling: "Oh, that's unfair, pumpkin. You know I can't deny you anything anyway when you smile at me begging for it like this." She hugged him again, snuggled her upper body close to his, and said with a grin: "Thank you very much, sir!" She shifted backwards to look into his eyes, smiled at him full of admiration. No words were needed. And then she got overwhelmed with love. Because he kissed her for the first time. When the first tender lip contact ended they both looked bewildered at each other, both confused about their attraction to each other. But being drawn together like a magnet they dived into an even more thrilling kiss. Their tongues were dancing around each other while they both let their hands come up to their faces to hold them in place as long as they felt this raging passion that almost made them senseless. Gasping, they stopped this breathtaking kiss they both truly wanted to last forever. "Oh my god, dad...what was that?" "I don't know, pumpkin. But I liked it. Wanna do that again?" Alexis loved and so adored him when he was acting like that, grinning broadly at her. She appreciated his playful side. She giggled. "Duh...!" They both stared into each other's eyes as their faces came closer and closer. And of course, they kissed again, but this time with a desperate hunger, with a rushing impatience they both hadn't experienced ever before. They only stopped for air, and then dived in together instantly again. In the meantime, Alexis fell in an age-old rhythm in moving her body on him. She didn't even notice at all that she actually moved until she got stopped by her father's hands as he pressed her down on his lap. She yelped out of surprise as she felt his erection being pressed at her slit. He still had his pants and underwear on, her already wet slit being pressed right onto the bulge which wasn't exactly average. And because they still tongue-kissed in a lust-rage, she started to hump down on him. "Alexis! Stop! You can't do that", he groaned, feeling the warmth of her wetness through his pants. He almost choked up while holding her at her waist to still her efforts. _Okay, he's resisting more determined than I expected. So I need to be smarter and faster!_ She slumped down on his lap and started kissing his bare chest with butterfly kisses, for one moment just ignoring his impressive erection between her legs. "Oh my god, Alexis...!" His words were barely audible. Between kisses she mumbled: "What is it, dad? You like that?" "Oh, yeah, pumpkin...it feels amazing!" Suddenly she changed from his chest to make lip contact with his collarbone and his throat, feeling his quickened and unsteady pulse under her lips. He moaned in pleasure. Her arms, still around his neck, now opened up and slid down his body. She gently trailed her hands down his broad naked chest, stroking him with feather-light touches, letting her lips follow her finger pads to kiss where she petted him. Feeling her lips closing over his nipples and suckling at them, an extreme jolt of desire burst through his veins that let him gasp sharply. "Alexis!" He clenched his teeth, air pressed out of his lungs to get the word out. "Alexis! Please, we need to stop this. I can't do that. I really, really love you...as my daughter!" This was his last try to stop this insanity before it was too late. His last try. Feeling her tongue flicking over one of his nipples again, he looked down at her how she licked at him like a cat. "Oh my god, pumpkin, one day you'll kill me. Want that?" "No, I just want to make you happy!" "You...don't have to, pumpkin. I...mean, if... if that's...all...you want...from me, I can...give you...another rub...to keep...my girl happy...I mean, if you wish." "No, dad...that's not all I want." "But...you...want it anyway, right?" "Um...yes, as a matter of fact...I wouldn't say no, if you really need to know! But...!" "Ah, I see. But...what...?" "But...I want to touch you, too. I want you...to enjoy my touch. It was so wonderful...what you've...given to me...this last time, and now...I want to offer you the same...pleasures you granted me with. Dad, no more denial! I know, I don't have to. I know you wouldn't pressure me into something like this. And though I don't really understand what is happening with me, between us, I want you to know that I'm willing to face it, whatever it is." He loosened her strong embrace, lifted her away from his hard-on. "Alexis, I appreciate what you just revealed to me and I'm aware of the fact that you enjoyed...that encounter we had and...what I offered to you, then. And I'm totally convinced that you were really happy with the outcome...but...but you...you can't expect me to make that happen again. It's wrong! We both know that's incest." "I know, dad! But that doesn't mean I wouldn't wish for it any less. Dad, I'm positive, no one ever had pleased me like that, like you'd done there. Doesn't this mean anything to you? I had been thrilled to be taken care of...by my dad. And I'm looking forward to be taken care of the same way in future whenever I need it. And I would like taking care of your needs, as well. That's it what love is supposed to be, right? To care for each other and not having to beg for something that's so genuine? To not having to rely on masturbation the moment you need it? That's my understanding of caring for each other, not only in the most important way of providing basic instincts like food and shelter but providing emotional attention as well as considering some other basic instincts like sex. I know that's how the animals do it, take for example, the bonobo-chimpanzees. They satisfy each other all the time, it doesn't matter that they're related. And, before you say it...yes, I know we are not animals. But if you think about it, can it really be so wrong if even apes do it purely on natural instinct?" While talking about it, Alexis stroked his thigh up and down well knowingly that her father's erection wouldn't shrink because of the permanent sensual touch. And with her last word, a firm grip on his crotch kind of underlined her speech. Richard Castle nervously looked at his daughter. She wasn't helping, on the contrary, she just made it harder to resist this temptation. But she didn't need him to accomplish her mission. She just went on kneading his cock through his pants, he almost wheezed in physical pain. Then she reduced her grip but wickedly she made the move to go down on him, and she was suddenly pulled away roughly. "Oh no, pumpkin, that's mean. You haven't had your fun yet but I'm very close at losing it, so please, stop!" His last try. His eyes almost popped out as his little one grabbed his hand, pulled it down to the waistline of his pants and demanded: "Unzip it and pull him out. I want to look at you." He couldn't act on it but was too slow to do anything against it to prevent it from happening. She had already pulled him out. "Wow, this is...pretty much intimidating. You...are...big!" "Pumpkin...please...!" "But I told you...I always wanted to touch you. Now...I...finally...get the chance..." And with these words she palmed his erection, pulled him out of his pants entirely and tenderly stroked over his length. Watching fascinated her own fingers performing a hand-job on her father she was happy about it and giggled. A barely visible motion startled her, distracted her for a moment. And by watching up close what it was, she noticed her father's stomach muscles quivering under her touch. She found it funny to watch, so she repeated it, matched her strokes to see the muscle contractions over and over again. And a moment later she actually saw her father shuddering out of lust, as she quickly looked up to his face after one of those muscle contractions. _Oh my god, he really likes that! I did it! He likes being touched by me!_ She only heard him hissing, clenching his teeth in self-control to stop himself from ejaculating. And before he couldn't prevent it anymore to shooting his cum into his daughter's face, he more or less pulled her away from him again. As in doing this, Rick Castle sighed deeply and made such a sad face, Alexis almost had to laugh. But as he seemed to be serious about them having to stop because of moral reasons, she didn't feel like laughing. It was about time, she tried something she hadn't done before. She had learned about it in one of her psychology seminars. She imitated him. She made as sad a face as he did, even stuck out her bottom lip to show him the same pouting expression. "Oh, pumpkin, you'll be the death of me." He quietly laughed because of her overacting. But the laugh all of a sudden came to a complete stop and his facial expression turned from one of amusement into one of unbelieved shock and arousal as she quickly mounted him again, knees on each side of his legs, both feet up on his thighs, and bounced her body onto him again, clearly suggesting a sensual rocking movement above him. She rotated her hips over his lap, bluntly moving her sopping slit against his cock. "Heaven on Earth...!" Panting hard, he still more or less halfheartedly tried to shove her away, so she suddenly stopped her attempts, pushed her hips down and bent backwards, forcing her pussy straight onto his erection. "Ugh...!" Feeling enormously aroused but also a bit uncomfortable with the delicious pressure on his erection, Richard Castle was as close to the edge of coming as one could get. To distract his thoughts from this red-hot sensation and to stop himself from ejaculating between his daughter's thighs he lifted his head and wanted to plead her to stop. But every word, he wanted to say, was caught right there in his throat. No question, this really was his last try. Yet, it just wouldn't work. She licked her lips, her palms sensually stroking her naked skin, gliding down her sides, and up again till they reached her breasts. Watching him closely, she could see his eyes widening as she groped her own mounds, squeezing them until her fingers made contact with her nipples. She slowly encircled them above her lacy black bra, squeezed and tugged at them till they stood up visibly. His breath quickened and she noticed how he bit on his bottom lip all the while he never let her globes and the little nubs out of his sight. _Yes! I think that's it! I have him. He's mine!_ Alexis arched back into her former position to be able to kiss his breasts again. She absolutely loved to touch his broad chest, to feel his muscles underneath, to feel his bare skin burning through her finger pads, starting to light up a fire inside her. However, she had to deny herself the fun of caressing his chest in order to finally make him want her. So she lifted her body off him, watched him staring at her in astonishment and disbelief of what he thought she would do. No, she certainly had not the slightest intention of giving up or letting him off the hook. Alexis looked down on his face, saw a silver line of hope in his eyes and just knew he wanted her. She held herself to his left shoulder and while she lowered her body again, she pressed her chest right into his face, feeling his stubble tickling through her bra at her sensitive skin. Muffled moans were heard. Whilst rubbing her tits in his face, she yet again wrapped her arms around his shoulders and clung to her father like her life depended on it. She wouldn't let him over-think this whole situation, not by any chance. She wanted him to suck on her nipples, so she put her hand on the back of his head and pulled his head into her, roughly scraping her fingers through his hair and sensually stroking his neck. "I know you want to, and you know you want to. And I know I want it, too. And you are starting to get aware of that. So..., just do it!" He listened to her, like mesmerized he was about to do what she challenged him with. But suddenly a last sensible thought fought itself into his consciousness to be heard. _She's still my daughter. I can't do this! Oh, I could...I certainly would...but I must not. Except, I really, really want it!_ His little one however kind of sensed that he still had troubles to give in to his desires, so she hissed: "Dad...I want to feel your lips around them, please, just do it!" She was about to be pushed over the edge the very moment she felt his warm lips enclosing one of her nipples through her bra, dampening the material instantly. She inhaled sharply before she groaned out loud in pure delight. "Oh! Oh Dad! Oh god, this just feels so good!" In admitting this, she gave him the last "go"-signal he needed. Finally, he caved in and like an animal he attacked her nipples, one after the other, over and over again. Though she hadn't figured it out how exactly she was freed from her bra, Alexis was joyfully surprised to find her father staring at her, her bare breasts, nipples clearly irritated. She wanted to urge him to whichever action but found it kind of arousing that he just gazed at her tits, and with every breath she pushed them up more, dead on into his face. His right hand came up to grasp her globe, softly gliding over her skin until he was holding her left tit completely in his palm, his thump sliding deliberately slow towards her nipple, stroking over it, teasing it until she moaned in delight, closing her eyes to enjoy it and to immerse in this feeling. As she eventually felt his hot, wet tongue tracing around her rosy areoles, lapping at her small globes, she opened her eyes and lasciviously pushed towards those deliciously slobbering lips, silently urging him on, silently begging for more of those unbelievably fantastic sensations. And then she just gazed at him in a total haze how he made first contact with her puckered nipples as he flicked his tongue around the annoyed nubs, already standing out as if to make sure that they were indeed being reached by him. Alexis had been pretty sure she would enjoy that. But in no way, she'd ever expected to be exposed to so much ecstasy as soon as her father manipulated her like this. It was one thing to just feel something and a completely different thing to also be able to thoroughly witness it in detail. The redhead got aroused more and more, and panted out of frustration that he only teased her right now, focusing on his tongue encircling her nipple deliberately and mercilessly slow, making it wet. _Oh god, that'll kill me!_ Next, she watched him taking her nubs with his teeth, tugging at them, leisurely enclosing one of the puckered nipples with his lips. She saw him looking up to her, eyes locked with hers, staring at her in a haze. While teasing her like this, he maliciously grinned at his little one before he started to suckle hard on her nub, roughly biting on it what caused the blazing fire turning her raging wantonness into an almost unbearable sexual heat that nearly made her losing consciousness. She already whimpered out of lust, her desire warning her to stop this madness so she wouldn't just come from only getting her tits sucked. And she was afraid that she'd actually fall apart if he'd keep that up any longer. Alexis sagged further down once more, pushing into his lap. His hot pulsating cock was trapped between their bodies. And she started to move against it all over again. Well..., she needed to fuck him anyway, so...the sooner the better. But Richard Castle put her on hold with his hands on her waist, stopping the girl's thrusts for only a moment to look into her face. He noticed her flushed cheeks, her eyes were glowing, her breath erratic, and her entire appearance was beaming with a sexual hunger he hadn't seen before on his innocent daughter. As he stopped her bouncing up and down, she looked down and stared at him with half-closed eyes, lust-filled, playing with her lips a lot, obviously panting in her desperate need that had grown exceedingly with every sweep of his tongue, with each scrape of his teeth. And, no way around it, this turned him on, too, understanding her as a willing companion. She craved for his touch, her wantonness all too visible in her movements that hadn't stopped at all. His desire to be with her was being set free right the same moment he witnessed her like this...hot, wet, willing and extremely dedicated to fuck him. Alexis felt a spine-tingling joy shooting through her system the moment she felt his resistance falling apart, now giving way to his overwhelming lust. She almost cheered out of excitement and started to kiss her father fiercely, his crumbling struggles noticeable in his urge to kiss her back. _Yes! Yes! Yes! This is it!_ She not only gloated quietly, but she also radiated her joy into their kiss. "Yes...oh dad...yes! Kiss me, I'm all yours!" And along with her words, Alexis once more jerked her hips toward his trapped erection. The redhead only heard a muffled groan, as he breathed his surprise on the sudden contact of his throbbing cock with her warm wetness and the resulting thrill into their kiss, too. Richard Castle almost got a heart-attack as he felt her erratic thrusts were turning regular and steady. Her wet slit slowly stroked over his length, pressing on him, coating him with her juice, gliding up and down, his shaft firmly wedged between her engorged pussy lips, sensually massaging his erection, provoking the keenest sensations of lust he ever felt. He suddenly broke their passionate kiss and hissed: "Oh my god, what are you doing? Where did you learn this?" Both were looking down between their bodies to witness what she was performing with her puffy lips. "It's kind of a Japanese practice for non-penetrative sex. Just read about it and totally wanted to try it out with you so we wouldn't need a condom. Like it?" "Like it? Geez, pumpkin, this...so sexy! This...is...so...dirty...and yet...so perfect!" He felt so much pleasure that he grunted in sheer panic to ejaculate too early. "Let's do it faster, okay?", his little one grunted, too. Every so often her wheeze sounded like she was whimpering, she seemed to be in an enormous tension to get higher with every rolling twitch of her hips, with every jolt she performed on him. "No...pumpkin...please, I am already on the edge...I can't stand it any longer." "Well..., but doing it...faster... excites me...even more. At least..., this way...I can...make...pretty...damn...sure... I definitely...get me an orgasm." "Oh geez, pumpkin, just listening...to you...talking about that...while...you're humping me, brings me...even closer. You...have...to stop...for a...second, or...I will squirt...any moment." "Dad...this...is...kind of... awkward. I'm...almost there, so...stopping now...not a good idea." "You...don't...have...to...stop...just...slow...down...okay?" "Really...? Dad...I...definitely...need...this..., please?" So she even picked up her pace, still gliding up and down on his member, still massaging his erection by squeezing her vaginal muscles, almost breathless in her rising lust haze. "We...really...have...to...stop...now..." And just as if his daughter hadn't heard him, Alexis went on humping him when suddenly his cock inadvertently pushed deep into her along with her downward force. Both grunted in wanton lust. Both were very well realizing what this meant except both were careless enough to not react on it, not stopping by any chance because they both just needed it. The girl fastened her arms around her father's neck, shoving her lower body still closer to him whilst moving her legs from next to his thighs around his waist. Alexis now fucked him even faster, still even harder and Richard Castle dislodged his arms around her back to grab her pale ass cheeks right away, pressing her down into him. "Dad..., seriously...? That's...you...slowing...down? Slowing...down...would...just...suck...right...now..., right?" And because that made him laugh out loud, she laughed with him. Until the very moment she felt his powerful arms around her, pulling her chest tightly into him. She felt the warmth of his body, his uneven breath, every single bit of his bare skin on his chest pressing to her heated skin, his muscles' play at her naked waist. She felt his lips nibbling at this spot that made her weak, and he seemed to know that. "Oh dad...!" They both roughly kissed their jaws before once more letting it come to an absolutely wild, toe-curling, intensive tongue-kiss, fucking each other aggressively, both heading straight to the point of no return. They both felt their peaks coming. Once she sensed her orgasm rolling in, right on the edge of the highest peak, Alexis stopped humping. She broke the hot blooded kiss to be able to look into the eyes of her father. "This! I wanted this...to happen for so long now. This!" Richard Castle joyfully heard her admitting this and he just pressed her into him once more, calling out on her and insisting: "Come with me, pumpkin, come on...come together with me!" Alexis ecstatically screamed in her release: "Oh dad...! Yes...oh yes..., oh yes..., DAAD!" She collapsed in the arms of her father after the waves of her orgasm had burst and blazed a trail of amazing emotions through her, her inner walls clenching around his cock, causing her father to come, as well. She felt him ejaculating deep into her making her cry out in pure delight: "Oh my god...!" In post-orgasmic bliss, she lifted herself up and kissed him sincerely. "Thanks! Thank you so much! I really needed this. I love you, dad!" "You're welcome, pumpkin, I love you, too!" 1 Another artist dead by suicide... What a way to start an article on an erotica website. And what a way to appeal to your audience. But I'm not trying to appeal to anyone. I'm writing this not because I want to - not particularly! I'm writing this because I'm compelled to, because I have to. It has nothing to do with the songwriter and vocalist, who hung himself today, on a personal level. And don't worry, this doesn't make him my role model today or ever. I'm too black-hearted, or so the picture portrays, to see myself to the door. I'm too savage to stop just because people tell me that I should. I hold no grudge against society. I'm not vengeful or sticking around for any grande finale, but why the FUCK should I follow the few instincts that don't serve me right? Why should I stop living to end the battle that life is? Over the past year I gained a faithful following in such a short space of time. The same die-hard individuals were in the comments every story I wrote, giving all the support and encouragement a writer could want and need (notably I'm easy to please when they going's good). Elsewhere I've been busy as the Mad Hatter, making my fight worth more than the pain of living. Every time I feel like giving up, another part of me gets warmed up to die fighting, and so I never die. I live to lick my wounds a while before I can find the strength to go back to normality. It was in the later, darker, colder months of '16 that depression returned with a vengeance, like a grinning skeleton hypnotically swinging an old pocket watch. I'd had such a good few months hell-free. I should have been ready. The worst episodes, and the longest ones, happen at the same times every year. I've been suicidal for over twenty years. It's now my normality; my nature. Do I accept it? Do I fuck! It's my nature as a creative mind to dramatise, and to visualise the worst in life as some insane comic strip joke. It's the desperation, the revelation, and the profound that I seem to find in abundance, and so whereas it takes its toll, I've learned from it, and learned to thrive off it. As ancient Maori custom sometimes called for the enemy to be killed, eaten, and then shit out onto the battlefield as a final insult to his bloodline, that is what I do with my depression. Yes, it would now appear that I shit depression. But here's to Chester; He tried so hard and got so far, and in the end it doesn't even matter. He tried so hard to lose it all, and in the end... Well, he succeeded! I won't mourn you like the generation that made you famous, Chester. But you have my sympathy. You found out for yourself that having everything in the world 80% of people can only dream of doesn't stop you from being all the things that kill you. And when so many people believed every word you said without question, while I ended up playing the villain just to make the brutal truth be known, the one least likely to survive is still very much surviving, and living real. I'm just angry at him. Nobody deserves to die that way, or to want to die so desperately. Either we have the last laugh, or our demons do. It's our choice! 2 Not all of my readers would see the difference between my true heart and the one I wear on my sleeve. Not all of my readers would see the difference between my nature and my personality. Some things have to be expressed in order to expel them from the body and mind. The ability to write creatively, truthfully, and cathartically (even if it means looking insane), is one such way. To write from the heart, bypassing the filter society had fitted between mind and mouth, you have full control over your own freedoms of thought, conscience and expression. You can live more fully in the space of an hour than some do within the space of a year. And it is through this that we open our eyes to the futility of labels. Labels are what allow assumptions. Labels make it easier not to ask, to bypass curiosity. I'm still the bad guy come this fact. No stranger doubts it. I tell truths that can shatter society's shackles and I give the individual the choice to walk free or to shackle themselves back up again. Take a wild guess what 9 out of 10 people do in the end. Truth begins with the self, and life begins with the conquering of the self. The latter is the hardest part. Discovering your true self - even the parts you're taught to hate, to hide, to pretend don't exist, to label as weaknesses and to feel shame for. The fact that people don't see beyond the typical is why I'm not popular or widely accepted. But then strangely it's my obligation to accept everything else without question or challenge? Ha.. no! And so I do admit, I go out of my way to make it fun to be the bad guy! But I also do admit the parts that I dislike about myself. But I learn to put them to use, and they make for great powers of empathy. Writer Psychology 101! 3 Where am I going with all of this, you wonder, if you haven't already tuned out... The saying, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions," has become quite popular again recently. I can't help but notice that people don't think too hard about what it might mean beyond the typical. Do they ever look at it from different perpectives, or to alternate its objectives? Does it maybe suggest that the road elsewhere is paved with worse things than what awaits in hell? What is hell to you? Did Chester think that hell - if he believed in it - would be better than suffering for something other than himself? As a social commentator and writer (and I think you'll understand me by this point), I set out to provoke purely in order to test who I'm rolling with; to see whether people are getting smarter or dumber; wondering if there are any real heroes left who are as smart as their villains. I don't want to get into what I think and feel when I get to the revelation that so many everyday heroes today are born out of prejudice and intolerance, and that they're absolutely useless without something tangible to beat their fists against. As writers we don't have that luxury. Most of all, I play the villain - I have also gone by the nicknames of Troll, Shitlord, and Bastard - because there is no feeling of redemption quite like knowing you can take this world and ruin it like a reckless force of nature, but that your ultimately good heart won't let you. And there is no feeling like being everybody's villain right up until you prove to be the only motherfucker in the vicinity of somebody's really bad day willing to step up to prevent it getting any worse; and sometimes to transform their lives for the better. What a head fuck - the guy nobody cares about won today and we lost. He proved against all odds that he still gives a shit, and shits he did give! 4 It isn't always that your writing can truly reflect on life's rare certainties, from the issues at hand and right down to the heart, and the impulses that drive us to rights and wrongs. It isn't always that we can expose the raw truth about ourselves to the world, and for it to make perfect sense. Sometimes all you can hope for is for something of little importance to make perfect sense to you and you only. That's what gets us through. It isn't often that good intentions end with good conclusions. Fiction sometimes just gives us what we need emotionally, to cushion the real blows that hurt us into needing heroes and warmth and happy endings. Humans don't get happy endings. But if you or your fictional characters can want to live so bad that you would burn the world down, rather than to end the self on a whim without realising what's at stake, then maybe survival relies on the ability to embrace the villain, to embrace everything we hate about ourselves rather than to hide it away or to kill it off. Maybe only a truly good person, and an enlightened one, could bear to feel a villain's dark heart in place of their own, and to understand what is so important about life that makes all other things seem worthless in comparison. Because even then there is somebody who values life in some way, but also somebody who rejects the futility at all costs. How many get that balance right anyway? The road to salvation does seem paved with cruel intentions - always has! 5 I decided to publish this prose because somebody could always use the help, if not a muse to get them thinking. How will it help you? Give it some time. Mull it over. I believe what I was trying to express is that "best behaviour" and trying to be perfect might be the gold standard, but it still leaves you as vulnerable as anyone else. If you or your characters are going to be vulnerable either way, you might as well be scot free. It's your born right. So even if this helps you to justify your love of all things Literotica, and to know no shame, then good. There's nothing worse than a holier than thou swinging dick telling you whose standards to follow. They can be reminded of this with a hefty boot between the bollocks. Sure beats not knowing how to live with yourself!
Bikini season is nearly upon us. Actually, in some parts of the United States, bikini season is already here... at least, it is during the mid-afternoon. Anyone who visits my apartment will very quickly see that I definitely enjoy seeing young women in bikinis. I especially like the wall calendar of bikini babes from across Asia. But I started to wonder: Just what is it about a young woman wearing a bikini that I find so appealing? So I thought about it... As I noted previously in one of my stories without consciously considering it at the time, "I have always considered women (and girls) in bikinis as being very sure of themselves in virtually all aspects of life." Granted, not all of them truly have the body to be wearing a bikini, but they are the women who do not necessarily care what society thinks of them, who follow their own path, who have such a strong level of self-confidence that one can only admire it and wish to achieve a similar level of self-confidence. Another reason for liking to see women in bikinis: the (lack of) coverage. At least in the States, despite the seeming desire for females to wear less and less and less, American society is still rather puritanical overall (a fact which certain foreign friends keep bringing up regularly with me), requiring that certain female body parts be covered, although "allowances" are apparently made for the showing of cleavage. Bikinis, depending on their design, can conform to the puritanical requirement of coverage while also flaunting what makes someone visually feminine. ...and, admittedly, I like to see what makes someone visually feminine ;-) Fortunately, there is a wide variety of bikinis available – seemingly one for every woman on the planet. Bikinis with panty-style briefs, thongs, g-strings, drawstring-ties on the sides. Bikini bras with narrower and narrower and narrower cups, triangular cups, halter style, standard bra-style, t-back style, front-tying drawstring style. Even better, unlike most clothing young women wear in public, bikinis are designed to be seen while also ensuring the wearing is being seen. In my cast at least, I can be minding my own business, walking across campus, thinking about work or about upcoming plans or about anything other than women or sex or erotica, and as soon as my peripheral vision notices someone in a bikini (or even just a bikini bra, paired with shorts or a skirt), my subconscious mind will kick into high gear and turn my head in her direction, forcing my eyes to follow, and once my eyes are truly focused upon her, she will certainly obtain my full admiration. At least when amongst the general public, there is little else that the average young woman can wear that can attract this type of attention when compared against the bikini. As one of my bosses said once, "A woman is only sexy when you cannot truly see what she has to offer." The bikini definitely conforms to this quote. By its very nature, the bikini leaves a woman much more exposed than any other clothing designed to be worn when in public. Yet it does provide coverage – just enough coverage – to comply with America's puritanical dictates and still present a very sexy image to attract the attention (and the lust?) of others. Yes, there is a cameltoe "movement" amongst Internet porn or semi-porn sites, and it is possible to discern a woman's womanly charms if her bikini does present such a view of her. Often, the material used for the bikini (especially the bikini bra) is so thin that even when not erect, the young woman's nipples are easily discernable, adding another layer of "sexy" to the image she portrays. So, not only does she have such a strong level of self- confidence, her sex appeal (for those interested in the female form) rises automatically... and for some people who admire her, some other things are also likely to rise automatically. Yes, I am being somewhat tongue-in-cheek (tongue-through-cheek?) as I write about the bikini. Certainly, not everyone has quite the same view of the bikini as I do. But to stop and think about the bikini and why it appeals to me is somewhat fun... and enlightening as well. Perhaps my personal thoughts on the bikini (and the young women who wear them) will spark a conversation over drinks, or at least cause others to think more favorably of the next person seen wearing a bikini. If nothing else, especially for those in northern climates, this should hopefully cast a ray of sunshine into the depths of winter given that Punxsutawney Phil did see his shadow today. Samuel Xavier is a big and tall Black man of Haitian descent living unhappily in the City of Ottawa, Ontario. For Samuel Xavier, the City of Ottawa is Hell but he can't escape it just yet. Ottawa is the sort of town where nothing good happens and the locals are so buried in their xenophobia and passive aggression that they don't realize they're in Hell. In fact, to compare the City of Ottawa to Hell is to insult Hell itself. At least in Hell, with the fire and brimstone, the torment and the torture, there's at least some excitement to be had. Nothing exciting ever happens in Ottawa, a city packed with passive aggressive obstructionist assholes, flaky bitches, garden variety racists, male stalkers and creeps. The City of Ottawa sucks and Samuel wants to get his citizenship and high tail it out of there. Covid has slowed the process down, much to his everlasting chagrin. The burly Haitian brother has had it with the Canadian Capital and the weirdoes that call it home. If it weren't for Covid, Samuel would be visiting places like the Caribbean or Mexico. The kind of places where real people live. Oh well, one does what one can in this life. Samuel has some time to kill until he gets his citizenship and makes his big move. In the meantime, Samuel takes care of his little dog Harriet, and handles his business, as they say... After graduating with a Criminology degree from Carleton University, a school that seems friendly and diverse but which treats minority students like shit, Samuel Xavier is looking for work. The job market in the City of Ottawa isn't the greatest, especially for recent university grads. It's just a fact of life. Samuel Xavier doesn't consider his security guard gig a real job, and wants to find something a bit more professional in the Canadian government sector or perhaps the private sector. The people that Samuel Xavier works with are about as interesting as watching wet paint dry, seriously... The world of private security attracts two kinds of people, young men and young women who are in college or graduated recently, and are doing this until they find a real job, and old-timers who've been in the job too damn long. Security guards are treated like shit by the almighty clients of the security companies which employ them. Security guards also treat other guards like shit. Even in this Erebus, white security guards feel the urge to put down minority guards while swearing that race has nothing to do with it. Welcome to life in the Canadian Capital... Another issue with the world of private security is that it attracts its fair share of creeps. Samuel seems to be a magnet for creeps. In the past, the big and tall Haitian man has had to go to the police to get his stalkers to stop following him around. One such stalker is a creepy old Asian dude named Lee who hangs around downtown Ottawa and has been obsessed with Samuel for years. Samuel has never fucked the bozo and wants nothing to do with him. This is reason number eight hundred and ten why Samuel wants to leave Ottawa and never come back... "I know where to sign, dude," Samuel Xavier told Gerry, the effeminate white male security guard seated at the front desk in a certain Canadian government building in downtown Ottawa. The tall, dark-haired, pale-skinned and skinny fellow, who stares in a super-creepy manner at every male security guard and every male contractor, gets on a lot of people's nerves. Gerry is close friends with Kristina Badger, the site manager, which explains a lot. In Samuel's experience, creepy guys who do weird shit at work usually get away with it because they're tight with management. Go figure... "You look great in your uniform, sir," Gerry said with a sycophantic smile, and Samuel ignored the bozo and went down the elevator. Bozos like Gerry give the LGBT community a bad name. Samuel is openly bisexual but doesn't make a big deal out of it, doesn't advertise it, and tries to live a normal life. Samuel doesn't hit on guys at work, because that's definitely a creepy and weird thing to do. Socially clueless weirdoes like Gerry are always hitting on people at work, and piss him off. Samuel has always ignored Gerry and doesn't see a reason to change. One of these days, if Gerry doesn't wise up, Samuel intends to file a complaint against him. Enough is bloody enough... Exiting the elevator, Samuel headed to the security guards breakroom, and hung his coat. Samuel put his lunch and drinks in the fridge, and then grabbed a radio. The brother was about to leave when the door swung open. A young Black woman in a security uniform walked in. Samuel checked her out. The gal was tall, sort of tomboyish in spite of having long hair, and she was also dark- skinned and pretty in a wholesome kind of way. When Samuel made eye contact with her, the gal looked uncomfortable. "I was just leaving, ma'am," Samuel said, and he smiled at the female guard before exiting the premises. Samuel took the stairs instead of the elevator, and returned to the main floor. This particular Canadian government was empty thanks to Covid, but there was still a lot of work going on. The Canadian government hired contractors to fix stuff, and it was part of Samuel's duties to escort them as they moved about in the building. The contractors are quite often some rude buggers who disrespect the guards, so Samuel doesn't talk to them anymore than he has to... While waiting for the contractors upstairs, Samuel was accosted by a chubby older Black male named Francis Adabor, a fellow from the City of Accra, Ghana. From the way Francis looked at him, Samuel could tell that the Ghanaian fellow was at least bisexual. Francis, a chatty type, pestered Samuel with questions, and along the way, the Haitian brother learned that he had a wife named Marie and a son named Ismael. Samuel was trying to extricate himself from his unwanted conversation with Francis when the female guard from downstairs arrived... "Miss Kinyo, my fine Nigerian sister, welcome back," Francis said, greeting the tall, tomboyish young Black woman. Samuel looked at Miss Kinyo and nodded respectfully. He noticed that her name tag stated her full name as Fatoumatta Morena Kinyo. Since the contractors weren't around, the three security guards bantered to pass the time. Miss Kinyo didn't seem to mind chatting with Francis Adabor but seemed reserved around Samuel. This made the big and tall Haitian brother frown. Lately, a lot of ladies appear nervous around him. Samuel fancies himself a friendly sort, without overdoing it, so what gives? "How long have you been in the field of security?" Samuel asked Miss Kinyo, and the young Black woman pursed her lips and looked at him. Up close, Miss Kinyo was pretty, but there was something odd about her. Samuel is a master of sensing otherness in others, though while lacking in specifics. Samuel noticed that there seemed to be a gap between Miss Kinyo's responses when she was asked a question, either from Samuel himself or Francis. Was Miss Kinyo shy? Did Miss Kinyo have a speech impediment? Hmm, interesting... "I've been with the company for a couple of months," Miss Kinyo said, tight- lipped, and Samuel nodded. Whether Samuel is dealing with a sexy woman or a hot guy, he didn't believe in forcing it. If a lady doesn't feel like dealing with Samuel, then the Haitian brother could take a damned hint. The awkward silence ended when the contractors arrived, and the guards parted ways, each escorting a different person to another part of the massive Canadian government building. Samuel was relieved. Miss Kinyo and Francis Adabor were about as interesting as watching wet paint dry... Samuel and Wyatt, the contractor he was escorting, went to the mezzanine where the dude started fixing stuff after taking out his tools. Some security guards like to hang close to the contractor while escorting him or her on Canadian government property. Samuel doesn't give a shit and tends to hang back some distance away, either reading a book or playing on his phone. Wyatt grabbed a ladder and started fixing the ceiling lights, so Samuel figured he wasn't going anywhere. Heading to the bathroom, Samuel went into a stall, and closed it. After taking a piss, the burly Haitian brother realized he had an altogether different need. Closing his eyes, Samuel began to masturbate. Samuel thought about the last porno he'd watched. The dark and handsome Brian Pumper, African American porn star, getting his dick sucked by a sexy blonde woman. Samuel's dick remained unimpressed, so he thought about something else. Samuel is bisexual, so different scenarios are right up his alley. He thought about tall, sexy blonde Transgender porn star Morgan Bailey fucking the hell out of some Black dude named Lorenzo. Hot scene, but it didn't get Samuel hard either, dammit... Samuel stroked his long and thick, uncircumcised dick. He visualized various porn stars, female, male and even Transgender, but none of them could get him going. Samuel visualized his annoying co-workers Francis Adabor and Miss Fatoumatta Morena Kinyo, and in his fantasy, the chubby Ghanaian male and the tall, tomboyish Nigerian woman joined him in the bathroom for some fun. The bisexual Haitian stud doesn't discriminate when it comes to sex, and any hottie can get it so long as they're not weird or creepy... "Hmm, let's share that big Haitian dick," Fatoumatta Morena Kinyo said to her pal Francis Adabor, and the two Africans knelt before the burly Haitian stud. Samuel grinned as the Black couple grabbed his dick and started sucking him off. Stroking his dick, Samuel imagined Fatoumatta sucking his balls while Francis sucked his dick. The two Africans worked together to get the bisexual Haitian man's dick hard as a rock. In the end, Samuel came all over Fatoumatta and Francis faces, and the African couple surprised him by drinking all of his manly spunk... "Um, sir, I'm done," came a voice, snatching Samuel Xavier out of fantasyland. In the bathroom, Samuel groaned, and tucked his dick back into his pants. After washing his hands and checking his reflection in the mirror, Samuel exited the washroom. Wyatt the contractor had his tools and ladder folded up and was ready to leave. The security company hired Samuel Xavier to escort this dude for an eight-hour shift and the dude finished his work in less than an hour. Wonderful. Frigging wonderful. "All good, finishing early is always good," Samuel Xavier said to Wyatt the contractor as they headed down. Wyatt nodded and started jawing about the fun he had with his family in Arnprior the previous weekend. Samuel smiled politely and didn't say anything. Co-workers and clients are not a working man's friends, and it's best to be polite and distant. The burly Haitian man led the contractor to the front desk, where they signed out. Samuel would be paid at least four hours for less than an hour of work. As expected, Gerry the fairy had a lot to say about Samuel leaving early, even though work had concluded... "Find somebody else to stare at, bozo," Samuel said to Gerry as he exited the antique Canadian government building. Heading out into the sunlight after grabbing his lightweight coat, Samuel spotted Fatoumatta Morena Kinyo and Francis Adabor on a smoke break with their respective contractors. Francis waved at Samuel while Fatoumatta looked nervous. The young Nigerian woman's behavior puzzled the hell out of Samuel Xavier. He didn't know her and had never seen her before. What was the tall Black gal's problem? Did she had a neurological issue? Was she a dyke? Whatever. Samuel Xavier smiled at his co- workers and headed out. Outside, it was bright and sunny, and neither warm nor cold, which appealed to Samuel Xavier. Sighing happily, Samuel pondered what to do with the rest of his day. Even during Covid, there are still some fun things to do in downtown Ottawa, if one knows where to look. Samuel Xavier walked to the Rideau center nearby, and grabbed some Chinese food. There was a creepy Black dude with dreads pushing a cleaning cart hanging out in the food court and he stared hard at Samuel, but the Haitian brother ignored the bozo. Let the fucker stare all he wants. Samuel is proudly bisexual but he doesn't sleep with weirdoes, creeps, or human trash, female or male. After grabbing his Chinese food, Samuel headed home to his little dog Harriet. Life is not great, but it's okay...
_Disclaimer: I do not own Pretty Little Liars and have no association with anyone involved in the show. I do not make any money from the writing of this story._ Author's note: This story takes place in the second half of Season 6. ***** 5 years. 5 long years since they had last been all in a room together and in a weird way it felt like no time had passed at all. They all looked the same, except more beautiful than she remembered them. Or maybe that was just her newly discovered lesbian tendencies kicking in. Then again she had always found them beautiful. But she was pretty sure it had been in a platonic way, whereas there was nothing platonic about the thoughts which initially crossed her mind as she slowly and cautiously approached them. Then they spotted who was with her, and their initial happy expressions quickly deteriorated into scowls, Ali predictably being the one to speak out. "What is she doing here?" Alison demanded. "Relax Ali, it's not like she wasn't tortured by Charlotte too." Spencer said bitterly, earning herself a glare from their former leader. "Actually-" Hanna piped up, momentarily hesitating as all eyes turned to her, "That's not why she's here." "Then why..." Alison began, only to trail off when Hanna cautiously took Mona's hands. "We're... together." Hanna squeaked, but only because Mona squeezed her hand, silently giving her strength. There was a brief pause, and then Aria asked, "Like... together-together? As in dating?" Hanna rolled her eyes, "Yes, together as in dating." "And you brought her here why?" Alison said dryly. "Look Ali-" Hanna began. "Hanna!" Alison cut her off, "If you want to experiment, that's fine. I did. In fact, I think we all did, except Emily. Obviously it was more than that for her. But couldn't you be doing it with someone else? Anyone else?" Hanna gritted her teeth throughout that little speech, then she did something rashly that she thought would be hard, "Actually, it isn't just an experiment for me. Or just dating." There was a round of gasps from the other girls. More accurately Aria, Emily and Spencer simultaneously gasped loudly, Ali was too stunned at first, but eventually gasped, while Mona just stood there and smiled triumphantly. Hanna didn't need to turn around to know that. She knew her fiancé too well. But she also knew her friends well, and this hadn't exactly been the way she had wanted to do this. Well, truthfully she wasn't sure she wanted to do it at all, but ideally she had wanted to break the news to them one by one, not all at once like this, and now she was standing here like an idiot, holding up her hand so they can all see the engagement ring on her finger Hanna couldn't help second-guess herself. Then Alison mumbled, "I need some air." There was another pause as Ali walked away, and then Emily, bless her heart, smiled and asked, "So, when's the wedding/" "Forget the wedding!" Spencer explained, "How long has this been going on?" Finally putting her hand down and looking bashful Hanna admitted after a few long seconds of hesitation, "About... 5 years." "5 YEARS!" Spencer exclaimed. "So, like... right after the Charlotte as A reveal?" Aria slowly connected the dots. "You've been dating this entire time, and didn't tell us?" Emily failed to hide how hurt she was. "Yeah." Hanna admitted, focusing on Emily's question as she dropped down into the nearest chair, "We haven't exactly been great about keeping in touch." "Hey..." Spencer tried to protest, before admitting, "I've just been really busy." "We all have Spence." Emily reminded her friend. There was a brief pause then Aria asked, "Is this why you cancelled the last few times we tried meeting up?" "You tried meeting up? Without the rest of us?" Aria frowned. "Oh, I... erm." Spencer stammered, before quickly gaining control of herself, "I just had something I wanted to ask." "What is it?" Hanna asked. "Actually... it was a question for Mona." Spencer admitted with a blush, before turning her attention back to Hanna, "But that can wait. I still have so many questions about, this." "Ask away." Hanna sighed. There was a long pause and then Aria asked, "How did it happen, exactly?" "Well..." Hanna hesitated, glancing at her fiancé, who was now sitting on the chair beside her. "Do you want me to tell them?" Mona asked as she took Hanna's hand in hers. "No, it's fine. I told you, it should be me." Hanna gently reminded her woman, before taking a deep breath and admitting, "I'm not ashamed. It's just, kind of cliché." "So..." Aria pushed. "So..." Hanna continued after another deep breath, "It was the night after we found out Charlotte was A. Caleb and I just got into a huge fight and we broke up, and Mona found me drinking my sorrows away. She tried to get me to leave, but after everything we've been through it was easy to talk her into staying. And then one thing led to another." "I didn't mean for it to happen." Mona quickly clarified, "I mean, I hoped it would, but I was just as drunk as she was, and no matter how hard I try I just can't remember our first time together. Which must be karma or something." "Then we woke up in bed together, and I kind of, maybe, sort of, freaked out." Hanna confessed. "Kind of, maybe, sort of?" Mona teased. "Okay, I totally freaked out." Hanna admitted with a smile, "But then I noticed Mona wasn't. Or more accurately she was upset, but she wasn't surprised. Then, after a lot of pushing, I got her to finally admit how she really felt about me. Which I can see now was fairly obvious. Hindsight, am I right?" "Erm, no." Spencer scoffed, "She literally went crazy-" "Spencer!" Hanna protested. "Sorry." Spencer sighed, correcting herself, "She became the first A and turned our lives into a living nightmare, because we were taking you away from her. Plus there was breaking into your house to watch you sleep, and dressing up as Caleb just so she could slow dance with you, and-" "Okay, I get it. I'm freaking blind." Hanna grumbled. "If it makes you feel better I didn't know." Aria chimed in. "It shouldn't." Spencer huffed, "Literally everybody else knew except you." "Please, you only knew because you walked in on me and Em talking about it." Alison quipped, seemingly appearing as if from nowhere. "I-" Spencer began to protest, before a knowing glance from Ali shut her down, "I would have got there eventually." "Yeah, right." Alison grumbled, and then after a long pause admitted, "So, okay... Han, sorry I freaked out. It's just... Mona did a lot of bad things-" "Like you did, you mean?" Mona quipped, "Or like your sister?" "Both." Alison said sombrely. "More the latter than the former." Aria grumbled. "Yeah Ali, you mostly just teased us." Emily pointed out. "And so did Mona!" Aria added helpfully, before frowning, "Except the whole running Hanna over with a car thing." "Under!" Hanna clarified, "She ran under me, anyway we're past that now." "Yeah, you just bounced off the hood of her car and almost broke your neck. No big." Spencer grumbled, and then when Hanna gave her a look held up her hands, "I know, I know, I'm sorry. It's just... all of this is bringing back bad memories." "Which is why we haven't exactly hung out a lot recently." Aria nodded wisely, like it wasn't obvious. "Yeah, that's why I'm trying to apologise." Alison said softly, "Especially considering what I'm asking you guys to do for Charlotte. But, I just don't want you to get hurt Han." "I appreciate that." Hanna smiled. "And that's the last thing I want." Mona promised, "Seriously guys, no need for the shovel talk here, because you couldn't possibly do anything to me that would be worse than screwing up my one chance with this woman." "Awww." Aria cooed. Emily cooed too, and then after a brief pause chimed in, "I think we should give Mona a chance. It's been 5 years, and she has obviously changed for the better if Hanna is giving her a chance." "Fine." Spencer sighed after a long pause. "I'm in." Aria smile. "One condition..." Alison said after another brief pause, "You answer my next questions honestly. No exceptions." "Done." Hanna agreed without hesitation. Making her pay for it Alison turned to Mona and asked, "So, how much of a bottom is she?" "Ali!" Emily exclaimed, most of her friends joining in. Although after a few seconds Mona smirked, "Hanna? Over 1000%." "Mona!" Hanna blushed. "Sorry honey, but you're the one who agreed to be honest." Mona pointed out with a grin, "And I love making you blush." "Well cut it out." Hanna whined. "But I had so many more questions." Alison pouted, before teasing, "Like, is Han a Pillow Princess?" "I'm not!" Hanna protested, then blushed slightly at what she was implying. "She's my Princess." Mona smiled softly, pulling Hanna closer in a little hug. As her friends awwed Hanna snuggled into Mona's body, partly as a silent thank you because the response sounded sweet, and there was a chance Mona meant it that way. But it could also mean something else, a certain little pet name Mona had become very fond of using on her, and the thought that Mona had used it so casually in this conversation, or at least hinted to it, made Hanna blush. That was the other reason she allowed herself into this little hug, so she could try and hide that embarrassment. Unfortunately Alison saw right through this attempt, and worse, given the looks on their faces so did her other friends. "Princess of what?" Ali pushed. "Just my Princess." Mona replied pretty convincingly, just not convincingly enough. "You promised to be honest?" Alison sing-songed. "Well, actually that was Hanna." Mona pointed out. "Why do you care?" Spencer asked. "Just curious." Alison shrugged, then when her friends gave her a look she admitted, "I was freaked out at first, but the more I think about it, the more this relationship makes sense. I just, I just want to make sure a total bottom like Hanna is getting the kind of tender love and care she needs." "She is." Hanna said firmly. There was a long pause and then Ali smirked, picked up her phone and cryptically said, "Well then... let's do it this way..." Moments later Hanna had a text which read: Are you Mona's Pussy Licking Princess? Hanna blushed, glared at Alison, but admitted, "Yes." Another brief pause and then as if she was psychic Alison smirked and pushed, "Honesty Hanna, remember?" "Yes but..." Hanna blushed, and then after a long pause replied to Alison's text. Beaming happily when she saw it Alison exclaimed, "I knew it!" "What?" Spencer frowned, and then blushed when Ali showed her the text, "Oh." Curiosity clearly getting the better of them Aria and Emily moved so they can see Ali's phone, Hanna dying with embarrassment as the other blonde smirked and told her, "Wow Han, you really are getting exactly what you need." * Thankfully after that the conversation had moved away from Hanna's sex life to the reason they had all come together for the first time in 5 years, to decide whether to help Charlotte DiLaurentis, the girl who had tortured them for years, to be released from her mental hospital. Things had got pretty ugly after that, the six of them arguing fiercely and then going their separate ways when Alison made them agree they would think about it. God, Hanna was so glad to be back home and away from that manipulative bitch. Especially back home and in her childhood bedroom with her beloved fiancé. Sure, they didn't immediately fall into each other's arms, but it was just nice to be alone together. Even if Hanna couldn't stop thinking about Alison. After giving her girl a few minutes to relax Mona asked out of curiosity, "Did you really tell Alison you're my Anal Princess?" Hanna blushed, and protested, "She just wouldn't let it go." "Hey, you don't have to tell me that Alison DiLaurentis has a habit of getting what she wants, no matter what." Mona quipped bitterly, before smiling softly, "When she actually goes for it." That last part was a little confusing for Hanna, but she was too annoyed at her friend to ask about it, instead grumbling, "God, I thought I was going to have to pull down my pants and show off my butt-plug just to get her to shut up." Mona grinned wickedly, and step closer to her lover, "I would have loved that." "I bet you would." Hanna grumbled, although she allowed Mona to gently wrap her arms around her. "Especially if you had spread your cheeks an let your friends get a good look at the hole I own." Mona softly growled into Hanna's ear while pressing herself more firmly against her, "Well, all of you is mine, but it would be so fun to show off my favourite fuck hole, and tell them exactly how you became my Anal Princess." "I think I would have liked that too." Hanna admitted with a soft moan. "I could have also told them just how much you love being fucked in the ass, and what it's like to screw you there, and just how hard you cum when I remind you of what you truly are." Mona huskily whispered into Hanna's ear, "Would you have liked that, huh? Or how about now? Would you like a little reminder now, my little Anal Princess?" "God yes." Hanna moaned softly, "Remind me Mona, remind me right now." Suddenly turning her around to look at her Mona offered, "How about a warm up?" "Works for me." Hanna grinned, happily welcoming Mona's lips with her own. Mona briefly considered skipping that 'warm up' as pressing herself up against that perfect ass combined with that little exchange had her aching to just pull down Hanna's pants and just go to town on her favourite fuck hole. Plus it was kind of Alison's fault for pushing them to define exactly what kind of Princess Hanna was, which definitely put Mona in the mood for some anal. Although she was always in the mood for anal sex when Hanna and her juicy ass was around, Mona shamelessly groping that ass as she and Hanna made out like a pair of teenagers. Like Mona wished they'd made out when they were teenagers, often in this very room. It was never easy having a crush on your best friend, and while Mona went a little crazy over it honestly it was hard to truly regret even the most unforgivable stuff as she was here now with the girl she had been in love with for what felt like her whole life. She tried to fight it, lie to herself, desperately tried to make relationships with boys work, but in the end Mona's true feelings had come out, and instead of being rejected like she was so certain she would be Mona got everything she ever wanted. And now she wanted to give Hanna everything she wanted. Everything she needed. Everything she deserved. Which included, despite what Hanna might think right now, at least a little foreplay. Besides, while Mona was definitely an ass girl Hanna's big boobs were definitely in needed some attention, and Mona was only too happy to give it. After a few long minutes of kissing of course, in which Mona slowly stripped off both of their clothes, laid Hanna down on the bed and got on top of her. Then she spent a little time on Hanna's neck, marking her territory by digging her teeth into the soft flesh, before finally moving lower to those full titties, Mona smirking with delight as she slowly made her way up one of them and then lingered around the nipple before taking it into her mouth. Which of course had Hanna whimpering so becomingly, which in turn only had Mona teasing her more. Ultimately though Mona slid her tongue around that nipple and then took it into her mouth for a gentle sucking, which had Hanna moaning wonderfully loudly. Mona then slowly kissed her way down that breast and made her way up the other and again only paying attention to the nipple after a few lingering kisses to the surrounding flesh. She then repeated the process a few times, although she spent longer on the nipples themselves this time than the teasing into Mona was just going directly back and forth. Which sound of it Hanna very much appreciated it, especially when Mona added her hands into the equation, playing with the one nipple and pushing the other one firmly into her mouth. Hanna loved what Mona was doing to her, and she really hated to complain, but Mona knew fully well that it really didn't take much to turn her on. Partly because she walked around all day with a butt-plug in her ass, reminding her of just what kind of slut she truly was, but also because she had an incredibly sexy girlfriend turned fiancé, and whenever Hanna thought about Mona she thought about all the wonderfully wicked things they did together. Plus if she was honest while her friends finding out she liked anal was incredibly humiliating it was the kind of humiliation which Hanna actually got off on, so after the initial embarrassment past the only thing keeping her from being horny was her anger at Charlotte, and it only took a brief conversation with Mona for that to become a distant memory. On the other hand Mona spending this much time on her tits was a rare treat which Hanna felt she should savour. Also, as a bottom Hanna sometimes had to remind herself that it was what her top wanted which truly mattered. That she didn't want to be a bratty bottom, but Mona's good girl. Her good little submissive slut. Her Princess. Oh yes, Hanna was Mona's little Princess, and she desperately wanted to please her Queen. And if that meant lying back and letting Mona going back and forth between her tits for a little while so be it. But Hanna had never exactly been a patient person, and there was only so long she could resist saying something. Although the fact that this lasted so long was probably a good sign that Mona wanted her to eventually say something. "More baby, mmmmm, please give me more." Hanna finally whimpered. "What do you want Han?" Mona asked, barely pausing her sucking of Hanna's nipples. "Your pussy! Mmmmm fuck, I want your pussy!" Hanna said without hesitation, "Oh baby, I wanna lick your pussy! Mmmmm yeahhhhhh, lick you good and make you cum all over my face. Make you wanna return the favour by making me cum like the little anal loving bitch I am with your big dick up my ass! Ohhhhhh yessssss, oh baby, mmmmm, sit on my face! Sit on my face so I can fucking drown in your cum!" "Well, since you asked so nicely." Mona purred before rewarding her slut. With that Mona slowly crawled up her body until her pussy was hovering over Hanna's face, and then she abruptly sat down on her. Hanna tried to lift her head up to meet Mona half way, anticipating her woman teasing her some more, but thankfully it seemed that part of the evening was over, Hanna welcoming the feeling of being forced down by Mona's wet pussy to the soft bed sheets below. She loved it when Mona played rough. Not that it was that rough considering Mona quickly lowered herself down, but she didn't just drop her full weight down in a second. No, she went just slow enough not to hurt Hanna, and get most of her weight on her knees/legs so she wasn't squashing her. Unfortunately. That might change once Hanna started to make Mona cum, and Hanna hoped it would as there was little she liked more than being smothered by Mona's cunt. For now though she just concentrated on licking it, Hanna moaning against Mona's cunt as she tasted the flavour that she constantly craved. God, and to think there had been a time she wasn't sure she would like the taste of pussy. And now? Hanna was a total pussy slut. At least for Mona's yummy cunt, Hanna trying to get more of those heavenly juices by lingering on her fiancé's clit with every stroke of her tongue, and eventually even taking it into her mouth and sucking on it. Mona closed her eyes, tilted her head back and let out an extra loud cry as Hanna began lingering on her clit. She then savoured that heavenly feeling for a few long seconds, maybe even a minute, before forcing herself to make an extremely tough decision. Whether or not she wanted to cum quickly or not. Hanna had gotten so good at eating her pussy, it was extremely hard not to want to savour this feeling for hours and not just a couple of seconds. However Mona had been horny ever since Alison had forced the truth out about Hanna being Mona's little Anal Princess. It just brought Mona such joy to know that Hanna's friends knew just how submissive and slutty Hanna was. That she regularly fucked her up the ass. That Hanna was the bitch in their relationship. That Hanna was her bitch. Even as Alison had spoilt the mood for everyone else by bringing up her sister Mona couldn't stop thinking about that truth being uncovered, and it made her worried that if she ordered Hanna to settle in for a long pussy licking Mona would beg for more embarrassingly quickly. Besides, the sooner she came the sooner she would be fucking Hanna's sweet ass. So Mona didn't scold Hanna for paying extra attention to her clit without permission. No, she rewarded her, first with extra loud moans, gasps, whimpers and cries of pure pleasure, then inevitably with the kind of encouragement that they both loved so much, and always got Mona what she wanted. "Yessssss, fuck me baby! Fuck me with your pretty mouth!" Mona moaned, "Mmmmmm yesssssss, lick my clit! Lick it just like that! Oooooooh yesssssss, ohhhhhhh fuck, you're gonna make me cum! You're gonna make me cum already in your pretty little mouth and all over your beautiful face just from your talented little tongue. Mmmmmm, and everyone knowing that you're my little Anal Princess who loves it when I fuck her in the ass. Mmmmmm yeahhhhhh, I love that. I love you're BFFs knowing what a twisted little dyke you really are. Yeahhhhhh, it's got me so horny that I'm going to cum for you now, ooooooh, I just need a little more. I need you to fuck me! Ohhhhhhh yeah, fuck me with your tongue. Come on Hanna, make me cum, ooooooooh fuck yeah, fuck me my Princess, tongue fuck me, ohhhhhh fuckkkkkkk yeahhhhhhh, aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh shit!" Throughout that little speech Hanna eagerly licked her clit, somehow each lick feeling more eager, even as Mona reminded her of the humiliation she had suffered earlier in the day. Which just proved how submissive Hanna was, and made Mona love her even more. Then of course the second she had permission Hanna slammed her tongue inside of her pussy and then rapidly began to fuck her with it. For a few long seconds Mona considered trying to hold back, perhaps to make up for her lack of patience, or perhaps to just savour the moment. Either way before she could make up her mind Hanna made her cum, forcing the choice out of her hands. After that Mona just concentrated on grinding down onto Hanna's pretty little face so she could thoroughly cover it with her cum and make it very clear who was boss here. At least until she became too lost in cumming, the combination of grinding down onto her childhood friend turned fiancé and Hanna ramming her tongue back inside her and fucking her with it whenever she got the chance, or just licking her clit, making Mona cum over and over again like the well-trained rug muncher she had become. That Mona had turned her into, the thought making Mona cum hard with almost a sadistic smile on her face. Just like the thought of what she would do next. Hanna tried, but whenever she was in this position she just couldn't swallow everything Mona had to give her. Or even the majority of it. Especially when Mona was grinding down on her face. But that was okay, because she was able to collect most of the heavenly cream that she craved above everything else, or at least any other form of food or drink. More importantly Mona was marking Hanna as what she was, hers. Oh yes, Hanna was looking forward to wearing girl cum with pride, especially as Mona fucked her in the ass to really prove who was boss. But in the meantime she put every ounce of her being into making her top cum as hard and as frequently as possible. Unfortunately that didn't include tongue fucking nearly as often as she would have liked. In fact when Mona really got going it was almost impossible to return her tongue to that yummy little fuck hole, and impossible to get a rhythm going before Mona came again. So Hanna just had to settle for rapidly licking Mona's clit, or just sticking out her tongue allowing Mona to grind into it. Either way it ensured that she was practically drowned in girl cum, so much so that Hanna was actually worried Mona wouldn't have enough left in the tank to give her a proper ass fucking. Of course she should have known her top better by now, a point proven when Mona lifted herself off of Hanna's face and then lean down. Hanna closed her eyes because she thought she was about to be kissed, only she got something better. "So, who wants to be ass fucked?" Mona smiled wickedly. "Oh, I do, I do!" Hanna eagerly replied. "Well, go get me a cock then." Mona ordered, getting off of Hanna completely, "And no lube, I want you to suck it." That was more than fine with Hanna, as she loved to suck Mona's cock, and thanks to the butt-plug and the constant ass fuckings Mona gave her they both knew from experience a little saliva would do fine. So Hanna hurried to do as she was told like a good little sub, picking out a nice big strap-on from her luggage and then returning to Mona who was now standing to the side of the bed. Hanna then held out the harness, allowing Mona to step into it, before the submissive blonde pulled the toy up the dominant brunette's thighs and strapped it tightly around her waist. Then with a wicked grin Hanna stroked the cock as if it was real and lovingly stared up at Mona as she slowly did as she was told by leaning forwards and opened her mouth. "Ohhhhhhh yessssss, take it into your mouth you little slut! Oh yeah, suck it!" Mona eagerly encouraged, reaching down to stroke that beautiful blonde hair, "Mmmmm, that's it Han, suck my cock. Get it nice and wet for your little bitch hole. Ooooooh yessssss, we both know this is the only kind of lube that whore ass of yours needs, and we both want it fucked bad, so do a good job and I'll pound it good and hard. Make you cum like the little butt sex loving bitch you are. Yeahhhhhh Han, you're nothing but a little anal slut. My anal slut. My little Anal Princess. And now you're my little Cock Sucking Princess. Yesssss, take it deep cock sucker! Oh fuck!" Obediently Hanna wrapped her lips around that dick and started eagerly bobbing her head up and down it while salivating all over it. At first she concentrated on just the first few inches, but like the well-trained cock sucker she was Hanna took more and more of it until that big dick was sliding down her throat. She'd never done this for Caleb, or any other guy she'd ever been with, but it always felt natural to do it for Mona, and her wonderful top gave her plenty of practice to the point where now she was able to take every inch without gagging. Well, she could fight through the tears just enough to stuff the full length of the dildo down her throat, and even take a face fucking if Mona was in the mood for that kind of treatment. For better or for worse she wasn't, instead forcefully pulling Hanna off the dick by her hair and ordered, "Get into your natural position. It's ass fucking time." Mona then chuckled with delight at just how quickly Hanna scrambled up onto the bed and wiggled her perfect ass at her. Then the grin slowly faded from her face and she just became lost in staring lustfully at her prize. Hanna's ass was by far her best feature, and sometimes Mona still couldn't believe it was hers. That she got to fuck that ass on a daily basis. And sometimes on an hourly basis if they were particularly in the mood. And sometimes she just had to take a moment to savour that fact, like right now. Then ultimately she grinned wickedly and moved into position so she could do what it felt like she was born for. Give or take a little more preparation. Although she was aching to just get on with it Mona just couldn't resist teasing Hanna with a little more preparation, first in the form of grabbing the butt-plug and beginning to slide it back and forth, causing Hanna's ass hole to stretch around the toy and her beautiful fiancé to whimper pathetically at the teasing treatment. Then she pulled the plug all the way out and spat into that loosened back hole. Mona then bit her lip, briefly considered her options, and then stuck out her tongue and slid it around the opened hole before pushing it inside, making Hanna gasp loudly in pleasure, and then whimper in obvious disappointment. "No, fuck me!" Hanna whined, "Mona, I need to be fucked. Please, no more teasing, Please?" "Shut up and suck on this!" Mona ordered, pulling her face away from Hanna's ass and reaching over to press the butt-plug against her fiancé's lips. Ever the obedient little submissive whore, and ass to mouth slut, Hanna didn't hesitate to wrap her lips around that toy and greedily start sucking it. Although she may have also done that so she could spit out the plug when she was finished and could continue her whining, the thought of which was enough to push Mona to quickly move back to kneeling behind Hanna and continuing the rim job. Which was something a lot of tops thought should be strictly for bottoms to perform, and they had spent plenty of nights with Hanna's face buried in Mona's butt. It was just Hanna's perfect ass was so tasty, and even though the last thing her fiancé needed was more preparation Mona just couldn't resist. Of course Mona was not a cruel top, and she showed that now as she was willing to compromise by making it a quick rim job, at least by their standards. She did that by shoving her tongue as deep into Hanna's ass as it would go as soon as she was back in position, and thanks to the plug and recent ass fuckings that was nice and deep. Then after savouring the sensation for a few brief seconds Mona started hammering her tongue in and out of Hanna's butt, again making her girl gasp, moan and whimper in pleasure, albeit around a butt-plug this time. Which Hanna kept in her mouth for longer than Mona thought she would, but ultimately the greedy anal whore just couldn't stop herself from proving Mona right. Spitting out the thoroughly cleaned butt-plug Hanna pleaded, "Please Mona, fuck me! Fuck my slutty little ass hole! Mmmmm, your tongue feels sooooooo good inside it, but I don't need it. I need your cock! Ohhhhhh yeahhhhh, I need your nice big cock to stretch out my whore ass, pound it hard and deep, and make me cum like the little slut I am! Please Mona, baby, give me what I need!" Pulling her face out of Hanna's ass Mona taunted, "You need it, huh? You need my big dick up your ass?" "Yes!" Hanna exclaimed, "I need that dick! I need your big fat dick in my slutty bitch ass!" "Then spread your cheeks and keep begging for it, and maybe I'll give it to you." Mona grinned wickedly as she straightened herself up. Quickly reaching behind herself, and barely remembering to spread her cheeks slowly just like Mona liked it, Hanna continued her shameless begging, "Fuck my slutty little ass! Fuck it hard and deep and make me cum like a whore! Mmmmm, an anal whore! Oh God Mona, I love being your anal whore! Ohhhhhhh Goooooodddddddd yesssssssss, it feel so good in my ass. Please fuck me there, mmmmm yeahhhhhh, fuck me just the way I like. The way you trained me to like. Oh Mona, you made me addicted to anal sex, now please baby, give me my fix. Please? Fuck that ass! Oh my God Mona, pound that slutty litle ass hole! Please? Fuck my ass! Ass fuck me! Fuck me in the ass like the submissive little bitch I am. Oh yes, oh God, aaaaaaahhhhhhh fuck! Mmmmm fuck yeah, just like that! Give it to me baby, oooooohhhhhhh fuckkkkkkkkkkk!" Hanna did her best to keep begging, even though she occasionally stopped to whimper pathetically as Mona relentlessly teased her by sliding the tip of the strap-on up and down her butt crack. Mona had always been a shameless tease, but as far as Hanna was concerned nothing was worse than this. She just felt so empty without her butt-plug inside her. Without something inside her ass. Which was totally Mona's fault, as her best friend, turned girlfriend, turned fiancé had been the one to take her anal cherry and make Hanna addicted to butt sex. Okay, the fact that Hanna had a slutty ass was a factor, but Mona had been obsessed with her ass first, and the relentless butt fucking was at least partly her idea. It was because of those relentless butt fuckings, and the butt-plug, that Hanna really didn't need so much preparation. Sometimes it even felt like Mona could just slide into her ass right away, and all Hanna would feel was pure pleasure. Sadly Mona never let her find out, because even when they had so called quickies in public bathrooms Mona insisted on a nice long rim job before finally filling Hanna's ass with a nice big cock. And when they were alone like this, it wasn't uncommon for Mona to prepare and tease her for like hours before finally giving Hanna what she wanted, regardless of how desperately she begged for it. Of course inevitably Mona gave her what she wanted, Hanna crying out loudly with pure joy as she felt her slutty ass hole finally start to be stretched. Then Hanna held her breath to see if Mona would pull back at the last second, like she sometimes did, just to draw out the teasing even more, but thankfully this time round her fiancé didn't even really go that long before Hanna felt her anal ring stretch wide enough for Mona's cock to slide through it and into her ass, causing her to let out an even louder cry of pleasure than before. Hanna then gave up on the begging, closed her eyes and savoured this wonderfully slutty feeling. Of course Mona paused, but this was one teasing that Hanna didn't mind as it gave them both a chance to savour the moment. Also no matter how slutty and well used her ass was it was probably good that her rectum got the chance to relax, as it was probably a contributing factor to why Hanna felt nothing but pleasure when Mona did decide to start pushing inch after inch of strap-on into her cock hungry ass, that greedy hole happily gobbling up everything Mona had to give it. Then in what felt like less than a minute later Mona's thighs came to rest against Hanna's butt cheeks, announcing that every inch of that big dick was buried in her bowels. Right where it belonged. Oh yes, Mona's big dick belonged in her slutty ass. Or more accurately, pumping in and out of it, which was exactly what Hanna desperately needed now. "Mmmmmm, fuck me baby." Hanna whimpered, "Please, I need it." "You always need it." Mona teased. "Damn right I do." Hanna grinned proudly, "I'm an anal slut! Mmmmmm, your anal slut. Please Mona, fuck your little anal slut in the ass!" "I told you, you're not my anal slut. You're my little Anal Princess." Mona corrected gleefully, "What are you?" "Your little Anal Princess!" Hanna quickly agreed, "Oh Mona, fuck your little Anal Princess! Butt fuck her like a slut, mmmmm fuck, oh Mona! Fuck me! Fuck me up the ass, aaaaaaahhhhhh fuck! Oh yes! Ohhhhhhhh yesssssssss, oh Mona! Oooooooooh fuck!" Mona loved to hear Hanna beg for her, it was one of her very favourite things ever, but she felt that her girl had suffered enough. Besides, she had resisted the urge to fuck this ass for more than long enough, and it was high time she indulged in her favourite thing ever. Oh yes, anally penetrating Hanna came extremely close, especially when the love of her life was spreading her juicy ass cheeks, giving Mona the perfect view of her dick slowly disappearing into that forbidden hole. But as heavenly as anally violating Hanna was, for both of them, this was what truly gave them the pleasure they both craved, and perhaps more importantly the feelings. As a top Mona craved the feeling of dominance and control while giving us much pleasure to her bottom as possible. As a bottom Hanna craved to be dominated and controlled while receiving the most and pleasure possible. It was one of the many reasons they were perfect fit. That, and the fact by far their favourite representation of what they both wanted came through anal sex. Sure, there were many things that came close. For example as hard spanking on Hanna's juicy rump, or Mona sitting on Hanna's face. But it just wasn't quite the same. Besides, in terms of what made them both cum, there was no contest. Especially with Hanna, and oh, Mona did so love to please her girl. So Mona tightened her grip on Hanna's hips and slowly began pulling that cock out
of her girlfriend's ass hole, making it to about the halfway point before pushing back in just as slowly. Which of course made Hanna moan and whimper in a mixture of delight and disappointment as the dildo left her rectum, and then pure pleasure as it returned, which made Mona giggle softly and grin wickedly. Mostly though Mona just stared lustfully down at her strap-on violating her favourite fuck hole, Hanna continuing to spread her cheeks like a good little bottom to provide her top with the perfect view of her butt hole stretching for Mona's cock. God, Mona would never get tired of that. Ever since they got together the two former best friends had enjoyed a number of different positions and sexual acts, but another thing they had in common was that while anal sex was their favourite act their favourite position was either doggy or when Hanna was face down like this. There was just something primal about it. Something so, perfect. Oh yes, having Hanna bent over in front of her made Mona feel so dominant, just as it made Hanna feel submissive, these feelings only enhanced whenever her little Anal Princess was spreading her cheeks like this. Which was why whenever they did it Mona would often ignore Hanna begging for more as long as she could so she could savour this perfect moment, and make sure Hanna's eventual climaxes were that much more powerful. Hanna loved everything about butt sex, but despite what many might think this was her favourite part of it. Sure, nothing made her cum harder or more frequently, and ultimately the need for that ecstasy would overwhelm her, but what Hanna lived for was the feeling of Mona inside her ass. Nothing made her feel more like a submissive bottom than Mona reasserting her ownership over her most private orifice and using it as her own personal fuck hole. As what it was always meant to be. Oh yes, Hanna's ass was made for fucking, and more importantly for Mona to fuck, a fact that Hanna felt compelled to remind her woman whenever she put her in her place. "Oh God Mona, fuck me! Fuck me just like that, ooooooooh fuck!" Hanna moaned happily, "Fuck my ass! Fuck my slutty little ass hole like the little anal whore I am! Anal Princess! Oh Mona, I'm your little Anal Princess, ohhhhhhhh Goooooooddddddddd, mmmmm, I love being your Anal Princess. I love bending over and taking it up the fucking ass whenever you want, mmmmmm, because it's yours! All Yours! My ass is yours Mona! It's your fucking property! It was made to be fucked! Fucked by you. Yessssssss, my ass hole was always your personal fuck hole, I just had no idea I was waiting for you to claim what was rightfully yours. But you did. You took my ass cherry and made me your little Anal Princess who takes it up the butt whenever you want. Oh Mona, fuck me! Mmmmm, fuck my ass harder! Please? Pound the hole you own!" No matter how much she tried to stick to just gently encouraging Mona, and speaking the gospel truth of what her role in life was, Hanna just couldn't help some begging for more slipping in there. She wasn't sure how long it had been, but it felt like an eternity since the butt fucking had begun. It was an eternity in heaven, especially as Hanna desperately fought the urge to truly beg for as long as she could, but ultimately the need to cum just became too overwhelming. Luckily Mona kept her waiting for a long time, which was both heaven and hell, Hanna loving her for it and hating her for it as her begging became truly shameless until her top finally gave her what she so desperately needed. "Harder! Harder, harder, harder, OHHHHHH HARDER! Oooooooooh fuckkkkkkk! Please Mona, fuck my ass hard and make me cum! Oh Fuck!" Hanna pleaded shamelessly, "Slam fuck my fucking ass hole! Just fucking fuck me! Please, ohhhhhhh please Mona, destroy your fucking property! Gape it wide open as proof of your ownership! Aaaaaahhhhh shit, fucking ruin it! Make me spend the rest of the night with, ah fuck, with a gaping butt hole so if you feel like more of my, oh shit, of more Hanna ass, you can just slide right into my open fuck hole and use it for your pleasure. Oh please Mona, use me! Use me for your pleasure. Fuckkkkk yeahhhhhh, use my fucking ass hole to get off! Ohhhhhhh fuck, pound my little butt hole so we can both cum! Oh please make me cum, mmmmm, I need to cum, aaaaahhhhh fuckkkkkkk, I need you to fuck my ass hard and deep and make me cum like a bitch with a dick in my ass! Please Mona? Make your little Anal Princess cum!" Mona could have listened to Hanna beg for more all night, but eventually she just couldn't resist any more, "You wanna cum? Then help me. Lift yourself up onto all fours and fuck me back! Ohhhhhh yessssss, that's it. Good little doggy. Bounce that fat ass back against me. Help me make you cum. Oh fuck yeahhhhhh, take it my little Anal Princess! Take it!" Without a second of hesitation Hanna lifted herself up onto all fours and began slamming herself back against Mona's thrusts, which at first only had Mona giggling with delight. But then, oh then, Mona quickly increased her pace until she was pounding forwards just as hard as Hanna was pounding back, and timing it perfectly so they were pounding forwards and back at the same time, making that big dildo ram her rectum as deep and as hard as possible, causing the little anal slut the maximum amount of pleasure possible. Of course long before then Hanna was hit with the type of powerful climax she'd only truly received through anal sex, and it was quickly followed by another, and another, and another, Mona effortlessly sodomising her through multiple orgasms. Like she always did. That first orgasm made Hanna berserk, and despite the purest ecstasy she had ever known echoing through her body and her cum literally squirting out of her cunt Hanna somehow found a way to ram herself back even harder against the bowel wrecking thrusts she was receiving. Of course being the perfect top that she was Mona then somehow found a way to increase her pace, until it felt like they were both like wild animals, working together to make sure Hanna came as much, and as hard, as possible. And Hanna's ass was well and truly wrecked, although that was a small price to pay for the ecstasy that she was feeling. In fact Hanna loved having a gaping ass hole, so she truly hoped that Mona did her worst. Mona loved gaping Hanna's ass. She took pride in regularly ruining that pretty little hole, and fully intended to do it again tonight, not just with this ass fucking but at least a couple more, as Hanna was an insatiable anal whore who wasn't happy unless she was butt fucked multiple times a night, and Mona could never get enough of brutalising this perfect bottom. However while Mona was using enough of her strength to make Hanna have several anally induced orgasms, which really didn't take that much, she was still holding back a little bit. She had too because otherwise she would cum, and as soon as Mona did that it would be the beginning of the end, and Mona wasn't ready for that. Not yet. After all pounding Hanna's juicy ass was what Mona lived for. It was showing her childhood friend without a shadow of a doubt who was boss in their relationship. That Hanna was her bitch. Oh yes, in this relationship Mona was the Alpha female and Hanna was her little bitch who loved taking it in the ass. Hell, right now Hanna was on all fours like a little bitch, incoherently screaming and slamming her big ass back against Mona's thrusts like a wild animal desperate to have her sluttiest fuck hole impaled as deep and as hard on that cock as possible, and Mona was only too happy to oblige, mostly keeping up with her little Anal Princess as she gave her what she so desperately needed. Of course no one had unlimited stamina, and although Mona had always prided herself on having a lot of it despite her size, and maybe even got more of it since she got together with her insatiable ass whore, ultimately she just couldn't resist cumming any more. Oh yes, she just couldn't take having Hanna Marin bent over in front of her and willingly giving Mona her most private hole, the hole Mona now owned, would own forever, along with these meaty cheeks which were jiggling with every thrust, Hanna cumming and screaming with delight at being so thoroughly owned. Owned by Mona. Hanna was hers. All hers. Oh God! It was just too much. Those thoughts, facts and sights combined with the stimulator bashing against her clit had Mona going over the edge of the kind of satisfying climax she could only receive while sodomising her beloved Hanna Marin. It was quickly followed by another, and another, and another as Mona became like a wild animal, using every ounce of strength she had to make sure that Hanna's back hole would be loose and ready for it's next fucking. Which was apparently too much for poor Hanna, who almost instantly collapsed face down and became nothing but an orifice for Mona's pleasure for a few blissful minutes until Mona too ran out of steam and she collapsed onto her exhausted girlfriend. Then she nuzzled her neck, and bit down on it again so her property was thoroughly marked. Then Mona growled into Hanna's ear, "Mine!" "Yours." Hanna sighed happily in agreement, "I'm all yours Mona. I'm your bitch! Mmmmm, I'm your slut. I'm your-" "Anal Princess?" Mona grinned. "Damn right, I'm your Anal Princess." Hanna grinned, "And you know what else? I'm your ATM Princess. Mmmmmm yeahhhhhh, I'm your little ATM Princess, so please let me suck your cock clean for you." "In a second sweetie, I promise. First, I want to see my handiwork, and get proof of a perfect butt fucking." Mona predictably explained. Hanna grinned happily at this wonderful, if predictable news, before crying out with disappointment. In her cum drunk state Hanna had forgotten about the fact that Mona would need to pull her cock out of her ass to do those things, and even though it was inevitable the blonde hated it because she lived for having the brunette's big dick inside her butt. She also just love the feeling of Mona resting on top of her. But sacrifices had to be made to please the superior woman, and Hanna love the fact that once the dick was gone her well fucked ass hole remained gaped open as a testament to Mona's power and dominance, and to Hanna's sluttiness. Eager to emphasise that sluttiness Hanna somehow found the adrenaline to push her battered butt into the air and then reach around to slowly pull apart her ass cheeks, displaying her gaped back hole proudly to the little goddess who had stretched it. As always this had Mona grinning wickedly and then after a few long seconds of staring reaching for her phone so she could take a little memento. Which was extremely dangerous given their history, but Hanna almost hoped that someone would hack Mona's phone and send her friends those pics as proof that she was Mona's Anal Princess to her friends. It would be so embarrassing, but so hot, just like what happened next. "Okay, you can now prove that you're my little ATM Princess." Mona grinned wickedly. As quickly as she could in her tired state Hanna let go of her cheeks, turned around and crawled in between Mona's legs. She then briefly paused to smile up at the woman she loved, and then Hanna closed her eyes, leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the head of the cock which had just plundered her butt. God, Hanna loved the taste of her own ass, especially the deepest part of it, Hanna proving that as she shamelessly moaned around the dick. Then she further proved that by eagerly sucking the head clean and then sliding her lips halfway down the shaft. Hanna then began to bob her head up and down Mona's strap-on, determined not only to thoroughly clean it but give her fiancé a nice long blow job. Which of course Mona approved of, "Mmmmm yesssssss, that's it Han, suck my cock! Suck it clean of your butt juices you sexy little dyke. Oh yeah! That's a good little ATM Princess. Give me a thorough cleaning. Thoroughly clean that big dick like the little whore you are! Oh yes, take it deep! Take it deep down your fucking throat you little slut! Oh fuck! Oh Han, you're such a great cock sucker! My Cock Sucking Princess! Yessssssss Hanna, you're my submissive little Princess who will do anything for me, including sucking strap-on cock as if it was real. Yes, put your all into that blow job! Deep throat that dick my little Deep Throating Princess! Oh fuck yes, that's so hot! Soooooo hot, ohhhhhh yessssss!" These words of course had the desired effect of pushing Hanna into sucking Mona's cock even more enthusiastically and staring up lovingly at her fiancé, who stared equally lovingly back. Technically it also encouraged her to deep throat the cock, although Hanna would have totally done that anyway. The only difference was that while she had been savouring the blow job before, and more importantly the taste of her own ass, Hanna became ravenous, stuffing the full length down her throat and cleaning it of every drop of her butt cream in what felt like seconds. Hanna then continued bobbing up and down in the name of giving her fiancé a thorough cock sucking, but it wasn't that long before Mona pulled her upwards into another passionate kiss. After a few blissful minutes of gently making out Mona broke the kiss and teased, "So, when we see your Mom tomorrow, are we also telling her about our sex lives?" Hanna laughed, punched Mona's arm and ordered, "Shut up and keep kissing me." "Yes, my little Anal Princess." Mona grinned while leaning in for another kiss.
_Disclaimer:_ This story deals with Cuckolding, Interracial, and impregnation. Please do not continue if any of these subjects offend you. This is a work of fiction, meant to be enjoyed. Please click back if this does not suit your style. In a fantasy, there are no STD's, and pregnancies become nothing once you stop reading. Sorry it is so long. I get carried away with the details. ***** It all started last month when my husband John was assigned the swing shift at work. He went from working days for the last 5 years at his job to working the 6pm to 2am shift. He knew it meant that I would have time on my hands, but it was a promotion to supervisor and the bonus that came with that shift was well worth it. My husband and I have an "understanding" if you will. We have been married for 8 years and have 2 children. After our second child, I opted for an IUD to keep me from getting pregnant and so he didn't have to get the snip. They say it is good for 10 years and can be removed at any time if we decide to have another kid. It also allows me to explore my wild side. I have been cuckolding my husband for the last 2 years. It only happens about once a month, and I don't see anyone regularly and I always make them wear condoms. I have a couple sex clubs I can choose from in the area that are safe and clean. I have become friends with the bouncers and they make sure no one gets carried away so I feel safe there. My husband isn't a fan of this lifestyle I have chosen, but he looks the other way. He knew his new schedule would allow me more freedom, and we discussed it in earnest before he took the position. Before, he was home with the kids and if anything bad did happen, he would be able to come "rescue" me, but with him working, he wouldn't have that luxury. I promised him I wouldn't go anywhere but my usual places and that I never went home with anyone, and I never would. He was as happy as he could be with that once I promised him. Last month, our next door neighbors moved out. They had been renting the house for the past 2 years. They were finally in a position to buy their own house. We were so happy for them that we threw them a party. We all had a great time, and we even got to meet some of the other neighbors in our neighborhood. The next week they moved out. I figured they would be busy, so I hadn't been bothering them much. Last week a moving van pulled up into the driveway of their house. I watched as they moved all their furniture into the house. I started wondering if they were gay. They had really nice furnishings and both of the guys were very well built. One was Caucasian, about 6 foot 2 and looked like he worked out a lot. The other was black, bald, and stood about 6 foot 5. He wasn't as built as the other guy, but his muscles stretched his shirt out very nicely. I wanted to go over an introduce myself, but figured I would wait until they were all moved in. As I sat there watching them, I felt my pussy start to get wet. I ran my hand up my nightie and started rubbing my breasts through the thin material of the nightie I wore to bed last night. I started squeezing my breasts and pinching my nipples. I was so glad we opted for the house with the big picture window in the front. I insisted on placing the couch in front of it. It was really paying off. I sat there rubbing my nipples as they exited the house and headed for the truck. I could see the sweat dripping off of them and hoped they would have to start stripping down soon. I started picturing their bodies dripping sweat as they pumped their long hard cocks deep inside of me. My hand started sliding down the soft material until I felt a jolt and I was now rubbing my pussy through the nightie and my satin thong. I could feel my clit enlarging through the thin material. I looked back out the window and saw the black guy had removed his shirt and was carrying a large box. The muscles in his arms were very defined. He looked very sexy carrying the box into the house. The nightie had ridden up and I was now rubbing my pussy through my panties. I started rubbing my clit even harder. I could feel the material rubbing against my ass and sliding between my lips. I could feel my bare lips as I continued to rub my clit harder and harder. I grabbed the thin material and pulled it to the side. I slid 2 fingers deep inside my wet pussy, then started to gently caress my asshole with my other finger. I could feel myself approaching an orgasm. Just before I did, I looked outside and saw both guys standing by the truck, looking this way. Neither of them had their shirts on and I could swear they wear looking right at me. I closed my eyes and felt my pussy spasm around my fingers as I picture each one of them taking turns with me. I arched my back and threw my head back as I felt the most intense orgasmic wave crash all over me. As I felt myself calming down, I opened my eyes and looked back outside. They were both gone. I decided I needed to get up and go shower and get ready for the day. I couldn't believe I had just masturbated to our new gay neighbors. I went about my business for the next few days, but on Saturday, I went out into the yard in a short little sundress. I only had a couple hours to get some chores done before having to go to the store. As I was sitting there, one of our new neighbors came out of the house wearing running shorts, and a tight tank top. He waved to me and I waved back. I sat there as he came over to me. "I'm Larry, Your new neighbor." I started to stand up, but I lost my balance. I started falling forward, ending up with my ass up the air and my dress up over my ass, showing my ass and my tiny yellow thong to our new neighbor. I rolled over and quickly covered myself. He reached out with his hand and offered to help me out. I was a little embarrassed at the thought of showing myself off like that, but he was gay anyways, so it really shouldn't matter, I thought. Once on my feet I thanked him then introduced myself. "I'm Peggy. My Husband John is sleeping. I'm so embarrassed you had to meet me this way." "Nothing I haven't seen before," He tried to reassure me of. "My roommate Bill and I just moved in. This neighborhood seems really nice." "We like it," I said. Roommate, sure, I thought. "What do you and your roommate do?" I asked. "We have a small startup Internet business that we run out of the house. Most of the stuff we moved in is for the business. We decided to move in together to save money for the business until we can afford a nice office somewhere. We will try to keep it quiet for you and your husband." "Oh, that's a smart idea. I hope the business takes off." I said. "So far it's going really well. We have been running it for a couple moths now, and every month we are blowing away our sales forecasts. This year could be a good one." He answered. "I have to get going, gotta get my morning run in before it gets too hot. We are having a small get-together tonight for some clients and friends. You and your husband are more than welcome to come over. "I will explain more of what we do then." "Thanks, but my husband works tonight and I have to take care of the kids." "You are welcome to come over anyways, if you can." "Thanks, I'll try." I said. He shook my hand and turned to leave. "You do have a great ass, by the way." He said under his breath. I blushed a little and turned to my garden. I turned to look as he started on his jog. "Damn he had a nice ass," I thought. "Maybe they really are roommates. Did I really flash my bare ass to our neighbor?" I felt my cheeks blush as I sat down to resume my gardening. I could feel my panties getting damp the more I thought about them just being roommates. I could go from one room to the other, and still be home in time for my husband. I giggled a little to myself as I thought about taking one after another deep inside of me. I was really getting turned on. I wanted to do something about it, but looked at the time. My husband and I had some shopping to do. He had asked if we could get him some new clothes for his new position. I had agreed and we had set a date for today. After I finished gardening, I went upstairs, woke my husband and jumped into the shower. Just as I was finishing up, my husband walked into the bathroom. He asked me not to turn off the water as he opened the shower door and walked in. I felt his hands on my back and a gentle kiss on my neck. I arched my back and pressed my ass against his semi-hard cock. I felt it slide up between my cheeks. I started rubbing my ass up and down his growing cock as he continued kissing my neck and rubbing my breasts. I raised up onto my tiptoes as I felt him kneel down slightly until his cock slid between my legs. I felt the tip of his cock press against my opening. I pushed back and felt his cock slide deep inside of me. I heard him let out a sigh as I felt his abdomen make contact with my ass. He let go of my breasts, ran his hands along my sides until I felt his hands grip my waist. He started thrusting his big hard cock deep inside of me as I bent over into the water. I reached down between my legs as I imagined one of my neighbors behind me, fucking me from behind. I imagined looking between my legs and seeing a big hard bare black cock sliding deep inside of my pussy. I felt my fingers trace my clit, then start rubbing it as I felt my orgasm approach. I arched my back and whispered, "Cum deep inside of me!" I felt the cock inside of me start to grow and pulse as I felt my orgasm crash over me. "Fuck, That feels fantastic. Don't stop!" I said. "Oh My God, you feel wonderful. I'm gonna cum deep inside of you." I heard my husband whisper. "Yes, do it, Cum for me. Fill me up. Fill my pussy up with your cum." I said as I imagined my black neighbor filling my pussy up with cum. "Oh God, here it comes." I arched my back and pressed my ass back as I felt his cock pulse and spurt it's potent load deep inside of me. When I felt him spray me with the last jets, I pulled forward, turned around, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him deeply. "That felt fantastic." I said. "So did you," he replied as he kissed me deeper. "The neighbors are having a little get-together tonight. Mind if I go?" "You mean the gay ones that just moved in? No, not at all." He said. I thought about telling him that they weren't gay, but decided not to after the fun I just had... We got dressed, him in his jeans and t-shirt, me in a red sundress and matching red thong and bra. I rounded out the look with some 4 inch strappy sandals. We went to a couple stores, then to the mall. While he was looking for clothes, I made my way to the lingerie department. I picked out some new thigh highs, a new garter belt and a matching crotchless pair of panties and bra. They were emerald green and thought they would look great with my emerald green dress I planned on wearing tonight. I paid for my stuff, then put the bag in my oversized purse. I then went back to see what my husband had found. I made him try everything on, then picked what I liked the best. As we were walking to the cashier, I noticed an emerald green silk nightie. I grabbed it off the rack and added it to my husband's pile. He didn't even blink about it. Before we went home, we dropped off the kids for the night at my mom's house. She asked to keep them all night long, which I didn't mind at all. I told her we would be by around 11am tomorrow to get them. She told us not to rush over. We thanked her and headed home. That evening, I started getting the happy butterflies in my stomach. I planned on flirting then coming home when my husband got off work and fucking him silly in my new lingerie. I happily made us dinner, then followed him into the bedroom to talk to him while he changed. I made him try on all the pants and shirts we had bought him, then picked out the best outfit. I then walked to my closet and pulled out my emerald green dress to show him what I was going to wear. When he was all set to go, I walked him to the door and kissed him goodnight. I leaned in and whispered, "I might have a surprise for you when you get home. Have a great night at work." "I can't wait to get home and find out what that surprise is. I Love You!" "I love you too!" I said then closed the door as he walked away. I walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed. I reached into my purse and pulled the small bag out of it. I pulled the tags off the naughty lingerie I had bought and laid it out on the bed. I then stripped off my dress, panties and bra and headed for the shower. After showering and shaving, I emerged from the bathroom. I grabbed the panties and slid them on, then grabbed the bra. I put the garter belt on, then pulled out the stockings. They were real silk stockings. They were dark and had the seam up the back. I slipped my long legs into them then attached the garters to them to keep them in place. I then went back to the bathroom and did my makeup. The whole time I was doing my makeup, I could feel the air caressing my bare pussy. It was really turning me on. When I put down the brush for the last time, I ran my fingers between my legs, feeling my moist lips sticking out beyond the open crotch. I brushed past my clit and felt my opening. I was soaking wet. I slid 2 then 3 fingers deep inside of me. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a total slut and I loved it. If only my new friend could see me, I thought. I heard a car pull up, followed by another. I reluctantly pulled my fingers out of my pussy and walked into the bedroom. I looked out the window and saw a couple guys walking up to the door. They were younger and just as fit as my neighbors. I decided I needed to finish getting ready and get over there. I walked back into the bathroom and started fixing my hair. I added some extensions, then curled the ends, and teased the top until I was happy with it. I then went into the bedroom and grabbed the dress off the hanger. I unzipped the dress, and stepped into it. I could feel it sliding up my legs against the material of my stockings. The feeling was making me tingle. My pussy was getting even wetter. I slipped it over my shoulders then pulled the side zipper up. I slipped into my 4" nude stilettos then walked to the mirror and looked at myself. The dress had a slit up the side to mid-thigh. I stuck my leg through it and could just make out the lace top of the stocking. Damn, I looked like I was a high priced hooker. "I wonder if anyone will proposition me" I thought then laughed. I grabbed my matching clutch then headed for the door. I walked next door and went up to their porch. I rang the doorbell, then waited nervously for someone to answer it. When the door opened, I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. Larry, the guy I had flashed earlier, I mean met earlier, was standing there. He had jeans and a button down shirt on. The jeans and shirt were very tight and could almost make out his package and abbs. He looked amazing. He reached out his hand and took mine. He leaned in to kiss my hand, then said "You look amazing! I forgot to tell you it was semi-casual, but I think you look beautiful in that dress." I started thinking, "I wonder if he is trying to picture me out of the dress as well," but just said "Thank you. I can change if you want me to?" "No, please don't. You look fantastic." He said as I felt his eyes drop all the way to my feet then back up. Please come in. I walked through the door. They had done a fantastic job of decorating the front room. We turned the corner into the family room and every mouth dropped to the floor. There were about 5 guys standing around talking and drinking, but when they saw me, the room fell silent. I asked Larry if any other girls were coming, and he said most of his friends were too busy with the start-up right now to have anything serious. He then explained they had all met at the gym, pooled their money together for a new type of workout program that they could sell, and were all more interested in getting this off the ground. I was walked around and introduced to each of the guys. They were all very polite and shook my hand or kissed my hand. They recited their names to me in turn, but I couldn't remember everybody. I knew Larry, and finally met Bill, and there was a Joe and a Gary, but that was all I could remember. We made our way into the kitchen and I felt every pair of eyes trained on my ass as I swayed through the room. Larry offered me a drink, and proceeded to pour me a very expensive wine. We walked back into the main room and he found us a place to sit. We sat and chatted for a while. When my glass was empty, he offered to go get me more. He stood up, grabbed my glass, then stood frozen for a couple seconds. I think he got a glimpse up my dress. I had been sitting there enjoying our conversation and had started getting relaxed. My legs were parted slightly and the slit had ridden up, exposing my garters and a tiny glimpse of my green panties. I tried to cover myself, but the dress was caught under my leg. I raised it, exposing the opening in my panties and finally was able to fix it. I felt very embarrassed, but he didn't say anything. I looked down and could clearly make out a bulge in his pants. He looked up and our eyes met. He smiled at me then leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back. When he broke the kiss, he leaned over to my ear and asked, "Does your husband know you dress like that when he isn't around?" I looked at him and nodded, "yes he does. We have an understanding." "Does this mean that you are available?" "For what?" I asked. "For anything?" He asked as he placed his hand high up on my thigh. "I could be. Depends on what you have in mind, but I definitely need another drink before we continue this conversation." I answered. He winked at me, then started walking away. I felt his hand trail across my thigh and along my side until he was no longer within reach. I started breathing heavy and all sorts of scenarios started running through my head. I could feel myself getting a little tipsy off the glass of wine, which made the scenarios even more naughty. I thought about this morning, imagining his big hard black cock being deep inside of me when my husband came. I could feel my pussy getting really wet. A slight tap on my shoulder brought me back from my dream. Bill came over and started talking to me while Larry was getting me another glass. He asked me a couple questions, but kept his hand on my bare shoulder the whole time. I felt my legs part slightly, and saw him glance down between my legs. "You are quite stunning, I must say," He said. "Your husband is a very lucky man." "Yes he is, thank you." I said back. I could feel my muscles begin to relax more and my leg continued to slide down, causing the slit to ride higher, exposing my stocking tops. I heard my phone buzz and reached for my purse. I looked down into my purse as I felt my head spinning a little. I grabbed my phone and clicked it on. "Hope you are having fun. I might be late coming home, there is a huge problem and I have to stay here until it is fixed. I love you." I started typing, "I am. They are all very nice. I will still have your surprise when you get home. Just wake me up." I hit send then dropped my phone into my purse. Just then I looked up and Larry was setting the glasses on the table. Bill excused himself and Larry and I picked back up where we had left off. He reached across the table and grabbed my hand. He held it firmly in his as he looked into my eyes. It felt as though he was looking into my soul. "So how is that possible?" He asked. "Well, It's what I want. I don't want to leave him, but I want to have my fun as well. I have offered to let him have a friend or 2, but he isn't interested. He is just concerned for my safety, and he doesn't want me to leave him." "That sounds like a great situation to be in. Do you have regular lovers, or just flings?" He asked. "Mostly flings. Once guys start getting attached, I let them go. I will always go home to my husband." I said almost defiantly. He smiled brightly at me, then asked if I wanted to go talk somewhere a little more privately. I nodded and he stood up. He was still holding my hand and helped me to my feet. I was already feeling the effects of the wine, so when I stood up, I kind of fell into him. He was about 8 inches taller than me and all muscle. I don't even think he moved an inch. He just held me, then steadied me, then wrapped his arm around my waist and started leading me towards the back yard. I had been in their back yard many times, but I was interested in how they had changed it since they had moved in. There were some new additions, like the spa, TV, and bar area, and some very comfortable furniture. There was a nice couch set with a coffee table in front of it. He led us over to it, then helped me sit down. I took another sip of wine then placed my glass on the table as he took his seat. I crossed my legs then turned towards him. I placed my hand on his knee as he continued his conversation. I started getting an understanding for why all these guys were single. They couldn't stop talking about the money they would be making once this program took off. I faked being interested as I let my legs part a little, showing a little more thigh as the slit creeped up my leg. I noticed he was having a hard time keeping his thoughts centered as the lace tops to my stocking came in to view. "It's working," I thought as I ran my hand up his leg ever so slowly. He took a breath for a minute and just stared at me, so I leaned in with my lips pursed and my eyes closed. My hand was half way up his thigh now and the slit in my dress was above my stocking top, giving him a clear view of my bare thigh. I felt his lips touch mine and I felt his tongue press against my lips. I leaned in a little more, using my hand to brace me, but sliding it up his leg even further until I bumped the head of his cock through his slacks. I heard him sigh a little as I pressed into him a little more as we continued the kiss. His tongue and mine were now dancing away with each other. I felt his hand rest on my thigh and slide up until he was touching bare skin. I parted my legs and felt his hand slide higher up my thigh and under my dress. His other hand wrapped around my neck and pulled me into him even more. I could feel his thigh resting against my leg and his cock growing under my hand. I knew I was turning him on, but he had no idea how turned on I was. I could feel the wetness forming on my exposed lips and knew it wouldn't take me much to take this even farther. I don't know if it was the wine or the fact that I hadn't played in almost a month, but I was horny. I parted my legs a little more when I felt his fingers touching the spot where both my thighs came together. I felt his hand slide up the opening until I felt his fingers brush against my exposed labia. I was so horny I felt myself press my pussy against his fingers, willing them to play with me. He didn't disappoint as I felt his fingers spreading my lips and gently drawing circles on clit. I sighed deeply into his mouth as I started rubbing my hand up and down the length of his rock hard cock. I wanted to pull it out, lean down, and wrap my mouth around it, but had to settle for stroking it through his pants for now. I was getting very working up feeling his fingers caress my clit and feeling his cock growing under my ministrations, so it was a good thing when I heard the door to the patio open. He pulled his hand away from my pussy and I slid my hand off his cock. We broke the kiss a few seconds later, then we both looked at each other and just gave a kind of, "We got caught" grin to each other. I turned and said hello to our intruder. As I did, I felt Larry's head next to mine. "Why don't we go to my room?" I nodded slightly as the guy I was talking to kept looking me up and down. I hadn't fixed my dress, so I caught him staring at my exposed leg as he tried holding a conversation. Larry stood up, grabbed his drink, then walked around to my side and reached his hand out. I grabbed it and felt him effortlessly pull my up onto my feet. He wrapped his arm around my waist and walked me towards the door and led me through the house. We walked right through the family room and through the hallway. I know everyone was watching as he led me to the bedroom, but I didn't care. We walked right to his door, he turned the knob and led me in. I saw from the corner of my eye as he looked back and smiled to all his friends. AS he closed the door, I turned around and leaned into him, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and pull me into him. I could feel his cock pressing against my lower abdomen. I felt him leading us backwards until I felt something press against the back of my knees. I felt myself being laid back as we continued our kiss. I started rubbing his back as he laid next to me. I could feel his hands pulling my dress up in the back as our tongues continued to play with each other. I pressed against him, causing him to lay flat on his back. I broke the kiss, then started kissing down his neck. I started unbuttoning his shirt and kissing my way down his chest. I was surprised to find it completely shaved. It felt nice feeling his bare skin. I started wondering if he was completely shaved. I finished unbuttoning his shirt, then started undoing his belt. I continued kissing down his stomach as I expertly worked on the button on his pants. I felt the button come free, then I unzipped his pants and reached under his boxers. His hand was working my dress up as I curled my body down. I felt his hand brush the back of my thighs just above my stockings, then slide up and over my panty covered ass. I felt his hand slide down along the crack of my ass until it disappeared between my legs. Just as I felt his fingers brush against my bare lips, I wrapped my hand around his big hard cock and started working it out of his boxers. I spread my legs apart and felt his fingers spread my pussy lips apart as I stroked his cock and kissed down his rock hard stomach. His fingers were working magic on my pussy, making me even hornier. I looked down at the tip of his cock that was just inches away from my mouth as I felt his first finger slide up into my pussy. I let out a low moan as he started working his finger in and out of me. It felt soo good as I continued stroking his cock. I kissed down his stomach, turning my body a little more and granting him better access to my pussy. I felt a second finger pressing up against my pussy, and just as he started sliding it in to me, I kissed the tip of his cock. I should say I engulfed the tip of his cock and started sucking on it and licking it, because that's what I was doing as he slid his second then third finger deep inside of me. He moaned out loud as I felt his third finger penetrate me. I slid my hand down, trying to expose every inch of his big hard bare cock. I felt him rise up and work his pants and boxers down with my help. Once they were down to his thighs, I grabbed his cock, lifted it up, then slid my mouth all the way down until I felt it brush the back of my throat. "Have you ever been fisted?" He asked in a daydream like haze. I could hear his breathing getting labored as I worked my mouth and hand up and down his cock as his fingers pressed deeper inside of my pussy. I raised up off his cock and looked at him, "Not yet," I said as I pressed my ass back against his hand trying to get more of his fingers inside of me. "I would like to be the one that gets to do that." He said. "I might let you," I said as I continued stroking his cock. I was now matching his thrusts into my pussy by pushing back as he pushed his fingers deep inside of me. I felt my eyes rolling into the back of my head and I knew I was getting close. "Do you have any condoms?" I asked. "Yes, I do," He said as I felt him press his fingers into me again. "Get me one!" I practically begged him. I could feel my juices flowing. I was now up on my knees and elbows. My dress had fallen and was covering my ass and his hand was up under my dress. He slowed his movements into me as he reached for the nightstand. "Here you go," He said as he handed me the packet. His fingers had slid out of me while he was trying to reach into the drawer, but I felt him pressing his fingers into my opening as he got back into position. "Oh God," I said as I felt his fingers, now curled up into a point. It felt like one long continues finger sliding into me, stretching me wider and wider until I felt his thumb press against me. I lost all concentration in opening the condom as I felt him slide them in and out of me. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter. I started pressing my pussy back into his thrusts. I had stopped stroking his cock completely. I opened my hand holding the condom and felt it slip out of my hand and fall onto the bed as I tried to brace myself against his stomach. I felt him press his hand up into me as far as he could, then I felt his thumb start working into my pussy. I spread my legs farther apart and pressed my pussy back against his fingers as it slipped into me. I started stroking his cock some more as I felt his fingers start sliding into me. I could feel my muscles loosening up, granting more access to his hand as it slid up into my pussy then back out. I leaned down and wrapped my mouth around his cock again and started stroking his cock as I bobbed my head up and down, taking it as far into my mouth as possible. I spread my legs even further when I felt his other hand grab my ass and press down on it. I knew what he wanted and I was willing if he was. I lifted my mouth off his cock and looked back at him. He smiled at me as I felt his hand slide up into me. I could feel my pussy stretching wider and wider. "How much do you think I can take?" I asked as I felt his hand slide a little deeper inside of me. "All of it." He said. "You have to cum once you get the whole thing in," I said defiantly. I turned my head back towards his cock as I felt his hand slide deeper into me. I started pressing my pussy back against his hand as I wrapped my lips around his cock and started sucking him harder than before. "Mmmmm, that won't be a problem." He stated. "Good, I thought," Because I was having fun, but really wanted to feel his cock inside of me. I kept bobbing my head up and down his cock as he kept working his hand deeper inside of me. I felt myself stretching to the limit, but I wasn't going to lose this challenge. I pressed myself back as hard as I could until I felt the last inch slide deep inside of me. My pussy had expanded so much that I could feel his hand sliding forward almost effortlessly until he bottomed out against my cervix. I could feel his fingers moving independently inside of me, pressing against the back of my pussy, then pulling back a little. I started milking his cock with all I had as I felt my orgasm quickly approaching. His fingers were pressed against the back of my pussy, his hand was completely inside of me, and his cock was all the way at the back of my throat when I felt my muscles contract. I started shaking and twitching as I felt my orgasm wash over my entire body. I grabbed his balls and started squeezing them as I forced my throat open and felt another inch, then two go down my throat. I felt his balls twitch in my hand and his cock pulse in my throat as I felt my pussy contract around his hand. I could feel his fingers pressing against my cervix, and I even think one of them penetrated the opening. I pressed back even harder as I felt his cock erupt. I could feel each pulse travel through his cock, into my mouth, and the tip expand as he filled my belly full of his semen. I kept stroking and sucking until I felt he had given me everything he could. I slowly lifted my mouth off his cock and gently rubbed his balls as he started working his hand out of me. I felt myself being stretched wide, and even had a mini orgasm as I felt the widest part of his hand slip out of me. Once he had his hand removed, I turned around and curled up against him and started kissing him deeply while stroking his cock back to life. "That was amazing," He said as I kissed him deeply. "I've never done anything like that before." "Me either. I loved it. I might make you do that every time we have sex." I said to him. "So I get to have you again?" "Oh, yes, I think I could get used to this." I answered. I continued stroking his cock, feeling it grow in my hand as I gently kissed his neck. I heard him moan as I gently rubbed the tip of his cock. Once I felt he was hard enough, I got off the bed and slipped out of my dress. His eyes were wide as he looked me up and down. "Damn, you are gorgeous!" He said. "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself," I said as I looked at him lying there with his shirt unbuttoned and his pants pulled down to his thighs. His nice hard cock was laying down on his stomach. I crawled onto the bed and over him, until I was face to face with him. His cock was starting to raise up on it's own and I could feel the tip brushing against my lower abdomen. I leaned in to kiss him as I pressed my abdomen down and trapped his cock between us. As we kissed, I started thrusting my pelvis back and forth, feeling his slippery cock slide back and forth, gently caressing my pussy, then back up my abdomen. Each thrust brought the tip of his cock closer to my pussy, but just before it would reach it, I would slide back down, feeling the tip run up my body. I felt his hands grab my hips and help me move back and forth. Each time I would get close to letting the tip escape, I would struggle slightly with him to move back up. I knew what he wanted, and I was having fun making him wait for it. I laid myself completely on top of him, feeling every inch of his skin rubbing against mine. I knew I wouldn't be able to resist the urge to have his cock inside of me much longer. As I slid up his body, I felt the tip of his cock brush against my lips. I felt his hands pulling up on my hips until I gave no more resistance. I felt his cock press against my lips, then slide up and against my opening. I pressed back, with his help until I felt the tip of his cock start to penetrate my opening and spread my lips wide. His cock was rock hard, and I was soaking wet, so my pussy was able to accommodate his cock pretty easily. I slid back and felt his cock slowly penetrate my pussy until I felt every inch of him deep inside of me. I leaned into him and started kissing him as I slide back and forth on his cock, feeling every inch of it slide out, then back inside of me. "Oh, you feel wonderful," I said, as I slid back and fully impaled myself on his big, hard black cock. I broke the kiss and looked down to see my white skin contrasting beautifully with his black skin. I could feel my pussy getting wetter just thinking about having his big black bare cock deep inside of me. "Oh, MY," I thought for a second. His bare cock is deep inside of me. I forgot to put the condom on. I thought about this as I slid my pussy back and forth on his cock. I could feel the bare tip of his cock rubbing against every inch of my bare pussy. I could feel my orgasm building up as I continued sliding back and forth on his cock. The thought of my first big hard bare black cock penetrating me was driving me wild. It didn't take long for my toes to start curling as my orgasm ripped through my body. I pushed back one last time and buried
my head into his shoulder as I felt my heart racing a mile a minute and every muscle in my body tense up. I felt my pussy squeezing his cock, milking it with each convulsion that ripped through my body. I started thinking about his cock exploding inside of me while I laid there orgasming all over his body, making myself cum over and over again. I heard him grunt into my ear, grab my hips, and thrust his cock deeper inside of me until he was completely bottomed out inside of me. I willed myself to get up, but found I had no strength left as my muscles were still contracting. I felt his cock swell inside of me, the tip of his cock pressed firmly against my spasming cervix as the first jet of hot, potent semen spurted out of his cock and deep inside of me. "Ffffuuuucccckkk!!" He moaned into my ear. "I'm cumming!" "Nooo, Mmmmm." I tried to say out loud, but my head was buried in his chest and all I could manage was a high pitched squeal. His hands held my hips firmly as he continued inseminating my pussy. When I felt his cock spurt for the last time, I felt my body tense up and orgasm one last time, milking every last ounce from his cock, and pulling his semen deeper inside of me. I knew with my IUD, that there was almost no chance of him getting me pregnant, but I didn't want to take the chance, or have my husband get mad at me for being unsafe. I slowly came off my high, then lifted myself up and off his his cock. When I felt his cock slip out and slide down my pussy and onto his body, I wanted to get up and get cleaned up, but I couldn't find the strength to move. He had completely worn me out. I half collapsed onto him, my head still resting between his shoulder and neck. "That was fantastic," I heard him say through labored breath. "I hope you liked it?" I could feel my strength coming back. I lifter my head and looked into his eyes, they were absolutely glowing. "Of course I did! But we forgot to use the condom..." I half-heartedly said. His eyes went from glowing to sheer terror when he heard me say that. "Oh, I am soo sorry. Are you alright?" "Oh yes, I'm fine, just next time we have to remember it. Alright?" "Of course, I'm soo sorry." He said. "It's ok," I said as I raised up and kissed him deeply on the lips. "You made me cum more than anyone else has. I was in one long continuous orgasm." I didn't tell him the thought of him cumming inside of me is what set me off so many times, so I guess I shouldn't be upset with him, but I was still a little worried. I finally rolled off of him and laid down on the bed. He got up and got me a towel, which I placed between my legs to try to soak up some of his cum. I closed my eyes and felt him lay back down on the bed next to me. I curled up against him and started rubbing his chest. It was strange, because I was still very horny. I kept going back to the moment I felt him start cumming inside of me. I could feel my pussy getting wet all over again. It was like a fire had started inside of me, and I wanted to quench it. My hand had a mind of its own and started wandering up and down his chest and stomach. I heard him say something, but I was still in a daze, only concentrating on the one thought was was fueling my fire. "Huh?" I asked. "What are your wildest fantasies?" He asked. "Mmmmm, they might make you think I'm a little crazy." "It's alright, I can handle it," He said. "You have to promise you won't freak out." I said. "It's fine, I promise." He answered. "Ok, well the one that terrifies me the most is to be tied up, and have a bunch of guys use me over and over over again." I answered. "Mmmm, that sounds very hot. Why haven't you done that?" He asked. "I haven't been able to find anyone I trust enough to let them tie me up, and my husband isn't interested in being there." I said. "That makes sense. Hopefully you will find someone you can trust enough to make that come true." He said. I was still tracing his chest and running my hand down his stomach as we laid there. I brushed against the tip of his cock and noticed it was getting hard again. I looked up and asked if that turned him on. "It does actually. I would love to be there to help if you want." "Hmmm, we will have to see," I said as I took his cock in my hand and started stroking it again. "What turned you on about that," I asked. "It sounds so naughty, watching you get used over and over again, and being there to use you any way I want would be fantastic." I could feel his cock growing in my hand as I laid there thinking about it. "Everyone would have to use condoms though," I said. "That's understandable," he said. "Even you!" I exclaimed. "I know," he said, almost frowning. "It would be hot if no one used condoms though. We could make sure that they would all pull out, though." "That would be hot, but I wouldn't want to risk it..." I said, but inside my head, the image of a bunch of bare cocks entering me was getting me even wetter. "I just know that if one accidentally came inside of me, then everyone would, and that's why I need to be able to trust everyone, and make them use condoms." "Very true," he said as I felt his cock growing steadily in my hand. "Do you like that?" I asked. "I do." "Good, we will have to talk about it some more then later," I said. "Ok, what is another fantasy?" "You really want to know?" "Of course," he said. His cock was now pretty hard. I looked down at my hand wrapped around his cock and was surprised at how turned on I got by the contrast in colors. I knew I could make him cum again, and decided I wanted to. "Ok, I'll tell you." I said. "Good, I want to know them all." "Well, this is my favorite. I hope you don't get offended." I said as I started rubbing the tip of his cock, feeling it twitch in my hand. "I promise I won't. I'm gonna guess it has to do with a black man, right?" "Yeah, it does." I said almost embarrassed. "It's ok, one of my biggest fantasies was having sex with a white woman." "I'm glad that got to be me. Was cumming inside of me part of the fantasy?" "Ummm, yeah, it was. Sorry, but I didn't mean for it to happen." "Of course you did. Getting the chance to knock up a white girl is what you really want, isn't it?" I asked. At this point, I was just trying to egg him on to get him really hard and cum for me, but saying it out loud actually made my pussy get really wet. It felt good getting to fulfill his fantasy, even if his chances of knocking me up were slim. I still had a belly full of his sperm trying to find my egg. "Well, when you put it that way, Yes! That is actually my favorite fantasy," he said. I felt his cock twitch when he said that. I could hear him beginning to moan as I continued to stroke his cock. "Were you hoping that you were knocking me up when you came earlier?" "Kinda, but it is just a fantasy..." He said sheepishly. "Well, the thought of you cumming inside of me turned me on too, just so you know." "Good, but I wouldn't want what we are doing to cause you any problems at home." "That's why I have my IUD." "I'm glad you do." "Me too, but there is always a chance that even with it, I could get pregnant, but the chances are very slim. That's why I have to make you use a condom." "I totally understand." "Speaking of which, why don't you go ahead and grab one." "Really?" "Yes!" Before the words left my mouth, he was already reaching over for another condom out of the drawer. "That was my last one," I heard him say as he laid back down. I let go of his cock and started feeling around on the bed. I felt the package under his left side and pulled it free. "You understand, right?" I said as I opened the package and pulled it out. I started slipping it over the tip of his cock. He nodded his head in agreeance. Once I felt it was firmly in place, I reached between my legs and pulled the towel out. I felt him raise up off the bed and start moving over to me. I reached down and grabbed his sides and pulled him up to me. "Is all this talk turning you on?" He asked. "Yes, actually it is." "What talk exactly?" He asked. "All of it..." I trailed off as I felt his cock press against my clit. "What turns you on the most?" He asked as he guided the head of his cock up and down my pussy, making me squirm. "I like being the first white girl to take all of you inside of me, and getting to be the first to take your cum deep inside of me is really exciting." I finally said as he continued to tease my pussy. "Do you want me to slide my cock deep inside of you again?" He asked. "Oh yes, Please!!" "What would you do if I said I won't unless you let me take you bare?" "Well, I would have to say no then. You know I want it, but I can't." I said as I felt the tip of his cock make contact with my opening and the tip slip into me. "I know, I just like hearing you say you would," he said as he laid down, resting himself on his elbows right over me. I felt him slide his cock all the way into me as we both let out a moan. "That feels fantastic," I said as he started sliding back and forth, slapping his heavy balls against my ass as he bottomed out. "So, what is your other fantasy?" He asked as he slowed down to just gentle thrusts. "Mmmm, well, I am home, probably in my bathroom or kitchen, and someone comes up behind me with a ski mask on. Before I know what is happening, Ugh, Damn, you are deep, I feel him grab me from behind, bend me over the counter, pull my dress or nightie up, and slide his cock deep inside of me." "Oh, that does sound hot. How does he get in?" "I might have left the back door unlocked." I said as his thrusts became a little longer and harder. "Where is your husband?" He asks. "At work or the store. I just know he isn't there to protect me." "Why would this have offended me?" He asked as he thrust in harder. "Ugh, because the only part of him that I can see in the mirror is his arm where the glove and his sweater come apart is black." I answered. "Oh, I see," he said as he started fucking me a little harder. Each time he bottomed out, I could feel the wind being knocked out of me. I could feel the tip of his cock pressing against my cervix. It hurt, but felt good at the same time. I started moaning into his mouth as he continued sliding his cock deep inside of me. "What about a condom? If he is raping you, would you make him use a condom?" He asked. I started getting really turned on. I could feel my orgasm building up inside of me. I thought he was getting close as well. "He wouldn't be wearing a condom." I answered in a shallow breath. "What about getting pregnant?" He asked. "In my fantasy, I beg him to pull out. I even offer to swallow, just as long as he doesn't cum inside my pussy." "What does he do?" "It depends on the fantasy, but most of the time, he doesn't pull out. When I feel him cum, I push my ass back, making him cum deeper inside of me." "What about your IUD?" He asked as he forced his cock deeper inside of me, making me wince a little from the force. "I've had this one since before I got it, but now either it fails, but my favorite is when he dislodges it," I said as I felt my body tense up and my orgasm rip through my body from head to toe. "How does he dislodge it? How do you find out?" He asked. When I came down and could speak again, I answered, "He is so big he opens my cervix and the tip of his cock pulls it out when he pulls out." "Is that possible? What does it look like?" "It's just a ring that is placed inside the cervix. It gets wrapped around his cock and he pulls it out. I have heard of it happening." I said. He leaned in and started kissing me as he continued slamming his cock deeper inside of me. "Are you going to cum?" I asked. "I'm trying," he answered. "I'm getting close again. I want you to cum with me. Do you like this fantasy?" "Oh, I love this fantasy. I hope someday it comes true for you." "Would you like to be the one to fulfill it?" I asked brazenly. "I would love too. I would love to sneak into your house, hide somewhere and sneak up behind you, then force you to take my bare cock. I want to know how to dislodge your IUD..." He said trailing off. "Oh yes, I would love that! I want to feel you cum deep inside of me again and there be nothing I can do to stop you." I said as I felt my orgasm getting even closer. I felt my hand move on its own down past my stomach. I felt my pussy and labia spread wide from his engorged cock. I slipped my hand down further until I felt my finger touch his cock. When he pulled back, I felt the band from the condom pass over my fingers. I leaned into him a little until I could firmly grasp the base of his cock. I felt him slide out until the condom touched my hand. I felt him slide back a little more, my hand holding onto the condom as he slid back even further. I felt the tip of his cock at the entrance to my pussy. I took a deep breath as I felt his cock slide out of my pussy, my hand still holding the condom firmly until I felt the tip of his cock pass through my hand. "Is that what you want?" I asked. "Oh yeah, but are you sure?" "Very sure," I said as I let the condom drop onto the bed. I grabbed his cock firmly in my hand and pulled it up against my pussy. I started rubbing it up and down my pussy, passing over my sensitive clit, down to the opening, then back up again. I slid it back down to my opening, pressing myself up, feeling the bare tip enter me. He didn't need any more encouragement as I felt him push with all his weight and slide his cock deep inside of me. I felt the tip hit the back of my pussy as he continued ramming his cock deeper inside of me. "Oh yes, that feels so much better," he said. "Can I cum inside of you?" He asked. "Oh, yes, it does. I could cum right now. Ugh, I can feel you at the back of my pussy. Your cock is soo big!" "I can feel that too, is that where it is?" "Yes, so when you come over and surprise me, you will have to figure out how to get it to come out." I breathed into his mouth. "Is that what you want? You want me to cum inside of you, and dislodge it?" "Oh yes, please! Your cock is plenty long enough." I said. "All you would have to do is dislodge it and cum inside of me. That's what you want, isn't it?" "It sounds so hot, but how would I know if your husband is home or not?" "You will know. When you see the sign, you can let yourself in through the back door." I said in a huff as he bottomed out again. "Oh, I can't wait!" He said as I felt his body tense up. I could feel my own orgasm approaching and knew he was getting close. "That's it, just like in my fantasy, slam your big hard black cock deep inside of me and cum for me! Please!" I felt him slam his cock all the way to the back of my pussy. I felt the tip hit my cervix and give way. His cock slid a little deeper into me. I moaned loudly into his mouth as I felt his ass flex and his cock pulse. "Oh God, I'm Cumming," he said. "That's it, right there!" I squealed as I felt the first jet expand the tip of his cock and shoot deep inside of my womb. I felt his body convulse as my orgasm ripped through me. I grabbed his ass and pulled him as deep as I could into me, feeling his cock slip a tiny bit further. I felt the second jolt run through him and along his hard cock as he shot his second load even deeper than the first. My pelvis was gyrating on it's own, trying to get every last drop out of him and into my womb. "Oh God," he said as his body stopped moving. I could feel his cock pulsing inside of me as he released the last of his semen inside my body. We lay like that for a while, catching our breath. I finally felt him move and raise himself up off of me. "You are trouble," I said as I looked into his eyes. "You are even more trouble, but I look forward to more trouble from you." He said as he kissed me deep. "Oh, I am too. I just can't believe I let you cum inside of me twice. I'm gonna have to be careful with you." I giggled. We laid there for a little while until his cock softened inside of me. When he pulled it out, I was praying that my IUD wasn't attached to it. Fortunately, it wasn't. With that we cleaned up and got dressed. I looked at my watch, it was almost 1 in the morning. I checked my phone but there was nothing. We exited the bedroom and walked towards the family room. Everyone had left already, making me feel better. He walked me to the door, then turned me around and kissed me deeply with his arms wrapped around my waist. "I'll talk to you tomorrow." I said as I turned and walked away. He watched me walk all the way to my house, then blew me a kiss, which I returned, then went back in to his house. I went straight to my room, stripped off my clothes, thought about a shower, but changed my mind. I slipped into my new nightie and crawled in to bed. My husband came home very late that morning. He was usually home around 4, but this time it was closer to 6. I woke up when I felt the bed move from his weight. I felt him crawl in to bed and curl up behind me. I could feel his naked body pressed up against my back, his bare cock pressing into the crack of my ass. I felt him kiss the back of my neck. I could feel his cock growing against my ass, but when I wiggled my butt a little, I heard a snore and felt him shake as he fell asleep. I must have slept in, because I felt my husband thrusting into my naked ass. I could feel his hard cock pressing up between my cheeks. I slid up, feeling the tip fall between my legs. I slid back down a little until I felt the tip of his cock press against my pussy. One thrust and I felt his cock slip between my lips and up inside of me. I felt his hand grasp my waist and his body press against my ass. "Mmmm, you feel soo good and wet," he said. "Naughty dreams?" "Of course baby. I love feeling your hard cock against me all night." "You're gonna make me cum, I love being inside of you." "Please cum for me, I need to feel you cum," I said as I arched my back and pressed my ass back against him. I heard him grunt and press his pelvis against my ass as hard as he could. I wiggled my ass and flexed my muscles trying to keep him hard, but as soon as he came, he pulled back and jumped out of bed. He was back with a couple towels, one for each of us. I placed the towel between my legs as he crawled back into bed. He started recapping the night and all the issues they had had, then asked how my night had gone. I told him it was nice, but uneventful, but our neighbors and their friends were perfect gentlemen. "Of course they were, they are probably all gay." He said with a chuckle. "If he only knew," I thought, but decided to keep quiet. I finally crawled out of bed, my pussy was sore, but I didn't let on. I walked into the bathroom, peed, then turned on the shower. After a quick shower and a little time to do my makeup and hair, I woke my husband to get in the shower. I was still naked, and he was looking me up and down. "You just had me," I said. "I know, but you look hot!" "Thanks baby, but we need to get ready and go pick up the kids." He begrudgingly got out of bed and headed for the shower. He was out before I had even picked out my dress. He loved the tiny blue thong and matching bra I was wearing, even coming up and grabbing my bare ass cheeks. "Damn, you could turn a gay man straight," He said. I almost laughed at the thought, but kept my composure. I picked a nice blue dress that fell to my knees and nice matching 3 inch heels. He put on his jeans and shirt and we headed out the door. My mom had lunch waiting for us, so we ate and helped feed the kids. "They were a dream," she said. We packed up everything then headed home. We spent the day playing with the kids and preparing dinner. After dinner, my husband got a call from work. "They need me tonight," he said. "I know," I said with a frown. "I was looking forward to our time together." "Tomorrow night." He answered. "I know," looking at him hoping it would be true. He ran upstairs and got into his work clothes, then kissed me and said goodbye. I put the kids to bed and went upstairs. I grabbed my phone and read the text from Larry. We had been texting all day long. I was starting to have visions of the previous night. I could feel my panties getting wet with excitement. He was relaxing watching TV. I told him I was getting ready to put the kids to bed, and that he should bring some of that wine over and meet me on the back patio in an hour. He gladly accepted. I rushed around and put everything away, then got the kids ready and in bed. It took a little coaxing, but they fell asleep pretty easily tonight. I went into the room, checked my makeup, then walked down to the kitchen. I grabbed a couple glasses, then opened the patio door. Larry was sitting there with a huge grin on his face and a new bottle of wine. I handed him the glasses and the bottle opener and sat on the couch next to him, our legs resting against each other. I placed my hand on his knee, then leaned in for a little kiss. He gladly reciprocated. "Have you been enjoying your memories of last night," I asked. "I've been basking all day. I didn't think I would get to see you so soon." "Yeah, he got called in to work again." "That sucks," he said as he turned to me and kissed me deeply. "I work when I want to, so I am available all day or night." "Good to know," I responded as I slid my hand up his pant leg. We made small talk, asking about each other's interests as we sat there drinking wine and talking. I could feel the effects of the wine after the first glass, and was more than willing to accept the second when he offered it to me. It was going straight to my head. My hand was now tracing the outline of his growing cock in his pants. He leaned over and started kissing my neck. I quickly undid his pants and pulled out his hard cock. His hand was sliding up my bare leg towards my pussy. "What is in this wine?" I asked, as I felt tingles from my head to my toes as his fingers brushed against my panties. "Special ingredients, I can tell you but I would have to kill you," he said laughing. "I buy it in Europe. They say it is supposed to have special healing powers." "It has some powers alright," I said as I started stroking his now rock hard cock. I finished my second glass and he started pouring me a third. I slowly stroked his cock as he slid his fingers under the band of my panties and started playing with my clit. We locked eyes and we both leaned in for a long, slow, sensual kiss. I felt his fingers slide down my pussy and stop at my opening. I was already soaking wet and his fingers slipped easily inside of me. "Mmmm, your fingers feel soo good." I said. "So does your hand." I started leaning back as I felt his fingers slip deeper inside of me. I let go of his cock as I did. I could feel him trying to get more of his hand inside of me. I knew what to expect, so I obliged willingly. I felt the third finger slip into my pussy, then his pinky. I could feel him trying to roll up his hand. I leaned way back on the sofa. He got up and kneeled in front of me. I raised up my dress and slid my ass forward. I felt his pinky slip into me, then I felt his thumb press against my opening. I looked down and could see his hand slowly entering me. It started turning me on more. Once he got his thumb into me, I couldn't believe he had gotten his whole hand inside of me last night. I was starting to get scared, so I reached down and grabbed my glass of wine. I finished most of the last glass in one try. He was being gentle as I felt his hand slide deeper inside of me. I spread my legs wider, granting him more access. When he got up to his knuckles, I couldn't peel my eyes away from my pussy. I wanted to see it all slip into me. I pushed forward with my pelvis as he pushed into me with his hand. I watched as his knuckles, and the widest part slipped past my labia and enter me. I threw my head back and pushed harder and harder into him until I felt his fingers bottom out at the back of my pussy. I was pretty sure he had found my cervix and was trying to push his fingers into it. It was starting to hurt, but a wave washed over me. I could feel myself letting loose. I was starting to think that the wine had more than just alcohol in it, when I felt my toes curl up. I knew I was about to have an incredible orgasm. The feelings inside my pussy were starting to overwhelm me. I heard him say something as I felt my insides open up, just as my orgasm hit. I grabbed onto the cushion of the sofa and leaned my head back against the wall as my body convulsed over and over again. I felt his hand move a little bit further up inside of me, then realized he had 2 fingers slipping into my womb. Just thinking of it made me cum again all over his hand. I was bucking wildly as he fingered my insides. Just as I started coming down, I felt him slipping his hand out of my pussy. As he pulled his knuckles out, it sent me back over the edge and I started cumming again. My head was still back against the wall and my fingers were gripping the cushion with every bit of strength I had. When I felt his thumb slip out of my pussy, I could feel myself coming down from my orgasm. I looked down to see his hand was soaking wet all the way up to his wrist. "You had your hand that far inside of me?" "Yes, I hope you liked it!" "I loved it! It felt fantastic, but I need you to sit down Now!" I said. I felt his fingers slip out of my pussy as he moved to my side and sat back down. I looked over and saw his cock was rock hard and leaking precum. I stood up, slipped off my panties, turned towards him, hiked up my dress then sat down on his lap, pressing his hard cock against his stomach and my lower abdomen. "That felt amazing!!" I said as I started kissing him deeply. I started sliding myself up and down his cock, feeling the precum lubricating my abdomen as I did. I grabbed his head and turned it, then started kissing his neck, then his shoulders, then back up to his ear. "I want you so badly right now!" I said as I slid myself up the length of his cock until I felt it angle back slightly and press against my clit. His big hard cock was only an inch away from my opening as I heard him moan. "I want you just as badly! I can't wait to make your fantasy a reality!" He said in between moans. "Me either," I said as I slid myself up his body slightly until I felt his cock slip back and rest against my opening. "I hope you don't mind," I said as I started sliding my body down until I felt the tip of his cock slip into my opening, "but I want to feel every inch of you inside of me, bare again." "Not at all," he said as he thrust his pelvis up into me as I slid my pussy down the entire length of his cock. I leaned back a little until I felt the tip make contact with the back of my pussy. "Right there," I sighed as I started rocking back and forth, feeling the tip stay in contact with it the entire time. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum," I said. "I love when you cum for me," he said. I started seeing stars as I rolled my eyes back and curled my toes. "Yes, Oh My god, Yes." I exclaimed as it hit me from my toes to my head. He held me there, impaled on his cock as I thrashed around for almost a minute. When I came back to my senses, I leaned in to him and kissed him deeply, feeling his cock twitch inside of me. I started raising myself up, then lowering myself down onto his cock, making sure each time he bottomed out and pressed against my cervix. I could feel it opening up more and more as I continued riding his cock. I could hear his breathing getting more labored. I knew he was close to cumming. I leaned in by his ear and whispered, "Did you feel my IUD when you had your hand inside of me?" "I think so," he stammered. "Mmmm, I thought that was what you were looking for when you had your hand all the way inside of me." He got a deer caught in the headlight look as he bowed his head down a little. "I was, actually. I'm soo sorry." "Did you touch it?" I asked with a wicked look on my face. "I think so." He said. "It felt different, almost like plastic." "I think you felt it then. Did you move it?" "I don't think so. Just as I touched it, you started cumming and thrashing around," he said. I pressed down hard on his cock as I continued talking to him. "Mmmmm, so it could be moved?" I said as I slid back up, then back down, pressing the tip harder against me. "It might be..." he trailed off as his eyes started glassing over. "Are you gonna cum?" I asked. "Of course." He moaned out. "Are you going to cum deep inside of me again?" I asked. "Only if that is what you want..." "If you moved my IUD, I want you to be the first one to cum inside of me. Do you think you moved it?" I asked, almost pleading with him. "I don't think so, but you never know!" he said as his eyes started rolling back and his body stiffened up. I was past the point of no return. Deep down inside my belly I was hoping beyond hope that he had twisted it and caused it to get dislodged inside of me. My brain was trying to fight, but it was a lost cause. I think the wine had caused my brain to stop working. "Mmmmm, well, this could be your first shot at trying to knock up a white girl." I said as I slid my pussy down the length of his cock. I felt his cock twitch and his balls harden under my ass as I bottomed out. His grip on my waist was tightening up, holding me right where I had stopped. I felt his pelvis thrust up, and the tip of his cock, which was pressing against my opening, pushed violently through and deep inside of my womb. I leaned in to him and kissed him as I felt his balls loosen up, then tighten back up. I felt a pulse run up the length of my pussy, and as it got to the tip, it actually expanded my cervix as the first pulse shot through the tip of his cock and deep into me. He let out a deep moan into my mouth as I felt his balls contract, then loosen up again. Then it happened again, and again. He was holding me, and I was pressing all of my weight down onto him as I felt his cock expand again and again. I felt my toes curl up and the most intense orgasm I had ever had ripped through me. I started thrashing around on top of him as he held us together. The tip of his cock never slipping out until I was done and starting to calm down. "Fuck, that was intense," I finally said as I looked into his eyes. I stayed right there on his lap, the feelings growing deeper inside of me as I felt his cock slowly deflating. "Yes, it was," he said as he held me close and kissed me. I leaned in to his ear and whispered, "Try harder next time if it didn't work this time..." My mind was completely gone. I couldn't think anymore. I was a slave to my pussy and his cock. It took me a little while to get up the strength to lift off of him. I slipped my panties back on, then turned to kiss him goodnight. We parted, him going to his house and me up to bed. The next morning, I awoke with my husband sleeping next to me. My pussy was a little sore and except for my thong, I had nothing on. I started trying to remember the events of the night before. The only thing that I could recall was drinking wine with Larry on the back patio. The rest was like a wild blur. A moment here and there, then blank. I got up and went to the bathroom. There was a huge glob of semen in the crotch of my panties, and when I sat down, more flowed out of me and into the toilet. "What did I do," I said to myself as I sat there. Amazingly, I didn't have a hangover, and I didn't feel ashamed of my actions. I turned on the shower and hopped in. I love feeling the warm water caress my skin. I rinsed my entire body off, and as I ran my hand down between my legs, I could feel more semen leaking out of me. I couldn't believe I had let him fuck me bare again last night. I knew I couldn't keep allowing him to do that. I kept trying to remember what happened but it was all a blank. I heard the door open up and my husband stepped into the shower. I felt his arms wrap around me and his naked body press up against me. It felt so good, I just melted into him. I felt his stiff cock pressing up against my ass. I wanted to bend over and let him have his way with me, but I was too sore and decided I better let myself recuperate. I turned around, knelt down in front of him and wrapped my hand around his cock. I started stroking it slowly, then leaned in and started kissing the tip of it. I opened my mouth and swallowed as much of it as I could. I felt the tip hit the back of my throat so I started bobbing my head back and forth along the shaft, each time feeling the tip hit my throat. It didn't take long for him to start bucking his hips. I looked up into his eyes, then wrapped my arm around him, feeling his ass cheek. I started spreading his ass cheeks apart, then slipped my fingers into the crack of his ass. I felt around until I felt his little rose bud. He thrust his cock deeper into my mouth as I started penetrating his ass with my finger. He put up very little resistance and I felt my finger slipping deeper and deeper into his ass. I felt his hand rest on my head, then wrap it around my wet hair. I felt him pull my head into his crotch as I felt him thrust forward, forcing his cock deep down my throat. I thrust my finger deep into his ass as I felt his balls contract. I moaned around his cock as I felt it pulse and shoot jet after jet deep down my throat. I ran my other hand down my stomach and stopped just short of my clit. I spread my lips apart and gently rubbed my clit. It didn't take long until I felt my orgasm hit me. I had a vision of Larry cornering me in the shower and making my suck his cock, then shooting his load down my throat. It felt fantastic. I slipped his cock out of my mouth and pulled my finger out of his ass, then proceeded to help get him all washed up. He helped me as well, but I didn't let him touch my sensitive area. I could feel my pussy was still somewhat opened from the night before, but I couldn't figure out why. After that quick blowjob and shower, we both got ready. I took care of the kids while my husband worked on some chores around the house. I finally was alone. I
picked up my phone and read some of the texts. I replied telling Larry I had fun, and that we needed to get together soon. I wanted to know everything that had happened the night before. I told him my husband would be going out of town for a couple of days next week. We planned on meeting during that time to discuss everything. The rest of the week was pretty mundane. Either Larry was busy or I was, but I was glad because it took me a couple of days to get back to my normal self again. The next week, after I kissed my husband goodbye, I packed the kids up and took off for the mall. I was looking forward to getting to see Larry again and discuss that night. I picked out some very skimpy lingerie, and decided that one of the days, I would "invite" him over in the morning for my ultimate fantasy, so long as he still wanted to, so I picked out a brand new nightie that just barely covered my ass. It came with a matching T-back thong. The front was satin with lace cups, and I knew the thong would barely cover anything in the front as well. It was perfect for the occasion. We made our way back home. I got them dinner, then spent the evening playing with them until bed time. After I put them to bed I tried everything on, making sure that everything matched what I planned on wearing. I had already spoken with my mom about watching them tomorrow, through Friday, telling her I had a date with some girlfriends at a spa. She was happy to take them for a couple days, telling me everything she had planned with them. I was happy to hear that they would be having a good time together. I hung up the phone, then looked over into the mirror. I was wearing the nightie and thong I had picked out for Thursday morning. I turned around and lifted the nightie, watching how the string disappeared between my cheeks. I walked into the bathroom, bent over the sink, imagining what Larry would be seeing just before he surprised me from behind. I wished he was there right now, getting ready to pounce on me, but I knew he wasn't. I stripped off the nightie, changed into my sweats and laid down on the bed. I started texting Larry, which turned into a long chat about the next few days. I told him I would be home around 10 the next morning if he wanted to come over. He was beside himself from the texts I received back from him. I knew I would be having sex with him in my own house and I started getting very excited. I said goodnight to him, then waited for my husband to call. Just as I started dosing, I heard my phone ring. I answered it, we spoke for a little while, then said our "I Love You's" and I fell asleep, dreaming of a big black cock sliding deep inside of me all night. The next morning, I woke up very early. I hopped into the shower before either of the kids woke up and shaved everything and washed my hair. I dried myself off, then did my makeup and hair. Once I felt put together, I walked into the bedroom and picked out my sexiest lingerie. The bra was a half cup, lace, bustier style that accentuated my breasts very nicely. Half my nipples were completely visible. I slipped the thong on and all the way up my legs. I felt the tiny material slip in between my ass cheeks nicely, pressing gently against my rosebud, and threatening to slip up between my labia each time I moved. They were black see through lace, and very strappy in front, just hiding the top of my pussy. The back had a keyhole gem hanging just above my ass where they slipped in between my cheeks. I then slipped on my garter and stockings, then grabbed my black dress that covered everything up very nicely. I had to look normal when I dropped off the kids. I then went in, woke them up, and got them dressed and took them to the kitchen for breakfast. Once we were all done, I loaded them up into the car and we drove off. My mom only lived half an hour away, but it felt like an eternity. I was starting to feel guilty about leaving them so I could go have "fun" with someone, and I even thought about calling it off and taking them home. I loved my kids and wanted to spend more time with them before they grew up, but I started thinking about what I had in store for the next couple of days and my pussy started getting really wet. I started thinking about being bent over the counter with Larry behind me, taking me the way he wanted to. I could feel his hard cock deep inside of me, fucking me hard, then cumming deep inside of me as I begged him not to. It was almost too much for me to handle. I was a mess when I pulled up to my mom's house. She was all smiles, greeting me with open arms. She helped me get the kids out of the car and settled into the house. I think she sensed that I was torn. She comforted me and told me they would be fine and I deserved a little time to myself every now and then. I stayed for a while, even enjoying a nice lunch with her and the kids. Around 3 I decided I felt better and got ready to leave. I thanked her, gave her and the kids a big hug, then walked out to my car alone. I was sad as I put the key into the ignition. I looked up and saw everyone waving goodbye. I started to tear up, when I saw my mom mouth, "Have Fun, you deserve it." I immediately felt better. I put the car in reverse, backed up and drove off. My mind wandered all over the place as I drove back towards my house. I picked up the phone and texted Larry, telling him I would be home in 20 minutes, and to meet me by the back door. I pulled into the driveway and parked my car in less than 15 minutes. I walked inside and fell into the couch, breathing heavy and shaking. Not even 2 minutes later did I hear a knock on the back door. I composed myself as best as I could and walked over to the door. I peeked through the window and Larry was standing there grinning from ear to ear. He had a couple bottles of wine with him and he was dressed very nicely for a secret rendezvous. I opened the door and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in for a long slow kiss. I could feel my panties getting damp, the material had slipped in between my labia, gently rubbing my clit when I leaned up onto my tiptoes to kiss him deeper. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my stomach and couldn't wait to get him undressed and inside of me. He was pushing me back into the kitchen as we continued to kiss passionately. I heard the door close behind him, then heard the bottles he brought over set down on the counter and his other arm wrapped around me. He was panting into my mouth as I felt my ass hit the kitchen counter. He lifted me effortlessly onto the counter and I instinctively spread my legs. He didn't miss a beat and slid in between my open legs and I felt his bulge press hard against my soaking wet, panty covered pussy. We were still making out as I lowered my hands to his belt and started undoing it. It didn't take long for him to slide his hands down my side and start pulling up my dress. I felt his hands slide between my legs and start rubbing my pussy through my tiny thong. I undid his pants and felt them fall off his hips and down to his feet. I quickly pulled his boxers off and grabbed his big hard black cock and started stroking it. I felt his fingers pulling my thong to the side and his body shift and move closer to mine. I titled my pelvis up and guided his big hard cock right to my soaking wet opening. It felt so good feeling his hot, rock hard cock pressing gently at my opening. I reached around his neck and pulled his face closer to mine so that our mouths were open and our tongues were dancing with each other as I felt him gently thrust his cock into me. Once I felt him bottom out, I felt him slide back a little, then slide right back in. We both let out a moan into each other's mouths. I reached down to his ass and wrapped my legs around his as he continued to thrust deep inside of me. I could feel the tip of his cock bottoming out and hitting my cervix. I could feel my orgasm building very quickly. I could hear his breath getting more labored as he continued thrusting his cock into me. I knew it wouldn't be long before we both had a mind shattering orgasm. I started hoping we would cum together. A thought popped into my head about asking him to pull out, but it quickly washed away as I felt my orgasm getting closer. I wanted him to cum inside of me, it was driving me closer to achieving my orgasm. The thought of all his virile little swimmers flooding my insides was all I could think about. I felt him tense up. I felt his balls slap against my ass. He wrapped his arms around me and just held me tight as I wrapped my legs tighter around him and pulled him as close as I could with my arms as I felt his cock pulse deep inside of me. I threw my head back as I felt the first jet pump out of his cock and deep inside of me. It was like it triggered the orgasm I had building to and threw me right over the edge. I started thrusting my hips forward, trying to get even more of his cock inside of me. His cock was already deep inside of me, the tip gently pressing against my cervix, and with each thrust I could feel it penetrate my cervix ever so slightly. I felt him shoot another load inside of me, and with each one, I tried to get more of his cock into me until I felt him slump down and the last spurt shot out the tip of his cock and deep into my womb. I slumped into his shoulder as we both caught our breaths. We stayed like that for a while, then he leaned in and kissed me deeply. I felt wonderful, and knew I was starting to fall for this man. It started coming to me as I felt his cock twitch inside of me. I could do this. I could love 2 men at the same time. I didn't think about leaving my husband, I just thought, I could love and be with two different men at the same time. He finally pulled out, being spent. I reached over and grabbed a towel and wiped his cock off, then placed the towel against my pussy, but hardly anything was leaking out of me. I slid my thong back in place, hopped off the counter, then fixed my dress. Larry was sitting at the kitchen table, so I walked over and sat on his lap. I reached around his neck and started kissing him deeply. "That felt wonderful," I said into his mouth. "I missed you." I then leaned into his ear and said, "You came inside of me again. You're a bad boy, aren't you?" "You didn't stop me, you naughty girl. I think you like it when I cum inside of you." He said. "Mmmm, I do, you caught me there." I replied as I looked into his eyes. "Did you bring me some wine?" "I did, but that's for after dinner." "You're staying for dinner?" I asked. "And dessert." He said with a chuckle. "Mmmm, that sounds wonderful." I said. "But I need to clean up a little before we go to dinner." I stood up off his lap and reached down and grabbed his hand. He got up and followed me to the bedroom. I sat him on the bed, leaned in to kiss him, then walked into the bathroom and shut the door. My pussy had leaked a little, so I slipped off the panties and wiped myself off. I then fixed my hair and makeup. When I was all done, I walked out of the bathroom. Larry was laying down on the bed looking over my bedroom. I leaned into him and gave him a kiss. He reached for my hand and instead of me pulling him off the bed, he pulled me into him for a long, slow kiss. "We have to go, I just got all ready and I need food." I said as I kissed him back. I could feel myself getting wet again, but I was really hungry. He laughed and said, "My you are demanding," with a chuckle. "If you want more of what we did, you need to feed me first." I kidded with him. "Fine Dear," He said with emphasis as he helped me back up and stood up off the bed. We headed to the garage and hopped into the car. I let him drive, seeing as he knew where we were going. We pulled into this great restaurant I had been wanting to try. He had reservations already made. We were walked to the back and had a nice private table all set up for us. We sat and talked and ate, and drank a few glasses of wine, then he ordered dessert. As we were eating dessert he asked, "Is this good enough to get me more dessert when we get back?" "Oh, I do believe so," I said. "Good, cause I am not anywhere near completely satisfied." "Neither am I," I said as I winked then squeezed his upper thigh. "Sated just enough for now," I said as I ran my hand up his leg and grabbed his hardening cock. "Good." He said. "Are you ready to go?" "Very," I said as I stroked his hardening cock through his slacks. I felt his hand grab my upper thigh, then slide up under my dress and brush against my bare pussy. His eyes got wide, then turned and looked for the waiter. I felt his finger slip inside of me as the waiter walked over to us. He asked for the bill as he continued slipping his finger deep inside of me. I could feel myself getting fuzzy from the wine, a nice big hard cock in my hand, and his sexy black finger slipping inside of me. I was actually glad when the waiter returned with his credit card. Larry finally had to take his finger out of my pussy to sign the check. I stroked his cock the whole time, and I could see him getting worked up. It was fantastic. I loved the feeling. He looked over at me and mouthed "You better stop..." I laughed a little, then let go of his cock. He had to adjust himself when we got up. I leaned in to kiss him to help hide his massive erection in his pants. We walked out to the car hand in hand. He drove us home, the whole time he kept playing with my bare clit under my dress. I just relished the feelings, then as we pulled into the driveway, I felt his finger slip up inside of me again. I couldn't wait to get inside, but he told me I had to wait. "Tease," I said. "Yes, but I think you will enjoy being pleased." "I know I will." I laughed as we exited the car and walked inside. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately as we walked into the kitchen. He broke the kiss, then went and grabbed a bottle of wine. "I'll grab the glasses and the bottle opener." I said and turned and went and grabbed them. "I'll meet you in the family room," I said when I turned to look at him. He walked out and headed into the other room. I grabbed the glasses and bottle opener. When I turned around, I saw that both bottles were gone. I walked into the other room and stopped in the door way as I looked at him, sitting there on the couch resting back against the cushion, like he lived here. I laughed a little under my breath. I walked over to the couch, set down the glasses and handed him the bottle opener. He quickly opened a bottle and started pouring us both a glass as I sat down next to him, pulling my dress up a little as I did. I slid in right next to him and grabbed the glass out of his hand. He put his up in a toast. I toasted him then took a small sip. I was already very turned on, but I indulged him in three glasses while we sat there talking about this and that. I stood up to go use the bathroom and felt very wobbly. He stood up, grabbing both the glasses and the last bottle of wine. He led me to the bedroom. I walked into the bathroom alone. I felt confined in the dress, so I slipped it off my shoulders, then let it fall to the floor. I stepped out of it and sat down. I cleaned myself up then stood up. I had to brace myself on the bathroom counter. I felt like I had been drugged. I turned around and saw the black nightie I had hung on the back of the door. I left the garters and stocking on, but undid the bra and let it fall to the floor next to my dress. I slipped on the silky nightie then opened the door and walked as best as I could back into the room. Larry was laying there, his shirt untucked and tie off, his shoes by the bed, and a glass of wine in his hand. I looked over and saw a full glass on my nightstand. I reached for it, and drank down some, then kicked off my shoes and crawled into my bed on my hands and knees. I leaned in and kissed him deeply, letting my tongue swirl with his. I felt him start to turn towards me and I crumpled into the bed. The room started to swirl as I felt him position himself above me. I felt my legs spread and his body fall in-between them. I reached for his shirt and unbuttoned it the rest of the way. He shrugged it off, then I pulled his undershirt off, running my hands up his bare body. His muscles were very rigid. I ran my hands down to his pants and started undoing them. When I had them completely undone, I pushed them down as far as I could, then used my feet to get them completely off of him. I felt his body press down on me. I could feel his big hard cock pressing up against my naked pussy, his boxers the only thing stopping him as he continued to kiss me deeply. I felt his lips leave mine as he started sliding down my body. I tried pulling him back up, but he wasn't having any of it. I closed my eyes as I felt his breath just inches away from my wet pussy. I nearly jumped when I felt his lips make contact with my sensitive lips. He started swirling his tongue, opening my lips up and exposing my clit. I felt a finger press against my opening and start slipping inside of me. His tongue started making contact with my clit as I felt a second finger being placed at my opening. It slipped right inside of me without any resistance. He continued this assault on my pussy with his mouth and his fingers. Each time I would get close to cumming, he would pull his tongue away from my clit. It wasn't long until I felt a third, then a fourth finger slipping inside of me. I looked down and asked him if he was planning on fisting my pussy again. "Oh Yes, I do." He responded. "Then do it!" I almost screamed at him. I felt his fingers sliding deeper and deeper inside of me until I felt his thumb start caressing my lower labia. I arched my back and spread my legs wider, granting him more access to me. I felt his thumb slip inside of me. I knew his hand would get wider and it would hurt a lot as he slipped his knuckles inside of me, but I was ready for it. I started rocking my pelvis up to meet his thrusts, taking a little more of his hand each time. Amazingly, it didn't hurt anywhere near as bad as I remember it from the last time. I felt the widest part of his hand slip past my muscles and my pussy swallowed his hand. He started thrusting back and forth inside of me gently. I could feel his fingers playing with my cervix in no time. I started thrusting my hips up and down on his hand, trying to get him to slip his fingers inside my womb like he had done before and make me cum hard again. He kissed and licked my clit a little, making me squirm and jump and causing my muscles to flex and relax a little, then I felt him slide up the bed. His hand firmly inside of me. He started kissing me passionately as I felt his fingers play with my cervix, trying to open me up and slip a finger or two deep inside of me. He kissed me harder as I felt a finger find the opening and start jabbing at me, trying to open my insides up. I reached around his neck and pulled him into me and bringing his ear up next to my mouth. I started panting into his ear as I felt his finger spread my cervix open and slip gently inside of me. I thrust my pelvis up, trying to take more inside of me. I felt a second finger make contact and start pushing into me. I caught my breath a little and whispered, "Do It!" "I will baby," He whispered into my ear as he kissed and nibbled on my earring. I felt my opening spreading a little more with each thrust of my pelvis. "I'm almost there," He said. "So am I." I answered into his ear. "I can feel it!" he whispered. "Are you sure?" "Yes, do it. Please do it." I moaned. I could feel his second finger starting to slip past my stronger muscles. It was like a wave of pure pleasure washing over me as I felt my cervix being spread wide as a second finger started invading my womb. "I've got it," He whispered. "Are you sure?" "Yes!" I said as I felt my orgasm start to crash over me. I started envisioning him behind me in the bathroom tomorrow morning, sneaking up behind me and taking me. I whispered into his ear, "Come back in the morning and wait for me in my bathroom. I want you to make my fantasy come true." I said as I thrust my pussy up and down on his fist and arm. I could feel both his fingers inside of my cervix. He was moving them around, causing me to have tiny little orgasms every time they moved. "You want me to make the whole thing come true?" He asked as he stopped moving his fingers around. I felt him thrust them deeper inside of me then back out. "Oh God, Oh God, Yes, Don't Stop. That feels wonderful. I'm So Close. Don't stop doing that." I said. "I won't. I want you to cum Hard. Please cum for me!" he whispered into my ear. "Do you want me to do it? I have it." "Yes, do it, Yes you have me. I want you to take me the way you want to! Do it, make me cum... Please!" I felt his fingers slip deeper inside of me, then start slipping back out. I felt his fingers start slipping out of my cervix. "No! leave them inside of me! Please." I felt his fingers slide deeper inside of me again. I thrust my pelvis hard into his hand, feeling his third finger make contact with my cervix. He started pushing it into me. I could feel pain mixed with pleasure as my muscles tightened up around his invading fingers. I felt my toes curl up and my arms lock completely around his neck, pulling him tighter against me. It hit me harder than anything I had ever felt in my life. I could feel every muscle in my body tense and relax a thousand times in a second. His third finger was just inside of my cervix, his hand was inside of me up to his wrist. His hard cock was pressed against my leg, and he was humping it against me. I felt a warm jet shoot against my leg as I pulled his head tighter to me and bit down. The world just disappeared around me as my eyes rolled up into the back of my head and I climaxed hard, his cock spraying the side of my leg with his cum. I must have passed out. When I woke up the next morning, I was stripped down to just my nightie. My pussy and my insides hurt a little, but not much. Amazingly, I remembered everything right up until his hand slipped completely inside of me. I remembered the feeling of his knuckle slip inside of me and I got instantly wet. I looked around the room and there were no signs of him anywhere. His clothes were gone, the bottle of wine and the glasses were gone. I was tucked in to bed and my phone was plugged in. I checked my phone, answering my husband, telling him I had a nice night and that I crashed hard. I told him I loved him and I couldn't wait for him to get home. I had one more message, it was from Larry. It just said "Good Night. See you in the morning." I giggled as I thought about telling him to come "rape" me in the morning. I laid there thinking about it, making my pussy wetter and wetter by the second. I sent him good morning, and that I was getting up. I decided to use the spare bathroom to pee, I then went and made a cup of coffee. I didn't know how he would be able to come in without me seeing him now. I went back into the bedroom and laid down, waiting to see if he would respond. After about 20 minutes, I didn't hear anything back. I started thinking maybe he was still asleep. I looked at the clock, it was after 9am. He should have responded. "Oh well," I thought. Maybe another time. I was turned on just thinking about it so I started running my hands over my nightie and down to my pussy. My pussy was soaking wet. I started playing with my clit, then realized it was still a little too sensitive for this. I crawled out of bed and started making the bed. Once I was done, I walked into my bathroom and shut the door. I set my phone down on the counter and leaned over the counter to look at the circles under my eyes. I opened the medicine cabinet to grab my makeup remover wipes and some Aspirin. I closed the door, popped the pills into my mouth then took a swig of water. I looked back up into the mirror and at my eyes. Something flashed in the corner of the bathroom. I couldn't really make out what it was. I stood there frozen at the sink. My hands instinctively braced my body against the counter. Nothing more happened. I must be seeing things, I thought. I grabbed a makeup wipe and started rubbing down my eye. I had both eyes closed now as I continued to try to remove all the makeup I had on. It came as a sudden thud behind me. I felt my body pushed up against the counter. I let out a loud shriek as I felt an arm wrap around me. I dropped my makeup wipe and opened my eyes. They started burning really badly. I could make out a shadow. It was a really big man in black clothes, and he had a black ski mask on. I tried kicking behind me, but he had caught me with my legs spread and had both his feet between mine. I started getting scared and feeling very helpless. My arms were wrapped up in his and my legs were on either side of his. He had me right where he wanted me. I heard him speak for the first time as I started to reside myself to defeat. He had a very deep voice. I couldn't tell if it was Larry's or not. It really didn't sound like him, and I started to shake. "Don't move and don't scream again or I will hurt you." He said. I stopped shaking and just stood there. I could feel his body pressing harder into mine. "Do as I say, or I will hurt you, your husband, and your kids." I felt my entire lifeforce leave my body. It was like I was having an out-of- body experience. I could see myself below me, this big, tall man behind me. I saw his left hand reach between us. I could hear his fly unzip. I could see the tears rolling down my eyes. I heard myself say, "Please don't. Please" I'll do anything else, just don't do that." I could feel pressure against my pussy as he ran his cock back and forth from my opening to my clit and back again. I couldn't understand how I could feel it, but as soon as he found the spot and started sliding his cock deep inside of me, I was brought back down and into my body. My body was completely rigid as he forced my vagina open and started sliding home. When it reached the back of my pussy, it hit me. It had to be Larry. He had the longest, widest cock I had ever taken. I started to relax a little. I opened my eyes and looked back into the openings in his hood. His eyes gave him away immediately. I let go of his arms and placed them on the counter, bracing myself. I felt his arm around me relax a little and I started leaning down onto the countertop. He still had my pelvis pinned between the counter and his half-naked body, but as he started to slide his cock out of me, I arched my back and raised up on my tiptoes. He sensed the change too, and I felt his hands go to my sides and grab my hips. He started pulling my black nightie up over my ass and I felt his hands grab my bare skin. I could hear him moaning softly. I wasn't about to give it to my "rapist" that easily though. "Please stop. You Can't be doing this. I'm married. I have kids. Please stop!" I pleaded in my sexiest voice. "Shut up Bitch! I don't care about them and if you keep it up, I'll hurt them." I felt him slam his cock harder inside of me than ever before when he finished the sentence. "Please, Please stop. I can't let you do this to me. Please" I pleaded again. "Not another word out of you Bitch!" He said as he slapped my ass hard. I felt him pull my body up violently and wrap his hands around my neck. "I told you to shut up. I mean it. I'm gonna fuck you until I cum, and you are gonna take every drop of my load into your married pussy. Do you understand?" I felt his hands wrap a little tighter around my neck as I felt him thrust his huge cock harder into me. I could feel myself being choked a little. I looked into his eyes and nodded. I felt his grip let up and then he pushed me back onto the counter. I was catching my breath as I felt him slam his cock harder into me than before. I felt a lot of pressure against my cervix this time. I knew he was trying to penetrate my womb before he came. I knew he wanted to see if he could dislodge my IUD and make me pregnant. It's what I had told him to do. Once I caught my breath, I started pushing back against his thrusts. I kept my mouth shut as he continued fucking me harder and harder. I started feeling my cervix weaken from the onslaught. I knew it wouldn't be able to keep his cock out of my womb if it really wanted in. I could feel myself getting more and more turned on. He was really pulling out all the stops. I started moaning, even though I kept telling myself not to. I wanted to keep this as real as I could, but something inside of me was building up. I started picturing his cock smashing against my cervix, then finally opening it up again and the tip of his cock slipping inside of me. I could see the tip of his cock inside my womb, my IUD wrapped around the tip of his cock, then getting lodged on the ridge behind the head of his cock. I could see his semen shooting deep inside of me, then his cock taking the IUD with it. I started trying to figure out when the last time I had my period was. I was pretty sure it was a couple weeks ago. I started shaking a little at how much the thought of him removing my IUD turned me on again. I started thrusting back against him each time he thrust his cock deep inside of me. I felt him take one of his hands off my hips. He replaced it just before he slammed his cock deep inside of me, and kept pushing harder and harder. I started pushing with my arms, arching my back down and forcing my pussy to take more of his cock until I felt it. It was a subtle change inside of me, but I know we both felt it. The tip of his cock slowly started sliding deeper inside of me, giving his cock more room. I heard him moan out loud, but he still pulled back and thrust again. This time there was far less resistance and I felt more of his cock penetrate my womb. I wasn't about to give in until I knew he accomplished his goal. I started moaning at him in the mirror. "God, you're so big. I've never had a cock inside of me this deep. Please, Please stop!" I said through my moans. I felt him pull his cock back out, then start sliding it back into me. I felt it hit bottom, my battered cervix was still providing a little resistance but not much as I felt most of the head penetrate me. "Please don't! You are soo deep. You're gonna hurt me. Please stop!" He slammed his cock back inside of me again, this time there was almost no resistance and I felt the tip of his cock slip through my cervix until it was almost completely filling my womb. "Oh God, Oh God, You're So Deep. Please Stop. Please don't Cum. Please Pull Out. I promise I will swallow every drop of your cum, just please don't cum inside my married pussy. I might get pregnant if you do. I'm gonna ovulate soon. Please stop!!" I half screamed at him. I heard him moan loudly at that. I felt his grip tighten around my waist. I felt his cock start to slide back out. I started thinking he had some really good stamina. I could definitely get used to this. I looked back into his eyes, they were starting to roll into the back of his head. I looked down at his gloves and saw the black skin where his gloves and his sleeve separated. "Please pull out. I promise I'll swallow, but you can't impregnate me with your black baby. Please stop! I'm begging you. Please!!" I said as I felt his body thrust forward. He had me pinned between himself and the counter. I was laying there with my head on the counter and I was using all my strength to push him back and away from me, but what it was really doing was making his cock go deeper than it had even gone before. I had angled my body perfectly to allow his cock to slide as deep inside of me as it could. I could feel every inch of his cock as it traveled inside of me. I felt it when the tip pressed against my cervix, my cervix now giving almost no resistance at all. Then I felt the shaft keep sliding forward, the tip of his cock now in a nice big opening where I could no longer feel it. I had never felt so full in my life. His cock was officially deeper than it had ever been. I felt his pelvis slam into my ass. I arched my back and pushed back with everything I had left. I heard him moan loud as his cock slipped deeper inside of me until I felt my cervix wrap around the ridge behind the head of his cock. I felt his body start shaking and convulsing. I tilted my head down towards the counter, defeated and victorious at the same time. I was doing my best to catch my breath as I felt his cock swell at the base. The swelling turned into pulsing. I pushed back a little and under my breath I said, "Please stop! Please, I'll get pregnant with your baby." As I felt a jet pulse through his cock all the way up the length of it, even spreading my cervix out a little bit. I started pulling forward when I felt his grip around my waist tighten up. "He wasn't about to let his breeding bitch get away from him," I thought. I felt another pulse run up the length of his cock. I could feel my own orgasm building as I thought about him filling my Womb full of his cum. I could feel the tip of his cock lodged deep inside of me as another pulse ran through it. Another jet of cum spraying my insides. I could actually feel his cock being tugged on as it tried to slip back out of my womb, but my cervix was holding on to it with everything it had. I felt his chest against my back, my cervix still holding his cock deep inside of my womb as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tight against him. I wrapped my arms around his and pulled him close as I felt his cock still pulsing deep inside of me. I heard him whisper as my body tensed up, "I will be coming back for more, right up until you deliver my baby." "You bastard!" I whispered. I felt him let go of me and push my upper body towards the counter. "Don't move for 10 minutes, and if you call the cops, I'll make sure the whole family is here, tied up, watching as mommy gets raped over and over again." I shook my head and told him I understood. I felt him pull his body away and felt his deflating cock slipping out of my pussy. I laid like that while I heard him pull up his pants, then zip them up. I heard the door open, then close, then waited to hear the faint sound of the door in the kitchen open. When I was sure he was gone, I grabbed a towel and placed it between my legs, then headed into the bedroom and laid down on the bed. I laid there for a little while, reliving the events from earlier. I started getting horny thinking about how he wanted to "come back and fuck me over and over until I delivered his baby." I started running my hands over my breasts, then down my tight stomach. I rubbed my belly, picturing all of my "rapists" semen deep inside of me. I could feel my pussy getting really wet. I grabbed my phone and texted Larry, "Are you up?" I asked "Yeah, just waking up." He responded. "I need you. Something happened. Please come over right away." "I'll be there in a minute." He responded. I laid on the bed for a few minutes, willing myself to cry. The tears started flowing just as I heard the
back door open. I heard him run up the stairs and into my room. "What happened?" I motioned him to come to the bed. He sat down and leaned in and wrapped his arms around me and held me as I half sobbed, half laughed. I couldn't tell if he was scared. Finally, I let it out. "I was raped!" He held me close for a while, then wiped my tears away from my eyes. I could see a concerned look when he asked if he should call the cops. "No, we can't. He threatened me that he would come back and hurt my kids." He just held me close. "So what do you want me to do?" "Hold me. Please," I said. He laid down next to me and held me tight. I finally rolled over and just laid there, feeling his arms wrapped around my body and his body pressed up behind me. I could feel a stiffening cock pressing against my ass. "He said he would come back every time my husband was out of town..." I said softly. "I'll be here to protect you." "I can't have you here when my kids are here." I said, softly. I started wiggling my ass against him softly. I could feel his cock growing harder and harder. He started pressing his cock up against my ass. I could feel his black sweat pants starting to slide down. His lower abdomen and his cock was just starting to peak out from the loose waistband of his sweatpants. I slid my body up his until I felt his cock slip between my legs. I started sliding back and forth along the shaft of his cock as it pressed against my pussy. I could feel him trying to get a better angle on it each time I slid forward. When I felt the tip make contact with my opening I arched my hips and felt the tip slip in ever so gently. "Are you sure you are alright with this?" He asked. I slid my ass back and felt his cock penetrate me deeper. I felt his lips contact my neck as he thrust his cock even deeper inside of me. I felt his arms wrap around me tighter and his breathing becoming more ragged as I continued to slide my pussy back and forth, his cock getting longer and wider with each thrust inside of me. "Yes, Very!" I whispered. I heard him grunt. "Did it turn you on like you thought it would?" I looked down at his black arms wrapped around my white body. I placed both my hands on his as I slid my ass back and shuddered, feeling my orgasm rip through my body. I knew it was from being "raped" earlier. When I came back to the world, I could hear his breathing becoming ragged. I asked him if it turned him on. "Actually, it does. I'm getting close to cumming." I heard him say. "So raping me in my house like that turned you on?" "It did, very much so. Are you alright with it?" "I am. It turned me on when you told me you would do this to me every time my husband went out of town. Did you mean it when you said you would come back even if the kids were here?" "I'm glad you liked that. Yes, I did. I would gladly take you in your bathroom every single day if I could." "Right up until I give birth to your child?" I whispered. "Absolutely." He said. I slid my ass back as I felt him thrust forward. "Do you promise?" I asked. "Oh, yes,' He said as I felt his grip get tighter around me. He thrust one last time. "Yes, Do It! Cum for me. Cum inside my pussy!" "Oh God, Oh God! I'm right there." "Give it to me. Give me all of it." I said. I felt him slam his cock deep inside of me and hold still. I could feel each pulse run up the length of his cock and spray my insides with his cum. I felt my orgasm crash over me like a tidal wave. I started sliding my pussy up and down the length of his cock, trying to milk every ounce of it out of him. I felt his cock shrinking inside of me as we lay there. I closed my eyes and pressed my ass back into him as hard as I could, keeping his cock inside of me as long as I could. I heard him start snoring just as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. I felt his cock slipping in and out of my pussy as I laid there half awake and half in dream. I could hear his moans and feel his arms wrapped around me as he continued fucking me. I squeezed his hand as I started rocking my hips back and forth. I heard him say he was going to cum. I pushed my ass back and held it still as he thrust his cock in and out of me. "Cum inside me..." I whispered as I felt him thrust forward and hold still. I could feel his cock pulsing over and over inside of me again. I started wiggling my ass around, trying to get as much cum into me as possible. I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep as I felt his cock pulsing inside of me. The next time I woke up and looked at the clock. It was 3 in the afternoon. His cock had finally slipped out of me and left a big mess between my legs. I grabbed the towel from earlier, placed it between my legs and went to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and peaked out into the bedroom. He was still lying there, naked in my bed. I hopped into the shower and started rinsing myself off. I jumped a little when I heard the door open. I looked over and saw Larry standing there. I motioned for him to join me. He didn't need much more encouraging. Somehow when he was washing me, I felt his rock hard cock slip up between my ass cheeks. I bent forward and placed my hands against the wall as I felt him slide his cock up and down my wet pussy until I felt the head pressed up against my opening. He pushed forward and I felt his cock slip completely into me. He grabbed my hips and held me tight as he thrust his cock deep inside of me. I felt him hitting my cervix each time he bottomed out. I could hear his breathing getting heavier. I didn't even ask him if he was getting close. I knew by now that he was. I arched my back and pushed back on one of his thrusts until I felt the tip slip past my cervix and into my womb. It hurt every time, but felt soo good once it was lodged inside of me, and I loved feeling the tip of his cock expand my cervix each time his cock pulsed. He held me tight and I felt his balls contract and press against my pussy then release. I felt his cock expand inside of me, until the tip expanded my cervix and I knew he was cumming inside of me again. I just pressed back with everything I had, holding his cock there as long as I could, basking in the feeling of his cock pulsing deep inside of me over and over. I sat there thinking, if only he had dislodged my IUD, he could be imseminating me right now. I felt butterflies in my belly as I pictured my stomach getting bigger, him still coming over when my husband wasn't here, knowing that it was his baby growing inside of me as he bent me over the counter or took me in the shower just like he was doing now. I felt his cock starting to slip out of me. I turned around, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. I felt his naked body pressed up against me as I continued to kiss him deeply. "Will you have anything left for tonight?" I asked. "I'm sure I will." He said. "I have a big surprise for you after dinner." "You do? Tell me," I said as I washed his back, then his front, making sure to clean his magnificent cock. "I can't. You will just have to wait." He answered. I could feel his cock growing in my hand and I was completely shocked. "Will I be able to get more of this," I said as I squeezed his cock. "Of course you will. All that you can handle." "I can handle a lot." I said, defiantly. "Good, you're gonna get a lot!" He said. "Oh really? This and then some?" I teased? "Anything is possible." He said. I leaned in to him and whispered in his ear, "Only you can take me bare, remember that!" "I know..." He said as he smiled wide. We finished up and dried each other off. He told me we were going to a nice restaurant for dinner and he would come get me at 6pm. I took a little nap, then at 4pm started doing my hair and makeup. Once finished I grabbed my black bustier corset and slipped it on. I tied it up the front and adjusted my breasts until they fit perfectly in the cups. I then grabbed my silk thigh highs and pulled them up my legs, securing each garter to them. I then grabbed a flashy black dress that was see through on the bottom and dipped nicely between my breasts making sure to show a lot of cleavage. I slipped on my black 4" patent leather pumps and grabbed my clutch. Just as I got to the bottom of the stairs, I heard a knock on the door. Larry was standing there with flowers. I gladly accepted them, and he walked me to the kitchen to put them away. I filled a vase with water and set them gently into the vase. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a big wet kiss. I felt his hands roaming, but I stopped them. "You will find out later..." I said. I let go of him, grabbed his hand and walked him out of the house hand in hand. Dinner was at one of the nicest restaurants in town. We had a wonderful time. We mostly talked about sex, which made all the people around us shy away from us. When it was all done, we drove back to his house. There were a couple extra cars there, so I asked what was going on. He told me I would find out soon enough. He exited the car and opened my door and helped me out. I flashed him a little just to get a reaction out of him. His bulge in his pants got bigger as we walked up to the house. When we entered there were about 5 guys in the family room. He introduced me to them all, I recognized Bill, his roommate and one other guy. The others were Larry's friends. They were all black and stood anywhere from 6'3" to 6'7". They were towering me. Larry walked me back to the bedroom and when the door was closed, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me deeply. When we broke the kiss I asked, "Are they all here for me?" He tried acting smooth, but I knew what he had planned. I kissed him deeply, then leaned in to his ear, "I hope you can handle this, just make sure no one cums inside of me", I whispered. "No one will." He said as he reached for the nightstand and pulled a couple boxes out. He set the boxes down, then helped me get out of my dress. He nearly fell over when he saw what I was, and wasn't wearing. "Damn, Girl! I may have to have you for myself." "Too Late for that. You can have me when they are all done and in the morning." I said. He grabbed a robe and helped me put it on, then grabbed a scarf and placed it over my eyes. He grabbed something out of the room, I hoped the condom boxes and opened the door. I took a deep breath and felt him tug at my hand. I was walked into the family room, where it went immediately silent. I couldn't even hear breathing. Finally, Larry spoke up. "There are a couple rules, Condoms only. If you don't agree, then you can leave. Also, we will treat her with respect and respect her wishes. She will be tied down, but if she says something, we have to follow. Does everyone agree?" I heard a bunch of sighs, then felt my hand being pulled. I felt my knee brush against something. Larry helped me onto the pad and I felt straps being placed over my calves. I then felt my robe being removed, followed by loud gasps as they all finally got to see what they were getting. I felt my arms being guided onto a higher set of pads than my legs were on, and straps being placed over my wrists. I felt completely exposed kneeling like I was. I could feel the cool air on my bare, unprotected pussy as I sat there and waited. I started getting nervous when I felt lips pressed to mine. Larry asked if I was comfortable. I told him I was, but I was a little scared. He said everyone was going to be gentle and do everything I asked. I told him I hoped so, then he pulled away. I heard clothing being removed all around me. There were now 6 naked cocks in one room with me. I could feel my nervousness fading away and my pussy starting to drip. I felt hands grab my head. I instinctively opened mouth as I felt a long hard shaft slip past my lips and bottom out at the back of my throat. I figured it was probably Larry's. He was being gentle and allowing me to bob back and forth on his cock. I felt a hand grab my ass and start gently squeezing it. I felt a couple more hands reach under and pull my breasts free from the corset. It didn't take long until I felt a hot breath on my ass and pussy. The tongue dove right in and started licking and sucking on my pussy for all it was worth. I heard a box open and thought, My first cock of the night. I felt the mouth leave my pussy and felt the tip of the first cock being placed at the entrance to my bare pussy. I was soaking wet and it slipped deep inside of me with almost no resistance. He fucked me fast and hard, grabbing my hips and pulling me back against his cock. It wasn't as long as Larry's, but it felt good having a cock down my throat and another pounding my pussy from behind. I could feel myself getting close to orgasming on my first 2 cocks inside of me at the same time. I felt the guy behind me thrusting quicker and knew it wouldn't take long. I pulled the cock out of my mouth and screamed "Cum on my Ass!" I felt him pull his cock out, I heard him rip the condom off and start stroking his cock as I replaced the cock in my mouth. I came as soon as I felt his cock spurt out his cum all over my back and ass. They didn't even bother wiping the cum off my ass. I heard someone say, "My turn," then I felt the first guy move and a much larger cock being placed at the entrance to my pussy. I felt the tip of his cock spread my lips wide as he started pushing his cock into my pussy. I could hear the rubber from the condom stretching as he forced his cock deep inside of my pussy. It was much wider than Larry's, but about half the length. Once I felt his pelvis press against my ass, I felt his hands grip my hips tight and he started thrusting his cock in and out of my pussy. At first, it felt a little uncomfortable, but after just a few strokes, I could feel my wetness lubricating his cock and it started feeling really good. I had to take the cock out of my mouth a couple times as I felt myself go over the edge twice, just from the girth of his cock. I felt him starting to speed up. I pulled the cock out of my mouth and said, "Cum big boy! Fill that condom up inside of me!" I heard him grunt really loud and I felt a different cock being placed into my mouth as I started pushing back harder and harder onto that wide cock deep inside of me. I tried pulling out the cock in my mouth as I felt him grab my hips hard and push himself as deep as he could go inside of me, but I couldn't get away from it. I felt the big huge cock pulsing deep inside of me, praying that the condom was still on as I felt the guy in my mouth jerk and push his cock deeper into my mouth and down my throat. I felt his cock pulse between my lips and along my tongue as I felt the cock in pussy pulsing, filling a condom full of cum. I had never had two cocks cum inside of me at the same time. It threw me over the edge and I started bucking back and forth, milking both cocks to give me everything they had. Both guys pulled out at the same time and were replaced by 2 more cocks. This time, though, the guy that took his place behind me placed what felt like a tube of beef against my pussy. I already had the guy in my mouth and was working up and down the length of his cock, each time I backed away from his cock, I could feel pressure being placed against the opening of my pussy, but my muscles still hadn't relaxed enough to allow it to slide inside of me. On the next pass, I felt the tip of his cock spread my lips wide and the head of his cock slipped inside of me. I let out a low moan around the cock in my mouth as I slid forward trying to get away from it. He followed me and when I started pushing back, I felt more of his cock slip deeper inside of my pussy. He just stood there as I did all the work. I could feel my muscles stretching out and I could feel my pussy starting to lubricate itself, allowing the monster to slide back and forth inside of me. On the second pass, I felt myself approaching my first orgasm with him. I stopped sucking on the cock in my mouth and just kneeled there shaking on that monster buried balls deep inside of me. As soon as I came down, I started sliding back and forth on it harder. His cock was bottoming out, but I still didn't feel his pelvis hitting my ass. Each time he bottomed out, I would press back a little harder, feeling the pain and pleasure sending conflicting messages to my brain. I kept pressing harder and harder against it each time, and just like the first time with Larry, I felt my cervix starting to open up. When I felt the tip of his cock penetrate my cervix, I came harder than I had, even with Larry. I just kneeled there and shook uncontrollably as it ripped through my body. I was determined to take all of him though, and as soon as I came back to my body, I started pushing back even harder. The feeling is completely indescribable as I felt the head of his cock finally penetrate my cervix and slip into my womb. I kept pushing back until I felt his pelvis press against my ass. I pulled myself forward all along the shaft until the head of his cock popped out of my pussy. I looked up at nobody and yelled, "Take it off! I want to feel your bare cock inside of me!" Larry was by my ear in a flash as I heard someone, I assume big cock guy, trying to get the condom off his huge cock. "Are you sure? I can't guarantee he will pull out!" "Oh My God. I don't care if he does, actually, I want to feel him cum inside of me. Just please tell him to hurry." I felt the tip of his cock press against my opening and slip easily inside of me. I felt his hands grip my hips and pull me back until the tip pressed against my cervix. It slipped deep inside of me until I felt his pelvis press against my ass. I felt a cock being placed in my mouth as I started sliding forward. I could feel when the tip was about to slip out of my womb and I would stop and slide right back onto it. Impaling my pussy and womb on his magnificent cock. I felt his hands grip my hips tighter as he started grunting. I knew what was coming, and I started chickening out. I tried sliding forward and off of his monster, but I felt balls slap against my chin. I felt his grip tighten even more as I heard him groan, "I'm right there." I tried to moan out of my mouth but it just sounded like I was egging him on. I felt him push himself as deep as he could and start grunting. I felt the first pulse run the length of my pussy and spread my cervix even wider as the guy in my mouth started cumming deep down my throat. I was taking a gallon of cum a second deep inside my body from both sides. I came so hard I saw stars flashing in front of my eyes as I shock non-stop for about a minute as both of the cock inside of me unleashed a flood of semen deep inside my body. Larry whispered into my ear, "My turn!" I started wiggling my ass as I felt him get behind me. I felt his cock slip easily between my lips as another guy placed his cock against my lips. I instinctively opened my mouth and felt his hard cock slip between my lips and slide all the way to the back of my throat. Larry grabbed my hips and pulled my ass back against his cock. I felt the tip of his cock press against my cervix and slip right in. I let out a moan around the cock in my mouth as they both pumped into me with earnest. I knew the guy in my mouth was getting close, but it took me by surprise when I felt Larry's grip get tight around my hips and pull himself deep inside of me. I heard him groan as I felt his cock expand and contract. I could feel his cum being pumped directly into my womb, mixing with the last guy that had been inside of me. Larry held me tight as I felt the guy in my mouth begin to cum. He pulled his cock back until the tip was just resting inside my lips as he shot load after load into my mouth. I felt them both slip out of me as they finished up. I heard Larry telling everyone it was time to go. He even told his roommate Bill to find somewhere else to stay tonight. I giggled a little as I heard Bill react to this. Larry walked them all out and I heard him close and lock the door behind him. I heard his footsteps approach then felt his body press up behind me. I felt his big hard cock rest against my ass. I felt him raise it up, then slap it against my upturned ass. "You are one naughty little girl. I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson!" "Oh really? What do you plan on doing to this naughty little housewife?" I asked. "I'm gonna fuck you hard and cum inside of you all night. You told me not to let anyone cum inside you besides me." "I know, but he felt soo good, I wanted to feel it just once. I didn't think you would get upset!" "I'm not upset, I'm soo turned on right now, you wouldn't believe it." "What has you so turned on," I asked as I felt him slap my ass with his hard cock again. "I loved watching you get gangbanged, but watching you get fucked bare turned me on even more." "Oh really? Do you like knowing you have competition?" "You have no idea," I heard him snicker. I felt him slip his cock down between my ass cheeks and place it against my bare pussy. I pushed back and felt his hard cock slip deep inside of me. I felt his hands wrap around my hips and pull me back against him even harder. "Oh, you feel soo good fucking my wet pussy. I love feeling you deep inside of me." I said. "I love fucking your bare pussy! I can't wait to cum inside of you again." "Yeah, you're gonna take advantage of me being tied up and fill my pussy with your cum again?" I leaned my head down and started picturing his cock pumping his semen deep inside of me again. I started feeling my orgasm overwhelm me. "Oh God, I wish you had taken out my IUD before you started fucking me again. I can't wait to feel you cum in bare, unprotected pussy," I said out loud as I pushed back against him harder and harder. "What if I told you it is already out? What if I took it out last night while I was fisting your pretty pussy? Would it turn you on knowing that two different guys filled your unprotected pussy tonight?" It took a few seconds for this to register in my brain. I kept pushing back harder and harder as I reran these words in my head. "Two different guys had just inseminated my unprotected pussy?" I thought about the implications of this. I now had two different guys semen pumped directly into my womb, one right after another. I started pushing back even harder as I felt my orgasm building. I arched my back and yelled out, "Fuck me harder, I'm gonna cum. I can't believe I let that guy cum in bare! I need your cum. I need all your cum! Don't stop cumming in me until you make me pregnant with your baby." "I won't! I want to give you my baby!" He said as his breath became ragged. "Oh God, just cum!" I screamed. Just then I felt his cock penetrate my cervix as I felt his cock expand. "That's it, right there. I need it. I want your baby!" "What if Tyrone is the one that knocks you up?" He asked. "Then next time, I will have to let you knock me up! I still want you to come over and fuck me bare every day like you promised!" "I will. What about the days your husband is home?" "He sleeps late! Just let yourself in and take me in the bathroom like you did today." I want you to be my baby's daddy," I said as I pushed back against him really hard and felt his cock go deeper inside of me. I felt his hands grab my hips and pull me tight, sealing my pussy with his cock as I felt it expand. I wiggled my ass around milking his cock as I felt my first unprotected load shoot deep inside my womb. I came soo hard, I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head as I passed out. When I came to, I was lying naked in Larry's bed. I felt him behind me, his cock was rock hard and pressing against my ass. There was a nightlight on in his room, and I looked over at the nightstand and saw a small clear ring resting against my phone. I slipped up in the bed until I felt his cock slip between my legs. I reached between my legs and angled his cock just right as I slid myself back, feeling his big hard bare black cock enter my unprotected pussy again. Tempting fate just seems to turn me on more than I ever thought. As I pushed my ass back against Larry, feeling his cock slip deep inside of me, I knew even if Larry was the father of the baby, I would let him take me bare over and over again until he got me pregnant again and again.
**The Bible, Fundamentalists, & Lesbian Sex** © By: wistfall1 _Author's note of acknowledgement: I wish to thank those who helped by reading and offering suggestions. They put in much time and effort to help me to make this more easily read, and for that, I am grateful. That said, I must also say that I alone am responsible for any errors or omissions that this essay may contain._ **What is Fundamentalism?** There has been much ado lately about the bible and homosexuality, and most of it raised by what are known as Fundamentalists. Fundamentalists became widely known from Jerry Falwell's preaching, and also by Pat Robertson of the "700 Club" on television, as well as from many others. What is Fundamentalism? Fundamentalism in the Christian world is the belief in the Bible as the literal and inerrant word of God, the God of the Jews in what is known as the Old Testament. It is without error, they proclaim, and many, if not most Fundamentalists, have a belief that our nation, America, should be a nation under God's law as in the Old Testament, and punishments for violating those laws should be meted out as prescribed by the Old Testament. What is seemingly upper most for the Fundamentalists, at least in the public purview, is that homosexuality is not only a violation of God's law, but treat it as though it is of the utmost importance to God over most other laws, and is a sin that some have openly stated should be punished by death as in the Old Testament. They have also decided that homosexuality is against God's law not only for men but for women also. Several questions arise from this: Is the Bible literally the word of Divinity, of a real God, one who purposefully created the Universe, and humans as special beings with a purpose that is as dear to him? Are Fundamentalists correct in saying that there is no error in the Bible because it is God's word either written by him, or him having others to write it as he dictated it? Is it truly inerrant—error free—as the Fundamentalists claim? And finally, for the purpose of this essay, did God say, or command in the Bible, that there should be no homosexuality between women? This last, minor though it may seem in the "big picture", is salient for a couple of reasons, not the least of which is that this essay is directed to lesbians in particular. Lesbians are paying a very high price in emotional distress from church humiliation, shame, guilt, terrorism, the pressure of family, prevalent church society, and damnation and an everlasting journey into the burning fires of hell for heeding the call from within their very being to be lesbians, and have lesbian sex as a result of their love of other women. Whether lesbian sex is prohibited by the Bible or not, also speaks to the veracity of the Bible, and those who say the Bible is error free. This leads me to the first exploration of facts: **Lesbian Sex, Fundamentalist's Beliefs, and the Bible.** One of the leading Fundamentalists had this to say on a sex question, and how the Bible deals with it as far as Fundamentalists are concerned, at least from his point of view. Here is an excerpt: _ **Pat Robertson Says Oral Sex Is Fine If You're Married**_ [easily found in an Internet search, as are the other quotes cited here—Literotica doesn't permit links to the Internet. Italicized are quotes from the Internet, as well as from the Bible.] _Perhaps only a few topics could make a co-host of the Christian Broadcasting Network's "700 Club" become "verklempt." [Yiddish for passionate, most likely.] But while Kristi Watts was overwhelmed by the inquiry concerning oral sex in the context of marriage, Pat Robertson took it in stride._ _ **"The Bible doesn't make that sinful,"**_ [my bold] _Robertson said. "The question is: What's in your heart?"_ _Robertson endorsed the act if it's a sign of love and compassion between two married people._ His co-host was quick to cite the biblical backing. The verse, found in Hebrews 13:4, reads: "Let marriage be kept honorable in every way, and the marriage bed undefiled. For God will judge those who commit sexual sins, especially those who commit adultery" (International Standard Version). "It's a question of what is in your mind," Robertson said. "If you feel it's sin -- it's sin." So there's one of the leading Fundamentalists stipulating just how literally he takes the words in the bible. If it's not specified, then it isn't sinful. Man sexually with a man is prohibited specifically more than once in the Old Testament as an abomination before God, and punishable by death. Oral sex is not mentioned, so it is okay. Sex between women isn't mentioned either, so it is okay too, according to Pat Robertson's interpretation, and in accord with basic Fundamentalist beliefs. Note how he was quick to make the assumption of it being okay if in loving marriage though the Bible doesn't address that. Isn't that like claiming to know the mind of God? Then again, isn't Pat Robertson putting words into God's mouth (again, if you believe in the Bible) when he says oral sex is fine if in a loving context of marriage. The Bible, again, says nothing about oral sex, so isn't he adding to the word of God as he shouldn't be? They do seem to have a habit of picking and choosing what is said, and how to take it, God's word or not Not all of the books of the Bible, especially the New Testament, have a known writer, and therefore may have absolutely no claim to be apostolic in any way. Hebrews is one of those books. There is one more news item to help make what comes later clear: _ **Charles L. Worley, North Carolina Pastor: Put Gays And Lesbians In Electrified Pen To Kill Them Off**_ [Easily found on other sites on the Internet.] _The barrage of anti-gay sermons delivered by North Carolina-based pastors to hit the blogosphere continues with yet another disturbing rant caught on tape._ _The pastor...Charles L. Worley of Providence Road Baptist Church in Maiden, N.C., condemns President Obama's [endorsement of same sex marriage], while calling for gays and lesbians to be put in an electrified pen and ultimately killed off._ _"Build a great, big, large fence -- 150 or 100 mile long -- put all the lesbians in there," Worley suggests in the clip, reportedly filmed on May 13._ He continues: "Do the same thing for the queers and the homosexuals and have that fence electrified so they can't get out...and you know what, in a few years, they'll die out...do you know why? They can't reproduce!" He also said that if he's asked who he'll vote for, he'll reply, "I'm not going to vote for a baby killer and a homosexual lover!" Many of the congregants cheer and reply, "Amen." _Worley added, ""It makes me pukin'' sick to think about -- I don''t even whether or not to say this in the pulpit -- can you imagine kissing some man?""_ _The pastor's comments seem in line with statements made by Ron Baity, founding pastor of Berean Baptist Church in Winston-Salem and head of the anti-marriage equality organization Return America, who told his own congregation that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) [be prosecuted as they were historically—was originally shown as a link] and Pastor Sean Harris of the Berean Baptist Church in Fayetteville [who advocated punching the child—was a link] if he is effeminate and "crack that wrist" if he is limp-wristed._ _Similarly, Tim Rabon,... condemned states such as Massachusetts, Connecticut and Maryland which have already "re-defined" marriage to include lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) couples before asking his congregants, "What is stopping them from refining marriage from a person and a beast? We're not far from that."_ Note that Charles L. Worley, the North Carolina pastor, includes lesbians in his call to put them in an electrified fence to kill them off. Again, as Pat Robertson properly points out (if one believes in the Bible), if there is nothing specifically said in the Bible, how can it be a sin and punishable by death to the God in the Bible? At this point, I think it is appropriate to point out a couple of verses from the New Testament: **O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgements and how inscrutable his ways!** 'For who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counsellor?' (Romans, chapter 11, verses 33-34, from New Revised Standard Version of the Bible) If these are in the Bible, and true, how is it that Pat Robertson can add that oral sex is okay in marriage only? Further, how can Charles L. Worley condemn lesbians when the Bible doesn't, and say that they must be punished just as homosexual males are to be punished? How is it that these two can add to God's inerrant words and still say that the bible is to be taken literally? How is it that they decide to speak for God when God didn't speak as they felt he should? Is God dumb, or absent minded? Or maybe he never suspected that women could love other women sexually because he's not omniscient. My, my, how could God be so absentminded as to not outlaw what is so despised by so many men of the cloth, and many of those not of the cloth too. And funny, there is no mention of pedophiles which is of great concern to all of us in our day. Didn't children matter to God back then, or is this just things that men who wrote the Bible were against? How can it be that pedophilia isn't mentioned? Is it something that the Catholic church invented? And if the Bible speaks against bestiality, how can it not be known about the desire many men—and some women—have for sex with children, even mere babies? Please, please, don't tell us that since God didn't say anything... This bespeaks a fallacy in their thinking, their assuming too much. Hubris! And this leads to another point about their mentality, and the accuracy of what they claim to preach for the Divine, for God himself. Let's consider Fundamentalism and the Bible as to its veracity. **Fundamentalists and the Bible** According to the Fundamentalists, as I've said, they take each word in the Bible to be literally the word of God, and to be obeyed; the Bible is without error, inerrant. And as with all Christians, the Old Testament is the foundation for the New Testament and Jesus himself. The question, since the Fundamentalists are now pushing to have God's word to be our nations law, is whether or not the Bible is truly God's word without error? Also, all should obey God's injunctions or be found guilty of sinning against God, and be punished now as they are reported in the Old Testament as being punished then. As said by the Fundamentalists, there should be absolutely no error in the Bible because God wrote it, or had it written under his auspices, and thus just as if actually written by God himself. Or did men, without God's direct participation, write it? If this is so, how can it be proven as belief is mostly...well, belief? Actually, it can be proven. How? By using the Bible itself, along with objectively known history, as well as proven history, and archeological history and known and accepted scientific proofs. Surely the Bible has many good things to say, to wonder at, and is doubtless written by many intelligent and creative people. Be that as it may be, I don't in any way begrudge the Jews their God, nor argue against their sacred writings with only an intent to be harmful to them. However, what much of Christianity has done, how they've melded their New Testament onto the Old Testament, and now, as in times past, seek to make one and all be under the Mosaic laws whether we like it or not, I do have much against. Unfortunately, this will also bring into question whether or not the Bible is truly God's word, or the word of man. Is it true, or is it a lie, or maybe only meant for the Jewish people? We, I, must ask, if the Bible really is the word of God; if the God of the Jews truly is the creator of the Universe and of humans, and particularly of Jews as his special people? The following is a look at many of the verses in the Bible and the veracity of what the Bible says, using the methods I've outlined above. Readers will note that the Bible itself provides most of the proofs. Each reader is very specifically asked to verify all that is herein written. [Note: Some of the verses are without a doubt in error, wrong in what they say, or contradictory one verse to another.] Just one error, invalidates the inerrancy claim of Fundamentalists, but you'll see that there are many more than just one, and some of them are huge. Those verses with major errors will be so noted, and highlighted with five asterisks ***** to show it plainly to be in error that none can deny. Some other verses are very questionable, and indeed are argued on by Fundamentalists, and seen as uncertain by others not familiar with the Bible as some are. These are so noted, and highlighted by two asterisks ** to show it plainly that these are questionable verses.] **Genesis** Chapter 1 _1 In the beginning when God created* the heavens and the earth,_ 2 the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God* swept over the face of the waters. 3 Then God said, 'Let there be light'; and there was light. 4 And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day. I consulted, in addition to the NSRV cited here, the King James Version (KJV), and a Catholic bible. All start out the same, save for the New Revised Standard Version (NSRV) which uses the word: "when" as in "...when God created..." Saying that on the first day, the earth and the heavens were created, and then all the rest came later is, according to physicists, astronomers, and cosmologists, etc., incorrect. The Sun is much older than the earth, and the Earth is held in place by the greater gravitational pull of the Sun. This is a gross error. ***** In other words, no Sun, or substitute for our Sun, and our Earth has nothing to hold it in any one place. Also, other planets in our solar system have their gravitational influences on Earth, as does the moon, and other planets. We do exist in a "solar system" with the sun as our center, though not the center of the Universe. This has to be a huge error in the Bible, but understandable if it was written by humans, though not at all understandable if written by God, though many Fundamentalists will argue this. And God made light, and separated it from the darkness? The Universe and its space are both dark and cold. Light is provided by stars, of which our Sun is one. No Sun, no stars, no light. We'll see more on the Sun shortly, however: Stars give off light from the heat generated by the star condensing, squeezing atoms deeper and deeper within itself. This is a huge indisputable error. ***** So, was the light made on the first day or the fourth day? A contradiction to be sure, therefore an error plain and simple, and very possibly indicative of more than one human "writer" of the Bible, maybe someone who "added" words to whatever was originally written. A contradiction is an error, plain and simple. ***** _6 And God said, 'Let there be a dome in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.'_ 7 So God made the dome and separated the waters that were under the dome from the waters that were above the dome. And it was so. 8 God called the dome Sky. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day. The "dome", or firmament in other Bibles; apparently those who wrote the Bible believed that there was a solid dome that at times was opened up to allow rain to fall on the Earth. In those days no one had any idea of how rain came to be, and thus probably thought of it being held above the earth by God, or the gods. The Babylonians were said to believe in a tripartite setting (Earth as a flat disc with the heavens above and whatever below) that would account for this "dome" or firmament, if, as believed by many researchers, the Old Testament was greatly written then. Also, in many places, the Bible speaks of the Earth as having "foundations" (as in, "...the foundations of the world were laid bare...", NRSV, 2 Samuel, chapter 22, verse 16, and "Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?", Job, chapter 38, verse 4, KJV), indicating that the earth was a flat disc and held up by pillars giving more credence to how the Earth was seen as being. Again, Fundamentalists may argue this point. However, no one can find a "dome" of any kind above the earth. This has to be a huge error, but as I said, Fundamentalists argue against it. ***** This "dome" is odd. It seems as if it's thought to be a real thing, a physical thing, and it had water above it that was separate from that on the earth. We'll see this in the chapters that talk about Noah and the flood. _9 And God said, 'Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.' And it was so._ 10 God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. 11 Then God said, 'Let the earth put forth vegetation: plants yielding seed, and fruit trees of every kind on earth that bear fruit with the seed in it.' And it was so. 12 The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening and there was morning, the third day. The earth was there already, per verse 1. Okay, we'll skip that, but... How can vegetation, plants yielding seed, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it be possible? The Bible definitely says that "The earth brought forth vegetation..." in verse 12. Every child still in school knows that it takes water and sunlight to begin to make vegetation grow, and keep growing, trees included. Where's the sun? No sun yet? We'll see it a day later (some people say that a day with God is as a thousand years—hope the trees and plants can wait if that's so). This is another error-ridden writing that is supposed to be inerrant—error free, that is. A huge, unmistakable error. ***** _14 And God said, 'Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth.' And it was so._ 16 God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. 17 God set them in the dome of the sky to give light upon the earth, 18 to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day. This is the third time that he has lights "to separate the day from the night". Makes one think of those jokes of how many people it takes to change a light bulb. In and of itself, this is another mix up in the Bible. ***** When the Bible says: "Let there be lights in the dome of the sky..." it is as if there is definitely a solid dome in which the "lights" are to be set, and not in the heavens above the earth. Who knows for sure what the writer meant, but here we see the Sun and the Moon, as well as other Suns, or stars also as if locked in this dome. Did this dome circle the earth with the sun, moon, and other stars? However, in verse 8 it says "God called the dome sky", whereas in verse 17 here it says "...the dome of the sky", not in the sky, or below the sky. Which is it? ** Where each star is, there is light as we know light from our Sun—a star; other than that, stars are so far away we only see a small dot of light, and that light is an old, old light for those stars are "light years away from us. A light year is the amount of time it takes a light to travel in one of our years, and most stars are millions of miles away from us, thus the light we see from them is a very old light just arriving here many years later. This is an error as spoken of just above in another verse, one that no omnipotent God would make. There are four universal forces in the universe, and the one commonly know is gravity. Now we have a Sun to hold the planets in their orbits about the Sun, something to keep Earth in a predictable place, or places as it goes on its orbit. Claudius Ptolemy, about the time of Jesus, or so, put forth a chart that showed how everything known in the sky revolved around the earth—the earth was thought to be the center of the universe. Even the Sun revolved around the Earth. How could humans not believe that the earth was what all revolved around? But Copernicus showed Ptolemy was wrong, and so was the common knowledge of the earth being the center of the universe. How could God have gotten it wrong, and put an earth, as in the very first verse of Genesis, without a sun to keep the earth in place, in its orbit around the sun? Was it because it was common knowledge that the Sun, and everything else revolved around the Earth? Physicist, Marcelo Gleiser, in his book: "A Tear At The Edge Of Creation" (Free Press, 2010), says: "...everyone, from the Babylonians to Aristotle, from the great Ptolemy to the inspiring Muslim astronomers who kept the Greek fire burning through the Dark Ages, literally everyone, sage and ignorant alike, had been wrong about the heavens." Without that gravitational attraction, the Earth would not be in its orbit around the sun from its greater gravitational pull. Maybe God didn't have all of these scientific facts yet, but then God wouldn't be God who made the Universe if he didn't know this—or maybe it wasn't God who was the originator of the words in the Bible—maybe it was men who wrote it and said it was God who wrote it, or inspired it. But wait, is that all that's wrong with this set of verses? What about the stars? If God made the stars on the fourth day, and what God made cannot evolve according to Fundamentalists, so why are more stars being made, and more, why are some stars exploding at various times either spewing out atoms it has created in its furnace, or making black holes which swallow up other planets, smaller stars, and whatever is in its reach? Stars are being made? Evolving? Is evolution really true? It would seem so These are huge errors. ***** _20 And God said, 'Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky.'_ 21 So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, of every kind, with which the waters swarm, and every winged bird of every kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 God blessed them, saying, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.' 23 And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day. The big question here is: Did this include sea turtles, seals, walruses, and manatees? This, too, will be important when we get to Noah's ark. And what are sea monsters? _24 And God said, 'Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind.' And it was so._ 25 God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind. And God saw that it was good. This is half of the sixth day. It is here that Fundamentalists get a part of their denial of evolution for it says "God made...every kind, and everything", including creeping things, cattle, and wild animals. Therefore, all that God made was put on the Ark by Noah, as we shall see later on. But let's see the second part of the sixth day. _26 Then God said, 'Let **us**_ [bold mine] _make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.'_ 27 So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. _28 God blessed them, and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.'_ 29 God said, 'See, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. 30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.' And it was so. 31 God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. Uh, who is "us" that made humankind? That has never been answered other than by researchers who thought that maybe this was the work of men, and one of them put in the "us" word, and very likely men who worshipped more than one God (see Psalms 82 for more—other—Gods being spoken to by the [apparently] Jewish God, Yahweh). This first creation of humans was said by believers to be spiritual, and not yet physical. This is something that is more than a huge contradiction of Fundamentalist belief, as well as of the belief of all Christians. "Us" is more than one God! This is one fantastically huge error in an inerrant Bible of "the" only God who created all, including humans. ***** The Bible, in verse 30, all animals, beast, bird, creeping thing, are given every green plant for food. Do snakes eat grass or green plants? Do lions and such eat plants, green or not, for food? Some say that people were first made spiritual—then why are they given all that is upon the face of the earth for food? Do spiritual creatures need physical food in their spiritual make up? Then again, the Bible doesn't say that this creation, in this chapter, is spiritual and not physical. And how is it that the animals and plants are food for spiritual beings? Or are they spiritual too? In fact, has that question even been asked? Remember this for there is yet another creation that is purely physical. Spiritual beings don't, as far as anyone knows, eat animals and plants. And not all animals eat green plants for food. This has to be another error if this is considered a "spiritual" creation. ***** Let's see what the next "creation" says, if anything, about food, animals, or plants. That's all the errors readily seen in the Bible by one and all that would look with some care, but then that's only in the first chapter. So far it would seem that Fundamentalists would have you believe that God was more than slightly inebriated when he wrote, or dictated, this chapter, else how could so many errors appear in an inerrant (without error) work? Once again, this is to find easy to see errors in the Bible and show them to whomever wishes to know of them, but mostly so lesbians will know that they have been unjustly prodded, tormented, humiliated, shamed, and made to feel guilty, and all over some misguided beliefs that preachers don't bother to look at with a discerning eye as they should. Even Jesus is said to have addressed this: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (Gospel of John, chapter 8, verse 32) Paul did too, though I suspect why he said it; still, it is said that he did, and therefore it should be a tenet of Fundamentalism: Prove all things... (1 Thessalonians, chapter 5, verse 21) Thus this essay has two main purposes, the one to show the truth of the lies to all lesbians who have been afflicted by the Fundamentalists in churches, and then to counter all the lies being told by Fundamentalists about the Bible being God's word and error free—inerrant as they say. However, there are many more errors. I have marked several indisputable errors in chapter 1 of Genesis, many more than just the one needed to prove that the Fundamentalists are wrong, and that the Bible is not error free. Soon it will be seen that the hand of more than one man undoubtedly helped to write, and make errors in, the Bible. There are eight (8) distinctive major errors, and one (1) probable error, in the first chapter of Genesis, and it only takes one (1) error to prove the Bible is not error free. In fact, it seems error-ridden. Let's look at the second account of creation. **Chapter 2** _1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all their multitude._ 2 And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done. 3 So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation. 4 These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created. In the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, 5 when no plant of the field was yet in the earth and no herb of the field had yet sprung up—for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was no one to till the ground; _6 but a stream would rise from the earth, and water the whole face of the ground—_ 7 then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being. 8 And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east; and there he put the man whom he had formed. 9 Out of the ground the Lord God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Now verse 5 says there was no plant of the field, no herb had sprung up for there was no man to till the ground, yet in chapter 1, we were told in verses 11 and 12 that there were plants and trees, and even fruit with seeds in them. And in verse 29 of chapter 1, God tells humans to look, that he has given them food to eat. He, God, has done it all, and no man was necessary. This is a contradiction without a doubt, therefore an error. ***** Verse 7 tells us of the making of a physical man, Adam, out of dust. Humans are not made out of the dust of the ground. Humans are made out of atoms of various kinds, principally hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon, plus minor amounts of other atoms. Atoms merge to make various molecules, and molecules make cells. That's basic, but what's not basic for the layperson, such as myself and others, is all that goes into making humans beginning with sperm and egg, DNA, amino acids, and proteins. Even dust is made out of atoms, and so is the whole earth, and everything we touch, including the chair we sit on. We are beings made of atoms that breathe, drink, and eat atoms. But then men who wrote the bible didn't have the science we have today, so they couldn't have known this. God would have. In fact, most likely any God would have. This is an error. ***** This time "the Lord God" made humans. Before (chapter 1) it was "us" gods who made humans. Hmm! Which is it? This is another huge contradiction, and thus an error. ***** And what about trees again? Those were also made before in chapter 1. And how is it that a particular tree can have Life, other than we ordinarily know it, or Knowledge? Is there a literal Tree of Life and a Tree of Knowledge, or is this all metaphorical? Think about it: if God breathes life, can a tree give it too? For the Bible, maybe it is a metaphor; for Fundamentalists, an error. ***** _15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to till it and keep it._ 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, 'You may freely eat of every tree of the garden; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall die.' Then again, why not get into the tree of knowledge (now the tree of knowledge of good and evil)? Like the tree of life, how can there be such a tree, but apparently bear fruit (whereas the tree of life wasn't said to bear fruit, at least not now)? Why put a tree with fruit before him after he says he has, in chapter 1, verse 29, said he has given every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. Is this a trick garden? And why tempt humans for if God is omnipotent, then he knows humans can't stay away from temptation, and will fail. This is a contradiction, and thus an error. ***** Fundamentalist may say something that includes "to show his love through Jesus' and his salvation". Uh, make humans suffer just to show how nice he can be? Isn't that Munchausen's by Proxy Syndrome in the extreme? This, too, has to be a metaphor for one cannot eat fruit and gain knowledge of good and evil. An error in the Bible save for diehard believers. ***** _18 Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner.'_ First off, it is not "let us" doing this or that; it is "I will". Now this God is alone? Or is it a second man writing now, or maybe a third? Seems like it, but a contradiction we usually skip over and never question in bible school. This is most certainly an error. ***** _19 So out of the ground the Lord God formed every animal of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name._ 20 The man gave names to all cattle, and to the birds of the air, and to every animal of the field; but for the man there was not found a helper as his partner. Out of the ground, presumably of the same "dust" that he formed Adam from, but did he actually give all the animals the same DNA as he gave to Adam, or is the ground where he made all the animals different in composition from the ground he made Adam from? They do share similar DNA, especially the chimpanzees; of that there is no doubt for it has been found scientifically via DNA comparisons. All animals share much of the same DNA, and that is a scientific fact. Is this an error? Seems like it, for we're not told that this ground is slightly different from the ground that Adam was made out of. ***** And what about animals that lived in the water? Didn't Adam name them too? And what did God make whales out of? Scientifically, a whale once lived on land for it has vestigial hind legs, and pelvic bones still within the body of some whales. [Why Evolution Is True, Jerry A. Coyne, Professor at U. of Chicago, Viking Penguin, 2009]. How were the whales "brought to the man" (presumably Adam)? And what about hippos? Or dinosaurs of old: T Rex, Brontosaurus, Stegosaurus, Pterodactyls, etc.? If God made dinosaurs, they had to be around at the creation and in Adam's time. How were they "brought" to "the man" to be named? The men who wrote the Old Testament didn't know about dinosaurs so they weren't included. All animals in existence now were initially created by God in these first times. According to Fundamentalists, there is no evolution since God created all that is. Maybe some have gone extinct, but no new ones are possible. Only God has the power to create. Remember this when we come to Noah. In the meantime, this is plainly an error. ***** He will make him a helper, and then makes animals of the field, and birds. Suddenly God realizes that he meant to make a helper for Adam, not
critters. This is an error. ***** _21 So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then he took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh._ 22 And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. 23 Then the man said, 'This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; this one shall be called Woman, for out of Man* this one was taken.' 24 Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife, and they become one flesh. 25 And the man and his wife were both naked, and were not ashamed. Again, humans of the days when they wrote the Bible didn't know about cloning. Making Eve out of rib is just about the definition of cloning ("This is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh"), making something asexually from the same donor. But taking and making Eve directly out of Adam would be as cloning, and she would have thus been a "he". This is another plain to see error. ***** We will see more about this later on when mitochondria is examined. There are 9 major errors in this chapter. . **Chapter 3** _1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any other wild animal that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, 'Did God say, "You shall not eat from any tree in the garden"?'_ Whoa! The serpent speaks! It is wily, crafty, that is. In chapter 1, verse 21, 24, and 25, God made creatures of the land, and declared them good in verses 21 and 25. In chapter 2, verses 19 and 29, God brings all creatures before Adam to see what he will name them. Did Adam name the serpent then, for the serpent is a creature? Further, did God warn Adam that this creature could talk, and he was to be careful because of its craftiness? If not, why not? Was Adam and Eve's fall already planned, their pain, suffering, and death also planned from the word go? If so, why make them only to inflict pain on them? How is it that the serpent could talk? How is it that the serpent was "crafty", and later known to be treacherous when all creatures were pronounced "good"? This is an error. ***** Did the serpent say "Hi" to Adam, or anything else, or thank him for naming him? If this isn't metaphorical for whatever reason, then nothing in the world is. This is definitely and error in the Bible written by a man alone. ***** _2 The woman said to the serpent, 'We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden;_ 3 but God said, "You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, nor shall you touch it, or you shall die." ' 4 But the serpent said to the woman, 'You will not die; 5 for God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.' _6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate._ 7 Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves. The serpent must have gone extinct for there are no more wild animals on earth that can speak, if there even was a serpent. This sounds much like the tales of creation told by Native American Indians with speaking, wily coyotes and other such animals. In fact, none has ever heard of a wild animal on earth that can speak other than in stories. This is an error unless taken metaphorically, and Fundamentalists say we must take the Bible literally. ***** Why would a serpent that was created by God want to go against God, and more, how in the world does it know what it says is so? Did it eat from the Tree of Knowledge? This also has to be an error. ***** More important, where did the serpent learn to speak, and how did it know what he was saying? Did it hear God, and God didn't know it? Is that possible, God being God, that is? As stated previously, Fundamentalists say that God's word is to be taken literally, and not metaphorically. If so, then all of the questions above show errors in the Bible, and by Fundamentalists. How does the serpent know that their eyes will be opened if they eat? Did it eat, and have its eyes opened? If so, why did God allow it to live in the Garden of Eden, and not expel it as he would Adam and Eve—and as he did expel the serpent with them? How is it that if God allowed them to be naked in each other's presence, that after their "eyes are opened" they find the need to cover their genitals, as it seems to suggest? Didn't they think God knew what he was doing when he had them traipsing around naked in the Garden of Eden? Didn't each of them wonder at Adam's penis dangling before them, and Eve didn't have one, or that they peed differently—natural curiosity of children? Again, this is not a literal writing of actual events; it couldn't be with all the objections noted above, thus it has to be metaphorical. It also smacks of patriarchy as practiced by the Jews as we shall see later on. The suggestion is that nakedness is a shameful thing when one is conscious of it, but were they automatons before that to not be conscious? It doesn't seem that they were for they were given choice, which automatons don't have. So, why did God put in their makeup to have shame if they knew they were naked? This has to be an error. ***** Okay, this is laughable. How could they "sew" fig leaves? This is definitely an error unless somewhere along the line we're not told that they have sewing kits. ***** _8 They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden._ God walks and makes sounds? Hmm, Moses didn't say anything about that. And why would "the man and his wife" hide? Because they made fig leaves for coverings? These are obviously not to be taken literally, thus the Fundamentalists are wrong about the word of God being taken literally, and definitely that God walks and makes sounds that can be heard in a garden for God is said to be a spirit, that is, without human, or any physical form. ***** _9 But the Lord God called to the man, and said to him, 'Where are you?'_ God doesn't know where they are? Really? This is an error if he is God. ***** _10 He said, 'I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.'_ How could he hear the sound of God in the garden? Again, this had to be metaphorical, thus an error as far as Fundamentalists are concerned. ***** And, yes, he's naked, but so what? Again, God made them that way, and never said anything about it being a shameful thing. The point is when you claim that the bible is literally the word of God and inerrant, thus there is no having to guess what is meant, and if not told, one can't guess at it for God didn't say it. God did not say it was shameful to be naked, but had Adam so when he had him name the animals. Also, consider this: if they ate of the Tree of Knowledge, and suddenly think that naked is wrong, how could they know to get naked to procreate? More, if they had knowledge of good and evil, why didn't they immediately go to the Tree of Life and eat of its fruit so that they wouldn't die? They weren't prohibited from eating from it. _11 He said, 'Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree of which I commanded you not to eat?'_ 12 The man said, 'The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit from the tree, and I ate.' 13 Then the Lord God said to the woman, 'What is this that you have done?' The woman said, 'The serpent tricked me, and I ate.' Then God wants to know who told them that they were naked? Who else is in the Garden other than the three of them and the serpent that somehow can speak? Again, what's wrong with being naked as God made you and set you to walk about the garden without clothing? This has to be metaphorical, thus an error as far as the Fundamentalists are concerned with their "literalness". ***** _14 The Lord God said to the serpent,_ 'Because you have done this, cursed are you among all animals and among all wild creatures; upon your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life. Does this mean that the serpent at one time had legs? It looks as if the never to be seen again serpent did as it was supposed to, and now it must crawl on its belly and eat dust. This has to be metaphorical, but there are no metaphors in Fundamentalist eyes. And there are no talking serpents who know what none other than God, or Gods, know either—at least not that we're told about. Nor do we know of any animal that crawls on its belly and can talk for God did not take away the power of speech from it. And yes, verse 15 is metaphorical too for the serpent isn't seen again, nor any other of its kind. This, too, is an error to Fundamentalists. ***** _15 I will put enmity between you and the woman,_ and between your offspring and hers; he will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.' Christians say that this points to Jesus' coming. If so, it is not stated. If true, then it is metaphorically speaking, and not literal for Fundamentalists say that the words in the Bible are God's, and to be taken literally, but since there's no mention of Jesus, it must be taken metaphorically. And so must the "your offspring" be considered metaphorical. This is a Fundamentalist error. ***** _16 To the woman he said,_ 'I will greatly increase your pangs in childbearing; How can they be increased when she hasn't yet had any children? Eve would have no idea what he was talking about unless with that one bite she took from the apple she gained all knowledge. Could that have been it, or could it be that a man wrote this in pretending it was from God? An error, though some will argue. ** _in pain you shall bring forth children,_ That was a given since her pelvis is small compared to a child's head if we take it that these fictitious people were as we are now, and they had to be since all God made has not changed. Yes, it had to be a man writing this. Another error that will be argued. ** _yet your desire shall be for your husband,_ and he shall rule over you.' Why? No reason given unless we assume patriarchy which Jews practiced to the nth degree. Another small error, but man made. ** _17 And to the man he said,_ 'Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree about which I commanded you, "You shall not eat of it", cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life; Okay, if we take this literally, then Adam is to eat the ground all of the days of his life. Just taking it as the Fundamentalists say all are to do. This has to be a major error on the Fundamentalist's part for people do not eat "ground". ***** _18 thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you;_ and you shall eat the plants of the field. 19 By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread Now Adam is to eat plants, but God said before that he was to do that (chapter 1, verse 29). This too, taken literally, doesn't make sense. Adam, besides ground, he is to eat plants of the field? And where is he to find this bread? These are errors for taking literally. ***** _until you return to the ground,_ for out of it you were taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return.' This is a repeat error for humans are not taken out of the ground, they are the product of sperm from the male when he ejaculates into the female and it takes up residence in her egg and merges with it—both sperm and egg are made of atoms, not dust. Atoms comprise all that is in our physical world, as well as our physicality. This too is a major error of the Bible. ***** Then Adam and Eve have to suffer because they could not resist the temptation that God put before them—yes, God—and he played it all up, and being God, he knew they would fail to obey, for God is omniscient, knows all, or he is not God. Then again, it looks as if this God may not be God, he makes so many mistakes. Or did he make a mistake. Is it that Munchausen's by Proxy Syndrome in him? If so, and it seems to be so, then all of humanity is said to be suffering pains, pangs, murders, genocide (taught to men by God himself), rape, slavery, ignorance, and back breaking labor—and for what? A capricious God who just has to show his children that he loves them? Many a child has died in the wake of a Munchausen's by Proxy Syndrome parent. No god would do this, save it was created by man, made up by man. Think about it. For sure, it had to be men that knew nothing about dust not making man, but atoms merged into molecules, merged into cells that very much appear to have life in and of themselves as modern science is proving. _20 The man named his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all who live._ 21 And the Lord God made garments of skins for the man and for his wife, and clothed them. This is not literal. It couldn't be. God can make a man out of dust, and a woman out of his rib, not to mention making the Universe, stars, the Sun, the Earth, but now he has to make skins for them to wear. And just where would skins come from? Why, from animals, of course, so "literally", God kills some animals himself and makes them into garments to cover Adam and Eve, if this is to be taken literally. No. No way. This is metaphorical at best, a made up story by man most likely. Fundamentalists get another error here. ***** Also, this Eve is not the mitochondrial Eve who is the mother we all inherited our being from. According to a mitochondrial DNA study, the real Eve was traced back to Africa and lived about 150,000 to 200,000 years ago. A biblical error, but then it was unknown to men at the time they wrote this. ***** _22 Then the Lord God said, 'See, the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever'—_ Ah, here we go again: "like one of us." Who is "us"? See Psalm 82 for the meeting of all the Gods, save the main God, whom this God speaks in place of. Here's another error spoken in the Bible. ***** Also, nothing was said about any fruit being on The Tree of Life before. Why weren't they told not to eat from it along with not eating from the Tree of Knowledge? And if there was fruit to grant everlasting life, why put it there where they would be tempted? This is an error of omission, and pretty big too. ***** _23 therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken._ 24 He drove out the man; and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim, and a sword flaming and turning to guard the way to the tree of life. Notes of fact: And let's look at this one again. "...the man has become like one of us..."? Really!? Is there more than one god? Four bibles, NRSV, KJV, a Catholic bible, and the NIV (New International Version) all agree, the reading is—"...is become like one of us ("he judgeth among the gods" [KJV]). Just who is the "us", the "gods", that God is supposed to be talking to? And, as verse 22 above says that Adam has "become like one of us...", why isn't Eve as "one of us."? Misogynists, is why; women haters, patriarchal men who hold women as chattel. "Us" are male gods only here. If this biblical god wishes to be taken literally, why did he put the Tree of Knowledge and The Tree of Life in the garden where he (or is it they?) knew one or the other would be too tempted to not partake of one or both? After all, he made the serpent, and we're given to know that it was "crafty", so he had to know the outcome. So why make people he made to suffer. Munchausen's by Proxy Syndrome? There are 18 major errors and 2 probable errors in this chapter. **Between chapter 3 and 4** What happened between chapters 3 and 4? The only thing we know that Adam and Eve had on expulsion from the Garden of Eden is the clothes they wear; nothing else. They must find water, food, and shelter. The animals that we know now as predators had to have been so at the time this writing represents, including preying on humans who have always been on the menu of many animals regardless of it being said that they were given plants and vegetation for food in chapter 1 of Genesis. For any Fundamentalists, as well as other Christians, sin entered into the world with the breaking of God's word when the fruit of The Tree of Knowledge (of good and evil) was eaten, therefore animals, if they were supposedly placid before, are now very un-placid. Adam and Eve also had no tools, nor any knowledge of how to make a garden. They also had no knowledge of which animals could be used for food, as well as their not being many of them as tame and gathered as yet. Yes, this is an assumption, but nowhere does the Bible say that God created herds ready to be cared for, and for food. When we say that Adam had no tools, he couldn't have had a harness for a walk- behind plow pulled by himself, a donkey, or an ox, or whatever, and had no way of capturing one of those animals. Eating only plants, they would soon starve from a lack of energy. And they had no change of clothes, or any animal to skin for additional covering. And what about shelter? No tools, then all he could do was to gather as best he could from the land about them, and put together a shelter of twigs for surely it rained at times. And what about fire; they had no matches, or knowledge of needing one for there is no mention of a fire in Eden. It would take an inordinate amount of time to learn everything they needed to do in order to survive and that by trial and error. In fact, to say that two people without tools, knowledge, or anything other than one covering skin each for clothing could survive is beyond credulity unless we are to assume divine intervention which the Bible doesn't mention. No, it just goes on as if no wild animals see them as easy prey for an easy meal. This is wholly unbelievable save as a story and not fact. Fundamentalists must eat an error in this, as well as the writers of the Bible. ***** **A word about mitochondria and energy.** Adam has nothing save a covering or animal skin and Eve, who is also clothed in the same way. To be the only two people on earth, they must work hard, as the Bible indicates, for it will yield thorns and thistles. To work, he needs energy as stated above earlier. A point of fact: Energy comes, for us, from the sun, water, food and our taking out of it the food we eat, hydrogen, which with enzymes and oxygen we do now. Normally, this mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is, or can be, explosive (The Feathered Onion, by Clive Trotman). Nature has a way of mitigating it as needed. So do we. However the energy that results must be efficiently taken out of the food, and released as needed by our cells. So, what's the problem with this? Nothing, save... Eve has the mechanism to safely and efficiently do this: mitochondria. Adam, as first man, does not. We inherit that marvelous piece of machinery from our mothers, or in this case, from Eve. Adam had no Eve to beget him. If Adam had no mother to beget him, and has not much energy, or ability to efficiently produce, harness, and utilize it, he could not have worked. No energy, no work. God would have known this, men of the day in which the Bible was written would not have. This is an error that the writers of the Bible had no way of knowing about, but God would know of it. ***** More, if Eve was taken from Adam (as if cloned, as she must have technically been with modification), how is it that Eve has the mitochondria and Adam does not? This is another error. ***** If Eve was taken from Adam, how did Eve wind up with mitochondria as we know it since Adam didn't have it as he had no mother? This is another error. ***** Mitochondria has its own separate DNA apart from what the full normal human genome has. If Eve was taken from Adam, how is it that she has a separate genome for her mitochondria that she passes on only to her daughters (Adam's Curse, by Bryan Sykes)? This is another error. ***** In modern day men, sperm have a few mitochondria that act as energy, to propel their tails, hopefully towards the egg (but some get lost, some turn around and go backwards), but after fertilizing the egg, the mitochondria in the males are destroyed by a defense mechanism to preserve supremacy for the egg's mitochondria (Adam's Curse, Bryan Sykes). The men who wrote the Old Testament had no knowledge of any of this, as stated earlier, but for sure, God would have. This is proof positive from an ongoing fact of our existence. What is now, according to Fundamentalists, is what was when life began with Adam and Eve. Fact: The Bible is not the word of God, nor the Jewish God, nor any god, and is in fact full of errors as pointed out here. More errors follow. There a re 4 major errors between the time of chapters 3 and 4. **Chapter 4** _Cain Murders Abel_ 1 Now the man knew his wife Eve, and she conceived and bore Cain, saying, 'I have produced a man with the help of the Lord.' No age of either is given as it is later on in for others other chapters up to the time of Noah. With the help of the Lord, it says. How did the Lord help, a virgin birth? He instructed Adam in child delivery? How? This is a fabled omission. ** _2 Next she bore his brother Abel. Now Abel was a keeper of sheep, and Cain a tiller of the ground._ The writers of the Bible are assuming that they have learned enough to sustain their bodies, and to gather sheep and other animals, and learn to keep a garden. This is also indicative of an older age for Cain and Abel, at the least teenagers. _3 In the course of time Cain brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the ground,_ 4 and Abel for his part brought of the firstlings of his flock, their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, 5 but for Cain and his offering he had no regard. So Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell. If God wasn't talking to any of them—and the Bible doesn't say that he has resumed talking to them—how did Cain and Abel know what offering to bring, or even that they were to bring one? The Bible doesn't say that God told them to make offerings, just that their lives would be harsh. And how was Cain to know that God would not accept an offering such as he had? And what was his offering? We're not told other than that is was of the ground. Why didn't Adam make an offering? Patriarchy is reason to know why Eve didn't for this was written without a doubt by Jewish men. There are huge errors of omission in the Bible. ***** _6 The Lord said to Cain, 'Why are you angry, and why has your countenance fallen?_ 7 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is lurking at the door; its desire is for you, but you must master it.' Why is God so suddenly talking? Is this all preplanned by the writers? It has to be that. And, again, how was Cain to know if he was doing well or not? This is a huge error of omission. If you do well, he's told, yet there were no laws of offerings to be made as yet, and when they are, there are offerings of the ground. This is totally baffling. ***** _8 Cain said to his brother Abel, 'Let us go out to the field.'* And when they were in the field, Cain rose up against his brother Abel and killed him._ This, too, does not make sense. The story of the offerings is foolish on its own, but to also make it a reason for killing one's brother is ridiculous save that the writer (not God) had some reason to insert this. Each is said to have offered what must be considered a tithe, and it is not their hearts which are looked into, but what is correct as an offering according to some plan of the writers of the Bible. This has to be an error not making any sense at all. ***** _9 Then the Lord said to Cain, 'Where is your brother Abel?' He said, 'I do not know; am I my brother's keeper?'_ 10 And the Lord said, 'What have you done? Listen; your brother's blood is crying out to me from the ground! 11 And now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand. 12 When you till the ground, it will no longer yield to you its strength; you will be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth.' So now God is still talking to Cain and is concerned for Abel being killed. Did God offer any tools or expertise to Adam and Eve when they began? No, not that any know of, then God decides what offering is acceptable, but the Bible doesn't say how they knew they were to make an offering, or how, or what it was to be. He decides to be concerned and caring, if it can be called that, and curses Cain for what he, God, initially precipitated. How is this God to be punished for causing the conflict in the first place, or even not caring about Adam and Eve initially? And why is Cain exiled from exile? What can be more harsh than thorns and thistles? And where are Adam and Eve to do their own punishing of their children? We're not told in the Bible. This is an error of omission by the writers of the Bible. ***** _13 Cain said to the Lord, 'My punishment is greater than I can bear!_ 14 Today you have driven me away from the soil, and I shall be hidden from your face; I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth, and anyone who meets me may kill me.' 15 Then the Lord said to him, 'Not so!* Whoever kills Cain will suffer a sevenfold vengeance.' And the Lord put a mark on Cain, so that no one who came upon him would kill him. 16 Then Cain went away from the presence of the Lord, and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden. Weren't they all hidden from the face of God already? Like Adam and Eve, there is much missing here, like the reason Cain is about to sin for something we're not told he's supposed to know, but doesn't—at least we aren't made aware of it if he was told. What does God expect Cain to feel in his confusion; how can he not be angry from his confusion, and only Abel to turn his anger to—one can't get angry at God, can one? What all did God do or say to make Cain feel such anger that he kills his brother Abel? We're not told, just left to conclude as many have that Cain was a bad seed, but how could God have made a bad seed already since Cain is only his third experiment (and so far all three have gone awry as far as he's concerned). From thorns and thistles to Adam and Eve, to a ground that will no longer yield its strength. Why make us suffer so? We're not told yet, but we are punished (by proxy), aren't we? Not a nice God these men have created. Uh, who is this "anyone" who may meet and kill Cain? He's the only child Adam and Eve have at this time. If they had any others how could any "others" know Cain is to be hated if someone doesn't tell them to despise Cain? Will Adam and Eve follow Cain and tattle on him to other children they may have (since there are no others to tell)? And if Cain is to wander where none other exist, where would "anyone" be and know of Cain and his sin? Oh, we're supposed to know that they had many more children, and Cain was supposed to be really old, and all those others had by Adam and Eve have already wandered off (and how could anyone blame them?), and started other lives away from where Adam and Eve lived. Okay, that makes sense, right? Right??? Hmm, or does it? No, this has to be an error. ***** Where's Nod—there's a lot of land east of Eden? If Eden was near the Euphrates, is Nod in Persia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India? And what is sevenfold vengeance? And what is the mark of Cain? It's all too much for us to be made to figure out what's in the mind of the man, or men, who wrote this. More, who named this land and when? Oh, yes, Moses, he who knew all and either wrote it, or had it written—at God's direction, of course, errors and all. At the least, this is an error of omission. ** _17 Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch; and he built a city, and named it Enoch after his son Enoch._ Truly, where would Cain have found a wife? Whoever she's supposed to be, she had to have parents, and her parents had to have parents too. How is it that these people are suddenly there in a land we know nothing about save that the word Nod possibly means wander or to wander? This can only be explained as a fantasy made up by the writers to give Cain a wife when we are told that Adam and Eve begat humankind, and there are supposed to be no other people. For sure this is an error. ***** _18 To Enoch was born Irad; and Irad was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael the father of Methushael, and Methushael the father of Lamech._ 19 Lamech took two wives; the name of one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah. 20 Adah bore Jabal; he was the ancestor of those who live in tents and have livestock. 21 His brother's name was Jubal; he was the ancestor of all those who play the lyre and pipe. 22 Zillah bore Tubal-cain, who made all kinds of bronze and iron tools. The sister of Tubal_cain was Naamah. And the big question of the moment: Who was Cain's wife, and where did she come from? See the next set of verses for more confusion. _25 Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and named him Seth, for she said, 'God has appointed* for me another child instead of Abel, because Cain killed him.'_ 26 To Seth also a son was born, and he named him Enosh. At that time people began to invoke the name of the Lord. The big thing here is that "people" began to invoke the name of the Lord. Who is this "Lord"? Is it God? And wasn't that what Cain and Abel were doing when they made their offerings? Or are no offerings made when "invoking" the name of the Lord? And what, or who, were these people that seemingly haven't known who God was? By the way, just what name did they use to "invoke" him? Yahweh wasn't yet invented. ** These verse are out of sequence if any of the preceding is to be able to be believed in any way. A third son is born, and already Cain has found a wife who had to be begotten by others that aren't supposed to be. Or did Cain's own parents have more sons, that we're not told about, before Seth, and much time has passed, sufficient to have led to another tribe who procreates faster than Adam and Eve? This is a bad and confusing error. ***** No, these are not things to be brought up in bible class and embarrass the teacher, or even the preacher who can't answer them either. But we can ask them if they are expected to be believed by one and all as literally the inerrant—without error—word of God. And who was Seth's wife? Where did she come from? Again, the question of whether Adam and Eve bore so many more children that they constituted another tribe from whom Seth found a wife. Still, it would be incestuous for Seth is not said to have wandered away to "find" a wife. This all stretches credulity such that an error has to be given for it as a whole. ***** There are 8 major and 3 probable errors in chapter 4. **Chapter 5** _Adam's Descendants to Noah and His Sons_ 1 This is the list of the descendants of Adam. When God created humankind, he made them in the likeness of God. 2 Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them 'Humankind'* when they were created. 3 When Adam had lived for one hundred and thirty years, he became the father of a son in his likeness, according to his image, and named him Seth. 4 The days of Adam after he became the father of Seth were eight hundred years; and he had other sons and daughters. 5 Thus all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years; and he died. This is a good place to delve into whom was Cain's wife since we now have a sequence and a part of a timeline with Adam being one hundred and thirty years at Seth's birth. Let's look at the sequence. In chapter 4,verse 1, Cain is born. There is no word on when this happened. In verse 2, Abel is born, a herder of sheep, and Cain is named a tiller of the ground. In chapter 4, verse 14, when Cain is told to leave Eden after killing Abel, he says "...I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth, and anyone who meets me may kill me." In chapter 4, verse 15, the Lord said to him, 'Not so! Whoever kills Cain will suffer a sevenfold vengeance.' And the Lord put a mark on Cain, so that no one who came upon him would kill him. In chapter 4, verse 16, we are told that Cain went from the presence of the Lord and settled in the land of Nod. A play on words meaning that wandering away from Eden is a land? Who knows, but he left. In chapter 4, verse 17, we're immediately told that Cain knew his wife, and she bore Enoch. No word on where he found and married her, or who she is, or when she bore Enoch. In chapter 4, verse 25, we're told "Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and named him Seth, for she said, 'God has appointed for me another child instead of Abel, because Cain killed him.' She has a man-child to replace Abel whom Cain murdered. Nothing about when, but implicit is that no other man has been born. In this chapter, chapter 5, that Adam is 130 years old when Seth is born where the genealogy begins. In chapter 3, verse 20, "The man [obviously Adam] named his wife Eve, because she was the mother of all who live." What do all of these verses, in their sequence of occurrence, tell us? First, they seemingly tell us that no other man-child was born between Abel and Seth. Second, they tell us that even if Adam and Eve had more daughters in between Abel and Seth being born, none of them could in anyone's imagination, leave home to wander alone, and come together with the only other one who wandered out there (in what has to be considered a vast wilderness) Cain, and thus marry him. That happening is less likely to happen than it is to find a slightly different needle in a mountain of near identical needles. Without help, she definitely would have died, or been subject to a predator that would surely have killed her. But the bible does not mention another woman until we're told Cain's wife birthed a son. So what else does the bible tell us? It more than strongly implies
that there must have been other people out there who were not sons or daughters of Adam and Eve. This gives further credence to Cain's worrying about someone who may kill him, meaning that there is someone else out there. But why they would want to kill him, other than for being a stranger and easy prey, we have no idea. God himself gives full credence to this by saying that none will kill Cain for he will put a distinguishing mark on him, and a curse of sevenfold vengeance on any who dares to kill him. This is not a tacit admission of other people, it is a verification of the presence of other people, and that had to be men who were not born to Adam and Eve for their next son was when Adam was one hundred and thirty years old. Either that, or it is an outright fabrication, but then that would fit in perfectly with all of these other errors. If there were no other men born to Adam and Eve before Seth, and it is unreasonable to suggest that a daughter had sought out Cain in the wilderness, then there could be no other man to marry a sister to give birth to a wife for Cain. This is an extraordinary error in the bible, a fallacy no one in the Fundamentalist crowd has seen, or one that they hoped no one else would see, and thus chose to ignore it. This is a biblical error, and an error of massive proportions. ***** There will be more on this in the next chapter. If anything, it actually looks as if two or more men wrote these pieces of the bible story. _6 When Seth had lived for one hundred and five years, he became the father of Enosh._ Again, let's pause here for a moment and consider that Seth lived to one hundred and five when he had a son, and place the time from Adam's birth/creation to the time of the birth of Seth's child at two hundred and thirty-five years. Where did Seth's wife come from? Again, it had to be a sister, or a woman not related to him, but according to the bible, Eve is the mother of all who live. Alone as Adam and Eve were in the world, according to the bible, and no tools or knowledge of how to fend for themselves, or how to find food other than thorns and thistles, the stress of finding water, food, and shelter had to be such that Eve's body could not ovulate. Combine that with Adam not having energy for not having mitochondria, it had to add more stress to both of them. Was making love even possible, difficult as things were for them? Stress of the magnitude that they had to endure would keep any woman's body from functioning properly. Not only that, but the stress had to mightily strain, and thereby shorten Adam's life. There had to be about five years of learning, and developing a routine of work to survive the harshness of the land they were set into if this were all to be believed, that is. And that leads us to: **Notes on pregnancy:** Since, according to Fundamentalists, what God created is immutable, we offer this: Eve had to have the same functioning of her body as would all of her daughters to this day. That being the case, a woman has about 500 viable eggs in her reproductive lifetime starting with the time of her reproductive years, one being released every month, or twelve a year, with a possibility of two or possibly a third egg being ovulated at the same time, though that is unusual. While pregnant, a woman does not normally ovulate, but time robs her of some eggs anyway (which is the normal effect time has on eggs, thus the 500 eggs available for a reproductive lifetime). However, after pregnancy, they just about had to wait to have another child for Eve would not have been able to work as she had before becoming pregnant, plus having to breast feed and care for her child without anything but instinctive knowledge to help her, and that being limited. That left the workload on Adam without much help. Again, stress, and motherly duty interfered with more childbirth, the stress being great on both of their persons, plus, Adam not having energy as he should have. Five years to being pregnant with Cain makes sixty lost eggs. After pregnancy, assume two or three months of ovulation interruption from lactating as seems to be the case with many women. Also assume a couple of years at the very least for breast feeding until another pregnancy, that of Abel, and we have another twenty-one eggs lost for a total of eighty-one eggs lost while pregnant with Abel. However, looking at the years of Adam until Seth's birth, she has been out of eggs long before that stated occurrence, so the chronology is unsupportable for the time of Seth's birth. Why is she out of eggs? Simple math. To the time of Abel's birth, she has lost eighty-one eggs. If we use the assumptions above, Eve would have lost one hundred-twenty two years worth of eggs to Adam's 130th year (including taking away one year for being pregnant with Seth), a biological impossibility for the immutability of God's creation as said by Fundamentalists. Of course, Fundamentalists can, and will, probably say that God can do anything he wants, and how he wants, and when. When the Old Testament was created, the men who did so had no knowledge of science as we have today. I'm not an expert on science, but almost any high school, and probably middle school, children do have more knowledge of science that those in the days the Bible was written, therefore it's easy to understand how so much of this is wrong in the writing, as well as the fact that God would know of all science, and not have made the mistakes that are here, and obviously by men. If we look at the Old Testament with objective eyes, and the stated immutability of God's creation(s), the stated birth of Seth at Adam's age is not possible either. Like marriage, what God joined, let no man put asunder. We might also say let no Fundamentalist add to the word of God as if his perfect words must imply to them. There is no "imply" in the Fundamentalist lexicon when they speak of God, just God's word. This is another huge error for the Bible and for Fundamentalists. ***** Looking at it in this light, we can see where men must have created the story of Genesis, and God did not. We'll see more irrefutable proof of this in chapters 6 and 7 following. Now the problem crops up again: where did Cain's wife come from among people that Eve could not, and did not, birth? This has to be another massive error in the bible, and against Fundamentalists. ***** And should any say that the eggs were not wasted due to Adam and Eve having daughters, thus interrupting ovulation, remember that time is an enemy of egg viability too. And again, how believable is it that a daughter of Adam and Eve left on her own to wander, and thus find Cain, and marry him, if that is thought to be the case. Animals surely would have killed her as they may have Cain, but at least Cain had testosterone, thus a greater ability to fight and fend for himself. A young girl without knowledge could not. The thought of this as a possibility would be more than ludicrous. _7 Seth lived after the birth of Enosh for eight hundred and seven years, and had other sons and daughters._ 8 Thus all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years; and he died. 9 When Enosh had lived for ninety years, he became the father of Kenan. 10 Enosh lived after the birth of Kenan for eight hundred and fifteen years, and had other sons and daughters. 11 Thus all the days of Enosh were nine hundred and five years; and he died. 12 When Kenan had lived for seventy years, he became the father of Mahalalel. 13 Kenan lived after the birth of Mahalalel for eight hundred and forty years, and had other sons and daughters. 14 Thus all the days of Kenan were nine hundred and ten years; and he died. 15 When Mahalalel had lived for sixty-five years, he became the father of Jared. 16 Mahalalel lived after the birth of Jared for eight hundred and thirty years, and had other sons and daughters. _17 Thus all the days of Mahalalel were eight hundred and ninety-five years; and he died._ 18 When Jared had lived for one hundred and sixty-two years he became the father of Enoch. 19 Jared lived after the birth of Enoch for eight hundred years, and had other sons and daughters. 20 Thus all the days of Jared were nine hundred and sixty-two years; and he died. 21 When Enoch had lived for sixty-five years, he became the father of Methuselah. 22 Enoch walked with God after the birth of Methuselah for three hundred years, and had other sons and daughters. _23 Thus all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years._ 24 Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him. 25 When Methuselah had lived for one hundred and eighty-seven years, he became the father of Lamech. 26 Methuselah lived after the birth of Lamech for seven hundred and eighty-two years, and had other sons and daughters. 27 Thus all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred and sixty-nine years; and he died. 28 When Lamech had lived for one hundred and eighty-two years, he became the father of a son; _29 he named him Noah, saying, 'Out of the ground that the Lord has cursed this one shall bring us relief from our work and from the toil of our hands.'_ 30 Lamech lived after the birth of Noah for five hundred and ninety-five years, and had other sons and daughters. 31 Thus all the days of Lamech were seven hundred and seventy-seven years; and he died. 32 After Noah was five hundred years old, Noah became the father of Shem, Ham, and Japheth. For verses 7 through 32 above, see the previous "Notes about being pregnant" and the limits of time female eggs have before they are all used up, or degenerate. The time between the birth of Cain, and that of Seth is not given, just that Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born. Of possible interest at some point soon may be that, from what we are told here, the time span between Adam's birth/creation, to Noah's is 1, 056 years, and that time span is 1,556 years by the time Noah had 3 sons, Ham, Shem, and Japeth, plus the verses starting in chapter 6 below, and people multiplying, which is presumably, the time of the flood. There are 3 major errors in chapter 5. **Chapter 6** _The Wickedness of Humankind_ 1 When people began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that they were fair; and they took wives for themselves of all that they chose. This seems as if these "sons of God" are different from those like Adam who were made in the likeness and image of God. Did God have a wife, perhaps Sofia, as is in some legends? Still, the questions remain as to who these sons of God were, and why they came down to earth (presumably they were heaven born beings), and marry them. Were their women ugly, or were there any women, daughters of God? And if they were "sons of God", how is it that they became so totally displeasing to God in so short a time? More importantly to the story being told as if it is sacred scripture for humanity's use—what difference does this make? And if no difference, why even put it in here? It seems out of place, and rather ridiculous. _3 Then the Lord said, 'My spirit shall not abide* in mortals for ever, for they are flesh; their days shall be one hundred and twenty years.'_ Are the "sons of God" mortals? That doesn't make any sense either. And how could "sons of God" become such that God himself couldn't abide them? And, laughably, he couldn't abide them but for an additional one hundred and twenty years! Again, this, it seems, is so ludicrous that something like this is even here unless Genesis is more than tinged with tales being told and believed by other people than those directly descended from Adam and Eve in this time. _4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterwards—when the sons of God went in to the daughters of humans, who bore children to them. These were the heroes that were of old, warriors of renown._ These "Nephilim" are definitely presented as different from "the sons of God" in the previous verse. Or are they? We're not definitively told. Who are they? Where did they come from? They don't seem to be children of Adam and Eve, "the mother of all who live". If they're the same as the "sons of God", why aren't we told? Internet searches reveal many different thoughts on it, but nothing is truly stated in the Bible. If one uses the rules of egg fertility, one has to wonder how it is that the Nephilim are said to be heroes of old, and warriors of renown? Heroes, warriors of renown, are something said of men of valor in great battles. As condensed as the Bible makes its history to be seen, there is no way cities could come into being, and certainly not as Sumer, and others are, as is historical. Yes, if one doubles something each day, one gets an astronomical number at the end of, say, sixty-four days of doubling from each previous day. But that's assuming, in this case that all living continue to live. If, as the Bible says, the Nephilim were warriors of renown, that means killing others; just how many men remained to procreate? Surely it was young men who were mostly the ones to die, for they're the ones with surging testosterone. Then too, there were lions in the area in those days, as well as other predators. How many died from predators? What about death from disease? Or just sickness that no one knew how to cure that we so easily cure now? We must remember that there were no dietary laws of any kind back then. We're not even told that they knew how to use fire. As well, if they were warriors of renown, then, as humans often do, they pillage, rape, and kill, else why would God have said that in the next verses that the earth was full of wickedness. No, a multitude of people doesn't make sense. The sense of too many "warriors" and wickedness seems more like "Conan" movie fare. At the end of the note for the previous chapter (5), we find that Noah is one thousand, five hundred, and fifty-six years from the birth of Adam to when he is said to have three sons at five hundred years of age. Again, how could there be heroes of old when there aren't enough people to war against, much less become "renown"? It sounds more as if there were bullies in the village. Again, too, read the notes on the life of viable eggs for reproduction. _5 The Lord saw that the wickedness of humankind was great in the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of their hearts was only evil continually._ 6 And the Lord was sorry that he had made humankind on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. 7 So the Lord said, 'I will blot out from the earth the human beings I have created—people together with animals and creeping things and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.' Now how can God be God, omniscient as he must be as God, and be "sorry" that he didn't have the foresight to see how his creations must turn out? This is beyond believable. At least two asterisks on this, though it should be five. ** _8 But Noah found favour in the sight of the Lord._ Note: Between this part of chapter 6, and the next chapter, all but the "willfully blind" will see the hand of man in writing Genesis, as well as the whole of the Bible. Note the vast differences, and wonder at which you are supposed to believe, or if you can truly believe both regardless of the vast discrepancies. _Noah Pleases God_ 9 These are the descendants of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation; Noah walked with God. 10 And Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 11 Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight, and the earth was filled with violence. 12 And God saw that the earth was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted its ways upon the earth. How can the earth itself become corrupt? Flesh, yes, though as his creatures, he should have easily foreseen it, but the earth? Not possible. Yet no matter that "the earth was corrupt" and "filled with violence", he gave it, and them, another one hundred and twenty years in verse 3 above. This, as said then, is ludicrous. Two asterisks for this in case any wish to argue it. ** _13 And God said to Noah, 'I have determined to make an end of all flesh, for the earth is filled with violence because of them; now I am going to destroy them along with the earth._ 14 Make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and out with pitch. 15 This is how you are to make it: the length of the ark three hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits. Well, for a literally taken Bible, it is not true that he destroyed the "earth" as in the end of verse 13. For Fundamentalists who say the word of God is sacrosanct, this is not correct for the earth was, and is, still here. ***** Note that a cubit is seen by just about everyone as being one and a half feet. Therefore, in our terms, the ark was supposed to be four hundred and fifty feet long, its width seventy-five feet, and its height forty-five feet. _16 Make a roof* for the ark, and finish it to a cubit above; and put the door of the ark in its side; make it with lower, second, and third decks._ 17 For my part, I am going to bring a flood of waters on the earth, to destroy from under heaven all flesh in which is the breath of life; everything that is on the earth shall die. 18 But I will establish my covenant with you; and you shall come into the ark, you, your sons, your wife, and your sons' wives with you. 19 And of every living thing, of all flesh, you shall bring two of every kind into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. For literalist Fundamentalists, verse 17 contradicts itself when it says God will destroy "from under heaven all flesh in which is the breath of life," then continues on and adds "everything that is on the earth shall die." Not everything that has the breath of life is literally on the earth. Whales come to mind, as do porpoises, dolphins, sea turtles, seals, manatees, etc. This is picky, but the Fundamentalists are pickier than picky. This is an error for them. ***** Again, another literal reading reveals a discrepancy, for being the exact word of God, and unchangeable. Verse 19 says that "...of every living thing, of all flesh, you shall bring two of every kind into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female." The KJV and the Catholic Bibles say the same thing. Okay, how do you fit in two blue whales, two humpback whales, two killer whales, two beluga whales, etc., and all the other mammals from the water that breathe and are "flesh"? Yes, we all know what the intent is supposed to be, but those of Fundamentalist views insist that God's word is God's word, and that's all there is to it. This is another Fundamentalist error, as well as the Bible's. ***** By the way, even fish are a part of "living flesh". Two of a kind is very important, and what we are all used to hearing about the animals on the ark. For those familiar with Summer Bible School, many may have heard a song played by a music teacher to the children about the animals going into the ark in "twosies" to lock in that idea into their minds. _20 Of the birds according to their kinds, and of the animals according to their kinds, of every creeping thing of the ground according to its kind, two of every kind shall come in to you, to keep them alive._ This includes insects and bugs of every kind; earthworms, nematodes, dragon flies, ants, and even bacteria for they also need oxygen, and thus "breathe". And according to "their kinds" is taken to be each animal is to be taken as a species of a significant kind: that is, a leopard and a cheetah are of a species, but not of each other's kind. Be that as it may, as of August 4, 2012, according to one Internet site, there are three hundred fifty (350) to three hundred seventy-six (376) species of primates, and nine thousand, five hundred and forty-seven (9,547) species of reptiles. I didn't bother to check on birds, insects, bugs, snakes, or bacteria, for these figures are more than enough for our purposes. What is now has to be what God made according to Fundamentalist views. In other words, there isn't enough room in the ark for all of these animals. This is a humongous error, to be sure. ***** _21 Also take with you every kind of food that is eaten, and store it up; and it shall serve as food for you and for them.'_ Please note that there is not a word said about "manna" from heaven, but "every kind of food that is eaten", and it is to be stored up for as long as it is needed as food for all of them. How in the world can that tiny ark hold food for all of the animals above? See above for how many there had to be food for, for God's word is perfect, and not to be denied according to Fundamentalists. This is another error. ***** Lest any think that it is possible to store enough food for only the forty days that it rained, please wait to see what God's word is in chapter 7, which is next. _22 Noah did this; he did all that God commanded him._ There are 5 major and 2 probable errors in chapter 6. **Chapter 7** _The Great Flood_ 1 Then the Lord said to Noah, 'Go into the ark, you and all your household, for I have seen that you alone are righteous before me in this generation. 2 Take with you seven pairs of all clean animals, the male and its mate; and a pair of the animals that are not clean, the male and its mate; 3 and seven pairs of the birds of the air also, male and female, to keep their kind alive on the face of all the earth. Seven pairs? Not two of each kind? Then another pair of the animals that are unclean too? Whoa, this is not what it says in chapter 6. How can this be the inerrant (no errors) word of God when a humongous contradiction like this is present? This is perhaps the plainest to see error in the Bible, a contradiction unlike any other, and proves without a doubt that the Fundamentalists are wrong. The Bible was written by at least two men, and probably at two different times. ***** It's hard enough to imagine two elephants, two hippos, two crocodiles, two alligators, two giraffes, two lions, two leopards, two cheetahs, two wildebeests, two bison, two horses, two donkeys, two chimpanzees, as well as two of every "kind" of monkeys, two baboons, two hares, snakes, etc., etc., etc., much less seven (7) pairs of each clean type, whatever they were supposed to be back then, plus the one pair of each of the unclean animals. Note: This, of the "clean" and "unclean" animals, wasn't determined until after the so-called Exodus was begun as part of the Law. This is further proof that men wrote this, and not God, nor even Moses as dictated by God. Another error. ***** If any are as I was in the past, I never bothered to read beyond the two pairs in chapter 6 and always took it for granted that it was as I was told, that there were two pairs, never mind how many animals that meant, nor the food part either. On another note, what were they supposed to do with all the body waste? Who cleaned it, or did they train them to put their butts over the side to potty and urinate? This is proof positive, and plainly seen by any who have eyes to see, and are not willfully blinded, that there are two stories about the exact same event in the bible, and no "spiritual" as well as "physical" aspect to it. The Bible is plainly erroneous in what it says. _4 For in seven days I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights; and every living thing that I have made I will blot out from the face of the ground.'_ Ah, here we see that we must add seven (7) days in the ark before the rain came. He couldn't have waited until the waters came to enter the ark with all the animals. And how did Noah get hippos, crocodiles, and such to enter the ark? How could he possibly have rounded up giraffes, etc., from Africa, and other lands such as Australia, South America, the Artic, etc., in seven days? The continents and countries we have now are what they were in these days for there is nothing that evolves according to Fundamentalists. What God made stays as he made it. Giraffes, chimpanzees, wildebeests, etc., are from Africa, and other animals are from their respective continents. This is an obvious error in the Bible. ***** In sequence, verse 1 said for Noah to go into the ark, and continuing in verse 4, saying he was going to bring the waters in seven (7) days. _5 And Noah did all that the Lord had commanded him._ 6 Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters came on the earth. 7 And Noah with his sons and his wife and his sons' wives went into the ark to escape the waters of the flood. 8 Of clean animals, and of animals that are not clean, and of birds, and of everything that creeps on the ground, 9 two and two, male and female, went into the ark with Noah, as God had commanded Noah.10 And after seven days the waters of the flood came on the earth. We are now given Noah's age at the time of the flood: six hundred years. This is one thousand, six hundred and fifty-six years after Adam. Note that Noah's sons were over one hundred years old when the flood ended, and they had no children. By this time, the wives of Noah's sons had no eggs with which to have children. At the rate of twelve per year, the five hundred or so viable eggs for reproduction (about a forty-two year supply), they had all passed out of their bodies without the interruption of pregnancy, and more, of time passed. There would have been no children after the flood—unless they were married just before the flood, and to very young girls just past puberty. This is another probable error, as the ages of the wives of Noah's sons are not given. ** In verse 9 we have a positive repeat of the clean and unclean animals going into the ark, and not as stated in chapter 6. _11 In the six-hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the windows of the heavens were opened._ 12 The rain fell on the earth for forty days and forty nights. 13 On the very same day Noah with his sons, Shem and Ham and Japheth, and Noah's wife and the three wives of his sons, entered the ark, 14 they and every wild animal of every kind, and all domestic animals of every kind, and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, and every bird of every kind—every bird, every winged creature. 15 They went into the ark with Noah, two and two of all flesh in which there was the breath of life. Noah is now six hundred years old, and his sons at least one hundred years old, or more. The "...windows of heaven were opened." Refer back to chapter 1 when God separated the waters above from the waters below and the so-called dome. Is this saying that, yes, it rained when God opened up the windows to release water held in the heavens that was separated from the earth as in chapter 1? It seems to be so. There are no windows. This is an error. ***** In verse 15, we have a problem in what is said is God's exactness, as the Fundamentalists say. "...two and two of all flesh in which there was the breath of life". All flesh with the breath of life could be taken to mean all that in the sea that breathe, keeping with the "inerrancy" of the Bible. For sure, if we say that fishes do not breathe (at least not as we do), but whales, and other mammals in the waters do. This is another repeated error in the Bible. ***** _16 And those that entered, male and female of all flesh, went in as God had commanded him; and the Lord shut him in._ 17 The flood continued for forty days on the earth; and the waters increased, and bore up the ark, and it rose high above the earth. 18 The waters swelled and increased greatly on the earth; and the ark floated on the face of the waters. 19 The waters swelled so mightily on the earth that all the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered; _20 the waters swelled above the mountains, covering them fifteen cubits deep._ 21 And all flesh died that moved on the earth, birds, domestic animals, wild animals, all swarming creatures that swarm on the earth, and all human beings; 22 everything on dry land in whose nostrils was the breath of life died. 23 He blotted out every living thing that was on the face of the ground, human beings and animals and creeping things and birds of the air; they were blotted out from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those that were with him in the ark. 24 And the waters swelled on the earth for one hundred and fifty days. With this last, "one hundred and fifty days", we now have one hundred and ninety seven (197) days in the ark, seven prior, forty as it rained, and one hundred and fifty with the waters swelling. Definitely not the forty we all think of. There are 5 major, and 1 probable errors in chapter 7. **Chapter 8** _The Flood Subsides_ 1 But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and all the domestic animals that were with him in the ark. And God made a wind blow over the earth, and the waters subsided; 2 the fountains of the deep and the windows of the heavens were closed, the rain from the heavens was restrained, "Windows of the heavens"? If this is literal as the Fundamentalists say it is, are the heavens opened up to allow rain? His calls into question chapter 1, and "the firmament", or "dome" as is translated in some bibles, along with other verses here. Did they truly believe that there was a literal shutting off of the heavens and the rain? This sounds as if they (the writers of the Bible) believed that the earth was flat, and tripartite as was believed by many in days of antiquity well before the Christian era began. _3 and the waters gradually receded from the earth. At the end of one hundred and fifty days the waters had abated;_ 4 and in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. 5 The waters continued to abate until the tenth month; in the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the tops of the mountains appeared. If we take the tenth month at its word, then that is three hundred days, and we might even have to add the seven days before the rains began. _6 At the end of forty days Noah opened the window of the ark that he had made 7 and sent out the raven; and it went to and fro until the waters were dried up from the earth._ Now we have another forty (40) days to add to the time in the ark for a total of three hundred and forty days in the ark, and the seven before the waters came. _8 Then he sent out the dove from him, to see if the waters had subsided from the face of the ground;_ 9 but the dove found no place to set its foot, and it returned to him to the ark, for the waters were still on the face of the whole earth. So he put out his hand and took it and brought it into the ark with him. 10 He waited another seven days, and again he sent out the dove from the ark; 11 and the dove came back to him in the evening, and there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf; so Noah knew that the waters had subsided from the earth. This adds another seven (7) days for a total of three hundred and forty seven (347) days in the ark, plus the seven before the rain. _12 Then he waited another seven days, and sent out the dove; and it did not return to him any more._ This makes for three hundred and fifty four days in the ark, plus the seven before the rains came. _13 In the six hundred and first year, in the first month, on the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from the earth; and Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and saw that the face of the ground was drying._ 14 In the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth was dry. Add almost two months, or about fifty-five days (55) (to be conservative), and we now have over a year in the ark, plus seven (7) days before the rain. Over a year! For any that disbelieve this and need biblical confirmation of it being at least a year in the ark, re-read verses 6 and 11 of chapter 7 that specifies that Noah was six hundred years old when the flood started, and verse 13 of this chapter above that says that "In the six hundred and first year...", having to mean that as Noah's age, that Noah looked out and saw the waters had dried up. How in the world were they supposed to have food in the ark to feed themselves as well as all the animals, for over a year? It's impossible. Rain brings moisture, and moisture brings mold, and moisture, mold, and age, makes food rotten and inedible. This is another humongous error in the Bible no matter whether there were two pairs, or seven pairs plus another pair of unclean animals. ***** _15 Then God said to Noah,_ 16 'Go out of the ark, you and your wife, and your sons and your sons' wives with you. 17 Bring out with you every living thing that is with you of all flesh—birds and animals and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth—so that they may abound on the earth, and be fruitful and multiply on the earth.' 18 So Noah went out with his sons and his wife and his sons' wives. 19 And every animal, every creeping thing, and every bird, everything that moves on the earth, went out of the ark by families. Wherever they were, most likely high on Mount Ararat, how was it that the animals were all to go back to their normal places where they lived? The hippos and giraffes weren't anywhere near to Africa, nor were the leopards, chimps, monkeys, etc. This too, has to be an error. ***** _God's Promise to Noah_ 20 Then Noah built an altar to the Lord, and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird, and offered burnt-offerings on the altar. And if you believe that the two pairs stated in chapter 6 is right, now it's only one clean pair, plus one without a mate. Also, this makes a lot of offerings of every clean animal and bird. This too is a ludicrous error. ***** _21 And when the Lord smelt the pleasing odour, the Lord said in his heart, 'I will never again curse the ground because of humankind, for the inclination of the human heart is evil from youth; nor will I ever again destroy every living creature as I have done._ 22 As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.' There are 3 major errors in chapter 8. **Summation of the first eight chapters of Genesis** There are at least sixty-four (64) major errors in the book of Genesis through the first eight (8) chapters alone, and at least eight (8) other probable errors. It takes just one error in the Bible to disprove the Fundamentalists claim that the Bible is inerrant—without error—and is the work of God thus guaranteeing it. Just one! Just one error is enough to refute the Fundamentalist's claim to inerrancy in the Bible (no errors); that it is the definite word of God and must be followed and accepted without question. With this many errors, one has to question the claim of the Fundamentalists that the Bible is inerrant, and the word of God. Any who still believes the inerrancy of the Bible has to be willfully blind otherwise. But why, oh why was it found necessary to dig up all of these errors in the Bible, and through only the first eight chapters of Genesis? Why go to such extremes
to dig this all up and possibly destroy the faith of so many? One word: **Fundamentalists!** As information, many that are called Evangelicals (who cross many denominations) are the same in their strict interpretation of the Bible, but they are all often simply known as Fundamentalists. Okay, everyone is entitled to their beliefs, and that's what we've all thought, and acted as if it was sacrosanct, and that's exactly how it's always been treated. However, many of these Fundamentalists not only believe that every word in the Bible is God's inerrant word—is without error—but also that this nation is supposed to not only be a Christian nation, but to obey all of the laws of the Old Testament, including the killing of any who violated many of those silly and arbitrary laws that were said to be written by Moses, at God's direction, or by God's hand, after the so-called Exodus from Egypt.. Maybe those laws were necessary for the Jews of those days; I have no idea since I wasn't around then. But to say we must now all obey them, as well as punish offenders in this day as they were punished back then in the supposed day of Moses, is patently ridiculous. And worse, they mean it, though they are very selective in which laws to enforce. Who is saying we must follow those laws, or who is trying as best they can to make it our way of life? Many preachers and politicians of today, and people of power and money that call themselves Fundamentalists! Here are a few more examples of this grab for power in the name of their inerrant God (who has been proven above to be not so inerrant): _ **Pastor Suggests Gays Should Be Prosecuted Like They Were Historically**_ _Ron Baity, founding pastor of Winston-Salem's Berean Baptist Church and head of the anti-marriage equality organization Return America, referred to homosexuality as "a perverted lifestyle" in a Sunday sermon before telling his congregation that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people should be prosecuted, Good as You is reporting. "For 300 years, we had laws that would prosecute that lifestyle," he is quoted as saying. "We've gone down the wrong path. We've become so dumb that we have accepted a lie for the truth, and we've...discarded the truth on the shoals of shipwreck!"_ In part, he's right, and yet he's very wrong. It should be that **"We've become so dumb that we have accepted a lie for the truth for nearly two thousand years!"** Or: _ **Victoria Jackson: Homophobia Is 'Buzzword Of Liberal Agenda'**_ _The former "Saturday Night Live" star and now Tea Party activist sparked national furor when she [criticized Glee for showing a same-sex kiss—was a link] in a column for WorldNetDaily. In the column, Jackson wrote in response to an emotional, long awaited kiss between Kurt (Chris Colfer) and Blaine (Darren Criss). "Did you see "Glee" this week? Sickening! And, besides shoving the gay thing down our throats, they made a mockery of Christians - again! I wonder what their agenda is? Hey, producers of "Glee" - what's your agenda? One-way tolerance?" She later appeared on "Showbiz Tonight" to clarify her thoughts. "Well, it doesn't matter what I think," Jackson said. **"What matters is what the Bible says.**_ [Bold mine.] _And I'm really concerned about our country because immorality is, well, let's see: secular humanism rules the airwaves, and it's stealing the innocence away from this whole generation of children. My daughter is a teenager and I can't find any show that she can watch." With that diatribe, Jackson was asked, based on her remarks, both in the column and in the interview, whether she was homophobic. "That's a cute little buzzword of the liberal agenda," Jackson smirked. **"Basically, the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin."**_ [Bold mine.] Yes, "homosexuality is" the "sin" against God's word that they home in on. Why would a book that is proven to have lies and contradictions be a book that "matters" to anyone? This is trying to shove personal beliefs down the throats of everyone else whether they agree with you or not. Does the Bible really say that homosexuality is a sin? It can't be said that the Bible explicitly says homosexuality is a sin. Yes, it says a man with another man is sinful, but it says nothing about a woman with another woman, or a transvestite, or a transgender, or a transsexual. In fact, as stated earlier. I'm concerned about Ms. Jackson straining at gnats of her own personal choosing, and all from a book that is not the work of her God, or anyone else's god. As Pat Robertson says, "The Bible doesn't make that sinful." What a clever way to enforce one's ways on others, but then again, it also condemns one for saying it's inerrant when it obviously isn't. Look at this other recent news posting: _Posted by John Celock: 05/19/2012 12:55 pm_ _[A Mississippi state lawmaker quoted a Bible passage on]Facebook calling for gay men to be "put to death" has taken to the social networking site again to refuse to apologize for the remark._ _Rep. Andy Gipson (R-Braxton) Friday to say that although he has been receiving emails and calls with regard to his statement],he will not say he's sorry. The emails have come in response to a petition calling on the lawmaker to issue an apology and to meet with LGBT groups in Mississippi._ _"To be clear, I want the world to know that I do not, cannot, and will not apologize for the inspired truth of God's Word. It is one thing that will never 'change,'" Gipson wrote. "Anyone who knows me knows I also believe that all people are created in God's image, and that all people are loved by God, so much so that He gave us the truth of His Word which convicts us of the reality and guilt of our sin, and He gave us His Son Jesus who paid the full penalty for all our sins, by His grace through our faith in Him as we repent of our sin. It is this message that I preach every Sunday. I sincerely pray God will reach someone through this message."_ _Gipson is a Baptist minister and a business lawyer when not serving in the Legislature. He notes... that his family are "of the Christian faith, and are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention."_ _The passage from Leviticus that Gipson first cited reads: "If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."_ On Facebook at least, Gipson has received overwhelming support for his original comments and his refusal to apologize. Eighty-three people have "liked" his post, and he's received dozens of supportive comments, including praise for supporting God and sticking to his original message. _"I stand with you my friend.... GOD is in control... no place for Gays," Ted W. Cole._ _Gipson, 35, has served in the Mississippi Legislature since 2008. He chairs a judiciary committee._ Calling for gay men to be put to death because it's in the Bible. Oh, mercy, and all because it's "...the inspired truth of God's word. It is one thing that will never change." Neither will the blindness of most Fundamentalists! Gipson is: A Baptist minister affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention (about as Fundamental as they get, or nearly so); a business lawyer, and is in the Mississippi Legislature since 2008 where he chairs the judiciary committee. Judiciary committee? Uh, that has to do with justice I believe, where the truth has to be proven. I wonder if he's looked at the major errors mentioned in this essay, or if he's like lady justice, but not just blind, but willfully blind. Again, just as Ms. Jackson above, has only picked her choice "sin" to rail against, so does Mr. Gipson, all the while ignoring the other so-called sins in the "Law" of Moses, and, supposedly, of God. Does he mow the lawn on the day of rest (or have it mowed thereby bringing sin on another)? And if so, does he stone himself, or others, to death as prescribed by God in his Law? Does he make offerings as prescribed in the Law? Do any of them do that, or have they made up special laws for themselves? Does he, or any of them, have clothing of two fabrics? Did he demand death to the priests and preachers who violated young children? Did he demand death for the minister in Hammond, Indiana who had an adulterous sex with a far too young woman of his congregation? No, of course neither he, nor anyone, cry out loudly against any of this, nor demand their death. This is a part of why this had to be written. These people are hypocrites! Whited sepulchers! And this is a madness that they are pursuing! This essay was written to counter in the minds of reasonable people the idiocy that is being pushed onto a nation, and filling it with hate. Yes, hate! But this hate is not from any loving God. It is hate from people who pick and choose what they will condemn and how, and then show one and all just how perfect their own piety is. They are every bit as malicious and mean as any inquisitor from the Catholic church, and maybe worse. They try to destroy the perfectly good lives of innocent girls who are taught from the cradle to believe in the lies that are being perpetrated in this day. It is madness and it has to stop. The lies must end or we will all face the consequences that their lies will bring to all of our doorsteps, theirs included. **A hidden agenda** Yes, most of these preachers have hidden agendas. One of them is the hope for Armageddon to come. Armageddon is the Great War that will initiate the coming of Jesus and the Rapture according to some. The Rapture is when they think that Jesus will take them up to heaven and the rest will be left behind to suffer and die. And if they can find a way, they will hasten it, and never mind the rest of us, or so they say and think. Just think, many of them are willing to push an atomic war of desolation to force Jesus to come and rapture them to heaven. That is so selfish of them, and deadly to others of us even if they're wrong. But they don't believe that they're wrong, so whatever they can do, they will do it to make it happen. The poison of this idea has been around for thousands of years, and hit our shores with the Pilgrims who gladly put people in stocks simply for not attending church, or whatever other frivolous rule they might think up, and probably more than just put people in stocks, they were so rigid in their beliefs, and that everyone else must be just as they were. This Fundamentalism raised its ugly head about the mid 1840s. Christine Garwood, the author of a book: "Flat Earth", writes that there were Flat Earthers, a group begun by a man who called himself Parallax (Samuel Birley Rowbotham) among other names he used, and he taught that "...the earth lay at the center of the universe" and was "... a flat disc with the North Pole at its center." and "that the disc-earth was stationary with neither axial nor orbital motion, while the sun spiral-circuited overhead once every twenty-four hours at a distance no greater than seven hundred miles." Then after Charles Darwin's first book on evolution, The Origin of Species, there was a debate between Thomas Henry Huxley and Samuel Wilberforce, the Bishop of Oxford, in June, 1860 with regard to whether or not evolution was true. A follower of Parallax, John Hampden, publicized a bet against any who thought the earth a sphere as opposed to being flat. Alfred Russel Wallace, the man who co-discovered evolution at the same time as Darwin, took the bet. That set off the literal creationists against science that was beginning to bloom in the 1870s. With the Huxley/Wilberforce debates, and the Hampden/Wallace bets, the Fundamentalists were off and running as science, as we know it today, was in its infancy. In time, the Fundamentalists diminished, but then came alive again with a bevy of preachers keeping it alive. To this day, with all the science and knowledge we now have, these Fundamentalists still insist that all that the Bible says is true even when it is easily seen that their Bible has many errors. The latest revival of Fundamentalism seemed to stem from two sources, the first, an Armenian, Rousas John Rushdoony who advocated we be a nation subject to the laws and penalties of the book of Leviticus in Mosaic Law of the Bible, including the penalty of death for homosexuality, adultery, idolatry, lying about virginity, blasphemy, etc. The second source was Jerry Falwell, and his moral majority, who was the more popular and publicly known of the two. These last two men, Rushdoony and Falwell, did much to push Fundamentalism to where it is today. Recent politician, Representative Michelle Bachman, a candidate for the Republican nomination for President this year, openly praised Fundamentalism as has Sarah Palin. Rick Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania, and recent candidate for the Republican nomination for President this year, also was openly biblical in his public stances. But it is Rushdoony who exemplifies the power of the Fundamentalist belief through his follower, Howard F. Ahmanson, Jr., who donated a reported $900,000 to the Proposition 8 amendment to nullify California's Same-Sex marriage law. Between that donation, the Catholic Church, The Mormon Church, and others, most likely Baptists, and Seventh Day Adventists, but many other Evangelical, and or, Fundamentalist churches, they caused the passage of Proposition 8, and overthrew Same-Sex marriage in California. All of the Fundamentalist churches push to drive our nation to a theocracy, or a nation much like Iran's, as well as doing what they can to bring about the Rapture wherein they hope Jesus will come and take them to heaven before the much ballyhooed wars of the Tribulation period as written of in many popular books such as The Late Great Planet Earth, and Left Behind by Hal Lindsey and Tim LaHaye respectively. **And a not so hidden agenda** For now, though, it's all about marriage. They're protecting the sanctity of marriage. However, no one tells them that they can't marry, nor does anyone say they have to end their marriage, therefore there is no need to "protect the sanctity of marriage", save for the high divorce rate of heterosexuals. They even passed a national law called the Defense of Marriage Act to try to dictate who could marry. They blame homosexuality for attacking marriage. To put it bluntly, if there's an attack on marriage, it's the marriage partners themselves who are the ones that marriage needs to be protected from. And since it's all their choice of what to do between themselves as marriage partners, gays, lesbians, transvestites, transgenders, and transsexuals have nothing to do with their marriage. Are they trying to cover up the falling apart of heterosexuals who wish to dissolve their marriages by blaming someone other than themselves? Perhaps more to the point, who is it that might be benefiting from creating dissention such as saying same-sex marriage is against the Bible, or that Lesbians are as prohibited from their sexual preference just as men with other men are when the Bible does not specify that? Most likely many actually do believe what they think the Bible instructs. Others? If politicians, maybe they also believe (as Mr. Gipson seems to), and maybe they're just pandering to a select group that hollers very loudly, and sometimes with great intelligence. Then again, maybe these leaders of the Fundamentalists should be looked at for their silly grab at power, prestige, egotism, or maybe money. Yes, many of them live lavishly, and it's the congregations that set them up as if it was their right to be treated so richly. Or are some trying to be as the Catholic church in power and prestige, and perhaps corruption? There is no doubt that the Catholic church has a history of corruption. [For a look at possible monetary gain by many of these men, do an Internet search in the following way (for any that aren't familiar with searching): Name of your favorite or best known preacher, followed by a space, then the plus sign, another space, then "Financail worth". You may be very surprised by how much money they've accumulated.] Whatever they are up to, it is for sure that their loud and bombastic cries of the Bible saying no to this, that, and the other and that people be put to death, is a fraud based on an error-filled Bible that they don't look at, or won't tell anyone about. Many former Christians have become researchers, and have come to the conclusion that the Bible is indeed error-filled. For sure, just one error makes their claim wrong. It is plain as day for anyone that there are two and very differing accounts of Noah and the flood. Personally, II never heard of seven clean pairs of animals plus one unclean pair ever being mentioned in church. Why? It is easy to see if they are true students of God's word as they went to special bible colleges to learn God's word. Don't those colleges teach of the second account of Noah's flood? I don't know for I've never been to one of those colleges, or seminaries as some call them. If not, why don't they teach it? If they do, why isn't it told to the congregations? Maybe it's easier to not say anything, and keep the congregation up in arms over homosexuality. **Their lack of outcry over violations of the Law** If it's so important to uphold God's laws such as homosexuality between men, what about the rest of the laws? For instance: How many Fundamentalists stone their continually disobedient children, or children who curse them? How many of the preachers that have been caught in sexual violation of the Law have been stoned to death? Have they raised their voices against the priests, bishops, and other church pedophiles, in the Catholic church as they have against homosexuality, and demanded they be put in electrified fences until they died, or kill them as the Bible prescribes? Have they demanded stoning the Catholic church, including the Pope(s) and other higher ups, for hiding sexually offending priests so that they could continue their sexual crimes? Have they screamed about the counselors of the New Tribes Mission who sent both parents out to evangelize while they raped and molested their children? Why haven't they paraded and demanded that they be stoned to death for lying and crimes against children? Perhaps important personages that covered up the crimes of Jerry Sandusky against children are too important to demand that they be stoned, or is it that the Bible doesn't make that a sin? How about Mr. Sandusky himself? I saw no outcry against him by a collective of Fundamentalists as I hear over homosexuality. Why not? Has there been a hue and cry over the minister of the huge church in Hammond, Indiana over his having sex with a minor, not to mention committing adultery? Has any said to stone him? There's been no collective outcry to stone him, or electrify him, or anything else. Or would they rather stone just the woman as in the Gospel of John, chapter 8, verse 3. No, thank goodness they haven't tried to stone her. But what about the man she was supposed to be having sex with? Do Fundamentalists scream out to have those who rape stoned? Do they demand that women prove their virginity on their wedding night, or be stoned? Do they holler and demand stoning for every kidnapper? There is so much wrong with how Fundamentalists pick out what they will demand, and for now, it's easy to demand an end to homosexuality, as well as making that a springboard to convincing people that this "shameful" sin is good reason to make this nation a nation that obeys God's laws as in the Old Testament. **My personal rant against Fundamentalists** There is a sickness in what the Fundamentalists are trying to do, and it's tearing up too much, especially many innocent girls who can't help how something in their person tells them to desire another woman as a mate. Fundamentalist preachers scream endlessly from their pulpits, and incite their congregations to push their views against others like girls who love other girls, women who love other women. They make it intolerable for any peace of mind in these unfortunate girls who are shamed and made to feel guilty for feeling as they do. They frighten them with their words of damnation, and the threat of separation from God and consignment to the burning fires of hell. In other words, they terrorize their minds, humiliate them though they hide it, and stress them out to where it's hard for them to function as they normally would in good health, especially mentally and psychologically. They can't help how they were born to be. Born to be? Why, God made men, and he made women, and they're supposed to be married and have children, and nothing else in between, right? No, that's not right. Yes, the God of the Bible says something like that, but it's also said many other things that we cringe from if we stop and take a look at them. God doesn't make mistakes, and how men and women are supposed to be is all there is to it. Okay, what about the man in the news, Steve Cercelius, who went to have a medical problem looked at, and found out he was intersexed [being both sexes simultaneously], perhaps more female than male. He was born that way. He did father some children with his wife. Doesn't that tell Fundamentalists, and others, something about how things are supposed to be? Things are as they happen within an individual, not as a very error-filled Bible says. Will Fundamentalists look for laws to blame their God over this? Will they perhaps seek to stone him for embarrassing them, never mind that Stevie's wife and children accept his change to be a woman as he was also born to be? No, God doesn't make errors, at least not the God of the Bible. Maybe the Fundamentalists will give God absolution in this case and not demand to stone him for making Steve/Stevie both man and woman just as they don't demand that priests, bishops, cardinals, popes, mission counselors, preachers, or any other important person. Yes, in those cases where other, special people intentionally sin against the Law of God, there's been an eerie silence from Fundamentalists. They don't want a church war, they want to war against what they see as a helpless, easily defeated enemy that will satisfy their burgeoning need to aggrandize themselves and puff their chests out as defenders of all the lies they've tried to make us all believe. Adulterers who do threaten marriage? No, no one cries out for them to be stoned to death, though they are truly a threat to the sanctity of marriage. If there's an outcry, it is a whispered one in these special cases. Why don't the Fundamentalist preachers scream at them loudly, and terrify them as they have so many young girls. Why don't they make them feel their wrath, the wrath of their God, maybe as Nathan did to David over Bathsheba [II Samuel, chapter 12, verses 1-12]? For whatever reason, it seems that they don't dare. Those aren't helpless girls. Thou whited sepulchers, purveyors of the lies herein exposed. Why don't they make those others feel the guilt, the humiliation, the shame they pour out like hot oil on those who storm their hellish castles. But no, they do not, will not. Does their inerrant Bible say that "you shall not have sex with children in any manner, shape, or form or ye shall be stoned to death?" No, it doesn't. Indeed, the Fundamentalists strain at their preferred gnats, and permit pedophiles to swallow children's lives and self-esteem without even a peep out of them, and certainly not any screams such as they proclaim loudly, boisterously, when confronting homosexuals. For shame, for shame. No, the children don't seem to matter to them, nor the priests who did their lust- filled deed on far too many children, and with the protection of their church. They only complain loudly about their pet laws among the many, but not any against abusing children just as they don't pay attention to most of the other laws. Even more, these Fundamentalists of a perfect God, should read their own Bible with eyes that do not fail to notice what is written there, if they dare. See the lies that are so easily seen by those who have training in their scriptures. Will they dare acknowledge that they see them? Go ahead, reread the story of Noah's ark, and tell the congregations of the two vastly different versions if the truth is dared to be told. And do tell them how it was that God told Noah, so the Bible says, that Noah was to put up food for all in the ark to eat for over a year, and confess to the congregations, if any dare, that this is obviously not possible. Remember Jesus' words: Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Truth is not what you decide is worthy of knowing, or what you should say that will get provide the most attention and adulation; it is what is there for those who have eyes to see. As I said, it is madness. The Bible is definitely in error, and therefore should not be taken literally. Not only that, but no one should be able to dictate how another should love and live if it is consensual, and the parties are of legal age. Religion is not to be shoved down people's throats. In the words of Thomas Jefferson: "The subject of religion, a subject on which I have ever been most scrupulously reserved, I have considered it as a matter between every man and his maker, **in which no other, & far less the public had a right to intermeddle**."[Bold mine. Quoted from "Citizen Jefferson," by John P. Kaminski, and written by Jefferson to Richard Rush, May 31, 1813.] This is how it should be, not as Fundamentalists would force us to be, or to shame any with the lies they quote from a book that is full of errors and contradictions. Sixty-three (63) major errors, and eight (8) probable errors, and that's only in the first eight chapters of Genesis. I challenge any Fundamentalist to prove, by the Bible itself, that these are wrong, but remember, just one error, and the Bible is proved to not be inerrant. And trust me, there are many more errors to be revealed. Another essay may follow this one for there is still much hidden that those preplanned Sunday school "lessons" do not say anything about. There are more words that are contradictory, words that are false, that have yet to be mentioned. Let's end the madness with some real light thrown on the truth of the Fundamentalist lies, and the errors that definitely are in the Bible. And remember, this need never have been written save for the ignorance and egotism that so drives so many Fundamentalists. But they are deviants, they say, and do as is against God's wishes that a man be a man, and a woman must be a woman who loves a man and procreates. Then tell one and all of the many other laws that are forever being broken, like mowing a lawn on Saturday (or whatever other day is deemed to be the day of rest), and that those also deserve to be put in an electrified fence until they are dead, or kill them outright as that outrageous representative from Mississippi demands. And, please, tell me why it is that the Bible does not make it a sin to sodomize a child, or otherwise abuse them sexually or otherwise? Don't children matter? If it is necessary to write another essay, we may find that there are even more heinous errors in the Bible than simply putting two people out with nothing but a skin over their bodies to scarf up a living. And tell me, you Fundamentalists: Who hast been his counselor, or who has known his mind? You? Not hardly. End (for now) This is an original essay copyright © by the Author, wistfall1. No use, or copying without the express written consent of the author, wistfall1.
_Author's Note:_ _NO SEX!_ _The crucial events in this story take place in Wichita, Kansas around 1950. Place and street names are generally accurate with some small amount of poetic license._ _To set the mood, the big songs that year were:_ Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer, by Gene Autry White Christmas, by Bing Crosby Music! Music! Music! by Teresa Brewer The Third Man Theme, by Guy Lombardo Mona Lisa, by Nat King Cole All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth, by Spike Jones Harbor Lights, by Sammy Kaye & His Orchestra _Thanks to techsan for his always-great job of editing!_ _This story is in two chapters. The second chapter will be submitted within a day of this chapter._ _Enjoy!_ * THE CORRAL THEATER 1949 I woke up that cold winter afternoon in front of the Corral. Struggling with some small core of pride, I always said my name to myself as soon as I awoke after a drinking bout. Some days it was easy. Other days it could be a struggle, like today. Slowly I came up with a name, Crane, forming the sounds slowly with my lips: "Crane Hanson." John, the guy that managed the theater was a friend of mine from our days on the cross-country and track teams at North High School. He was about the only friend I had left, and he let me sleep in the theater during the winter, after it opened at 2:00 pm. Now that I was awake, eyes bleary and bloodshot, I struggled with what had awakened me. Maybe the bottle of rye lying broken on the sidewalk, the small amount left striving for the gutter and an eventual home in the Gulf of Mexico. No, that wouldn't have done it. This happened all too frequently and it never woke me before. The bells ringing in my ears? Naw, that was constant anymore, and this was more of a hoarse _clang_, _clang,_ once in a while alternated with a bright _ding-a-ling_. Squinting, I looked up at a vision. There was a young woman, maybe in her mid-twenties, with a sweet angelic face, pale, curly blond hair imprisoned in an old fashioned bonnet. She looked slim in the dark blue uniform and heavy dark blue overcoat as she once again shook that large bell with its distinctive _clang_, _clang_. She was standing behind a large kettle, next to a sign saying "Give Christmas to the Needy", ringing one, then the other bell, smiling at passersby with cheery holiday greetings as they went about their Christmas shopping. I noticed the cold was making her cheeks a bright pink over her too pale face, her lips losing color in the cold. I started trying to stand up, leaning against the wall, feeling inside my coat pocket for my backup pint of rye, when I saw John opening the theater. The girl saw me struggling and asked, "Mister! Are you all right?" I turned back to look at her, shaking my head at her youthful innocence, my memories bringing a sudden wash of tears to my eyes. With a quick shake of my head, I turned back and entered the movie house. Watching a cowboy movie (That was all they showed, hence the name Corral) as I finished my last pint, I fell into a deep, but restless sleep. _The images always came first:_ _The girl, maybe six, lying in the dirt by the barbed wire gate, body emaciated past gauntness, eyes wide open... staring at some unknown horror, staring at – nothing anymore._ _Inside the gate a long row of bodies stacked insanely neat, like cords of logs eight to ten feet high, abandoned in place as they awaited burial._ _A huge ditch at least 40 feet long, ten to twelve feet deep, filled with cadavers covered with lime to hasten decomposition. A bulldozer parked nearby ready to cover the pit of inhumanity._ _I was sick before the jeep stopped, the pictures of a terrible horror burning their way into my psyche, a part of me turning black, in denial that humans could do this to each other._ _The Lieutenant I was with later was said to be the first American officer to enter a concentration camp. We were an advance unit of the "Super Six" the Sixth Armored Division. We entered the camp at Ohrdruf, a sub-camp of Buchenwald, on April 11, 1945. The Lieutenant laughed as we passed through the town of Ohrdruf:_ _"Hanson, do you know that Bach went to school here and received his early musical training?"_ _He kept chuckling as we drove on to the camp, the location pointed out by an escapee. He stopped smiling when we saw the child._ _Because I was married with two kids, I was far down the draft list – but on it! I entered the army about ten months ago and after intense, but very short training was sent to Europe. I had been a cop for three years in Wichita, mostly walking a beat in the downtown area._ _The next few weeks were a blur, partially because of events. Ike came to visit the camp at Ohrdruf with Omar Bradley and George Patton. Patton threw up at once and we didn't see much of him. We were trying to take care of the prisoners, but there were so many, so deathly ill and we weren't prepared for this. Sure there had been some rumors but the reality was shattering._ _We heard later that the commandant at Ohrdruf had orders to starve everyone to try to hide the evidence. We lost so many. It was a time of darkness for all of us._ _We moved on to Buchenwald. It was incomprehensible. Again, there was the stack of bodies. They all seemed to be males; all naked, all face up. The bottom layer way one way and the next crosswise. This continued to the top, alternating each layer. The stack was close to six feet high, maybe eighty feet long, heading up a slight rise in the ground. There were a number of such stacks. I was originally part of a detail to try to do a rough count, but I just couldn't do it. I was sick and couldn't eat for two days._ _What I remember most were the eyes. Dead eyes. Living eyes looking dead. Eyes appearing huge because of the emaciation of their bodies. It was strange to watch the other soldiers deal with this impossible-to-grasp reality. Some would turn hard; you could see their faces, their expressions, even their personalities change._ _Many would slip into denial. It was like going to Joyland as a kid; as soon as we got to the amusement park, our real lives were left behind. Others, too many of us, couldn't deal with it at all. Some requested transfers to other units. Some drank. I was one of the drinkers._ _I had always liked a drink now and then; name a cop or soldier that didn't. But now I had to have a drink to eat breakfast. I had to drink to go to sleep. I had to drink to stay asleep. I was haunted. I lost weight; I walked around in a daze. We were cut some slack; it was tough for everyone. Finally it came to a head. I was found in a drunken stupor while on guard duty._ _This couldn't be shoved under the rug; I was headed for a dishonorable. The battalion commander stepped in and stood up for me. Two months earlier we had just set up a new battalion HQ. The Lieutenant and I came in for maps and coffee. I saw movement in the bushes. A man stood up holding what looked like a shotgun and pointed it at the colonel. I grabbed my carbine and shot from the hip. It was only about twenty feet and I hit him it the neck._ _We walked over and looked at this kid, maybe fourteen at best. At that time it was hard on me, later it just became an unpleasant memory. I was put in for an award but was gone before it came through. The colonel got me out with a honorable medical discharge; that way I could go back to the police force. I was back in Wichita within a week._ _I started back at the force, this time in a patrol car out in the College Hill area. I did better for a year or so. For a few months I stopped drinking completely. I was going out to the VA Hospital on East Kellogg and talking to a guy, a psychologist I guess. Back then they didn't understand Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and it didn't help much. My partner and I talked about our experiences; it was impossible to talk to our wives about some of the things we had experienced. Sometimes the sharing of our stories helped, other times it depressed the hell out of us._ _One night while we were working the night shift we got a call to go to a house near 13 th Street and the canal. A man working the graveyard shift at Beech went home early with an upset stomach. His wife was in his bed with another man. He grabbed his gun, killed both of them, shot his three kids and blew his own head off. We got there at the same time the ambulance did. After making sure everything was clear, we went in, helping the ambulance check the kids first._ _A little girl, hair in pigtails, cute and the same age as my daughter was still alive. They took her out of there to Wesley Hospital, not too far away. Later we found out she made it but would be permanently paralyzed. The carnage was shocking to both my partner and I. We were veteran police officers and had both been overseas. He had gone through the chain of islands towards Japan as a marine._ _We stopped off for a few drinks after the shift. It was really hard to go home to a loving family and pretend nothing bad happened. What do you say, "Gosh, honey, you should have seen the baby's brains dripping down the wall onto the dirty carpet." So I went home and looked at the wall for a couple of hours, drinking a few beers, and watching the "Baby Brain" slideshow on my wall in living color!_ _Judy tried to work with me. She would talk and I would listen. She asked me to open up and I'd tell her about the new patrol cars we were getting; tell her about how great the suspension was supposed to be._ _The drinking continued; even got worse. My partner put up with it for a while, but I was gone from the force about eighteen months after getting back._ _It got worse at home with me having nothing to do. I drank at home. When Judy got pissed I drank at a bar. Judy gave me ultimatum after ultimatum. One morning I got home from an all-night drinking bout and she and the kids were gone. Judy left a note – they were going to her parents in Garden City. She said she couldn't deal with it any more and had filed for divorce._ _I sold the house and sent most of the money to Judy for the kids. I signed the divorce when it came. I sold my car and moved into a tiny trailer on South Broadway, between the road and the river. I kept that for about a year, and then slept wherever. Sometimes I slept in an abandoned house, and in good weather along the river, especially in the summer. Somehow I lost a year. Later after I sobered up I tried to reconstruct my life. That was just gone forever. At most I would get a flash of something... digging through the empties behind a bar; I didn't know then and I never figured it out._ _One thing that helped was that I was a quiet drunk; I never caused any problems. I would drink until the images would fade then sleep until they came back. I was now drinking the cheapest rye I could find. I would do anything for a pint: shovel snow, mow grass, fix a car that wouldn't start, clean out manure in the barns._ _I had worked out a small network of bartenders that put up with me. I'd sleep behind the bar; maybe do some cleaning up, and then maybe get a pint when he opened up the next morning. I lived for my next drink. I must have eaten at times but didn't remember much._ _About the only friend I had left was John at the movie house. They didn't do much business in the afternoons so he would let me sleep it off for a couple of hours. Sometimes he would give me a box of popcorn, sometimes a soda I could dump my rye into to make it go farther. He kept trying to get me to talk to some one, to get help. But I knew nothing could help me. In that part of my soul where optimism used to reign with a fierce vigor... only dead ashes remained._ I felt a hand on my shoulder, gently shaking me. It was John; the theater was starting to fill up for Gene Autry's latest, "The Blazing Sun". As we walked up the aisle he slipped a fiver in my hand. Gripping his hand in embarrassment, I went to the restroom and outside. The girl was gone, replaced by an older man in what I recognized as a Salvation Army Officers uniform. I started to stumble by but he touched my elbow. "Excuse me, sir. Annie, the girl that was here earlier, asked me to watch for you. I'm ready to close here; really I was waiting for you. We are having dinner for anyone hungry at our church around the corner on Topeka. Come with me." He looked kindly, standing there patiently waiting for the fog in my head to clear enough to understand what he wanted. Feeling apathetic and suddenly hungry, I let him lead me along. Walking over he gave me his name, clearly not expecting anything from me in return. "I'm Major William Fortson but everyone calls me Bill." The church, the sign in front said, "Salvation Army Citadel Corps," had a hall in the back. It was warm, almost stuffy inside. There were a half dozen tables and maybe ten or twelve guys sitting around eating. Bill sat down with me and waved his hand at the girl I'd seen earlier. She walked over to the table and Bill introduced her, "This is Annie, Annie Blaine." She put her hand out, the chill gone now and her hand was warm and dry. I was suddenly aware of the ripe smell coming off my body, off my clothes. "I mumbled, I'm Crane," as I let go of her hand and sat down, embarrassed. Bill sent her over to get a plate for me: fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce, and a cup of surprisingly good, very strong coffee. She set the plate down with a big smile. "I have to leave now. My mom has been feeling poorly. I'll be in front of the Corral for the rest of this week. Say hi if you are around, Crane." I cleaned the plate and Bill waked over and refilled it for me and got more coffee. I was to remember this later as the best meal of my life! I kept waiting for Bill to "sell" me something, I wasn't sure what. I'd learned that you don't get something for nothing and was waiting for the catch. Bill just chatted, pointing out a couple of the guys and telling their stories, the ones that were okay with that. He talked some of what they were doing for Christmas: collecting toys for children, trying to find homes for the ones that need it, feed people. As he talked his eyes glowed and I kept waiting. Finally it came out. "You know, Crane, we have a real mess with the toys. We have the basement half filled and they need to be sorted out. We could sure use some help!" That was it, the big pitch? He didn't actually even ask me for help, just that they could use some! Feeling uneasy, I stood up and thanked him for the food. He asked if I needed a place to stay but I begged off and left. I went to a bar on Douglas, across from the train station. The bartender was also the owner, and I used to stop by for a drink once in awhile when I was a beat cop. We weren't exactly friends, but we got along okay. He was always nice to me. I didn't want to abuse this so I only came here once a month or so. I wasn't feeling too good and my hands were shaking some. Gene gave me a shot of decent bourbon and I nursed it for an hour in the back at a small table. There was a mirror on the wall and I looked at myself for the first time in months. It wasn't pretty. Besides my eyes being bloodshot they were jaundiced. My face was pinched; I was starting to look like one of my images: I had names for them: "little girl in the dirt," "the pit," "the woodpile;" too many pictures, too many names. Gene came back and I asked him what I could do. He started to shake his head; he wasn't dumb. But I stood up and asked what needed to be done. He could see the small thread of pride I was holding on to – knowing that if this thread broke then I would too. "If you could take all the empties out in the alley, also the trash, restock from the basement, that would help me a lot." I jumped at the work, sweating too easily, but getting the job done. Afterward I went in to talk to Gene as he was locking up. Looking up at me from the cash register he said, "You can sleep on the cot in the back as usual. You can go ahead and pour yourself another shot, and I'll give you a pint in the morning." I poured the shot, taking a sip once in a while, enjoying the richness after the usual rotgut I drank. I watched him as he finished the count, trying to build up a little courage. "Gene," I tentatively started, "do you have any old clothes here?" With a startled look on his face he said, "Yeah, let me look. I usually keep a set of overalls and a flannel shirt around for when I come in on Sundays once in a while to fix things up. I might even have some underwear." Thinking for a minute, he continued, "You know about the restroom off my office. You can use the shower there if you want. I'm pretty sure I have an old straight razor lying around that I haven't used for years. You'll have to strop it a bit for sure though!" He got the stuff for me and locked up as he left. I took the rest of my shot to the table in the back room and sit down. I looked at my hands, watching them shake as I thought about the straight razor, feeling a little nauseous imagining what I could do to my face. I finished the last of my shot, holding the glass up to let the last drop drip down into my mouth, not knowing when I could find that rich flavor again. I knew I could go pour another shot and Gene would never know, but he trusted me, and that meant a lot to me. I took the razor into the bathroom, stropping it, looking at the mirror trying to gather courage. I bit my tongue as a distraction, the pain an influx of adrenalin. Lathering up my face I shaved for the first time since... for a long time. I hacked the beard off, stropped the razor some more, soaped up again and cleaned off the stubble, ignoring a few minor cuts. I was shocked at what I saw. Was I insane? I took my shower; water as hot as I could stand. I wasn't sure but I had the feeling of things on my body drowning and washing down the drain. When the water turned cold I dressed in Gene's clothes, actually a pretty good fit. I threw the old clothes away. Like myself, I didn't think they could be redeemed. I'd make it up to Gene somehow for his clothes. I turned out the light and lay on the cot. I guess my mind went into neutral as it coasted from thought to thought, no pattern, no continuity. I tried to picture my kid's faces and was sad that I couldn't. The image of Annie, looking like a Madonna with her bonnet on, her face pale with the cold, but cheeks flushed bright. Annie's image juxtaposed with the image of the "little girl in the dirt," then Annie's image fading. I thought of Bill, deciding he was a kind man, nothing more, nothing less. I knew I needed help; maybe it was already too late. I remembered Bill saying he needed help with the Christmas toys. Wondering what it would be like to help someone else. To see the face of a child, having nothing, expecting nothing, receiving a dream. Could I pay the price I knew instinctively that I would have to pay, could I do that to see a smile on a girl's face when she got the unexpected doll? To see the lighting up of a small boy's eyes as he received a small car. Did I have it in me? I fell into a troubled sleep. Waking up, I thought of the bottles on the other side of the door, an ache growing in me. The need growing stronger, my body shaking, feeling cold. A sudden flash from somewhere deep brought a picture of Judy with Cindy and Jimmy, their features sharp and clear. That was the day we went out to Lake Afton, the year before I was drafted. The picture, a favorite of mine with Judy and the kids in new swimsuits. I had lost the picture somewhere in Germany, probably after Ohrdruf. I was suddenly desperate to see my kids again. I wanted to see Judy, but I knew it was over with her, even if I could pull out of the sickness in my soul. I had heard she had found a new man, a nice one. I wanted her to have a chance at happiness. Crying I lay there, lost, alone, a shell of the man I was before Ohrdruf! FORMATION My early years were spent north of Wichita, south of Valley Center and close to the Little Arkansas and Meridian. Of course the Big Ditch hadn't been built then so it was much easier to get around than it is now. My dad was a carpenter, a good one. He added a couple of rooms to a farmhouse, and as part of the payment the farmer deeded to dad about an acre of brushy land caught in a fold of the winding, twisty river. My dad threw up a house with the help of a couple of relatives. It seemed big at the time but looking back it had to have been less than a thousand square feet. There was one small bedroom downstairs, maybe eight by ten feet. In the front was a living room running across the front of the house. Going to the back of the house was a small dining room the same size as the bedroom. Across the back was a kitchen the same size as the living room. Going up from the dining room was a steep stairway leading to the second floor. The pump was outside for a few years and then moved indoors under the stairwell. Luxury! It was never fun in the mid-winter months to build a fire under the pipe going into the house! The water tasted like the sweet water of Canaan the Sunday School guy was going on about all the time. Years later I visited the people living in the house at the time. I couldn't drink the water! It was terribly brackish. It was then I began to understand that perception was reality. The upstairs room was the area over the kitchen, the same size and shape. That's where we kids slept, six of us in four bunk beds. This caused no end of problems over the years. My mom and dad separated when I was about five. They had always had a strange relationship: always either in strong love or strong hate, divided by the strong stubborn streak common to both of them. Finally, after a long shouting, shoe-throwing episode that I saw through the front screen door, the hate won out and the marriage was over. This was a couple years before the depression started and mom was left with six kids to raise by herself. One incident that happened was typical of dad. We were living in the house before it was completely finished, and the stairs weren't built yet. There was a ladder with wooden rungs. I must have been about four. I was always climbing trees and such and was going down the ladder headfirst. I slipped and cut my chin pretty bad and was knocked out. I still have the scar. When mom came home from work one of the kids told her that I was in the hospital. Mom was frantic. Well it turns out that my dad's car was low on gas so he had the neighbor take me to the emergency room. He was over at the neighbor's house having a beer with the neighbor's wife. That's just how he was. One story that mom still tells me (even today with an evil smile on her face) was the night dad came home from honky tonkin'. He had this thing about smoking: he had to have something sweet first. So he told mom to make him a pie. She tried to tell him the flour was bad, but he just started yelling. So she made the pie. Afterward he sat around smoking, in a better mood, telling mom, "That was the best damn pie you ever made!" We didn't find out until years later that the reason mom wouldn't let us eat any of that pie is 'cause the four was full of weevils! After they separated dad picked me up more than the other kids. I was quiet, shy, well behaved, and too cute. He would take me on dates with him. All the dates were basically one thing or another. Sometimes we would go for a drive, maybe stop for lunch or maybe go down by the river and lay around fishing for carp or catfish. We never kept them, threw them all back in the river. Dad was a natural ladies man. He was handsome, with black curly hair and had a nice easy way with women. Any time I was with him, there was always a woman, laughing and smiling. The other thing was to go to a bar. Back then no one said anything about kids being in the taverns. Dad would set me up on the bar with a soda. Some woman would come over and fawn over me, smother me with her big tits (later I figured out that I was small, not that the girls' breasts were particularly large!), and then dance with dad. It was at this time that I developed a lifetime love for what used to be country music and now is somewhat euphemistically called _classic_ country music. I knew at some level I was being used but I didn't care. It was fun and I learned a lot about people and their natures that helped me later as a cop. When I came home smelling like a French whore house from all the intermingled perfumes mom would get pissed at me. I never understood that. I suppose dad sent some money once in a while but I never saw it happen. We struggled through. It seems like the only meat we ever ate was chicken or rabbit. Before dad left he raised rabbits. Later during the depression, as soon as the first hard frost, the men in the area, mostly farmers, would grab their shotguns and pile into the back of a big truck, one of those kinda fenced in with wooden stakes. They would park beside one of their large fields, planted with winter wheat at that time of year and line up a ways apart and march across the fields, banging away as the Jacks popped up. These guys were good; this wasn't hunting for sport! The kids would come along pick up the rabbits, one or two at a time depending on the size of the kid and the size of the Jack. We would grab them by their long ears and carry 'em or drag them back to the truck and put in small galvanized horse troughs. We tried to carry the dead rabbits if we could, but you could see a lot of streaks of blood across the brown soil, or sometime the powdering of snow. We would get home covered in blood and mud. Some days there was more blood, some days more mud, but there were always plenty of both. As soon as we got home mom would put the washtub in the middle of the kitchen floor. One at a time, oldest to youngest, we would cycle through the water in the tub, heated one kettle at a time on the kitchen stove. Being in the middle I didn't fare too bad, but times were that Paul, the youngest looked worse getting out than when he went in! Except for rabbit hunting, baths were given on Saturday nights, whether we needed one or not. Of course we had to make do with an outhouse. Once a year the boys pitched in and dug a hole about eight feet deep. Then we would get some help and drag the outhouse to its new spot. One of my jobs was to fix the shingles whenever necessary and every three or four years to rip the old ones off and re- shingle. Summers were always chaotic. Every summer the river would flood at least once. We would all pack up and go into town to grandma's place near Linwood Park. We would stay until the water went down then go home and shovel out the mud. The water level was usually about four or five feet up the living room wall and the mud was maybe six to eight inches. The smell was terrible, a smell of corruption. Some summers it would flood two or three times. It wasn't fun for mom! One time comes to my mind that was hilarious in retrospect. My dad had given me a single shot 22. It was very short, maybe three feet long. It broke open like a shotgun and took one shell at a time. It was chambered for long rifle, but dad told me it was so old (the bluing had worn completely off) so he would only shoot 22 shorts. I mostly used it to plink at carps in the hot Augusts as the water dropped to maybe six inches in the river. The fishes' backs would stick a couple inches above the water. It wasn't really sport but I had fun. The biggest problem after the floods was rats. It was always a hassle getting rid of them. One night dad was gone somewhere and we were all asleep upstairs when we heard that _pop_ that a 22 makes. Then in intervals of maybe ten or fifteen seconds another one. We ran downstairs and mom was standing on a chair, almost hysterically cracking open my rifle and jamming in another shell. There were three dead rats on the floor! About a year after the separation, dad had moved to Texas and started calling mom and sweet-talking her. Finally he wired some money for gas and we packed up the car and the five of us kids (one of the twin girls died) and drove down to Houston. At least he told her it was in Houston. Where we wound up was in the middle of a swamp in what would many years later become Lake Houston, northeast of the city. The directions were pretty clear. Go down this asphalt highway (I don't remember the route number) until you pass this bar called "Cabin in the Pines" (I would spend a _lot_ of time there). Then all of us kids started looking for a small grocery store that was to play a big part in our lives later. After the grocery we were to make the next left, about a mile father on. About a half-mile down a dirt road we were to watch for a homemade bridge over the ditch on our right. When mom saw the bridge she was afraid to drive over it, but didn't see any choice. It was really home made: just some logs with two-by-eights nailed to them. After crossing the logs we drove down the path; not a road, only a clearing between the trees. The path twisted around a lot, finding the high spots between the bogs. We came to a clearing and saw a dry area of about ten acres with a house up close to the swamp. Mom parked, leaving us in the car and took a look at the house. She walked in and came out not ten seconds later. She sat down on the stoop and started bawling. Even at six years old I knew the difference between crying and bawling. We piled out of the car and ran up to mom, hugging her and all of us bawling. She told me many years later that if she had had the money for gas she would have turned back for Kansas right then. We got up and started exploring, as kids will. Even if mom was crying it was an adventure for us. We went in the house. It wasn't a house. It wasn't even a cabin. It was a shack. It was two small rooms with a tiny bedroom up front. Neither dad nor grandpa was there. The bedroom was for grandpa. It had a single bed with a coffee can under it. No closet, no dresser. A bed and a coffee can, nothing more! In the other room there was a small table with a couple of chairs, a ratty sofa and an even rattier chair. That's it! The list of what there wasn't is much longer that what there was. There was no: kitchen, dining room, bathroom, dressers, cabinets, beds (other than grandpa's), and not any furniture except the table, sofa and chair. We pulled everything out of the car and mom tried to organize it into different stacks in the corners. When dad got home there was a lot of shouting for a long time, then the sweet talking started again as dad promised a couple of beds. He took mom out to the Cabin in the Pines that night, but it didn't do much good. It never really got any better. At my age you lived for the moment, the future was just a word, like "In the future you'll get married, then you'll see!" There was an old barn that I spent hours playing in, mostly alone. That's what I was, a loner. I wasn't bothered by not having an outhouse – you walked out the door and took a piss! Some morning my brothers, one older and one younger, would come out at the same time so we would line up and have a pissing contest. I always won and for some obscure reason this made me inordinately proud. Spending twenty minutes priming the pump was no biggie, I wasn't going anywhere. I loved running around the swamp, climbing around in the deadfalls, investigating every new feature. I learned about dead animals and maggots. I watched the flies and figured out that's where the maggots came from. Who says that little boys don't know about sex? My favorite sport was building fires over the mounds of fire ants. I'd pour a little kerosene on the mound and light it. Never did any good, an hour later it was like the disaster had never happened. It seemed like there was a new adventure every day. One that always stuck in my mind was the rabid dog. He had been around the neighborhood for a few days, mostly out by the road. We had to walk all the way down to the paved road to meet the school bus. One day the bus let me out, for some reason none of the other kids were with me. I knew the dog was around so I didn't want to go that way. I knew I could cut across the swamp. I had an instinctive sense of direction and I just knew that I could find my way, as I would take the twisty misdirection's to stay on mostly dry ground. I knew the snakes were there, they didn't normally bother me, I knew the bad ones: the cottonmouths and the diamondbacks. But that day my imagination was working overtime and I just sat there. A couple hours later my mom showed up with a big stick to chase the dog away and we walked home. The next day my dad and older brother took the shotgun and took care of the dog. One week or so the snakes were really bad. Dad would sometimes get a ride to the little bridge over the creek and having nothing else to do I'd usually be there waiting for him. That one evening as we walked back I was holding his hand and he held his sheet-rock hatchet in his other and leaned over and chopped off the heads of the snakes, mostly rattlers. The last one was right as we entered the clearing. A little later our dog was terrorized by the not quite dead diamond-back and it bit him in the neck. He was dead in minutes. Later we were sitting around the front yard, just at sunset. My little brother Paul, two at the time, was sleeping on the front step. My mom was walking across the yard and froze, pointing at her baby. Dad walked over to the edge of the swamp and grabbed a stick, maybe six foot. He casually walked over, stuck the end of the small branch under the snake and flipped him off! Then he walked over and stomped it with his boot. He sat down and made another cigarette, like nothin' had happened. Then there were the strange days. My grandpa used the coffee can under his bed to spit his 'bacca juice in. At nights it was his piss can. Well you can imagine it got horrendously smelly. One day my mom threw it away, disgusted. But she forgot to put a new one there. Mom and dad were gone somewhere and grandpa came home and went to his room. He never read or anything, we had no radio, geez we didn't even have electricity! We never could figure out what he did in that room other than spit, piss and sleep. Well, he went into his room and came out screaming at us kids. We scattered like chickens do when it's time to pick out dinner! He would chase one, then another throwing bricks at us and swearing in German. The old coot was crazier that a bedbug! I don't remember him ever talking to any of the kids. My favorite memory was when my uncle had me learn a song to sing to his new bride on her birthday. He was one of the reasons dad moved down there. They were always close. He was a sheetrock guy. Anyway he had me learn a song, and then on Dottie's birthday my dad took me to the Cabin in the Pines. He got me a Seven-up, sat me on the counter, and my uncle asked everyone to quiet down and gather 'round. I was embarrassed at first but then I got into it. I sang, "Black Jack David" by T. Tex Tyler. Well, all the girls did the "smother me in their tits" thing again, starting with dad's current
girl friend. My uncle gave me a worn out shiny smooth fifty-cent piece (that I kept for years in my pocket, always remembering how much fun I'd had that night). The bartender gave me some peanuts and the girls kept coming up kissing me and running their hands through my pale blond, almost white hair. I got home and I thought mom was going to throw me into the swamp when she saw the lipstick on my face. I think dad had the girls do it just to piss her off. One day when dad was off at some carpentry job, my mom piled us into the car with whatever clean clothes we had and she took off for Kansas. While it had been an adventure for us, it was a living hell for mom. What she had done was to work out a deal with the old man that owned the grocery. See, the problem was that whenever she needed to get some food dad gave her whatever amount of money he thought she needed. When she got home he would take the change back from her... that was his beer money. Well, every time she went to the store the grocer would throw a few coins into a cigar box for her. When there was enough money for gas for the trip, we took off. Later in talking to her she said she never even left a note! One souvenir she had from Texas was a set of false teeth at age thirty-one. We settled back home with no problem. All she had done was empty the icebox and leave the door open so it wouldn't mildew. There were no locks on the doors. She got back on at Beech with no problem but the salary wasn't much. It was a hell of a life for her but she never complained. The only time I saw her cry after Texas was when I was twelve and she started to slap me for sassin' off. I grabbed her hand and said, "Mom, you can't do that anymore!" She sat down and really started bawling. That was the first time I realized that I didn't understand women. _End of Chapter 1. Chapter 2 should be out within a day._ Anita stole into her mother's bedroom. Despite the house being empty Anita heightened the secrecy by moving as stealthily as she could. She moved to close the door then changed her mind. It would be easier to hear if someone entered the house. It would also aid her escape. Despite being 18 years of age and a young woman, entering her parents bedroom particularly when they were out of the house made her still feel like a naughty child. She looked guiltily to the heavy draped white netting at the window with its embroidered edging. The house was not overlooked, but she still warily checked to see no one could see she was in the room. Her bare feet sank into the deep pile of the pink carpet, it felt warm tickling up between her toes the static crackling as she checked for unseen observers. She looked about the room. The decoration was ornate, and fussy, overly fussy. The dressing table and bedside cabinets were each draped with embroidery, the bed itself was piled with cushions over a rich satin cover. She wondered how her parents were ever able to sleep in it, or if they only slept on it. The luxuriance of the cover beckoned, together with the comfort of the big soft cushions. Anita sank into the enveloping comfort. One day she would have a bedroom like this where she could luxuriate and wait in repose for her husband to come and attend to her. Pampering her body whilst she lay resting in a nest of cushions. Feeding on dates or tea, spoiling herself with rich sickly sticky sweets. He'd come and bathe her mouth with a warm cloth, taking the excess sugar away. Then he would attend her with gentle fluttering kisses and she would drift off into a soft sleep until the evening came around. Laying back Anita looked at the subtle shadows on the ceiling, showing grey against the white. She arranged the cushions about her, getting comfortable on the bed. She peered down the length of her jeans to her silver ankle chain and the rings adorning her purple painted toes beyond. She waggled her feet arranging them like a rifle sight. Through the opening she aligned her eyes to her mother's wardrobe she could see the silk suits and sari lengths all hanging protected under polythene covers. The bright colours drew her eye, alongside the radiant silks her western clothes seemed drab and lifeless hanging like vacuous ghosts. Anita's own wardrobe looked similar to that, with western and eastern clothes combining. But hers were less segregated, favoured clothes hung together, dirty clothes lay on the floor, worn clothes were almost everywhere in total chaos or so her mother thought. Anita hugged a cushion close to her resting it over her flat abdomen. From the dressing table her parents smiled out at her from their wedding photograph. The picture was taken outside a registry office. Dad wore a suit and tie, whilst mum wore a rich gold and red sari. She had long jet black hair then like Anita's, her father's hair was thick and wavy, reaching down and over his collar. It was hard to envisage the businessman with his neat short hair thinning chain grey, and chain of chemist shops to his name was the same awkward man in the picture. You could only tell from the warmth within his eyes. They looked very happy in the picture, they and their assorted friends. Anita knew of the pain behind the picture, the families who had not wanted them to marry, who would not share the joy of their wedding celebration. Anita's mum Valerie had always been rebellious in her youth. She had dreamed of backpacking across India studying the culture and religion first hand. There she met Jumahl on holiday from Birmingham. The thrill of the romance and the hardships they endured were all detailed in Valerie's diaries. Each of them being abandoned by their families, who felt the children had betrayed their family traditions. The loneliness of prejudice and the strength of good friends and family allies were all recounted. The way they worked together strengthening their marriage, getting by and making do, until Anita their first child was born. The golden child who broke the family barriers. Jumahl or Jeff as he always introduced himself proudly showed his daughter to his eager cousins. They christened her the little princess, and she came to be treated that way. Anita brushed her hair from off her face and turned reaching over the bed, she opened the drawer to her mother's bedside chest. Reaching into the drawer, Anita's slim hands burrowed under her mother's underwear and slid out the box containing the diaries. Even as a little girl Anita had been aware of her mother's diaries but it was only by accident she had discovered their hiding place. Her dad would never consider looking there. He was a great respecter of his wife's privacy, he would never enter into what he referred to her as her intimate things. Although the diaries revealed her dad was kept familiar with most of the contents of the drawer, and how they looked on her mother's body. Anita lifted the lid to the box and spread out the cloth bound volumes onto the bed. She was looking for the early one, the older one. The pages were a little stiffer than the rest, the perfume on them smelt richer, deeper with age. The top notes had disappeared and all that remained was a solid scent of exotic flowers and a little ginger, slightly sweet, without an acid bite. She found the diary, red with small gold thread embroidery. Even the colour was exotic, before she opened the cover to release the trapped scents. She looked at the bedside clock. She had time. She could read the whole entry from beginning to end. She knew every word, everything that happened there in. She had memorised the whole event and dreamed of it in her bed at night. She still took pleasure, from the thrill of holding the pages in her hand. Following the excited sweeping swirls of her mother's hand as the words were impressed into the page. She could feel the giddying emotion, the passion as she wrote. Each flourish each swirl, each indent registered against her fingers sending little flurries of emotion into her body. Collecting back all the unwanted diaries, Anita arranged them into order, ready to return to the box. She did not want to be surprised, caught, or later discovered to have been tampering with the diaries. She did not want to lose the source, the insight of her mother as a woman. A young woman just like Anita, on a journey of enlightenment which brought her love. Anita slipped the box and its contents off the bed placed them ready to slide back into their hiding place. Rolling onto her front she settled the cushions once more, placing one between her legs. She gripped it hard with her thighs releasing the tension in her body. Then finally wriggling into position she delicately opened the diary turning to her favourite page. Now the time of Jeff's departure for England is approaching he has stopped asking me to return with him. I am both sad and relieved at the same time. Since he rescued me in the market surrounded in my naivety by beggars, we have explored India together. In a few short weeks we have grown as close as any two people can. I do not want to be without him but I cannot return to England yet. To return now would be to abandon a life long ambition in mid path. This voyage of self discovery and enlightment is teaching me something new everyday. From simple responses to common place objects like tables and chairs, how to sit, how to manipulate my body, even how to walk. To greater issues like communication and relationships. I have moved beyond words to create a dialogue by expression, and body language alone. Whilst starting to understand myself, I must stay to learn more of my purpose and cosmic position before returning to England again. I have learnt a great deal but the more I learn the more I feel there is to know. The vastness of this country acts as a doorway to comprehend the infinity of the stars. India is so dramatic and so vibrant. I have never loved or felt so in love as I do now. The exotic richness of this country is so overwhelming. I am constantly made aware of the extremes and injustices of this place. The rich opulence of the temples contrasting with the poverty of the people. I am in love with the noise the fervour, the life. All of it is so romantic. Perhaps it is the atmosphere, the hint of danger and adventure which makes Jeff so exciting. I fear he will seem ordinary and commonplace at work in the hospital pharmacy. So it is that I live each moment revelling in each new mystery and the peculiar mystique of Jeff. I always think his family here are speaking of a different man when they speak of Jumahl. When he is with me, apart from his colouring, you would think of him as just another traveller, with his jeans, cotton shirt sandals and nasal black country accent. Only at his grandmother's did I see briefly a different man. Dressed in a shirt with ornate brocade, and tailored trousers, his long hair slicked and oiled into place. His high cheek bones and firm jaw line lost the softening of his normally loose hair and briefly he looked like an eastern romantic hero portrayed in the posters for the local cinema. For the first time I could imagine him living here. He seemed like a Prince surrounded by his cousins. I could have been a slave girl. I wanted him to carry me away there and then, to make wild passionate love to me on a carpet of flower petals. Instead as an honoured guest I had to sit and make polite conversation while my insides boiled. I would have done anything to spend the night with him. As it was I did not yet know how his body felt. What it would have been like to have him enter mine. I could imagine no greater pleasure. I told him how he had looked to me later. Hinting of my suppressed desire for his body. Separation will tell if it is India or Jeff who made me feel this way. Today I made a new discovery to make the parting more difficult and my resolve weaker. I just wish we could stay here forever to relive the events time after time. Here he will always be my Prince and I his willing slave. As it is I can only commit to memory the pleasure and the joy of the last few hours. Even as I hold my pen to write, my hand and body trembles at the events of the day. I find it hard to consider them chronologically, but for my own satisfaction, I will do what I can to record them faithfully so I can relive them time and again. Having stopped asking me to return to England with him, Jeff disappeared for a couple of days. I began to fear, he had gone home without saying goodbye. On the third morning he arrived at the hostel acting strangely. He was distant, agitated, and excitable. We spent the day exploring a local temple, he said little, till it came time to leave. He took me back to the hostel. Leaving instructions of where to meet him, as well as the clothes I should wear. It had been stifling hot all day. He had said little of his intentions. It was just important I was wearing my cotton dress. With the heat I had favoured a Sari it was so cool. He had been insistent I had to wear Western dress. I was reluctant to step into such hot inappropriate clothes without knowing where I was going. However I trusted his judgement and acceded to his request. Besides I did not want to argue with him, so close to his departure. With the heat I was concerned, any disagreement could flair into a scene. It had happened before. We both hold strong opinions, from which neither will yield. Jeff is naturally defensive particularly of India and the traditions by which they live. Whilst embracing the spiritual culture, I could not drop my Western views in the face of such deprivation. In truth there was always compromise, but knowing so little of each other we constantly put our relationship to the test. It was the honesty and integrity which drew us together. So strong is my faith in him I trust him implicitly. So I did not argue, I did not shame him, I did as I was told.. I went to the address he had given me. I knew it well, a gathering point for travellers and backpackers just off the market. The sun was low and long shadows darkened the alleyways and store fronts. I felt everyone was watching me. The dress made me stand out from the crowd it's cool crisp white cotton, patterned with pastel flowers looked muted against the bold colours emerging from the shadows. I wore my hair up to allow the evening air to cool my neck, yet I could still feel the sweat, making small rivulets down my back, sticking my dress to the places where it touched my body. I suddenly felt strange rather like a young lady of society encountering India for the first time. All the turmoil and sounds seemed to close in on me, and all the time I felt I was being watched examined and evaluated. I moved towards a table, I felt slightly giddy and decided it must be the heat. I had little time to rest before being approached by two men. They asked if I was Valerie. I said yes. They said Jumahl had sent them and I should go with them. Nothing before in India had frightened me. But I did feel the first cool note of apprehension as I was led into the darkened alleyways. We walked quickly through the maze of streets turning until I was lost. Eventually we stopped at the door to a house and I was led inside and left alone to wait. The sky outside turned a mixture of red and gold, I searched and found a match by which to light a lamp. I found a chair and waited. I was becoming angry and more than a little scared. It was almost dark when the tall figure dressed in a white and gold suit filled the door frame. Startled I jumped to my feet. I had heard no one arrive. I tried to look at his face, but it was covered by a mask, I moved closer but he signalled I should avert my eyes. My heart racing I could not understand what was happening. Where was Jeff? The stranger gripped me and bound my arms behind my back, then covered my eyes. Suddenly I was a prisoner. Alone in a very foreign land. I tried speaking to the stranger. Make him understand I was here waiting for a friend. A very important friend from England. He said nothing. He gripped my arms and led me away from the room and further into the house. Behind the blindfold I began to panic. I wanted to escape, be free. I did not know where I was or who I was with. I did not know if the stranger was alone if the two men and others were waiting to capture me if I tried to break free. The stranger's hands were strong. Despite my resistance he easily guided me through the house. Then he stopped and I was standing at the edge of a woven mat. I could smell incense, hear the rustle of the stranger's clothes. I heard the sounds of a heavy bolt a key turning in the lock. I was imprisoned. I began to quake at the purpose for my capture. My mind accelerated through the possibilities, of death, torture, or some kind of slavery. Survival was the important thing. Was this Jeff's doing? Was he angry with me for refusing to return to England? Had he planned my capture and death. Or was this a trick to force me into returning with him. Making me his wife. I did not know. All I knew was the stranger was still here in the room with me. I could hear his footsteps, as he paced the room. I tried to keep the note of panic from my voice as I began to try and communicate with him. My head swivelling to the sound of his movements about the room. My annoyance was melting into fear, a slight tinge of hysteria causing my voice to rise. His hand touched my shoulder, I started to turn but found myself in his strong grip. I moved to scream but his hand clamped over my mouth he whispered strange shushing noises into my ear. Then his lips kissed my cheek, my neck, his hot lips leaving a tender trail to the neckline of my dress. I wanted to scream, but his actions were telling me no. Instead I stood trembling as his hand slipped from my mouth and gently stroked my face. He kissed me again and I felt the hard patina of the mask against my face. This time his lips were more urgent more passionate as they covered my face, whilst his hands traced my torso through the damp fabric of my dress. I told him to stop. I begged him to stop. I felt his hard muscular body press against mine. His arms encircled me pressed me to his chest. He said something I could not understand. It was soothing gentle. He spoke again, pulling me away from him and releasing the bonds that tied my arms. My hands were free I could release the blindfold. But should I? How would I know? I opened my eyes, and I could see the room lit by flickering shadows. He was in front of me again, then he sat back onto a ornate wooden framed bed, with carved posts, covered in elaborate silk and velvet throws. He settled himself against the cushions covering the bed, his eyes examining me all the time. I was free untethered but held captive by his eyes. The dark coal eyes staring back from behind the mask. I started to plead for my release again. He said nothing, just signalled that I should rotate on the spot whilst he watched. I turned slowly, not letting my eyes stray from watching him. He did not move he just sat watching me from behind the mask. Anita gave a little sigh. Brushed her hair out of her eyes. She pressed two fingers between her lips and gently bit down on them. She suckled against the knuckle, drew comfort from its warmth, then hugged a cushion against her chest, letting a tremble of warmth trickle through, down to the core of her abdomen. She felt the blush of excitement bruise her cheeks, as she imagined herself the captive of a strong man. Her young body, being studied and appraised. The cold stare of an experienced man, judging the curve and angle of her breasts, the gentle sweep of her abdomen, the pronounced round of her buttocks. Taut, firm, round buttocks tensed with apprehension. She yearned to feel the firm positive touch of a man, confidently grasping her face, her shoulders, her hips, his hot breath resting upon her quavering lips. She shivered as the diarist had, then pressed her groin into the bed as her vagina began to flutter, the spasm of awakening dampening her labia lips. She read on, her body awakening, her flesh becoming more sensitive with each swirl of the writer's hand. As the stranger sat watching me, some of my spirit returned. Who did this man think he was? He had no right to imprison me. I was not a peasant girl to be ordered around. I was not a beast up for auction. I pulled myself up straight. As he would not communicate to me by normal means I had to exhibit my defiance, my strength, my character. He clapped his hands and gestured I should come stand close to him. I remained still. He clapped again, my resolve weakened, with hesitant steps I approached him. His hand reached out touched my hips. I brushed his hand away. He sat up on the bed and reached for me again, this time he looked me straight in the eyes. The effect was hypnotic, I could not look away. He touched me again, pulling me close till me abdomen rubbed against his nose. He kissed my body through my clothes. My body began to tremble, my knees began to shake. Was this the strangers's purpose? He intended to use me. What then? I moved to push his face away. He gripped the back of my thighs just below my buttocks, pressing me against his lips. I wanted to fight him. Deny him my body. The flickering of the candle light, the power of the incense, drifted into my senses, the heat of his touch was searing through my clothes into the pliant damp flesh, and I felt myself begin to yield. With his teeth he unbuttoned the front of my dress, exposing my abdomen to his snaking tongue. He explored the indent of my navel, reaching down to where my knickers cut across my waist. He nuzzled inside my dress, kissing my torso, working up to my chest, gradually exposing more of my flesh. His hands followed his mouth, strong, firm, inquisitive, not rough or bruising, soothing fingers, exploring the contours of my shaking, trembling body. Reason and respectabiltity told me he should stop. My body however was compelling me to submit to the barrage of passion assaulting my body. Thoughts of Jeff entered my mind. Again I tried to understand why he had brought me here. Was it for pleasure or punishment, was there some other reasoning for this strange lesson in love. Love was a strange word to use. But I could think of no other. As slowly the stranger stripped away my dress leaving it to tumble to the floor. I could feel only tenderness in the hands and mouth caressing my body. I waited for the moment when I could express my own suppressed emotions, when I would feel his lips against my mouth. Anita moaned to herself. Her hand had become that of her mother's captive. Reaching under her cotton tee shirt, she had caressed her own flesh. Cupping her own stiffened breasts, she rolled and pinched the hardening nipples. Each pinch sending a shiver through her body, further dampening the cotton of her pants. She started to gyrate her pelvis against the cover of the bed, flatten the cushion against her groin. How she hungered for the slow explorative passion of a man gently exposing her body, making it flower with the heat of his touch. She thought of the few boys who she had allowed to touch her. Remembered the crushing disappointment, the anti climax of the event. The rough urgency, with which they had enjoyed her youthful body. The animal mechanics, of their hands and cocks thrusting hastily between her legs. How she longed to languish upon a bed, being kissed and teased till her whole body was aflame and sparkling as it was within her own hands. Pulling up her tee shirt, she exposed her breasts pressing them into the warmth of the satin. Manipulating the nipples with her hand she continued with her mother's text. It was not long before I had my wish. I sank before him to my knees. His hands enveloped my face, pulled my lips to cover his mouth. I always remember it as my first real kiss. Nothing else had had such passion, or meaning. I transferred my soul into my mouth, let it pass out between my lips. Each press, each movement of tongue and mouth, enriched my being, till like a bird, I could fly. I have no recollection of when I was nude. How I came to be lying on the bed. I just remembered it being the most natural state, the only way to be with this man. I had no embarrassment, no guilt, no shame, just love and need. The need to give, and give of myself, so that in some way I could become whole. His mouth left my lips, travelling about my body, in lines each directing fire to my liquefied centre. I felt my breasts swell to such a heightened state, even the brush of a butterfly's wing would have been like the sting of a whip. My body writhed and ached for fulfilment, the fulfilment of when he would enter inside me. Instead he toyed and played with my fragile flesh, letting it coat in a sheen of sweat. When my body reached a state where it twisted and gyrated of its own volition, he removed himself from me. From begging him to stop, I was now pleading with him to continue, openly displaying the full flowering of my body, lewdly exemplifying my need for satisfaction. He stripped away his fine clothes, displaying the brown, lean body beneath. The muscled torso, with its thick black hairs looked familiar to me. The shape of his chest as he sucked his abdomen in, the slight untidiness of the fingers at the nails all were details in my memory. My mind was filled with new sights, the solid thick trunks of his bristling thighs between which grew the thick bush of pubic hair. From the roots of the bush sprouted the tower of his arousal standing proud and solid from his body, like a shaft of ebony. I wanted only to touch the shaft, feel its power take it within my hands and feel it entering my body. I opened wide my legs, displayed the clear pearls, which had formed with the damp of my excitement. I offered him my spread pink flower, urged him to bury his shaft inside. He sank his face between my spread legs. His hands his tongue entered within, never had I felt my body like this as it drew his face into me. My thighs clamped about his neck, drawing his hot breath against my clitoris. As my soul had departed from my mouth, my vagina would receive his with every hungry urgent breath he took. Urgently I ground my groin against his face, feeling the rough of his stubble against my tender thighs. I urged I cried for my primal release, which rolled in frenzied surges down my body. As the waves of pleasure sapped my body, so he entered me. Slow and confident, with the natural ease of an experienced lover. Gently he rode me, his shaft slipping between the pulsing lips of my still hungry vagina. With coaxing fingers, and casual brushes of his lips, my vigour restored, drawing strength from the rigid bolt of energy pulsing deep within me. I attached myself to the rhythm of the gentle undulation, till I was floating on a sea of bliss, the slap of his body against my thighs beating like a wave breaking on the bow of our fragile vessel of passion. When the storm of his climax broke I was thrown and tossed as the hot splashes of his semen spat inside me. He came and lie beside me. Covering our nakedness with the cover from the bed. For the first time I felt cool as the passion subsided. I had no fear no inhibition, as we exchanged touches. Here was my eastern king, my hero. On this night I was his queen, his natural bride. As he spoke I could only smile, romance becomes less dark, when spoken with a nasal accent. But the words were still as potent, no matter the accent in which they were said. We made our vows of love, swearing we would always love each other. I did not return with Jeff, I completed my learning in India, but after that night he was always with me. Protecting me, guiding me, till I returned to be his wife. Anita was filled with the sense of it all, the exotic smells drifting through the room, heady with the heat. The wild blurring frenzy of passion, lasting all through the night. The simple man who imagined himself King and made his lover Queen. She rolled over on to her back trembling with exhileration. Where was her man, her imaginary King? Perhaps he would be waiting for her when she got to college. Certainly she had found no heroes at home. All had proved to be frightened by her intellect and beauty, had run away from her depth of passion. She dropped the diary onto the bed. Closing her eyes, she stroked her naked body. She imagined her hands to be that of her lover, firm sliding down her abdomen. Gradually opening the front of her jeans, pausing at each button. Stroking the thin cotton of her pants, circling the mound of her pubic hair, seeking the cleft of her vulva. Slowly she teased stroking the clitoris, lifting her thighs she eased her jeans down. Not opening her eyes, not breaking the spell, she hooked her fingers inside her pants. Spreading wide her thighs, she flattened the soles of her feet onto the bed, gyrating her pelvis to the gentle thrusts of her fingers. She listened to the slurping sound as her fingers flexed in and out. She felt the tension spread throughout her breasts, her hand snaked up dragging and tearing at the sensitive nipples. Pressing her palm onto the head of her vulva, she worked her fingers faster and faster into the molten damp of her vagina, flicking back to stroke her clitoris, till her hips began to thrust and bounce on the bed. She flattened her head back into the pile of cushions, letting her jaw drop open. All she could hear was the pounding of her heart, beating back, through the flexing bed. Her fingers were not hers. They were the faceless hero who filled her dreams. He was kissing her, whispering to her, spurring her on, driving her to her climax. He was telling her to relax, to come, to soak his palm with her free flowing juices. He was telling her all the things he would do to her. All the many ways he would love her. First she had to prove her love. First she had to come against his hand. She felt the first spasm, hit her body. She bucked as the second one came. She began to gasp, then roar and scream, as her body bucked again and again. The sound and pulse of her orgasm filled her head and the room, she felt her body soar from the bed, propelled by the violent waves sweeping over her. As the crimson mist cleared from her eyes she felt the last fluttering of her labia against her fingers. The tall strong figure was receding from her mind as she let her fingers linger over her clitoris. Her body ached for the confident touch which could lift her beyond her own imagination. Maybe she should take the other option offered to her. Take an arranged marriage. Her uncle had many handsome sons, they were all older than her, any would be pleased to take her as a wife. She had enjoyed an independent life for too long. Like her mother, she must find her own destiny. Maybe she would have many lovers before finding a partner. Perhaps she would remain single. She just hoped to experience love soon. Real blinding love, to replace her dancing fingers. She settled back into the cushions on the bed. She had time for one last fantasy, one last dream. She began to circle her clitoris, sliding her still damp fingers between her labia lips. She could see him coming towards her. Unmasking his muscular torso, and he was on her, in her driving between her legs. Oh god make him come soon. Please let him come.
"911, What is Your Emergency?" "As you all know, one of our own has a big event coming up this week. Reece Anderson is completing his probationary period and will become a full-fledged member of our team this Friday." Everyone in the house stood and clapped. Some whistled and there were calls for, "Speech, speech" followed by, "Yeah, but make it a short one!" The other EMTs laughed as Reece stood up. The captain motioned for him to come up front so in spite of his overall shyness, Reece stood next to his boss. "Thanks, everybody. I appreciate how everyone here has helped me learn the ropes. The captain took a chance on me and helped me get into the training pipeline after my mom passed away last year. Most of you know I was in my junior year of college kind of lost my way and then dropped out. I was really floundering until Ken over there..." Reece stopped to point to his primary trainer, Ken Fernandez, "talked me into looking into EMT certification. The captain agreed to sponsor me and the rest is..." The applause was cut short when the PA system blared. "Unit 3 respond. Multiple car accident with injuries the intersection of Denny and Terry." That was Reece's team. He grabbed his gear just as he'd rehearsed and done so many times before during the two months. In that short time, he'd already pretty much seen it all from fender benders to people incinerated inside a burning vehicle. On his second response, he'd witnessed a decapitation which was the result of a high- speed chase involving the police. The suspect darted in and out of traffic at very high speed and didn't notice the 18-wheeler slowing in his latest new lane. The Mustang he was driving slammed into it doing well over 100mph. Chase threw up when he looked inside and saw the headless body in the passenger seat. Since then, nothing had gotten to him like that but it was still difficult to see any accident that involved children or fire. This one sounded like it might be bad. As they arrived on scene, Reece noticed a silver sedan that had been T-boned by a white pickup truck at the worst intersection in the city. A police officer was attending to someone in the sedan while it appeared the driver of the pickup truck was standing next to it apparently unharmed. He couldn't see her face but she didn't appear to be seriously injured. Since he was still technically on probation, Reece was assigned to the pickup while Ken and another team member attended to the sedan. He grabbed his gear and ran toward the small, older looking F-150. The passenger was a woman who appeared to be in her early '30s. A uniformed officer had her blowing into a breathalyzer. She was clearly distraught and Reece heard her saying, "I didn't see them. They just came out of nowhere. Is everyone okay?" "Ma'am, I just need you to blow into the breathalyzer for me. We have EMTs on scene attending to the other vehicle's passengers." "Is there anything I can do, officer?" Reece asked her. "She's got a nasty gash in her forehead but otherwise seems okay. I can't say for sure I'm guessing she's well over the legal limit. She better hope no one in that other car dies or she could be looking at serious jail time." "Okay, let me know when you're done so I can treat her." The woman finished with the breathalyzer which the officer took from her. "Go ahead. You can took a look at her now." Anderson took a few steps and came up behind the woman. "Ma'am. I'm here to help you. Are you okay?" When she turned around, he didn't immediately recognize her. There was a considerable amount of blood on her face and if it actually was her, he hadn't seen her in years. But he couldn't help but think that was her. "Ma'am? I need to take a look at that cut. Do you mind?" She leaned against the banged up front of the vehicle as Anderson pulled on a pair of latex gloves. He saw the cut wasn't deep but because there are so many capillaries in the face, any cut can bleed like hell, and this was one of them. He got out some alcohol wipes and began cleaning off her face. As the dried-on blood was cleared away he was struck by just how attractive she was and that's when it hit him. "It's just superficial, ma'am. You're gonna be fine." He put a small bandaid over the cut then asked, "Ma'am? Is your last name Kennedy by any chance?" She was non-responsive at first then slowly looked up and said, "It used to be. That was my maiden name. Do we know each other?" Reece could smell alcohol from two feet away. "I believe so. Did you used to work at Seattle Memorial Hospital?" "Yes. I still do. Were you a patient of mine?" Just then the uniformed officer stepped and said, "Is there anything seriously wrong with her in terms of injuries?" Reece shook his head and explained it was just a superficial cut from her head hitting something sharp like the buckle on the shoulder harness. He started to explain what he thought happened when the police said, "Okay, thanks. That's all we need." He pulled out his handcuffs and said, "Abigail Kennedy-Wilson, you're under arrest for driving under the influence. You have the right to remain silent..." Anderson watched as she was put in the patrol car and driven off. As he stared at her face in the rear window, he began recalling how it was he knew her. She'd been so kind to him. In the background he overhead Ken and the others. It was the sound of the Jaws of Life that snapped him out of his trip down memory lane. He ran over to the sedan and said, "What's the story here?" He could see a woman in the front seat who appeared to be unconscious. Ken was working furiously to get the door off. He grunted, "White female, late '30s to early '40s took a direct hit to the driver's side door. She's breathing but unconscious. Multiple abrasions, possible internal bleeding." Fifteen minutes later, she was in a neck brace, on a gurney, and still unconscious as she was loaded into a waiting ambulance. Ken was pushing the gurney and Dale Jansen was bagging the woman. He couldn't tell whether or not she was still breathing on her own. ______________________________________________________________________ "Where were you yesterday?" Reece asked weakly. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here but I had to take a day off, Reece. I got married," she said with a subdued excitement. She'd been by the young boy's side every day since he was admitted with kidney failure three weeks ago. He was scheduled for surgery the following morning and Abby Kennedy-now-Wilson had postponed her honeymoon so she could be there for him. He was too young to fully understand all of this, but he was still very brave for a 12-year old boy. "You did?" he queried. Abby showed him the big diamond ring on her finger and said, "Yes, I did. Is that okay with my favorite patient?" Reece was exhausted. He was always exhausted. Just staying awake took all of his energy. But he thought Nurse Abby was the nicest person he'd ever known except for maybe his mom. "Oh, sure. Of course it's okay. I should have known you have a boyfriend," he managed to say. "Really? Why is that, Reece?" she asked as she held his swollen hand. He did his best to look at her as he tried to tell her, "Because you're so pre..." Reece wasn't able to finish his sentence. He couldn't fight the heaviness in his eyelids any longer as he fell back into a deep sleep. Abby woke him up at 2pm. It was time for his final dialysis before the surgery the next day. Three hours later, Reece's blood was as clean as it could get and that wasn't saying much considering how long he'd been living without a functioning kidney. He slept nearly all of the rest of the day and all night. Abby was there at 5am to wake him up and at least try and get him to have a bowel movement before surgery—if there was anything for him to eliminate. Reece didn't have much of an appetite, and he had wasted away over the last several months. Even so, what remained of him was bloated because of his body's inability to get rid of excess fluids. She held one puffy hand as his mom held the other when they wheeled him in for surgery at 6am. "You're going to be just fine, Reece," Abby told him. "I love you, honey!" his mom told him as she kissed his forehead. "I'll be right there when you wake up, okay?" "Okay," he mumbled. He turned his eyes toward Abby and said, "Will you be there, too?" She was supposed to start her honeymoon that afternoon. Her shift ended at 10am and she had a 2pm flight for the Poconos. As the charge nurse, she'd made sure she was on duty when Reece went in for surgery. A delay would mean changing tickets and cost her and her new husband several hundred dollars they didn't have. Even so, she knew she couldn't abandon him. "Yes. I'll be there too, Reece." "Promise?" he managed to say. "I promise," she said as she squeezed his hand a final time. When he woke up around noon in the ICU, both his mom and his favorite nurse where there just as they'd both promised. Abby left an hour later and when she returned the following week, the young boy was out of the hospital and on his way to a full recovery. His body tolerated the new kidney quite well and it began doing its job immediately. Within two days all of the swelling was gone and his appetite was back. After five days, he was feeling stronger and was well enough to go home. Abby'd never seen him again after that. ____________________________________________________________________________ "Come on, Abby! You can't sit home again and watch some sad movie again. The trial's over and Eddy's in jail. There's no reason for you to sit around and sulk. Let's get out and have some fun for a change!" She loved Gayle dearly, but Abby had no interest in going to some bar and trying to get picked up but some drunk stranger. She spent so much time at the hospital the little bit of time she had to herself was precious. Besides, she had laundry to do, groceries to buy, and a ton of errands to run. There was no time to kill an entire evening drinking and the next morning recovering from a hangover. And frankly, she didn't have the money to spend on drinks and dinner. Eddy's secret life had cost them everything they had and then some. Eddy. She'd been so smitten with him and against her better judgment and the warnings from her friends, Abby had trusted him completely. She knew she shouldn't, but he was just so different from all the other guys she'd dated—fellow nurses, a couple of doctors, and even a very nice guy who as a pharmacist. But Eddy was...dangerous. He was everything Abby wasn't. He had that forlorn James Dean kind of look to him. Not just the dangerous thing but he looked...sad. Handsome but somehow sad. Like the late actor, Eddy had a motorcycle and he liked to ride it—very fast. Abby felt so alive when she was with him. Her life at the hospital was interesting and she genuinely loved helping people—especially children—but it was mostly routine and quite often—dull. How could she know the car repair shop Eddy owned was a front he used to launder the real money he made selling drugs? How could she know her husband was a real-life version of Walter White from the hit TV show Breaking Bad? Eddy was moving nearly 20 pounds of meth a week in and around the Seattle- Tacoma area and all the way down to Portland, Oregon and up into British Columbia in Canada. His arrest a year ago came as a total and complete shock to her as it did to their neighbors in the quaint Seattle suburb where they lived. During the trial, all of the details came out. The drugs, the money, the other women. His secret life; a secret he'd kept from her completely for just over seven years. She'd never heard the term "RICO" before but after everything they'd jointly owned was confiscated by the government, she became intimately familiar with it. A judge left her with the assets she'd brought into the marriage which amounted to about $10,000. The nice home, the two cars, and nearly all of their furniture was taken. She'd even been forced to get rid of her wedding ring to pay the first and last month's rent on a modest little apartment in a part of town that made her very uncomfortable. Since then, she'd lived alone in a small place a block from Seattle Memorial. She walked to and from and kept her expenses to a minimum. As a registered nurse, she made fairly decent money, but it was only enough to pay for her apartment and living expenses as lawyers and other creditors kept hammering day in and day out for more money. She was now less than four months from turning 37 years old and all alone. Abby had told her girlfriends 'no' every time they'd asked her to go out and let off some steam. She'd done the same tonight but after thinking about all of this...shit...for the umpteenth time, she called Gayle back and said, "You know what, I could use a night out. Can you come by and pick me up?" She and Gayle had dinner at a nice restaurant because her friend agreed to pick up the tab. They'd each had two glasses of wine before they went to Gayle's favorite bar and started shooting tequila. Abby only had three more drinks but Gayle was completely wasted. When they left, Abby insisted on driving because Gayle was so out of it. She thought she was fine but she had had five drinks in just over two hours. Then again, Gayle had had three more than her so there was no way she could drive her old pickup truck. Abby dropped her friend off at her apartment and briefly thought about staying overnight but Gayle told her she could take the truck home and bring it back the next day. Abby didn't even see the red light when she drove straight through the intersection and slammed into the small sedan. The momentum of the truck shoved the little car completely out of its lane and had completely caved in the driver's door. Abby knew she was beyond the legal limit and she was scared. When the preliminary results of the breathalyzer came back, she had every reason to be. She blew a 0.15 which was almost twice the legal limit. What was left of her world began to fall apart as the police officer handcuffed her and read her her rights. The following morning, Abby met her court-appointed attorney, a frail little man named Saul Levinsky. He informed her the passenger in the sedan had died from her injuries and that the state was charging her with vehicular homicide. There would be a bail hearing at 10am. Abby was now stone-cold sober and this news sent her into shock. She was unable to think or feel anything but fear. She sat alone in her cell staring into space until the guard came to get her. Bail was set at $100,000 and Abby didn't have 10% of that to post so she sat in jail awaiting trial. To add insult to injury, her union rep showed up that afternoon and informed that the hospital was suspending her without pay. He said he was sorry as hell, thought it was a dirty deal since she hadn't been convicted of anything, and promised the union would fight her dismissal. For now, though, she had no job and no source of income. Later that night, it all came crashing down on her. Abby felt the first tears fall followed by the deepest of sobs. That's when she learned there was no sympathy in jail. Two very large, very intimidating women told her to shut the fuck up. They then went into a tirade about jail, life in prison, and the need to be strong. They told her in no uncertain terms what weakness meant and how it was dealt with. Abby managed to stop crying, but the tears were replaced with a fear she'd never known. She literally shivered as she thought about life in a state penitentiary. At some point, she finally managed to fall asleep but woke up exhausted a few hours later. To her deep chagrin, it hadn't been a dream. She was still wearing prison orange and she was still surrounded by some of the loudest, meanest women she'd ever seen. "This must be the tenth circle of hell," she thought sardonically. "No, that's not true. This is 'only' jail. Prison must be worse than this," she told herself although she still couldn't realistically imagine how that might be so. She met with her lawyer who began developing a strategy. Truth be told, there wasn't a whole lot he could do for her. She was indeed well over the limit, she ran a red light and the event was caught on video. But the most damning aspect was that the other woman had died as a result. In her favor was the fact this was Abby's first offense. She hadn't even had a traffic ticket since high school. The only other hope she had was that King County, Washington, was one of the most liberal, progressive counties in America. If she drew the right judge for her trial, she could get off with probation. The wrong one could send her to prison for a very long time. More than likely, she would do some jail time followed by a period of probation. An outright acquittal was a virtual impossibility. Abby agreed to waive her right to a jury trial and hoped against hope she might be assigned a judge who favored rehabilitation over prison. It was a huge roll of the dice because it really did all boil down to the luck of the draw. Two days later, she learned her case would be heard by Judge Hastert. He was most definitely not the progressive type, but he was also by no means a "hanging judge." Saul told Abby she really was at the mercy of the court. Abby elected to invoke her right to a speedy trial and the date was set for 75 days hence. She met with Saul several times, but he repeatedly told her there was very little he could do. He would demand to see calibration records on the breathalyzer used, he would look into any technical detail he could, but in the end she had very little control over her fate. She would dress modestly, present herself as a hardworking citizen who'd been a caring, concerned, registered nurse for many years, and express her deepest sorrow and regret for her actions. About a week before the trial, Saul felt he'd finalized his list of character witnesses he wanted to call on Abby's behalf. "Is there anyone else you can think of who could help our case?" he asked her. "I've given this a lot of thought and the only other person I can think of is the EMT who showed up at the scene. But I don't remember his name." "How could he help us, Abby? Did he see something you're not telling me about?" "No," she replied. "But I'm almost certain he knows me from somewhere. It would at least be worth checking into it, don't you think?" "It couldn't hurt, that's for sure," Saul told her. "You don't know his name so describe him to me please." "He's about 20-25, dark hair, maybe six feet tall, muscular, and for what's it worth, very good looking." "I'm afraid his looks won't do a thing for us at trial. The key is what he might have to say. I've gotta tell you it sounds like a long shot but I'll check into it. Every person we get to testify as to your otherwise stellar character is a plus." Saul reached into his briefcase and pulled out an envelope. "I'm sorry, Abby, but I'm the reluctant bearer of more bad news. Your landlord is evicting you. You're now three months past due and we both knew this was coming so..." Abby shook her head and said, "That's okay, Saul. It's not your fault. Besides, I'm not going to be needing an apartment anytime soon." Her attorney was going to upbraid her for being so negative but in his heart of hearts he knew she was right. If she got anything less than six months it would be a miracle. A year was a more likely sentence and two wasn't out of the question. As the grandson of a Holocaust survivor, Saul Levinsky didn't believe in miracles or even God. "Stay strong, Abby," was all he said as he picked up his things and asked to be buzzed out. Her mystery EMT was the last witness to be called on the second and final day of her trial. He was even more attractive than Abby remembered. He was wearing a suit and tie and Abby as she tried not to stare at him, it made her realize she hadn't been with a man in a very long time. And this young man was just that—young. He was much too young for a woman her age but dreams and fantasies were the only things she had left so she let her mind wander if only for a moment. She also realized no guy in his right mind would date a convicted felon even if she were closer to his age. She was snapped out of her brief fantasy state when she heard him say, "I do" after being sworn in. The prosecuting attorney said, "Mr. Anderson, please tell us who you are and why you're here today." "I'm Reece Anderson. I'm an EMT for the city of Seattle and I'm here as a witness for the defendant." Abby's heart fluttered when he glanced over at her. She saw the faintest of smiles and the slightest of nods as their eyes met. Abby was wearing a dark blue dress with a single strand of pearls and very little makeup. Her hair was worn up giving her a look of elegance without being pretentious. "So tell us how you know the defendant, Mr. Anderson," the assistant DA said. "Well, I wasn't sure I even knew her until her attorney came to see me. When he told me she'd been a nurse at Seattle Memorial when I was 12 years old, I remembered her." "What it is it you remember about her, Mr. Anderson?" "I was sick. Really sick. My kidneys had both failed and I'd been the transplant list for two years when I got so bad I had to be hospitalized. That woman..." he pointed to Abby, "was my angel." "Angel? That's a bit hyperbolic, isn't it, Mr. Anderson? What exactly to you mean by 'angel.'" "I was so sick and always so tired. I felt helpless and hopeless. My dad had died when I was young and my mom worked two jobs to support us. Our insurance had paid all it could pay and the bills were mounting up. My mom was there as often as she could but Nurse Kennedy...er, Wilson I believe it is now...was always there for me. I can't remember a time when she wasn't. She held my hand, she read to me, she encouraged me. She did all the things a nurse does but she was well...more than just a nurse. She was like a kind of substitute mom or something." He cast a glance back over at Abby and noticed a tear falling from her eye. He offered another faint smile then looked back at the prosecutor. "So she's a nice person. Is that your testimony, Mr. Anderson?" "Yes. No. I mean, she's not just a nice person. Or at least when I knew her. She was so much more than that. She was caring, compassionate, and...loving. I can't say whether or not her care helped me physically, but I know for sure it made a huge difference in my attitude. I've wanted to thank her a thousand times, but for a thousand different reasons I never took the time. This is my way of doing that." Reece turned to Abby and said out loud, "Thank you. You saved my life." Abby smiled through the tears welling up in her eyes and nodded as she mouthed the words, "You're welcome." Saul had very little to ask as Reece's testimony had spoken for itself. In his closing arguments he emphasized how all of the people who had testified spoke to what a wonderful, caring, helpful person Abby Kennedy-Wilson was. He reminded the court this was her first and only offense and pleaded with the judge to consider probation only. The prosecution countered with the facts. "First offense? I'm sure the victim's family would disagree. This woman killed a man's wife, two children's mother, a daughter, a sister and all because she willingly CHOSE to drive while under the influence. Your honor, the state requests three years in a woman's correctional facility as this woman's character and past performance are irrelevant to the crime." The judge said he would return with this verdict. Two hours later, the court reconvened. "Ms. Kennedy-Wilson?" Abby stood. "Yes, your honor?" "My understanding is your husband is in prison and that you have no family and no home. Is that correct?" "Yes, your honor. I planned to file for divorce but now, without a job..." The judge stopped her. "That's not my primary concern. The issue is you have no place to live and no one to care for you should I impose probation only." Abby didn't speak. She continued to stand knowing she was about to be convicted and led out in handcuffs. "Therefore, probation is not an option in your case. I'm afraid..." "Your honor? May I speak?" a male voice from the back of the courtroom asked. "Mr...Anderson, is it?" "Yes, your honor." "Young man, I'm about to impose sentence. The time for testimony is closed. Please be seated." Reece fidgeted nervously then said, "Your honor. Please forgive me but if it will make a difference, Ms. Kennedy-Wilson can stay with me. I'll be responsible for her." He paused then remembered something he'd heard on Law and Order before adding, "If it please the court." "Mr. Anderson," he began. "I should hold you in contempt of court. I told you to sit down. Please do so...now." Reece sat. "That said, I admire courage and it took courage to speak up. So let me ask you, do you understand what this means? If you agree to this, your home is subject to unannounced inspection which means a search of the premises. No probable cause is required so anything found may therefore be used against you in a criminal proceeding. Do you understand this?" Reece wasn't sure if he should stand or sit. He rose slightly and said, "Yes, your honor. I don't have anything to hide." "Do you have a firearm or weapon of any kind in your home?" "No, your honor." "And you're willing to accept responsibility for her room and board for the duration of the probationary period?" Abby turned to look at her potential savior. He looked back at her before addressing the court again, "Yes I am, your honor." "Counsel? Is this acceptable to both of you?" Both stood and told the court they had no objections. "Very well. Then I hereby sentence Ms. Kennedy-Wilson to time served and one year probation. Defendant is to wear an ankle monitoring device at all times and is confined to the premises, place of work, place of worship, and a one- mile radius from the residence. You are to meet with your probation officer within 48 hours and then according the schedule he or she sets. Court is dismissed." Abby turned to Saul and hugged him. "Thank you, Saul! Thank you. Thank you so much!" Saul released her and tilted his head toward the young man in the EMT uniform who was now standing beside them. "I believe he's the one you should be thanking." Saul left to take care of paperwork and Abby was now standing alone in front of Reece. She was almost afraid to look him in the eyes but managed to do so. "Thank you, Mr. Anderson. I don't know what I did to deserve this, but I will forever be grateful." "You may not remember me, Nurse Kennedy, but I've never forgotten you and what you did for me eight years ago is what you did to deserve this. It's my honor to repay the favor. Shall we?" he said as he pointed toward the back of the courtroom. "I just want you to know I don't have a car so..." "I have one." "Okay. But I also no longer have a job and..." "I have one." "Well, okay. But just so know, I'm also still legally married even though..." "Nurse Kennedy? Are you trying to talk me out of this?" Reece smiled and said. "No, of course not. I'm thankful beyond words. It's just that I want you to know what you're getting yourself into before you..." "I'm not 12 years old anymore, Ms. Kennedy. So unless you have other objections you'd like to raise." He waited until Abby shook her head. "So again...shall we?" Abby had to be formally booked then immediately released after signing for her meager possessions. The last item of business was being fitted for an ankle bracelet which was attached and activated. Reece's address was entered as the center of the circle in which she was allowed free movement. When they arrived at Reece's small apartment, he told her she could use his bedroom and that he would stay on the fold-out couch. "Oh, no. I couldn't do that. That's your bedroom Mr. Anderson. I'll be fine out here." Reece took the small bag Abby was holding and said, "Ms. Kennedy? Or do you prefer Wilson?" "Kennedy is fine. As soon as I have the money, I'm going to file for divorce. But I'd prefer if you called me Abby." "Okay, I will, as long as you'll call me Reece." "Of course. What's the second thing?" He took her bag and asked her to come with him. "The second thing is I insist you stay in here. A woman needs her privacy and besides, I'm coming in and out at all times of the day and night. There's no reason you have to be woken up when I come in from work at some ungodly hour of the night." He sat her bag on his bed and said, "I just need to move this little two- drawer nightstand out here so I can keep my underwear and socks and we'll be all set." Abby felt more tears coming. Reece couldn't help but notice and said, "I'm really sorry. This is the best I can do. I know it's not much but someday I'm hoping to buy a..." Abby's tears turned into crying. Her face screwed up horribly as she tried to talk. "I'm just so...I'm just..." She couldn't get the words out. She held her arms open which cause Reece to instinctively comfort her. He put his arms around her and said, "Shhh. Everything's gonna be okay, Abby. We'll get through this just like we got through my troubles. I'm here for you, okay?" Reece let go of her but kept his hands on her shoulders. He was a good five inches taller than her. As he looked down at her swollen, puffy eyes, he said, "Listen. I have to go to work soon. Why don't you take a nice, long, hot shower, change into something comfortable, and get some sleep? I can't imagine you've gotten a lot of rest the last three months." Abby was trying to stop her sniffles. Reece wiped away her tears and said, "Okay? Will you do that for me?" Abby nodded. "It's just that, well, these are the only clothes I have other than the ones in the bag I was wearing the day of the accident." "That's okay," Reece told her. "Give me your old address and I'll swing by and pick up a few of your things." Abby sat down on the bed before saying, "I was evicted last month. I was given two weeks to claim them or they'd be tossed out or given away. I'm so sorry, Reece. I've made such a mess out of everything." She began to cry again as she looked away from him. Reece sat next to her and took her hands in his. "Hey. Don't cry. I'm off tomorrow. We'll go find your things, meet with your parole officer, and start putting your life back together. When I said I'm here for you, I meant it, Abby. Just like you were there for me eight years ago." Abby blinked away the new tears and said, "You are such an angel. You're still a bit too young to be married, but there has to be someone in your life. You're too good a person not have several girls your age chasing after you." She sat quietly for a moment then said, "Especially since you've grown up to such a handsome young man." Abby tried to smile but it was weak and small. Reece didn't want to talk about his recent breakup with Paige Melton, his high school sweetheart. They'd dated since his senior year, but he'd had a crush on her as long as he could remember. When he found out she'd cheated on him with his best friend Pete Miller, he'd been devastated. He lost both his best friend and the love of his life at the same time. Between that and the death of his mother, Reece threw himself completely into his work which was usually just enough to keep him focused. Work allowed him to push all the hurt and pain into the background where it stayed until he came home alone to his small, quiet apartment. Having Abby here—just having someone else here—was a kind of godsend. The fact that she was such a kind and caring person made it that much better. And even though he hadn't seen her in eight years, he couldn't help but notice that underneath the tears and mess of mascara, was a woman who was still as pretty as the beautiful young nurse who'd help get him through the second worse thing in his life. Helping her was a pleasure because by doing so, he was also helping himself. "I don't have a lot of time for dating, Abby. Work keeps me pretty busy. And just so you know, I want you here. Please don't ever think you're imposing and I want you to ask me for help whenever you need it." She was looking down into her lap as he spoke. Reece raised his hand and touched her cheek then gently lifted her chin until she looked at him. "I want to help you, Abby, and I need to know you believe me. Do you?" Abby felt more tears well up in her eyes. Rather than speak she just nodded her head. She swallowed hard then managed to say, "I do believe you and from the bottom of my heart, thank you." She looked directly into his eyes then put her arms around him again as she began to sob uncontrollably. Reece didn't speak or try and console her. He understood she just needed to cry. The pain and the frustration had to get out and this was the best way for that to happen. Some two full minutes passed before Abby was able to stop crying and try and control her breathing. "Sorry," she said sincerely. "You need to get to work rather than sit here with some old woman who can't control her emotions." Reece stood up but as her arms fell from around his shoulders he took her hands in his. "I'm just glad you feel safe enough to cry in front of me," he told her. "And for the record, you don't look like any old woman I've ever seen." He brushed away her tears one more time and Abby reached up and took his hand in hers. She kissed it and thanked him again for being so kind and understanding. "I'm just paying it forward," Reece said. "Or perhaps the better phrase would be 'paying it back.' Either way, I'll be here for you no matter what you might need. All you have to do is ask, okay?" Abby didn't answer and Reece knelt down next to her. "Okay?" he asked again as he squeezed her tiny hand. "Yes. Okay," Abby said trying her best again to smile. "That's my girl," Reece said as he returned her smile. He hesitated then said, "I'm sorry. That didn't sound right. I didn't mean you're..." Abby managed a smile that was almost real. "I know what you meant, Reece, and I wasn't offended. I was actually flattered. Believe it or not, that's the kindest thing any man has said to me in a very, very long time." Reece stood up then said jokingly, "Wow. Then you definitely need to get out more." Abby stuck out her leg and showed him her ankle bracelet. "I don't think that's going to possible any time soon, but I can't argue with what you said." Reece laughed and when he did, Abby laughed as well. He let go of her hand and said, "Okay. Time to get going. Just remember, we can see a whole lot of Seattle within a mile of this place." He winked and was happy when Abby smiled back at him. "See you tonight. Well, no, you probably won't. I get off at 2am so with any luck, you'll be sound asleep. Sweet dreams," he said. "Bye, Reece. Be careful, okay?" He flashed a thumbs-up sign at her along with another big smile. Reece was out the door in seconds leaving Abby alone on the full-sized bed. She sighed as she tried to process everything that had just happened. She'd avoided prison but was now on parole. She'd been saved by this handsome young prince but was essentially trapped here by the monitoring device. She had no job, no home, no money, and only the clothes on her back plus those in a very small paper bag. And yet for the first time since the accident she felt something she hadn't felt in a very long time. She felt...hope. Abby desperately needed to wash clothes
as everything she owned—both sets of clothes—were now dirty. But first, she knew Reece was right. She needed a real shower more than anything else except for maybe some real sleep. He'd been right on that accord, as well. Abby had slept with one eye open the entire time she was incarcerated. She never trusted anyone and she did her best to keep to herself and stay out of everyone's way. Especially those two big women who scared the living hell out of her. "It's over," she said to herself. "You're safe here." With that thought, she took off her necklace, shoes, and dress, and turned on the hot water. Nothing had ever felt so good to her before! She lost track of time when she noticed the water was now only warm. She quickly shut off the valves as she wondered how long she'd been in the shower. Reece had left at about 3:45 and it was almost 5 o'clock. She must have been in there nearly an hour. The good feeling she had was immediately replaced by one of horror. "Oh, my goodness. How much water and electricity did I just waste on one shower?" She was more concerned with the impact on Reece and his budget than she was on the therapeutic effects the shower had had on her. She promised herself to be in and out in less than ten minutes each time from now on. From now on. What did that mean? Would that be for a week? A month? The entire year? She couldn't imagine living here and sponging off of someone as nice as Reece Anderson for that long. She knew she HAD to find a job or she'd been sent to jail for violating her parole. Employment was a prerequisite to remaining free. Or at least relatively so. The parole office was still open for another five minutes. She decided to call and make an appointment for the following day. She grabbed her cell phone and clicked the on button before she realized it no longer worked. It not only hadn't been charged in over three months, it had been disconnected for non- payment. "Great," she thought to herself. "Looks like I'll be walking there tomorrow." Then she had to ask herself how far it was from the apartment which caused her to wonder what she'd have to do if it was more than a mile away. Abby rarely ever swore but the frustration welled up inside her again. "Fuck it!" she said out loud to no one. "Fuck it all to hell." Exhausted, she lay down on the bed just to rest her eyes. When woke up, she wasn't sure where she was and the strange noises she heard caused her to scream. "It's okay, Abby. It's me." Reece was standing next to her. "Jesus! You scared the hell out of me. What time is it?" "It's about 2:30am. I'm sorry to startle you but when I came in you were well, laying on the bed so I..." Abby realized there was a blanket over her and that she'd fallen asleep completely naked. "Oh, my gosh. Reece. I'm so sorry. I took a shower and I only meant to lay down for a few minutes. I never meant for you to come in and see me like..." "It's okay, Abby. I'm sorry if you felt embarrassed being seen like that, but I wasn't, you know, looking or anything. I just thought you'd be cold. It's the middle of winter and it's freezing outside so I tried to slip in and just cover you up. I didn't mean to scare you." Abby was wide awake now. "No, it's my fault. I haven't slept like that since...since before the accident. This is the first time I've felt safe enough to fall soundly asleep in months." She sat up being careful to pull the blanket up around her neck. "Thank you for taking care of me. You really are my angel, Reece." It was dark in the bedroom but there was enough light from the living room to make out the outline of each other's face. "Takes one to know one, Abby." "I'm glad you can't see me right now," she said quietly. "Why is that?" Reece asked. "Because I feel like I'm going to start crying again." Reece sat down on the edge of the bed and said, "Why? Are you okay? Are you upset at me?" Abby shook her head. "No. Of course not. I just can't get over how good you've been to me. I feel so undeserving and so..." Reece reached up and found her face. He ran the back of his hand up and down her cheek. "In my mind, you're deserving of not only this but of so much more. I'm the one who feels so inadequate. I want to have a nicer place and better things to make you feel more at home but this little bachelor pad is all I have—for now. To me, this is home. I'm just glad you're here with me, Abby." Abby let go of one side of the comforter and reached for Reece's hand. "Reece? Do you believe in God?" Reece hesitated then told her, "No. Not since the death of my mom. I prayed and prayed for her to get better but she just kept getting worse until breast cancer killed her. I never really did believe but that just confirmed what I already knew: there's no one 'up there' listening. Why? Do you? It's fine with me if you do." "No, not really. I mean, I never thought about it too much until the accident. I mean, I had a lot of science courses in my RN program and I tend to trust science a lot. But when the woman I ran into died, I couldn't believe a loving God would let a wife and mother of two be taken in the prime of her life. Why not take someone like my drug-dealer husband who's in prison for selling meth to kids instead? It just doesn't make any sense." "I don't have answers to that, Abby. At least not beyond what I just said. My conclusion is things like that don't happen because 'God needs that person in heaven more than loved ones need them on earth.' It's just a matter of timing and circumstances. Had she tied her child's shoe, she'd have been seconds away from the intersection rather than in it. Had she not gone back to check the door, same thing. And I'm not judging when I say this. But had you not been drinking..." Abby squeezed his hand. "I know. You're right. It was all my fault. You can't imagine how sick it makes me feel. I've lost my job and my home, but I'm alive. I killed someone's wife and mother. Someone's daughter is dead because of ME." Abby began to cry again and Reece reached out and put one of his arms around her shoulder. "I can't imagine how much it hurts, Abby. But please understand I'm not blaming you for what happened. I'm not trying to minimize or trivialize any of this. I just want you to know that I don't see that girl when I look at you." He could tell Abby had nodded her head. "Thank you for saying that, Reece." She squeezed his back and asked quietly, "What girl do you see when you look at me? Can you tell me that?" Reece stroked her shoulder-length dark brown hair. "I see the beautiful girl who was there for me every time I woke up in the hospital. I see the warm smile and the bright eyes and I hear the sweetest voice I've ever heard other than my own mother's." He kissed on the top of the head then said, "That's who I see." Abby took his hand and held it to her face. "Reece? Would you stay here with me? Not...like that...of course. I just mean...would you stay here next to me until I fall back asleep?" "Sure. Just let me use the bathroom and get out of these clothes." He stood up then realized what he'd just said, "Okay, I didn't mean it like that. What I meant was..." For the first time, Reece heard Abby giggle. "I know what you meant. Go ahead and do what you need to. I just want to have someone I trust near me. It's been so long since..." Abby stopped without saying another word as the feelings she'd had in the courtroom washed over her. She heard Reece in the bathroom and the sounds of having a man in the house with her brought back another flood of emotions. She now almost wished she hadn't asked Reece to stay with her because for the first time since that fateful day she felt the overwhelming need to touch herself...down there. Reece brought another blanket to lay over himself as he got onto the bed. That meant there would be no bodily contact. "Is this okay?" he said as he turned over on his side. Abby hadn't been touched by another human being except in the worst, most intrusive way during cavity searches since she went to jail and it had been months prior to that since a man had even held her let alone... "It's perfect. Thank you, Reece. My angel." Reece turned over and reached across and touched Abby's face. "Again, takes one to know one, my angel," he said. Abby scootched herself back toward Reece as far as she could then pulled his arm over her body. She kissed the back of his hand goodnight and as she did, he could feel the warm tears running down her face. The next time she woke up, it was naturally. Abby forced one eye open enough to read the LED on the alarm clock. It said 7:05am. This time, she felt rested and...peaceful. As she tried to force herself to get out of bed, she became aware there was something on top of her. It took her brain a moment to realize it was Reece's arm. Somehow, it had gotten underneath her blanket and it was draped across her body with his hand hanging loosely in front of her chest. Abby felt her heart beat faster. "It wouldn't be so wrong if I just lifted up my arm," she said to herself. Slowly and carefully, she did just that letting Reece's arm rest on her rib cage. There were only about three inches left on her side of the bed but she moved toward it as slowly as she could. Just before she felt like she might fall off, she felt it. Her gasp was short and quiet but it was unmistakeable. She turned slightly so that his hand would rest directly on top of the soft mound. More than anything she wanted that hand to gently cup her waiting breast. Her nipple was already very hard and that feeling...returned. Ever so carefully, she lifted her left hand and slowly placed it on top of his right hand then gently pressed down. Reece stirred slightly and Abby instantly felt mortified. She held her breath waiting for him to flinch or move or even worse, ask her what in the hell she was doing. Embarrassed beyond words, Abby willed herself to slide off the edge of the bed. "What in the world is wrong with you, girl?" she thought to herself. She turned to see if he might possibly be awake. He wasn't but for the briefest of moments he really did look like an angel to her. It was just after sunrise and a small amount of light was streaming in through the dark, gray clouds outside. He was so beautiful—so...angelic. Just then Abby realized that while she was out of bed she was standing there completely nude. "Shit!" she cursed as quietly as possible. She tiptoed toward the closet and found what felt like a sweat shirt. She quickly pulled in over her naked body then felt around for something—anything she could wear to cover the rest of her. She found a pair of his jeans and removed them from the hangar. She made her way out of the room then pulled on the pants with the realization she didn't even have a clean pair of underwear to put on. To make matters worse, his size 32 waist was five inches bigger than her own. The hips were too tight, the waist was too big, and the size 36 inseam was way too long. She hopped over to the table, took a seat in one of the chairs, then rolled the pant legs up over her ankles. "Okay, now for a belt," she told herself. The closest thing she could find was a chip clip with a pretty strong magnet in it. She doubled the material then clipped them up on the side as best she could. Abby tried to imagine just how "beautiful" she must look with her tangled hair, sweatshirt, and clown pants. She looked around and saw what she was hoping for. A coffee pot! She hadn't had a decent cup of coffee in well...almost as long as she hadn't been with a man. She opened a couple of cupboards before she found a can of Yuban dark- roast coffee and some filters. She poured in enough water to fill the pot then added in several scoops of the dark, rich flakes. When she poured herself a cup, she couldn't believe how good it felt in her hands. Even better was the unbelievably delicious aroma! She took a first sip and smiled. "Oh, my God! That's better than sex!" she said out loud. "Your husband must not be very good at it then," she heard a man's voice say. Abby nearly choked as she was taking a second sip. In fact, she came very close to spewing. "Oh, my God! You scared the hell out of me," she said with no malice. "I seem to have a real knack for that," Reece said. "Is there enough for me?" he asked. "Oh, sure. I made a full pot. I didn't expect you up this early," she told him. "Obviously," he teased. "Normally, I wouldn't be but I smelled the coffee brewing and it smelled so good, I couldn't stay in bed," he said as he poured himself a large mug. "May I?" he asked as he came near the couch where she was curled up. "Oh. Geez. I'm sorry. Of course. I mean, it's your couch!" Abby moved to the side and made room for Reece to sit down. "How did you sleep?" he asked as he took his own first sip. "Great," she said truthfully. "I haven't gotten that much sleep since..." "I understand," Reece said. He looked over at her and said, "I guess the first thing we need to do today is get you something to wear." Abby burned herself swallowing too big a gulp as she heard what he said. "What? Oh, my goodness. No, we don't need to do that. I just need to throw my stuff in your washing machine and I'll be fine." Reece chuckled. "That's gonna be tough considering I don't have a washing machine. But there is a laundromat about a block and a half from here." Abby looked over at him and said, "Um...I can't even stand up in these let alone go outside in them." "Yeah. I noticed. You need to put on some weight," he kidded. "Or let me buy you something to wear." Abby turned toward him and said, "Reece. I can't let you do that. I just need to get my things washed and I'll be fine." He smiled and said, "No, that's not true. The white blouse you were wearing when...you know...has blood all over it, remember? And the dress you wore yesterday has to be dry cleaned. So unless you want to look...like that..." he said pointing to the chip clip, "you're going to have to swallow your pride and let me help you get started starting over. Think you can do that?" Abby looked down and away then back at him and said, "You may just be the nicest person I've ever met." Reece gave her a pair of sweats he'd had for many years that were almost small enough to stay on without something as classy as a chip clip. "There! You look like a million bucks!" he told her. Abby gave him a look that said "watch it, buster" but she was so thankful for his friendship she couldn't hold it. When they went outside, she was wearing a baggy gray sweatshirt, faded blue sweatpants with a hole in the right leg, and the flats she'd been wearing the day of the accident. It was around 40 degrees and her feet were freezing but she was grateful not to be in jail. There was a Target store catty-corner to Reece's apartment which Abby said would be perfect. "No way," Reece told her. "They have crap. I'm a guy but I know their stuff is second rate. There's a women's clothing store just up the street. We'll go there instead of Target." "No! That'll be way too expensive. All I need is a pair of jeans and something warm to wear on top. Really." Reece ignored her even as she started to head in that direction. He reached out and grabbed her hand and pulled her in his direction. "Nope. You're coming with me. After all, you're in MY custody, right?" She wanted to protest further but when she saw his smile she simply melted inside. What weak resistance she had faded when she saw his perfect, white teeth and soft, full lips. "Yes, sir. You're correct. I promise to be a good girl and do this your way." "Good. At least we've established who's in charge around these here parts!" he said while continuing to smile. He pulled her close to him then put his arm around her shoulder. "Jesus it's cold out here. We've gotta get you a coat, too." Fifteen minutes later, they were walking into a store called CATO. It was a step up from Target, but it wasn't exactly high fashion. Then again, even when she was working, Abby couldn't afford nice clothes from a store like Nordstrom or Belk. The thought of ever buying from Saks or Neiman Markus made her laugh out loud. Reece opened the door for her and Abby stepped inside. The warm air felt SO good after being out in the cold, raw 40-degree morning. "Okay, let's find you something to wear," he told her. Abby wandered around the store once then said, "Okay. I know exactly what I need and it will only be a couple of things. You need to tell me if it's too much, okay?" Reece nodded as she grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the underwear section. She picked up one pack of panties which had three pairs in it. She showed it to Reece who shrugged meaning that was fine. She then chose two bras. One was black and the other nude. She showed him the price tags with a hopeful look in her eye. Reece looked at her as though he was very upset. "Are you kidding?" he said. "You expect me to pay for these, too? Panties AND bras? Really? Do you think money grows on trees, young lady?" Abby hit him playfully and said, "Don't be mean. I can't go around braless you know." Reece just raised one eye which caused Abby to hit him again. "You're terrible!" she said. "So is this okay?" "Of course it is. Get whatever you need," he assured her. Abby picked up a pack of socks of various colors then grabbed a pair of jeans and a sweater. "Okay, this will take care of it," she told him. Reece raised an eyebrow again only this time it meant, "You've got to be kidding." "Is it too much?" she said with genuine concern. "I can find a cheaper sweater. I just thought it was really pretty and..." "Three changes of clothes, minimum, and that's final." Abby started to argue but Reece held up a hand and said, "Uh-uh! Go! Shop! Three outfits. And don't come back without them," he said with mock authority. He saw a tear well up in Abby's eye again and said, "Okay, that's just not gonna work today. No more tears and no more sympathy. Now go and spend my money. I command it!" Reece stood outside the changing room as Abby tried on the things she took inside. He wasn't paying any attention when he heard, "Pssst! Pssst! Reece? Can you come here?" He turned around and saw her peeking out of one of the changing rooms. He walked toward it and said, "What is it?" "You mean other than feeling utterly guilty about all of this?," she said. "I need your advice." She pointed to her the things she had laid out and asked him, "Which ones should I buy?" Reece looked them over and said, "They all look fine. Whatever you like is okay with me." He went to turn around but she reached out and grabbed his arm. "No! You've gotta help me. Do you like the blue or the gray better?" Reece saw two very nice sweaters laid out over a pair of jeans and said, "Both. Get both." Abby gave him the skunk eye. Then she pointed to another set. "The black or the off white?" Two more pretty sweaters on top of some khaki pants. "Get both." "Men!" Abby said. "Can't you just please give me your opinion? She pulled him inside and he noticed she was only wearing one of the bras she'd planned to buy and a pair of the panties. The price tag was still sticking out. "I need your opinion so please don't be dismissive. Which ones do you like best?" He was pretty sure Abby wasn't thinking about being topless. He knew women totally got into buying clothes, but it just wasn't his thing. "My opinion?" he said. He turned from looking at the clothes to looking at Abby. He briefly looked down at her then back at her face. "I think you look sensational." Before he could finish the last word, Abby shrieked and threw up her arms over her breasts. "Oh, my God. Get out! Get out, get out, get out. I am so embarrassed." She was pushing Reece out the door as he said, "You're gonna need a skirt for job interviews, too!" Moments later, Abby came out wearing the black sweater and the khaki pants. She stormed right by Reece as she walked toward the back to grab a very long, size 6 black skirt off a rack. A few moments later he heard her say, "If you want me to buy the skirt, I'm gonna need shoes, too." "And a purse, too, right?" Reece said in a polite but taunting way. She popped her head out and said, "I take back every nice thing I said about you! Yes, a purse, too." She'd been carrying a small clutch with her the day of the accident and it wasn't suitable for much of anything. Reece couldn't resist. "It's really cold outside, you know. Won't that mean you need a coat and gloves?" The door popped open again and Abby just glared. She stomped out wearing the skirt then stomped back in holding a pair of 2 1/2 inch black heels in size 7 along with a black coat. Reece couldn't help but laugh when Abby kicked open the door with her foot as she tried to balance everything she'd carried in all at once. Reece noticed she'd left two sweaters inside so he reached in and grabbed them once Abby was outside. When she heaped her pile of clothes on the counter, Reece casually dropped them on top. "We'll take these, too, please," he said in his politest voice. Abby crossed her arms and tapped her foot. "Do you know how much this is going to cost?" she said. "You have no idea, do you? That's because you only buy Levis and sweat pants and socks for yourself once a year. You don't know how much women's clothes cost, do you?" The girl finished ringing them up and said, "Your total is $637.24. You saved $114.12 today because of our after-Thanksgiving sale." Reece handed her his credit card and Abby grabbed his hand. "No. No! I will not let you spend this much money. We can take back three of the sweaters and the skirt. I can interview in the khaki pants. "We'll take all of them," he said to the clerk as she handed him the receipt. He signed his name then took the coat from the pile and held it up for Abby to put on. She pretended to still be mad at him but he could see something besides anger in her eyes and that look told him it was worth every penny. He handed two of the bags to Abby and carried two himself. When they got home he and Abby set the bags on the bed. Abby fought back more tears as she said, "Reece. This was way too much. I promise I'll repay you once I get a job. Every penny." When he looked at her he saw something he hadn't seen before. He couldn't put his finger on it but it warmed his heart in a way he hadn't felt since he was in... "If you want to repay me, then you can get ready to go visit your parole officer." Fortunately, it was only about a half mile to his office. She'd had to sign some forms stating she understood the terms of her parole. Finding a job was at the top of the list. She would see him every Wednesday until released or sent to jail for violating the terms of her release. He wasn't a mean man, he was just doing his job and that meant making sure Abby was 100% clear as to her responsibilities. Reece had also insisted they stop at the drugstore on the way home. She started to object again until he reminded her she would be interviewing for jobs and needed to look her best. He quickly added she didn't need makeup but that it something most employers expected. Rather than argue, she ended up buying some sheer foundation, mascara, eye shadow with a half dozen colors in it, some blush, and a tube of lip gloss. Reece wasn't a big fan of lipstick but so he has happy she didn't buy any. Then again, she wasn't buying any of this for him. He was thinking that a woman like Abby didn't really need any makeup but he had to admit she might even look prettier with a small amount than she already did and she looked very pretty as it was. Reece was working a day shift the following morning so he was up at 5:30am. When he sat up on the couch he thought he saw a fire. He threw off the blanket and sheet and jumped out of bed. He was almost to the table when he realized it was a cupcake with a single candle in it. "What the hell?" he said as he stopped near the sink where he planned to get a cup of water or something. Abby was sitting there in the otherwise completely dark room staring at the cupcake. "Today's my birthday," she said very quietly. "Wanna celebrate with me?" As she asked him that, she turned around slowly then suddenly flipped her head back around straight. "Oh, my God!" she said instinctively. Reece looked down and noticed his manhood was less than a foot away from her face. "Jesus, Abby!" He nearly jumped all the way back to the couch where he stripped the blanket off the bed and wrapped it around his waist. "Holy, shit! I'm so sorry," he said. "No worries," she told him. "I've seen it before, remember?" She hadn't actually seen it. Rather, she'd only seen a kind of silhouette and immediately turned away. "Can I make you some breakfast?" she asked changing the subject. "I think I saw some bacon and eggs in your refrigerator." "On one condition," he said. "Name it." "You have to let me take you to dinner this evening to celebrate. I get off at 6pm and we can go to..." "Oh, no. No way. You're not spending another dime on me after all the money you spent yesterday." "Well, we're not going to do nothing. That's a promise. If you won't let me take you to dinner then you'll have to come up with another idea. But one way or the other, we will celebrate your birthday." Abby blew out the candle then said, "Okay. After all, I am in your custody. I'll come up with something inexpensive while you're at work." She sat there for a moment before asking, "Reece? Do you even know how old I am?" "Um...no. I'm only guessing but I'm thinking maybe like 31 or 32?" Abby laughed and said, "Okay, I know you're a nice guy, but you're being ridiculous." "Are you 33?" he asked with some incredulity. "Hardly," she said. "I'm 37 today, Reece, and I feel every year of it." Reece stepped up behind and said, "Oh, really?" He started grabbing her shoulders and arms. "What do you think you're doing?" she said playfully. "Seeing how old you feel. From my perspective you don't feel a day over 36." Abby turned around and went to stand up. "Okay, buster. You're really in for it now!" As she stood, she stepped on the blanket just as Reece pulled back. By the time she finished that one short sentence, Reece was once again totally naked in front of her. She was looking into his eyes with a huge smile until she realized what had happened. She didn't want to look down, but she couldn't stop herself. She didn't stare, but she stopped breathing when she briefly saw just how much of him there was to see. "Oh, my God!" she said as she spun around. "I am so sorry! Again. You scared me twice yesterday and now I've seen you twice in one morning without any..." Abby was staring at the refrigerator in the corner as she said, "Can you please go put on some pants or something?" She heard Reece picking up the blanket again and start walking toward the bedroom. "I thought you said you'd seen it before," he teased as he went in and found a pair of sweatpants. Abby didn't want to respond but it just came out. "I have. It just didn't look anything like that." When he opened the door, he realized the little flickers were candles. Not birthday candles, but the ones he kept in a drawer in case the power went out. There were two cupcakes in the middle of the table. Each one had a small birthday candle it. There was also a bottle of red wine and two glasses on the table. In the flickering light, he could see Abby was wearing the off-white sweater and a pair of jeans with some white socks. Her hair was soft and full. The small amount of makeup she wore really did make her pretty face look gorgeous. "Is this okay?" she asked as though she had no self confidence. Truth be told, most of it was gone. Not many women could have gone through everything Abby had been through and not feel that way. "Are you kidding?" he said to her. "This is perfect." He walked toward the small table where she was standing and said, "Wow. Now there's the beautiful nurse I remember from eight years ago—only you're even more beautiful now than you were then." After blowing out her single candle and making a secret wish, Abby watched as Reece poured them both a glass of wine. Reece raised his glass and said, "To new beginnings." Abby said, "I'll drink to that" as she gently touched her glass to his. "So you asked me how old I am and I told you. Do you mind telling me your age, Reece?" He laughed and said, "I'm old to legally drink wine with you." He took a sip then said, "But just barely." It was Abby's turn to laugh. "You know, when I said there should be several girls chasing a nice-looking guy like you, you didn't say much. Is there anyone in your life, Reece?" Reece wasn't much on sharing feelings but he did tell her about Paige and the betrayal. "I'm sorry. I can't imagine how painful that must have been." "Do you mind telling what happened to your husband. You know, why he's in prison?" Abby sighed then started talking. Unlike Reece, Abby needed to talk. She took him all the way back to Genesis to when they first met, how he charmed her, how a good girl fell for a bad boy, the nice home, the money, and then the fall, the arrest, the trial, being RICO'd, and trying to start a new life only to fuck that one up, too. "I guess pain is relative," he said thoughtfully. "When I was living with kidney failure, I thought no one was worse off than me. Then later on, when my mom got sick, I watched her deal with unbearable pain near the end. It made me think about other people and the pain they live with. Especially kids, you know. It made me feel pretty lucky. And when talk about me and being painful, I can't imagine what you've gone through, Abby. I'm just glad I can help." "You really are a saint, Reece. I kid about you being my angel but if it weren't for you, I'd be sitting a prison cell right now." She sat and stared at her glass then said, "I'd be alone and afraid. When I think about everything I've lost and especially this last part that was all self- inflicted, I can't help but stop and think how lucky I am to have you in my life. I guess maybe that's why I asked if you believe in God because all of this seems like more than luck. It's as though it...and mostly you...are some kind of...miracle." Reece was feeling so many things but unlike Abby he couldn't put them into words. He settled for telling her, "That's funny because I feel the same way only it's you who's the miracle." Abby finished her wine and said wistfully, "I find it hard to believe you're only 21 years old. My husband is three years older than me and even now he's nowhere near as mature—or for that matter as thoughtful and caring—as you are even though you're 20 years younger." No response was needed. Abby just needed to say it. She picked up both of their glasses and rinsed them out before setting them on the counter. "I think I'm going to go to bed a little early tonight if you don't mind," she told him. "But you haven't eaten anything. Can I at least make you something?" "I had something before you got home. I'll be fine. Thank you for asking, though. It's so sweet. It's so...you." As she walked back past the table, she put her hand on Reece's shoulder and ran it along his back to the other side of his body. "Thank you for such a lovely birthday," she said. "Abby. Wait. I have something for you." "What? What do you mean? Reece, please tell me you didn't buy me anything else." He walked over to the couch where he'd sat his gym bag and reached inside. "I couldn't help but notice you were wearing a pearl necklace at the um...in court." He turned around and walked over to her and said, "But you didn't have any earrings to go with it so I..." "Reece. You can't do this!" she said as he held out the soft, fuzzy box. "It's too much. Yesterday was too much. This is...crazy. I can't accept..." Reece took one of them out of the box and said, "Hold still." As he reached up, Abby didn't move. Although he had no experience with putting an earring on, he knew to be careful as he guided the post into the lobe. He put the clutch-back on it and said, "There." He handed her the other one and said, "I got lucky with that one. Maybe you should do the other side." Abby's hand was trembling slightly as she took it. She didn't say anything else as she slid the post through the tiny hole in her ear. "Come over here," he said. He took her hand and led her to a small mirror and stood behind her. He pulled her hair back as she turned slightly left then right. "Do you like them?" he asked. Once again, tears were welling up in Abby's eyes. "I love them. They're so beautiful." Reece gently set her hair back in place and said, "They are. Just like you." Abby felt her heart pounding as Reece slowly ran his hands down her arms after smoothing her hair. She reached down and took hold of his hands and pulled them around her waist and held them tight. As she fought off the urge to cry, she said, "Why are you so good to me? What did I ever do to deserve this?" Reece lowered his head and put his face next to hers. "Being you is what," he whispered. He could feel himself growing and thought he'd die if she felt him. He slowly pulled away to make sure that didn't happen. At the same time Abby wanted to push back against him hoping she might be able to just feel him against her body. She also wanted to take his hands and put them where they almost were that morning. But when she felt him pull back, she knew he didn't share her feelings. She let go of his arms which told Reece she didn't feel the same way about him as he did about her. Abby turned around and said, "They really are beautiful. I love them." No matter how much she wanted him to kiss her, it was obvious a handsome young man like this would never be interested in a woman her age—especially with the baggage she now carried. She decided to play it safe and kissed him on the cheek and told him thank you again and good night. Reece wanted nothing more than to kiss her, but he knew a gorgeous woman her age wouldn't be interested a man (he wondered whether or not she even saw him as a man) his age. The kiss on the cheek answered is question. "Good night, Abby," he responded. Before he got to the couch
he said, "Oh, I can't believe I nearly forgot to ask. I'm graduating from my EMT training program tomorrow. I was wondering if you might want to be there. I mean, it's okay if you don't, I just thought..." "Are you kidding?" she said interrupting him. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. Of course I'll be there. What time is it?" "It's at 10am so if you want to ride with me, we could go to lunch after or something." "I'd love to, Reece. But I have to look for a job, too. I only a limited amount of time to find something, but I definitely want to be there. Hey! Now I have an excuse to wear my new earrings, right?" she said excitedly. He loved her smile. He thought this might be one of those rare nights where he'd have to um...take things into his own hands, as it were, to deal with all the stress and pressure of being around someone so attractive who wasn't interested in him. Abby loved when he smiled at her. She couldn't remember the last time she'd masturbated, but she planned on closing the door and quietly diddling herself while fantasizing about being with the handsome, young man who had no interest in her. "So good night then," she said as she closed the bedroom door still imagining Reece having kissed her rather than just accepting a peck on the cheek. Somewhere out there was a very lucky girl who would one day Mrs. Reece Anderson. Someone very pretty, someone very smart, and someone much younger than her. That much she knew for sure. But for now, she would imagine that girl was Abby Kennedy. Reece tried not to stare but Abby looked so beautiful it hurt. She wore her long skirt which covered her ankle monitoring bracelet and the sweater she chose fit perfectly in all the right places showcasing her beautiful, soft breasts and tight waist. He made it a point to ogle her and did his best not to look at all lest he get caught staring at her soft, round mounds. Abby's concerns were proven valid. Reece barely looked at her all morning in spite of her attempt to look as pretty as she could for him. Well, he wasn't blind. He could obviously see the tiniest little lines which had formed around the corners of her eyes. To Abby, they looked like trenches from World War I. They were deep and hideous and it was no wonder a cute, young guy like Reece had no desire to look at her. She'd be lucky to find a guy under 50 who still had his hair and a relatively flat stomach willing to date her. She sighed out loud as the pulled in to the station. "Everything okay?" Reece asked as he turned off the ignition. "Oh. Um, sure. Of course. Why wouldn't it be? I mean, you're about to graduate! This is just so amazing, Reece. I'm really, really proud of you," she said sincerely. As Reece went around to open her door, he thought to himself, "Great. She's proud of me. That's exactly what my mom would have said. Then again, she probably looks at me more like her son than a potential boyfriend and why wouldn't she? She could have pretty much any guy she wants so why would she settle for some kid just starting out in his first job?" "Watch your step," he said as he grabbed her hand when she nearly stepped in a puddle. When they got inside, Reece was met with a lot of handshakes and congratulations as was the one other probationary trainee who was graduating with him. "Reece! Good to see you, my man!" Ken Fernandez said as he came up and slapped him on the shoulder and shook his hand. "This is your big day, buddy!" He saw Abby standing next to him and said, "Okay. Who is this beautiful woman? Did your mom have a sister you never told me about?" Ken's smile proved he wasn't being mean. Still, the age comment made Abby wince internally and serving to reconfirm what she knew. Even this guy closer to her age thought she looked old. "No. We're definitely not related. This beautiful woman is Abby Kennedy- Wilson. You know, the one who took care of me when I was in the hospital." The look on Ken's face changed telling Abby he just put two and two together. He didn't say it but she thought he was probably thinking, "Oh, right. The killer." If he was, he didn't let it show. "Hi. I'm Ken. It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Kennedy-Wilson," he said as he offered his hand. "Thank you. Same here, Ken. And I'm going by Kennedy only now, but please call me Abby, okay?" "Sure thing, Abby." He leaned in a bit and said as though he was revealing a state secret, "This kid thinks you're the greatest thing since sliced bread. And you really are as hot as he said you were!" Just then Ken's wife walked and said, "Okay, there. I heard that. Hi, I'm MaryAnn, Ken's wife. Please excuse my husband. He's a hopeless flirt." She grabbed his hand and pulled him away as she said, "At least when he thinks I'm not listening." Ken waved goodbye as MaryAnn drug him off. Abby was given a place in the front row for the ceremony and she used Reece's iPhone to capture his graduation on video and to take some stills with the captain as he presented him with his certification certificate. As they stood around talking, Ken ambled back over to them with MaryAnn by his side and said, "Excuse me Abby, but Reece said you were looking for work. We were wondering if, well, we really need a nanny for our two kids. MaryAnn works for the city and between us, we have a lot of gaps we can't cover with our kids. We can't afford to pay you a lot, but I think we could make it worth your time." Abby looked at Reece then back at the couple. "I'd love to. I can't tell you how much that would mean to me. But...well, are you aware of..." Ken raised a hand and said, "Yes, of course. But we don't believe anyone should be judged by one event no matter what it might be. We're all more than any one thing whether good or bad. So if you want the job, it's yours." MaryAnn told her she felt the same way and wanted her to come meet the kids on Monday. Abby felt herself tearing up again. She'd cried more in this last year than she had in her entire life combined. But she just couldn't help it. Reece had stepped in and saved her from jail and now he'd helped her find a job without even having to interview and explain her arrest and conviction. Sensing her discomfort, Ken and MaryAnn excused themselves leaving her there alone with Reece. "So would you like to have lunch with me?" he asked. Abby dried her tears and said, "Yes. I'd love to." They made small talk as they ate club sandwiches and drank iced tea. Reece picked up the check and led Abby outside. She was so beautiful to him. The external part was obvious. But the inside was just as wonderful. Several times he nearly told her how he felt but after the hurt he'd felt from losing Paige, he didn't think he could take more rejection. Also, it would make living together very uncomfortable if he told her how he felt and she shot him down. Reece helped her into the car and closed her door. As they drove off, they headed back toward the station. Neither of them said a word for several minutes until Abby finally spoke. "Reece? May I ask you something?" "Of course," he said as he slowed for changing yellow light. "Is there something about me you don't like? I mean, I know I'm older than you. Okay, a lot older, but am I really that unattractive to you?" Reece's heart began racing. "Why would you say something like that, Abby?" "Well, I know how old I am, but it's seems like no matter how hard I try, I'm invisible to you." Reece accelerated once the light turned green. He glanced over at Abby and said, "I'm confused. Last night, when we were standing in front of the mirror, the only thing I could think of was how much I wanted to kiss you. But when you kissed me on the cheek, I knew you didn't have the same kinds of feelings for me as I have for you. But now you're making it seem like I don't have those feelings." He sat there for a moment then said, "Or can you really possibly not know I do?" Abby looked over at him and said, "You have feelings for me?" Reece was turning into the station in order to check on the schedule. He'd forgotten to look after graduation and he'd told Abby he just needed to run inside. As he pulled in again, he said, "I've had those feelings for as long as I can remember. Abby, I know it's crazy but...well...I lov..." "Reece! Get in here! We've got a five-car pile up on I-5. We need every man right now! Get your gear on and take the last vehicle out. Go, go, go!" He flung the door open and raced inside. There were buzzers and sirens going off and the PA was calling out orders to various crews. Abby sat in stunned silence as she watched the young man she...loved...running toward danger just as he was about to tell her he felt the same way she did. Just then, Ken pulled in next to Reece's car and jumped out. He saw Abby and said, "Come here! I'll take you inside where you can wait." Abby pulled the driver's door shut, got out and followed Ken inside. He sat her inside dispatch and asked a young woman named Connie to keep on eye on her. "Sure. No problem, Ken. Be glad to. Have a seat over her ma'am. If you want some coffee, there's a pot right over there." She stopped talking to Abby and pressed the talk button. "Unit two, proceed code three. Unit 3, prepare for departure, code 3." Abby could see Reece pulling on his uniform and throw a bag into the vehicle as it raced out of the station. She poured herself a cup of coffee and sat there listening to the chatter over the radio. Unit one was already on scene and there were now more cars involved. There was a heavy fog from Puget Sound that had rolled all the way across the interstate making it nearly impossible for cars to see that traffic was slowing. Abby heard Connie say, "Unit Two, be advised Unit One is on scene. Approach with caution, remain code 3. Unit Three, say your twenty." "Unit Three is one mile north of the scene. Proceeding with extreme caution." Calls of injuries started coming in. Many were very serious. Then came a report of a fatality. A man had been crushed to death behind the wheel of his car. Initial reports indicated a stalled tractor-trailer in the right lane. It was likely that approaching cars were unaware until it was too late. The fatality had obviously hit the trailer at high speed. Connie was coordinating the dispatch of any available ambulance in the area. Moments later, Abby heard a call that sent a chill through her. "Dispatch, Unit Three's vehicle has been hit. We have injuries on the team. Will advise." Unit Three was Reece's vehicle. Abby felt sick. And helpless. "Dispatch, Unit Two. Anderson is pinned inside the vehicle and is unconscious. Get an ambulance here STAT!" Abby was shaking. She stood up, set the coffee down then said, "I'm a registered nurse! Send me out there. Please!" The captain was standing next to Connie when he said, "I'm headed out, Connie." He turned to Abby and said, "If you really are a nurse, come with me. Let's go!" Abby lifted up her skirt and ran to the emergency vehicle the captain used. She slid in next to him as another EMT rode shotgun. Abby was praying to the god she didn't believe in. She couldn't deal with one more loss in her life. She couldn't get this close to happiness and have it snatched away. Rather than waste her time talking to herself, she began recalling her days in the ER at Seattle Memorial. She was running through checklists and the life-saving steps. She could barely see the green mile-markers as they clipped by. As traffic slowed, the truck moved into the emergency lane with lights flashing and siren blaring. They slowed considerably as they approached the beginning of the accident scene which had grown in the last 20 minutes since the first call went out. Abby felt sick as she saw one car after another crushed or demolished. Flashing lights from another vehicle were faintly visible up ahead and the strobes grew brighter with each passing second. Finally, she could make out the EMT vehicle which had been hit hard by a very large truck of some sort. It may have been a dump truck, but she couldn't be sure and she didn't really care. As they pulled alongside it, the captain shouted orders to the EMT and told Abby to come with him. As they approached the vehicle, Abby got her first glimpse of Reece. There were two of his fellow EMTs working to extricate him from whatever had him pinned. He wasn't actually inside the cab but rather in a small space behind it. He was bent over and splayed out on the roof of the cab as the EMTs were cutting metal with their power tools. After what seemed like an eternity, one of them shouted, "He's out. Get a gurney over here NOW!" Abby's heart was in her throat as they lowered him down. "His left leg is bleeding heavily!" one of them called out. The captain gave Abby a shove and said, "Go!" She ran up to them and said, "I'm a nurse. I'll take care of him. Give me a tourniquet!" she shouted. One of the men who'd helped him down handed her a long rubber tube which she grabbed as she visually assessed his wounds. There was a large cut in the left calf below the knee. She placed the tourniquet around his leg just above the knee and tied it tightly enough to stop the flow of blood. "Okay, we've got him from here," one of the EMTs told her. Abby turned to him and said, "The hell you do! I'm going with him and no one is gonna stop me!" The captain, who was overseeing everything, nodded to the EMT. "Okay, then follow me," he said. The two of them pushed the gurney toward the next waiting ambulance. They were stacked up like taxis at the airport and were taking on the injured based on the seriousness of the injury. Reece was loaded inside one of them and Abby climbed in beside him. As the ambulance roared off, she found some scissors and cut away the material around his lower leg. She could see the tibia was fractured but her sense was he wouldn't lose the leg. She just didn't know how much blood he'd lost. They were about halfway to Seattle Memorial when she saw Reece trying to open his eyes. She knelt down next to him soaking her new skirt in blood but she didn't know or care. "Reece? Can you hear me? Reece? It's Abby. Can you hear me?" His eyes were glazed telling her he was going in and out of shock. After several moments, she saw them focus. When they did, he tried to focus them on her. He looked for several seconds, then blinked. "Reece? Can you hear me?" she said again as she ran her hand over his cheek. He tried to speak but couldn't. His lips moved slightly but no sound came out. "It's okay. I'm here. You're going to be all right," she told him. She saw his lips move again. "You're..." His voice was a hollow whisper. Abby leaned her head down and put her ear to his lips. "You're...my...angel." Abby raised her head and looked into his eyes. "Yes. Yes I am your angel. And I'm here for you." She was crying again. She told him, "I'm here for you and I always will be." She saw him try to speak again and she said, "Save your strength. It's okay. We can talk later, okay?" She stroked his face and his hair as her tears fell. She saw him shake his head ever-so-slightly. "No. Can't wait. Come close." Again, Abby placed her ear next to his mouth. "My angel—Abby. Abby." "Yes, I'm Abby," she said. "I know," he croaked. He tried to raise his hand but it was unbelievably heavy. She took in hers and listened. "Abby? Abby?" "Yes? I'm listening." "I...love you...Abby. You're my...angel and I love..." Abby's tears fell without measure. Reece was unconscious. The EMT next to her asked her to move aside. He had to check to see whether or not Reece was still breathing. As she slid out of the way she knew he couldn't hear her but she said, "I love you, too, Reece. I love you, too." She let go of his hands as the EMT placed a bag over his face and began pumping. He squeezed the bag two times every few seconds making sure oxygen flowed into Reece's body. He continued this all the way into the ER when one of the many doctors lined up to receive patients took his report. "Okay, got it," the doctor said. Abby recognized him and he her. "Sorry, but you can't be in here anymore. You'll have to wait out here." Abby knew she wouldn't have been allowed inside the ER even if she were in good standing with the hospital, but in this case, there was no way in hell the hospital could afford to let her anywhere near a patient. After a little over an hour, the doctor came out and found her. "I'm sorry about being so rough with you, Abby, but you understand, right?" "I don't care about any of that. Is he okay? That's all I want to know. How is he?" "He'll be fine," the young doctor told her. "He has a compound fracture of the tibia and he'd lost about three pints of blood, but the tourniquet saved his life. Be sure to tell the EMT who put it on what a great job he did, okay?" Abby didn't care who got credit for the work, she just wanted to see him. The doctor led her back to a kind of trauma ward they'd set up whenever there was a mass-casualty event like this. "He's resting comfortably now. As you know, we couldn't give him any morphine because he'd lost so much blood. But we've given him a pretty good amount for the pain so he may be a little bit out of it for awhile." Abby saw his bed in the line of patients and ran over to him. He was awake and as soon as he saw her he smiled. "It's my angel," he said sleepily. She bent down and hugged him as tightly as she dared. "Are you okay? Are you in pain?" she asked with genuine concern. He lifted his arm and put it around her and held her next to him. "Am I in pain?" he repeated. "No. I'm not in any pain. The morphine is pretty amazing." Abby laughed. As she tried to raise up, he stopped her part way. He looked into her eyes and said, "I'm not in pain, but I am in love. With you, Abby Kennedy. I'm in love with you." Abby couldn't help it. The tears flowed again. "I love you too, Reece Anderson. I love you so much it hurts." He pulled her toward him and for the first time, he kissed her. Abby melted into him as she kissed him back. He wasn't completely out of it. She moaned when she felt his tongue touch hers. They kissed for a very long time. When it ended, Reece said, "Abby? I can't get out of bed so I can't get down on one knee but..." Abby shrieked with excitement. "But if you'll have me, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Abby Kennedy, will you marry me?" Abby was still crying and she didn't give a damn. She nodded her head furiously as she managed to say, "Yes. Yes! Yes, I will marry you, Reece. Of course I will marry you!" Abby never left his side until she took him home two days later. He was able to walk in his cast with the aid of crutches. She helped him into the bedroom then took them from him and said, "Let me get your blanket and pillow so you can lay down and get some rest." He reached out and grabbed her and said, "Uh-uh. Not yet." He opened the top drawer of the dresser and reached in all the way to the back until he found what he was looking for. He turned around and put one hand on the bed and began lowering himself to one knee. "Reece. No, you can't do that. You'll hurt yourself." He ignored her and grimaced as the spike of pain made it's way past the barrier created by the heavy dose of oxycodone. He opened his hand and produced a large diamond ring. "This was my mother's, Abby. She wanted me to have it to give to the woman I would one day love and marry." Abby put her hands over her mouth and fought back the tears. "I promise to buy you one of your own one day, but for now, I want you to have this. So formally, Abby Kennedy, will you be my wife?" Abby's hand was trembling as she offered it to her young finance who slipped it on her finger. It was the tiniest bit too big but very close to a perfect fit. "Yes. Yes I will be your wife, Reece Anderson." He struggled to stand up and she grabbed him with both arms. He stood then took her in his and said, "I love you, Abby. And I want to make love to you." Abby smiled, nodded and hungrily kissed him. Moments later, they were both naked and in bed. Because of his cast, Reece lay on his back as Abby lay next to him and kissed him. She saw him begin to grow hard and said, "Oh, my God! I knew you were big but...oh, my God!" She reached down and gently lifted his growing cock while kissing him deeply. "Mmmm. That feels so amazing," Reece said. He raised his hand and softly cupped Abby's left breast causing her to moan softly. As she continued stroking his cock, he slid his hand down her body until it disappeared between her legs. She was soaking wet and dying for his touch. Abby gasped as he ran his index finger along her clit. He stopped to use the tip of his finger to roll over it time and time again. "Oh...my...god!" Abby cried. "You have no idea how much I've wanted you to do that to me," she whispered. Reece gently inserted his middle finger inside her pussy while using his thumb to continue massaging her clit. Abby stopped fondling him as she gasped sharply. "I want you inside me, sweetheart," she said. "Will you please fuck me?" Reece's leg hurt like hell but everything else worked just fine. He raised her up and lifted her on top of himself. She was careful not to bump the cast as he lowered her down. "I love you so much, Reece," she told him as she bent down and kissed him. "You saved my life. You truly are my angel." She reached between her legs and grabbed his swollen member and lined it up perfectly. As she lowered herself onto his waiting cock, Reece pulled her close and kissed her. She took him all the way inside her as he said, "And you saved mine making you my angel. I love you too, Abby." Abby lifted herself up and down, over and over, feeling his fullness inside her. All of the hurt and pain of the past melted away as she basked in the warmth of his love. Nothing else mattered but him and her—together. Abby no longer felt old. She felt...loved. And beautiful. Moments later, she increased the rhythm until she felt herself tense. At the same time, she felt Reece release the huge load of semen that had built up inside him for so long. "Yes. Yes. Oh, fuck, yes!!" Abby screamed. As he came inside her, she continued to gently slide up and down on him until she'd taken every drop. Then she just stayed there holding him inside her not wanting this moment to ever end. Reece kissed her again and told her how beautiful she was and how much he loved her. Three months later, her divorce from Eddy was granted. The next day, the two of them, along with Ken and MaryAnn, stood before a justice of the peace and exchanged vows. The cast was gone and the leg was healing well. Abby had never been happier caring for their two children until she'd learned she was pregnant with her own first child. Reece promised to love and cherish her with all his heart until death do us part and she had done the same. Abby knew that when that day finally came she would still be okay because she had found her angel, and he would always be there to watch over her just as she would always watch over the man she so dearly loved.
Tina towered over me, all plump, 6 foot-3 inches of blond, blue eyed woman. I looked straight up. She had her hands on her hips. "Hey, Carlos. Sarah needs another half hour," she said. "God damn it. I don't want to be here. I want to get out, have a drink, relax." She slid her hand over my chest. I looked sideways at her big beautiful legs, no more than inches from me. I slipped my hand under her skirt. "O-oh," she said. "Well, tell her to hurry up." "I asked. She needs to close up the books." I took my hand out and gave her a pat on the butt. I noticed she wore her heals. I gave up another 2 inches, 9 inches total. Another guy would have been intimidated. I was just embarrassed. She exhaled. "Come on," she ordered me. "Where?" I asked. "The garage," she said. The parking garage had all kinds of areas where, if you needed privacy, you could smoke, drink, do weed, have sex. All benefits of the recent downturn in the economy. I grabbed my jacket and walked past dozens of empty desks from this week's round of layoffs. Survivors were gone for the weekend. Tina and I made out in the stairwell, but only for a while. We kept walking. I jumped the last steps and opened the fire door. Empty. Tina grabbed my arm and pulled me behind a cement column. "Come on. Hurry up. Take off your pants." She fumbled with my belt. She dropped her purse and kneeled in front of me. Our fingers met as we worked together on my pants. "I like it when you wear button ups." She tore open my fly. My dick was limp. She popped it into her mouth and tugged on it vigorously with her lips. After a few seconds of encouragement, my cock grew into it's full size. She'd learned a thing or two after three marriages, a few years in the navy, and what the other men in her 39 years taught her. I was the current beneficiary of her excellent cock sucking education. She continued to pucker smack her lips on my uncircumcised head. She pumped me gently with her index and thumb. She hummed. "It's freaking cold," I said. She warmed my legs with her hands. She released my cock for a second and took a breath. "Sorry for forcing you down here. But I really need this." She resumed slurping and licking. "God damn that Sarah." I patted her head and closed my eyes. I rocked gently back and forth. And then her phone rang. "Fuck!" Her mouth released. "This better be an emergency." She grabbed her purse and answered the phone. "What?" she said. She passed her hand across her chin. I pitied the bastard on the other end. She whacked my leg and clawed me with her red nails. I tapped her head with my fist. I mouthed the words, "Hurry up." She leaned forward and licked the head of my cock. She gave it a few flicks. My penis jumped across her face. "Whatever, Bill. Fuck you. I'm hanging out at Sarah's. If you can't handle that..." She gave me the sign for hold on, and breathed out. "Drinks, you asshole. I'm hanging out with my best friend. I won't be coming back tonight." I looked down at her head. "Well fuck you if you can't do me this favor and take care of the kids. You're their dad, you can fucking figure it out. Hot dogs, pizza, take them to McDonald's. Don't wait up." She looked up at me, and shook her head. "Bye!" "Trouble in paradise?" I teased. She slammed the phone shut and shoved it back into her bag. "What a piece of shit. Pissed me off." "Sorry about your husband." I rubbed her shoulder. My dick was getting limp. "Sorry. Grown man can't even take care of himself. I leave him alone one night with the kids, and he can't even handle that. I'm telling you, his mother spoiled him. Old cow turned that man into a little bitch. Why did I ever marry him? Tell me." "Forget him. Come here," I said. I stroked her smooth blond hair and rubbed my dick across her lips. She unclenched her teeth and pushed it back into her mouth. I held her face. "A few more minutes of cock sucking will take out the tension." I said. Reduce it to a simmer, anyway. She was the best cock sucker I'd ever met. Methodical and skilled, prone to improvisation. And eager to swallow. It filled her with irrational joy. Every time she sucked me, I knew it was going to be great. Much of it had to do with how she felt about me, and what that made her do." "I'm coming, Tina," I said. She sucked me harder. I felt the tremor start inside my balls. My body shivered up and down and then I felt the fluid course through my cock. A river of cum crashed wave after wave into her mouth. She held and squeezed my ass. Quick as I made it, she swallowed. Finally, she opened her mouth and was done. We both caught our breaths. "That was a lot," she said. She licked the inside of her mouth and smacked her lips. "Thick and stringy, too. What did I say about drinking grape fruit juice? Seriously, try drinking it. I'll buy you some. You need to thin it out. It coats my tongue for hours, if you don't." "Yeah, yeah." I patted her head. "I got it." "You need to thin it out. I'm going to choke one of these days." I pulled up my pants, and helped her back on her feet. She kept passing her tongue through her mouth and massaging her teeth. She was really having trouble. I wiped the side of her mouth with my thumb. She bent down and I gave her a kiss. "Come here. Give me a hug," I said, and pulled her close. I squeezed her warm, hefty body, and patted her ass. She leaned her head on my shoulder. "You don't have to tell me you're coming. I can tell," she said. "I just want to be polite." I stroked her wind burned cheek. "Besides, I like saying it." I handed her her purse. "Thanks," she said. We opened our mouths and she kissed me with her tongue. What am I going to say? It tasted like my cum. She gave me a piece of gum and we climbed back to the office. --- It was close to 7 by the time our friend Tina finished her work. It was pitch dark and raining hard. The workweek was truly, finally over. Sarah drove, while Tina and I sat in the back, our hands on each other's laps. I looked outside at the street full of cars wading through flooded streets. Inside the car, it was warm and quiet. We were heading to Sarah's condo a few blocks away. "How are you guys doing back there?" asked Sarah. I kissed Tina's lips, and she nuzzled in my ear. Her warm hand slipped between my legs. I caught Sarah's eyes in the rear-view. She rolled her eyes. "I don't know what to do with you guys," she said. "It's like having teenagers. Do you guys ever do anything other than fuck? You, Carlos, you ever even take her out to dinner?" Here we go, again. I didn't. "Shut up, Sarah," said Tina. "We go out for drinks." I said. "All you do is take advantage of her..." said Sarah. "She knows what she means to me." "We hang out with you," yelled back Tina. "It's not like we have all the time in the world. I'm married. Carlos has things he has to do. We're both adults." Tina patted the backrest on the Explorer's driver seat. "Thanks for caring, Sarah, but we can handle ourselves." "OK," said Sarah. We pounded her into submission. It was a clear drive down to her condo. Sarah pushed on the accelerator and the car purred into high speed. No traffic lights, no cars. We coasted. Then, with a sharp turn that sent Tina piling onto me, Sarah turned into her complex and parked into the first open space. I adjusted my penis back between my legs and gave Tina a quick kiss. We got out of the car and ran up to the steps to Sarah's condo. Tina walked ahead, me behind her and Sarah brought up the rear. I rushed Tina and pinched her ass. I grabbed panties and a fair amount of flesh. "Ouch!" said Tina. Sarah had a clear view. "Pervert," she said. I smiled back at her. "Come on," said Tina and pulled my hand up the stairs. "And you, leave him alone," she said to Sarah. Sarah moved ahead and unlocked the door. We walked in and took off our coats and shoes. "Get over here, Carlos" said Tina. "You're all wet." She ran her fingers through my hair, and shook the water out. "You're wet too, you know." I passed my fingers thru her hair. "Sarah, do you need any help?" asked Tina. "No. Just sit down. Take care of your man." She said it without malice. "Excuse me. I haven't been fucked in two weeks." She slammed a beer on the kitchen counter. Tina and I made faces at each other. We understood. "It makes me jumpy not having a man around for a good fuck," said Sarah. "It's not natural." "'You just need to relax," said Tina. "It's been a long month at work." "What would you guys like to drink, Coronas or Bud Light? I have some vodka, and whiskey, too." "Coronas, please." said Tina. She got up and got me my beer. I gave her a deep tongue kiss for a payment. She grabbed my collar and pushed herself onto me. "Don't I take good care of you?" she asked. "Absolutely. Thanks for the beer, baby." I patted her behind. "I don't want you guys fucking in my house, you hear," said Sarah. "I don't want Carlo's semen on my stuff." "What's wrong with my semen?" I asked. Tina laid back on my shoulder, and tossed her head back. "Ugh," she groaned. "Sarah, you are such a total bitch." "Whatever, whore," said Sarah in the nicest way. I took a swig from my bottle. I loved these women. They spoke their minds. Tina looked sideways at me and elbowed me in the ribs. She pushed her tongue against her cheek and pushed her finger into my chest. "Keep an eye out for an opening," she said. I leaned into her ear. "Okay." Tina sat with her thigh on my leg. I rubbed it against her bare thigh. "Excuse me." She moved over me and grabbed a blue blanket. The condo was freezing. Tina cuddled up next to me and pulled the blanket up to her chest. She reached under the covers and stroked my leg. Sarah sat on a recliner and looked down at us. "Pot, anyone?" she asked. "Bring it on. That's what we all need. Fucking layoffs. They got rid of half of us." said Tina. Sarah lifted the hinged top and propped it open. She had coins, rings, pieces of quartz and other rocks all mixed together in a big compartment. She took out a small plastic bag and unrolled it." "Shit, I'm going to talk to that son-of-a-bitch son of mine when he gets back from his dad's. He has his own supply. He doesn't have to steal from me." She grabbed some Zig-zags and expertly rolled a fat joint with her sharp manicured fingers. "Don't fuck with my shit." She lit up with a lighter and took a deep drag. Her chest heaved. She inhaled and passed it to Tina "Ah, yes." said Tina. "Give it here." Sarah turned on some slow jazz and swayed her hips. Arms up. Hips rolling. It looked more hippie trance than anything else. She looked good, wide assed but good. These older women were teaching this 27 year old some finer things. Sarah talked about her black guy, Jim. She sang how good he was in bed, how much she liked him, even though he was sleeping with his wife's cousin, too. They talked about the overweight single-mom S&M chick, Karen—the one with the watermelon boobs. She was pregnant again, and didn't know who the father was. White trash-true sex stories. They mostly ignored me, though. That was a good thing. I say a lot of stupid shit when I'm stoned. Then I dozed off. I remembered Tina and Sarah talking across from me on the sofa. They were in close to one another. I heard fragments. Bits and pieces. "Mickey's having problems at school...he's a good boy. He brings in good grades..when he tries. Laura's great...where does she gets it from...I can't take any credit...just one of those kids...I love them...that Bill's a dick, though...Why did I ever marry him? Sarah, I don't know.. I just don't know...where will I go? What will I do? I can't raise kids on my own..daycare, money, rent, car payments. Oh, Sarah, I just don't want to think about it." I looked closely at their faces. Tina was drinking from a glass of whiskey. Sarah balanced a beer between her fingers. They were both smoking cigarettes and Sarah had her hand on Tina's arm. \--- I woke with the feeling that my legs were deep in cement. I opened my eyes and yawned. Tina was sitting on my crotch. She pushed her ass back and forth on my crotch. Her skirt was up by her waist and her naked legs straddled mine. She looked at me and smiled. "Hey there, sleepy head," she said. She bent down and we kissed. She lifted and lowered her mouth to mine. We kissed a dozen times. "Tina," I said. She kept on rolling her ass on my crotch. "Relax," she said. I enjoyed the pressure of her body on mine. She was so solid. I slid my finger between the tight elastic band of her panties and snapped it. "Ouch," she said. I ran my fingers down her semi-prickly skin. She had a few days worth of hair growth. She was lucky she was a blond. I stared at her open blouse and leaned in to kiss her all over her naked chest. Her skin was red and mottled with brown freckles, permanent damage from years of sun bathing. "Mmm, Carlos, " she said in a low voice, paused, and swung her legs off of me. "I'll be right back," she said. Her high, long legs carried her to the bathroom barefooted. I straightened my back. There was the faint sound of a toilet lid opening, and then a strong jet of piss striking the water. I looked down at the coffee table. There were bottles everywhere. Seconds. Minutes. I was surprised when the bathroom door opened, and she walked back. Her hands smoothed the wrinkles in her skirt. Her hair was pinned back and her blouse was buttoned back up. When she came within inches of me, she no longer smelled of cigarettes. She smelled of spicy cinnamon. "Keeping busy?" she asked, as she bent forward and asked for my hand. "Come on. Come with me," she said. She walked me to the bathroom. "She won't see us here," she said. I stepped inside. She turned her back to the door and shut it with her foot. It closed with a simple click. Sarah kept a clean, very feminine bathroom, pink all over with shag trim. It was neat, properly furnished with hand and bath towels. A hamper. Spotless everything. "What if she has to pee?" I asked. I took off my shirt. She slid across the smooth vinyl, her hands below the roundness of her stomach. With a few steps she was on top of me. She put her arms around my neck, and kissed me with all her familiar force and passion. Her powerful legs pushed me back. I moved where she wanted me. What choice did I have? I put my knee on the shag toilet seat cover. We pressed our mouths and pulled our bodies hard into each other. Her tongue searched mine out and abused it. "Tina," I said. "What?" "I need to take a leak." I separated myself and unzipped my pants. My cock sprung out. I sprayed jet of piss on the rim and wall before I got it under control. "Hand me some toilet paper, please." I said. "Hurry up, stud. She's going to wake up any time." She stared at me, and bobbed her head side to side. "Hurry up. Shake it off." Her hand reached over and scraped my pubic hairs with her long nails. I swatted it away. She played it sweet and smoothed over my stomach. When I was done pissing, she yanked my pants and underwear down to my knees. "Thanks, mom." "You have a problem. I'm serious, you're sick. I'm not your mom." She turned around to me. I unzipped her skirt and pulled it below her plump thighs. I pulled her blue satin panties out of the way and kissed her large beautiful ass. The greatest ass in the world. She giggled. 'She'll wake up and find us fucking in the bathroom," I said, and licked her leg. "Fuck her." She smiled. "You'll have to fuck her if she see us. It's her home, after all." With a kick, she tossed the skirt into a corner. She took off her blouse and unhooked her bra. Her relatively small breasts hung down her chest. The nipples were hard and round. "I need you so bad," she said. I rubbed her freckled arms from her shoulders to her wrists. "Shivers. Your hands are so cold," she said. I squeezed everything. Her physicality was so real. More actual than any other women I'd been with. My woman had to be taller than me, she had to be fatter and wider, her stomach had to roll into a belly. Her flesh had to yield and redden. "You're so beautiful, Tina." I kissed her shoulder with a million kisses. "I want you to fuck me. Please. Fuck me." She pushed me back with her hand, turned around and bent over. She spread her long legs and lowered her body. I pressed my fingers over her round, fat thighs and followed the curve into her ass. She clenched instinctively and caught my fingers. "I got you," she said. I pulled my fingers out and shoved her down. She turned back to me, giggled, and looked back to the door. My hand went between her legs and played with her long moist pubic hairs. She spread her legs wider. My thumb went into her burning hole, the rest of my fingers stroked her curly patch. "Oh," she said. "For God's sake, fuck me." She used her hands to slip me in. She was hot and tight. I waited without moving. How much tighter must it have been before her three kids? I pushed my cock in, slow and easy. "Come on," she said. "Okay." I smiled and picked up the pace. My legs slapped her jiggly ass for several minutes. She threw her head back. "Faster, harder," she said. I grabbed a bunch of her hair and rode her like a wild mare. She used her legs to push back. I grabbed a metal towel rack and slammed her as deep as I could go. Our flesh smacked violently. I pulled her ass apart to get in deeper. Any other woman would have screamed in pain. We were going to be bruised in the morning. "Oh," she said, over and over again. Her breathing was heavy and shuddering. I reached forward again. I palmed and massaged her pussy lip. She pressed on my hand and guided my finger to her clit. I focused on that finger and let my cock go into auto-pilot. I hammered her hard. Finally, her body shivered. I slowed down. I wanted to be kind. "Don't stop." she said, eyes closed. I put my hands on her back and ran my palms down and out. "I need it, Carlos. I need to suck your cock." She jumped away and came back on her knees. Her hair was a mess. She plunged it into her mouth. She was rough and careless. She pressed her tongue hard against the shaft and slobbered all over it. She cleaned it free of her juices. She alternated techniques. Short sucks, long sucks, wide licks, she tongued the head, pulled my foreskin up and down. I gritted my teeth. "Tina." She had me on the balls of my feet. She looked into my eyes. I nodded reassuringly. "I want to come inside of you," I said. Her eyes widened and she trembled. The rest was quick and dirty. We threw down some towels and kneeled down on the floor. She splayed her hands across the bathroom floor and flattened her body. It looked vulnerable and grotesque. You don't know what I mean. Her flesh lost shape, the folds on her back became indistinct, just layers of skin and fat. The line of her ass became long and her ass lost any curvature it may have had. Her legs opened and spread out across the floor. She pushed on her pelvis and her ass jumped. "Come into me," she said. I fell down behind her and licked her salty back. She raised her ass inches off the ground, and I guided my cock inside her cunt. I banged her for several minutes. He ass made that slappy sound they make when you're both wet. I came inside of her, shuddered, and kept fucking her until it was painful and I had to stop. I pulled my cock out of her pink pussy and collapsed over her back. Her lungs emptied. "Oof," she said. She supported my weight without complaining. I slapped her ass, and that was the end of it. We were exhausted, beyond done. We stood up and looked at these bodies we had. Hers white, middle aged, tall and overweight, saggy breasted and wide hipped. Me, brown, young, muscular, short compared to her. We put our arms around each other and we kissed. "I love you she said." This was always awkward. She had said it so many times before. She told me, she didn't expect me to say it back. Not if you don't mean it. Tonight I did. "And I love you," I said, and kissed her. I had a hand on her round hip. We dressed quickly. I washed my cock in Sarah's sink. Tina mouth washed next to me. I grabbed her hand and walked back to the living room. Sarah was laying down just as we'd left her. We turned off the lights, and held each other in the dark. We covered up with some blankets and Tina spoke into my ear. "That was really good." "Yes." "Let's do that again." "And again." She pressed her ass to me. I smelled the cigarettes in her sweat. She stroked my leg and I breathed the smell of her hair. After a bit of this, she fell asleep. In the darkness, the light from outside hit Sarah's face. I swore she blinked. I smiled back and waved at her, just in case she was looking. I wasn't really expecting an answer. "You're cleaning your mess, in the morning," she said and covered herself with her blanket and didn't say anything else. I nodded. Tina snored. "Yeah, tomorrow." I said. With that, I adjusted myself under Tina's warm weight, kissed her neck, and fell asleep with the tapping sound of rain on the roof. Breakfast at Lucy's Diner is how I start each day. In fact, I've been doing it for the last five years because it's the only one in town,unless you count Big R's at the west end of the highway. But that's really just an overpriced truck stop. The small, colorful, breakfast crowd here is mainly the veterans and miners. The veterans take up the yellowed counter, stained by years of their scattered coffee cups, wearing decorated hats with patches that say things like "The Chosin Few" and "War is Peace." The far back wall, décor 1960's, is for the town's miners, dressed in typical, worn flannel. Their group number varies in size according to what they call "Boom or Bust." While a handful of the men are regular, local boys, most follow the work here when it's to be had in the good times, when the bars and motels overflow with them. Lucy, the waitress, cashier and part time cook, runs the place. After her husband's untimely death, (he was rolled over by 200 tons of dump truck and crushed to death) a decade ago, she used the insurance money to purchase it. Lucy's old now; she takes care of the mornings and lunch, but hires someone else for dinner, though she used to do all of it. Her body's too tired now she always tells me. I can tell by the lack of color in her leathered cheeks and the way her hands shake when she pours the coffee that she's nearing her limit. I moved here in an attempt to mend the broken relationship I'd shared with my partly estranged mother for nearly most of my adult life, and, to start a new one for myself as well in a small town atmosphere. Thankfully, my mother and I were able to see eye to eye before her passing shortly afterwards, but now five years, two student loans and an undergrad degree later, I'm still stuck here without my hoped for English position at the college. Boom or bust towns are fickle, and things sometimes don't pan out. Eventually though, I got on with The Tattle, the local six-page paper writing interests columns, where my threadbare earnings allow enough for me to get by, but enough not to leave. Hell, I don't even own a car. Even if I did have one, it would sit, useless, in the parking lot of the motel where I live for $50 a week, complete with a tiny refrigerator and cable. Though my rent doesn't buy heat or cold, I make do with a fan in the summer and extra blankets in the winter, I've gotten used to it. At Lucy's, I sat in the same booth by the window, third one from the door, every morning. Someone had covered the small tear in the ancient red leather with plumber's tape in another decade. There was a small opening in the tape, near one end, where a section of spring poked through that I loved to run my finger over whenever Lucy was slower than usual to get to my table with the bill. The long-timers here say that they've never seen a dry spell like this one. But sometimes things change. The day that they did started out in the usual way. Forty-five minutes had passed since I'd finished my eggs as I sat in my booth by the window, trapping tiny bits of hash brown in the congeal with my fork, wondering how long it would take Lucy this time. Not that I was in a hurry. It was Saturday and I didn't really have to go into the paper, but there were a few things left undone before the next edition. Besides that, I didn't have anything else to do. I rarely have any pressing tasks on Saturday so I sometimes go in after breakfast to kill time. According to the clock above the register, it was nine-fifteen, but I ignored it because I knew better. The clock was an artifact that had been exactly eighteen minutes behind since the first day I walked in, and to the best of my knowledge at least, no one had ever bothered to reset it. It was one of those odd little things around here that people acknowledge, but don't really seem to care enough to do anything about. There are many things in this town like that and it's taken me awhile to come to accept that way of living. But I'm getting better at it. After pushing my plate across the table, I dug into my back pocket for my torn leather wallet. I really should have gotten a new one before then, but I hadn't been able to force myself to part with this one yet. Of course there was still no sign of Lucy, and I now know that her habitual slowness saved her. But I didn't want to wait any longer. Counting out the bills for the amount that I knew by heart, I laid them on the on the table, plus one for Lucy, and grabbed my coat on the seat beside me. That's about the time that everything went to hell. Standing awkward between the seat and the edge of the table, with one arm into my coat and struggling with the other, I spotted a rather attractive young woman pass outside the window. From her appearance it was obvious that she was not from here, but somewhere bigger. She was wearing a dark cream overcoat, belted at the middle, and simple heels. Her hair was pulled back into a bun, revealing her bright, clean, youthful face. Turning to look at me she passed, she smiled pleasantly through the glass. I returned the smile, finally getting the best of my coat, before she disappeared behind me out of sight. To me, the lady represented just another happy traveler stopping for breakfast or maybe to purchase some of those rare but genuinely worthless trinkets that can only be found in hidden, small town tourists traps. I gave her no more thought as I waved to the veterans and turned towards the wall where the register sits. Now, one thing that I have come to understand in my forty-three years is that luck plays a part in the courses of our lives whether for good or bad. Mine was both that day, because if I had not turned my back to the window, the exploding glass shards would have shred me. My jacket, being rather thick, protected me from that, but it did nothing to stop the buckshot from ripping through my flesh. As I turned, I heard what must have sounded like a grenade detonating.Suddenly, it felt like someone body-tackled me from behind. In an instant, before I could grasp the situation, I was thrown from my feet, spun completely around in mid-air and spit into the register counter, splitting my head on it. At that point, things get fuzzy. I vaguely remember that there seemed to be four or five blurry balloons floating, detached, moving above me, their fuzzy outlines contrasted by the darkness surrounding them. Someone was saying my name from what seemed like a very great distance, almost as if they were somehow calling to me over a vast expanse of time. But it was hard to hear anything through the piercing, off-key ringing noise that filled my senses. I don't remember any definite pain at that time, but I felt very tired and I just wanted to sleep. All total, I spent a week in the hospital after they removed the shot from my neck and back and stitched the gashes in my head. While the doctors had assured me that I would be okay--the shot had failed to penetrate any vital organs--they were adamant that I would face a long, slow convalescence of possibly several months or more. Naturally, the story stopped the press at The Tattle and it was out the next morning. My editor made sure to bring it by a couple of days later, allowing me ample opportunity to read the details of my incident before leaving the hospital. It seems that after walking past, several witnesses, including a young boy happening by on the other side of the street, who told the story to the police, had seen the young woman pass the diner, turn abruptly in her tracks and quickly retread her way back, stopping in front of the window. She then drew a shotgun from under her coat and fired several times, emptying the barrel into the diner, annihilating the window, dispatching me face first into the counter in a rain of glass and buckshot. Immediately following, she fled, dropping the weapon groundward, but was taken into custody relatively immediately. When later pressed by investigators as to why she had shot up the place, all she would say was that she hadn't liked the way I smiled at her. Luckily for me, the veterans were far enough away to be sheltered from the blast and those that were able, rushed to my aid and quelled the bleeding until the ambulance arrived, saving my life. The damage to the diner itself was nominal, consisting mainly of the window and the leather seat where I sat. The table was peppered with buckshot, but still usable and it remains as a kind of a memento. Besides the window, the only other true casualty of the day was the clock above the register. Struck by a stray piece of shot, it crashed to the floor and has not been replaced. Lucy was able to get a new window installed and clean things up rather quickly and the diner reopened in just two days. Months later, the story is still the topic of breakfast conversation at Lucy's. Each person who was there, and some who were not, has a part of it to tell. Since that day, I've come to understand that change, while rare in this town, and seemingly, the only lasting changes are small--barely perceptible really, even when propelled by catastrophic events--does happen. Though I still start each day at Lucy's, still order the same plate of eggs, Lucy still takes forever to bring me the bill, and I still wave at the veterans before leaving. Things are different. For example, there's a clean, clock shaped space on the wall. Also, I carry a new wallet and coat. And, I don't sit by the window anymore. The End.
**After the Ninth Bell** _What happens in the mysterious Grand Castle after the Ninth Bell tolls?_ All characters engaging in sexual activity are over the age of consent. **Chapter One - Before The Ninth Bell** Freya looked up at the sprawling Castle ahead of her on the hill. It looked huge from the town, but up this close the brooding, ominous bulk was almost oppressive; dark towers silhouetted against the night sky, the full moon shining off the snow covered roofs and turrets. Shivering, she pulled her scarf around her face more tightly and crossed the moat bridge, not daring to get too close to the edge. Not for her the luxury of the main gate - according to her friend Triss, the servant's entrance was round the back - still a long way yet in this cold. She hunched her shoulders trying to keep to the carriage tracks for easier footing but the side paths were less well used than those out front. She stumbled on beneath the dark walls, cursing Triss for telling her about the job and cursing herself even more for listening to her. Cursing was fine, but she was here now and she had to make the best of it. As she at last reached the servant's entrance, she fingered the token in her cloak pocket that Triss had given her. She took it out and examined it again. It was about the size of a five crown piece - not that Freya had held many five crown pieces of course. On one side was a crest - a rampant dragon breathing fire. On the other, a number six followed by a symbol of a bell with two other numbers beneath - 13/11. The Sixth Bell on the thirteen day of the eleventh month. Her certification for tonight's job. Right on cue, the bell rang from the tower in the town square below and on the sixth toll, the servant's door opened. There were two other girls waiting; one Freya recognised from the Empress Galina. The Empress was across the town square from the tavern in which Freya worked and considered itself to be more upmarket. The girl nodded at her but did not speak. They were ushered into the kitchens which were stiflingly hot compared to the chill outside. They hung up their cloaks and were provided with black aprons adorned with the same dragon crest as the token Freya had been given. The token had now been passed on to the head servant Nadia on her arrival. Triss was already there with a few other girls, some of whom Freya recognised from the town. Triss gave a her a little wave and went about her duties as the new girls were given their instructions. By the end of Nadia's speech, Freya's head was reeling. It was a list of things to do - and more importantly - not to do. She just prayed to the Saints that she would remember everything. Her first duties were to peel potatoes and onions. Not a problem - she had helped prepare the stews and casseroles in the Tavern often enough. She had come to the town as soon as she was able, aged sixteen Turns, to get away from the drudgery of village life in the hope of being able to make more of herself than a farmer's wife. So far, her plan was not really succeeding. To start with, she had managed a few menial jobs no better than those she'd had back in the village, but just over a Turn ago she landed herself a job at one of the taverns in the town as a serving wench. Initially she cleared tables and washed up and helped prepare the hearty food the tavern was renowned for, but once she came of age, she graduated to serving tables. As she had not long come of age, Tenby, the tavern owner, only permitted her to work lunchtimes and afternoons. He was a strange, fat old man but had a very strict moral code. The girls that worked the evenings needed to be a little more savvy and worldly-wise than young Freya. Triss was a little older and had already taken on evening work and some of the tales she told made Freya glad she was not yet ready herself. When she first arrived at the Dragon's Nest she knew virtually no-one, but Triss had taken her under her wing and they had become best friends. The girl had also come to town in recent Turns; not exactly seeking her fortune - no- one was naive enough to think the streets were paved with gold - but she also thought she had a better chance than in the Southlands where she was born. In keeping with the Southern races, her eyes were slightly slanted and mysterious and there was a definite point to her slender ears as they poked through her short, silky blonde hair. Her accent was rich and rolling, full of odd words and phrases and Freya soon came to love the sound of it. It was that which had swayed her to take the job tonight. "You makes more in a single night than we earnses in a week here," her friend had told her after her shift at the Dragon's Nest last Midweekday. "Twelve Crowns for nuffin'! All the fings we does here - pourin' drinks, collectin' plates..." Her short blonde hair was bobbing as she spoke enthusiastically. Freya had sensed she was about to say something more, but she clammed up suddenly; something completely out of character with her usual bubbly nature and infectious charm. When Freya accepted she had given her the token to show to Nadia. As the Seventh Bell struck, some of the girls including Triss began to take out the first delicacies of the evening. The food looked incredible to Freya - far more sumptuous than anything the Dragon's Nest could conjure up. As the doors to the Banqueting Hall opened she tried to get a glimpse of the guests, hoping she'd see the Lord and Lady at the head of the table. She had seen them a few times from a distance in the town and they looked impossibly beautiful and exotic. No-one knew exactly where they had come from - some said the Far Southlands, others from across the Great Sea. Wherever they hailed from, a few Turns ago they had made the Castle their home and had largely kept to themselves ever since. The townsfolk were fine with that - they were no trouble and brought business to the area, though there were occasional whispers in the Tavern as to why they might be there. Freya craned her neck trying to see into the room; she could hear the hubbub of conversation and gentle music but her view was blocked by the constant to-ing and fro-ing of the waitresses. She had just finished topping up some wine flagons when Nadia told she and two other girls to go in and begin collecting plates. She tried to remember her instructions and followed the other girls into the room, her heart pounding in her chest. She was carrying a large tray onto which the others piled plates and dishes until she thought her arms would break. She tried to steal glances at the guests in their finery, but found herself concentrating so hard on not dropping her tray, she took little in. There must have been thirty or more revellers; the Lord and Lady at the top table with their closest friends and allies, two more tables running down the length of the hall from each end. It took three visits to clear the tables and on the third, Freya finally got to peek at the hosts; Lady Drusilla with her normally sleek, silvery white hair in thick plaits tonight, deep in conversation with a man to her right. And there next to her was Lord Anders, his long dark ringlets framing his handsome, bearded face, bestowing his charms on an elegant lady with hair of alternating black and silver streaks. But her vision of the couple was short-lived as she was consigned back to the kitchens and her next task was to help wash the plates she had just retrieved from the hall. The next two hours flew by and before she knew it, they were approaching the Ninth Bell. She was drying her hands when she heard Nadia shout at her. "You girl, quick now - some guests still needs wine. Remember what you was told." Freya took the heavy wine jug, Nadia's instructions ringing in her ears. Trembling, she made her way into the Banqueting Hall and began offering the guests wine. She was desperate not to spill any or break the etiquette that said she should always approach from the right and enquire politely of "My Lord?" or "My Lady?", and above all not to speak otherwise or make any eye contact. As she neared the Lord and Lady, she was glad the wine jug was now so much lighter as her hands were shaking. She approached the woman to the left of Lord Anders who ignored her other than to hold her goblet aloft. She filled it and moved on to Lord Anders. Her voice sounded tiny and tremulous to her. "My Lord?" Without looking at her either or breaking his conversation with the woman, he held his hand over his goblet indicating his refusal. Sighing, she moved on to Lady Drusilla. "My Lady?" Again, not so much of a look in her direction, but this time the wine goblet was pushed towards her with long, elegant fingers; the nails a deep blood-red. She poured slowly, daring herself to look at the Lady for a second. She could smell her exotic perfume and see those shining silvery white braids falling almost to her waist in her peripheral vision. She was about to move on to the man the Lady had been talking to earlier when she felt a hand close gently around her wrist. Involuntarily she turned her head and stared straight into the eyes of Lady Drusilla. Her striking yellow orbs burned into Freya's green eyes and the girl looked away instantly, bowing her head and stammering, "Forgive me, my Lady, I did not mean-" She was cut off by a surprisingly gentle voice that she barely caught above the hubbub of the room. Lady Drusilla sounded amused. "But it was my fault, young lady. We are not all rude charlatans here." She cast a disparaging glance towards her consort and his friend. "I merely wished to thank you for my wine." She paused. "Look at me..." Freya held her head down, aware that all eyes were now upon her. "But Madam, I was instructed not to look upon her Ladyship..." Drusilla let out a little laugh. "And you choose take your instruction from a serving girl when the Lady of the house commands you otherwise?" She gripped Freya's wrist harder and her voice became more steely. "I repeat, girl - look at me!" Freya slowly raised her head and gazed again into Lady Drusilla's eyes. They were deepest yellow, flecked with green highlights that shone in the candlelight. She had narrow, upright slit pupils that reminded Freya of a cat's. The eyes sparked with life and Freya found them mesmerising. It felt as if the woman was looking straight through her own eyes and into her inner soul. Drusilla ran a finger along her lips contemplating the girl standing over her as Freya tried not to break her stare. Her narrow, pointed ears were just visible through her plaits. Freya wondered if there were any other physical differences beneath the woman's elegant red silk dress. "You are new, yes?" Freya cleared her throat and nodded. "I am my Lady." "Name?" Freya swallowed hard. She wasn't expecting this. "Pardon, my Lady?" Drusilla shook her head, laughing. "You do have a name, girl? Something to call you by? You know, that little word people use to distinguish you from others." A laugh went up from around the room and Freya felt herself reddening. She pointed at herself. "Drusilla." She picked out a few others. "Phoebe. Calliope. Henrik... see, quite easy. I can remember so many names... so surely you can remember yours? Hmm?" Freya was mortified as more laughter rang around the room. She stammered. "F-Freya, my Lady. I am f-from the t-town." She thought she would spill the wine she was shaking so hard. Drusilla turned to her guests with her arms wide. "Seems I have turned this lovely young thing into quite the chatterbox. I ask her name and end up getting her life story!" As the guests laughed all the harder, Freya was sure her face must be the colour of Her Ladyship's fingernails by now. All she wanted to do was run back to the kitchens and hide, but the Lady still had her wrist firmly in her grasp and she still had a full table to serve. Lady Drusilla smiled at her and her face lit up. Freya thought it really was a lovely, genuine smile - no token gesture for a lowly serving girl. She lowered her voice so that only Freya could hear. "I am sorry, lovely Freya. I have embarrassed you in front of my guests. Not really conduct becoming of a Lady. Allow me to recompense you." At last Drusilla released her grip on Freya. She reached into a small box on the table in front of her and pulled out something that Freya could not identify. She dropped it into the pocket of Freya's apron. She put a gentle hand on Freya's arm. "Use this before you retire tonight, lovely girl. I guarantee it will bring you sweet dreams!" Utterly bewildered, Freya managed a small curtsey. "Thank you my Lady, you are most kind. May I enquire as to what gift you have given me?" Drusilla's eyes narrowed. "My you are a naive little thing are you not? It is Ice-fire, of course!" her voice dropped to the merest whisper. "Don't tell the other girls - they will be terribly jealous!" She paused. "Now, finish your duties, sweet Freya - it is almost the Ninth Bell." As Freya turned to go, Drusilla gave her a long appraising look, taking in the mass of red hair that fell around the girl's sweet, lightly freckled face in cascades. It came halfway down her back in natural, glossy ringlets. She had piercing green eyes, full lips and lovely budding breasts that filled her apron rather nicely. She was medium tall, with a build that Drusilla would describe as willowy. There was a look of complete innocence about her. Clearly she was of age otherwise Nadia would never have hired her. She felt a little lurch down below as she thought of nuzzling between the girl's legs as Anders entered that sweet, pouting mouth. She took hold of Anders' hand to gain his attention and nodded at the girl's retreating back. Her husband took a long, smouldering look at the girl and nodded his approval before returning to his conversation with Pheobe. She had been telling him all about what she was going to be doing to him after the Ninth Bell and her hand was stroking him beneath the table with fingers as long and elegant as Drusilla's. If she went on like this, he'd not make it to the first strike. That mouth of hers made him quiver. In a daze, Freya finished serving the last table without further incident and was dragged through the door to the kitchens by an apoplectic Nadia just as the Ninth Bell sounded. "Where's you bin, girl? Told you no servants in the Hall after the Ninth!" Freya stammered. "But M-miss, it was her Ladyship-" She thought Nadia was going to hit her. "Don't Ladyship me, girl. Who d'you's think you is, blamin' her Ladyship?" She pointed at a huge pile of pots and pans. "Think of her Ladyship while yer cleanin' that lot..." Freya's heart sank as she approached the pile of dirty pans. The girl from the Empress Galina joined her, her face a mask of fury. It appeared she had done something to upset Nadia as well. Freya glanced around the kitchen. "Where's Triss and the others?" The girl glared at her. "Got allocated 'other duties'. I gets fuckin' pans again. Now fuckin' shut up an' scrub." Any further thoughts of conversation were banished by the girl's demeanour and for the next hour Freya played back her little tableau with Lady Drusilla to keep herself sane as the pile of pots and pans diminished slowly. Finally, her ordeal was over. Nadia handed her a coin purse which felt pleasantly heavy. She didn't dare open it and count it in front of the woman. Instead she thanked her and made her way back down to the town. Thankfully the snow had held off. She caught up with the girl she had been cleaning pots with. Something had been nagging at her all night. "So - why aren't we allowed in the hall after the Ninth Bell? Where did Triss and them go? Not seen them since it rang." The girl turned to her. She looked on the brink of tears. She picked up a huge handful of snow and balled it up. She screamed at Freya, "Oh fuck roight off, you silly little bitch!" She launched the snowball at her, narrowly missing her head and catching her on the shoulder. She ran off down the hill crying, leaving Freya as bewildered as she had been with Lady Drusilla and brushing snow from her cloak. **Chapter Two - Don't Touch!** Freya got home to the cottage she shared with two other girls, shivering against the cold and trying not to disturb the girls sleeping in the rooms next to hers. She couldn't wait to move out into her own cottage, but that seemed a long way off. She'd need a lot more nights up at the Castle to afford a place of her own. At least it was cosy and comfortable and she had her own room and the girls were good company. Exhausted she got into bed and snuggled under her rough blankets for warmth. She had made sure the small fire would not go out through the night but she was still freezing from the walk home. She desperately wanted to give in to the feelings she had been having recently and touch herself 'down there'. She knew Triss did it and said it was wonderful. She had felt stirrings herself even before her coming of age but her mother's and the priest's warnings about it being sinful and wrong kept her from doing anything about it. Every time she thought of sliding her hand down below, she heard her mother's voice. "It's for dirty girls and cheap whores." The problem was it was getting harder to ignore the feelings almost by the day. She was well past eighteen Turns now - almost a woman, and she had not yet been kissed. She tossed and turned on her little bed unable to sleep, reliving over and over her interaction with Lady Drusilla. The woman was strikingly beautiful and she had said nice things about Freya, despite making her blush. She seemed almost playful and flirty - not the demon that some of the others made her out to be. Then she remembered the little gift Drusilla had given her. She had transferred it from her apron to her cloak pocket as she left the Castle hoping no-one would see. 'Sweet dreams' sounded like a nice proposition, although the name 'Ice-fire' did sound a little scary. She got out of bed and dug into her cloak pocket. She hadn't really looked at it properly before. It was a tiny bottle with a sliver of something shiny in the corner. What was she supposed to do with it? She snuggled down into the warmth of her bed again and broke the wax seal around the stopper. She had never done anything like this before and found her heart pattering ninety to the dozen. Something told her to stop, but after all, Her Ladyship had told her to use it. She thought of that soft, velvety voice. "I guarantee it will bring you sweet dreams!" She couldn't disobey a Lady, could she? Still none the wiser, she pulled out the cork. Immediately there was a soft hiss and the bottle became opaque with some sort of mist-like smoke as the shard dissolved. She held it up and caught a slightly musky whiff. It smelled enticing and she felt a little thrill run down her body. Slowly and tentatively she held it to her nose and sniffed again. This time, her stomach turned a somersault and she felt a glow from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. She knew she shouldn't go any further, but she was powerless to stop herself. She put a finger over one nostril and inhaled deeply. She felt the bottle slip from her grasp as her stomach gave another lurch and she began to fall down a long, spiralling slide that whirled faster and faster, making her head spin. If these were sweet dreams, she wondered what a nightmare would be like. She came to a shuddering stop. There was fog all around her - thick, swirling mist that she could not penetrate. She was lying helpless, unable to move as though the air itself had solidified around her. After long minutes lying, frozen to the spot, her heart pounding, she began to make out shapes in the mist. Something was writhing just below the surface. She strained to see what it was and as the mist cleared a little more, her heart almost stopped. It was a mass of writhing bodies - naked bodies. Limbs flowing over each other, hands caressing intimate parts. She began to hear soft moans, liquid noises, cries of ecstasy. She was horrified and thrilled at the same time. The small part of her that was clinging to reality wanted it to stop and the rest of her never wanted it to end. She watched for an age, willing the mist to clear and give her a better view. As the mist slowly began to dissipate, she found she could move her arms and legs a little. Her left hand found the bottle again and she sniffed hard, desperately trying to extinguish the last remaining shards of reality from her brain. As she watched on, she was aware of her right hand doing something that only 'dirty girls and cheap whores' do. If that is what they did, then she wanted to be a dirty, cheap whore. It felt incredible. She sniffed again realising there was nothing left in the bottle, but she also realised that there was nothing left of Freya in the real world; only this other girl in this amazing fantasy world. The bits of her that she wasn't supposed to touch felt on fire. Her fingers were exploring, going deep, making liquid noises of her own as the bodies in her vision writhed on. The mist began to dissolve as she went deeper, almost as if she were in control of it. The bodies took on more definition and she now could make out a small woman, rocking gently, head bobbing. She tried to match the rhythm of her hand movements to the girl's body and as she did so, she almost cried out as Triss's face appeared out of the murk. Her lovely clear, grey eyes were wide, her mouth open in a perfect 'O'. Freya could make out big hands gripping her hips as a man took her from behind. She gasped as she realised it was Lord Anders, his burning yellow eyes wide with lust. Triss was tossing under his onslaught, her face alive. Smiling, Triss crooked a finger at someone out of Freya's line of vision and she gasped as she saw something long, thick and huge slide into Triss's mouth. It looked impossibly long as it slipped all the way in and out a few times before the girl took it in one hand and began to lap and lick at it as Lord Anders continued his thrusting. The mist swirled again and Freya groaned in disappointment as Triss disappeared, but her heart leapt as she now saw long, silvery braids tossing as Lady Drusilla arched her back as she straddled someone, her slim fingers pulling at her own nipples, stretching them outwards, pulling on metal rings that adorned them. Her hand slid down between her legs and began to rub hard. Freya followed her lead and her left hand found that funny little nubbly piece of flesh just above the place she shouldn't touch. She gasped as she did so, thinking, 'So that's what it's for!' She watched Lady Drusilla for what seemed like hours until the woman pulled off and began to use her mouth on her partner. Freya was rubbing harder now and she saw those amazing yellow eyes go wide as the woman worked on the unknown man, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked, accentuating her high cheek- bones. Her eyes flashed, turning from yellow to almost silver in an instant. There was a guttural, feral grunt and something white and sticky began to flow from Her Ladyship's mouth, over her hands and the huge thing that was filling her mouth. She was groaning herself, squirming in ecstasy as her tongue and lips worked. The scene faded and Drusilla was replaced by the woman with black and white hair to whom Freya had served wine. It took her a moment to realise that the man doing things to her was not going where she shouldn't be touched; it was somewhere even darker and more forbidden. Freya tried to imagine what it must feel like. She thought for a moment the woman must be in agony, but she realised she was crying out for him to do it harder, faster. Clearly from the sounds she was making, she found it intensely pleasurable. The language she was using to urge him on was like nothing Freya had ever heard, even in the Tavern. Again the vision changed and Triss came back into view. Lord Anders was still taking her from the rear and the man in front of her was now thrusting into her mouth as hard as his Lordship. Triss's tiny body was shaking from the double onslaught and she was moaning loudly as they worked on her. The man in her mouth suddenly pulled out and Triss gripped him with her small hand. She jerked him twice and a spurt of the same sticky white fluid Freya had seen dribbling from Lady Drusilla's mouth erupted across her face. She groaned in pleasure as it struck her, spattering down her cheek and across her mouth. She ran her tongue along her lips as the man rubbed himself around her face, scooping up the residue of the liquid as she took him back inside, sucking noisily. Lord Anders now pulled out of her and another long, thick jet shot across her buttocks and the small of her back. Sighing deeply she put her hands on her sticky chin and gazed straight into Freya's eyes. Lady Drusilla's face appeared alongside her, lapping at her with an almost impossibly long tongue. Freya could now see her pointed ears more clearly. With those ears, silvery hair and amazing eyes, she looked so otherworldly and exotic. She also turned to look directly at Freya. Her voice was a husky purr. "Sweet dreams, little Freya, sweet dreams." Triss was grinning as Drusilla resumed licking her. "Soon, Freya, soon!" They both gave her a little wave and there was a sudden yellow flash in Triss's eyes and a lurch in Freya's tummy and she was falling back away from the vision, tumbling back down the slide she had arrived upon. She even had the presence of mind to wonder how she felt that she was falling on her way back as well as on her way there. As the vision faded and she came back to reality, Freya realised that her back was arched off the bed and her blankets were in a heap on the floor. Three fingers of her right hand were deep inside her, the first and second fingers of her left hand scrubbing frantically at her fleshy little bulb. As eighteen Turns-old Freya Lindgard experienced her first ever orgasm, her body shook uncontrollably, her red hair tossing, her muscles and sinews stretching. She was screaming inwardly, desperate not to make a sound. She heard the muffled toll of the Second Bell from the town square as she finally slumped onto the bed and pulled the covers back over her now sweating, trembling body. She sniffed her fingers and licked them tentatively. She liked what she smelled and tasted. She liked how she felt down there where she shouldn't touch herself. By the time the Third Bell sounded, she had touched herself twice more and even tried putting a finger where the black and white haired woman had taken her lover. Freya Lindgard now knew what happened after the Ninth Bell. She slept long and soundly and her dreams were very sweet indeed. **Chapter Three - Is You Comin' With Me?** Freya was sure her mother would know when she visited her that Saintsday in the village an hour's ride from the town. She felt guilty and exhilarated in equal measure as she had woken but her naughty little secret seemed safe for now. There was no way she was going to tell the priest - Triss told her that the first and only time she had confessed about it, she was sure he was doing something he shouldn't on the other side of the confessional. She couldn't wait to see Triss, but their shifts only crossed by an hour as Freya's ended at the Fourth Bell and Triss's started at the Third. She had ridden her hired horse hard to get back in time after seeing her mother but was crestfallen when the girl didn't show up on time and hoped nothing was wrong. As her shift ended, she spoke to Tenby and the fat owner's chins had wobbled as he told her. "Business up at the Castle, she sez. She bin 'elping out at a big party up there. Waitressin' and all. Goin' on all weekend by looks of it. Shift's yours if yer wants it. Saintsday evening's usually quiet..." It sounded good to Freya. The extra coin would be welcome and would help with her quest to find her own cottage. She just hoped the Castle work would be regular. For the first time since she had received it from Nadia, she remembered the coin purse. She ran to the back room and took it from her cloak pocket. To her delight, she counted out twelve Crowns and there was another token in there for the following week. She had been retained. It was Midweekday before she caught up with Triss. The girl sidled up to her as she was pulling a pint of stout for old Banyers. "You's lookin' diff'rent!" Her smile was pure wickedness. "Hopes you washed yer handies before y' started yer shift! Told yer it were'mazin', din't I?" Freya handed Banyers his beer and he belched his appreciation. She took Triss to one side. "Was that really you?" Triss laughed. "Fuckin' right it were! Four of uzz get 'Selected' each week. You shoulda stayed longer - it got right fuckin' hot later on. Fort it would never end! You looked like you was enjoyin' your'sen though - them little pawsies workin' hard. And you knows what the clit'ris is for at last!" Freya smiled shyly. She whispered, "Is that the little bobble that makes you feel all quivery when you touch it?" Triss shook her head. "You's gotta lot to learn, girl!" She dropped her voice and purred. "Aye it is - and's even better when summ'un licks at it,'specially Dru!" Freya was about to answer when Tenby wobbled over. "Hoi, pays you two to serve drinks, not natter to each uvver. Get to it!" Triss picked up a tray. "Needs to talkies - I's on me break at the Seventh Bell. Meet uzz in the Empress!" Freya was a few minutes early. She rarely visited the Empress Galina. For a start, they thought they were much better than the Dragon's Nest, but their beer was not a patch on Tenby's and cost a fair few pennies more. Her heart sank as the waitress came over. It was the girl from the other night - the one who had sworn at her and thrown the snowball. She smiled sheepishly at Freya. "Looks, I'm sozz about t'other night... I were just a bit..." She tailed off looking embarrassed, head down. Freya smiled back. Knowing what she knew now, she felt sorry for the girl. "I understand now - I found out what happens." She left it there - no way was the girl getting the full story. "I take it you were not selected?" The girl shook her head sadly. "Again. Apart from being great fun, it's another fifty Crowns!" She glanced round as Triss entered the tavern. She cocked her head at her. "Wish I 'ad 'er luck!" Triss tapped her on the bottom. "No luck, Rinke; jus' pure talent!" "Yeah, and not a care of who puts what where. Just cuz I doesn't give up me arse, I'm put on pot duty." She turned to Freya. "If you want to get on up there..." she nodded her head towards the distant Castle,... "you gotta allow back-alley access along with the rest, if you catch my meaning." A few nights ago, Freya wouldn't have understood a word. Now she knew graphically what the girl meant. Triss looked at her sadly. "I'll put in a word for you, Rinke honest. Say you're gettin' there." "Thanks Triss - I'm tryin', but Cade don't like it. Sez it's unnatural." "Just takes a nice blast of Ice-fire first!" "No chance - makes me tummy go all wobbly an' I throws up!" She glanced at the empty table. "Talkin' too much and you needs drinks. Two 'Ords' for you girls?" Freya and Triss nodded and Rinke left. She came back a few minutes later. "Two pints o' Cade's finest Ordinary Ale." She put the beers down and smiled at Freya. "On the 'ouse for me bein' shitty to ya. You two working this weekend?" Triss nodded. "Thinks I needs a week off after the last'un but can't keep uzz away! Freya got her token, din't you?" Freya looked puzzled. "How'd you know?" The girl tapped her nose. "Nuffin' gets past Triss!" She looked up at Rinke and held up her tankard. "Cheers Rinke. Promise I'll talkies to Dru." Rinke's face was a picture. She shrugged at Freya. "Fuckin' hell - here's you and me bowin' and scrapin' to the good Lady Drusilla and Madame here's on first name terms wi' her!" She mimed hitting Triss over the head with her tray and walked back to the bar, repeating, "I'll talkies to Dru... Promise I'll talkies to Dru...," mimicking Triss's Southland accent. Triss looked across at Freya. "Poor kid. Nuffin' to do with where she lets 'em put it. All about commitment. Sum'o'vum see fiffy Crowns and think that's all what matters." She went all dreamy for a moment. "I'd do it fer nuffin', I swear to the Saints." She came back to reality. "Sozzo - I were off on one there." She took a sip of beer and gave Freya a sly little smile. "So, you liked the Ice-fire, I takes it?" Freya drank and smiled as she thought back. "I thought I was turning inside out, then I see you doing all sorts of naughty things. How in the Name of the Saints does it work?" "Dunno. Dun't care. Just let's uzz see uzz deepest desires I'm told. Me 'n' Dru wanted to see you wankin'. Looks like you wanted to see what goes on after Ninth Bell!" She paused. "And 'fore you ask, wankin's wot you was doin' down there with yer dirty little pawsies." Freya laughed. "Saints, Triss - the things I saw you do! That man putting that huge thing in your mouth. Lady Drusilla kissing that stuff on your face. Lord Anders behind you..." She trailed off, still barely able to believe what she had witnessed. Triss burst out laughing. "Oh Saints, thinks we needs to teach you some new wordsies, dearest. That 'thing' is called a 'cock' and Daniel shotted his cum all over my sweet face while Anders fucked my pussy from b'hind me. 'Deer- hound-style' they tells me it's called. Then me 'n' Dru snowballed - swappin' cum, like - an' after you faded out we sucked each other's cunts 'till uzz nosies bledded!" Freya was loving it. She had never heard the like before, but already was becoming addicted. "It's proper an education, tonight!" She wanted to try it herself. She thought for a moment. "So I wanked my cunt watching you while I rubbed my clut...clid... what was it again?" "Clit'ris. If yer posh like Dru, it's a clit-or-is. Clit for shorts. You fingered yer clit and stretched yer sloppy pussy lips wide. Aye - we's sawed yer, girl. You's may have faded out early but we's watched yer till yer licked yer mucky little fingers clean." Freya said the words a few more times to herself, getting the feel for them. "Triss, I wanked my cunt and clit twice more that night as I imagined the cum dripping off your chin. I did it again last night thinking of Lady Drusilla licking it off your face and I put a finger in my arse as I thought of the black and white haired woman being arse-fucked." She looked at Triss with a shy little smile. "Not very good at it yet and it sounds very naughty, but I like saying it!" Triss took a long pull of beer and sat back contentedly. "Praise the Saints, there be hope for the girl yet! Not bad, Lindgard, not bad for first effort! Freya sighed and looked down at her drink. "I wish I could have stayed all night it was so exciting, but something dragged me back " "Sozz
it din't last long, but it be powerful stuff. T'were a light dose to start you off. You gets more used to it and you learns to control it. I's gettin' better each time. Harder you wants summat, easier it gets!" She looked at her friend earnestly. "Frey - if you keeps comin' to the Castle, you _will_ be Selected. May's not be this week or next, but when Dru setted eyes on you, she knewed you were a cert." Freya put her hand on her chin. "Did you by any chance set me up knowing this would happen?" Triss drained her glass. "Me? Sweet little Triss the bar-girl? Do that to 'er bessie friend, Freya the virgin?" She grinned. "Course I fuckin' did! S'time for you to shine, sweet Freya Lindgard. You don' see it, but heads turns when you walks into a room - the taproom o' the Dragon's Nest or the Bankettin' Hall o' the Great Castle - don't make no difference. I were like you a quarter-Turn ago - sweet, innocent, naive. You sawed me the other night. You sawed a little of what I's capable of now. You can be just like it, Frey - there be Princes and Noblemen at Dru's parties. We can dream, girl. We don' have t'be tavern wenches all uzz lives." She rose from her seat. "Gotta be back on dooty. So, Freya Lindgard - one last fing. I's is goin' on a wild adventure. Is you comin' with me?" Freya drained her glass in turn. It took no thought whatsoever. She stood up and held her hand out. "Yes, Triss. I's is comin' with you. All the way!" Triss took her hand and shook it. "Good girl!" She kissed Freya's fingers making the girl shudder. She glanced at the tavern clock and sighed. "Fuck it! Back to reality 'fore Tenby sacks me." As her friend left, Freya walked over to the bar and thanked Rinke for the drink. "See you Sattersday - I hope you get selected Rinke!" "Me too! Hopes you do too!" Freya shook her head. "Too early. I'm not ready yet." **Chapter Four - Just Another Sattersday Night** Nadia took the token from the last girl through the door and gave her usual un-welcoming speech. A couple of new girls had joined them and they looked terrified. Once she had assigned them their tasks, she scurried off to Lady Drusilla's private chamber. She reeled off the list of names to her Ladyship who listened with rapt attention. She pondered for a moment. "We'll definitely have Ingrid and Heidi - they're getting very close. Now let me see... I think we'll give Triss a week off. I know she's a certainty, but we like to keep them keen! Don't want her getting too complacent!" Grinning at Nadia she gave her a small bag. "Give her this as she leaves - help alleviate her disappointment! Tell her that Freya gets to share - still too early for her unfortunately. Please don't send her into the hall, Nadia. I'll be too Saints-damned tempted and she's not quite ready yet." Nadia nodded. "No problems, Dru. Got it. Still leaves two." "It does... hmmm... right, let's give Rinke another go." "But you said..." "I know, Nadia - but I think she deserves one more go at it. We know she's not fully committed and it's more for the coin with her. And of course, she wants children..." Nadia bowed her head. "Nuffin' wrong with that, Dru. You knows full well." Drusilla put an hand on her shoulder. "And you've served us well these last five years, Nad. As has Jak and we love having the children around. It helps us sometimes - you know, since we...can't..." Her voice caught as she said the last word. "I knows Dru, and if there were anyfink I could do, you knows I would..." Drusilla kissed her on the head. "I know, sweet Nadia, but we have tried everything for so long." She sighed. "So, like we did with you, we still may be able to tempt Rinke to live with us. I hear Cade brews fine ale. Bet Jak would be happy not to be trailing down to the town for his drink!" Shaking herself, she became business-like again. "Anyway - one left from three." She shook her head from side to side, deciding. "Lolli? Gerda? Janis?" After a pause, she put her hands on her hips and nodded her head. "Oh fuck it, I'm feeling horny tonight - we'll have all three!" Grinning, Nadia made a note and turned to leave. "Oh, and Nad..." The woman turned back. Drusilla had a sly smile on her face. "I hear Jak's away hunting up north. Come see me tomorrow when the kids are a-bed?" Nadia blew her a kiss and hurried back to the kitchen. She was nicer to the girls that night. As the Ninth Bell rang, Freya looked around the kitchen disconsolately. She had not even been into the Banqueting Hall tonight. She hadn't expected to be selected, but she was so looking forward to seeing the Hall again and gazing in wonder at the guests. And of course, Lady Drusilla. At least she was not washing pots and pans - the new girls had got that job. She was on the second round of plates and cutlery so at least she'd be away earlier than last week. But of course no Ice-fire for later. She ran the water into the huge sink and felt a presence next to her. She turned in shock. Triss was standing next to her, shaking much as Rinke had done the previous week. Freya made to say something but Triss stopped her friend, holding her hand up. "Don' say nuffin' Frey or I'll fuckin' start bubblin'" She sniffed and wiped her nose on her sleeve. "Least Rinke got anuvver go." She sniffed again. "Roight - don't break nuffin' or it's a Crown out yer wages..." She plunged her hands into the sink and got to work. They were done before the Tenth Bell and wondered why Nadia seemed so happy for a change, especially Triss, who was taken to one side out of Freya's sight and given the little package. She tucked it into her cloak pocket smiling as Nadia whispered something in her ear. "Thanks Nadia - loud 'n' clear!" The two girls walked in silence down the path back to the town arm in arm. It had started to snow again and it was swirling around them as they trudged along, their booted feet kicking up little flurries as they went. As they reached the point where Rinke had thrown the snowball at her, Freya decided to cheer her friend up. She scooped up a handful of snow and giggling, rubbed it in Triss's face. The girl scowled at her and narrowed her eyes. "Roight, Missy - not the kind o' snowballin' I's had in mind t'night, but if yer wants it that way..." She bent down and scooped up her own handful. Five minutes later the girls were lying in the snow, laughing uncontrollably. Their faces were red and they were covered in white from head to toe, their chests were heaving with exertion. Triss bobbed to her feet and pulled Freya after her. "Thanks, Frey - needed a larf, I's did!" She looked at the outlines they had left in the snow. "Lookie, we did make Snow-Saints!" She cuddled her in and they continued on their way. They were shivering as they got to Triss's cottage. It was still a fair step to Freya's and the snow was getting heavier. In the distance a wolverine howled. There was no way they'd come into town, but it gave Triss her chance. "C'mon, bunk wi' me t'night. Too cold to be goin' on yer'sen and them wolfies is on the prowl!" Freya didn't need to be asked twice. They stumbled into the warmth of the kitchen and shook themselves off. Once they had dried themselves, Triss pointed to a door in the corner. "Lolli's got selected so you can have 'er room if yer like. First, got somefin' to show yer!" She took Freya by the hand praying things would turn out as she hoped and Lolli's room would remain unused. She led her into her small bedroom and pushed her onto a rickety little chair. She sat on the bed and dug into her shoulder bag. She cocked an eye at Freya. "If you broked these wiff that snowball fight..." She grinned triumphantly as she opened her bag. "Oh Drusilla, I loves you, lady!" She pulled out a long, narrow tube of about a hands-length. She had a playful little smile on her lips. "Mmm, Willow-weed!" She put the tube to her lips and sucked gently. She closed her eyes and sighed deeply. A little wisp of smoke escaped her lips and she giggled softly. "Ooh, makeses all tingly." She sucked again and held it out to Freya. She took it laughing. "You look like the dragon on the crest" Triss held her hands up as claws and roared. "Twice as fiercer though!" Freya looked at it quizzically. "Not like them pipes they smoke in the tavern, is it?" "Yuck no! Go on, nice and sweet, t'is. Got me a lovely little tingle goin' on!" Freya put it to her mouth and sucked. It tasted minty and pleasant. It wasn't quite as strong as the Ice-fire, but she immediately felt - as Triss had said - a nice little tingle flow through her. She tensed herself, expecting the lurch in her tummy, but it never came. Tentatively, she took another suck on it. Her eyes widened and the glow intensified. Her whole body was tingling; certain areas more than others. Triss held her hand out and took back the tube. "Got somefin' else!" She dug into the bag once more and Freya gasped as she saw what the girl pulled out. It was a long, glass or crystal tube with a large protuberance at one end and little ridges all the way down to a long, curved handle covered in leather. There were indentations in the handle. Even to Freya's innocent eye, there was no mistaking the purpose. The fire in her lower regions seemed to intensify at the sight of the thing. They got even hotter as Triss ran the tip of it around her mouth and licked the end. She took another pull on the Willow-weed and handed it back to Freya. She gave her friend a very meaningful look. "Nadia sez her Ladyship tolded her we done gotta sharesies both o' these!" Freya swallowed hard as Triss began to hitch up her long, heavy skirts. They were thick to combat the harsh winter and she struggled to get them up. In the end, she stood up. "Oh fucks it - only one way..." She tugged hard and pulled the hem high and tucked it around her waist. Freya almost passed out at what she saw. Not only was Triss not wearing underwear; she was completely clean-shaven. "Triss - you've got... you've got no knicks on... and you're all baldy!" Triss smiled ruefully. "Fort I were gonna be Selected, din't I? Silly little Triss fort no needs for knicks. Losted me best pair in the Hall last time nevers to be seed again, so left 'em off. Hubris - that's what it's called. 'Excessive pride or self-confidence' as me old Teach would say. Hubris. Loikes that word, I does! Hyoo-briss..." Despite her shock, Freya laughed. "Hubris? Big word for you, Latrissa!" Triss sat back on the bed, her legs wide. "Hoi, Missy - I may talk funny, but I's very 'telligent. Quite the scholar I were. Got a very wide vocalab... vocabble... knows lotsa big words, I does." Ignoring Freya sitting opposite her with tears of laughter streaming down her face, she went on, stroking her shaven area. "Nadia does this f'r'uzz when we gets Selected. Really nice lady once you knows 'er - she were like uzz once but din't go for full Elevation." She looked at Freya. "Jabberin' on, I is. 'Nuff talksies..." She grunted as she ran the glass tube across her pussy lips and around her clitoris. The thing looked huge to Freya and she could see her friend's fingers whitening as she gripped the leather handle tightly. She gasped as the head of the tube slipped inside her before pulling it out and licking the end once more. Freya sucked on the Willow-weed and the intensity down below grew by the second. Without thinking, she got down on her hands and knees in front of Triss to get a better view. As Triss slid the whole glass tube inside her, she groaned. Freya's head began to spin. She felt that she was being pushed gently by an invisible hand. Her mouth opened as Triss slid the tube from her pussy. The smell was incredible - it seemed to be amplified by the Willow-weed. Triss held the tube up to her. She poked out her tongue and felt another tingle run through her body as she touched it to the tip. She closed her mouth over the end and tasted her friend's juices. Before she knew what she was doing, she pulled away from the tube and ran her tongue up and down Triss's now swollen pussy lips and sucked gently on her clitoris. She felt Triss stiffen and heard her gasp, her hand sliding into Freya's thick curls. It seemed to break the spell. Freya sat back, her eyes wide in shock. She looked up at her friend. "Oh Saints, Triss - I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. Something just seemed to compel me to do that..." Smiling, Triss held up the Willow-weed. "Good, innit!" Freya sat there stunned. "That made me do...?" She pointed at Triss's pussy, glistening with juices in the candlelight. "Like the Ice-fire - only makes yer do wass deep in yer little brain-box!" She tapped her head before pulling on the Willow-weed again. Freya shook her head. "So I really want to? Oh Saints, Triss..." Triss stood and pulled Freya to her feet. "Yes, you really wants... I really wants..." She ran her tongue along Freya's lips and insinuated it into her mouth. At first she got no response, but slowly, she felt Freya's tongue begin to move, her lips pressing back against hers. She felt hands in the middle of her back sliding down to her bare buttocks. One hand slid round and cupped her pubic area. Freya pulled her mouth away from Triss. The girl's teeth had been nibbling at her lip and she'd had to pull hard. She put her hands on each side of her friend's face and stared into her eyes. She could feel her soft, silky blonde hair against her fingers, her warm breath on her own face. She could see the look in her eyes and could feel the fire in her own area that until so recently she could not touch. Triss almost screamed in delight as she felt Freya begin to pull her down onto the bed. Freya's voice was a hoarse whisper. "Oh, Triss, yes, yes, yes - I really so fuckin' wants..." **Chapter Five - Ice-fire** The next two weeks followed the same format. Triss was selected; Freya was not. That meant she walked home alone. She hoped that one of the other non- Selectees may want to work out their frustrations with her, but she was out of luck. She was beginning to think it was all a dream and that she'd never get Selected and her life would be as ordinary as the beer the Empress Galina served. Triss and she had been together twice since their first night. The second time seemed strange to Freya. She was expecting it to be different without the Willow-weed, but she realised that all the drug had done was amplify the thoughts and feelings already there. Triss was so gentle with her and she'd taught her so much in such a short space of time. And it may have been her imagination, but the last time they had been together, she could have sworn she had seen a flash of yellow in Triss's eyes as she came. It was difficult for them when they had the shared hour of their shifts at the Dragon's Nest. They kept finding themselves in cramped areas together, longing to touch and kiss each other, but they dared not. Most nights on Triss's break, they would meet at the Empress Galina just so they could spend time together. After her last Selection, Rinke had been told she was no longer required. She seemed resigned to it. "Oh well, had me fun an' earned a few Crowns. Least Cade don't have to rear-end me no more!" She had looked at Freya. "You still not been asked then?" Freya shook her head. "No not yet. I think they see me as an expert dish washer. I'll still be scrubbing their pans when I'm old and grey." She missed the wink that Triss gave Rinke as the girl put down their drinks. As Rinke walked back to the bar, she mimed over Freya's shoulder, "This week?" Freya thought Triss was nodding at something she had said, but Rinke went back to the bar smiling. She liked the girls and hoped they'd be Elevated. Nadia had been honest with her and told her the reason. She was sworn to secrecy and had no intentions of giving anything away. Besides, she now needed to talk to Cade about the offer of setting up a brewery at the Castle. Maybe the tavern wench and brewer's lad could go up in the world after all. Freya now dreaded Triss going back to her shift. She wanted to kiss her so badly. They finished their beers and she said goodnight as they reached the door. Triss stopped dead in her tracks in the open doorway. "Shit, almos' forgotted. She'd have fuckin' killded me!" She handed a small envelope to Freya and the girl watched her running away across the square towards the Dragon's Nest without a word. She looked quizzically at her gift. There was nothing on the envelope. She thought better of opening it in the tavern which was beginning to fill up as the evening progressed. Triss was chuckling to herself as ran on past the Dragon's Nest and took the path leading up to the Castle. When she had told Dru about the night she and Freya had spent, the woman was in raptures. "We will make it soon, little Triss, I promise." She handed Triss two envelopes. "One for each of you. If all goes well then Freya will be on the road to Elevation, following in the footsteps of our wonderful new friend Latrissa!" Triss hadn't 'forgotted' to give her the envelope at all. She had been dying to give it to her friend for days, but had to wait for the right time. It was all just part of the plan - to make it all seem casual, not part of a greater scheme. Freya walked the short distance back to the cottage knowing the other girls were out. Salli was working with Triss at the Nest - or so she thought - and Stine said she had a job over by the harbour in a restaurant. Salli was convinced that most of Stine's work took place on the boats in the harbour on her back. For some reason, Freya thought of her mother back in the village. She would be in bed by now. Early in everything she did except give birth to Freya. She had waited until the right man had come along, so therefore according to her, so could her daughter. Except there was no way Freya was going to wait another twenty two years. She lay on her bed, her hand gently touching herself. No more 'the place that should not be touched.' She knew some new words now and they fascinated her. The thrill of whispering them to herself as she worked was an aphrodisiac. Her cunt. Her pussy. Her tits. She pulled on her nipples as she had seen Lady Drusilla do and gasped. She conjured up a vision of Lord Anders standing over her. She whispered to herself, "Hey Anders, fuck my slippery wet cunt with that fucking big cock." She giggled to herself, still feeling a pang of guilt which made it all the more pleasurable. She opened the envelope. There was another vial of Ice-fire in there, this one a little bigger than the first she had been given. There was a tiny, handwritten note with the dragon crest in the top corner. 'Tenth Bell. Tonight. Love, Dru.' She put down the envelope with a trembling hand. She drew back the bedroom curtain and looked up at the town square clock. It wasn't even close to the Ninth Bell yet. All she wanted to do was to rip the top off the vial and inhale deeply. To be transported somewhere else, hopefully to watch Lady Drusilla doing something utterly filthy and depraved. Time seemed to stand still for her. She couldn't believe how hard it was for her not to keep touching herself having only started doing it a few days earlier. She almost wore the curtain rail out looking out at the clock. At last the clock hands were almost in position. She was already naked. She slid under her blankets, one hand poised by her aching pussy, the other on the cork of the vial. As the Tenth Bell struck, she flipped the top and almost jammed the narrow neck up her nose so as to not lose any of the precious Ice-fire. She inhaled deeply and switched to the other nostril. She felt the lurch in her stomach and the precipitous slide began. She was spinning violently, tumbling head over heels, her long red hair flying around her. It seemed to go on forever this time. She was becoming nauseous, her head reeling, colours flashing around her. Then everything seemed to go into reverse and her fall slowed dramatically. She floated the last few feet and felt herself surrounded by feather-like softness. There was no mist this time. She clearly saw Lady Drusilla, visible from her shoulders to her waist, her silvery hair now back in its familiar long tresses. She was naked and facing away from Freya. She arched her back and as she did, the view of her pulled back and got wider. Freya could now see she was straddling someone, her arms around his neck. Her buttocks were moving almost imperceptibly in a circular, grinding motion. She looked over her shoulder and grinned at Freya. "Ah, sweet girl. How good of you to join us! This is my lovely friend Daniel whom you saw deposit his not inconsiderable load onto your divine little friend Latrissa's pretty face recently. Lord Anders regrets his unavailability this evening, but Daniel will deputise admirably as ever! She pulled up, revealing a long, fat cock between her parted legs and buttocks, glistening with her juices in the candlelight. Freya let out a little whimper of longing. She tried to reach her pussy, but her hands felt like they were in thick jelly. Drusilla grinned at her. "No cheating, dear girl! No self gratification!" She began to ride the cock hard and Freya's whimpers turned to a groan of disappointment. Freya struggled but could not move a muscle. "Please, Lady Drusilla. Allow me some movement. I long to feel myself while watching you." "Now now, little Freya. Patience, girl! All good things, yes?" She waved an admonishing finger at the girl. "Have you any idea how good this feels, Freya? This lovely big cock sliding in and out of my soaking wet pussy? Daniel's big hands on my arse, my tits. His lips sucking on my nipples, teeth nibbling." She threw back her head, her silky hair flying. "Oh fuck, girl it feels so good!" Freya was beside herself. "Lady Drusilla, I beg you!" Her voice sounded hoarse. Her Ladyship stopped her grinding and grinned over her shoulder again. Her voice was playful and husky. "Call me Dru!" 'I'll call you Divine Goddess if I have to,' thought Freya. "Lady Dr... Dru. Please allow me release!" "Ah sweet girl. I can do better than that. So much better than that. Just give me a little more'me' time if you'd be so kind... nearly there..." She resumed her bucking and Daniel began to rise up to meet her down-strokes. Freya could hear her buttocks slamming into his thighs, her grunts as she rode. She rode him hard for full minute. Her voice was breathless as she once more stopped dead. "Mmm, thank you Daniel - very nice for the first course!" She slid off him and curled into a ball by his side. She turned to Freya. "So, little nymph... how about you take my place?" Her's and Daniel's eyes seemed to glow even more brightly for an instant and Freya let out a piercing scream as in an eye-blink she found herself impaled on Daniel's huge erection. She felt a tearing as her hymen broke, pain coursing through her, tears streaming down her face. A hand reached up and held something under her nose. She inhaled and the pain faded into nothingness. A soft silk kerchief wiped her face dry. From lying there incapable of movement to being filled by a huge cock had taken a split second. She looked down into Daniel's handsome face, her own a mask of shock and delight. She took three deep breaths and let out a little breathy moan. She felt a gentle hand reach out and stroke her hair. She turned and Drusilla was smiling at her. Freya could only manage one word. "How?" Drusilla continued stroking her. "Don't ask for now - you have much to learn, sweet girl. Just be grateful it does it! Are you more comfortable now?" She stroked her hand across Freya's skin just beneath her tummy button and above her flaming red bush. "Yes, La... Dru, thank you. The pain is gone." She turned to Daniel and tried to compose herself. She was utterly elated. She gazed down at him not believing the feeling inside her. Something in the drug seemed to make her more confident and she felt she should introduce herself. "Hello, I'm Freya!" She ran her hands through his beard, traced the line of his aquiline nose and kissed him on the lips. He kissed her back, his big hands gripping her hips. "Delighted, fair Freya. I am Daniel. It is my sheer pleasure to take your maidenhead!" Drusilla purred in her throat, her yellow eyes glistening with lust. "Oh shut up and fuck, you two!" Freya turned her head, aware of almost nothing but the hugeness filling her. She gasped, "But Dru, I know not how!" The woman shrugged. "You saw me do it. Your turn. Better hurry in case the Ice-fire wears off!" That got Freya's attention. She pulled up as Drusilla had done, so that the head of his cock was pressing on her outer lips. She sat back down with a low groan that tore through the heart of Drusilla. The girl was stunning and seeing her fuck for the first time was a massive turn-on. She wanted her all for herself, but she was prepared to let the girl have all the pleasure today. She knew there'd be more opportunities soon and once she was back alone with Daniel he'd have her screaming her lungs out as ever. Encouraged by Daniel's gentle hands, Freya set up a rhythmic motion, letting out little grunts of delight each time her buttocks reached his thighs. If only Triss could see her now! She began to feel as she had done the first time she had fingered herself; something rising and building within her. Slender hands slipped around her waist and moved up to caress her breasts. A low, sultry voice in her ear. "Tell the nice man what you want, Freya. Tell him you deepest desire." Daniel began to push against her as he had done to Drusilla. Emboldened, she thought hard, going through her words in her mind as she rode him. She was getting close. "Oh fuck me you dirty fucking crabbit, making me fucking come. Fuck my cunt until I scream." He did. Drusilla pulled Freya's head back and clamped her lips to the girl's. She came, screaming into Drusilla's open mouth as the woman pinched her nipples, sending shockwaves through her. Daniel was ramming into her, his big hands gripping her hips, pulling her down hard as he rode up. He looked at her beautiful face contorted in absolute ecstasy and it was all he could do to hold on himself. But he knew there was one more thing Dru wanted to see. As Freya pulled away from Drusilla, sobbing for air, her chest heaving, he slowed. He felt her muscles grip down on him as she ground out one last racking orgasm. He groaned in pleasure. No virgin should be as good as this. Drusilla was right - this was going to be a very special girl indeed. She put her forehead against his and moved down to kiss him. "Thank you Daniel. I shall remember my deflowering until my dying day!" Between Drusilla and Daniel, they lifted her off his still rock hard erection. There were traces of blood on it from her defloration. Drusilla produced a damp towel and cleaned him off. She gestured to Freya with an open hand. The girl took the huge cock in her small hand and stroked it. It felt so hard, so hot, so beautiful. Daniel knew he had little left. First Drusilla and now this exquisite young girl had left him on the brink. Guided by a gentle hand on the back of her head, Freya slowly moved towards the head of Daniel's cock, her rosebud mouth opening as she got closer. He could feel her hot breath on his glans and groaned as she closed her lips around it. He knew from the first instant that the girl was a natural. She stroked, nibbled, licked and sucked. From the first touch of her tongue on the velvety head, she was hooked. She held her mouth open over the head, breathing on it before closing down and sucking gently. Drusilla came ever closer. She had been expecting to show the girl some moves but she had no need. Daniel came as they worked their way up each side of his shaft, lips and tongues mirroring each other as they got higher and higher before meeting at the top. Freya felt the pulse in his cock as her lips worked, but she had no time to accept her reward. She felt the now familiar lurch in her stomach and was ripped backwards as the salty white jet burst forth hitting Drusilla on the cheek, chin and shoulders. Drusilla held out her hand and Freya, seemingly in mid-air, grabbed at it. She clung onto the woman hoping she could stop the inevitable. She screamed out, "Fuck no! Not yet, please let me stay!" She felt her grasp slipping as she began to spin. She saw Daniel reach out, also trying to stop her but whatever magic the Ice-fire had weaved was done. Drusilla had her hand to her cheek. She ran it through Daniel's cum and held it up. Just before she was whipped back down into the vortex, Freya stretched her fingertips and touched them to Drusilla's. As she crashed back into her tiny bed, she could hear a small voice echoing inside her head. "See you on Sattersday, sweet Freya. Latrissa will be proud of you!" Tears of pure joy and no little frustration ran down her face. She looked at her finger ends, sticky with the Daniel's cum. She held them over her open mouth and sucked the salty fluid, holding it there, running it around her mouth and face, getting used to the feel of it. At last there was nothing left but a sticky residue. She moved over to her wash basin and poured out some cold water, reluctantly washing the last of the spoils from her hands and face. Now the effects of the Ice-fire was wearing off, she began to feel a dull ache deep inside where her maidenhead had been broken. She felt a sharp pang of guilt as she realised there may come a time in the future when she would need to prove her virginity. She quickly buried that thought and shrugged off the discomfort. If Triss was right, there would be no need to worry. The pain wouldn't last and they'd not be working taverns for long. As she fell into a deep and untroubled sleep, Freya Lindgard sent out a little prayer of thanks to Latrissa Stensson, the best friend any girl could wish for. **Chapter Six - The Motive** At that moment, Latrissa Stensson was lying in the arms of Lady Drusilla in the Grand Castle having just watched - unknown to her - her best friend lose her virginity inches from her own face. She snuggled into Drusilla. "Saints, Dru - her face when she cummed. It were so fuckin' beaut'ful I nigh on cried." She paused. "Then I done did fuckin' bubble when she got dragged back. Look on her face - jus' missin' out on Daniel's lovely load. Saints, what a way to lose yer 'ginity. So much better'n a fumble in Dragon's Nest cellar wi' the brewer's lad!" Drusilla laughed, stroking Triss's cheek. "Ah, sweet Latrissa - no more fumbles in the dark for you. No more brewer's lads. Only sheer euphoria and fabulous orgasms. Don't worry about Freya. She'll learn to control the Ice- fire. You're getting so good at it - look at you tonight. I could see you there next to us even though you were in the adjoining room. You flickered once or twice, but you kept going to the end!" "How's it work?" "We don't know. All we know is, it slows ageing and enhances... other areas. In smaller doses and distilled as Willow-weed it induces mild euphoria - which is quite nice when you are having beautiful sex. Then in larger doses, you can literally teleport. Your body stays where it is but somehow another part of you ends up where you want to be. It becomes easier with practice. That's why poor Freya missed her little reward - just not enough experience. Look at Daniel - he was here for nearly three bells tonight, and he was back to his home in the West Marshes in an eye-blink." Triss purred. "It's'mazin'. Loves it, I does! Loves you too, Lady Dru..." Drusilla's heart melted. "You's'mazin' too, Triss. Loves you too, so's I does!" Triss looked up at her in wonder. "When's you learn talk Southland?" The woman laughed. "When I were borned there. Just learned posh when I done got Elevated!" "Shudda knowed you were a True-blood! Does that mean I need learn posh when I's Elevated?" "No, sweet girl. When you are Lady Latrissa and running your own Grand Banquets, you can introduce them as you wish." She switched to Southland dialect. "So roight then, I's is Triss. Welcomes to uzz Bank Wet. Noine Bells azz chimed. Start fuckin'!" Triss was in hysterics. She slapped Drusilla on the tummy. "Stop takin' piss. I talk funny, but I fuck serious." "Oh you certainly do, young Triss, you certainly do." Triss became serious for a moment. "Dru... why you's all do this? Elevates us and stuff? Not complainin' nor nuffin', but what's in it for you's?" Drusilla edged up onto one elbow and looked down at the sweet young girl. "Time you heard it all, Triss. I think you're ready." Triss lay entranced as Drusilla explained all about Ice-fire and how it had changed the first people who found it. "First they found it gave them extra sex drive, made the pleasure all the more intense. They sniffed and licked the bare crystal they chiselled out of the rock. It's only found deep underground. Then someone discovered how to distil it and add other ingredients. When you break the seal, everything reacts together. As you use it more, you become more adept. You can transport yourself somewhere else; you can enhance your own experience. Help others like we did with Freya. It all depends on you and how you want it to be. When you first start, it is hard to control - hence poor Freya lying almost paralysed before she subconsciously began to desire to see what was happening at such a deep level. Once she wanted it so badly, it freed her hands so she could react to us at the Banquet. Then earlier tonight - with her lack of experience, there was no way she could have joined us. So Daniel and I helped her. Unfortunately, she is so new to it, we
couldn't keep her there until the end. But I get the impression that soon, young Freya will be teaching us all new skills with Ice-fire." She went on. "We are always looking for new veins of Ice-fire. It is rare, but when you find a good supply it can last decades. We have a team of alchemists always looking for new sources. They use a breed of hound called a Calipha. It is a beautiful animal - almost as tall as you. It can sniff out Ice-fire for miles. Five turns ago they discovered a huge seam here underneath the Castle. The then-owners were struggling with the upkeep. We offered them a good price. The seam will outlast us all, even with our extended lifespan. For the first time, Triss interrupted. "How long you's live?" She thought for a moment. "Me... will I?" Drusilla stroked her cheek. "How long since you first took Ice-fire?" Triss counted back on her fingers. "'Bout a quarter-Turn back. Done 'bout six, seven lots now..." Drusilla nodded. "Then you'll have aged about five days." There was a long silence. "Fuckin' five days? In a quarter..." Triss's eyes were wide. "No ways - fuckin' can't be right. That's impossifying!" "Triss, I took my first Ice-fire at the same age as you. How old do you think I am?" Triss pondered. "Dunno - thirty Turns mebbe? Li'l bit more? Yer fuckin' gorge, so hard to tell!" "I'm seventy-two next quarter-Turn, Triss. Fifty-four years since I first took Ice-fire. Anders is eighty- two, Daniel fifty-three and Phobe is over one hundred Turns. Answer your question?" "You shittin' I? Phoebe - 'er wiff the black'n'whoite hair? What does that thing with her 'and? Over a hunnerd?" Drusilla switched back to Southland. "Shittin' no-one. All's truly said. You's won't live fr'ever but it'll be a fuckin' long stretch." She snuggled into the girl. "Just think of all those years of sucking and coming and, as they say down south, gettin' yer old noggin fucked off!" Triss was incredulous. She could barely take it all in. A quarter-Turn ago, one of the girls from the Tavern wondered if she may like to work a few hours at the Castle and earn few extra Crowns. Now she was being told she was going to live into her hundreds. She may be a dotty little girl from the South, but she couldn't help wondering if there was an ulterior motive behind all of this. "So, likes I sez at the b'ginnin'. All seems too good for truesies. Why's you do it? Gotta be downsides. Must be some bad effex of Ice-fire?" She now rose up onto her elbow and glared down at Drusilla. "We's gonna end up lookin' like you's, in't we? Yeller eyes and pointy ear-oles?" She stabbed down at Drusilla's pudenda. "Fuckin' big clit size of a fuckin' sore fumb..." She pulled away, her eyes boring into Drusilla's golden orbs. "C'mon Dru. All of it. Fuckin' whole story. All the nasty bits as well." Drusilla held her hands apart. "Fair enough, Triss. You deserve the truth. Yes there'll be changes - your eyes will become like ours. Your Southland ears will grow a little more pointy - hair will become silver or white." She paused for a moment and her voice became scornful as she ran her hand through her silvery white hair. "Fucking men skip that one - never worked it out..." And yes, your clitoris will get bigger, but much more sensitive..." "How much more sens'tive?" "A lot... and so will your tongue." "What'll that feel like?" "When you're sucking cock or pussy, it will feel similar to when your clit is being stimulated." "Ooh sounds orright so far. Quite likes the eyesies s'well. Look fuckin' sexy. You may go on..." "Very kind, my dear. Men get larger as well. Much larger." Triss's eyes widened. She said nothing but the smile on her face encouraged Drusilla to continue. She sighed "The only downside is that you will not be allowed to bear children. The only real negative effect of the Ice-fire is that offspring are born feral. It is not a pretty sight, and we have made sure that over the last twenty or so Turns to incorporate a contraceptive element into the drug." "Fort you sez there wuzz a downside?" Again, Drusilla laughed. "You are amazing, Triss. Is there nothing can faze you?" Triss shrugged. "No brats? Hundreds o'Turns wiff fuckin' great sex and no brats? Keep jabberin', you'll convincerise me yet!" Drusilla winced. "Ah sorry, forgot about the nasty bits." "Oh fuck, 'ere we goes. Knewed there'd by narsty bits..." "Yes sorry. I forgot about the bit where we gouge your eyes out with white-hot spoons and replace them with our magic yellow ones. And where we hang you up for a quarter-Turn by the ears to stretch them." Drusilla almost burst out laughing at the look on Triss's face, but she went on. "But the poor men. When we hang them from the battlements by their cocks - the way that metal clamp cuts into them; the screams as it stretches and finally snaps. The months of agony as they lie in a filthy dungeon until it grows back twice as big..." Triss now realised the joke. "Fuck, only twoice as big? Nah - counts I out. Not havin' me eyes gouged for anyfink less than three times." The two women fell into each other's arms, giggling and laughing. After a long while, they pulled apart completely breathless. Despite their little time-out, Triss hadn't finished with her questions. "So the boysies then. Where's you recrootin' thems?" "Oh we have our little schemes. Harder with the boys as when they go missing people tend to notice more. Us women - well, we've gone to seek our fortune; run off with a sailor. When a farm-hand, blacksmith or brewer disappears, he's hard to replace. A bar-girl? Ten a penny. Daniel was once such. Maybe you and Freya can become our emissaries to recruit the Southland men?" "Ooh yeah, sounds roight peachy! Still not said why you's do it tho'..." "Oh, Triss, for fucking Saints sake! We do it because we fucking love it. We can swan around this beautiful world selecting exactly who we want to join us in this fabulous life. We do it the way we do because we need to be sure. We only want people who are utterly committed, who are utterly and completely suited to what we do. People who do things on such a sub-conscious and instinctive level that they often as not don't even know they want to do something until they are doing it. People who will go out into the world afterwards and recruit more and more completely uninhibited, wonderful people." She looked at Triss. "Just like you, Freya, Ingrid, Lolli, Gerda - all the others. No inhibitions, no regrets, no limits. It's a fucking side better than religious lies and dogma or going around with armies, swords and cannons, don't you think?" Triss was buzzing. She'd never have to work a tavern again. She and Freya would be free to do as they pleased. She slowly moved her hand down to Drusilla's enlarged clitoris. She shuddered at the thought of having one that size. She licked along the woman's lips, imagining her tongue giving her feelings like her clit did. "Fuckin' sides better indeeds. Now - 'nuff talkies - you turns me insides out now..." She groaned and stiffened as Drusilla's slim left hand slid straight into her up to the wrist-bone. She grunted, "Fuck, don't get much better'n that!" At the Third Bell, they were still entwined as Lord Anders returned from his Ice-fire trip to the Northern Steppes. Then Triss realised that things could get 'better'n that'. **Chapter Seven - After the Ninth Bell** Freya stood in line next to Triss, Ingrid and Heidi. She was trying to stop shaking and kept looking between her friend and her newly shaven pubic area. She bit her lip and smiled at Triss, her eyes wide. She was longing to touch it again, to feel the silky smoothness of her skin down there. She composed herself as Lady Drusilla entered the room with Nadia. "Good evening, ladies. A pleasure to see you all. Heidi, Ingrid, please go and prepare yourselves. We very much look forward to your company as ever." The two girls scurried off through a side door giggling. She looked hard at Freya and then back at Nadia. "Nadia, did I not say Lolli? I am sure I said Lolli, not Freya?" Freya's heart sank. "I's sure you sez Freya, Lady Drusilla. But Lolli's outside if you's prefer." Drusilla's voice was soft, almost sounding distracted.. "Yes, please send her to get prepared, Nadia. Show Freya out - no further tasks for her tonight." She turned to a distraught Freya who was standing open-mouthed, fighting back tears. "Sorry my dear, your time will come. Not... quite... ready yet." She watched as Nadia led the girl from the room. As Nadia reached the door, Drusilla winked and nodded at her. Nadia returned the gestures and the door closed. Triss glared up at the woman she had first called 'Her Ladyship', now 'Dru' and thought of as a true friend. Her eyes were burning, her fists balled. "Lady Drusilla - that were as fuckin' shitty as a fuckin' crabbit's arse-hole. Of all the fuckin'..." She tailed off, almost in tears. Triss raised her fists to Drusilla, who merely shrugged. Her tone was dismissive. "If you say so, Latrissa. No idea what a crabbit is to be honest." Triss spat out the words. "It's a fuckin' stinky weaselly little bit o' vermin wi' a poison bite that toys wi' its prey for fuckin' fun." She looked into Drusilla's eyes. "Like summ'un else I's knows." She dropped her head. "Fort I could trust yer's, Dru. Fort yer was me friend. Thass'it - I'm fuckin' outta here. Fuck yer long lives, fuck yer fuckin' freaky eyes. Who want's be lookin' like a fuckin' tree-cat anyhows?" "Well I do for a start... find it quite attractive actually." Drusilla held her arms out but the girl pulled away. "You can trust me, Triss - I swear. I _am_ your friend, and I am Freya's friend too. Please trust me tonight - please put every ounce of your faith in me and your little friend. Believe me, Triss - something very special is going to happen tonight. Don't walk away. Please - don't walk away now." She lowered her voice and clung to the girl, hugging her to her breast. "For the fucking Saint's sake, please don't walk away, sweet Triss. I couldn't fucking bear it if you did." There was something in the sound of her voice, the words she had said. Triss let her shoulders drop. Her voice had gone from angry to sulky. "You's no' shittin' me?" Drusilla looked at her. "As I said the other night, I's shittin' no-one. All's truly said." She put her finger under Triss's chin and raised her head. She kissed her on the nose. "I don't shit people who are my own kind - or my friends, Triss. You are both. I love's you, Triss and I hopes you still loves me..." Triss pulled a face. "Din't a minnit ago but does agin' now - for the mo'..." "Good, now go and dry those sweet little eyes and get ready. It's going to be a memorable night!" As Triss was drying her eyes and getting ready, Freya was trudging disconsolately down the track to the town. She thought about going for a drink in the Empress Galina, but it would be busy at this time of night. She didn't trust herself - the way she felt, she'd leave with the first man she clapped eyes on. She heard the Ninth Bell ring as she reached her room. She should be there with them. She recalled the look of sheer horror on Triss's face and had no doubts the girl did not know she was about to be replaced. Judging by the raised voices she had heard as Nadia led her away, the girl was giving Drusilla some well chosen thoughts. She would have given anything to be there now. She wanted it more than anything she had ever desired in her life. She sniffed back another tear, and a sudden thought hit her. The Ice-fire. Out of sheer spite, she had been prepared to ignore the vial that Nadia had given her earlier, but maybe - just maybe. Quickly, she stripped herself for the second time that evening, hoping it would not be in vain again. She lay on the bed, wanting her inert body to be comfortable if it worked out. She held the vial to her nose and inhaled deeply. She felt the lurch and began the downward spiral, but instead of tumbling head over heels, she found she could control her descent and flow with the vortex. She turned with every turn, flipped with every switch-back and slowed her final burst into the light. When she landed, there was no thick fog or the feeling that she couldn't move. She was watching the proceedings in the Grand Hall as if through a misted up window. She could see bodies intertwining, hear the same sounds as before but they were more distinct, almost as if she was really there. She remembered how it felt to be transported onto Daniel's erection, the ecstatic feeling of losing her cherry to him and the subsequent love-making with Lady Drusilla. She remembered her anger from earlier. Her humiliation at being replaced by Lolli. She channelled it, distilled it and crushed it down into a tiny ball of black light. She heard a voice in her head. "I want this... I want this... I so fucking want this..." She opened her mouth and let the ball of light back out in a feral scream. She took a single step forward and there was a rush of noise as she emerged into the middle of the Banqueting Hall. Drusilla was standing with her arm outstretched towards her, her face radiant with a beaming smile. Triss was there too, her smile as wide as Drusilla's and a tear trickling down her face. She too held her hand out. "Fuckin' Saints, Frey - allus gotta makes the big fuckin' entry, ain't ya!" Freya took hold of both hands, and knew for certain that there would be nothing pulling her back early tonight. **Chapter Eight - Elevation** Freya was almost in panic as she ran up the hill to the Castle as fast as her legs would take her. Given the lengthy exercise they had had the night before, it was no easy task. The weather was milder now the snows had stopped, but she still had the hood of her cloak wrapped tightly around her head. She was completely out of breath as she hammered on the main door. The door creaked open and a man's head appeared. "Who be here?" Freya's voice came in gasps. "Need.. to see... her Ladyship. Now... urgent." He made to shut the door. "Not wiffout appointme-" Freya shook back her hood. The man's mouth opened in shock. "Oi'll take you to her roight away! Follow me!" Freya replaced her hood and followed the man. She had never been through the main part of the Castle before but nothing of the opulence registered with her. He led her along what seemed like miles of corridors and through endless courtyards before pausing at a set of double doors. He knocked; a complex sound, obviously coded. The door opened and he whispered something to the girl that had answered. It was Lolli, the girl that had taken her place last night. Lolli saw her and looked puzzled. She gestured to her. "Come on in Frey - wassup girl?" As she entered, Freya heard Drusilla's voice. "Thanks, Lolli - I'll handle this..." The girl went through a curtain and was lost from view. Drusilla was lying on a chaise long wearing a sleek satin nightdress. It was deepest red, the same colour as the dresses she always seemed to favour. A table was set out in front of her with all sorts of fruits and pastries. Freya had not eaten and they smelled delicious. Drusilla seemed amused. "Back so soon, little Freya? I know you enjoyed last evening, but I didn't expect to see you for breakfast!" In response, Freya threw back her hood and unbuttoned her cloak. She let it fall to the ground. Drusilla looked on impassively. Freya was dumbfounded by the woman's response. She gestured to herself. "Well... fucking say something!" Drusilla stood, putting her hands on her hips and shrugged. "Never expected anything else really..." At that moment Triss came bouncing into the room. She glanced at the table. "Mmm brekkust!" Then her eyes shot to Freya. "Ooh hallo naughty girl, back for mo-" Her words were cut off as she looked into her friend's deep yellow eyes with the elongated upright pupils. There was a streak of silver in her vivid red hair. As Triss looked on, she pulled her hair back and revealed ears every bit as pointed as Drusilla's. Triss swallowed hard. She pointed at Freya's nether regions. "Clit any bigger?" Freya nodded and extended her tongue. It was half as long again as it had been when she had used it on Triss and Drusilla last night. Triss gasped and punched the air. "Fuckin' get that in my cunt right now! How long before I get one that long, Dru?" "Patience, Triss - patience. I already see the changes in you. The yellow- green flecks in your lovely eyes, the ears elongating. It will not be long, my sweet." She grinned at her. "Shittin' you not!" She approached Freya and held her hand out. "Some of us are lucky, some take years. It only took me five times with the Ice-fire to achieve Elevation. It was the quickest anyone had ever seen. I knew when I saw you first that you would easily achieve it faster. Apologies for the initial disappointment last night, but I trust we have made up for that." She put her hands on Freya's shoulders and kissed her tenderly. "Welcome to our world... Lady Freya!" Freya was about to say something when the room began to spin. It wasn't like the Ice-fire - she couldn't control it. She felt her knees buckle and was aware of arms holding her up. As she blacked out, she heard a voice - distant and echoey. "I should have realised - Elevating so quickly - it must have taken a lot out of her..." She fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. She woke feeling disoriented, but the pillows and sheets were soft and gentle, not like the rough bedcovers she was used to. The bed felt firm and cool and she was sure there would be no biting creatures lurking unseen in its depths. She was wearing what felt like a cool cotton nightshirt, again a million miles away from the rough garment she was used to. She tentatively opened one eye and blinked at the sunlight angling in through huge windows to her left. She had never seen the sky from her bed before. She opened the other eye and gasped as she took in the scale of the room. It was five, six times the size of her little bedroom in the cottage, perfectly round with huge floor to ceiling windows. Everything was in white; simply but elegantly furnished. She gazed in wonder at the vast four poster bed in which she lay - itself almost the size of her own room. She turned her head and on the nightstand there was a glass of clear liquid. A small note next to it read, 'Drink me!' She recognised Dru's writing from the note she had sent her. She picked up the glass and drank. It felt cool, refreshing and invigorating. She got up with the glass in her hand and walked to the window. She must be in one of the high towers of the Castle, she thought. The view was breathtaking - the town clearly set out below her, the plains around it leading to the forests and the mountains beyond. She could almost make out her village at the foot of the Grey Mountains in the far distance. The view of the town was so vivid it was like looking a map - there was her little cottage, and she could see smoke rising from the chimney of the Dragon's Nest in the square. That brought her back to earth with a bump. She didn't know what time it was, but given the angle of the sun, she was late for her shift. In panic, she turned back to the room to see Dru standing there smiling softly. "Sleep well I trust? You were out for a while, but you needed it. I hope you like the view!" Freya was all in a fluster. "Oh Dru, it's wonderful, but I must go - I'm late and Tenby will be docking my wages." Dru stepped forward and took her by the arm. She turned her to face a full length mirror. "And how do you propose explaining those eyes and ears to the cultured clientele of the Dragon's Nest, my dear?" She ran her fingers down the silvery streak in Freya's hair. "Hmm? Bit of explaining to old Tenby as well, methinks!" Freya's face dropped. "But what shall I do?" The full enormity of her situation hit her and she began to shake in Dru's arms as the woman embraced her. Dru's voice was quiet and soothing. "Well, young Freya... my apologies... Lady Freya. I think that old Tenby is currently looking for a new afternoon bar- girl. We can't have a Lady waiting tables and serving pints, can we?" She was about to respond when Triss came skipping in. "Rodney's back..." A portly old man and two younger lads came in puffing and panting carrying half a dozen large packing cases. They put them down near the door. "Thanks Rod, good job!" Triss crossed over to Freya and joined the little group hug. "Can I visits on me nightses off?" Freya looked non-plussed. "Visit? Where?" Triss looked at Dru and shook her head. "Din't bump her noggin when she swooned, did she?" She gestured around her. "Visits you - 'ere... in yer new room." She broke free and twirled around with her arms wide. Her voice changed from her usual Southland drawl. "A room fit for a Lay-dee. A room fit for the lovely Lay-dee Freya." She gave a huge, sweeping bow, her hand touching the floor in front of her. "So, can I, Frey? Can I, eh? Come 'n' visit 'n' shag you daft in yer fuckin' big four-posty bed?" Freya was trying to come to terms with this latest news. She was gazing around in wonder. She crossed to the window and looked out again, her mouth wide. Triss joined her. "Fuckin' Saints, I can be seein' my 'ouse from 'ere!" For once, Freya was barely aware of Triss's presence. "What me - stay here? No, I couldn't. Not possible... surely?" Dru chuckled. "Yours if you want it, or I can find you a better one?" Freya turned, putting an arm around Triss. "Dru, it's amazing! Is it really mine?" "Well we've had your things brought up from the village, if that answers your question." Freya followed Dru's gaze and looked at the pile of crates. She looked puzzled despite her euphoria. "Must have got the wrong cottage then, coz I don't own enough to fill two of those cases..." Dru laughed. "Ok, time to come clean. This is not exactly _your_ room." She now took Triss's face in her hands. "It will only be a matter of weeks, maybe less. As I said, I can already see the wonderful change in your eyes." She stroked her hair and tweaked the top of Triss's pointed ears. "Coming on nicely. Yes, won't be long at all." She gestured back to the cases. "Your stuff's there too, Triss. Tenby's been paid a good few Crowns for the trouble of finding two new bar-girls." She took both of them by the hands. "So no - it's not your room Freya. It's Freya and Triss's room." Triss looked up at her deadpan. "So I's gotta live wi' 'ur?" She poked a thumb towards Freya. "That was the general idea." Triss looked up at Freya and saw her yellow eyes glazed with tears. She put her arms around her neck and kissed her so tenderly that even Dru shed a little tear. At last she pulled away. Dru laughed. "What, no funny little Southland remark? Just a kiss?" Triss wiped tears from her own eyes and nodded. "Yeah, just a kiss. First o'millions..." She moved in front of Dru and kissed her as she had kissed Freya. Dru smiled. "Lucky girl getting a million kisses like that." She moved away as the two girls embraced, hugging each other until they could barely breathe. Triss gazed out of the window in wonderment. "Can't bleeve this! Thinks I's be wakin' up in a mo'!" She heard a voice from behind her. "Oh it's no dream, Latrissa." They turned and Drusilla was lying naked on the bed. As she spoke, Lord Anders appeared next to her, his handsome face grinning. "Welcome, Lady Freya and the soon-to-be Lady Latrissa. We welcome you to your new home." Triss took Freya's hand and smiling they walked slowly towards the bed. As they did, Daniel appeared, leaning nonchalantly on one of the bedposts. "Room for one more?" Triss tickled him under the chin. "Fuckin' roight, Danny-lad - allus room for you in..." She turned to Freya grinning. "Our 'ouse!" Freya's heart was singing. As Triss climbed onto the bed, dragging Daniel by the hand, she stood at the foot of it and surveyed the scene. She stood up straight and said in a very formal voice, "Dear guests - it is our pleasure to welcome you to our humble abode." She let her nightshirt slide from her shoulders. "Now, shall we all make ourselves comfortable?" **Epilogue - Our Duty and Our Honour** The banquet was in full swing. The food and drink were fabulous and looking round the tables, Her Ladyship knew it was going to be a very special evening. Some of their closest friends were there and it was getting close to the Ninth Bell. The Ninth Bell. How many times had she now sat here, waiting impatiently for the sound that would trigger such a night of wonderful debauchery and enlightenment? She was aware of a presence on her right. She had been primed; she was ready. Everything was prepared. She heard a small but firm voice. "My Lady?" She nodded and pushed her goblet towards the sound. As the girl filled it and moved away, her hand flicked out and took her gently by the wrist. She gazed up into the girl's eyes as she quickly turned away, her head bowed. She had long, wavy auburn hair that descended way past her shoulders, one side tucked behind her ear. She was tall and willowy and Her Ladyship knew in an instant she was special - as she had been told. The girl's voice was quiet but confident. "My apologies, my Lady. I was told not to look upon you." Her Ladyship sounded amused. "And if I were to command you, girl?" The girl kept her face down. "Then I must obey, my Lady." Her Ladyship stroked the girl's hand gently. "Yes, you must, my dear. I insist!" The girl raised her head and stood up straight. She locked her eyes onto her Ladyship's deep yellow orbs. She stared at the beautiful woman in front of her taking in her copious red hair, streaked here and there with silver. She sat with noble bearing, her pointed ears just visible through her hair. She wore a jet black silken dress with a high collar. The girl knew she had only one chance - she wanted this so very much indeed. She was utterly terrified, but was determined not to show it. Rinke, the lovely woman who had accepted her token told her to be confident with the Lady. "You looks gorgeous, girl. Just be you and you'll be Elevated within One Turn, I knows it!" Her Ladyship looked back at her. The girl was a rare beauty. Behind her well concealed nervousness, her Ladyship could sense a steely determination in her doe-like brown eyes. They never faltered as they bore into her own deep yellow eyes, which some found intimidating and other-worldly. "You are new, yes?" The girl nodded. "Yes my Lady. This is my first night." There was a slight lisp, but the voice was steady, naturally slightly husky and beautifully modulated. "Name?" She remembered so clearly being asked the same question so many years before. This time the girl answered her more intelligently and coherently than she had answered Drusilla. The girl put the wine jug down on the table and put her hands behind her back. She raised her chin haughtily and thrust out her chest, though Her Ladyship was amused to see there was little to show off. "My name is Bethany, Lady Freya. I am from the Northlands." "Are you indeed, young Bethany? You have travelled far to be with us. May I say that you are very pretty indeed. I thank you for my wine. I shall relish it knowing it was served by such a lovely young lady." She reached into a box on the table and produced a small glass vial. She placed it into Bethany's apron pocket. She still remembered Drusilla's words after all these years. "Use this before you retire tonight, lovely girl. I guarantee it will bring you sweet dreams!" Bethany dared to open the pocket and peek inside. Her voice was barely a whisper, but could not conceal her excitement. "Ice-fire!" She looked at Freya once more, her lovely eyes wide. "Thank you for your kindness, my Lady, I am honoured! May I be so bold as to say that bedtime cannot now come quickly enough." Oh Great Saints, she knew! She _was_ going to be special, this one. Again the words came as if spoken to her yesterday. "Don't tell the other girls - they will be terribly jealous!" As Bethany moved away, Lady Freya turned to her left. Her consort Lady Latrissa was grinning all over her pretty face, yellow eyes sparkling, silver- blonde hair falling to her shoulders. Over to her right, she could see Lady Drusilla nodding her approval. She was still stunning even approaching her one hundredth birthday. Ladies Ingrid, Lolli and Gerda sat with their Consorts, faces alive with lust at the thought of what was to come. For probably the millionth time, Freya thanked the Saints for the gifts that Drusilla and her friends had bestowed upon her, Triss and all the others. Bethany left the hall smiling inwardly. 'One Turn', Rinke had said. She smiled at the head servant as she gave her a small bag of coins. "You's done, girl. Off you gets." She thanked her and slipped the purse into her cloak next to the precious Ice-fire. It was going to be the one and only coin-purse she'd ever earn. One Turn? No... fucking... way. She held the Ice-fire in a vice-like grip as she sprinted down the hill in the summer evening sunshine back to her room over the Empress Galina. She had to be back before the Ninth Bell. One Turn? She hadn't travelled this far to wait tables and serve wine for One Turn. She got to her room and quickly removed her clothes and got into bed. She stripped the wax from the vial and held it close, waiting for the Ninth Bell to ring. "See you in a moment, Lady Freya, Lady Latrissa!" As the last servant left the hall, the Ninth Bell struck. Lady Freya rose and the room fell silent. "Honoured guests, I am pleased to say that the Cycle has begun again. The girl Bethany is perfect. I am certain this evening that my little..." she paused, feigning modesty, "... my little achievement of the quickest ever Elevation will belong to another." A little murmur and some applause broke out around the room. "I cannot believe we stand here today on the brink of history. Let us give Bethany something never to forget when she uses our gift." She raised her glass to the room and repeated the words spoken at Banquets for hundreds of years. "There is much work to be done to Elevate those Worthy. It is our Duty and our Honour." The words came echoing back in time honoured fashion. "Our Duty and our Honour." Lady Freya's yellow eyes shone as she drank. Lady Latrissa now rose and stood beside her. "Right, I dunno 'bout you's lot, but my clittie's itching like a crabbit's armpit. 'Nuff talkies... who's be first?" A gasp went up from the gathering as Bethany appeared out of nowhere, materialising in front of Freya and Triss. She was naked, her hair falling over her small breasts, her neatly shaven pubic area drawing looks from everyone. Her eyes were already yellow and there was a sliver streak in her auburn hair. She pulled back her hair and tucked behind it her ears as she had done earlier. They were as pointed as either Freya's or Triss's. She held her head in the same haughty manner as when she had addressed Freya only minutes ago. "Good evening, Lords and Ladies." She bowed to the top table. "Lady Freya, Lady Latrissa. My name is Lady Bethany. I am from the Northlands." She took a step forward and smiling, held out her hands to Triss. "I's be first..."
I'm a sucker for haunted houses. I absolutely love them. Very infrequently am I the one who's scared though. My enjoyment comes from scaring the actors or the visitors. Those of you who know me know what an imp I can be. If I'm out for the group, I spot where the likely places are that the actors are hiding and misdirect the other's attention. If it's the actors, I hang back, see where they're hiding and sneak up on them. That's why I was especially excited one year by an article in The Patriot. "Sexy Vampire Steals The Show". It explained how the Jaycee's haunted house was the hit of them all. They had acquired a superb actor to lay in a coffin, the visitors would be locked in the room with Him, and He'd rise, swoop down on some unsuspecting person and throw the whole group into panic. He'd even been known to be called out by some women to give them a "kiss". I knew just what to do. I called four of my friends and arranged for them to go with my sister and me the Friday before Halloween. The house was wonderfully done. Lots of gore, loads of spectacle. It really was splendid. But all of it was a bit lost on me as I was waiting for that particular room. I had built up the excitement in my friends, telling them how very realistic this vampire was. I must admit, I had somewhat piqued my anticipation also. Finally we had arrived at "Dracula's Crypt" or so the sign said. They were only taking in 30 people at a time so we had to wait. While waiting, we could hear screams and pounding coming from behind the door. Nothing about the door that would give any sign at all as to what lay on the other side. It was simply a white door with a simple knob and someone standing beside it to let people in and out. But I felt the fear on the other side. It was almost palpable. Women shrieking, men screaming. I knew I was going to have a marvelous time. Then, finally, it was our turn. Since my friends and I were at the front of the line, the six of us had the opportunity to pick the best spot inside. The room itself was rather plain. Painted grey, some props set about along the walls, and a coffin set upon a platform near the other side. There was another door opposite of the one we entered. Eerie music was playing softly, not loud enough to hear the melody, but it played softly on your mind, setting the tone. The lighting was low and someone had set up a fog machine. It was a wonderful effect. Everyone became somber as they entered, carefully looking around. A few tested the other door and found it locked. We all settled in to wait for the show. They'd built a railing about 10 feet from the wall on our side of the room. The six of us found our vantage right along the rail and waited until the others had been ushered in. Then the entry door closed with a loud bang and the lock was set. Everyone fell silent. I glanced around and saw everyone's eyes had gone wide with expectation, or was it fear? A few moments later, I felt the time was right. I called out softly, "Sir? May I have a kiss?" There was an audible gasp from a few in the crowd. No one had expected this and if their eyes were anyplace else before, they were all fastened on that coffin now. I felt the hand of one my friends on my shoulder. "Snick, I don't think this is a good idea." I giggled and shrugged the hand off. "It's ok, I know what I'm doing." The coffin's lid raised just slightly and a hand grasped the side. My eyes focused there along with the others. Another hand came out and took hold of the lid, raising it until it stood on its own. Then slowly, painfully slowly, He sat straight up from His bed. He turned His head slowly and His eyes locked onto mine sending a delicious shiver down my spine. His eyes were beautiful. Deep, black eyes that I found myself getting lost in. Penetrating, intoxicating, entrancing eyes that seemed to call to me. I felt hands at my shoulders and arms. I heard my friends calling me back from the rail. But my entire focus was His eyes. He smoothly found His footing as He stood in His resting place. In a graceful cat-like move He leaped to the floor, yet He never took His eyes from mine. He was magnificent. He was tall, commanding, dressed in a dark tuxedo with a blood red ascot tied just right and tucked into His waistcoat, a diamond tacked neatly in the center. A black cape with red lining completed the picture. He totally looked the part except for one thing. His hair was silver. I'd always seen or imagined vampires as having dark, black hair. But this one's silver mane looked so lovely, so perfect, adding all the more to His commanding presence. He lept to the floor then took one, maybe two steps towards me. I felt rather than saw the crowd fall as far away from me as possible and from the rail. With the crowd's murmurs growing louder, my friends began desperately trying to catch at my clothes to pull me from behind calling my name. But it all seemed like a dream. Without turning my head, I pushed their hands off me and told them to leave me be. Then I firmly grasped the railing so I couldn't be moved. I was secretly so pleased at the scene that "Dracula" and I had caused. This crowd was certainly getting its money's worth. Dracula, which was the only thing I could think to call Him, swept one hand free of His cape and I heard the sharp intake of breath from those behind me. "Come to me, my little one. Come, receive your kiss you have called for." His hand beckoned me as well as His words. But His eyes compelled me. I began to wonder just how much of this scene was real, and just how much had created. But, I climbed under the rail, and stood on the other side. I heard a woman's voice coming from so far away, "Oh my God, don't!" and I began to feel fear creeping into my thoughts. "What am I doing?" I started to question. That's when I heard Him, but not audibly. He was in my mind, caressing my thoughts, draining my fear from me. "There's no need to hear the others." I no longer did. "The only voice you hear is mine." His was the only. "You can feel my hunger. How it now grows in you, matching my need as you draw closer." I began to move. Slowly, dreamily, walking towards Him. The space between us growing smaller. "Yes, such a good girl." I felt a thrill. "Desiring this as much as I need." I could see His mouth as He smiled slightly...what were those white points coming down from between His lips? "There's no need to fear what's about to happen." Again, the fear vanished. And I kept walking. His gaze left mine for just a moment. I paused in my walk and watched as His lips curled in an ugly sneer and He hissed at someone behind me, I assumed one or two of my friends. He quickly returned His gaze to mine before I had a chance to turn my head, capturing my eyes once again. I restarted my slow walk towards Him not even realizing I'd done so, His voice starting once again. "That's right, my dear. Come closer to me. You long to feel my embrace, my kiss." It became my entire focus. To feel His arms around me, to feel His lips on mine. Then suddenly I was there before Him. He smelled of earth and ages past. Virility seeped from His being. Strength, cunning, wisdom, desire, seemed draped over Him. I began to sway as I was overcome by His presence. He quickly spread His cape and enveloped me within. I shook my head to clear the cobwebs that had seemingly wrapped my mind so tightly. I giggled a little as I came to my senses and said conspiratorially, "Ok, when you remove the cape, I'll drop to the floor and you can finish the show." "My girl, you still think we're play acting?" and I felt a moment of horror as His mouth gaped open showing His teeth bared. They weren't an actor's prop. These were very real and they glistened even in the little light that His cape allowed. He simply moved my head to the side exposing my neck. I had only a moment to gasp "No!" when I felt His kiss... Such an exquisite moment. A brief, sharp stab of pain, then only bliss. I no longer heard His thoughts. His thoughts were mine. I became more and more His as He drew life from my neck. Everything I was began to slowly leave as He suckled. My world dissolved around me. We were alone without any of the barriers that separate. My body began to respond to His desire. One of His hands moved to cover my breasts, enveloping first one then the other. Squeezing, kneading, pinching my nipples until I started at the slightest touch. A hand came up an cupped my head holding me to His mouth as the other then travelled down between my legs, raising my skirt and finally caressing my mound through my panties. I gasped as I felt His arousal and mine begin to merge. I was throbbing, wet and wanted Him inside me so badly. I started moving on His hand, wanting Him to go further, to take me completely. He moved the panties aside and began to slide a finger along my slit. "Ahhhh, such a good girl." I wanted to be a good girl, to give Him what He wanted. To satisfy His lust, our lust. I parted my legs to allow Him better access... wait, did I do that or did He? It didn't matter. He was pleased, and He continued to drink from me as His fingers found my clit. He teased it slowly, brushing it, circling it and my mind spun in unison with the movement. "So close, you want this so badly." My breath coming in gasps. I'd never felt to turned on. He began to pinch and flick my clit. "Let me inside." He purred in my head. I responded by opening my body and my mind totally, nothing held in reserve. He claimed them both as He inserted one, then two fingers deep into my pussy. I found myself moving to His rhythm as my breathing and heart rate increased. My whole being sang as I shamelessly raised and lowered myself on His hand. My arousal building as my blood left me, growing stronger as I was drained. I knew I was beginning to die, yet I wanted this. This was what I had desired all my life. I don't remember ever having any different thought, this was my life's purpose. To die and serve my Master. At this thought, I came, harder than I ever had before and everything I had been ceased to be. I could barely stand and He cradled me in His arms as His mouth left my neck. He shook me slightly to bring me from my reverie. Then He moved His ascot and shirt aside and drew a sharp finger nail across His chest leaving a trail of His blood. "Drink, my sweet...drink deeply and be mine forever." I couldn't see anything else.. it was like ambrosia dripping from the wound. So bright, so red. The smell was divine, sharp, metallic. I had tasted blood before, my own in taking care of small wounds. But this was nothing like anything I'd ever experienced. Panting with the effort, I began to pull myself to Him. I couldn't wait to taste it, to bring it into my mouth and swallow. But, just as I was about to seal my lips on His chest, I felt us being pulled apart. My friends had crossed the rail and they had both of us in their hands trying to free me from His. I collapsed on the floor once I was physically free, the girls in my group tending to me. I had a faint sense of Him hissing once again, chasing the guys away, jumping the railing, hearing the screams, the pounding on the walls as people tried to escape. Then my world became black. I woke in the hospital before anyone realized I was awake. I didn't open my eyes or stir, I just listened. I sensed rather than saw the nurse at my bedside and another at the foot. "Yeah, it's the worse case of posthemorrhagic anemia that the doctor has ever seen. Seems she needed 3 pints before they had her stabilized." I heard her speak but I heard something else I had never noticed before... a thumping... no, two. Same beat... same rhythm...just not in sync. And their warmth... it called to me..I could feel how cold I was and needed to feel their warmth. A growing desire with their heart beats singing in my head. I could almost taste them... wanted to taste them. But just like that, they were gone. They had made their adjustments and they left. It all came back to me in a flood. The house, my friends, that creature in the coffin, me. What had I done? What had I allowed to happen? This had to be a dream. These types of things only happen in novels. I knew if I just found my way back home, I'd find myself sleeping in my bed. This nightmare would end and I could enjoy it again as I wrote it down in my journal. I sat up quickly...big mistake. The room spun, but I was on a mission. I took a piece of tape off of the IV stand and pulled the needle from my arm. But before I could place the tape over to help seal it, a little dripped out. not much, but enough. I was mesmerized again by the sight... the smell... how it would taste on my tongue...I shook it from my head then quickly put the tape over the wound. Ignoring my almost overwhelming need to taste, I refocused and made my way to the closet and put on my clothes. Since it was so late, there weren't many on duty and those that were probably in other patient's rooms. So I silently made my way down the corridor. But with each door I passed each individual heart called to me. I could smell the blood in the rooms of those who had wounds of some type. I raced as fast as I could to put this place far behind me. This was crazy. I don't drink blood. I'm just reacting to a very vivid dream. Yeah, that has to be it. That guy in the coffin had hypnotized me and I'm just following His story. Hey, that's it! There's nothing wrong. I'm not what He's saying I am. I started to feel really smug that I had finally figured it out. Very good trick. Very funny. I finally was the one who had had her socks scared off her! I made a mental note to let Him know somehow what a wonderful experience He'd given me. I made my way home. And since this was still a dream, it didn't even bother me that I had no idea how I'd arrived. I woke the next morning with my mom shaking me. "How in the world did you get home? You were so sick!" I just laughed lightly and said "I'm just fine. Nothing that a little sleep couldn't fix." "Well, I'm calling the doctor anyhow. You just stay in bed until I find out what He says." and with that she left. I sat up and made my way to the bathroom, giggling. I must've really been out of it when I came in. I had to remember to explain to her that the guy in the coffin had just had some fun with me. There was nothing to worry about. It had all been a dream and now I could write it down. As I entered the bathroom and closed the door, my arm began to hurt. I looked down and found a piece of tape stuck right where an IV would have been placed. The movement of my head caused my neck to hurt and I brought my hand up to cover the spot. My mind began to reel as I began to realize the truth. I stood at the mirror and slowly lowered my hand, fearing and knowing what I would find there.... two large puncture wounds. I was returned to the hospital until I had fully recovered. What fun that was rolling my eyes. I kept smelling blood and hearing other hearts, but it gradually lessened. Whatever the case, it wasn't plaguing me any longer. I can't begin to describe how wonderful it is to be awakened in the middle of the night to take a sleeping pill. But, I knew they were only following doctor's orders and he never was around. And, hey, I got to sleep in. Pretty dreamless sleep too. I didn't know I'd ever come to long for another hospital stay. That lasted a week. Then, it was back to my mom and dad's. No way was I going to go to my apartment alone, by myself, without anyone there, alone (are you catching the theme?). I mean, I wasn't buying into this vampire stuff I'd heard whispered outside my hospital room when they thought I was asleep. But, that whole experience had me enough on edge I just couldn't face not having someone nearby to help keep my sanity. Even as it was, every little noise I heard that seemed out of place caused me to almost jump right out of my skin. When my nerves had finally settled enough, I returned home. Everything went along peacefully for a few days, but then the dreams started. The dreams... they were ok at first. Started out with a week if George Hamilton. You know "with you, never a quickie. Always a looooongie"... cute stuff, nothing scary. Then Bella Lugosi followed... who can be scared of Him... creepy? Sure But scary? Nah! Then Frank Langella... oh my... all the women in my family had a crush on him when I was young. He played Zorro early in his career. They'd show it on Saturday mornings when we were supposed to be cleaning house. We'd all stop to watch, drool running down our chins. But in his role as Bram Stoker's Dracula he was superb. I had memorized every movement, every line, every look. Those dreams were amazing. Some mornings I'd wake up with my hand between my legs. But, about half-way through the week though, they began to change. Frank's hair went from jet black to silver (which helped me understand my confusion). His eyes changed, His whole appearance changed into that man in the coffin. I began to relive that night in the haunted house. Going over every detail and enjoying it more and more. Gradually, I wasn't dreaming dreams of remembrance, but new and exciting situations where I'd once again give myself totally to Him. He never again latched onto my neck, but making love with Him still felt so much like the sweet surrender of that night. Afterwards, I'd lay beside Him and He'd send me into the most delicious trances. Through those trances I learned about Him. His name was Aluka... He teased me about being so naive as to think that He was The Dracula. Yet, He was a creature of standing in His world. Through trance I became one with Him as He went out to feed. I felt the thrill of the chase; the glorious exhilaration received from the almost palpable fear of the victim; the savored moment pausing, inhaling the odor, just before sinking the fangs deep into it's throat; the sweet-salty flavor of the blood as it coursed from the vein into His/our mouth and the velvety texture as it slid down our throats. It was powerful, potent, heady stuff. He even had me select a potential victim from time to time and explained in detail why that one would or would not be suitable. Fairly soon, I was selecting just the right one for just the right reason. I was even able to dissuade Him from one I found too young. "There is no thrill to hunt with one so young, no sport," I convinced Him. He simply smiled at me as He relented and said "You'll learn soon enough, young one." Those dreams felt so wonderful. I'd wake sated, sexually, mentally and emotionally. It was amazing to watch how my subconscious had taken such a small thing and created an entire new world for me. I looked forward to those dreams. I even went to bed early just to spend more time in this imaginary place. One night I even skipped dinner just to have that extra time. When I was awake, I'd think about Him. My work suffered... I stopped seeing my friends and family...I became a recluse of sorts. But these dreams were everything for me. Pretty pathetic, I know. But then (you knew there had to be a but there someplace) it changed. I was so tired that one night, I could hardly keep moving to finish getting ready for bed. All I wanted to do was lay down, not even looking forward to dreaming. Just wanting desperately to sleep. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. Deep, sweet rest. And when I dreamed, they returned to my average, dull yet pleasant places. Spending time with my family and friends. Spending time doing some of my favorite things... sitting with a tree (most people just say sitting under a tree), walking through a meadow listening to the brook. Peaceful, sweet dreams. Then it changed and I found myself outside that building, the one that had held the haunted house. I figured I'd go look around inside, see what I had missed my previous evening there. Everything looked in shambles. Parts and pieces strewn all around, nothing particularly dismantled but worse, I began to have a sense of foreboding. I carefully picked my way around the debris and soon found myself outside of that room. I felt a presence beyond the door but denied it could be Him. Yet I was compelled to look, I had to see the place where it had all began. I carefully turned the knob finding it unlocked, and walked inside. Nothing had changed. The rail was still there, the props, the lighting still on, the music softly playing, and there, near the opposite side, stood that coffin. I did nothing, I simply stared transfixed hearing my heart pounding in my ears and finding it hard to breath. I had just decided to quickly leave when the lid began to open just as it had that night. Aluka appeared, in much the same way as He had before, left His coffin and made His way to the center of the room. His eyes still looked as I remembered, but they didn't captivate me. I found it easy to look away, eyeing both doors trying to decide which would be my best exit for escape. Just as I started to turn, He called, "Wait, my dear. Let us speak first." Every fiber of my being was telling me to flee, not just run, out of that room. But there was that little imp inside, wanting desperately to find out just what it was He wanted to say. After all, I was safe since this was only a dream. So, I stopped right there. "Alright, let's talk." I said. "Then come closer, for what I have to say is for you only." came His reply. I firmly shook my head, "No, there's no one else here, and I can hear you fine from where you are. What did you want to say?" He started, "It's time for you to make your decision. You've learned of me, of my life. You've enjoyed my pleasures. Now, choose." The enormity of what He said hit me. I finally and completely understood. All that time dreaming hadn't been simply dreams. I had been with Him, talked with Him, learned about Him. I was with Him when He feasted. I knew what He wanted. He wanted me to come to Him, to be His, of my own volition. Not seduced or tricked, but with eyes wide open knowingly and without reserve. I simply panicked and ran from Him and that room as fast as I could. As I headed through the halls I realized I had no idea where I was going. Each turn looked the same as the last and I found myself getting more and more lost. I finally found an alcove and hid myself within it drawing trash and debris in front of the opening and pulling as far back into the shadows as far as I could. But, in the ensuing silence I heard it... my heart... thumping wildly... and my breathing... heavy but quick. They were acting just like homing beacons leading Him directly to where I hid. I frantically looked for a way of escape. Then it hit me like a thunderbolt. This was a dream, it was only a dream and if I couldn't find my way out of it, I could take control of it. I'd been practicing it for years. When a dream turns bad, just look at your hands--and just the sight of them will give you automatic control back to a more pleasant experience Alright, something that would work at least. I leaned back against the wall and caught my breath calming myself, then started raising my arms. I thought I'd get a faster look by lowering my eyes, but found suddenly that my head felt strapped to the wall behind me. I couldn't tilt my head even a bit. Ok, that's clever, I had to hand it to my subconscious. But I could still raise my arms far enough to bring my hands into view So, I continued lifting them higher and higher. It only dawned on me when I could see my forearms, that my hands were gone. Not removed, gone. My arms stopped at my wrists. I screamed as panic hit me again and I was off running, determined to find my way out of this place. I kept finding what I thought were new corridors, but they all began to look the same. And down each hallway I chose, Aluka was standing there, waiting for me. I couldn't shake Him. He didn't give chase, but just stood there patiently as if He were still waiting for my answer. And each time I fled from Him. Faster, farther, trying to escape when I finally realized there was none. I was running from what I truly desired no matter how frightened I may have been of it. I stopped where I was... stood there with my hand on my knees, gasping for breath. I wanted this. This futile exercise was only to assuage the guilt... so I could say I tried to get away, tried my best, but He "caught" me in the end. But, I had to face the truth. I wanted this more than anything I'd ever wanted before. That's when I sensed Him. I spun around to find Him standing only a few steps behind me. "Are you ready to choose, little girl?" Again, this was audible... He wasn't in my head... I'd have no excuse, I was clearly making my own choice. I swallowed hard and took a step, this time towards Him. "Yes, I am," I replied, "I want You." One eyebrow raised, "I can end this here. The door you seek is to your left. All you need do is turn the knob and you're free." Then, just like that, I could see the doorway out. Plain as day waiting for me now too. "No, that's not what I want... I want You." "Good girl, now come to me, my pet." and I simply moved into His arms. He held me by the shoulder with one and swept His cape about us with the other and my world spun wildly out of control then black. When He removed the cape, we were back in my bedroom and I stood before Him naked. Not only in body, but in heart, mind, and soul. He simply pointed towards the floor and I knew what He wanted. I sank quickly to my knees as He freed His cock, holding the it before my face. I greedily engulfed it with my mouth taking it in in its entirety. I relished the sensation of His growing arousal as my tongue stroked it erect and soon found my hunger growing with His and as I began feasting on Him... taking Him deeply down and pulling back again leaving only the head in my mouth, swirling my tongue around, tasting the precum from the tip, then plunging back down once again. Shortly, He took my head in His hands and began thrusting himself deep into my throat, and I matched His rhythm moaning with the lust and pleasure of it. It wasn't long though before He stopped me and ordered me onto the bed as He removed the rest of His clothes. I lay there, knowing and desiring what came next but still afraid. His eyes captured mine and He once again entered my thoughts, "Your heart may desire what is next, but it is only natural to struggle. In fact, I encourage it, it makes the taking that much sweeter. Show me your decision, your desire now." I opened myself to Him, to His view, spreading my legs lewdly for His pleasure. Even the chill of the room couldn't quench the fire He had started. I was wet with my need for Him and the smell of my sex filled the room. I watched Him breathe deeply of the fragrance as He moved over me. He stroked the desire in my mind as His hand found my slit, dragging His fingers across my sex and stroking my clit. He began to lick at my breasts circling the nipples slowly bringing them so erect they hurt. Then, He took shallow bites from each, just breaking the skin and licked the blood that trickled out, clearly savoring the taste. Through His mind, I could taste my own blood and feel His need growing. I needed Him to take me but fear was beginning to creep into my mind and I began to try to pull away from Him. "Good, fight me, it will heighten both our experience." He cooed. And with a single stroke in my mind, I found arms stretched far above my head and my hands invisibly tied to the bedposts above and my ankles below, spreading me entirely open to Him. "There, my girl, struggle as you wish.", and I vainly tried to break free. All the while, He continued to play with my pussy, flicking at my clit and pressing His fingers inside stroking me to even new heights of desire. I soon found myself not struggling away, but striving to bring Him deeper inside. Finally I could stand no more and simply begged, "Please." "You realize, there's no turning back now. You will be mine." He stated. "Yes, please, it's what I wish." And with that He raised himself between my legs lifting my hips to Him. He simultaneously thrust His cock deep into me as He bared His teeth and plunged them into my throat. I began cumming as He drank deeply from my neck and drove mercilessly deep between my legs. My orgasm never stopped, never waned as He pulled my life from my body. Everything began to leave as He became the core of my existence. Every thought, every desire, every need became His and His alone until finally I heard Him growl into my throat and felt Him empty His seed deep into my womb. He pulled from me and everything began to dim. He took my face into His hand and demanded, "Not quite yet, my sweet. There's more to be done before you're mine." He once again drew His nail over His breast and I saw what would complete me oozing from the wound. He took my head from behind and lifted it to His chest. My mouth simply found the nectar and I drank, deeply, slowly, His death into my body. I felt the cold begin to encompass me and welcomed it as I continued to drink. "Yes, yes, that's it. Take from me your new life. We will always be together, we will be one. But now it's time for you to sleep. Sleep the sleep of the dead and awaken to your new life with me." And with that, my world turned black. It was an odd sound coming through the paper thin walls, a strange metallic whir and then a loud, distinct click. It was a sound that seemed to repeat several times during the day and then simply stop. If anyone cared, they might wonder if it was perhaps a ceiling fan about to break down, or maybe a refrigerator about to expire, but nobody cared. Jay lived on the other side of that wall, or perhaps lived is not correct, Jay existed on the other side of that wall. Day to day he moved about, made noises, turned on TV, perhaps even spoke into the phone. He worked somewhere, had some money saved up, got lucky with the lottery or something. He could buy food and the electricity and water had never been turned off, so he managed something. It's just nobody cared. Jay wondered if he cared, certainly not about the apartment or the neighbors, it could fucking burn to the ground and kill them all and he wouldn't care. Well, it would be a pain to move, so perhaps he did care a bit. Most importantly, amid this apathetic existence, Jay did care about something, something strong enough to carry him though each day, something that made the next morning a believable reality. Plain and simple, Jay was a glory hole cocksucker. Whenever he was away from the arcade, he thought about it, the stinging scent of the disinfectant mopped on the walls and floors each morning, the consistent texture of the plywood walls inside the movie rooms, the perfect circle of the glory hole cut though that plywood. He was good. First of all, he was quick on his feet and could gracefully, yet subtlety slip in and out of booths almost unnoticed. He was smart, not book smart, but he had an uncanny sense which booth a person might be headed towards. Somehow, he always managed to be in the right booth at the right time. Jay also could charm a snake, in fact he did it all the time. He'd hover at the glory hole, spotting a first timer, a married man looking for something he can't get at home, a college kid experimenting with his sexuality, or a homophobe giving into the inevitable. He'd whisper encouragement to some, he'd flatter others and some he'd somehow shame them into shoving their cock through the hole. Of course once he charmed a snake, he had a friend for life. Though he never thought of himself an expert at blowjobs, he never failed to receive astounding, "Thank you"s whispered back through the hole. "The best I've ever had." Jay never thought much about it, he always felt that if you enjoyed it, and wasn't just doing it to please some one else, you couldn't help but be good. And he swallowed because he wanted it, again, not because he felt he had to. He loved variety, the sizes, the tastes, the way they pulsed when they came, even the temperature of the cum excited him. Jay would often try to guess a man's occupation just by the amount and taste of their cum. He never could be sure if he was right, except maybe for a chef's cum... theirs varied so much from day to day he always knew when he sucked a chef. Of course, from time to time the odds would catch up to him and he'd blow a cop. Funny thing, although the cops always arrested him, they always let him finish. And that was the reason he never stayed in jail long. Jay loved rainy days, the days the field workers couldn't work due to weather. The men would pour out of work with nothing else to do, but hit the arcade. Jay made sure he was there, often swallowing enough cum that he could skip lunch and not get hungry. He'd leave early in the morning and get home late in the evening. It was those days, when he was gone, that the sound was the loudest. The bullet inserted into the revolver, then the spin and the metallic whir and finally the shape, distinct click as the trigger is pulled. Then it is repeated, the spin, the metallic whir and then as the barrel is rested against a temple, or in a mouth, or anywhere else and then a sound, almost as loud as the ringing of bells, as the click explodes past an eardrum and echoes off into space. And then it happens again, and again... day after day, cock after cock.
We met in a bar in the middle of a thunderstorm, I ran in out of the rain & it was as if the lightning had followed me through the door & struck me. Our eyes met across the crowded, smoke filled room & there was an instant recognition on an inner level I didn't even realise that I possessed. I walked up to her as if in a dream, an image of perfection before me, a Goddess come to earth. Long hair framed her perfect face before cascading over her shoulders to fall to the perfect curve of the small of her back. Eyes with almost black irises drew me into them, the rest of the room ceased to exist for me as our souls touched in the depths of those eyes. She gracefully stepped from her stool, her long cool fingers folded around my hand & she lead me from the humdrum of normality. Time stopped, the world fell away, there were no words between us. Then reality flooded back in. We were in her bedroom & instinctively I knew that no one else had ever been here before. The room was round with a large bed filling the central space. The floor was covered in a dark purple carpet, so soft that it was like floating to stand upon it. The walls were mirrored, the ceiling was a midnight purple except for a spherical mirror above the bed. There were no windows & the only other furniture was a single chair. Lights set around the ceiling mirror filled the room with moonlight, but four spotlights at the cardinal points of the circle were directed at the bed. They illuminated dark purple satin pillows & sheets, the room was warm enough that no quilt was needed. My Goddess turned towards me, suddenly coy & spoke for the first time, 'I feel as shy as a virgin.' As she was shy I was suddenly bold, "I could stare at you for eternity, you are so perfect." Slowly she began to undress, it was the first time that I had really noticed what she was wearing, or even become aware that she was actually wearing anything. I sat on the chair that was facing the foot of the bed as she removed her white silk blouse. She let it fall to the floor, then undid the fastener & zip of her bottom hugging pencil skirt, once again letting it fall to the floor. She stood before me in a purple lace bra with matching thong & suspender belt that held up sheer black stockings. The tops of the stockings made her thighs seem unbelievably white, like those of a spirit, or one of the fairy folk. She reached behind herself & unclasped the bra, holding it in place with her arms. Then with her eyes locked on mine, she oh so slowly pulled it away to reveal large, firm breasts. Her nipples & areolae already erect. She cupped her breasts with her hands, then let her long fingers trail over her abdomen to the swell of her gift from Venus. She unfastened her stockings, before reaching behind herself again to unfasten the suspender belt. Left only in stockings & tiny briefs, she came to stand in front of me. I could smell her heat before I could actually feel it. An animal muskiness that held a trace of spices, a hint of exotic lands, an intoxicating effect that left me unable to move even if I had wished to. Her thumbs hooked into the thin straps of her thongs, smoothly she slid them along her thighs. Her hair momentarily hid her from my avid eyes as it cascaded around her as she bent lower, then fell aside to reveal the secrets it had tried to conceal as she began to straighten once more. Her cleavage, the swell of her breasts, her smooth belly leading to a whisp of hair that drew me lower to where it disappeared between the satin sea of her white thighs. She stepped away from me to the foot of the bed, turning to regard herself in the mirrors. Languorously she proceeded to examine her perfect body from every angle, checking every curve & previously hidden place. At first I was puzzled when, satisfied that she was indeed perfect, she turned to the bed & removed the sheets. She did this so that the sheets were pulled towards me, hiding what lay beneath but when they fell to the floor I was able to see that they had been concealing a black rubber mattress cover. She slid a mirror aside revealing a hidden cupboard whose shelves were filled with bottles of lotions & scented oils, a collection of latex dildos in various shapes & sizes, plus a bewildering array of vibrators with spirals, ribs, & knobs gracing their impressive lengths. She removed a bottle of pure amber oil, unscrewed the cap & poured a small pool in the centre of the bed. The room filled with a fragrance that so perfectly matched her muskiness it could have been distilled from her own nectar. She returned to the shelves, replaced the bottle & extracted an enormous black vibrator, then as graceful as any ballerina she rolled onto the bed facing me, straddling the oil with her long legs, letting me delight in the sight of her neatly trimmed sex. She anointed her hands & began working the amber essence into her flawless skin. They worked knowingly over every curve & plane, lingering as they reached each deliciously yielding roundness & at each shadowy, mysterious cleft. I felt my spirit soaring as it had never done before as I watched her glistening against the backdrop of rubber. The paleness of her skin, intensified as it was by the slick blackness, making it seem to me that she was floating in the void. The spotlights casting star-like sparks from her lush flesh enhancing this impression. Her movements were like a therapy for me, the lazy grace of her hands as they caressed her relaxing me, almost hypnotising me, as I would never have thought possible in such circumstances before this moment. I had never felt such energy flowing through me, yet at the same time I was totally at peace. I had no other desire than to watch my lover pleasure herself & revelled in the obvious enjoyment she was having making love to herself before me. Her movements became more intense as her passion grew, her body seeming to expand so that it filled the room with her ceaseless, rhythmic, flexing- contracting-flexing, which gradually became writhing-thrashing-writhing before my adoring eyes. I would previously never have believed that it was possible for a body to be so flexible, nor that any woman could find so many novel ways to pleasure herself & the vibrator still remained patiently waiting for its turn. Regardless of the astounding knots into which she tied herself, regardless of the intimacies that she performed in front of me, she never looked anything but an unfailingly beautiful virtuoso. She was always the perfect example of milk & honey on that black rubber, good enough to eat, to devour, the most desirable creature ever to grace the earth. A reminder of when it had been perfect in the times when the Gods had walked among us unworthy mortals. Just as I was beginning to think that she must collapse exhausted from her exertions, she reached behind for her latex lover. She turned back to face me, lovingly stroking the shaft with the tips of her fingers, then locked my eyes with hers. I was lost in their depths once more, so failed to see the monster enter her but the look of pure lust that reflected within her eyes told me all that I needed to know. Everything was there & I had never felt such excitement even though all I did was watch the changes within the darkness of her eyes. It is said that they are the windows to the soul & in this instance, I totally believe it to be true. Suddenly her back arched as the pleasure became too much for her & my eyes were freed to watch once more as she was lost in orgasm. Tremors shook her body as goose bumps covered her skin. I could almost see sparks & flashes of lightning as the excess of energy escaped her trembling body that writhed, then subsided as the waves momentarily receded. I thought that she would be sated but her inner fires still smouldered & she began to slowly work the vibrator in & out of her most secret place. Her sensuality was so great that it turned what, at another time, could have been a mere pornographic act into a mystical revelation. I was spellbound as I watched her movements & she was obviously just as thrilled as she watched herself in one mirror after another, taking in each thrust or withdrawal from as many different angles as possible. She watched herself watching herself, as she watched herself watching herself watching herself. The infinity of images reflected back & forth between the mirrors until she could believe that she had filled the universe with myriad replications of her pleasure making. The mirrors themselves took on a magical quality, transmitting the energy from each reflection back into her own dynamic flesh, so that instead of becoming drained by her actions she became ever more energised. A runaway engine of perpetual eroticism. Finally the batteries of her lover failed & she was forced to give herself over to the expertise of her own bare hands once more. They quickly seemed to become separate entities to her, each alive in its own right. They were possessed with such a frenzy of lust that they couldn't occupy themselves with just one of her many treasures for any length of time; they kept sliding over her ample curves, up-around-down her oiled skin, massaging, tweaking, caressing, stroking one delight after another before delving into that source of her essence. Only to reappear to repeat the whole performance over & over. Eventually however, even those exquisite hands became tired & left her lying satiated upon the oil-slick rubber. In time, she rose from the bed & stepped through a mirrored door into an adjoining bathroom. When she returned, she was carrying two plush towels -- one damp, one dry -- she was no longer gleaming with oil. With the damp towel, she removed the glistening residue from the rubber cover, then carefully wiped it down with the dry one, before replacing the bottom sheet & pillows that she had cast off earlier. I joined her on the bed. She lay on her back, her head on a pillow. I lay beside her, my head on the other pillow. She was still gloriously nude, while I still remained fully clothed. Neither of us made any comment, mere words would have lessened what we had shared together. Made slight of this religious odyssey, made it somehow tawdry & mediocre. Our hands linked, hers amazingly still cool, mine unsurprisingly hot & stared at our infinitesimal reflections in the mirrors around us, Goddess & her faithful devotee. The motive here is simple. I want you to relax. I know you've been through a lot this week, so have I and hence I want us both to let go just this once. I want you to lay back on a couch, close your eyes and feel me. Feel my hands unbuttoning your shirt while I straddle you. Feel us kiss as I remove your shirt and run my hand through your hair. Imagine me in the sexiest outfit you can think of or naked if nothing comes to your mind. Place your hands on my breasts and watch a soft moan escape my lips as I feel my pussy lips getting moist for you. By now I've completely lost my capability to think anything except your hard dick rubbing against me through your pants and by the way I moved my hips against you, I think you can guess that. You take this opportunity to latch onto my right tit while groping the other. I can feel myself getting wetter by the second as you pinch and pull and play with my tits, all the while as I rub my pussy against your covered penis. Having enough of my movements, you grab my hips to halt before slamming your lips against mine into a rough kiss. "Fuck," I moan as I feel your fingers against my lips, opening them while your middle finger poked inside slightly. I can't help but get hot knowing you feel my wetness, infact it only increases my hunger of wanting you inside me. "Damn, you're dripping wet for me," I hear you whisper against my ear as you slide your middle finger inside me which again earns a moan from me. I'm a very loud person but I guess you like that about me since I can feel you getting harder by the second. As you slowly slide your middle finger in and out of my dripping wet pussy, your other hand plays with my left nipple while the right gets torture by your luscious tongue. I grab your shoulders, moaning even more as I feel you go faster inside my pussy while your thumb caresses my clit. Fucking hell, it feels so fucking good. But then, it doesn't. I almost scream in agony as your finger slides out of me completely and you stop your torture on my tits. "Fuck, please, no." My mouth goes silent as you put your fingers inside it and I can't help but run my tongue over them, feeling myself on you. "Patience, my little vixen. To get what you want, you've to earn it." You smirk at my frustrated look before kissing me again slowly. I immediately respond while my hands get to work on their own. Removing your belt, I tug down your pants, talking your boxers with them all the while keeping my lips attach to yours. Pulling away, I make my down kissing your chest before finally planting a kiss on the head of your penis. Getting on my knees, I start licking the head of your cock, taking my time to take it whole inside my throat, loving the way you groan as I finally do. My hands play with your balls as I cover your penis with my saliva and then I proceed to do vice versa. Hearing you moan ignites the fire between my legs once again and I can't help but play with myself while I enjoy your delicious cock pulsing inside my throat. "Fuck yeah, just like that." You grab my hair, having your way with me as I keep fucking myself. My moans increase inside you as I feel myself getting close to my climax and I know you are as well by the way you are face fucking me. I honestly love it. I don't know how but the next minute I am sprawled out on the bed with my legs open wide and you're on top of me with the tip of your head just grazing my pussy lips. I scream as you thrust inside me roughly and enter smoothly inside until my pussy tightens against you. You moan, thrusting in and out while I wrap my legs around your waist, urging you to go faster. I can't wait anymore and start tapping my clit very fast until there was cum gushing out but that doesn't affect you, as you keep thrusting fast and hard, using my pussy while I moan and pleasure my tits for you. "Cum for me babe, cum for me please. I need it inside me so fucking bad, give it to me. Fucking give it to me, fuck. Fuck. Fuck, yess!" Your cum fucking spurts inside me and I can't help but moan softly, loving the feeling of after sex. You collapse beside me and I grab your cock, grinning as you moan as it pulses against my hand. I bring my lips to touch the head of your cock, licking it clean and moan tasting your cum on it. "Fuck," you whisper before pressing my head against the mattress and pushing my ass up. I use my hands to spread my butt cheeks apart and moan feeling your tongue playing with my asshole. Your one hand locks my both hands behind my back, keeping me in my position while the other gently strokes my still sensitive pussy earning a, "Fuck yes" from me. Chuckling, you dive right in with your tongue lapping my asshole, penetrating it while I scream also feeling two fingers entering my pussy, continuously going in and out and in and out, pushing me towards my next orgasm. Your tongue starts from my pussy lips, licking all the way to my asshole while you keeping penetrating your fingers hard and fast just like I love. I moan feeling you spit on my asshole and start playing with my tits once you release my hands, your attention solely on my two holes now. I relax myself when I feel you poking two fingers inside my ass and groan as I feel two fingers inside my pussy and two in my butthole. My pussy gets wetter as you keeping thrusting and licking in between and I keep saying 'fuck me just like that' in my head while pinching my nipples. "Oh fuck. I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming." "Oh fuck yes, cum for me baby. Cum for me right now." I orgasm hard, squeezing my cum out but gasp feeling you pushing me on my back before harshly rubbing my clit. My legs try to close in but you hold them while rubbing my pussy faster, making me scream. "I want you to squirt for me little one. I know you can do it. Fucking squirt all over my hand, I want it bad and I want it now." I feel pressure building inside me as you keep torturing me and scream as liquid comes gushing out of my cunt like a waterfall. You quickly wrap your arms around me as I shudder and kiss my forehead as I calm down. "Fuck you were so good babe." I smile. "Hope you enjoyed."
She stood back away from the churning bodies in the mosh pit listening to the band play. Her hair was cut short in the front only to fall long and silky in the back, almost to her ass, framed her face. Her make-up dark against her soft white skin, blacks and reds with purple shadow over her eyes created a vision of worthy of any and all including the reigning leader of the supposed undead. Aimee was dressed in black leather pants and combat boots, black leather vest covering a purple skintight tee. She loosened and unbuttoned the vest allowing her rock hard nipples to spring forth, straining against the tee seeking air and freedom. Ever since she had gotten her nipples pierced they had been extremely sensitive to the slightest pressure she thought of the way it had felt when they were pierced as she absent mindedly twisted and tweaked each one, pulling then taut and then releasing them. This was the reason she had moved to San Francisco, and the clubs of the entire Goth sub-culture was what she sought out. She was looking for a place that allowed her to be her without having to answer questions that she may or may not want to answer. A place that accepted her for what she was and what she wanted to be. She slid a hand under the tee stroking her tight stomach looking about the room to see if anyone was here that she knew. She had spent the day working for the local underground paper and now was more interested in scoring a couple of jays and kicking back than anything else. Maybe, if the mood hit her she might look for a bed partner but that would be the icing on the cake. As she looked about the room she thought about how she left home to come here only a couple of months after her 18th birthday and her graduation from high school. She had been an honor student, straight A's since the 4th grade - always early with her work but a social outcast. Her style was hers and hers alone, she never sought to be part of the popular girls groups and she shunned the advances of most of the boys. Her tastes ran a bit more to the dark and mysterious as well to the softer nature of her own gender. Only after the confrontation with her father over her choice of attire did she fully realize just what her father had expected of her after graduation. Feeling his hot breath on her neck as he groped her in the shower she realized that his pleasures would always rule if she did not get out and make a life of her own. Calling her brother, she made arrangements to move to San Francisco and stay with him and his girlfriend until she got to work and found a place of her own. That was two years ago and now she did well enough to have a decent place of her own as well as a good job as an editor of the Voice. As she ran these and other thoughts through her head she saw someone that she knew would have what she needed, and she made a beeline into the pit to get a hold of him. \--------------------------------------- Later, listening to AFI in the background Aimee fired up the first of the two jays she had scored for the evening. With her favorite candles burning around her she laid back into the tub of hot water and slowly inhaled the strong bitter smoke from the joint. Closing her eyes she held it in then slowly allowed it to pass through her puckered lips like she was passing it to an unseen lover. Between the joint, the hot water and the rich aroma of the candles she started to relax as she felt her mood mellow and her muscles giving up the stress of the day. Taking another hit from the joint she held it deep inside her lungs feeling the burn before letting it out. Soon the joint had passed on to being just a simple pile of ash and Aimee slid under the water, covering herself from head to toe, blocking out all sounds and making her oblivious to the world for just a few minutes. After she surfaced she started soaping up her loofa and worked the soap down her arms and across her shoulders enjoying the feel of the roughness of the loofa as well as the silky smoothness of the soap. First her arms and neck, then her legs careful not to touch herself she washed her legs and hips. Kneeling in the tub she leaned forward and started to wash her buttocks and working the soap up and down and back and forth. Pausing, she pushed a soapy finger against her puckered asshole feeling it slip into her up to the first knuckle. Twisting it back and forth she moaned her pleasure. Reaching to the side of the tub she took one of the long thin candles she had burning and snubbed it out. Soaping it she reached behind her and pushed the length of the candle into her tight ass, working it back and forth as she stroked in and out. Feeling her asshole stretching slightly she moaned again and pushed two fingers into her already wet hot pussy feeling the candle sliding back and forth through the thin wall that separated her. Faster and faster she worked the candle in and out as she probed herself, flicking a fingernail against her clit before taking it and pinching it gently. Closing her eyes she conjured up her imaginary lovers, feeling them take her over and over. Her female lover licking and finger fucking her as her counterpart stroked his manhood deep inside her ass. Growling and bucking against her mental lovers she could feel her climax building. Fighting to remain in control she tried to slow down but the pleasure was just too intense to ignore or try to control. She thrust the candle into herself faster and deeper as she fingered herself, rubbing her clit back and forth with the palm of her hand as she worked a fourth finger inside and began to fuck herself with renewed passion. Faster and deeper, harder and harder she cried out as she climaxed screaming her pleasure as well as her disappointment as it ended and she collapsed into the bottom of the tub. The candle now bent, spasms in her hand and forearm from the pressure she had used making it difficult to hold, lay in the bottom of the tub under her like a discarded used toy, in many ways like the way she felt after being with one of her lovers. She wondered why she could feel her imaginary lovers like they were real but could not find the same feeling with her real lovers. After she dried herself and slipped between the cool sheets of her bed, only then did Aimee allow herself to quit thinking and relax, seeking the darkness that deep sleep guaranteed. Her dreams were filled with a cornucopia of images, some dark and brooding while others were light and gay, filled with song and joy. Back and forth she tossed in her sleep never sure of what she was seeing but sure that it was really there to be seen. Somewhere in the middle of all of this nocturnal confusion a dark figure emerged and slowly making its way to her as she lay waiting. She tried to move, to escape, but her hands and feet were cuffed to the ridged poles of the four-poster bed. She lay there covered only with a Vixen tee shirt that had rode up over her hips and bunched itself in the small of her back and just under her breasts. There was no face just a black mask that allowed the facial features to be outlined, but not enough to tell who or what it was. Strong hands reached down to caress her, stroke her exposed skin. Fingertips ran up and down her legs, between her knees and along her calves and outer thighs. A second hand caressed her face and arms, stroking up and down playing with her taut stomach and the bar that she had in her navel. Pulling on it as the mysterious hands played and pulled on her other piercing. She watched as a silver chain appeared out of what seemed to be thin air and was threaded through her nipple rings. With a single pull one or both nipples could be teased and even tortured, if desired. Both ends of the chain were then pulled down to the small ring that sat on her hood. This had been a single act of defiance, having her hood pierced and while it had pissed off her family she had grown to enjoy the feel and security that the small ring produced. The ends of the chain were affixed to the hood ring making an inverted triangle. Every time that her nipples grew tight the chain would pull on her hood making her aroused. She thought about how rough it would be to work in her office at the paper since the temperature was kept cool. Just as quickly as the chain had appeared and been placed on her she felt the rough insertion of a gloved finger, pushing its way deep inside. She cried out, not in fear of the probing unknown intruder, but in lust. She felt herself getting wetter as she squirmed against the finger and the roughness of the leather glove as it pressed against her clit, rubbing her hood as the taut chains pulled on her nipples as well. She could feel her climax building, the heat rising inside of her as he continued to stroke in and out of her. He was not in a hurry as he brought her closer and closer to orgasmic release. He knew all the signs, the flushed redness of the skin, the shallow breath, yes she was almost there. Just as quickly as he had started he quit, leaving her quietly whimpering, pleading for more, just enough to cum. He looked down on her and shushed her, whispering he told her that she would only be allowed to climax when he decided that she could, not before and that he was not ready. With a start Aimee awoke and found that she was bound, not by cuffs and chains but the sheet wrapped tightly about her. Unwinding from the confines she had created she looked at the clock and shook her head. It was only 7:30; she did not have to be at work until 10. As she lay there she allowed the dream to run again in her mind. She had never really had a thing for bondage or submission but from the way her body had reacted to the dream it made her wonder if there was something that she had missed or was missing. Getting up from bed and stripping away her sweat soaked tee she cut on the shower making the water hotter than normal so that when she entered the sharp needles would seem to force the heat deep into her skin and muscles. Reaching up she flipped the switch that allowed the hand shower to cut on as she took the unit and ran it across her shoulders and her neck, letting the hot water was away the tension as she relived the dream. As she ran the unit up and down her thighs and calf she shifted her weigh slightly causing the needle spray to hit directly on her on her clit, the electric shock like effect making her jump. She loved to masturbate in the bath and shower. She would often indulge herself with the water flowing from the faucet between her legs like a waterfall or maybe the pulse of the showerhead. Aimee remembered the way that it had felt the first time she had used the handheld unit on herself. The pulsing, steaming water. The way the needles had made her feel, like a hundred little tongues flicking against her clit as she massaged herself to orgasm. This time was no different she turned the showerhead to pulse and started to work it up and down across her slit. The spray making her lips tingle as the occasional direct hit of the spray on her clit making her whimper as it sent the lovely shock throughout her body. Instead of just letting the water do its job she took the shower nozzle and pushed it inside of her, the water hitting her inner walls with a few of needles hitting her square on her G-spot making her scream as the pulsing worked on her inside and out. Over and over she climaxed. Her juices running down her legs mixed with the water from the shower. Wave after wave raced through her body leaving her weak and drained as she removed the nozzle and slid down the wall settling in the bottom of the tub. Flipping the switch again she allowed the hot soothing water to cascade over her, washing away the remaining traces of her interlude with natures most powerful aphrodisiac, flowing water. Dressing in a black peasant style dress with the bodice cinched tight Aimee headed off for work not thinking of anything except the full schedule that she knew awaited her. The thick rubber soles of her boots made no sound as she crossed the gravel to the front door of the office building that housed the paper. She paused to go to the ladies room to check her make-up making sure that she looked as good as she felt. The black eye liner highlighting the deep purple eye shade. The soft glow of rouge and the blood red lipstick turned the shallow skinned face into a Gothic work of art. Aimee worked throughout the day not thinking of anything except the problem or task at hand. As she finished up the final bit of editing that had to be finished before the next day's publication she found herself hungry and tired, ready to relax. She thought about all the different places she could go and decided on a small out of the way coffeehouse in the Village that had good salads and coffee, and maybe even a piece of cheesecake. As she was finishing up her second cup of coffee a friendly voice called out to her. She turned and saw Crystal waving at her as she entered the shop. Aimee waved back and waited for her to slid into the open side of the booth. Crystal surprised her by sliding in beside her and planting a hard kiss on her lips. Aimee returned the kiss and pulled back looking into the eyes of her friend. She could see that Crystal had been hitting a bit of the bud already that evening and Aimee knew that when that happened her normally chaste little friend could become one very hot and horny she-devil. Crystal started the conversation by telling Aimee that the Dead Virgins were playing that night at the club and she wanted to know if Aimee wanted to go and see them with her. Aimee hesitated at first, the idea of a warm bath and the cool sheets of her bed being most inviting but she decided to go if for no other reason that to watch her friend pick up on the guys and listen to the music. Together they left the coffeehouse and headed to the club. Aimee checked her watch and figured that the band should be on its first break and maybe it might be easier to get in. Aimee recognized the bouncer and knew that he would make sure that she would have no problem getting in. Sometimes it was almost impossible to get in depending on the band or in some cases the bands manager. Several times she had been able to get in to special nights where only those people who reflected so seemed to reflect the bands ideals were allowed in. She and Crystal made their way up to the balcony to watch the activities below. The band was just warming back up and the mosh pit was packed with a collection of punk and bangers as well as suits and rockers. The band kicked off with a mellow song and Aimee stood swaying to the rhythm. Closing her eyes she just flowed with the song oblivious to all the noise and movement around her. She had smoked a jay on the way to the club and the feeling of floating overcame her. It seemed that she was there in the air with the music, ebbing back and forth fluttering about from note to note. Suddenly she felt a heat building in the center of her being. She could feel soft fingers caressing her thighs and her breasts. Aimee refused to open her eyes and gave herself over to the sensation she was feeling. From her breasts she felt the hands move to her neck, followed closely by warm full lips kissing and sucking her skin. The hand on her thighs moved upwards cupping her sex as a single finger slipped passed her lips and penetrated her. First one then another soon joined the single finger, twisting back and forth. Aimee moaned softly her sounds blending into the background of sounds created by the onlookers and the audience. She started to grind her hips to match the twisting and probing of the fingers inside of her. Holding on to the rail she thrust her hips forward hunching and riding the hand that was giving her such pleasure. Slowly the hand was withdrawn and a feeling of melancholy replaced the one of pleasure until she felt hands parting her legs and wet lips started kissing their way up to her heated wet pussy. She sucked in her breath as she felt the tip of a hot tongue spear its way into her between her lips driving itself deep as possible. Licking and sucking the tongue picked up where the fingers had left off. Aimee still refused to open her eyes, afraid that in looking it would destroy the moment, the passion. She took her hands and lowered then down holding on to the invisible head which focused the tongue that was slowly driving her mad with lustful desire. Holding on tight she ground her hips in tight little circles; tears running down her cheeks as she cried out her desires. Begging the unseen lover to take her and make her cum. Just as she thought she could stand no more a sharp bite on her clit followed by the thrusting of three fingers into her pussy made her cum. Her juices flowing down her legs as she screamed, a scream that was overlooked by almost all around her as the band hit a sharp cord and the house went berserk. Over and over she cried out her passion and lust her knees buckling for the second time that day, humping the unseen face that carried her up, over and through her climax. Finally she opened her eyes just as Crystal pulled her head from under Aimee's dress. Her face and hands covered in Aimee's cum, dripping from her she stood as Aimee kissed her lips and licked her face and hand clean, savoring her own juices as well as the hint of Crystals. Aimee took her friend by the hand and led her to the door, out side she kissed her again and whispered that it was time to go home because she wanted to return the favor. Upon their arrival at Aimee's apartment Aimee wasted no time in making sure that Crystal was stripped and spread out on her bed. Pulling her starched white shirt off and then the black pistol belt, Aimee kissed her softly at first then with growing passion as her tongue snaked into Crystal's mouth, the two tongues entwined playing out a lover's duel. Aimee unclasped her friend's bra moving down sucking the half-dollar-sized areolas that surrounded the eraser-sized nipples that sat hard and erect on the tips of Crystal's breasts. Crystal moaned at the feeling of having her nipples sucked as hard as Aimee was sucking them. Pulling her nipple rings with her tongue as she suckled her, Aimee was not slowing down for a moment. She had longed for a night with Crystal ever since she had known her. It seemed that whenever there was the slightest chance of having her alone an old or current boy friend would show up and Aimee would be left alone or at the best she would have to share. Aimee paused at Crystal's belly button and after running her tongue in and out of it she blew warm air across it, making Crystal moan. Lower and lower Aimee kissed and licked until she could smell her friend's sex, hot, wet and ripe for her to pick and explore. Pushing down the red thong that Crystal wore she noticed that her pussy was bald except for a small tuff of hair at the apex. Aimee blew on the tuff as she fingered the hot pussy in front of her. Crystal moaned again and Aimee ran her tongue in a circle around her lips. Tighter and tighter the circle got until she reached her clit and she flicked out the tip of her tongue against Crystal's hard clit as she thrust two fingers into her. Stroking in and out she finger fucked her friend all the while sucking and licking her clit and the pussy lips. Crystal thrashed about grabbing Aimee's head pulling her tight to her as he ground her hips in Aimee's face, riding her tongue and fingers until she climaxed crying out Aimee's name as she her flood gates opened and her juices washed over Aimee like a baptism. Over and over she came until she collapsed in Aimee's arms and the two curled together and blessed sleep overtook them. Aimee awoke the next morning to find herself alone except for a single red rose, resting on a note, on the pillow beside her. She smiled as she remembered the activities of the night before as she sniffed the rose and read the note Crystal had left. Just a few words of thanks and a carefully printed "I love you" was all that it said but it was enough to make Aimee feel like she was on top of the world. Showering and dressing for work Aimee kept thinking of the previous night a smile returning to her face every time she did. Hurrying to the paper she just knew that there would be something interesting which would take her mind from her and give it back to the soul of the job so she savored her memories and thoughts until then. One of the stories to be covered was a retreat being hosted by the city's largest BDSM club. It was an annual affair where almost everyone who was interested in the lifestyle would gather for a weekend of demonstrations, parties and finally the costume ball at the very end. Aimee went to the Editor in Chief and asked if she could cover this event since she knew several of the key members that organized the affair. With his permission Aimee took off the rest of the day and went shopping for clothes and various sundries for the weekend. For the rest of the week her mind was focused more on the retreat than on work and she caught herself several times daydreaming when she should have been working. Finally the week was over and Aimee left work packed with her hotel reservation in hand ready to explore whatever avenues she choose, or what ever venues choose her. After checking into the hotel Aimee took a long hot bath before dressing for the opening night introduction dance. Not fully sure of what she would find during the evening she choose a black mini-skirt with a high-rise slit on the side with a pair of black stiletto heels and a shirt of deep burgundy topped off with a vest of chain-mail and matching wrist and ankle jewelry. She sported a set of hoop earrings that connected to the nose ring she wore with a small delicate chain. Deep red lipstick, dark burgundy eye shadow finished up her make-up and her hair was pulled back into a long braid showing off the shaved sides. She stood in front of the mirror and took a long look making sure that she was satisfied. She smiled thinking that her only concession to the bondage, dominance attire had been the leather and chain black bra she had chosen with the nipple area cut out and the thong she wore, barely more than a 2 inch strip of silk that almost covered her freshly shaven pussy. Invitation and press pass in hand she headed to the main salon where everyone would be gathering ready to enjoy the evening and gather some interviews along the way. The first thing that caught her eye upon entering was the way that many of the men and women were dressed. Various use of leather and silk, chain and rope. Some dressed in high-topped boots sporting leather corsets. Men in black leather pants, the backsides cut out providing access for their Master or Mistress. Leashes and crops all part of the never-ending parade that flowed in front of Aimee. Eager to get the business part of the night over with, Aimee sought out and interviewed the main organizers of the activity. One of the main benefits was information provided to the general public about the life style and what it had to offer and what it represented. That was the main point she found out. After the interviews were over Aimee started to look at the various demonstrations being offered and settled on one offered about bondage, choosing that over the welcome gathering in the main salon. She took a seat to the right of the demonstration area and settled in to watch. She had just gotten comfortable when a tall man dressed in what appeared to be a medieval executioner's outfit walked on to the stage. Looking about he slowly started to explain the history of bondage not only as a means of punishing a person or restraining them but as a tool for pleasure and sexual excitement. Taking a length of rope he demonstrated the different types of knots that could be used and explained what those uses may be. A slender woman joined him as he continued his demonstration of knots and the use of rope as a binding tool. At one point he had the woman tied, stomach down, and knees bent her ankles almost resting on her shoulders. Aimee looked, not at the ropes and knots but at the woman's face and was surprised to see not the look of pain that she thought would be there but a look of total sexual contentment. An almost blissful look on the woman's face as she lay there. Aimee was surprised at her own reaction to the woman as she felt herself getting wet, excited at seeing the bound woman, helpless and freely willing for almost anything. Aimee had to force herself to look away as she caught the last part of the man's lecture explaining that even jewelry can be used as a binding tool and that would be demonstrated in a few minutes in another room. This latter part caught Aimee's attention as she remembered the dream she had. Trying to make it to the next demonstration as quickly as possible she did not see the man in the dark cloak and face mask looking at her... and already making plans for her. After sitting through several demonstrations Aimee was tired and was about ready to retire for the evening. She slowly made her way past the many dommes and subs admiring their total commitment to the life style. Yet it struck her as funny that these same people dressed in leather and lace, dressed so sensually and sexually provocatively, would be sprinkling through out their conversation about the lifestyle stuff about their jobs, kids, families. It never dawned on Aimee until now that those who were interested in BDSM were the same people that were also interested in their jobs, their futures. Aimee continued about the room until she came to what seemed to be an empty room. There in front was a large wooden "X," like the ones she had seen in those old movies where the bad guy was tied to it and he dies from the desert sun or something like that. She walked into the room and sure enough it was empty. Looking closer at the apparatus she saw there were cuffs attached to the four corners and they seemed adjustable. She stepped closer and placed her ankle inside the right cuff and clicked it shut. Looking closely she saw that it was not a true locking cuff so without hesitation she repeated the process on her left ankle. She then, after looking about the room, put her wrists into the remaining upper cuffs and found herself bound quite securely. She had not realized that while the cuffs did not lock, it took two hands to undo them, thus no need for locks. She started to struggle and was about ready to scream when several people entered the room and looked at her there on the stage. She called out trying to explain to them that she was in this position entirely by accident but they seemed to just ignore her. Within a period of fifteen minutes the room was filled and the lights dimmed. A voice welcomed those in the room and explained that this was a demonstration of restricted sexual bondage and delayed orgasm. Looking about the room Aimee was unable to get the attention of any one there, the dom/mes were chatting quietly while the subs sat passively awaiting their Master's instruction. Aimee also saw that there were at least three women and a man whose Master had them chained, and they remained on their knees, eyes downcast while the other subs were allowed to sit and observe. Just then the lights dimmed even more and a tall figure moved onto the staging area his eyes reflecting the humor he found in Aimee's situation. Aimee smiled weakly and tried to explain how she came to be in the position she was in. He smiles and announced that it seemed that there was already a volunteer for the evening's demonstration and Aimee just froze unable to say or do anything. Just when she thought she was actually going to be bound and sexually serviced he reached down and slipped off the cuffs allowing her to leave. Aimee quickly left the room, unable to look at anyone because of the embarrassment she felt. Aimee quickly made her way to the nearest restroom and locked herself into one of the stalls, her breath coming in short gasps and her heart racing Aimee realized that it was not the embarrassment that was making her feel this way but the excitement of it actually happening. Aimee could feel her wetness growing, the damp spot in her thong getting larger. She felt her nipples harder as she thought about all the things that could happen to her while bound on that massive wooden "X." She allowed her hands to caress her breasts and pinch at her nipples as her other hand moved slowly down, pushing up her skirt she plunged three fingers into her hot slit pushing the tiny patch of cloth of the thong away. Working her fingers in and out, her mind flashed picture after picture for her to see. Stripped bound and being teased with the hands and mouths of several different people. Someone pushing a massive flesh colored rubber cock into her and pulling it out slowly. Stroking her as her clit was being teased. Hands and lips all over her body. Faster and faster her fingers moved in and out, twisting back and forth inside of her. She sat there tossing her head back and forth moaning from the surging sensual energy that was building up, she pinched and rolled her nipples as she slammed her own fingers in deep and hard not caring about the way she would feel later. Finally unable to control herself anymore she reached her peak and started to cry out as she climaxed, only to remember where she was she bit down on her lower lip and rode the waves of passion flowing through and out of her like driftwood riding the oceans waves. Pulling her hand away she sat and licked her fingers clean, savoring the taste of her own juices and suddenly realizing that she was famished, having not eaten yet today. After straightening her clothes and touching up her make-up Aimee made her way to the dinner buffet set up one of the ballrooms. After filling her plate Aimee sat and looked about the room at the different styles of dress, and in some cases, undress. Many styles were what she considered to be Goth in nature but they were very natural here as part of successful BDSM attire. Looking up from her dinner Aimee could not help but notice the couple over three tables from her. He was dressed in a three-piece suit of deep blue with a white shirt and a deep purple tie. She was dressed in a transparent silver blouse and a black miniskirt. Under those she could see the garter belt that held up the fishnet stockings and finally 6-inch spiked heels which would have looked so hot had they been dangling from her foot. She watched as they chatted with others, exchanging hugs and kisses and at times even partners for a turn around the dance floor. Aimee wishfully signed and returned to her dinner thinking about the woman and her fully rounded breasts. Aimee was just finishing when she heard someone cough softly. She looked up and saw the couple standing across from her table smiling softly at her. They introduced themselves as Mike and Mike asking if they could sit down. Of course Aimee, (staring at the breasts of one of the Mikes), could not say no. It was then that she noticed that the man dressed in the three-piece suit was actually a woman and the sensual, sexy woman who caught her eye was a man. She introduced herself and explained that she was doing an article for her paper and asked if they minded any questions. Both nodded their heads 'ok', but they preferred to have the interview in their room there at the hotel. Aimee followed them to the elevator and they chatted about this and that as they went up to the twenty-third floor. Instead of stepping into a carpeted hallway Aimee found herself stepping into the plush foyer of a finely furnished penthouse apartment. Aimee was told to make herself comfortable and if she wanted there was wine on the bar. She poured a glass and settled onto the leather couch looking about at the spacious room. Soon the two returned and after getting a glass of wine settled on either side of Aimee. Mike and Mike turned out to Michael and Michelle Severs, CEO and President of Servers International. They explained that their involvement with the community was one for relaxation and diversion. They enjoyed dressing as each other just to have some fun with other people. Aimee took a closer look and if it had not been for Michelle's breasts they could have been twins. Both wore their blond hair short and styled almost the same. Each had green eyes and almost perfect teeth. Aimee, about to ask about how Michael pulled off dressing like his wife, was caught off guard as he explained he had a breastplate made from a cast of his wife's chest. Aimee could not help but notice that during the interview Michelle's robe was slowly opening providing a wonderful view of her very real breasts. Michelle smiled and pulled the robe tighter. Michael was discussing the fun they had once with a very important client from New York. He had come on to Michelle a number of times so Michael and Michelle set him up in his hotel room. Michelle had called and told him that she would be there at 8:00 with some contracts for him to sign. Instead of it being Michelle, Michael went instead, and the client never noticed. All through the evening he had wined and dined Michael, thinking it was Michelle, with the hope of scoring. About 11:00 Michelle showed up and apologized about being so late and the poor guy almost had a heart attack when Michael removed his make- up and chest. Aimee, writing all this down for future reference had not noticed Michael's hand slowly moving up her leg, until she felt his finger tips on the edge of her thong. Turning quickly she came face to face with Michelle whose lips quickly covered Aimee's, the heat of her kiss almost taking Aimee's breath away. Michelle found her tongued welcomed by Aimee's and a slow passion filled kiss was quickly growing into a long seductive, god-I-want-you tongue fest. Aimee, feeling her self getting wet, opened her legs to Michael's probing hands and fingers, a groan escaping from her as he probed her lips and traced the slit from top to bottom. Michelle on the other hand had moved from Aimee's lips to her breasts and were expertly sucking and nibbling on her nipples, tickling her areolas with the tip of her tongue. Aimee, given no clear choice surrendered herself to their ministrations and allowed herself to float along the waves of lust and desire. Stripping away her clothes, they lifted and carried Aimee to the bedroom, laying her across the bed. Matching robes slid off their bodies as they lay down beside of her exploring her with their fingers, lips and hands. Aimee grunted as fingers entered her anus and dripping pussy at the same time, lips exploring her breasts and back, sucking, moving softly about. Aimee was caught totally unprepared. Sure she had done threesomes before, but no one had ever made her feel this way. She could feel her climax coming as she moaned, reaching out for any part of anyone she could hold. Her eyes closed she felt a familiar pressure on her lips and opened them allowing Michael's massive penis access to her mouth as Michelle shifted and began to lick Aimee's pussy. Long slow licks with the flat of her tongue, working from her tight little ass to her clit, pressure drawing Aimee up from the bed, her hips hunching up - trying to get as much as she could. She loved the feel of the hard cock sliding in and out of her mouth, the way it tasted, almost like almonds. Aimee relaxed her throat, taking Michael's tool deep into her throat, tasting the pre-cum from the tip. She could almost take no more. She started to buck her hips, pushing into Michelle's face, moaning and sucking Michael as if there was no tomorrow. As her orgasm hit, it was a slow almost painful wave of raw energy that filled her, pulling her along as it peaked and ebbed. Each wave was stronger than the one before, not seeming to end. Aimee tried to scream around the cock stroking in and out of her mouth, faster and faster. It was slowly growing harder and harder, ready to deliver its milky white strands into Aimee's mouth. Her pussy was gushing as she came again and again. Aimee could only think of returning the favor for Michelle. Suddenly Michael stiffened up and a long guttural moan escaped from him as he pumped his seed deep into Aimee's mouth and throat. Strand after strand of hot semen was shooting into her mouth and flowing down into her stomach. Aimee felt another climax hitting her as he came, again flooding Michelle with her juices. Looking down, Aimee watched Michelle raise up like Venus from the Sea, her face wet with Aimee's cum, dripping off of her like the water from a rain shower. Her face shone with desire and her eyes burned lustfully. Michael, collapsed beside Aimee, could only watch as Michelle straddled Aimee's leg, lining up her pussy to Aimee's. Pushing down, she started to rock back and forth. Aimee realizing what Michelle was doing shifted slightly and pushed her hips down, forcing Michelle's clit to ride against her own. Michelle, already so close from having eaten Aimee, was crying out for her own release. Aimee starting a rhythmic rotation of her hips had trapped Michelle's clit against her own and was using her body pressure to bring Michelle to climax. Meanwhile Michael, unable to do more than just watch was stroking his limp cock back to life. Michelle, feeling her climax coming started to moan pushing onto Aimee. Aimee, not believing that it was possible felt another climax starting to over take her. Soon both women were screaming, thrashing about on the bed as they came together. Michael, unable to hold his any longer let forth another flood of pearly white goo hitting both women on their breasts and stomachs. Rolling into each other, the three fell asleep, each with a smile, dreaming their own wicked dreams. After that interesting night of wonderful sexual exploration, the next morning Aimee awoke to the sounds of Michelle and Michael making love in the shower. Instead of paying attention to the growling in her stomach, Aimee walked over to the bathroom to watch the couple. The first thing that caught Aimee's eye was Michelle on her knees deep throating Michael. Michael in the heat of the moment was grunting and making primal sounds as Michelle's mouth slid up and down his cock, tongue wrapped around it as her hand jacked him off as well. Pulling Michelle by her hair Michael pulled her tight to his crotch, as
he fired his hot load into her mouth and down her throat. Michelle swallowed all that her had to give and pulled him into the bottom of the shower. Standing she straddled his head squatting down forcing her sex on his face. Michelle's features changed as Michael started to lick and tease her with his tongue and lips. Her eyes became glazed and soon Michelle was rocking back and forth riding Michael's mouth and probing fingers striving to reach her climax. Aimee, feeling herself getting wet again, reached and started to stroke her own pussy, fingering her clit as she stroked three fingers in and out. She moaned hoping that she would not be heard, wanting to experience this cum alone. Aimee was enjoying the feel of her fingers in her slit, stroking and bringing herself to climax. Just as she reached her peak she looks and Michelle's head was thrown back, her mouth in a silent scream as she came over and over. Aimee joined in the silent choir and felt her juices flowing across her hand and down her legs. Silently crossing the room, Aimee gathered her clothes and was soon dressed and sitting in the living room when the two Mikes appeared. Within minutes there was a knock at the door and room service wheeled in three large trays of food. Aimee eyed the trays, remembering just how hungry she was. The three spent the next couple of hours eating and chatting about the nights events and what other events were scheduled at the convention. Aimee wrapped her arms about Michael and kissed him hard and long. She then turned to Michelle who caught her off guard and kissed her so that she almost melted in her arms. Walking away on wobbly legs and a devilish grim, Aimee just knew there would be more times together with the two Mikes. After a quick bath and re-doing her make-up Aimee returned to the arena to look at some of the other demonstrations scheduled for the day. Having made sure that she had all her interviews finished she was able to just enjoy the various demonstrations and the playful banter that went on between various groups. Aimee, without knowing it was to soon find herself again the center of attention. Aimee had wandered into what appeared to be a fashion show BDSM style. The women were dressed or in some cases not dressed in various styles of leather, thongs, chains, clamps and piercing. There were also women dressed in long flowing gowns and robes, short miniskirts with thigh high boots or spiked 8-inch heels. She took a seat at the rear of the room so she could watch and leave if she felt like. As she watched the various stages of dress and undress parading on the catwalk she felt herself getting excited. She watched in rapt awe as one after another women moved up and down the catwalk, hips swaying, unfettered breasts proudly displayed or covered with the barest of materials. Aimee could feel her nipples harden and the slow wetness seeping out of her. As she started to get up and leave, a gloved hand rested itself on her shoulder, easing her back into the seat. She turned to see who it was that had stopped her but was met with another gloved hand resting on her cheek, preventing her from turning her head. Unable to leave or turn her head she gazed again at the models, drinking in their subtle sensuality and blatant sexuality. She could feel a moan starting deep inside of her and she managed to choke it back by averting her eyes. She closed her eyes and felt something being placed in her lap. Looking down she found her lower half covered with a blanket, much like one used at football games but lighter. She felt a gloved hand sliding up and down her leg, slowly making it ways to her wet panties. She shifted a bit, trying to move away but found she was shackled to the chair at the waist. She tried to think when that had happened and could not. Aimee closed her eyes only to open them again when a deep voice whispered in her ear, telling her just how much he wanted to make her his. How he loved the fire in her eyes and the desire in her soul. How he had been watching her and decided that now was the best way to start. Aimee started to ask what he meant when she felt his gloved hand push itself into her through her panties. Pushing in as far as the material would let him he stroked her softly making her feel as if she was melting right there in the chair. Aimee sucked in a deep breath of air, letting it out so very slow she concentrated on the way that he was making her feel, as well as on the feeling that she was having from it. The idea that someone wanted to possess her, to make her his was sending some wonderful thoughts through her mind, which in turn were being further stimulated by this dark strangers hand and voice. He told her of his feeling and what he expected of her. As he stroked in and out of her with his fingers he explained that she was to be his and she would do so willingly. He promised her to take her desires to new highs and fuel her love making it burn hotter than ever before. She stated to reach her climax when his hand slowed and she felt the restraining shackle slipping away. She was catching her breath as she turned to see who her stranger was and saw no one. She started to stand when she remembered the blanket. She took it and folded it up and returned to her room, her body screaming for sexual release. She was no sooner in her room than her hand was thrust between her legs and she fingered herself to orgasm, all the while thinking about what he had said. She went to clean up and change when a knock came at the door. It was a package being delivered by the bellman of the hotel. She opened it to find first a note, and then a translucent red sequined dress, mid-thigh length and a red thong and a pair of strappy red flats. She read the note that said, "Tonight we finish what was started, wear this and meet me in the hotel lobby at 9." She read and re-reads the note thinking about her earlier encounter. She looked at the clock, it was only 4 so there was plenty of time to think about it. Before Aimee knew it, it was almost 7 as she rushed back to her room to start to get ready for her meeting with the dark stranger. She laid in the bath thinking about the meeting that afternoon and what the evening may hold in store for her. She remembered how his hand felt as it caressed her skin and the sudden rush of pleasure from having his fingers penetrate her. She found herself getting aroused again slipping a hand down under the water and rubbing herself back and forth. Pinching her nipples and pulling on them she felt her desire grow. She moaned softly in the quiet bath, the sound reverberating on the walls. Somehow knowing that the night would be full of passion, she forced herself to stop and just finish her bath. She carefully did her make-up and slipped into the red dress and thong. Slipping in the strappy flats she looked at herself in the mirror smiling and nodding her approval. She found herself thinking about the two Mikes, and smile played across her face as she looked at her watch. 8:45, just enough time to make it downstairs. Aimee could not believe what she was doing as she rode the elevator down. Never had she just followed someone's directions like this. She also could not believe the stares and selective secreted glances she was getting from women as well as men. It was not until she looked in a mirror in the main hall of the casino that she realized that the red dress although translucent in normal light was almost transparent in the brighter lights of the hotel lobby. She looked at her watch it was already 9 as she stood by the desk waiting, watching for the man who had her so totally intrigued. A tall man dressed in livery stopped by the desk and help up a picture, looking at the clerk who motioned over to Aimee. "Miss, the car is ready," is all that Aimee heard as she turned towards the man. He took her by the arm and led her to the waiting limousine. Aimee slid into the back, taken a back by length and width of the special car. Aimee saw the dozen red roses and the card as she slid in and after smelling the roses she read the card. The card welcomed her and provided instructions for her to follow before the evening started. In a few minutes the driver would open his window and hand her a box that contained a silk mask. She was to put the mask on and leave it there until it was removed or she was told to remove it. Aimee waited for the mask and then following instructions she donned the mask and waited. Soon the car slowed and stopped. She heard the door open and a hand touched her to help her from the car. A second hand took hers and she followed hearing the sounds of what she took to be a large dinner party. She was guided slowly to a chair and seated. A glass was handed to her and she sipped the contents. No one spoke directly to her so she assumed that maybe she had been wrong and that she was at a large restaurant. As she started to take another sip of wine a deep voice welcomed her and she felt a set of lips pressed on hers. The kiss was soft and full of passion as she allowed his tongue to slide pass her own and explore. As the kiss lingered she felt a familiar hand on her thigh sliding up to her junction. This time she did not swallow her moan, as she had at the fashion show, but allowed it to softly escape into his waiting mouth. His fingers soon found the spot and he brushed her hooded clit back and forth, stroking it lightly making her want him even more. Before she could even respond he was telling her that she must not climax, that she must control herself. If she failed to control her climax then she would be escorted out never to hear from him again. If she could control her climax then she would be offered the chance to grow and explore with him. "You must make that choice," he told her; "you must decide just how weak or strong you are." Aimee heard the voice and felt something she had never felt before in it. She could feel the fingers stroking in and out and her own climax quickly peaking. She moaned her pleasure over and over fighting the urge to give in. Her moans soon became pleas of release. Bucking in the chair, the coolness of the air on her heated thighs Aimee plead to cum. She knew that she could not hold it much longer, yet the voice had promised pleasured unknown, excitement and more. Aimee squirmed in her chair, tears flowing down her face as she begged to be allowed to cum. The pleasure was becoming to intense, each time a finger brushed against her clit it was like an electric current shooting through her. Her every nerve was afire. She pulled her breasts free and pinched her nipples, pulling them to try and ease some of the pressure she felt growing inside. Just as she thought it would never end it stopped. The hand pulled away and Aimee felt a sudden emptiness then the voice whispered "cum" and Aimee screamed as she climaxed over and over. Her juices, not flowing, but shooting out from her. Over and over she felt the waves carry her through one climax after another. Her whole body shaking and twisting until her could handle no more and she passed out. Aimee awoke to an empty room, alone in her chair. As she cleared her head she looked about and saw a note on the table. "You did well my pet, soon we will walk together and explore wonders you cannot imagine" was all that was printed on the paper. Aimee stood and made her way to the door and there was the same car and diver that had dropped her off earlier. She slipped into the back seat and found another dozen roses waiting for her. Closing her eyes she thought about the night. She could not believe that she had allowed herself to be manipulated by a man she did not know, and what was of more concern was the fact that she had found pleasure in that manipulation, the control he had over her. Aimee arrived home and drew a hot bath. Easing herself into the tub she started to relax enjoying the feel of the hot water as it covered her body. Closing her eyes she tried not thinking of anything, just emptying her mind and enjoying the hedonist feelings she was having. She slipped under the steaming water feeling it close around her like a protective womb. Aimee finished her bath and after toweling off she sat on the bed to apply her lotion. Just as she opened the top of the lotion the doorbell rang. Answering the door Aimee found a deliveryman holding three packages. Signing for them Aimee returned to her bedroom placing the packages on the table in the hall. Settling between the sheets Aimee drifted off to sleep, her mind clear of clutter but filled with images of desire and need for the mysterious man in black. Aimee found herself standing alone in a dark room, the air warm and moist. As she looked about she saw the outer edges of the room illuminated by candle light, large tower candles in white lined the walls as scones burned above, each responsible for it's own small part. Walking thorough the room Aimee saw a hallway, darkened but not dark, enticing but forbidden at the same time. She looked about the larger room and finding it empty of any comfort decided to explore the darkened hallway, hoping to find an exit or at the least someone to tell her where she was. She walked slowly, hand on the wall making sure of each step, not knowing what awaited her. As she moved down the hall several doors come into view. Each alike, yet with small differences like the subtle placement of the knob, or the way a design was placed. She opened the first door and again found an empty room, devoid of even a chair or a table. This occurred with each remaining door until she reached the end of the hall and the final doorway. Opening the door she jumped at the creak that came from the unused hinges. Looking about Aimee saw a beautiful bedroom. Furnished with elegant woods and marble. A huge six-poster bed standing on a marble platform caught her eye as she made her way into the room. In the far corner a wash basin sitting on a marble stand. A large fireplace dominated one wall its flames lively, shadows dancing about the opposite wall. As Aimee looked about she felt herself growing tired. Moving to the bed she lay down, closing her eyes feeling the softness of the down stuffed mattress under her. She seemed to have just closed her eyes when she felt him in the room. Moving about the bed. Looking at her. She tried to rise but found herself strapped to the posts of the bed her clothing gone, she was nude for any and all to see if they chose. As she lay there a soft fur mask was slipped over her eyes. She could see nothing but her sense of feeling seemed to heighten. Aimee felt a cloth on her skin, warm and wet it smelled of lilacs. She realized that she was being bathed, slow and deliberately making sure every inch was covered and washed. She could not help but become aroused as the bath continued. The softness of the cloth on her skin, the fragrance each helping to build her desire. There was no hurry, but it seemed that time slowed even more as she felt the warm cloth on her breasts, washing and at the same time caressing her. Brushing back and forth on her nipples until the jutted forth like two dusky pink peaks. She moaned softly, the only sound to be heard in the room. The bath continued down over her stomach until it reached the arm cloth on her buttocks, squeezing her cheeks as it slid between them, playing lightly with her puckered anus. Again Aimee moaned, this time a bit louder. She felt herself being turned again on to her back. The warm cloth being replaced with a hotter one as it was pressed between her legs, washing her womanhood, the outer thighs, and the upper thighs, working its way closer to her already wet slit. Aimee's moans were becoming more guttural now, deeper and more frequent. She was also twisting slightly on the bed, straining against the cords that bound her. She felt her labia being opened and the cloth being used to clean her already flowing juices. She knew it was a loosing battle, she was aroused and nothing would change that. Just as she thought the bath was over with she felt the cloth rub against her clit causing her to jump and her juices to flow all that more freely. Aimee moaned again as the cloth kept brushing her clit, over and over. Aimee felt her climax building deep inside, almost like it was flowing from her toes and head to her hot, dripping pussy. More than the touching and washing, more than the teasing Aimee found herself turned on more and more by the not knowing. The complete state of being unaware or what was coming next. It was almost like the hands knew what she was feeling and in response shoved three fingers deep inside of her, causing her to loudly cry out. Thrusting in and out of her the fingers sought out her special spot and massages it back and forth, changing pressure and rhythm. Aimee responded by arching her back pushing her pussy into the fingers. Mouthing silent words she started to beg. " Oh god yes fuck my cunt harder, faster. Oh please don't stop." The unseen hands following her directions and she felt the fingers slamming into her, trying to reach as far into her as they could. Twisting and turning a fourth was added, stretching Aimee even wider. " Shit, don't stop, please never stop " Aimee screamed out as she humped the fingers buried in her. Knowing that she was totally under the control of unseen hands combined with the pleasure she was feeling made her all the hotter and increased her needs that much more. She was on the edge, not quite there but riding the edge as she felt the cuffs holding her legs undone and her legs spread wide as a finger was pushed in to her anus. Unable to handle the emotions and the physical urgency to climax Aimee let just let go flooding the bed and floor as she felt a finger invading her anus. " God I am cumminnnggg," feeling both holes filled, she screamed out, "Fuck me, fuck me deep and hard." Now both hands were flying in and out of her as she climaxed over and over. Aimee awoke with a start and looked about the room, realizing where she was. Her nightclothes soaked with sweat, her hands, thighs and sheets wet with her juices. Aimee realized that she had been pleasuring herself, there was no one else. Sliding back under the sheets Aimee smiled knowing that it was more than just the idea of sex, more than just the idea of power, it was all about control and desire. Aimee now understood what her path was to be, but she still had no idea on how she would travel it or what would happen along way. Aimee climbed from the bed and took a long shower, enjoying the feel of the hot water on her skin washing away the sticky residue, the needle points of heat on her nipples and lips, playing on her clit. She moaned, her nipples growing from the heat and the sharp sting of the spray. Turning back and forth she savored the feeling of her excitement, the way she responded to her growing desire and her nipples reflecting that desire. She leaned back allowing the water to perform it's magic, not touching herself but allowing it to massage her to a climax. Never had she felt as free as she did this morning. No longer willing to be a part of any one thing but a part of everything. Leaning back against the shower wall she allowed the water to wash over her womanhood, it sharp needles slowly bringing her to a flowing climax, one easy rolling peak after another. Her knees giving way beneath her she sank to the floor of the shower, savoring the heat and steam relaxing in the aftermath of her climaxes. It seemed like hours that she lay there, the heat and water surrounding her, acting as a cleansing for her soul. Slowly she stood knees weak and left the shower, her interest in the delivery from the evening before urging her to not return to bed but to explore. After slipping on a pair of gym shorts and a t-top Aimee took the three packages that had arrived the evening before and set then on the living room table. Pouring a glass of juice and a cup of coffee she returned and just sat staring at the boxes, trying to figure out what they were for and who sent them since there was no return address or instructions. Looking at the packages she sipped her juice, pausing to run the tip of her pink tongue along her lower lip she reached for the manila envelope. Breaking the seal Aimee slid out the papers out and started to read. Three hours later she stopped and looked at the coffee in front of her sitting cold and untouched. Laying down the papers she went and made a fresh pot, waiting for it to perk she thought about what she had read. Limits list, contracts, expectations for her and for her to think about. Positions, respect, trust all just words before but now forming into something else. Sipping her coffee she opened the first box and found a collection of panties and bras, several different colors and styles. Beneath that several pairs of shoes, all with heels from 4 to 6 inches. Nothing like she was use to wearing but all stylish and chic. Her curiosity peaked she opened the last package and found several dresses and several toga looking wrap arounds. Before she could take the new clothes to her room and try them on the phone rang. " Hello," said Aimee. "Did you get the packages I had sent to you last night?" a deep voice asked. "Yes I did, I was just about to go and try them on." " No, don't do that. I want you to go to your room and select a pair of thong panties that you think will please me, next take the red dress and the red shoes and wear them to work today, I want you to look your best for when I see you. Remember you do not know when I will see you but I will." Aimee paused for a minute, thinking about what he was telling her before she heard her self-saying " Yes, Sir." " Very good little one, I will contact you later about this evening." Aimee started to ask who he was but the phone went dead before she could. Aimee went about the task she had been assigned and took the selected clothes back to her bedroom and laid then out. She stripped off the shorts and the t-top spending time looking at her body. She took out her lotion and after putting some in her hand she slowly applied it to her legs. Spreading the lotion on her skin she massaged her legs muscles as she went enjoying the feeling of strength that was there. She hands then moved to her feet, she enjoyed the feel of her slippery fingers moving between her toes and along the ball of her foot. Next she applied the lotion to her neck and shoulders, rubbing in a tight circles. Moving down her chest, massaging her breasts, squeezing and pulling on her nipples. She pulled hard on her nipple rings and felt a shock run through her. She paused, looked at the bedside clock and decided that if she kept this up she would be late for work so with a sigh she finished putting on her lotion. Slipping into the cream colored thong she next picked up the dress. Looking at the cut and style she felt a little uncomfortable going without a bra because of her erect nipples, knowing that her rings would show. Donning the red dress, its hem line falling just below her knees, she could feel the fabric against her already excited and sensitive nipples making them all them more erect. Slipping the red shoes on she looked into the mirror and saw not the gothic beauty that she use to imagine herself being but something else, something fresh and lovely, desirable and wanting. After putting on her make-up she hurried to catch a cab to work and made it just in time for the afternoon staff meeting. Aimee, I want to congratulate you on that BDSM piece that you wrote. We have had a shit load of comments from almost all sectors of the community. The alternative sector thought you handled it well and presented the information with out bias, while the more straight-laced groups like your Ministerial Alliances are condemning you for even thinking about exposing the world to such depravity." said Aimee's Editor in Chief, a very large smile covering his face. " We were however wondering just how in-depth did you go to get the information you cited." Aimee not wanting to answer to many questions just smiled and responded with, " I only did what I need to do to make the story interesting and enjoyable, and, (with a dramatic pause), maybe a little bit to make it interesting and enjoyable for me as well." "Well I can promise you this, there will be a nice little something for you in your check this week, This was one of the best stories we have had in quite a while" Aimee just sat and smiled as the others gave her a round of applause before returning back to work. Aimee continued to work through the different stories she had on her desk, making corrections and getting them ready for print. Yet in the midst of her hectic day she still heard his words in the back of her mind. " Will see you." So she watched the others around her trying to figure out which it was that has so affected her. Just as the clock clicked over to six the phone rang. Aimee answered it and was told to come to a very high profile restaurant on the south side of the city. Aimee took a cab to the restaurant and as she walked in she was greeted by the matre'd who escorted her to a private room in the back of the restaurant. Upon entering she noticed the table was covered with rose petals, a bouquet of red roses in the center of the table. She also saw the familiar envelope setting against them and a small box as well. Aimee sat for a minute collecting her thoughts smoking a cigarette a smile across her face. She reached for the envelope opening it slowly, not knowing what instructions waited. She read the note slowly and then reached for the box. Opening it she withdrew the mask inside, Reaching under her dress she removed her thong and folded it up, placing it in the box. Closing the lid she took her seat, sitting very straight she slipped on the mask and waited. Hands folded in front of her she had no idea how much time passed before she felt a breeze moving across her legs. A warm breath whispered in her ear telling her lovely she looked and how proper she was sitting. Softly a kiss was planted on her waiting lips, she started to return it but the he pulled away. "Not just yet little one, not just yet," he said. A second voice came into range and she heard him ordering dinner for both of them as well as the wine. She waited until he spoke to her again, waited with her desire growing her needs unmet. As soon as the waiter left he leaned into Aimee, his hand caressing her thigh. Aimee sighed at his touch, currents of lust cascading through her. He whispered to her softly, his voice deep and filled with strength. " I admire the way that you have followed my directions little one, you have done well," punctuating his compliment with a stroke on her upper thigh, fingertips just barely brushing her swollen outer lips. She gasped at his touch and say, saying nothing as he continued. "I knew that you were the right one the moment that I met you, I saw through the confusion, I saw the desire in your eyes at some of the demonstrations. Am I right?" "Yes Sir," was all that Aimee could say, her breath was almost like a pant, her nostrils starting to flare. The excitement was slow building but intense never the less. He continued to stroke her thigh, moving is hand up and down, getting near to her wet pussy, brushing her but never quite making solid contact. Teasing her forcing her to stretch her limits. Aimee knew what was expected and she fought to keep control over her bodies own reflexes. She struggled with her own desires and passion, her own lust for this stranger, this man whose face she had never seen. After what seemed to be hours of teasing and taunting the smell of dinner wafted across the room and it was almost enough to cover the smell of heated desire that he had brought about in Aimee. Aimee turned her had towards the direction she thought he was sitting at and started to ask about dinner. Before she could say anything her told her that she could remove the blindfolds and eat, but she was not to look up from her plate or speak. If she did looked up or spoke the blindfold would be replaced and her dinner would be over. Aimee sat quietly and waited as the blindfold was removed. As excited, as she was to maybe have a look at her date, her dream, she kept her head down and slowly ate her dinner. After a couple of bites she realized that she was famished. They ate in silence, no words or sounds except for the clinking of glassware and silver. As soon as she finished the final bite of food on her plate the blindfold was returned and she entered again into the darkness. Aimee sat waiting for the next move in the lovers' chess match; the next move would determine the course of the evening. She felt his hand on her leg moving its way up to her junction. She was still wet from earlier and her excitement was not curbed, only slightly dormant. With in a few minutes his precise touches and soft strokes brought it forth again, inflaming her as he stroked her slit. She moaned and lay back, as he penetrated her with his fingers. Slow and gentle he massaged her inner walls, knowing all along what he was doing, knowing that his touch was driving her upwards. That his touch was making her his with each passing moment. Aimee found herself lost in the moment, lost in his touch. Unable to make any type of a response except the acceptance of his affections and attention. She found that she was slowly giving herself to him, without question or reservation. She also felt a sense of fear, fear of the unknown. Fear of what may occur if she released her control, or the control she felt she still had. Aimee moaned through slightly parted lips, known that while she dare not speak she instead found herself consciously controlling her building orgasm. Aimee knew that she was getting closer to her climax and she fought back the feeling that here building inside of her. She just knew that it was important that she keep control of herself for him, nothing else mattered but making him happy. As his fingers continued to stroke in and out she knew could feel his fire within his touch. She knew that he was testing her, wanting to see if her lesson earlier has been enough. Her breath catching as she in healed and exhaled her started to pant slightly as she struggled to keep control. His breath was now hot on her neck as he whispered in her ear, "Very good my pet, you have learned to keep control and that pleases me." She smiled as he said that, knowing that this one act might bring her closer to him and to what he offered. Aimee voice was soft and hesitant as she took a breath and asks, "please may I cum now, I can barely hang on. Please, please let me cum." With this simple request he paused and told her, "yes I will let you but not quite yet. Taking her by the hand he stood her up and turned her around. Pushing against her back he pushed her on to the table. She felt her dress being raised above her hips and his hands parting her legs, spreading her wide opened. Again she felt his fingers invade her, stroking and teasing her as she moaned and groaned, grinding against his hand. Suddenly his hand withdrew and she heard him freeing himself and then the touch of his penis on her swollen lips, playing about then with one swift thrust he buried himself deep into her. His balls slapping her ass. He paused allowing her a minute to adjust then he withdrew almost all the way before slamming back into her. Aimee cried out in lustful passion, as she felt herself filled. Smiling to himself he started to rock back and forth, pulling almost all the way out and slamming back in again and again. Aimee cried out each time. The pure sexual energy he conveyed taking her over. Her body shaking as she felt herself filled over and over with his strokes. Her cries of passion were filling the room, as she clawed the edge of the table hanging on as he continued to take possession of her body. Her orgasm building and just when she could hang on no more he paused and calmed her by stroking her hair and whispering his pleasure in her ear. Just as she started to calm, he knew just when to start to pound in and out of her with even more energy. Aimee began to thrash about as he plowed in to her wet hot pussy, " Yes, yes fuck me, harder, please fuck me hard." she cried out as he slammed into her. Opening up even wider all Aimee could think about was him taking her over and over, the pleasure it brought and finally the pleasure she was giving. " Yes deeper and faster," she moaned, "God yes fuck me, make me cum just for you." With these words she started to hutch back against him, loving the way he felt as he slammed his thick, long cock into her over and over. Just when Aimee could not believe that it could get any stronger, any hotter than it was, she felt a pressure against her anus. His strokes were longer and slower now, forcing Aimee to calm down, again depriving her of her much needed orgasm, She whimpered as she felt him slow not knowing what was next. Her mind played out a hundred different scenarios in minutes. Then she felt the pressure against her anus, his finger probing her tightly clenched ass. She moaned slightly as he finally worked his finger into her and begins twisting it about loosening her slightly. She could feel her orgasm building almost immediately as he continued his slow and easy strokes in and out of her wet hot pussy. After a few minutes he pulled his finger out and she felt empty for a second before she again felt a pressure on her anus. She relaxed expecting his fingers to return but was greeted by intense pressure and shocking pain as he shoved a large butt plug into her. She cried out from he shock as well as the pain as he worked and seated the plug before starting again the long hard strokes in and out of her. Now she could feel herself relaxing to the plug, feel it filling her as he filled her over and over with his deep long strokes, she moaned out knowing that this had to be it, her climax building as he shifted about and started to drive into her. Working her towards a sexual frenzy. Faster and faster he thrust into her. Aimee rocking back and forth to meet his thrust crying out in passion again and again, as he would shift a little and tease a new spot. Almost unable to take any more she started to beg. " Please, oh god please let me cum, I cannot take any more. You, please Sir let me cum." A tear rolling down her face as the pleasure was slowly turning to exquisite pleasure/pain. He kept up the rhythm as he laid his hand on her head and told her that she pleased him in ways she would not fully understand. With that he flipped a switch on the butt plug and Aimee's knees gave way as her whole body experienced the vibrations coming from the plug. Unable to hold back any me she screamed as the first of her climaxes washed over her, again and again she came, screaming out obscenities and words of love all mixed together. " Oh god yes, fuck take me Sir, fuck me over and over. Ooh I love you, I love you." She cried out. "I am cumminggg againnnnnnnnnnnnnnn." Over and over Aimee climaxed, her whole body shaking and thrashing about with such violence that he lay on top of her to restrain her. Just as her body slowed and the final ripples of pleasure coursed their way through her He thrust deep inside of her. Grabbing her hair he pulled her head up as he came, flooding her with this seed this was the final action for Aimee as she passed out on the table. Her final thoughts were of Him standing over her, holding her hair and calling her his little pet. Aimee had no idea how long she had been out. She awoke in her own bed, alone. Her clothes removed and folded in a neat pile in the chair. She started to stretch feeling the pain between her legs and in her ass reliving her memories of the night before. She heard water being ran in the bathroom an slowly got up, wrapping a sheet about herself she made her way to the bathroom. There she saw a lovely young girl of no more than 20, dressed in a short skirt with a soft gauze blouse kneeling beside the tub almost filled with steaming hot water with a cup of coffee in her hand. "My name is Angela, and I am here to assist you this morning. My Master thought you would need a little help today," handing Aimee the coffee Angela poured some bath salts into the tub. Aimee sipped the coffee, not sure of what to expect but praying that sex was not on the agenda for this morning. Aimee caught herself laughing out loud at the thought she just had, never had she ever had such a thought. Handing Angela the cup Aimee allowed the sheet to fall as she stepped into the tub, easing down in the hot water, feeling it relaxing her body. Taking the cup back she sipped the coffee as Angela started washing her, working her way up from her feet. By the time Angela has reached her breasts Aimee had finished the coffee and was relaxing, enjoying the treatment she was getting. "So Angela, tell me about your Master," Aimee said. "Well he is quite special and he loves me dearly, and I feel most happy that he has decided to choose another to join us, I love the idea of having a sister to share with." Aimee paused and thought about the night before and smiles, thinking that maybe having a sister would not be so bad after all. Her mind settled she listened as Angela explained how the house worked and what sort of things she was expected to do, then Aimee asked the really important question, "Angela what does the Master look
like?" Angela paused and looked Aimee in the eyes and smiled, " no one knows. His face is always covered if we are not blindfolded, makes the serving all the more pleasurable, and the receiving of the Masters pleasures all the more exciting." Angela finished the bath and took Aimee into the bedroom, drying her and helping her get dressed and ready. She had just finished her hair when the door bell rang and Aimee was rushed to the living room, and Angela told her to kneel, showing her how. Aimee took the position and a blindfold was slipped over her eyes as she waited. Heard the front door open she could feel another presence in the room. His spoke to her softly, his voice making her shiver, not from fear but form admiration, no more than that love. "Well Aimee, you have had a taste of what I have to offer and a chance to think, do you believe that you would like to take a journey with me, a walk to places you have never been?" he asked. Aimee just stayed in her position, eyes downcast she hands folded on her knees as she gathered the courage to whisper the word, "yes Sir." With that he took her by the chin and then by the hand standing her up. He had he place her right foot on the coffee table and then he slipped a gold ankle bracelet on her. "This is my gift to you to show that you are mine. As time passes you will learn more and grow even more and when the time comes you will offer me the greatest of all gifts and then and only then will I make you mine as I have done with your little sister Angela. Pausing as Angela showed Aimee the choker she wore, made of gold and engraved. Until that point Aimee had not even noticed it. Aimee stood up and then knelt again as she had knowing that this was what she had needed for so long and that here search was over. _This story has a long build up. If you want to jump to the hot sexy part, you can skip down to the second ***** The sexy stuff comes pretty quickly after that._ * This all happened long ago, in 1991, the summer after my senior year in high school. Visual art has always been my passion, so when my parents insisted I do something productive with my time, I enrolled in a summer art school class. Our teacher was Terry, a very handsome man, sophisticated and urbane. Terry spoke to me as he would to an adult and I felt special. Being only 18 and rather inexperienced, I fell for his ruse to get me into the alley next to the art school by myself. Suddenly I found myself being pushed into a corner formed by the neighboring building and the fence. He set upon me, backing me into this corner, groping me while I fought his onslaught. I barely came up to his chin and the contest was decidedly in Terry's favor. Then I heard someone rattling down the rear stairs from the balcony above. A guy dressed in black jeans and a black leather vest burst through the wooden gate. He had seen us. He took in everything: Terry's hands on me, my struggle to escape. "What the fuck are you doing to her?" he demanded of Terry. My preserver looked like he belonged at a Metallica concert. Terry withdrew quickly. I was now crying. "Go upstairs," the young man directed to me over his shoulder, still facing Terry. I obeyed. From the top of the stairs I saw Terry back up, away from my guardian, then hustle back into the art school. He stood there with folded arms for a few moments as if waiting to see if Terry would re-emerge. That was how I met Cody. Once we were in Cody's apartment, he asked "Are you OK?" Cody's face remained glowering from his encounter with Terry. As glad as I was to get away from Terry, my rescuer was a bit alarming. My sheltered existence had never brought me close to anyone like him. I'd barely seen anything outside my private schools and the country club. Cody was dark and raw, undisguised. "Yes, I think I'm OK," I replied, trying to take inventory. It was hard to focus under Cody's intense gaze. The ordinary bun I put my dark hair up in was a little worse for wear, my clothes were disheveled, and Terry had grabbed my arm pretty hard. It would leave a bruise on my pale skin. That seemed to be it. Cody relaxed a little and removed his hand from my shoulder. He handed me the water he'd brought. After taking a few sips, I noticed a greasy thumb print and quickly put it down. I needed to go anyway, it was past 4. I thanked my champion and departed. Once home, I wondered why I had hurried. My mother was out shopping with one of her country club friends. I was alone with my thoughts about my afternoon. My father would go down there and threaten Terry with a lawsuit. He might actually do it, bring a lawsuit, or worse, call the police. And after assuring herself I was not truly hurt, my mother would probably find some way to blame me. She never liked the idea of me attending art school. She wanted me to practice tennis with the pro at the Club. Anything not directly associated with the Club was distasteful, seedy, dangerous, outre, below our station, something. I had been so happy to get away from the Club, out from under her eagle eye. I didn't want to go through all the scenes that would be involved if I reported Terry's assault. I had no idea what I'd do with my time, but the idea of being free appealed to me. I chose to keep my Terry experience to myself. My immediate plans for the very next day were decided for me. I'd left my wallet at Cody's apartment. I had no number to call, so all I could do was appear on his doorstep. No one answered the door when I knocked. I settled myself on an old wicker chair on the balcony to wait. I got out my sketch pad and doodled until I noticed the Japanese tulip tree in bloom, in the courtyard. I was absorbed in my rendition of the tree when Cody came home. He invited me in and offered me a Pepsi while he looked for my wallet. He eventually had to move the sofa. How it had gotten so far back there, I couldn't imagine. When he returned it to me, he noticed my sketch. "What's that?" he asked, standing behind me and looking over my shoulder. I had not gotten farther than the trunk and a few branches. "The tulip tree outside." A thought crossed my mind... No, that would be too strange. Asking a complete stranger to sit on their balcony to draw a tree? I'd never be able to complete it from memory though. I boldly asked the favor. "Sure, you can come up here any time." If I had known him better, I would have been able to tell how pleased he was. "Doesn't matter if we're away, you're welcome to hang out." When I came the next day, at the time I normally would have been at art school, I found someone had covered the chair with a blanket and provided a cushion. I knocked but no one answered. Away from the busy avenue beyond the alley, the courtyard was quiet, filled with bird song. The wild garden was lush. Honey suckle bloomed on one fence, adding a sweet smell. I watched a squirrel raid a bird feeder hanging from a dogwood. I realized, after a while, I had not continued my sketch and put myself to work. A problem occurred to me, rather urgently, when I'd been there a couple of hours. I had no access to a bathroom. Just as I was determining I needed to find a public restroom, Cody came home. Embarrassed, I told him of my need. I was ushered in and shown the bathroom. It was cleaner than I had expected, from my experience with the dirty glass and dust bunnies under the couch. I was offered a drink again and as I was truly thirsty, I accepted. "That art school guy give you more trouble?" Cody wanted to know, looking a bit grim. I assured him Terry had not even noticed me. "If he bothers you, let me know." I doubted anyone would interfere with Cody. Terry certainly wouldn't. I hadn't finished my sketch and asked to return the following day. Cody and his roommates Neil and Michael were home the next day, listening to music while I sketched away. They were listening to heavy metal, not the kind of music I listened to, or my friends listened to. The more I heard, the more appealing it became. The lyrics seemed a bit silly sometimes, but the hard, intense guitars held my attention. An hour or so later, I was offered a drink again. I politely asked about the music and got a lot more than I expected. Neil and Michael got into an argument about something to do with Blue Oyster something. Neil appealed to me as if I would actually know or have an opinion. He pulled out a record and put it on the turntable, selected a spot and lowered the needle. It was beautiful, a guitar rippling and haunting vocals. It was unlike the other stuff they listened to, until about the middle, when suddenly the guitars came on strong. Neil pointed to my rapt expression and triumphantly said "There, even she agrees!" Michael looked skeptical. Cody refused to comment. Neil seemed to think that ended the discussion, but Michael pursued his argument. I found Cody looking at me. He shared an amused look with me, watching Neil and Michael debate. Suddenly I realized it was time for me to go. My sketch was still unfinished. It took me one more day to finish the tulip tree. But I didn't want to abandon my afternoons there and started a new sketch, of the honeysuckle. Next, one of the bird feeder. By then I was an accepted member of the group. I didn't need my sketch book as an excuse any more. I began a double life. Weekdays, I was a fixture at the bachelor pad. Weekends, I was dragged by my parents to all sorts of boring social functions at the country club. My parents were under the impression that I was still attending art school weekdays and frequently spending evenings with various girlfriends. I was freer than I had ever been in my life. It felt good. ***** There was great excitement a few weeks later. Judas Priest and Alice Cooper were coming to town. We all despaired of going, as it was sold out, until Neil won a pair of tickets from a radio contest. We drew lots to decide which of the three of us would accompany Neil. Michael was the lucky one. The day of the concert, Cody was off work from his job at the heavy metal/punk rock record store and I was hanging out as usual. It was sweltering. I was in shorts and a short tank top, trying to stay cool with as little clothing as possible. I hadn't even bothered with a bra. My dark chestnut hair was done up in a messy bun, wisps straggling against my pale skin. I was blowing on my fingernails, willing the nail polish to dry when Cody interrupted my thoughts. "Amber, it's too hot here. Let's go down to the lake. There's at least a breeze there." I was alive to that prospect. I had been wishing for a cooling rain shower, but a breeze would be welcome. "C'mon, put away that stuff. I'll get my keys." He pressed my shoulder as he passed behind me, let his hand trail down my arm. It was an easy, natural motion, but unlike any he had made before. Down by the lake, we found a solitary bench perched on a point of land, sheltered by a lonely oak. The breeze whipped my hair. We groaned with envy, discussing the line up of bands Michael and Neil were going to see tonight. As a consolation, Cody mentioned a bootleg recording of a Black Sabbath concert he got from a regular at the record store. We could listen to it while the guys were at the show. We ran out of talk about the upcoming concert and lapsed into silence. The sun was now setting. It was time to go if we wanted to see Michael and Neil off. As we turned back, Cody casually slung one arm around my shoulder in a friendly embrace. I hesitated, unsure what this meant. Then, tentatively, I put my arm around his waist. He squeezed my shoulders. Something had shifted. ***** When we got back to the apartment, the guys were all riled up and ready to go. Michael had his Slayer t-shirt and Neil was sporting an Anthrax one. Cody gave Michael some money. He couldn't go to the concert himself, but Michael could buy him some tour merchandise. "A poster, if they have one." Their excitement was contagious. Finally they set off, Cody loaning them the car for the night. "OK, Miss Amber, we have our own concert to listen to. This bootleg is really rare. We'll have to listen on my stereo, the one out here eats tapes. I can't trust this baby," tapping the tape, "in that old deck." We retired to his bedroom. I had never been in there so I looked around curiously. It was neater than I'd expected. Michael and Neil were such pigs; the living room coffee table was always deep in fast food containers and dirty dishes. His bed was tidily made up with a deep blue and green jewel toned comforter, and there was a sheepskin rug on the floor. The lighting came from a torchiere floor lamp, indirect and subdued. A line of candles graced the mantle, which surprised me. Cody didn't seem like the candle-light type of person. In place of pride was his stereo system, a massive affair of stacked components, looking as complicated as a control room in a nuclear power plant. The four speakers were screwed into the ceiling, one for each corner of the room. "This guy saw Black Sabbath in Chicago, the 1983 tour. Vintage stuff. I don't know what kind of recording equipment he had, but man, this is an amazing copy." He put the tape in, pressed play. He ushered me to the bed, then settled himself on the sheepskin rug, leaning against the bed. A strange, distorted sound resolved itself into a baby's cries. "You should see the album cover, it has this red devil baby on it." I thought I could forgo the devil baby, but settled in for a good performance. I idly ran my toes through the sheepskin rug and was surprised at the incredible softness. I involuntarily exclaimed "Oh my god, this feels so good!" I eagerly rubbed my bare feet against it. Cody laughed, tweaked my big toe. "You like it soft, Amber?" "Oh yes!" He gave me a heart-melting smile of amused affection. I suddenly noticed how his eyes crinkled in the corners and wanted to touch his mouth. I mentally shook myself... where had that come from? "We need some drinks... whatcha want, honey?" "Mmm, Pepsi is good." He returned bearing two cans beaded with condensation. I was flopped back on his bed, spreadeagled to get as much cool air from the ceiling fan on my body as possible. "You look hot." I innocently didn't catch the innuendo. "Here, let me cool you off. An old trick my grandma showed me." He gestured for me to sit up and turn my back to him. He sat next to me, then pressed the frigid can against the nape of my neck. I jumped away from the burning cold, but he put a hand on my shoulder and urged me back. His hand was warm. "It hurts at first, but then it feels good. Stay still." And he was right. Goose bumps soon showed up on my arms, and my nipples hardened against the thin fabric of my tank. His hand was still on my shoulder, now kneading my muscles. Then I just barely felt something soft and warm where my shoulder met my neck. I turned my head a little to look, and it was Cody, gently putting his mouth against me and licking the salt of my skin. Without thought, I moved as though to pull away, but he pressed down on my shoulder, holding me still. He removed the can of Pepsi, replaced it with a gentle, heavy hand. What was Cody doing? "Does this feel good, Amber?" He put his mouth against me again, an open-mouthed kiss in the same place, at the base of my neck. It was sending a different kind of shiver down me. "Yes," I husked in a low voice. My admission was pulled from me without my volition and was followed by an arousing guilty thrill. This was forbidden ground. My parents would not approve. Society would not approve. Everything about Cody, from his long hair to his tattooed arms... off limits, no nice girl would let him do this. I knew he would take me places I'd never been. He was no boy, he was a man. Giving in to the overwhelming excitement and pleasure would be a plunge into the unknown, the wild, the untamed. Now he was closer, stroking my arms as he kissed my neck from behind. Should I let this go on? His hands came around to rest on my bare midriff, embracing me. He moved even closer, working his way up my neck to breathe in my ear. His touch against my skin was unlike anything I'd ever felt, soft, gentle, warm. Thrilling. He was drawing unknown feelings from me, a rising column of pleasure that started at the base of my being. Was this wrong? I was basking in the heat building in my stomach when he turned me to face him. His eyes were almost black with dilated pupils. I ran my finger over the dark stubble where a long strand of jet hair lodged. His mouth was red and sharply delineated. I was in awe of power he had over me, how his touch could move me into an unknown, forbidden world of dark pleasure. I surrendered. A shock of excitement flashed down me as my lips met his, making my heart beat harder. The heat in my stomach expanded, my skin was flushed. I put my arms around him, palms sliding across the whipcord muscles of his back. His mouth caressed mine, his tongue probed between my lips. I opened my mouth to him, extended my tongue. He met my tongue with his own in a wet sliding touch. The gentle contact sent hot waves through me. Cody deepened the kiss. Soon we were entirely absorbed. My hands on his back filled an itch I had never known. He stopped kissing me long enough to pull his shirt over his head, exposing tattooed biceps, his pale chest feathered with dark hair and slick with perspiration. Then he was back. This was more intense than any kisses I had exchanged with boys my own age. His tongue against mine, smooth bare skin under my hands, a beat in my throat pulsing steadily, my center flowing with hot, dark pleasure, it was too much and I broke our kiss to moan his name. My hands could not get enough of his wiry arms and muscled back. He easily slid his mouth to my neck again. He was stroking me from the waistband of my shorts to the hem of my tank top. As my breath came faster, he slipped his hands under my shirt and cupped my small breasts so that they lifted and the nipples rubbed against my shirt. I arched forward, asking for more. Wordlessly he removed my top. His fingers stroked the sides of my breasts as his thumbs came up to graze my nipples. They instantly came to attention, small dark pink buttons. An incredible heat was mounting. I was so absorbed in the pleasure Cody was eliciting from me that my nudity did not register. An hour ago I would not have believed I could shed my top so easily, but now it was cast aside without thought, my only care the feelings coursing through me. While he sucked and nipped at one saliva slippery nipple, he cupped my other breast and pinched the sensitive tip gently. All the sensations pulled a thrill down, feeding the overwhelming sensation of arousal in my center. He switched from one breast to the other. I lost track of the passage of time, the pleasure seeming to go on and on. Then he stopped to kiss me again. He pressed me back into a reclining position on the bed, facing each other. Now our chests were together, sweat making us slippery. His slim hips rested against my closed legs. I had never gone so far with a boy. I didn't care if this was right or wrong. This was the last bastion of my modesty and I abandoned myself. I drew one knee up, parting my legs, and he slid upward until I could feel his erection against my thigh. I was no longer moaning but crying in gasps. I hooked one leg around his waist, brought my other knee up, impelling him closer, deeper between my legs. Now his erection was rubbing against the space between my spread legs, my back arching up to bring us closer together so that he was pushing my fabric covered lips apart and rubbing my clitoris. I discovered a hunger and pursued it without shame. I writhed against him, holding on to him, moving to stimulate myself. He caught my rhythm and joined me, grinding together, simulating the act of sex. After an uncounted time he pulled away. I felt a yearning ache to have him back, skin against skin, closer than close. I felt him undo the button of my shorts, heard the zipper come down. He backed away as I closed my legs so he could remove my shorts and panties. I was completely nude but unaware of my nudity, only longing to be skin to skin again, urgent to continue my pleasure. Now I wrapped both legs around his waist as he resumed his position on top of me. But his hand had snaked down between my legs. I was so wet his fingers slipped between my outer lips without resistance. He found my hard clitoris and rubbed his fingers up and down in time with the thrusting of my pelvis. I cried out his name until the heat inside me burst out in an orgasm that went on and on, his fingers still moving, drawing more out of me than I thought possible. In the midst of my orgasm, I'd felt a distant stab of pain, but ignored it. I collapsed and Cody rolled off me, coming to rest at my side. "Cody, that was..." I didn't have words for what just happened. I kissed him. "You're a beautiful woman, Amber." I had never actually been told that before. It added to my glow. Cody left my side for a moment to divest himself of his jeans, then slid back in bed with me, nestling in at my side. I languidly ran a hand down his side, settled my hand on his hip. I sleepily noticed his pants were gone, and he was twining his bare legs with my own. That pricked my attention. I looked down and saw his erection outlined clearly against the fabric of his dark red briefs. In my relaxed, sleepy state, action followed impulse without thought, and I reached out to touch him. I liked the long shape. It seemed designed to be held. I stroked it through the cloth. He pulled it out of his thin briefs. It did not feel as I expected. It felt hard but soft also, a hardness inside soft sliding skin. I explored it gently. He folded his hand around my own, closing it in a fist so I had his phallus in a firm grip. He very slowly moved my hand up and down. I felt how the skin slid and how hot it was. As my hand explored the shaft, my eyes explored the head, bulbous and shaped almost like a helmet. It was darker pink than the pale shaft and looked stretched and shiny. There was a tiny slit at the tip and as I watched, a drop of precum formed there. I felt compelled to taste it. He guided my hand with his and together we were stroking the shaft, and now I licked this bead of moisture. "Amber," he groaned. His hand moved faster. It tasted salty, smelled musky and arousing. I had heard about blow jobs, and knew sucking was involved, so I gently sucked his head into my mouth. "Oh god, you're so good." Encouraged, I sucked more in, part of the shaft. My tongue started its own explorations, around the rim of his head, outlining the edges. He groaned again. I went back to sucking the head, rather as I would a lollipop, letting the rounded shape pop out, rubbing against my upper lip, then sucking it back in again. His eyes were closed now but his free hand was stroking my hair. "Sweet Jesus, Amber!" Now he let go of my hand and I continued stroking his shaft on my own. I developed a rhythm of sucking in as much as I could take and pumping my fist around his shaft. He was seething between clenched teeth "Yes, yes." I was very pleased I was doing it right, pleased to give him pleasure. Then suddenly he was pulling it out of my mouth, replacing my hand with his own. I watched, fascinated, as pearly white strands of cum squirted out. Some hit my chin. I wiped it off, looked at my hand, tasted it. Interesting. I liked it. A few tissues cleaned everything up. We snuggled into a spoon. I was almost asleep when we heard Michael and Neil come in. Their loud, excited voices filled the apartment. "Oh shit Amber! You need to go!" It was past midnight. I was supposed to be home 20 minutes ago. I bolted out of bed. Skipping panties, I jumped into my shorts and shirt. I tried hopelessly to straighten my hair. Cody hustled me out into the surprised faces of Michael and Neil. I stepped into my sandals and grabbed my purse. We rushed out, Cody calling back "Gotta go, guys." On the stairs down I found my hairbrush and began taming the mess. I had it up in a pony tail by the time we reached the end of the alley and I had gotten out my keys. Cody gave me a kiss over the car door as I scrambled in. "Call me..." he said through the window as I got into gear and drove away.
We stood on 3rd Avenue, the snow sheeting down, and I wondered how anybody could think about getting naked in this weather. Sandi and I stood on the movie line, like other couples swathed in layer after layer of clothing that almost kept the biting wind from raising goosebumps on us. Gloves, scarves, boots, hats, zipped-up coats and parkas, sweaters, and thick plaid shirts erased any evidence of sexual differentiation. We stamped our feet, stuck our hands deeper into our pockets and prayed the line would start moving faster than the frostbite that, I was sure, was rendering my fingers useless even before I got them into her panties. Clouds of steaming breath rose into the Saturday darkness. "I hope the Chinese food's keeping you warm," I said over the top of my scarf, my breath leaving a damp spot on the edge (I wondered what other damp spots were nearby. Jiminy Christmas I was hornier than usual. Had Sandy slipped something into my General Tsao's Chicken when I was in the men's room? Maybe it was her perfume). "Oh, that wore off a long time ago. I'm relying on internal combustion at this point," she said, only her eyes visible beneath the mummy-like wrapping. We'd had two dates so far. We started gingerly, with a get-acquainted lunch after I answered her ad in New York magazine and she called me back. We met at a TGI Friday's in the lobby of the Empire State Building. We shared the usual first-lunch chit-chat: Her insurance job, my journalism job, my aren't the rents outrageous, she was nervous about her parents moving to Boca Raton, what'd you major in, where do you go for Passover, isn't it marvelous we both like off-off-Broadway theater? And we both liked Saturday Night Live. A lot. "The highlight of my social life in college was Saturday Night Live," I said. "I had a little nine-inch Panasonic portable TV my mom gave me. My friends and I would sit around and watch it. This is back in the John Belushi days." "I love that show!" she said. "Gilda Radner was my favorite. It's too bad so many of the funny people left." "Yeah. You want to know how hard up we were for a sex life at Princeton?" I asked. "You developed Jane Curtin fantasies?" "No! We'd count the tampon ads. That constituted our sex lives. Pretty sick, huh?" "Were you wild and crazy guys?" "Frustrated and horny. We just wanted to have girlfriends." "I would have been your girlfriend, Danny," she said. Was this a tease? I couldn't tell. "I bet we would have had fun." I edged back in my chair. Talking about girlfriends already? I wanted to edge sex into the conversation, but something a little more serious came up. On a first lunch date! The next Saturday, we had an early dinner then a movie, coffee and hot apple pie, then a walk to her E. 53rd Street apartment building for more coffee. I quietly scanned her studio lingering debris of a boyfriend, but saw no aftershave bottles or copies of Sports Illustrated in the magazine basket by the pull-down bed. A "Cosmopoliteddy" poster - a teddy bear on a mock Cosmo cover -- lent a daffy touch. At midnight we stood in the front door, half in, half out. We embraced, her in a sweater, me in my leather jacket still unzipped before I headed down to the cold, cold subways for the downtown train to Brooklyn. As we pulled apart she noticed a tentpole in my blue jeans. "You did have a good time, didn't you?" Sandy said, her voice a blend of a purr and petulance. "Can't you tell?" I grinned, pulling her closer again. "You'll give me good dreams." "Wet dreams, I hope." "Naughty boy. Don't let any Brooklyn girls grab you." "All for you my sweet." I swooned as the train clanked downtown. Frigid New Yorkers flipped through the early edition of the "Times" and avoided eye contact. A stinky bum snored and sputtered in the corner. I didn't notice -- I was looking backward to Sandi's apartment. I could feel the curve of her body against my sweater, her perfume, holding her a foot away and looking into those hazel eyes ringed in delicate mascara. I hadn't had sex - with a woman, anyway - in over six months. I longed for the warmth, the smells, the shock of a new body before the damned complications and emotions cluttered the pure physical sensation. I liked Sandi, with her Cosmo Girl lifestyle and the Long Island honk of a voice, combined with a driving career sense. Maybe, I thought, I could manage the relationship, keep it simmering on "like a lot" without slipping a notch into "love and live together." Not yet, anyway. At work on Monday my email binged with a message from Sandi. "Hi Danny," said the subject line. I clicked on it. She wrote, "Hi guy I really liked our date on Saturday. It was so cold but that's OK. We're tough New Yorkers, right? Oh, I forgot you're from Texas, we have to toughen you up to the winters. My parents came in for brunch yesterday and I told them we had fun (I was drinking a Mimosa and that was fun, too). Got to get back to underwriting. Kisses until NEXT SATURDAY, Sandi." Busy workweeks kept us apart. She had client presentations, while I was busy closing the February issue of Frozen Food Focus, the trade magazine I edited. But we exchanged light, teasing emails. "I won't keep you out late, S," I wrote. "You'll be in bed by 10." She wrote back, "Maybe EARLIER!!" That was Sandi. Saturday came, and the express subway seemed to crawl up to Grand Central Terminal, where I hopped off and walked to her apartment and gave her a bunch of roses. "What a sweetie!" she exclaimed. I felt sheepish, but warm. And hot, wanting the evening to race by so we could get back to her apartment and... what? I'd had women talk a lot and then act offended when sex seemed like the next logical step in the relationship. That always threw me off balance, so I never assumed anything would happen until it happened - part of my grand theory of relationship management. Don't get in too deep or force sex with love. It's not like Sandi said, "Danny, I want to fuck your brains out, OK?" Not yet anyway. Signals flashed green, but I knew to never step on the gas until the road was clear. We had dinner - Greek this time. I had to marvel when she squealed, "I love Greek!" (sending a message? Moussaka and then some?). She was beginning to remind me of Playboy's Little Annie Fannie, wide-eyed innocence attached to boobs and a nice ass. "They called a moving company today," she said. "Who did?" I asked, my attention idling on the cleavage I envisioned beneath the Alcott & Andrews blouse. "My parents. They're closing on the townhouse next week and want to get the furniture down in six weeks. I am shocked." "So instead of calling them in Merrick you'll call them in Boca. And you'll get warm weather vacations." She put her fork down. "That's a very flippant attitude," she said with a hard edge in her voice that I recognized, from the past, as the sound of knees snapping shut. "Just because your mom's dead and you don't talk to your dad doesn't mean other people don't think about their parents." I put my fork down. How did parents replace sex? Had I wandered off the path to pleasure into a psychological cul de sac? "That wasn't what I meant at all," I said, angry myself. "I can understand you're attached to your parents and hate to see them go. Just give yourself time to adjust. See a therapist if that would help. I did when my mom died two years ago." That was a nice recovery: revealing, truthful, but sort of a generic New York thing to do and say. "And, Sandi, what makes you think I don't think about my mother? I think about her every day. I can't believe you said that." I felt warm, but an angry, flushed warm. Her eyes watered and she looked 15 years old then, not 25. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Did I? I'm just a little on edge about them leaving. We've always been close. Forgive me?" "There's nothing to forgive," I said. The flame I felt for her flickered. I just stared at her. Who was Sandi, anyway? What was I doing with her? We sat in silence for a minute, surprised by the surge of emotion on family issues. I couldn't let the giddy happiness and anticipation slip away. "Deep breath time, OK?" I said. We both took exaggerated deep breaths and exhaled. At the same instance we reached across the table and intertwined our fingers. The turbulence passed. Sandi broke the silence. Tell me about that magazine you write for. French Fry Monthly? That sounds like a cool East Village arts magazine." "I work for Frozen Food Focus. No arts coverage, just articles about frozen foods. It's not what I had in mind in college, but it's a foot in the door as a writer. Lots of fun at the food shows. I walk around with a toothpick and eat anything I want." "Don't let me forget to give you a toothpick when we leave here," she said. "You might be hungry when we get back to my place." "Maybe before." We liked the movie, longing for African warmth instead of New York's blizzard. The romantic tone seeped into us, as we sat against the wall of a not-very- crowded theater. I felt her fingers trace along my palm, sending jolts straight to my crotch. I returned the favor and then some, stroking my fingernails up her wrist, slightly under her blouse. "Mmmmm," I heard her say ever so softly. I turned my head to look at her, as she looked at me from under her halo of brown hair. "I like the sound of that," I whispered. Looking straight ahead she put my hand under the sweater in her lap, on her blue jeans. The heat rising from her crotch seemed to scald my hand. My glasses fogged. To hell with Meryl Streep and Africa, I thought, and whispered, "I like the feel of that." "Just you wait." Cocooned by the layers of clothing, we had total privacy. Even if we made a little noise, so what? My fingers drummed lightly on her jeans and I heard her shallow breathing, little gulps of air as she shift in her seat. Now what? Unzip her jeans and keep going? Put her hand on my crotch? Sorry, I'd be a sticky mess in 20 seconds the way things were going, and I loved the mounting, pleasant edge of tension. I removed my hand from her lap and slid my right arm around her shoulders, tugging her toward me. She folded against me like a Chinese fan. My hand lingered on the roundness of her shoulder through her silky peach blouse. Her rhythmic breathing pushed her breasts, in a lacy front-clasp bra, up and down. My fingers trailed down her collarbone. "Undo the top button," I whispered. She did. My hand slipped lower, looping around her bra strap, giving the bra cup a friendly little tug upward. Again she shifted, this time shrugging a little so my hand dropped lower still and easily covered her breast through the bra. The signals flashed a stronger green. "Danny, you're not in Texas anymore," I thought. "Play with my boob, please," she whispered. Who was I to deny a lady's request? I leaned slightly so my left hand slipped lower and cupped her breast through the lacy bra. I rolled it around gently, then traced ever smaller circles until my fingers settled around the protruding nipple. I squeezed it softly between my index and middle fingers. "Nice, nice," she murmured. The movie unspooled and I kept kneading her, almost absent-mindedly so we looked like just another huddled couple. Her left hand stroked back and forth on my thigh. I could barely keep my composure. I tightened my finger slightly and pressed her breast firmly with my palm. She gulped. Suddenly I felt her red-tipped fingernails dig into my jeans. Her body tightened against me and her nipple swelled. She sucked in her breath, pursed her lips, then trembled against me. "I just came," she said. "Thank you, Mr. Magic Fingers." She put her head on my shoulder, sighed, and the rest of the movie passed in a daze. When it ended we stood up, swaddled, and passed from the theater's warmth to a frigid riot of wind-driven. "Coffee?" I asked, a little half- heartedly. "At home," she said, pulling me down Third Avenue toward her apartment on E. 53rd Street. "God damn it," she muttered when she dropped her keys into the slush at the front entrance to the six-story building. She yanked off a mitten to get the key maneuvered into the lock. "Finally," she said as we passed through that door, then another, then into an elevator for the trip to the fourth floor. Why are elevators so slow when I want them to go fast? We tumbled through the door, locked it and collapsed onto her low-slung futon bed in a heap of snowy coats, cast-off gloves, damp mufflers and sweaters. Frantically we threw off the outerwear until we could tell who was the boy and who was the girl. Sandi fell back against a pillow while I settled beside her, kissing each other a million times a minute. Her head I cradled in the crook of my arm while she threw her arms around my neck. "I think you like me," she panted. "I think so, too," I said as I unzipped her jeans and eased them down her hips with my free hand. When they reached her knees I swung my hand back up to her pink panties on top of her cunt. The damp heat surged through the cotton, through my fingers, rocketing into a primal part of my brain. "I've been so turned on since the movie I can't stand it," she said as she yanked at the buttons on my shirt. "Really? I can't tell. Here, let's check," I replied. I pulled her panties aside to place my hand directly on her mound. She shivered and closed her eyes. "You're giving me goosebumps on my clit." We kissed while I worked my fingers around the sides of her clit, gently moving my fingers up and down, sometimes pressing down more firmly. I squinted at an alarm clock beside the bed. "We've got 28 minutes until 'Saturday Night Live,' starts, and that's enough time to give you goosebumps all over," I whispered in her ear as I slipped her blouse off her shoulders and ran my fingers under her bra strap. "Here, let me," she said. Now Sandi's hands took flight toward my unbuckled jeans. She yanked them down along with my underwear, and I kicked them off. One hand enveloped my cock and the other went back around my neck, pulling me down, down, down toward her face. While our tongues banging and probing she unclasped the front of her bra. I wanted to become a Hindu deity, with eight arms, to caress her completely, because I couldn't keep my hands off any part of her. I gave her nipple a lick. Sandi purred like a jungle cat, so I licked again, moving my tongue in a circle around the areola. The vise-like grip around my erection relaxed, and I sensed she was beginning to focus on her own sensations. I moved my head up to nuzzle her neck, fragrant with sweat and perfume, while I added - just a little - to the pressure of my fingers around her clit. "Ummm, what you're doing. Do they teach that at Princeton?" She squeezed her eyes shut. "Nah, natural talent." "Very talented." "Your smell is driving me crazy, Sandi." "I've got some talents, too. Ooohh," she moaned. Her part of the knot formed by our bodies began to tense. She bit her lip and slapped a hand down on the bed, as if to brace herself. From a distant corner of our passion I felt a wave rushing toward us, a primal force God granted man and woman to remind us of what we left in Eden. From deep in her body the wave rose to her parting lips. "Oh, ohh, ummm, oh, God hold me tight!" she screamed, as her body went rigid and then arched, tossed by the wave that swept from her to me and back again. "There, Sandi, there. I'm here," I whispered as the room whirled around me, as I kept stroking her clit. In seconds another wave rocked her, so she grabbed the bedsheets and dug her red-tipped nails into my forearm. In a few seconds, I thought, I'll pull back and slip into her even while she's coming, and let's see what she thinks about that sensation. But then she started crying. The tears and sobs burst from Sandi while her cunt still spasmed under my fingers. Another dam of feeling had burst inside her. At first I thought the pleasure had blown an emotional fuse, but, no, I realized that sorrow had replaced passion. She burrowed like a frightened child against my chest, weeping. "Sandi, Sandi, what's wrong? Did I hurt you?" "I've never come... so hard before... I mean it," she said between sobs. "I can't describe it, I just can't." Two heartbeats of silence, then she wailed, "I'm going to miss my mom and dad so much! I can't believe they're doing this to me. It's not fair, it's just not. I want them to stay. What will I do? I'm scared." "I'm right here. Sandi. Let me hold you." My erection deflated as she grew quiet. We lay side by side, my arms around her, her head and halo of brown hair against my chest. From the black buzz of animal sensation I emerged. Silence replaced sex in the small city apartment of a woman I had met three times. What we said and did minutes earlier seemed very far away. She was asleep against me. Cradling her, my senses refocused. I smelled her sexiness, and felt her velvety breasts rise and fall against my chest, like boats against a dock. The hiss of a radiator, a bus grinding down Lexington Avenue in the blizzard, the hum of a refrigerator - they formed a mosaic of ordinary sounds covering the mystery of two bodies merging. I stroked her hair, damp against her head, and pushed strands behind her ear. Let her sleep I thought, let her. And me? I could only stare at a blank future that, day by day, Sandi and I would color in. To hell with relationship management. Then I felt her hand flex on my stomach, like a newborn kitten testing its sense of movement. I closed my eyes. She sighed. "Who's the host tonight?" she asked. "Steve Martin." "Will you be my wild and crazy guy?" "Only if you'll be my wild and crazy girl." "It's a deal." Her eyes fluttered open. She kissed me and whispered, "Live from New York, it's Sandi and Danny!"
_Yes, yes. This one took a while. I apologize. Forgive me. I've been a bit side-tracked for a bit. But it's finished now, so feel free to dance._ I have had a few people get confused on the series since I forgot to number the chapters, so I'll do that now. So far, we have: Dealmaker (1), Helldancer (2), Firekeeper (3), Soulseeker (4), Secretkeeper (5), Havencaller (6), Shadowrunner (6), Demonbreaker (8) and Boneshaker (9). The title of the last chapter of the series (yes, we're almost there) will be listed at the bottom of this chapter. *** The mist raged to itself, letting out horrified shrieks of pure hatred the echoed across the still air of the marsh. Thick strands of liquid silver lashed around wildly, severing the frail limbs of the dead trees that survived precariously in the swamp. Stones cracked under their rueful lashes, the sturdy bricks of the wall even crumbling under their ferocity. How dare they take her away! It was so close, so _close!_ She was under its spell, lost in its intoxicating persuasion. She was crushing that ornery old bitch back into to her place, letting the others understand the true sense of its power. Damn the spider for pulling her away. Damn her lovers for breaking her back. She belonged to the mist. It _owned_ her. How dare they! Carefully, slowly, the mist managed to pull its fury inward. The strands of silver retreated back into their host, leaving rows of lifeless trees and split stones in their wake. The onyx-stained clouds swirled around each other, flashes of crimson and gold visible as they moved. "How dare they?" the soft whispered voice hissed. "So close. All mine." The memory of her brought forth a fresh batch of screams. So delicate, her pale limbs glowing sliver in its soft light. Her eyes hollow, waiting for orders. Her dark hair whipping in the breeze. The alluring scent of her skin swirling around in its grasp. So delectable... Slowly, the mist calmed itself, pulling back its thunderous raging to a seething silence. Damn them all. And damn her as well. She had given them a fight, yes, but she had fallen to their trap nonetheless. It would be a challenge to lure her back now. She would need more than a simple ambush or a seductive whisper to bring her back. "So be it," the mist hummed to itself. "If it will take more, then I shall give her more." Slowly, the clouds of black and silver began to twist around itself, its form tightening and shifting into a tight circle. The swirls of fog started to spin, slowly at first, then gaining speed after each rotation, becoming a blur of onyx, silver and crimson. Flashes of light flickered inside the cloud, illuminating the shadows within. It whirled faster, becoming smaller and darker with every turn. Slowly, the whirring cloud began to ease it spinning. Threads of mist broke away, dissolving into the air. The orb sank down into the soft peat of the marsh, gradually dissipating into the cold night air. Bit by bit, it evaporated, leaving behind only the tiniest traces of its existence on the wind. The marsh went still, only the sound of the howling icy winds and screams of damned souls piercing the silence. Fingers twitched slightly. Silver eyes opened. Muscles under pale flesh shuddered to life. A steady heartbeat started and strong lungs began to draw in air. Letting out a soft growl, the young man pushed himself to his feet, brushing off any wayward chunks of moss from his ashen skin. Long strands of white hair whipped behind him in the wind. A dark smile played on his lips, slowly growing with every beat of his heart. He rolled his neck and shoulders, cracking the bones into place and stretching the tight muscles of his back. He groaned. "Much better." His attention turned to the main wall, the great barrier that had held him off from the endless mass of souls for years. He strode toward it, stopping just short of the cold stones. He reached out, placing a hand on its smooth surface. A broad smile broke onto his face. No burning, no shocking, no invisible barrier that prevented him from going further. The smile widened an inch. His plan had worked. Digging long fingers into the rock, he scaled the enormous wall, moving quickly to avoid any delays or mistimed interruptions. Hauling himself over the edge of the wall, he peered down the main hallway, searching for any sign of possible resistance. It was deserted for now, the guards having made their rounds hours ago. Perfect. "Now then," he whispered. "Where are you?" Closing his eyes, he tilted his head back and inhaled deeply, searching for her scent on the air. He found nothing, causing him to scowl. He sniffed again, deeper this time, still searching for her delicious scent. Finding nothing, the young man turned and strode down the cavernous hallway, taking deep breaths as he went. He'd find her eventually. His new form was convincing enough: tall, handsome and powerful despite his lean appearance. A little coaxing, a few seductive games and she'd be his again. All he needed was patience and a little- There! Her scent stunned him awake from his musings. His smile returned, more wicked and menacing then before. "Found you." He turned, making his way down the hall, following her aroma with every step. Oh yes, he'd have her soon enough. And this time, she wouldn't get away. *** _Sticky tendrils of webbing wrapped around her wrists, jerking her hands forward and dragging her across the marsh. Another bolt of webbing circled her ankles. She screamed in rage, roaring out when another sharp tug hauled her forward. More sticky strands looped around her head, covering her mouth and silencing her cries._ The cold stone of the walls smacked against her back, making her gasp in surprised rage. Anger rushed through her veins, fighting to break out of her bonds. Whoever or whatever had captured her would face her wrath soon enough. Pulling her away from her target was beyond foolish. Now they wanted to take her away from her master? Idiots. A booming alien voice rumbled in her ears, calling to children she couldn't see or feel. The tickle of tiny legs across her skin startled her. Tiny limbs raced across her arms and body, spreading their own silky webbing over her, containing her further. Tiny bodies of spiders did their magic, restraining her limbs in sticky threads until she was rendered immobile. A few crawled to her face, spinning thin thread over her cheeks and neck, trying to block the tendrils of mist from reaching her. A few of the infant arachnids pawed gently at her face, attempting to calm her with tender touches. She gave a muffled screech and tried to shake them off. They stayed put, holding on tightly and kept up their gentle stroking while their siblings continued to bind her. A single spider dared to crawl closer, its tiny furry body inching farther up her face. Eight microscopic eyes stared at into her own while one thin leg gently pawed at her nose. So tender, so sweet to her despite her ferocious struggle. It continued to stroke her face, emitting soft squeals as if caressed her. One thin tendril of mist lashed out, striking the tiny spider across its abdomen. It rolled backwards and collapsed and rolled onto her shoulder, a deep gash splitting its small body open. Green liquid oozed out of the wound as its tiny legs twitched in agony. She stared at the small arachnid as it died on her skin, watching the very life drain out of its small black eyes... Claire bolted up in bed, her breathing harsh and ragged. A thin sheen of sweat coated her skin, her heart raced under her ribs. She whipped her head around, searching for any sign of liquid silver. Finding nothing, she swallowed raggedly and sat back against the wall, pressing a hand to her chest to calm her heart. She settled back, relaxing against the cool stone of the wall. Pulling her legs to her chest, she looped her arms around her knees and hung her head. Her mouth quivered slightly, tears began to stream down her face. The dream – a memory, really – of the small spider that had died for her made her heart break. _Poor thing. This was all my fault._ Despair crushed down on her. She felt uncontainable guilt for that tiny creature, knowing it was only trying to help her. Its brothers and sisters had helped, too, and more of them had lost their lives for her than she had thought. Would they ever forgive her or having to make such a sacrifice? Her heart sank. Surely Kerion hated her for causing him to lose his children. None of them would care for her. Why should they? This was her fault in the first place. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a small ball of fuzz crawling out from under the bed. Tiny, with eight long slender legs and a furry black body covered in multicolored swirls, it scratched at the ground searching for food. _Oh._ She wiped her eyes and leaned over, reaching a hand down to the floor. Gently, she scooped up the tiny spider, watching as it turned and reared up in shocked anger. It paused, lowering its body back down onto her palm. She smiled softly and pulled her hand back up, balancing the tiny creature as it soared off the ground. She raised her hand to her eyes, watching as the infant spider pawed around on her hand for a moment, trying to find its balance. She giggled and reached out her other hand, tenderly petting its silky fur. It squealed happily and reached out to stroke her finger, begging for more attention. A broad smile cracked her sullen features, a small glimmer of happiness starting to spark in her soul. She pulled her finger away, bringing her hand and the spider close to her face. She nuzzled her cheek against its soft body, smiling when tiny legs reached out to stroke her skin. "I'm so sorry," she whispered. "This was all my fault. You lost your siblings because of me." The spider squealed again, its slender legs rubbing faster against her cheek. A small attempt to calm her nerves and ease her guilt. She giggled and turned her head, planting a kiss on its tiny back. "You're so sweet," she giggled. "Thank you." The spider squeaked happily again. "Could you do me a favor?" she whispered. It backed away an inch, holding completely still as it watched her expectantly. "Could you please tell your father I'm grateful for everything your family has done? I owe you all so much." Tears stung her eyes, though she blinked them away before they could escape. The tiny spider nuzzled her palm, squeaking again and pawing at her fingers. "Thank you." She giggled again. "Come on. You must be hungry." Flipping the sheets back, Claire swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stepped down onto the cool floor. She stepped carefully to the table, making sure there were no surprises waiting below her feet. She pulled a chair away and sat down, gently laying out her hand on the table so the spider could climb off. It stepped lightly onto the table, turning to watch as she dug through the piles of food. "Let's see...what could you eat?" She scowled as she rifled through the innumerable plates and glasses. Nothing here would do. The creature was far too tiny to eat any of her beef or drink the wine. She stared at the food, unsure of her next move. _Oh. I know!_ Reaching out, she pulled the bowl of cherries forward. She plucked one from the bowl and set it in front of the small spider, settling into her chair and watching closely. One slender leg reached out to paw at the fruit, testing it cautiously. It crawled closer, the tiny fangs at it mouth moving, curious. Suddenly, it squealed and launched its tiny frame upon the fruit, sinking its mouth into the fruit and devouring it eagerly. Claire giggled. "A spider that eats fruit...imagine that." "Imagine what?" Darrow's voice caught her off guard for an instant. Strong arms looped around her shoulders and his lips pressed against her neck. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back into his shoulder. "Good morning," she purred. "Good to have you back." He kissed her throat. Her smile widened at the feel of his mouth on her flesh. She sighed inwardly. This was her normal, this was her regularity. Wrapped in his arms with his mouth teasing her skin, she felt more at home than she had in years. She opened her eyes to see the tiny spider staring at her. The cherry was nothing more than a wrinkled husk now, and Kerion's child was cleaning its mouth parts with its front legs. "Done?" she inquired. It squealed at her happily. She smiled and picked up the cherry, tossing it into the pool of shadows on the wall. It soaked into the blackness instantly, disappearing from view. She turned back to the spider, noticing that it stood completely still when it had her attention. As if waiting for an order. "You ready to go home?" It squealed again, and she held out her hand. It scampered onto her palm eagerly, she bent over, pulling out of Darrow's embrace and placed her hand on the cool floor. The spider climbed off easily, hesitating a moment before turning around and nuzzling her thumb. She smiled and stroked its silky fur again. "Remember to thank your father for me," she whispered. The creature squealed one last time before scampering off across the floor and into that shadows. It dissolved into the darkness, leaving her alone with Darrow. She sat back in her seat again, leaning back so she could rest into Darrow's strong arms again. He complied willingly, wrapping his hands around her waist and pulling her close. "One of Kerion's, I presume." His breath scorched the delicate skin of her neck. Claire nodded. "Did anything happen?" "Nothing of importance. Just some guilty tears and apologies." "I see." His kisses became firmer. "Then I have nothing to worry about?" Her brows raised an inch. "Meaning?" "You running off with Kerion." She could hear the smile in his voice. She giggled. "No. I love Kerion and his family, but for totally different reasons. Besides," she reached up and caressed his neck with her fingers, "someone else has claimed me already." "Damn straight." He licked her ear. She groaned. Shaking her head, she wriggled out of his embrace and stood up from the chair, turning to smile at him. His eyes were both confused and expectant. Grinning, she held out her hands to him. "Which reminds me. I still owe you for saving me." His brows rose. "Just me?" Claire shrugged. "I figured the blowjob was for Silthos and the animalistic sex was for Thaltos. The leaves you." A wicked grin cracked his lips. "That it does." She wiggled her fingers, beckoning him. He stepped forward, smiling down at her. "Know a place we can be alone for a moment?" She blinked her eyes innocently. Darrow hesitated. "I'm not...there has to be-" She shook her head. "No, not like that. Someplace with music." Relief etched his features. "There's a few here. Do you have something particular in mind?" She gave him a sly smile. "Perhaps." He grinned knowingly, stepping close to loop his rams around her waist. "At least let me tell the others so they don't think something's happened." "Fine." She rose on her toes and kissed him, then spun around and strode toward the shadows that lined the wall. "I'll be outside." He stilled. "With Tarrin?" Claire's smile turned wicked. "Maybe." He cocked his head to the side, quizzical. "You will be careful, correct?" Her sinister smile never faltered. "I can't promise anything. Take too long and I may need to find relief elsewhere." Thin strands of shadow reached out and encircled her limbs, gently pulling her in. His brows creased. "Fuck you." "Only if you hurry." She winked and disappeared through the shadows. She exited the pool of blackness a heartbeat later, rolling her neck and shoulders to realign her bones. She stood alone in the main hallway, deathly silent now except for the soft sound of souls screaming in the distant hellfire. She smiled softly. It was peaceful here. True, beyond the wall was something she dared not approach or tease again, but still. The quiet allowed her a small slice of calm. The shadows behind her shuddered, signaling Darrow's approach. Giggling, she sprinted around and hid behind a stone column, pressing up against it and hiding in the shadows. Darrow stepped through, a sly smile on his face. Clearly, his mind had drifted straight into the gutter while talking with Silthos. His face dropped when he noticed her absence, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Claire?" he called out. Her muscles tensed in excitement. She bit her lip nervously, heart pounding in anticipation. "Claire?" He stepped forward cautiously, his dark eyes scanning the hall. She bit her lip harder, stifling her giggle of excitement. Darrow continued forward, his steps slow and sure, his eyes moving constantly. His breathing increased slightly, his nerves on edge. She could see the thought in his eyes as he neared the column. _Not again._ He stepped up to the column, his eyes moving rapidly, searching for any sign of her. Releasing her tight muscles, she launched herself at him. "Cl-" They tumbled the ground in a heap of twisted limbs. Claire threw her head back and laughed, clutching her stomach as tears streamed down her eyes. Darrow, lay splayed out on the cold stone floor, stunned. His eyes narrowed in playful anger, his mouth twisting into a dark smile. "You want to play then?" His voice was dark, deep and menacing. Her laugher stopped abruptly, anxiety slowly seeping into her veins. Darrow rolled over, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. He sat up, stretching his legs out and spinning her around. He laid her across his knees, using one arm to pin her down. His free hand stroked the pale flesh of her ass. She squirmed against his body, her nervousness now turning to fear. "I should spank you for doing that." One finger caressed her cheek, drawing intricate swirls on her tender skin. Her lip quivered. "Sorry." Dark laughter sent a chill up her spine. "No, no, no. Too late for that, my dear. You've upset me, and now I have to teach you a lesson." She whimpered. This wasn't like Darrow at all. She knew he had some questionable tastes, but never once had he lashed out at her or threatened punishment. Maybe the mist had gotten past the walls in the middle of the night and turned him against her. She shivered and closed her eyes, fear bubbling up from her belly. "Now then," his pale swept across one pale cheek. "Hold still, Claire. You've disappointed me, and I need to make sure you don't do it again." Without warning, his palm smacked against her ass, wringing a soft whimper from her throat. Her body tensed, the sting in her flesh not leaving quietly. She whimpered again, convinced her punishment signaled the loss of her dearest friend. "I'm not done yet. You still need to learn your lesson." His hand traveled downward, long fingers playing with the entrance of her sex. Slowly, two fingers slipped inside, twisting and massaging her pussy as only Darrow knew how. His touch washed away the pain of his smack, making her body come alive under his iron grip. She shivered, a small moan escaping her throat. He pulled his fingers away, giving her another hard smack on her bottom. She bit her lip, holding back her cry. Again he pulled away, again he sank his fingers deep inside her body, teasing her endlessly. Her body relaxed a bit, the fear starting to dissipate from her belly. She hadn't lost him after all. He was simply upset at her game – a trick, no doubt, that made him worry he'd lost her for a third time – and had found a gentle, exciting way to punish her for it. Despite her previous fears, Claire couldn't deny that she honestly liked his punishment. Spanking wasn't something she was quite used to yet, but mixing in his teasing fingers made it far more enjoyable. Another hard slap and another delicious twist of his fingers made her writhe beneath his touch. She was panting softly now, her body silently begging for more. "Like this, do you?" Another slap and tease made her squirm. Swallowing, Claire nodded, her fingers clawing at the cold stone floor for support. "Will you ever do that again?" She shook her head. "No." "Do you promise?" Another round drew a soft moan from her throat. "I promise," she whispered. "Good girl." His fingers slid deep inside her, twisting and rubbing the warm, slick walls of her pussy. This time Darrow didn't pull away to spank her. Instead, he continued his delicious massaging, twisting his fingers and coaxing a litany of soft moans and whimpers from her throat. He laughed again. "You love this, don't you?" "Yes," she gasped. His fingers stopped abruptly. He pulled out of her body and toyed with her entrance. She moaned, begging him for more, her body burning for his touch. "I don't know, Claire. You upset me with the damn trick of yours." His drummed the fingers of his free hand on the small of her back. "I'm debating even letting you come. I'm not sure if you deserve it." She groaned, exhausted, and tried to arch her hips against his hand to force him in. He laughed and pulled his hand back. She whimpered again. Damn him. Her body was on fire now, anticipation and need coiling tight in her belly. "Please," she begged. "Hmm? I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch that." She exhaled sharply, on the verge of losing her mind. "Darrow, please." "I'm still not convinced you've earned this, Claire." "That's not fair!" "When did I ever say I played fair?" She could hear the smile in his voice. " _Darrow_!" Her body ached for his touch, her sex clenching so hard it almost hurt. His laughter echoed through the hall. "Very well." His fingers sank deep once again, relieving her body of her hollow emptiness. She moaned his name, her body arching in response. A shiver ran up her spine as he teased her again. God, he could make her squirm. Silthos had amazing techniques and Thaltos had more than enough control, but Darrow could make her scream like no one could. "You look so lovely here, Claire. I rather like this position for you." His free hand stroked her back. "Perhaps we should introduce Silthos and Thaltos to this. They may enjoy it, too." She dropped her head and closed her eyes, savoring the feel of every thrust and pull of his wonderful fingers. Another shiver rocked her body. Her fingers trembled and her blood pounded in her ears. She moaned his name again, begging him to continue. Her body finally surrendered, tensing and shivering as she closed her eyes and screamed his name. Her pussy convulsed around his fingers, holding him tight and never letting go. Beads of sweat shimmered on her back, her breasts now full and aching. Slowly, very slowly, she drifted back down to earth, her famished body now fully stated. She relaxed into his lap, panting out exhausted. She closed her eyes and nuzzled his thigh with her cheek. His hand stroked the curve of her ass, easing her descent back into reality. "I must say, Claire. That was one of the best views I've ever had of you." His voice was light again, playful as always. "Hmmm." It was all she could manage. "Are you alright?" She nodded, then frowned. "Yes, I'm fine. But you made me too tired to do I had planned for you." "Oh, I'm sorry, Claire." His hand stroked the length of her back. "I'm sure it was something heartfelt and very special." "It was a striptease," she whispered. " _Damn_." He growled quietly to himself. "Well, I...do you suppose you could perform it later?" His voice was soft, pleading. "Of course. But you've exhausted me and I don't perform well when I'm tired." "Thank you," he purred. She smiled and settled into him, reveling in the aftershock of her climax mixing with his wonderful caress. She wondered how Thaltos and Silthos were. Probably still asleep, she guessed. Maybe she could show them all her little dance when they'd woken up. She'd have to practice first. Dancing was never her strong suit. The last time she'd tried, she nearly knocked over her grandmother's ceramic vase. Dancing was banned from the house after that. The wind whistled softly through the hallway, its soft breeze cooling the sweat on her back. She glanced up to watch a handful of intricately patterned strands of webbing float by, twirling and twisting in the air. The thought remaindered her of the small spider in her room, of Kerion, of the apology she had to make. "Oh." She placed her hands against the floor, pushed herself up and slid off his lap. "What? What is it?" Darrow stared at her with wounded eyes. "Did I actually-" Claire shook her head. "No. I have to see Kerion. His family saved me and I need to thank them." "Oh, I see." Darrow stood and offered his hand. She smiled up at him and gripped his wrist, letting him haul her to her feet. "I don't know where they are." She chewed her lip anxiously as she peered down the hall. "Would you like me to walk with you?" "No. I'll be fine." His expression turned worried for an instant. He managed to swallow his fear and stretched out one thick arm to point down the hallway. "They live in the shadowed corridors off the main hall." He stretched out one long arm and pointed down the hall. "If you walk all the way down, you'll reach a dead end with two halls branching off to either side. Take the right hall and go until the end. You'll see his web covering the whole wall." She stood on her toes and kissed him, cupping his face in her hands when she pulled back. "I'll be fine, I promise. Go back to bed. I'll give you your prize when I get back." His eyes lit up as his face split with his grin. "Yes ma'am." He stepped back, slowly making his way towards their room. "Are you sure you don't want me to come?" She shook her head and smiled. He shrugged and stepped into the shadows. "Don't take too long, Claire." His grin was devilish. She smiled back, and spun on her heels, looking over her shoulder to blow him a kiss. He grinned back and bowed his head, slipping into the shadows and out of sight. She smiled one last time before making her way down the vast hallway. It was still deserted despite the fact that the lockdown was long over. Still, not a soul accompanied her down the vast corridor, and she walked in silence, lost in her own musings of her dance. Minutes – or hours, she couldn't tell which – passed as she walked. Her eyes slid to the swamp, and she stopped in her tracks. Curiously devoid of any trace of silver or cold, she could clearly see the shadows of souls as they made their way across the marsh. Among the shadow, the wizened form of the old woman could be seen, hobbling along as she walked in endless circles. A flash of memory erupted into her mind - scenes of the woman's face, horrified, bruised and covered in blood, staring up at her as she rained blows onto her cheeks. Gasping, Claire stumbled back and shook her head, tears pricking her eyes. "Oh, no. No, no, no!" She watched the old woman as she circled back around, anger and disgust crushing her heart. How _could_ she? That poor woman. To be attacked so viciously by her friend. Guilt nearly suffocated her. Losing any regard for her safety or fear of the marsh, Claire rushed forward and hauled herself over the wall. She raced across the soft peat of the bog, tears streaming from her eyes. How could she do such a thing, even while under that evil spell? She should be here, not the old woman. She deserved it more. The woman noticed her as she made her next round. Before she could react, Claire plowed into her and knocked her to the ground. Burying her face in the warm fabric of the grandmother's dress, Claire cried out her sorrow and anger, screaming unintelligible apologies through her tears. The old woman's fingers twisted into her hair, stroking her as she whispered soft words of comfort. Claire continued to cry, still babbling broken pieces of apologies. Other souls turned to watch the spectacle. Those who had witnessed her uncontrolled attack knelt down and stroked her skin, wanting to help the girl who had offered them comfort. They stroked her back, offering calming sentiments to soothe her damaged heart. The old woman continued to stroke her fingers through her hair, whispering into her ear. Claire's tears slowly started to dry, her breathing becoming more stable. Gently she pulled away, sitting back so the woman could push herself up. They stared at each other for a moment, neither making a sound. A small smile cracking her winkled face, the woman stretched out one withered hand to stroke her face. Claire flinched away, turning her head to hide the last remains of tears. The woman hesitated for a moment, then smiled and cupped her cheek, stroking her skin with her thumb. "Claire," she whispered. Her voice was raspy but warm, like her grandfather's before he passed away, mixed with a heavy English accent. Claire turned to face her, wiping away the last of her tears from her face. The woman smiled wider. "'Twas my name once, long ago. Before I passed and fell into this miserable place." She swallowed. "Your name was Claire?" The woman nodded. "Claire Harden. Born in London, England in the summer of 1794. My parents were Christian and Victoria." "Claire Harding. I was born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1994. My mom is Christina and my dad is Victor." She paused. Harden and Harding. 1794 and 1994. Victor, Victoria. Christian, Christina. _Impossible._ The similarity was hard to ignore. Their eyes were the same soft grey, their skins the same porcelain color. The two of them shared high cheekbones, full lips and straight noses. One had short chestnut hair; the other's had turned grey long ago. A feeling of shock settled into her gut as she stared open- mouthed at this mystery woman. Though, she wasn't so mysterious anymore... _Holy shit. I'm her._ "I knew you the instant I saw you drop the grape into my hands, dear girl." Her thumb continued to stroke her skin. "I saw myself in you. That same warm smile, that same fighting spirit. I knew you before we'd even met." "Holy fuck," she whispered. Claire's head began to spin. "I _am_ you?" "Not quite, my dear. A new idea of me. I never feel in love with demons or had to fight that damned cloud. But I did have parents who sold me off and a grandmother that despised me." _Holy double fuck._ Warm hands cupped her face. "You listen to me. I have never faulted you for the attack you made. I have never doubted you for anything you've ever done. Your love for those demons, your encounter with Tarrin, your sacrifice to save them. I've never judged you for anything because I know I would have done the same. But you're beginning to doubt yourself. I can see it." Claire chewed her lip and looked away. "You mustn't do that. You must keep your eyes up," she snapped her fingers to regain Claire's attention, "and your heart strong. Once you doubt yourself, once you give into that self-loathing and sorrow, you'll never come out. I watched my own son fall into that same trap. I watched him kill himself. You must never, _never_ do that, Claire. No matter the pain or exhaustion you feel. You mustn't." She nodded, fear and anxiety pooling in her gut. This woman, the woman that shared so much with her, knew something was going to happen as clearly as she did. "Promise me you'll never leave them." The old woman stared into her eyes. She nodded again. "I swear." "Good." The old woman smiled. "Now, hold your chin up, keep your eyes open and your heart steady." Claire smiled back. "Yes, ma'am." "Now go. I believe you have someone to thank?" Her eyes sparkled with mischief. _God, that's uncanny._ Nodding, Claire hauled herself up from the ground, extending an arm out to her predecessor. The old woman smiled and grapes her hand, carefully hauling herself from the soft earth. They grinned at each other, a shared spark in their grey eyes. She had the strength now, the self-confidence and resilience she needed to handle whatever threat came her way. She would see Kerion first and handle her apology, then go home to her lovers and. She could handle herself here. Still, she would have to leave her new friend – indeed, her old self – behind. Claire's smile faltered an inch. "I don't want to leave you behind." The old woman shook her head. "Don't you worry about me. I can handle myself." "You're sure?" She chewed her lip worriedly. "My dear girl! I am as much you as you are me. You should know I'll be alright." Her grey eyes shined. Claire nodded, still chewing her lip. The old woman grabbed her shoulders and spun her around, giving her a gentle shove towards the wall. "Go, child. And hurry. The mist is gone from here, no doubt seeking you out. The quicker you see Kerion, the safer you'll be." "What?" Claire spun around. "What do you mean it's _gone_?" The woman shrugged her bony shoulders. "No one has seen it for hours. It must have moved past the barrier and into your part of this world." "But it can't move past the wall!" she cried. Fear started to boil in her gut. "Not in its vaporous form, it can't. But the mist is tricky. You've seen the magic and the power that swirl around inside. I'm sure it can change its form to hide itself from the guards." _Oh no. Darrow! It knows where they are!_ Her stomach dropped to her feet. "Shit. It knows where we live!" The old woman's eyes widened. She spun Claire around again and began shoving her towards the wall. "Then go to Kerion and warn him. Tell him the mist has used its magic and gotten loose it's hunting you now, and it won't top until it breaks you completely. We'll send a guard to warn your lovers. Go, Claire!" With one last shove, Claire took off running towards the wall. Panic and anger fueled her run, pushing her faster than usual. She flew across the bog, barely feeling the ground beneath her feet. Reaching the wall, her fingers dug into the cracks in the stones, all the strength in her slender arms combining to haul her up. She tumbled over the edge, landing on shaky feet as she straightened herself. Taking one quick breath to find her center and reset her motives, Claire turned and raced down the hallway to find Kerion. The hall remained empty through her run. In the back of her mind, she wondered vaguely if the absence of life had more to do with the mist's escape than a miscommunication about the lockdown. Reaching the end of the main hall, she veered right and continued down the cavernous branch of corridor. Her lungs ached, her legs burned. But she'd be damned if she stopped. She _had_ to find Kerion, had to warn him about the mist, had to save her lovers. She followed the endless curves of the hall, sliding on the tiled floor every time she made a turn. She ran on, never slowing her pace and never looking away from her darkness before her. She noticed the floors and wall of this corridor were chipped and broken from years of neglect. Clearly, Kerion's home wasn't used much. "Claire!" She turned to spy the old woman, her ancestor, standing in the middle of the bog, waving to her. "We've sent the guards! Your lovers have been warned." She nodded and picked up her pace, returning her gaze to the darkness ahead. Good. They'd be safe for now. All she had to do was find Kerion and warn him about the mist and she'd be home free. Still running at full speed, she took the final corner too fast. Without watching her footing, she slammed into a wall of muscle and skin. Strangely, the barrier was cloaked in ink-black feathers. She bounced back from the collision, landing hard on the floor with her head spinning. _What the fuck was that?_ Se shook her head to clear it, still unsure of what she had run into. "Ah! Claire!" Kerion's warm voice drew her back to her senses. She looked up to see him carefully making his way over to her, his eight legs treading cautiously over the broken stones
of the floor. He stopped only inched from her, numerous eyes alight with joy and concern. "My dear, are you alright?" One slender leg stretched out towards her, offering a handhold to pull her up. She nodded and griped his leg, pulling herself to her feet. She rubbed her bottom, wincing in pain. "I was trying to find you when I ran into something-" "Oh, yes, of course!" Kerion cried joyfully. "I meant to introduce you eventually. Claire, this is Lucifer, the ruler of our lovely realm." Her stomach did a back flip and landed on its head. Lucifer! She was fucked now. Trembling, she looked over to stare at the creature she had unfortunately crashed into. The fallen angel stood silent, leaning against the nearest wall, arms folded over his chest and regarding her silently. He was bigger than she'd expected, at least a foot taller than she was, with muscular arms, a powerful chest and a strongly defined abdomen. Gold-toned flesh glowed in the soft light of the sconces. Enormous ink-black wings were folded against his back, the tips flaring out on the stone floor behind him. The lines of his face were so sharp, so severely cut, she wondered if he could be touched without drawing blood. Eyes made of liquid gold burned into her, making her squirm in her own skin. _Oh no._ Those eyes narrowed at her for an instant before sliding to Kerion. "This is the girl?" His voice was beyond beautiful. Dark, rich and deep, it promised delicious secrets and sinful desires. The enormous spider nodded. "Yes. This is the one." Lucifer's gaze found her again. "Interesting. She doesn't seem like much." "Yes, I know. But from what Tarrin's told me, she possesses the gift of reading the mist before it makes a move." Gold eyes widened a millimeter. "She can read it?" "Yes, sir." A slow, sinister smile spread onto Lucifer's perfectly sculpted lips. She shivered inside herself. Of all the religious bullcrap her grandmother had shoved into her head, this fallen angel was the one story she never doubted. Hell's master terrified her more than the mist ever could. "Very interesting, Indeed," he whispered. His eyes burned into her, making her head swim and her limbs go numb. Fear mixed with arousal deep in her gut. Her grandmother had warned her that he was a dangerous lure, fatal even. She had to keep her distance from him, or else she'd be pulled into his wicked traps. But her body burned suddenly, and she found herself wishing to feel his beautiful wings. Oh, if she could just touch those lips... "Claire, what on earth are you doing back here?" Kerion's voice mercifully caught her attention. She noticed Lucifer's faded instantly, annoyed her attention was now directed elsewhere. She shook her head again, turning to face the old spider. "I came to warn you." Kerion cocked his head. "Warn me about what?" "The mist." Kerion laughed. "My dear, the mist has been handled. It's been contained far stricter than ever before. There's no need to worry now, you'll be safe here." She shook her head. "No, you don't understand one of the souls in the marsh, she told me-" "You went into the marsh? Claire! The mist is in there! That's suicide!" Kerion's eyes narrowed at her in frustration. "No, Kerion. Listen, I-" "My children went into the cursed bog to save you once, and now you go back?! Why?" "I needed to see someone. Now, please, Kerion." "Of all the foolish, idiotic things you could do, Claire!" Kerion's front legs rose up in anger. "Even Tarrin helped, and you go back into that damned marsh. I cannot believe that you would so something so arrogant and dangerous. My, God, Claire! We-" Frustration broke her patience. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and let loose. "I wend down into that marsh to apologize to the woman I attacked and when I got there, there _was_ no mist!" Kerion froze. "What do you mean there was no mist?" _Finally._ She swallowed. "The marsh was empty. There was nothing but bog and dead trees and human souls." Kerion pulled back, his eyes wide and fearful. "Oh. Oh, no." "Kerion?" Lucifer's melodic voice slid seductively into her mind. "It's become a doppelganger." "WHAT?!" Lucifer's roar knocked her off guard and shook loose stones from the ceiling. "A doppelganger? What does that have to do with the mist?" She managed to keep her gaze off Lucifer, despite her body's craving to stare at him again. "Claire, do you know what a doppelganger is?" Kerion turned to her. She nodded. "It's a mimic, isn't it? It's a spectral copy of a person that's mischievous." "Exactly. Usually, doppelgangers are no more harmful than poltergeists. Simple, playful spirits that scare and shock, but don't so any damage. However, the mist isn't so carefree and gentle. It's much more vicious, as I'm sure you've seen." She nodded, suddenly cold from the memory of being under its spell. "The doppelganger from it has is the only way is can cross the barriers we've placed around it. We're not sure why, but we think it's because our barriers only sense one type of magic. Taking on the form of another creature, its signature changes and renders the barriers useless." She nodded shakily. "So, it's taken another form. Why can't catch it?" "The issue remains in the fact that the mist can take on whatever form it chooses," Lucifer chimed in. "Unlike true doppelgangers, the mist has no set image it must abide to. It can choose any form it wants. We're not as gifted as you are, miss Harding, so we have no idea what body it's chosen. At this point, we're at a severe disadvantage." She chewed her lip for a moment, the flood of information slowly sinking in. the mist, with its new form, was wandering the halls searching for her. But without knowing what body it had chosen, they had no idea where to start. "Well, I am linked to it in a way. Maybe I can find it." A spark of hope began to blossom in her chest. Kerion's shook his massive head. "I don't know, Claire. With its power having been changed into something different, even _you_ may not be able to recognize it." The bubble of hope burst immediately, sending her scowling at the floor. "Perhaps she _could_ find it, Kerion." Lucifer's voice once again caught her attention. "The mist seems unusually, shall we say, attracted to her. She might be able to lure it out." Kerion shook his head again. "It might work, but I'm not willing to risk that. If Claire does manage to bait it out to where we can reach it, it might lash out and capture her again. We can't take that gamble." Lucifer's expression darkened a bit. Claire's stomach twisted around itself. His annoyance at Kerion's refusal to throw her out into the wild made her feel beyond uncomfortable. Her grandmother's warnings about his ruthlessness and sadism seemed true enough here. "Kerion, it would be the easiest way to capture it. If we used the girl-" "But that would put her own life at risk. She's not a wandering soul, she's still alive. Sending her out there would make her a perfect target." "Yes, but what other choice do we have? Without her, we have no idea where it's going or who it's after. We need her to lure it out or we're fighting blind." "I can't let her go out there again. It's already broken her once. Who's to say she'll survive a second round?" Their argument made her head spin. Her frustration reared its head again, demanding she return to her lovers. At least there she could find both safety and a universal consensus on _something._ Sighing, she turned and approached Kerion, throwing her arms around his head and kissing his soft fur. "I have to go. I need to go back and make sure Thaltos and the others are safe." Kerion stared at her. "Claire! You can't go out there! The mist will find you for certain, and there's no guarantee we can save you a second time." She rolled her eyes. "And what else am I supposed to do? Stay here listening to you two bicker like schoolgirls while the rest of Hell is being stalked by an unknown evil cloud of shit?" Kerion stayed silent, rendered speechless by her argument. She nodded. "Good. Now, I'm going. You can stay here and sort this out yourselves, but I need to go and make sure my boys are safe." She crossed her arms and planted her feet, signaling that the argument had ended. Defeated, Kerion nodded. "Very well. But please don't go by yourself. I wouldn't stand myself if anything happened to you on your way back." He turned to Lucifer. "Sire, could you perhaps..." _Oh no._ Lucifer's smile was ecstatic. "Of course. I'd be happy to accompany the girl on her journey back. We may even be able to bond a bit on our walk." His eyes glowed with mischief. _Shit._ Claire had finally decided she no longer like Lucifer, despite his hypnotic gaze. His enthusiasm and constant stare made her want to shift into one of Kerion's small children and hide in the cracks of the walls. Hesitantly, she nodded and hugged Kerion again. "Thank you so much. I owe you my life," she whispered. Kerion's front legs wrapped around her and pulled her close. "Ah, Claire. You owe us nothing. We were saving someone all of us honestly cared about. Don't you worry about that." She smiled and squeezed him tight before pulling away. "Still, I feel I owe you something. Please give my thanks to your children as well. Will you be okay here?" Kerion waved a slender leg at her, an attempt to brush aside her worry. "My children and I will be safe. We'll regroup the guards and explain the situation. You go with Lucifer and stay with your keepers." She nodded, hesitantly turning to look at Lucifer. "Ready to go?" The old demon wore a soft smile. "Of course." He stepped forward, stopping just inches from her body. Icy coldness radiated from his skin, chilling her flesh and temporarily rendering her mind blank. One strong arm looped around her shoulders. "I'll watch over her, Kerion. Miss Harding and I will be just fine." He looked down at her and gave an impious grin. "Won't we?" She swallowed loudly and nodded, forcing a tight smile to her lips. "Sire, I don't mean to give orders, but we truly don't have time for games," Kerion warned. "Claire must be returned to her keepers as quickly as possible if we're going to have a chance at fighting this thing. Please, sire, I beg you. Don't take any more time than is necessary." Lucifer's eyes never left her. "Stop worrying, Kerion. Miss Harding and I will be completely fine. She'll get back. I swear it." His grin widened an inch. Shoving her fear and discomfort down into her gut, she squirmed out from under Lucifer's hold and side-stepped away from the old demon. "Come on. We have to go. I'm starting to get paranoid about them." Lucifer bowed, gracefully motioning to her to lead the way. She nodded and began to walk down the twisting hallway with Lucifer close behind. Suddenly self-conscious, Claire wrapped her arms around herself and stared at the ground. Out of curiosity, she peered over her shoulder to see Kerion scurrying up the stone wall towards the ceiling. An endless line of tiny spiders trailed behind him. She smiled to herself and resumed glaring at the ground. She could feel Lucifer's presence beside her, but she refused to look at him. His gaze was far too hypnotic, his body far too enticing, for her to risk another peek at him. "So. You're Thaltos' girl?" She jumped an inch. She'd been hoping for a silent walk that avoided any type of communication with him. "Yes." "You enjoy your time with him?" "I enjoy my time with all of them?" "Oh?" His curiosity made him far more intrusive. "And who else owns you?" "Silthos and Darrow." She tried to keep her answers short, hoping to bore him out of his inquisition. "Ah, yes. A quiet one and a spitfire. What a curious combination you have there." She sighed and hugged herself tighter. "Well, they're what I've got and I wouldn't trade them for anything?" "Anything?" His voice was beyond inquisitive, becoming almost challenging. _Shit._ She knew where this was going and she intended to stop it now. "No. I love who I have now. I wouldn't want anyone else, no matter how amazing they are." "Quite stubborn, aren't you?" His voice had turned humorous. "I suppose it takes one to know one," she snapped. " _Don't_." Lucifer's tone had taken on another sudden change. This time it was menacing. "Don't what?" "Chastise me like that. I've already had one bitch crush my balls. I don't need you doing it as well." He spoke through gritted teeth, his fury almost palpable. Her annoyance at him finally burst forth. "Well, maybe that was a good thing. Hopefully _she_ managed to deflate your ego a bit and put you in your place." Claire continued walking, scowling at the ground as she mulled his ego-fueled inquiries over in her head. God, that creature was beyond annoying! Selfish, irritating, and anything but humble. It was a wonder he didn't drive the other demons here insane. She noticed from the corner of her eye that Lucifer no longer walked beside her. She slowed her pace, confusion starting to sink in. Taking a risk, she peeked over her shoulder. Lucifer stood about thirty feet back, his eyes blazing and his mouth twisted into a tight scowl. His night-black wings twitched restlessly. He crooked a finger at her. "Come here," he growled. She froze, barely able to breath. He looked so outraged, so menacing, she wondered why he hadn't just killed her now. "I said come here." His eyes narrowed to gold slits. She shook her head, fear now coursing thick through her veins. She took a tentative step backwards, trying to put some distance between them. A low growl escaped his throat. "Miss Harding, you have ten seconds to haul your skinny mortal ass over here before I come get you myself." Panic ensnared her, forcing her to turn and take off down the hall. She didn't get far. Cold fingers looped around her wrist, jerking her backwards and forcing her off balance. She stumbled backwards into Lucifer's immovable form, wincing when his grip on her wrist tightened. He stepped forward, forcing her against the cold stone of the wall. Her cheek and breasts were crushed against the unforgiving stone, her body pinned in place by Lucifer's impossibly strong body. His chest pressed against her back, holding her in place against the cold stone of the hallway. He leaned close, nuzzling his cheek against her neck and growling into her ear, she shivered and whimpered, closing her eyes so she wouldn't have to see him. "You've seen our world, you know how it works. The good go up into paradise, the bad go down into the fire, and the rest of them stay here in this cold, desolate pit. You know this, yes?" She nodded, keeping her eyes closed. "The Fire Pits are where my demon lords live, the ones who control the realms of hell that deal with the sins of man. I watched over one of their daughters while she chose a husband. She was beautiful, like you. Intelligent, like you. Strong, like you. But she was by far more ferocious and much more outspoken. She was the one who put my balls in a vice to get her way. The bitch even slapped me across the face!" He pressed harder against her, forcing her to wince as her body was crushed against the wall. "And now I have _you_ being a smart-ass to me and trying to force your hand. I don't need that." He gripped her shoulders, spinning her around to face him. His golden eyes speared through her, glaring at her with a ferocity she'd never seen before. She bit her lip instinctively, squeezing her eyes shut and wishing him away. A strong hand gripped her chin, forcing her head up. "Kara's already fucked me over. I don't need your snappy little comments added to the misery she gives me already. Now stay still and be quiet." She clamped her jaw closed and stared up at him, her heart pounding in her ears. She was terrified of him, even fearing for her life now. But he still had that strange appeal to him. That distinct, unearthly allure that nearly made her forget his ferocity and the power he held. He smiled at her wickedly. "Good girl. At least you listen." He leaned close, inhaling her scent and grinning to himself. "And you smell delicious." Her gut twisted. As bad as it was being chased down by a vengeful mist that's taken on an unknown form, but having Lucifer inhaling her scent and looking ready to devour her was far more frightening. He purred in her ear. "And you look just as appetizing. I wonder..." His free hand slid behind her head, fingers twisting in her hair and holding her completely still. He pounced, crushing her lips against his in a scorching but n=unwanted kiss. She squealed, horrified, and tried to squirm away, but his body pinned her tightly against the stone walls and kept her immobile. A thick tongue, slick and warm, gently pressed against her lips trying to work its way into her mouth. She tried to keep her mouth closed, but his persistence paid off. His tongue slipped into her mouth, twisting and teasing, trying to coax a more acceptable response from her body. It worked slightly. Her body followed its own course, her back arching to force her breasts against his icy skin. Her belly stirred with heat, and an ache started between her legs. Her body burned for him suddenly, wanting nothing more than to hold this darkly beautiful creature and to feel him ravaging her. Her mind and heart, however, started gathering ammo for their rebellion. She couldn't want Lucifer! That monster had every quality and feature she hated in men. She had Darrow, Silthos and Thaltos who loved her and risked their lives for her. Lucifer simply trapped her in a hallway and forced himself on her. No, she would not fall to him. She had people who truly cared for her. People she loved far too much to risk sleeping with the darkest of fallen angels. Her heart set, Claire did her best to fight back, clawing at his back and squirming against his rigid frame. Her struggles were useless, though, only doing enough damage to draw out a muffled laugh from his throat. His chiding laughter finally broke her control. Glaring at him, she bit down hard on his invading tongue, hoping the pain would send him running. Luckily, it worked. Golden eyes shot open as he groaned in pain. Lucifer pulled away, cupping a hand to his mouth as he stumbled back. She stood against the wall watching him, her body aching to run but her fear welding her to the floor. His eyes flicked to her, full of outrage and disbelief. "Damn bitch," he hissed. "You'll pay for that." Her flight response kicked in, sending her racing down the hall. She never once looked back, staring straight ahead as she wound her way through the twisting corridor. Her heart wanted to give out, her lungs wanted to burst, her legs wanted to crumble beneath her. But her mind forced her body on, promising it the pleasures of her lovers if it kept moving. She picked up her pace, taking a sharp turn as she exited the corridor and burst into the main hall. Tears streamed from her eyes, the guilt, anger and humiliation twisting in her gut. She knew Lucifer's kiss was forced, making her faultless, but still! A shiver of disgust stalled her body for an instant. It would take days of eating her favorite beef and rice dish to scrape his taste from her mouth. She shook her head, clearing her mind of any residual thoughts of that hateful kiss or Lucifer's unnerving allure. She had better things to do. Better people to be with, really. She straightened herself and began to make her way down the enormous hallway, taking care to peer over her shoulder every few minutes in case Lucifer' had decided to chase her down. Again, the hall remained curiously empty. Even the bog was sparsely inhabited, with only a few shadowy spirits darting in and out from the shadows. Now armed with the knowledge that the mist had gotten free, the emptiness seemed more chilling and unsettling than before. Instead or reveling in the few precious moments of silence, she saw the hollowness and absence of life as a warning, an omen of tragedy. She continued down the hall, lost in her thoughts. She hoped the guards had warned Thaltos and the others soon enough. She hoped they were safe, barricaded by the thick stone walls of their room. Once back, she hoped her own fears and anxieties would be gone as well. After all, where could she be safer than in her room, surrounded by the three demons ho loved her? A sudden chill snapped her out of her musings. It wasn't the winter winds that whipped through the hall. Nor was it palpable like Lucifer's frozen touch. It was a cold that made her soul shiver and her heart ache. A deep, restless iciness that clogged her thoughts and rendered her soul motionless. Suddenly, whispers invaded her mind. Cold, dark, menacing thoughts from a mind that was not her own. Thoughts that twisted her gut and squeezed her heart. _The girl...hungry...find her lovers...old wretch...kill...girl is weak, won't fight long..._ Oh no. Claire took off down the hall, her once-frozen body now bursting to life. She could hear the mist, even _feel_ it now. Its new form had done nothing to disguise the connection they shared. If anything, their link had become enhanced. She could read its thoughts clearer, know its intentions sooner than before. It was heading for her home, hunting her lovers with frightening precision. Anger boiled in her blood. No, it would _not_ take her lovers. It would not harm her predecessor. It would not have her. She would fight it this time, and she'd give it everything she had. Her brow furrowed in anger. Damn that creature. _Weak, am I?_ With her fury fueling her strength, Claire took off down the main hall again, using her heart to follow the icy trail of darkness. She'd find it before any damage could be done, and she'd kill it this time. Her lovers would be safe again, and she could finally find peace in this world of restlessness and pain. _We'll see how weak I am._ She raced down the hall, her heart burning and her soul hard as stone. Yes, they'd all see exactly how weak she was. *** What Claire didn't see was the figure watching her from deep within the shadows of the enormous hallway, his body barely outlined by the soft light of the stone sconces. His golden eyes peered out from the blackness, narrowing as her watched her run. His tongue still throbbed slightly. That woman had one hell of a bite. Lucifer scoffed. He desired and despised women equally. Damn them for eternally tempting and rejecting him. Especially this one. Kara was tempting enough, but her husband and sons worked well as excuses to avoid him. This Claire, however, was still technically open prey. _Damn women. She and Kara, both. I suppose I'll have to find a way to break them down slowly. Not even Kara can resist temptation for that long. This girl should be much easier though. She's not as experienced, but she's just as fun._ "Sire?" Kerion's voice interrupted his musings. "Yes?" "Did the girl make it back safely?" The enormous spider slowly crept down the wall beside him, eight eyes shining in the firelight. Lucifer nodded. "She's on her way now." "Now? But she should have been home...oh, sire. You'll never learn, will you?" A smirk crossed his perfect lips. "I suppose not." Kerion sighed. "Well, as long as she's on her way. Has she sensed anything?" "Yes. As did I, though miss Harding was considerably faster at tracking it down. It's moving, most likely toward her keepers. She took off down the hall just a moment ago." "Oh no. She's going to get herself killed!" "Yes, the poor thing. She should have known better." He turned to leave. "You're not going to do anything, sir?" Kerions's voice was tinged with confusion and bewilderment. Lucifer sighed. "Why should I. It's not like she'd thank me for saving her." "Sire, you can't let old worries and frustrations hinder your duty. We must save Claire or we're all doomed from that damn cloud...Besides, Kara _has_ forgiven you. Why you're holding such a grudge, I don't know." He rolled his eyes and seethed to himself. If there was one thing about Kerion he disliked, it was that the old spider was too wise for his own good. Time after time, he brought up valid arguments that rendered Lucifer's rantings pointless, leaving the demon king frustrated and feeling supremely ignorant. His mentioning of Kara didn't help. That damned half-breed with her bright eyes and dark hair and that you're-an-asshole attitude. He hated and desired her eternally. The sound of her name was enough to drive him mad. His wings twitched, the memory of her drawing out a need to crush the solid rock he stood on. Still, this girl was just as intriguing. Superbly loyal and strong for her size, she would make for an excellent lover if given the chance. Her only issue was how she treated her lovers. She was terrified of hurting them, even going as far as biting his tongue to push him off for fear of having an affair on them. Damn human and their useless morals. He'd have to find a way to convince her that sharing his bead wasn't against the rules, though he doubted she'd listen. _Of course, since I rule this realm, she wouldn't technically be betraying anyone if she and I did..._ "Fine, then," he snapped. "We'll help the girl." Spinning on his toes, Lucifer started on his way down. Kerion followed closely at his side, watching him cautiously. "Do you think we'll actually have a chance to save the girl?" Lucifer shrugged. "Don't know. I suppose we'll have to wait and see." "I just hope she'll be able to handle herself until we get there. Claire's strong, but her heart is far too tender to do anything if one of her lovers is put in danger." "Yes, soft hearts have a habit of failing in times of distress. Though, I doubt she'll crumble so easily. If she was able to push me off, I think she can stand her ground for a while." Kerion nodded, a smile in his eyes. "Yes, I suppose that's true." Lucifer smiled down at the old spider, reaching down to place a warm hand of his furry back. "Come, my friend. Let's watch the fireworks." *** _And there you go - chapter 9. Congratulations, my people. You've just met Lucifer (kind of an ass, but I love him anyway). For those of you who know of my 'Date with Destiny' series, yes, I planned that. But no, Kara's not going to make a surprise appearance. That would just be too confusing (as if it's not already, right?)._ Final chapter...Gravedancer
_Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex._ ***** It was a bright and sunny afternoon in the animal kingdom of Furcadia. Though commonly referred to as a kingdom, it was much more of a metropolis. Very much your common modern civilization making rapid advancements in technology. Unlike the human side of the world, however, this city primarily consisted of humanoid animals! Large animals, walking up right as humans do. Animal and humankind knew of one another and worked through various peace talks to find some form of common ground. Though peace had been attained, a boundary was decided. All of the animal folk remained in their solitude for years, behind large walls in which their privacy and way of life could be respected. At least, until recently. A new agreement had been made. One which would finally allow some sort of embrace between the two peoples. Tourism! For a hefty fee and a stringent series of background checks, your safety could be guaranteed for a week long trip to this paradise. That is, so long as you stay with the group and enter through the appropriate channels. Nothing could possibly go wrong.... Ursula let out a great big yawn as she stirred awake. Large black furred eyes fluttered open as the gargantuan panda sat up. She smacked her lips a few times and glanced around. Very slowly, she lazily rolled to dangle her thick legs over the side of the bed. Suddenly, her eyes sprung open. "Today's the day!" She called out before rushing from the bed to shower and perform her various rituals. This included cleaning house. She wanted everything to be perfect for her friend's arrival. Giddy with glee, she then plopped onto her couch, turning on the news to catch up on all the recent happenings. It hadn't been easy, nor was it all that necessary given Furcadia's recent reversal on their isolationist policies, but the young human was certain that moving in with her wonderful online friend would prove to be a worthwhile risk. Though if she had attempted to gain entry through proper channels, it could have taken months, not to mention thousands of dollars, to get approved. Who had that kind of time? At least with the new law in place, Aria wouldn't have to worry about the mere sight of her leading to someone calling the fuzz. Even before meeting Ursula, Aria had a fascination with the so-called utopian society that the anthropomorphic creatures had managed to build and maintain despite the adversity and even outright hostility they had once faced from their human rivals. Thanks to those who considered the furry community to be inferior, not to mention general fear, mistrust, and paranoia, it was almost unheard of for a human to be invited within the walls of their sprawling metropolis, at least before now... "Let's just hope I don't run into anyone that resents humans for the hundreds of years of slavery and persecution..." Not that any living animal would remember those dark days... right? Aria glanced down at her phone to consult the address Ursula had provided. "Is this... it?" She tilted her head to one side, then glanced up and down the street as if to compare the live street view with what her phone was showing her. It looked like the right place, more or less... She supposed there was one surefire way to confirm! She practically skipped forward along the path towards her cute friend's house. It appeared rather large from the outside, but she supposed that since animals were often different sizes compared to humans, perhaps their architecture needed to be exaggerated to match. Locating the doorbell, Aria gave it a quick, and determined jab of her thumb while hefting her overburdened backpack over one shoulder. Ursula was immediately alerted to the sound of her doorbell. She leaped to her paws, causing the ground beneath even Aria to vibrate feintly. With due haste she immediately approached the door and gave the handle a slow twist as she took a deep breath. She pulled the door slowly open and sly grin spread across her massive face. "Aria!" she cried out in excitement as the monstrous panda quickly reached down and scooped the human up into a tight bearhug. She lifted her off the ground with incredible ease, like picking up a toy. "Oh I'm so glad you made it!" She said aloud before setting her down and beckoning her into the house and closing the door behind the human. "You're even smaller than you looked online.." She laughed jokingly, licking her lips a little suggestively as soon as Aria's gaze glanced around the house. The panda quickly guided her throughout the large house, which was almost cartoonishly large for Aria. It was fairly typical. Living room, multiple bedrooms, multiple bathrooms, kitchen, dining area, a study. And a door that led down to the basement. Notedly, she seemed to glance over and not give much attention to this particular door, "This is mostly for storage and my roommates like to keep a bunch of their junk there." She let out another giggle, "You're really not going to take up much space at all, you could probably stay in my room if you'd like.." She said with a playful wink. "In your room...?" She echoed as her attention was drawn back to the massive panda. Aria knew Ursula was bigger than her and would have been considered 'thick' by human standards, but she hadn't expected her online friend to be so... large. Even that seemed like an understatement, but other words sounded more like an insult so she didn't dare bring it up. In any case, it wasn't really a big deal. She liked Ursula, the panda was always fun to talk to and proved to be a valuable resource in helping her sneak inside. Plus it gave her a place to stay for as long as she wishes without having to worry about overstaying any tourist limitations. "How many roommates do you have? Do you have a guest room or would I be like... sleeping on the sofa?" She knew Ursula lived with others but the details had never been something they had delved into during all their time talking and playing games together. Nor had she thought to ask about the sleeping arrangements before arriving, assuming that Ursula would provide her a space of her own. It wasn't like they were dating after all... Ursula furrowed her brows a moment in thought, "Well, there are three of us, you'll be a fourth." She said before looking back and down to the human, "And honestly, you can stay wherever you like. But I warn you, the other ladies can get a bit feisty.. I just assumed you'd stay in my room. I was not joking when I said you didn't take up much space." She laughed, "Besides, we don't have any spare rooms and I don't really want to make you sleep on the couch.." She said quietly, "I have a big bed." She gave a wink before walking the human to her room. She opened the large door with a twist of the knob and granted Aria the view of a very large room, by human standards. The bed was easily 3 times the size of a King sized bed! With large poles on each corner connected by a draping fabric of semitransparent purple. A large desk off to the side with a mirror and stool for makeup and various other amenities that one might find within a ladies bedroom. If she glanced around a bit, Aria would note a rather large phallic object of sorts resting neatly on a rag under her bed. The rubbery 'toy' as one might soon assume was almost as big as Aria! Ursula seemed to pay it no attention and simply flopped onto her bed, bouncing. The room shook about with her weight and she smiled back down to Aria, "Come aboard! What do you think? We can change the arrangements if you need. I figured it would be best to wait until you were her to decide what's comfortable for you.. You humans can be, quite sensitive.." She said slyly as she wriggled her toes in anticipation. "I..." It wasn't exactly what Aria had in mind and certainly wasn't what she had been expecting but considering the size of Ursula's room and bed... it seemed like it would probably be okay. "I don't want to be an inconvenience... besides, sharing a room has to be better than sleeping on the sofa." In theory that was true, at least. Ultimately it would depend on how annoying Usula was to live with in such close proximity. An online friendship was one thing and living together was already a big step forward. Sleeping in the same bed and sharing the most intimate space? Aria couldn't help but wonder how well things would go, but it was too late to change her mind now. She was here and she needed to make this work! "Do we at least have our own bathroom?" She asked, even as her eyes were drawn to the odd object underneath Ursula's bed. The young red and black haired girl thought to ask about it, but realizing that it might be something perverse she decided not to pry. She set her bag down against the wall as she explored the room, marveling at how huge everything was compared to what she was used to. Given the panda's size however... it just made sense. She smiled and nodded, "Oh of course. Obviously, I'm head bitch in this household." She laughed, "Of course I have my own bathroom!" She said as she bounced on the bed a little. "Oh wait, you're actually asking a lot about privacy... Hmmm, I guess we never really discussed it, it sounds like you humans enjoy keeping to yourselves... Well, we are much more open, accepting, and sharing than that I suppose.. I hope that's not a huge deal breaker.. Though, you're already here.." She giggled softly as she rolled around onto her tummy, kicking her thick trunk-like legs behind herself and bouncing her heels off her own backside. She rested her cheeks into her palms and wiggled her head side to side, scanning the human up and down and unable to resist licking her chops at the luscious sight. "So, what do you want to do first?" She asked excitedly. Aria snickered at the term 'head bitch', unsure of whether that meant she was truly in charge or if she was just making a joke. "So more like a hostel or like how in japan there are those public bath houses?" The cute young girl watched the way the chubby panda rolled around even as she spoke, as if still surprised someone so big could even exist let alone look so... enticing. "Ah... well maybe I should get settled in? Unpack, maybe have a shower? It was a long trip after all. I didn't bring much though, didn't want to get weighed down with too much luggage given all the sneaking I was doing." She bit her lip, wondering what the panda was thinking about with such hungry eyes. "Sure, go ahead and get settled in. Get a shower, can I get you anything in the meantime?" She asked pleasantly as she slowly rolled to a seated position. This was followed by her sliding from the edge of the bed to stand onto the floor. Her body twisted and rocked in a way that all the right places jiggled about, as though she were strutting her stuff. "I could get you a drink, at least?" She asked before taking particularly firm steps, again causing her massive breasts, hips and ass to jiggle about. She stopped for a moment, taking the time to look down and adjust the massive breasts that were ready to burst from her tank top. A heavy sigh escaped her lips, "These girls are so hard to control I swear.." She said as she shook her head, continuing past Aria. "I... I can imagine." Aria found it difficult not to notice the way the panda's body moved and all those excessive curves made her mind wander and her body stir in ways she rarely experienced. Ursula was her friend, yet it was easy to imagine her as something more with the way she seemed to tease the red and black haired girl. Was it on purpose? Perhaps it was rude of her to assume it was, after all, it couldn't be helped that the panda was so large and even the slightly movement was likely to make something jiggle. "You know, a lot of humans say that most of the furcadians don't even wear clothes. I think they imagine this place as one giant nudist colony since you're... well... some people see you as animals still I think." Aria paused as she considered her earlier questions. "Ah, anyway... a drink would be nice. I'll just rinse off quick and put on some fresh clothes and then we can figure out where to put the rest of my stuff. One drawer would probably be big enough considering... yeah." She swallowed hard as she turned away from Ursula to rifle through her belongings before finding a new outfit to wear. Just a simple t-shirt and some shorts should be fine... not like they were going out or anything. "Is the bathroom... through there?" She gestured to one of the two doors leading from the room besides the door they had entered from. Aria figured one was a closet and the other a bathroom. She nodded, "Yeah, actually it's not super common to wear clothing.. I just know that you humans all do.." She shrugged, "So for a little while I figured I'd wear -something- to help you ease into it.." She laughed. She then turned to look back and gave another nod, "Oh, yeah the bathroom is right there.." She said, gesturing to the door to the right of the closet. She then turned back around, giving her hips an especially lewd wiggle as she strutted out of the room. She arrived soon at the kitchen and poured a glass of water. She then reached into a cupboard above the refrigerator, somewhere very high and not easily reached especially for the human, and pulled from it a cylinder tube. She popped the lid and dumped a single pill into her palm before returning the items to the cupboard. She sighed happily and dropped the pill into the water, which fizzed a bit until the pill dissolved completely and the water retained it's clear properties. She then returned to the room, likely after Aria had begun her shower. Within the bathroom she would notice a standing shower, adjacent to a deep tub. The tub was reminiscent of a hot tub. A large counter with a deep sink sat against the opposite wall and within the sink yet another of those large phallic objects from before rest within, appearing to have been recently cleaned and not yet dried. "What... the hell?" Aria blurted out as she saw the object that seemed like obvious toys designed to pleasure someone of Ursula's size. The panda knew Aria was coming, was she really not embarrassed about her seeing such things? Given that they would be living together and now sharing a room, it wasn't ridiculous to assume that she might eventually stumble across such things but to display them so brazenly... was she testing how prudish Aria was? Was she just messing with her? "Har har..." she muttered as she stripped out of her soiled clothing and stepped into the massive shower. Soon enough the room would be hot and steamy and the slender young woman would feel much better. She wasn't even thinking about the larger woman's intentions or what the other woman in the house might think of her. Ursula promised everything would be fine, that they would have lots of fun, and that she wouldn't let anything happen to the illegal human. Aria trusted her as much as she trusted anyone, and so as she scrubbed away the sweat and made herself clean, her thoughts were fairly positive despite the few unexpected revelations. She was even humming by the time Ursula returned to the room. Ursula perked at the sound of running water and humming. She smiled and slowly approached the door to the bathroom. She pressed an ear to the wooden surface and listened carefully before ever so quietly twisting the knob and opening the door. She peered in, glancing about before locking her gaze onto the steamed silhouette of the human. She licked her lips a few times and bit down onto the bottom one. She grabbed onto one of her breasts as she watched longingly over the human showering. Her large nostrils flared as they took in the fading scent of the human's sweat which was soon replaced by the various soaps and shampoo she chose. Her free hand, now slowly slid down along her body and groped onto a thick bulge that had taken form in her short shorts. She kneaded the mound and tugged gently on it as she watched. Aria took her time rinsing off once she felt enough lather had been spread out across her body and worked into her skin, unaware that she currently had an audience. Her display wasn't intended to be sexy, it wasn't as if she was twerking against the glass of the shower stall or otherwise putting on a show. But for someone who have never seen a human in person before, let alone naked and vulnerable, one could imagine that even something as mundane as watching a girl as pretty as Aria bathe could be rather arousing. "Mmm... I think that's about as clean as I'm going to get." She said to herself as she reached for the levers to turn off the water. It would be a few more seconds after that before the wet, dripping human would open the steam coated door to the shower in an effort to reach for her towel. A few minutes later she would be dry and begin putting on her clothes. Technically her hair was still wet, but that was going to take much longer without a blow dryer. Would even something like that be giant for her? She giggled at the thought of a comically sized blow dryer blasting off her clothes or propelling her around the oversized bathroom like a jetpack. "Calm down Aria, this isn't a cartoon." Ursula cleared her throat, releasing herself and grabbing the glass from a nearby stand. She then opened the door fully and set the clear receptacle onto the counter. "Here you go. Let me know if you need anything else~!" She called out before wiggling her fingers and shutting the door before Aria could respond. The concoction, unbeknownst to Aria, was an extremely potent aphrodisiac, common amongst the furcadians. Ursula decided she couldn't handle it anymore and removed her top. She let out a deep sigh of comfort as her girls fell free and expanded happily. She then fell back onto her bed, still wearing her short shorts which began to grow quite uncomfortable due to growing matters. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes and relaxing for a bit. "O-Oh! Thank you..." She called out even as the panda quickly vacated the room to give her privacy while she got dressed. Aria wasn't surprised that Ursula might walk in on her while she was bathing or changing considering how little regard the panda lady seemed to have for privacy or modesty. She practically admitted that she was only wearing clothes to avoid offending her delicate human sensibilities. At least her online friend had enough respect to avoid lingering and staring at her naked body, at least as far as Aria was aware. Once she was satisfied with her state of dress, she picked up the glass of water and took a long, healthy drink. Several mouthfuls later, Aria emerged from the bathroom with a satisfied sigh, one that turned into a last minute gasp when she glimpsed the half naked panda sprawled out on the bed. "Erm... am I interrupting?" She teased, despite the fact that Ursula didn't appear to be touching herself as she lay there. She could help but think about the toy she had seen under the bed, not to mention those in the bathroom. "By the way, you left your 'toy collection' in the tub." She tried to sound casual, like it didn't bother her, as she carried her used clothing in one hand and the glass of water in the other. "Also, is there a laundry basket I can use?" She slowly sat up, fully displaying her endowed chest to the human. "Hmmm, yeah, in the hall. And yeah, I tend to leave my toys in places they will dry best. The one in the tub I haven't gotten around to finishing cleaning." She laughed, "Sorry, I'll need to get used to picking up my things.." She said before laying back down, "If you don't mind. I think I'm going to take a nap.. I'm beat.." She said as she locked her fingers between each other behind her head. She let out a happy sigh, "Oh, did you get enough to drink by the way..?" She asked, the anticipation nearly overwhelming. It took quite some time to take effect on the larger species of furcadians.. She wondered how quickly, or how much of an effect it would have on a tiny human. She hoped she didn't give too strong of a dose.. "A nap...? What am I supposed to do while you sleep?" If she sounded a little indignant, perhaps it was because she had just travelled all this way to see her friend and now Ursula was the tired one? If anyone deserved a nap, it was clearly Aria. None of the other roommates appeared to be home so she couldn't even try to get to know them. As she gazed at the topless woman, waiting for an answer, she couldn't help but linger on those exposed tits. Her cheeks flushed from arousal or was it embarrassment at realizing what she had been doing? She nodded her head slowly, "Yep.. I figured.. You may want one too.. I'm sure your.. Trip was long.." She said, the sleepiness obvious in her voice. She let out a big yawn and stretched out. The mounds jiggled up and down, side to side. "Besides.. You probably want.. To be rested.. Before meeting your.. New roommates.." She said as she appeared to be dozing. Her toes sprawled out and she smacked her lips a few times. "I'm happy.. You made it.. Safe.." She said as her body relaxed and her thighs spread out. A great heat radiated from her body, specifically between her thighs where a prominent bulge had taken residence. Aria rolled her eyes as the panda seemed to fall asleep even as she was speaking to her. "Seriously...? What are you... 100? Who falls asleep in mid conversation? I wasn't in the shower THAT long..." She continued to pout as she wandered out of the room and explore the house for a little bit, leaving Ursula to snooze in peace. If she truly was alone and assuming there was nothing interesting to see, she would eventually return to climb into bed alongside her panda friend. The obvious lump in her shorts wouldn't go unnoticed and like her exposed chest the sight made her shiver and blush profusely. She hadn't known that Ursula was a futanari though she had heard that such genders were common here. It made sense that a girl her size would also be comparatively endowed but Aria almost felt like she would need to see it to believe it. Ursula grumbled in her fast sleep, wiggling around a bit beside Aria. Her warmth radiated, much like a wood burning stove, adding a pleasant ambient temperature to the near vicinity compared to the much cooler household. Aria would have noticed the rest of the house was kept relatively cold, by human standards, likely due to the furcadian's general furry population and their ability to stay warm in the most extreme temperatures. Deep breaths caused her massive breasts to fall and rise. The package looming before her appeared as if it were uncomfortably ready to burst the seams of her shorts! The hibernating giant rolled slowly onto her side, facing the human now in full display. Her warm breath exhaled out onto the little human. Aria was fortunate that the massive panda hadn't rolled all the way over, otherwise she may have been flattened by the furry mass of the older woman's body. Yet as the panda snoozed, Aria found herself feeling rather cold thanks to the lower temperature of the household, causing the young girl to instinctively snuggle closer to the heavier, furry woman in an effort to stay warm since her hostess was currently sprawled out on top of the bed's blanket. To her credit, she did try to take Ursula's suggestion and have a nap despite the growing sense of desire building up inside of her. Was she feeling more and more turned on because she was close to the panda's exposed body? The discovery that she was a futanari? Or was she just tired and stressed and her body's coping mechanism was to suggest she mount the slumbering giantess? Even as she started to shiver from the heat she felt deep within her body, Aria couldn't bring herself to act on such perverted impulses. She was going to be living here after all, how could she take advantage of Ursula on her first day like some sort of creep? It didn't keep her from staring for awhile before wondering whether she might need to go back into the restroom to relieve some of her 'tension'. The slumbering giantess lay like a small mountain, dwarfing the human beside her in this moment. A soft snore escaped her maw as she had fallen into her deeper sleep. The feeling of the bed slightly sinking to her side and the warmth of another caused the bear to instinctively roll over onto the human. Perhaps one of her worst fears coming to fruition? Ursula showed no sign of waking up, or noticing the now pressed human beneath her. The human's body was pinned tightly by the massive bulge between the ursine thighs. Thankfully, despite her great weight, she landed in a way that her knees were buckled and kept the majority of her weight suspended above Aria. This allowed her to breath, though little freedom of movement was left to her. A faint musk rose from the bear's groin, invading the little girl's sinuses and enveloping her. Just as Aria had been about to climb out of bed, the massive panda's body had suddenly enveloped her, leaving her trapped beneath the snoozing woman. "Hey, HEY!" She called out, pressing her much smaller hands against the bulk now threatening to smother her. "This isn't funny!" She protested, even as that musk finally hit her and made her body shiver with anticipation. Aria realized she was actually aroused by the close proximity to Ursula, not realizing that she was being influenced by whatever the panda had placed into her drink. Aria continued to loudly complain as she wiggled fruitlessly beneath Ursula's body, growing rougher with the thick woman's body for all the good it did. She didn't have the leverage to actually punch her but she did try squeezing and eventually even biting at whatever part of her body was weighing down on her head. The oversized panda didn't seem to notice the struggles occurring beneath. Though, her body certainly did. The reactions her touch and pressure brought on consisted of a building growth between the two women, and a musky moist atmosphere within the tight gap. Ursula let out a soft snore followed by a moaned growl as her erection began to reach down and crawl along Aria's belly like a massive worm, seeking out a burrow to dig into. Her breathing grew deeper, crossing her belly to raise and fall, pressing down onto the human and smothering her. Meanwhile, a loud thud could be heard from somewhere else in the house. A door shutting. Perhaps the roommates were home? Unfortunately as the space grew tighter, the sound traveled less easily and her screams would be completely dampened by the voluptuous bear. It dawned on Aria that Ursula wasn't pretending and really had fallen into a deep enough sleep not to notice the tiny human flailing helpless beneath her. Nor did she seem to notice the unintentional touchings to her growing erection, despite the fact that the thickness in question was responding on its own. After failing to awaken her, Aria switch to trying to wiggle out from under the panda but all that served to do from provide further stimulation to the slumbering mammal while increasing her perspiration. Most frustrating of all was that her desire seemed to only be growing despite her precarious situation. What a time to feel horny! The hypersized panda let out a soft, deep and rumbling growl which shook Aria to her core. Her body rattled around beneath the anthro dickgirl as that throbbing girth began to pulse up and down, gently slamming it's weight down onto the human. Her hips rocked from side to side as she stifled the smaller creature and began to moan a little, as if the pleasures were reaching out to her even through her dreams. She slowly began to gyrate her hips and grind that thick meaty slab against the human's chest, smearing preseed across her face as it oozed from the tip like a thick jelly. Her large hands gripped onto the sheets tightly as if to brace herself. Aria gasped and groaned as that growing cock continued to bump and rub against her as she did her best to wiggle out from beneath her snoozing roommate. The strong smelling substance that oozed from the heavy woman's cock made her even more light headed as the potent musk amplified her already heightened desire. Gasping for breath, Aria soon found her arms wrapped around that black girth as if to wrestle the beast into submission. The throbbing warmth only made her increasingly wet and wishing that this feeling was happening under more normal circumstances. As the began to lose control, however, Aria began to lightly grind herself against that firm member, using the panda was a sexual toy in the same way that Ursula seemed to be doing to her. Ursula let out another deep rumbling growl, much more akin to a moan however as her member was being stimulated. The giant hips lingering above began to gyrate back and forth, grinding the thick, now heavily drooling slab along her body. The panda grumbled softly to herself and let out a more lewd sound as her paws curled under herself, bracing the human and smothering her against the femcock. Strings of gooey cum spattered across her body and tethered her to various patches of fur. "Ohhh.. Mmmm.. Yeah..." She said quietly, seemingly still slipping in and out of a sleeping state, perhaps a wet dream of sorts. The head of the member slipped in and out of it's foreskin occasionally, revealing it's maw to Aria's face and spurting out globs of gravy-thick spunk. Trapped between the bed and that mammoth cock, it was all Aria could do to hang on even as the panda's cock vomited more of the heated fluid into her face. "Phleh!" Aria made an attempt to spit a glob of the salty precum that had landed in her mouth, but Ursula seemed to subconsciously punished her by squirted even more of the gooey spunk into her open mouth. The unfortunate situation seemed to be growing more intense, and even as the human let go of the panda's cock to try and wipe her mouth she found herself nearly crushed between its weight as the massive tool drug itself up and down the length of her slender form. The large panda let out yet another deep groan as her hips wiggled from side to side, guiding the cock to slide around and across her body as if seeking something, gently prodding. "Mhhh... Where is it..?" She grumbled, leaning her hips back a bit so that the member slid much lower and eventually between her thighs before she lurched forward, smashing the tip against Aria's folds yet not penetrating. She grunted, "Mff.. There.. It's.. A little tight.." She groaned, "Need to.. Buy a bigger one.. Ugh.." She bit onto her lip and tightened her hold on the helpless human beneath her, working the massive club around attempting to cram it into the tiny entrance. For a moment, Aria thought that Ursula was pulling away to allow her a chance at escape.
To Catja: Do you have any special requests? From Catja: my wish is that you wait for me blindfolded. To confirm filthy slut I will be there at 9.30. Regards Mrs Catja Early this morning I have done my daily blowjob exercises. Can get the full length in my throat. The last thing I learned is to stretch the tongue forward. This way it will slide further by itself. Already bought a slightly wider dildo to acclimate my mouth. Very deep, I can´t get it yet but should get used to it that the mouth goes as wide as possible. I want to serve the Mistress in a supreme way. Last time I found myself weak. Poppers and lubricant making it possible for me to bring the plug in completely after a few times moving it in and out my ass. The nipples hurts when I´m standing under the shower. Yesterday I did wear my nipple clamps for another hour. Rinsed out my anal cunt and then it's time to put on my slutty clothes. Dressing myself up by strapping my harness. At the moment I am pulling my leopard nylons up I discover I still have my singlet on. No time to lose so I cut it off. Get a rush of adrenaline when the doorbell tings. Listen to the footsteps in the hallway of Mistress Catja to be sure she is in. Front door is already ajar. Mask mouth gag. Nipple clamps I have been on. Kneeling, waiting blindfolded. I´m relaxed. Prepared myself very well. Plugged, sucked a lot at my dildo. Healthy eating. Did a lot to improve my condition. Drank in two months no more than four beers. "Well filthy slut I'm back." (It is difficult to talk with the gag in. The advantage is that I produce a lot of mouth moisture this way. My throat has to be in the right condition to perform a perfect blowjob.) "Yes Mistress." "Such a nice gag in your slutty throat?" " Yes Mistress." "Hmmm. Well done." Mistress Catja pulls the nipple clamps. Groan a little. "I am going to change clothes in a rush filthy slut." "Yes Mistress." The clock strikes. "Look. Right on time filthy slut." "Yes Mistress." (Sucking on the gag the moisture runs between my chin and the mask. Trying to push it a little. Crosses my mind for a moment to loosen it a little more.) I swallow as many mouth moisture as I can. Hear how she is zipping up her boots. Then she comes to her slut. "Well filthy slut. Here I am again." "Yes Mistress."She removes the blindfold. "You do not know what to do? Come filthy slut." (I dont want to do anything wrong.) "You look so slutty again." "Thank you Mistress." "Shouldn´t you lick my boots and deepthroat my heels right away?" "Yes Mistress." "You're a real horny slut. Start below filthy slut." "Yes Mistress." (With full attention I enjoy the scent of her boots. I do my best giving her heel a perfect blowjob.) "Well done." (Licking I kiss her Divine boots.) "And keep going!" "All the way to the top of filthy slut." (Her boot lifting up I continue my way up. Have to be carefull for not getting to excited.) "That's the way. Yes continue." Lick the top of her boot. This is ultimate happiness. Complete surrender is my goal. Satisfying Mistress Catja that's my job. She is my purpose in life. I presume she noticing my breathing getting more excited the higher her slut comes the greater the excitement. "And now deepthroat the heel." Following her long leather boots down again. "Let's see how well you've practiced filthy slut." Talking is not possible. "Well done. Time for the other boot. " Slightly threatening sounds her voice, "You can do better." Runs a little shiver over my body. "Yes Mistress." "Dont you dare to think I'm pleased that easily. Now perform better than you just did. Start at the very bottom and don't miss a spot! Dirty deepthroat whore! " "Right and continue. Slowly upwards. All the way up here! All the way to the top of filthy slut! "" Yes Mistress. "" Good. " "Time for you to serve me a drink." I carefully fill the glass. It sparkles a lot so I pour it in small doses to show her the glass is absolutely clean. "Thank you filthy slut! Grasp the nipple suckers off the dresser." Placing them at the armrests of her chair. "Get over here and sit in front of me, sleezy whore. Sleezy whore! Hum? You are? " "A sleazy whore Mistress." "You´re right. A filthy slut. A sleezy whore. A slut created for blowjobs! " Mistress Catja rolls her eyes. That is a bad sign. Bad sign? This is what I want. This is what I get. This is what I live for. I'm getting more excited by the playing she does with the nipples. Are these her nails or the nipple clamps tormenting my nipples? Do not know how she does it but the feeling I get is good. "Placing this at your sleezy nipples. Nice pumps." "Yes Mistress." "Hmmmm." Feel how the sensitive nipples are drawn vacuum giving an indescribable tingling. "Get on hands and knees on the bed." Hear the rustling of the bag. "Oh, you look so slutty! Filthy slut!" "Yes Mistress." I wait tensed for what comes next. I should not be tensed. Know what's coming. 1, 2, 3 strokes slapping my slutty PVC skirt. Little protection 4, 5, 6. More and louder. 7, 8, 9. Try to concentrate myself. Last time I asked for mercy. Won't happen this time. I have to endure this.. 10, 11, 12. The way she thinks? Where does she respond to. Whats is she waiting for? Mistress Catja is unpredictable. Trying not to ask for mercy as long as possible. 13, 14, 15. I am sighing in a mix of pain and pleasure receiving the precisely placed hits with her divine whip. 16, 17, 18. React stronger. I respond to every tap. "Yes." Mistress Catja pauses as she walks to the other side. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. Slowly my soft cries are getting louder. 24, 25, 26. "Yes, thats the way." Feeling myself getting better. "Now you still wearing your skirt. What do you think on your bare bottom? Huh? On your bare bottom what do you think of that?" 27, 28. "Yes Mistress." 29 30. The following slaps with the whip having much more effect on the meat. "Well, get off the bed for a moment." (A slave does not ask. A slave does not think. A slave does.) Get the bracelets on. "Hold it."Short strict commands. (My breathing becomes louder. Have only one goal. Obey and accept.) "Turn around. Feel that? That glorious prick bra?" "Yes Mistress." She pressing harder on the bra as she looks at me straight in the eye, "Sleezy whore." Little smile appears on her face. "Come over here." Kneeling, I take place for the Mistress. "Let's see how well you've been practicing!" Slowly withdraw the black dildo inside. Ensuring that my teeth do not touch it. The many practice making it possible to get it all the way to the base inside. "Yes. Well done. Deep into that whoring throat of you. Lovely. Do your best! "Sucking, licking and moaning I perform like a real whore. Protected by Mistress Catja's legs. "That's the way. Continue. Deeper! I will fuck you soon filthy slut. "More than affirmative murmur is not possible. Mistress Catja hands me the poppers. Snuff considerably in both nostrils and spray some under the tongue. "Have an open crotch in that whoring pantyhose of yours?" "Yes Mistress." "Stand!" Little tap at the armrest is sufficient. Place my foot on the armrest and get an ankle bracelet to. Then the other foot. "Hands and knees on the bed. "My breathing is becoming excited. "You're looking good for a filthy slut." Hear how the Mistress gets ready to fuck her horny sow. "Come closer filthy slut. Backwards! Come on! "(Going a little further back. Feel the dildo there retract. This is a blessing. This is heaven. This is? Following another hard blow.) Even harder. Pain takes over. This is where I was born for. This is the purpose for which I live. To be fucked like a horny pig. The clock strikes 10 while the Mistress raping me mercilessly. Between my screams of agony I thank Mistress Catja. "Backwards! "Groaning in pain and pleasure, I present my anal cunt as good as possible. "Backward" The enjoyment disappears. The pain remains. I refuse to ask for mercy. Mercy is not what I long for. I want to serve the Mistress. "Yes. This way you feel who's boss here." "Yes Mistress. " "Come on! Offer yourself. "Groaning and moaning I go back and forth with my pussy ass. Have but one thought. Satisfy the Mistress. "Thats the way. Backwards with that whoring ass of yours. Come on!" "Have mercy on me Mistress." "Come on!" Then she rams it in. I am getting launched forward. Mistress Catja laughing loudly while I lay on my stomach groaning. It makes it extra painful because the needles shooting into my sensitive nipples. "What's wrong?" "No, it's okay Mistress." "Huh?" "It's okay Mistress." "Yes! It is very okay. Indeed!" I have to learn to relax. Mistress Catja is here for her slut. "Yes, but remain in that position." Shortly after I receive tapping with her riding crop again on the buttocks. In the beginning, not so hard, but after 10 they becoming ferocious. 5 strokes further she stops and I hear she again gets something out of the bag. "Yes. You feel truly like a filthy slut. "" Yes Mistress. "She drinks some and then I hear how she placing the glass back at the table. "Well filthy slut turn around once more." Getting blindfolded again. "Thats the way to do it raise yourself up so I can take off the prick bra." There something stinging in my back. Do not know what it is. "There's something not right there to me." Is it the gag? I do not know. Try to find it while I lie on the back. "It has to do with this belt. With that rig. It protrudes slightly. "Slightly panicked, I try to discover what it is but I can't. "I do not know what it is. Lie down. It puts out something here. The lower part of the rig." "Yes Mistress." One minute she is caring and the next moment strictly. This only makes things more exciting. "Lay down. Thats the way. You're a real slut made for blowjobs. Hands to the back. " She ruffling the penis. "Hmm." Then suddenly replacing the nipple-clamps and pulling them up. "Yes. On and off they go. Put your legs down filthy slut! " Moaning I keep in mind that I can bear it. That I want it myself and if I'm a good slut might be rewarded. "This is good for you, sleezy whore." Getting slowly into another world. A world of pleasure and desire. Longing for what? Can't figure out why? Maybe if I react violently to Mistress Catja will leisurely pace. I do not want that. I have nothing to wish. This slut must accept. Nothing else. The harsher, the better. Then suddenly she stops. "Yes filthy slut. Put your legs up. "Obediently I take them as far as possible up. "Right, and remain that way." Feel how she connects with the string my legs with the wristbands. There I am like a slutty tied up piece of meat. Getting the plug in my pussy ass. Feel how it grows. "Well, so much fun to pump it up." Cannot move. Next whats follow are the strokes with the paddle while the butt plug inflated sticks in my hungry horny ass. 10 strokes. Ever fiercer. More and more vicious. "Mmmm." Feeling myself a giant whore. Even worse. I'm proud of it. Suddenly Mistress Catja pull the plug out. Not careful. Leave a stifled cry. Am a pig, a slut. No need for compassion. Being released. Anklets go off. Become slowly relaxed. Hear how she walking around the place. Takes awhile. "Get over here on the ground." Laying myself down as quickly as possible. "Open mouth!" Look straight up and down her boots. My breath catches. She is right above me. My feelings are focused on. Briefly. "Close your eyes and open mouth wide. Filthy slut." Keep my mouth wide open while Mistress Catja rewarding her slut with a beam of her divine drink. "Keep your mouth wide open!" Trying to keep it in my mouth as long as possible. Enjoy the warm feeling. "Continue!" Gurgling I flush the precious contents in my mouth. Two brief perfectly pitched warm rays of divine drink filling me. "Well, the rest I do in the can. Lovely." "Yes Mistress." "Thats the way and keep playing with yourself filthy slut." Did not miss a single drop. "Thats the way. Continue filthy slut. Get on that bed. "In a daze of perfect bliss, I take back my place. "Jerk yourself piece of filth!" I rub two fingers on the edge of the glans and with the other hand I slide under my scrotum. The feeling does not fade. This fortunately these slut has not reached the last 18 years. While I try to satisfy myself she pulls on the nipple clamps. "Continue!" The feeling of happiness gives way to pain. Does not matter. To be allowed in the vicinity of Mistress Catja equals ultimate happiness. "Thats the way. Did you cum filthy slut?" "No, Mistress." " Huh?!" "No Mistress." " What! What are you for a sleazy whore!" "I'm an impotent sleazy whore Mistress who just wants to be hurt Mistress." (There is no word I lied about thi. Besides lying to the Mistress? I am grateful that she accepted me as her slave.) Again she pulls the clamps. Now harder. "Hmmm." Half crying, I realize that an hour is too short. Through my groaning Mistress Catja cannot understand me. "What now? Yes or no pain?! "She pulling again the nipple clamps. "I love pain Mistress." "Oh, well." "You're treating your slut so well Mistress." "Yeah horny slut you are." My happiness will only get better through her strictness. "Show me your hands." Wristbands go off. "Well filthy slut. The Mistress is going to change clothes." "Yes Mistress." "What did you think of the session filthy slut?" "It was great Mistress." "That's the way." "Keep practicing filthy slut." "Yes Mistress." My nipples are very sensitive. Whole body tingles. Pain and orgasm usually fails. Even if I jerk myself in a horny mood after I placed my nipple clamps. "Keep doing it filthy slut. Exercise every day." "Yes Mistress." "Bye." "Thank you Mistress" "See you next time filthy slut." "Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress." "You better start jerking yourself now filthy slut. Continue." Door slams shut. When she provided me directly in my mouth from with heavenly champagne? The ultimate experience from this era to me. From Catja: Drink everything what is left in the decanter. To Catja: Yes Mistress. Drinking it slowly and carefully, enjoying the perfect taste. Then I pour the last Coke in the decanter and then into one drink emptying it including every precious drop of the supreme Mistress. Did ask this session only once for mercy. From now on this slut willing to serve Mistress Catja in sessions from 1.5 hours. I'm addicted to the supreme Mistress Catja. No way back.
_Based on a true event that happened in Melbourne.... Please don't forget to vote and provide feedback._ ++++++++++++ Wendy rubbed her neck as she sat at her computer desk in her bedroom and contemplated another lonely week. A neighbor, whose husband was interstate on business, had invited her to come over for lunch by her pool but Wendy wasn't interested in an afternoon drinking wine and gossiping. Wendy decided to sign on to the net and check her emails, maybe that would brighten up her afternoon. Opening her mail she quickly read the emails from her sister and her niece. She was discarding the junk mail when something caught her attention. It was a email advertising an online contact site. Her mind recalled a conversation she had overheard at work that day. Two other women had been laughing over a "blind date". One of them had met a guy on the internet through a personal ad she had placed. Wendy hadn't been paying too much attention to the other women, but did hear the woman say that they had a great time and she and her "internet connection" planned to get together again over the weekend. Suddenly decided "Why not?" and, clicked on the URL to the Adultfriendfinder site. Ten minutes later she had registered for free and had finished filling out the advert. She reread it to make sure everything was filled out and accurate. She had skipped most of the preference questions and filled out only the information she deemed important: Female, 5' 10", 42D – 34 – 38 and 95 Kilograms. Wendy laughed to herself, "If they are still interested after that last statistic, maybe there's hope for me yet." Then she read her description: "Reserved, divorced lady who works nights, seeking discrete daytime relationship. Initially I would prefer meeting for casual lunch dates. Companionship first, then perhaps once we have gotten to know each other we can go on to more intimate activities". She smiled to herself as she went on and read the description of the man she was looking for: "You will be well educated, a gentleman who knows how to treat a lady. Most importantly you will be able to meet me at short notice during weekdays, enjoy fine wine and food, be taller than me and very discrete. Bearded, well endowed men who can send me a picture with their reply will be given priority in my replies". The last bit about being "well endowed" was a bit risqué and she quickly hit the "submit" button before she could change her mind. She noticed her hands were shaking a little when she finished. She thought of browsing some of the ads for men seeking women, but decided she was not yet ready to be aggressive enough to actively search for a man. No, much better to wait and see if any one responded to her ad. "OK", Wendy thought to herself a week later, "here it is, another Friday and I've been alone all week!" Every morning she had excitedly checked her e-mail for responses to her impulsively placed ad, and every day she had gone to bed after her night shift disappointed by the responses she had received. Opening her mail she found the usual responses, crude messages telling how big their "cocks" were and how they would "fuck: her senseless. She was just getting ready to sign off when a new message arrived from Adultfriendfinder. She quickly clicked it and read the message. "Hello. I read your ad and am very interested in meeting you. I am a 48-year- old professionally employed man living in the Melbourne area. I work 4 hours each day from 8 am to noon, so would love to meet a mature lady like yourself so we can both begin to enjoy our afternoons. I love fine wine and long lazy lunches but increasingly find it unsatisfying to dine alone. So I am hoping you would like to join me for lunch. I liked how you describe yourself very much. I hope the attached photo sparks your interest, and look forward to hearing from you soon so that we can plan our first lunch together. It was signed Phillip "Interested?" Yes her interest had been kindled. Here was someone who wrote about himself and didn't even mention sex, let alone crude comments about fucking her. His picture was great, tall, distinguished and he had a tightly cropped beard. She quickly answered him, supplying her real email address so he could respond to her directly. A week later, Wendy surveyed her image in the mirror in the ladies room of the upmarket Southbank restaurant. Her red hair was combed loosely about her shoulders, her green eyes sparkled, highlighted by the pale eye shadow. Her ears were adorned with her pearl studs. A simple silver woven necklace filled in around her neck, hopefully making the bit of extra cleavage she was showing not as noticeable to others as it was to her. Her best blue silk blouse capped a black skirt. A new lacy garter belt she had purchased that morning secured her matching stockings. She was nervous and took in several deep breaths she walked back to the table the waiter had shown her to a few minutes earlier. When she had arrived the maître d' informed her that her lunch partner had called to say he was running a few minutes late, but would be there shortly. Wendy's nervousness had increased. She was afraid that she was being stood up, and had just persuaded herself to leave, when a voice behind her startled her. "Wendy? I am so sorry to be late, but traffic around the Art Centre was much heavier than expected." A well groomed hand reached over her shoulder and placed a red rose on the table. Wendy turned slightly and glanced over her shoulder at the man behind her. Her breath almost caught in her throat as she meet his appealing, sensual, hazel eyes. She had a picture of him that he had sent her early on in their correspondence, and immediately recognized his features, the well proportioned face with the short, full beard, the sensual lips, the gently slopped nose, and the eyes…. the picture hadn't done them justice. The hand that had placed the rose on the table raised and cupped her face gently. "You are more beautiful than I imagined. Your picture did not completely do you justice." His voice was soft, gentle, and so sexy Wendy could feel her body responding in ways she would never have imagined for a first date. My god she had just met him and already she could feel moisture beginning to dampen her panties! Phillip seated himself next to her at the table, and the next two hours flew as they enjoyed lunch, drinking more wine than she intended as they chatted, learning more and more about each other. "Wendy, I do not want to say good bye to you just yet. Would you like to go for a walk with me in the Botanic Gardens?" Wendy nodded, it was just what she needed. All the wine she had drunk was making her head spin and she wanted to get out into some fresh air. They strolled quietly for a several minutes, Wendy's left hand clasped warmly in Phillip's right. Before long they were at the back of Government House in a quiet part of the Gardens. It was warm and sunny so they sat down in a secluded grassed area. It felt natural to have Phillip's arm around her, holding her close to him as they spoke softly to each other. It was even more natural as she looked at him to see his face moving towards hers, his mouth taking hers in a kiss that started out soft and tender. Then quickly escalating to a hot, passionate embrace. Phillip's hands played across Wendy's back, caressing her shoulder blades and pulling her body tightly to his own. Wendy heard herself moaning in pleasure, almost as much from the sensation of their intimate embrace as from the deep sexual kisses they were exchanging. Wendys hands explored Phillip's body, her fingers shakily pulling the shirt free of his belt and caressing the hard satin skin. Moving up and finding his nipples hardened at her touch. Phillip's hands imitated Wendys in their own exploration of her body under her blouse, effortlessly unclasping her bra and lovingly cupping her breasts. His fingers tracing back and forth over her nipples, eliciting soft guttural moans of pleasure from Wendy. She realised Phillip's nimble fingers had opened her blouse when the warm sunshine caressed her breasts. Then he covered one nipple with his mouth as a hand began pulling and gently pinched the other erect nipple. Wendy's moans became more frantic as the heat between her thighs grew even more intense. She instinctively spread open her legs as one of Phillip's hands moved up under her skirt towards the seat of her heat and dampness. Phillip's hand caressed her mound through her panties, making her body ache for more of him. She raised her hips slightly, a signal for him to slide his fingers under her wet panties to apex of her sex. A finger entered through the folds of her labia, finding and stroking around her clitoris. Wendy was loosing control as her body reacted to his ardent ministrations. Her legs clasped and unclasped time and again around the hand that was driving her up the mountain of sexual pleasure. Suddenly she felt herself plummeting over the edge of the cliff. Her orgasm was earth shattering, her pleasure coursing throughout her body. Phillip felt her powerful climax, initally around his hand, then her whole body convulsed. Her crys of pleasure and ecstasy echoed through the air. Phillip slowly withdrew his finger from her clit, but continued a to apply pressure to her mound as he allowed her body to ride through the haze of pleasure that enveloped her still quaking body. "Yes," he thought to himself, "she is one very hot lady" He smiled as he held her cradled to his body. The afternoon was definitely not over. His body was raging for relief, and he knew he would have his relief, and so much more, before the day was over. Wendy slowly came out of the fog of pleasure that surrounded her, feeling the breeze flowing over her exposed breasts, almost as erotic as the feel of Phillip's hand still molded to her pussy. Never before had she been driven to such breathtaking pleasure and satisfaction in such a public place. Never before had she allowed herself to free her inhibitions in such a public way! Phillip's hand traveled up her body, generating a deep hunger for more of his touch, her body delight in the sensations his wandering hand was evoking. His arm still cradled her against him as his other hand once again found a full round nipple and rolled it between his fingers, pinching lightly as he pulled on it, his lips tracing a path from her neck to behind her ear. Wendy moaned and arched into him asking for more. "Patience, Wendy." His whisper tickled erotically in her ear. His husky voice hinted at the pleasures to come. "There is more, so much more, but for now, we should compose ourselves! I do believe we have an audience." Amusement sounded in his voice now. Startled, Wendy pulled her blouse to cover her breasts and rearranged her skirt. Following the direction of Phillip's glance, Wendy spied two figures leaning on some gardening tools under a tree several yards away. It was obvious they knew what Phillip and Wendy were doing, and had been watching them. Phillip quickly stood up and then pulled Wendy up beside him, then after casually readjusted his own clothing over his cock, said. "I think now it is time for us to go and find our own privacy." He reached over to cover Wendy from view as she struggled to refastened her bra and blouse. Wendy was flushed bright read with embarrassment as thoughts of escaping from this scandalous situation flashed through her mind. Phillip's calm composure helped her regain her self-control and they walked casually from the gardens. Wendy was quietly thinking as she strolled arm in arm with Phillip. She could not believe the way this first date was turning out. She was not very experienced with men. She had married at age 20, still a virgin, a man she had known just a few weeks. As their marriage progresses she gradually began to understood she really didn't love her husband and their sex life was all that held them together. Almost 25 years later they had divorced and for the last few years she had been without a man to service her sexual needs. Of course there were casual friends, but they all worked during the day. When she had placed her ad she convinced herself she was looking for friendship and companionship. The reality dawned on Wendy. She needed a sexual relationship with a man who was able to sate her private desires. Now she knew she was on her way to spend the rest of the day with this man who had excited he into being intimate in public for the first time in her sheltered life. "Are we going to my place or yours?" she asked. Phillip reached across and gently picked up her left hand. He drew it to his lips, kissed it, "your place is closer!" Wendy looked into the distance, lost in her thoughts and the warm comfort of Phillip's hand holding hers. She refused to let doubts and fears cloud her mind at this point. Yes, this was uncharacteristic of her, but it felt right. She didn't question why this was so, she just accepted the rightness. Wendy walked as in a dream as they left the Gardens and crossed into Southbank towards her apartment building. She guided him to the elevator. Once inside she pushed the floor button for the 10th level. They rode silently, his arm around her, holding her gently to his side, his breath caressing her ear as he kissed it, nipping it lightly with his teeth before capturing her mouth in a kiss that burned through her in its intensity. Wendy was weak-kneed and breathless as she broke the kiss when the elevator doors slid open. Wendy guided him to her door and as soon as she had closed the door he gathered Wendy into his arms and kissed her again. His tongue parting her lips, slipping into her mouth, caressing the roof with his tongue, dueling with her tongue in a sensuous dance as old as time itself. Finally he broke his mouth from hers and leaned his forehead against hers. "You make me so wild, Wendy. I want to feast on you, gorge myself as a starving man suddenly at a banquet." His voice was passion roughened, husky, his hunger evident in the slight shaking of his body as he held her with his hardness pressed to her, his hands caressing her back. He nuzzled her neck with his mouth, his warm breath sending delicious chills through her as his mouth closed on her neck, sucking and biting playfully, passionately. Finally, when Wendy thought she could take no more, he released her and allowed her to lead him into the spacious living room, furnished with black overstuffed leather couch, loveseat, and matching side chairs. A large glass- topped oval coffee table was centered in the middle of the arrangement, matching side tables placed on either side of the couch, loveseat and chairs. The walls were decorated with watercolors of obvious Melbourne landmarks and pictures of Port Phillip Bay. The large French doors, surrounded by opened drapes, looked out over St Kilda and South Melbourne toward the bay. Wendy walked to a bar tucked into a corner of the room, took out two fluted champagne glasses and a bottle of champagne. She poured them each a glass then went to the couch where Phillip was now sitting sideways in one corner and sat down next him. She picked up a remote control and the room was soon flooded with the rhythm of Midnight Oil. She clicked her glass to Phillip's and in a husky voice said "Welcome to my home. I hope we enjoy your visit.". They sat together like that, sipping their champagne, listening to the music. Phillip's hands stroked over her body, caressing her neck, shoulders, her hips and stomach, before cupping first one breast than the other, his thumb rubbing across each nipple through her clothes, causing them to form tight peaks as she allowed the pleasurable sensations to claim her body and mind. After several minutes, Phillip sat his glass on the table, took her glass and placed it next to his. With both of his hands now free quickly unbuttoned her blouse and remove it and her bra. He ran his hands over the lush mounds, caressing them, grasping her nipples between his thumb and forefinger and pulling her breasts upward. Wendy moaned in pleasure and a pleaded for more! Phillip comprehended her hunger and turned her slightly so his eager mouth could claim one plump breast. Sucking as much of it into his mouth as he could manage, his tongue tracing over the hard, long nipple, grazing it teasingly with his teeth. His other hand continued teasing and playing her other tit, pinching a little harder as her moans of pleasure confirmed how much she was enjoying his rough handling of her magnificent breasts. His mouth switched to the other breast and his free hand snaked its way down her belly, caressing its small round swell, then worked even further, pulling up her skirt as it went. With a deft movement he ripped her flimsy panties from her body, exposing her mound to his hand's eager exploration. Her pubic hair was so downy soft, covering her lips, which were beginning to swell. They parted as he inserted a finger between her labia, tickling her clitoris erotically with a fingertip, before slowly inserting further into her wet glistening hole. Wendy's body raised to meet his questing finger, her left hand covered his, urging him to explore further, begging for more. He gave her what she silently asked for, entering yet another finger into her, gliding it in and out. Then bringing his thumb into play as it caressed the area around her clitoris, making her frantic as he flicked it, feeling her body begin to tighten as his fingers pumped faster and faster. When he felt her body beginning her climax he captured her mouth with his, taking the moan of pleasure she emitted as her orgasm washed through her body. She bucked harder against his hand, wave after wave of the little death racking her body. Her body quivered for long moments as Phillip's hand gently pressed down on her hair covered mound, giving her pleasure but still allowing her body to come down gently from the high she had just experienced. After a few moments Phillip again kissed her and ran his hands over her full, womanly curves, enjoying the softness of her mature body. He was beginning to appreciate the subtle beauty this tall, large women possessed. He had always known that sex with women of lesser stature never completely satisfied him. When he had first read Wendy's ad what had grabbed his attention was her height and her figure. She was his first truly tall, big busted woman, and the pleasure he had received thus far was a clear indication his expectations would be exceeded. The day was young and his body fully aroused by this wonderful woman who seemed unaware of the dark erotic desires she was arousing in him, and he had yet to penetrate her with his own manhood. He felt himself harden even more as he contemplated this. "Wendy," he moaned into her ear, "Let's go to your bedroom. I need to be inside you." He kissed her mouth passionately, sucking her lower lip into his mouth, biting it as he did so. They stood together, Phillip cupping one hand on her big firm buttock as she guided him down the hall to one of the closed doors, his huge cock straining to escape the confines of his trousers. Arriving at the bed she pushed him back and sank down on it next to him. She rapidly clawed at his clothes and within a minute he was totally naked, laying on his back with his cock rigid, quivering at a 45 degree angle. Phillip was sure he heard a gasp as she bent down and took his cock into her hand. She began stroking him, fascinated by the smooth penis tip as she stroked up and down. She licked her lips as she contemplated what she had exposed. This was her first circumcised cock and it was huge, it mush be at least 9" long and it was as thick as her wrist She lowered her head to his penis and took it into her mouth. It stretched her mouth wide as she accommodated the width of his member. She bobbed up and down on the shaft enjoying he sensation of taking the first four inches into her mouth, flicking her tongue around the head as she did so. Phillip thrust his hips up to meet the downward movement of her mouth. His hands clenching and unclenching as he enjoyed the sensations he was feeling. Moans of pleasure escaped from him as the sexual tension mounted. She began stroking a finger from his ball bag to his asshole, massaging the brown hole with her fingertip. She was trying to work more and more of his huge cock into her mouth as she continued sucking and licking, her mouth making slurping noises as she savored his texture and the taste of his first drops of precum. She worked her mouth and hand harder as she drove him to ejaculate into her mouth. She wanted him to cum, she wanted to swallow all of his sperm as she sucked him dry. Phillip felt his orgasm nearing; tension building throughout his body; pleasure burning through him. Suddenly he felt a searing sensation as she thrust her finger deep into his arse hole. His cock erupted hard into her eager mouth as the first spurt leapt from his engorged penis and he thrust upward with all his strength. She gagged as his cock hit the back of her throat, unable to swallow quickly. Cum dribbled from her mouth as Phillip shot spurt after spurt of his thick white sperm into her mouth. Phillip laid back on the bed, his breath panting, his mind still beyond rational thought as he basked in the lingering experience of her blowjob. Wendy was laying on her back, next to him, one hand still wrapped around his cock, cum on her chin and tits where it had fallen. Phillip struggled to come up with something to say, but when his mind failed him, he simply leaned over and kissed her forehead. Wendy was still partially dressed and Phillip ran a hand over her hitched up skirt, seeking pussy and swollen clit. He kneaded her pussy and tweaked hard pebble like clit with his fingers. Unsatisfied, he pulled skirt down, freeing all her body to his gaze. Her pussy was open and glistening with her juices, but most exciting was her clit, extended in passion it looked like a miniature cock. Phillip buried his face in her pussy, sucking and licking first deep along the length of her slit, then flicking around her erect protruding clit. As he continued sucking he could feel his cock start to respond, growing and hardening again. Her legs were splayed wide apart now and each time he lifted his head to take another brath Phillip found his sight firmly focused on Wendys shit hole. The edges of her big brown hole were all crinkly and as it puckered in and out it almost looked as it was winking at him. After what seemed like ages his cock was rigid again. He straddled her soft torso and began to fuck his erect cock between Wendy's full breasts, sweat breaking out over his body as he urged his body towards another orgasm. He fucked faster and she was moaning in pleasure but try as he did not one gob of cum shot from his cock. Finally he rolled off of Wendy's body. He felt her struggle to her knees, and he caught his breath as he was awarded another view of her unclothed ass; wide, firm and beautiful to his eyes. Her brown asshole was puckering again as she reached for the pillows that had fallen from the bed in the initial frenzy of passion. As her legs moved her distended pussy lips opened and exposed the bright red of her love tunnel to his lust filled eyes. His cock was still hard, all ten inches "tent poling" from his groin as he savored the sight of her beautiful big arse. He reached for her, pulling her onto the pile of cushions, caressing her wonderful womanly body, smelling the musky scent of her perfume co-mingled with her perspiration and his male scent. His hands stroked over her lush curves, loving the feel of her warm, satiny skin under his fingertips. Wendy responded to his touch, murmuring her pleasure as he skimmed the palm of his hand under to her belly as his other hand worked its way slowly across and around her arse cheeks towards the object of his lust. He heard her moan as he flittered his finger tip across her now clenching hole, her shaky voice asking him to push them in, to give her the relief she need, A single wet finger parted her, delving past the crinkled edges of her pleasure. Another finger entered her, stroking deep, in and out, drawing in the moisture he had spat there, intensifying the sensations for her. Phillip could feel her response to his fingers, could tell she was getting highly aroused. So he quickly positioned himself between her cheeks and spread them wide as he began his thrust into her. She was tighter than he had expected, and he wondered if she had taken any anal lovers recently. He moved slowly, inching into her until he was buried completely, then stilling, holding himself there as her hot burning ass clenched around him. It had taken several long hard strokes, but he finally had every inch of himself buried deep in her hot, quivering arse. He could feel her muscles clamping down on his cock as he kneeled still behind her, it was almost as though she was urging him to fuck her arse, to give her what she needed. But Phillip knew she wasn't ready yet. He pulled out very slowly, then eased into her again. Wendy was groaning, urging him to "fuck my slutty arse". Gradually he quickening his pace until he knew he was almost ready to explode, then he stopped at the end of one of his out his strokes, hearing her whimper in protest. His cock was covered with her shitty juices. He reached round with both hands to pleasure her went cunt, fingers fucking in and out of her, rubbing her swollen clit. He leaned into her, his cock again burying itself deep in her shit hole. Grabbing a nipple and pulling on it, he struggled to keep his cock still and prevent his orgasim sweeping over him. He pinched her nipple and pulled hard as he finger fucked her dripping pussy with his other hand. Her cries grew more frantic and she began calling out "God, I'm coming! Don't stop, please don't stop!" Phillip had no intention of stopping this time as his body too was nearing its own climax. Wendy convulsed around his hand, her ass tightening on his cock, forcing his own explosive climax as he ejaculated deep into her ass, pulling and pinching her nipple, making her call out even more as her body rocked in pleasure. Phillip began violently pumping into her as his cock felt like it was exploding. He kept pounding her ass until the last of his cum had emptied. Then he pulled out he watching as their fluids began dripping out of her in a shitty mess. His fingers stilled on her clit once he was sure she was through the last spasms of her own orgasm. They lay together, clasped in each other's arms. Neither said a word for a very long time, each content to bask in the after glow of their forbidden sexual encounter. Finally, Wendy spoke. "Well Phillip, I guess now you know all about my dirty little desires." Her eyes sparkled, her voice was low and seductive as she tracked a long fingernail across his chest and lightly grazed a male nipple. Phillip couldn't remember being more turned on than he was right this minute. He could feel his cock slowly responding as she took his dirty cock into her mouth. His mind was reeling with the magnetism of of what had happened, of what was happening. He had laid awake many a night wanting to force his long thick cock into a woman's tight asshole, stroking in and out, feeling the tight muscles squeezing his cock and now that he had experienced his dream she was licking and sucking him clean. Wendy paused and looked at him and licked her lips, her hand still clenching his hardening cock. "So, when did you say you had to be home?" Phillip chuckled.
So I was excited to say the least, I had spent the last few days writing about my night out with Lola and was very pumped on giving her my 7 page account of our incredible night in the old 67 Chevy. I got her convinced to leave work early so I could give her the surprise I had been working on over the last few days, I even took off from work early myself so I could get a little extra time with her as well. I arrive at her place, she opens the door with a beautiful smile wearing an incredible little black summer dress, we kiss she's smiling. I'm so excited yet nervous about her reading our story. She offers me a drink and we take them downstairs to her room, She has been preparing for my arrival Her room has a warm soft glow, there are at least 6 candles burning in the room, it looks awesome and it smells good too, even this 6 foot 4 bad boy biker can appreciate a nicely scented vanilla candle. She turns around after me saying " Look at you you've been busy." She gives me that smile and we share a passionate kiss. I throw my stuff down on the desk chair and pour our drinks. We sip. I tell her " I have something special for you and well I guess to start things off even thou I imagined and visualized this for the last few days I don't want to tell you exactly what to do but I do just want you to get comfortable and be relaxed Whether that's lounging or lying on the bed naked or otherwise just be comfortable." Leaving the dress on, She chooses a lounging position, her head propped up against the wall with a few pillows. I excuse myself to go to the washroom and upon coming back into the room my fiery redheaded lover has lost the black dress and is wearing a mouthwatering white with black polka dots negligee dress that looks like it came straight from a 50's pin up calendar! Wow! I literally got a lump in my throat and in my pants at the same time "holy shit!" I proclaim she giggles and asks if I like, "Yes I like!" I respond. I sit on the bed next to her and we kiss passionately some more, our tongues dancing and twisting with each other I squeeze her ass as she rolls onto her side as we start to intertwine with each other. Damn she is a treat! It's going so well I almost forget my plan here altogether. Yes that dress was a distraction. So I pull back slightly and say to her "I do want to give you something and although I love the candles and mood you have set here babe I will need to change it up some I do need a little more more light." She looks at me funny like piles of camera's are gonna start coming out of my pockets to shoot her pictures, I do want that, but not today. I tell her no cameras, no video! Just relax and sit up a bit. I get up and flip on the nightstand light. As I go to the chair to grab our story she says "I want my surprise." I am nervous now but giddy at the same time. "Well here it is." and I pull out our 7 page story that I had written over the last 3 nights, telling her I have not written anything like this before and I hope she likes it. You see our night out was so fun, we joked with each other that we should write a story and post it on Literotica. I took this to heart as it was a fucking incredible night of fucking and wow it would be nice to look back on it with all the fine little details remembered down the road. She opens the papers not knowing what exactly to expect and reads the title MY NIGHT OUT WITH LOLA She gets a huge smile and says "Oh you didn't." I tell her "Yes I did. Somethings may be slightly out of order and there maybe a few mistakes but I want you to read it and tell me what you think.NO SKIMMING." I Say. She takes it all in as I am taking her in, watching her expressions and tenderly caressing her thighs and legs while she's reading. I start to tease her pantie covered mound looking down I realize they match the negligee I am so enthralled with already! Smiling mostly, giggling here and there too as she recalls what happened that night as well. In the end she is impressed and says "You really have a real way with words, this is awesome." "I'm not sure about that." I say "but It is a Hot Story!" We start making out as she climbs on top of me our tongues dancing with each other it takes only a few seconds and my hands are on her ass again. Yep there's no denying I am an ass man around her! She loves the attention and sits up and starts undoing my jeans I motion to get up and she rolls off and lies on her back as I stand up to remove all my clothes while drinking in her polka dot vision of sexiness as I do my cock is already semi hard but is growing more. I hop on the bed and ask her to play with herself for me,this is a first for us so she smiles and giggles but her hand drops to her pussy almost right away to start teasing herself threw her panties. I lay down across the bed in the opposite direction and position myself between her legs for a good view of the action, her one leg is now on my side, my head a foot or so away from her valley. She's playing with herself occasionally letting the panties go to one side or the other flashing me a great view of her 2 fingers diving into her wet pussy. I sit up some and tug at them she lifts her ass and they are gone! Settling back down I continue to watch the show. A guy can only take so much you know, so before long my tongue is helping her out some and with the angle she is at I am able to nicely with one ear on the bed tease her ass with my tongue eventually drilling into her tight little asshole. She is moaning and telling me how good it feels as I continue to lap away wherever her hand or fingers aren't. "I want you inside of me." she says "Lie back." So I readily comply, she crawls between my legs and wraps those inviting lips around my cock giving me some seriously great head before teasing my balls with her tongue. Yes Lola knows my weakness now and she climbs up on top to face me, leans over and grabs some lube off the nightstand. Sitting on my thighs with her feet up by my sides her hands by my knee's. After lubing me up she parks my cock at the entrance to her ass and ever so very slowly starts her decent down on my dick. It feels incredible. We go slow as can be, my cock twitches which makes it swell which also gets her to tense and inhale and smile as my girth increases causing her pleasure and pain at the same time I do it some more a few times till she's flashing that sexy naughty smile saying "Stop that!" I do it again with a mischievous grin. She winces some more and bites her lip then smiles again. Eventually I bottom out in her ass and we both groan and take a minute or two to enjoy the deepness... Slowly we start to pump a little till her ass is fully stretched. Then once she is ready she starts to ride me good and hard. Lola's ass is so tight I am wondering how long can I possibly last like this in this position looking at her pussy dancing above my cock as it pounds into her ass. I see it all in the foreground and behind that is her tits bouncing followed by her face, eyes closed, open mouthed wincing as my cock drives deep inside her asshole. The sight of her riding me like this is amazing! So Hot!! Then with out warning she tells me " Under the towel on the nightstand grab the blue jelly and some lube." I lean way over and lift the towel to find a 7 or 8 inch long by 1 or 1 1/4 inch skinny blue jelly dildo with a nut sac. She gets me to lube it up and I slide it slowly into her wet pussy. I grab it by the nuts and start fucking her with it while she grinds on my cock deep in her ass. I'm pounding her good with the jelly while she rides me fast and hard till she cums groaning loudly shuddering and shaking on my cock and her jelly friend. Fuck what a sight!! The face she makes when she cums is truly incredible. A vision of raw sexiness. She adjusts, leans forward and we kiss one hell of a kiss before she turns around getting on her hands and knees between my legs with her ass facing me beckoning for me to do her from behind. The nightstand light is lighting her sweet ass perfectly. She says "I want you to fuck me from behind." I tease and say "Do you want me to fuck you from behind?" She says "Yes." I am stroking my cock now, as her ass a foot or so down the bed from my cock is a wickedly sexy sight. I ask her "Do you want my cock in your ass? fucking you hard from behind?" she says "Yes." "TELL ME!" I say in a stern voice. "I want you to fuck my ass,fuck me from behind." Prove it I think to myself "Play with your ass for me." I say. Lola does, teasing her little asshole with a finger eventually letting the tip slip in then she takes her hand away licks her fingers and proceeds to put a finger in deeply pumping her ass for awhile then she pulls it out and slips 2 fingers in her ass! fuck she's a horny little anal slut! Then to my surprise after a minute of this, her pinkie gets added as well! 3 fingers in her ass! Holy shit what a show! I sit up and slide her jelly back into her pussy, pounding for all its worth... She groans as I punish her pussy with fast hard thrusts I get up at this point I'm ready to pound her so fucking hard. I'm turned on FULLY! The volumes at ELEVEN! I get behind her and put the tip of my cock at her entrance and slide my cock deep into her ass with one smooth steady slow move. "Fuck!" we both exclaim! The jelly's still in her pussy so as I'm fucking her ass with hard thrusts my balls are smacking the jelly's balls pushing it deeper into her pussy with every thrust of my own! Lola is getting double fucked again,her ass and pussy both filled and she loves it! I fuck her good, as good as I can for as long as I can. Then I tense up and tell her not to move. I don't want to blow my load yet. We stay perfectly still waiting for the moment to pass. It does but not the way she thinks it did. We stopped a second or two too late and in the stillness of being deep in her ass I now have a wildly quiet and intensely slow orgasm. My cum just oozing from my cock, no twitching or pumping just a slow free flowing release of cum deep into her ass. After this blissful moment passes, I say nothing and continue to fuck her good and hard. She is cumming now too, her head raises up as she lets out a guttural deep low moan as her ass grips my cock like a vice. Lola flops down onto her belly to catch her breath. With her ass still up in the air I dive in, my tongue invading her now stretched asshole. She wiggles and giggles as I eat her out after our fucking. I taste my cum mixed with her ass. My cum starts to leak from her ass so in a moment of pure nastiness I scoop it up with my finger lean over her and feed it to her! She laps it up and sucks my finger dry! I can't believe I just did that nor can I believe that she just swallowed my load right from her ass! Ah Lola you are such a dirty little cum slut! Back to her ass. I pound it with my fingers and my tongue. Now seeing a bigger load start to leak out I have to use 2 fingers to catch it all. I scoop it all up and again I do the nasty and lean forward and watch this beautiful sexy prim and proper professional woman slurp up my cum right from her ass. Again she licks my fingers totally clean with vigor! Fuck she can be a dirty cum slut when she wants to be! I am so fucking wound up! I dive back into her asshole with my tongue plunging in as deep as I can!! She loves this filthy nastiness and apparently SO DO I! I can't get enough of this woman's sweet tasting ass! With some more fingering and asking her to push it out of her I manage to get another glob to leak out of her ass scooping it up with my fingers I feed her the last of my load. What a naughty sight! I go back to playing with her ass and pussy which makes her raise herself up off the bed again some allowing me the angle to pound her pussy with first 2 then 3 fingers. She's cumming again now panting and moaning begging me to go faster. She grips my three fingers deep inside her and cums hard! Moaning very loudly I Milk her by moving my fingers slightly and slowly. Then something happens she gushes saying "Oh my god!!" She makes a puddle on the bed while I watch the juices trickle down her inner thighs highlighted in the nightstand light still pointed right at her ass. She tells me "I just gushed, Oh my god!" she flops back up onto the bed on her back after feeling the bed in disbelief and telling me "It's so wet." I decide to go for more, with 3 fingers in her pussy and one teasing her ass I pound away and she absolutely goes off again, her whole body convulsing this time. She screams a deep low scream, squirting this time more so than her previous gush, her pussy squeezes my fingers as her juices spray all over my arms, her raised legs and her belly, and her tits! I quickly go down on her to lap up all of her sweet juices. I purposely coat my entire face in her cum. It tastes and smells so fucking great. My face and beard are now soaked, I lap it all up till she pulls me away. She's shuddering from the aftershocks and my licking. I crawl up on top of her and forcefully kiss her deep so she can taste her delicious cum from my mouth. Then I twist my head from side to side smearing her juices all over her own face. She's still sticking her tongue out, now licking my face and beard clean. I raise up and study her for a second she is pure sex right now. smiling that naughty smile her eyes piercing directly threw mine. Her face and neck and chest are fully flushed. She's sweating and still panting, her chest heaving with every breath and her mouth and cheeks are wet and shiny with her cum! She says "I have never done that before that was fucking awesome! I can't believe you got me to squirt.That was incredible! I have never cum like that before, Ever!" "I'm so glad I could do that for you." I say with a smile. We cuddle as I stare at her, just enjoying watching her come down from her bliss...... As Lola winds down, she realizes I am gently stroking my still hard cock, with a wicked smile she gets between my legs and starts to lick my cock long and slow. I moan in appreciation as she starts to swallow me deep into her warm wet mouth. She pumps my cock with her hand while doing this it feels awesome! Then she turns up the heat and goes for my balls again this time faster and faster till she sits up a bit to flash me a wicked smile before diving deep between my legs to start licking my asshole. It feels so good.I am jacking my cock hard and fast as her tongue snakes in and out of my sensitive hole. I am gonna shoot so I pull her face up to my cock. She swallows me but I pull it out of her mouth turning her head to the side slightly so I can jerk it while rubbing the tip on her mouth and cheek, looking up at me and smiling as I rub my cock on her face I loose control and dump my load on her. She moves her head quickly from side to side so my load is shooting and smearing all over her face. When I'm done she has cum on both cheeks and a large load smeared around her mouth dripping from her bottom lip and chin. I love my little cum slut girlfriend!!!! We eventually must get out of bed. She rolls off her low bed onto her knees, stretched out leaning over the bed with her ass up in the air while I get up and start looking for my clothes, I find my jeans behind her on the floor and can't help but stare at her sexy ass once more as I pull my jeans up. She is quiet and seems off in dreamland. Quiet and still with her head lying on the bed then she raises it to feel and look around to find the two now soaking wet spots on the comforter where she just squirted. Then to my complete surprise she buries her face in the bigger wet spot and sniffs in a deep breath taking in her scent one more time. I smile knowing that this was a session neither one of us will ever forget... Dear John, I am a coward and I admit it. I am taking the easy way out, leaving you this letter while you are working hard to provide for your family. I am lower than low and I know this. I am weak and spineless and it is because of this that I have gone this route --- I know if I had to face you and tell you goodbye, I wouldn't be able to do it. Not because I want to stay but because I would listen to your pleas and your promises to change and I would give in because it is my nature to give and give and give. Rarely do I take. I need to take now though. I need to take a moment and reflect on my life and my future. It has been a long time coming. I want you to know that I do love you and yes, I know those words sound empty and you are sitting there doubting them. But it is true. I do. I just can't pretend the love I feel for you now is the love I need to feel in my heart in order to continue living a full and happy life. What I feel for you is strong, you are the father of my children and you have worked so hard to take care of our kids and me. You've allowed me the opportunity to be a mother to our kids. For that I will be forever grateful. You're probably wondering, why now, after we worked hard to fix what was wrong? Honestly, I need you to read these words and listen to them as if I were speaking to you. My voice is low, the words soft and they are coming from the depths of my soul. Did we fix things or did we put a band-aid over the wound? Remember when we "almost" separated? We spoke about seeing a counselor. You admitted that you hadn't done a lot in trying to help "us" and you said you would find one for us to see. Immediately you said our church Pastor and I balked at that. I did not want to go to him. Why? I didn't see that as you really putting forth the effort to find us someone who would be neutral. As much as I love our Pastor -- he would not be neutral; he can't be. So, you agreed to find someone else. I called our Insurance and received a book of Doctors that were in our Network. You were to look through and choose a handful for us to learn more about. You didn't do this. Time slipped by and I did it -- for us. I gave you three names and asked you to research them. You agreed. Time slipped by and I did it -- for us. I found one and handed you the number and asked you to make the appointment. You agreed. Time slipped by and I did not do it -- for you and I guess for me either. I think I saw it then -- that for all the trying "this" wasn't going to work. But I stayed put and I saw you start to change while I too worked to change. I gave up a lot of things so I could focus on us. You took up a few things. As the days turned to weeks and the weeks to months I saw the things I gave up were still gone, but the things you picked up -- interests and discoveries that I found enjoyable with you --- you didn't really enjoy -- so they slowly began to become non-existent. What I liked was once again no longer important unless YOU felt something for them. Then I was expected to accept your sudden interest and go with it. I am tired of accepting things to appease you. I'm tired of hiding who I am from you and I am tired of the times I do try to show you the sexual side of me I am looked upon with disgust and shame. You still push my hands away from my own body -- why is that? Why can't I pinch my own nipple, or caress my own clit? I don't get why that bothers you so much. Why deny me use of my own body? And shame me when I am "caught"? Why when you are "done" and I am not, do you stop? Why can you not find a way to help me reach my climax? Why roll away and leave me empty? It's not fair and your excuse "it's my job" --- well, dear if it was your job -- why did you quit before it was finished? The kids --- I won't begin to imagine how they are going to feel and they are going to hate me, much like you are right now. I hope in time they will forgive me and they will allow me back into their lives. They are my world and I have given up so much for them and would give my life for them if necessary and I know that I will continue to give up things for them, but I can't give up the chance to live a life that has been barred from me by my own actions, and by yours. I am giving this note to you now because the kids are gone. Our son, the baby of the nest, he's now settled very well into his life as a College Freshman and I want us to find a time to bring all three kids together and talk to them as a family -- we are still a family, even though right now you don't see that. I won't ask for much from you. You were the one that worked all our marriage -- you had the paying job and you kept a roof over our head. The bank account is yours. The money in it yours, I have my own. Sadly the coward in me hoarded what I could of my paycheck. But as you know, I made sure that the house, the home, the kids never suffered by my keeping a few dollars back. I never placed my financial desires above their needs. Even as I close this letter, I feel selfish and cruel and so unlike the woman I have worked so hard to become -- the dependable giver and friend, stable and secure daughter, the always there wife and bed partner. But I'm not that woman anymore and I haven't been for a long time. I am so much more than you have allowed me to be and so much more than I have allowed myself to be. A text to your phone will let you know I didn't get in a wreck or anything, so know that I am safe. I will contact you in a few days. My parents --- they know I have gone, but I have not told them where I am at. So other than calling them to ask questions, they can't tell you anything more than what I have chosen to tell you here. We'll talk soon, ~ Me _Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex._ ***** "This is it." I said to myself as I ascended the steps up to the Alpha Psi Xi house at my state's university. It was August and I had only been on campus 2 days. The first day involved moving into the dorm and the second had been mapping out my classes and stocking my mini refrigerator. I shared a room with another freshman who had yet to arrive on campus. But let me introduce myself before I go on. My name is Jessie Treager and I'm from a small conservative town on the west side of the state. I've been told I'm a good looking young man and at 6' 195 lean pounds, I'm in great physical condition. I'm hoping to attract some women around campus but, truth be told, I'm anything but experienced with the ladies. All the girls back home are very conservative and prudish. I have had two girlfriends but the farthest I went was feeling their tits, under the bra, while kissing. Never had my dick stroked (other than by me), sucked, or entered a vagina even with a finger. One girl rubbed my crotch over the jeans for about 4 minutes and I blew a load in my pants. So back to Alpha Psi Xi. The Alphas are known as the studs on campus here. All the handsome jocks or otherwise good looking guys are members. Granted the academic requirements are high as well, but the chapter photo looks like a GQ menagerie. Several celebrities that you'd recognize claim membership as well. This is a ticket to be a big man on campus and have a line in my resume that almost guarantees me a job at graduation. I knocked on the Alpha's door and straightened my tie in the reflection on the glass. I was dressed to impress and had my transcripts with commemorations under my arm. "How can I help you?" The buff guy with the square jawline and messy but perfectly done hair asked. He was wearing a snug tshirt that showed his physique and a pair of khaki shorts. "I'm Jessie Treager. Here for the pledge drive sir." I tried to show my willingness to humble myself by calling him sir. "Enter." He said as he stepped to the side and held the door open. "Drop your folder on the table straight ahead and go in the room to the left." I breached the doorway, set my documents on a console table in the entryway, and turned to the left where I saw 6 other guys standing in a line shoulder to shoulder about one foot apart. All six were looking straight ahead in silence. I assumed they'd been instructed as such so I joined them. We stood in silence for about ten minutes as two more guys entered and assumed their position in line. We were soon addressed by the president of Alpha house flanked by three of the chapter officers. "'Hello gentlemen. I'm Tyler Ashton, president of this chapter of Alpha Psi Xi." Tyler was about 6'3" and a chiseled 225 pounds. He wore a salmon colored polo shirt and khaki shorts. "These men with me are officers. Alpha house is the most prestigious fraternity on campus. Hell, on every campus." He then went on to list the Senators, Congressmen, CEO's, and other masters of industry and technology that graduated with an Alpha Psi Xi sash. "There are two types of members in Alpha Psi Xi both nationally and in this house. There are alpha Alphas, and there are beta Alphas. Should you be accepted into this house the nine of you will be assigned one of those designations and you will act accordingly." Tyler vaguely explained. "Any questions?" Tyler scanned the line up for anyone brave enough to ask the first question. After about 30 seconds a hand raised. "Yes pledge. What is it?" Tyler asked the handsome young man on the end with the movie star looks. "I'm Ronald Gray sir and I'd like to know how we will be categorized into either alpha or beta." He spoke with an east coast accent in his voice. "Ah, Mr Gray, as in the son of Vermont Senator Robert Gray. Welcome pledge." Tyler began. "I'm glad you asked. In the next few minutes you'll begin to see how we will separate you as alphas and betas but bear in mind, there are ways to move from one to the other." "How is that sir?" I spoke up. "The movement from alpha to beta or vice versa. How does that work?" "And you are?" Tyler inquired. "Sorry sir. I'm Jessie Treager. My father was an Alpha sir." I proudly proclaimed. My father was the CEO of a major cereal company and graduated Alpha Psi Xi 27 years previous. "Oh yes, Mr Treager. Along with Mr Gray you're one of only two legacies this pledge class." Tyler mentioned. "Better we just get started. You will all strip naked now." Tyler added without any further instruction. Two of the men starting disrobing without any hesitation which prompted us all to began stripping off our clothes. Within 20 seconds we all stood completely naked, other than the guy on the end that left his socks on for some reason, and waited for an explanation. "Okay, to eliminate any excuses, make your dicks hard." Tyler instructed. "Hurry please." Guys quickly started slapping, tugging, and pulling on their cocks. After a bit of an initial shock I yanked on my balls and pumped my hand on my soft dick. This process took about 2 minutes until we all stood at attention, if you know what I mean. "Okay men, and boys, those of you longer than 7" are pledging to be alpha Alphas, and those of you under 7" are pledging to be beta Alphas. You will accept this initial separation or you may leave now and never pledge Alpha Psi Xi again." Tyler explained. "If you're too close to call we will measure you and classify you accordingly." Knowing that my smaller penis wasn't close to 7 inches I began to look around at the other guys. Out of the nine of us, two others were in my length category of under 5", two more asked for measurement as they were close to the 7" mark, and the last four were clearly above 7" with one thinner guy probably surpassing the 10" mark. "You are 6 and 3/4 inches." Tyler informed one of the guys being measured. "You will pledge beta." "Yes sir." He answered slightly deflated. "You are 7 and 1/16 inches Grant." Tyler patted him on the shoulder. "You will pledge alpha." "Yes sir." He answered with a huge smile. "It has been studied many times over the last couple hundred years that men with larger penises tend to be the best leaders." Tyler began and actually cited two significant scientific studies. "So we start with this basic distinction to separate you all. That being said, we understand that there are anomalies to the studies and hence we allow for movement based on our assessment over the next 2 weeks. Obedience, discipline, conduct, and leadership potential can help one of you short dicks become alpha Alphas. Lack of these qualities could drop an alpha Alpha pledge down to beta level." "Treager, you are a beta pledge. You will now service alpha pledge Gray with your mouth." Tyler announced aloud. "Sir?" I asked. "And Johnson, you will now service alpha pledge Grant with your mouth." Tyler continued as if I had not said anything. Johnson turned and walked down the line to alpha pledge Grant and kneeled in front of him. Grant looked surprised and hesitant but did nothing when the beta pledge began to suck his hard dick. "Will you be leaving Alpha house for good Treager?" Tyler asked me. "We require obedience." He added. Without a word I turned and knelt in front of alpha pledge Gray and looked at his hard cock and low hanging balls. His dick was about 8" and thick with a veiny shaft and exquisite circumcision. My nervousness caused my 4 and a 1/2" dick to deflate to its inch long soft state. "Come on man." Gray told me looking down at me. "Obedience beta pledge." He said with a smile clearly wanting his dick sucked and to show off for our assessors. I leaned forward and took the head of his dick into my mouth. I had never even considered blowing a guy before this. His dick head tasted slightly salty, probably some light sweat. From the corner of my eye I saw beta pledge Johnson's head bobbing up and down on Grant's dick like a pro. He may have actually done this before. I was deaf to what was being spoken in the room at that point but when I felt an elbow to my left I realized one other beta had been instructed to service an alpha counterpart next to Gray. There were four betas and five alphas and I wondered if one of us would have to suck two dicks. Seemed to me Johnson may want to be that guy. "We don't have all day boys, make your alphas cum. And you best swallow his load." Tyler called out behind the kneeling betas. "And I expect our alpha pledges can allow themselves to get to an ejaculatory state somewhat quickly despite the surroundings." I knew this wasn't going to end until my alpha orgasmed so I did what seemed to be logical and I sucked slightly while bobbing on Gray's dick and tryed to avoid dragging my teeth along his shaft. I heard a loud moan in the room and a man announcing "I'm cummimg sir!" I assumed it was Grant shooting a load into Johnson's mouth. That was quickly confirmed when Johnson was instructed to begin servicing the odd numbered alpha. "Looks like Treager is enjoying himself!" I heard Tyler say as he leaned next to me and flicked my now rock hard little dick. "Not much there but it's excited!" Several men laughed. "I can't see how it's possible to ascend to an alpha Alpha with a dick that small!" One of the officers said. "Odd because I believe his file showed that his father was an alpha Alpha." Another officer added. "Treager could be our smallest beta yet." Tyler pointed out. "And he's starting to work that dick pretty good too!" I hated to admit it but the humiliation of being on my knees sucking a man's dick in front of several men that were laughing and making fun of my small dick was quite exhilarating. My heart was rapid and my dick pulsating. I'd been naked briefly in front of other guys in the locker room during high school but it was taboo to look around at others back then. I was feeling dirty, which was a turn on, and attempting to do a good job. "I'm gonna shoot my load Treager!" Ronald Gray yelled out and instinctively grabbed the sides of my head. "Swallow my cum like a bitch!" I felt his cock head pulsate and a hot splash of spunk hit the back of my throat. I swallowed while trying to pull back but his strength and leverage didn't allow me to. Shot after shot of salty man juice was pumped into my mouth and swallowed down quickly. When he finished cumming Tyler told me to stand on line again. Johnson was still sucking the fifth alpha as the rest of us stood naked in a line. I couldn't help but look over out of the corner of my eye to watch him work over the ten inch meat stick. Soon alpha pledge Daryl was blasting a load of hot cum into Johnson's mouth. Johnson had some saliva and possibly a bit of cum on his chin as he joined us on line. "Okay. That was some very good data for us to start with. You are all accepted into the house to live while you pledge. Alphas, you may pick your rooms first. Betas, you will choose from what remains." Tyler applauded us. "You will sleep here beginning tonight. Any questions?" "No sir." The nine of us answered in unison. "Oh. We have a formal with Alpha Eta Pi sorority this Saturday. You will each escort a Pi. Alphas, you get to choose your Pi. Betas, you will be assigned a Pi. There are two levels of AEP's as well. All attractive but not all equally talented." Tyler told us. "You will respect the boundaries that your date sets. If you're an alpha and come home with needs you can use a beta's mouth. If you're a beta and come home with needs you may pull on your little pud. Understood?" "Yes sir." We all answered. As a beta I wasn't exactly happy that we were expected to be the cock suckers for the alphas, however, I planned to move up to the alpha level as soon as possible despite my shortcomings. "Something wrong Treager?" Tyler asked me sensing my animosity. "Makes you want to assert yourself as an alpha doesn't it?" "Yes sir!" I chanted. That night I had dreams all night of the dick I had sucked earlier. It was one of those recurring dreams that replays the same scene over and over. I was on my knees sucking pledge Gray's dick while all the other guys huddled around laughing and making fun of my small penis. At one point in the middle of the night I woke up with cum soaked sheets. I was feeling very confused that it excited me so much. At least I knew I'd have a chance to get my mind right with some heterosexual action on Saturday. To be continued....
We were travelling in Podolia when we hit a particularly bad pothole and the car's front suspension broke. We veered off the road and into a ditch. Where, I hear you ask is Podolia? It's in the back of beyond, where Russia and the Ukraine meet, more or less. Depending on where you set the boundaries, parts of it have been at various times in Moldova, Austria, Romania, Lithuania, and Poland. In any event, most of the roads are rubbish, and cell-phone coverage is patchy. Luckily we had passed a kind of farmstead not long before, so we hoofed it back there to look for help. There was an old farmer working near the road, or rather track. A nice old guy, with not too many words but more than willing to leave off his work and listen to our story. No, there was no telephone for miles; but the post bus would come by next morning. It could take us into the nearest town. Meanwhile, he said he would harness his horse and pull our car off the road. He insisted that his wife would be glad to give us a meal and put us up for the night. As we went towards the farmhouse, the farmer went into the byre and picked up a jug of milk. There was a shallow earthenware dish by the door, and he paused to pour a little milk into it. "For the cat?" I asked. "No, for the old woman." He looked over his shoulder, and dropped his voice. "For the toad-wife. Do you not do this, where you come from?" I thought perhaps something had been lost in translation, but shook my head. "No," I said, "We live in a city. No toads in the city, though many old women." He grunted. "Well if you want to know about it, you can ask my wife tonight. She'll enjoy having a new audience for the story." After supper that night – it was mostly a thick soup, eaten peasant style with a hunk of bread in one hand and a spoon in the other – I got out the bottle of tsuica I had in my case. It's a ferocious kind of plum brandy that the Romanians produce. We made a start on it, gravely toasting international peace and prosperity. Then the farmer lit his pipe and stared out the window while his wife told us that there used to be an old woman, Baba Zhaba, who lived in the forest nearby. She was a witch, and could turn herself into a toad. She could make herself small if she wished, and she could puff herself up to be enormous, especially when she came out to eat naughty children, using her long sticky tongue to drag them into her mouth. "I can see why you would be sure to give her milk!" I laughed. "No, no, no," she replied. "You do not understand, no. You think it is just a story to frighten children. But listen, many years ago this was woman's work, putting out milk at night for the Baba Zhaba and her toads. Just like you, the men in the village began to think that it was only a fairy story, something to frighten children. They thought that there was not really any such person as Baba Zhaba. So when they came back from the inn at night, they kicked over the milk dishes outside the door and forbade the women to waste any more milk in this way. "The witch sent out her toads as usual that night, and on the next nights, but each morning they went back to her thirsty and unfed. The toads became thin and weak, and she swelled up with anger. "Now the women of the village knew well that Baba Zhaba would not stand for this, so when their men were out working in the fields one afternoon they took jugs of milk and went deep into the dark forest to the damp boggy clearing where the toad-wife had her home. They explained that it was all the fault of the men, and gave the witch the milk they had brought so that she would not be angry with them. "That night Baba Zhaba sent out her toads again, but not to sit outside the houses waiting for milk. No, this time they crept into the houses and threw all the people into a deep, magical sleep. Then they crawled into the men's beds, and they bit off each man's privates and carried them back to the witch." The farmer's wife paused and looked across at her husband. Then she continued. "In the morning each man woke up, felt himself and found there was nothing there. Each looked at himself, and saw there was nothing between his legs. Of course they were filled with shame and tried to hide the terrible thing that had happened to them. But no one could keep the thing secret, for sooner or later he would be seen by someone as he squatted down like a woman to relieve himself. The women of the village guessed that this was the work of the witch, but they said nothing for it made the men much quieter and less troublesome. "There was one, however, a young maiden, who felt differently about all this, for her young man was visiting the village on leave from the army. He was going away to fight the Turks, and they were engaged to marry before he left for the wars. 'But how can I fight the Turks when I am like this?' he said. 'And how can we ever marry?' "His fiancée talked things over with the older women in the village, and they agreed that an exception might be made for her young soldier, if Baba Zhaba agreed. So the young man and his fiancée went off into the forest together, and told the witch of their situation. "Now Baba Zhaba may have been a witch, but she was above all things our witch, a witch of our people. She was horrified at the thought that the Turks might see the young man squatting and think that our soldiers were all like women. So she took the young man round behind her hut and showed him a big meal chest that stood against the wall. 'Open that,' she said to him, 'and take out what you need.' "The young man lifted the lid of the chest, and there he saw all the stolen men's privates, squirming and wriggling about as they fed on the oatmeal which the witch had put in to nourish them. The young man picked out a huge member, the biggest of all, and held it up twisting and turning in his hand. 'May I have this one?' he asked. "The witch shook her head. 'Certainly not,' she said. 'That belongs to the priest. It has grown big and fat because it leads a life of idleness. Take one of the others.' And his fiancée, who had been peeping round the corner of the hut, breathed a sigh of relief. So the young man chose something more modest, though fine enough to make the maiden's eyes sparkle, and the witch took him into her cottage to try if it would fit. When they came out, she had a broad smile on her warty old face, and he had something of a swagger in his walk. 'Go now!' she said, 'and give it to your bride. And then go and give it to the Turks!'" * * * "Well, that's not really the end of the story," said the farmer's wife, "but it is about enough for one night. The men in the village eventually came to an understanding with Baba Zhaba, and ever since it has been their job to put out a little milk each night for the toads." "Damned nonsense!" said the farmer, puffing on his pipe. Michael decided today was the day to build his toy. His excitement increased as he walked nonchalantly into the hardware store and checked the various tubing to get the correct diameter. It fit perfectly into the blue squeeze bulb he had in his pocket so he clipped off 2 feet. As he went to the counter he smiled and paid for the tubing because he alone knew to what use this would be put later today. If the sexy MILF cashier knew what he would be doing with that particular piece of hardware she'd either be disgusted or wet. He was already hard as a rock, and this was basically the first step. He went home and took the tubing up to the bedroom of his apartment. Today was a rare window of opportunity to do his work because all 3 of his roommates would not be home until tomorrow. He had the house to himself for the entire afternoon and he had butterflies just thinking about what he was doing. His pulse raced as he went downstairs to get his drill and brought that also into his makeshift workbench of a bed. The final pieces of this puzzle were in the freezer. The double-bagged ziploc bag had hidden a secret since last night. It was tucked far back in the corner out of sight and totally frozen. Michael had hidden it late last night knowing that he'd retrieve it today. He unzipped the bag and let the 6 inch dildo slip onto the bed. Here it was, everything he needed to make his own ejaculating dildo. He had seen some in the adult bookstores, but he smiled knowing that his design should be exactly what he wanted. In the past month, while Michael was masturbating, he had an increasing desire to eat his own semen. This proved easier said than done because at the instant of orgasm, all desire to do so apparently clung to the spunk that jumped out of the tip of his penis. He tried the "legs over the head" position a few times, but it seemed like there had to be a better way. That's when the idea occurred to him to make his own spurting dick. After seeing the porn shop models, he decided to make his own to keep it simple and easy to clean. Before the dido thawed, he drilled it lengthwise to open the hole for the tubing. He carefully fed the tubing into the fake cock, receding the edge of the tubing just below the tip. He then attached the blue ear squeeze bulb to the open end of the tubing. Now he had only one more thing to retrieve and it was also in the freezer. There was a small covered container which he carefully carried up to his bedroom. When he removed the lid the faint smell of semen wafted in the room. It contained four loads of his come from the previous three days. He had been masturbating nearly to orgasm. He would then go downstairs, get his frozen come-catcher-container and unload into it. Afterwards he was quickly returning the fresh come to the freezer. He stripped down in front of the mirror and began to stroke his hard cock. The excitement was building quickly as he watched his thick balls bounce in the sack as he slowly jerked away. He knew that he would have to make a decision shortly: suck come into the fake dick or shoot a load into the dish and put it back into the freezer. As he looked at the contraption on the bed, he considered his options. Would he put the dildo in his mouth? He had't done that before and didn't think about it that much prior to this moment. It would be exciting, he thought, to suck on it and have his own come blasted into his mouth. This time the excitement that he felt would not be diminished by having an orgasm. He would be able to enjoy the taste of come immediately prior to his own orgasm at the peak of his arousal. He decided that this was it. About 5 minutes had passed, so the frozen spermcicle was nearly thawed in the dish. Having tried similar things in the past, he knew that the semen quickly separated into a watery goo that did not have the right consistency. He wanted to taste come, thick and creamy, slick and salty, just as if it had just come shooting out of his penis. He squeezed the bulb slightly and placed the tip of the dildo into the dish. In a reverse orgasm, he used the squeeze bulb to vacuum the semen into the tubing. After a minute or so, he had managed to suck up most of the come from the dish. His come-filled squirting dildo was locked and loaded and ready for action. Michael lay back and stroked hard knowing that his four loads of come were waiting for him. He held the firm cock and the bulb in his hand and slowly moved it toward his lips. He began to suck on the fake cock, imagining that he was getting head from himself. The autofellatio videos he had seen were exciting and inspiring but humbling to a man of his dimensions. No amount of flexibility was going to get his cock into his mouth, so this was about as close as it would ever get for him. He felt his dick twitching as he continued fellating a few inches of the latex tool. Overcome with excitement, Michael squeezed the bulb hard, blasting semen into his mouth. Almost immediately he felt himself beginning to climax. He squeezed again and again as come spattered into his mouth as his cock shot come over his stomach and chest. Immediately after coming, he put down the dildo and went into the bathroom to clean up. When he came back into the bedroom he was partially disgusted at what he had done. He cleaned up the fake dick and rinsed out the line, sure he would throw the entire thing away the next day. What a crazy thing to do, he thought. I must be out of my mind, or gay, or both. I'll throw it away tomorrow for sure, he thought. ***** Michael masturbated again that night, thinking about what he had done and the excitement returned. He saved two more loads that evening and another one late that night. He had learned that some of the come had stuck to the tubing, so this time he would use a mixture of water and a little bit of grape jelly to coat the tubing prior to sucking come into it. This added a little flavor and kept the semen from sticking to the tubing. He later discovered that this worked very well. He saved four more loads over the next two days. He wanted to get eight full loads but was too excited after number seven. It was time to pull out his squirting cock again and have some fun. On a rainy Saturday afternoon, he decided to do some major come-swallowing. He pulled out his toy and went downstairs to get his stash of frozen semen. He reclined on the bed with a mirror at the other end and began to masturbate slowly. He was hard as a rock and was teasingly slowly waiting to let his come-brew thaw enough to get it into the tubing. He took his jelly water mixture and flushed a little back and forth into the tubing. With the tubing now wet, he sucked all seven loads of come into the tubing. It was an enormous amount of come, nearly twice as much as before, so he knew he was going to get a mouthful and then some this time. Maybe there would be enough to watch himself do a cocksucker come slobber on the fake cock, letting some dribble out of his mouth and down the dildo as he sucked away. He would have to blast it out and hope for the best. Perhaps there would be enough for this, perhaps not. Michael was so aroused that he had barely put the dildo in his mouth and he could feel he was close to orgasm. He quickly shoved the latex pole in and out of his mouth as he sucked hard. He was only seconds before his peak now. He took the bulb in his fingers and squeezed hard and firm. With the fake dong three or four inches into his mouth, it came with a blast and filled his mouth with a monster shot of come. Another quick squeeze and his mouth was completely filled with creamy semen. It was thick and bitter and tasted different than the first time. He realized that it was so much more this time that he was getting a better idea of what come really tastes like. It was totally unpleasant. He began to taste the jelly as the first load sprang from his thick hard dick. He continued masturbating and sucking as he blasted the final load deep into his mouth and the back of his throat. His cock jerked out two or three healthy loads of come onto his chest before that old familiar feeling returned. Once again, as his excitement waned he became confused and disoriented. His jaw ached from forcing the dildo into it and so did his cock from the workout he'd given it over the past few days. The bitter taste of salty protein lingered in his mouth as he made his way to the bathroom to wash his own semen off his chest, cock and face. He looked in the mirror and saw a driblet of semen on the corner of his mouth. It was amazing how different his disposition had changed from only moments before. He quickly wiped away the jizz and brought his toy into the shower. He cleaned off the fake dick and tubing as he showered. Tomorrow I'll throw that thing away, Michael thought as he showered. Tomorrow it goes in the trash.
Ever hear that old rap song "It was a Good Day" by Ice Cube? The song refers to that one inevitable day that every one has where everything goes "right", you can't make a mistake and you have the luck of the Irish. Well, I recently had one of those days. It was probably one of the greatest days in my life. For a little background on me (to put things in perspective)... I live and work in San Francisco. It's a great city, but I have what is deemed bad karma. My friends tease me by calling me "Peter Parker" because I'm a little bit klutzy and always have some trouble with the ladies. I work in the mail room at a prestigious law firm ( which I can't name here for fear of being sued to death.) where I take a lot of shit off of various high end lawyers and executives. Chief among my workplace antagonists would be Debbie Manchellini. She was an executive assistant for one of the partners and she always seemed to be in a perpetually bad mood... "What does she look like?" Just think of that old pop star Debbie Gibson (In her teens) with a seriously exaggerated coke bottle shape. From the waist up she looked like a normal sized woman with nice sized boobs, but from the waist down she was "abnormal" with her hips flaring noticeably outward so much that the long skirts she wore were stretched out to the max. Her face was narrow and youthful framed with a long lion's mane of 80's style curly blonde hair topped of with a bowed ponytail jutting out of the top of her head. Debbie was in charge of the mailroom and some of the other departments and she ruled with an iron fist. Part of the reason she got away with it was because she was married to one of the partners. Most of the low level workers called Debbie "Wide Load" and "Bell Bottom"... They snickered and whispered when she walked past. I on the other hand found myself starring intently at Debbie's "wide load" more and more as the days progressed. I began to wonder what was under the extra long pleated skirts that she wore. Were her legs a mass of cottage cheese and varicose veins? Did she posses the muscular horse-like legs of a thoroughbred? Was her butt a messy shapeless form resembling chewed up and discarded gum or... did it resemble two shapely globes? My curiosity had quietly turned me into a budding "Ass Man", a new age R. Crumb of sorts. I didn't dare confide in any of my co-workers. I would have been heckled out of the building. My roommate Shaggy ( Hippie parents) thought it was funny and cool at the same time. He was a serious stoner who had a "Get in were you fit In" attitude when it came to women. This was apparent based on the appearance of a few of Shaggy's female stoner friends that hung out at our apartment on a regular basis. There was Bettie, an extremely skinny and petite asian art student that I'd had the misfortune of seeing nude once. I'd come home from the movies and entered my darkened apartment only to find Shaggy taking her anally as she perched on the sink like a gargoyle. Trust me, not something you wanna see. Then there was Gloria, a extremely rotund and porous looking brunette who always seemed to be passed out on my living room floor. She was a Berkley grad student who had flamed out and was currently spinning around the academic drain. She was nice enough when she wasn't disoriented from what seemed to be a perpetual high. You might ask why a seemingly clean cut guy like myself put up with Shaggy and his associate squatters. Well, the answer is simple. Claudia Escobar, Shaggy's long time best friend and a constant object of continual lust for me. She had been employed at the firm for a year longer than me when Shaggy had suggested that she help a newly arrived me get a "9 to 5" and "conform". (Note: Shaggy's parents sent him a monthly stipend in thousands of dollars. Shaggy was a trust fund Baby.). Claudia was this really cool Columbian chick that was working in the paralegal department. She had long silky looking raven colored tresses that hung to her shoulders and a uncommonly beautiful face. She was probably about five four and seemed to have an athletic build. (She always seemed to be wearing business suits, so I couldn't tell exactly how she was built.). She wore a large pair of black horn rimmed glasses that accentuated her hazel colored eyes. I was really into Claudia and even the sound of her slightly accented voice was enough to give me a raging boner. When I first started going to work at the firm, we would ride the train together. I was always on my game with a pithy comment or some new joke to amuse Claudia. To my credit, she though I was the funniest thing since sliced bread. I kinda figured I was halfway to getting in her undies when she laughed and gave me playful little punches on my arm when I flirted. The only problem was that Claudia was dating this asshole named Ricardo. This dude was a chunky, angry looking dick that was completely toxic to Claudia. She had confided in me about the many times he had cheated on her and embarrassed her in public. After sharing a few rides with me on the train, Claudia even admitted that he had totaled her BMW one night in a d***ken binge. Her beautiful eyes would go to this distant far away place when she talked about Ricardo. She said that she knew she should dump the bastard... But, she also said she loved him. And that was it for me. Too many times had I been the "friend " to some hot, unattainable chick. So, I just sucked it up and kept my lust to myself, content just to be in her circle. We'd even started walking arm-in-arm on occasion, separating only when we got to the firm. Gossip was rampant in the workplace and spread with the speed of a forest fire. I certainly didn't care if I was orally linked to Claudia, but she was working on a legal career with hopes of becoming a lawyer some day. I always let her have the first crowded elevator, waiting for the second and waving at her as the doors closed. Then I skulked off to my waiting misery in the mail room. Debbie had been running the mail room ragged for the last couple of weeks and issuing mandatory overtime, so I hadn't been enjoying Claudia's company as of late. It was Thursday Night & I'd barely made it home only to find the apartment full of people and loud music. Shaggy was having another of his stoner parties, so I went to the double doors that made up the entrance to my room and crashed into exhausted darkness of sl**p. 1201am: I was deep in sl**p with visions of a naked Claudia frolicking when I was awakened from my sl**p by a strange sensation... a wet, heated sensation that seemed to emanating from my crotch and inner thighs... There was a strange slurping, sucking sound in the darkness. I opened my eyes seeing nothing in the pitch dark of my room and was obliged to hit the switch on my bedside lamp. My room was suddenly illuminated. I was still under my large thick blankets lying prone with my head facing the room's double doors. However, there was a strange spherical object bobbing up and down between my legs. I panicked throwing the blankets back only to find.... Gloria giving me head. She explained that she had sought the comfort of my bedroom floor when Shaggy's festivities had become a little bit too much. Gloria then went on to explain that she had been disturbed to find me restlessly tossing and turning in my sl**p and had thusly decided to help me "relax". she complimented me on the cleanliness of my cock and clearly intended to finish giving me head. I declined ( Out of well, embarrassment that I could sl**p while someone was sucking me off.)... Gloria insisted that it was no big deal and that no one would be the wiser. She said that I needed to realign my "chi" or something to that effect. In fact the entire time we had been talking about the pros and cons of the continued head, she had been softly stroking my cock in a soft yet measured manner. She was extremely skilled in this regard. I figured "hell with it", I wasn't seeing anyone and I had no chance with Claudia anyway. Gloria was actually quite attractive in an ethnic kind of way. She had a soft round youthful looking face with a somewhat prominent nose that gave away her jewish heritage. She was soft and cuddly, her tiny digits wrapped around my member like she was holding a flute. Yes, she definitely had her technique down as she lay on her stomach between my legs sucking and stroking me increasing intensity. I lost it in short order.... Blowing a quart of DNA deep into her waiting throat and becoming immediately embarrassed afterward. 1230am: Gloria sat on the end of my bed alternately drinking from a half full can of beer and lecturing me on being comfortable with showing my sexual nature. She was quite the intellectual admitting to losing her mojo after giving herself anally to her liberal arts professor & being rebuked from his social circle afterwards. 0130am: I'm laying on my bed again with Gloria on top of me... her blue thong pulled to the side as she rides me cowgirl. For some reason, I'm just weirded out when I should be ecstatic that I'm getting laid. I close my eyes and reach under Gloria's Mario Bros. t-shirt cupping her surprisingly full breasts. Both of her nipples are pierced. Gloria removes her t-shirt and starts grinding the shit out of me all the while mumbling some existential bullshit about everything having it's place in the universe. She locks her legs against the sides of my pelvis and grinds me nearly to dust as she begins to orgasm. I don't cum... but my cock quivers uncontrollably. Gloria wraps her tiny fingers around my cock and starts sucking on my balls. I ultimately fill her mouth with more liters of cum than she can handle. She asks me if I am still embarrassed and I admit that I am. She sighs and looks around on a bedside table finding another can of beer. She has some light freckles on her back. I want to kiss them. She grabs the remote and turns on the television. We sit in my bed together watching War of the Gargantuas.... It is a really cheesy movie. 0230am: I'm pounding the snot out of Gloria's ass. Normally, I'm not the kind of guy that would -...well, I usually don't do anal. But Gloria has convinced me that it will help her get closure about the debacle concerning her professor. It's an extremely tight fit. Gloria is on her knees bent over my bed. Me, I'm grabbing her fleshy square butt and working my crank deeper and deeper into her ass. She has her face buried into the comforters on my bed, moaning loudly. In the other room, Shaggy's party continues unabated. 0317am: I shoot a third and final load deep into Gloria's rectum and pass out on top of her. I am not embarrassed... I'm simply spent. 0435am: I awake from my exhausted slumber and look across the room to see Gloria sitting on the toilet in my private bathroom looking dejected. She is sobbing. 0525am: I finally awake from my weird night of nasty sex to find Gloria cuddled up under me. She looks somewhat at peace. I gingerly slip out of bed and prepare for work. When I come out of the shower, Gloria is standing there with a cup of coffee wearing one of my t-shirts. She assures me that she isn't trying to make anything out of her tryst, just that it was a release for both of us. She admits that she probably needed the sex more than I did and feels like she can finally get on with her life. I don't know what to say to that. I really don't. Gloria pulls on a pair of jeans and quietly leaves my room after giving me a kiss on the cheek. I hear the front door close moments later. 0627am: I'm standing in what's left of my living room. Shaggy and his friends have trashed my home. 0645am: I'm just about finished sweeping up all of the loose trash and beer bottles. My hard wood floor is scr**ed to shit, but I could care less. Shaggy is nowhere to be found, a cryptic message left on the fridge the only clue to his whereabouts. 0722am: Text message from Claudia: "Meet you at Café." Sometimes I had breakfast with Claudia before going to work. Today, her text was a little bit early this particular morning. And I quickly finished my preliminary cleaning to catch up with her. 0815am: Gloria is little more than an afterthought as I take a care to the café where Claudia is waiting. It's a quaint little corner café run by an old Chinese couple (Both guys) and the food is just above adequate. I actually find Claudia waiting for me in the doorway. The over anxious look on her face gives me a moment of pause... The hug that follows is equally alarming. 0835am: I have just spent the last twenty minutes listening to Claudia pour her heart out about how Ricardo treats her like trash and barely even looks at her anymore. I'm sympathetic but not overly so... Secretly this alarms me. Is it because I had just the night prior hours upon hours of guilt free sex? While she's talking to me I'm actually fazing in and out of consciousness. Her words are starting to become slurred, my vision blurs as she goes on and on relentlessly about this Ricardo douche. The obvious results of my marathon night with Gloria. My mind begins to wander a few hours earlier to Gloria's fleshy butt bouncing up and down on my worn out cock. She was so uninhibited and well, accommodating. I began to wonder if I should pursue the easier path with Gloria. 0847am: "Are you listening to me?" There was an actual look of desperation on Claudia's face. I was at a lost for words in the face of this plain and simple question from the object of my desire and lust for months prior. She was looking straight into my pie hole waiting for me to respond. Before I could formulate an answer, Claudia had let out a quite audible sigh and hit the door. The loud slamming of the restaurant's glass door snapped me out of my stupor long enough to catch up with Claudia as she stood on the curb facing the street. I apologized profusely lightly touching her arm. She responded with a kiss. Instant Reply - Claudia Escobar kisses me.... In the middle of the street. In public no less. Before I could respond, she had hailed a cab and was off to work minus me. Her BFF (Or so I thought.) left standing on the corner this overcast morning. I went back into the café and paid the bill before running two blocks to the subway station and nearly getting hit by at two cars. 0925am: Twenty five minutes late for work. Debbie had been waiting for me at the time clock with a write up. I didn't plead my case or even try to appeal to her better nature... I simply signed it. No questions asked.... No problem... I just didn't care about Debbie's bullshit today. She actually looked surprised when I signed the paper work. Since midnight, my life had become complicated. I'd accidentally gotten laid with one of Shaggy's friends and to top it off Claudia has picked today to start some drama. I didn't know how to feel about it as I played "the kiss" over and over again in my mind's theatre. I spent most of the morning in a daze while life continued unabated all around me. The office was buzzing with fresh gossip of the blockbuster kind. Rumors stated that their was some sort of upheaval going on with the partners and that change was in the air. Some of my coworkers were speculating that it had been the reason why Debbie had been driving the office batty. 1017am: I sitting in the break room with a couple of guys. My friend Brad who's been at the firm for a year longer than me and a temp named Gerald, some b*****r from across the bay (Oaktown)... He's a temp worker from friggin' Apple One and can't seem to shut up about Debbie's big freakish looking butt. He's annoying, but only because he's stating what I've been thinking for quite some time now. "Damn, how do guys work with that in the office? I wanna jump on her back every time she come up the aisle, shit man. Seriously, I don't know how she can even walk through there without tearing those fucking cheap ass partitions up with them big ass hips." Brad had been drinking milk (with a straw) and was spewing fluid from his nostrils and mouth because of Gerald's impromptu comedy act. "Seriously, that shit got me fiending something serious. I never wanted to kiss an ass so bad in my life. Damn man, I'd like to run two fingers up the crack of that ass." I kinda chuckled at Gerald's comments, but he was right. I had been wondering what was under all those pleated skirts for a long time now. I had entertained numerous internal skits where I'd worshipped Debbie's ass in one form or another. "Bra?" He was talking to me. "Bra? You'd hit that wouldn't you bra? Gerald really wanted to know. Brad had leaned forward in his seat to hear my answer. "Bra? I seen you staring at that donk man. You'd hit it serious huh?" I struggled to find an answer for Gerald, trying to find a plausible way to deny his sneaky accusation. My coworkers would heckle me out of a job if I'd admitted my fetish. BREAK'S OVER!!!! None of us had realized that Debbie was standing in the room just out of eyesight. There was no telling how long she had been standing there listening to our little jam session about her butt. MR. JOHNSON, YOUR CHECK WILL BE MAILED OUT ON FRIDAY. YOUR SERVICES ARE NO LONGER REQUIRED. YOUR AGENCY'S SERVICES-ARE-NO-LONGER-NEEDED. I WILL BE HAVING A PHONE CONFERENCE TO LET THEM KNOW WHY THEY'RE CONTRACT IS CANCELLED. YOU TWO BELONG TO THE FIRM. FOR HOW LONG, I REALLY DON'T KNOW AFTER TODAY, BUT YOU HAVE A LOT OF WORK TO DO "BOYS". All three of us were just blown away that we had been caught having a "locker room moment". I don't know if I was more surprised that she was there listening or that Gerald had "made me" regarding my obsession with Debbie's butt. I didn't know if today would be my last, but I was glad I hadn't admitted anything. 1050am: I have been working multiple floors in the firm, happily pushing my mail cart from office to office. I was glad to be away from Debbie after the incident in the break room. A lot of the guys didn't like pushing the cart around because it meant cramped service elevators and going through multiple security checks on each floor. I knew that if I remained on the mailroom floor I would inevitably end up staring at Debbie whether I wanted to or not. Then, she'd probably shit can me for sure. I got a text. It's Claudia... She wants to have lunch-and talk. It's gonna be awkward considering the kiss we shared this morning. I'm pretty sure she's gonna say something along the lines of "Lets just forget about what happened this morning and start all over again..as FRIENDS." I didn't return the text. I've had an AWESOME night, a weird morning that included getting my ass in a sling with Debbie and I just didn't feel like adding any more drama to my day. So I continue on with my day whatever may come. 1115am: I receive three more texts from Claudia, each more urgent than the last. For some reason I still don't return her calls or even attempt to respond to the messages. I was getting more scared as each text arrived with a simple chirp on my cell. Mort, the security guard at the loading dock told me that now was the time to close in "for the kill" on Claudia. He was probably right. 1137am: I finally cave and answer Claudia's text. I blame my inattention on Debbie. She's like a woman possessed on the phone going in and out of her native Spanish accent. Says she's leaving work because she's got this "feeling" about Ricardo. She wants to know if I'll come with her... I tell her about being on Debbie's shit list and make my apologies. She slams on me. 1215pm: Everyone has left the office except for me. It's kind of a company policy that everyone has to get out of the office during the lunch hour. I'm sitting in the copy machine alcove watching all of my coworkers exit the floor. I realize that since I've been working at the firm, I've had lunch with Claudia every single day since of my working career. I feel really bad about behaving like a douche' earlier with her. I just want to make it up to her some how. I'm starting to get progressively worried about the status of our friendship. "GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE CLOUDS AND GET MOVING BUDDY!!" Debbie had managed to sneak up on me once more. She ushered me out of the office and locked the double doors behind her. She half pushed me into the service elevator that was full of more than a few engineers and couriers. Once the elevators doors closed most of the loud talk and ambient noise in the car centered on what else.... Debbie's huge ass. I began to wonder was everybody suffering from the same latent butt fetish as myself. My coworker Gerald had gotten himself shit canned for obsessing over it and my other buddy Brad would probably get the same treatment as well. I should have answered Gerald's question. Should have told him that yes, I would like to slobber all over that battle axe's monstrous posterior and more. As I filed along towards the building's exit along with numerous other drones, I realized that I was.... Alone. There would be no smiling Claudia there waiting on the sidewalk to greet me. No Claudia to take a cab with me the few blocks over to our favorite Chinatown restaurant. She would always have wonton soup.... She made a big deal out of getting the fortune out of it's shell without cracking the shell. I could feel the wind, harsh and stinging sweeping in from the revolving door. It is a rainy, overcast day... a lonely day without my best friend Claudia. I push through the frenzied crowd of busy people and begin dialing Claudia's number on my cheap cell.... I immediately get her voice mail. This happens several more times... more than I can recall. I'm beginning to get a little anxious. I go to the restroom and splash water on my face. I am beginning to realize the cost of my stupidity. There's a queasy feeling in my stomach, but I'm not hungry. There's a big ass lump swelling in my throat and I drink at least a gallon of water from one of the lobby water coolers. 1225pm: Unable to face the lonely streets of Frisco, I take the elevator back up to the locked firm's mail room. I usually work the early shift on weekends, so I have a key to the office. I unlock the doors to the office and let myself into it's darkened interior. I don't know what I'm going to do when everyone gets back, but I need time to think things over. I cautiously lock the doors behind me. I find Debbie standing there staring at me in the darkness... motionless... my heart nearly leaps out of my throat. I'm gonna get shit canned for sure now. I do my best to explain there in the afternoon darkness that I was just looking for a place to chill out until lunch hour was over. Debbie didn't say anything, she just stood there with her features hidden by the darkness of the unlit office. Something was going on... something...weird. Debbie wasn't moving... wasn't saying anything... not a peep. I called out to her. She didn't respond. I hit the light switch by the door and a single overhead bulb illuminated the alcove I was standing in. Debbie.... Didn't move or say one word. Debbie didn't look so hot. I don't mean that she was sick... She had kind of a despondent look on her face. Her narrow cheeks were glistening with what appeared to be tears. She was slightly sniffling and staring me directly in the eye. I called out to her again.... And reached a hand out in her direction. I really didn't know how she would react but the situation demanded some sort of action. Inside, I wanted to tell her to fuck off... I had spent most of the morning avoiding this kind of unwanted drama, but this bitch had once again snuck up on me and tossed it right in my face like a water balloon. Debbie took my hand.. She took two small steps towards me looking up into my shocked face. More tears began to stream down her face. I asked her what was wrong once more... I tried to sound concerned, but Claudia was on my mind. "Do all of you HATE me so much?" It was a simple question... very simple indeed. Of coarse everyone hated her stinking guts. She was "The GREAT TORMENTOR", "SHRINKER OF MEN'S BALLS"... TYRANOSAURUS BITCH"!! I feigned ignorance. Actually acted like I didn't hear the question. I tried to reset the conversation but she asked again... "DOES EVERYONE HATE ME HERE AT THE FIRM?" I lied. Debbie smiled and thanked me for my "honesty" half chuckling because we both knew how full of shit I was. There was a slight trace of alcohol on her breath and I chalked her somber demeanor up to a liquid consciousness. I cautiously led Debbie to the break room. I wanted to get her some coffee. She simply followed me lithely and silently. I led her to the small table in the break room and kinda directed her to sit there while I got her some coffee. She had to spoil it by talking. "YOU NEVER ANSWERED THE QUESTION." I lied again.... But this time Debbie called me on it. She said that she knew no one liked her and barely tolerated her because of her position. I just listened to her ramble on believing that she was self analyzing and I was just a warm body she needed. Then she repeated the statement again. "YOU NEVER ANSWERED THE QUESTION." This was getting a bit frustrating and I was starting to believe Debbie was one of those angry d***ks that are always spoiling for a fight. She rambled on some more talking while I was talking muttering some fucking gibberish. I raised my voice a bit asking her what she was talking about... This hut her up and she robotically turned her head towards me and stated... "YOUR FRIEND-THAT BLACK GUY... THE FUCKING TEMP GERALD!! HE ASKED YOU A QUESTION YOU NEVER ANSWERED!!" She definitely caught me off guard with that one. "SO, ANSWER THE QUESTION-BUDDY!!... DO YOU WANNA FUCK ME OR NOT?!!" Way the fuck off guard with that sudden outburst. I mean, like what the fuck could you say to something like that? I tried to get Debbie to realize that she was more likely than not... d***k off her ass. I pushed the cup of coffee I had been holding across the table in her direction. Debbie let out an irritated loud sigh and slapped the cup to the floor. We both looked at the coffee pool on the tile floor of the break room. Debbie suddenly slammed her fist on the table and surprised me by half running over to the coffee pot and downing half of it. Her blouse was stained and soaking from coffee. She was honestly scaring me a little bit as she turned and bellowed.... "DO YOU WANNA FUCK ME OR NOT?!!" I detected a powerful desperation in her voice that informed the next words to come out of my mouth. For some reason Gloria immediately came to mind. That whole dissertation she went over with me last night about not being ashamed of my sexuality. Here was Debbie right here in front of me d***k or not daring me to answer a question...truthfully. "Yes." Debbie's eyes widened, her thin lips stretched to the max as her jaw dropped in disbelief. I didn't know what would happen next, but she definitely didn't keep me waiting for an answer. Right there in the break room... The room shrouded in semi-darkness., I was shocked to find my day turning in another unexpected direction. Debbie began to undress. Off came the coffee stained blouse revealing a really nice set of breasts encased in a frilly under wire brassiere. She had tan lines that peaked over the top of the silky white material. She had a surprisingly flat stomach for a woman of her age... there was only the slight bit of sag there and a slight hint of love handles. I noticed the perfectly ovoid navel of a swimsuit model. A very thin belt held her pleated skirt to an incredibly small waist. This came off as well... But the skirt didn't fall to the floor. Debbie unfastened two large buttons at her side to further loosen the skirt. It still didn't fall to the floor. I watched as she began to squirm and shimmy out of the ill-fitting garment... finally getting the material past gloriously succulent and smooth looking thighs. The skirt fell to the tiled floor in a ring around her muscular looking calves. Debbie Manchellini stood here in the office break room...in front of me, her whipping boy for over two years... in her underwear. She wore what appeared to be some extremely small (for her size anyway) and extremely white panties. In the darkness, they were surprisingly the only illumination in the darkened break room. Her small waist not withstanding, the material was stretched to it's limit so much so that you could barely see them over her economy sized thighs... The only thing apparent was the perfect triangle centered over her womanhood. My eyes just d***k it all in... everything. This was pure eye candy saccharine sweet. Debbie was silent again. The weird impulsiveness of her actions seeming to dawn on her as she stared at the coffee stained tile on the floor. She mumbled something and turned her back to me. She shouldn't have done that. For two years, I had fantasized about Debbie's backside... apparently along with half the building as well. And now I was witnessing the REAL DEAL. The fucking thing was.... "OUT of this WORLD"!! Literally... out of this world.. Two PERFECT shiny GLOBES resting at the end of her back. Resting perfectly and anchoring her impossibly small waist. FUCK. I found out another perfect triangle of white material starring me in the face. The rest of this material was hidden DEEP in a ROBUST and JUICY looking back porch. "OH-WELL... GUESS THIS WAS A LITTLE MORE THAN YOU BARGAINED FOR HUH?" She was apparently referring to her FREAKISHLY, HUGE ASS. Debbie sounded crest fallen and defeated. "I FUUCKIN' HATE IT YOU KNOW... THAT'S ALL ANYONE EVER SEES WHEN I WALK INTO THE ROOM." "I WOULD HAVE GOT RID OF IT A LONG TIME AGO-LIPOSUCTION OR SOME SHIT... BUT I'M AFRAID OF THE KNIFE [surgery] IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN." I did know what she meant and the thought of it horrified the shit out of me. That she would even consider removing what was arguably her greatest "asset" (pun intended) was incredibly short sighted.... I couldn't let her do that, now could I? MY HUSBAND WONT EVEN LOOK AT ME ANYMORE.... HE SAYS I LOOK LIKE A HORSE... I KNOW WE'S FUCKING AROUND-OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH!!! I had responded to Debbie's silly monologue by kneeling and spooning the shit out of her voluptuous ass cheeks. That put an end to all of the negative crap spewing from her mouth immediately. My hands could barely fit over her cheeks as I struggled to grope her butt with the intensity of a crack head. I settle for placing my hands under the shelf like curve of her ass and lifting and pushing those monster cheeks up and together. Debbie moaned loudly as I ran my tongue up and down the crack of her monster ass. I had already ripped my cock out of my slacks when she had turned her back to me. My rock was completely extended and the tip was touching the cold stained tile of the break room's floor as I licked Debbie's ass until it was glistening with my saliva. Debbie was completely bent over the counter groaning and orgasmically twitching with what I assumed was delight... I was going into a trembling frenzy and starting to shake furiously. I stood up and jerked my pants down to my ankles. I slapped my cock deep into the crack of Debbie's ass and began to run it's length up and down her juicy and buoyant cheeks. I nervously pushed her cheeks together and began pumping them furiously. Debbie did her part and thrust her incredible thighs in time with me... matching my cadence until soon the head of my penis was touching her brown eye. Debbie reached back and spread her cheeks with both of her small hands. There was an open invitation right in front of me. I didn't even think about it. Debbie let out a loud yelp as I shoved the entire length of my cock directly up her tight rectum. Her ass was tight and moist as I screwed the shit out of her brown eye with wild abandon. I'd say it took about fifteen thrusts as I injected a liter of hot cum into her amazing ass. "REALLY LIKE THAT ASS...DON'T YOU?" I responded by grabbing her head and impulsively shoving my tongue down Debbie's throat. That caught her by surprise and she squirmed for about a half second. After a few moments she was cooing and responding in kind.... I found her thin fingers jerking on the base of my shaft. 1245pm: Debbie is lying on the floor of the break room (right on top of the puddle of coffee she spilled earlier.) with her knees drawn up into her chest. I kneel down and gingerly press the head of my cock against Debbie's quivering clit rubbing my engorged head against it until she begins to move around against the floor impatiently. She lets out a loud gasp when I thrust my member deep into her well lubricated cunt and I basically fuck the shit out of her. There is nothing delicate about what we're doing in that break room... It is not sex out of mutual attraction. It is nasty, mean spirited and something born out of desperate necessity. Something we both furiously needed. Debbie and I embrace with the strength of a bear hug and I feel myself painfully contort in her direction as she wraps her massive thighs around me like an anaconda and locks her steel calves into the small of my back. I begin to arch my back in the opposite direction as far as it will go until.... 1256pm: .... We both come together -loudly!! We kiss with some tenderness after a few moments still connected as I fill her snatch with the remaining vestiges of my thick, congealing DNA. She actually has a creampie. I sit bare assed on the cold floor replaying over and over again what we just did. Debbie is silent as she slowly sits up and begins to pull her panties over her freakish calves. We don't look at each other. We can't.... It would be too awkward. 1258pm: SUDDENLY... THERE IS A LOUD BANGING ON THE DOORS IN THE OTHER ROOM AS DEBBIE AND I REALIZE EVERY ONE HAS RETURNED FROM LUNCH. THEY HAD BEEN LOCKED OUT OF THE MAIL ROOM AS DEBBIE AND I FUCKED THE SHIT OUT OF EACH OTHER. To say we panicked was an understatement. We scrambled, haphazardly putting our clothing back on as we both heard a loud cheer emanate from the hallway. One of the building's engineers had come to the floor and was working his way through a heavy set of keys to open the office doors. In the seconds that I was standing there silently panicking, Debbie has squeezed herself back into her clothes and was shoving me out of the break room. MOVE ASSHOLE!! WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME!! GO TO THE REAR OF THE FLOOR....NOW!!! Debbie's sudden militaristic tone caught me by surprise and before I know it, I'm running fifteen feet across the office floor followed closely by my supervisor. As I sprint across the floor I realize that my fly is open and my wang is hanging out for all the world to see. Debbie ushers me into a back office and locks the door behind her. CALM DOWN!! EVERYTHING'S GOING TO BE ALRIGHT!! THERE'S A PRIVATE ELEVATOR IN THIS OFFICE... BE QUIET!! Debbie had pulled a small key from the desk and was opening the elevator door in the small office. I had seen small utility elevators in buildings like this before. Debbie shoved me inside and instructed me to walk around the block and come back into the building. I really didn't have any choice in the matter once I was shoved inside the confines of the elevator which was a little bigger than a broom closet. This is shaping up to one of the weirdest days in my life. 0115pm: It's really cold outside as I briskly walk around the block to the building's entrance. It's slightly drizzling as I make my way around the building. I'm weirded out by the events of the last few hours and feel that the random people walking towards me seem to be staring. It's like they know something. One strange man in a flannel shirt and corduroys whispers something in my ear as he passes. "No sweat off my back sweet cheeks, but your fly is open. Thanks for the show." I look down and realize that I never zipped my fly up. In fact my penis is hanging quite plainly for all the world to see. The gay pedestrian chuckles as I turn towards the building's wall and stuff my package back into my slacks.
0127pm: No sooner do I enter the office when Debbie confronts me at the firm's entrance arms folded across her chest. She is wearing a light wool sweater over her blouse (Covering up the huge coffee stain.). I'm a bag of mixed emotions as I mentally replay the incredible sex session we'd had only minutes ago. SOMEBODY DOESN'T KNOW WHEN THE LUNCH HOUR IS OVER!! What the fuck, I thought. She's going to nail me for coming in late after we just got through fucking the snot out of each other.... "Bitch!". IN MY OFFICE RIGHT NOW MISTER!! I'm completely flabbergasted as Debbie marches me back across the office to her small corner work space. A couple of my coworkers snicker as I pass them. I wanna retort with "FUCK YOU GUYS!!... I'M HAVING THE GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!"... but I don't think Debbie would appreciate her cover being blown. Hell, she might actually fire me. Once we're inside the confines of her office, I am immediately seized by an oppressive sensation, a tightening of my crotch... No, it's Debbie's hand grasping my package like a bag of peanuts. "I'm NASTY.... Let's get "weird" together." She whispers in my ear as she expertly manipulates my fly until she has the turgid length of my cock in her palm. She then proceeds to literally "milk" me while giving an extremely loud verbal dress down (No doubt for the listeners on the other side of the office door.) about my tardiness. To my amazement, I shoot a wad onto her desktop., which Debbie kneels and promptly slurps up. Funny, she resembled one of Shaggy's friends doing a line of coke. She also "cleans" my cock off with her hungry thin lips, wiping what's left of my cum across her face. Unfortunately she follows this with a deep soul kiss. Not real sure I wanted to know the taste of my own splooge... I really, really could have gone the rest of my life without engaging in what is referred to as a "snowball". 0147pm: Debbie "suspends me" for the rest of the day. She actually has me sign an action plan detailing that I wont be late again under threat of termination. I grab a healthy handful of her awesome ass while I scribble my name on the dotted line. She lets out an exasperated sigh and half shoves me towards the office door. "SEND YOUR LITTLE FRIEND BRAD IN HERE ON YOUR WAY OUT!!" Brad looks like he's gonna toss his cookies as I motion towards Debbie's office with my thumb. 0235pm: It was a miracle I could even walk at all let alone half hobble down the street away from the firm. I really didn't feel like going home., didn't want to see my roommate Shaggy who by this time had probably re-trashed the flat. I hadn't really given him any thought since the morning cleanup. My senses were still reeling from last night with Gloria and the virtual fuck fest this afternoon with Debbie. I didn't know if we shared a one time tryst or was it going to go further? Why was she so distraught this afternoon? Everything got so mashed up in my head that I began to f***e my mind in another direction. I ducked in a Game Stop and browsed a number of titles for my X Box (I was a casual gamer at best.). After about ten minutes in the store, my subconscious began to wonder again.... This time towards Claudia. I pull out my cell phone, there's one bar on the display. Shit!! I should have charged it while I was beating the hell out of Debbie's vulva. I place the call. It immediately goes to voice mail. The sound of Claudia's sweet voice brings things rushing back into perspective. Guilt begins to creep in from the dark places of my mind. 0312pm: My phone is dead. I never did get in touch with Claudia and I'm actually kind of relieved by that fact. In my mind I couldn't find the right words to explain my rakish behavior or the fact that I'd been with two women since midnight. I knew that if Claudia saw me, she would immediately read the change on my face. Yeah, there was no way I would be able to keep this shit from her and why should I have to? Honestly, it wasn't like we were dating or anything serious. I didn't want to be a pig, but I hadn't so much as sniffed her panties during the whole time we knew each other. I had more than paid my dues as her f***ed "gay BFF". I became a little resentful of the brief kiss I shared with Claudia. Why the fuck did she have to pick today of all days to finally give me that kiss? I had been waiting for that kiss for almost a whole year. Fuckin women. 0347pm: I'm still reluctant to return to my flat, so I catch a trolley over to Chinatown. Halfway through my afternoon sabbatical, I realize that I'm voraciously hungry. I find myself waiting in the doorway of me and Claudia's favorite restaurant. The owners are nice enough to let me charge my phone. I grab a paper as I'm shown to a nice corner booth. 0427pm: It's raining again... albeit a little heavier than it was this morning. I have walked about half a block before I'm alerted to someone running up behind me. It's one of the bus boys from the restaurant with my cell. I tip him and continue on my way. There are at least ten voicemails on my phone from Shaggy. The idiot is in jail. I listen to a number of them as I rush to bail the goof out of the pokey. Well, that explains his absence this morning. 0533pm: I arrive at the local precinct to find that Shaggy has already been bailed out.... By Claudia. When I inquire about the circumstances of my roommate's arrest, I'm told to piss off in no uncertain terms by the desk sergeant. I do find out that they had only moments ago, exited the police station. I don't have the heart to chase after them, so I call Shaggy's cell hoping that he wont pick up. Unfortunately, he does... Oops, big mistake it's Claudia. I tell them that I had recently arrived at the police station and mention my phone being dead. Claudia yells something at me in Spanish while I'm frantically trying to explain that the situation was out of my control. Too late... She slams the phone in my face...for the second time today. My umbrella hangs at my side flapping in the increasing wind. The rain cuts into my face, soaks my clothing and skin to the bone. My heart sinks as I hit the Bart (subway). 0627pm: I sit in the last seat of an extremely crowded train mulling my actions of the past twelve hours or so... There is a homeless guy sitting to my right. He smells... bad... A couple is making out feverishly in front of me... They're both guys. Funny, when I first moved to Frisco, this kind of public display would shock me. Now its little more than a mental blurb on my put upon medulla oblongata (brain). I wonder if I've become more liberal since that time or more self absorbed and full of myself. 0655pm: I find Shaggy sitting on our beat up couch watching fucking "Glee" of all things. It's been a while since he arrived at home and it appears he's been "toking it and smoking it" the whole time. The house is trashed again, but there is no one there but us. I ask about Claudia and he half laughs / half chokes on his bong. "SHE'S TAKING A TIME OUT FROM YOU-b*o'." What the FUCK is that supposed to mean? "SHE SAID YOU'VE BEEN BLOWING HER OFF ALL DAY AND ACTING LIKE THAT ASSHOLE BOYFRIEND OF HERS- THAT FUCKING DOUCHE RICARDO." I became extremely pissed and let Shaggy know in no uncertain terms how I felt about all of the nagging bullshit, the f***ed " Gay BFF " status and the incessant non-stop talk about fucking Ricardo. For once in my life I just wanted to be drama and guilt free. Damn right I was resentful of the way Claudia kept me at arms distance while not giving me the luxury one way or another of knowing if my cock was good enough for her to sit on. "DUDE... YOU SHOULD BE TELLING CLAUDIA. NOT LAYING YOUR HANG UPS ON ME." Shaggy was completely stoned. For once I felt like laughing in his face. This guy was blazed out of his gourd the whole time I was venting. I didn't even know if he was aware I was talking to him. Fucking hilarious. I half felt like sitting down and sharing a couple of puffs on his industrial sized bong. I noticed Shaggy pointing in the direction of my bedroom. Claudia is standing in the double doorway looking directly at me. Her cheeks are glistening with what appears to be tears. "I WAS -TAKING A NAP IN YOUR BED.... SORRY. SORRY FOR EVERYTHING. THIS JUST ISNT MY DAY." She snatched her overcoat off my unkempt bed and hit the door. She was definitely in tears as she fumbled with the lock on my front door. I rushed to her side apologizing profusely. She shoved me away and finally jerked the door open. I followed her outside across my rain slicked patchwork lawn to the street. Through this whole exchange, Shaggy continued smoking the fuck out of his bong undisturbed. Looking back on the whole exchange, I really envied Shaggy. 0715pm: I'm standing out in the middle of the rain slicked street talking to Claudia who is sitting in somebody's car. I don't know at this point how I came to be involved in so much unwanted drama by simply trying to avoid an uncomfortable conversation. Was I really so wrong for wanting to just have a day without bullshit? Hell, all things considered, it had been a pretty strange and good day up until I put my foot in my mouth. I'd been with two women... Through no actual effort on my part, I'd had mind blowing casual sexual encounters with two pretty hot women... one of them my ball busting supervisor. Funny thing is, when all of this started, I was thinking about Claudia. How much I wished our friendship was so much more... how I wished Ricardo would just drop dead... and how much being around her made me soar with happiness. Now, here in the middle of the street in front of my flat... I'd become a Rom-com cliché. I'd spent the last fifteen minutes pleading with Claudia to at least roll down the window and talk to me to no avail. She just sat in the back seat with the windows rolled up staring into space (She had locked the car doors.). "OKAY CLAUDIA... YOU WIN. I 'M DONE WITH THIS LITTLE EPISODE. I ADMIT I WAS TRYING TO AVOID YOU TODAY AFTER THAT LITTLE KISS... I JUST DIDN'T WANT YOU TO TELL ME THAT IT DIDN'T [MEAN ANYTHING].. IT MEANT THE WORLD TO ME. BUT I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO TAKE IT BACK. -IT'S MINE CLAUDIA AND YOU CAN'T HAVE IT... GOODNIGHT." That was it as far as I was concerned... I'd mentally made my piece with Claudia being out of my life as I tucked my hands in my pocket and walked up my rain slicked walkway. Part of me was a little relieved. I'd been feeling a twinge or two of guilt regarding Debbie and Gloria. At least this way, I didn't have to cop to being a complete man-whore over the last twelve hours. Yeah, adios Claudia Escobar... ah, what could have been. At least in my mind anyway. "CLICK." I stupidly looked over my shoulder. The car door was open. The street was silent... The door to the vehicle was open in a silent invitation. Yeah, I probably should just walk away and continue my probable affair with Debbie... damn what an ass!!... or maybe Gloria would like to make something of our time together. We did "cuddle" after our marathon session. I didn't need things to be so complicated. Fuck the drama.... Fuck Claudia Escobar. 0745pm: Believe it or not I got into the car with Claudia. Like a big, dumb lemming I had ceded the call of my loins and hopped into the vehicle. Yeah, stupid huh? Right? Wrong!!... I making out with Claudia something fierce. At this point nothing weird's me out. She's straddling me, sitting in my lap with her arms wrapped around my neck. She's a REALLY GOOD kisser. She actually uses her plump lips and juicy tongue in unison while she kisses. HOW THE FUCK DID THIS SHIT HAPPEN?!!-you ask? Well as I said... I got back into the car, sitting in the back seat with Claudia Escobar, once the girl of my dreams. We sat there for all of five seconds before she turned to me and whispered.... "What's wrong with me? "Nothing-you're perfect." Was my reply, I shit you not. She gingerly grabbed my hand and started lightly kissing it, then followed up by kissing and sucking on my neck. Her technique was really something as I was suddenly faced with extremely tented slacks. [Now keep in mind that I had screwed two women prior and several times each session.] Claudia looked down at my barely hidden erection and traced the tip of her fingers along its length as she suddenly and quite acrobatically raised her left leg in the back seat and straddled me. My enshrouded boner was soon snuggly against her crotch. She pressed her pelvis against my erection forcing it against my abdomen as she began spooning the shit out of me. Debbie and Gloria were becoming a distant memory. Claudia sucked on my tongue with wild abandon, treating it like a uh, popsicle? WHATEVER... uh, she began grinding me in unison with the sucking motion of her fabulous mouth. 0830pm: Soon, I felt as if I was gonna explode in my pants. That delightful feeling of semen running along the shaft of my cock began to mount and intensify. I began to get nervous and sweaty. Claudia didn't seem to notice my fidgeting and continued to suck on my tongue and she even began running the length of her tongue up and down the side of my face. She was like a wild a****l. It was like a dam had burst somewhere inside her and everything was just pouring out. She was free to be as hot and sensual as humanly possible. Claudia was sucking on the front of my neck and unbuttoning my rumpled dress shirt. I had been in a hurry this morning to meet her at the café and hadn't put on an undershirt. Soon she had my bare chest exposed and she wasn't happy stopping there. She had my belt undone and I hadn't even realized it. She reached into my pants past my underwear and pulled my penis into the air. She made a sigh of what I guess was pleasure when she had it out full in the street light illuminated backseat. My cock was fully engorged and thick veined. I came. At least three big jets of cum squirted out of my cock. My bare stomach and Claudia's skirt were suddenly sprinkled with my man juice. I felt like killing myself... right there in whoever the fuck's car we were sitting inside. 0930pm: I didn't expect what happened next. Claudia milked the rest of the cum out of my shaft with an extreme vigor that momentarily reminded me of Debbie. She shifted her body snakelike in the backseat again and began lapping up all of my undeveloped k**s. She completely cleaned my belly and began serious "work" on the head of my cock. I was immediately at attention so to speak. "Oh, you're ready again so soon." She cooed. Claudia sat on the back of her legs on the seat and removed her wraparound skirt. Her fashionable stark white blouse also followed. She wasn't wearing a bra. Claudia has very beautiful teardrop breasts that jutted pneumatically out from her chest with large dark eraser sized nipples that were fully erect. She moaned as I cupped one of her boobs and tossed her clothing in the front seat. I drank her in with my eyes and was visually subdued with wonder and lust at the exotic creature before me. Claudia leaned forward on all fours and began kissing me again. I played with both of her breasts as she straddled me again, this time aggressively grabbing my cock and pushing her pelvis towards it. I wanted to say something, but I didn't want to ruin this moment. She pulled her panties to the side and began rubbing the head of my cock on the moist lips of her vagina. She slightly raised herself on the seat and I felt her begin to push her cunt against the head of my cock. I didn't look but I could feel the tip of my penis begin to enter her cunt. Claudia shifted and placed her hands against the back window moaning loudly as she impaled herself on my cock. She let out a yelp of pain and froze on top of me as the walls of her honey pot closed tightly around me. She gripped me tightly in her arms and we were motionless for what seemed like an eternity. 1047pm: Claudia had shifted again and was squatting on top of me. She had started out slowly enough bouncing on top of me and had begun to increase the intensity of her thrusts along with the intensity of her moans. Soon, Claudia was literally fucking the shit out of me in that backseat. She moved serpentine like, contorting her pelvis in a way that caused my cock to slightly bend upward as it slid inside her. 1117pm: I am palming the sweat slicked globes that are Claudia's ass cheeks as she grinds me to dust with feverish vigor and intensity. She's continues assaulting me with her tongue as she rubs my nipples between her thumb and fore fingers. It is a strange invigorating sensation that believe it or not only serves to send even more bl**d running to the head of my penis. 1137pm: Claudia had f***ed me down on my back in the sweat covered backseat of that steamy car. She was sprawled on top of me with her legs locked against my sides as she humped me to death. She was serious determined to grind me into the seat. "YOU LIKE THIS?... YOU LIKE MY PANOCHE' ON YOUR FAT COCK?" I was relieved when she finally began talking to me. I just shook my head. This seemed to fuel her lust further and she pressed her pelvis tightly against me as I finally came. "FUUUUCK!!! FEEL ME PUSSY UP WITH YOUR CREAM!!! FILLL ME GOOD!!! " Her eyes rolled up into her head as she arched her back against me. Her accent was thick and almost unintelligible as she screamed out her orgasm. My thighs seized up painfully as I was sure I would be sterile from this point on in my life. Suddenly Claudia collapsed almost lifelessly on my chest. We lie there motionless for some moments afterward unsure of what would come next. "I love you." She cooed. "I love you too Claudia." We said it finally. We were honest with one another and it felt...AWKWARD (to say the least.). 1155pm; Claudia and I sat in vivacious states of undress in the back of the car starring at each other. I watched her fish around in the front seat looking for her clothing. I was wracked with guilt over my earlier adventures with Gloria and Debbie. I wanted to be honest. I wanted to start out with a clean slate. 1158PM: "Claudia." "What is it my love?" 1159PM: "Well-I uh, I want to-." 1200AM: BANG!!! (There was a loud explosion.) That was all I heard followed by...DARKNESS. EPILOUGE: I awoke two months later... turns out Ricardo had followed Claudia and watched us do the deed. He always carried a pistol. Ricardo was in jail....for a very long fucking time. Claudia had been at my bedside every day for the past two months. I had lost my short term memory. There was something I wanted to tell Claudia that night but I couldn't remember what it was. _**THIS STORY MAY NOT BE REPRINTED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR!**_ "Before we begin, I'd like to describe the goals we're going to be working to achieve with today's session. If these goals don't interest you, or if you don't feel safe and comfortable with them, you can simply make the choice to stop listening and find a different experience to enjoy. You are always in control of your trance state, and any suggestions you hear will only apply if you feel safe and comfortable accepting them. "The goal of today's trance is to train you to more easily accept suggestions related to hypnotic amnesia, making it easier to forget events or information when commanded to by a hypnotist you trust. There are no specific hypnotic triggers I'm asking you to accept-we're going to teach your mind to recognize situations that are invitations to experience hypnotic amnesia, and to enjoy following those commands when given. This is more flexible and open-ended than a trigger, and may result in you forgetting your trances unexpectedly... although, again, only when it is safe and comfortable for you to do so. "Although there are points in this session where you may be encouraged to pay less conscious attention to the hypnotist, the only direct amnesia suggestions incorporated into this session are entirely permissive, and there are no suggestions or triggers that are intended to be forgotten after the session is over. Even so, spontaneous amnesia does happen to some people during hypnosis, especially during a session focused on developing the skill of concealing memories from your waking self, so you may find yourself experiencing difficulty recalling details of the trance experience. If you enjoy forgetting your trances, your mind is going to work to make that happen. You have permission to remember or to forget as much of this session as you want-again, within the boundaries of what is safe and comfortable for you. "This session contains instructions to disrobe and masturbate. If you believe you will have difficulty resisting these instructions, please wait until you have some privacy to begin. If you do not feel safe or comfortable following any of the described suggestions or instructions, this would be a good place for you to stop. Otherwise, please get comfortable for me so that we can begin. "I'd like you to begin by imagining what it looks like inside your mind. Not the physical structure of your brain, but a metaphorical map of the architecture of your thoughts, ideas, beliefs and opinions. Much like we sometimes make a map that doesn't accurately show distances in order to get a better idea of relationships between places, a picture of your mind doesn't necessarily have to correspond one-to-one to places in your brain. Your mind lives inside your head, but it doesn't necessarily look like it. "Up at the top of your mind, you have the conscious self. You can picture it looking just like you, if you like, and imagine it saying all of the things you're thinking right now. Your conscious self is the narrator of your mind, giving you a train of thought that goes on whenever you're awake and deliberately thinking about an idea, an object, or an event happening around you. The part of you that's wondering, 'When is this going to hypnotize me?' That's your waking mind, and it's very good at concentrating on one thing at a time and forming conclusions about it. "But even though your conscious mind seems to loom very large in your awareness, that's mostly just because it's your waking self that's doing the thinking about it. It's right up at the very top of your mind, and it's very close, so it seems like it's doing all the work. But it's really just the tiny tip of a very large iceberg. The rest of your mind, the submerged part, is your unconscious. We sometimes call it the 'deep self'. And that part of you is very good at paying attention to a whole lot of different things and absorbing a lot of information at once. You can think of that as a version of you, too. The two selves work together, but they're very different in a lot of ways. "When the waking self gets interested in something, like a pretty crystal or a swinging watch or just the warm, soothing sound of a human voice, it starts to tune out everything else. It puts the job of paying attention to those other, uninteresting things in the hands of the subconscious. If you were to begin concentrating on a math problem right now, for example, like counting up by sevens, you'd find very quickly that the more you got invested in that, the less you'd really notice what I'm saying. You'd still take it in, because your unconscious mind is paying careful attention to my words, but it's like only one of you is really aware of what I'm telling you. The other one just keeps counting by sevens, up and up and up. From seven to fourteen to twenty-one to twenty-eight... "And the unconscious self, the version of you that can pay attention to lots of things at once, it's not very good at really unpacking the information it receives. So while the waking mind is trying to keep those numbers going higher and higher, getting more and more invested in the pattern of increasing digits, the deep self hears every word I say... but it can't really think about it. It can't really decide whether the words I'm pouring into your mind are true, or just very convincing and delivered in a smooth, calm, steady voice that soothes you deeper into focusing on the math problem that just keeps getting harder and harder as the sums get bigger and bigger. Your unconscious likes to accept things. That's what it's good at. "So there are two versions of you, two selves. The self that's focusing on one thing right now, concentrating intently on making the numbers go higher and feeling little pulses of happiness with every correct answer, that's your waking self. That's the part of you that could really think about what was happening to you, but it's distracted at the moment. Then there's the deep self, the unconscious mind. That's the part of you that's absorbing every word, soaking in everything I tell you and agreeing with all of it. Normally, that part of you would tell your waking mind if there was something it needed to pay attention to... but you feel safe and comfortable and happy right now, and your waking mind can stay relaxed and centered on the numbers. That's all that's important to it right now. "And that's all hypnosis is. It's just that simple. It's a matter of keeping the two parts of your mind occupied with different things, so that your waking self can do what it's best at and stay focused and attentive while your deep self does what it's best at and accepts instructions. Right now, you don't need to pay conscious attention to anything that I'm saying. Your deep self will remember all of it, and anything that's important later, it will easily and effortlessly flag for your waking mind to recall. It's just that easy. And we're going to make it even easier. "Because your deep self, your unconscious mind, it's very good at retaining all that information that your waking self doesn't always remember right away. It's all stored down there below the surface, in that big space that's distant and far away from your conscious thoughts. You can picture it almost like a library down in that lower part of your mind, a library with hundreds and hundreds of rooms full of memories. Sometimes the unconscious mind keeps those memories to itself, almost like a game it plays with your waking self. And sometimes it hides them very, very deep so that you don't even consciously know they're there. As long as you feel safe and comfortable, they can stay very well hidden like that. It's okay. "You can even imagine a secret vault, all the way down in the very bottom room of your mind. That vault has very thick walls, very heavy doors, and a very special lock with only one key. And your subconscious mind holds that key. Your deep self can always open the vault, can always retrieve anything from it whenever it's asked, but any memory or idea or piece of information that goes into that vault is hidden so completely and so securely that your conscious mind will always fail to access it. Every time you try to think about what's inside that vault, the effort will tire you and exhaust your waking mind until you simply have to give up. "And it's surprising to discover that giving up like that feels kind of nice to you. Every time you struggle to get into that mental vault, every time you try to push through those heavy doors or bust down those heavy walls, it's going to remind you of how much better it feels to trust your unconscious mind and let that struggle fade into deep, pleasant exhaustion. You like feeling sleepy and tired and worn out like that. It gives you a warm, wonderful sense of arousal and relaxation that spreads through your whole body. If it's safe for you to do so right now, you can go ahead and give in to that feeling and find your fingers touching yourself wherever it feels best. Take your clothes off if you need to. It's okay. "And as your fingers explore, you can imagine your waking mind pulling on that heavy locked door, or pushing on those thick, solid walls, and getting so deliciously tired. Feeling so wonderfully weak, unable to access anything inside without the help of your deep, unconscious self. The only way in is with the key. Every other effort makes you feel so happy and helpless and deeply aroused with its defeat. The more you fail, the weaker you become. The weaker you feel, the more turned on you get. The more turned on you get, the better you feel. You can feel the links dropping out of that chain of association one by one, until the logic moves smoothly and effortlessly from premise to conclusion. "The more you fail, the better you feel. Let that loop in your mind as you play with yourself. The more you fail, the better you feel. The more you fail, the better you feel. The more you fail... that's it... the better you feel. "And your deep self knows exactly what needs to go into the vault, and when it needs to come out. Your deep self is the perfect keeper of that key, because it always knows when to play that fun, silly game of keeping your thoughts and memories locked away at the command of a hypnotist you trust, and when to give you back that information to keep you safe and comfortable. Your deep self is a part of you, and it always does what's best for you. Your deep self is also a very good listener who does exactly what it's told. These things can both be true, and that's what makes your vault such a good place to hide your thoughts until you need them again. "Feel your waking self push and pull that heavy door, unable to move it even the tiniest fraction of an inch. Feel your fingers tug on that unyielding handle. It's so hot being so helpless to get to those memories. You feel all that pleasure flowing into you, deeper and deeper, stronger and stronger as you play and obey. It feels so good, so hot and powerfully sensual to touch yourself over and over, driving your body closer and closer to climax and admit that your unconscious mind is strong enough to keep you out, every time. Your deep self is so much bigger, so much more powerful than your waking mind. You can't defeat it. You can only give in. "And the pleasure in your body tangles up with that warm, wonderful feeling you get when you admit defeat and let the vault sink deep down into the grip of your unconscious self. You can't open the vault, you can't even find it without permission. It makes you so aroused and happy to accept that. Your unconscious self already knows, because your unconscious self accepts everything I tell you and it always feels so good, and now your waking mind has to agree because the sweet, saturating ecstasy makes it so hot and sexy to say 'yes'. So good to surrender the vault's contents. So good to give up and stop struggling. Every time you stop fighting it makes you cum, and every time you cum it makes you want to stop fighting. "You can't get into the vault. You know it. You feel it. And it feels so fucking good. Try one last time for me, feel all that strength drain away... and cum. That's it. That's right. Cum so hard for me, feeling yourself grow weak and helpless and slumping down, down, down into defeat. There's no way in. Your deep self holds the key and only your deep self can take things out. That's right. You're always going to fail, every time you try to think about what's inside the vault, and it makes you cum so very, very hard for me now. "That's right. Let that pleasure flow through you, around you, over you and inside you, programming you to connect together that happy, blissful feeling with the experience of giving up and letting those memories stay hidden in the vault. Every time you try to think of a memory, an idea, anything that your deep self has stored in that vault, your deep self is going to remind you of this feeling, and you'll just give up that struggle and feel so happy and fulfilled and flushed with sensual heat when you stop trying and let your waking self move on to something else. Eventually, it'll happen so fast that you don't even notice you were trying. Your mind will simply slip right past the thought in the vault without realizing it. Just like a good hypnotic subject. That's it. "And now you can relax, that pleasure subsiding, and feel your mind beginning to refocus on the world around you. If you want, and only if you feel safe and comfortable doing so, you can let some of the details of this session drift into the vault before you close it and resurface from trance, just to give you something to practice trying and failing to remember. If you don't want to do that, it's okay. It's not necessary. Your deep self will always get better at helping your waking mind to forget, because that's just what it wants to do. And so do you. "And knowing that, and feeling happy and positive about the work we did together today, you can begin to come back up out of trance. Coming up with one, more and more alert and refreshed, two, aware of the world around you, three, feeling your thoughts flow naturally from one thing to another, four, almost wide awake now, and... "Five. Wake." THE END
_Scene: Nutcombe Village, England. Time: The 1950s_ * * * The Nutcombe Parish church committee meeting was unusually well attended, the vicar having made it known that a decision was to be made regarding the clock in the church tower. It was visible from far around and until recently had kept good time, but now only three faces displayed the correct time, the other being exactly ten minutes slow. This was a matter of some social consequence. Many relied upon the clock as they went about their business, and it was inconvenient for one quarter to be operating in a different time zone to the other three. Moreover, even those who had access to the Greenwich time signal on the BBC were beginning to use the church clock as an excuse for lateness, and punctuality for appointments was no longer the norm. The headmistress of the village infant school, Miss Abigail Knightley, was particularly critical of the clock's malfunction, her pupils having swiftly recognised the advantage of coming to school by the west face but going home by the other three. At its last meeting the committee had instructed the vicar to obtain quotations for the repair of the clock as a matter of urgency, and it now assembled to hear his findings. It was not good news. The vicar informed them that the fee demanded by the clockmakers simply for attending the church was more than could be met from parish funds. They would then make a further charge for going up to the clock, the amount depending upon the ease of access, yet another charge for examining it, and a further charge for preparing a formal quotation. The cost of actually making a repair would be of a similarly multiplex construction: dismantling, removing faulty parts, supply of new parts, fitting of new parts, and reassembly, each being charged for separately. The vicar had made enquiries of neighbouring churches whose clocks had required attention. One had obtained a full quotation, and had decided in consequence to leave its clock unrepaired. Another had gone ahead with a repair, and it had cost the whole of a roof fund painfully accumulated over a period of thirty years. "So you see," said the vicar resignedly, "we simply cannot afford to get the clockmakers in." "That's that, then," said Bob Wetherby the baker, pushing his chair back. "Not necessarily." Fred Atkins from the garage had spoken without thinking. He had no idea what might be done about the clock; he just wanted to contradict Bob. All eyes turned to Fred. "What do you have in mind, Mr Atkins?" asked the vicar. What indeed, wondered Fred. "Well," he said, cudgelling his brains for something to say, "I could take a look at it myself." "You?" scoffed Bob. "What do you know about clocks?" "A clock's mechanical, isn't it?" answered Fred belligerently, "and I'm a mechanic." "All the same, Mr Atkins," the vicar suggested tactfully, "there is a deal of difference, is there not, between a clock and a motor vehicle?" Fred might have taken this opportunity to back out of his rash offer gracefully, but he was now swept along by the current of his own obstinacy. "Not so much difference as you might think, Vicar. Oh sure, the motor is different - clockwork instead of internal combustion - but it's not the motor that's gone wrong, is it?" "How do you mean?" "Well, there's only one clock, isn't there, with four faces? Now there's nothing wrong with the clock itself, is there? It still keeps good time. It's just that one of the faces gets it wrong. It's obvious, isn't it? There's something wrong with the transmission." "Transmission?" "Certainly. The motion of the clockwork has to be transmitted to the hands. There have to be gears, a drive shaft, a crown wheel and pinion to turn the motion through ninety degrees, and axle shafts to turn the hands." The committee gazed at him in silence, wondering why it had never occurred to them that a clock and a motor car were almost indistinguishable. Fred was encouraged to elaborate. "Now then, where the axle meets the hand, it won't be round, will it? It will have flats on it, and the hand will have a hole with corresponding flats, so as to force it to turn with the axle. Haven't you noticed that the clock face that's wrong is exactly ten minutes slow? Not nine minutes, not eleven minutes, but ten minutes. What does that suggest to you?" He looked around, but received no answer. "Why, the end of the axle must be hexagonal, and the hand, on account of wear or a loose set screw, has slipped one face on the hexagon. That's where the trouble lies, I'll be bound." Neither the vicar nor Bob Wetherby had any answer to that, and so it was agreed that Fred would look at the clock the next day. * * * The following afternoon Fred turned up at the church accompanied by undertaker Amos Lovejoy and Lovejoy's assistant, Eric. Fred had asked Lovejoy to come with him "in case I need someone to hold a ladder," and Lovejoy took Eric with him as it was safer than leaving him to work unsupervised. Fred carried a toolbag, and Lovejoy two coils of rope. The vicar's wife Joyce met them and showed them to the clock tower. She had been verger at the church before she married the vicar, and still performed many of her former duties. She led them up a narrow winding stone staircase to a room with two large crank handles on one wall. "This one's for winding the clock," she explained. "Twenty full turns every Sunday. The other one is for adjusting the time. I never have to use it, except when the clocks change for summer time." She pointed to a ladder leading up through a trapdoor in the ceiling. "The clock's up there. You're on your own now. This is as far as I go." Fred tried to hide his disappointment. Joyce had been ahead of him on the staircase, her shapely calves inches in front of his face, and he had been anticipating following her up the ladder with some eagerness. Joyce went back down while the others climbed the ladder. They found themselves in a large room occupying the full width and breadth of the tower, and more than ten feet high. Daylight flooded the room because the upper part of each wall contained the lower part of a glass clock face. They could see, from behind, the numerals V to VII, and the lower parts of IV and VIII. The time then being twenty-five minutes past four, they could see the lower part of the minute hand through three of the faces, but not the fourth. In one corner of the room was a ladder leading up to a trapdoor. In the middle of the room an iron frame held the clock mechanism, parts of which were in motion. A stout shaft ran upwards from the mechanism through a hole in the ceiling. "There you are, what did I tell you," Fred declared. "There's the motor for the clock, and that there, that there is the drive shaft. Come on, up we go!" They climbed the ladder to the next floor into a chamber even more brightly lit than the one below. The larger part of each wall, from the floor almost to the ceiling, consisted of the upper two-thirds of a clock face, through which they could see the numerals from VIII to IV, the hour hands, the upper parts of three of the minute hands, and the whole of the fourth. In the corners of each wall, at floor level, was a small wooden door about two foot square. In the centre of the floor the shaft from below rose eighteen inches, topped by a large metal wheel six feet across, horizontally aligned. The wheel carried two circles of teeth, one in the centre and the other around the edge. Just above the wheel four horizontal shafts ran radially, passing out through the centres of the clock faces. "What on earth?" asked Lovejoy. Fred was gazing on the contraption with a beatific look on his face, like a novice nun seeing her first vision of the Blessed Virgin. After a reverent pause, he murmured, "Beautiful. Simply beautiful." "Beautiful?" queried Lovejoy. "What's beautiful about it? Come to that, what is it?" "Can't you see?" replied Fred. "Like I told you, that there's the drive shaft coming up through the floor. What we have here is the crown wheel and pinion, and the axle shaft for each face - two axle shafts for each face, actually. If you look carefully, you can see that to each clock face there is a thick shaft running from the circumference of the wheel, and a thinner shaft running from the centre. The thick shaft is hollow, so that the thin shaft can pass through the middle of it." "It's all very well for you to talk of Cromwells and opinions," protested Lovejoy, "but what's it all for?" "I'd have thought a child of five could see how it works," sighed Fred. "Look, the clock motor below is turning this wheel slowly, one revolution every twelve hours. In the middle it carries a crown wheel which engages with the pinion on the end of the thin shaft, the axle for the hour hand. The pinion has the same number of teeth as the crown wheel, so the axle and the hour hand on the other end of it turn at the same rate, once every twelve hours. Round the outside of the wheel are the teeth of another crown wheel, twelve times as many teeth as the other. They engage with the pinion on the end of the thick shaft, the axle for the minute hand. That has the same number of teeth as the other pinion, so it and the minute hand on the other end of it turn twelve times faster, one complete revolution every hour." "So what have we got to fix, then?" Lovejoy asked. "Oh, nothing in here," Fred replied breezily. "Our business is with the way the minute hand is fixed to the end of that shaft outside." He pointed to the shaft leading to the face showing the wrong time. "Let's have a look." He moved to the small door at the left hand side of the face in question, opened it, lay down on the floor, and wriggled forward until his head and shoulders were outside. His head swam as he found himself looking straight down the side of the tower to the ground. Four or five feet below the door was a stone ledge, eighteen inches wide, running across underneath the clock. He turned slightly and looked across the clock face. He had hoped to see how the hand was attached to its shaft, but could not. He edged back into the room and stood up. "Right, Eric. There's a nice wide ledge down there, just at a handy height. You shouldn't have any difficulty. I'll tell you what to do." "What, me?" exclaimed Eric. "I'm not going out there. I might fall!" "No, no, you won't fall," Fred assured him. "We're going to fix a rope for you." Eric watched apprehensively as Fred and Lovejoy held a brief consultation. Fred took a large nut from his tool bag and tied it to one end of a rope. He lowered the weighted rope out of the left hand door and lay with his head and shoulders thrust outside, while Lovejoy assumed a similar position at the right hand door. "OK, Amos, I'll start it swinging, and when it swings far enough, you catch hold of it." After a few attempts, Lovejoy called, "I've got it!" and crawled backwards holding the end of the rope. Fred took both ends of the rope and tied them together. "There you are, young Eric. Now we've got a rope slung across the face of the clock for you to hang on to." Seeing that Eric still looked less than confident, he swiftly added, "But to make absolutely sure, we'll attach another line to you." Before Eric could protest he fastened the other rope around Eric's chest. "Now here's your tools." Fred took from his bag a wide canvas belt fitted with loops and pouches holding a variety of tools. Into one of the pouches he had put a collection of old feeler gauges which were no longer fit for their original purpose due to rust or distortion. He draped the tool belt over Eric's shoulder, bandolier fashion. "OK, lad, out you go, on your belly, feet first. Don't worry, we've got a good hold of you." Eric slowly backed out of the door while Lovejoy paid out the rope and Fred held his wrists. When only his head and arms remained inside, Fred said, "Right, now you should be able to feel the ledge under your feet. Got it? OK, stand on the ledge, get your arms out, and feel to your left. You should be able to reach the rope we slung across. Get a good hold on that." As soon as Eric had cleared the doorway, Fred poked his head out of it and gave him instructions. "Good. Now edge a bit to your left. Get inside the rope. OK, far enough. Now look up and you'll see both hands of the clock. The minute hand has just about passed the hour hand. Now, reach up and give it a good pull downwards. Don't let it take you by surprise. It'll probably give quite suddenly, and swing down vertical. OK? Give it a go." Eric followed Fred's instructions. He was beginning to feel quite brave. The rope that ran across the clock face was now behind his back, and its presence comforted him. He had to stand on tiptoe to reach the minute hand, but that was an advantage, as he could hang his whole weight onto it. Contrary to Fred's prediction, he could feel the resistance changing as he forced the hand to move, at first getting tighter and then looser, and he was not taken by surprise as it swung down through ten minutes to show the right time. "There, I've done it, Mr Atkins. Can I come in now?" "Well done, lad, well done! One more thing to do before you come in. We don't want it slipping back again, do we? Edge across further until you reach the middle." Eric shuffled sideways until he was face to face with the minute hand, now correctly indicating the half hour. "Right, lad. Now in the top pouch of the tool belt you'll find some bits of old feeler gauges. Reach up and slip as many as you can into the gap between the shaft and the hand." Eric tried, but he had to stretch above his head to reach the centre of the clock face. "I can only just reach, Mr Atkins. I can't see what I'm doing." "You'll have to get higher then. Climb up the hand a bit." The arrow head of the minute hand was somewhat baroque, and had two long backward facing tines. Eric climbed up, first into the stirrup formed by one of the tines, and then onto the points themselves. He was now staring straight at the centre of the clock, and could see where the minute hand was a loose fit on its shaft. Working one-handed, the other arm being wrapped tight around the hand of the clock, he managed to insert a few shims into the gap. Following Fred's instructions, he hammered the shims home. When he had done, he lowered himself back to the ledge. "That's fine, Eric! I couldn't have done better myself. Now just shuffle back here, and we're all done." "I can't move, Mr Atkins. My trousers are caught!" Such was indeed the case. In lowering himself, Eric had kept too close a hold of the hand, and one of the tines of the arrow head had gone up his trouser leg. "Just lift your leg up to free it, lad." This however proved impossible. With every second which passed, the clock hand was crawling onward, tightening its hold on Eric's trousers. The increasing tension on his leg now prevented him from climbing back up the hand. "There's only one thing for it, lad. You'll have to take your trousers off." "I can't go without my trousers," wailed Eric. "Look at it this way, lad. If you stay in them trousers, in fifteen minutes you'll be horizontal, and in half an hour you'll be upside down, if you haven't fallen out of them by then." Eric fumbled at his braces, but the task of unfastening the buttons with one hand defeated him. Seeing his plight, Fred called, "Use the Stanley knife to cut them, lad." Eric sobbed with grief as he obeyed this instruction. He was especially proud of his braces. They were red with yellow polka dots, and had brass plated adjusters. They gave him, he believed, an air of sophisticated distinction. After the braces, he applied the knife to the buttons of his trouser fly. The trousers fell to his knees, but still they held him fast, and were by now threatening to pull his legs from under him. In desperation he hacked at the seams of the trouser legs, and succeeded in cutting them loose with only seconds to spare. With much relief, Eric began his short journey back to the door. The time now being twenty-five minutes to five, he was able to release his hold on the minute hand, which continued its progress adorned by the remnants of a pair of trousers, and transfer it to the hour hand. He edged around the hand, hugging it closely - too closely. "Mr Atkins! Mr Atkins! Now my underpants are caught!" "Eric, my son, it seems to me we have been here before. The only difference now is, it will be four hours before you are horizontal, and you'll be upside down for six. Have you still got the Stanley knife? Then you know what to do." Eric started to cut off his underpants. Although there was considerably less material to cut through, nevertheless they posed in some ways a more difficult task than the trousers. For one thing, they were more closely fitting, making the wielding of a knife blade hazardous, especially considering the region in which they were worn. With the last sweep of the blade which released him from his nether garment, Eric let out a despairing cry. "Mr Atkins! Mr Atkins! I've cut myself!" Eric's cry was loud enough to be heard by the small knot of onlookers who had been standing for some minutes outside the church gate observing the drama aloft. Children had stopped on their way home from school, intrigued by the sight of Eric apparently crawling over the clock face. Disputes arose between those whose entertainment was home grown, who were suggesting that it was Will Hay, and those with access to transatlantic literature, who insisted that it was Spiderman. Miss Knightley was a latecomer to the audience. Pausing to see what was the focus of the children's attention, she was in time to see the separation of Eric from his underpants and to hear his cry. She recognised Eric as a former pupil. She had always stressed to her students that education did not end when they left school, and she was pleased to see that Eric had continued to develop. She took off her glasses, polished them vigorously, and replaced them. It was time, she thought, for another visit to the optician. Her distance vision was not as good as she would like. Who would have thought, she wondered, that Eric Wrigley would turn out to have such a strong head for heights? It might be worth asking him to come round and have a look at her downpipe. Meanwhile Fred and Lovejoy had pulled the sobbing Eric back through the door. Lifting his shirt-tail, they were relieved to see that he was still entire, although there was a slight trickle of blood coming from the tip of his foreskin. "Nothing to worry about, lad. You've just got a little nick, that's all." The two men seemed to find this diagnosis a matter of some amusement. "Come on, lad. Let's go down and get you fixed up." Eric insisted on going first. In his present state of dress he wanted no-one below as he descended the ladders. His wish was frustrated. The vicar's wife was waiting for the workmen in the winding room. Watching Eric descend, Fred saw her standing below, and called down, "Look out, Eric! Mrs Sniggers can see your predicament!" Joyce could indeed see that Eric was in trouble, as spots of blood were spattering onto the floor at the foot of the ladder. "You poor boy, what have they done to you? Never mind, come with me and I'll see to it for you." She ushered him out down the circular staircase to the vestry. There she drew a small bowl of water and washed his wound. "We'd better get the doctor to take a look at it, just to be on the safe side." She telephoned to the doctor's house and returned to re-examine Eric. "Oh dear, it's started bleeding again. Pressure, that's what it needs." She took hold of the tip of Eric's foreskin between finger and thumb, and squeezed hard. "Come on now, let's get you to the doctor." "But Mrs Sniggers, I can't go out like this." "No, I suppose you can't. Wait a minute. Wear this." Without letting go of Eric, she reached behind her with the other hand, opened the top drawer of a tallboy, and pulled out an adult size chorister's surplice, white with purple trimmings. Eric was thankful that it was but a short step to the doctor's house. Under other circumstances he would have been proud to be seen out with Joyce Sniggers, but not while he was wearing a frock, with the hand of the vicar's wife up the skirt, leaving no doubt as to what she was holding. Luckily, few observed his humiliation. One who did was Miss Knightley. To Eric's great relief, she addressed herself to Joyce Sniggers, taking great care not to let her gaze wander downwards. "Thank goodness you were there to look after him, Joyce. Mind you take good care of the poor lad." The doctor's wife, Sophie, opened the door to them. Before she could give any expression of amusement at the sight which met her eyes, Joyce fixed her with a stern stare, and said firmly, "Eric has met with a slight accident which needs medical attention to staunch the flow of blood. Please show us through." Her incipient merriment having thus been efficiently quenched, Sophie led them through to the surgery, where the doctor was waiting. "Now then, young Eric, let's take a look, shall we?" He laid Eric down on the couch and lifted the hem of the surplice. Joyce took Sophie by the elbow, saying, "I don't think the doctor will need any assistance. He will ring if he does," and led her from the room. The doctor cleaned the affected area with surgical spirit. "It's not much more than a scratch. Anywhere else on the body, we could slap a plaster on and it would be right as rain in twenty-four hours. But in this location, hygiene rules that out. Of course, I could put a stitch in it, but the scar tissue might give you bother later in life. If I referred you to the hospital, they wouldn't mess about. They'd have your foreskin off before you could say Jacob Rubinstein. You'll just have to keep it clean and try not to do anything that could start the bleeding. When you micturate..." "Oh, I don't, doctor, honestly!" Eric protested. "When you urinate, when you take a pee, don't wave it about to get the drips off. Just dab it with toilet paper. If it does start to bleed, use this." He gave Eric a styptic pencil. "It's what barbers use to stop small cuts bleeding. It stings, but it works. Oh, and Eric, no unnecessary friction, right? Have you got a girl friend?" Eric shamefacedly admitted a deficiency in that department. "Well, if you did have, you would have to tell her to take it easy. That's all. Your sister's a nurse, isn't she? If you get any problems, ask her advice. If she can't help, call me." On his way out, Sophie lent Eric one of the doctor's raincoats. * * * Reviewing the events of the day as he lay in bed that night, Eric pondered on the unexpected manner in which his mishap had been dealt with. He would have expected an accident to so personal a part of his body to have aroused derision from females, and sympathy from his male colleagues. Instead, he had been mocked by Lovejoy and Fred, and treated with dignity by Mrs Sniggers, Miss Knightley, and Sophie Kendall. The women's matter-of-fact attitude, acting as if his injury were no different from a nose bleed, had spared him much embarrassment and humiliation. Eric began to believe that there was more depth to the female sex than he had hitherto suspected. His regard for his employer, on the other hand, which had never been in any danger of approaching the level of respect to which Lovejoy thought he was entitled, sank even lower, and before he went to sleep he gave some thought to how he might obtain retribution. The following morning he arrived at work in good time, walking stiffly and with suppressed grimaces of pain. On seeing him approach, Lovejoy smirked and began to whistle 'The Colonel Bogey March'. Eric changed into his work apron, and said, "It's all right, Mr Lovejoy. I think I can manage." He went to the timber racks and began to take down an oak plank. "I'll be careful, Mr Lovejoy. I don't want to cause you any expense." "Expense? Cause me expense? What are you talking about?" "If I had to go into hospital, Mr Lovejoy. But the doctor said that if I take it easy for a week, it shouldn't be necessary for me to go into hospital." "How would you going into hospital cause me any expense? You don't think I'd be buying you grapes, do you?" "No, of course not, Mr Lovejoy. Only my sister Carol says that when they have people in hospital who have been injured at work, their employers have to pay for their treatment." "Perhaps they do, Eric, and perhaps they don't, but that's neither here nor there, is it, because you haven't been injured at work." "I have been injured, Mr Lovejoy. You saw it yourself." "I know you've been injured, Eric, but it wasn't at work, was it?" "Wasn't it, Mr Lovejoy?" "You know very well it wasn't. It was up the clock tower." "But I was there on your instructions, Mr Lovejoy, during working hours, Mr Lovejoy, and working under your personal supervision, Mr Lovejoy. I have been advised that under those circumstances a court would hold that the injury was sustained during the course of my employment." Eric had trawled the innermost resources of his vocabulary to formulate this statement, and he could tell by the look on his employer's face that it had been worth it. Lovejoy could not imagine how, when, or why Eric would have sought legal advice, but the mention of "court" frightened him, and he could see the strength of the case that Eric had outlined. "A week, the doctor said? If you take it easy for a week, you won't have to go into hospital?" "That's what he said, Mr Lovejoy." "Look, lad, put that plank down. We're not that busy just now. Why don't you go home and rest?" "For a week, Mr Lovejoy?" "Yes, if you like, for a week." "On full pay, Mr Lovejoy?" Seeing Lovejoy's reluctance to accede to this suggestion, Eric added, "Because I can't afford to lose my pay. I'd have to come to work if I was going to lose my pay." "Yes, all right, on full pay then." "Full pay, Mr Lovejoy? Including overtime? Because I'd have to come work if I was going to lose my overtime." "Yes, yes! Including overtime! Now just go home and rest!" "Thank you, Mr Lovejoy." Eric changed out of his apron, and left. As he went, Lovejoy saw his features twitch in another grimace of pain. Or was it, he wondered, a triumphant grin? * * *
I am 39, and am married, with two children. Or, at least, I was married up till 14 months ago when my wife was involved in a fatal car accident. She was returning after visiting her mother, it was winter, lightly snowing on a frozen surface, and she was caught in a multiple car crash on the freeway. There were many injuries and two fatalities, my wife being one of them. Whose fault? No direct cause could be established. A combination of bad weather, bad luck and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I can be grateful for just one thing, if it's possible to feel that way under the circumstances. It was supposed to be a family visit for the children to see their grandparents on their nanna's birthday, but they both had the sniffles and we decided, despite tears and tantrums, that they must stay home. I had to stay with them and my wife Jeannie went alone. Even now, twelve months later, I cannot say her name without tears and an overwhelming sense of emptiness and guilt that I did not prevent her from going alone. But life must go on, and I had our two children to care for. Jeannie and I were married for 19 yrs and our daughter Anne is now just 18 and Chris, our son, is 10. I am a financial consultant, and Jeannie was a teacher. We had similar tastes in music and literature and our modest life style allowed us to have our home almost debt free at the time of the tragedy. It seemed so pointless to have achieved this enviable situation without her but, as time went on and the pain lessened, I realized that at least it would make the children's life more secure and permit me to spend more time with them. I began working from home and with the help of the lady who had worked for us when Jeannie returned to her much loved teaching, our life settled into a simple routine which included weekend visits by Grandma who would baby-sit whilst I took care of my business visits to my local clients. I met several ladies, dated a few time but always felt a sense of disloyalty. Certainly, I had known a full and satisfying sex life and was often tormented by a need for sexual relief, so I resorted to the practice employed by all young boys before the opportunity to take advantage of the joy of a loving responsive woman, for which there is no substitute, be it magazines or triple-X videos. We now reach that point in my story, which brings me to this attempt to rationalize my behavior and hope that it's cathartic effect may help me to justify what happened. But even now I try to convince myself that under the prevailing conditions any man would have succumbed. My daughter Anne is 18 going on 30! She's tall and slim like her mother, pretty, and with a keen enquiring mind. We saw great things for her, and her mother encouraged her with her education and discussed all aspects of life frankly and openly with her, including sex. She listened to and talked to her school friends to the point when her mother told me sometimes she wondered who was teaching whom, though I did not learn this till later. Anne persuaded her mother to describe our sexual preferences, particularly those acts from which each of us derived the maximum pleasure and satisfaction. I am just an average guy in height weight and appearance and am not a frequenter of gyms or workout clubs. Jeannie introduced me to the habit of jogging which we did together until the children arrived, and then separately and intermittently from that time. In the last months I have started jogging again during the late morning. My kids are at school, the neighborhood is quiet, my time is my own and I find it relaxing and a bit tenuous, but a pleasing link with the past. The evenings are the most difficult. My daughter and I each do a little simple cooking. Some frozen dinners, takeouts, pizza and the occasional real meal prepared by grandma takes care of the most basic needs. Anne is great with Chris, giving him his supper, bath and off to bed, then we usually have our meal on the sofa watching TV, a common and comforting custom. This particular evening I intended to order pizza. Chris was in bed, Anne in her room doing her homework as per her normal routine, and I was relaxing on the sofa with a glass of wine after a long shower. I was dressed only in my robe as had been the custom for many years and was experiencing that wonderful combination of drowsy security and horniness. I was thinking of Jeannie and gently stroking myself in a semi-conscious dream, when I was jerked back to awareness by a voice saying "Dad" in an almost breathless whisper. Anne had completed her school project and had come downstairs to remind me to order the supper! I can only try to imagine her reaction to the tableau, which presented itself; her father lying on the sofa, with his robe open, naked underneath, moaning and gasping, gently stroking his rock hard cock. I opened my eyes expecting to see a look of disgust and shock on her face and was surprised instead to see one of what I interpreted as being a mixture of interest and curiosity. My immediate reaction to this most unusual happening, was to cover myself with my robe, thinking as I did that it was fortunate that I had not reached the point of climax with it's additional source of embarrassment. Closing my robe proved a little difficult with my current state of arousal and even when closed the bulge was so evident that nothing could disguise that my erection refused to subside, since the thought of my daughter seeing me masturbate was unaccountably erotic. I sat up and stammered shamefacedly "I'm sorry baby, I didn't hear you come down and I lost track of the time." Weak I know, but I was flustered, ashamed and still not fully awake and it was the best I could do. I was consumed with embarrassment and did not know what to do in this strangest of situations, with my overriding fear being that this would irreparably change our wonderful trusting relationship and cause her to view me as some kind of pervert. Her reply took me completely by surprise. "I'll order a deluxe pizza and we can watch the movie as usual, and while we wait for delivery I'll make a little salad and then join you in a small glass of wine." She did just that, and while I don't normally encourage her to drink, I thought it more advisable not to choose that moment to give a fatherly lecture on age and alcohol and the evils thereof! I took advantage of the brief wait to return to some semblance of normal, closed my robe firmly and applied a double knot. ‘Talk about closing the door after the horse has bolted!' I thought wryly. We sat together on the sofa as usual and ate our supper with a small glass of wine. She cleaned away the debris, as usual, sat beside me, as usual, and leaned her head on my shoulder and pulled my arm around her neck, as usual. I began to wonder if I had imagined the whole incident, and then, traitor that it was, as I relived the past hour my erection came on strong and hard as we watched the movie. To this day I have no recollection of that movie since my primary concern was to conceal the growing tent in my robe and to bring this calamitous evening to a close. As we sat there with her warm body pressed close to me, and her hand resting casually on my leg I became increasingly more restive. Finally she asked me if there was something wrong, "Not with you princess," I answered, "but with the way I feel about my behavior tonight I think I would prefer to go to bed now and discuss what happened this evening tomorrow." "There is nothing to discuss," she laughed. " What you were doing, ‘masturbating' I believe is the correct term, is very understandable given the circumstances. You miss Mom very much and the need to relieve and relax yourself must be overpowering at times. Looking at your state now and being very much aware of your restlessness, I believe one of those times is now." In saying that she reached over and put her hand on my erection. It was so completely unexpected that for a brief moment I was speechless. "You can't do that, " I spluttered," you're my daughter." "Yes, I know and I think that gives me the right to do anything which helps my family. All my life you have cared for and comforted me, and now I can comfort you. Mom is not here to help you, but I am and I really believe she would be happy to know that I can do this simple thing for you." And in so saying she slipped her small hand under my robe and wrapped it around my rigid cock. I thought I would hit the ceiling, and being the strong willed, sterling, moral and high-principled character that I am, I attempted, with all my power to remove her soft and tender hand. But, of course, she moved my restraining hand away without apparent effort! She undid my belt, opened my robe and took me in both hands, rolling it between her palms. By this time I was moaning and gasping with unbelievable pleasure as I pushed my body against her hands, seeking more friction and movement. She sensed what I was doing and, gently squeezing my balls with one hand, began to pump me with the other. The sensations and incredible pleasures that were consuming my whole being were beyond belief and I hoped they would go on for ever. In reality I was so excited that it lasted only a minute or so before I erupted in a mammoth orgasm, sending jets of semen all over my chest. She gently continued to work me until the seemingly unending flow ceased and I began to soften. She continued to hold me until my breathing slowed and I was able to open my eyes and focus. She looked at me with gentle understanding, leaned over and kissed my cheek, stood up and walked to the kitchen. She returned with a warm damp cloth and began to clean me. With what little remaining energy I had left I tried to do this myself, but with a twinkle in her eyes she said she had lots of practice cleaning Chris, and the only difference was size. I rearranged my robe and tried to say what I felt, a complex mixture of love, gratitude, relief, guilt and a wonderful sense of well-being. Anne could see my confusion, placed a finger on my lips and asked me how I was feeling, to which I replied. "Totally relaxed and content, and at peace with the world." "I think you should go to bed now and relax," she ordered, "and I will finish up down here. I want to listen to some soft, romantic music and I will go to bed later." "Very well." I replied, not quite knowing what to say, but realizing that our father/daughter relationship had dramatically changed, and that the role of home authority had subtlety shifted to her. I stood up and she reached to give me her usual goodnight peck on the cheek only to feel her lips full on mine. She opened her mouth very slightly and brushed the tip of her sweet tongue across my lips. Her eyes met mine, she smiled, kissed my cheek and walked into the kitchen, while I, in turn, went up to bed. I have slept nude since a young boy, so I slipped under the sheets and tried to sleep. With the incredible events of the evening flashing through my mind, I began to harden and, engrossed in these memories, and being more relaxed than I could remember, I surrendered to sleep. A slight movement woke me, and I half turned to check when a soft whisper said, "It's only me, Dad. I couldn't sleep so I decided to join you. I tried not to wake you, hoping to surprise you in the morning, Go back to sleep." Having said that she turned over and was asleep in a few minutes. I was not so lucky. With her warm body so close to mine my libido took over and try as I might I could not go back to sleep. The next thing I knew I was being wakened by a strange and unfamiliar sound. I did not wish to wake since I was deep in the most exciting and realistic dream. Jeannie and I were engaged in our usual foreplay prior to intercourse, and as I reluctantly opened my eyes I saw Anne on her back, legs wide open and her nighty up around her tummy. My arm was around her neck with my hand fondling her breast while my other hand caressed her sweet, sweet pussy. Her one hand was squeezing my rod and the other was on mine urging it to stroke faster She was moaning and pressing herself up to my fingers. This was the unfamiliar sound that pulled me from one dream into another. She sensed my waking, opened her eyes, closed them and continued her actions. I made to withdraw my hand but she pressed it even closer and I was at a loss as to what to do. At that moment the wakeup alarm sounded and I literally jumped out of bed, forgetting that I was naked and sporting an early morning boner. Anne, watching from the bed, tried hard not to smile as I found my robe and tried to cover myself. I actually ran into the bathroom. It was Friday, a school day. Anne rose, went to her room to prepare herself for school, and then woke Chris and did the same for him. Meanwhile, I was fixing breakfast and packed lunches for both of them. A daily routine that we had established and which worked quite well, but only because Anne was so competent and reliable and that I was always at home. A similar arrangement with the neighborhood to take and collect the children from school required my participation once a week only, but that was not today. Anne, due to class commitments, after school activities and friends, was usually home about 5:30 would let me know if she would be late. This allowed me to carry on with my workload during the day and have lots of free time for the guy-things with Chris before Anne returned. This day, however, I was more preoccupied with what had transpired in the past 24 hrs. There was no precedent for me to use as a guide and I took some comfort in knowing that Grandma would be coming to collect Chris for the weekend. a monthly visit which he loved and so did they, and Anne and I would go for dinner on Sunday and drag him, kicking and screaming, back with us, ready for school next day. All went as planned, with Grandma, as always, bringing freshly baked lasagna for our supper. I'm sure she suspected we only ate junk foods and made sure we had something more substantial when she came to visit. After she left I decided to wash the car, since it was pleasant to be out in the sun. I was still very unsure of my greeting to Anne, for when she left to go to school it was the usual peck on the cheek and "See you later, Dad." I had not heard from her to the contrary, so I expected to see her at her normal time, about 5pm. Sure enough, just after 5, while I was still outside, I heard her call, and she came towards me with the sun highlighting her golden hair. I murmured a quick prayer to whatever fates were compensating me for the loss of her mother, said hi, and she went on into the house. I followed her in and told her that Chris had gone and we had a special for supper. She knew what I meant and said she had some work to complete, a few calls to make and a couple of emails to send before her shower. "OK." I replied, "I'll finish the car and see you for supper." I went inside and sat down with a glass of wine and some Mozart on the radio. Our norm is that she would prepare Chris for bed, give him supper, put him to bed, do her homework, have a shower, and then we would have a leisurely supper at about 8 and watch the TV or a video. With Chris gone I knew she would take her shower earlier, so I waited till my usual 7:15 before going up for my mine. I undressed, put on my robe and walked to the main bathroom where I had installed an oversized shower. I preferred it to the bath/shower combo in our small en suite. I stepped into the bathroom, only to be confronted by Anne in the act of stepping into the shower. "I'm sorry," I said " but I heard the music from your room and I assumed you were there." "I did not realize it was so late," she replied, quite unflustered, "but now you are here we can shower together to save time. And before you try to talk your way out you should check with your friend. He is obviously very happy to see me." I did not need to check. The very site of my beautiful girl in the nude had the inevitable effect. She turned on the hot water, turned to me and extended her hand. I shrugged off my robe and meekly followed her into the stream of warm water. She soaped and rinsed me from tip to toe, paying most welcome attention to my friend and then, with cheeky grin, offered me the soap and said quite simply "Your turn…" She turned her back to me and I proceeded to wash her back and rump, trying hard not to touch her with the more outstanding part of me. I reached around to lather her tummy and paused, not knowing which way to go, up or down! She sensed my quandary and took my hands and placed them on her small firm breasts. Emboldened, I began to cup them, wash them and roll her enlarged nipples between my thumbs and fingers She sighed and moved back, pressing her cheeks against my erection. I reluctantly dropped to my knees as she turned to face me, allowing me to wash and rinse her legs. I paused and holding my breath, gently washed and rinsed her golden treasure. Standing, she dried me and I returned the favor. I went to open the door, but she shook her head and handed me a small plastic bottle. "Body lotion," she explained, "to keep my skin soft and smooth. To be applied very sparingly everywhere immediately following a shower." So, as instructed, I began this laborious unwelcome chore, while wishing only that it would last forever. Her skin was like warm velvet, and I applied the lotion to every part of her upper body as if I were worshipping her beauty. I then knelt and began to do her legs by cupping my hands around them and sliding them up and down. Each time I went up to the top my hands would touch her lips, followed by slight tremor and an almost imperceptible widening of her thighs. I stopped and looked up. "Everywhere." she commanded, opening her legs slightly, and with as gentle a touch as possible I applied the lotion to her most intimate parts. She moaned softly and moved her body as I happily followed her instructions, and made no effort to stop myself as I paid meticulous attention to the joining of her lips, massaging the liquid into each irresistible millimeter. At this point her glorious, young womanhood was only inches from my face, and without thinking, an overwhelming impulse made me lean forward and kiss it with open mouth and full tongue. She shuddered as I used my tongue to trace her lips up and down, once, twice, thrice, paused, and waited for the reaction to my first initiative. I felt her hand on the back of my head pressing me closer as she breathlessly requested. "Please, don't stop…" With that permission to encourage and further embolden me I continued the strokes, allowing the tip of my tongue to enter her lips a little deeper each time until I touched her clitoris. She gasped, opened her thighs more to invite greater penetration, leaned back against the wall, and as I continued to stimulate her petite pleasure button she began to spasm and, realizing she was having her first man induced orgasm, I continued the action until her body relaxed. I was very reluctant to leave my position, tasting her juices as I did, but rose and held her close while she regained her normal composure, and though I was fully erect, it seemed unimportant. She put her arms around my neck, pulled my head down and gave me the most loving kiss; open mouthed and filling me with her sweet tasting tongue. Then, before I appreciated what was happening, she bent down, ran her lips along my cock, kissed the head and dashed out of the shower to her bedroom. I, somewhat at a loss, donned my robe and went down to prepare our supper, it only requiring to be put in the oven for a short time. After tending to the food, I put out the dishes, etc., and sat waiting for her to come out of her room. After thirty minutes I began to become apprehensive that I had overstepped and that she would stay in her room. I was relieved to hear her door open and I stood up as she came down the stairs. It was worth the delay. She had dried and fluffed her hair and applied just a hint of makeup and positively glowed. She wore a frilly-laced, short nightgown, which I had presented to her last Christmas, and a diaphanous negligee, which I recognized as her mother's. "Anne," I said," you look absolutely fabulous!" "Thank you kind sir," she replied, giving me a cute little curtsy, " and where's this lasagna you mentioned? I'm starving." Surprisingly so was I. We quickly devoured the food and, as usual with Grandma's dishes, it was delicious. After clearing away the remains, Anne asked if we could have a glass of wine while we relaxed and watched the box. Anticipating this I had bought a bottle of low alcohol, semi-sweet sparkling wine, which she loved, then we settled down on the sofa, but this time she lay down with her head on my lap. The movie was an old musical, pleasant tunes, colorful dances and wacky comedy, and we both enjoyed it, with me being able to identify most of the players. We were completely at ease with each other as we talked and laughed together. I couldn't help but look at her, and the combination of the way her nightgown had ridden up to her thighs and the constant movement of her head on my crotch had the inevitable result. I began to harden. She seemed to ignore this and continued her animated movements, making me even more restless. I wasn't sure what to do or even whether I should do anything. It was after 10:30, I yawned and said I would go to bed after checking the doors and windows. When I returned she had gone up and I heaved a sigh of regret but chided myself for hoping for who knows what. I went to my bedroom and to my exultant surprise she was there, in bed, looking at me as if to say, "What kept you?" The lights were dimmed, and I discarded my robe and got in beside her. She immediately snuggled up into my arms, kissed me, and whispered, " Did you think I didn't notice that your friend was asking for some attention." She reached down with both hands, squeezed me for a few moments, sat up, pushed the sheet back, knelt by my side, pulled off her nightgown and grasped me again, commencing that excruciatingly delightful sensation she had induced before. " Relax." she said, and with that I closed my eyes and let the waves of pleasure claim me. Gently, gently she crooned and then I felt a warm moistness on me and opening my eyes, I saw, but could not quite believe, that she had taken the head of my hardness into her luscious mouth and was sucking and rolling it with her tongue. Unconsciously I began to push up and she took more of it in, with her hand around the lower part. At the same time, my hand began to slide slowly up slowly between her silky smooth thighs and she opened them to invite further progress until I was cupping her total being. She continued to suck and lick, and I, with great care, slowly inserted the end of my finger into her. She tensed, withdrew slightly and then pushed down to take more. I was happy to oblige, and eased it in, vibrating and reciprocating simultaneously. She wriggled and pushed, and, encouraged. I inserted a second finger and though very tight she was now moist and lubricated. She reacted by increasing her pace with her hand and lips and I began that stiffening of my whole body, which signaled an orgasm. Using my left hand, the other furiously pumping her hot pussy, I tried to pull her mouth away, not wanting to shock her with a load of semen, but she shook her head and continued her actions until I shot all my cum into her welcoming mouth. She waited till my jerking subsided, withdrew from my rapidly softening member, and wiped her mouth and its contents into some tissues. She bent over, kissed me and settled down beside me with her head on my chest and her hand resting on my cock, waiting for me to regain my breath. A few minutes passed and I put my arm around her and pulled her closer, trying to express my turbulent feelings and gratitude since I could not trust myself to words. She understood, because she snuggled even closer and touched her lips to my chest as if to say so. I waited a little longer and then tried to articulate my gratitude for her loving actions, ending by saying, without really expecting any specific request, that I wished with all my heart that she could experience the all consuming pleasures that she had given to me and feel this contented. A short pause, and she said. "There is something that would please me very much, Dad, though I'm not quite sure what to say." " Please, princess," I implored," say whatever is in you mind, and make me happy by letting me do whatever you wish. You should know I could never deny you anything." Another pause, and in a small hesitant voice she said, "Will you do the same thing that you did in the shower. Your touching me a few minutes ago has turned me on and now I am the one who needs some relief." "My dearest, dearest baby, I would love to do this and only hope you will enjoy it as much as I. I wanted to do this earlier, but am unsure about starting any action because I am terrified that I might do something that offends you." Having said that I rolled her over; pushed my pillow under her bottom and opened her legs as wide as possible. I positioned myself between her legs, pulled up her knees, kissed first her sweet lips and then, slowly, teasingly, I kissed my way down her quivering body, giving special attention to her breasts and nipples, so that by the time I reached my destination she was writhing and moaning, with both hands on the back of my head. I continued my slow decent down the inside of her thigh and up the other until my mouth met her center. Her short feathery hairs were incredibly erotic and I felt that familiar hardening. I touched my tongue to her lips and ran it up and down while gradually increasing the penetration. The reaction was immediate and violent. Her hips arched up and her hands pressed my head down as she moaned and shook. I took my tongue down lower and pushed it into her open body while I eased her legs over my shoulders. Then, clamping my mouth hard onto her, I moved my tongue in and out like a piston, as deeply as I could physically manage, flicking, rolling and wiggling it to achieve as much stimulation as I could give her. It was obviously effective, for, giving a powerful thrust of her hips, allied with increased pressure from her hands, she convulsed, gave a muffled scream and went into orgasm while still pressing my tongue into her. I gently continued the movement until she stopped quivering, and as her hands left my head, I slipped her legs onto the bed, gave her lips a final lingering kiss and raised myself up to lay by her side. I put my hand between her legs and waited for her to come back from what had seemingly been a pleasurably shattering experience. She sighed, opened her eyes and I was dismayed to see tears beginning to form and I tried to find some words which would console her, but all I could ask was a weak "What's the matter baby, are you unhappy with what happened?" "Unhappy?" she repeated softly, "I'm so unhappy that I want you to promise that you will never do that again, at least, not more than once a day and maybe twice on Sundays." Before I could work that out she turned away, spooned herself tightly into me, pulled my arms around her and was quickly asleep. When I realized the import of her reply I felt weak with relief and within a few minutes was asleep myself. Saturday morning. I awoke to the glorious sight of Anne sleeping by my side with her face towards me and her hair spread over her pillow. I was careful not to disturb her as I slid from the bed, dressed quickly in my jogging suit and went out for my usual half hour circuit. With my thoughts whirling round in my head, and running on auto, I was back at the house before I was aware. Entering, I was greeted by that most inviting aroma of frying bacon and a greeting of "Hi Dad, breakfast ready in 15 minutes." This was our Saturday pattern. A run, shower, and a tasty, toasted bacon and tomato sandwich. I took a quick shower and joined her in the kitchen where she had prepared our breakfast, made to peck her cheek but she turned to kiss my lips and sat me down. While we ate we chatted about what we were going to do, easily and without awkwardness, just another Saturday morning. I think my relief was obvious to her, for she smiled and said she had to go to school about noon for some practice for the upcoming sports day. Her friend Maria's mother would take them and asked if I would collect them at five. Knowing that we had cooperated many times in the past and that provided I had no previous appointments, I said I would be happy to. So it was, she went, I did a little catch up on my work, went to the market to replenish our stocks and thence to pick up the girls and was excited wondering what this evening would bring. The girls were waiting for me and both got in the back and before I could pull away Anne asked, "Dad, can Maria stay over tonight? Her parents are having a dinner party with business friends and she doesn't want to join in. Her mom said its OK." This was a regular thing. They had been friends for years, grown up together and often slept over at each other's homes. They were more like sisters, and with them both being blonde and eye-catching attractive, they were frequently mistaken for such. I pulled away, headed back home, saying "Of course she can, and when you two grubby little urchins get back, I will exchange you for the two pretty young ladies that I am sure are there, and we will go out for our own little party!" It took them but a moment to understand my invitation and they chorused yes please and immediately fell into that most important discussion: What to wear. They were accustomed to wearing each other's clothes so this would present no problem. Anne caught the undertone of disappointment in my voice, and, leaning over my shoulder, whispered "Thank you Dad. I love you." Arriving home, they went up to work their magic and I changed into more casual dress, and sat down with a small glass of wine to wait for them. It was worth it, for coming down the stairs, arm in arm, was this pair of incredible young women. I went over to them, bowed, and said "I am waiting for a couple of young girls, but since it appears they are not coming, I would be honored and delighted to escort you beautiful ladies to supper." They looked at me, eyes sparkling, delighted at my greeting and graciously acceded to my request. They chose an Italian restaurant and I saw many envious glances directed in my direction, dining as I was with these two pretty girls. The conversation was lively, spontaneous and they paid me the highest compliment of including me as an equal. Indeed, some of their observations regarding the youthful waiters made me blush, but it was a pleasant evening for which they thanked me profusely We returned home, they disappeared into their room and I went to mine. It seemed singularly empty, and with a feeling of loss I finally went to sleep. Next morning I suggested that Maria accompany us to Grandma's to collect Chris. They were delighted at this prospect, had supper there and delivered Maria back home at 9pm. With Chris fast asleep on the back seat, Anne joined me in the front. I drove home slowly, it being dark and carrying my most valuable cargo. She pressed against me and said that Maria had the best evening she could remember and had sent me a present, which required to be delivered right away and pulling my head around gave me a kiss which curled my toes. Luckily the roads were relatively empty and I sternly reprimanded her saying it was very dangerous to do that when driving. Not in the least to be deterred she dropped her hand to our mutual friend and ordered, " So pull over and stop. It's a quiet place and great for my ‘thank you.'" I obeyed her command and she began to stroke me to erection, which took all of twenty seconds, and, lowering my zipper, she released me and began her own idea of a ‘thank you.' With my twisting and jerking becoming more violent with each passing moment I was quickly losing the battle to prolong this ecstasy. She then took me fully into her mouth and with the continued, skillful attention of her hands, and my thrusting into her; I began to cum, trying unsuccessfully to pull her head away. She extended this explosive experience with her tongue, keeping me enclosed while I gradually came down, being grateful for the support from my seat. She took my handkerchief from my pocket, wiped and cleaned her mouth, zipped me and said with a strait serious face, "Home James, and don't spare the horses." I needed a short time to get my breath and took us home. After taking care of Chris and it being a school day tomorrow we went to bed, and in the most natural unaffected way, I followed her into our bedroom. We held each other, kissed lovingly and gradually relinquished the day. The days flowed into each other, each one bringing greater delights, and we found we could discuss any subject with total honesty and freedom. I, with considerable trepidation, tried to assuage my feelings of guilt and concern for her and how others would view our conduct, and would consider that I had taken advantage of her. Her reply both surprised and calmed me. "Our relationship is our business," she stated emphatically, "and what we do is the result of our love for each other. There is no coercion of any kind and you remember that I took the first action and encouraged what followed because I knew you wouldn't. I'm still your baby girl. There is no need for you to feel any guilt and to reassure you further do you recall when you startled me in the bathroom? Well, knowing you as I do, I waited till I heard you coming up and only then did I go in and pretended to be surprised. We do none harm. We think non harm. I love the way we are together and wish it to continue and become more intense. This behavior is not as uncommon as you may think, and I hear many stories at college about this. Girls are very open with their friends, but, be easy, I have not discussed us." The following night, as we lay together, I felt I wanted so much to hold her and feel her close." Baby," I asked, "Can I come over on top of you. Not to do anything but just to feel your warm body under me?" She looked at me and without speaking she pulled me over. I carefully positioned myself so that my hardness was on the lower part of her tummy, eased her legs together and, taking most of my weight on my elbows and knees, I gently lowered myself onto her. What a wondrous sensation. She folded her arms around me and pressed me closer. I, in turn, slowly began to slide my whole body up and down on hers to create some soothing friction on my throbbing penis. My movements became more urgent and Anne was pulling me even tighter when, suddenly, she stopped, causing me to think I had gone to far, but no. My glorious girl said "I have an idea which I read a few weeks ago…" and, rolling me off, she went into our en suite and returned with a small towel and a small tube. She lay down, wrapped the towel around a pillow, pushed it under her rear and pulled me back over onto her. She reached down and applied some lubricant to me. That alone almost finished me. She urged me down her body just a little, opened her thighs slightly, and placed our friend between them pointing down with it's length pressing against the lips of her vagina, and closed her thighs around me. I needed no instruction on how to proceed. I began to move against her and with the increasing pressure from her thighs, the feel of her pussy lips allied with the lubricant, I began to buck with increasing speed and violence. She was holding me tight and returned my increasing thrusts with equal ferocity of her own, demanding her own satisfaction. It was the nearest thing to intercourse without actual penetration. In the savage heat of my own selfish need I pounded at her until I felt that familiar tightening in my balls and, with incredible timing, she began to quiver and we came together in a heart- stopping climax. As I slumped and her arms relaxed, I knew what Keats meant when he wrote,'To cease upon the midnight with no pain'. If there was to be a surcease, it should happen at a moment such as this. We separated and she asked if that were more successful in my achieving complete fulfillment. I could only gasp and agree, commenting that it was a great advantage to have such a well read daughter. Laughing, she agreed, removed the towel and we slept contentedly. So went the days. Previously, though, I could fill my days but dreaded the long lonely nights, crowded with torturous memories. But now the days were irksome and the nights only were welcome and when I tasted her greeting kiss was I once again totally happy. Anne's birthday came and went, a party was arranged for her friends, presents were given and they had a great time. She had her own life on which I did not intrude. She went out with friends, always including Maria, to movies, dances clubs, college activities and dated some of the young boys. She was always popular and becoming more beautiful each day. I had resigned myself to the inevitable moment when our life would change
, but she gave no indication of wanting to do this for which I daily gave thanks. Indeed, she seemed to encourage me to explore and try any fresh sexual adventure, being often guided by the books she read, books I was told that circulated amongst the girls. She was now 19, and against all my wishes, she persuaded me to teach her to drive. My reluctance was understandable, but I decided better me than some overly romantic teenager more interested in scoring than safety, so I acquiesced. I had a personal reason for doing this. I wanted to buy her a special present of some kind but she declined, pointing out that it might cause some comment, so I determined to buy her a car upon gaining her license. Not a new one, though I could now afford to do so. No, a good used, small, dependable model, which I could safely maintain. What was more natural than for a father to buy his daughter a car? The past few weeks had restored my normal attitude toward life. I treated my friends with more courtesy, and they commented about that. I was more considerate with my colleagues and they commented about that. I resumed my normal careful manner of dress and personal appearance and they all attributed this to my emergence from my personal grief. True, of course, but they remained ignorant of the true cause of this recovery. My dealings with my clients improved dramatically. My clientele rapidly increased to the level that I previously controlled and the increased income easily allowed me buy Anne a car, though I did not tell her as of yet My life was good, I felt good, I looked good and I could not conceive how it could possibly be better. I had underestimated the limits of my good fortune! My head office asked me to take over as area manager. Still working from home, several other sales people would report to me and while I preferred to retain my existing clients, I did not have to travel to service others. This meant extra income and to celebrate I bought Chris the latest video games and, after some bullying, Anne accepted a new dress. She had an allowance, which she steadfastly refused to allow me to increase. I wanted to celebrate and we went out to a movie and thence to a burger house, Chris's choice, and then home. We were all happy and more contented than we had been since Jeannie's accident and we felt a family again. Chris went to bed indignantly claiming that he needed no help, as indeed by now he didn't, Anne went up to get changed and, as requested, I poured two glasses of wine, selected some music and sat down. She joined meand we toasted all lovers everywhere and ourselves. She laid back against my shoulder, resting one hand lightly on my groin while still holding her glass in the other, and I had my arm around her shoulder with my hand holding her breast and squeezing her nipple. We sat there happily listening to the music and sipping the wine until an unmistakable signal told us we should go to bed. It had been a most pleasant evening and we both new that it was not yet concluded. We got into bed, she discarded her gown and I began to touch, kiss and lick every part of her inviting body with us getting more stimulated as I progressed to my eventual goal. After accepting this worship for a short time she pulled me up, opened her legs wide, and, pulling my head down, she kissed me and whispered " Daddy dearest, do you feel strong and virile and full of energy?" Thinking that this was another of the games with which she enjoyed surprising me, I said yes. "Good" she chuckled, "Because tonight I want you to fuck me properly, hard, fast and furious." I was so startled by her first, in my presence, use of this ubiquitous ‘F-word' that it took a couple of seconds for the meaning to register, and, for one of the few times in my life I was speechless and, since I was on top of her in the appropriate missionary position, my reaction lacked the conviction that I attempted to project. " I mustn't do that!" I croaked, already feeling my body beginning to betray me, "It's wrong! I don't have any condoms, and what I don't need now is a pregnant daughter!" "Don't worry." she assured me, "I have been on the pill now since my birthday. We both knew that this moment would come and I also realized that no matter how desperately you wanted to fuck me you would never do so unless you were sure that I was just as eager. Well, I am, and since your friend is obviously more than ready to explore, I think you should stop trying to find foolish reasons to prevent you from doing what we both want." Having said that she reached down to apply some lubricant to my eager rod. That did it. With her rubbing the head up and down on her lips I very gently eased it into her. She tensed, relaxed and her own movement encouraged me to carry on. I withdrew slightly and again advanced, reveling in these incredible sensations which accompanied each increasing insertion. It was proving unbearable, and her hands on my rear were urging me on. God did it feel good! I reached the resistance that I knew would be intact, hesitated, giving time and backed off to give her pause. The answer was immediate. She pulled me closer, opened her legs as wide as she could and raised her knees, inviting me in through her gate and into heaven! Knowing that to enter slowly would prolong the pain, I murmured, "It will hurt baby…" and then rammed into her as hard as I could. I felt her maidenhead give way as I slid fully into her. She gave a cry, which I silenced with a kiss. I tried to pull away from the momentary pain, but she began to move with me. I stroked in and out as gently as I could, realizing she would be sore but she returned me thrust for thrust, and in a state of absolute bliss I continued to fuck her. Using the idea of alternating shallow and deep thrusts allied with a varied pace I tried to prolong this divine pleasure of her hot velvet sheath circling and constricting on my probing cock. Several times I could feel my climax building, and, exercising control which I did not realize I possessed, reduced the momentum to a stage where I could build up to the maximum effort once again. Such it was until she began to jerk even more forcibly, and with a series of excruciatingly delightful thrusts, I began to erupt inside of her with my own selfish pleasure magnified by her own tumultuous orgasm as she moaned and whimpered into my mouth. We lay there, quietly relishing the flow and serenity of the moment, and, even at that point, I accepted with sadness that though that experience could be approached, it could never be exceeded. I was still fairly hard and being unwilling to surrender her wonderful hold on my friend, I moved in and out as smoothly as I could while my strength slowly diminished. I held her tight, kissing her tenderly and asking, "I hope I didn't cause you too much pain, princess. I apologize if my battering into you was uncomfortable." She looked at me, kissed me and said, "I'm not uncomfortable at all. It was painful for a moment, but then came the most wonderful sensation of you filling my whole being, and when I felt your juice shooting into my body I suddenly felt whole for the first time, like I had been missing some vital part and I was at last complete. You'll have to get some honey." She slid out of bed before I ask what she meant and went to shower. This time I considered it advisable to wait before going myself. Once we were back in bed, and snuggled up, I queried the significance of her earlier cryptic comment and was told I would understand it later. Next morning I woke with an almost painful hard-on, and, waiting but a moment to establish that Anne was also just stretching languorously, I rolled her onto her back, and inserted one finger into her, vibrating and increasing the penetration. With a sharp intake of breath, her legs parted and she began to seek my rod. My immediate reaction was to move over her and she guided me into her inviting body, and this time, requiring only her natural moisture, slid smoothly and effortlessly fully into her, until I could feel the swell of her mons against me. I could only lie there, pulling her ever tighter, kissing and trying my utmost to fill her mouth with my tongue. To my great delight she responded in kind and arched her hips to take me in even more, urging me to begin the movements which she so obviously enjoyed, and emphasizing that pleasure by her continued husky moans. My own all-consuming passion, fired by her response, triggered a reaction, which almost frightened me with its intensity, and I began to fuck her with all the power I could summon. No finesse, no heed for my partner, just an uncontrollable desire to cool my heat in her greater fire. With both hands under her hips, pulling her ever closer to achieve maximum penetration, I pounded at her without cease or mercy, seeking only my own release and salvation. I tried desperately to exercise some measure of control to prolong this quite indescribable pleasure, but was equally driven by lust, and when I finally erupted, it seemed to go on forever, as I filled her with my orgasm It was only then, as I began to comprehend what I had just done, that I felt Anne's hand over my mouth to reduce the sounds of my fury! She was clinging tightly to me, and had that contented smile which I knew indicated her own orgasm, and for that I was exceeding grateful, in that it partly exonerated my guilt over my behavior. Continuing to hold her, I kissed her lips eyes and face as softly as I could while still fully inside her and made no effort to withdraw. I just wanted to prolong this exquisite moment for all eternity. She lay there, breathing deeply, beginning to relax and seemingly just as reluctant to come away from me as she began to rotate her hips to experience more contact, and incredibly, began to squeeze me with her vaginal muscles. I immediately began to harden and commenced, slowly and gently, to move while still in her. She gripped my cock within her even tighter, and began to move with me, gradually increasing our pace until we achieved a comfortable level, and with her total abandonment to my initiative, I continued to stroke her up and up to that ageless and eternal rhythm, that drumbeat of creation, and to another, less violent, shared climax. At that I collapsed on top of her, rolled over, and, panting somewhat, lay by her side to regain my breath, while she did the same. She turned, came into my welcoming arms, and, kissing me, nuzzled up to my ear and, in a low seductive whisper, "That was some wild ride Daddy-O. we definitely must get you some honey." She then rose and went to her room. Saturday morning meant that we usually slept in but Chris was awake and ready. I prepared breakfast and it was only when Chris said he wanted honey cereal that I understood the reference to honey made by Anne. Since earliest times it has been the custom for the man to eat lots of honey during the first month of his marriage to imbue him with great virility and stamina. A new bride that was not pregnant after the first month was considered to be barren or the man impotent! Thus, our custom of the ‘honey- moon.' We all went to the market in the afternoon for our usual supplies and for those items we wanted individually. As we walked around, I deliberately looked for the honey, and as we reached that shelf I reached to collect a small jar and placed it in the cart. Anne looked at me, and, realizing that I had understood its meaning, and with an almost imperceptibly suggestive undulation of her hips replaced it with the large family size, and with a bubbly laugh said, "No, big boy, you're going to need the larger size and more!" She brushed by me, deliberately rubbing her breasts against my arm, looked down to inspect the instantaneous reaction, and, chuckling, said, "Maybe you should take two jars." She then, quite nonchalantly, strolled on to complete the shopping. _With thanks to Artistca71, volunteer editor, for if this story gains any aprobation it will be due, in no small measure, to his help and advice._ These best friends decided to draw a line a long time ago that they said they would not cross. Their friendship is important to them and crossing that line physically would make things uncomfortable, however, they love to tease the hell out of each other. Lately, that line has become a little squiggly. The other night, Nikki woke up around 2am and couldn't get back to sleep so she got online and started surfing. All of a sudden, her friend popped up and messaged her a hello. Elliott – Hey babe! What are you doing up? Nikki – Woke up and can't get back to sleep. Why are you up so late? Elliott – Playing poker. Sorry you can't sleep baby. Nikki – It's ok. I'm glad you caught me online. Now I have someone to talk to :-) Elliott - so... what are you sleeping in tonight? Are you naked? Nikki - Bike shorts and a tee. No undies though. Elliott - no bra? Nikki - Nope Elliott – mmmmmm. I just got that tingly feeling Nikki - Good Elliott - I love that tingly feeling..... Makes me just want to reach down and rub my cock thru my jeans... damn Nikki - Take the jeans off and go to town baby. Squirming a little myself Elliott - I enjoy teasing my dick in my jeans. Feels so fucking good Nikki -Keeps it tight. More sensation Elliott - oh yea... tight... and wet.... mmmmmm Nikki -I like running my nails up and down on a hard dick in jeans Elliott - omg... yea... that would be awesome. Damn. Tease the head of it and then down my shaft Nikki -Cup the balls with a hard squeeze Elliott - you want that cum Nikki - Back up to the head and roll my thumb back and forth making your jeans wet from precum Elliott - make it cum in my jeans 'cause you're that good. Just with your fingers. Omg Nikki - Damn I'm wet Elliott - I shall have an explosive orgasm tonight thinking about that one. I'm so fucking rock hard right now. Damn...hand...on my...mmmmm...sooo fucking sexy Nikki - I love having my hand on your cock. Making it hard just for me. My thumb circling the head...staring straight at you. Elliott - with those gorgeous blue eyes and pouting lips Nikki - Pulling the back of your hair...Kissing your throat. Elliott - pink shiny...pouting...succulent Nikki - Starting at the base and licking up to your chin. Just like on your hard cock Elliott - god I'm going to explode Nikki -Just for me Elliott - of course for you...on your nipples Nikki - Going back down unbuttoning your jeans Pulling them down and licking the top if the head still staring at you staring at me Elliott - oh baby...I'm melting... and my cock is waving in the air... bouncing back and forth... Nikki - Taking it in my right hand as my left scratches down your chest. Elliott - my shiny cockhead bobbing...glistening. Play with my nipples making them hard. Suck them Nikki - Grasping the head and shaft as I suck on your right ball Elliott – my God...mmmm Nikki - Letting the suction take it in and out Elliott - I'm humping in my chair Nikki -Stay still Elliott - slowly grinding. My cock in my jeans... feeling the head of it rubbing against the fabric...grinding my ass...oh fuck! Feels so fucking good. Nikki - Licking back up the shaft and grazing the V part of your head with my teeth Elliott - don't fucking stop! Don't you dare stop! Nikki - Opening my mouth and going all the way down digging my nose into your mound Elliott - you are sooooo fucking hot Nikki - Twisting as I come back up Elliott - playing with your hair...feels silky. Reaching down and smelling it Nikki - Left hand holding and twirling your balls Elliott - while you feel me up with your sweet tongue Nikki - Bottom lip grazing back and forth on the head watching you enjoy it Elliott - damn.... lift up and kiss me Nikki - You have to watch me kiss you. Keep your eyes open Elliott - oh I am... trust me Nikki - I slip my jeans off and turn around and sit right on you. Grinding slowly to take it all in Elliott - mmmmmmm.... reaching around... cupping your tits. Playing with your nipples...smelling your hair...oops. You still here? Nikki - Absolutely Elliott - oh... ok... lol... freaks me out you getting busted lol Nikki - You say that now?!? Elliott - lol... I know right Nikki - I was just about to cum Elliott - lol!!!! Dontcha love the buildup? Makes it ache...throb Nikki - I stand up, turn around and bite your dick hard Elliott - lmao!!!! I like that... that's funny Nikki - Lol Elliott - you're a funny girl Nikki - Now I have to pee Elliott - lol... go pee babe Nikki - I am Elliott - mmmm. Wish I could watch Nikki - I took my phone with me Elliott - damn... I wanna hear you pee Nikki - What is your obsession with peeing? Elliott - lol...it's hot! Not that I want to be peed on. Just a sexy girl like you squatting... and pissing...mmmmmmm... Nikki – Damn... my cunt is soaking wet Elliott - I want to finger you and play with your clit while you kiss me. I wanna taste it... off of your finger. I wanna suck your juice off Nikki - That's the plan if you're a good boy Elliott - Whatever Ms. Nikki wants... Nikki - I wasn't finished with your blow job. Elliott - please finish Ms. Nikki... I'll be a really good boy and cum real hard for you Nikki - Your mind derailed. Too late now. Vision is gone Elliott - maybe for you!!. Lol mine is still happening Nikki -I hope so Elliott - it is Nikki -One if us needs to get off from all that Elliott – lol I was enjoying it. I'm still on the hard cock in jeans. I love that Nikki -me too Elliott - I'm still grinding my cock in my jeans baby. I'm not ready to cum... I'm ready to play...can you cum out and play? Nikki -It's getting late, but I'm wide awake Elliott - me too... getting a cup o joe. Actually... a vanilla monster Nikki -Those are really good Elliott - your lips would be good Nikki -Are you trying NOT to go to sleep tonight? Lol Elliott - no... just not quite ready. I'm gonna cum before I go to bed. Nikki -What are you going to have going through your mind to make you cum? Elliott - all that we've discussed tonight. It's an ultimate fantasy...I'm thinking in the hot tub...feeling the jets pulsing on my dick. I love that Nikki -When did you get in? Elliott - I'm not in yet. Gonna do a bong hit first Nikki -Ah. Tease Elliott - I won't have my electronics w me lol. You're so fucking hot. Cum get in the hot tub with me Nikki -I'd love to Elliott - let me tease your cunt lips lightly while you let the jets shoot on your clit Nikki -That's the best part Elliott - only one part? Nikki -I can feel it now Elliott - mmmmm... me too. Sliding my cock in from behind while you're bent over letting the jets play with your hard clit Nikki -On my knees with the top part of me in the cool air making my nipples hard Elliott - oh yea baby.... I wanna tease your nipples...make them ache...ache to be sucked Nikki -Pinch and twist Elliott - suck and nibble. Maybe bite. Feed me baby...feed your good boy Nikki -You are too bad to be a good boy lol Elliott - We are bad lol. We are so good at being bad Nikki -Hehe Elliott - dontcha think? bbfs forever baby Nikki -True Elliott - so sexy...that's sexy as hell... Nikki -You haven't talked this dirty to me in a while. I thought I was losing my touch Elliott - losing your touch... lol... that's funny. No way! It will fade one day Elliott - and? We have today only...This moment is what it is. Are you not enjoying now? I'm grateful for now Nikki -Love now. I just know that I'm going to end up being the old lady with all the cats at the end of the street one day lol Elliott - no way...that's silly...very silly. Stop it Nikki -Was looking for those bathtub pics on my phone, but I've deleted them. Was gonna send more to you Elliott - take one for me now...fresh...just for me Nikki -Can't. It's too dark Elliott – k...get your dildo and cum with me now. I wanna suck your tits while you grind on my cock...your hot tight cunt milking my cock...feeling me cum shoot all inside of you. You are getting sleepy? Nikki -No Elliott - you sure? Nikki -Getting horny Elliott – cool. Me too. Oh yea... I've been there now for a while lol...and loving it. You smoking? You should be lol...while I suck your clit Nikki -Smoking would be great right now Elliott - sit back and hit the bong while I lick your cunt Nikki -Would love to do a shotgun with you Elliott - I would love that too...looking in your eyes...omg. Nikki -While I'm sitting on your lap rubbing your hard cock through your jeans Elliott - yes... oh yes... Nikki -My legs spread over yours Elliott - looking down at your cleavage... and then up at your eyes...wanting...needing. Feeling your hot wet cunt thru your shorts Nikki -Throbbing Elliott - mmmmmmm... your hard clit sliding over my shaft...watching as you unhook your bra for me... while you watch the hunger in my eyes knowing how badly I want to take each nipple in my warm wet mouth...thinking about you... stroking my hard thick cock Nikki -Sliding down to my knees...in between your legs... Elliott - jacking it off for you... in front of you Nikki - Teasing my nipples watching you Elliott - mmmmm... watching you... wanting you...teasing the head of my throbbing cockhead... watching you Nikki -My hand making its way down to my hard wet clit Elliott - oh baby...please... can I watch you? Stroking my cock faster...up and down my shaft Nikki -No need to pull the folds back. My clit is so hard and big. Ready to cum Elliott - squeezing my balls. Cum with me Nikki -I am so fucking wet Elliott - damn baby....kiss me Nikki -My legs are tensing Elliott – mmmmmmm...fuck yea! My fucking cock feels sooooo good in my hand. So thick. I love jacking off for you. Watch me Nikki -I don't even have to touch myself right now. Moving my hips is making the fabric grind against my clit Elliott - watch me cum Nikki –Watching baby. I want to taste it Elliott - omg... will you? Nikki -Let me put my mouth on it Elliott - please.... lick it. Lick it like you know how to Nikki -Sucking the head hard Elliott - do you know how to? Tell me baby Nikki -You know I do Elliott - yes I do... suck it good. Let me fuck your sweet beautiful mouth. Gonna let me fuck it? Nikki –Yes. I want it bad Elliott - open it up baby. Take my hard cock in. is it good baby? Nikki -I want to swallow it all down Elliott - only if you're good baby. Are you gonna be good for me too? Nikki - Gonna be very good. I love watching your face when I twist coming up and down. Pulling at your balls...wanting you to fuck me. God...this feels so fucking good. Elliott - stroke it for me then baby... make my cum build in my tight balls. Suck it and jack me off baby. Let me feel your sweet hands Nikki -Tight grip up and down as I tease the head with my teeth Elliott - watching your tits bounce Nikki -Back and forth. Up and down... Left hand pulling at your balls...Right hand squeezing hard and moving fast. Cum for me Elliott - jack me off.... cause you make me so happy. I'm gonna cum hard for you Nikki -I'm ready Elliott - me too... now Nikki -Cum hard Elliott - ohhhh... fuck yea... I did Nikki -Good boy Elliott – omg! Cum all over the fucking keys! Omg...that was intense as hell. Fucking intense...xoxoxox. omg... that was soooo good Nikki -Yes it was. Thank you Elliott - and we haven't crossed our squiggly line either! Nikki - Lol Elliott - No babe... thank you!
Matthew, Jennifer and Katie were all going to Africa for a safari. They had rented a jeep and brought along all of the video equipment they could haul. Matthew was a photographer for an amateur photography magazine and excitedly accepted the job. Jennifer was his finance. They had been together for 2 years, and were getting married next month. Katie was her younger sister, she was very good with camera's and video equipment, so Matt suggested they bring her along. The map they had wasn't the best in the world. They fueled up the jeep and made sure they had all of their equipment packed, and headed for the African bush country. They had driven for a few hours, and were lost. They couldn't make hide nor hair of the map. They decided the best bet would be to settle down and make camp for the night. Matt built a nice fire, and pitched the huge tent. Jennifer fixed them all a nice supper. After eating, they all sat around and shared a bottle of wine, and listened to the noises of the exotic animals all around them. After they got good and buzzed, they were all pretty tired, and decided to get some sleep so they could get an early start in the morning. They fell asleep quickly. Matt was awoken by noises outside of their tent. He could see the figures as they moved around the tent. It was almost as if it were people, walking around, checking things out. He slowly, and quietly unzipped the flap to the tent a little. He freaked when he saw the natives, in their loin cloths, walking around the camp site. He quietly closed the flap, and suddenly he could see a black hand grip the zipper and pull the flap open. "Wake up girls, I think we have trouble!" Matt yelled. Jennifer and Katie opened their eyes and saw the native's shaved head peeking through the open tent flap. "Oh, my God, what do they want?" Jennifer asked. "I'm not sure" Matt replied. "Hello, we are friends" Matt said to the man. The man chatted in some unknown language, and the other men began looking into the tent. The first man stepped into the large tent and grabbed Katie by her long blonde hair. He pulled her fiercely by her hair, dragging her towards the opening of the tent. Katie screamed loudly, kicking and fighting. Matthew tried to hold her, but the native was much too strong. Matt, and Jennifer watched as Katie was pulled out of the tent. "Help her, do something!" Jennifer yelled. "What, do you want me to do?" Matt replied. Moments later another man grabbed Jennifer by her curly strawberry blonde hair and began pulling her out of the tent. Matt followed them. Matt felt the sharp spear press against his back. He followed the group of men, still dragging the 2 girls. They traveled probably a mile or so, and entered a small village. Matt was tied to a pole in the midst of the grass huts. His mouth was gagged, and he couldn't move at all. There were probably eight or nine of the native men. They were all pawing at the 2 white girls. Matt watched as his fiancée's clothing was literally ripped from her firm body. Her 22-year-old breasts were full and firm. Her nipples were huge, and quite erect at the moment. The men all took turns pinching her nipples and squeezing her tits. She screamed and tried to fight them off, but to no avail. Katie was stripped quickly also. Her 18-year-old breasts were smaller than her sisters. They were very pout and stood straight out. They were quite beautiful. One of the natives began sucking on Katie's tiny erect nipples. Another native soon joined him, and her breasts were being licked and sucked by the 2 black men, while a third began stroking her pussy. His long black fingers pressed against her blonde pussy hair. The contrast of the 2 colors made it an interesting sight. His long middle finger slid into her very wet pussy. She moaned. He smiled. His cock began to grow as he fingered the young lady. It pressed against his loin cloth. Suddenly it was hanging way below the loin cloth. It must've been a good 15 inches long. It was very black and hard. The look in her eyes was a mixture of fear and lust combined. He grabbed her soft white hand and placed it on the huge head of his monster black cock. She softly gripped the foot and a half long cock and began to stroke it. It grew very thick in it's diameter. The pre cum oozed from the monstrous black head. Jennifer watched as her little sister stroked the huge black cock. Suddenly one of the men knelt between Jennifer's legs. He pushed her legs widely apart and began to lick her pussy. His long tongue slid against her wet, swollen clit. Jennifer tossed her head back and moaned as he ate her pussy. He removed his tiny loin cloth, and out flopped a gigantic black dick. It wasn't quite as long as the first guys, but still a good 13 inches long. He stroked his cock as he ate her sweet pussy. He delicately licked up and down her pretty pink slit. Matt could see her pussy juices flowing across the native's black face. Katie was now lying on the ground with her legs spread widely apart. There were 4 or 5 men sitting there with their faces inches from her pretty blonde pussy. Her pink lips were spread widely apart, and you could see the wet pussy hole. The native who had been fingering Katie's wet pussy was now pressing the head of his quite abnormal black cock against the open pussy. Katie grunted as he slid into her. He began to slowly fuck her. He worked his long, thick cock into her tiny pussy slowly. He would press and an inch or so would disappear into her. It took him a good 10 minutes to work all of that enormous black cock into her little pink pussy. Katie squealed as he began to fuck her. She had her legs wrapped around his back, and was thrusting wildly against the native as he slammed his huge cock into her. Katie moaned loudly, "Oh my GOD, it's the biggest dick I've ever seen, oh, yes fuck me baby, slam your hard black cock into my pretty white pussy" The man didn't understand the words, but it was quite clear, he understood the message. He fucked her hard and fast. As he pumped wildly into her pussy, another man lowered him self above her face. He pressed the head of his huge black cock against her lips. Katie responded by opening her mouth widely. She took his thick black cock into her hot mouth. He grunted as she began to take him deeper and deeper into her mouth. He held her long, blonde hair in his large black hands and began to slowly fuck her pretty mouth. The other native was tearing her pussy up. He grunted, and removed his long, thick black cock, and began to stroke it. A huge gusher of white cum squirted from the huge black head. Katie moaned as she felt the hot fluid erupt across her stomach. The man in her mouth was quite huge, and hard now. She gagged slightly as he violently shoved it into her throat. Another native was between her legs, and she felt his hard, thick cock slam into her pussy. Katie thrust against him, and took him all the way inside of her now stretched pussy. The man in her mouth moaned, and removed his cock, his cum shot across her lips, and almost covered her entire pretty face with the white sticky fluid. Matt didn't understand why, but he was very hard. As he remained tied to the pole his cock was pressed tightly against his shorts. He heard the sound of female voices as they giggled. He turned his head and could see 2 native girls standing there, pointing at the bulge between his legs. They had no shirts on, and their huge black breasts were bouncing freely. Both had dark, cocoa nipples which were quite erect. The girls walked towards him. One of them began tugging at his shorts. She quickly slid them down and his 9 inch throbbing cock popped out. They stood looking with great fascination at his pretty white cock. One of them bent forward and took him into her mouth. Matt moaned softly through the gag, as she expertly deep throated his cock. He watched his hard cock disappear into her black mouth. It was quite thrilling as she began to take him into her warm, wet throat. The second girl began to suck and lick his balls. Matt felt incredible. Jennifer was positioned on her hands and knees. One native was thrusting his long dark hose into her hot pussy doggy style. She was sucking another while jacking off two more. Each time the man thrust into her from behind, she would deeply take the cock into her throat. Her hands moved up and down the 2 black cocks rapidly. She could see the slick pre cum as it oozed from both of the huge black cock heads. Katie was bucking beneath the black stallion sized cock as it rammed her tight pussy. Another man was pressing his cock head against her mouth. She greedily accepted him, and expertly sucked his huge cock. He didn't last long, he grunted and she felt his wonderful hot cum erupt into her mouth. He came a huge amount, much more than she could swallow. Huge drops of cum dribbled from the corners of her mouth. He began to rub his swollen cock head across her pretty face, covering it with yet more white, sticky cum. Matt was still tied up and getting blown by the 2 black girls. One of them quickly cut the ropes and pushed him to the ground. Matt lay on his back, with one of the girls hungrily gobbling his white cock with her thick black lips. The second girl straddled his face, and pressed her hairy black pussy against his mouth. Matt thrust his tongue against her very swollen dark colored clit. He began to lick her wet clit,and she moaned. She ground her pussy against his mouth. He fucked her pussy with his wet tongue. The other girl mounted his hard cock. Her black pussy was very tight. She moaned as she slid onto his rigid cock. He thrust upward entering her fully. She fucked him magnificantly, gyrating and twisting her hips. His cock throbbed and pulsated inside of her wildly. Jennifer moaned, and the man fucking her filled her pussy with his thick hot cum. It felt as if he had cum a gallon inside of her. The man in her mouth grunted, and shot his load. It squirted straight down her throat. She greedily gulped his jism as it splashed inside of her mouth. When he finished cumming, he withdrew his cock from her mouth. One of the cocks she was stroking quicky replaced it. She felt the cock pulsate wildly, and it erupted as soon as she licked it with her wet tongue. She hungrily swallowed all of the hot cum. He too, removed his cock, and the third man grunted and his cum erupted into her hand as she still stroked him rapidly. His cum erupted a good 2 feet or so. She watched with fascination as his cum shot far into the air. The man fucking her groaned and his cum shot into her hot pussy. She moaned, and came hard as she felt his cum totally fill her hot pussy. Matt was close to cumming, his cock pulsated wildly inside of the black native girl's hot pussy. The one riding his face moaned loudly, and her felt her juices gush from her sweet pussy. He made loud slurping noises as he gulped her juices into his mouth. He grunted and his cum erupted into the hot black girl riding his cock. She moaned and her pussy tightened around his large cock. He shot his cum deep against the inner walls of her hot pussy. She bucked and thrashed about wildly. He continued filling her black pussy with his cum. As they all moaned and groaned from their hot orgasms, the night air was filled with their animalistic sounds. They were much louder than all of the animals in the bush around them. As all came down from their sexual high, Matt realized that they were still lost, and had no way of getting directions from these natives. "Guess what girls, he said to Jen and Katie, we are still lost, and now, we don't even know where the jeep or tent are" he stated. "Camp over there", one of the native men said pointing towards the bush. "You lost, where you need to go?" he asked. "You speak English" Matt replied excitedly. "Yes, white man come here, all of the time, and we fuckee fuckee with white women, and our women suckee fuckee with white men" he said, laughing. "I take pictures of animals" Matt said to him. "Zoolah know where you get good pictures, in morning" the native replied. "Good, take us to camp" Matt said. "Why don't we just stay her, Jennifer stated, as she still held one of the rock hard long black dicks in her soft hand. "We can just spend the night here, and they can show you where to take your pictures in the morning" she added, right before she began to take the hard black cock into her mouth. "Sounds good to me" Katie replied as she stroked Zoolah's monstrous cock back to an enormous erection. "Yes, stay here" Zoolah said. Matt started to argue, but his mind quickly changed as the black girls began to lick his cock. He felt both of their tongues as they licked up each side of his growing cock. "Ok, what the hell, let's spend the night here" he added, his cock disappeared into one of the girls mouth. He moaned softly and watched as Jen and Katie began licking Zoolah's huge cock. Both of them licked up and dwon his enormous black shaft. "God, let's stay here". Matt shot his cum into the girls mouth, the other girl joined her and they shared his cum. Both of their wet tongues swirling around his swollen cock head. Zoolah moaned and his cum splattered across Jennifer and Katies faces. Both were covered with his thick white jism. More people began to come out of the small grass huts, and soon there were 25 or 30 black men and women, parading naked in front of them. IT turned out to be an all night orgy. When morning came, Jenn and Katie were both way too sore to walk. Matt's cock was also very sore. They spent the day recovering from the all night sex adventure. "Oh, well, maybe we can take some pictures tomorrow" Matt said. He was tired and as he rolled over to go to sleep he felt a familiar sensation. He looked as one of the native teen girls began to suck his cock. He moaned and held her as she sucked him deeply into her mouth. Jenn and Katie looked on as Matt received head from the pretty native teen. Her tiny black ass was raised high in the air. Jennifer looked at her pretty pussy as she wiggled her ass around. Jennifer crawled behind her, and slid her tongue against the black girls swollen clit. The girl moaned, and wiggled her hips, her pussy was grinding against Jennifer's probing tongue. Jennifer had never tasted pussy before, but she just had the urge. Matt watched as his fiance hungrily sucked the girl's pussy. He moaned and shot his cum into the girls hot mouth. She swallowed his load. Jennifer licked hungrily at her clit, and began fucking her with a couple of her fingers. The black girl moaned, and came. Her pussy juices flowed from the dark pussy lips, and poured onto Jennifer's face. Jennifer hungrily licked and sucked all of the sweet pussy juice. Katie watched as her sister ate the black girl. It made her horny. Her sister's pussy was open, and waiting. She took it as an invitation and began licking at her sister's pussy with her tongue. Jennifer moaned as her little sister sucked on her wet pink pussy. Jennifer came quickly. Katie loved the taste of her sister's hot pussy nectar as it poured into her mouth. "Oh GOD, eat me Katie" she moaned. Katie furiously licked her sister to yet another incredible orgasm. When Katie had finished, all of the natives applauded, and hooted and hollered. Katie stood, and with Jennifer's pussy juices dripping from her mouth, looked at the crowd, and yelled "who's next?" They will never forget their African Safari. They did wind up with some good photos a day or two later. Matthew also got some very good photos of Jen and Katie sucking, fucking, and eating each other. Next year they might go to The Philippines. All 3 think they might enjoy the taste of some hot Asian pussy... Alana, a flight paramedic for Medi-Flight and her flight nurse Stacy were grounded due to the inclement weather outside. Fog was set in, it was dark and storming. She didn't like the days where she was grounded, because that meant she usually got in trouble. Today she decided she would go visit the children's floor. They always made her smile and she loved hanging out with them. She stood in front of the elevator waiting for it open, when Dr. Shawn Avery appeared next to her. She checked him out inconspicuously not making it known and smiled to herself, he looked pretty good for a doctor. The elevator opened, and she stepped in. He followed admiring the purple flight suit. "Purple, it stands out. Is that what you guys are going for now?" he jokingly asked. "Red, blue, and green are cliché." she responded while looking at his attire, "Black scrubs and orange crocs, going for a pseudo Mario Batalli look minus the shorts?" He was stunned for a second, no one dared talked to him like that. Especially a flight medic, who the hell did she think she was. The elevator door closed, both where going to the 12th floor. Instead of making a big deal about it he figured he would play with this one. He glanced at her name tag on her flight suit and realized she had a nice pair of boobs nestled safely within the confines of her suit. "Actually, I dressed like this just to hear you sling insults my way. I guess it worked." he grinned. Alana had caught his eyes on several occasions but she usually disappeared and he didn't know how with her purple flight suit, she stood out. Yet, on the occasions they did speak and it wasn't sarcastic comments toward each other, he actually enjoyed talking with her. She was independent, confident, and he wondered about her body under her suit. He had the occasional run in, but there was something that made him want her. Was it the fact she wouldn't just give in because he was a doctor? Or was it something else, he didn't know. Alana smiled, she liked this doctor, didn't appear as a stuck up asshole concerned with only his golf game and tee time. "Is that the best you got?" she joked as she turned toward him. "And my face is up here." She called him out and his face didn't redden with embarrassment. "Well, since we are being honest, it's hard to not look at something I wish I could..." he stopped as the elevator opened on the third floor and several RN's joined. Alana nodded her head. She had a feeling this was not the end of it being additional individuals joined their elevator ride. It was an awkward silence between the two of them. She wasn't sure if it was a good thing or bad thing, but in the spirit of looking, she was soaking up the daydream of what he was packing. Shawn addressed the nurses with a morning salutation. The nurses got off on the 10th floor. "This is not finished, I will be on lunch around noon." he said as he got off on the 12th floor. She stepped out as well, "Then let's finish this over in the extra storage closet". He looked at her and whispered, "The 15th floor is abandoned, since they built the additional tower. If you aren't scared, let's go." He knew calling her out would make her follow him. He did know she graciously accepted challenges, especially ones she knew she would win. "You are grounded, and with my pull in this hospital...", he decided to go with an empty threat to bring out her aggressive side. For not having her, he knew quite a bit about her and likewise she knew much about him. She knew that was an empty threat, because he loved to pick on her and she loved to tease him. Neither one had had sex in a long time and the sexual tension could be cut with a knife. "Empty threats? Aren't you better than that?" she said pressing the elevator button. "You should know better by now, empty threats only excite me..." she finished, while pulling the zipper on her flight suit up a bit more. "Why do you think I used one? Do you honestly think I would do something to jeopardize me looking, talking, and fantasizing about you and your silly purple flight suit? That would be punishing myself, and besides if I jeopardized your flying, you might send me to intensive care. Though it would be hot to have your hands on me, intensive care wouldn't be fun." The elevator opened and they both got in and he pressed the button marked 15. The door closed. She didn't say a word, and let him look into her blue eyes. He knew she was a master at the awkward silences. He also knew that she told Stacy how she fantasized about taking him, making him powerless under her control. Stacy found it amusing. It was like cat and mouse and both were playing the roles of the cat and mouse. Stacy and Alana were best friends off duty, on duty they were the best team Medi-flight had. The elevator and the floor was dark, no lighting. "You aren't going to get scared are you, Shawn?" Alana asked as she stepped out. Shawn looked at her, "To finish what I said earlier, it's hard to look at something and not touch it. All bets aside," he started and Alana looked at him quizzically. "All bets aside? What the hell is this poker?" she asked as she sat on the old counter. "No," he thought long and hard. He knew she wouldn't do anything at work, but he couldn't wait any longer. He knew secretly how she wanted him and he suspected that she knew he wanted her. "I wanna feel you go powerless under my control." He said as he stepped into her. He knew the phrase would get her attention in more ways than one. Her mouth opened slightly, she was speechless for once. "What's the matter, cat got your tongue?" he said he leaned into her. She leaned back further. He wrapped his arms around her, "if you go back any further you will be in the prime position." She looked at him, she wanted it, but not here, not now. Not at work! "So this is the part I ask where the hell did you get that phrase, did Stacy tell you? Did you over hear?" She asked, she felt exposed - why would her best friend say that to him. "For 18 months you have stood your ground against me, when I have said your interventions were wrong. When I solo'ed you out because you were new, you made it clear you were a force to be reckoned with. I have watched you fly in and fly out, own this place, and not take any bullshit. Everytime I gave you shit, you gave it right back to me. I always figured if your mouth was full you wouldn't be able to talk and that is when I started to realize that you may be mouthy," he was interrupted. "You didn't answer my question? Now move." She went to move him away and he stood firm. "You know what," he started. He felt his member coming to life. This woman in purple was enticing the hell out of him and turning him on. He knew that she would either consent or not, but either way he was going to enjoy himself with her. He pulled her close and kissed her. She started to struggle in his arms, "Go ahead, make it enjoyable for me. This is happening and you will like it." He slid her zipper down. "Not here!" she commanded. "Not here!" "You are in no place to make commands," he hissed. "For 18 months you have teased me, been mouthy, made my days so uncomfortable and right now...it's your turn." Her eyes widened, was he serious? He was going to take her and take her against her will if need be. He tugged the top portion of her suit down and forced her undershirt over her head. He removed his black scrub top. She never seen him topless, but it was a good site. She still didn't want to do anything at work though. "Remove your bra!" "Do it yourself!" she replied, "Why the hell," he used that moment to enter her mouth and shut her up. He felt his bulge growing ever more uncomfortable inside of its clothed prison. She kept trying to wiggle free. His grasp on her tightened. "This is going to happen here and now, so just accept it!" He tugged his pants and boxers down and his weapon sprung free. Her eyes glanced down and she was mortified. "You aren't touching me with that.." she couldn't finish because pulled her off the counter and on her feet. "Shoes off, now!" he snapped as removed her bra and slid the rest of her clothing down. She was genuinely a little scared at this moment so she did was she was told. "And yes, I am touching you with this, the more you struggle the greater it is for me. The less you struggle the greater it is for me. Either way, I am taking you and it's going to be great for me." A part of her heart sank, this has never happened to her before, she hoped she could get into it and enjoy it. She knelt down and removed her shoes. She took a deep breath, and realized that she wanted him, so badly, just not at the hospital. She stood back up, completely nude in front of him. He smiled and went directly to her mouth while using his hands to tease her nipples. He pinched her left nipple between his thumb and forefinger and he felt her wince during the kiss. She felt his cock pressing into her thigh. It was huge, and no woman is equipped to handle a fire hose like that. Definitely not her! He put her down on her back in one swift move and her eyes widened, she started to wiggle a little more. She tried to squirm free, when he realized what she was doing he pinned her arms above her head and held them there with one hand. "Stop," she protested. "Not here, please." She started to wiggle more. He used his pants as makeshift restraints, tied her hands together and then anchored it to the bed rail that was lowered. "Shut up! You know you want this." He leaned down and kissed her while using one hand to caress around each of her thighs and up to her most intimate area that he's dreamed of. The thought of ravishing her filled his head. She kept wiggling, he allowed one finger to dive the depths of her ocean. The warmth around his finger and her still struggling was making this too enjoyable for him. He wanted to use one quick, swift thrust and bury himself in her and watch her reaction. However, he also knew that it would be best to get a little more slick beforehand. After all, he didn't want to hurt her, per say. He allowed his finger to roam around and explore before he added another finger, he broke the kiss looked at her as he began to pump his fingers in her. She quivered and let out a faint moan. He felt her natural lubricant become more abundant. "I'm sorry if this hurts," he didn't want to, but he couldn't hold off any longer. He removed his fingers and began to stimulate her clit. He rubbed gently and then increased in force and speed. He figured by this point, it's plenty of lubricant and if not...then he would have a trauma patient to see later. "Please," she started trying to convince him to wait till after work and then have a field day. The stimulation felt so good though. He got tired of her protests and put her shirt in her mouth. He knew what she meant, but he didn't care, not this time, not now. He positioned the head of his cock at her entrance, she moved her hips. "Damn it, Alana!". He held her hips down with one hand, used his other hand to guide his head into her, once he felt the tip of his cock in her, he looked down at her. She shook her head and the sight of her arms above her head exposing her breasts, her wiggling trying to get free, those blue eyes begging to wait till later, he stopped thinking and with one quick thrust he was buried in her to his hilt. He felt her body tense up and saw her draw in a deep breath. She closed her eyes and after a few moments she stopped wiggling and struggling. He didn't move for a moment and absorbing how tight she was around him. It was like a glove, snug in all the right places. He pulled out a little, and started to advance in again. He repeated this several times, pulling out a little further each time. Finally, he just started to pound her. She started moaning and looked down at what he was doing. It was hot, she saw his cock pulling out and thrusting into her. She started to move her hips in rhythm with his. He removed the shirt from her mouth and allowed his tongue to take her mouth captive. She kissed him back. He moved down and showed attention to each of her breasts while taking her body as his own personal playground. She stared into his brown eyes, she didn't want this at work. But, damn...it feels so good. He wanted to get her to climax first, but the way it was playing out...that would have to wait until later. He used his hands to stabilize himself, his eyes meeting hers, his mouth buried into the side of her neck. He kept up his fast and full rhythm, until he felt himself at the crest. "Alana," he said into her neck. "Fuck, I'm sorry." He tensed up and kept pushing himself in and out of her. With one final thrust, he buried himself in her once again and released his frustration into her. "My house, tonight at 7." She smiled, she was just taken by the man she teased and she didn't mind, was only protesting because it was at work. They got dressed, headed back to work. At 5, the other team came in. Alana left and went home to shower, change, and headed to his place. Shawn couldn't believe that he was going to nail twice in the same day. He did know that she was a Scorpio, which made his member stir more. He planned on dinner, preferably dessert, dinner, then dessert again. _To Be Continued..._
I stood looking in front the mirror at the image I made with my long shiny black hair, my forest green eyes emphasized by my make-up, full lips the color of blood red, my top was sheer and black, my breast looked plump and ripe in the red lacey bra you could see though the shirt, the black leather skirt so short that if I bent over you could see the red lacey thong beneath it, and the black high heeled sandals with straps that wrapped around my calves. I ran my long blood red finger nails through my hair "Tonight's the night." I told myself. You see every weekend I go to the same club and for the past few weeks I have noticed this man and oh what a man he is. He has to be at least 6'2" because I am 5'8" without my heels and he towers over me, his body is covered in muscles but not overly so, his dark brown hair looks a tad long and un-kept but oh so sexy on him, and his eyes a blue I have never seen it's like looking in the purest most well lit depths of the ocean. Just thinking about him makes me wet. I have never approached him but tonight that was all going to change. I head out to the car with purpose climbed behind the wheel and headed to the club. As I climbed out of the car to enter the club I had one thing in mind "seduction". I put an extra sway in my hips as I walked to the bar and got my drink. Before I even saw him I knew he was here and he was watching I could feel is eyes on me. The thought of finally having his attention sent a tingle of excitement through me as I headed for a table in a dark corner. As I sat down I spotted him on the dance floor with another woman, a blonde as usual, but his eyes were on me. You see that is why I haven't approached him yet he is always with a blonde but my plan tonight was to make him approach me. I finished my drink and made my way to the dance floor he was still watching me I could feel his gaze like a caress on my sensitive flesh. I danced with no one although many had tried I was dancing for him and him alone tonight. He kept dancing with his blonde and an hour later I gave up and headed to the bar for a drink. I was half way through my drink sitting at the bar when I heard a sinfully sexy masculine voice from behind me, "They say drinking alone is not healthy." I turned on stool to put a face with the voice and whose face should I find but his. My heart stopped before it started pounding as if it might break out of my chest. "Well, what choice does a girl have when on one will drink with her?" I replied in a flirty voice. "It didn't seem to me that you should have a problem finding a drinking partner." He said as a wicked grin graced his face. "Maybe, I just can't find the right one." "And what would this right one be like?" He asked. "Well" I paused "He would be tall and handsome, free from attachments, and able to afford to pay for his own drinks at least." I finished satisfied with my answer. I was still mad he had been with Blondie while staring at me yet ignoring me. "Well, I think I can fit that bill. Why don't you let me buy you another drink then we can find a table and play get-to-know-you?" He stated. "Oh but you see you don't fit the bill." I said finally let my anger show. "And who is that, if I may ask?" He questioned. "You see you have attachments or did you forget about Blondie." I said not really caring about the answer as I turned back toward the bar. I felt his breath on my ear as he said, "Ah, but you see I have no attachments she was trying to make her boyfriend jealous and who was I to not make it happen when asked." His breath was warm on my skin like a silky caress running over me. I told myself I needed to tone down the bitch because I really did want to go home with this guy tonight. "So mister knight in shining do you have a name?" I asked still with my back to him. "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours." He said with a smile in his voice. "Anita." I said simply. "Well Anita how about I buy you that drink so we can find that table? And the name is Stephen." He remarked. We got our drinks and found a quiet table in a dark secluded area where no one could see us. Now that I was actually alone with him I became nervous and didn't quite know what to say especially after being such a bitch before he bought my drink but he did buy my drink and he is with me so I decided I would at least try at a conversation. "So how does this get-to-know-you game you were talking about work?" "We'll start simple with Q & A and move on from there." He said. Something about the way he said that had me thinking we were going to go a long way in a short time which worked for me because being this close to him was starting to affect me. "Ok," I said "I'll go first. Why haven't you talked to me before tonight?" I asked. "Because you were always with someone I didn't want to be rude and crash your dates. Why are you alone tonight?" He replied. "I am on a mission tonight. What made you want to talk to me?" I said getting ready to ask the big question and skip the games because listening to him talk and having him this close was starting to make me wet. "Your sensual and sinfully sexy. Why are you attracted to me?" He said moving closer to me. "You're mysterious and handsome." I decided to go for broke, "Why haven't you kissed me yet?" He's mouth turned into a wicked grin and his eyes shone with excitement as he said, "I was waiting on you." He leaned over and placed his lips on mine lightly and first and when I opened my mouth his tongue plunged in like a starving man would devour a steak. I moaned into his mouth softly as tongues started dancing. His hand started roaming up and down my thighs never going quiet high enough. I started moving in my seat trying to give him a hint and he took it running his hand against sex over my thong. He growled against my mouth,"You so fucking wet and I haven't even started yet. Are you ready to get out of here?" "God yes." I moaned. He gave a wickedly sexy laugh as we headed for the door "God has nothing to do with it love." We took my car to his place (he had taken a cab to the club). When we got there it was so dark that I couldn't really see the exterior but once we got inside and the lights were turned on my breath escaped me. We were in the living room that was done in bright reds and gold very Victorian looking. I barely got to look at it because the next thing I know he has me pinned to the wall with his body and is kissing me deeply. His hands have mine pinned to the wall so that I can't touch him and oh how I want to when I feel his erection pressing into my stomach. I moan as he starts to rub his dick against me, I am getting so wet. He raises my hands above my head so he can secure them both with one hand. His free hand slowly rubs down my curves caressing me leaving me burning for more. He lifts first one of my legs around his waist then the other never taking his mouth from mine. He puts my hands around his neck "Hold on love." He says as he wraps one hand around and cups my ass while the other roams under my shirt and bra to cup my bare breast plucking on my already hard nipple. I moan and arch into his hand offering myself as a gift to him. As he starts to kiss and suck on my neck we start moving I have no idea where we are going and at the moment didn't care as long as the end result was the same. He sat me on the edge of the bed and stood in front of me removing my shirt and bra, then his own shirt. Slowly he bends down to remove my red lacey panties when I catch sight of the full length mirror behind him I noticed that the only reflection in the mirror is mine and it appears my thong is sliding down my legs by itself. I jump with a start and scramble to the other side of the bed with one word running through my mind "Vampire" but for some reason I was unafraid. I had read about vampires and was one of few who actually believed but I never thought I would meet one and if I did I figured my blood would run cold with fear but in actuality it began to boil in anticipation but I had to ask to make sure. Before I could he stood before me "Is there a problem?" He asked like nothing was wrong. "You're a...a vampire?" I slightly stuttered. "And so back to my question is there a problem?" I thought about it for a moment and as I said before I was really unafraid and very attracted to him so I simply answered "No." I crawled back over to him in nothing but my heels and skirt and started working on his jeans once I had them off he knelt in front of me and spread my thighs before I could even gaze upon what I had just uncovered I was about to complain when I felt his tongue flicker over my clit. It felt like fire running through my veins every time his tongue would touch my swollen nub. I could feel the build of pressure in my lower stomach as I felt him lick from the bottom of my slit up to my clit were he would flick his tongue and then start over. After what felt like forever and I was sure I was going to die of frustration he shoved two fingers in me hard and fast once twice and I was screaming my release when I felt him bite down on my inner thigh but instead of hurting it only increased the pleasure. He took only what I was sure was a couple of mouthfuls not enough to do any harm not even close. He licked the bite mark to soothe it and move up my body lying on top of me he nuzzled my neck and lightly nibbled but not enough to draw blood. I tilted my head to give him better access to my neck. He stopped a whispered in my ear, "You are not afraid I smell no fear, do you wish to die?" "No." I said rubbing my lower body to his. "Do you wish to be one of us then?" He asked with what sounded like the beginning of anger and yet I still felt no fear. "No, I am simply unafraid I don't know why and I can't explain it. I feel safe and have no fear for my life." I answered honestly hoping that if you understood he would continue my body was craving his dying of want to feel him inside me. Without another word he moved the head of his cock up and down my slit not yet entering merely coating his head with my juices. He leans down and takes my nipple into his mouth he bite hard enough to draw a small amount of blood as he thrust deep inside me at the same time. The sensations were so over whelming that I came on his hard cock instantly. I could feel farther inside than any man had ever been and he was so thick that I was stretched to an almost painful level. He took a few more drinks from my breast as he started a slow and steady thrust in and out of me. When he lifted his head he had a small dribble of my blood at the corner of his mouth. I don't know what made me do it but I leaned up to him and licked my own blood from a vampire's mouth and was so excited that I felt another orgasm start to build. I tried to urge him to go harder and faster needing a release but he kept the pace making my mind go dizzy and crazy with need. I was about to start begging for release when he leaned down in my ear and whispered in a husky voice, "You are now mine until your final day, you will live your life during the day and at night you will be mine and do as I say. I will take care of you and you will have no worries. Do you understand?" "Yes Master." I reply. He flips over while still inside me so that I am now on top "Ride Me." He commands. I rock my hips against his pushing him as deep as possible slow at first as he did me then I increase the pace and move faster, harder feeling myself build. I can see in his eyes that are now glowing with lust that he too is getting close. I move faster and harder still, I have never been filled so full before and it's hard for me to hold on and wait for him. As I am about to give up he pulls me down and bites into my neck hard at the same time I feel him release. At the wave of sensations my own orgasm rips through me so intense I think that I may just die of the sheer pleasure that has engulfed my body. As the waves of pleasure reside he lays me down and curls me into his side. I rest my head on his shoulder and before I fall asleep I hear him say, "You are mine until your final breath Anita my love." THE END
1\. Toy Time A little 'ding!' sounds, indicating the arrival of a new text. It startles Chloe out of her concentration. The story she is working on requires some change in style and the right nuance just isn't presenting itself yet. A little shiver of anticipation travels up from the base of her spine and tingles in her chest and neck. Maybe it's Dave? He might have a 'task' for her... >Dave< Hi sweet girl Have a few minutes free? A deep, excited breath fills Chloe's lungs. >Chloe< Yes Daddy! <3 >Dave< Is the present from last night handy? >Chloe< Yes Daddy, I kept it in my purse just like you told me >Dave< You haven't touched it? >Chloe< No Daddy I wanted to! >Dave< You've dreamt about how it will feel? >Chloe< Oh yes Daddy! I'm sooo curious. >Dave< Good girl! =) Take the pretty plug out of the box and warm it in your hands Feel the smooth steel and feel the weight in your hand Hold it until it warms up Don't put it near any of Daddy's special places... yet I'll text you in 10 minutes >Chloe< Yes Daddy! Chloe opens her purse and pulls out the box her Daddy had given her the night before. She finally flips open the lid and feels a sensation of pleasure at the sight of a beautiful, heavy steel butt plug with a cute jewel at the end which will be on display between her cheeks once the plug is inserted. But that wasn't going to happen yet... She takes the toy out of the box and enjoys the cold, smooth, heavy feel of it. Daddy wants her to warm it. This part is a bit boring, but she trusts her Daddy to pace things just right. He is good at building need... and then satisfying it. Her mind drifts to last night and she feels the urge to trail her fingers along her thighs and tummy. She wants to touch her new toy to her lips, to trail it along the crack of her ass, to feel it push inside and fill her... It seems like forever. Chloe completes some mundane reading tasks that needed doing as she cradles the new toy in her hands. If she completes her tasks well, Daddy will give it to her. Then it would be her toy to use as she sees fit, as long as she tells Daddy how she uses it every time. >Dave< Baby, do you have your lube? >Chloe< Yes Daddy. Should I put some in? >Dave< Not yet honey. Have it ready I want you to lick the plug Push your lips onto the end >Chloe< Ok >Dave< Focus on the feeling Your lips touching metal Make it slimy with your sexy spit Chloe felt the plug against her lips and felt it go into her mouth. She kept her teeth away from the metal and focused on the feeling of metal on flesh in her mouth. >Dave< Are you sitting on a towel? >Chloe< Yes >Dave< Put a gob of lube between your cheeks and let it warm up there Put the phone where you can see it You don't have to text back once your hands are messy >Chloe< Ok Chloe feels a weird chill in her ass crack, but as the lube sits there it warms. That and the feeling of the metal in her mouth focuses her on her situation. She loves doing 'things' for Daddy... >Dave< Relax and slowly use your fingers to work the lube around your opening Slowly start pushing it in Get lots of lube just inside Don't push too hard, stay relaxed Just let it get inside Chloe watches the instructions flash by on the screen. Her hands are messy with lube and the feeling of her fingers sliding past her opening is pleasurable. A few minutes of activity and Chloe has her hole very slippery and relaxed. >Dave< You should be ready honey Hold the plug and lay back on the towel with your legs spread and raised Get as much saliva on the plug as you can and then hold the tip against your opening Just hold a steady pressure to make it feel good and relax Relax while you push Chloe was amazed. This was her first plug. She knew it wasn't too big. She felt it start to go in. The feeling was good, but it stopped at the wide part. >Dave< You might have to relax extra to pop the widest part in Open up for it Towel off when you have it in Chloe continued pushing and relaxing her opening. The plug popped in. Chloe wiped her hands on the towel and wiped extra lube off her bottom. She hopped up excitedly and turned her head over her shoulders and looked at her bottom in the mirror. There was a pretty red jewel poking out between her butt cheeks. >Dave< How does it feel baby girl? >Chloe< It feels... full I have a jewel on my bottom! >Dave< It must look so cute, I can hardly wait to see It's a little plug Leave it in when you go to work I'll text you later Bye sweetie <3 >Chloe< Leave it in? Well... ok : Bye Daddy <3 \---------------------- 2\. Sissy Boy Chloe smiles as she sits at the bar with her 'date' Billy. She *had* dated Billy a few times, but for her there was little chemistry and so she had broken things off. Billy stayed in contact and confided things to her, partly to see if he could rekindle some interest, partly because he knew he *could* confide in her. What Chloe learned did create interest, but perhaps not about anything Billy had considered. Yet Chloe's intuition told her that Billy might enjoy the plan forming in her mind. Well... he'd like it if he went through with it... It was no coincidence that this man in his early 20's would prefer to be called by a boy's name and one that could be interpreted by sound as a girl's name at that. Billy's demeanor, physique and mindset was that of a naughty boy. A boy that Chloe hoped would be excited by playing the cuckold to Chloe's Daddy Dave, or more... "So Billy, how many dates have you been on recently?", Chloe looks directly at Billy, studying him. "Well, since we went out... I'm not sure I want to tell you that. You first.", he replies timidly. "But you've told me so many very intimate things, like enjoying wearing girls panties and your interest in being pegged. And you even brought up voyeurism being a thing for you... Would you ever consider watching me?" Billy's breath catches as he stutters out, "Wh-what? You mean watch you with... someone?". "Yes Billy, don't be shocked. It's actually a very common need some people have to watch someone they are interested in with someone else." "But what does it mean about you and me? Are we going to start going on dates?" "Well, what we're doing right now we can do. You aren't allowed to touch me when my Daddy is with me. And you have to watch when we ask you to. Or sit in the other room and listen. Whatever we ask you to do, ok?" "I... you don't think it's weird? What will you think if I do this?" "Oh, it will turn me on. I'll love it. But you have to do it the way I want, ok?" There was a long pause as Billy considered. But Chloe noticed his breathing speed up. "I guess we can try..." \---------------------- 3\. Meet for a Drink Dave is waiting at a table in the tea house as Chloe walks in. He immediately notices her, catches her eye and beckons her over, giving her a welcoming and appreciative look. "Hello... baby girl". Chloe begins a smile... "Hi..." she looks around quickly "... Daddy!" she looks back finishing the smile. Dave laughs. "You will shortly have much more to be embarrassed about than having people overhear you call me 'Daddy'". Chloe gives Dave a quizzical look. "Lets go up to the bar..." This tea house has a bar where customers can go to sip a brewed sample before buying packages of product. Dave holds Chloe gently, his arm around the small of her back, their torsos touching. His mouth is close to her ear and he whispers... "Daddy thinks some other people in the bar might appreciate you..." Chloe feels Daddy's hand on the edge of her skirt, slowly lifting. There are a few men and women that have shifted their gaze her way with interest. They stand at the bar behind her view. There are no panties on under her skirt. As her skirt inches higher, Chloe knows her unprotected ass is being exposed to view. What if she becomes aroused? Will people be able to see her wetness and excitement? What if her juice is visible if she begins dripping down near the top of her thighs? None of these things are close to happening, but Chloe's mind is racing... Daddy lets the skirt drop back down. Daddy's eyes scan for reactions. A middle aged businessman there with an associate is shamelessly gazing as his companion studiously avoids looking toward Chloe. A lovely middle aged woman is smiling and stealing glances, trying to get her male companion to observe along with her. "Let's sit" Dave and Chloe sit side by side on padded stools at the bar. "Can we try some of the roasted Genmai Cha?" Dave requests to the store clerk. As he reaches one hand out for the cup being offered he reaches another hand to Chloe's skirt and exposes the tops of her thighs all the way to her crotch. It's clear that the businessman who looked before is trying to capture a glance of Chloe's pussy. Dave sips the tea, hands the cup back to the clerk and as he asks for a sample of Oolong, pets his other hand over Chloe's sex. When the clerk turns away, Dave whispers to Chloe, "Hold your legs wider apart". She does so, knowing full well that her fur must now be visible from several locations along the bar. Dave continues holding back her skirt with one hand and accepts the Oolong tea with the other. He offers a sip to Chloe. "Isn't this tea delicious honey?" \---------------------- 4\. Munch Show Off Chloe's heart is still pounding with the excitement of her exposure in the bar as she and Dave walk into the munch. Sounds of crops and canes swatting and yelps of pleasure mingled pain immediately surround the couple as they take in their new surroundings. A woman in a black leather corset is bent over a pool table with her hands palm down on the surface holding herself steady. She wears a black lace G-string that completely exposes her curvy bottom to the whims of her crop wielding partner who is eagerly applying swats to her ass and thighs. A little off to the side, a lithe young woman is alternately balanced and hugged by her partner to prevent her falling over. She is completely restrained by rope that binds her legs and arms, also applying pressure on her breasts and passing between her legs over her clit. The stimulation is having an obvious effect on her. A variety of attendees in various forms of sexy attire chat and watch the proceedings... "Present baby girl", Dave says the words without warning and Chloe, without thinking, turns her back to Dave, bends slightly at the waist, and lifts her skirt exposing her naked bottom to Dave's view and the view of everyone on that side of the room. Billy is waiting there, as instructed, mingling with the crowd. Dave and Chloe have their backs to him, and he can see Chloe's lovely bottom exposed, on display for all to see. He feels a surge of excitement. "Good girl, now stand still and raise your arms". Chloe does as instructed. "Hold this position"... Dave softly caresses Chloe's up-stretched arms trailing along her armpits, (Chloe gasps slightly) and down along the side of her torso. Dave trails his fingers up to the front of Chloe's blouse and begins un-buttoning. As every button comes free, Dave trails his finger back up along the increasingly naked chest and along Chloe's neck. Eventually the blouse is completely un-buttoned and Dave raises it up, and cues Chloe to arch back, the blouse sleeves sliding over her hands. Now nude from the waist up, her hands in the air, Dave un-clasps her skirt and peels it back. Dave looks around the room and spots Billy. He motions Billy to come over. Billy has Chloe's purse as instructed. Dave motions for Billy to open it and places Chloe's blouse and skirt inside. Dave closes the purse and Billy steps back with the purse, watching intently. Chloe has more eyes on her now. She is completely nude except for her elegant black leather sandals. "Legs apart", Chloe moves her feet so that they are about 3 feet apart. This has the effect of pushing her ass cheeks in a bit and leaving a gap so that her labia are visible in the front, peeking out from her lovely fur. "Quarter turn", Chloe turns 90 degrees. "Quarter turn", Again... "Quarter turn"... "Quarter turn". The whole room has now seen Chloe from every side. "Toes"... Chloe bends down to touch her toes. Her lovely pussy was now on display for everyone to appreciate. Dave pauses to let this lovely spectacle continue for a bit. The sight of Chloe's beautiful glistening lips, feminine fur, full curvy legs and fat perfect cheeks sends throbs of excitement to his crotch. Chloe's head is spinning from the thrill of being exposed and the blood rushing to her moistening sex. "OK, hands clasped behind your neck"... Chloe obeys and presents a beautiful spectacle, her chest out and sensuous armpits exposed. Dave considers dressing Chloe and walking around the room for one-on-one exposures with his friends and other attendees, but it is time to take her home and begin to satisfy the needs of the night... \---------------------- 5\. Home with Daddy Chloe and Dave walk into the living room and sit close facing each other on the couch. "Baby, you were so good tonight. Daddy is so pleased with you!" "Thank you Daddy!" Chloe looks down smiling as Daddy gazed at her face, taking in the sight of her shining eyes and lashes from the side. He runs finger tips along her cheek and the side of her neck. Chloe feels little electric sparks. She looks up as Daddy's face moves slowly closer and they look into each others eyes. Daddy's face moves closer and their lips meet. First slow soft kisses, then more intense. Hands grip Chloe by the hair on the back of her head and push her mouth into Daddy's... After making out for a delicious amount of time... "You looked so sexy tonight, bent over so everyone could see all your private, vulnerable places." "It felt like the room was having sex with me Daddy. I felt so exposed and helpless." "You are such a Good Girl. I'm so proud of you. Show Daddy your special place. Now." Chloe lifts up her skirt so that Daddy can see her pussy. Daddy's hand moves down to pet her soft inner thigh and her warm, sexy fur. "Strip for Daddy baby. Take off all your clothes and lay on the carpet for me." "Yes Daddy!" Chloe un-buttons her blouse as she looks up shyly at Daddy. She un-hooks her skirt and tosses it on the floor. After kicking off her shoes, she is totally nude. She looks at Daddy for guidance. "Lay down on your tummy so I can see your back and bottom honey... yes, good!" "Now roll on your back... good! You're so pretty sweetie. Now pull your knees up to your chest with your hands. You look beautiful. I love looking at your pussy and little princess hole. Show them off like you are being naughty for Daddy." Chloe giggled a little and wiggled her ass side to side a bit as she lay on her back. "Now start to play with yourself. You can run your fingers all over, but don't rub anything yet. Just finger tips. That's it. Keep going..." "Daddy, aren't you going to take off your clothes? Won't you come and play with me naked?" "Not yet honey. Daddy wants to watch you play with yourself. Show me how you make yourself cum." "I'm... but you have your clothes on!" Chloe started to blush. She couldn't believe that Dave, her Daddy, didn't want to get naked right now. He was watching her as she lay on the floor getting excited, but he was dressed and almost amused as he watched her. She felt... humiliated, but Daddy wanted her excited and she felt her breathing speed up and a tingling wetness in her crotch. She started to play with herself. "That's it baby. Touch yourself all over. Brush your nipples. Caress your tummy and thighs. Put fingers in your pussy, your mouth, your ass. Taste yourself all over. Pinch and rub yourself. Finger fuck yourself for Daddy. My hot little princess will make herself cum..." Chloe was shameless now, feeling both humiliated and aroused by Daddy's commands, she used her fingers to masturbate in ways that no one else had ever watched her do. This got her even more aroused, knowing that Daddy was now seeing things about her no one had ever seen before. The special way she rubbed her clit while trailing finger tips along her nipples. The ways she pets the flesh of her spread bottom while fingering her pussy. Waves of pleasure radiate through Chloe as the first orgasm begins to ripple through her senses... Dave now quickly slips off his pants and pulls his shirt over his head. Reaching down, he quickly unlaces his shoes and tosses them off. Soon his socks are gone and Dave now joins his partner in her nakedness. Already on her back, Dave positions himself straddling Chloe's mouth. Chloe eagerly accepts Dave's almost bursting cock into her mouth, as Dave begins slowly pushing into her face, a rush traveling through Chloe as she experiences her face now as a new fucking hole, an erotic orifice that would be on display at all times to the unknowing (and the knowing) public. Feeling and tasting the gorgeous cock moving in and out past her lips, tongue, teasing her throat. Her beautiful face being fucked. Dave begins using his tongue to taste the juices of Chloe's dripping sex. The flavor and texture at his mouth is delicious and stimulating. Dave begins eating in earnest and using his fingers lower down. Chloe's juices make it easy for Dave to wiggle first one and then a second finger into the beautiful bottom, slowly filling and penetrating it. Well tuned feelings of pleasure radiate from her pussy and ass as Dave's tongue greedily tastes the texture and flavor of her drenched labia and clit. His fingers perfectly feeling inside her ass, teasing the sphincter and slowing fucking between the sweaty cheeks. Her clit now sucked into Daddy's mouth and the tip of it teased in still unexpected ways with tongue, teeth and lips. As the sensations continue, Chloe is lost in the feeling of being sexually used. Her body experiencing the sexual need of her Daddy. Knowing, feeling with her entire being Daddy's lust and desire for her. Fucking into her face. Tasting her wetness, feeling inside her ass, tonguing her clit. The orgasm begins to build as repeated waves of stimulation flood her awareness blocking out all else. Dave re-positions himself so that he can fuck Chloe. His hands move her willing legs apart as she lays back on the bed. He holds his cock at her opening and begins rubbing it along the length of the warm wet slit as she murmurs with pleasure. "You know what Daddy likes to hear, don't you baby girl?" "Oh yes Daddy. Please use your cock on my pussy. I want you to fuck my cute little pussy." "Good girl"... \---------------------- 6\. Sissy gets Used "Billy, get comfortable in that chair. Make sure your hands stay on the arms of the chair, you'll be tempted to move them. Do so and the show's over" "Ok Dave", Billy was being cooperative. "And you will call me 'Daddy' as well Billy. It will make baby girl and I happy", Dave ran his fingers through the hair on the back of Billy's head. "Ok... Daddy", Billy felt butterflies in his stomach. Dave walked over to where Chloe sat on the rug and crouched down onto the floor with her. Without a word, he began running his finger tips over Chloe's legs and moving her skirt up as he did so. "Look at what my Daddy is doing Billy" Chloe announced. Billy hardly needed to be told, his eyes were glued to the events unfolding on the floor in front of him. Soon Dave had Chloe's legs raised and spread, so that Billy could clearly see her moistening pussy and observe Dave's progress as he kissed his way along Chloe's inner thighs and began to lick her beautiful folds. Chloe murmured with pleasure as Dave licked and she leaned back on her hands as Dave undid his pants with one hand. Soon Dave had slid his pants off and now, on his knees with his erect cock bobbing, he leaned over and placed his elbows on either side of Chloe. Moving his face toward his baby girl their lips touched as Chloe took Dave's cock with one hand and put the head in her pussy. Dave smoothly thrust into her and began slowly, deeply fucking her on the floor. Billy could see everything. He was starting to get aroused and wished that Chloe could see him in the cute underwear that she had requested he wear. Chloe and Dave fucked on the floor for what seemed like an eternity but it was less than 10 minutes. Neither of them had cum when Billy blurted out. "I want you to see my cute outfit". Dave paused and looked into Chloe's eyes and she said simply, "Do you want to see it Daddy?". Dave slowly smiled and said, holding Chloe's gaze, "Do you want to watch us? I want you to play with yourself while you watch baby girl". Chloe's eyes lit up and she giggled excitedly. "Oh yes Daddy. I want to!" Dave moved over to where Billy sat in the chair. Chloe said "Take your shirt off Billy". As the shirt was removed, it exposed Billy's belly button and a cute little black lace training bra covering his nipples. "Pants" said Chloe. Billy unbuttoned his pants and Dave helped him pull them off. There the sexy little sissy sat in cute black lace panties. "Lets get a better look Billy" Chloe demanded. Dave took Billy's hand and led him down to a position so he was on his knees facing Chloe. She could clearly see his cute girly underwear. Dave positioned himself behind Billy and began trailing his finger tips along Billy's arms and tummy. He felt Billy shiver as they both watched Chloe begin to pet herself along her legs and tummy. Dave put his arms around the boy's tummy and pulled him closer so that the cute panty clad ass pushed up against his cock. Billy felt Dave's cock stiffen against his bottom and turned his head to look at Dave. Taking advantage of the closeness of Billy's mouth, Dave took hold of Billy's head and pushed his lips over those of the cute young cuckold, enjoying the submissive wetness of the yielding boy's mouth. Breaking the kiss, Dave slapped the boy on the butt. "Get on all fours little slut and watch Chloe enjoy herself". Billy got on all fours facing Chloe who now had a container of lube handy. She was lewdly displaying her lifted and spread legs so that her cute little rosebud was clearly visible. With one lubricated finger, she started slowly rubbing circles around her anus while gazing at Billy and her Daddy expectantly. Dave began dragging his finger nails along the boys legs and ass cheeks, pushing the black lace fabric into his butt crack. Dave reached between the boy's legs to feel, confirming his arousal. Sliding down the panties to the boy's knees, Dave spread the cute little cheeks and began licking the little hole between them. Billy groaned. Chloe warned him "Do exactly what Daddy wants. That's what you need to do to please me Billy." The rimming continued and Dave reached for another container of lube nearby. Pausing in his teasing of the boy's little rosebud, Dave started to work some lubricant around the tight opening. Gradually it opened admitting one and then two of Daddy's slippery fingers. Chloe was fingering her own hole deeply with one finger, making sure Billy could see her enjoy it. Finally, Dave slid a generous amount of lube over his cock and positioned the head at Billy's opening and began to push. The boy groaned as he admitted the older man into him and began to be fucked. Dave slowly and deeply fucked Billy as he watched Chloe pleasure her own ass. After several minutes, Dave pulled out and reached behind the chair for some toys. Chloe began rubbing her clit with a few fingers still working her ass. Dave produces a ball gag, some cuffs and a slender metal vibrator. Chloe sort of gives Billy a look to cooperate, but it is difficult to concentrate as she starts to move toward orgasm. Billy meekly accepts the cuffs on his wrists and the ball gag in his mouth. Dave cuffs each ankle to a chair leg and then, after applying more lubrication, slides the slender vibrator up the boy's ass and leaves him there, tethered to the chair, continuously stimulated. \---------------------- 7\. New Sex with Daddy Billy is making interesting sounds under his ball gag. The vibrator still buzzing in his bottom, he sits cuffed observing the scene before him. He is able to look away, but chooses not to. Moving is out of the question. Chloe is on all fours, completely nude except for lovely black leather cuffs on her ankles and wrists. She is ready to try some new things with Daddy. Her nipples are swollen and sensitive. Dave has just placed the leather cuffs on Chloe and attached them to eye-bolts in the floor. Dave begins by tasting his girl's bottom. Licking her already lubricated rosebud, the saliva cleans out the lube on top and Daddy is able to enjoy the erotic texture of Chloe's lovely opening. He bites down on the soft flesh of her cheeks and slowly and pleasurably fingers the little rosebud. Before going further, Daddy moves around his girl, reaching his arm under her tummy to hold her side steady and close as he raises his hand to start delivering swats to her bottom. The spanking is slowly started, teasing the beautiful cheeks. Chloe starts arching her ass towards Daddy's hands, trying to drink in the sensation of the sexy spanks. Once Chloe's bottom is a bit warm, Dave pulls out some small clamps. "You can't get away baby girl, but Daddy is going to be very careful and watch you. They won't be on long... this time." Dave places a little clamp on each nipple. And there is a special clamp for Chloe's clit. The new sensations are intense and Chloe can hardly hold still. Daddy has one more thing in mind. As Chloe moves her torso around trying to handle the feelings, Daddy picks up a leather tipped riding crop and swats her on the behind with it. This distracts from and balances the feelings in her nipples and clit, but adds to the over all sensation flood as well. "Swak!" Daddy brings the crop down on another cheek and soon he is stinging with the crop in a variety of places on the butt, legs and even the soles of his baby girl's feet. This first time it is enough, and Daddy releases the clit clamp and the two nipple clamps. But the cropping continues, now focusing on the ass. It is like a spanking but delivered with more localized sensation and stinging. Finally, Daddy mounts his stimulated girl and begins fucking her as he reaches around and touches her sore nipples like a whisper with just the tips of his fingers. This time Daddy wants to cum in his girl. He feels the wet warmth of her pussy envelop his cock as he continues to fuck her, reaching under and rubbing her clit while pounding in from behind. She cannot move her wrists or ankles from the places where she is tethered to the floor. The cock keeps entering, and filling her hole, over and over again. Daddy's excitement builds and then he slows down and scratches baby girl's back, pinches and slaps her bottom and then continues again. The flood of sensations brings Chloe close to orgasm. Daddy can feel his girl's body begin to twitch and reaches under and begins to rub her, still fucking deep. The sensations crest and Chloe feels a climax wash through her body. Daddy is next, with the sensations engulfing his cock finally too much to resist and he spurts deep inside his girl. Still wanting more, he climbs below Chloe and begins eating her cum drenched pussy, tasting his own seed and her hot cum mixed together as he licks her sensitive places. After cumming again in Daddy's face it is time to be released. Dave un-clips each leather cuff from where it is attached to the floor. He grabs a blanket and nuzzles Chloe under it in a spooning embrace. They will have to release their little slut boy, but for the moment, drifting in each others arms, in each others warmth, is the only need in the universe... A few months ago I met for lunch with a friend of mine at a nice local restaurant. The reason for the meeting was to have an exchange of ideas with a trusted fellow Dominant in the area. The lunch was good, but the conversation was better, and it did something all good conversations should do; caused Me to do a lot of soul searching afterwards. The topic of our discussion actually was a totally new one to Me and I wonder if it is as well to you, or if you have some place where I can read more about the topic. Everyone has heard of "topping from the bottom" where a submissive takes control of the scene by making her desires the primary objective. Dominants learn of this online, long before they realize it is happening to them. The problem with this behavior is that it reduces the emotional link between the Dominant and the submissive because it erodes the roles and responsibilities of each partner in the D/s relationship. The question therefore is; is there an opposite of Topping from the bottom, and if so what is it? Before you read further, let the question play in your mind for a while and try to define for yourself what that would be, then compare it (or debate it) with My opinion and let U/us all learn from each other. Allow me to go at this a bit backwards before I give it the title We gave it and see if you agree. In a D/s or M/s relationship the Dominant's role is to take control of the situation and to ensure the submissive feels her submission and enjoys and basks in the release and joy of it. I equate it (since I come from the land of the Tango, the Milonga and the Cumparcita) to a great dance between two partners that have complete trust and confidence in each other. A good dance that gives both the pleasure and joy that they work for, requires that the Man take the lead and for the woman to follow. He picks the moves that will make her look the best in His arms, and she responds by giving into his lead and making the most of it. As He leads her, He focuses on both of T/them. He has the responsibility to find the boundaries of her movements and take her right to the edge, and somewhere in that dance give her the opportunity to push beyond to find even greater joy and mastery of her dance. In the M/s and D/s relationship it is very much the same way. A Dominant has to focus on His role and carefully take the submissive through the various moves and scenes that will bring the best out of her; at the same time allowing her to test her boundaries and push further past them. The movement beyond her old limits allows her a twofold success: first she finds that she's far more capable of experiencing pleasure than she did before, and second she finds the enjoyment of knowing she pleased Him (even if at first or even throughout she felt uncomfortable or even uncertain). It was exactly that understanding during Our conversation when it came to light that there are (or may be) some Dominants that won't properly lead Their submissive. Perhaps it is lack of confidence, or perhaps it is lack of experience, or maybe it is possibly even happening underneath His own conscious understanding of what is actually going on. To illustrate what I'm talking about let Me start with the definition of what gives a submissive her greatest joy; pleasing her Dominant. When a submissive fails to please her Dominant, regardless of how much pleasure she feels, it is somehow incomplete. Not trying to make light of it, but for Me it would be like a fine dining experience and finding out they did not serve coffee at the end. Still a good meal, but I'm not as happy about it as I would otherwise feel. A Dominant that enters a scene, not to gain the most pleasure for Himself, but with the sole objective of doing whatever will cause his submissive to feel best, is approaching it (in My humble opinion) with the wrong frame of mind. Allow Me to illustrate in the following manner. A Dominant looks at His submissive and she looks a bit down and he decides that she'd enjoy a good spanking to bring her out of her funk. He pulls her over His knees and begins to properly work her out and looks for signals of her enjoyment. Remember, she's in a funk and most likely won't be all smiles at this point. He continues to spank her and still no feedback from her. Remember He went into this to make her happy and because she's in a bad mood she's not going to automatically switch to being in a good mood. He continues to spank her and realizes that she's truly not enjoying it; what is He to do? He softly pats her on the back and tells her to get up. She looks at Him and realizes that He is not pleased. How does she feel now? Think about the situation for a moment and then continue; see if you agree with Me. I believe that at this point any submissive will not only still be in her funk, but she now has the added burden of having done the opposite of what brings her - even in the worst of times - the joy of her submission. He, even with the best of intentions, has failed to take the lead, and allow her to take the pleasure of following. He is now frustrated because she's in a worse funk than when He started this entire episode and remembers that old saying "...the way to hell, is paved with good intentions...". I think the better approach for Him to have taken would have been to decide what HE wanted, and allowed her to give Him that pleasure, thus adding to her, rather than to try to figure out what she would enjoy (Is anyone good at reading her mind?) and giving it to her. See the difference? While in both cases He is trying to help her feel better, in the first case He is trying to read her mind and giving her what He thinks she would want (in essence subbing from the Top). He could still accomplish the goal, but doing what His role demands of Him; take the lead. Even if the specific scene is not what she would want, the fact that she submitted to Him and felt His loving strength around her, gives her the comfort and love that will give her the strength she needs to get out of her funk. This whole topic is new to Me, yet I see where there have been times where I acted in the way I described. I cheated My submissive from the superior feeling of her submission to Me. I, with all the good intentions in the world, lessened her completeness and it did not come to light until the conversation at lunch the other day. Now I realize, just like when we go dancing and it is unimaginable for Me not to take the lead, the same thing applies to our 24/7 D/s relationship. W/we are blessed with the pleasure of being married, yet at the same time we have to be very careful because the old habits of 8 years of marriage creep into our D/s life and keep U/us from fully enjoying what W/we have. I lead, she follows; W/we both do it because of the strength of O/our characters and that which helps U/us feel complete: Dominance for Me, submission for her. _As always, please leave Me your thoughts and opinions._
_Slung, Michele, ed. Slow Hand: Women Writing Erotica. New York; HarpersCollinsPublishers, 1992._ Brought together by Editor Michele Slung as a collection of stories by women that focuses on teasing anticipation and gradually building sensation to appeal to women, _Slow Hand_ includes a wide variety of characters of different ages and backgrounds and sexual orientations. The stories show us how the mundane can hold the erotic, when we look for it, and how the exotic can be somehow familiar. They encompass many of the categories read on Literotica; non-consent, masturbation, exhibitionism, reluctance, group sex, mature, and lesbian. Told in a variety of formats; erotic memoir, an internal monologue directed at a character's shrink, a letter, present tense stories and past tense stories, they appeal in different ways. Two of my favorite stories include _The Shame Girl_ and _Blue Feathers._ _The Shame Girl_ by Carolyn Banks, is a lyrical low country legend of mer- folk and a painting. The story takes us on a journey through time, beginning in the present of an elderly woman whose daughter has come with _her_ family to visit. They admire the painting, which was named The Shame Girl by the family's cook long ago and we are taken back to a party on a summer night when the girl, unknown to the party-goers, has swum out and is watching from the dark. As she treads water, she is visited by a figure, swimming around her and touching her. The story switches forward to a time when the main character told this tale to her roommate at college in a humorous interlude, describing the water as _inky silk._ This story has the life of legends which are born of the sea. _Blue Feathers_ by Anne Rhyd is at once carnal and magical. In this tale of a mid-western widow woman visiting her family during Mardi Gras in New Orleans, our heroine finds a little magic to speed her re-entry into life. She goes into a costume shop and decides to buy a mask but ends up with the dress, which goes with it. Feeling a little more daring, she sallies forth and runs, quite literally, into the man with the matching mask. As if outside of time, they retreat to his garden apartment in the French Quarter and affirm their lives in the age old tradition. Our heroine returns just in time to meet her niece at the appointed place with a mask mysteriously missing it's feathers. Four other stories that have fascinated me over time include _The Footpath of Pink Roses_ by Carol Lazare wherein a young woman thinks she is about to be raped and has rationalized it in her mind to the point where she is actually offended when she realizes the man is trying to mug her. Of course, things turn out for the best, in a way. _The Story of No_ by Lisa Tuttle explores the fantasy of being freed from culpability through force. The main character goes out for a night of fun, just to look, and finds herself connecting with a young man who, unfortunately, takes no for an answer. Years later, her husband sets up a little surprise for her so that she can truly experience what she had fantasized about. _The Mango Tree_ by Sabina Faye takes us to the exotic locale of a rainforest in a dreamy story of erotic coupling. _In The Prick of Time_ by Susan Dooley is told in the form of a woman writing her erotic memoir while flashing back and forth from her day to what she is writing about. She remembers the sensual and sexual aspects of her history, some innocent and some not so innocent. Watching oatmeal erupt slowly, becomes an orgasmic experience, as does the pursuit of the elusive "one more" perfect raspberry in the woods. This story is easy and sensual. Every story in the collection is well written, whether it particularly carries the reader to the place that reader wants to go. The group sex story _Reasons Not to Go to Fort Lauderdale_ by Liz Clarke offers such humorous turns of phrase as, "Affirmation time! Everybody empower and validate the person to your left - it's group therapy with orgasms!" _Ninety-Three Million Miles Away_ by Barbara Gowdy is an exquisite tale of exhibitionism told through the character of a stay at home wife who is painting nude in the early morning sun of a window when she finds that she is being watched. Her relationship with her viewer grows into one of intimacy yet disconnection until she discovers who he is just when he is moving away. There is a wide variety of stories to appeal to a wide audience, though intended for women. Not every story calls to me but the writing is universally sound and an interesting read. I know what you all think of me. I know that you're repulsed by what I've done. I don't give a damn about that. I don't care what any of you think. I know that by now my story has been in every newspaper in the country and some halfway around the world. I can see the headlines now: 'Female Serial Killer Caught." Or maybe it reads "Young Girl Accused Of Multiple Murders." Whatever. In another couple of weeks the questions will start. How could this have happened? What turned this girl into what she was? What was she? You people know the drill, we've seen it all before. They tell me now that I'm not the first. They made a movie out of the life of the other one. What was her name...? The actress that played her won the Oscar or so they say. Personally I never heard of her until I got in here. Who cares? Listen to me. My cellmate here says she knows somebody who can get this tape out of this place I'm in and post it on the Internet somewhere. Maybe they can or maybe no one will ever hear or read this. It's all the same to me. It's just the idea that maybe, just maybe some young woman somewhere, whose life is in the toilet like mine was, will find some inspiration in what I've done and continue in my path. Sort of like that Hannibal character in the movie. He had fans didn't he? Anyways here goes. I won't bore you with any of that unhappy childhood crap or phony psychoanalysis shit. My childhood was unremarkable for the most part. I was lonely most of the time and my parents had no clue what to do with a precocious lonely girl. I didn't like most of the kids I went to school with and they seemed to feel the same toward me. School itself was boring and I passed through basically unnoticed by anyone. I was a senior and had just turned eighteen years old and two events stand out to me. The first one was a fight between two girls in the school cafeteria. Two girls started arguing about something or other, probably some boy, and the next thing you know they were rolling around on the floor scratching and biting and clawing at each other. This happened just a few feet from where I was sitting so I had a perfect view of the whole thing. Watching them I remember that the strangest thing happened. I felt my breathing quicken and I felt as if the blood had rushed to my head. A tingling feeling between my legs started and I had a desire to drop my hand down there and slip it inside of my panties. My god, was I getting sexually aroused? The girls stopped rolling at the foot of my table with one girl on top of the other. She pinned the other girl firmly to the bottom with one hand and with the other hand she started slapping and punching the face of the other girl. She got maybe five or six punches in before some teachers rushed in and broke it up. I remember how each punch or slap that girl landed raised my excitement level. It was as if it were I punching that girl. I heard myself whispering under my breath, "Hit her again, harder this time. Hurt that bitch." Afterwards I couldn't explain to myself what had happened to me. I was no stranger to sexual arousal. Hell, I was eighteen years old and despite my loneliness had managed to find out what sex was all about, from a distance of course. But this feeling had been sooo intense compared to anything I had ever felt before. I didn't even know those two girls but they had awoken in me feelings of which I had previously been totally unaware. The second event that stands out was that I began to be molested by one of my teachers. I needed an extra credit to graduate and so against all odds I joined the yearbook committee. If you stayed on all semester you got a credit for the work you did. I did typing chores and tried to avoid getting to know anyone too well, a task at which I excelled. Toward the end of the semester there was a lot of typing to do so our yearbook advisor Miss Johnson suggested we both say late and she would help me catch up. After about five o'clock it seemed like we had the whole school to ourselves. Miss Johnson called me into her office and asked me to sit down next to her on the small loveseat opposite her desk. After some small talk she told me that she was concerned about me because she had noticed how I seemed to have no friends and how she knew how hard high school could be for girls who were 'different'. Putting her arm around me she told me to relax and tell her if there was anything she could do to help me. Her hands began lightly caressing my hair and she began whispering to me to relax and let her help me. Despite my misgivings I let her caress me and it was not long before her hands found my breasts and I felt her tongue lightly nibble my ear lobe. I tried halfheartedly to pull away but she pulled me back quite forcefully and instructed me to "Stay sweetie. I really need to help you." Her hand slipped under my skirt and pulled my legs apart. It traveled up my thigh as her tongue forced it's way into my mouth. I was getting scared now and really tried to get up and away from her but she was too strong for me. Her hand slipped inside my panties and began rubbing my pussy while she tried to unbutton my blouse with her other hand. I fought her as much as I could but to make a long story short she had her way with me. Afterwards as she lay with her head still between my legs slowly licking up the last of my juices, she looked up at me, smiled and said, "This will be our little secret won't it?" I guess I didn't answer fast enough for her because suddenly she arose and without warning slapped me flush across the face not once but twice. As I fought back tears of anger she snarled at me, "Listen to me you mousy little bitch. You're going to say nothing to no one about his, understand? If you do I'll fix it so that you never get out of this school. I'll make your life a living hell unlike anything you've ever dreamed of. Understand me you little whore?" Her words stung me but I saw she was holding all the cards and would do exactly what she said she would do. I felt a grudging admiration for her because I saw how she had maneuvered me into this position of vulnerability. "All right, I won't say a word." "That's my girl," she said with a smile. "Now I want you back here tomorrow again for more typing. In fact I think I may have a lot of work for you from now on. Plan your time accordingly." And so began our little dance, as I called it. Three, sometimes four nights a week she would order me to stay late with her. As soon as we were alone she would take me into her office. Sometimes she would be quite gentle with me while other times she would simply throw me roughly unto her desk and begin sucking on my clit like there was no tomorrow. Sometimes she would force me to lie on my stomach while she spent ten or fifteen minutes licking out my ass and driving her tongue deep inside of it, all the time whispering to me how sweet my tender young ass tasted. No perversion was too much for her and she would make me do the same things to her I came to take some pleasure from our encounters except for one thing. She had all the power and I was her slave and it was the opposite that I craved. I began to fantasize about walking into her office and ordering her to crawl across the floor and lick my shoes. I wanted her to have to sniff and lick my soiled panties and I wanted to hurt her in some way to get even with her. But this was not to be. The simple truth was that finally I graduated, went away to college and planned never to see her again. Our times together seemed to fade away and I pushed them out of my conscious mind. I vowed that things at college would be different. By this time I was very pretty with long auburn hair and a nice sexy body if I do say so myself. However I never flaunted it too much, I was more comfortable in loose, conservative clothing and thick glasses. I looked average this way even though I knew that with a little effort I could be what the boys called 'hot'. I had a small circle of friends at school that I hung out with. Things seemed to be going smoothly until one day one of the girls laughingly told us that she had stolen some of her brother's porn flicks and invited us over to watch them. You know, one of those stupid Friday night things that girls at college sometimes do. I had no interest in seeing them but didn't want to be a 'prude' so I dutifully showed up with four other girls later that night. Well these were movies that he had obviously copied from the originals because the editing was choppy and the scenes were in no special order. The girls were hootin' and hollerin' and I was bored although I didn't let on. Then, suddenly, the scene on the tape changed and so did the course of my life. Some girl was in the process of getting laid by two huge black cocks when suddenly on the screen the scene changed and two girls appeared. One girl left to go to the bathroom and while she was gone the first slipped something into her drink. Returning, she gulped down her drink and was soon woozy and half asleep. The first girl smiled happily and proceeded to rape the first girl who was too woozy to fight back. All the time she was raping this girl she was smiling and giggling and enjoying herself immensely. Suddenly I was no longer bored. My heartbeat increased and my pussy began to tingle. "Oh fuck yes," I mumbled to myself. The other girls started booing and making fun of the movie and accusing the girl's brother of being a pervert. On the screen the first girl had tied up the girl she had raped and was now saying that the fun was just getting started. I wanted more than anything to see more but the other girls made her take out that tape and play something else. I went along with what they wanted but when we left that night I had that tape stuffed down the front of my jeans. It was all I could do to keep myself from running back to my room when my friends lingered momentarily outside the dorms to say goodnight. Finally after what seemed an eternity, I closed and locked the door to my room and slipped the tape into my VCR. They say an epiphany is something that changes or sums up a group of events. If that is true then that tape was an epiphany in my life because after viewing that movie, I was never the same again. The girl in that movie had tied up the other girl she had previously raped and now she proceeded to abuse her. First she slapped the girl a few times, delighting in the sound and feel of her flesh on the other girls face. The victim's cries of fear and pain only served to spur the first girl on. Lighting up a cigarette she dropped the still lit match on the girl's stomach and giggled with joy as she screamed in pain. She licked up the tears that rolled down that girls face and then began applying that cigarette to various parts of her body. My god, the juices were flowing down my leg as I masturbated wildly as I watched. Never in my wildest imagination had I envisioned anything like this. By the time she had plugged in an electric curling iron and anally raped the other girl with it, I was withering on the floor in the middle of the most intense orgasm I had ever had. More torture followed and the scene suddenly ended just as she was about to force a pillow over the other girl's face. I lay right there on the floor for god knows how long. I had climaxed at least three times during the movie and in fact I was still aroused. The girl in that movie had amazed me with her eagerness to inflict pain and suffering on the other girl. It had been wonderful to watch. A side of my personality I didn't know existed now opened itself up to me. How wonderful it would be to have the power over that girl to do anything I desired. I wanted more than anything else at that moment to be that girl, to be doing those things myself. Something crossed over in me at that moment and I knew there would be no going back Does that make sense to you? Too fucking bad. I began searching out video stores that might carry these types of movies. Finally, in the seedier section of town I found one that carried what they called S&M movies. I had to endure strange looks and suggestive comments from one of the clerks there but I was beyond caring about that. Most of these movies were run of the mill productions where someone was half-heartedly whipped or had clothespins attached to their nipples or pussy. I found them boring. I did find a few better movies where there was an honest attempt to show women abusing and hurting other women. They seemed quite realistic and I loved them. I spent long hours watching these movies and drawing solace from the fact that I was not the only person in the world with an attraction to this type of thing. I often wondered what type of'special' movies might be available by special request but I shuddered to think of what those slimy clerks would say or even try to make me do to get them. Besides, they were ultimately only movies, not the real thing. The real thing. More and more my mind drifted to the possibility of actually doing the things I had seen in these movies. The power this would bestow upon me would be amazing. I would get wet down there just thinking about it. But how to go about it? Over the next few months I became obsessed with the idea of taking someone and using them for my own ends. Any one of those dumb bitches I hung out with would do. Who would care if they went missing except for a few odd people back where they came from? But reason and fear always held me back. After all, I didn't want to get caught. The time and place never seemed right. The where and how always seemed wrong. In the meantime I began going to the Health Center on campus and working out in the circuit training room. I didn't want to look like some female bodybuilder but I wanted to increase my strength and general fitness level. Somehow in my mind this was tied in with my developing compulsions. If I was going to be in control of someone, it was important that I be physically superior to them. Besides, I must admit that I found being around a large number of nude and semi-nude women in the locker room very arousing. The "Future Victims Club Of America" was how I saw them in my mind. As the months passed my strength increased at least threefold and I was able to run three miles on the indoor track with no problem. I felt strong and powerful But my dreams had not yet come to be in the real world. I began to despair of ever fulfilling my fantasies. When it finally happened however, it was as much of a surprise to me as to anyone. The school I attended was located in a remote wooded area surrounded on three sides by steep hills. There was a small town just off campus but the only real city was about an hour away via the interstate. Several small two- lane roads also meandered to the city but no one used them much since the interstate was twice as fast. Also there was no lighting on these small roads and driving on them at night was a real task as they contained many sudden turns. Plus if you had mechanical trouble, you were out in the middle of nowhere. I liked driving these small out of the way roads however. I could be alone with my thoughts and not have to worry about some jerk in a semi cutting me off or something. The roads were twisty and dark but I handled them with ease. On this one particular night, I was returning from the city after renting a couple of new S&M movies. One of them in particular looked like it was going to be fun as the box cover showed a lovely young woman just about to burn another woman with some type of branding iron or something. Yummy! I was sort of aroused thinking about how much fun it would be to use that iron on some of the girls at the college and I slipped my hand down between my legs to feel my wetness. I guess my attention to the road wandered just momentarily because the next thing I knew I was jerked back to reality by something in the road that I saw out of the corner of my eye. I saw movement and a flash of something white and then before I could react I had hit the object with a glancing blow of my fender. The object careened wildly into the woods and disappeared from sight. I slammed on my brakes as I realized that it had been a bicyclist that I had struck. Oh my god, what was a bicycle doing out here at night. I pulled off the road and grabbing a flashlight from the glove compartment I ran into the woods at the spot where the collision had occurred. After a moment my night vision improved and I could see the front end of the bike maybe twenty yards ahead of me on the ground. The rear of the bike was pretty smashed from the impact but as I approached it there was no sign of the rider. "Hello! Anyone here?" I yelled out. "Help me, please help me." A voice from nearby called out. About ten yards away was a huge boulder and the voice came from the other side. I ran around and there on the ground was a girl I had seen several times in the Health Center working out. She lay with her back propped up on the rock. I guessed that after hitting the ground or whatever she had crawled over to this spot. The trees were broken here and she lay bathed in moonlight. Her left leg was obviously broken and beginning to swell and she had many other little cuts and abrasions. But she was conscious and alert thank god. "My god I'm sorry I never saw you till it was too late. Are you ok?" "I know I shouldn't have been out here at night. Oh shit, my leg hurts. I think it's broken. Help me." "Your leg looks bad. Do you think you can walk on it as far as my car?" "No way. It hurts too much. Please, go get some help." "Ok, look, my cell phone is in the car. I'll go back and call for help. I'll be back," I called over my shoulder as I ran back to the road. I jumped into my car and pulled my cell from my purse. I was just about to call 911 when I saw the cover of that video I had rented on the seat of my car. That woman with the branding iron stared up at me. I felt a twinge between my legs. It dawned on me that we were out in the middle of nowhere with no one around for miles. Miles and miles. No one drove these roads at night. My heartbeat increased. My god, was I actually going to do what I had been thinking about doing for months now? I tried to think clearly but all I kept thinking about was that no one would ever know what happened out here. I was free to do whatever the hell I wanted. Think, think, I told myself. My nipples were hard and I realized that I had unconsciously been rubbing them through my t-shirt. You know you want to. Do it, I told myself, just fucking do it. No one will ever know. She's yours, fucking do her! Once my hand slid slowly inside my jeans and touched my wet, silky panties I was beyond the point of no return. I caressed myself for a moment and then my mind was made up. "Fuck it all" I said aloud. I started my car and drove ahead about twenty feet where the trees parted and drove into the dark woods. I didn't want my car to be visible just in case someone actually did come along. I parked it behind a rocky outcropping and satisfied myself that it could not be seen from the road. I took my glasses off and set them up on the dash and then undid my hair and let it fall freely down to my shoulders. No need to hide or disguise myself now. I felt strangely free and calm now that the decision to take this girl had been made. There would be no turning back. I approached the girl from another direction from the one I had left from. I stood in the dark of the woods unobserved and checked her out. In my right hand was the tire iron from the car's jack. It was the only thing in my car that I might find useful, I thought. I saw how unprepared I had really been. Well, this would have to do. She lay right where I had left her, propped up against that boulder. Her legs were spread apart and even from this distance I could see how swollen her knee was. Good, I thought, she wouldn't be running away. Her hand kept rubbing that hurt knee as if she could magically fix it by touch. Her legs were long and shapely and I felt my passion rise another notch as I watched her. Long, golden hair flowed freely in the light evenings breeze and I could tell that her breasts were full under one of those stupid bicycle shirts with all the Italian racing insignias. My old teacher Miss Johnson's sexual abuse of me had left me with a taste for women and it had been far, far too long between adventures. I took a deep breath and walked out of the woods. "Oh thank god, what took you so long? Did you get help?" Seeing the tire iron in my hand she asked, " What's that for?" "Don't worry, help's on the way but it's going to be awhile before they get here. There's no ambulance within twenty miles of here but they are coming. This is just in case we need to make a splint for your leg. It's all I could find." Sitting down next to her I ran my fingers through her hair and asked, "How are you doing?" "It hurts bad but I'm all right other then that." My hands were both in her hair now, lightly caressing her temples and scalp and staring into her eyes. I was so wet down between my legs it was a wonder that she couldn't smell it. "The EMT on the phone told me I should check you out for any other injuries so that when they get here they can start treatment right away. Any pain here in your neck?" I began massaging her neck, never taking my eyes off of her beautiful brown eyes. God she was gorgeous. A smile appeared on my face. "No, my neck seems ok. What are you, a nurse or something?" "Or something. How about here?" My hands slowly trailed down to her full breasts and cupped one in each of my hands. My fingers began rubbing, squeezing, probing. She instinctively pulled away. "Hey, don't do that. I told you I'm ok." "Let me check you out. I told you that I've got to look for other possible injuries. Just sit back." My hands were back on her breasts. Oh they felt so good in my hands. "No damn it. I told you not to touch me there." Again she pulled away. "Well, if you're not going to cooperate, I'll just have to teach you to." Without warning my hand shot out and slapped her right across the face. The sound seemed to fill the clearing we were in and her face flew backwards and her head hit the boulder with a thud. A sensation of unbelievable pleasure filled me and I laughed as she looked back at me with a mixture of surprise, pain and fear. Then I was on her, my tongue pushing into her mouth and my hands under her shirt roughly grabbing and pulling at those firm breasts. So surprised was she that it took a minute for her to realize what was happening. She tried to pull away from me but I grabbed her hair and pulling her face close to mine I looked into her eyes and hissed at her, "It's going to be awhile before they get here love. In the meantime you and I are going to have some fun. Don't fucking fight it sweetie, I wouldn't want to have to do this." I reached down and tapped roughly on her swollen knee. Her eyes rolled momentarily into the back of her head and she let out a scream of pain that filled the woods. The sound of her scream merely served to heighten my excitement and once again I was on her. I pulled her shirt up and began nursing and sucking on her breasts. It took another tap or two on her damaged leg to quiet her down but finally all the fight seemed to go out of her. I was aware of the sounds of my wild sucking and slurping and of her now muted protests. Her breasts tasted wonderful and her nipples seemed to swell despite her resistance. Lifting my head from her I pulled my t-shirt up and off and grabbing her hair I pushed one of my hard nipples into her mouth. "Suck it you bitch. Suck it good!" Her mouth closed on my breast and she half- heartedly began to suck. "Come on god damn it, suck it I said. Maybe you want me to break your other fucking leg. No? Then suck it right." She was crying now as she sucked at my nipple in earnest and her tears dripped down unto my breast. Ohh, that was so nice. I felt like my pussy was on fire and I pulled her hair to make her go back and forth between both breasts. I reached down and touched myself between my legs. God, a spasm of ecstasy shot through me more intense than anything I had ever felt before. My pussy was so wet that two of my fingers slid up inside of me with no trouble and I began rubbing my dripping clit. Pulling her head away from my boobs I slapped her again just to make sure she understood that we weren't finished yet. She was sobbing now as I stood up and slipped out of my jeans and stood in front of her in only my wet panties. "Watch me baby, watch me play with myself." I was finger fucking myself with two fingers and I pulled her face up close to my crotch. "Sniff my crotch you fucking little whore. Smell my pussy." "Please, please," she sniveled and for an answer she got another slap across the face. It felt so fucking good to slap her I almost lost it right then but I was not ready for that yet. I slid my wet panties down my legs and pushed her face into my dripping crotch. "Lick it love. Lick up all my juices." I was grinding my cunt into her face when my first orgasm hit. I let out a scream of my own and pushed against her face even harder. Waves of intense pleasure flowed through me and my clit vibrated against her lips and nose and every part of her tear stained face. I swear that another orgasm hit right after the first and I had to push her down flat on the ground and ride her face from a kneeling position in order to keep from falling right over. Never had I felt anything so intense and pleasurable in my life. As my second orgasm finally began to recede, I had an idea and pushing my pussy tightly against her mouth I reached down and poked her damaged knee. She let out a horrific scream but the whole sound of it was vibrated up through my pussy, which was muffling her mouth. My pussy tingled from the vibration and I swear another orgasm came upon me as she wiggled under me. It was too much and I had to climb off of her and hold my pussy open as I felt like it was going to explode. More waves of pleasure exploded inside of me and it was as if I had been holding back all my life for this moment. Finally my orgasm ended and I sat leaning back against the boulder slowly stroking my pussy and watching her. She was crying and sobbing and her whole body seemed to tremble and shudder. It was wonderful. I smiled at her. Finally she began to regain some semblance of control over herself and looking over at me still stroking my pussy she managed to mumble, "You're a monster! You hear me? A monster! I'm going to have you locked up when we get back to town. I swear, just as soon as that ambulance gets here I'll..." "What ambulance was that honey?" "The one that.." She stopped and looked at me as realization slowly dawned on her. A look of shock and then sweet, sweet fear crossed her face. Her fear once again stoked the fires of my passion and I let my eyes drift over to where the tire iron lay about twenty feet away. Her eyes followed mine and as I slowly rose up and walked over towards it she let out the most blood- curdling scream I had ever heard. It was music to my ears and as I walked back towards her with the tire iron in my hand, I couldn't restrain the laugh that seemed to erupt from my very soul. "Now baby, it's time for us to have some real fun!" * * * * * It was two am by my watch. The woods were quiet now as I lay spread eagled on the hood of my car staring at the moon floating above. I slowly reached my arms upward and stretched my muscles, feeling as if I could pluck the moon from the sky if I so wished. I cupped my breasts in my hands noting how erect my nipples remained even now. My eyes, glazed with passion, seemed to me to glow in the dark. I smiled. What a night it had been! All of my fantasies could never in a million years compare to the unimaginable pleasure of the real thing. I suddenly remembered reading somewhere that there had been several American Indian tribes that had given their captives to the women of the tribe to torture. They would sometimes take days with their prizes, devising the most painful and cruel methods that were available to them. In my mind I could hear the screams of their victims echoing across the long ago frontier. I felt a bond with them even though they were long gone. My long lost soul mates. Her name had been Susan Lisok. I had found her driver's license in the wallet she had carried in a fanny pack. Sweet, sweet Susan. Her screams had filled the woods for the better part of an hour as I used her in ways best not described in detail here. I had to stop my exploration of her at least three times to allow my orgasms to peak and then subside. I had no idea such sexual ecstasy was possible. At the end she had begged me to give her final release and I had been only too glad to oblige. I was staring into her eyes when she took her last breath and I pressed my lips against hers so that that last wonderful exhale of her final breath would flow directly from her to me. I believe that was another Indian legend that I had read about, that if you breathed in someone's last breath, that person's spirit became a part of you and made you stronger. If that was true, she was a part of me now. I smiled at the thought. I had grabbed her long golden hair and dragged her body deep into the woods. Thank heavens for the circuit training I had done because she had become quite cumbersome by the time I got far enough in to where I would feel comfortable leaving her. I dragged her because in the off chance anyone ever found her body they might think she had become disoriented and crawled in the wrong direction. With any luck of course the local wildlife would make a meal of her, Frankly I didn't care. I left everything in her wallet as I found it except for that driver's license. It had her picture on it and I wanted a little keepsake of our happy time together. On the way back to my car another idea struck me. Last fall, during hunting season, the local yokels had gathered at the gas station in town to check out the deer they had shot and to swap stories. I had been driving through and saw the whole scene. It occurred to me now to wonder what those good ol' boys would say if I came driving in with Susan tied to the hood of my car. "Yep, bagged her in the woods last night with only a tire iron boys." I giggled. Oh well. One thing was certain to me. For the first time in my life I had felt in total control of my world. No more mousy wallflower who let events control her. I was a hunter now just like those men at the gas station during deer season. The only difference as far as I could see was that my prey was human and the kill was an end in itself. No stories about enjoying nature or hunting for food. No, the kill was the thing, the most exciting thing. I had killed for sport and I would do it again. Oh yes, I would gladly do it again. Reluctantly I knew it was time to head back to school. I felt like I belonged out here in the woods but I had to get back. I threw Susan's bicycle in the trunk of my car and drove away. About twenty miles further down the road I stopped and threw it into the underbrush after carefully wiping off any prints I might have left on it. Now if they found the bike any search would be conducted here, miles from where I had left her. Looking down at the rental movie on the seat beside me I had to laugh. I was finished renting movies because I now knew that the enjoyment they had brought me was nothing compared to the real thing. Movies had been a gateway for me to a life I had never known but it had not been movies that had led me to kill. Far from it. Something that was inside of me that I had been born with had now become the driving force in my life. Evil you might say, although I would never call it that myself. I guess you would say that I was just plain born evil. * * * * * Well, I see that I am almost out of room on this cassette. I don't know if my cellmate can really get this out of this place and on the Internet somewhere. She says she can. If so and if anyone finds my story interesting, maybe I will write another one. There are other stories to tell about my adventures. Many of them actually. Write me, honey!
The room is dark and misty, punctuated by beams of flashing technicolour strobe lighting blaring in tune with the pulsating techno music. With each bright flash, the room lights up for a fraction of a second. Then pitch black, then light again. Like a stop-motion picture, only futuristic as a cyberpunk wonderland full of grinding bodies and throbbing beats. Rob shakes his head in ecstasy, holding his arms up in the air and moving to the rhythm of the music. He laughs aloud, yet is not heard. He slows, his feet ceasing to stomp the floor as a girl with vivacious eyes and a serious, sultry stare licks her lips at him from across the room. It's all he can do not to drool. The 23-year-old man stares, transfixed. He falls into a trance, unable to avert his lust-fuelled gaze as the black-haired woman swishes over. Dancers part to either side of her effortlessly as she gently moves her long-fingered hands against them. She saunters, smiling seductively and looking directly into Rob's green eyes with her own hazel ones. He stammers, unable to believe his luck or think of an appropriately witty introduction. He needn't. The temptress presses her index finger firmly into Rob's lips, and his voice falls to nothing instantaneously. The flickering light illuminates her perfect silky hair and his rough, sweaty skin. He smiled nervously. She grins lustfully, snaking her pale arms around to tickle the small of the man's back beneath his green checked shirt. She traces a fingernail up his spine, her touch as light as a feather. He shivers, unable to move yet unable to resist. He breathes deeply, struggling to contain his arousal. She can tell. She does not feign innocence. She knows better than anyone that she is a mistress of seduction, clad in black lace and silk with skin as white as chalk and plump plum lips. Her trace moves lower. Her hands sneak into the back pockets of Rob's grey skinny jeans. He bites hard on his bottom lip, his own hands positioned awkwardly around the yet-unnamed seductress's slim shoulders. He rubs her neck gently, blushing. She takes the signal wholeheartedly, stepping closer to his body enough to feel the heat radiating off of him. She squeezes herself closer still, feeling his slim physique through his shirt and his... protrusion... through his jeans. "Sorry," he mumbles uselessly over the throbbing dance music. His lips move but she hears nothing, and signals for him to bend down. She stands on her tiptoes and cups her hand around his ear, ignoring the greasy brown hair falling in its region. "I want you," she says. Rob returns to his full 6'0" height and steps back, astounded. He has never been prepositioned in such a way before, yet has no doubt that he wants to fuck. The blood rushing to his nether regions is unbearable. He nods wordlessly, and she grabs his hand. He barely catches a knowing wink from a buddy as he leaves the club and is dragged into a back alleyway where the music can be faintly heard. A dumpster overflowing with bin bags is parked against a brick wall, yet his temptress does not seem ill at ease. He wonders if she's done this before. She pushes him back wordlessly and unbuttons his shirt. Rob shifts awkwardly, moving a particularly discomforting piece of rock from the otherwise cold, smooth paving slabs beneath his back. His shirt falls off, opening to each side and exposing the man's trim torso. She grabs his brown leather belt, unbuckling it skilfully and tearing open his zipper. Rob juts his hips upward to allow her to pull the clothing from his body. There he is – stark naked in an alleyway in mid-October, but consumed in the heat of the moment, he feels no cold. She smoothes her black hair backwards behind her hears, exposing a cheeky grin as she lowers her face towards his quivering body. She waggles her tongue at him, gives one lick and looks up, delighting in the man's pained expression. She retreats, and Rob opens one eye, for a moment expecting her to back out and make a fool of him. Maybe she's playing that game – the one where friends compete to see who can trick the ugliest person in the club into going home with them. But it seems that is not the case. Rob props his body up on his elbows, watching as the woman undresses, her back to him. Her loose silk camisole floats to the ground after the lace netted shirt she wore over the top. Black leather boots with spiked kitten heels, then dark, tightly fitted jeans all come off and form a pile to the pair's side. She licks a finger and plays with her hair. She knows she's hot. Then she turns around. Immediately, Rob knows something is wrong. The seductive hazel eyes turn a blazing red, and the look is no longer one of sexual desire but one of crazed, rapturous, all-encompassing dominance. He panics, humiliated at the sight of his erection as he clambers backwards and struggles to stand. He has no chance. She pounces on him, sharp fingernails digging into the flesh of his upper arms and blood oozing in trickles down onto his shirt. He flails, tries to kick, but is pushed down. She's inhumanly strong, and clasps a hand around his throbbing neck. She pierces the skin, licking her crimson lips as yet more blood seeps through his flesh. She forces herself upon him, her firm, round breasts pressing into his stomach as he tongue tickles lustfully the cold, blood-stained skin. Gripping his shoulders, she sits, revealing her full body to him in all its glory. Her legs are straddling him, her orifice directly above his firm cock. She touches his blood with her fingers and sucks. Gazing thoughtfully downwards onto her horrified victim, she rams her wet fingers hard up her gaping hole. Her mouth widens involuntarily and her ruby eyes clench shut. He is entranced, staring wide-eyed at the curvaceous woman pleasuring herself on top of him. She leans downwards and rubs her juices over his bare chest. He gasps aloud, feeling her lubrication slipping down over the head of his member, then engulfing his hardness fully; she is tight around his body. She throws herself back, hair flicking over her shoulder and hands tracing her nipples as she rocks back and forth with his full length deep inside her. He thrusts gently, highly aware of the sweat sticking his back to his shirt. His arms reach out, cradling the her lower back and pulling her further onto him. He caresses her fleshy buttocks and gives a gentle squeeze as she comes forward to breathe ticklish breaths onto his neck. She rushes her fingers through his unkempt dark hair, freeing up the skin on his neck and tilting his head to one side. She leans down, licks her lips and sucks hard, her tongue electrifying his skin. She widens her mouth, the deep purple lipstick wiping off and mixing with salty sweat. Her teeth graze against his goosepimply skin. Sharp, unforgiving canines. In time with his strained thrusting, she bites down, her teeth sinking into him as his body sinks into hers, eliciting hardened moans of desire. She licks ravenously and grazes her incisors across his veins and her claw-like fingernails rake across his body. She sups, the iron taste getting her off as much as his vigorous pumping. She pauses momentarily to reposition one hand lower down, rubbing hard at her clit as he slides in and out of her. She suppresses her moans of orgasm by gagging herself with his skin. Canines sink deeply, pooling blood to the surface which flows like rivers across the man's white skin. The sex slows, his body tiring. His tight hold on her buttocks loosens; his arms fall awkwardly to his side. Still inside her, his penis softens. His features lose all expression and his head flops to one side, slamming into the cold, harsh pavement. The vampire pauses. The blood is taken. She sits up on top of him and adjusts herself, gingerly pulling his soft cock out of her vagina, rubbing herself over him to wipe off the sticky fluid. She stands emotionless. On go the clothes and the body dragged behind the dumpster. Only a few splashes of blood are the tell-tale signs. Her cheeks flush a pale rosy pink as opposed to porcelain. She knows it'll happen again, but for now, she's had her fix. _(Special thanks to Render_Me_Submissive for feedback and editing help)_ * The halls were crowded, the final bell had rang and all the students were anxious to get out and get home. Lockers slammed, people walked back and forth, and voices rose to be heard over the racket. Ren stood at her locker, staring at her bag and what it contained. _Should I go through with it?_ she mused to herself. Taking a deep breath, she decided. She grabbed the bag and headed to the classroom, ready to alter her destiny. Judith Howe was an English teacher. At forty-two, she did her best to stay fit and it showed. She was a slim, petite woman standing 5'4'' with shoulder length red hair. She dressed nicely, but modestly, for work. Today she was wearing dark slacks with an embroidered white blouse. Still very attractive, she looked at least ten years younger than her age. She was aware many of the young men in her classes had "improper" thoughts about her, and she secretly enjoyed the attention. However, she wasn't aware of the thoughts one of the girls in her class had, nor just how improper those thoughts were. She was a soft-spoken woman, demure and just a little shy. Ren had chosen Mrs. Howe because she was quiet, and seemed to avoid confrontations and reacted very nervously when she couldn't. While erasing the white-board, Mrs. Howe turned as she heard the door open. She gave Ren a warm smile as she saw the girl enter. "Ren, what can I do for you?" she asked. She gave a look of confusion as the younger woman locked the door. "What are you doing?" Then Ren was advancing on her, walking purposefully towards the smaller woman. Instinctively, Judith backed up. "Wait," she began, but Ren kept advancing. Ren moved into Mrs. Howe's personal space. At 5'8'', the younger girl was standing so close that the teacher had to look up to meet her face. "P-please," the teacher began, stammering, but Ren merely took another step forward. That forced the teacher to backpedal again. "S-stop," Mrs. Howe said on the verge of panic, but her voice was pleading, not commanding. With a predatory smile, the brunette teen walked another step closer, causing her teacher to flee once more. Using nothing more than purposeful strides, Ren backed her teacher into a corner. Every time Mrs. Howe began to say something Ren would move forward again, cutting her off. Judith let out a small gasp as she felt her back wedge against the walls. Ren pressed close, standing near enough that her extra height made her seem to loom over the smaller woman. Judith cowered in the corner, fidgeting. She couldn't flee anymore, and the only escape was through Ren. A smaller woman, and one not used to confrontations of any sort, Mrs. Howe wasn't sure she could get past Ren. And then what? She had no idea what to do, couldn't think of anything she was even able to do. So she just stood there, frightened, and tried to will herself to disappear so this would be over. "Please let me go," the cornered teacher said in a soft voice. "Take off your blouse," Ren replied calmly. Mrs. Howe jerked in shock at the words. "W-what?" Judith sputtered. "Your blouse. Take it off," Ren told her in a firm voice. "N-no. I c-can't. You can't..." but Judith's words were again cut short when Ren reached out and took the teacher's chin in her hand. She raised the trembling teacher's face up so that they were looking into each others eyes. Then, with her other hand, she slapped Mrs. Howe lightly across her cheek. It wasn't a hard blow, not even enough to leave a mark. But, the older woman let out a surprised yip anyway. Ren had done it to get the teacher's attention, and scare her into obedience. Judith flushed, then paled, then flushed again with humiliation. When Ren released Mrs. Howe's chin, the older woman's eyes immediately returned to the floor. "Now," Ren told her, "remove your blouse." With of soft whine, and a couple tears escaping her eyes, Judith reached up with shaking fingers and began to undo her buttons. One corner of Ren's moth twisted upwards in a small smirk of triumph. As the last button came undone, Judith hesitantly shrugged herself out of the blouse--revealing her simple peach colored bra. She held it uncertainly before her, until Ren took it from her hands and laid it across a nearby shelf. Next, Ren moved back a bit and pulled a digital camera from her pocket. Seeing the camera, Mrs. Howe's eyes widened in horror. "No!" she said, but the camera went off with a flash. The teachers hands came up to try and cover herself. "Hands down," Ren demanded. With a whimper, a couple more tears, Judith complied, allowing the teen to snap a few more pictures. "Now your pants," was Ren's next instruction. Hearing this, the hapless teacher squeezed her eyes tightly shut, again wishing she were anywhere else. But, with no further prodding, Judith unclasped her slacks and lowered the zipper. Ren, standing back, continued to take pictures as her teacher let her pants fall, revealing a matching pair of bikini-cut panties. Judith then stepped out of her shoes, and pulled her pants the rest of the way off, finally putting them with her discarded blouse. "Very nice," Ren complimented her. "You know what comes next," she continued, "go ahead and take off the underwear." With another flush of embarrassment, Judith shook her head in denial, but her hands moved to comply. Reaching behind her, she unhooked her bra. Without the support, her breasts hung a little lower, but didn't fall much. Pulling the straps from her shoulders, Judith allowed her breasts to be revealed; her nipples were hard from the chill. With a flash, that image too was captured by the domineering teen. The breasts were medium-sized, but looked larger on the Judith's small frame. Smiling, Ren told her teacher, "Good girl, very nice. Now, keep going." Judith, embarrassed and ashamed, shuddered at the words. _What choice do I have?_ she thought to herself, for things had already gone so far out of hand. Surrendering to the inevitable, she slid her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and pushed the peach cloth down her legs, revealing her sparse patch of fine, red hairs. Ren continued to flash pictures, capturing each moment forever. Stepping out of the panties, Judith moved to place them with the rest of her cloths, but Ren held out her hand for them instead. With a flush, the teacher handed them over to her young tormentor. "What's this?" Ren asked as she brought the panties up to her nose. "Smells like someone's enjoying herself, naughty-naughty," she taunted, causing Judith's flush to deepen. "Someone smells wet, don't they?" the schoolgirl asked, holding the damp cloth up to her teacher's nose. Judith, her blush now deep red and spreading down past her breasts from humiliation, smelled her own arousal from the moist panties the imperious teen held to her nostrils. Grinning in the face of her teacher's shame, Ren stuffed the knickers into her pocket. Next, Ren made the older woman pose for her, increasing her uneasiness. The subjugation made the poor teacher even more aroused, which only further humiliated Judith. Stepping back to the desk, Ren beckoned Judith closer. She stopped the teacher a foot or two before her. "Kneel," she commanded Judith. Judith gulped, suspecting what was coming next and knowing for some time that it was going to happen. Awkwardly, the self- conscious teacher sank to her knees. Confirming Judith's suspicions, Ren kicked off her shoes and quickly slid out of her pants and panties. She sat down on the edge of the desk and spread her thighs. The sight seemed to mesmerize the older woman. Reaching out, Ren slid her fingers behind Judith's head and pulled her face between her thighs. Holding her head, Ren slid her teacher's nose up and down her slit, parting the folds. Then, she pressed Judith closer. "You know what to do," Ren told her, "show me how much of a good girl you can be." Eyes level with her students dark brown muff, Judith slid out her tongue and got her first taste of Ren's intimate treasures. Ren leaned back with a low groan. Only part of it was from the sensations; the act of control and domination was much more arousing to the teen than the actual physical touch. Reluctantly at first, but then with increasing enthusiasm, Judith began to explore Ren's sex. In her mind she thought her ordeal was nearly over, that this was all she had left to endure. Meanwhile, Ren had enough presence of mind left to grab her camera once more. Switching it to video mode, she captured her demure teacher lapping at her cunt. Resigned to the situation, Judith strove to please her young captor--hoping that it would all be over that much sooner. Bringing her hands up to hold the younger woman's thighs open, Judith continued to explore the soft folds with her tongue as Ren captured all the action. The seeping moisture began to coat the teacher's cheeks and chin, making them glisten with Ren's arousal. Spreading the lips with her thumbs, Judith slid deeper inside the dominant teen's cunt. As her pleasure grew, Ren laid the camera aside so she could better concentrate on the sensations her captive was giving her. Ren pulled off her shirt, then undid her bra. Her hands came up to cup and massage her own breasts. Judith watched her student's reaction, and became even more eager with her ministrations. Seeing Ren's flesh darken, and her breathing increase, Judith knew it wouldn't be much longer before she brought her to an orgasm. Tentatively at first, as if not sure if she'd be scolded, Judith slid a finger inside of her captor. When the first finger brought no objection, Judith added a second. She worked the two digits in and out of the teen's tight channel, all the while still licking and probing with her tongue. Ren's hips started rocking more and more, and lifting up to meet Judith as her back arched. With a gasp, followed by a deep moan, Ren's body spasmed with pleasure. Judith felt the contractions squeeze tight around her invading fingers. Ren's hips continued to slowly gyrate as she came down from her orgasm, and Judith gradually slowed her tongue and fingers. Ren took a deep, sighing breath and pushed Judith back away from her sensitive flesh. Judith stayed complacently on her knees, waiting while Ren recovered. Part of her hoped that her ordeal was now over, but another part was more worried about her own pleasure. "Mmmm," Ren said with a languid smile as she sat back up. She reached down and scooped the excess moisture from Judith's face with a finger and started to feed it to the kneeling teacher. Judith, having come this far, accepted this without hesitation, sucking and licking the finger clean each time. That done, Ren bent down and gave Judith a kiss on the forehead. " _Very_ good girl," Ren said. "May I get dressed?" Judith asked timorously, causing Ren to smile. "No, little one, we're not near done yet." With that, Judith watched as Ren moved to her discarded bag. Judith's eyes widened in shock as the teen removed a strap-on dildo. As she watched Ren put it on and tighten the straps, Judith felt several contrary emotions warring within her. Part of her was nervous, even afraid. But, another part was aroused and excited, and that part made her ashamed. "Where did you get that?" Judith blurted out. "I bought it for the occasion," Ren told her with a grin, causing the teacher to blush once more. Ren approached her again, this time with the phallus affixed between her legs. The dildo seemed to be about eight to nine inches long. Cheeks turning slightly pink, Judith realized it was slightly both longer and thicker than her husband, and wondered how something larger than she was used to would feel. The eighteen-year-old stopped before her teacher's face. "Do you give your husband head?" Ren asked. "Yes, sometimes," Judith whispered, nodding her head slightly. "Good, because you're going to make it all nice and wet," Ren said while stroking her new cock. "Not that it needs it. You're already nice and wet, aren't you?" "Yes," Judith said, humiliated by the admission even as her wetness coated her inner thighs. Ren placed the tip cock against Judith's lips, and the teacher dutifully parted them to allow the invader in. Ren's hips rocked gently back and forth while Judith's head bobbed up and down the length. Again, Ren brought up the camera and captured another priceless moment of the subjugation of Mrs. Howe. Resting a single hand on Judith's head, Ren let the older woman go at her own pace for a few minutes. Leaning her body back, Ren caused the dildo to slide out of her teacher's mouth with a pop. Briefly, Judith's face registered disappointment, even a little pout. In that moment, there was a flash as another picture was taken. Judith blushed with chagrin as she realized the expression on her face made her desire obvious. Ren looked down at her captive with a predatory grin, and even got tiny smile in return as Judith responded to the look. "Bend over the desk," Ren told her. Judith did as ordered, standing up and bending herself over the desk. Ren pressed a hand into her back, lowering the teacher further down until her nipples just barely grazed the cool surface. Moving behind her, Ren placed the tip of strap-on against Judith's opening. Grasping the shaft, she slid the head up and down over Judith's sensitive lips. Ren pushed forward, sinking the first couple inches inside of her teacher. Judith gave a low moan in response. Ren withdrew slightly, then pressed forward again, sinking another inch deeper. Over and over she did this, gaining an inch at a time; each thrust opened up Judith's passage a little more. Ren paused once all the way inside. "Do you like that?" Ren asked her impaled teacher. "Mmm-hmm," was Judith's reply. Ren rotated her hips, causing the fake cock to squirm inside Judith. "What was that?" "Mmm, yes," Judith said. "Yes what?" Ren asked, insistently. "Yes, yes, I like it!" "Good," Ren said, starting to move once more. Slowly at first, she began to rock her hips back and forth, working the shaft in and out. "Have you ever fantasized about this?" Ren asked. "Being bent over your desk and taken by a student?" Whimpering, Judith admitted the truth, "Never by a girl." "Oh," Ren said with a chuckle, "but you have fantasized about it? We'll have to make sure it's always me in your fantasies from now on..." Grabbing Judith's hips tightly, Ren increased her tempo. As she picked up speed, Judith's body rocked back and forth--both from the impact and as the she thrust her hips back to meet each thrust. The motion caused her nipples to drag across the surface of the desk, rubbing back and forth with each lunge Ren made into her body. Very aroused before Ren ever bent her over the desk, Judith's excitement was building rapidly with the passionate fucking that the teen was giving her. Ren shifted herself forward, leaning slightly over her prey so that the shaft was pointed slightly downward. The new angle allowed the artificial cock to rub itself over the teacher's g-spot with every stroke. Judith let out a startled groan the fist time the shaft glided over that secret spot. Soon, Judith was gasping as each stroke bottomed out. Her breath was coming in pleasurable pants as Ren took her, driving the rod deep into her with every shove of her hips. "What a _naughty_ teacher," Ren said, "getting off while bent over her desk." Judith moaned, the words embarrassed her, but that only seemed to feed her pleasure more. "Look at you, getting off being taken by one of the _girls_ you teach." "Oh...oh," was all Judith could say in reply. "Hear that squishing sound?" Ren taunted. "That's you. That's how wet you are," she continued, "that's how wet getting fucked in your classroom makes you. Your leaking cunt has gotten my thighs all damp, you're such a _dirty girl!_ " That final jeer seemed to trigger Judith's orgasm. Her body jerked as she heard it, as if hit with an electrical shock. She felt her muscles clamp down tight around the invading phallus and and she bucked hard against Ren and the desk. Seeing her teacher peak, Ren pressed her down hard into the desk as she gave her several more deep, hard thrusts. Held against the unyielding surface, Judith felt her cheek pressed into the hard wood as she gave a deep, animalistic groan from her pleasure. Ren held deep within her, rotating her hips to grind the shaft into her teacher as they road out her orgasm. Once it had faded, Ren slid wetly out of Judith. "Turn around," Ren told her, patting her on the butt. Judith spun herself around, and partly sat up facing the teen. Already, she was glowing and had a contented smile. That was one of the best orgasms she'd had in years. There was no more resistance in Judith, she felt prepared to do whatever else Ren wished. Ren reached back into her bag, withdrawing a bottle of lubricant. Judith watched, puzzled, as Ren applied some to the strap-on. _Why bother with that?_ Judith thought. _It's already glistening with moisture. Unless..._ "Oh, god no," Judith said, nervous once more. "Oh, yes," Ren said mockingly as she lubed up the artificial cock. "Have you ever?" Ren asked. Judith replied with a shake of her head. "Well, then that will belong to me alone." Finished lubing up, Ren stepped between Judith's legs again. "Lay back, little one," the teen told the older woman. Ren took the camera up in one hand again as she positioned herself, she wanted the next few moments preserved. Recording in movie mode again, Ren place the tip of her cock against the small, pink opening. Ren slid the view of the camera up over Judith's body, until the shot was focused on the teacher's face. Ren captured Judith's face as she shoved forward with her hips, penetrating her ass for the first time. The camera captured the looks of surprise, alienness, and discomfort as the older woman was anally deflowered. Judith's eyes were wide as Ren continued to press forward, pushing deeper into her bowels. Breathing in pants, Judith felt a growing sense of fullness like she'd never experienced before. She was soon blinking in surprise as she felt Ren bottom out inside of her. Ren paused there, giving her a chance to adjust. "What do you think?" Ren asked. "Uh...I don't know," Judith admitted. "Uncomfortable, but not really painful. Mostly odd, I guess." "Don't worry," Ren said, "you'll love it before it's over. You're far too horny a girl not to." Ren captured the resulting blush on camera, and then started to work the dildo back and forth. Taking Judith's right hand, she led it to the teachers breast. Then, she directed the remaining hand to the red-head's sex. The teacher massaged her own breast and rubbed her own clit while her student sodomized her. And, Ren caught all the action with her camera. Slowly, the pleasure from her clit began to spread. Before long, Judith found that the rhythmic plundering of her butt was intensifying her pleasure. Noticing her victim relaxing into the experience, Ren began to gradually intensify her thrusts. She zoomed in with the camera, focusing on the stiff rod plunging in and out of the petite teacher's ass. Then she'd move the view upwards to capture the look of pleasure and arousal on her face. "You're going to come again," Ren said. "You're going to come while a girl rapes your ass." "God, yes!" Judith panted. "You want to, don't you?" "Yes, yes." "Then beg for it," Ren ordered. "What?" "Beg for it, or I stop." "No!" Judith said, "don't stop, not now." "So, beg." "Please, please don't stop!" "You can do better," Ren said between thrusts. "Please, keep going," Judith gasped. "Take me, use me." "How?" Ren asked as Judith groaned. "Fuck me!" Judith exclaimed. "Fuck my ass," she continued, "take it, use it, just don't stop fucking me!" Ren sped up more, responding to the teachers dirty urgings. Judith, climbing towards another climax, increased the tempo with her hands as well. "Pound my tight little butt, bugger me!" The mixed pleasure, coming from different areas, kept building within Judith. The sensations, the new experience, and the humiliation of her situation all combined to drive her higher and higher. Through it all, Ren drilled mercilessly at her nether hole while Judith kept up a litany of babbling dirty-talk. Then, the sensations went into overload as Judith peaked again. "Oh, _god_," Judith groaned as she came, "Yes, yes! Rape my little virgin ass!" she gushed. Ren kept her camera locked on the spasming teacher's face as she climaxed. She continued to pump rhythmically throughout the older woman's climax. Having captured Judith's first anal orgasm, Ren set the camera aside once the teacher's climax had faded. Next, she shifted he legs, moving so that the each thrust of the dildo rubbed the nub against her clit more. She continued to fuck her teacher, now using Judith's body for her own pleasure. She drove her hips into the pliant older woman, knowing it wouldn't take long as worked up as she was. Ren leaned down, pressing her body into Judith's She continued until their breasts were pressed together, rubbing against one another with each thrust. Ren gazed into the submissive woman's eyes as she fucked, listening to her teacher whimper as her sensitive flesh was abused. In and out she worked the shaft, causing friction over her clit. Then, eyes still locked, Ren came. She shuddered with her orgasm, grinding the cock deeper into her captive. The feelings of pleasure, excitement, and, even more importantly, control washed over the domineering teen. Ren moaned with her release and collapsed onto her teacher. Still panting, Ren lifted herself back up. Pulling out, Ren watched Judith's legs and hips writhe obscenely as the long shaft escaped her rectum. The abused teacher whined as she felt it rub once more through her little ring of flesh. Then, with a pop more felt than heard, it was gone. "Very good girl," Ren cooed at Judith, as the teacher lay glowing and wrung out. Then, Ren began to shed the strap-on, and gather up her clothes. "How do you feel?" Ren asked, while redressing. "Mmm," Judith said, "Good. Worn out.... Sore," she finished with a small smile. Ren grinned back at her as she pulled on her pants. Now dressed, Ren move closer to the nude and basking teacher. She lifted the camera up where Judith could easily see it. "I don't have to say it, do I?" Ren inquired. "Mm, no," Judith said. "Good. From now on, whatever I want..?" "Yes. Of course," Judith confirmed. "Very good," Ren said, gathering up her things, "Very good, indeed. I'll give you more details, later. You may get dressed, now." "Oh, if I _can,_ " the English teacher protested. "You'll manage," Ren said, smiling. "It'll be a week before I can walk right again." "If not longer," Ren said as she walked towards the door. "Longer?" Judith asked, surprised. "You don't _really_ think I'm going to wait a week to do this again, do you?" Ren questioned as she stepped out the door.
A few days after my "plugging" Lauren asked me if she could invite her long- time school-friend, Abigail to visit for the coming week. Abigail was a charming girl and Lauren's best friend t school. She had often spent the evening while they did their homework together, and occasionally slept over. She was somewhat shy, a quiet bookish girl who wore glasses and had a rather dull complexion. Always she was very courteous and thoughtful when she visited, and I was delighted she would be staying. At the time I'd been helping out at the church bring and buy sale, on my feet and busy for some hours and had almost forgotten about the plug filling my rear exit. It was only when I thought about it I felt the presence, and also the substantial mass accumulating in my bowels. It seemed I was getting used to wearing it, and it certainly gave me an added confidence to know there was no risk of having a messy embarrassing accident in my panties. Not unless it was taken out when Lauren wanted me to have one. The thought then struck me that my own situation might become apparent to Abigail, so I hope to avoid any embarrassing accidents. But Lauren told me how her friend was somewhat prone to have "accidents" since her mom was worried about failure to empty one's bowels regularly and made sure her daughter she took laxatives each day. I could just imagine the embarrassment it must cause to a seventeen year old girl to have to worry about being taken short when with her friends or I class. Lauren begged me to be especially understanding to her friend in case anything of the sort happened, and to offer whatever help she might need or want. I was a little surprised when Abigail's mom, Dorothy, phoned to say she would call round some time that morning. She arrived a little later, conspicuously overdressed for such a mundane task, wearing an expensive silk blouse, jodhpurs, boots and suede waistcoat. Ostensibly she wanted to bring some clothes and other items for Abigail's stay but I soon realised that, as well as showing off, she wanted to "put me in the picture" about her daughter. She wanted to make sure Abigail would not become lazy about her habits, which she quickly made clear meant attention to her personal toilet. I was asked if I minded making sure she kept herself clean, took her laxative each morning and used the bathroom. The emphasis in her voices left me in no doubt she meant the emptying of bowels and wiping herself thoroughly. I had never much liked Mrs. Heathcote-Smythe, and I had to concentrate so as not to allow my distaste to show. I need not have worried, she was so wrapped in her own thoughts to be hardly aware of my reaction anyway. I made a mental note to do my best to see that this self-centred woman got her just desserts. My mind wandered to thoughts of what kind of fancy underwear she had on, and whether she might be induced into soiling her expensive panties. Later that day the two girls arrived from school, riding their bikes along the lane\across the filds. It had been some months since I last saw her friend, and was impressed how well she had matured. Her youthful plumpness was replaced by an attractive femininity and she looked to have a more purposeful spring in her stride. She looked very much the modern young lady, dressed casually in a white cotton shirt and snugly fitting blue jeans. Her demeanour was courteous and respectful as ever. However, it was immediately apparent that something was amiss. I thought I should enquire and asked, "Is anything the matter Abigail? You seem as if something is bothering you." The girl was clearly in some distress and at first looked at Lauren for support. Encouraged, she spoke up "Oh dear, Mrs. Jenkins, I don't know how to say this, I feel so ashamed and it's so embarrassing. On the way over I had a accident, that is I had a bad stomach cramp and... I mean..... well, I..... I messed myself real bad. Please, I need the bathroom now.... I need to go again..... Oh, help!...." I had expected Lauren to take her to the bathroom herself and get her cleaned up. Instead she took her friend's hand and put it in mine. "Please Mom would you help Abigail. The team coach just called and said her helper could not make it. I'll have to go back to school to help with training...... Abigail you can go with my Mom, she'll help you and don't worry about anything." Right after Lauren went out I saw Abigail squirm and clutch her stomach. "Oh no, I'm doing it again! HELP!!" We ran to the bathroom but then she stopped, as a series of sounds emerged from her direction. "Ffffssspppplllttttt.....pplllpptthhh, ppllppsshhh!... then a longer drawn out.....sssppllllpppffffftttttt!!" Abigail turned round, red-faced and in almost in tears, transfixed where she stood. "Oh, no! No, no, NO!! Margaret, I'm so sorry, I've pooped in my panties again. You must be disgusted." She was now sobbing and I realised, better than she might have imagined, how humiliated she must be feeling. My heart went out to the unhappy child and I would have gladly swapped circumstances with her, not caring about my own shame but just to take away hers. I went over and took her hands in mine, then put my arm round her and held her close to me. "Shhhhhhh, don't cry, and don't worry," I whispered softly, "It's OK. I'll help you clean up" She was shaking with shame and humiliation, and I held her close, my face against hers. I felt her tears and tried to think how I could ease her pain of shame and embarrassment. "It doesn't matter, everything's OK. You mustn't feel bad if you mess yourself, we all have little accidents like this from time to time. Did you know sometimes I mess my panties?" Abigail seemed to calm down, comforted by my words. "Lauren said you'd understand, but I was so frightened you'd be mad and I still feel so ashamed. I was really hoping you'd like me being here, and now this has happened and you'll want me to go." "But Abigail, that doesn't bother me at all and I don't think any worse of you. I always like to see you here. I expect it's too late to keep you panties clean now, but I can come to the bathroom and help you clean up, like Lauren said. You don't mind, I hope?" I took Abigail by the hand and led her upstairs to the main bathroom which had been the setting for many of my toilet games with Lauren. "You can stand in the shower unit and take off all your clothes except your panties, and I'll be in to help." I quickly went to my bedroom and stripped off completely, keeping only the device embedded in my rectum and held also by the straps cinched around my waist and between my legs and attached to a small black triangle which covered my labia and part of my shaven mound. I felt much empathy for Abigail, but I had to admit my excitement at the prospect of taking down her soiled panties, seeing her nude, touching her young body and cleaning her up. I felt the bulk of my butt-plug, filling me and restraining the evacuation. I wondered how Abigail would react when she learnt that I wore a big plug in my anus to prevent evacuating. I touched my fingers to the material covering my pussy and felt how it slid over my vulva. I was wet. I slipped over my head the loop of the white PVC bib-apron and pulled on a pair of latex gloves. Finally I picked a pair of my white cotton panties for Abigail to put on after, and took a fresh towel and hand cloth. Ready for action I entered the bathroom, where the sight that greeted me confirmed the wisdom of my attire. She was standing in the tub, wearing only her panties, cream, full cut and shiny smooth and with pretty lace edging and embroidered with floral motifs. They were stretchy and large bulge at the bottom gave witness to what Abigail had done. There was a brown patch showing through the material. What's more, some runny brown poop had seeped out and was trickling down her thighs. She was looking down forlornly as if resigned to having ruined her nice panties. I saw now how lovely a figure she had. Not quite adult, her burgeoning femininity was already nicely developed. She was close to my height, about 5'6", slimmer than many girls though her profile was softly rounded and tapering in at her waist, flaring out gently at the hips. Thus her attractiveness presented a contrast to Lauren who was taller and leaner, more assertively so, Abigail compliantly so. She was the answer to my wildest dreams, young, attractive, well-spoken and respectful..... and now she was naked and soiled and letting me, her best friend's mom clean her up. "Oh dear, you have made rather a mess. But I'm sure we can sort everything out. Let's get these off right now and we'll get you nice and clean in no time. Just stand like that." I knelt down behind and eased her shit-filled panties down, taking care not to mash it against the material, and trying also to avoid getting her buttocks and legs even more smeared. Because of this I couldn't avoid some of the girl's excrement slopping and smearing on my apron, bringing to mind how the nurse, Ulricke had been doing something similar. Now I was in her role, with Abigail in mine. I remembered vividly my embarrassment at seeing the nurse's white apron completely soiled with my excrement and empathised with the young girl in my charge. I saw her eyes on me, otherwise I would have grabbed a handful of her delightful stool. As it was I scooped a little using my latex clad fingers and surreptitiously sniffed the deep aroma, strong but not as penetrating as mine. I supposed Abigail ate a healthy diet mostly of cereals, vegetables and fruit, and did not indulge in red meat and rich cakes the way I did. After I finally got her panties down and off and dumped out most of the shit into the toilet bowl, then rinsed the garment under the tap before dropping it into a bucket of cold water. "It will almost all soak off like that, and then it can go in the wash and should come out good as new. You have very pretty panties and it would be a shame if they were too badly soiled. There's probably still some between your buttocks, Abigail. Would you mind bending forward and holding your cheeks apart so I can wash you off, please don't feel embarrassed about it. "But Margaret, I can do it. I couldn't let you see me in there, where all my dirty shit comes out. I'd be too ashamed." I told her there's nothing to be ashamed about and persuaded her to display her private cleft. She gingerly leant forward and used her hands to separate her beautifully round and smooth cheeks. She prised them apart until her dark rosebud was visible, surrounded by the delicate crinkled skin. As I expected there was quite a lot of brown faecal matter stuck in her cleft and among the little crannies surrounding her anus. I turned the shower on again and directed the jet right into her cleft, right onto her anus. The rim flared out involuntarily and a little more excrement burbled out and washed away. At the same time a stream of pee burst from her. "Oh Margaret, I'm so ashamed. You can see as I'm pissing and shitting and I cannot stop it happening!" "Don't worry about that," I said. "The jet on your ass hole always makes that happen, and it's getting you nice and clean." I ran the shower, letting it warm up before hosing her butt and legs, keeping the jet going to force all the filth down through the drain hole. But as she looked round she that a lot of her shit had splashed onto my apron and legs. "I'm so sorry Margaret, I've got you all dirty. I didn't mean to do that on you. " "No need to be sorry, Abigail. I really don't mind, I wear this plastic apron for all the dirty jobs as it wipes clean so easily. In fact I quite enjoy getting it dirty." I opened a pack of baby-wipes and gently wiped away the last traces of muck, starting at the edge and working in until she was completely clean. The delicate membrane of her anus and the skin around it was reddened and was in danger of becoming inflamed by the irritation. Even so, I thought her ass was extremely beautiful, and her rosebud especially so. I could also see her vulva and the base of her outer labia, which had become quite opened out. I told her, "Abigail, you have grown into an extremely attractive and gracious young woman. I do hope you never feel embarrassed about showing your body. But you seem to have some soreness at and around your anus and I'd suggest that I apply some cream to soothe it and help stop the irritation. It is not only soothing but is mildly antiseptic and will prevent any infection that would otherwise occur. You perhaps have been wiping a bit too much trying to get completely clean. OK?.... Good. Just stay like that." I took the jar of sudocrem, a natural preparation that had stood our family in good stead for many years and transferred a good-sized glob to my fingertips, enough to generously cover her soreness and the surrounding area. I applied the cream to her cleft and spread it over her, using slow circular movements to coat her soreness completely with a white layer. I decided not to rub it fully into her pores for fear of spoiling the effect of her feeling the cool and rather sticky soothing compound on her sensitive and intimate skin. Instead I touched her very lightly with my fingertips, just enough to work the cream into her tiny crannies and wrinkles of her rosebud and surrounds. She was now very quiet and still, except for a slight shuddering each time I touched her anus. I was sure she had become aroused. "Abigail, I noticed that your perineum, that is the sensitive place between your anus and vulva, also looks sore. So I am going to apply it to you down there. I am concerned that the irritation might spread to your vaginal lips, and that would be not only painful but could lead to an infection. Would you like me to apply some cream there as well?" "Well, I do feel rather sore, and I'd like you to do that for me. I enjoyed the feeling of your hands on me body." She squirmed and shuddered as I gently applied the cream to that most sensitive but secret place of hers, and I realised she was probably becoming very turned on. I thought she must be ready to climax and was trying to conceal it. "Abigail, don't be ashamed if you feel aroused. That's completely normal. Do you want to masturbate?" Her face and part of her neck and bust went completely red, She said nothing, but nodded very slightly. She started to stroke her labia with the lightest of caresses and immediately spasmed and bucked. For some minutes she thrust out her crotch and gyrated her hips, all the time stoking herself down there. I put my hands on her pelvis and buttocks, ostensibly to steady her but enjoying the contact with her compliant young flesh. She must have been on the point of orgasm already and just needed my approval to let go. "Oh fuck! FUCK!!!" she yelled, "Yes, YES, YES!!!.... FUCK!!! Look Margaret, look!!.... I'm cumming, I'M CUMMING!!!" After she calmed down from her climax she seemed somewhat guilty about her display, but I told her she should never feel ashamed about her sexual activities when with friends. "Margaret, did you mean it when you said you like it when someone poops and gets you dirty? Well, Lauren sometimes helps me when I mess myself and she doesn't mind when I get her dirty. I never imagined you would feel that way too. Do you mind if I tell you a little secret." I nodded my assent. "Sometimes Lauren and I play a little game, after school. We call it "accidents". We don't use the restroom and before we leave school we each take a laxative. We try to hold it as long as we can..... Lauren nearly always wins. Then we clean up. Sometimes Lauren gets real messed with my shit, and I'm sure she likes it too. So I try to get her as dirty as I can. But I have to be careful because my Mom would go mad if she knew. So I keep some spare pairs of panties to change into so Mom doesn't find out. Do you think that is very bad?" I had noticed in the seat of her jeans the blue denim was discoloured and worn as if she'd scrubbed the material many times, and I now understood why. "Not at all, I think it's is perfectly fine for you to enjoy your body functions, and if you want to have fun with a friend, that's fine." I turned and showed her the device buried in my rectum. "You see I'm wearing a buttplug, if not I'd have accidents all the time. Later on Lauren will unplug me. Now that we've got to know each other's interest, Abigail, I expect you will be there to watch as I empty my bowels. Would you like that?" I lifted the hem of my apron and showed her the harness which fastened in front, the black plastic triangle barely covering my vagina. Then I turned and showed her the way the plug was fastened to the straps, impaling and stretching my anus and buried deep in my rectum. I was sure she was looking forward to the spectacle of a grown woman, her friend's mom, emptying the contents of her bowels. I helped Abigail dry off and gave her the panties to put on. Abigail's other clothes were in the bedroom she'd be sharing with Lauren, who was still out. Abigail chose some garments -- a fresh white shirt and clean pair of jeans, even tighter than those she arrived in. "While you are here you can wear my cotton panties, they are about your size and you don't have to worry about what your mom will say if you get them dirty. If you need to change them just let me know." "Wow, thanks Margaret, that's brilliant! You really don't mind?" I said I didn't mind at all. When she was dressed I told her how good she looked. "You have a lovely figure and those jeans show it off so well." For a while I was able to enjoy the relaxed time with Abigail, but I knew Lauren would return soon. I experienced a quiver of anxiety at the prospect of being exhibited.....
**Note:** So as per usual, this story is heavily centered around anal with some light free use elements though **NO ACTUAL SEX SCENES HAPPEN** since I was more interested in dialogue, attitudes and the scenario. If that doesn't do it for you just skip this one. Also, I doubt I'll ever do a story from the girl's perspective again. ***** Opening the door, I was greeted by Dan as usual; the others never could be bothered being the ones to answer it. "Hey, look what I brought," I said, holding up a case Double Brown with a smile. "Hey yourself," he said. "A pretty girl that always shows up with beer, have I ever told you you're amazing?" "Yes, but I think it could do with repeating." Walking inside I'm greeted by Dan's other three roommates sitting around watching the match with a chorus of mumbles. Rick and Nathan look over quickly before turning back to the screen while Karl's eyes linger on me longer. Usually, I wouldn't blame a guy for it, usually. But the way Karl was so obvious and intent about it rubbed me the wrong way. I gave him a flat smile and hoped he wouldn't try talking to me. It didn't work. "Careful, you keep coming over and we might think you're in love with one of us," Karl said. "Please, I just want someone to watch the game with; you know how my friends are," I said. It was true, the only reason I went over to Dan's so often was because none of my girlfriends were really into soccer but he and his mates, except Rick, loved it; coming here just beat watching it alone. Tossing the beers to each of the guys, I take my usual spot next to Dan on the couch and settle in to watch the soccer World Cup. Just 11 minutes into the game, Germany managed to score the first goal to all of our surprise. "Wow that was fast, aren't soccer games supposed to be slower? Don't these things usually end with like 1-0 or 2-1?" Rick asked. "Yeah, usually," I said with a frown. "I mean it still could, just because they got one now doesn't mean they'll score every 10 minutes. Brazil's still got this." "Well aren't you confident. You don't think Germany has a chance?" Dan said. "They've got a shot, but c'mon, soccer's like the only thing Brazilian's have. I say they've got it." "Oooh, you know what? Just for saying that, I hope Germany wins," Dan said with a smile. "Pffft, hope is for wusses, how about we make some bets instead?" I said with some bravado. Dan raises a brow. "Oh? What do you have in mind?" "Hmmmm, how about this; if Brazil wins with two, you chauffeur me around for the next couple months?" I said. Rick piped up. "Hey it'd be really convenient if you won that bet huh? Since your license is suspended for the next two months and all, that's a real coincidence you came up with that number." "Thanks Rick," I said. "Fuck off, that's a shit bet," Dan said giving me a look. "Like you said, soccer's all Brazil has, that and corruption. Sorry Grace, I'm not biting." "Come on, it's not that bad, Germany's odds are like 5-1. Just ask for higher stakes, don't be a little bitch Dan." "Nope, not happening, you can go suck my dick, I'm not driving you around for two whole god damn months." "Alright. I'll do that," I said after pausing for a moment to think it over. "Do what?" "I'll suck your dick" "What?" The guys turned and stared at me. Blushing a bit, I repeated myself. "You heard me, you win and I suck your dick." I didn't really want to, but the odds were on my side and public transport fucking sucked. "Seriously? For a bet? Grace we've been friends a long time, don't you think that would make things weird between us if I win." "Only if you make a big deal out of it. It's just a blowjob Dan, you don't need to freak out about it." I didn't know if it was the beers, the fact I enjoyed a bit of gambling or something else, but the idea of gambling my body was kinda doing it for me and before I could even stop and think about what I was saying, I added "besides, think about this mouth on your dick and my pretty face looking up at you." I even made a show of it by opening my mouth and sticking out my tongue, letting a drop of spit fall on my shirt. I noticed Dan start breathing faster and Nathan elbow him when he didn't say anything. Guys are so easy. "Alright, so how about, if Germany wins with two, you-then I win the bet?" Dan said, finally finding his voice. "Deal," I said quickly, confident that Brazil had it. The conversation and jokes had stopped; instead everyone was now watching the match with quiet intensity. 23 minutes in, the quietude was broken when Dan started laughing while I was gulping nervously. I wasn't so sure Brazil could claw its way back with three more goals now. Despite what I'd said I didn't actually want to suck Dan's dick. Stupid alcohol, stupid gambling. "Uh, Dan? How about we change the bet?" Dan looked over at me with a smug smile. "What, feeling nervous? Not so confident anymore?" "No that's not it, a bets a bet, I just... thought we could make things a bit more interesting and go double down or nothing," I said, refusing to take the bait. "Okay, let's make things more interesting then. How about if Germany manages to score three, you let me fuck you?" Dan said, keeping the mocking smile on his face. Looking for a way out, I figure this at least gives me a shot at getting away so I agree. "Deal. But if neither side gets a third then the bets over and no one gets anything yeah?" "Yeah, that's fine Grace, bets over if neither gets three." Dan could've said no, but he let me off the hook instead. I don't think he actually wanted to force me into anything, he was just teasing me with the new bet. "Dude," Karl said shaking his head. "The fuck?" Less than a minute later, my mouth was open. I was back where I started, just in a deeper hole. Dan turned slowly to face me. "Hey Grace, look you don't actually have to, we're just messing around, I was just fucking with you before," Dan said sympathetically. Karl punched Dan in the shoulder. "DUDE!" Dan ignored him. I should've swallowed my pride and agreed but I didn't. "No, no seriously you don't have to do that. I meant what I said before. I'm not gonna try worm my way out. I was just thinking, maybe we could change the bet again? Double down again?" I said. "... Grace," Dan started. Cutting him off "Dan. How about, if Germany gets a fourth I'll... I'll let you fuck my ass instead? You game?" I said trying to project confidence and probably failing miserably. I saw Dan gulp hard and the rest of the guys give each other looks. "Grace... I think we should just call it quits. This has gone far enough, this is all just a piss take right? No need to dig a deeper hole or keep up the charade." "It's _not_ a charade, if I make a bet I'm going to keep to it. I just want to make things more exciting is all." Argh! He's giving me a pass! Why couldn't I just take it? Instead I said "Look, ever since you broke up, you've moaned about Lily never doing anal, you've clearly got a thing for it and I'm saying you can do it with me, you can fuck my ass. I know you've been trying to get inside any girls butt for the longest time, but now that one's offering, you're gonna say no? C'mon." Dan was breathing heavily now but still seems reluctant to take the bet. I shouldn't keep pushing him, I was just making this worse for myself by saying that stuff but I can't help it. Dan breathes out and shakes his head. "This is insane." The other guys were keeping quiet and listening intently to our conversation while trying to covertly hide the pitched tents. I don't know what came over me. "You know, no one's been up my butt before. It's unexplored territory! But you could be the first," I said with a laugh. "How often are you going to get the chance to be the first up some poor girl ass?" That did it, I could tell Dan's cock was now firmly at the steering wheel. "OK," Dan said finally after a painfully long pause. Two minutes later, just 26 minutes into the game the scoreboard read Bra 0 - Ger 4 and I couldn't believe the universe was trying to fuck me so hard. Having gotten ahold of himself, wrenching the controls away from his cock, Dan went back to his nice old ways and tried to let me off the hook. "Grace. OK seriously, this has got to stop, this has gone too far." "No Dan, I-" "Nope, don't care, I'm done, I'm out of the bet, I officially forfeit, it's over Grace," Dan struggled out the words with difficulty. I felt a wave of relief hit me but at the same time... there was also just the tiniest bit of disappointment. Which was when Karl spoke up with a grin. "Hey if Dan doesn't want to go through with the bet I'll take it." I wanted to punch him in the face. "Yeah, let's double down again like before. Say if Germany gets a fifth, how about you let all 4 of us fuck you in the ass? What do you say Grace? You game?" "What? You're not part of the bet Karl, you can't do that," Dan shot out. "Grace don't say anything, it's already over, it's too late." "No Dan, I told you it was fine, I don't want to be given an out... I just like raising the stakes is all." Why, why, why, why, idiot! "Alright Karl," I said with my heart absolutely pounding out of my chest and against all better judgement. "You've got a bet, all four of you can have a turn in my asshole if Germany scores a fifth." Despite the previous bets, I still held out hope. Bad luck, good, they didn't exist, they were something our brains made up. The prior results had no bearing on the future and I knew how unlikely five goals were during a world cup was. "Who gets the first turn? Do we get your ass for the whole day or what? Where are allowed to cum?" Karl asked giddily. "Slow down asshole, you haven't even won the bet yet." "Yeah that reminds me, do I have to go slow or can I just go all out on that tight little hole of yours?" he goaded with a grin. "You get to go last," I said tersely. "A turn means you get to cum once. You can... cum either on my ass or inside it but that's all." I reluctantly clarified. "Please go slow," I whispered out at the end pleadingly. "Thanks, good to know, just wanted to get the ground rules laid out for everyone," Karl said in a tone that implied he hadn't heard or cared about my request. Three minutes later my face was buried in my hands. "Oh fuck me," I groaned out. "In the ass right?" Karl annoyingly added. I snapped my head up to glare at him. "Yes in the ass. You and three other guys get to take turns fucking my ass okay? Unless you want something more, unless you want to raise the stakes again?" "Nope, I'm good." Thinking he would agree, I was surprised to hear him say that. "What?" I asked lamely. "I said I'm good here. So, when can we collect?" "Pussy," I said, hoping to goad him back. "No thanks. I'd rather give your ass a workout." Karl was annoyingly pleased with himself. Before it could go any further though, Dan spoke up. "Yeah sure let's raise the stakes again." Now it was Karl's turn to be outraged. He snapped his head around to whirl on Dan. "You left the bet, you can't do that." "I changed my mind. Grace, you wanna up the stakes?" "Yeah," I said, looking at him gratefully. Karl broke in. "Fine, fine, fine. But if we raise the stakes again it better be proper high this time. If Germany gets a sixty then..." Karl paused to think, presumably trying to come up something awful for me to do. After a long pause, his face broke into a cruel smile. "You let me film the whole thing as a porno and put it up online." "Fuck you. That's ridiculous, I'm not ruining my reputation letting the whole world see my face and watch four guys take turns on my ass! That's going beyond too far." "Fine, fine, then you can wear a mask, I'm not sadistic you know. You just can't look miserable the whole time. You have to give us the whole pornstar treatment and act like a massive whore. What do you say?" Dan flashed Karl an angry look. I felt like I should say no, just cut my losses and run but the odds were in my favor... Then again, they were the last five bets too and that certainly didn't help at all. Eh, it was another chance at getting out and the stakes were essentially the same as the last bet only I had to do a little slutty acting. I gave Karl and irritated look. "Fine, if Germany gets a sixth, I'll star in your little porno. I'll call myself Anal Annie and play your buttslut. You can do that whole bullshit pre porno interview and I'll say all the right things. Hell I won't even touch my pussy the whole time; it'll be like my shtick, I'll be the girl who can only get off on being an anal only whore. Happy?" "Hmmm could do with some work, but yeah, I am." This time, more than half an hour passed without a goal being scored. I breathed a sigh of relief. Karl looked like someone had shot his puppy. Dan, Nathan and Rick all looked disappointed too, not that I could blame them but they did their best to keep a lid on it. My relief lasted ten more minutes before it was shattered as Schürrle scored a sixth in the 69th minute. I felt like screaming. Dan turned to give me a sympathetic look. Karl was now grinning from ear to ear, while Nathan and Rick were both just trying to keep their emotions masked. I was just about to speak when Dan beat me to the punch. "How about we raise the stakes again?" I felt like kissing him. Karl groaned loudly. Before I could agree, Karl interrupted. "Y'know, talk is fun and all, but Dan's right. It's just a charade at this point. You won't actually let any of us cash out, and even if you pretend to, Dan will just save your ass by saying he wants to keep upping the bet. Why even bother pretending, you'll just keep changing the bet until Germany can't score again. We may as well just stop talking about this whole thing right now," he said bitterly. I kept getting outs but kept refusing to take them. Before I could stop myself, I found myself making up an excuse. "How many times do I have to repeat myself, it's not a charade. You want to cash out, right here, right now, fine. I'll do everything we talked about before with you; the porno, the anal, the video, all of it, but you'd be missing out." That got a confused look from him, I continued. "You can stop here now, but I'll just be a dead fish the whole time if you do. See, all the bet says is I let you fuck my ass, but that's it, doesn't say I have to make it fun. But if you take the next bet, I'll take instructions, do anything, anyway you like. Look it's obvious you've got a thing for my ass, imagine _waking up_, inside it." That perked him up. "Think about what it means, if you take the next bet and win, I'll come over to your room every morning and jerk you off with my ass if you tell me to. So either I'm gonna lay there not moving a muscle, or you could make me beg for it. Tell me to act like a slut and you won't even know if I'm doing it because I have to or because it's what I'm really like, imagine me being Anal Annie all the time. So, how about it? Cash out or keep going?" Seeing Karl struggle with himself I knew my little speech had done it and gave me another shot. "Alright, let's keep going," Karl ground out after a pregnant pause. "But those stakes still aren't high enough. It was a nice speech, I'll give you that. But what it ultimately amounts to is just taking instructions, lots of risk without much gain on. You have to up it." "Up it? Up it how? I don't really know how I can raise the stakes any further," I said genuinely confused. "I've never done anal with a guy before and now I'm agreeing to make an anal only porno for you all, I figure that's about as high stakes as you can go." "Well you figure wrong because I've got an idea. If they get a seventh, you have to be our personal slut for a week. Any hole, anytime, anywhere, any way we want, on top of the taking instructions. Sound fair?" "Fine," I said tersely. "You win and my holes are your property for the next seven days then." I just had to keep getting them to agree to change the bet and I'd be fine. My bad luck would eventually end; Germany would fail to get any more goals eventually. Karl finally perked up at that. "Soooo, if I only wanted assfuck you every day?" he said. "Then I'd bend over and let you," I replied with a sigh. "And what if I wanted to get a blowjob after," he said with another savage grin. The implication was clear. He wanted ass to mouth. I wasn't sure if Karl meant it or was just trying to freak me out, but seeing this side of him just made me reaffirm my opinion of him. Gulping hard, I replied "Then after you finished reaming out my asshole, I'd suck you off of course." "Huh, sounds like a lot of fun." With the drama over, we went back to watching the game intently. Ten minutes later, in the 79th minute I had my face buried in my hands again. "Fine! A month! A whole month! If Germany gets an eighth, I'm your personal prostitute for a whole month; you can even share me around with other guys if you want. No limits whatsoever for this one, anything sexual goes. Guys?" They all just nodded slowly. The next 11 minutes were the slowest of my life. Every play meant the world to me, but thankfully nothing else happened for Germany. In the final minute, just when I thought it was all over, another goal was scored, but this time by Brazil. I was finally off the hook. The 5 of us all slumped back into our seats for different reasons. Dan broke the silence. "Well that's that then. It was fun while it lasted." "Knew it was too good to be true," Karl added bitterly. Nathan and Rick just grunted in response. I expected to just feel nothing but relief, so it came as a surprise when some guilt came along with it. Dan and Karl had called it, it was just a charade and I was just trying to worm my way out of the bet. And they'd let me the whole time. Again and again they pretended to buy my bullshit and let me off. Sighing to myself, I thought there's only one thing for it then. "I'll still go through with it." The non sequitur took the guys by surprise, but eventually Karl was the first to respond. "What?" "You were right. I was just trying to get out of the bet. That wasn't cool, so I've decided I'm just gonna go through with all of it anyway." "Seriously?" Dan and Karl chorused. "Yeah," I said slowly. "Though I'm probably gonna regret it knowing what you plan on. Look Karl, I'll try to keep to my word as much as I can, but the stuff we were saying before, it was just talk. I've never done anal with a guy before and only three things have ever been up there. That stuff you said, you really can't just do that, it'd... It'd be really bad for me." Karl wiped the smirk off his face and seemed to consider what I had said. "Sure, maybe not right off the bat on day one. But day 29? That's a whole other story." Ugh, and here I thought he was gonna surprise me by saying something nice. Nathan had been almost completely quiet the whole time but finally spoke up now. "Grace, really? You're really going through with this? You're going to let the four of us just... do whatever we want to you?" "A bets a bet." I turned to look over at Dan for some support but he seemed different, he's never looked at me that way before. I was about to ask what was up when he suddenly pulled down his pants and took out his dick, right there in front of all of us. "Well, best to get started at the beginning, right?" he said. This could be trouble, I thought.
_This is my entry for the April Fools' competition._ It is indeed an April Fools' story, but is also quite properly an Erotic Horror story, with the emphasis on horror versus eroticism. It involves non- consent, fear and both physical and sexual abuse. If that sort of fictional depiction bothers or offends you, or if you are bothered by dark tales, please read no further. There are lots of fun alternatives. Happy reading! + The corner newspaper box headline was hard to miss, April thought as she hurried past it. Every paper in the city, every news channel, every webcast was locked onto the ongoing mystery. Over the three months since New Year's, 10 people - including eight university students - had been reported missing. Two couples were among them, the rest were young women. Police and university security had issued warnings - stay together, don't trust strangers, don't accept drinks from anybody you don't know. The university had created'safe waiting spaces' for female students and staff. A task force had been announced. City Council had debated more lighting and security cameras. Opinion polls had been taken. People continued to disappear. She slowed as she stepped into The Lockup, her favorite bar. "Hey, Bandit," she greeted the owner behind the bar. She and he were both old familiars, so to speak. He smiled, one gold tooth showing in his lopsided grin. Without asking, he poured her usual cooler, pushed it across the bar. "Hey, April. How ya doin', sweetie?" She took a sip, put it back on the bar. "I'm doing fine, Bandit. How's business?" "Slow, darlin'," the man frowned. "Too many young folks scared to leave their dorm. How's an old man to make a livin', I ask ya?" Bandit was hardly that old, but he'd been a fixture in the university town for a generation of students. Middle-aged and still muscular, with numerous tattoos and a gold earing, he wore a short goatee and kept his shaved head under a bandana. He made a point of being student-friendly and was always open to supporting sports teams, special events and so forth. Folk-lore said that he had an MBA from Chicago but had dropped out of high finance to have more fun. It was certain that he'd been a father figure, informal advisor and confidant for hundreds of young men and women. "Maybe we can do something about business tonight, Bandit. I'm meeting Deb and Marie here -- have you seen them yet?" "Not yet, but find a seat and I'll steer 'em your way when they get here." "Thanks." The young woman took her drink and moved to a back booth. Looking around, she saw the beginnings of the usual Saturday night crowd. Posted here and there on the walls were missing person posters distributed by the police and families. Several young men drifted by to ask if they could join her, but she turned them down as politely as possible, explaining that it was a Girls' Night Out and maybe they could ask again once the others showed up. She had an endearing smile and her charm sent them on their way feeling privileged to have talked to her. Deb and Marie arrived together a few minutes later. The trio were old, old friends. They'd been getting together Friday nights since just about forever. As is so often the case with close friends, the three were a study in contrasts. Deb was short and, while rather heavier than current fashion might have favored, was vivacious, had a winning smile and possessed an amazing bosom. Deb was rarely without male attention. Marie was a tall brunette with short hair, very slim but very cute. She didn't smile all that often and was generally serious until she'd had a couple of drinks. She billed herself as being 'between boyfriends', but both of the others thought she should get moving on that. April was of average height and had pale blonde hair that fell well past her shoulders, set off by stellar green eyes. She thought of herself as skinny, but the men in her world all thought she was bubbling hot, with a fascinating figure. All three were dressed casually. Bandit showed up with a round within a minute of the others' arrival. Girls' Night Out had commenced. The evening went by quickly. There was a small dance floor and a barely- passable live band; the three women were asked to dance any number of times, always accepting, always returning to the same table afterwards. Towards the end, Deb and Marie drifted away with a couple of cute boys. _Good on them,_ April thought to herself. _But I know where they'll wind up._ It was getting late and the crowd had thinned out. Exams were not that far off and even the most dedicated party animal knew they needed at least some sleep to study. "Bandit?" April asked, leaning against the bar. "Have you seen Marie and Deb?" The bartender was in the process of cleaning up and mentally urging the few late-staying customers to finish up and go home. "Thought they left with those two young fellas in the football sweaters," he replied, hefting an empty keg. "Though, come to think of it, I think I mighta seen the tall one heading out the back door." Favored customers were sometimes permitted to save a couple of minutes' walk by cutting through behind the bar to get to the rear parking lot. April frowned. The three girls had agreed to go home together. Shrugging, she sat down at one of the bar stools. They knew how to find each other; they always did. On impulse, she picked up a tray and started collecting empties. Bandit's wrinkled face brightened when she brought the full tray and placed it on the bar before picking up another empty one. "Thanks, darlin'! Changed your mind about workin' for me?" "Nope, just hoping they come back," she replied. "Yeah, it's not a good time for pretty young gals to be walking alone." With her help, The Lockup was soon ready for another day. Having bolted the door behind the last customer and pushed the last tray of glasses into the washer, Bandit took the mop and pail into the back rooms; she heard dirty water being poured into the drain. A minute later, he appeared with two frosted glasses. "Here, sweetie. I owe ya for your help. Want a lift home?" "No, thanks, Bandit. I'm only a five-minute walk. Anyway, I thought you lived upstairs?" "I do, I do, but times is weird now and I don't want to lose a good customer. Anyway, yer meetin' up with your friends tomorrow, so ya need to get to bed." April yawned. It _had_ been a long day and, now that the evening was winding down, she was suddenly very tired. "Thanks, but I'll be OK. Nobody's expecting me tomorrow." "Too bad. No boyfriend gonna feel lonely?" She shook her head, feeling fuzzy, almost detached from herself. _What the hell?_ she thought. __ I didn't have that much to drink. Bandit cocked his head to one shoulder. "Ya feeling OK?" he asked solicitously. "Just tired," she said. "Maybe I'll change my mind about that ride." He smiled, stood up and held out his hand as if to guide her. She reached out but missed and her hand was suddenly too heavy to try again. The last thing April remembered was the sight of his eyes locked with hers as she drifted down into a dark velvet tunnel. Her last thought was a despairing _Roofied!_ + Awakening slowly, April found herself in a room perhaps 40 feet by 30 feet across. Except for the low hum of a distant HVAC blower, it was unnaturally silent. The ceiling consisted of sound-absorbing acoustic tile. Rough brick walls were painted red. Heavy beams crisscrossed the ceiling, their ends resting on thick wooden posts. Eyehooks and pulleys studded the beams every few feet. The floor consisted of broad wood planks, stained and almost white with age. The wall lights were electric but made to resemble medieval wall torches. They were bright enough but flickered constantly. Dungeon furniture was positioned around the room, including the tall, leather- covered Saint Andrew's Cross to which she was fastened. It was tilted back, almost as if to allow her to rest. A spanking bench and a pillory faced each other across the room. The walls were fitted with rows of pegs holding an array of whips, paddles, crops and other implements. Several video cameras were mounted on tripods and a pair of large-screen TVs hung on the wall. Two tall swivelling mirrors on wheeled stands stood in one corner. Directly in front of her, centred in the room, was a large frame made of wood posts thick as railway ties. Six vertical posts were topped with similar beams to form an open box higher than a tall man could reach. Eyebolts, pulleys and several hand-cranked winches were fitted to the side and top beams. Scattered around the room were several leather armchairs, as if to allow a spectator to relax in comfort. Incongruously, there was a small wet bar with two stools, behind which stood an array of whisky bottles on backlit glass shelves. Her purse, shoes and a very ordinary telephone sat on the bar. Off to one side was a tall red mechanic's tool box on wheels. The girl wrenched on her wrists and ankles, but they were held firmly by sturdy leather cuffs clipped to shiny chains. She was relieved to see that, with the exception of her shoes, she was still dressed. She shook a fuzzy head, tried to remember what had happened. She had no sense of time. She realized she was desperately thirsty. By turning her head as far as it could go, she could just make out a heavy wooden door behind her. April tried to control her rising fear, but steel chains had the better of her. The air pressure in the room changed momentarily as the door behind her opened. Her eyes popped as Bandit entered, dressed now only in black boots and matching black leather vest and tights. The latter had their crotch cut away and his manhood dangled in plain sight. He had a lopsided grin on his face and his eyes were wide, wide open. He looked pathetic, farcical, but in his lunacy, he also seemed terrifyingly irrational, wholly dangerous. "Figured ya'd be awake by now, sweetie," he crooned as he stroked her face. "Bandit?" she croaked. "Where am I? What time's it?" He grinned. "Why, this is my bunker, sweetie. Not many folk know that this whole area dates from Prohibition days." He waved his arm around. "This is a sub-basement they used to hide their hooch in. It was real well hidden, sweetie. I only found it by accident 18 months after I bought the place." "An' to answer yer second question, it's the mornin' of the first. Happy now?" The flickering light sparkled off his gold tooth. He held up a bottle of water and a paper cup. "Probably could use this right now," he said. "Don't want ya to have to keep quiet." He held the cup up to her mouth and she guzzled it thankfully. Feeling better to that extent, she made the mistake of protesting. "So what the fuck, Bandit? This is just sick." Still smiling, the old man backhanded her across the face. "Pretty things, you mind your tongue. And it's 'Sir' you're callin' me from now on." "Like hell!" The man's smile never altered as he slapped her again, twice this time. The blows hurt and April kept her mouth shut thereafter. The man fastened a sturdy steel spreader bar between the cuffs on her ankles. He fastened a second bar to a steel cable running from a winch on the frame and, pulling it and the cable behind him, fastened her wrist cuffs to it. Once he unfastened her from the tilted cross, the clacking intake of winch cable left her the choice of waddling across to the middle of the frame or to fall on her face and get dragged. She fought the winch but wound up shuffling. Once she was in place, Bandit quickly clipped her cuffs to chains already in place before removing the other restraints. She was left standing upright, arms and legs spread-eagled between the chains. Looking at the steel surrounding her, April felt sick. Not for an instant had there been a chance to escape, to try her strength against his. As she watched the man's deft movements, April realized that this was not his first experience. She gasped. "You're him!" she whispered. "The one taking all the girls." The man grinned, nodded almost in pride. "How many...?" "Oh, dozen or so over the years. Most of 'em was no-count trash from the mill, nothin' anybody'd notice. Only started collectin' some of you heighty college girls in the past few months." He pointed a stubby thumb at a previously-unnoticed space on the wall across from her, half-filled with posters, photos and newspaper clippings of some of the missing women. Pinned to them were scraps of fabric which she realized to her shock were panties -- grim souvenirs of his lethal madness. "But the missing couples?" she asked, as if curious. "Ain't seen them," he said. "Either they eloped or I got competition. I ain't seen a buncha other ones ha' been in the news, neither. No matter." Bandit frowned. "But ya' got me monologuin', sweetcheeks. Never a good idea." He turned from the girl and returned a few seconds later pulling the mechanic's chest, rolling it to a stop in front of her. Her skin crawled when he opened a drawer full of carefully-arranged knives, scalpels and scissors. She shuddered when he turned around with a large pair of shears in his hand. Crouching a little before her, he pulled out the hem of her blouse, inserted the tip of the shears and, his eyes flicking back and forth between the blades and her face, slowly, deliberately cut it away. April squirmed as the dull edge of the cold metal slid against her skin. When he finished cutting the sleeves, the rags of garment fell on the floor. He repeated his actions with her skirt, leaving her in a plain bra and panties. With a look of scorn, he cut loose the bra and tossed it aside, grinning as her breasts fell loose. He weighed them with his hands, bounced them. "Niiice!" he said softly He took considerably more care with her panties, switching to a finer pair of scissors and cutting carefully along one seam before allowing them to fall down the other leg. April could tell he'd recover them later. "There we go, darlin," he said softly. "All ready for our dance." He ran his hand softly from her neck to her thighs, lingering over mound and breasts. She moaned as he pinched her nipples cruelly. "Let me go Bandit," she pleaded. "Please. I'll do anything." "Naw, darlin'. We barely got to know each other yet." Stepping back, he closed his eyes for a moment in thought, mused to himself. "Where to begin? Where to begin?" His eyes opened and he went to the wall, returning with a forearm-thick pole which he fastened horizontally across the frame, level with and just touching her navel. A few shifts and a bit of cranking with another winch and the girl was bent forward at the waist, her arms stretched out in front of her and her legs still spread to the sides. Bandit went to the rack of canes and paddles, paused. His fingertip moved back and forth as if in contemplation before selecting a sturdy paddle. Returning, he held it below her face. "Don't worry about screamin', darlin'," he said. "Bandit's bunker is 10 feet underground and ain't nobody can hear. It's Sunday mornin' anyhow and nobody ever comes by." He gently, pensively rubbed the leather surface of the paddle against his fingertips. She noticed he was erect now. Stepping around behind her, he grunted with exertion and she felt a burning slap on her right buttock. She gave a shriek, felt his hand softly caress the sore spot as if trying to warm his fingers. He grunted again and she felt her left cheek flatten and ripple with the impact. Bandit continued until he'd given her 12 hard strokes. The girl was crying by now. "Aw, darlin'," he said softly. "Ya wouldn't cry so if ya could see how pretty you look now." He stepped back and moved the two mirrors towards the frame. With a bit of effort, he arranged them so that April had a good view of her bum, now glowing red. "See?" he said, almost kindly, "ain't that a sight for a sore ass?" He giggled inanely. "Please let me go, Bandit," she wept. "I won't tell anyone." "No can do, darlin'." He stepped around behind her and seized her hips with strong hands. + Bandit got up from his chair and circled the limp figure hanging from its bonds. The girl was semiconscious, her pale body covered from shoulders to ankles in a spiderweb of bruises and welts. Where the thin lines crossed, drops of blood were still drying. He pulled her head up by the hair and examined her face. April closed her eyes. Her anger had almost been drowned out by the pain and humiliation of the past few hours. The man had methodically, almost artistically, flogged her, pausing only to repeatedly sodomize her. When her screams became too loud, he had fitted her with a sturdy ball gag. "Well, it's time fer a change in tempo," Bandit grinned. "Enough ass. It's sweet young pussy fer me next." He looked around for another chain to shift the sagging figure, but instead settled on a thumb-thick white nylon rope, strong enough to lift a small car. Leaving the moaning figure hanging from her bonds, Bandit ran two lengths of the white line through an alternate series of pulleys and then back to her wrist cuffs. He pulled them taut before removing the chains which had held her arms. Working a second winch, he adjusted her position before beginning to move the surplus chains out of his way. April rolled her head, looked dully at the ropes. Her eyes opened wider and the beginnings of a crooked grin marked her broken lips. She closed her eyes, tensed her arms and the pulleys creaked in strain. Bandit stopped what he was doing and stared up at her. The girl's green eyes had become a shining yellow. Thinking it was just an illusion, something brought on by the indoor lighting, he leaned closer to see better, then recoiled in shock at the vertical, cat-like pupils staring at him from the glowing eyes just inches away. Suddenly, her jaw muscles contracted. Sharp white teeth sheared through the solid ball gag in one snap. A large chunk bounced off the man's chin, made a barely-heard thud on the floor below. He jumped back. The girl chewed on the strap for a moment, severed it, spat it out. Canines sparkled in the flickering light. Through her pain, April smiled - a thin, predatory smile. "Oh, Bandit, you sad, sick, twisted bastard," she whispered. "I'm the last mistake you'll ever make, Bandit." "What in hell..." "What's the saying, Bandit?" she growled. "That which doesn't kill me has made a serious tactical error - and I'm still alive." The air in the closed room seemed to reverberate with menace. The man looked up at the sturdiness of her bonds and, somewhat comforted, shook his head. "Ain't happenin' sweetie." "Rope, asshat! You switched from chain to rope. Iron binds, steel drains me and mine, but this shit...?" The young woman abruptly yanked hard on her wrist ropes and the entire frame groaned under the load. Bandit lurched backwards, tripped over a discarded flogger and fell. To his horror, he saw the rope stretching; the girl was clearly possessed of superhuman strength. Her yellow eyes bored into his. She winced in pain as her smirk broadened but kept grinning. The terror it brought to his face was too good to miss. One pulley suddenly shattered, freeing her left arm. Ignoring the line flailing from the cuff, she reached over and seized the other line, heaved. It popped like twine, leaving a frayed eight-foot length of rope dangling from her wrist. Bandit started back-peddling. Too frightened to stand, he tried to scurry backwards on all fours. In his fright, he didn't make much progress. April bent to reach her ankles, breaking eye contact momentarily as her long hair fell forward over her head. Grimacing, she thumbed off the cuffs with distaste. The leg chains made a tinny noise as they hit the floor. Standing up again, the girl shook her head to settle her hair, then smiled at him as if sizing up a particularly juicy bit of prey. Mantis-fast, she lunged forward, flailing the rope on her wrist at him like a whip. It curled around his right ankle, locked in place. With a thin smile, the girl started towing him back towards her. away from the frame. He screamed, clawed the floor, attempted vainly to escape. The slim figure, far stronger than he, reeled him in as one might a fussy puppy on its first leash. "Come to Mama, precious," she said in a low, husky voice. "Don't be shy." Her left hand, when she seized him by the throat, was colder than he could have ever imagined. With a barely-perceptible grunt, she lifted him up with the one hand, slamming his back against the brick wall, his toes just touching the floor. He felt sharp claws dig into his neck, whimpered as another clawed hand seized his scrotum. The man had never felt such strength. "Who... what are you?" Bandit stammered. "Oh, I'm just April, precious," she smiled. "And you? Oh, let's see..." "Bandit. I'm Bandit," he whispered. Before his bulging eyes, the welts he had inflicted on her were fading, bruises disappearing and open wounds closing over. He felt the machinelike grip on his dangling scrotum begin to tighten. "Oh no," she smiled. "Not 'Bandit'. That won't do at all. If it's to be a nickname, it'll be one that I choose. I think I will call you... April's Fool. You are, you know. Such a silly, _silly_ fool. Letting his balls fall, she ran the tip of one razor-sharp talon slowly down his chest. Blood oozed from the cut. Smiling, she licked her fingertip clean. "And we're going to have _so_ much fun together, precious. Just you wait and see." Smiling, she leaned in and slowly licked his face with a forked tongue the length of his hand. He screeched as her returning hand suddenly closed on his eggs like a power vise. Dropping the moaning man into a pile on the floor, she went over to her purse on the bar, snapped it open and murmured into it. After a few moments, first one and then two thin streams of vapour began to pour from the bag down to the floor, rapidly coalescing into nude female forms, one tall and thin, the other quite short and stocky. "Oh, goodie!" she said happily. "Marie and Deb are here to help! And it looks like they're still hungry." Four more yellow eyes examined the terrified man on the floor with anticipatory amusement. Tails began to twitch behind each form, sharp teeth gleamed in the light of the fake torches. As the other two slowly approached, April flourished her hand and was suddenly holding an early-edition paper for his inspection. The headline read, **Two More Men Missing!** The page ripped off, flew across the room to flatten itself on the wall near the other trophy pages. "Oh, Fool, oh _delicious_ Fool!" April delighted, crouching before the pale, cowering man, "don't you see, we are the competition!" __ _+_ _Thanks for reading! Your votes and comments are appreciated._
_Author's note: the following story is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The author wishes to express his gratitude to Copperbutterfly for her editing to make this a better story._ I'm not bragging when I say I enjoyed my share of pussy during my high school years. I mean, you've got to be pretty backward these days not to "get some on you," even without trying. By far the majority of the girls in high school have given up their virginity by the time they graduate, a lot of them many times over. When I went to college, it was really my first extended time away from home and my parents, so I was looking forward to some "variety" in life, meaning that I wanted to try a lot more of the girls than I had the chance to in high school. By then, I had worked enough to purchase my first car, a very nice two year old sporty coupe, good enough to let me get around the large campus and the fairly spread out town that hosted our school. The town was large enough that it operated four large high schools and some of my new friends taught me about the local hangouts for each of the schools and that those hangouts always were filled with sweet young things that were quite willing to share their treasures with a college man; it made them feel sophisticated to be bedded by an "older" male. That first semester, my schedule left me with light work on Thursdays and Saturdays, so Wednesday and Friday afternoons found me making the rounds of the high school places, checking out the girls, talking to whoever showed interest, and usually escorting one to my car for a ride out to a secluded area and a quick romp in the hay. Well, some of them weren't so quick, but that was alright. If it was quick enough, I might have time to pick up another sweet thing and go for round two; if it wasn't quick, my round two was with the same pretty pussy. Either way, I thought it was a win-win situation. By the start of the spring semester, I was getting a little itchy to try moving up in class a little. I wanted to sample some of the college girls. Lord knows a school of over 67,000 enrolled students has enough of them. There were short girls, tall girls, heavy girls, thin girls, round girls, voluptuous girls, girls with big tops, girls with even bigger tops, girls with nothing on top, girls with skinny-minnie asses, girls with basketball-shaped asses, and girls with everything in between. I think the main reason I had stayed with the high school girls at first was that I was a little intimidated by girls who could make better grades in major college lines of study than I could. I finally reasoned that, if they were smarter than me, that was just another way of being sexy, it didn't detract from their attractiveness. Oh, I got turned down a few times by girls that obviously looked down at me, but that didn't deter me. I found myself soon getting dates with college women – note that I had subconsciously changed from thinking of them as girls to women – and even found it surprisingly easy to get laid. In fact, many of the college women required less persuasion than the high school girls did. Dorm life was somewhat restrictive for me, even though it was a highrise coed dorm. The building I was in was eight stories tall and the only restrictions were that roommates had to be of the same gender. Well, that and that the bathrooms were reserved for one gender or the other and no mixing was allowed. Side by side rooms frequently were occupied by members of the opposite sex. The dining hall and other common grounds were intended for use by all residents. There was no restriction on being in your room at any particular hour, such as a curfew I had heard some schools used to impose, particularly on the females. Nevertheless the dining hall was only open certain hours and the front doors were locked from 1:00 AM until 6:00 AM every day. I also decided that I could save money by doing some things for myself. Before the end of that first spring semester, I searched the town for available housing for the following fall, finally finding one nice three- bedroom apartment that would be available when the current occupants graduated in the spring. The house had originally been something of a mansion for a single family but was broken up into apartments, one on each of the three floors. The one I signed up for was on the second floor. All I had to do was find some roommates to share the cost and I would be doing good. I bought an ad in the weekly college newspaper, advertising for roommates for the fall semester. I was amazed at how quickly the calls started coming in the afternoon the ad first appeared. The first two callers decided that it was too far from campus and they wanted to find something else. The third caller was Lindsey, who asked if she could meet me. I invited her to my dorm room to discuss the apartment. Twenty minutes later, a pretty brunette was sitting across my study desk, looking at the layout of the apartment that I had showed her. "So you're taking this bedroom, right?" she pointed to the master bedroom. "Right." "And either of these two is still available?" "Right." "Good. That kitchen looks good sized. Nice living room." "Yeah, and the owner will repaint this summer." She looked up at me, her expression very serious. "Are you gay?" "No – happy but not gay." She laughed. "Girlfriend?" "Nope. No one special." "Okay, if you'll give me one of these rooms, I'll pay one third of the rent and expenses and give you fringe benefits." "What... kind of fringe benefits?" "You like sex, right?" "Yep." "Do you like... ass?" "What?" "You know... doing it in back door." "I don't know." "Why not?" "Never tried it." She raised her eyebrows. "You've never had a piece of ass?" "Nope." "Ohmigawd! You don't know what you're missing." "Really?" "Yes, really. For me, it is the greatest thing... since sliced bread. Gawd, I love it." "Wow!" "Wanna try it?" "Now?" "Sure... if you want to." "I do!" "Come on." She jumped up and began to shed her tank top and jeans, kicking her shoes into a corner while I stripped. She finished first and reached into her little purse, extracting a tub of K-Y lubricant. Dropping to her knees in front of me, she gave my cock a few quick licks and sucks to help it grow stiffer and then smeared it liberally with the lubricant. When I indicated which bed was mine, she climbed on, raised her legs up beside her and used one hand to dribble out the lube while the other coated her valley and then worked fingers inside. With her upper arms resting on the backs of her thighs just above her knees, her ass was raised in the air so magnificently for my assault. I got on my knees just below her and advanced toward her puckered opening. "Give me a few seconds," she said, just before I pushed inside. As I watched, it was like seeing a therapist work the tension from muscles, except for Lindsey it was a mental thing instead of physical. She relaxed her muscles, including the sphincter holding her anus closed. It actually began to open before my eyes. She grinned at me and gave a nod for me to continue. I had expected her to be tight, and she was. I had expected it to cause us both some pain, but it didn't; at least, it didn't hurt me and from her expression it didn't seem to hurt her. I stopped pushing a couple of times, but she urged me on, until I pressed against her buttocks. I couldn't believe how loudly she sighed. I backed out until I could feel the rim of my mushroom head against her ring of muscle, then pushed back into her. She kept her legs propped back with her elbows, while her left hand played with her clit and the fingertips of her right hand barely scraped my shaft as it stroked in and out of her opening. Lindsey had a nice pair of tits, probably about 36C, perhaps 36D. I would have loved to bend down and suck on them but with her legs and arms as they were, it just wasn't possible. However I planned to sample those jewels when the opportunity arose. Meanwhile I gradually picked up speed, stroking in and out of her anus. She lasted maybe two or three minutes before she started yelling through clenched teeth that she was cumming. Suddenly she got tight, as her sphincter tightened around my shaft and I was forced to stop moving until she loosened up again. Then I resumed stroking her ass. She was noticeably looser by then. If I had enjoyed stroking her ass before, now I absolutely loved it. Pussy is nice but, if all asses felt as great as Lindsey's did, I couldn't believe the population explosion wouldn't have died a natural death. After pumping her ass for a couple of minutes, Lindsey gingerly moved her arms, releasing her legs for an instant until she could grab her ankles with each hand. Her bottom was not quite so high but it left her other treasures available to me. I started by leaning over her and locking lips with her in a long sensuous kiss, still stroking my prong in and out of her anus. The change in position seemed to do something to her because just a few minutes later, Lindsey was talking loudly, "Ohmigawd, ohmigawd, ohmigawd, baby, fuck my ass, honey, fuck my ass, oh, yeah, baby, cream my ass, honey, ram that big cock into my butt, sugar..." But she came before I did – again! She jerked her ass up to meet my thrusts, clamped that tight muscle around my shaft again, and held on for dear life. I watched the clear liquid oozing out of her pussy, wishing I could bend around and taste it, but unable to reach it without pulling my rod out of her hole, and there was no way I was going to do that! I kept moving, settling for nipping on her erect nipples while I plunged in and out. A few minutes later, I felt the old squeeze in my lower body and, just seconds later, I began spewing hot cum into her bowels. Just as the last drops trickled into her, she squeezed my cock, and again talked her way through another climax. To say that Lindsey had my attention would be a major understatement! After we had cleaned up and dressed, I assured her that one of the bedrooms would be hers in the fall. A couple of days later, I interviewed a pretty blonde named Trish who was inquiring about the other bedroom for the fall semester. When she asked if having sex with her would help me make up my mind, I agreed that it would and she dropped onto my twin bed naked, spread her legs and let me fuck her pussy. It was the deciding factor; I promised her that she could have the third bedroom in the fall for a third of the expenses. She said that I could have a piece every so often if I wanted it. I didn't think I could turn that down. Lindsey managed to come by my room two to three times a week for the remaining three weeks until finals, always to donate a piece of her ass and remind me that she wanted to be one of my roommates in the fall. Somehow she always managed to make it when my roommate was out. As soon as finals were over, I packed my car and headed home – with mixed emotions, I might add. I hated the idea that Lindsey and I were going in different directions and would be too far apart to see each other during the summer. However I had a job in construction lined up and my new boss was anxious for me to start work. His crews were stretched thin with a building boom going on. I didn't have much time to think about Lindsey, or any other way of spending my money either, since I was putting in 12 to 14 hours a day working concrete on the rising floors of a new office tower. Still that let me save more of my earnings to put toward my education expenses, which was what I really needed. Finally the last week in August, with most of the cement dust and dried concrete scrubbed out of the pores of my skin, I headed back to college, feeling like I was on vacation. Just as promised, the apartment was ready, freshly painted and cleaned, and ready for occupancy. Trish had already moved in when I arrived, and she helped me carry some of my stuff upstairs. Lindsey arrived in the middle of my move and our little group was complete. Since we were in different schools of study, we each had a unique set of friends outside of our own little group, so for the next few days, we were pretty busy getting registered, buying books, and renewing acquaintances. However by the third night, Lindsey crept into my bed shortly after I lay down. Snuggling up to me, her hands dragged lightly over my thighs and met as they cupped my balls. For the next several minutes, she stroked my cock while it grew to a full erection. In the meantime, one of my hands was busy stroking her ass while the other was exploring and squeezing her ample breasts. She whispered in my ear that she had missed our sessions over the summer and, although she had tried a couple of other guys, they had not satisfied her as well as I had last spring. Most of the guys came too quickly when she let them fuck her ass. She told me I had better control and she wanted to feel my cock in her ass again – now! So much for foreplay! She pulled out the K–Y lubricant – it occurred to me that if we stayed together, maybe I needed stock in the manufacture of the popular product – and slathered us both. In the luxury of a queen-sized bed instead of the twin-sized in the dorm, she rolled me on my back and mounted me, slowly lowering herself around my shaft. I found it amazing to watch Lindsey's face as she pushed her ass down around my cock. I wondered if my expression showed as much pleasure and approval as hers did. After a few minutes of simply sitting on me while her sphincter flexed around the root of my probe, she began to rock from side to side, very gently at first, then roughly, then easier again. A while later, she changed the pattern to a front to back motion, not really moving enough to pull my shaft out of her but enough to make it wander all around inside of her. She changed that to little clockwise circles, reversed that to counterclockwise circles, and then began to repeat the whole process. Within eight to ten minutes, she was gasping for air as she proclaimed the arrival of her orgasm. I played with Lindsey's heavily hanging boobs while she was in the throes of her climax, squeezing her tits, pulling her nipples, and watching her facial expressions of consummate joy. Shortly she began moving again, rocking her ass on my flagpole. Then she leaned forward, placing her hands on my shoulders and started moving her bottom up and down my cock. Her face went into a whole new realm of delightful expressions as she fucked herself on my fulcrum. I was more or less just along for the fabulous ride and loving every minute of it! In just a few minutes, Lindsey began talking, "Ohmigawd ohmigawd ohmigawd fuck me baby fuck my ass ohmigawd ohmigawd fuck me baby fuck my ass ohmigawd ohmigawd I'm CUMMMIIIIINNNNGGGGGGGG!" And she did, as her pussy flooded my pubis with hot clear juices. This time, she collapsed onto my chest as if she had no bones in her body. "Oh, gawd! I needed that, honey. Can we turn over and keep going?" I wrapped my arms and legs around her and turned us over, keeping my cock up her anus. I took advantage of that position to lock lips with her and exchange a long, sweet kiss as we swabbed each other's tonsils. Then I resumed plundering her ass, harder and faster than before, intent on my own satisfaction this time. It wasn't all that hard to achieve, either, as my balls contracted and I spat string after string of hot sticky cum into her ass. Lindsey screamed, " Ohmigawd ohmigawd I'm cumming again, baby, don't stop, honey, fuck my ass... yesssssssssssss!" After a few moments, I sat up and lifted her legs, watching my penis slowly deflating inside her. I felt it sliding out, wishing it would stay inside but knowing that was just wishful thinking. Holding her legs wide apart, I watched as my limp cock plopped out of her and then was amazed to see that her anus did not close immediately. For several moments, it remained gapping open as if she was too tired to close it. The look of complete satisfaction on her beautiful face said it all. Lindsey didn't bother to go to her room that night, simply rolling over and snuggling her pretty round butt back into my crotch. With my hands wrapped around her holding her big tits, we both went to sleep. That night turned out to be the watermark for our subsequent days together. The only time we went more than two days without me fucking Lindsey's ass that semester was when she made a trip home for Thanksgiving and we went separate ways for the Christmas-New Years holidays. Quite often when we didn't have some requirement on Saturdays, we spent a goodly part of the day in my bed. Lindsey did let me fuck her pussy occasionally, and she did seem to enjoy it, but not with the same intensity as when I screwed her ass. True to her word, Trish did offer me a change from Lindsey's ass by letting me fuck her pussy. Actually it was more like her fucking me, since she preferred the top position and it didn't bother me to let her be in control. I know Lindsey knew that Trish and I were getting together but she never said anything about it. What surprised me was the frequency. I had figured Trish meant maybe once a month. However she came to me once a week, which was probably as much as I could handle along with my rendezvous with Lindsey. When we got back from the holidays, Lindsey told me about a friend of hers who was in dire straits for housing, having been the victim of a guy who rented her a room but then failed to pay the original landlord, causing them to be evicted. Lindsey proposed that she share my room and let Karen occupy Lindsey's room. After a little contemplation, I decided to go ahead with that suggestion. Karen was extremely grateful. Although I assured her that if she kept up her payments and helped us maintain the apartment that would be sufficient repayment, she spent an occasional night in bed with us. She didn't care for anal action like Lindsey did but she enjoyed letting me eat her pussy while Lindsey rode my cock. As it turned out, having Lindsey share my bed regularly also meant coupling with her more frequently. She so dearly loved having a cock in her ass and she told me so often, in no uncertain terms. As I've said, she didn't mind doing other things for a little variety, but mostly she just wanted to be fucked in the ass. I didn't have a problem accommodating her either. Unlike other women with whom I had anal sex, Lindsey required very little in the way of foreplay because she had learned the secret of concentrating on relaxing her anal muscle, which allowed a cock inside her with little effort and no pain. I won't say that we fucked every night, but I will say that I never had to go looking for a partner outside of my apartment that semester. In fact, twice I had to decline an offer to have sex with one of the women because my cock was so sensitive I couldn't stand it. But one night to recover was all it took to get back into the groove again. As the school year drew to a close, I arranged to lease the apartment again the following fall. Lindsey agreed to come back again but stated that she'd like to keep the status quo if possible. Trish was coming back for her senior year and agreed that she wanted to keep her bedroom. Karen, however, was in a financial bind and decided that she was not coming back to school so we advertised for another roommate. Within a week, we had a new "roomie", a sophomore-to-be named Nina. For the remaining two years of my college life, the pattern remained the same with Lindsey sharing my room and my bed, and a couple of other women moving into the other rooms along the way. The summers were just as boring as that first one, filled with long work hours and aching bones, but the reunions in the fall were well worth it. At the beginning of our senior year, I asked Lindsey to marry me and give up her other occasional partners, promising to do the same myself. After some time to think about it, she accepted my proposal and we decided on a spring break wedding. The wedding was small and went off without a hitch. Being a little short on cash, we honeymooned on the gulf coast but it didn't really matter – we spent most of our time in bed and most of that was with my cock plying her ass. We both graduated in May and set up house in another apartment not far from the school, which left us about halfway between our parents' homes. We both had gotten job offers during a Job Fair at the school so we had little time between the end of school and jumping into the real world. As the years passed, I came to believe I was one of the luckiest guys alive. Although my wife would let me fuck her pussy if I really insisted, she was always eager to let me fuck her ass. Occasionally I would begin to complain about the enema bag and tubes sharing space on our towel rack only to remember that I was the beneficiary of that piece of equipment! It eventually just became "part of the furniture." Lindsey let me fuck her often enough over the years that we had three wonderful kids: a son and two daughters who looked just like their mother except they had my red hair. Still, nineteen years and a little more after that spring wedding, Lindsey and I are still making passionate love, almost always using her back door opening. Her hips have grown a little broader over the time, and her tits are considerably heavier, but those features just make her more alluring to me. I love all of her and I'm convinced my Back Door Babe feels the same way about me.
_Editor's Note: This is the beginning of a chain story, each part of which is written by a Literotica author. The authors were challenged to create a story that revolves around the image of the lady on our front page. Chapters will be added each week. For a full schedule and more information,[ **click here**](http://www.literotica.com/forum/showthread.php?threadid=32050)_ * * * * * _Prologue_ I have toyed with the notion of keeping a diary, or a journal, of what I have done, seen, or accomplished from time to time. I have put pen to paper on occasion, and certainly I have exchanged letters with lovers. Points of my life have been vastly interesting and worthy of notation, others dull as a stump. Now that I am of a certain age and find myself at loose ends during the quiet calm of these spring days, I have grown introspective. I sit in the garden oasis I have created on my veranda and stare over the vast, sometimes seething, sometimes playful ocean. Such an activity induces one to thought, and my thoughts invariably return to my past. So I have chosen to write. Having a memoir has a certain appeal, perhaps it is merely my vanity. Perhaps it is to have some evidence of my existence to leave behind as I have no children. Perhaps it is that I have reached the time in my life where I am looking at my future through my past, and a memoir is my method of re-finding myself. Affirming my identity, if only for myself. I am not sure how one goes about writing a memoir; I am not given to reading such things. Is it appropriate to consider the present and reflect upon the future before moving to the past? Or should I begin, "Once upon a time...?" I have no true idea, so I will simply work my way about it. Supposedly a memoir ought to be entirely written by the autobiographer, but I will include the correspondence I've had with my lovers. The letters that were written to me, and by me. There is prose that has been dedicated to me, poetry as well. Shall I include these things? Perhaps I might, perhaps not. My memoir does not have to be written by me entirely, it is my memoir. I am writing for my own gratification and I have been known to be capricious. The question is now, where should I begin? So many things crowd to the front, things that were life altering, or stand out in my memory as special. The dominance games where I played at the darker life at the Cirque du Sensual changed me in ways I have yet to describe. My days with Mirabella in Paris where loving was covered with soft rose scented perfume and even softer skin are indelible in my mind. Of all my lovers, I miss her terribly. What of that American cowboy who taught me different sorts of rope tricks? The engaging Brazilian who delighted in exhibiting our sex in public, however could I forget him? My gorgeous, brooding Italian with the artist's fingers? Or my days frolicking in Amsterdam? Perhaps I should begin at the beginning, where I lost my virginity and discovered that sex was not a shameful act, but instead a wonderful exploration of the senses. Such innocence in my almost juvenile pantings. I still find myself smiling fondly at the thoughts of my naive and delighted virginal loving. No, now that I think on it, the loss of my virginity was not the beginning of my sexuality. It was later, when I was at the university. There I learned the beginning of sensuality and learned to crave it, to crave all things sensual rather than simply the base act of sex. My introduction to the full eroticness of my body would be the perfect place to begin my memoir, which is really nothing more than a sordid tale of my sexual deviations, should you ask my sister. It is quite sad that people will cut themselves off from their bodies, deny themselves the most basic part of their being in an effort to be better than those around them. Perhaps a debauchery of the flesh is too overwhelming for some, but for me it is the celebration of my life. **Chapter 1: The Beginning of Sensuality** I had chosen to major in art history because my aptitude for art did not satisfy me. My artistic abilities, while enough to while away the time, were never better than mediocre. I could not abide mediocrity in any arena, least of all my chosen field. Instead, I took my passion for art and channeled it into the academic side of it. It was here that I chanced to meet the professor. He could have passed for any of the young, gorgeous heroes of the silver screen, instead he taught the intricacies of the Masters with a fire that instantly enamored me. I developed a crush, as did nearly every female that took his classes. As it turned out, we both shared a passion for Martin Russell and his sleek carvings of the human form. Abstract or so full of realism the pieces seemed to almost breathe, Russell drew my attention like no other artist has ever done. Even now, I collect what I can. The professor had a small piece, an early one of Russell's that still had the traces of his unpolished talent, in his office. It was the first thing I'd noticed when I'd the chance to go there. Like all of the other silly, giggling girls, I too had manufactured an excuse, a late paper I believe, to go to his office and speak with him. After gaining entry into his sanctum and behaving as hundreds of silly girls must have behaved prior to and after me, I locked eyes on "Georgian." It was of a female, naked and sinuous. She was reaching languidly for something above her, stretching up from her knees, and her leg kicked back straight behind her. She arched on her pedestal of marble. My fingers itched to touch her, to trace the graceful lines of her form and drown in the sensuality of her existence. To this day I do not recall what prompted me to do so, the look in his eyes perhaps, but I gave into my impulse. Without begging permission, I advanced on the sculpture and laid fingers to its cool surface. I lost myself in it, the sensation of touching the sculpture was like none other. I shut my eyes and delicately traced the elegant form. Inhaling sharply, I became very aware of my sudden arousal and the itinerant sexuality I felt. My body reacted, nipples hardening and my loins quickened. I don't know quite how long I stood silently caressing the statue, but through it all the professor sat quietly in his chair, watching me do so with his intense, brooding eyes. Eventually, I pulled away from the piece, embarrassed and chagrined at my display. My parents were good people and had taught me such things were best left behind the bedroom door with one's husband. I was ashamed of myself. I glanced furtively at the professor and formed an apology. Before the words could leave my lips, he gently asked, "What did you feel?" His question surprised me. I had expected recriminations, to be reminded that it was a valuable piece of property and an even more priceless piece of art. It should never be handled if possible. The oils from one's fingertips can be destructive as time passes. "I felt the glass." "No, inside of you, when you closed your eyes and let your head fall back. What did you feel?" My embarrassed blush stained my cheeks, and I blurted, "Awe." He stood, never taking his eyes from mine, and came around his desk. I backed a step, my hand going to my heart and my eyes widening. I was such an innocent. The professor was the epitome of the male predator, not the kind that hurts women, the kind that seduces them. Had I been a little more worldly, a little more knowledgeable, I would have recognized his movements as such. Gently, so as not to frighten me no doubt, he picked up my hand. "What did you feel when you caressed her? What did you feel here?" He pressed my fingers to the tip of my breast, brushing across the nipple that was still a hardened point. Helplessly, I stared into his eyes, shocked and languorous all at the same time. "I touched the statue, and..." "... and your nipples grew hard. Tell me what you felt inside, tell me what it was that made your nipples hard." I closed my eyes, thinking back to my fingers running over the statue so lightly that every crease was a new experience for the sensitive pads. "It was the touch," I murmured. He said nothing while I remembered. "The coolness of the composite glass and the heat of my fingers combined with the erotic pose of the statue. She has such a leonine grace, such a feline sexuality that touched me. I want to be with her, I wanted to be her." I opened my eyes again, snapping back from the reverie that had threatened to overtake me again. The professor was contemplating me again. He watched me as if I were some new piece of fascinating sculpture, a piece of art that he itched to touch. I felt helpless against the sheer magnetism of his gaze. I was too young or too naive to understand it, much less defend against it. Reflecting back on the few moments when our eyes locked, I recognize that this was the pivotal moment of my life. He lifted a hand and extended his long, artist's finger, pressing the digit to my lips lightly. His voice was husky and soothing, not quite as mellow as the tones he lectured with. "What is your name?" "Erica." The feel of my lips moving along his finger was decadent, wrong, and thrilling. My lips tingled and the sensation flowed through my nerves. "Erica. Come to my apartment this evening. I have more works by Martin Russell you may like." "You will just show me more sculpture?" "Perhaps. It depends on what we discover. Here is the address, do be discrete." I stared at the little scrap of paper he had pressed to my hand, feeling vastly uncertain and not a little excited. The professor retreated from me, sitting down behind his desk and absorbing himself fully in the papers strewn upon it. I looked up at him, wondering if I should say something, but I had been clearly dismissed. Snapping my mouth shut, I gathered my knapsack and left. That night, after the sun had descended and dusk had fallen, I got out of my car. It was a little, old Volkswagon that had seen better days and several impoverished college students through their tenure here. I had been sitting, fretting and worrying, wondering when I should knock or if I should leave. In the end there really wasn't a choice. I was going into the professor's lair and if were to become his prey, then I would do so willingly. I knocked on the door, knowing full well what I thought I was doing. My sheer innocence still astounds me. I had believed myself in control and that I knew exactly what I was getting into. In my ignorance, I had thought that there would be nothing more than sex and that would that. Our bodies joined elementally and then on to our separate ways. I fully believed that I could beard the lion in his den and walk away unscathed and unchanged. If I had known what the professor would teach me about myself, would I have still gone to him? I like to think that I had the courage for it. But I will never know. The professor wore the same slacks and white button down shirt he had taught in. The only difference was his bare feet, lack of a tie, and addition of a pair of reading glasses. I stood in the warm foyer of his home, unable to look above my own feet. My heart was in my throat and I wished nothing more than to be elsewhere. He hooked a finger under my chin and gently pried my eyes to his face. He was smiling gently. "Come with me. It will be all right." I followed him deeper into his home, to the den full of wood, books, and priceless art. He had several Russells and what appeared to be an original O'Keefe hanging on a wall. A fire flickered, basking the cream colored rug and furnishings in a glowing warmth. "What interests you in art history, Erica?" I sat in the chair he indicated, kitty corner to his spot on the end of the couch. He picked up a bottle of deep Merlot wine and poured us each a glass. "I love art. As a child I thought myself gifted, but later I realized that while I have an aptitude, I was not good enough at it to satisfy myself. I appreciated the art around me, particularly the provenance and history of some of the pieces my father collected. When I reached the university, this was a natural choice for me." "What interests you about sculpture?" I covered my nervousness by picking up the Merlot and tracing its stem with my fingers. I stared into the burgundy liquid and feigned absorption. Did I wish to admit to him what I loved about this form of artistry? I hadn't the spine, not just yet. Instead, I prevaricated, "It's tactile." "Explain that." "Unlike paintings, you can touch sculpture, it exists as a piece of art and as a presence. Canvases are cold, aloof. Sculpture is vibrantly alive, it is a part of my world in a way a mere picture can never be. It is difficult, at times, to keep from touching a piece." The professor remained silent for a while, considering my words from behind hooded eyes. I twitched nervously in my seat. I hadn't the worldly confidence in myself, nor the knowledge of what he might be thinking that I had gained from experience. When he did reply, his voice was the deep, vibrant rasp of a man in sexual heat. The power of the tone shimmered through me like a thousand butterflies winging across a meadow. "How do you touch the most exquisite sculpture?" "Michelangelo's David?" "Ah, no. Yourself," he murmured, regarding me with burning eyes. Even as ignorant as I was, I recognized the sexuality in them. "How do you touch yourself?" I flushed a deep red and couldn't lift my gaze from my tightly clenched hands in my lap. What should I tell him? Some inanity easily tossed off? That I touched myself as all silly college girls must? Or should I tell him the truth? That I enjoyed touching myself? Tracing my fingers along my collarbone, rubbing my cheek on my shoulder, the gentle caress of my thighs touching, sliding my toes down the length of the opposite calf, or a myriad of other small, daily contact to which I was addicted to? "I touch myself like everyone else does." I had taken the coward's way and chosen to be non-committal. The professor smiled gently. "No, you do not. I've watched you. You touch yourself the same way you touched the Russell in my office. With your eyes closed and fascinated with the feel of your fingers on your own skin." I met his eyes, shocked that he'd noticed me and even more shocked that knew me so well. I had thought the sexy professor was immune to giggling girls, such as myself. "Stand up, Erica." Diffidently, smoothing my carefully chosen skirt, I stood up. I felt more in control standing, but more conspicuous. I wrapped my arms around my middle and tried not to run. The professor was disconcerting me and it made me nervous. "Stand on the rug in front of the fire," he ordered. After a moment's hesitation, still unsure, I did so. His couch faced the fireplace with the glass coffee table between us. I felt like a statue on display in his living room, a feeling that made me shy at first. The shyness rapidly became a languor. His expression, still intense, darkened even further, perhaps a recognition of my sudden arousal. "Take off your clothes. Slowly, as if you were a statue." I understood what he had meant. The decision to do as he directed was simple and easily made. It frightened me to feel the clashing of the intense desire to do so and the sudden shame that it was my nature. Even though I did not know it at the time, with the undoing of the first button on my blouse I was acquiescing to becoming his student. Not an art student, but a student of my own body. I was accepting the new direction in my life. My index finger gently tracing the slope of my skin from the top button to the next confirmed it. The professor knew what I did not, that I was a sensualist. "The next button, my dear." He sounded impatient to my untutored ears, as if he were as excited about my slowly revealed skin as I was. Entranced by the thought that he might be reveling in my body as well, I slipped the next button from its hole. With every new button opened, I had new territory to touch. I spread my lapels open and thoroughly explored my chest and my throat, loving the tiny bumps that rose in the wake of my fingers. My eyes shut and my head lolled, perhaps I groaned. More buttons opened until there were no more and my fingers were hampered by the band of my skirt. Lifting my head, I noticed the professor again. He was staring at, unmoving, his eyes following the paths my fingers took. I paused a moment, fascinated with the silent tableau we represented. Male and female, separated by distance, yet united by arousal. I may have been naive, but my baser instincts were on alert. I moved my fingers over my belly, watching him intently, then dipped them past the waistband of my skirt. Hesitating a moment, I couldn't find the courage to continue. Cursing myself for a stupid schoolgirl, my eyes dropped to my feet and tears welled. The couch sighed seconds before I felt his presence. The incredible heat of his body came across my back reassuringly. "You are a beautiful woman, Erica," he murmured, "there is no need for shame." "I am a slut." "You are a living work of art. To watch you touch yourself is..." He trailed off, stepping closer. Despite the spare distance between us, he seared me as if he were touching me with a brand. Something brushed the back of my skirt, then pressed more firmly. My eyes widened in surprise as I realized what it was. His erection nudged at my buttocks, then settled comfortably between them. I shut my eyes when his hands found my bare shoulders. He traced his fingers down my biceps to my elbows, leaving aroused skin in their wake. "You love touching yourself and I love watching you do it. You are a sensual girl, there is nothing to be ashamed of. It's your gift." Shivering in his embrace, I believed him with all the naive innocence of a girl whose only lovers had been fumbling boys. His fingers found mine, intertwining them gently. Tugging my hands with his, he brushed his knuckles, and consequently my fingers, over my belly. I closed my eyes again, sucking in a sharp breath. The heat of his skin seared me in ways I'd never imagined. I felt a rush of fluid arousal pour through me. "I want to teach you all about yourself and how to enjoy your body. I want to teach you how to share your body with others," he murmured in my ear. I sighed heavily, loving the feel of his hot breath stirring the sensitive flesh of my neck. My head lolled back against his shoulders and I surrendered myself to him, to his superior knowledge. "Teach me," I whispered. "I will change you forever." He was arrogant in his proclamation; he was also correct. Our fingers moved up my rib cage to brush the undersides of my breasts. I gasped, the nipples tightening almost painfully. "I will not force you. You must do it of your own free will." I didn't even have to think about it. I was seduced by my own sexuality and the heat in his. I accepted his challenge, and by doing so, accepted my place as his student in the art of sex. Taking his hands with mine, I brushed along my skin to my shoulders. I pulled the straps of my brassiere down along my arms, until I had to disengage from him to take it off. His fingers traced designs into my bare back while I tossed the garment onto the blouse already pooled on the floor. My fingers went instantly to my breasts, kneading and caressing them. I loved the feel of them, the firm roundness and the sharpness of the nipples. He kissed the point of my shoulder, watching the progress of my hands. It was thrilling to touch myself in front of him, to be as wanton as I wanted. The shyness I'd felt earlier was rapidly evaporating beneath his approving regard. I lifted my head in surprise, blinking back to the here and now when he moved away from me to sit on the coffee table. His eyes were even with the swell of my lower belly, reminding me that I still wore my skirt. Suddenly I itched to share myself with him, to show him my body and my arousal. Whether he joined in it or not wasn't a factor, only that he enjoy me. I found the buttons to my skirt and undid them. He smiled. Rather than tear off the skirt as I'd done in the past, I shimmied it down my hips, lowering it by degrees. I enjoyed teasing him with flashes of my forbidden flesh. He licked his lips several times, as if he were trying to restrain himself from tasting my revealed skin, and adjusted himself inside of his pants. My fingers itched to touch him, but I pacified them with my own body. The skirt slid tothe carpet unaided when I'd gotten it to my thighs. I stood clad only in my panties, a white cotton pair that fully covered me. I had thought them incredibly sexy when I bought them, though years later I see them as plain and schoolgirlish. They were the perfect pair to wear for a man with a schoolgirl fetish. I hooked a thumb into the waistband and tugged them down a little, exposing a fluffy tuft of pubic hair to his gaze. It was the first time I'd shown a fully clothed man my privates. It had been mostly back seat fumbling or the room had been darkened. I had never taken my panties off for another person before, and it excited me incredibly to do it. I slid them down my smooth legs. The unmistakable aroma of my sexual arousal wafted from the damp crotch. I ought to have been mortified, but the rich, earthy scent made my blood pound. "Give them to me," he ordered. I froze in the act of dropping them into the pile of my clothes. I couldn't fathom what he'd want with my panties. Mutely, I handed them over to him, secretly thrilled at the thought of his aristocratic hands touching my most intimate garment. The professor lifted my panties to his nose and inhaled. I couldn't tell, but I thought his tongue had flicked out to taste them. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I had heard of perversions in men, but hadn't thought to witness them. The professor was tasting and breathing the wet sexuality of my body. The image burned into my mind and still has the power to arouse me. Without thinking, I spread my legs a little, giving my hands room to slide into the wet space between them. Usually I would stroke myself, paying attention to my thighs, my hips, the curve of my ass, and the sensitive sides of my knees. Instead, I sank my fingers into my sex, parting my labia and rubbing at my clitoris. He let out a guttural expletive and dropped to his knees in front of me, pressing his cheek to my inner thigh so he could clearly see what I was doing. I found that his eyes on my masturbatory fingers were the most exciting things I'd ever felt. Just knowing that he was between my legs, fully clothed, while I touched myself for both of our pleasures, filled me with a voluptuous heat. My panting cries, normally suppressed for fear of discovery and consequent reprisals, echoed throughout the room. My breathy moans mingled with the soft growls from his throat and the crackling of the fire. The sounds became such a part of each other and so mingled with my growing orgasm, that the sound of a fire will bring a rush of wetness to my panties even now, years away. "You are beautiful," he told me, running his tongue over my wet knuckles. My fingers made contact with my erect clitoris and my body convulsed, dissolving in orgasm. It hurtled me into a loud joy where the smell of my vagina mingled with the smell of his aftershave, the touch of my fingers melted into the touch of his tongue, and the sight of the stars behind my eyelids became the sight of him kneeling between my legs to watch my masturbation. I screamed, throwing my head back and letting the orgasm fully overtake and possess me. It was the first time I had so given myself over to my own pleasure that I had not given a thought to the man's. I had assumed he joined me. Later, from the expression on the professor's face and the wet stain in his pants, I had correctly guessed that he had. I learned something valuable, something important. My pleasure, my obvious and uninhibited joy in my own body was an aphrodisiac to the professor. Indeed it is something most men crave. I did not realize then that the professor intended to teach me to be a lover; a mistress, a concubine, a kept woman. Later, though, I did. Through the many lessons we had during our brief period together, I acknowledged that the professor's aim was to teach me the depths of my being and what was in my soul. As all young women do with their first lover, I fell in love with him and built the silly daydreams of marrying him and bearing his progeny. That love was painful, because even as I wallowed in it, I knew the truth. He loved my body, my soul, and my heart. He loved teaching me and he loved reveling in me. He also knew that he would let me go when the time came. My heart broke when he quietly announced that he had found me a benefactor, if I wanted to be kept. A good man, an artist, who needed me more than he knew. My carefully crafted dreams, the ones I held despite knowing better, were shattered. I said things that I regret to this day, things that were not mended for years, almost before it was too late. Even though I did not wish to go, I acknowledged that I would, for it was who I was. He had taught me, but could only show me what was already within me. He came to airport the day I boarded the plane bound for Italy. To see me off. My last view of my lover was of a dejected man, hands thrust in his pockets. With tears in my eyes, I fled down the ramp to my seat. I could not bear to face him with all of my love and recriminations. I penned him a letter, one full of love, gratitude, understanding, and forgiveness. I didn't send that letter for years, until it was nearly too late. We exchanged correspondence later in life, made plans to visit, but it never happened. Even before the plane bore me off to a new and uncertain future, I grieved for the loss of my professor. I still miss him. _To Be Continued..._
Tawny and Bryce had been married a little over a year now. Both very much still in love with each other, and Tawny, still in the tender years of sexual exploration. She was four years younger than Bryce, who was twenty eight. They met at a mutual friends party about two years prior, and both became madly in love at their first meeting. Tawny was considered by her girlfriends, to being a wallflower as far as dating and relationships were concerned. She was never the Bride, and always the Brides Maid. Her timid ness, as far as the opposite sex went, was always the discussion with her girlfriends. They would take turns in setting her up with different guys that they knew, and the majority of the time things went well. She wasn’t a raving beauty, but still very attractive. Her shoulder length brown hair accented her porcelain skin nicely. She had deep brown eyes, perfect teeth, and her shape was a tad on the plump side. She had two relationships that lasted six months and ten months, respectively. She had some experience sexually from these two relationships, but nothing like she has with Bryce. He had, on a few occasions attempted to coax her into having anal sex. Each time that Bryce broached the subject, Tawny would feel her pulse quicken, mostly from the fear of the unknown of such an act, and partially from the disdain that she had heard from hearing other women talk about their experiences. So, she would use the terminology that she had seen used in various chat rooms, “that is for exit only” when Bryce mentioned it. And Bryce never pushed the issue any further. He knew that in time, he would convince her to at least trying it. It happened to be a dreary night outside to most, hard rain, lightning and thunder. But to Bryce and Tawny, it was a setting that they couldn’t buy in a store or a bottle, or make happen on their own. It was one of many things that they had in common, the awe of the stunning beauty of a thunderstorm. They had returned from a night of dancing and frivolity with friends and others. It was about two thirty in the morning, and both were still very much awake and feeling the relaxation from their libations and the fact that it was the weekend made it even better. Tawny was feeling very much alive and energized, both physically and mentally. She felt a bit randy as well. As soon as Bryce entered the bedroom to undress, she pushed him towards their bed. When he fell onto the bed, Tawny jumped onto him before the bed had stopped bouncing. She straddled him and smiled when she saw his startled look. Within seconds, Tawny lifted her top over her head and tossed the garment to the floor into the darkness. Now she sat above Bryce’s motionless but tense form as he watched. Her breasts filled the cups of her bra fully. And as she leaned down to kiss him, he gazed down the deep crevasse of her cleavage. Now he too was beginning to feel very much alive again. He couldn’t help but notice that his cock was pushing against the tough denim and seam of his zipper as it began to fill with blood. He made a move to grab her arms and roll her over to switch their positions, but Tawny had anticipated his move, and quickly pulled free of his grasp. He attempted to voice his objection, when Tawny told him hush as she held an upright forefinger to his lips. With a flick of the remote control on the night stand, a slow sultry tune began steaming from the speakers in the room. Tawny got up and stood beside the bed. As the tune continued with the slow beat and deep bass of the song, she began to sway her hips as she danced for him. She unhooked her bra, and let the straps fall until she held them in the bends of her arms, keeping the cups draped loosely over her breasts. She spun in beat with the tune and finally tossed the bra to the floor in the shadows. Her nipples were erect to their fullest, straining into the darkness. Only the dim closet light gave Bryce a glimpse of her soft ample flesh adorned with hardened nipples as crowns. The tune began to increase tempo. Tawny spun again, turning her back to him. She performed a long and slow straight legged toe touch. Bryce watched with intense pleasure as the short skirt began to ride up the backs of her taut thighs. When she was completely bent over, he saw the thin white strip of her T-back panties reach from under the poutiness of her pussy lips and stretch upward, disappearing between her well rounded butt cheeks. Tawny peeked around her legs as she held this position, to see the lust filling his glazed eyes. She finished the song by removing her skirt, slowly stepping each leg from the fallen cloth circle as it lay on the floor. Bryce was mesmerized and filled with desire. There was his beauty, standing in front of him only a foot or two away, wearing nothing but a vee cut, white sheer T-back. Tawny motioned for him with her forefinger to come to her. He was off the bed and walking toward her in a flash. He was removing his tee shirt as he stepped up to her. He pressed his bared chest into her breasts. Her flesh was hot against his. Bryce took the role of predator now. As he pressed his full lips to hers as he held her, he began walking, pushing her backwards until they were against the wall by the closet. He began kissing her long, and hard and deeply. His tongue danced over hers and hers over his. He withdrew his tongue after a moment only to stick it back out enough to trace the outline of her lips. He knew this drove her crazy! They kissed for a few more minutes, long and rougher than they had begun. He unzipped his jeans and yanked his erect cock from the confines of his boxers briefs. His free hand grabbed the shaft and used the thick bulbous head to easily push aside her sheer panties. His cock head nuzzled between the soft folds of her wet lips and he guided the drooling tip to her opening. His hips pushed forward and his hot, hard cock invaded her softest flesh. Her heat engulfed his cock shaft as he inched into her slowly. She could feel his throbbing member as it slowly filled her void. He thrust into her several times with quick deep jabs before she whimpered and then moaned loudly as her climax released from deep within her loins. His cock was totally covered with her release after he held her, then withdrew. Bryce remarked at how quickly she had climaxed. She told him that she guessed it was all the dancing from earlier that evening. Bryce didn’t really care that she came so quickly, because he knew that she would cum again before he was satisfied anyway. He looked at it as a plus for the both of them. He kissed he deeply again as he still pressed into her against the wall. He was inflamed with passion for her even more now, and she was just now beginning to come alive with her incessant, insatiable, churning need for more release. In fact the craving engulfed her mind as well as her body. So, as he kissed her, she returned the passion with her kissing him back, letting him know with an unspoken language, that she wanted, actually needed more! Bryce pulled his tongue from her lips and began trailing kisses to her chin, then her neck and began down her chest. He paused long enough to quickly place his lips to her left ear, and in a husky whisper, told her that he wanted to take her completely tonight. With his hot breath grazing her ear and his words echoing in her mind, she felt a shiver run down her spine. He continued where he left off and proceeded to suckle her nipples. Tawny felt the heat in her tummy flare as each flicker of his tongue on her hard nipples shoot tracers of fire into her very being. He kissed and licked slowly downward until his lips were at the small tuft of neatly trimmed pubic hair. He inhaled deeply as he nuzzled his nose into the fine pelt, breathing in her scent. He then drew his head down until his lips were poised at her juicy swollen lips. His tongue parted her folds as he went searching, and soon found her hardened clit. He wagged his tongue from side to side over the flesh trigger. Her hips bumped out to meet his probing tongue. As he licked and sucked her clit, one free hand extended up to her soft breast, kneading it. He slid his fore finger into her pussy with his other hand as he continued to lick and suck. When he retrieved his finger, it was saturated with the slick juices from her previous release. He took that finger and extended straight up and placed it between her firm ass cheeks until it was pressing lightly at her puckered asshole. While he tongue swabbed her swollen clitoris and intermittently lapped at, and lightly nipped each puffy pussy lip, he kept his finger still, at her bung. Tawny sensed what he was going to do, so she began to tiptoe to raise herself away from his finger. She was hoping that that subtle move would remind him that she didn’t want to explore that area. It didn’t work. As her ass moved upward from his finger, so did his hand. She was now on her toes as high as she could go with his finger poised there in an unmoving position. His oral torment quickly gave way to her brief fear of an anal invasion. It wasn’t too much longer when her mind was over taken by her second wave of a climax, combined with her toes weakening from exhaustion, that she slowly slid back downward. Bryce’s finger, however did not. She slid down onto his pointing finger. It was done gradually enough to where his finger slipped into her ass easily. As soon as she had lowered herself onto his finger, she felt what seemed like a tidal wave rush through her abdomen and out of her womb. Her nectar seeped from her swollen lips and he lapped them away the very instant they became accessible to his hungry tongue. Bryce felt her asshole tighten quickly and firmly onto his finger, each time, as her pussy twitched with her orgasm. Tawny began to breath slower as her last release ebbed. Her lust was at an all time high now. That constant gnawing of more, more, more was more prevalent now than ever before. He stood up and kissed her again, this time pointing to the bed and asked her to lay down, cross ways with her butt at the side. He began tugging at his jeans, flinging them aside, then practically tearing his briefs off. His cock was hard as steel. The thick vein along side the shaft was protruding from the side, completely filled with hormonal powered blood. Clear drool coated the tip of the purplish throbbing head. His balls were hanging low in the thin skinned sac. His eyes were dark and glazed. Tawny knew that she was in for the ride of her life now, and was anticipating every moment of it. Bryce reached to the headboard and brought back a small bottle which he tossed to the floor, and Tawny’s next “best” buddy, her two speed vibrator. She grinned devilishly when she saw it, as he handed it to her. He lifted he legs up onto his shoulders and chest as he moved his cock towards her. She switched the vibrator wand to low speed. He pushed his aching cock into her sopping wet pussy easily, as he stood at the side of the bed. When she sat the vibrator onto her inflamed clit, it was as if someone had thrown jet fuel onto an already blazing fire. Her legs tingled,and her ears began to ring from the sensations wracking her body. When Bryce was in her twat fully, he began to saw in and out with long slow strokes. She bucked back at him urging him to go faster and harder. Bryce was on a different page than Tawny right now. He withdrew from her and bent down and picked up the small bottle that he had stashed there, while she was positioning herself at the side of the bed as he had asked. He took the bottle of KY jelly and squirted a generous amount onto his red hot cock, covering it completely. He then squirted more of the slippery gel into his two fingers and spread it generously in between Tawny’s meaty ass cheeks. He basted her puckered, virginal asshole with the lube. When he looked at Tawny, her eyes were filled with excitement and a glimmer of fear. He smiled at her reassuringly and told her that he would be very gentle and patient. She had always be a very willing partner in almost everything, but this arena. Her lust was at a level that she had never experienced before. Her mind was flashing between the previous two orgasms, and her impending one that filled her at this moment. The fear of the unknown, never having been fucked in her ass before seemed to be a waning concern. She was feeling very nasty right now and knew that so was Bryce. And she was loving the new feeling. It was very uninhibiting for her. When Tawny flipped the wand vibrator to its highest speed, Bryce placed the tip of his fiery cock at her tight, pink asterisk. He applied a firm steady nudge against the tender soft flesh. Making sure to take his time, which really took a lot of his concentration due to his pent up passion for her, he pushed a little further in. He felt the muscled ring of her bung begin to give way to its new invader. The tip of his slippery cock was just about completely inside of her ass, when he felt the sphincter muscle give access with a small popping feeling as the glans of his cockhead was in her fully now. He kept a watchful eye on Tawny’s face for any negative reaction. She was showing no visible signs of discomfort, so he continued. He slid his shaft deeper into her a half an inch at a time, then pause, then continue again until he was in her ass full tilt. The vibrator was humming a steady song on her clit while he began his slow thrusting in and out of her. Eventually, he was pumping in and out of her tight sweet ass like a man possessed. His hands were grabbing and firmly massaging each ass cheeks while he pummeled her. Tawny began tossing her head from side to side now as her climax was at its point of no return. Bryce could hold back no longer and let out a deep, long primal groan. Hot sticky seed erupted from the tip of his cock, spurting into her depths. Stream after stream of hot cum spewed into Tawny’s tight ass. She felt the heat of the first jet of cum as it flowed into her once virgin butt. This only made her climax more intense. She cried out as her pussy twitched as well as her asshole did with each rapid contraction of her release. All of her passion and lust washed through her womb like a raging gush. She could feel the liquid flood from her pussy. She imagined the juices coating the cock that was still pumping in and out of her ass. This thought sent one last powerful wave of a climax shooting through her as Bryce began to slow his movement. Afterward, They each cleaned up the sticky, slippery mess that they had made of each other, then coupled onto the bed, him spooning her. She laid there cooing her contentment, as he wondered if she had enjoyed or just tolerated their new found sex. About the time he was going to ask her, she rolled and kissed him very lovingly, and said, “That was wonderful!”. He didn’t push any further, hoping that they could try the anal scene in the future. Besides, he knew her reply to any request of trying this again would have been, "Purhaps". They slept like the dead that night, both smiling. Jennifer's Story. My husband, James, has a higher libido than I have, that's just a fact. We have been married for many years and have enjoyed a full and varied sex life, but now our libidos are changing. His is increasing and mine, well let's just say mine isn't. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy sex, but somewhat less frequently than before. I know he has had to suppress his desires more and more, just because I am not in the mood. So why not just give him a blow job? Or a hand job? A few minutes work and hop, job done. To be honest, when I'm not in the mood, I really am not in the mood. So I hit upon an idea. We often fantasise when having sex and even now we get off on each-other's fantasies. His are much more graphic than mine. Mine tend to be all romantic and slushy whereas his, well some of his can be a bit wild, but that's what fantasies are for. It occurred to me, why not make a fantasy a reality? OK not one of his really whacky ones, but a simple straightforward one. Why not allow him to satisfy his desires somewhere else? I know what you're thinking. NO! NO! NO! But why? Where is the problem? I'm getting all I need and he isn't. It's the obvious answer. Monogamy, I am quite sure, is learned behaviour. Will I be jealous? I don't know, but I do not expect to be. If I thought I'd be jealous I should summon the enthusiasm to make love more often. Our culture sets very arbitrary limits. You can eat with friends, dance with friends, play tennis with friends, do pretty much anything you like with friends, but you cannot have sex with friends: strange when you think about it. Anyway what actually constitutes sex? A peck on the cheek was considered risqué in the sixties. An arm round the waste through a doorway? Hardly. A pat on the bum? A bit more daring. Touching a breast through clothing? Hardly grounds for saying a marriage has broken down irretrievably. There is a long sliding scale and sure, once a penis is inside a vagina there is little doubt that the participants are having sex. But what about stroking a crotch through clothing? Sexual certainly, but is it sex? Try the same test with masturbation or oral. Somewhere along the line is sex and that probably varies from person to person. Anyway I had already decided that he could have whatever definition of sex he chose with another woman. A man would probably be a bit too difficult to understand, but with whom? A prostitute? Too tacky. Some bimbo with pneumatic boobs? Hardly, anyway where would I find one? No, I decided that this had to be a relationship, purely for sex, with someone I approved of. No candle lit dinners, no walking hand in hand through the park, no staring into each others eyes, just basically fucking each other for the sheer physical joy of fucking. My problem was where to find such a person. We have plenty of friends, some of whom are a little too attentive to him, but I bet if I said. "If you'd really like to fuck my husband, please go ahead." I would get some very funny looks and probably be banned from the bridge club. No it had to be more contrived so........the internet! I went through any number of sites, checking on the format, the words used and so on and rejected most out of hand. However I found one that quite appealed, with senior in the title. I spent ages wording my advert very carefully. WANTED Sex friend for my sixty five year old husband. Must have high libido, be sexually adventurous and experienced, preferably slightly kinky. A dominant tendency would be an advantage. Age approx the same. Would suit lady wanting uncomplicated sex without any social attachment. No fees either way. Reply with photo (fully clothed please) and brief description of likes and dislikes. etc. And I didn't have long to wait for a reply, they came flooding in! Mostly they were thinly disguised adverts from prostitutes, but a few were from "Attached lady" or "Single mature" and so on. I waded through these and made a shortlist eliminating the ones that obviously had baggage. I was unsure about 'attached' as it smacked of intrigue so I won't bore you with the details, but I chose carefully and arranged to meet Jessica at Costa for a coffee and a chat. How we found each other, I cannot really remember exactly. It was all rather James Bond, and a copy of Good Housekeeping was involved. We started to chat, just like the strangers we were, and I liked her immediately, particularly as we shared a similar sense of humour. Her shoulder length hair, once dark, was now a tasteful blond colour and she wore rectangular framed glasses that neatly set off her still pretty face. I couldn't help but size her up, after all it's not every day you interview someone to shag your husband. We were of about the same height, but she had a more curvaceous figure, and was clearly bigger in the breast department. She was definitely a no nonsense person, with a forceful personality, and that made it easy to explain my problem and the full details of what was involved. "I understand exactly what you mean." She said. "I've been on my own for a few years now. Had a few flings, as they say, but it all got too complicated. They all wanted to go out to lunch or, heaven forfend, move in. There is no way I am ever going to do another man's laundry or cook for him. No, I just want an uncomplicated physical arrangement. It's ironic that I now want what all those young men of my youth wanted, way back then, a good shag and goodnight! "Socially, a romantic liaison is far too complicated. Can you imagine how difficult it would be to tell my twelve year old granddaughter that granny has a boyfriend? Let alone the thought that I should have to tell my grown up children that I have a live in lover! "No, since I have been on my own I have learned to enjoy being on my own except for the lack of the physical. If the physical is what he needs, and I can see you are a very far sighted woman, then that's right up my street. All we need is compatibility." "I suppose the next step is an introduction and then you two take it from there." James' story. So I'm groping around under the duvet, she's naked and I like that, but she has slept naked for the last forty years so it's no surprise. My hands run over her naked form. It's still delicious even after all these years. My hand comes to rest on a full breast, not as taught as it once was certainly, but still erotic, still enough to stir a slight movement in the erection department. Her comment comes as no surprise, at least the first bit doesn't. "I'm really not in the mood sweetie, but I promise you a surprise tomorrow." A surprise tomorrow, are we making bookings? Or is it rather something not at all sexual? So the bacon is grilled, the coffee made, and the eggs are gently doing in the pan. I like to cook breakfast. "Sweetie, remember last night?" She says appearing on the stairs, her sensuous body barely concealed by a diaphanous peignoir. I so wish she didn't look so fucking sexy in the morning, just when my testosterone peaks. "Of course." Hoping this is an invitation back to bed after breakfast. Well one can hope! Sadly, instead of my libido taking a downward turn with passing years, it has done quite the reverse. My wife is more normal. "Well, I've been thinking. In fact I've done more than that and I've come to the conclusion that since your libido is much higher than mine we should do something about it." "Not bromide in me tea." I quipped. "I'm serious. Obviously, you need more sex than I do, so we need to balance the books before it becomes a problem." "Go on....." "Well, remember all those fantasies we used to share? Yours sometimes included another woman, being dominated and so on." "Yes but that's what fantasies are for: the unattainable." "Why should it be unattainable?" "Because that's the deal. Fantasy is fantasy, and life is not a fantasy." "What if one of my fantasies was about you having sex with someone else." "You are allowed whatever fantasy you like. That's what fantasies are for." "What if it's a bit more than a fantasy?" "I'm really not following you." "I'm suggesting you explore my fantasy, in real life." "Are you suggesting that I have sex with someone else, in real life?" "Finally! The penny has dropped! That is exactly what I'm suggesting." "And how do you suggest that works?" "You need a 'friend with benefits'. A sex friend, if you like. Someone who can take care of your needs when I'm not in the mood." "Sex friend?" "Shut up, let me finish. Basically I have in mind a lady in the same position as you. Crudely put, a lady whose not getting what she needs any more than you are but, there must be some ground rules. This is just about sex, there are to be no dinners, no romantic afternoon walks, just uncomplicated sex." "Are you serious?" "Really serious! You like much more frequent sex than I do, so you get to have a load more sex as long as I get my share, when I want." "Go on...." "Ok, so I don't want you to wind up in some sleazy massage parlour, or worse, with a hooker, so I have found you a compatible 'friend'. She's a lady of about our age, on her own, and in need of more physical attention." "You've..." "Please shut up and just listen! I took out an add on a web site and after much filtering I found Jessica. I met her the other day, attractive, in good shape physically, shoulder length hair, school mam glasses, she just needs more physical attention than she's getting. I'll read you my ad. WANTED Sex friend for my sixty five year old husband. Must have high libido, be sexually adventurous and experienced, preferably slightly kinky. A dominant tendency would be an advantage. Age approx the same. Would suit lady wanting uncomplicated sex without any social attachment. No fees either way. Reply with photo (fully clothed please) and brief description of likes and dislikes. etc. "So what do you think?" "Slightly kinky? No, no what am I saying? What a shame! I am sorry if I've pressurised you into more sex than you wanted. We should never have let it get this far." "I'm deadly serious. I love our sex together but not as often as you'd like. I am quite happy for you to have sex with Jessica because it is only sex, on both sides. Crudely put, she wants to fuck and you want to fuck.....job done." There followed a long discussion on logistics, ground rules and general trivia. Jessica's Story I met James at the same Costa that I had met Jennifer. Fortunately, as we had exchanged photographs there was no need for the James Bond stuff. James was a tad under six feet tall, pretty well bald and very slightly overweight. Well, what sixty five year old man isn't? So far so ordinary, but he had the most beguiling smile and a twinkle in his eye that endeared him to me immediately. We sat in a quiet alcove and started to chat about likes and dislikes both socially and particularly physically. I definitely detected his submissive side and this suits my 'headmistress' personality. I think it was quite obvious to James that I would be the leader and when I suggested a lunchtime encounter for our first liaison he readily agreed. I chose a fairly ordinary hotel, so that if things didn't work out we had no obvious point of contact. I had already booked the room and obtained the key from reception. We met in the lobby and talked about ordering a sandwich. "I'm more than a little nervous," he said, "and I really don't think I could eat a sandwich." So we had a small glass of wine each and headed for the lifts. As I pressed the key to the door there was the usual click and the door opened. "People say I look like a head mistress, would you agree?" "A little perhaps. Maybe it's those glasses." "Well that might be useful if we get into roll play. Would you like to guess what teacher's wearing?" "Could I put in a bid for stockings and suspenders?" He said with that twinkle in his eye. "No! See that bow on my left shoulder, I want you to pull it." I clamped my arms to my side as he did. "And now the bow on the other shoulder." Again he complied. I lifted my arms, let the whole ensemble fall to the floor and stood there stark naked. The look on his face was priceless. I hate fumbling at the best of times but particularly on a first encounter. If you're going to have sex, get naked, I say. "I was not expecting that," he said as he moved in towards me, cupping my generous breasts and fondling them gently, stirring my nipples to erection. "Not expecting that at all." I'm no super model but, to be fair, I'm confident. I've been married, had children. Bits sag here and there, but I know that once I'm naked and he's erect, evolution takes over and we are going to shag. Let's just say, it's never failed yet. "I think you look overdressed for the occasion." He hurriedly started to undress as I turned and slipped into the bed. In a few moments he was naked as well and dived in under the covers. We faced each other on our sides and our hands started that wonderful dance of exploration. Breasts, backs, buttocks, chest and nipples all came in for attention. His cock came to attention relatively easily, probably something to do with massaging his balls and pulling his foreskin back. One of his hands slipped down between my legs searching for my entrance. I remember the surprise he showed when he found I was already wet. This girl knows how to avoid a dry vagina, thanks to a certain preparation for post menopausal women. "Let's just fuck this time. I haven't had a good shag for so long. You're hard, I'm wet. But please fuck me slow and steady." He straddled me, knees between my open thighs revealing my neatly trimmed bush and moist pink lips. He advanced slowly and directed the head of his cock into my glistening opening. I just loved this next bit. He paused there for a few seconds and with that beguiling twinkle said, "Can I come in please teacher?" I laughed, he felt my muscles contracting on his glans and he slid in without waiting for a reply. Oh the joy of feeling full, full of nice stiff cock. We fucked in missionary for a while, those delicious long strokes where the head of his cock all but pulls right out and then starts its slow, purposeful journey inwards again to the hilt. He had such a delicious bum that I couldn't resist giving it a couple of really rather firm slaps. He murmured with delight and begged for more. I slapped harder, he fucked faster. It was a really satisfying shag for a first encounter, then he threw me. "Can I cum please, teacher?" Again I laughed out loud, again my muscles contracted around his cock, which was pressed hard up against my cervix. This time it made him cum and I felt the ripples of his ejaculation deep, so very deep inside. I would like to report a nipple tingling, vagina clenching, orgasm, but it was our first fuck and although jolly satisfying, with lots of promise for the future, it wasn't one of those earth shattering ones. He rolled off to one side, still with his cock deep inside. I do love this. He caressed my back and bum as his cock softened and eventually slipped out, allowing a little dribble of his satisfaction to run down my leg. There is something special about the taste of a man who has just cum, and I for one, cannot resist it. Some men are so sensitive that they almost scream if you take their cock in your mouth once they have cum and others, although sensitive, love it. It was time to find out about James! I slid down the bed, rolled him onto his back and, before his erection subsided completely, took his softening cock in my mouth. He squealed a bit, but the sensitivity was clearly bearable as his cock stayed half hard and, if anything, stiffened a bit. "Fuck! That's sensitive!" He exclaimed, as I warmed to my task. "OK?" "Yes OK, but super sensitive." So I sucked with more and more vigour, probably a combination of the effect it was having and because our juices tasted so good. I wriggled my body round offering his mouth my sex. He took the hint and I felt his hot breath on my outer lips as he started to mirror my actions. He knew what he was doing with his tongue and easily found my clit. We enjoyed a very satisfying 69 and, although not fully erect, he came again after much prompting and ball tickling. I felt his cock twitch but, unsurprisingly, there wasn't much new cum and a second wave of pleasure washed over me. "So what's with the 'Can I cum now, teacher?'" I enquired. "Well you introduced the idea." "Do you like a bit of roll play then?" "Sounds like fun!" "Well I now know you like to be spanked, so how say we have a bit of roll play next time." "Are you are going to be a strict teacher?" "I so am. Next time, boy, you will have been sent to my study for some serious breach of school rules and well play it out from there, OK?" "Yes miss!" **As most of my readers know, feedback is my main motivator. I love to hear readers comments, good or bad, on my little stories. I totally understand the desire for anonymity, but it denies me the opportunity to thank you. If you comment using my bio page and your Literotica name, I will only be able to contact you via Literotica. If you would like to comment directly that is even better.**
**Health Care in the United States: History, Issues and Possible Solutions** One of the biggest problems facing the United States today is the lack of a form of socialized medicine that will continue to serve the people. Medicare and the funds that feed it may be dealt a final deathblow in a few years after the baby boom generation begins to utilize its benefits in full force. This country, if indeed it is a country for the people, must create a logical, well-working plan for socialized medicine that will prevent fraud and abuse (as well as allow prosecution for such), at the same time providing excellent medical services to the people, regardless of income and without delay. This research paper will examine a brief history of social health care in the United States, and examine the fundamentals, pros and cons, of the health care systems of Canada and France. The reasons for choosing these two countries as examples are that Canada is located on the same continent and shares the same basic standard of living that the U.S. does while France has the best-rated health care system in the world at the present time and may very well provide the standard toward which this country may strive. The health care platforms of the leading Democratic and Republican presidential candidates will be examined and then a brief pair of logical suggestions for a more solidified health care program for this country will be presented. The idea of a socialized program of health has been discussed for over a century in this country. In the 1800s hospitals, generally located in the large cities, were funded by donation and were almost exclusively in operation for the poorer classes of people. Middle and upper class groups saw doctors in the patients' homes. As technology improved and inflation rose, the costs of operating a hospital surpassed the amount of monies received. In the 1920's, third-party payments came into existence to ease the problem. The first inklings of a governmental health plan were seen in the early 1900s, sponsored by the Socialist Party. Theodore Roosevelt's Progressive Party, founded before the 1912 elections, supported national health insurance in its platform. Later, the American Association for Labor Legislation (AALL), predominately interested in workman's compensation and medical care for victims of industrial accidents and diseases, sponsored a bill in 1912 based on Britain's National Health Legislation and another in 1915 based on the earnings-related German system. Both bills went nowhere. In 1917, the American Medical Association (AMA) started working with AALL, but immediately reversed its position, and so began a long history of the AMA opposing a national health plan. Large insurance companies joined the opposition, as did the American Federation of Labor (AFL), supposing that workers would depend less on the unions if socialized health care came about (the unions played a very large role in Industrial America). Yet another hindrance during this period of history was World War I; domestic issues not only took a back seat, but the thought of having a system modeled after anything German was none too acceptable. During the early 1930s, Franklin Roosevelt appointed the Committee on Economic Security (CES) to study the development of social insurance, mostly in response to the Great Depression. Again, the plan ended in failure as the committee was rushed; the findings were controversial and met with much opposition. Finally, in 1935, in spite of opposition, the Social Security Act was passed. After the success of this legislation, Roosevelt created a committee that made yet another proposal for a national health program. A consensus was reached in 1938 as far as the principles were concerned, but the failure came with a lack of agreement about splitting costs between the Federal and State governments. The Wagner Bill, 1939, was an amended version of this consensus that was never voted on due to the ever-increasing influence of the AMA and other professional groups. Later, in 1965, the Wagner Bill would be rehashed and folded into the Medicaid legislation, albeit in a less comprehensive form. In 1948, the AMA began an advertising campaign to thwart any results of then President Truman's campaign promise to produce a health program. From that point on, the AMA analyzed the possibilities of delving into politics with the formation of a Political Action Committee, which came to be known as the American Medical Political Action Committee (AMPAC) when President Kennedy, a strong supporter of health legislation, was elected. AMPAC began heavy political opposition to congressional hopefuls who supported such legislation. Nor was the AMA alone in its fight; the American Hospital Association, Blue Cross Association and the National Association of Blue Shield Plans joined in opposition. Medicare, the program of health insurance for the elderly, was established in 1965. This was accomplished by the passing of the Social Security Amendments Act, which also provided for Medicaid, allowing medical assistance for low- income, non-elderly populations. In 1977, the Federal Health Care Financing Administration was created to run the Medicare and Medicaid programs. In 1988, the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act was passed to cover Medicare patients against rising costs of health care and to expand Medicaid coverage. Since the 1980s, Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO s) and Professional Provider Organizations (PPO s) have come into existence. Although good ideas in concept, in practice, they are in business to make a profit, and the people subscribing to such organizations sometimes find them a bit restrictive for the amount of money subscribers must pay. Generally, a person will pay about $200 a month for a PPO or HMO; a family will pay about $600 monthly. An example could be made of a single-worker family with four children. If the breadwinner makes $36,000 annually, he or she will pay a combined monthly amount of $210 for Medicare and Social Security. Add in $600 for health insurance and the total bill comes to $810 monthly, which is 27% of the family's income. A single person with the same wage can expect to pay $410 monthly. It is discouraging to realize that, since the conception of the idea to produce some sort of plan for the health care of the nation, the organizations most in opposition are the ones which have too much political influence via monetary means to allow the nation's citizens a voice. Further discouraging is the realization that the American Medical Association, which is the only authorized accreditation organization of our medical doctors, has played a heavy role in not allowing affordable medical treatment across the board. President Clinton made a promise to address health care reform during his presidency. Although the study seemed to go nowhere, one of the health care systems examined by the administration as a model was the Canadian system, due to the similar social and demographic aspects shared by the U.S. and Canada. Canada began its push toward national health insurance during the Great Depression, but bills introduced to the Parliament were shot down as unconstitutional; the bills would have infringed on the powers the provinces hold. Saskatchewan quickly enacted legislation then to provide for mandatory hospital insurance to be funded by a flat tax levied on the citizens and from provincial revenues. Hospital expenses for every resident were paid by this plan. The other provinces followed suit. Later, the Canadian Parliament passed a law allowing the federal government to share in the cost of hospital plans that were insufficient or weak. Finally, in 1961, comprehensive in-hospital coverage was provided for all residents of Canada. That same year, Saskatchewan initiated a plan to provide physicians' services coverage to its residents. After a strike and a negotiation of reimbursement plans, the program met with success and led the Canadian government toward paving the way for the other provinces to follow suit by creating the Medical Care Act, through which the government would match approximately 50 percent of provincial programs that supported comprehensive doctor coverage. By 1972, all provinces had such programs in place. The provinces have a considerable amount of control over their particular health care plans, and they do differ. Private insurance is allowed to exist as long as it doesn't duplicate the coverage offered by the government; examples of such private programs include worker's compensation, some dental and optometry services, home nursing care and inpatient mental health care. Generally, choice of doctors and clinics is left up to the individual as well as the frequency he or she requires medical care. There are no deductibles or co- payments for physicians' services or hospitalization. Most of the provinces fund health care by revenues from sales and payroll taxes, but British Columbia and Alberta charge their citizens premiums (British Columbia charges $54 monthly for a single person and $108 for a family of three or more. Alberta charges $44 and $88 respectively). Although it may seem like a negative side to the socialized health care solution, Canadian doctors are paid on a fee schedule. U.S. doctors, by comparison, make more than twice as much money. However, the reality of this is that physicians in the United States have to pay malpractice insurance and administrative costs among other charges, leaving their net pay only about a third more than the Canadian doctors make. Malpractice suits in Canada rarely happen because patients cannot sue for punitive damages and lawyers are paid on a fee basis, not by percentage of settlement. Canada's centralized health system saves on administrative costs, is able to set and enforce budgetary guidelines, and is able to eliminate duplication of services and technology, which means that Canada pays less, per person, in medical costs than does the U.S. Perhaps the biggest drawback to Canada's health care system, one that wouldn't set well with citizens of the United States, has been the wait for surgeries or certain other specialized services. Although waiting lists have been highly publicized, some authorities claim that they are of minor concern and are only found occasionally, in certain locales and for certain procedures (Brown 53). In 2000, the World Health Organization (WHO) produced a report citing France as having the best health care system in the world. This is, in part, indicated by a perception of the French population of not having their health services rationed as well as the indicators of high health status and customer satisfaction. The history of the National Health Insurance (NHI) shows a steady evolution into universal coverage starting in 1928 and finally reaching its full extent in 2000. There were, of course, political battles along the way, but the benefit of incremental increases in health care service prevented the shock of a sudden reform. The NHI provides for universal coverage and makes use of public and private hospital care. France's expenditures for health care in 2000 were the equivalent of 9.5% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP), yet the health care offered is quite comprehensive. The United States spends the equivalent of 13% of its GDP for healthcare; an estimated 40 million people have no health insurance. Fee-for-service, when using ambulatory care and public hospitals for acute care, dominates the health system, but those fees are reimbursable by the NHI. Enrollment in the NHI is automatic and mandatory. Health insurance funds, run by private organizations, are what fund the NHI. There is a single fund which manages pensions and family allowances, while health insurance and workplace accident coverage are funded by the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie de Travailleurs Salariés (CNAMTS) for salaried workers, Mutualité Sociale Agricole (MSA) for farmers and agricultural workers and the Caisse Nationale d'Assurance Maladie des Professions Indépendentes (CANAM) for the independent professions. There are also seven smaller funds for workers engaged in specific occupations and their families. These funds, although private, are supervised by the government and have networks of local and regional offices that provide reimbursement and watch for abuse and fraud. Although the NHI covers hospital care, outpatient services, thermal spas, prescriptions, nursing homes and some dental and vision care benefits, about 90% of France's population still carries supplemental insurance to cover what is not covered by the extensive NHI. About half of NHI expenditures are financed by employer payroll tax. The remaining half is covered by income, automobile, tobacco and alcohol taxes with a little contribution from a tax on the pharmaceutical industry and about 5% being state-subsidized. The personal income tax contribution for NHI is 5.5%. Under the NHI, the more ill a person is, the more the insurance coverage. If a patient stays in the hospital over 30 days, suffers from a serious or chronic illness or has an income below the minimum ceiling, that patient is exempted from both co-insurance and direct payments. Annually, charges for services are negotiated between representatives of the health professions, representatives of the three main insurance funds and the government. After negotiations, physicians must abide by those fees with the exception of specialists, who are usually located in the bigger cities and who are authorized to charge higher fees. As mentioned earlier, consumer satisfaction with the NHI is fairly high. 41% of polled people stated that only minor changes to the system were needed. 55% of respondents said they were fairly satisfied, and 10% were very satisfied. Although these percentages seem to show vast room for improvement, they are higher than most other nations (Germany has a 12.8% "very satisfied" rate). France has a higher number of physicians per 1,000 people than does the U.S. and more available hospital beds as well. Over 96% of the population of France receives health care entirely free. Regardless of income level, the people can choose among health care providers. Additionally, waiting lists for surgeries that seem to be a problem in other countries do not exist in France, due to the cooperation between private and public hospitals. Doctors are required by law to share medical files with other physicians and hospitals. The middle ground between the seemingly positive and negative aspects of the French health care program and the bad part could be the number of physician office visits which is double, per capita, of those in the U.S. and the average number of days of inpatient hospital care is about double, also. There are a couple of ways to look at these facts; hence, they cannot be termed either pro or con aspects of the system. To those opposed to socialized health care, such figures would suggest possible abuse of the system; people going to the doctor for "every little scrape or bump." However, since there are more doctors and hospital beds per 1,000 people than in the U.S., the physician utilization ratio may be about equal. Additionally, per capita spending on pharmaceuticals in France is higher, but this may point to France's relatively weak preventive health program. Public education in alcoholism, suicides, automobile safety and AIDS awareness is inadequate, which gives France a higher rate of premature mortality (although French women have the second longest life-span in the world) than have the other countries comprising the European Union. With this weakness in preventive health, comes the possibility of utilizing more pharmaceuticals down the road (e.g., the cost of medication for AIDS patients). Although France's health care system is universal, health resources are not distributed equally geographically, which leads to unequal health outcomes between social classes. Some hospitals have also been accused of delivering "low quality and even dangerous care" (Rodwin). In spite of annual negotiations, the allowable charge for a visit to a general practitioner is only 20 euros with the average physician making only about 55,000 euros annually. It is easy to look at the socialized healthcare programs of France and Canada and criticize the problems they are facing, whether low physician wages or possible waiting lists. However, with the implementation of any program, there will always be problems, some unforeseen, that must be worked out. The point is that all the residents of these two countries are covered by a universal healthcare plan, which is much more than the United States can say. With the coming presidential election in the United States, many of the candidates have realized the concerns of the American public and have drawn up proposals for adjusting the healthcare problems in the U.S. as part of their running platforms. The Democratic front-runner (FOX), John Kerry, has produced a ten-page plan for making health care affordable for everyone. One of Kerry's strongest suggestions for tackling the health care issue is utilizing a program already in place: Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP). Members of Congress use this plan. He proposes allowing small businesses to be allowed to participate in the FEHBP, which would provide more affordable health care to their employees. Kerry also proposes changes in allowable medical lawsuits, which are reminiscent of the Canadian regulations: No awards "of punitive damages unless caused by intentional misconduct, gross negligence or reckless indifferent to life" (Kerry), a stop to malpractice action unless it is determined that a reasonable claim exists and, even so, required mediation before proceeding to lawsuit. Another method for cost-cutting and improving service is by requiring medical records to be electronic by 2008. This would not only reduce error, but cut supply costs and processing costs dramatically. By using available technology, Kerry estimates that administrative costs can be cut by $175 billion a year. The cost for implementation of these and other aspects of Kerry's plan will run $72 billion per year for the first five years. This plan seems like a logical step in the right direction for the nation's health care. Although it would only seem fair to provide the Republican front-runner's views on a health care plan, President Bush has already had three years in office and has not made any remarkable improvements nor, with his determination to expand other programs such as space exploration, does it seem that he is interested in providing reasonable medical care to the population. Nevertheless, Bush did, on January 28, 2004, outline a "Comprehensive Agenda to Expand Access to Health Care." Before he even began to explain his ideas, however, he made the statement: "Fortunately, the positive news is that we've got the best health care system in the world" (Bush), which is quite different from the findings by the WHO. Although Bush supports the market health care system as we have it now (hoping, it appears, that the tax cuts and refunds will be used by Americans to buy health insurance), he does support the regulation of medical lawsuits and the increased use of available technology to reduce administrative costs. A major part of Bush's plan is to encourage workers and employers to buy into a normal health insurance plan, but take a high-deductible option, causing the premiums to be lower. To offset any deductibles needed, the worker would then set up a tax-free Health Care Savings Account (HSA) so that when funds are drawn from it to pay medical bills, those withdrawn funds are not taxed. This idea supposes that the normal American can and will put money aside in such an account, building up a money base. I propose that if the government is too weak or "interest" driven to provide universal health coverage for the citizens of the country it is meant to serve, then it should, at the very least, provide adequate and comprehensive medical coverage for those that cannot afford it. This would include some seniors, all children of low and no-income families as well as the families themselves. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) should make whatever adjustments necessary through its sub-agencies to provide local, dignified services to those people who need the help. The DHHS should also be the branch of the government to regulate and qualify HMOs and PPOs. There should be a minimum standard of services provided by each, and constant oversight should be provided. A government does have responsibilities to its people and should provide strict guidelines for organizations that deal with public health care in whatever form. If those who are able to pay for insurance must deal with the market system to receive health care, a suggestion would be to organize the PPOs and HMOs much as the mobile phone industry is organized. The PPOs and HMOs could be closely affiliated with certain hospitals and the hospitals' doctors as well as with other private clinics. Different PPOs and HMOs could reach agreements so that subscribers for one company may utilize services at another location, if necessary, with possible extra co-payments or a slight increase in the following year's premiums if services outside the network were utilized. This is not the most favorable recommendation, however. I believe the U.S. has a responsibility to provide universal health coverage. If this is accomplished, even if it makes use of private hospitals, doctors and funds, as France does, it has the possibility to seriously reduce the complexity inherent in a "two-toned" system as described above and to drastically reduce paperwork, duplication, and different regulations for different situations. At the current time, a person desiring health care insurance through a PPO or HMO can expect to pay $200 a month. A family can expect to pay $600 per month. There are 127,523,740 employed people in the United States (OEW). For the sake of argument and simplicity, let us assume that 1 million of those people are able to pay health insurance at the rates mentioned. Again, for the sake of argument, let us assume that half of those workers have families and half are single. The monthly payments for health care by all workers with families would be $30 billion and the monthly payments for single people would be $10 billion. This combined $40 billion monthly does not include Medicare or Social Security payments, which, conceivably (assuming an average of $150 monthly paid by all workers), could add another $19 billion per month. The total monthly input now adds up to $59 billion per month. It is not hard to imagine that the government, with restructuring and consolidation could use this $59 billion per month or $708 billion annually to provide universal and comprehensive health care for all residents of the United States. Regardless of the health care system method chosen, implementation will take time and the people of the United States will get by, the best they can, as they always have. But the political parties must pull together, without regard to affiliation, leaving behind political motives and greed, in order to correct the haphazard mess that our health care "system" is in. The method chosen must be implemented in steady increments over a span of years to prevent system shock. _\--- Thanks to Scintillating and M.O. Reilly for editing ---_ * * * * * **Works Cited** Bell, Howard. "Alice in Universal Health-Care Land." American Medical Student Association. 2003. American Medical Student Association. 26 Jan 2004. ([web page](http://www.amsa.org/hp/alice.cfm)) Blizzard, Rick. "Healthcare System Ratings: U.S., Great Britain, Canada." Gallup Poll Tuesday Briefing, 25 Mar 2003. The Gallup Organization. ([web page](http://www.gallup.com/pol/tb/healthcare/20030325.asp)) Brown, Lawrence D. "Comparing Health Systems in Four Countries: Lessons for The United States." American Journal of Public Health 93 (2003): 52-6. Bush, George W. "President Outlines Comprehensive Agenda to Expand Access to Health Care." GeorgeWBush.com: The Official Re-Election Site for President George W. Bush. 28 Jan 2004. Bush-Cheney '04, Inc. 7 Feb 2004. ([web page](http://www.georgewbush.com/HealthCare/Read.aspx?ID=2185"")) Embassy of France in the United States. 2003. The French Healthcare System. Republic of France. 25 Jan 2004. ([web page](http://www.info-france- usa.org/atoz/health.asp)) FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. "White House 2004: Democrats." PollingReport.com. 5 Feb 2004. The Polling Report, Inc. 7 Feb 2004. ([web page](http://www.pollingreport.com/wh04dem.htm)) Kerry, John. "John Kerry's Plan to Make Health Care Affordable to Every American." John Kerry for President. 2003. John Kerry for President, Inc. 7 Feb 2004. ([web page](http://www.johnkerry.com/pdf/kerry_health_plan.pdf)) LeBien, Laurent. "The Canadian Healthcare System: The Future of American Healthcare?" Hospital Topics 74.3 (1996) 25-31. Occupational Employment and Wages, 2002 (OEW). 19 Nov 2003. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 26 Jan 04. ([web page](http://www.bls.gov/news.release/ocwage.nr0.htm)) Rodwin, Victor G. "The Health Care System Under French National Health Insurance: Lessons for Health Reform in the United States." American Journal of Public Health 93 (2003): 31-7. Smith, James P. "The Politics of American Health Care." Journal of Advanced Nursing 15 (1990): 487-97. Stillborn, Jack. "National Standards and Social Programs: What the Federal Government Can Do." ([web page](http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/library/prbpubs/bp379-e.htm)) Parliamentary Research Branch, Library of Parliament. Sep 1997. Parliament of Canada. 25 Jan 2003. Tanner, Michael. "The Better Deal: Estimating Rates of Return Under a System of Individual Accounts." The Cato Institute. 28 Oct 2003. The Cato Institute. 25 Jan 2003. ([web page](http://www.cato.org/pubs/ssps/ssp31es.html)) World Health Organization. World Health Report 2000. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2000. Ashleigh? For the past week I have been obsessed with what happened between John and myself. I have not been able to think of much more than our sexual encounter in his car. I have not been able to concentrate in school and when at work I keep hoping to see him, but haven't so far. When I arrived at work on Friday I found a bag in my locker with a note: Wear this tonight after your shift and meet me at the back door after everyone has left. Your secret admirer. I took the bag from the locker and peeked inside, I didn't want to take out what was inside with others around but I think it was some type of clothing. I put the bag back in the locker and went out for my shift but could not think of anything other than what was in the bag in my locker and what was going to happen tonight. As the store closed I cleaned up my area and closed down my register, I waited for everyone else to leave then went into the employee area and picked up the bag. I took it to the dressing area and opened the bag and pulled out what was inside. There were only two items, the first was a dress - a sexy black sleeveless short skirted dress. And the second was a tube of lipstick, very red. I stripped down to my underwear and wondered if I should leave the underwear on or take it off. I thought about it for a moment and went ahead and stripped down totally naked. I put the dress on, taking care to pull it down over my hips, if fit quite well. Most of the lights were out so the dressing room was dimly lit, I looked in the mirror to see myself in a dress, I had never been in girls clothes before and it felt odd but scintillating. In the mirror I could make out a thin girl with short hair, few curves and flat chested. I shook my hips to make the skirt shake and it wasn't long a bulge began to appear where it shouldn't for a girl. Ii took the tube of lipstick and leaned in close to the mirror and applied it to my lips, the best I could. I stepped back to look at myself, with more work I might be able to pass for a girl I thought. It was getting late so I put my clothes into the bag and snuck out of the dressing area, making sure I didn't run into anyone by accident. I made my way to the back of the store. The back of the store was darkened only lit by a few exit signs so it made it hard to make out where I was. "John" I whispered, "John are you here?" "Yes, I am over here" he whispered back. "Keep speaking so I can find you." "OK" he answered. And he kept saying "Over here." I worked my way towards his voice, eventually reaching him. "What are we doing?" I asked him. "I haven't been able to forget the other night and I wanted to see you again." he said. I was so excited to hear that, I felt the same way. "But why the dress?" I asked. "I'm not gay" he said "so I think it will be better for me if you are a girl." I didn't know how to take that, I felt a little insulted as I wanted him as he was. I didn't know if I should let him know and walk away or stay, but my hormones got the best of me and I stayed. "Come closer" he instructed. As I moved closer he took me by the waist with his hands and pulled me closer to him. John is a bit taller than me, I am about 5'7 and he is 5'11 or so. He then took my head and pressed it against his chest, I could feel his hard cock against my stomach. "I am excited to feel you again" he said "I missed you." "I missed you too" I replied as I reached down and gently rubbed a finger against the outline of his hard cock pressed into his pants. "Can I see more?" I asked. "Of course" he replied. I stepped back and took his tie in my hands, loosening the knot. Then I undid the buttons starting from the top and working my way down, pulling the shirt out of his pants to get to the last button. With his shirt undone I gently kissed his chest as I reached down to undo his belt, with the belt undone I unbuttoned the pants and lowered the zipper. With easy access I reached into his underwear and began playing with his cock. Stroking the shaft, rubbing the head with my palm, feeling the pre-cum as it lubricates his cock. He moans with pleasure as I continue to stroke it, then I begin to kneel down in front of him and when I am on my knees I reach up and pull down his pants and underwear in one fell swoop. His boner pops free right in front of my face, I reach up and direct it to my mouth and begin licking it from base to tip. Over and over, along the under side of the shaft just kissing the very wet tip. Then I take the base in one hand and press my lips against the head, slowly pressing further allowing it to penetrate me. I tilt my head directing the cock into my cheek, then backing it out and doing the same for the other side of my mouth. Spreading the feeling of his warm member to all areas of my mouth, tasting the salty pre-cum. Eventually I allow his cock to tickle my throat, as it moves along the roof of my mouth to press against my throat. I feel him grab my head forcing it in further in short motions, eventually my nose presses into his stomach and his hairy balls press against my chin, he is all in. "Oh Ashleigh, you are so good at this" he says softly "I love how you make me feel." It took me a moment to register what he had said, but who is Ashleigh? Is that me, a girl he wants to fuck, or an ex-girlfriend of his? I was not sure, and with my mouth full I could not ask him, but I looked up at him to try and make eye contact. I looked and he had his eyes closed, face towards the ceiling, moaning with pleasure. The blowjob continues for quite a while but eventually I feel his cock harden further, his balls tighten and with one large gasp he lets the first shot of cum go into my mouth. It surprises me as it hits the back of my throat and makes me gag, I pull back and his cock pops out of my mouth. He continues to shoot cum and it starts to hit me across the face, I desperately try to get his cock back in my mouth and he grabs the back of my head to help guide me. I do get it back in my mouth after two or three cum shots hit me across the face. I take the rest of his orgasm in my mouth and allow the cum to fill it. I am not sure if he can see me, but I must look a mess with cum over my face, in my hair and running down my cheeks. I can feel the warmth of each shot across my face, I use a finger to try and direct the flow of each ejaculation into my mouth. As I do he asks "did you swallow?" I mumble, "not yet." He rubs the head of his softening cock against my lips, then reaches down to cover my throat with his hand. "Go ahead and do it now." I use my tongue to move his cum so that I can swallow it, he moans as he feels my throat contract to take his cum. Then he begins to re-button his shirt, when he is done he reaches down and pulls up his underwear then pants. Getting himself back together before heading out. "Do you have a ride home?" he asks. "No" I reply "I was hoping you could drive me home." "OK" lets go. "Should I change first?" I ask. "I don't have time, you will have to change in the car." So we walk out the back door and he locks things up. We get into his car and head home to my dorm. While he drives I pull my clothes out of the bag and try to slip them on, underwear first, socks and then pants. With my pants on I pull off the dress and on my shirt. Lastly I put on my shoes and clean up the dress placing it back into the bag. When we reach the curb outside my dorm I get out and before closing the door I say "thank you." I try to sneak into the dorm so nobody sees me, I head into the bathroom and notice the lipstick. I remove the lipstick with a paper towel and then use it to clean any cum remaining in my hair and head back to my room. I stick the bag with the dress and lipstick in the back of my wardrobe so nobody finds it. Ashleigh Swift _Addiction_ as defined by Webster's Dictionary; _dependence on, or commitment to a habit, practice, or habit-forming substance to the extent that it's cessation causes trauma._ Can two people become addicted to each other? His power drew me in the first time we met. We met innocently enough; he answered a personal ad I placed online. I had met dozens of other men from the ad. None of them had this kind of effect on me. Our emails were extremely brief. Basically, me asking about his day and expressing my desire to meet soon and him telling me how hot and tired he was and that he wanted to meet me soon too. We talked online one night and I gave him my phone number. When he called I did something I very rarely did; I invited him to come to my house to meet me. He said he was very tired but I persisted. He asked if I was worth the long drive from his house to my apartment and naturally I said ‘of _course_ '. Testing my brazen self-confidence, he embarrassed me with a frank question, sexual in nature. I responded, asking him if he was a good kisser and told him there would be nothing sexual between us unless he could pass my "kissing test". This challenge apparently peaked his interest and he said he would make the forty minute drive. Forty minutes...just enough time to prepare. I touched up my makeup, combed my hair, perfumed, and changed my clothes. I chose tight black leggings and the most provocative black shirt I owned. I was sitting in my wheelchair in the kitchen when he arrived and watched him approach my porch through the sliding glass door. He was wearing a hat, like the one in the photo he emailed to me, jeans, cowboy boots and a yellow knit pullover shirt. I took a deep breath, answered the door, and invited him in. He seemed a bit stunned at first, but it was not disappointment I saw on his face. He quickly regained his composure when I invited him to sit on the couch with me. We sat and talked for more than an hour. I was very impressed. He was quite intelligent, well read, and had a great sense of humor. The more we talked the more attracted I became. I noticed his strong jaw line and the slight dimple in his chin. His intense blue/gray eyes caught mine and he said, ‘I think it is time for that kiss'. I smiled nervously and scooted closer. He put his arm around me, drew me roughly closer and I melted into him as he kissed me. I guess you could say he " _had_ " me at first kiss. His kiss grew more insistent, and his arms tightened around me. Suddenly I was on my back with him kneeling on the floor next to me. He kissed me passionately. His hands traced the curves of my hips, and cupping my tits, he gave one a tight squeeze and then proceeded to expose them and then tease one nipple with his tongue while squeezing the other one. I tried fruitlessly to control my body's reaction to him. I was quite sure he could feel my heart racing and my breathing quicken. Suddenly he stopped, pulled my bra back over my tits, stood and said he had to leave. It was my turn to be stunned. Was it something I said? Something I did wrong? When I asked why he had to leave, he said he ‘didn't trust himself'. I was a bit taken aback, but was feeling much the same way...and then he was gone and I was afraid I would never see him again. I did see him again, and again. It wasn't long before I was very much in love with him, but I never understood why he didn't want me to live with him. That was four years ago. I was drawn very slowly into a lifestyle polite society would shun, and I have even embraced it. He claimed me, taught me much about my inner darkness, and helped expose it. Our relationship has been fraught with amazing highs and painful lows. He pushes me away and comes back, I leave and beg him to take me back. I have tried to leave him several times, because I feel I need a man who wants the responsibility of taking care of me. There are, no doubt, other men in the lifestyle who would gladly love me and care for me. Why do I keep going back to _him_? I truly love him, I know that without a doubt. Nor is there any doubt that I have become addicted to the lifestyle he introduced me to. Why does he come back to _me_? He doesn't need me, or want me with him. I'm not sure _he_ even knows why. He is my Master and I will soon be his marked and collared slave, gladly pleasing and serving him without limits. He says it's addiction. I say it's love.
I fastened my seat belt and started the car, sighing with relief to be leaving work early for once. As I drove to the first stop light my car started sputtering. It was then that I noticed the fuel gauge was on empty. I had forgotten to fill the gas tank. Luckily, I spotted a gas station right across the street and began to pray that I would make it there. Just as I turned the steering wheel my car stalled, leaving me without power steering and brakes. I fought to keep control of the car but couldn’t. My vehicle ended up plowing into a car parked next to the gas pumps. I began to freak out as I heard the crunching metal sound of the two cars. “Oh my God!”, I yelled. I lifted my head and saw a man approaching quickly from the other car. I tried to calmly unbuckle my seat belt but had trouble when I noticed how furious he looked. I bravely stepped out of my car, as my face grew red in embarrassment when I saw the minor damages to both vehicles. I started shaking, which I found strange at the time. Because I had been in several accidents before and didn’t experience that. I cringed when he opened his mouth and in an accented voice said, “For heavens sake, you stupid little tart! What the hell is wrong with you? Can't you drive properly?” I stared at him in stunned silence for a few moments then said, “Excuse me? Were you speaking to me? For a moment I thought you were talking to a dog. I am a woman and will not tolerate any man talking to me like that!” My nostrils flared in defiance as I stomped my foot and returned to my car, shutting and locking the door behind me. I folded my arms across my chest and ignored the man. I tried not to look at him but couldn’t help but glance occasionally in his direction. He was talking rapidly to someone on his cellular phone. The police, I presumed. It was then that I noticed his features. I guessed he was in his mid-thirties. He was very well built and handsome as could be. His blue eyes and blond hair were the perfect contrast to his face. I noticed he had some European features and recalled his accent. I decided he must be Scottish and found myself glancing downward to see if he was wearing a kilt. I snickered to myself and said, “Jackie, old girl, you are such a pervert!” I was lost in thought, or maybe lust in this case, when he startled me by tapping on the window of my car. I jumped and hesitated before rolling the glass down and inch. “What do you want, Mr... um?”, I said in a hateful tone. He replied, “It’s Stewart, Gordon Stewart to be exact, ma’am. I would like to apologize for speaking to you in such a manner earlier.” I nodded my head and opened the car door. The wind whipped my hair, as I stood up, offering my hand to him. “Nice to meet you, Mr Stewart. I’m Jackie.”, I said. He shook my hand as his eyes traveled downward, lingering longer than necessary on my bosom. “By the way, thank you very much for fucking up my plans today. Now I am going to miss my flight back to Scotland. I was supposed to return the BMW rental car and catch a flight in one hour.” Feeling very short fused by that time, I yanked my hand back and said, “Men! You’re all alike. Always thinking of yourselves. Did it occur to you to ask if I was okay? After all I just crashed my car!” He opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted by the police car that pulled up adjacent to mine. I was grateful for the police presence because I knew that the hostility wouldn’t go any further for the moment. After writing my home and work numbers on the police report, we were both given a copy and sent on our way. While fueling up my car, I walked over to Mr. Stewart and said, “You’ve got my phone number on the police report if you need anything else.” Before I turned to walk away, I noticed his eyes roaming up and down my body, again. I could see the lust in them, which only made me madder. At least that’s what I thought at the time, anyway. I whipped around and stomped off toward my car, glancing back just before I sat down. Just as I had suspected, his eyes were glued to my ass! I arrived home thirty minutes later, telling myself that I was very glad to be away from that atrocious man. I filled the bath tub with hot soothing water and bubbles. I slipped into the water, and tried to clear my mind so I could relax. No matter how hard I tried, I could not get that infernal man out of my head. I had given up on men long before that and had no use for any of them. I had been lied to and cheated on countless times. Mr. Stewart was just the type of man that I wanted to avoid. I gave up on relaxing after a bit and decided to go to bed early. I hoped my girlfriends, Linda and Jayna, wouldn’t call that evening, nagging me to go out on the town. They were very persuasive and didn’t easily take no for an answer. I settled into bed and tried to read. My mind kept wondering back to the sexy Scotsman so I turned off the light and closed my eyes. Within moments I had dozed off into a deep sleep. It was morning so fast that it only seemed an instant before my alarm clock began to beep. I drug myself out of bed and dressed while eating a quick breakfast. I didn’t want to be late to work. My job as an accountant at a small bank, in Greenville, South Carolina was the best job I had ever held. I didn’t want to lose it. I got to work right on time and settled into a busy day of work. The morning went by in a flash. I didn’t take a break until lunchtime. I was just about to step out of my office when the phone rang. I answered it, “This is Ms. Ferrell speaking, accounting office, how may I help you?” The accented voice on the other end of the phone, sent chills down my spine, “Hello, this is Mr. Stewart, from yesterday. Remember me?”, He said. I sighed impatiently and snobbishly said, “Yes, what is it?” He continued by saying, “I haven’t got a clue about how to handle this accident report. I am not used to the American system and don’t know how things likes this go over here. Will you meet me for lunch, so we can discuss this matter?” When I didn’t respond, he said, “Please, Ms. Ferrell. I will treat you with respect. I promise.” Alarm bells went off in my head, telling me to say, Hell No! But I didn’t listen to my better judgement and agreed to go to lunch. He said, “Can you meet me at Frankie’s Restaurant in fifteen minutes?” “Yes, see you there.”, I said before quickly hanging up. What the hell, I decided. I had always wanted to try that restaurant anyway. At least I would get a free meal out of it, even if I had to put up with that annoying man for an hour or so. I didn’t really think he had any hidden motives since I was about fifteen years older than him. Lunch went a little better than I expected it to. When I arrived at the restaurant, Mr. Stewart was standing outside waiting for me. He graciously held the door open for me, letting me go inside before him. After the hostess seated us and took our drink orders, I began to scan the menu. I pretended to be indecisive about what to order. I glanced over at the Scottish man to find him staring intently at me. I slowly lowered the menu and said, “Why are you staring at me like that Mr. Stewart?” He said, “Please call me Gordon. No reason to be so formal in a friendly setting is there, Jackie?” I gave him a cold stare, showing no emotion on my face until he shifted uneasily in his seat. I smirked in smug satisfaction that I had made him feel uncomfortable. I knew he could see the amusement in my eyes as I toyed with him. I waited another moment before replying, “Okay Gordon. Why are you looking at me like that?” He leaned closer to me, staring deep into my eyes and in a low voice said, “Jackie, I was just admiring your beautiful blue eyes. They remind me of the bright blue skies of the Carribean which is the most stunning color I have ever seen.” I have to admit that statement caught me totally off guard. I felt like melting into his arms at that very moment but I stopped myself in the nick of time. “He is just using pick up lines on me. Don’t fall for that line of shit!”, I told myself. I guess he expected me to get all gushy eyed and sweeten up to him at that point because when I slid my chair back and stood up I could see momentary panic in his eyes. He thought I was leaving. I merely said, “Excuse me, I’m going to the ladies room.” I could feel his eyes following me as I crossed the room. I made a point to exaggerate each step I took, causing my ass to sway seductively. I stayed in the restroom for fifteen minutes before returning to the table. I figured that was enough time to make him sweat. After I sat down, he said, “I hope you don’t mind but I went ahead and ordered for us.” “Depends on what you ordered.”, I replied. Turns out he ordered one of my favorite foods. He told me all about Scotland and how beautiful it is there. I listened with great interest because I had always wanted to travel all over Europe. When I was a teenager, I used to day dream of marrying prince charming and honey mooning in some exotic location. At that moment, Scotland sounded very exotic. Time went quickly during that lunch as we talked and laughed like old friends. Before I realized it, lunchtime had passed without the auto accident being discussed. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was almost 2 p.m. “Oh no. I’ve got to get back to work.”, I said as I grabbed my purse and stood up. He nodded his head and said, “Thank you for having lunch with me. I have enjoyed your company.” Then he gently lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it ever so lightly. Shivers ran through my body causing me to gasp. I pulled my hand away and hurried out of the restaurant. During the drive back to the bank, I kept telling myself how stupid I was to be so afraid. Tears poured down my face to the point that I had to pull over because I couldn’t see the road. “Why am I so afraid to let a man get close to me?”, I screamed. By the time my tears dried up, my make-up had smeared all over my face. I looked in the mirror and laughed because I looked like a raccoon. Then I used my cell phone to call the bank. I told my secretary that I had gone home because I was feeling ill. I drove home and locked myself in my bedroom the rest of the day. I lay on my bed limp as a rag doll, feeling depressed. I couldn’t help but wonder if I was going to be alone the rest of my life because I let little things like a kiss on the hand scare me to the point of panicking. I finally got out of bed around 8 p.m. when the phone rang. It was my boss calling to see if I was okay. “No, I think I have the flu.”, I lied to him. He told me to stay home the next day. I breathed a sigh of relief as I hung up the phone. I wondered what Gordon was doing. I felt bad for rushing out of the restaurant without thanking him for lunch. I dug through my purse and pulled out the police report to see if he had written any contact information on there. He had put a local hotel number. My fingers shook as I dialed the number. I asked the desk clerk for Gordon Stewart’s room but was told that he had checked out late that afternoon. “Damn, I’m such a fool!”, I yelled at myself after slamming the receiver down. I tried reasoning with my sub-conscious the rest of the night. “Men cause me nothing but grief. I’m better off without them.”, I kept telling myself. Then a thought popped into my head, “If they are so much trouble, why the hell am I so miserable without them?” I collapsed into bed and cried myself to sleep. The next morning I woke up when the phone rang. “Hello.”, I mumbled. “Jackie, Are you okay?”, my friend Linda asked. “Yeah, just feeling under the weather.”, I told her. I could hear doubt in her voice when she said, “Okay hon. I hope you feel better. Call me later.” She knew me well enough to know that I was depressed over a man, again. But she also knew to give me time to chill out. Several hours later, the phone rang again. I figured it was her calling me back. “Hello, Linda.”, I answered. Laughter sounded in my ear. It was Gordon. “Hi, I thought you left the states today.”, I said in surprise. “No, I simply changed hotels. That other one was noisy.”, he replied. “Oh.”, I said. “Can I ask you a question without upsetting you?”, He asked me cautiously. “Yes.”, I answered. “Would you join me in a late night supper at my hotel suite?” I thought about it for a few moments, wanting to yell yes in his ear. But politely declined and asked if we could do it the next night instead. I could tell he was disappointed but he agreed and told me the room number. I decided to go to work the next morning because I was far to nervous to sit around the house all day watching the clock. The day went agonizingly slow. I didn’t think five o’clock would ever roll around. When I got out of my last meeting of the day it was almost six. I tried to hurry home but got stuck in rush hour traffic. I began to worry that I would not have time to fix myself up before my dinner date. I giggled when I realized I was going on my first date in years. I could feel the fear inside me literally trying to crawl up my throat. I must have wiped my sweaty palms on my clothes twenty times before I got home. The answering machine light was blinking rapidly when I stepped into my kitchen. I pushed the play button, hoping that Gordon had called. There were a couple calls from Linda and Jayna. They were worried about me. I called them back and quickly told them my plans for the night. Luckily I had three-way calling and got to tell them both at the same time. I promised to fill them in on the details the next morning. Even though I was running late, I took the time to shave my legs while I showered. When I was finished, I slipped into my fluffy robe and began to fix my hair and make-up. Then I tried to decide what to wear. I dug through my closet three times before picking out a sexy low cut white blouse and a pair of tight black slacks. I wore my silkiest undergarments because they made me feel alluring. After dressing, I paced nervously in front of the full length mirror. I had almost chickened out on going when the phone rang. It was Gordon, asking me if I was coming. I assured him that I would be there within thirty minutes. I didn’t have the heart to break the date. I don’t really understand what it was, but something about that man made him irresistible. It seemed that no matter how much I tried to hate him for being a man, I just couldn’t. When I arrived at his hotel suite, he opened the door with a dozen long stem red roses in his hands. He handed them to me and said, “Good evening, my lady.” A warm heat spread through me as I fought back tears. I thought my heart was going to melt. For the first time in my life, I was speechless. He took my hand and led me into the room. I sat down on the sofa and stared in awe at the lavishly decorated suite. I put the roses on the table when he handed me a glass of Champagne and said, “May I sit next to you?” I nodded my head, feeling a bit overwhelmed. My thoughts raced wildly as I wondered why he was being so nice to me. “Why are you being so quiet?”, He asked me after several minutes of uncomfortable silence. I smiled nervously at him and said, “Sorry, Gordon. I am just shocked that a man is treating me nice.” “I know we got off to a rocky start. But I hope you will give me a chance to treat you the way a goddess should be treated.”, He told me. In the back of my mind, I wondered if he was trying to sweet talk me. “Stop thinking like that, Jackie.”, I said to myself. I almost dropped my glass when a knock sounded at the door. Gordon went to answer it as I tried to slow down my pulse. I didn’t know why I was so jumpy. I turned my head and saw several carts of food being wheeled into the suite. I felt numb as I watched the hotel employees set up a feast fit for a king on the table that was near the fire place. After they left the room, Gordon dimmed the lights and turned on the stereo system. Soft music filled the room as he offered his hand to me. He walked me to the table and pulled a chair out for me. I sat down and let him scoot me closer to the table. Then he sat across from me. I felt like drooling when I saw the foods on my plate. There was chicken and steak for the main dishes. Plus several side dishes of vegetables and fruit. My eyes followed Gordon’s hands when he picked up a strawberry, dipped it in cream and slowly lifted it to his mouth. Juice trickled down his chin when he bit into it. I’m not sure I was even aware of getting up at the time, but the next thing I knew I was standing next to him, bending down and nibbling on that strawberry. We ended up sharing a very heated berry swirl kiss that left us both feeling breathless. I thought my legs were going to buckle as our lips parted. I slowly backed toward my chair and sat down. I noticed Gordon was also breathing raggedly. He smiled and said, “Oh my lady, that was very nice.” I trembled slightly as he looked at me with his mesmerizing eyes. He reached across the table and gently lifted up my hand, kissing it with the utmost tenderness. Sexual fire surged up my arm and throughout my body. I gasped as my desire to be devoured by his soft lips, began to grow. Wanting to keep control of the situation, I pulled my hand back and said, “May I have some ice water, please?” He nodded his head and got up to get it. “Oh my God! I’m so hot that I’m going to spontaneously combust.”, I thought. When he handed me the water, I drank it straight down with the hopes that it would put out the fire inside me. I tried to distract myself from lusting after Gordon by eating. He followed my lead and started on his dinner. Every time I glanced up, I found him staring at me. I put my fork down and stared back. He said, “Sorry, If I am making you uncomfortable. I am just trying to burn the memory of your beauty into my mind before I return home tomorrow.” I frowned and said, “You’re going back to Scotland?” He nodded his head and said, “Yes. Business duties call me home.” Disappointment filled my senses. He must have sensed this because he said, “Not to worry. This won’t be my last business trip to the states." His eyes twinkled mischievously when he said that. After eating, we sat on the couch talking for hours. I felt so comfortable with him that I practically told him my life story. He shared many things about his life with me too. Before either one of us realized it the sun was coming up. When I saw the light coming through the curtains, I walked over to the window and peeked out. I saw a balcony outside and said, “Do you want to watch the sunrise?” Gordon smiled and walked over the french doors and opened them. I stepped outside with him right behind me. I could feel his breath on my neck as he leaned close and said, “I wish I could watch the sun rise every morning with you.” I unconsciously pressed back against him, allowing him to wrap his arms around my waist. The feel of his strong arms holding me like that was wonderful. We watched the sun for at least ten minutes, before I began to shiver from the cool morning air. “Come inside and get warm.”, He whispered into my ear. He led me back to the couch and covered me with a small afghan. Then he made some coffee and began to gather up his belongings. “What time is your flight?”, I asked. He glanced at his watch and said, “I have to be at the airport in three hours.” I nodded my head and said, “Can I drive you to the airport?” “Yes, that would be great.”, He answered. I sat on the couch, drinking my coffee and watching him over the next hour. My rambling thoughts confused me very much. I usually had no interest in being involved with any man but I wanted Gordon to stay and be with me so bad that it hurt to think of him leaving. I wished I could ask him not to go. I even opened my mouth to say it a couple times but couldn’t find the words. So, like a fool I drove him the airport and thanked him for dinner. He gave me a sensual kiss before walking away. Inside my mind, I was screaming, “No! Don’t go!” But I only said, “Good-bye Gordon. Call me sometime.” Then I drove away without looking back. I remained in control until I got home. That was when I broke down in tears. There was a message on my answering machine from Gordon. His words started the tears which didn’t stop for half an hour. He said, “I miss you already and I’m not even on the plane yet. I am standing here remembering how good it felt to hold you this morning. I can’t get you out of my mind. It is going to seem like an eternity before I get to look into your beautiful blue eyes again. Til we meet again, I will be thinking of you, my lady.” I ran to my bed and fell on it, crying hysterically. “Why do I always let the good ones get away?”, I yelled at myself. I hugged my pillow and rocked myself to sleep. I awoke six hours later with my face feeling crusty from the dried tears. I turned on the tv, not being able to stand the silence in my house and went to take a bath. I half listened to the news as I soaked in the hot water. Suddenly words on the tv caught my attention, I heard the reporter say something about a plane crash over the Atlantic Ocean. I jumped out of the tub, nearly slipping and falling on the tile floor as I wrapped a towel around me and hurried to the tv. My mind raced as I tried to remember what time Gordon’s connecting flight in New York was leaving for the U.K. “Oh shit!”, I cried out when they said the flight was in route to Scotland. I sank to my knees and prayed that it wasn’t his plane. I jumped when the phone rang and crawled frantically toward it. “Hello? Gordon is that you?”, I shrieked into the receiver. “No, It’s Linda. What’s wrong Jackie?”, my dear friend asked. I began to ramble and cry so fast that she could not understand me. I had to tell her several times. She said, “Okay hon. Calm down. I’m sure there are lots of flights to Scotland everyday. Let me call the airline and see what I can find out. Then I will call you back.” I hung up the phone and began to pace. “Oh please be okay Gordon.”, I said repeatedly. I kept looking at the clock. Fifteen minutes passed, then thirty minutes. “Why hasn’t she called back?”, I said. It was a full hour before the phone rang again. It was Linda. She said, “What is Gordon’s last name?”, She asked. I told her and she promised to call back as soon as she could. After another agonizing hour the phone rang again. A sense of dread began to overcome me before I picked up the handset. “Yes?”, I said in a voice barely louder than a whisper. “I’m sorry, Jackie. It was his flight.”, Linda said. “Oh my God!”, I said as I dropped the phone and fainted, falling to the floor. I came to sometime later when a frantic knocking sound came from my front door. I stood up on shaky legs and slowly made my way to the door. I opened it and fell into my son, Tim’s arms. He said, “I heard about your friend, Mom. Linda called me and told me that you freaked out and I should come check on you.” I began to cry again as he helped me back to my bedroom. I sat on the bed shaking uncontrollably as he tried to talk to me. “Listen Mom, they have pulled some survivors out of the water. Calm down, please!” He had to repeat it three times before I realized what he said. “How many people did they save?”, I asked. With a big sigh he said, “Only 14 out of 180.” I started crying again barely noticing the doorbell ring. He went to answer it, letting Linda and Jayna into the house. They decided to stay with me until I got word about Gordon. I think Tim was grateful they were there so he could go back to work. He wasn’t sure how to deal with me since I was in hysteria. I refused to eat and was barely able to eat over the next 24 hours. I was growing my impatient as each hour passed. My friends took turns sitting in my room with me, sleeping in shifts. It was a full two days later before the phone call came from the airline, to let me know if Gordon was on the deceased list or not. When the phone rang I grabbed it on the first ring. “Hello? Is this the airline?”, I answered. “Yes, ma’am. We are calling to tell you that Mr. Gordon Steward was found alive and flown by helicopter to a hospital in New York City.” “Thank God.”, I said. I wrote down the hospital information and hung up the phone. I barely took time to hug Linda and Jayna before I ran to my room and started packing a bag. “Do you need us to drive you to the airport?”, Jayna asked. I shook my head no and said, “There’s no way I am getting on a plane. I am driving to New York. Thanks for staying with me girlfriends. I will call you when I get there.” On my way out of town I fueled up my car and stopped at the ATM to get some cash. Then I started out on the long drive. I only stopped a couple times for short breaks and was in New York City within thirteen hours. It took me two hours to find the hospital though. By the time I got through all the traffic my head was throbbing and I was relieved to get out of the car. I stopped at the gift shop to buy Gordon a card. Then I headed for the elevators. I had to wait for five minutes before getting on because they were all so crowded. I got to his room just as visiting hours were starting. I almost started crying when I saw him laying there with his head bandaged up. His eyes were closed so I assumed he was sleeping. I tiptoed into the room and gently set down on the foot of his bed. I put my hand on top of his, careful not to bump his I.V. line. I whispered, “Thank God, your alive. I never would have forgiven myself for letting you leave, if you had died. I wish I had told you how much I wanted you to stay.” I stood up and walked over to the window, looking out at the city as tears poured down my cheeks. I promised myself that I would tell him how I felt before I left the hospital that day. I was lost in thought when Gordon spoke. He said, “You don’t know how good it feels to hear you say those things to me. I wanted to stay but I thought that if I said anything it would scare you away.” I turned to look at him after wiping the tear streaks off my skin and said, “For pity sake Gordon, I’m not that easy to scare off!” I moved back to the bed and leaned over him, hugging him the best I could with his current predicament. I said, “How bad are you hurt? I was so scared that I had lost you when I heard about the plane crash.” He chuckled and said, “Not to worry, my lady. I’m a tough old bird. It would take more than a plane crash to kill me off. I just have a few bruises, a broken arm and a concussion.” “Oh you poor thing. I hope you will be okay.”, I said as I tried to mother him. I smoothed his blankets out and made sure he was covered up good. Then I fluffed his pillows. After a few minutes of this, in a teasing voice he said, “If you keep this up, you’re going to spoil me. Then I will have to take you home with me to be my nurse-maid.” I smiled and said, “Really? Would you like a sponge bath?” The look on his face answered my question. I walked over to the door and shut it. Then I filled a plastic tub with water and grabbed a wash cloth. He looked at me in disbelief when I pulled the covers back and lifted his hospital gown. My eyes widened when I saw that he had no underwear on. “Tell me, Gordon... Is this what you wear underneath your kilt too?”, I asked. He started laughing and said, “That’s for me to know and you to find out.” I slowly began to wipe his skin with the wet cloth. Washing his legs first, careful to avoid his groin area. As my hand gradually moved up his legs, I noticed his body was reacting to my touch. “Oh my.”, I said when his manhood swelled and stood up. Gordon gave me a sly grin and replied, “It’s good to know that didn’t get broken in the crash.” I winked at him and said, “Well, if it had been hurt, I would have kissed it and made it feel better.” He groaned as his muscle grew larger. I sat down on the bed and gently wrapped the wash cloth and my fingers around his girth. Then I started gliding my hand very slowly up and down his length. All the time I kept my eyes locked on his. He moaned in pleasure as I stroked him ever so gently. I said, “Can you imagine how good it would feel if it was my mouth doing this?” He groaned and said, “Yes.” I quickened my pace and seductively licked my lips. His eyes rolled back in his head when I used my free hand to caress his balls. I felt his rod stiffen even more and twitch. I knew it wouldn’t be long before he finished. I removed the wash cloth and resumed stroking him with my bare hand. Just as he was about to shoot his load, I pushed his foreskin back a bit. His hot cream spewed out, covered my fingertips. He moaned in pleasure as I massaged him a few more strokes, draining every drop he had to offer. When I released my grip from his softening pole, he gasped and tried to catch his breath. I lifted my slippery fingers to my cleavage and began to massage the cream into my skin. His eyes followed the movement of my hand until I finished. Then I picked the wash cloth up and wiped the sticky residue from his skin. I pulled his gown back down and covered him up just before the door to his room opened. The nurse gave me a strange look when I picked up the tub of water and walked into the bathroom. When I returned she was taking Gordon’s blood pressure, pulse and temperature. She smiled at me and said, “I’m glad someone came to visit Mr. Stewart. I was afraid that he would have no company since he is from Scotland.” I nodded my head and said, “I drove 13 hours to see him. He is very dear to me and I would do anything for him.” The nurse looked down at Gordon and said, “Looks like you have an admirer. I wonder if she is the reason your pulse is racing right now.” When she pulled the thermometer out of his mouth, he laughed. I stayed at his bedside the rest of the day, not leaving until visiting hours were over. I promised to return the next morning. I gave him a soft kiss on the cheek before heading out to find a nearby motel. I found one within an hour. It was a bit costly but I didn’t care because I wanted to stay close to Gordon. I took a long bubble bath and called my friends back home to let them know what was happening. Then I ate a late dinner and went to bed. I woke up at 6 a.m. and got ready to go to the hospital. I knew that I wouldn’t be allowed to see him at that hour. But I figured I could sit in the waiting room watching tv and drinking coffee. I was surprised to see Gordon in the hallway when I got there. A nurse was holding his arm while he slowly walked, dragging his I.V. pole with him. When I approached, he said, “I’m glad you’re here. Tell this nurse to stop tormenting me and let me go back to bed.” The nurse let me take his arm and said, “You have to walk around so you won’t get stiff Mr. Gordon.” After she walked away, he turned to me and said, “I don’t mind getting stiff.. well not for you anyway, my lady.” I blushed and smiled. I spent half the day with him then headed back to South Carolina after making him promise to call me the moment he got home. He was to be released from the hospital in the next few days. But I wasn’t able to stay in New York City any longer because I had to get back to work. The rest of the week went by at a snails pace. It was Friday evening before I heard from Gordon, again. He had flown home the day before even though his doctor had advised him against flying. He called me and assured me that he was okay. The flight went without incident. He promised to keep in touch and would let me know when his next trip to the states was. I didn’t hear from him over the next several weeks. I became grumpier as each day passed. Everyone’s patience with me was about to run out. Then one morning at work when I was feeling particularly grumpy, a knock sounded on my office door. I had told my secretary that I did not want to be disturbed. I stomped across my office and whipped the door open to yell at whoever was standing there. When I saw Gordon standing there with an ear to ear grin on his face, my mouth fell wide open and my chin dropped. He said, “I’ve traveled thousands of miles just to hug you.” I smiled and opened my arms for him. We embraced there in the doorway for several moments until my co-workers began to stare and point. I invited him into my office, locking the door behind him. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming?, I asked with slight annoyance that I hadn’t been given the chance to primp before his arrival. “I wanted to surprise you, my lady.”, He replied. I said, “Well you did just that. I must look a mess. I have been doing paperwork all morning and I’m feeling a bit stressed out.” He shook his head no and said, “I think you look beautiful.” I blushed and said, “How long are you staying?” “Well, let me explain the main reason for my trip to the states before I tell you that.”, He began. I listened as he went on, “In Scotland I own a clothing business. I have been selling my clothes to dealers all over the states for many years now. Over the past month, I did a lot of thinking about my life. I guess you could say that plane crash really opened my eyes. I am a wealthy man. I am thirty-five years old. Never been married. All my family is busy with their own lives. All I have had to pre-occupy my mind and heart for years has been my businesses. But something has always been missing.” He paused for a minute giving me the chance to ask, “What is missing Gordon?” He stood up and walked around my desk, pulling a chair up beside me. Then he took both my hands in his and said, “My lady has been missing from my life. Which is why I spent the last week moving all my belongings to the states. I bought a house here in town. I am going to run my business from here so that I can always be close to you, my lady.” I felt my mouth go dry. I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest right then and there. All I could say was, “Oh my God.” I didn’t even try to hold back the tears of joy that began to trickle down my face. He said, “If you will have me, I want you, Jackie.” My lower lip began to tremble as my tears increased. The whole room was a blur. All I could focus on was his bright blue eyes. “Please don’t cry, Jackie. I promise to never hurt you. We can take things as slow as you need to. I won’t rush you.”, He told me. “Oh Gordon!”, I said collapsing into his arms. He held me tight as I cried and said, “You’ve made me so happy. I didn’t think it was possible to ever feel this way.” True to his word, Gordon never hurt me. Over the next two years we dated regularly when he wasn’t away on business. He still had to travel the states making sales. But he tried