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SIMILARITY: 0.4483 Join us for a 30-minute webinar about energy efficiency, conservation, and building energy usage. Our discussion will include simple steps your organization can take to assess its energy usage. In addition, we will review the process and timeline for our Nonprofit Energy Makeover Contest. This webinar series is over. If you have any questions, contact us at 610-264-4440.
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SIMILARITY: 0.4206 This energy bar consists of oats, a natural sweetener, rice crisps, a blend of mixed berries, coconut oil, and sugar-free white chocolate, all working together to stave off hunger and keep you satisfied.
SIMILARITY: 0.4087 Current Energy Solutions 2 Mill Gardens Mosterton Beaminster DT8 3HH Tel: 01297 761671 E-mail: [email protected] Note: Fields marked with * are required
SIMILARITY: 0.4211 Want to have more energy in your daily life? Thanh, the founder of AE, shares his secret for doubling your energy and having more capacity to be productive. Sign up for a $1/month trial period at and use code tps50 to get 50% off. Apply for the Rocket Visa Card today at and get up to 5% cash back on every purchase toward a new loan with Rocket Mortgage. You can find links to everything we share in the show notes by going to Cheat Sheet: Become a member of TPS+ and get ad-free episodes a week before anyone else with other great bonuses like the famous “One Tweak A Week” shirt. - Top 3 Productivity Resources [1:48] - Why some people say Energy is the most important part of the TEA Framework [6:53] - Thanh takes us through his energy protocol [13:12] - Why Thanh has changed to physical books instead of his Kindle [18:34] - Why saunas and cold plunges are such a productive combo [21:31] Links: - Shopify - Factor - Rocket Visa Card - 25X Productivity Coaching - TheraGun Pro Handheld Deep Tissue Massage Gun - LMNT Keto Electrolyte Powder Packets - Barebells Protein Bars - How You Can Live Longer and Be In Shape In Only 30 Minutes A Day (TPS438) - Normatec 3 - Oura Ring - Productivity Academy - The Productivity Show on Youtube - The Productivity Show Youtube Clips - Become a member of TPS+ - Take the Productivity Quiz If you enjoyed this episode, follow the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Overcast, Pocket Casts or your favorite podcast player. It’s easy, you’ll get new episodes automatically, and it also helps the show. You can also leave a review!
SIMILARITY: 0.4412 for managers a brief, self awareness-based management training program dramatically improving the effectiveness of managers at all levels. The Program: - 15-20 Managers - Nine Weeks - 15 hours total Two half-day workshops (kick-off and graduation) Seven weekly 90-minute classes - Homework assignments, practicing that week's 'big idea' - Leadership Assessment - Workbook - Weekly video podcasts - Minimal cost per manager Why is Self-Awareness Important for Managers? Most of us became managers because we were successful at doing something else (our craft, trade, or skill). We learned how to manage people by observing how our bosses and their bosses managed people, often with mixed results. Fortunately, much research over the last fifty years has taken the guesswork out of managing people. We know the skills that are required to be effective, and it's a common-sense list. Managers need to know how to communicate, plan, organize, set expectations, hold accountability, articulate a vision, and resolve conflict. Sounds easy enough. But it's not. The prevalence of poor performing managers in all industries is proof that something more than the transfer of knowledge is required to become successful. Anyone can learn best practices, but if he/she lacks self-awareness, the results will always be disappointing. Even the simplest task can become a minefield for the manager who lacks self-awareness. In evolve for managers, we start by working with each manager to understand their own values, triggers, thoughts, and emotions, as well as the impact they have one those around them. With this self-awareness as the foundation, the skills required to become a great manager are easily acquired and practiced.
SIMILARITY: 0.4197 Leadership Self-awareness: what it is and how it benefits leadership performance Most training in leadership has traditionally emphasized the cultivation of functional knowledge or skills (e.g. finance, operations) and a focus on ‘hard’ outputs like profits. But growing research evidence points to how most leaders need to do more to inspire and engage their employees. For example, a global 2016 survey Read more…
SIMILARITY: 0.4008 Book Summary – The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness In today’s ever-changing world, being effective is no longer a choice – it’s a requirement. Without knowing the right things to do, people can’t keep… ReadingraphicsMarch 6, 2017
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SIMILARITY: 0.4203 Our work strives to enhance our sense of surroundings, identity and relationship to others and the physical spaces we inhabit, whether feral or human-made.
SIMILARITY: 0.4203 Our work strives to enhance our sense of surroundings, identity and relationship to others and the physical spaces we inhabit, whether feral or human-made.
SIMILARITY: 0.5085 Introduction 1.Communication, education and public awareness are central to an effective implementation of the Nagoya Protocol. Therefore, effective implementation of Article 21 of the Nagoya Protocol plays a critical role for the overall success of the Protocol. 2.The wide range of activities, initiatives and tools for awareness-raising with respect to access and benefit-sharing (ABS) that have been developed to date, were created in the absence of an overall communications framework and a lack of predictable and long-term funding for communications activities. This has contributed to a general lack of awareness on ABS. 3.The awareness-raising strategy aims at providing a systematic and coherent approach to assist Parties in the implementation of Article 21. It recognizes the need to link activities related to Article 21 to other capacity-development activities under the Nagoya Protocol, under the programme of work for Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA), and other outreach initiatives of the Convention on Biological Diversity, such as the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity. 4.It is important that awareness-raising activities respond to the specific needs and contexts of each Party; therefore, the awareness-raising strategy should be country-driven. However, in order to assist Parties in the implementation of the strategy, the Secretariat would carry-out a series of supporting actions such as the creation of a toolkit containing methodologies, templates and descriptive materials to support the development of national awareness-raising strategies and associated materials and tools. All products developed under the strategy, by the Secretariat and Parties, should be disseminated through the clearing-house mechanism under the Convention on Biological Diversity, which includes the Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House. 5.While target groups may vary depending on the country, raising awareness among users of genetic resources is a priority for the effective implementation of the Protocol. It is also important that the full and effective participation of indigenous and local communities be facilitated in national and regional awareness-raising activities. 6.A number of awareness-raising tools on ABS have already been developed by Parties and other organizations. In the interest of cost effectiveness, in implementing the strategy, Parties are encouraged, where appropriate, to make use of these tools in the elaboration of their national awareness raising strategies and development of awareness-raising materials. 7.The Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House will be an important mechanism to support the implementation of Article 21, ensuring not only that the awareness-raising strategy, products and tools are available to all stakeholders, but also facilitating the sharing of lessons learned among Parties facing similar situations and the sharing of experiences in communicating ABS issues. Finally, it would be needed to fulfil the suggested activities in Article 21, notably activities in paragraphs (d), (e), and (f). 8.The following paragraphs elaborate a strategy for awareness-raising to support Parties in the development of national, regional and subregional awareness-raising strategies. The strategy is also outlined in tables at the end of the document. The strategy is structured around four priority activities, which build upon each other. The final activity, the evaluation and assessment step, is assumed to set the conditions and priorities for subsequent iterations of the strategy. Parties are encouraged to implement one iteration of the strategy during the biennium after entry into force. Parties would then be invited to report on progress in the implementation of the strategy to the Clearing-House and the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol, as appropriate. Priority activity 1. Communications situation analysis and the development of needs-based awareness-raising strategies at the national, regional and subregional levels 9.Article 21 indicates that Parties are to increase awareness of the importance of genetic resources and the traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources and related access and benefit-sharing issues. Awareness raising measures are further important and necessary for the effective implementation of and compliance with the Protocol and all three objectives of the Convention. Operationalizing these overall principles into an awareness-raising strategy would require the elaboration by Parties of the more specific communications goals to be accomplished, taking into account the specific guidelines outlined in the article. 10.The development of effective awareness-raising strategies by Parties should be based upon an analysis of the state of communication on access and benefit-sharing issues. Such an analysis should include the following elements: (a)Evaluating the communication goals required to support implementation of the Protocol and in particular for Parties to raise awareness of the importance of genetic resources and traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, and related access and benefit-sharing issues, in accordance with Article 21; (b)Conducting awareness surveys which identify the target groups, their level of awareness, and actions required by these groups, with a view to support the implementation of the Protocol; (c)Carrying out an audit of existing information and training materials which lists and reviews the effectiveness of existing communication products; (d)Creating a roster of technical and communication experts, who could be called upon for assistance in implementing the national, regional or subregional strategies. 11.Under this priority activity, the Secretariat will propose a structure to assist Parties in creating their national, regional or subregional awareness-raising strategies, including carrying out a communications situation analysis that address the above elements. The analysis should seek to provide guidance on the kind of messages and awareness-raising materials to be developed. Guidelines and recommendations on each of the above steps will be elaborated by the Secretariat using, wherever appropriate, existing programmes, tools, structures and materials within either the Secretariat (particularly CEPA) or other relevant international organizations, in order to strengthen coherence, enhance efficiency and limit costs. These will be posted on the Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House. Parties would then be invited to replicate or adapt this methodology, as appropriate. 12.A variety of actors representing different interests, each with different priorities will be involved with the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol, including, inter alia, Governments, research institutions, industry, the education and training sector, and representatives of the media, as well as indigenous and local communities. Therefore, Parties should identify and prioritize key target groups and carry out an awareness survey that establishes their current level of awareness. From this survey, Parties can then determine the actions by these groups that would facilitate full and effective implementation of the Protocol, as well as the communication channels and messages that can help to encourage these actions. This communications situation analysis will assist in the creation of their awareness-raising strategies. As noted earlier, particular efforts should be made to ensure awareness-raising for users of genetic resources. Further, any evaluation of the role of indigenous and local communities in this process should be done as an integrated approach to overall communication goals. 13.In addition to the awareness survey, Parties would be invited to carry out an audit of appropriate existing awareness raising products and initiatives and evaluate the extent to which these tools can contribute to achieving communication goals. The audit should take into account the tools and initiatives of partners in different government ministries, non-governmental organizations, business and research communities, as well as indigenous and local communities. 14.Finally, Parties are encouraged to create rosters of experts that include communication professionals with expertise in ABS, and technical and legal experts that can act as subject matter experts for the creation of awareness-raising materials. 15.The different components outlined above, such as the communication goals, the survey of attitudes and awareness, the audit of existing materials and the roster of experts, should be used to create national, regional or subregional awareness-raising strategies. The resulting strategies will be particular to each Party, but it is suggested that each include: (a)A situation analysis and report on key target groups; (b)Key messages for awareness-raising activities; (c)Awareness-raising activities; (d)Timelines; (e)Resource requirements; (f)An evaluation framework. 16.Further, it is suggested that any strategy at the national, regional or subregional level include provisions for communication activities, capacity-development or training, whether this is within target groups, or within a group of communications professionals or trainers. Parties would be invited to disseminate the final result of all these activities to the Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House. Priority activity 2. Creation of toolkit and awareness-raising materials 17.This priority activity focuses on the creation of awareness-raising and training materials which could be used as a means to transmit key messages to different target groups during outreach activities. These materials would be the primary tools for Parties to launch their awareness-raising campaigns and to develop capacity on access and benefit-sharing issues in accordance with the principles outlined in Article 21. Furthermore, training and direction, including training of trainers, on ways to use the materials and how to deliver the key messages to target groups may be required to ensure that the capacities of the target audiences are improved. 18.To assist in the implementation of this activity, the Secretariat will create a toolkit that contains methodologies, templates and other descriptive materials on how Parties and stakeholders can develop innovative awareness-raising and training materials. The development of the toolkit will, where appropriate, take into account relevant existing tools within the Convention on Biological Diversity, such as the CEPA toolkit ( and materials from other relevant international organizations, but will be specifically tailored to the needs of ABS communication. The toolkit will be produced in print and multimedia form, compatible with its deployment as an eLearning resource. The toolkit will be created as an Open Educational Resource (OER). 21 19.Parties will be invited to use the toolkit to develop different awareness-raising materials, adapted to their particular needs, and in support of the strategy created under priority activity 1 to raise awareness and transmit messages to target groups. In creating the materials, the input of key stakeholders, such as those identified under priority activity 1 and indigenous and local communities, should be taken into account to ensure that they would be effective in raising awareness. 20.The selection of the best mix of information products for communicating with a specific target group will be largely determined according to the research and assessments conducted in the first priority activity. Print materials, such as brochures and fact sheets, may be suitable in some contexts, while other multimedia materials and approaches, such as radio and short films, may be more effective in others. 21.In the context of this priority activity, Parties may also wish to develop materials for use within formal education. 22.Parties will be invited to provide copies of the materials developed to the Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House, for further dissemination and sharing among other Parties and stakeholders. Priority activity 3. Train communicators and engage target groups 23.This priority activity has two primary objectives: to train a group of ABS communication experts to implement the national awareness-raising strategy and then to carry out activities to engage with target groups in order to raise awareness. 24.In support of this activity, the Secretariat will provide guidelines on the way to conduct a training workshop for ABS communicators. In the ABS toolkit mentioned above, the Secretariat will provide guidelines on the ways that awareness-raising and training materials may be disseminated and used in support of an awareness-raising strategy. 25.As a first step in this priority activity, it is suggested that a series of workshops be held to train communications experts using the training materials developed in priority activity 2. This would prepare the group of communications experts to, in turn, reach out effectively to key target groups and deliver the key messages contained within the awareness-raising materials created. These trained communicators could then organize workshops and other events for the key target groups identified in the strategy. 26.The awareness-raising materials created under priority activity 2 will be disseminated to target groups in a variety of ways, but an important part of any awareness-raising strategy will be the convening of events, workshops and other forums, where communication activities can take place. The kind of activities which could be organized should be determined by the target groups with which communication is intended. Examples of such activities are: an information breakfast session, a round table for representatives of a particular user group, a training session for representatives of the media, or an academic conference on ABS measures for the research community. 27.The events would be an opportunity to involve a variety of stakeholders to discuss national circumstances related to the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol. For example, as outlined in Article 21 (i), the events could include specific communication activities related to awareness-raising of community protocols and procedures of indigenous and local communities. The events could also be an opportunity to brief representatives of the media on ABS-related issues. 28.It is expected that workshops would be organized primarily at the national level. In certain cases, subregional or regional workshops may also add value to the implementation of the awareness-raising strategies and therefore their organization would be a suitable contribution to this activity. To achieve the most effective and efficient use of resources, the organization of such workshops will take place on the basis of capacity needs assessments by the Parties. In analysing those needs, existing global, regional or subregional mechanisms, processes and tools should be fully taken into account. The Secretariat may be involved in these workshops, subject to the availability of resources. 29.For all activities, evaluation and feedback mechanisms similar to the assessments carried out in priority activity 1 should be included to provide data for priority activity 4 below. 30.Parties and stakeholders will be invited to post the results of the events on the Clearing-House, including photos of the proceedings, presentations and summaries of the findings. Priority activity 4. Evaluation and feedback 31.It is important to note that as Parties design their strategies, for each priority activity, data and information should be collected for use in an evaluation exercise. Priority activity 1 represents the assembly of baseline data on awareness, against which changes in awareness and behaviour need to be measured. The effectiveness and reception of the awareness-raising materials developed under priority activity 2 should also be measured. Finally, the suitability and learning that has taken place during the workshops and other events under priority activity 3 should also be assessed. 32.Using this data, Parties are invited to assess the effectiveness of their activities, workshops and awareness-raising materials. Parties will then be invited to repeat the survey instruments used to establish their national strategies and analyse the feedback received from participants to the awareness-raising activities with a view to changing and fine-tuning their strategies as needed. Parties should collect the same data that was assembled under priority activity 1, and compare them with the baseline results. 33.The results of the evaluation and analyses should then be disseminated through the Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House. Resource requirements 34.As Party needs will be varied, so, too, will the resource requirements for the implementation of national awareness-raising strategies. Sustainable funding plans should be established to ensure that sufficient resources are available for the strategies in the long-run. Developing country Parties may require external support, including through the GEF, in order to implement their national awareness raising strategies. 35.In order to assist Parties in the development and implementation of national, regional and subregional awareness-raising strategies, as recommended under the priority activities, the Secretariat will also require financial and human resources. Secretariat support to priority activities 1, 3 and 4 will be limited to staff time. The Secretariat’s contribution to priority activity 2 will require financial support for the development of the toolkit.
SIMILARITY: 0.4200 The ActNow campaign aims to trigger individual action on the defining issue of our time. People around the world have joined to make a difference in all facets of their lives, from the food they eat to the clothes they wear. When solidarity comes from the South Considering the current pandemic, South-South cooperation is more important than ever. Several countries of the global South have already demonstrated effective responses to COVID-19, so they can help other less developed to build more resilient societies during the crisis. In observance of the International Day of South-South Cooperation (12 September), the United Nations hosts a virtual event on 10 September at 9 a.m. EDT to reflect on the vital role of international solidarity towards the Sustainable Development Goals, while effectively responding to the global COVID-19 crisis. Belarus: UN chief deeply concerned over use of force against peaceful protesters 11 September 2020 — Secretary-General António Guterres on Friday expressed deep concern over the continued use of force against peaceful protestors in Belarus and detention of those exercising... WHO warns against potential Ebola spread in DR Congo and beyond 11 September 2020 — Ebola is spreading in a western province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), raising fears that the disease could reach neighbouring Republic of Congo and even the... Leaders pledge ‘quantum leap’ towards fully funding COVID-19 vaccines and treatments 10 September 2020 — Global leaders, including more than 30 Heads of State and Ministers, have underlined their commitment towards fast-tracking the development and production of COVID-19...
SIMILARITY: 0.4458 Lung power is the number-one predictor of how long you’ll live. How well you breathe determines how long you’ll stay active and healthy. The medical journal Chest did a 29-year follow up to the Buffalo Health Study, which followed over 1,100 people up to age 89. They found that the better your lungs work, the less likely you are to die of any cause. The correlation was even stronger for heart disease.1 This makes me wonder about all those workout “gurus.” They keep telling you to do “cardio” which only wears down your heart and lungs. The studies prove that lungpower – not wearing down your heart with hours of aerobics – will keep you going. Most doctors aren’t aware of this, either. They don’t bother to measure your lung power during a doctor visit. Yet it’s easy to do, and I measure it at my clinic. The best way to tell how powerful your lungs are is a measurement called VO2 max. | That’s because VO2 max measures the amount of oxygen your lungs can use while you’re exercising at your maximum capacity. And the more oxygen you can get to your body, the better your body works. VO2 max is usually written in milliliters of volume per kilograms of body weight (ml/kg) because oxygen and energy needs are different depending on how big you are. The chart to the right shows typical VO2 max measurements for non-athletes. Notice that VO2 max typically declines with age. But you don’t have to let it. In fact, this is one of the things I’m really excited about being able to do with my new anti-aging and wellness center. Have you heard about it? My goal is to make 100 years old the new 50. What we’re going to do is take a total measurement of what we call your Body Intelligence. We’ll find out how strong your bones are, your muscle strength, your capacity to squelch inflammation… We’ll take all that information and give you a Body IQ score. A higher body IQ means you’ll be able to do more, and have the same freedom and choices when you’re 100 that you have when you’re 50. I’m going to show you how to raise your Body Intelligence by increasing your VO2 max starting today. This will help you build a younger, disease-proof body. I’m also going to show you the only nutrient that increases VO2 max. But it starts with your lungs. Lung power is about working harder, not longer. The American Journal of Epidemiology looked at respondents from the famous Harvard Health study, which followed over 13,000 people for 15 years. They found that people live longer if they do vigorous exercises, but not if they only do light or moderate workouts.2 And the risk of death kept getting lower and lower not for those who expended energy for the longest time, but who expended the most energy. In other words, intensity is the key to lowering the likelihood of death. This is why, for example, elite marathon runners have lower VO2 max scores than Nordic skiers. Have a look at these two photos: The Nordic skier on the left has powerful leg muscles, a broad chest and hugely powerful lungs. The marathon runner on the right has a sunken chest and skinny legs. Running shrinks down your lungs for efficiency because it’s a moderate workout. You need constant but low amounts of energy. That doesn’t build lung power. Nordic skiing is much more intense. Skiers expend huge amounts of energy pumping their legs and arms for thrust, as do sprinters. This kind of exertion builds real power and increases your lung capacity. And that’s why I talk to you about my PACE program all the time. With PACE, you can increase your VO2 max, giving you the lung power of a much younger person. This will increase your Body Intelligence and help you to live younger, longer. But as you can see from the photos above, it won’t happen by jogging for hours and hours. The best way to give your lungs the intense workout they need in order to grow bigger and increase your VO2 max is to progressively challenge your peak intensity. And that’s what PACE does. PACE stands for Progressively Accelerating Cardiopulmonary Exertion. You start slowly, and little by little, you increase the challenge to your lungs until they’re working decades younger. For example, if you like to run, here’s how you might do it PACE-style: If you’re in good condition, you can start your first exertion period by running an eighth of a mile (220 yards). Your intensity level should be moderate. After each recovery period, slightly increase the intensity. By the time you reach your 6th exertion period, you should be sprinting. And here’s where PACE is different. 1. The recovery time is as important as the exertion period. Recover fully between each set. This recovery time should decrease as your lungs get stronger and your VO2 max increases. What you’ll notice is that you’re panting less between each set. The reason is that as your VO2 max increases, you’re delivering more oxygen to your body with each breath. You won’t have to breathe as hard or as fast for very long because your lungs are working so well. 2. After a couple of weeks, you decrease the period of exertion and increase the intensity. In other words, you don’t run for a longer amount of time like all those modern fitness experts tell you to. You run harder. This works because when your body gets used to a particular challenge, it’s no longer challenging. At that point you stop progressing. You will then hit a “plateau” spending more time doing the same work, but no longer moving forward. From a fitness improvement point of view, nothing is happening. At this stage, you’ll need to change gears and do something differently. By varying your workout, you’ll give yourself new challenges as the old ones become tired and predictable. In this way, PACE is never a chore; it’s always new and exciting. Another thing that’s new and exciting is a recent discovery… Quercetin can increase your VO2 max. Quercetin is a flavonoid (flavonoids are antioxidants in plants) that you can get from onions, apples, berries, grapes and red wine. We know a lot about the benefits of quercetin. It’s anti-inflammatory, and it’s also a natural antihistamine. Because of its positive effects on lung function, researchers at the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina tested quercetin to see if it would increase lung power and delay fatigue. They took healthy but untrained people and tested their VO2 max and the time it took them to tire out while riding. Then they split them in two groups. One got 500 mg of quercetin twice a day and the other got a placebo. After seven days, they tested the people again. The quercetin group had increased VO2 max by 3.9 percent without doing anything else. And their performance increased by an incredible 13.2 percent! Not that I would recommend this, but just for the sake of making a comparison, let’s say you ran in the Boston Marathon last year, and you finished with your best time ever of 4 hours and 10 minutes. If you could improve your performance by 13 percent, you would finish the race this year in about 3 hours and 37 minutes, shattering your previous best time by over a half hour! Quercetin can also increase your power output when you exercise. A study in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition looked at the performance of elite cyclists. Researchers put the cyclists through a time trial to get their baseline results. Over the next six weeks, they gave half the cyclists a vitamin formula with quercetin, and half got a formula with no quercetin. When the cyclists were tested again, the ones taking quercetin had increased their VO2 max by 3.7 percent, improved their speed significantly and increased their power by 10 percent! Their power increased so much that they were able to finish the trial faster even though they were pedaling fewer times per minute.3 This is one of the reasons I added quercetin to my new energy formula that complements the PACE program. You can get quercetin in a variety of foods. Some of my favorites include: - • Apples • Broccoli • Capers • Cherries • Citrus Fruit • Cranberries • Leafy Green Vegetables • Raspberries • Red Grapes • Tomatoes Plants of the allium family also have quercetin, including onions, scallions, chives, leeks, shallots and garlic. To boost your VO2 max and your Body Intelligence, you can take quercetin in supplement form. I recommend a 500 mg capsule twice a day. Al Sears MD – Live a healthier life with natural remedies and natural cures to help you prevent disease. Take control of your health and wellness now! 1 Schünemann, Holger J., MD, PhD et al, “Pulmonary Function Is a Long-term Predictor of Mortality in the General Population,” Chest Sept. 2000; 118( 3): 656-664 2 Lee, I-Min, Paffenbarger, Ralph S. Jr., “Associations of Light, Moderate, and Vigorous Intensity Physical Activity with Longevity,” American Journal of Epidemiology 2000; 151( 3) 3 Holden, S.H., MacRae, Mefferd, Kari, “Dietary Antioxidant SupplementationCombined with Quercetin Improves Cycling Time Trial Performance,” Intl. Jnl. Sport Nutrn. and Ex. Met. 2006; 16: 405-419
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SIMILARITY: 0.4279 By Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna With all the stressors we’ve been through and are currently going through, stress is at its peak with most everyone. It is important to make sure you find ways to reduce your stress. We know the #1 killer of most is heart disease. There’s not a better time to Reclaim Your Rhythm and take back control of your physical health and mental well-being. The American Heart Association is helping people create healthy habits that work best for their life, giving them the best chance at life. The pandemic has significantly impacted our risk for heart disease and stroke. 1 in 5 people reported lower physical wellness. 1 in 3 reported lower emotional wellness. Over the past year, many of us have adopted unhealthy behaviors like skipping exercise, eating unhealthy foods, drinking more alcohol and using tobacco, which can all increase the risk for heart disease and stroke. Here are five tips to help you Reclaim Your Rhythm: Mellow out and reduce stress: The American Heart Association says a positive mindset can improve your overall health. A recent study shows people with higher levels of optimism had a 35% decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. Happy individuals tend to sleep better, exercise more, eat better and refrain from smoking. Move to the music: Physical activity is linked to lower risk of diseases, stronger bones, and muscles, improved mental health and cognitive function and lower risk of depression. Staying active is one of the best ways to keep your body and mind healthy. Not only can it help you feel, think, sleep and live better, but it also improves overall quality of life. Rock your recipes: Make time to eat meals together as a family for a chance to connect and decompress. Regular meals at home with family reduce stress, boost self-esteem and make the whole family feel connected. Stay on Beat with Blood Pressure: Close to half of American adults have high blood pressure. Of those, about 75% don’t have it controlled and many don’t even know they have it. High blood pressure is a leading cause and controllable risk factor for heart disease and stroke and can contribute to worse outcomes for people who contract COVID-19. The best way to know your blood pressure numbers is to have it measured at least once per year by a healthcare professional, regularly monitor it at home with a validated monitor and discuss the numbers with a doctor. For most people, a normal blood pressure should be 120/80 or less. Keep the Beat! Each year, more than 350,000 EMS-assessed out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur in the United States. According to the American Heart Association, about 90% of people who suffer out-of-hospital cardiac arrests do not survive. When a person has a cardiac arrest, survival depends on immediately receiving CPR from someone nearby. CPR, especially if performed immediately, can double or triple a cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival. To treat, beat and prevent heart disease and stroke, both men & women should understand family health history, know their five key personal health numbers to help determine risk and make healthy behavior changes like moving more, eating smart and managing blood pressure. The American Heart Association will hold its Go Red Luncheon on Thursday, April 7th at the beautiful Westin Resort, Mission Hills in Rancho Mirage Ca. For information visit
SIMILARITY: 0.4927 Resources Health and wellbeing resources for leaders From frameworks, guides, and toolkits to calendars and webinars – we’ve got everything you need for your health and wellbeing strategy – regardless of whether you’re just starting out or looking to optimise an existing programme. Content Type Audience Topic Showing 30 Results
SIMILARITY: 0.4749 According to the World Health Organization, one in four people worldwide are physically inactive, which puts them at greater risk for diseases like hypertension and diabetes. You can improve your overall health greatly when you incorporate 30 minutes of physical activity into your daily life. Exercise is great for both the body and mind. It’s common knowledge that physical activity can burn fat and build muscle, but it also releases endorphins that help improve mood. For activity inspiration, try an ASU Online virtual wellness program. Get enough sleep Sleep is a powerful tool that restores your mind and body. Adults should aim for 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Lack of adequate sleep can lead to daytime exhaustion, trouble focusing and changes in mood. Curious if your sleep cycle is affecting your health? Take 360 Life Services' self-assessment. Hydrate daily Current recommendations tell us to drink 6-8 glasses of water per day, though this number depends on factors like physical activity and time spent outside. When your body is properly hydrated, benefits include improved cell and tissue function, lubrication of joints and removal of waste. Manage your mental health Stress is unavoidable. The ability to ask for help when you need it can better help you regulate your emotions and react in more positive ways. A mental health counselor can teach you coping skills to help you manage daily stresses and how you respond to them. Counseling support for Sun Devils is available 24/7. For more tips for managing stress, check out our stress survival guide. Practice proper nutrition The things we put in our bodies play a major role in our well-being. Limiting the amount of refined sugars and processed foods can help aid in your wellness. When you eat a well-balanced diet, you help your body build a line of defense against illness. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nutrition is essential for maintaining wellness across the lifespan. A healthy diet helps children develop properly and reduces the risk of chronic diseases, including obesity. Adults who eat a healthy diet live longer and have a lower risk of obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers.
SIMILARITY: 0.4409 Ann joined the Health and Sustainability Hub in July 2022 but has worked in the field of public health since 2007. Ann was a member of the North Wales Local Public Health Team supporting health Improvement work, mainly focusing on the Early Years agenda. She gained her registration as a UK Public Health Practitioner in 2019 and trained as an UKPHR Assessor. Prior to joining PHW, she was a Health Researcher at Bangor University after receiving her Masters in Public Health and Health Promotion in 2005 and has worked on the National UK Active Travel to School Programme and Agenda 21. Ann is passionate about giving children and young people the best start in life and ensuring that the health and well-being of our future generation is protected and secured. Ann lives with her husband and three children on the beautiful island of Anglesey and enjoys walking, baking and spending time with family and friends.
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SIMILARITY: 0.4116 Our Mission Optimum Health Rehab’s Mission Statement It is the goal of Optimum Health Rehab to provide our patients with the best in integrative health care. We are professionals in all of our actions and strive to create and maintain a compassionate, friendly, and healing environment. We provide our patients with the best possible service in a courteous and thoughtful manner at all times. The patient comes first and should be treated in the same manner that you would want to be treated. Our integrative approach to health care combines the benefit of conventional medicine with alternative therapies. We feel this progressive approach to wellness not only sets us apart from others in our industry, but it is also a greater benefit to our patients. To make a positive impression on how someone thinks or feels is the greatest gift we can give. We can and will make a difference!
SIMILARITY: 0.4097 Home All Content Home & Garden Home Ideas All Home Ideas Organization Cleaning Remodeling Done Right Garden Lifestyle All Lifestyle Articles Career & Finance Crafts Senior Living Travel Health Tips Family Pets Entertaining Events Holiday Blog Search All Content Expert Tips for Keeping Loved Ones Healthy This Winter Health Read more... What Older Adults Need to Know About Flu and COVID-19 Vaccines Health Read more... One Woman's Path to Finding Treatment for Narcolepsy Health Read more... 4 Tips for Selecting Dental and Vision Coverage in Retirement Health Read more... How to Get the Health Care You Want and Need Health Read more... Learn CPR as a Life-Saving Skill Health Read more... Medicare Open Enrollment Ends Dec. 7: Comparing coverage options could save you money Health Read more... Understanding and Reducing Stroke Risks Health Read more... 4 Steps to Monitor Blood Pressure at Home Health Read more... 3 Reasons Urgent Care Can Be a Go-To Ailment Alternative Health Read more... 1 2 3 » End Home All Content Home & Garden Home Ideas All Home Ideas Organization Cleaning Remodeling Done Right Garden Lifestyle All Lifestyle Articles Career & Finance Crafts Senior Living Travel Health Tips Family Pets Entertaining Events Holiday Blog Search
SIMILARITY: 0.4019 Home - Bodywatch Mission: To help you achieve your goals as quickly, easily and effortlessly as possible. - Bodywatch Mission: To help you achieve your goals as quickly, easily and effortlessly as possible. - Bodywatch Mission: To help you achieve your goals as quickly, easily and effortlessly as possible. - Bodywatch Mission: To help you achieve your goals as quickly, easily and effortlessly as possible. Psychological Service for Athletes, Migraineurs and all Individuals who wish to reduce anxiety, build confidence, lose weight, stop smoking and improve their health – mentally or/and physically. Physical activity is a recognised means of improving mental well being. Exercise prescription and involvement is an accepted treatment for the improvement of mental health by the Royal College of Psychiatrists in the UK. Whether you are an aspiring athlete or a top level athlete we understand the importance of the right mindset. The same issues can be a challenge for athletes as well as non athletes from dealing with panic attacks, migraines or anger issues to feelings of low self esteem. If you would like to boost your confidence and improve your physical and mental health by starting to exercise or if you would like to resolve psychological issues which are holding you back, we offer a variety of different programmes which can help. Dr. Niamh Flynn Dr. Niamh Flynn, CPsychol, is a performance psychologist based in The Galway Clinic. She has over 20 years of experience working with a variety of individuals, from people who suffer with crippling anxiety to individuals who suffer with migraines. Her Masters in Sports Medicine gives her a unique understanding of athletes and how exercise and sport can improve health, mentally and physically. Her aim is to help you to achieve your goals in the most efficient and fastest way possible. She has worked with intercounty teams, CEOs, COOs and athletes from a variety of sports. In addition to one on one consultations she has delivered talks about anxiety, stress management, chronic pain and migraines nationally and internationally for major corporations and organisations. These include Dublin Airport Authority, Chronic Pain Ireland, Connacht Rugby, Athlone Institute of Technology and many more. to an interview with Niamh on Newstalk with Clare McKenna
SIMILARITY: 0.4334 Are you searching for a simple, cost-effective, and enjoyable way to stay healthy? Look no further than walking. This everyday activity has the potential to transform your health and wellbeing. In this article, we’ll explore seven amazing benefits of walking and explain how you can incorporate it into your daily routine. Boost your heart health One of the most significant advantages of walking is its impact on your cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that regular walking can help lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. When you walk, your heart rate increases, which strengthens your heart muscles and improves blood circulation. Furthermore, walking can help lower cholesterol levels and maintain a healthy blood pressure. Strengthen your immune system Did you know that walking can bolster your body’s natural defence mechanisms? It’s true! Regular walking has been linked to improved immune function, helping you ward off common illnesses like the cold and flu. This is achieved through increased blood flow, which supports the transportation of white blood cells and other immune-boosting compounds throughout your body. So, lace up those shoes and get moving to keep those pesky germs at bay! Improve mental wellbeing Walking isn’t just great for your body – it’s a natural mood enhancer too! When you walk, your brain releases endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones that reduce stress and improve your overall mood. Plus, taking a stroll outdoors can be a fantastic way to break up your day, clear your mind, and gain a fresh perspective on any challenges you may be facing. Aid weight management If you’re looking to shed a few pounds or maintain a healthy weight, walking can be an effective and enjoyable way to achieve your goals. Walking burns calories and boosts your metabolism, helping you create a calorie deficit that can lead to weight loss. The best part is that walking is low-impact, meaning it’s suitable for people of all fitness levels and age groups. Enhance joint and bone health As we age, maintaining joint and bone health becomes increasingly important. Walking is a weight-bearing exercise, which means it can help preserve bone density and reduce your risk of osteoporosis. Additionally, walking helps lubricate your joints and strengthen the muscles that support them, reducing the risk of injury and improving mobility. Increase creativity and productivity Feeling stuck in a creative rut or struggling to focus at work? Try going for a walk! Research has found that walking can boost creativity and problem-solving skills, as well as improve focus and attention. So next time you’re experiencing writer’s block or a mid-afternoon slump, take a quick walk to recharge your brain and unlock your full potential. Promote better sleep If you’re struggling to catch some quality shut-eye, walking might be the solution you’ve been searching for. Regular physical activity, such as walking, can help improve sleep quality by reducing stress, regulating your body’s internal clock, and promoting the release of sleep-inducing hormones. Aim to walk in the morning or early afternoon to maximise these benefits and avoid disrupting your sleep cycle. How to incorporate walking into your daily routine Now that you know the incredible benefits of walking, it’s time to start incorporating it into your everyday life. Here are a few simple tips to help you get started: - Start small: Begin with a short, 10-15 minute walk each day, and gradually increase your duration as you build stamina and confidence. - Make it a habit: Aim to walk at the same time each day to establish a routine and make it a non-negotiable part of your schedule. - Mix it up: Explore different walking routes and environments to keep things fresh and engaging. - Bring a buddy: Walking with a friend or family member can make the experience more enjoyable and provide an opportunity for social connection. Plus, having a walking partner can help keep you accountable and motivated. - Listen to something: If you prefer walking solo, listening to music, podcasts, or audiobooks can make your walks more engaging and enjoyable. - Set goals: Establish walking goals, such as reaching a certain number of steps per day or covering a specific distance each week. This can help keep you motivated and track your progress. - Walk with purpose: Combine walking with other activities, such as running errands, commuting to work, or walking your dog. This can help you integrate walking into your daily life without it feeling like an added burden. Incorporating regular walking into your daily routine can have a profound impact on your overall health and wellbeing. From boosting heart health and immune function to improving mental wellbeing and sleep quality, the benefits of walking are truly remarkable. So, why not put on your walking shoes and start reaping the rewards of this simple, enjoyable, and accessible form of exercise? Your body and mind will thank you. Remember, always consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any new exercise regimen, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions or concerns. Happy walking!
SIMILARITY: 0.4037 TalkIng Women’s health for women’s history month Hello, VegMichigan friends! Anyone else besides me SO ready for Spring? It feels like it’s been a really long winter and it’s been nice to have a few sunny days recently. It reminds me that Spring is around the corner, and all the wonderful things that come along with the transition to Spring. I was telling a friend recently that with everything we have been through in the last year, my plan is to purposely enjoy and appreciate as much as I possibly can this coming Spring and Summer. My intention is to be more present and spend less time on my phone, be outside and absorb some natural Vitamin D, have fun and be active, grow and cook some beautiful vegetables, explore our beautiful state, and make the very most of our nice weather. I have never reflected on our transition to Spring this much and felt such anticipation as I have these last few weeks. I hope the change of seasons in the coming weeks gets you excited and thinking about how you want to make the most of your time as well. I have something pretty cool to share! A few months ago, Plum Health DPC, the family medicine practice I am part of, had a very exciting opportunity to be featured nationwide on a PBS show called Start Up. The replay of the show is available online now! I am sharing the link to our show here if you would like to check it out and learn more about how we are making health care accessible and affordable throughout Metro Detroit! With the start of March also brings Women’s History Month! In acknowledgement of the many exceptional women who have changed the course of history for the better through their intellect, innovation, bravery, and compassion, this is a good month to discuss some information about optimizing women’s health. In this month’s article, I will discuss several of the most common conditions affecting women today, the recommended guidelines for screening for these conditions, and my own recommendations about how we can help prevent these conditions. breast cancer Breast cancer is the second most common form of cancer among U.S. women, with about 250,000 new cases diagnosed each year. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force currently recommends mammography screening every other year for women ages 50-74 who are not at increased risk for breast cancer. Women may start screening earlier than age 50 if they prefer to and many healthcare providers will recommend starting at age 40 as well. Deciding when to screen and how frequently should be based on shared decision making between the individual and their healthcare provider. My recommendatIon: Genetics definitely plays a part in breast cancer risk, and if you have a family history of breast cancer I recommend discussing this with your healthcare provider. Outside of genetic influence, there are things we can do to decrease our own risk of developing breast cancer. Lifestyle factors such as a healthy diet rich in whole plant foods, along with regular physical activity, is protective against obesity, which in itself is a risk factor for many types of cancer including breast. Diet impacts our risk specifically, as we know that whole plant foods are rich in antioxidants that are protective against cancers. Other modifiable lifestyle factors include refraining from smoking and limiting alcohol consumption. cervIcal Cancer Cervical cancer used to be the number one cause of death from cancer among women in the U.S. This is no longer the case, thanks to advancements in cervical cancer screening and vaccination against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which is the cause of nearly all cervical cancers. Screening guidelines for cervical cancer are based on age ranges and consist of the following: Ages 21-29: Cytology testing (pap testing) every 3 years. Ages 30-65: Cytology testing every 3 years, or every 5 years if only doing high risk HPV testing by itself, or every 5 years if doing both cervical cytology and high risk HPV co-testing. Women over age 65: Screening is not recommended if she is low risk and if prior screening was both adequate and normal. My recommendatIon: HPV is extremely common among younger women and men who are sexually active. Most individuals acquire the HPV virus at some point. In most cases the virus resolves spontaneously, but in some cases it does not and this is where medicine has made significant advances in screening and prevention over the last two decades. The HPV vaccine prevents the most common high risk strains of human papillomavirus that are known to cause cervical cancer. Along with screening at recommended intervals, I also recommend the vaccine to any person up to and including age 45, because we have data demonstrating as much as 90% decline in rates of cervical cancer since it became available. colon cancer screenIng In the United States, colorectal cancer is the third most common type of cancer and the third leading cause of cancer-related death among both men and women. The USPSTF recommends screening for colorectal cancer between ages 50 and 75. Anyone younger than 50 or older than 75 should consider screening based on personal risk factors. I recommend having a discussion with your healthcare provider about your own personal risk, and which type of colorectal cancer screening is the best fit for you. My recommendatIon: The best way to prevent colorectal cancer is to keep up with regular screenings as recommended. Other ways to reduce your risk of colorectal cancer include a healthy diet high in fiber and with low to no animal products, not being sedentary, refraining from smoking, and limiting alcohol consumption. heart dIsease Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women in the U.S. Interestingly, there are no formal recommendations from the USPSTF for screening for heart disease in asymptomatic women or men. Healthcare providers often use risk stratifying tools such as the ASCVD Risk Estimator to help determine an individual’s risk of having a future cardiac event. This tool incorporates factors such as age, biological sex, race, smoking history, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol levels to determine an individual’s personalized risk score. My recommendatIon: If you are interested in learning more about your own risk for heart disease, I recommend asking your healthcare provider to obtain the necessary data and help you navigate through the risk estimator tool. It is well-known that a whole food, plant-based diet is protective against heart disease. Other ways to protect ourselves include regular physical activity, keeping blood pressure well controlled, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle, avoiding smoking, getting quality sleep, and managing stress. sexually transmItted InfectIons Screening for infections such as Gonorrhea and Chlamydia is recommended annually for all sexually active women less than age 25. In women over 25, screening is based on personal risk. My recommendatIon: The only absolute way to prevent sexually transmitted infections is by abstinence. There are other ways to protect yourself and reduce your risk, including limiting partners and using adequate barrier protection every time. If you feel you may have been exposed, consider getting tested as soon as possible. In addition, I recommend considering the HPV vaccine if you have not done so, to prevent the human papillomavirus and reduce cervical cancer risk, as well as the Hepatitis B vaccine, as Hepatitis B can also be transmitted via sexual contact. osteoporosIs screenIng The USPSTF recommends screening for osteoporosis through bone density testing in all women over age 65. In postmenopausal women less than age 65, the recommendation to screen is based on personal risk through a clinical risk assessment tool. My recommendatIon: There is a lot we can do through lifestyle medicine to prevent osteoporosis. A sedentary lifestyle is an extremely important factor. It is very important to continue regular physical activity and strength training well into our older years. For individuals already diagnosed with osteoporosis I recommend having a talk with your healthcare provider about safely optimizing your physical activity level. I also recommend optimization of calcium and vitamin D levels through both diet and supplementation. I do not recommend dairy consumption as a source of calcium and vitamin D. It is much healthier to obtain calcium through leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables and supplementation if needed, and vitamin D through supplementation and sunshine when we can. Here’s a very helpful article from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) with some information about preventing osteoporosis. skIn cancer Skin cancer is actually the leading cause of cancer among women and men in the U.S. with basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas being the most common. At this time there are no formal recommendations for skin cancer screening in the U.S., but dermatologists and many primary care doctors do regularly provide skin checks for patients to help identify suspicious lesions. Development of skin cancer is based on risk factors including increased number of sunburns early on in life, exposure to UV rays through indoor tanning, and limited protection against regular exposure to UV rays while outdoors. Without adequate protection, skin damage from the sun can begin in as little as 15 minutes. My recommendatIon: I recommend regular use of protective clothing, as well as sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher when directly in the sun for extended periods of time. Additionally, I believe that diet plays a role in protection against skin cancer as well, since antioxidants in fruits and vegetables have been shown to offer increased protection against skin damage from the sun. I strongly recommend a diet consisting primarily of whole, plant-based foods in a variety of colors to ensure we are getting adequate amounts of antioxidants from our food. Of course, there is so much more to discuss in regards to women’s health. These are just some of the things I discuss regularly with biologically female patients in my practice in an attempt to optimize their health. Overall, I hope this post demonstrates the importance of taking care of ourselves, both physically and mentally, as well as the importance of being screened for common health conditions whenever appropriate. In addition, a healthy diet rich in plant foods and staying physically active are extremely important factors in health optimization and prevention of cancers and other chronic conditions. I hope you all have a great month of March! Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the warmer weather continues. Please take of your minds and your bodies, eat lots of plant foods, and remember to have fun! I’ll catch you all again next month!
SIMILARITY: 0.6239 Your Health is Literally Your Greatest Asset And Why its Smart to Maintain Your Health Maintaining vibrant health should be of utmost importance in your life for many reasons. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize the importance of good health until they neglect it and then wonder why they don’t always feel good or keep getting sick. It starts with healthy habits; they are essential in maintaining your overall well-being and should be prioritized as part of your daily routine. If you take care of yourself, your mind and body will be able to handle the demands of your life much better, whether it’s school or work, hobbies, or relationships. And one common misconception about staying in shape and creating a healthy lifestyle is that it’s all or nothing. Do you believe that too, and would you say I was crazy if I told you that even minor changes could have a huge impacts? I’ve laid out just three reasons why you should help you make healthy habits more central in your life. never neglect your health, no matter how busy life may get, and they will help You will have more energy. That’s right, by changing your diet and exercise routine, you can get more energy than ever. Minor changes will help you feel better, live longer, and be happier! - Eat nutritious foods. What do you desire after a long day at work? Most people are looking for something salty and sweet. By choosing healthy snacks like vegetables with hummus, fruits with peanut butter, or oatmeal with fruit, you’ll start craving healthier options over time. - Get moving: The CDC recommends that adults do at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity weekly to stay healthy. And while that might sound like an intense commitment, it doesn’t have to be! So grab some friends for an after-work walk around your neighborhood, or try taking the stairs instead of elevators when possible to get moving today. - Keep up on medical exams: Regular medical exams are important because they keep track of any ongoing concerns like high blood pressure or high cholesterol before they become serious problems for us. You should see your physician or health care practitioner regularly. Increases your chances of living longer It’s no secret that living an unhealthy lifestyle comes with various risks. Including, but not limited to, increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. But what many people don’t know is that neglecting your health can also lead to depression and self-confidence issues. After all, it’s hard to focus on anything else in life if you’re feeling sick or unhappy. So what will transforming your unhealthy habits into new and healthy habits do for you? - They can increase your chances of living longer: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco users have a 20% greater chance of dying from any cause than non-smokers. Those who are overweight or obese have a 20% greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who are under the criteria for obesity. That statistic doesn’t even consider other illnesses associated with obesity, such as high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and chronic pain. - They can decrease the risk of developing depression or anxiety: While this side effect may not seem like a reason to stay healthy, studies show that poor physical health can increase the likelihood of other mental disorders such as depression and anxiety. Researchers believe stress hormones affect our brain chemistry and immune system responses. Improves the quality of life Not just what you do daily improves your quality of life. It’s also what you do to take care of yourself in the long run, like when you’re sick or stressed. If you neglect your health, it can be worse for your mental and physical state and your relationships with other people. Plus, it can make it harder for you to work. Here are three reasons why you should never neglect your health: - It’s better for your quality of life. - It makes your body less resistant to diseases. - The mind and body need a break from time to time, but the more you neglect your needs, the less likely you’ll be able to get back on track. All-or-nothing doesn’t have to apply here, and it’s okay if some days you sleep in instead of going for a jog. Just try to make sure there are more days than not where you live up to your potential. When you’re healthy, everything is more manageable. If you’re eating right, exercising, managing stress levels, and maintaining good hygiene habits, everything will be easier on your body. When things are easy on your body and mind, they don’t feel so taxing. When that happens consistently over time, it shows how you feel about yourself and how much fun you can have with others. Being healthy will make living easier overall, which means a higher quality of life!
SIMILARITY: 0.5410 By Raksha Bhattacharjee The Art of Leading a Well-Being Life Maintaining a balanced lifestyle is more crucial than ever in the fast-paced world of today. A well-rounded lifestyle includes social harmony, emotional stability, and mental well-being in addition to financial success and physical fitness. This guide will assist you in developing a sustainable and satisfying way of living. Health and Wellness Physical Health: A healthy diet and regular exercise are the cornerstones of a long, healthy life. Include exercises like yoga, dance, or jogging to keep your body moving and invigorated. Mental Health: A stress-free mind depends on mindfulness, meditation, and getting enough sleep. Take part in pastimes that calm and make you happy. Whether it’s by reading, going to the spa, or taking a quick vacation. Work-Life Balance: Overworking can lead to burnout. Schedule your work hours effectively and set boundaries to protect personal time. Pursue passions outside of your job. Whether it’s painting, gardening, or playing a musical instrument, hobbies enrich your life and enhance creativity. Social Connections: Relationships are the cornerstone of happiness. Spend quality time with family and friends to nurture bonds. Join community groups or clubs to meet new people and expand your social network. Financial Stability: Budget wisely to balance your income and expenses. Save and invest for the future while allowing room for occasional indulgences. Educate yourself about financial planning to achieve your short- and long-term goals. Continuous Learning: Keep growing by acquiring new skills or knowledge. Read books, attend workshops, or take online courses to stay updated and inspired. A curious and open mind contributes to personal and professional development. Spirituality and Purpose: Connect with your inner self through spirituality or self-reflection. Understanding your values and purpose can give life deeper meaning. Acts of kindness and giving back to society can be incredibly fulfilling. Environment and Sustainability Adopt eco-friendly practices like reducing waste, recycling, and conserving energy. Surround yourself with nature. Spend time outdoors to rejuvenate your mind and body. Living a balanced lifestyle is about making conscious choices that prioritize your well-being and happiness. It’s not about perfection but about harmony between various aspects of your life. Start small, stay consistent, and watch your life transform into one of fulfillment and joy. One thought on “The Essentials of Living a Balanced Lifestyle”
SIMILARITY: 0.4130 The National Health Service is at a critical time in its history. Life expectancy has improved significantly over recent years whilst technology in the health care field is advancing at an exponential rate and expectations are understandably higher than they once were. Although living longer, people are, on average, spending a greater proportion of their lives in ill health and dependency than was previously the case. This is clearly putting a greater burden on financial and human resources to help look after the most vulnerable in our communities. NHS England has set up 43 Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships across the whole of England to address how best to allocate Health and Social Care resource in the light of the above challenges. This gives those Councils with the responsibility for Health Scrutiny a unique opportunity. The Overview function of scrutiny committees is often lost within the scrutiny function but with the STP format dealing with the current challenges, this allows Scrutiny Committees to take a more thematic approach and contribute to the debate concerning what future services should look like as well as their traditional scrutiny role. I think this is an exciting time for Health Scrutiny. This video features a live webinar with Keith Willett, Director of Acute Care, NHS, Cllr Richard Kemp, Liverpool City Council and Deputy Chair of the LGA Community and Wellbeing Board and myself providing a clinicians guide to local government scrutiny.
SIMILARITY: 0.4326 200 Trailblazing Leaders in Women’s Health and FemTech In 2024, women's health has seen significant strides through innovative technologies and policy initiatives. On the policy front, the launch of the Women’s Health Research Initiative by the Biden administration in the previous year has begun to bear fruit, with increased funding and research into conditions that disproportionately affect women, potentially closing the gender health gap. Investment in women's health has also seen a surge, with venture capital firms showing a marked interest in digital health startups, reflected by a 25% increase in women's concerns about personal health since Q2 2020 in the US alone. The focus on women's health is also reflected in the economic argument for investment; a report suggests that closing the women's health gap could boost the global economy by $1 trillion by 2040. These developments underscore a global push towards not only improving health outcomes but also empowering women with control over their health and reproductive choices. A notable advancement includes the development of molecular cryopreservation techniques, extending ovarian tissue viability by 70%, which is a game-changer for fertility preservation. Additionally, synthetic gene activation protocols are emerging as potential solutions to reverse age-related degradation in gametes, offering new hope for women facing age-related fertility challenges. Further, the year has marked a shift towards more personalized and accessible healthcare solutions in women's health. Innovations like AI-driven fertility aids are gaining traction, with applications ranging from personalized IVF protocols to early diagnosis of conditions like PCOS and endometriosis. This technology is particularly revolutionary in regions where infertility rates can reach up to 30% among women. Moreover, the market for menopause-related products and services is expanding, with projections indicating it could become a billion-dollar industry, driven by new research into menopause's physiological impacts and economic effects. In response, we set out to celebrate leaders and innovators shaping the present and future of women's health. We invited our community to nominate founders, scientists, researchers, innovators, and advocates—and were thrilled to receive over 300 submissions! Our compilation of 200 Trailblazing Leaders in Women’s Health and FemTech aims to make the industry more accessible, inclusive, and ultimately visible. Disclaimer: The list has been arranged alphabetically and not in rank. We have also not included any medical titles in our list of participants, so it’s easier to navigate the list in alphabetical order by the name of the person. There are many more leaders who should be on this list and we’d like to encourage everyone to continue adding to it by posting in the comments. Also, in case you think we have missed someone or wish to suggest a correction, please drop us a line at [email protected]. Aidan Crawley, co-founder and CEO at Amber Therapeutics Alia Rahman, founder and CEO of Amplexd Therapeutics Alice Zheng, Elizabeth Bailey, and Stasia Obremskey, co-founders of Foreground Capital Amanda Shea, Fractional Chief Science Officer at Clue Amy Beckley, founder and CEO of Proov Amy Divaraniya, founder and CEO of Oova Amy Keenan, Chief Marketing Officer at Hello Inside Ana Cristina Gonzalez Velez, Senior advisor on the right to health and gender equality at Mesa por la Vida y la Salud de las Mujeres, Colombia Andrea Ippolito, CEO and Founder of SimpliFed Ann-Marie de Lange, Scientist and Leader of FemiLab Anna Butterworth, Managing Director of Ultra Violet Agency Anna Laura Ross, Head of Emerging Technologies, research prioritisation and support, WHO Anna Luisa Schaffgotsch, founder and CEO of Impli Anna O’Sullivan, founder of Future FemHealth and co-founder of the CensHERship campaign Anne Fulenwider and Monica Molenaar, co-founders of Alloy Women’s Health Anoushka Gungadin, CEO and MD of HeraMED Antonella Chadha Santuccione, founder and CEO of Women's Brain Project Anu Parvatiyar and Julie Yip, co-founders of Ananya Health Arianne Kidder, Partner at Seae Ventures Arion Long, founder and CEO of Femly Alyssa Dweck MS MD FACOG, MSCP, Chief Medical Officer of Bonafide Health Barry Mc Cann, Padraig Maher and Marie-Therese Maher, co-founders of NUA Surgical Beatrice Aretz, founder and CEO of Caona Health, co-founder of FemTech Germany Beth Battaglino, President and CEO at HealthyWomen Bethany Corbin, co-founder and CEO of FemInnovation, Femtech lawyer Brittany Barreto, PhD Author of Best Seller, Unlocking Women's Health, Femtech and the Quest for Gender Equity Camille Escudero, founder of Lily of the Valley Carina Kohli, founder and CEO of Humm Care Carine Carmy, co-founder and CEO at Origin Carla Cressy, founder and CEO of The Endometriosis Foundation Carli Sapir, Founding Partner at Amboy Street Ventures Carolee Lee, founder and CEO of Women's Health Access Matters Carolyn Witte and Felicity Yost, co-founders of Tia Carolyn M Mazure, Director and founder of Women's Health Research at Yale and Chair of the White House Initiative on Women's Health Research Cecilia Caetano, Vice President - Head Global Medical Affairs Women’s Health at Bayer Charlotte Nørgaard Langer, founder of Nordic Women's Health Hub Chris Wigley, co-founder and CEO of Aneira Health Cindy Gallop, founder and CEO at MakeLoveNotPorn Claire Dixon, co-founder and CEO of Neuraura Clara Mackay, CEO of the World Ovarian Cancer Coalition Claudia Chisari, founder and CEO of Bloume Health Colette Courtion, founder and CEO of Joylux Colleen Acosta, co-founder and CEO of Freya Biosciences Cristina Ljungberg, Gerda Mazi Larsson, Wendy Anderson, co-founders of The Case For Her Cynthia Plotch and Jamie Norwood, Co-Founders of Winx Health Daniella Gilboa, co-founder and CEO of AIVF Delphine Moulu, co-founder and Managing Director of Femtech France Denise Pines, co-founder and CEO of FemAging Project and one of the co-authors of the documentary "The M Factor: Shredding the Silence on Menopause" Dina Radenkovic, co-founder and CEO of Gameto Dmitry Gurski, co-founder and CEO of Flo Health Christy (Tomkins) Lane and Laura J. McDonald, co-founders of Flora Fertility Elina Berglund Scherwitzl, co-founder and CEO of Natural Cycles Elizabeth (Onyemelukwe) Garner, women’s health expert and advocate, C-suite pharma executive and independent Board Chair and member Emilie Faure, founder and CEO of Juniver EJ Kim and Marina Pen, co-founders of NNABI Ella Smoraczewska Harris, founder and CEO of Uvisa Health Eleonora Cavani, founder and CEO of Alba Health Elena Rueda and Paulina Cecula, co-founders of Dama Health Elizabeth Gazda, CEO of Embr Labs Emilė Radytė and Alex Cook, co-founders of Samphire Neuroscience Emily Napier, New Business Development Leader Europe - MCC & Women’s Health at Philips Esther Krofah, Executive Vice President at Milken Institute Health Fahti Khosrowshahi, founder, CEO and President of Ceek Women’s Health Gina Nebesar, co-founder and Chief Product Officer at Ovia Health Giovanna Forte, CEO of Forte Medical Hannah Samano, founder and CEO of Unfabled Helen O'Neill, Natalie Getreu and Deirdre O'Neill, co-founders of Hertility Health Helene Guillaume Pabis, founder and CEO of Hope Yates, Chief Strategy Officer, Women's Health at Columbia University Irving Medical Center Ida Tin, founder and CEO of FemTech Assembly, co-founder of Clue, mother of the term ‘femtech’ Ikram Guerd, VP of Global Marketing and Managing Director US of Aspivix Inessa Lurye, Senior Director of Product & Head of Women’s Health at Hinge Health Irene Aninye, Chief Science Officer at the Society for Women's Health Research (SWHR) Isabelle Guenou and Miriam Santer, co-founders of theblood Jackie Rotman, founder and CEO of the Center for Intimacy Justice Janine Austin Clayton, Associate Director of Research on Women's Health at the National Institutes of Health Jas Schembri-Stothart and Jo Goodall, co-founders of Luna Jeni Mayorskaya, founder and CEO of Stork Club Jennifer Kidwell Drake, Director and Women's Health Lead at Gates Ventures (Exemplars in Global Health) Jenny Button, founder and CEO of Emm Jenny Lundkvist, Jennifer Grönqvist, Malin Frithiofsson, co-founders of Daya Jessica Karr, founder and Managing Director at Coyote Ventures Joanna Griffiths, founder and President at Knix Joanna Strober, co-founder and CEO of Midi Health Jodi Neuhauser, co-founder of the Women’s Health PAC and founder of In Women’s Health John Mastrototaro, CEO of Movano Health Jon Brandon, co-founder and CEO of Foria Joyce Harper, Professor in Reproductive Science at UCL Karina Vazirova and Katia Lang, co-founders of FemTech Lab Karolina Lofqvist, founder and CEO of Hormona Kate Ryder, founder and CEO of Maven Kathrin Folkendt, founder and CEO of Femtech Insider Kathryn Godburn Schubert, President and CEO, Society for Women's Health Research Kiki Freedman, co-founder and CEO of Hey Jane Kim Palmer, founder of Clementine Kim Rodriguez, President and CEO of Vitara Biomedical Kiran Roest, co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer at PocDoc Kelsey Mayo, CEO of Armor Medical Inc. Lara Solomon, founder of Hoopsy Lara Zibners Lohr and Thang Vo-Ta, co-founders of Calla Lily Clinical Care Laura McGrath, founder and CEO of Lola&Lykke Laura Yecies, CEO and Board Member of Bone Health Technologies Libby Tanswell-Gidney, founder and CEO of Ove Care Liliane Brunner Halbach and Jessica Chung, co-founders of Artemis Women’s Health Foundation Linda Goler Blount, President at Black Women's Health Imperative Linda Greub, Managing Partner at Avestria Ventures Lindsay Balfour, Assistant Professor at Coventry University Lindsay Davis, founder of FemTech Association Asia Lindsey Calcutt and Theresa Gevaert, co-founders of Incora Health Liz Powell, founder of G2G Consulting, co-founder of Women's Digital Health Network and Breast Cancer Early Detection Coalition Loewen Cavill, co-founder and CEO of Amira Health Lucy Perez, Senior Partner, Life Sciences at McKinsey & Company Lyndsey Harper, CEO and founder of Rosy Wellness Maike Scharp, Deputy Director, Diagnostics and co-chair of Innovation Equity Forum at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Maaike Steinebach, founder and CEO of FemTech Future Limited, host of Femtech At Work podcast Maria Alvarez de Sotomayor Vergara, Venture Lead at Essity Ventures Maria D. Toler, Founding and Managing Partner at SteelSky Ventures Maria Gabriela Salvador, CEO of Maternova Marina Rigau, co-founder and CEO of MiMARK Marissa Fayer, CEO and founder of HERhealthEQ, CEO at DeepLook Medical Margaret Zablocka, founder and CEO of Onoco Marina Gerner, Journalist, Adjunct Professor at NYU Stern and author of the book ‘The Vagina Business’ Martha Silcott, founder and CEO of FabLittleBag Maryon Stewart BEM, CEO of Femmar Maureen Brown, CEO and Co-founder of Mosie Baby Maxime Kryvian, co-founder and CEO of Celsius Innovations Maxine Mackintosh, Co-founder and Co-Director of One HealthTech Maya Goldstein, Director of Strategy and External Affairs, Gender Lead at Impact Global Health Megan Huchko, Ob/Gyn, Associate Professor and Director of Duke Center for Global Reproductive Health Melissa Teran, CEO at Alife Melissa Wallace, co-founder of Fierce Foundry Michal Elovitz, Dean of Women’s Health Research and Director of Women’s Biomedical Research Institute at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Michelle Griffin, health expert, strategist, advisor and BBC women's health columnist Michelle Kennedy, founder and CEO of Peanut Mika Miyake, Business Development Manager, EMEA, at Garmin Health Mindy Simmon, Co-Director at NHS Innovation Accelerator Mitzi Krockover, Managing Director, Co-Chair Health Sector Committee and Founding Member, Arizona Chapter of Golden Seeds and Podcast Host Morgane Leten and Jan Deruyck, co-founders of Guud Nadia Neytcheva, co-founder and CEO of Doctorsa Nadine Wunderlich, co-founder and CEO at Lilio Navneet Kaur, founder and CEO of FemTech India Neta Gotlieb, Product Manager and Women’s Health Lead at Oura Nimmi Ramanujam, Director of the Center for Global Women's Health Technologies at Duke University and founder of Calla Health Foundation Olena Ivanova, MD, PhD, co-founder of FemTech Germany, founder of Women’s Health and Femtech Ukraine Olivia Orchowski, founder and CEO of KYRI Oriana Papin-Zoghbi and Anna Milik Jeter, co-founders AOA Dx Inc. Pamela Walker Geddes and Tatum Getty, founding partners of THENA Capital Pete Anevski, CEO of Progyny Piraye Yurttas Beim PhD, CEO and Co-Founder of Celmatix Priyanka Jain, co-founder and CEO of Evvy Professor Dame Lesley Regan, Women’s Health Ambassador for England Rachel Bartholomew, founder and CEO of Hyivy and Femtech Canada Rachel Blank, founder and CEO of Allara Health Rachel Braun Scherl, co-founder of SPARK Solutions for growth and co-host of Business of the V Raphaelle Taub, CEO of Matricis AI Reenita Das, Partner at Frost & Sullivan, Board Member of Arab Health Richika Sahay Shukla, Director and co-founder of India IVF fertility Rohi Hourvitz and Almog Luz, co-founders of FertilAI Rosanne Longmore, CEO of Coroflo Sabrina (Martucci) Johnson, President and CEO at DARÉ Bioscience Sadie Dobrozsi, medical director for genetic testing and oncology imaging at Evolent Sam Simister and Heather Jackson, co-founders of GenM Samantha (Mandy) Pulliam, Chief Medical Officer of Axena Health Sara Naseri, co-founder and CEO of Qvin Sarah Cowlishaw, Life Sciences Regulatory Partner and co-chair of Covington's Digital Health Initiative Sarah Dillingham, co-founder and CEO of Grace&Able Senan Ebrahim, founder and CEO of Delfina Shana Bartlett, Executive Director, Women’s Health Strategy at CVS Health Shashwata Narain, co-founder and CEO of Veera Health Shavini Fernando, founder and CEO of OxiWear Shruthi Mahalingaiah, M.D., M.S., physician-scientist, Assistant Professor of Environmental, Reproductive, and Women's Health at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Simone Theiss, Program Manager EPFL Innovation Park and Tech4Eva Accelerator Sioned Fôn Jones, COO and co-founder of BoobyBiome Somer Baburek, MBA, CEO at Hera Biotech Sophia Yen, MD, MPH, co-founder and CEO of Pandia Health Sophie Smith, founder and CEO of Nabta Health Stasa Stankovic, co-founder of OvartiX, Strategy Consultant, Genomics & AI for Drug Discovery at AstraZeneca Stephanie Kuku, Chief Knowledge Officer at Conceivable Life Sciences and Co-Investigator/Clinical AI at the Institute of Women’s Health at UCL Stiliyana Minkovska, founder and CEO of Matrix Health & Care Susan Stover, Marketing Lead at Hyivy Health, Advisory Board Member FemTech Canada and FemTech India Svetlana Kazantseva and Svetlana Grinchenko, co-founders of Strawberry Health Sylvia Kang, co-founder and CEO of Mira Tammy Sun, founder and CEO at Carrot Fertility Tara Croft, CEO of Baymatob Teodora Popa, Director of Reproductive Science and Women's Health at UCL and Chief Innovation Officer at Avenues Terry Weber, CEO of Biote Theresa Neil, founder of Femovate, a global femtech incubator Thao Nguyen, founder and CEO of Equal Care Tina Keshani, co-founder and CEO of Seven Starling Trish Costello, founder and CEO of Portfolia Ula Rustamova and Irene Jia, co-founders of Level Zero Health Ula Sankowska, co-owner and co-CEO at MIM Fertility Valentina Milanova, founder and CEO of Daye Valeria Leuti, founder of Tech4Fem Victoria Iezzi, Senior Manager and co-leader of the Women’s Health and Wellness Technology Group at Withum Vikram Bhaskaran, co-founder of Roon Wolfgang Hackl, founder and CEO of OncoGenomX Our Partners Covington is proud to support the transformative work shaping the future of women’s health. From fundraising and investment, to navigating complex regulatory pathways, to forming strategic partnerships, Covington provides expert, pragmatic, legal guidance to help founders, investors, and companies at all stages achieve their goals. Their global, cross-disciplinary team regularly advises clients across industry sectors on matters arising across the lifecycle of women’s health and femtech solutions, including AI, commercial contracts, digital health, drug and medical device development, healthcare services, intellectual property, M&A, privacy and data security, and venture capital. For further information on women’s health, please contact their team. If you are interested in learning more about our work in the women’s health space, below are some options for you to get involved. Become a WoW member here Join our LinkedIn femtech group where we discuss all things women’s health, femtech innovation, and investment Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date with our activities Join our virtual conference ‘Menopause 2.0’ happening in May, get your ticket here Reach out to our team at Women of Wearables via this link Find out more about WoW on our website
SIMILARITY: 0.6417 Health and Wellness Learning about health and wellness can help us honor the body of Christ and strengthen our faith. By taking care of our bodies, we show gratitude for God’s gift and are better equipped to serve others. Good health can also help us remain centered in our faith and connect more deeply with God. By living a healthy and balanced lifestyle, we create a strong foundation for our faith and better serve God and others in the world around us.
SIMILARITY: 0.4182 top of page Chronic conditions like hypertension and diabetes require long-term management, and Traditional Chinese Medicine offers a holistic approach that addresses the root causes rather than just the symptoms. In TCM, chronic conditions stem from imbalances in the body’s energy, or **Qi**. We recognize that each individual is unique, so we assess your physical, emotional, and lifestyle factors to create a personalized treatment plan. Your journey begins with an in-depth consultation, allowing us to tailor your care. Our goal is to empower you in managing your health through sustainable, natural solutions, ensuring ongoing support and adaptation as your needs evolve. bottom of page
SIMILARITY: 0.4223 Our Vision: "Children, young people and their families will receive the right help, at the right time, from the right person to manage their own mental health." Mental Health Information for: Mental Health is a Spectrum Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel and act. It helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices. Mental health is important at every age and stage of our life, in childhood, adolescence and adulthood! Every day of our lives, we are all somewhere on this spectrum, this will look and feel different for each person. Adapted from the Centre for Mental Health 2021 Local Services and Support There are many local services that help and support young people with their mental health and wellbeing needs. For some young people, further specialist support from CAMHS is needed. School Nursing Service who provide health and wellbeing support to children and young people aged 5-18 years. Low Level Mental Health Support in Schools, youth information workers provide counselling within schools across Dumfries & Galloway to support young people from P6 – S6. Educational Psychology Service; our role is to apply psychology and research evidence to improve the educational experiences and outcomes for all children and young people. Barnardo’s Hear4U Advocacy Support in Schools Service this gives children and young people the opportunity to speak to someone independent about their worries or uncertainties so that they can get some support on how to overcome them in a positive way. Youth Work Services Live Blether Chat: you can chat to a youth worker online about anything that is on your mind or bothering you. FOLLOW US check out CAMHS DG social media and get the latest news and information. How useful was this page? Click on a star to rate it! Votecount: 5 | Average Rating: 4.2 No votes so far! Be the first to rate this post.
SIMILARITY: 0.4737 Open menu Public Health Journal list by title Journal list by subject area Search Metrics About: Public Health Contacts - The SciELO Network National and thematic collections Journal list by title Journal list by subject Search Metrics OAI and RSS About the SciELO Network Contacts Blog SciELO in Perspective Open Access Revista de Saúde Pública Publication of: Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo Area: Health Sciences ISSN printed version: 0034-8910 ISSN online version: 1518-8787 Português Español Submission of manuscripts About the journal Editorial Board Instructions to authors Journal homepage all issues « previous issue current issue next issue » search metrics all current issue search metrics Share Other social networks Google+ LinkedIn Reddit StambleUpon CiteULike Mendeley Table of contents Revista de Saúde Pública, Volume: 17, Issue: 1, Published: 1983 All the sections Artigos Originais Atualidades Editorial « Notas Epidemiológicas Notícias Resumo de Livros New sections of the Journal of Public Health Editorial Forattini, Oswaldo Paulo PDF: pt Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo - SP - Brazil E-mail: [email protected] Stay informed of issues for this journal through your RSS reader Open menu Public Health Revista de Saúde Pública Current issue: Issues • all « previous current next » Journal Submission of manuscripts About the journal Editorial Board Instructions to authors Contact × Close Mensagem × Close Mensagem
SIMILARITY: 0.4287 In light of these findings for positive wellbeing, as well as of the complex conceptual content of sense of humor, it is possible that sense of humor is best conceived of as one aspect of a broader psychological characteristic that facilitates a general state of wellbeing, rather than a specific emotional state of mirthfulness. In an endearingly not particularly funny article, Mark Crislip at Science-Based Medicine explores laughter as medicine and sense of humor as a marker for health (and touches on something I’ve always suspected: the more you complain, the harder you are to kill).
SIMILARITY: 0.4498 Get my own profile Public access View all31 articles 8 articles available not available Based on funding mandates Co-authors - William CrownDistinguished Research Scientist, Brandeis UniversityVerified email at - Kalyan PasupathyUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoVerified email at - David MeltzerUniversity of ChicagoVerified email at - Nathaniel OsgoodProfessor of Computer Science (Associate, Comm. Health & Epid.), University of SaskatchewanVerified email at - Dane MoranBaylor College of MedicineVerified email at - Stacie DusetzinaVanderbilt University Medical CenterVerified email at - Harlan KrumholzYale UniversityVerified email at - Michael J. Blaha MD MPHProfessor of Cardiology & Epidemiology, Director Clinical Research, Johns Hopkins Ciccarone CenterVerified email at - Roger S Blumenthal, MDJohns Hopkins University; Director, Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease;Verified email at - Miguel Cordero-ComaUveitis Unit. University Hospital of León and Instituto de Biomedicina (IBIOMED), University of LeónVerified email at - Ziv EpsteinStanford UniversityVerified email at - Don HedekerUniversity of ChicagoVerified email at - Justin Sacks MD MBA FACSWashington University School of MedicineVerified email at - Alison WongDalhousie UniversityVerified email at - Marion R. Sills, MD, MPHProfessor of Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of MedicineVerified email at - James LevinCMIO Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMCVerified email at - Samir S. ShahCincinnati Children's Hospital Medical CenterVerified email at - Heather D AndersonAssistant Professor, University of Colorado Skaggs School of PharmacyVerified email at - Vineet AroraUniversity of ChicagoVerified email at - Micah ProchaskaUniversity of ChcicagoVerified email at
SIMILARITY: 0.4874 Introduction Health Is A Dynamic And Multifaceted Aspect Of Life That Influences Individuals And Communities Alike. In Recent Years, Several Prominent Figures And Organizations Have Made Headlines Regarding Health Issues, Career Opportunities, And Advancements In Medical Care. This Article Explores The Health Updates Of Randy Jackson And Princess Kate, Career Opportunities At Atrium Health, And Important Information Regarding Gastro Health. Randy Jackson’s Health Journey Randy Jackson, Best Known As A Music Producer And A Judge On “American Idol,” Has Faced Various Health Challenges In Recent Years. He Has Been Open About His Journey, Particularly Regarding His Battle With Diabetes And Weight Management. Diabetes Diagnosis And Management In 2003, Randy Was Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes. This Diagnosis Was A Turning Point For Him, Prompting Lifestyle Changes That Included Dietary Adjustments And Increased Physical Activity. Jackson’s Journey Has Resonated With Many Who Struggle With Similar Health Issues. - Dietary Changes: Randy Adopted A Healthier Diet, Focusing On Whole Foods, Reducing Sugar Intake, And Monitoring His Carbohydrate Consumption. He Has Shared His Experiences In Interviews And Public Appearances, Emphasizing The Importance Of Nutrition In Managing Diabetes. - Physical Activity: Along With Dietary Changes, Jackson Incorporated Regular Exercise Into His Routine. He Has Been Vocal About The Benefits Of Physical Activity In Maintaining A Healthy Weight And Managing Diabetes. Impact On Career Despite His Health Challenges, Randy Jackson Has Continued To Thrive In His Career. He Has Remained Active In The Music Industry And Has Even Launched Health-Related Initiatives. His Story Serves As An Inspiration To Others Facing Similar Battles, Showing That It Is Possible To Overcome Health Issues While Continuing To Pursue One’s Passions. Princess Kate’s Health Update Princess Kate, The Duchess Of Cambridge, Has Also Made Headlines Recently With Updates Regarding Her Health. Her Focus On Mental Health And Well-Being, Along With Her Public Appearances And Charitable Initiatives, Highlights The Importance Of Health In Royal Duties. Mental Health Advocacy Princess Kate Has Been A Vocal Advocate For Mental Health, Launching Initiatives Aimed At Supporting Mental Well-Being For Individuals And Families. Her Work Through The Royal Foundation And Other Charitable Organizations Aims To Raise Awareness And Reduce Stigma Surrounding Mental Health Issues. - Shout Campaign: One Of The Notable Initiatives Is The Shout Campaign, Which Offers A 24/7 Text Support Service For Anyone In Crisis. This Program Aims To Provide Immediate Help And Resources To Those In Need, Reflecting Kate’s Commitment To Mental Health. - Public Appearances: Recently, Princess Kate Has Participated In Various Events Promoting Mental Health Awareness. These Appearances Not Only Help Raise Awareness But Also Inspire Others To Prioritize Their Mental Well-Being. Personal Health In Addition To Her Advocacy Work, There Have Been Updates Regarding Princess Kate’s Personal Health. Like Many Individuals, She Has Faced Challenges Related To Balancing Public Life With Family Responsibilities. Reports Indicate That She Emphasizes A Healthy Lifestyle, Including Regular Exercise And A Balanced Diet, To Maintain Her Health And Well-Being. Atrium Health Careers: Opportunities And Growth Atrium Health Is One Of The Leading Healthcare Systems In The United States, Providing A Wide Range Of Services Across Various Medical Disciplines. The Organization Is Dedicated To Improving Health And Wellness, And Its Commitment Extends To Fostering Career Opportunities Within The Healthcare Sector. Career Opportunities Atrium Health Offers A Diverse Range Of Career Opportunities For Individuals Interested In The Medical Field. Whether You’re A Healthcare Professional Or Seeking Administrative Roles, Atrium Health Provides Numerous Pathways For Growth. - Healthcare Professionals: Atrium Health Seeks Doctors, Nurses, Therapists, And Other Healthcare Providers Committed To Delivering Quality Patient Care. The Organization Emphasizes Continuing Education And Professional Development, Ensuring That Employees Can Advance In Their Careers. - Administrative Roles: In Addition To Clinical Positions, Atrium Health Offers Administrative Roles That Support The Overall Functioning Of The Healthcare System. These Positions Include Human Resources, Finance, And Operations Management. Work Environment Atrium Health Is Known For Its Supportive Work Environment. The Organization Prioritizes Employee Well-Being And Fosters A Culture Of Teamwork And Collaboration. Employees Are Encouraged To Pursue Their Passions And Contribute To Improving Health Outcomes In Their Communities. - Employee Benefits: Atrium Health Offers Competitive Benefits Packages, Including Health Insurance, Retirement Plans, And Opportunities For Continuing Education. These Benefits Reflect The Organization’s Commitment To The Well-Being Of Its Employees. - Community Engagement: Atrium Health Also Emphasizes Community Engagement, Encouraging Employees To Participate In Volunteer Activities And Health Outreach Programs. This Involvement Strengthens The Connection Between The Organization And The Communities It Serves. Understanding Gastro Health Gastro Health Refers To The Health Of The Digestive System, Which Plays A Crucial Role In Overall Well-Being. Disorders Of The Gastrointestinal Tract Can Significantly Impact An Individual’s Quality Of Life, Making It Essential To Understand And Address Gastro Health Concerns. Common Gastrointestinal Disorders Several Common Gastrointestinal Disorders Can Affect Individuals, Including: - Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): A Functional Gastrointestinal Disorder Characterized By Symptoms Such As Abdominal Pain, Bloating, And Changes In Bowel Habits. Managing IBS Often Involves Dietary Modifications And Stress Management Techniques. - Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): A Chronic Condition Where Stomach Acid Flows Back Into The Esophagus, Causing Symptoms Like Heartburn And Regurgitation. Lifestyle Changes And Medications Can Help Manage GERD Symptoms. - Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): This Term Encompasses Conditions Such As Crohn’s Disease And Ulcerative Colitis, Which Involve Chronic Inflammation Of The Digestive Tract. Treatment Often Includes Medication And Dietary Management. - Celiac Disease: An Autoimmune Disorder Triggered By The Consumption Of Gluten, Leading To Damage In The Small Intestine. Individuals With Celiac Disease Must Adhere To A Strict Gluten-Free Diet To Manage Their Symptoms. Importance Of Gastro Health Maintaining Good Gastro Health Is Vital For Overall Wellness. A Healthy Digestive System Aids In Nutrient Absorption, Supports The Immune System, And Contributes To Mental Health. Individuals Experiencing Gastrointestinal Issues Should Seek Medical Advice For Proper Diagnosis And Treatment. - Dietary Considerations: Nutrition Plays A Crucial Role In Gastro Health. Consuming A Balanced Diet Rich In Fiber, Fruits, Vegetables, And Whole Grains Can Promote Digestive Health. Staying Hydrated And Avoiding Excessive Processed Foods Can Also Benefit The Gastrointestinal Tract. - Regular Check-Ups: Regular Medical Check-Ups Can Help Detect Potential Gastro Health Issues Early. Gastroenterologists Specialize In Diagnosing And Treating Gastrointestinal Disorders, Providing Valuable Support For Those Facing Digestive Health Challenges. Conclusion Health Is An Essential Aspect Of Life That Affects Individuals In Various Ways. The Journeys Of Randy Jackson And Princess Kate Illustrate The Importance Of Personal Health And Advocacy, While Atrium Health Offers Valuable Career Opportunities In The Healthcare Sector. Additionally, Understanding Gastro Health And Its Impact On Overall Well-Being Is Crucial For Individuals Seeking To Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle.
SIMILARITY: 0.4212 Mara Vitolins to Mortality This is a "connection" page, showing publications Mara Vitolins has written about Mortality. Connection Strength 0.268 - Thomson CA, Garcia DO, Wertheim BC, Hingle MD, Bea JW, Zaslavsky O, Caire-Juvera G, Rohan T, Vitolins MZ, Thompson PA, Lewis CE. Body shape, adiposity index, and mortality in postmenopausal women: Findings from the Women's Health Initiative. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2016 05; 24(5):1061-9. Score: 0.124 - Zaslavsky O, Rillamas-Sun E, LaCroix AZ, Woods NF, Tinker LF, Zisberg A, Shadmi E, Cochrane B, Edward BJ, Kritchevsky S, Stefanick ML, Vitolins MZ, Wactawski-Wende J, Zelber-Sagi S. Association Between Anthropometric Measures and Long-Term Survival in Frail Older Women: Observations from the Women's Health Initiative Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 Feb; 64(2):277-84. Score: 0.123 - Brunner RL, Wactawski-Wende J, Caan BJ, Cochrane BB, Chlebowski RT, Gass ML, Jacobs ET, LaCroix AZ, Lane D, Larson J, Margolis KL, Millen AE, Sarto GE, Vitolins MZ, Wallace RB. The effect of calcium plus vitamin D on risk for invasive cancer: results of the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) calcium plus vitamin D randomized clinical trial. Nutr Cancer. 2011; 63(6):827-41. Score: 0.022
SIMILARITY: 0.4478 Article Author(s): US life expectancy fell by nearly a year in 2021 to 76.1 years; Pfizer’s COVID-19 pill reduced the number of hospitalizations and deaths among older adults during the Omicron surge in Israel; current smokers were found to have thicker, heavier, and weaker hearts compared with nonsmokers. Life expectancy in the United States dropped in 2021 to 76.1 years, NPR reported based on a provisional analysis from the CDC. This marks the second year in a row the US life expectancy fell; last week the CDC reported that life expectancy dropped by 1.8 years between 2019 and 2020 to 77.0 years. The largest drop in 2021 was among American Indian and Alaskan Native people, with the life expectancy for this group falling by nearly 2 years, from 67.1 in 2020 to 65.2 in 2021. There was also a greater decrease in life expectancy among White Americans compared with Black and Hispanic Americans, which was opposite of what was seen in 2020. According to some experts, attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines and other measures may play a role in these reduced numbers. Pfizer’s COVID-19 pill, Paxlovid, reduced the number of hospitalizations and deaths among adults 65 years and older during the Omicron surge in Israel, The New York Times reported. However, the treatment made no difference for adults younger than 65 years who were at high risk for severe COVID-19. These findings come from one of the first real-world studies on Paxlovid’s efficacy against the Omicron variant, which included data from nearly 110,000 individuals who contracted COVID-19 between January and March 2021. Among 42,821 older adults, 766 patients who did not receive Paxlovid were later hospitalized, while only 11 patients who received the treatment were hospitalized, reflecting a 73% relative risk reduction. Additionally, death occurred in 2 of 2484 older adults who received treatment, and in 158 of 40,337 untreated patients, reflecting a 79% risk reduction. According to researchers at Herlev and Gentofte Hospital in Copenhagen, smoking negatively affects the structure and function of the heart, but quitting smoking can help the heart recuperate, Medical News Today reported. The study found that over a 10-year period, current smokers had thicker, heavier, and weaker hearts compared with individuals who had never smoked or quit smoking during that time. A correlation was also found between increased cigarette smoking and decreased ability of the heart to pump blood. Smoking cigarettes directly damages both the vascular and blood vessel walls, which leads to constriction, reduced elasticity, and impaired function of the endothelial or inner layer of the blood vessels, as well as a number of indirect effects.
SIMILARITY: 0.4925 Resources Health and wellbeing resources for leaders From frameworks, guides, and toolkits to calendars and webinars – we’ve got everything you need for your health and wellbeing strategy – regardless of whether you’re just starting out or looking to optimise an existing programme. Content Type Audience Topic Showing 23 Results
SIMILARITY: 0.4119 Health Tech at CES 2025 – Digital Transformation Supports Improved Experiences and Outcomes Digital health technology at CES 2025 unveiled innovations that could redefine personal wellness and healthcare delivery. While the exhibition floor buzzed with cutting-edge products, the Digital Health Summit sparked critical conversations about integrating these advancements into often outdated healthcare systems. From AI-powered solutions to wearable tech, the potential to enhance lives and transform care was on full display. Transformative Digital Health Innovations Among the standout technologies showcased were solutions aimed at making health monitoring and treatments more accessible and convenient. Hormone monitoring devices, such as those enabling saliva-based tests for cortisol and progesterone levels, highlighted the shift toward noninvasive, personal health tracking. These tools promise to empower individuals with real-time insights into stress and hormonal health. Needle-free injection systems also captured attention, offering a painless alternative for vaccinations and treatments. This innovation is poised to improve patient experiences, particularly for those who fear traditional needles. Similarly, wearable technologies — smart textiles, in particular — demonstrated how continuous health monitoring can be seamlessly integrated into daily life, tracking metrics like heart rate and body temperature through sensor-laden clothing. AI-driven platforms rounded out the innovations, with family wellness coaches and portable clinics pushing the boundaries of traditional healthcare delivery. These solutions cater to underserved areas and bring healthcare into the comfort of one’s home, bridging the gap between accessibility and quality care. The Digital Health Summit: Challenges and Opportunities The summit highlighted both the promise and hurdles of adopting digital health technologies. Industry leaders, including doctors, administrators, and other medical professionals, explored how AI and tech can improve patient outcomes and streamline care. A recurring theme was the role of consumers in driving innovation. Today’s patients expect healthcare systems to meet them where they are, mirroring the convenience they experience in other sectors. However, integrating these technologies into existing healthcare structures remains a significant challenge. Many systems are burdened with outdated infrastructure that resists change. For tech to take root, leaders emphasized the need for scalable solutions that allow seamless integration, better data sharing, and meaningful collaboration across the industry. One of the most critical discussions revolved around ensuring that these tools do more than add complexity to already strained workflows. Simplifying adoption for both providers and patients is essential to unlocking the full potential of AI and wearable health tech. Improving Outcomes and Expanding Longevity The promise of digital health technology lies in its ability to reshape patient care. By enabling continuous monitoring, predictive analytics, and early intervention, these tools could significantly improve outcomes and extend lifespans. For instance, AI-powered diagnostics and personalized health recommendations can identify risks earlier, helping providers act before problems escalate. Additionally, integrating tech into healthcare systems can reduce inequities in care delivery. Portable clinics and remote monitoring solutions open the door to high-quality healthcare in underserved areas, a vital step toward a more inclusive, equitable system. Looking Ahead As CES 2025 demonstrated, the marriage of technology and healthcare has never been more promising — or more necessary. With patients demanding better, faster, and more personalized care, the industry faces a pivotal moment. Adopting these tools into legacy systems will be challenging, but the potential rewards — improved outcomes, greater accessibility, and longer, healthier lives — make the effort worthwhile. The conversation now shifts from “if” to “how” these innovations can shape the future of health.
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SIMILARITY: 0.4101 press-archive Press: MSNBy Catherine LowdonMay 6, 2015 33 Awesome Products that Will Vastly Improve Your Life. Share Link copied! Tweet Share Pin it Previous post Next post
SIMILARITY: 0.4372 Linkedin Pinterest Twitter Home Fitness Health Lifestyle Nutrition Parenting Relationships Search About Us Medical Disclaimer Disclosure Contact Linkedin Pinterest Twitter Healthtian Home Fitness Health Lifestyle Nutrition Parenting Relationships Home Search Investing - search results If you're not happy with the results, please do another search Why Investing In Your Mental Health Is A Good Thing Editoral Staff - July 22, 2020 0 Top Tips for Choosing the Right Labels for Your Pharmacy Needs Holger Schmitz - November 1, 2024 0 Mark Grober’s Insights on Running and Weightlifting: A Balanced Approach to... Holger Schmitz - September 25, 2024 0 Anavex Reports Data Analysis From Alzheimer’s Therapy Trial Holger Schmitz - June 15, 2024 0 Healthy Meal Prep for a Busy Week: Time-Saving Tips & Recipes Holger Schmitz - March 10, 2024 0 Here’s How Movies Can Impact Your Mental Health for the Better! Holger Schmitz - January 24, 2024 0 Housebreaking and Indoor Accidents: Training Challenges and Insurance Coverage Holger Schmitz - October 9, 2023 0 An overview of the different therapy modalities used by mental health... Heather Jones - September 24, 2023 0 From Sore Soles To Smooth Steps: A Deep Dive Into Foot... Holger Schmitz - April 26, 2023 0 Get back in the pool: How soon can you swim after... Heather Jones - February 24, 2023 0 1 2 3 ... 7 Page 1 of 7 - Advertisement - TRENDING NOW Morning Vs Evening Workouts: Best Time? What Science Says Holger Schmitz - February 2, 2025 Dangerous Diseases Spread by Cockroaches and Their Symptoms Faith Ebiojo David - February 1, 2018 Slimbiosys Probiotics: Our Review Heather Jones - January 9, 2023 12 Most Common Diseases in Nigeria Emmanuella Ekokotu - September 27, 2019 What Is Systemic Disease? Ehikioya Hope - March 12, 2021 9 Benefits of Drinking Distilled Water Editoral Staff - August 22, 2019 Different Types of Tuberculosis and Symptoms Kingsley Felix - March 3, 2019 Highly Potent Herbs For Tooth Decay and Cavities Faith Ebiojo David - January 7, 2021 20 Home Remedies for Peripheral Arterial Disease Faith Ebiojo David - August 21, 2019 Lumps Under the Chin: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Deborah Akinola - August 10, 2020 Tonsil Stones and Tonsillitis: How to Tell the Difference? Kingsley Felix - June 24, 2018 Parasites: Types, Diseases They Cause, Prevention and More Emmanuella Ekokotu - January 10, 2020 Mandibular Advancement Device: Everything You Need to Know Oluwafemi Peter - December 14, 2020 What Is Mixed Connective Tissue Disease? Ehikioya Hope - February 22, 2021 Skin Rashes: Causes, Symptoms and Effective Home Remedies Faith Ebiojo David - May 19, 2018
SIMILARITY: 0.4966 LAGOS. Comes Alive for wellness to African communities (edition 1) A special Cerutti Media Charity Report ¢¢ All is now set for the maiden wellness workshop on chronic disease in the community A brainchild of Total Body wellness foundation in partnership with Hope Valley medical clinic, the event will held at Calabar community hall ,surulere, Lagos by exactly 11 a.m on Thursday November 19th, 2015 In this report ,we gladly present the brief profile of the distinguish speakers at the historic event GUEST SPEAKERS DEACON KAYODE ADEBOYE is Health Minister. Kayode’s recovery from a health challenge in 2004 led to his being trained as at the Halleluyah Acres Ministry in North Carolina. Since his qualification as a Health Minister he has been spreading the message of healthy living in Churches and corporate environment. He is also working on a wellness community and facility where people can come to get healthy meals and also learn how to live healthy lives. Kayode is an ordained Deacon and also works as a communications consultant in an oil and gas company. Dr VICTOR CHUKWUEMEKA SN. is a Naturopathic medical practitioner and member NATM. A graduate of Accountancy from Imo State University, his passion for traditional medicine practice and general health awareness has made him travel to major part of Nigeria, educating and empowering people with health diagnosis machine. He is currently the President of Campaign for Good Health and Disease control. He hails from Imo State, married and bless with three lovely boys. OLUWAFUNMILAYO DAVID is a Minister of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST and an Attorney-at-Law. She runs full time, GEMS Evangelical Mission, a community oriented Christian ministry with several human outreaches. The Mission also runs GEMS PREPARATORY MISSION SCHOOLS, a non-fee-paying institution for children of the blind, destitute and needy. The children are taught, fed and clothed at no cost to them whatsoever. JAMES IRIVRADJE is an apostolic minister of the gospel with emphasis in the pure prophetic ministry of the Spirit; accompanied with signs and wonders. He is the president of “King James world Mission”, Pretoria city, South Africa(where he currently resides); the general overseer of Power Centre’ satellite town, Lagos, Nigeria. His evangelistic calls spans over Africa, America and Asia. He originates from Isoko North LGA, Delta State, Nigeria. He’s a blessed family man ONYEKA AZUBUIKE is a Fohow Healthcare Lecturer and a consultant; a B.Sc. holder of Business Administration at the University of Nigeria, a dedicated member of Fohow Healthcare International limited, has also been awarded as a medical consultant in 2014/2015 by Fohow Healthcare International. Onyeka Azubuike lives in Lagos, Nigeria) ¢¢ All is now set for the maiden wellness workshop on chronic disease in the community A brainchild of Total Body wellness foundation in partnership with Hope Valley medical clinic, the event will held at Calabar community hall ,surulere, Lagos by exactly 11 a.m on Thursday November 19th, 2015 In this report ,we gladly present the brief profile of the distinguish speakers at the historic event GUEST SPEAKERS DEACON KAYODE ADEBOYE is Health Minister. Kayode’s recovery from a health challenge in 2004 led to his being trained as at the Halleluyah Acres Ministry in North Carolina. Since his qualification as a Health Minister he has been spreading the message of healthy living in Churches and corporate environment. He is also working on a wellness community and facility where people can come to get healthy meals and also learn how to live healthy lives. Kayode is an ordained Deacon and also works as a communications consultant in an oil and gas company. Dr VICTOR CHUKWUEMEKA SN. is a Naturopathic medical practitioner and member NATM. A graduate of Accountancy from Imo State University, his passion for traditional medicine practice and general health awareness has made him travel to major part of Nigeria, educating and empowering people with health diagnosis machine. He is currently the President of Campaign for Good Health and Disease control. He hails from Imo State, married and bless with three lovely boys. OLUWAFUNMILAYO DAVID is a Minister of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST and an Attorney-at-Law. She runs full time, GEMS Evangelical Mission, a community oriented Christian ministry with several human outreaches. The Mission also runs GEMS PREPARATORY MISSION SCHOOLS, a non-fee-paying institution for children of the blind, destitute and needy. The children are taught, fed and clothed at no cost to them whatsoever. JAMES IRIVRADJE is an apostolic minister of the gospel with emphasis in the pure prophetic ministry of the Spirit; accompanied with signs and wonders. He is the president of “King James world Mission”, Pretoria city, South Africa(where he currently resides); the general overseer of Power Centre’ satellite town, Lagos, Nigeria. His evangelistic calls spans over Africa, America and Asia. He originates from Isoko North LGA, Delta State, Nigeria. He’s a blessed family man ONYEKA AZUBUIKE is a Fohow Healthcare Lecturer and a consultant; a B.Sc. holder of Business Administration at the University of Nigeria, a dedicated member of Fohow Healthcare International limited, has also been awarded as a medical consultant in 2014/2015 by Fohow Healthcare International. Onyeka Azubuike lives in Lagos, Nigeria) Comments Post a Comment
SIMILARITY: 0.4567 I hope that today’s post finds everyone happy, healthy and wearing a smile. As a matter of fact, smiling will be the topic of today’s conversation. I recently listened to a TED Talk podcast given by Ron Gutman. Ron is a speaker, writer, advisor, entrepreneur, angel investor and CEO and Founder of Health Tap, an interactive health company. In his talk, he spoke of the various powers of smiling, many of which were bordering on being unbelievable, but all were the documented results of scientific studies. If you enjoy podcasts, it is highly enjoyable listening. Various studies quoted in his talk explain the many benefits of smiling. People who smile have been shown to have longer life expectancy, reported happier lives, have longer and more fulfilling marriages, and are proven to be more inspiring to others around them. They have also been proven to be perceived as more likeable, more courteous and more competent by individuals who come in contact with them. While these are all certainly goals that, should they be achieved, would be welcome results in anyone’s life, we are going to focus on the last three that I stated: perceived likeability, courteousness, and competence. I have written before about the numerous benefits of being liked and respected by your clients. These benefits cannot be understated, as they play an enormous role in your success in life as well as in business. People prefer doing business with people they like, and something as simple as smiling, portraying happiness and contentment in your job, makes it easier for people to like you. Over the years of inspecting and managing inspectors, I have noticed that most of the problems that arise from home inspections occur when the buyer does not attend the inspection, and does not get to meet and develop any type of interpersonal relationship with the inspector; they aren’t given a chance to like them. When we like someone, and respect their competence, we will typically have more understanding when they make a mistake. Buyers that like their inspectors will normally be more understanding and amiable to a fair resolution when problems arise. If something as simple as wearing a smile can help me to prevent future problems, I’m all for it! We all have those acquaintances that are difficult to be around; we consider them friends, but their depressing outlook on life makes it a chore to spend time with them. We all know inspectors like this as well; every time you see them it looks like they have been sucking on a lemon! We attempt to limit personal interaction with these types of individuals, as it simply is not as enjoyable as being around someone with a happy, energetic and outgoing personality. Think of your circle of friends and look to the one that brings everyone down. We all have someone like that in our lives, and if you can’t find that person in your group, you may want to look in the mirror to be sure that it’s not you. We all have trial and tribulation in our lives, and putting on a happy disposition is not always easy. However, the benefits of putting on that happy face are scientifically documented, easy to see in your daily life, and cost you absolutely nothing except a little conscious effort. Smile like your life (and career) depends on it, because it probably does. 🙂 Please Share with Friends! I thoroughly enjoy creating these posts for you, the reader. Please take a moment to comment, letting me know what you think about the topic, and passing along any of your knowledge to our community. Please feel free to get in touch with me, letting me know if you have any specific topics that you would like to see covered on the site. And please feel free to share this content with your friends. The more people that we can help in their careers, the better! Thanks, Joe
SIMILARITY: 0.5121 An Alarming Epidemic When the popular consumption of a product category causes more deaths than all accidents on the roads of the United States and all deaths... Hello Wellness Seekers! Thank you for visiting our blog. I'm Yamira Lee "Mira" Johnson Certified Holistic Life Coach, Licensed Food Safety Manager, Wellness Cook & Food Whisperer. My own wellness journey led me on a quest for answers to understand how to deal with autoimmune and other modern lifestyle diseases. You'll find in our blog health and wellness best practices, expert curated content, and resources to learn how to find wholeness, while staying on track with life's demands. Our blog is based on life experiences, anecdotal evidence, expert collaborations, latest research and news. All the content shared here is for educational purpose only, and it does not intend to replace medical advice or diagnose any health conditions. Always consult with a trusted medical professional. We believe in sharing problem solving content and products, that have helpeds us bring value to our family, friends and people we serve. Please take note we might receive Payment for affiliate links, services and products shared through our website and store help support our business operation. Thank you for Your support to small businesses! Enjoy Much Peace & Health
SIMILARITY: 0.5142 Facebook Sign in Login Heart Failure Coronary Artery Disease Blood Pressure Cholesterol Arrythmia Related Conditions Diabetes Kidney Disease Sleep Apnea Stroke Valves Exercise Nutrition Balance Core Exercises Dash Diet Mediterranean Diet Rehab Medication Statins Supplements Treatment Surgery Devices Sign in Welcome! Log into your account your username your password Forgot your password? Privacy Policy Password recovery Recover your password your email Search Facebook Sign in / Join Activate My Web Access Customer Service My Account Pay My Bill Reset Password Log In Sign in Welcome! Log into your account your username your password Forgot your password? Get help Privacy Policy Password recovery Recover your password your email A password will be e-mailed to you. Heart Advisor About Us Free Newsletter Subscribe Login Heart Failure Coronary Artery Disease Blood Pressure Cholesterol Arrythmia Related Conditions Diabetes Kidney Disease Sleep Apnea Stroke Valves Exercise Nutrition Balance Core Exercises Dash Diet Mediterranean Diet Rehab Medication Statins Supplements Treatment Surgery Devices Home 2004 Archives Cholesterol Assessing Your Risk of Heart Disease estaff - June 24, 2004 Arrythmia Heart Beat: 07/04 estaff - June 24, 2004 Prevention How to Protect Womens Hearts estaff - June 24, 2004 Devices Hopes Rise for Cell Regeneration estaff - June 24, 2004 Nutrition & Exercise Home Workouts, Ample Carbs estaff - June 24, 2004 Ask the Doctors Ask the Doctors: 07/04 estaff - June 24, 2004
SIMILARITY: 0.4013 How to Create an Effective Health Goal Action Plan For the health of your heart, it’s crucial to consider going beyond one’s diet. As per Lauren Smith, Registered Dietitian and founder Lauren Smith Nutrition Coaching LLC Lauren Smith Nutrition Coaching LLC Other lifestyle elements have to be taken into consideration as well. Lauren. Smith noted that “exercise routines, alcohol consumption cigarettes or drinking, stress levels and diet all affect the way that your heart works.” In the American Heart Association recommends minutes of moderately active physical activities or vigorous physical exercise (or an equal combination thereofon a weekly basis. American Heart Association (AHA) stresses the benefits of exercise on their website. It is a great way to maintain your weight, stop weight gain after weight loss, and improve cardiovascular and physical fitness. The AHA recommends that individuals look at other options to integrate small amounts of exercise within their routines, like driving farther away or using stairs instead of taking the elevator. To achieve maximum benefit from physical activity, it is recommended to break up exercises evenly through each week. Smith is a Nutrition Coach with a large following on Instagram. Smith offers his clients a mixture of motivational interviewing and training to help make changes in their lifestyles. In relation to her offerings, Smith makes it known that her services are available virtually entirely. In her remarks on the way she interacts with her patients, Smith stated that she doesn’t place a lot of emphasis on any particular weight and instead focuses on the other aspects of a person’s health, like laboratory tests as well as energy levels digest, sleep and how a person’s mind is connected to food. She stressed the necessity of being proactive when it comes to fighting heart disease with nutrition, Smith noted that a diverse diet rich in fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and heart healthy fats like omega sand monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats should be the main focus. To maintain optimal health Smith highlighted that it is essential to include enough fibre in one’s food plan. Smith explained that fiber can be found in many food items such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes as well as seeds and nuts. He highlighted that berries are a particularly high source of fiber. Smith further emphasized the benefits of fiber for you heart. It lowers LDL cholesterol and reduces the risk of developing heart illness. Smith recommended that individuals who are already diagnosed with heart disease or who are in danger of developing it, speak with an experienced dietitian who can help them create a personalized plan. Smith stressed that he employs an individual approach to each customer to develop a plan perfectly suited to those clients’ needs. Smith advised that the entire people who have or already have cardiovascular problems are advised to reduce their sodium intake, stay away from saturated fats and eliminate trans fats. As a general rule, it’s not ill advised to live a healthy lifestyle. Based on one’s age work, occupation, and life style it is essential that you eat a wide selection of different foods. This includes complex carbs, lean proteins and various colors. It is important to include a mix of nutritious fats and lean protein in your diet to ensure that you meet all your nutritional needs. The drastic change like participating in fad diets, likely result in no lasting benefits. Better to focus on smaller changes, which will slowly alter your diet. As per Smith, “If the person has not been eating vegetables in their current diet, start by adding just one vegetable per every day. Conclusion Smith’s research suggests that a diet that is heart-healthy for any age and for all lifestyles is the ideal choice. The diet emphasizes avoiding processed food and processed products, in addition to salt and trans fats. They are among the major contributors to cardiovascular disease and other health issues. Smith recommends replacing processed food by eating complex carbohydrates, protein-rich lean foods, and color that fit to your daily routine. If you’re trying to change your lifestyle to be healthier in your life, you can begin by following Smith’s suggestions about the aspects of diet that affect heart health.
SIMILARITY: 0.4018 Take Back Control with Qi Coils Hidden Health Dangers Are Shortening Your Life... Every day, unseen health threats are undermining your vitality. Don't be powerless, harness revolutionary Rife frequencies to defend your health When Last Did You Feel Truly Healthy? Don’t Let Chronic Illness Define Your Life If you cannot remember the last time you were not just okay or free from pain for a few hours, but deeply, vibrantly well, you're not alone. Too many people are held hostage by chronic conditions like Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, or persistent fatigue, cycling through treatments that only offer temporary relief. Isn't it time for a real change? Imagine waking up refreshed, with the energy to enjoy your life fully—no more being defined by your illness. With Qi Coils, step out of the shadow of your disease and into a life of vitality. Don't settle for temporary fixes. Embrace a solution that brings genuine wellness. Revitalize Your Health with Sleek, Powerful Qi Coils Why the Qi Coils Outshine the Old Rife Machines Compact and Portable Unlike the bulky old Rife machines, modern Qi Coils are small enough to fit in your hand, making them easy to use anywhere. Easy and Simple to Use With automated settings, Qi Coils eliminate the hassle of manual adjustments, making the process straightforward and user-friendly. Non-Contact Qi Coils operate without needing to touch your skin, allowing you to enjoy their benefits while going about your daily activities. 6 Tesla Inspired Technologies in One Inspired by the groundbreaking work of Nikola Tesla and Royal Rife, the Qi Coil integrates six revolutionary technologies Escape the Vicious Cycle of Medication Experience Transformative Health Benefits with Qi Coils No More Side Effects Promote natural healing without any harmful reactions, keeping you free from the unwanted effects Deep Cellular Healing Enhances your body’s own repair processes, reaching deep to fix health issues at their source. Boosted Energy and Vitality Feel more alive and energized, ready to enjoy every day to the fullest. Relief from Stress and Pain Reduce pain and stress, improving your mood and making daily life more enjoyable. The Science Behind Qi Coils and Frequencies Qi Coils are designed around the principle of low-frequency electromagnetic fields that are in tune with the natural energies of your body. This approach is rooted in extensive scientific research and uses PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) technology to encourage your cells to regenerate and heal themselves. By aligning with your body’s own frequencies, Qi Coils promote deep cellular repair and overall wellness, all without the need for invasive treatments or pharmaceutical interventions. Choose Your System See the Options—Find Your Perfect Qi Coil Recommended Frequencies The Science Behind Qi Coils and Frequencies The Science of Frequencies How It Works: Pills Vs Frequencies Pills Vs Frequencies Hear from People Who Have Tried This As someone who's not a big fan of taking pills for my joint pain, the Qi Coil has been a blessing. It's straightforward to use and really effective. Within just a week, I felt less stiffness and pain. It’s great knowing I'm managing my health in a natural way. I've recommended it to all my friends who are looking for alternatives to traditional medicine. I've been using the Qi Coil for three months now, and it's honestly changed my life. Before, I was always bogged down by back pain and stress from work. Now, I feel more relaxed, and my pain has significantly decreased. It's so easy to use—I just set it up while watching TV at night. Highly recommend to anyone looking for a non-invasive way to improve their overall health. I was skeptical at first, but after using the Qi Coil for a few weeks, I noticed a big difference in how I feel every day. My sleep has improved, and I wake up feeling refreshed, which was never the case before. Plus, it's portable, so I can take it with me when I travel. This device has been a game changer for my energy levels and general well-being. More Success Stories & Testimonials "Disclaimer: Qi Coils are not approved by the FDA to treat, heal, prevent, or mitigate any disease. The information provided is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a qualified healthcare professional before using any products from Results may vary, and testimonials do not guarantee similar outcomes. By using the products, you release Qi Coils and its affiliates from any liability." "From normalizing diabetic sugar levels to reducing skin cancer irritations and even assisting a neighbor's dog with bladder cancer, Qi Coils enhance overall well-being, offering increased energy, better relaxation, and improved sleep quality—a genuine game-changer." "I felt that have excess energy to the point that I had an exercise in the morning but I need to move or do anything because there is a lot of energy in my body. I saw the effects in the amount of time." Vanessa Gutierrez, Entrepreneur, Holistic Business Coach Vanessa Gutierrez, Entrepreneur, Holistic Business Coach "I was in three severe accidents and had metal implants in my shoulder. The Qi Coil has been a game-changer for me. It's already reducing my pain, and I've only been using it for a few weeks." Healing The World Together Don’t Wait for Your Condition to Worsen Act Now Before It’s Too Late With every passing day, your condition might be deteriorating without your knowledge. Take immediate action with Qi Coil, and start reversing the damage today. Because your health can’t wait.
SIMILARITY: 0.4185 Bring your heart to CVS Health. Every one of us at CVS Health shares a single, clear purpose: Bringing our heart to every moment of your health. This purpose guides our commitment to deliver enhanced human-centric health care for a rapidly changing world. Anchored in our brand - with heart at its center - our purpose sends a personal message that how we deliver our services is just as important as what we deliver. Our Heart At Work Behaviors support this purpose. We want everyone who works at CVS Health to feel empowered by the role they play in transforming our culture and accelerating our ability to innovate and deliver solutions to make health care more personal, convenient and affordable. Health is everything. At CVS Health, colleagues are committed to increasing access, lowering costs and improving quality of care. Millions of times a day, we help people on their path to better health -from advising on prescriptions to helping manage chronic and specialty conditions. As Pharmacy Manager, you have one of the most significant roles in our company - delivering our purpose, modeling our values, and demonstrating genuine, authentic care for our patients. In addition to leading and directing your Pharmacy Staff, comprised of both staff Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians, you are accountable for the management, oversight and operation of all aspects within your pharmacy. This includes: * Patient Safety * Pharmacy Professional Practice * Regulatory Requirements * Quality Assurance * Customer Service * Personnel Management * Inventory Management * Financial Profitability * Loss Prevention Workflow Management A key component of the Pharmacy Manager role is keeping your customers and patients healthy through adoption and management of patient care programs. Additionally, you will: * Lead with Heart - display empathy and compassion for your patients, customers, caregivers and colleagues on your team * Motivate, inspire and develop your Pharmacy Support Staff by balancing assignments that maximize colleagues' strengths, address development opportunities and decrease knowledge gaps * Identify critical business opportunities and meaningful solutions to drive growth and improve performance in your pharmacy * Successfully implement those solutions by leading your team to achieve specified goals * Adapt to change and adjust plans to thrive in a dynamic community healthcare setting * Seek new ways to grow, collaborate with others and deliver better outcomes * Align others around purpose to gain support and commitment * Facilitate a 'team' culture that promotes caring, energy, enthusiasm and pride * Apply acquired knowledge to help drive healthy outcomes and differentiate CVS from competitors * The above represents a summary of the functions of a Pharmacy Manager. Additional functions and physical requirements are available on the full job description. Required Qualifications: * Active Pharmacy License in the state in which you are employed * Not on the DEA Excluded Parties List * Immunization Certification through an accredited organization (i.e. APhA)* * Listed on the pharmacy state license as the 'pharmacist in charge' * Submission of required information/documents to your state PMP administrator to register for PMP access (in states with active PMP for pharmacist use). * Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy or Pharm. D. degree Pay Range The typical pay range for this role is: $65.00 - $82.00 This pay range represents the base hourly rate or base annual full-time salary for all positions in the job grade within which this position falls. The actual base salary offer will depend on a variety of factors including experience, education, geography and other relevant factors. This position is eligible for a CVS Health bonus, commission or short-term incentive program in addition to the base pay range listed above. In addition to your compensation, enjoy the rewards of an organization that puts our heart into caring for our colleagues and our communities. The Company offers a full range of medical, dental, and vision benefits. Eligible employees may enroll in the Company's 401(k) retirement savings plan, and an Employee Stock Purchase Plan is also available for eligible employees. The Company provides a fully-paid term life insurance plan to eligible employees, and short-term and long term disability benefits. CVS Health also offers numerous well-being programs, education assistance, free development courses, a CVS store discount, and discount programs with participating partners. As for time off, Company employees enjoy Paid Time Off ("PTO") or vacation pay, as well as paid holidays throughout the calendar year. Number of paid holidays, sick time and other time off are provided consistent with relevant state law and Company policies. For more detailed information on available benefits, please visit Benefits | CVS Health We anticipate the application window for this opening will close on: 04/07/2025 Qualified applicants with arrest or conviction records will be considered for employment in accordance with all federal, state and local laws. CVS Health requires certain colleagues to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (including any booster shots if required), where allowable under the law, unless they are approved for a reasonable accommodation based on disability, medical condition, religious belief, or other legally recognized reasons that prevents them from being vaccinated. You are required to have received at least one COVID-19 shot prior to your first day of employment and to provide proof of your vaccination status or apply for a reasonable accommodation within the first 10 days of your employment. Please note that in some states and roles, you may be required to provide proof of full vaccination or an approved reasonable accommodation before you can begin to actively work. CVS Health is committed to recruiting, hiring, developing, advancing, and retaining individuals with disabilities. As such, we strive to provide equal access to the benefits and privileges of employment, including the provision of a reasonable accommodation to perform essential job functions. CVS Health can provide a request for a reasonable accommodation, including a qualified interpreter, written information in other formats, translation or other services through [email protected] If you have a speech or hearing disability, please call 7-1-1 to utilize Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS). We will make every effort to respond to your request within 48 business hours and do everything we can to work towards a solution.
SIMILARITY: 0.4954 Health Tips, Thoughts and Inspirations The content of this blog will vary, dependent on the topic I feel led to share with you. My prayer is that it will be a blessing to those who choose to read it. | As I begin to enter the world of blogging, my prayer is that this website will not only be a source of health and wellness tips, but also place of compassion and unconditional love for all human beings, since there is much too little of this in our world today. When I finally took the leap of faith and opened Restoring Wellness in October of 2014, my desire was (and still is) that when people come to see me or encounter me anywhere in this world, they will feel valued, listened to, and cared for. We all have the need to be heard, accepted and loved unconditionally. While this may be an unrealistic ideal in the natural limits of our humanness, it is my experience that when we learn how our Creator sees us, who we are in Him and that His opinion is what matters most, we will live in a new state of peace and acceptance of others. "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works. My soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:14 Comments are closed. | AuthorWelcome! My name is Tami Gabrielson. I help women with IBS find relief through a whole foods approach, simple lifestyle changes, and supplementation. I am a Board Certified Naturopath, Digestive Health Professional, Certified Health Coach and a Certified Natural Health Professional. I am passionate about holistic health which involves nurturing body, mind and spirit, each of which are intricately intertwined with each other. Archives December 2023 CategoriesUA-62084947-1 | | Restoring Wellness Tami Gabrielson Board Certified Naturopath Digestive Health Professional Certified Health Coach Certified Natural Health Professional | [email protected] 320-841-0225 |
SIMILARITY: 0.4855 Taking care of your physical and mental health is essential for a long and fulfilling life. It's about more than just exercising and eating well. Healthy habits can lead to better sleep, increased productivity, and a more prosperous life. Despite this understanding, the U.S. faces significant challenges with the overall health of its population. Several proactive steps can improve your overall health. Seeking guidance from a trained professional can significantly enhance your mental, physical, and emotional well-being in the long term. It is essential to recognize that we all require assistance at times, which is why considering the support and expertise of a professionally trained health coach is worth considering. As a dedicated Health, Lifestyle, and Wellness Coach, I am passionate about helping individuals achieve their personal and wellness goals. With over 16 years of experience in the field, I have worked with numerous clients, guiding them toward positive lifestyle changes and personal growth. My approach emphasizes accountability, unwavering support, and the implementation of effective mindfulness techniques. As a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), I help you tap into your internal strengths and provide you with external resources to facilitate long-lasting, healthy lifestyle changes. By partnering with me, we can develop a customized plan to turn your aspirations into tangible and sustainable accomplishments. Areas We Can Explore Together Include Men's Wellness Women's Wellness Personal Development Physical Well-being Productivity/Performance Career Growth/Path Chronic Illness Communication & Relationships Creativity Coaching Emotional & Mental Well-being Executive Functioning Financial Well-being Leadership Support Life Transitions Men's Hormone Health Mindfulness Neurodivergent Support (ADHD & Autism) Nonviolent Communication Nutrition Parenting (ages 0-5) Parenting (ages 13-17) Parenting (ages 6-12) Physical Activity Professional Development Recovery/Sobriety Support Self-Care Self-Confidence/Self-Esteem Sleep Somatic/Embodiment Coaching Spiritual Well-being Stress Management Tobacco Cessation Work/Life Balance When one aspect of your life is unbalanced, it can domino effect on other areas. For instance, a lack of regular physical activity can lead to stress, poor dietary habits, and difficulty getting enough sleep. When all these factors come together, it can feel overwhelming. This is where coaching can be beneficial. Ultimately, coaching aims not to overhaul your life or impose a strict regimen. Instead, it's about helping you overcome the initial challenges of adopting a healthier lifestyle and empowering you to make gradual yet significant changes over time. Together, we will establish goals based on your current position in your journey. These goals will guide you toward a healthier lifestyle rather than being imposed upon you. Many overwhelmed people find themselves stuck and need help identifying what keeps them from reaching their goals. I'm here to offer fresh perspectives and help you recognize the barriers that may be difficult to see. The main aim of coaching is to eliminate obstacles and conquer challenges. Is coaching right for you? Ask yourself the following questions, and take the time to think about your answers: Are you struggling to identify what is causing you stress? Do you need help to stay committed to your goals? Do you frequently feel depressed, discouraged, or apathetic? What’s preventing you from beginning your health journey? Do you have someone to support you? There are many reasons why someone may seek the assistance of a certified health coach. However, there’s only one crucial factor: guidance to overcome the obstacles and achieve optimal health. Regardless of your aim, I'm committed to helping you until we reach the desired outcome. Let's start this transformative journey together!
SIMILARITY: 0.4261 There was a sudden rush towards boosting immunity and nutrifying the body with A-Z multivitamins supplements from Online chemist to ward off infections. So, this is the right time to analyze our health status, vulnerability to immunogenic diseases, and recovery status. People with Diabetes, blood pressure, cardiovascular issues, and other health conditions are more vulnerable to Covid-19. So, people under minor to major health risks need to take extra care and precaution to stay safe. Maintaining a controlled sugar level, a healthy heart, and frequent blood pressure monitoring are necessary to fight off health risks and boost immunity. When we talk about immunity, one of the questions that people still ask is whether chronic pain impacts our immune system? Does common body pain or pain related to any disease affect our immune system? Studies and researches are still trying to find more evidence on it. But, to date, existing studies have proven that chronic or continuous pain signals deteriorating immunity. Understanding how pain works in your body is crucial to find how it affects our immune system. When your body generates any kind of chronic pain, the signals take them to the brain giving you the sensation of pain. Along with this, it also affects your mental health leading you to depression and hypertension. So, there is a need to take chronic pain seriously and find a remedy to reduce its effect to keep our immune system safe and functioning. How Does Chronic Pain Affect the Immune System? Pain is classified into three extensive categories. They are: 1. Nociceptive pain Nociceptive pain is caused when physical damages occur to your body. It can be the result of an accident, due to arthritis-like disease, or due to surgery. Nociceptive pain is mostly experienced in muscle joints, bone, or skin. Damages caused by nociceptive pain can be healed easily as the pain is generally caused as a result of physical harm. 2. Neuropathic pain Neuropathic pain is a result of a breakdown in the peripheral nervous system. It can be lifelong or long-lasting as it is not caused due to any physical harm. So, a complete remedy is not possible. Neuropathic pain is usually considered chronic enough to worsen the immune system in our body. Slowly, it can take us to other medical conditions like: - Diabetes - Stroke - Cancer - Rheumatoid Arthritis 3. Chronic Primary pain Organic dysfunction is the reason for chronic primary pain. It may take 3-6 months to recover from primary pain. When the pain lasts for a long period, the person will develop chronic pain syndrome (CPS), which will ultimately cause anxiety and depression-like mental illness. A study conducted by McGill University has found that pain affects genes by bringing changes in the way DNA is marked on the immune cells called T cells. The T cells are key infection fighters in our body that resist the passage of harmful infections. Thus, researchers and people related to the medical field believe that if chronic pain affects the T-cell functioning in our body, it ultimately makes our body vulnerable to harmful infection. Chronic pain also increases cortisol levels in the body. Let it be arthritis-inflicted pain, migraine, or pain due to other serious ailments. When it becomes unbearable, the adrenal glands, the stress hormone, releases cortisol. Cortisol has many functions that help our body repair damaged tissues, control sugar levels, anxiety, fear, and regulate our sleep. But, cortisol shut down the functioning of the digestive, reproductive, and immune systems when it is released in a large amount. Thus, it affects our body’s natural alarm system and deteriorates the capability to fight common diseases like flu and cold. This resultantly affects our lungs and other internal organs leading to death or other serious ailments. Thus, managing and regulating the mechanism of pain in our body is necessary to keep our immune system strong and functioning. Let it be disease-inflicted pain, injury, or post-surgical pain, we need to be extra careful and should take all the preventive measures to lessen our exposure to vulnerable environments. How to manage pain and boost the immune system? As the studies indicate a strong connection between the immune system and chronic pain, there is a need to find a strong remedy to dampen the consequences of pain and boost our immune system. Here are some primary methods to naturally strengthen your immune system: 1. Enhance your sleep cycle Make sure that your body gets enough sleep to enhance its functioning. Sleep is a good remedy for body pain and inflammation. Those who take at least 6 hours of sleep are considered healthier than people who sleep less. Studies have proven that getting sound sleep is necessary to tackle pandemic conditions also. 2.Nutrify your everyday meals with immunogenic food Maintaining a balanced diet is necessary to improve immunity. Include A-Z multivitamins into your food through vegetables, fruits, nuts, and spices inside your kitchen. Yogurt, turmeric, garlic, ginger, blueberries, papaya, spinach, egg, and almond are natural and affordable nutrient sources that can help you stimulate immunity 3. Maintain personal hygiene and social distance If you are a person under health risk, practicing personal hygiene is crucial to safeguard your life. As the pandemic has stamped its foothold, practicing social distancing, wearing a mask, and sanitizing surroundings and our hands are necessary to rise above present condition. Get Quick Assistance from Online Chemists for Your Complete Health Needs An online pharmacy will help you to get quick access to medicines and safety equipment. Moreover, the assistance of an online chemist is always necessary to find a timely solution. You need knowledgeable advice at the right time from expert medical assistants to get a complete healthcare solution. Life Pharmacy, one of the best online pharmacies in the UK, provides essential vitamin supplements and medicines to all UK citizens through our trustable online portals. Find our service anytime to fulfill your safety needs.
SIMILARITY: 0.4185 As a group of Allied Health Professionals, A Healthy Space (AHS) works in collaboration to deliver a higher level of integrated support for Disability and Aged Care Participants. Fully Serviced Rooms and Facilities Limited rooms are now available for hire within our conveniently located space in the Fortitude Valley. We have multiple room sizes available to cater for your professional needs. Five fully serviced rooms. Perfect for one-on-one or small group sessions Conference room access with premium video-conferencing software and equipment perfect for stakeholder meetings or training workshops. Seats 10. A Healthy Space offers full kitchen facilities, techinical support and can faciliate catering.
SIMILARITY: 0.4621 Early Medical is a medical practice founded by Dr. Peter Attia, focusing on applying the principles of Medicine 3. 0 to help patients optimize their health and increase both their lifespan and healthspan. The company offers insights into longevity, health optimization, and disease prevention through various formats such as newsletters, premium articles, podcasts, and exclusive memberships. With an emphasis on evidence-based strategies, Early Medical covers an extensive range of health topics including exercise, nutrition, sleep, mental and emotional health, and risk factors for diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative conditions. longevity • healthspan • lifespan January 11 Remote role conducting research to support a telemedicine practice focused on health and longevity. January 4 Direct performance marketing strategies for The Drive podcast amidst rapid growth. Oversee subscriber growth and engagement initiatives. December 21, 2024 Lead project management for Early Medical’s fast-paced research initiatives, enhancing operational excellence.
SIMILARITY: 0.4094 Heart Rate Variability for Improved Health In this talk we will describe Heart Rate Variability (HRV) from a holistic and physiological perspective and take a deeper dive into how our HRV is an indicator of systemic health and can alert us when we are living and eating in ways that promote disease. We will show how HRV exhibits properties of Complex Systems and review research showing that our nervous systems are synchronized each other, the Earth and the Cosmos. Ronda Collier, BSEE, M.A. Psychology spent 25 years in high tech product development before studying non-invasive health monitoring techniques to improve personal well being. This led to the founding of SweetWater Health in 2011.
SIMILARITY: 0.4162 Mental health is just as important as physical health, yet it is often overlooked and stigmatized. Many people are afraid to talk about their mental health struggles or seek help when they are experiencing difficulties. However, ignoring your mental health can have serious consequences and can affect all aspects of your life. In this article, we will discuss the importance of mental health and ways to take care of your mind. Mental health refers to our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act in our daily lives. Good mental health allows us to cope with the stresses of life, have meaningful relationships, and contribute to society. On the other hand, poor mental health can lead to serious mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, and psychosis. One of the biggest barriers to taking care of our mental health is the stigma surrounding it. Many people are afraid to talk about their struggles or seek help because they worry about being judged or labeled as “crazy.” However, mental illness is not a weakness or a character flaw. It is a medical condition that requires treatment, just like any physical illness. By breaking the stigma surrounding mental health, we can create a more open and supportive environment for those who are struggling. Another important aspect of maintaining good mental health is self-care. Just like how we take care of our physical health by exercising and eating well, we also need to take care of our mental health. This includes activities such as practicing relaxation techniques, setting boundaries, and taking breaks from our daily stressors. It is essential to prioritize self-care and make time for activities that bring joy and peace to our lives. In addition to self-care, building strong connections and creating a support system is crucial for our mental well-being. Having a network of family, friends, or support groups can provide us with a sense of belonging and help us feel less alone. It is also important to surround ourselves with positive and supportive people who make us feel good about ourselves and encourage us to take care of our mental health. Seeking professional help is also an essential aspect of taking care of our mental health. Just like how we visit a doctor when we have physical health concerns, it is essential to seek help from a therapist or counselor when we are struggling mentally. They can provide us with tools and coping strategies to manage our mental health and work through any underlying issues that may be contributing to our struggles. Lastly, it is important to remember that taking care of our mental health is an ongoing process. It requires constant effort and self-awareness. It is normal to have ups and downs, and it is okay to ask for help when we need it. Taking care of our mental health is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength and self-awareness. In conclusion, Harmony Clinic is an essential aspect of our overall well-being. It affects every aspect of our lives, and taking care of it is crucial for living a happy and fulfilling life. By breaking the stigma, prioritizing self-care, building connections, seeking professional help, and recognizing that it is an ongoing process, we can take care of our minds and achieve good mental health.
SIMILARITY: 0.4080 JokXjmK5Ubzm6lE6MfEQPUrHIf7YY By In JokXjmK5Ubzm6lE6MfEQPUrHIf7YY2025-02-032025-02-03 Varkey
SIMILARITY: 0.5639 What is the single best thing we can do for our health? (Video) Well, the answer really is very (very) simple and easy to do. A Doctor-Professor answers the old question “What is the single best thing we can do for our health” in a completely new way. Dr. Mike Evans is founder of the Health Design Lab at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, an Associate Professor […]
SIMILARITY: 0.4138 Health through housing equity Features/Mind/Feature P5 - 84 Health and wellness awareness - 85 Integrative design - 86 Post-occupancy surveys - 87 Beauty and design I - 88 Biophilia I - qualitative - 89 Adaptable spaces - 90 Healthy sleep policy - 91 Business travel - 92 Building health policy - 93 Workplace family support - 94 Self-monitoring - 95 Stress and addiction treatment - 96 Altruism - 97 Material transparency - 98 Organizational transparency - 99 Beauty and design II - 100 Biophilia II - quantitative - P5 Health through housing equity - P6 Education space provisions Health through housing equity Intent: To promote housing equity through the allocation of affordable housing units.
SIMILARITY: 0.5339 F. M. ‘Red’ O’Laughlin, III, is a researcher, author, and public speaker. He speaks on health and wellness, aging, personal growth, and motivation. Red states often that, “If you treat symptoms, you will always treat symptoms. You must treat the cause of a problem to correct it.” I research what happens at the cellular level in the human body, biochemically speaking. I look for cause and effect relationships. I identify the causes of health problems. I write and speak about those causes and the potential options for correcting those problems. © 2023 All Rights Reserved.
SIMILARITY: 0.4195 Features Health Status Message The Health Status Message reports the current settings and condition of the device. The message generation interval is configurable from 1 to 30 days, with a default interval of 30 days. One message per month is generated at no charge; Note! One message per month, minimum, cannot be set to zero. The device health check message length is 2 packets (18 bytes). Health Status Message Content - Number of Bursts per Message - Battery Condition: Battery OK / - Battery LOW - GPS Status: GPS system OK / Fault - Transmitter Status: Transmitter OK / Fault - FW Version: Major FW / Minor FW / Patch FW Version - Number of GPS Fails: Count of failed GPS attempts since the last health message - Number of Transmissions: Number of transmissions since the last health message - Mean GPS Fix Time: Mean time to get a GPS Fix since the last health message - Board Status: Board not reset since the last health message / Board was reset since the last health message End Of Service All GSatSolar’s are programmed with an end-of-service date to account for the expected life of the unit and to ensure devices do not transmit after the end of their service plans. For GSatSolar, the end-of-service is set to 5 years by default. If your application needs a different lifetime, please contact your account manager to discuss. The end-of-service cannot be adjusted over the air; it must be performed locally via wireless connection with the tag nearby. When the unit auto-activates, it calculates an end date based on its programmed lifetime. For example, if the lifetime is 3 years (36 months), and it activates on October 24, 2020, the expiration date will be October 24, 2023. Each time the unit obtains a GPS fix, it checks the calendar date. If the date is past the expiration date (in this example, October 25, 2023), it immediately drops out of track mode and enters the end-of-service mode. Once the unit has entered the end-of-service mode, it will respond over a local wireless connection to simple queries, such as a query for its version number or tracking state (which will be “none”), but it will ignore any command that might cause it to transmit over the Globalstar network.
SIMILARITY: 0.4055 If you are looking for a health-related guest posting service, this site can be really helpful for you to expand and promote your website’s health related guest posting sites to fitness and health. To guest post on your niche, you can prefer this website and do health blog guest posting. These free guest posting sites for health and fitness, here we have created a free health guest posting site list that can become very useful for your website. Yes, a guest posting can be very important to increase keyword, DA PA of website and ranking. So if you are too interested in health guest posting sites, nothing can beat the advantage of health guest posting sites. This becomes easy for a person. If you are not aware of how to look out for the best guest post for your website, search for nike+ write for us on google. This means you have been posting a health-related website, the search will be health + write for us+ guest post. Here are unlimited list fitness and health website. These free health guest posting sites list can give all answers to your quarries. So what’s stopping you from exploring health blog guest posting. If you are just a fresher in this guest posting and have no idea about how to search for favorable and useful guest posts for your website, then you have to just search for your opening which means niche + write for us on Google. By which you can easily target the audience. If not you can also use these 250+ links and go through them thoroughly. Register yourself and enjoy free services. If you want to add your site in this list please contact us. | Sponsored Post | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
SIMILARITY: 0.4149 All human disease can be rooted in stress, inflammation and toxicity. We recommend changing your behavior and lifestyle to help decrease them. If you can’t win the lottery, eat entirely organic, and move to New Zealand, here are some of our favorite supplements that you can take. These supplements are designed to decrease the effects of stress, inflammation and toxicity on your body. Whenever someone says: “It is probably just stress” we assure them there is no “just” about it. Stress is a killer. We recommend meditation, yoga, and exercise to help your body be stronger in the face of stress. Natural substances and herbs called “adaptogens” have been proven to help the body adapt to stress for over 70 years. A-drenal by RLC labs is our favorite formula because it has adaptogenic herbs, as well as adrenal tissue and important nutrients. Many different things can cause inflammation, and there are scientific ways to help decrease it in the body. The best way to control inflammation is to take a high quality fish oil with EPA and DHA. “Quell” is the strongest, cleanest, best quality form we have been able to find in a capsule. We recommend it most highly. Make sure that the quality of your fish oil is high because you are otherwise not getting the most absorbable form, and it may have heavy metals and other toxicants in it! We swim in a chemical soup of toxicants (harmful chemicals and heavy metals etc) every day. It is the liver’s job to help clean and detoxify your body and protect you from those toxicants. With the 80,000 industrial chemicals in use, water, air and food pollution, your liver has a big detox job to do! One of the simplest ways to help decrease overall toxicity is to avoid exposure, get a good air filter, water filter and eat organically as much as possible. Switch your cosmetics and cleaners to be more natural and have less chemicals, and take your liver support! Click here to purchase this great combination of supplements and make a good start at protecting yourself from the three major causes of disease. Follow us on Instagram for a peek behind the scenes: Dr. Wilde's healthy life hacks, mindset, stories of adventure and personal growth and of pics.
SIMILARITY: 0.5179 Counsels on Health - Contents- Preface - Preface to the second edition - Section 1—The World's Need - Section 2—Essentials to Health - A Knowledge of First Principles - The Wisdom of God's Works - Govern the Body - Adherence to a Simple Diet - Purchased of God - Develop Ability - Temperance in All Things - The World No Criterion - Physical Exercise - Pure Air and Sunlight - Deep Breathing - Superstitions Concerning Night Air - The Influence of Fresh Air - Scrupulous Sanitation - Use Simple Food - Physical Habits and Spiritual Health - Nonuse of Flesh Meats - Avoid Gluttony - Lessons From the Experience of John the Baptist - Benevolence and Rectitude in Married Life - Counsels Regarding Motherhood - Refuse Tobacco Defilement - Tobacco Using Contrary to Godliness - A Deceitful Poison - Abstinence From Narcotics - Self-Denial and Prayer - Evil Effects of Tea and Coffee - Avoid the Use of Poisonous Drugs - Healthful Dress - The Power of the Will - Suitable Employment - Control the Imagination - Moderation in Work - Temperance in Labor - Order and Cleanliness - Frequent Bathing - How to Preserve Our Sensibilities - To a Brother - - Section 3—Diet and Health - Relation of Diet to Health and Morals - Self-Development a Duty - Temptation Through Appetite - Appetite Ruled Antediluvians - Intemperance After the Flood - Esau's Experience - Israel Desired the Fleshpots of Egypt - Intemperance and Crime - Our Youth Lack Self-Control - Responsibility of Parents - Evils of Meat Eating - Proper Preparation of Food a Duty - Wrong Eating Destroys Health - Too Frequent Eating a Cause of Dyspepsia - Evils to be Avoided - Eat Slowly - The Power of Appetite - Faithfulness in Health Reform - Partakers of the Divine Nature - Result of Disregarding Light - Faithfulness to the Laws of Health - Healthful Cooking - Learn to Cook - A Most Essential Accomplishment - Unwholesome Bread - Changing the Diet - A Harmful Combination - Unpalatable Food - An Impoverished Diet - Extremes in Diet - Overeating - Overworked Mothers - Gluttony a Sin - Avoid False Standards - - Section 4—Outdoor Life and Physical Activity - The Example of Christ - Nature a Lesson Book - In the Country - The Source of Healing - The Value of Outdoor Life - Exercise, Air, and Sunlight - The Original Plan - Close Confinement at School - Simpler Methods - A Proper Balance of Physical and Mental Labor - The Results of Physical Inaction - Physical Culture - Health and Efficiency - Periods of Relaxation - Sunlight in the Home - Prohibited Amusements - Exercise as a Restorer - Walking for Exercise - The Evils of Inactivity - Open the Windows of the Soul - Section 5—Sanitariums—Their Objects and Aims - God's Design in Our Sanitariums - The Church Qualified for Service - Living Waters for Thirsty Souls - Sanitariums and Gospel Work - Plants Needed in Many Places - In All The World - The Sydney Sanitarium to Be Educational - Agricultural Advantages - A Warning Against Centralization - Duty to the Poor - Our Southern California Sanitariums - The Sabbath in Our Sanitariums - Mammoth Sanitariums Not a Necessity - Amusements in Our Sanitariums - Encourage One Another - Denominational Views Not to Be Urged Upon Patients - For All Sects and Classes - Medical Treatment, Right Living, and Prayer - Centers of Influence and Training - The High Calling of Our Sanitarium Workers - Wholesome Substitutes - - Section 6—Successful Institutional Work - The Secret of Success - Moral and Intellectual Culture - Health Reform at the Sanitarium - Results of Faithful Effort - Maintain a High Standard - The Location of Sanitariums - Not Among the Wealthy - Not for Pleasure Seekers - City Conditions - Economy in Establishing Sanitariums - Advantages of Wooden Structures - Economy in Operating - Loyalty to Our Institutions - The Sanitarium as a Missionary Field - Adherence to Principle - To the Glory of God - The Chaplain and His Work - Hold the Truth in Its Purity - For the Welfare of Others - The Workers Needed - Tact Essential - Dealing With Sentimentalism - The Ennobling Power of Pure Thoughts - Criticizing and Faultfinding - Results of Fostered Sin - Looking Unto Jesus - Co-operation Between Schools and Sanitariums - Equity in the Matter of Wages - Economical From Principle - Compensation - No Exorbitant Salaries - Helping Those Who Need Help - Sanitarium Workers - Recognition of Honest Labor - The Example of Christ - Simplicity and Economy - Section 7—The Christian Physician - A Responsible Calling - The Physician's Work for Souls - The Sphere of Leading Physicians - Ready for Every Good Work - Bearing Witness to the Truth - Mind Cure - Christlike Compassion - Patience and Sympathy - A Messenger of Mercy - Physicians to Conserve Their Strength - A Work That Will Endure - Each One in His Place - Dangers and Opportunities - Dangers in Success - The Bible Your Counselor - Qualifications Needed - Praying for the Sick - Submission and Faith - Faith and Works - Gratitude for Health - The Physician's Influence - Obedience and Happiness - - Section 8—Nurses and Helpers - Christ's Methods to be Followed - House-to-House Work - A Plea for Medical Missionaries - Duties and Privileges of Sanitarium Workers - Cheerfulness - Efficiency Depends Upon Vigor - Integrity Among Workers - Steadfastness - A Sad Picture - Waves of Influence - The Power of Association - In Our Schools - A Lack of Economy - Our Influence - Need of Opportunity for Christian Culture - - Section 9—Teaching Health Principles - The Church Should Awake - Gospel Workers to Teach Health Reform - The Temperance Reform - At the Camp Meetings - A Good Work Made Difficult - Disseminating Temperance Principles - Teach With Wisdom - The Right Exercise of the Will - Sign the Pledge - Premature Tests - Keep Health Reform to the Front - Continual Reform Must Be Advocated - Sanitariums Needed in Washington and Other Places - Educate, Educate, Educate - Indifference and Unbelief - A Warning Against Spiritualist Physicians - The Ruin Wrought by Satan - The Canvasser a Teacher - Hand Out the Literature - The Invitation - Objects Lessons in Health Reform - Why Conduct Sanitariums? - - Section 10—Health Food Work - Section 11—Medical Missionary Work - The Pioneer Work - Medical Evangelism - An Illustration - The Breadth of the Work - Clear New Ground - Christ Our Example - A United Work - Words of Caution to a Leading Physician - Rebellion Against Health Reform - Not a Separate Work - The Medical Missionary's Example - The Gospel in Practice - In Faith and Humility - To Gain an Entrance - Medical Missionary Evangelists - Methods and Plans - Physicians and Evangelists - Work in the Cities - A Means of Overcoming Prejudice - Sanitariums as City Outposts - The Ministry and Medical Work - - Section 12—Ensamples to the Flock - Section 13—Holiness of Life - Lights Amid Darkness - A Lesson From Solomon's Fall - Counsel to Physicians and Nurses - The Price of Health - Simplicity in Dress - Extremes in Dress - Immodest Dresses - Parents as Reformers - Beware of Moral Corruption - The Only Safety - Servants of Sin - Blinded by Sin - Godliness and Health - An Advance Step - Religion and Contentment - The Need of Consecration - Total Abstinence
SIMILARITY: 0.4792 by ptgen | Dec 30, 2021 | Fitness, Health Oversupplies, weaning, postnatal exhaustion: all here in my 851 day long story Hello and Happy (almost) New Year to every beautiful being reading this! Yes it’s been a while since I last posted (nearly an entire year…) and that’s because I’ve spent the majority of it... by ptgen | Jan 11, 2021 | Health, Weight-loss, Workouts Whoever you are, whatever your situation, these 7 simple things can easily make anyone feel better Happy Healthy New Year, beautiful people! So…the Christmas lights have come down, everything looks a bit duller and less sparkly, days are colder and... by ptgen | Jul 6, 2020 | Health, Recipes My melt in the mouth, light and fluffy yet healthy version of this British classic Howdy beauts! Yes it’s been a while since I posted a recipe…but at least now you know why 😉 I’m still so grateful for all your lovely kind feedback and wishes of wellness... by ptgen | May 25, 2020 | Health, Prenatal How I avoided stretch marks, swelling, back ache and weight gain Thank you so much for all your kind and positive feedback for part one! Writing it seems like a lifetime ago now and I’m now even more excited to return to personal training and Boot camp where I’ll be... by ptgen | May 23, 2020 | Health, Prenatal Written two days before I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Viviana Milly Preece, dedicated to everyone pregnant during Covid19 And that, my beautiful readers is why things have been a bit quiet on the blog! These past 10 months since becoming a mum have been some...
SIMILARITY: 0.4404 Dennis Mangan was like a whirlwind at the NIH in the two years he was in charge of the ME/CFS program at the Office of Research For Women’s Health (ORWH). First he created a listerv to better communicate with the patients, then he changed the website, then he changed the name to ME/CFS, then, in collaboration with patients he created the ‘State of the Knowledge’ Workshop – the first major NIH workshop on chronic fatigue syndrome in almost ten years. Under Dennis, the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Working group, which hadn’t met in a year, was enlarged and revitalized. Throughout, Dennis communicated and communicated and communicated….and then, he was gone in late 2011 – taking early retirement to deal with a family situation. Dennis promised to stay involved with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and he has. Now, as he joins the Board of the Simmaron Research Foundation, I asked about his time at the NIH, what changed since he first came on board there, why he’s still heavily involved with ME/CFS, the IOM controversy and more. - Check out a talk with Dennis Mangan on Simmaron Rising ” What patients might not realize is that researchers also need hope and encouragement to move forward. I encourage all of us to offer researchers a few kind words of support and to inspire them to keep working on the illness.” Cort… The 35 experts have received nothing but gratitude, kind words and unconditional support! What more can we do?! Or which researchers are we talking about here… Cort, I am getting a trojan horse warning whenever I try and access your links to Simmaron or try and go to Simmaron Rising directly. Not sure what’s going on mate. Hi Cort, I too am getting that there is a Trojan horse when I go from the link from the page and also via the email sent with the links to my email address. I cannot get this article up because of a Trojan warning. I hope it can be fixed, really looking forward to reading this article. Thanks, Lynn I think Dennis Mangan was too honest and too ethical for the NIH. He probably came to know THAT, and WHY, the NIH and CDC have a hidden agenda for disappearing mecfs and was unable to just go along and get along. Thanks goodness for those very few people like him! Wish we could get an ethics transplant for the likes of Unger and Vernon.
SIMILARITY: 0.4029 | To ensure a successful project it is important to begin with a clearly defined functional and operational program that articulates operational needs, core values, organizational guiding philosophy and visions for the project. User needs are identified and assessed. Organizational values and visions are developed through a series of workshops where abilities and expectations are defined. Arts for Health programs must meet users needs and expectations. Time needed for Arts for Health programs varies considerably, depending on the users previous experiences in the area. To provide important feedback to clients about the Arts for Health program is essential. Fundamental is to assess how well the Arts for Health program matches the users needs and expectations. Methods used include surveys and interviews. Results are documented as guidelines for Arts for Health programs. Staff Training and Workshops To ensure a knowledgeable and skilled staff as the most critical component to a successful and creative work is important. Thus, staff training should insure that users are receiving the desired services. Seminars and workshops include traditional teaching methods mixed with active participation and practical learning. Topics offered are the connections between art and health, how to use a painting as a conversation tool, visiting museums and discuss the aging process and interpersonal relations. The number of projects and initiatives using arts in order to develop health and well-being has risen rapidly during the last decade. An increasing number of initiatives about art interventions have been carried out in order to enhance health. However, to date there is no set of principles for evaluating outcomes, assessing the process by which outcomes are achieved and disseminate recommendations for good practice to workers in the field. Arts for Health programs can be used by, hospitals, health care clinics and various workplaces. |
SIMILARITY: 0.4010 Physical healthcare for people with mental health problems This evidence-based information will help mental health nurses to improve the physical health and wellbeing of people living with mental health problems. This document focuses on how to deal with some of the main risk factors for physical health problems, and helps to make sure that people living with mental health problems have the same access to health checks and healthcare as the rest of the population.
SIMILARITY: 0.4361 Lifestyle changes aren’t always easy to adopt, but when you’re a busy professional, it’s important to take steps to ensure that your mental and physical health are in great shape in order to avoid burnout and stay on track with your goals. Image by Ernesto Eslava from Pixabay Fortunately, there are many things you can do to positively alter the way you live without interfering with your regular schedule. From learning how to take a break to avoid feeling overwhelmed to creating a good diet and exercise routine, there are many ways you can feel better and boost your overall well-being. Remember that everything from your productivity to your self-esteem can be impacted by your choices. When you take on too much work in both your professional and personal lives, it can lead to unnecessary pressure, which is why it’s important to make sure you learn how to say “no” and know how to take a break when you’re feeling stressed. This will help you take a deep breath and step back for a moment so you can focus on your needs. Here are a few tips on how to make a few lifestyle changes in order to prevent burnout. Boost your confidence Staying busy at work and at home means you probably don’t have much time to spend on yourself, and when you neglect your needs, it’s easy to forget about your value. Sometimes the little things — buying new clothes, taking a class to amp up your resume, or enjoying a new hobby — can really boost your confidence and leave you feeling ready to tackle anything that comes your way, either personally or professionally. Take a break You can’t maintain balance in your life if you’re constantly working, and not taking a break is the biggest cause of burnout. Keeping the most important things in life — your health, happiness, and well-being — on track can be difficult without these breaks. When possible, take a vacation. Just taking off for a few days to change the scenery can be therapeutic. You can even do this right here in Nashville without venturing too far from home. Consider taking a holiday in town to take in some of the sights you may never have enjoyed before, like the Parthenon, the Grand Ole Opry, Music Row, or the urban vibrancy of The Gulch. Whatever your speed, look for the perfect rental with your preferred amenities in a neighborhood that matches with your desire to relax and get away. Take a breath Vacations are great for relaxing, but what about the rest of the year? It’s important to learn how to beat stress no matter where you are or what you have going on. For busy professionals, this can help with everything from keeping the symptoms of anxiety or depression at bay to helping create a smoother transition between work and home. Meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises are all great tools for those who need to relax in the moment, because they can be done just about anywhere. Unplug Often it’s extremely difficult for busy professionals to take time away from their computers, smartphones, and other devices to unplug for a little while. You may feel that not being available 24/7 will hurt your business or will take you away from something important, but the fact is, if you don’t set aside technology now and then, you’re risking burnout from several different angles. Not only is it bad for your mental health, it’s bad for your physical health as well. Make it a point to set your phone aside during dinner and time with your family, and shut down the computer well before bedtime in order to get better sleep. Making some lifestyle changes to ensure burnout isn’t an issue can take some time, so try to be patient and think of the best ways to alter your routine that make sense for you. With the right moves, you can prevent career burnout and stay balanced in every aspect of your life.
SIMILARITY: 0.5259 Despite the persistent growth of medical science, we need to be wary of certain health conditions. When we understand the demographics of...
SIMILARITY: 0.4331 Maintaining physical health is not just about exercise and diet; psychological well-being plays an essential role in overall health. Studies have shown that mental health directly influences the body’s ability to recover, stay strong, and fend off illness. By focusing on mental health through psychological adjustment, individuals can achieve better physical outcomes. This article will explore the connection between the mind and body and provide methods to improve health through mental techniques. Understanding the Mind-Body Connection The mind and body are deeply interconnected. Psychological stress, anxiety, and depression can manifest physically in the form of headaches, digestive issues, and weakened immune systems. By adjusting your mindset, you can reduce these negative effects and promote better physical health. Techniques such as mindfulness and positive thinking can directly impact how your body reacts to external stressors, promoting a state of balance and wellness. Techniques for Psychological Adjustment One powerful technique to maintain health is practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness involves focusing on the present moment and acknowledging thoughts and feelings without judgment. This practice reduces stress and anxiety, which are known to affect physical health. Meditation and breathing exercises are also excellent tools for mental regulation, helping to calm the mind and improve physical well-being. Additionally, engaging in positive self-talk and fostering an optimistic outlook can strengthen the immune system and reduce the physical effects of stress. Stress Management and Physical Health Chronic stress can cause significant harm to the body, including high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and digestive problems. Learning how to manage stress through psychological techniques can help reduce these risks. Regular relaxation practices, such as progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery, are effective in promoting physical health by lowering stress hormones like cortisol. Building Resilience Through Positive Psychology Resilience, the ability to bounce back from adversity, is a key component of both mental and physical health. By focusing on strengths, cultivating gratitude, and developing coping strategies, individuals can enhance their resilience and maintain better physical health. Positive psychology offers tools to promote mental health, which directly contributes to overall well-being. Conclusion: The Importance of Psychological Health in Physical Wellness In conclusion, psychological adjustment is a vital component of maintaining physical health. By implementing techniques such as mindfulness, stress management, and positive psychology, individuals can improve both their mental and physical well-being. Fostering a healthy mind leads to a healthier body, proving that true health is achieved when both the mind and body work in harmony.
SIMILARITY: 0.4152 Apps for Organizing Your Priorities As with physical health, daily habits have an impact on mental health. Your mental and physical health are probably less than they could be, if you regularly: The main problem is that people are prone to choosing the urgent over… Continue reading…
SIMILARITY: 0.4978 Health Tips, Thoughts and Inspirations The content of this blog will vary, dependent on the topic I feel led to share with you. My prayer is that it will be a blessing to those who choose to read it. | Making healthy choices is not always easy, even when we know what we should be doing to heal our body, mind and spirit. There are days I know I will feel better after a workout, but I honestly don't want to do it. I would rather lie in bed a little bit longer. Or maybe I tell myself that I have too many other things to do and need to forego the exercise. After all, company is coming! The house needs to be cleaned! School is starting soon and there is curriculum planning to do! I don't have time to plan and cook a healthy meal! I can come up with so many excuses. So what do we do about it? We may not always choose to invest in our health, but when we do, the rewards go past that one moment. It seems that when I do one thing that I know will enhance my health, it leads to other good choices. Starting my day with exercise, a protein smoothie, followed by prayer time is my favorite way to get going. Of course, there are days that I can't fit all of those things into my morning. Then I have to choose and do the best that I can. Maybe my exercise time will be shorter in order to have that precious one on one time with God. Or that quiet time might be shorter than I would like it to be. It is less overwhelming to change our lifestyle one small step at a time rather than looking at an overall big picture. It may not always be my ideal day, but I can do the best I can with what's available in the moment. This includes food choices, sleep, prayer, exercise, my thoughts. It is all equally important, with each decision affecting all the others. What areas of your holistic health need extra attention this week? And how are you going to nourish them? Take time to invest in your health. I promise that you won't regret it. "....I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." John 10:10. Choose your abundant life, one decision at a time! Comments are closed. | AuthorWelcome! My name is Tami Gabrielson. I help women with IBS find relief through a whole foods approach, simple lifestyle changes, and supplementation. I am a Board Certified Naturopath, Digestive Health Professional, Certified Health Coach and a Certified Natural Health Professional. I am passionate about holistic health which involves nurturing body, mind and spirit, each of which are intricately intertwined with each other. Archives December 2023 CategoriesUA-62084947-1 | | Restoring Wellness Tami Gabrielson Board Certified Naturopath Digestive Health Professional Certified Health Coach Certified Natural Health Professional | [email protected] 320-841-0225 |
SIMILARITY: 0.5545 | | Abstract | The parents of 238 children in standard one (7 – 8 year olds) in two localities in New Zealand (one group chosen randomly, the other a census of a small community) were interviewed about health matters. Objectives of the study were:1. To describe parents understanding of the nature of health.2. Their understanding of threats to their health.3. To describe actions they take to promote their own and their children's health.Few respondents describe health as being just the absence of illness: the concept of energy is important in many descriptions of health. Threats to the health of children are seen as coming more from the environment as compared with adults, for whom more threats are seen as having a physiological origin. Only 13% of adults thought that they put a lot of effort into keeping healthy. The underlying rationale is the recognition of the importance of people's own actions in the attainment and maintenance of health | |
SIMILARITY: 0.4354 It’s National Women’s Health Week – Take Control of Your Health! May 8, 2016, Mother’s Day, kicked off National Women’s Health Week. At Zufall Health, we want to help you take control of your health. Here are some easy steps women can take to lead a healthier life: 1. Schedule regular checkups and preventive screenings. Ask your health care provider: - When do I need Pap and HPV tests? - What preventive cancer screenings do I need? - Are my cholesterol and blood pressure in normal range? - Am I on the right birth control? - Can I get tested for HIV and other STDs? (This is especially important if you’re planning on becoming pregnant) 2. Get active! Exercising for 30 minutes most days is shown to reduce risk for heart disease and chronic health conditions, improve mental health and mood, and more. Working full time can take away time from regular exercise. Here are 4 easy ways to stay active at work: a. During your lunch break, take a ten-minute walk, either outside or up and down the stairs. A short walk has been shown to control blood sugar which helps avoid a mid-afternoon crash. More: Taking a Walk After a Meal Aids Digestion b. Talk to your co-workers in person. Rather than sending emails, get up and go talk to them. c. Take a standing break. Sitting for long periods of time can be damaging to your health. Get up and stretch or walk at least once an hour. More: Get Ten Minutes of Intermittent Movement for Every Hour of Sitting d. Have a walking meeting. Take advantage of spring and walk with a co-worker. Need to write something down? Bring a clipboard. 3. Eat healthy. The quality of food we eat affects hormones and energy. Cravings can make eating healthy a challenge, especially for women at different points in their monthly cycle. Here are 3 strategies for managing sugar cravings: a. Avoid foods high in sugar. Processed foods with refined sugar will cause a larger spike in blood sugar, and the higher it rises, the lower it falls. A drop in blood sugar is the cause of mid-afternoon cravings. Focus on foods high in fiber, like vegetables, and watch out for hidden sources of sugars, like bottled drinks and salad dressings. b. Manage your craving. Get up, drink a glass of water, go for a quick walk, and stretch. Most cravings only last 15 minutes. c. Keep healthy snacks handy. Aim for snacks with protein and fiber, like 2 ounces of almonds or walnuts, vegetables with hummus, or 85% dark chocolate. 4. Get good quality sleep. Sleep is the time our body uses to repair itself and process what we’ve learned during the day. Three strategies to improve your sleep: a. Black out your room. You shouldn’t be able to see your hand in front of your face. b. Avoid the screen an hour before bedtime. The artificial “blue” light of computers or television triggers your body to release daytime hormones, like the stress hormone cortisol. If you must use the computer, use a program like f.lux to adapt the color of your screen to the time of day, giving you warmer colors at night. c. Get to bed at the right time. We get the best quality sleep between 10pm and 2am. You’ll feel more refreshed and focused when you wake up. d. More: 21 Tips To Get The Best Sleep Ever 5. Manage your stress. Chronic stress leaves our hormones in a constant state of “fight or flight,” which prevents our body’s systems from acting normally. More: Chronic Stress Puts Your Health At Risk. Here are 5 quick strategies to help you control your stress: a. Drink a glass of water. If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated. Chronic dehydration is a big source of physical stress. More: Sipping Stress Away. b. Step back and take a 10-minute break. The time you take to stretch, walk or call a friend might seem like ten minutes you don’t have in the short run, but in the long run it will help improve your focus. c. Breathe deeply, using your abdomen. With one hand on your chest and the other on your belly, take a deep breath through your nose. Feel your lungs stretch from your belly expanding. Breathe in for five seconds, hold for two seconds, let your breath out for five seconds, and hold your exhale for five seconds. Repeat. d. Connect with others. Sharing your stress with friends or family can help and they may give you another outlook that you hadn’t thought of. e. Break your problem into small, doable steps. Reducing its scope makes it easier to get started and to complete a task. No Comments Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time.
SIMILARITY: 0.4357 Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board Nowhere Near Ok Head March 30, 2022 It’s thought some life-style tweaks may stop your brain deteriorating in the first place, say Oxford researchers. Staying social, exercising and brushing your teeth might help minimize risk of dementia. China , often known as floor zero for the pandemic, may be fueling the worldwide rise of super gonorrhea-a menace capable of evading standard treatments, endangering public health worldwide. Don’t have the time, or inclination, to make your personal packed lunch to take to work each day? A meal deal – which generally gets you a sandwich, a snack and a drink for £3.50 to £5 – is often a… Continue Reading
SIMILARITY: 0.4627 Research We conduct research focused on healthy ageing for people aged 50 and over. Our studies explore the connections between long-term and multiple chronic conditions, disability, physical activity and disadvantage, longer working lives, and the use of digital technologies. In all our research, we consider social and health inequalities, the experiences of carers and family members, financial constraints, and the impacts of living in poverty as we get older. We do this through a range of research projects, as well as through rapid response initiatives, where we provide direct responses to policymakers’ new and emerging policy needs. Over the past five years, we have completed numerous projects on a wide range of health and social care policy and practice issues. Learn more by exploring our current and past projects, our methods, and our commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion. Current projects Find out more about our projects that are presently underway. Past projects Access information and resources from our past projects. Methods Find out more about the methods we employ in our research. Equality, diversity and inclusion See how we apply EDI in our research.
SIMILARITY: 0.4567 Jan 22, 2025 Assistant/Associate Teaching Professor - Biobehavioral Health The Department of Biobehavioral Health ( at Penn State invites applications for an ongoing, full-time, in-residence, academic year (36 weeks), non-tenure track Assistant or Associate Teaching Professor (rank determined based on prior experience) position to support our undergraduate curriculum. The Department of BBH is a large, vibrant, and uniquely multi-faceted program that examines the space where biological, psychological, environmental, cultural, and global factors converge to affect health and wellness across the entire human lifespan. Penn State has a formal process for career development and promotion for non-tenure faculty, and an instructor in this position would be eligible to participate in that process. We are particularly interested in individuals whose pedagogy fits within the department's interdisciplinary focus on integrating biological, environmental, psychosocial,... JobElephant State College, PA, USA Full time
SIMILARITY: 0.4401 - Author: Brenda Roche What does the research show? Students at Cornell University took part in a study where they were given a mobile phone app and asked to take photos of anything they do or don’t do that might be considered good (such as taking the stairs) or bad for them (such as making a late-night fast food run). They uploaded these photos into the mobile app then rated them based on their healthfulness. They were asked to do this at least five times a day. They could all review their previous posts and a portion of the participants could view posts uploaded by their peers. Most participants reported increased health awareness and self-control at the end of the study, particularly among the group that could see photos taken by their peers. The study was only two weeks long, and didn’t lead to any real behavior change, but the researchers believe there is potential for more significant change after long-term use of the app. Taking matters into my own hands… Armed with a smartphone and some reusable shopping bags, I set out to my local grocery store to conduct a food shopping experiment of my own. Prior to going to the grocery store, I downloaded a few free apps onto my iPhone that I thought would be useful on this shopping expedition. Since saving money on groceries is high on my list of priorities, I downloaded the Food on the Table app, which claims to be a better way to plan meals and save money. After filling out a short profile, the app helped me plan a meal, organize a grocery list and take advantage of in-store coupons within minutes. I chose to make the butternut squash and black bean enchiladas recipe, and navigated the grocery store with my cell phone in-hand to find all of the necessary ingredients. As I perused the tortilla display, I made use of another app that I downloaded, the Shop Well app, to help me choose the healthiest option among the multitude of tortillas available in the grocery store. With this app I could scan barcodes of the various tortillas and was given a personalized food score of each product based on a profile I filled out earlier (listing my health goals and any medical conditions). One package of tortillas turned up as a “medium” match for me. The app suggested another type of tortilla that would be a better match for my goals. Meanwhile, the Food on the Table app was telling me about a brand of tortillas that was on sale on that particular day. Of course they weren’t the same, so I opted for the healthier product over the on-sale product because the difference in price was marginal. I then used the Lose It! app to keep track of what I was going to eat and to determine the amount of calories in my meal. I entered every ingredient into the recipe section and came up with a calorie count and nutrient breakdown for the meal I was about to consume. Granted, it was a little tedious, but a great process that made me really think about what I was about to eat. If I continue to use this app, I will certainly think twice the next time I chow down on a big meal or snack. The meal I chose to make ended up being far too spicy for my taste (if only the app rated the meal based on heat!). Despite this unfortunate setback, the process was educational – and dare I say FUN? It’s unlikely that I will go back to the grocery store and use my phone to scan products to identify healthy options (it’s far easier to use basic nutrition know-how to make these decisions – make half your grains whole, choose foods low in saturated fat, eat more fruits and vegetables, etc., etc). But I definitely enjoyed the menu planning app and appreciated being able to have new recipe ideas at my fingertips (even if my first choice was a bit of a disappointment!). If you’ve made it a goal to eat healthier, exercise more and possibly lose weight in the New Year, then why not give one of the many mobile apps a try. Even better, get your friends and family involved and download apps together that allow you to motivate one another to stick to your goals. With all this technology at your fingertips, eating smarter may have just gotten a little easier!
SIMILARITY: 0.4152 Lifestyle is a tapestry woven from our daily habits, values, and aspirations, each thread contributing to the overall picture of our existence. It’s not just about the choices we make, but also the environment we create for ourselves, which profoundly influences our overall well-being. At the heart of a vibrant lifestyle lies the concept of balance. Striking a harmony between work, leisure, and self-care is essential. In a world that often glorifies busyness, it’s crucial to recognize the importance of rest and relaxation. Taking breaks, whether through short moments of mindfulness or extended vacations, rejuvenates the mind and body. This balance fosters productivity and creativity, allowing us to approach tasks with renewed vigor. The role of creativity in our lifestyle cannot be overlooked. Engaging in creative pursuits—be it painting, writing, cooking, or crafting—provides a vital outlet for self-expression. Creativity not only enhances our mood but also encourages problem-solving and innovation in various aspects of life. By incorporating artistic activities into our routines, we cultivate a sense of joy and fulfillment. Moreover, the impact of our surroundings on our lifestyle is significant. The spaces we inhabit—our homes, workplaces, and communities—shape our experiences and influence our moods. A well-organized, aesthetically pleasing environment can enhance productivity and encourage relaxation. Similarly, spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress and improve mental health. Incorporating elements of nature into our daily lives, whether through houseplants or outdoor activities, can have a transformative effect. Sustainability is an increasingly important consideration in lifestyle choices. As awareness of environmental issues grows, many individuals are seeking ways to live more sustainably. This can involve reducing waste, choosing eco-friendly products, and supporting local businesses. By aligning our lifestyles with our values, we contribute to a healthier planet while fostering a sense of purpose and community. Travel and exploration also play a vital role in shaping our lifestyles. Experiencing new cultures and environments broadens our perspectives and enriches our lives. Whether through adventurous trips or local explorations, stepping outside our comfort zones allows us to grow, learn, and connect with others in meaningful ways. Each journey offers opportunities for personal growth and the chance to create lasting memories. In today’s interconnected world, embracing diversity in our lifestyles is essential. Learning from different cultures, traditions, and lifestyles fosters empathy and understanding. This openness enriches our lives, encouraging us to adopt new practices and perspectives that enhance our overall experience. Ultimately, a meaningful lifestyle is a reflection of our journey. It’s about making intentional choices that resonate with who we are and who we aspire to be. Embracing change, nurturing relationships, and prioritizing well-being creates a fulfilling existence. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, cultivating a lifestyle that embodies balance, creativity, and connection can lead us to a deeper sense of happiness and purpose. By being mindful of our choices, we can create a life that not only reflects our values but also inspires others along the way.
SIMILARITY: 0.4272 Let’s work together to achieve your health goals! I offer multiple packages to my clients according to health goals and support needs. Scheduling a FREE Discovery Session with me will help us determine if and how I can help you. Be sure to bring all your questions to this appointment!
SIMILARITY: 0.4373 For nearly 20 years Christie Clipper has sought to identify both commercial and consumer needs and has provided workable solutions to meet those needs. Her achievements have brought comprehensive medical services in an outpatient setting to underserved populations, inspired entrepreneurial growth in various industries, and promoted community awareness. Christie's experience in numerous health delivery systems and research in human behaviors is the foundation of which she bases her career. Today, she believes she is living her life’s purpose – helping others. As a health and wellness coach and founder of Healthy Edge LLC, Christie empowers people to harness and breakthrough barriers that get in the way of taking care of themselves. Accomplishments: Christie has developed new businesses and refined existing organizations in outpatient rehabilitation, home health care, skilled nursing and inpatient hospital rehabilitation. She has been commended by State surveyors who stated her facilities and programs are “a cut above,” evaluating her work as “precedence for others to follow.” Christie has been acknowledged for her team building and leadership skills. In 2006, she was named among the “Top 20” accomplished professionals as featured in The News-Herald. In her recent appointment by the Governor to the Michigan Board of Occupational Therapists, she will be representing the health concerns and interests of the general public. Credentials: Christie obtained her undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan where she received a Bachelor of Arts in Health Policy and a minor in Psychology. She later received a Master of Science in Community Health Services Research from Wayne State University. The ongoing relationship between Christie and her clients is a very trusted one. Witnessing the transformation in their lives and giving them a piece of themselves back while opening a future of possibilities is a genuine gift she hopes to give to all her clients. She believes it makes the difference for us all. Christie provides private, one-on-one coaching sessions via telephone and on-line web support to clients nationwide. With Christie you may enjoy the benefits of having someone who will really listen, help you seek clarity, develop and work on healthy lifestyle changes through support, guidance and accountability. "The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity." - Leo Tolstoy “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” -William Shakespeare “Whether you think you can or can't, you’re right”. – Henry Ford "You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." - Martin Luther King, Jr. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” - Robert F. Kennedy “If you can dream it, you can do it.” –Walt Disney “Change is accomplished not by taking one big step but a series of tiny steps and a few stumbles along the way.” - Me Christie Clipper, founder of Healthy Edge, has designed health and wellness programs for individuals, employers and healthcare practitioners. Our unique approach encompasses value-based coaching that addresses an individual’s overall well-being and underlying factors that contribute to unhealthy lifestyle choices. To learn more, browse our site for more information about our services and unique approach to client care at
SIMILARITY: 0.4124 October 10 is World Mental Health Day. To this end, the World Health Organization (WHO) is holding the “Smart Health Forum 2021” online today and tomorrow. This year’s forum will have six sessions. The presentations are presented in English and direct translation into French and Spanish is provided. In the first session of the day، the Deputy Director of Azhee, Sabah Abdulrahman, gave a brief presentation on the establishment of Azhee and his experience as a father who was devastated by suicide and then answered a question about Ahee’’s successes since its inception #Azhee #MentalHealth #ActionAgainstSuicide
SIMILARITY: 0.5542 Journal — tvarus gyvenimas The Road to Health // Kelias į sveikatą emocinė sveikata emotional health health mental health psichologinė sveikata sustainability sustainable fashion sustainable lifestyle sveikata tvari mada tvarumas tvarus gyvenimas Vaida Pilelyte So often I catch myself thinking- where does health start. Where does any of it start? I get it why so many people think that sustainability is another trend and it shall pass when the new hot thing arrives, I get that question ofter as well. And quite frankly- it’s my own fault cause I never explained why I do what I do. It’s quite a journey to get to where I am and nothing happened by accident. Nothing. I don’t want to sound arrogant and say that I am emotionally and mentally healthy, I literally just scratched the surface. But I...
SIMILARITY: 0.4695 Give You Family Best Health Checkup Packages On Time. Wellness operates with a Centralized Processing Laboratory in New Delhi – India for esoteric tests. We have focus on strong technologies, strong brands and strong systems that enable all laboratories to give their clients the best of science and technology at an affordable cost.With a belief that ‘Quality’ is the heart of any intelligent management. I would like to appreciate your excellent and quick service under which we receive an alert message on mobile before we get the Report. I must say Your Centre has a good home collection & efficient working staff with outstanding lab testing service. Wellness offers a wide array of preventive health packages to suit your age and lifestyle. This goes a long way in identifying problems areas early and taking remedial action on your health. Wellness with its diagnostic excellence and exponentially expanding non-path services, plans to become a one stop solution for the wellness needs of every customer. Wellness Healthcare has been honored for its best practices and commitment to excellence in customer satisfaction and innovation. We are pathology specialists. We believe in truths. We are convinced that every human being deserves to know truths, especially if they are about inner health. And our aim is to present these truths in the most human way possible. We believe in team work to accomplish shared goals within and across settings to achieve coordinated, high-quality care. Today's healthcare team members are under mounting pressure to improve services. Wellness Diagnostic the superior Quality diagnostic centre determined to provide you what is must for you and a little more. We provide you with world class Diagnostic services which form the basis of diagnosing a disease by any clinician. India's diagnostics company with very impressive network of laboratories. We serve our customers through best heath check up reports. SCF-4, Near Dadi Poti Park Model Town Phase-3, Bathinda, Punjab. Boatmain Colony Opp. JVC SKIMS Medical College, Bemina Bypass Srinagar Kashmir, 190018 Opp Civil Hospital karnal 132001 (Haryana) Near Kalpana Chawla PGI C-3, 1st floor Opp Gandhi Nagar Public School (Gandhi Nagar Moradabad U.P) 244001 B-21, Sector L, Near Khajana Chauraha, LDL Colony, Kanpur Road, Lucknow-226012 Dharamveer Market 2nd Floor, Near Seble Cinema & Metro Station Mathura Road Badarpur, New Delhi-44 SCO. 4 , 1st floor, Model Town Phase 3, Bathinda. Near ICICI Bank. Mob: +91-928-928-3003 Add- 171 basement sector 7 huda market near PNB BANK FARIDABAD 121006 B-21, Sector L, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road, Lucknow - 226012 2nd floor, LIC Building , Ramghat road , Aligarh , uttar pradesh - 202001 Copyright © 2023 All rights reserved | Wellness Diagnostic Private Limited Designed & Developed by SD Web Solutions
SIMILARITY: 0.4961 Resources Health and wellbeing resources for leaders From frameworks, guides, and toolkits to calendars and webinars – we’ve got everything you need for your health and wellbeing strategy – regardless of whether you’re just starting out or looking to optimise an existing programme. Content Type Audience Topic Showing 22 Results
SIMILARITY: 0.4716 Copy For Citation DİZEN NAMDAR N., KAHRAMAN C., Akkaş Akgün G. 21. Prof. Dr. A. Lütfü Tat Sempozyumu, Ankara, Turkey, 13 - 17 November 2013, pp.237 - Publication Type: Conference Paper / Summary Text - City: Ankara - Country: Turkey - Page Numbers: pp.237 - Kütahya Health Sciences University Affiliated: Yes
SIMILARITY: 0.4973 IN November 2021, we celebrated the inaugural Healthy Environments and Lives – HEAL 2021 – Conference. This coincided with the federal government’s announcement of the $10 million National Health and Medical Research Council Special Initiative in Human Health and Environmental Change that will fund the HEAL Network over the next 5 years to provide national and international leadership in environmental change and health research. This investment in the HEAL Network could not have been more timely. There is increasing scientific evidence indicating that we are facing a global health crisis due to rapid environmental change. This has been described by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as a triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, with major health and economic impacts, that could exceed those of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is also increasing recognition that tackling this crisis is a great opportunity for improving human health, mainly through improved air quality, water security, active mobility and healthier nutrition. However, this evidence has not resulted so far in sufficient global or national action to tackle climate change and environmental degradation. The HEAL Network, a broad coalition of 100 investigators and more than 30 organisations from across Australia, aims to bridge this gap between knowledge and action by bringing together Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander wisdom, sustainable development, epidemiology, and data science and communication to address environmental change and its impacts on health across all Australian states and territories. The vision of HEAL is to catalyse research, knowledge exchange and translation into policy and practice that will bring measurable improvements to our health, the Australian health system, and the environment. Environmental health research as a catalyst for action A great source of inspiration and knowledge for the HEAL Network is the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander more than 60 000-year long track record of caring for Country and successfully adapting to environmental change. To date, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have not been sufficiently included in national conversations about environmental change. As highlighted in the recent discussion paper on Climate change and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health by the Lowitja Institute, climate change presents an opportunity for redress and empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to lead climate action planning based on their intimate traditional and historical knowledges of Country. However, there are gaps in research and data, and most reporting on climate change currently does not include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander or local knowledge in the assessment, translation, and reporting of findings. Furthermore, many sustainable solutions are known, such as clean energy and climate resilient housing, but access to these solutions is not equitably available across Australian communities. To redress this fundamental injustice, we have consulted with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations, public health and environmental authorities, health sector organisations, and data providers to integrate this complex social, environmental, economic and institutional “ecosystem” into a cohesive, multidisciplinary research network. As such, HEAL aims to be a model for integrated research and translation into practice based on key enablers, including strong engagement and co-design with federal and state governments, public health and health care sectors, charities, communities, business and industry. This will involve respectfully bringing together Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges and culture with Western knowledges, and a dynamic, transparent and inclusive governance structure that will nurture future research leaders. The Australian health system’s resilience, preparedness and responsiveness to environmental change and extreme weather events need to be strengthened by addressing the upstream environmental, social and cultural determinants of health and reducing inequalities. This involves mitigating and adapting to climate change; managing the risk of bushfires, floods and air, soil and water pollution; improving housing, energy, water and food security; and developing a sustainable economy to heal the planet. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals call for action by all countries to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognise that ending poverty must go hand in hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, gender equality, health and wellbeing, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental degradation. There have been numerous success stories for public health and the environment, including meaningful action to protect the stratospheric ozone layer, phase out leaded petrol, and ban tobacco smoking in public places. However, environmental change represents a bigger challenge – and opportunity – for public health as it cannot be solely addressed with technological innovation or new legislation. It requires a broader paradigm shift that will affect – and improve – many aspects of our lives and communities. Importantly, HEAL focuses on solution-driven research that will provide robust scientific evidence to underpin structural policy and practice changes. This evidence will be based on a holistic assessment of social and economic costs and benefits, and distributional effects of policies to support long term solutions. HEAL will build on a rich ecosystem of projects, networks and initiatives within and beyond the health sector, including the Healthy, Regenerative and Just Framework for a national strategy on climate, health and wellbeing for Australia proposed by the Climate and Health Alliance. A key component of the HEAL Network is the development of Communities of Practice (local knowledge exchange forums), including researchers, practitioners, Indigenous and other community organisations, charities, businesses, and decision makers in all Australian jurisdictions. Based on initial gap analyses and stakeholder consultations, we have established ten interdisciplinary research themes that will cover most of our research and capacity building activities. These themes are: - Indigenous knowledge systems; - data and decision support systems; - science communication; - health system resilience and sustainability; - bushfires, air pollution, and extreme events; - food, soil and water security; - biosecurity and emerging infectious diseases; - urban health and built environment; - rural and remote health; and, - at-risk populations and life course solutions. The health sector as a catalyst for action In the global climate change negotiations and policy arena, human and environmental health considerations are becoming more prominent. Health was chosen as a science priority area for the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow (COP26), which brought a stronger health focus to the summit. Interestingly, Alok Sharma, President of COP26, used health terms to stress the need for rapid climate action. “We have kept 1.5°C alive. But, its pulse is weak and it will only survive if we keep our promises and translate commitments into rapid action”, he said in his closing statement. The key health priorities for COP26, building climate resilient and low carbon health systems, are particularly relevant to the Australian health system, which is vulnerable to climate change and extreme events such as bushfires, heatwaves and floods. Globally, the health care sector makes a significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, waste generation, and water usage. If it were a nation, the global health system would be the fifth largest emitter of greenhouse gases on the planet. As part of the COP26 Health Programme, a group of 50 countries have committed to develop climate-resilient and low carbon health systems in response to growing evidence of the impact of climate change on human health. In Australia, where the health sector contributes around 7% to the national greenhouse gas emissions, it is imperative to make similar commitments. The Australian Medical Association and Doctors for the Environment Australia have called on the Australian health care sector to reduce its carbon emissions to net zero by 2040, with an interim emission reduction target of 80% by 2030. Furthermore, health professionals have an important role to play by raising public awareness of the damaging effect of climate change, advising patients and the public on how to improve their health by minimising exposure to pollution and reducing their environmental footprint, and supporting action within the health care sector and more widely to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and waste. Conclusion HEAL promises a transformative change in environmental health research and practice by sustainably and respectfully bringing together Indigenous knowledges, Western science and data, local and regional priorities, health care practice, communication and policy making to address the health effects of climate change and environmental degradation. Most importantly, HEAL will nurture equitable and reciprocal relationships between communities, scientists and policymakers, and grow the next generation of environmental health researchers in Australia through a comprehensive training program. The inaugural HEAL conference was an open call for research collaboration and action, as well as a demonstration of sustainability in its own right. Organised as a nearly zero-carbon hybrid event, it enabled online participation from across Australia and internationally, as well as face-to-face interaction in four jurisdictions, actively involving researchers, communities, practitioners and policymakers. The conference content will be available on the HEAL 2021 website. Professor Sotiris Vardoulakis is the Director of the NHMRC Healthy Environments and Lives (HEAL) National Research Network, and Professor of Global Environmental Health at the Australian National University. The statements or opinions expressed in this article reflect the views of the authors and do not represent the official policy of the AMA, the MJA or InSight+ unless so stated. This is an inspirational and reassuring article, all my values and hopes encompassed in this initiative. Thank you.
SIMILARITY: 0.4410 Video Library Matthew Hilton, DO, Lakeshore Health Partners - Family Medicine Zeeland and Holland Hospital Sports Medicine, delivers his presentation, Invest in Yourself, at the 2019 Holland Hospital Men's Health Event. Anxiety and depression are common mental health conditions affecting people of all ages. As a primary care physician, Dr. Foster understands the need to reduce the stigma that’s often associated with these conditions—for both adult and pediatric patients. He helps his patients bring their symptoms to light so they get the treatment they need to ensure their overall well-being. Dr. Foster welcomes patents of all ages at Holland Hospital Family Medicine – Zeeland. Call (616) 772-7314 for an appointment Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of arthritis that can cause disability and long-term joint damage, especially when left untreated. That’s why Philip Velderman, MD, encourages people to seek care from a rheumatologist as soon as possible if they’re experiencing symptoms, such as joint pain, visible swelling and even general fatigue. Don’t ignore the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Dr. Velderman is here to help you find the relief you deserve. Call Holland Hospital Rheumatology at (616) 393-5336 for an appointment. You might already know that not smoking is optimal for lifelong wellness, but how many hours of sleep should an adult get each night? How many minutes of exercise should you strive for each week? Dr. Carlyn Hoeppner answers these questions and shares thoughts on how to achieve lasting health. Looking for more advice on living a healthy lifestyle? Call Holland Hospital Internal Medicine – Zeeland at (616) 394-3200.
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SIMILARITY: 0.5160 Featured What Is Health Assessment Modified: January 2, 2024 Learn about the importance of health assessment and how it can benefit you. Discover expert insights, tips, and featured resources for a comprehensive understanding of your well-being. Introduction Health assessment plays a crucial role in identifying, preventing, and managing health issues. It involves a systematic approach to gathering and analyzing data related to an individual’s overall well-being, including physical, mental, and social aspects. This comprehensive evaluation allows healthcare professionals to develop personalized treatment plans and provide appropriate interventions. Health assessment is a dynamic process that enables healthcare providers to assess the current health status of individuals of all ages. It serves as a foundation for making informed decisions about patient care, optimizing health outcomes, and promoting overall wellness. A thorough health assessment involves a comprehensive examination and evaluation of different factors influencing an individual’s health, such as medical history, lifestyle, family history, and environmental factors. It may include various assessments, such as taking vital signs, conducting physical examinations, reviewing medical records, performing laboratory tests, and administering questionnaires. By conducting a health assessment, healthcare professionals can identify potential health risks, early signs of diseases, and underlying conditions. This allows for timely intervention, prevention, and management of health issues, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes and quality of life. In addition to diagnosing illnesses, health assessments also play a preventive role. By identifying risk factors and promoting healthy behaviors, healthcare providers can help individuals make positive lifestyle changes and take proactive steps in maintaining their health. The process of health assessment involves a collaborative approach between the healthcare provider and the patient. It is important to establish open communication, trust, and confidentiality to ensure accurate data collection and interpretation. Patients should feel comfortable sharing their health concerns, habits, and lifestyle choices to enable a comprehensive assessment. Throughout this article, we will explore different aspects of health assessment in more detail, including its components, purpose, types, tools and techniques used, as well as the benefits and limitations. This knowledge will help us better understand the significance of health assessment and its impact on overall well-being. Definition of Health Assessment Health assessment is a systematic and comprehensive process of collecting, analyzing, and evaluating data related to an individual’s physical, mental, and social well-being. It involves gathering information from various sources, such as the individual, their medical history, and physical examinations, to gain a holistic understanding of their health status. The primary aim of health assessment is to identify current health issues, potential risks, and areas that require attention or intervention. It provides healthcare professionals with valuable insights into an individual’s overall health, enabling them to develop personalized care plans and interventions. Health assessment encompasses a wide range of evaluations, including assessing vital signs, conducting physical examinations, reviewing medical records, performing laboratory tests, and utilizing questionnaires or interviews. These assessments help in identifying signs and symptoms of diseases, detecting deviations from normal health status, and evaluating factors that may affect an individual’s well-being. This evaluation goes beyond physical health and includes mental and social aspects. It takes into account an individual’s lifestyle choices, habits, family history, and environmental factors that may have an impact on their health. By considering these factors, healthcare professionals can develop a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s health status and provide suitable recommendations for health improvement. Health assessment is not a one-time event but rather an ongoing process that may be conducted at various stages of an individual’s life. It can be performed during routine check-ups, for specific health concerns, or as part of preventive care. The frequency and depth of the assessment may vary depending on the healthcare provider’s judgment and the individual’s specific needs. Overall, health assessment serves as an essential foundation for effective healthcare delivery. It allows healthcare professionals to gather relevant information, make informed decisions, establish risk profiles, and develop appropriate treatment and management plans. By conducting a thorough assessment, healthcare providers can tailor interventions and support individuals in achieving optimal health outcomes. Purpose of Health Assessment The purpose of health assessment is multifaceted and encompasses several key objectives. These objectives are aimed at gaining a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s health status and facilitating appropriate care and interventions. Let’s explore the main purposes of health assessment: 1. Identify Health Issues: Health assessments are conducted to identify existing health issues, such as chronic diseases, acute illnesses, or potential risks. By gathering data through physical examinations, laboratory tests, and medical history reviews, healthcare professionals can detect signs and symptoms of diseases or conditions that may require further investigation or treatment. 2. Preventative Care: Health assessments also play a crucial role in preventive care. By conducting regular assessments, healthcare professionals can identify risk factors and early markers of diseases. This enables them to provide appropriate recommendations for preventive measures, lifestyle modifications, and health promotion activities to minimize the risk of developing future health problems. 3. Personalized Care Planning: Health assessments provide valuable information that helps in developing personalized care plans for individuals. By analyzing the data collected during the assessment, healthcare professionals can understand the unique needs and circumstances of the individual. This enables them to tailor treatment plans and interventions that align with the individual’s goals, preferences, and specific health concerns. 4. Monitoring Progress: Health assessments serve as a tool for monitoring an individual’s health progress. By conducting regular assessments and comparing the results over time, healthcare professionals can track any changes or improvements in an individual’s health status. This helps in evaluating the effectiveness of interventions, adjusting treatment plans if necessary, and providing ongoing support and guidance. 5. Establishing Baseline Data: Health assessments provide baseline data that serves as a reference point for future evaluations. Gathering comprehensive information about an individual’s health status allows healthcare professionals to establish a starting point against which any changes or developments can be measured. This baseline data is particularly useful in detecting deviations from normal health and identifying potential health risks that may arise in the future. 6. Promoting Overall Well-being: Health assessments aim to improve overall well-being by providing individuals with the information and tools they need to make informed decisions about their health. By empowering individuals with knowledge about their health status, healthcare professionals can promote self-care, encourage healthy behaviors, and support individuals in achieving and maintaining optimal health outcomes. Overall, the purpose of health assessment is to gather comprehensive and accurate information about an individual’s health status. It enables healthcare professionals to identify health issues, provide personalized care, monitor progress, and promote overall well-being. By conducting regular and thorough assessments, healthcare providers can deliver effective and targeted care to improve individual health outcomes. Components of Health Assessment A comprehensive health assessment involves several key components that provide a holistic view of an individual’s overall well-being. These components, when combined, contribute to a thorough evaluation of physical, mental, and social aspects of health. Let’s explore the main components of a health assessment: 1. Health History: This component involves gathering information about an individual’s medical history, including previous illnesses, surgeries, medications, allergies, and family medical history. Health history provides insights into past health issues, genetic predispositions, and possible risk factors that may influence an individual’s current health status. 2. Physical Examination: Physical examination involves a systematic assessment of an individual’s body systems. It includes vital signs measurement (such as blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature), assessment of general appearance, observation of skin, palpation of organs and systems, and auscultation of heart and lungs. Physical examination helps healthcare professionals identify physical abnormalities, detect signs and symptoms of diseases, and assess overall physical health. 3. Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: Laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures play a vital role in health assessment. These assessments may include blood tests, urine analysis, imaging studies (such as X-rays or ultrasounds), biopsies, or specialized tests to evaluate specific body functions or organs. These tests provide objective data to supplement subjective findings and aid in diagnosing diseases or identifying potential health issues. 4. Mental Health Assessment: Mental health assessment focuses on evaluating an individual’s emotional well-being, cognitive function, and psychological state. It may involve screening tools, structured interviews, or questionnaires to assess mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, or cognitive impairments. Mental health assessment helps healthcare professionals identify mental health issues, provide appropriate support and interventions, and promote overall mental well-being. 5. Social Assessment: Social assessment explores an individual’s social and environmental factors that may impact their health. This component includes gathering information about an individual’s living conditions, socioeconomic status, support system, cultural background, and lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and substance use. Social assessment helps healthcare professionals understand the context in which an individual’s health is influenced and identifies potential barriers or resources for promoting health. 6. Health Risk Assessment: Health risk assessment involves evaluating an individual’s lifestyle choices, habits, and behaviors that may contribute to health risks. This component may include assessments of nutrition, physical activity, tobacco and alcohol use, and stress levels. Health risk assessment helps healthcare professionals identify modifiable risk factors and provides an opportunity for targeted interventions to reduce health risks. 7. Patient Education and Counseling: Patient education and counseling play a crucial role in the health assessment process. This component involves providing individuals with information about their health status, explaining test results, discussing treatment options, and addressing any concerns or questions. Patient education and counseling empower individuals to take an active role in their healthcare and make informed decisions about their well-being. By integrating these components, healthcare professionals can gather a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s health status. This holistic approach ensures that all aspects of physical, mental, and social well-being are addressed, leading to a more accurate assessment and the development of personalized care plans. Importance of Health Assessment Health assessment holds immense importance in healthcare as it plays a vital role in various aspects of an individual’s well-being. Let’s explore the key reasons why health assessment is crucial: 1. Early Detection and Prevention: Health assessments help in the early detection of diseases, allowing for timely intervention and prevention. By conducting regular checks and assessing risk factors, healthcare professionals can identify potential health concerns before they progress into more serious conditions. Early detection increases the chances of successful treatment and improves health outcomes. 2. Personalized Care: Health assessments enable healthcare professionals to provide personalized care to individuals. By gathering comprehensive data about an individual’s health status, including medical history, physical examinations, and lifestyle factors, healthcare providers can tailor treatment plans and interventions to meet the specific needs of each patient. This personalized approach enhances the effectiveness of healthcare delivery and improves patient satisfaction. 3. Monitoring Health Progress: Regular health assessments allow for tracking an individual’s health progress over time. By comparing current assessments to baseline data, healthcare professionals can evaluate the effectiveness of treatments, interventions, and lifestyle modifications. Monitoring health progress enables healthcare providers to make necessary adjustments to care plans, ensuring optimal health outcomes. 4. Identifying Health Risks and Promoting Prevention: Health assessments help in identifying health risks and promoting preventive measures. By assessing factors such as family medical history, lifestyle choices, and environmental influences, healthcare professionals can identify potential health risks. This enables them to provide guidance and support to individuals in adopting healthy behaviors, making lifestyle changes, and reducing their risk of developing future health problems. 5. Holistic Approach to Healthcare: Health assessments take a holistic approach to healthcare by considering an individual’s physical, mental, and social well-being. It recognizes that health is influenced by various interconnected factors and evaluations should encompass all aspects of an individual’s life. This comprehensive approach leads to a more accurate understanding of an individual’s health and facilitates the development of holistic care plans. 6. Patient Empowerment and Engagement: Health assessments empower patients by providing them with knowledge about their health status. This knowledge enables individuals to actively participate in their healthcare decisions, make informed choices, and take responsibility for their well-being. Patient engagement improves health outcomes and fosters a collaborative relationship between patients and healthcare providers. 7. Improved Outcomes and Quality of Life: Conducting health assessments contributes to improved health outcomes and enhanced quality of life. By identifying health issues early, personalizing care plans, and promoting preventive measures, health assessments contribute to the prevention of complications, better management of chronic conditions, and overall improvement in the individual’s well-being. In summary, health assessment is of paramount importance in healthcare. It facilitates early detection, personalized care, monitoring of health progress, and identification of health risks. By adopting a holistic approach and empowering patients, health assessments contribute to improved outcomes and a higher quality of life for individuals. Process of Health Assessment The process of health assessment involves a systematic and comprehensive approach to gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data related to an individual’s health status. This process follows several key steps that enable healthcare professionals to gain a holistic understanding of the individual’s overall well-being. Let’s explore the main steps involved in the process of health assessment: 1. Preparation: The first step in the health assessment process is preparation. Healthcare professionals prepare for the assessment by familiarizing themselves with the individual’s medical history, reviewing any relevant medical records, and ensuring they have the necessary tools and resources for the assessment. 2. Data Collection: The next step is data collection. This involves gathering information from various sources, including the individual, their medical history, physical examinations, laboratory tests, and interviews. Healthcare providers ask relevant questions, perform physical assessments, measure vital signs, and may order specific diagnostic tests to collect objective data about the individual’s health. 3. Data Analysis and Interpretation: Once the data is collected, healthcare professionals analyze and interpret it to gain insights into the individual’s health status. They review and evaluate the collected information, looking for patterns, trends, and any abnormal findings that may require further investigation or intervention. 4. Formulation of Care Plan: Based on the analysis and interpretation of the data, healthcare professionals develop a care plan tailored to the individual’s specific needs. This involves identifying potential health issues, setting goals, outlining the steps and interventions required to address those issues, and determining a timeline for implementing the care plan. 5. Implementation of Care Plan: The next step is the implementation of the care plan. Healthcare professionals work with the individual to execute the planned interventions, treatments, and lifestyle modifications. This may involve medication administration, therapy sessions, dietary changes, exercise programs, or referrals to other healthcare specialists. 6. Monitoring and Evaluation: After the implementation of the care plan, healthcare professionals monitor the individual’s progress and evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions and treatments. This involves regular follow-ups, reassessment of the individual’s health status, and adjustments to the care plan if necessary. Monitoring and evaluation ensure that the care plan remains responsive to the individual’s changing health needs. 7. Education and Empowerment: Throughout the health assessment process, healthcare professionals provide education and empower individuals to take an active role in their own health. This includes educating the individual about their health conditions, treatment options, self-care practices, and ways to promote overall well-being. By empowering individuals with knowledge and skills, healthcare providers foster a partnership that leads to better health outcomes. Overall, the process of health assessment involves careful preparation, data collection, analysis, formulation and implementation of a personalized care plan, monitoring and evaluation of progress, and patient education and empowerment. This systematic process allows healthcare professionals to obtain a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s health and provide targeted interventions to promote well-being. Types of Health Assessment Health assessments can vary depending on the purpose, setting, and specific needs of the individual. Different types of health assessments are conducted to evaluate various aspects of an individual’s well-being. Let’s explore some common types of health assessments: 1. Comprehensive Health Assessment: A comprehensive health assessment provides a holistic evaluation of an individual’s overall health. It includes a thorough examination of physical, mental, and social well-being to gain a comprehensive understanding of the individual’s health status. This type of assessment is usually conducted during routine check-ups or as part of preventive care. 2. Routine Physical Examination: Routine physical examinations focus on evaluating an individual’s physical health and identifying any abnormalities or signs of diseases. This type of assessment typically involves measuring vital signs, conducting physical examinations of various body systems, and screening for specific health conditions. Routine physical examinations are often performed as part of regular healthcare check-ups. 3. Geriatric Assessment: Geriatric assessments are specifically designed for older adults to evaluate their health and functional abilities. These assessments may include evaluations of cognitive function, gait and balance, physical strength, nutritional status, medication management, and social support. Geriatric assessments aim to identify age-related health concerns and develop appropriate interventions to preserve independence and improve quality of life in the elderly population. 4. Mental Health Assessment: Mental health assessments focus on evaluating an individual’s emotional well-being, psychological state, and cognitive function. These assessments may involve structured interviews, questionnaires, or specialized tests to assess mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, or cognitive impairments. Mental health assessments are performed by mental health professionals and play a crucial role in diagnosing and managing mental health issues. 5. Occupational Health Assessment: Occupational health assessments are conducted to assess an individual’s health and fitness in relation to their occupation. These assessments evaluate the physical demands of the job, potential workplace hazards, and the individual’s ability to perform essential job functions. Occupational health assessments help in preventing work-related injuries and illnesses and ensuring a safe and healthy working environment. 6. Pre-employment or Pre-placement Assessment: Pre-employment assessments are conducted before hiring an individual to assess their physical and mental suitability for a specific job. These assessments may involve medical examinations, drug tests, or psychological evaluations to ensure that the individual is fit to perform the job requirements and does not pose risks to themselves or others in the workplace. 7. Health Risk Assessment: Health risk assessments are used to identify an individual’s health risks and evaluate their potential for developing certain health conditions. These assessments usually involve questions about lifestyle choices, medical history, family history, and current health status. Health risk assessments provide individuals with insights into potential areas of concern and guide healthcare professionals in recommending preventive measures and lifestyle modifications. These are just a few examples of the many types of health assessments that exist. The specific type of assessment conducted depends on the individual’s needs, the context of the assessment, and the healthcare provider’s judgment. Each type of assessment serves a specific purpose, enabling healthcare professionals to evaluate different aspects of an individual’s health and develop tailored interventions to maintain and improve overall well-being. Tools and Techniques Used in Health Assessment Health assessments employ a variety of tools and techniques to gather accurate and comprehensive data about an individual’s health status. These tools and techniques assist healthcare professionals in conducting thorough evaluations and making informed decisions regarding patient care. Let’s explore some common tools and techniques used in health assessments: 1. Questionnaires and Interviews: Questionnaires and interviews are commonly used to gather subjective information about an individual’s health. They may include standardized questionnaires that assess specific health conditions or lifestyle factors. Interviews allow healthcare professionals to gather detailed information by directly conversing with the individual and asking specific questions to understand their health concerns, habits, and medical history. 2. Physical Examination Tools: Physical examination tools are used to assess various body systems and identify physical abnormalities. These tools may include stethoscopes for listening to heart and lung sounds, blood pressure monitors for measuring blood pressure, thermometers for measuring body temperature, and reflex hammers for testing reflexes. Physical examination tools help healthcare professionals gather objective data about an individual’s physical health. 3. Diagnostic Equipment: Diagnostic equipment is used for conducting specialized tests and measurements. This may include tools such as X-ray machines, ultrasound devices, electrocardiographs (ECGs), or laboratory equipment for conducting blood tests or urine analysis. Diagnostic equipment provides objective data that aids in diagnosing diseases and evaluating specific health conditions. 4. Screening Tools: Screening tools are used to assess individuals for specific health conditions or risk factors. These tools may include questionnaires, checklists, or rating scales that help healthcare professionals identify potential health concerns early on. Common screening tools include depression screening tools, diabetes risk assessment questionnaires, and cancer screening guidelines. 5. Mental Health Assessment Tools: Mental health assessment tools are specifically designed for assessing an individual’s psychological well-being. Examples include structured clinical interviews, symptom questionnaires, and psychological tests. These tools aid in diagnosing mental health conditions and evaluating an individual’s emotional and cognitive function. 6. Measurement Devices: Measurement devices are used to obtain objective data about an individual’s physical health parameters. These devices may include weighing scales, measuring tapes for assessing body mass index (BMI), spirometers for lung function tests, and glucometers for measuring blood glucose levels. Measurement devices help in monitoring changes in physical health parameters and evaluating treatment effectiveness. 7. Electronic Health Records (EHRs): Electronic health records are digital systems that store and manage an individual’s health information. They enable healthcare professionals to access and update patient data efficiently. EHRs allow for seamless communication between different healthcare providers, ensuring comprehensive and coordinated care. In addition to these tools and techniques, healthcare professionals rely on their clinical expertise and judgment to conduct a comprehensive health assessment. The combination of subjective and objective data, along with the use of appropriate tools, helps in gathering accurate information, diagnosing health conditions, and developing personalized care plans. Benefits and Limitations of Health Assessment Health assessments offer numerous benefits in healthcare settings, as they play a critical role in evaluating an individual’s health status and guiding appropriate interventions. However, it is important to recognize that health assessments also have certain limitations. Let’s explore the benefits and limitations of health assessment: Benefits of Health Assessment: 1. Early Detection and Prevention: Health assessments facilitate early detection of potential health issues, allowing for timely intervention and preventive measures. Early detection increases the chances of successful treatment and improves health outcomes. 2. Personalized Care: Health assessments provide valuable information that enables healthcare professionals to develop personalized care plans. This individualized approach tailors interventions to the specific needs of each patient, resulting in more effective and targeted healthcare delivery. 3. Health Monitoring: Health assessments allow for ongoing monitoring of an individual’s health progress. Regular assessments enable healthcare professionals to track changes in health status, adjust treatment plans if necessary, and provide appropriate guidance and support. 4. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Health assessments play a vital role in health promotion and disease prevention. By identifying risk factors and educating individuals about healthy behaviors, health assessments encourage proactive steps towards maintaining optimal health. 5. Improved Patient-Provider Communication: Health assessments promote open and effective communication between healthcare providers and patients. They provide a platform for individuals to discuss their health concerns, ask questions, and actively participate in their healthcare decisions. Limitations of Health Assessment: 1. Subjectivity: Health assessments rely on subjective information provided by the individual, which may introduce bias or inconsistencies. The accuracy and reliability of the assessment can be influenced by the individual’s perception, recall ability, and willingness to disclose relevant information. 2. Limited Time and Resources: Due to time constraints and limited resources, comprehensive health assessments may not always be feasible. Healthcare professionals may need to prioritize certain assessments or rely on self-reported information rather than conducting extensive objective evaluations. 3. Incomplete Information: Health assessments may not capture the full scope of an individual’s health status. Some conditions or risks may go undetected or be missed during the assessment process, leading to incomplete information and potentially impacting the accuracy of the assessment. 4. False Negatives or Positives: Health assessments are not foolproof and may yield false negatives or false positives. False negatives may lead to delayed or missed diagnoses, while false positives may result in unnecessary tests or treatments. Healthcare professionals must carefully interpret the assessment results while considering additional clinical information. 5. Cultural and Language Barriers: Cultural and language barriers may affect the accuracy and effectiveness of health assessments. It is essential to consider cultural sensitivities and provide interpretation services to ensure accurate communication and understanding during the assessment process. Despite these limitations, the benefits of health assessment outweigh the potential drawbacks. By recognizing these limitations, healthcare professionals can employ strategies to maximize the benefits, minimize the limitations, and ensure a comprehensive and accurate assessment of an individual’s health status. Conclusion Health assessment is a crucial component of healthcare that allows for a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s health status. By gathering and analyzing data from various sources, healthcare professionals can identify potential health issues, develop personalized care plans, monitor progress, and promote overall well-being. The process of health assessment involves several key steps, including preparation, data collection, analysis, care plan formulation, implementation, and monitoring. This systematic approach ensures that all aspects of an individual’s physical, mental, and social well-being are considered in the evaluation. Health assessments offer numerous benefits, such as early detection and prevention of diseases, personalized care planning, health monitoring, and health promotion. They empower individuals to actively participate in their healthcare decisions, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes and enhanced quality of life. However, health assessments also have limitations, including subjectivity, limited time and resources, and the potential for false negatives and positives. It is important for healthcare professionals to be aware of these limitations and employ strategies to mitigate them, ensuring accurate assessments and optimal care delivery. In conclusion, health assessment is a fundamental process in healthcare that allows for a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s health. By utilizing tools and techniques, healthcare professionals can gather valuable information, tailor interventions to individual needs, and promote overall well-being. Despite its limitations, health assessment remains a valuable tool in healthcare, providing insights to guide effective care and improving individual health outcomes.
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SIMILARITY: 0.4829 Health The Model New York Occasions In Asian countries, it is traditional for physicians to also provide drugs. Approximately twenty p.c of all adults in the US are thought Health news of diagnosable with a psychological dysfunction. Mental disorders are the main cause of disability in the United States and Canada. Inflammation within the intestine might injury the gut lining, and intestine leakiness may permit dietary triggers to get into the relaxation of the body, triggering reactions. For some children, healing the intestine can reduce their reactivity to foods. All Tiny Health gut tests include a detailed report and steps to take to optimize your microbiome. Our experts suggest diet, supplement, and lifestyle adjustments based in your age and distinctive outcomes. A intestine health test at any age can help detect imbalances and steer us in the best direction. It is still attainable to make modifications and improve lifelong health! Our workers of devoted personnel provides high-quality clinical and environmental laboratory help. Rheumatic coronary heart illness, or RHD, is a health situation attributable to irritation of the heart valves. It can affect folks of all ages, with Queensland kids as young as five presently dwelling with the condition. Call you health care supplier or COVID-19 hotline to search out out the place and when to get a test. What you are in a position to do to forestall continual conditions like coronary heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Find what all Marketplace plans cover, like preventive companies, important health advantages, and extra. The hub in Lisnaskea, which is ready to open in 2026, will assist assist sixteen GPs and provide services to 30,000 individuals in the area. The scale, depth and element of Our Future Health make it a world-leading useful resource for health research. Researchers can apply to study the de-identified data in a highly safe on-line data storage system. They’ll use the info to make new discoveries that profit people from all backgrounds. We ask you to attend an appointment at a neighborhood clinic to provide a blood sample and have some physical measurements taken, together with your blood strain and levels of cholesterol.
SIMILARITY: 0.4583 The Top 10 Wellness Trends in 2025 From Sauna DJs to Personalized Supplements, According to the Global Wellness Summit NEW YORK — On Tuesday, the Global Wellness Summit unveiled The Future of Wellness Trends Report 2025 at its annual press event at JP Morgan Chase. To kickstart the event, Susie Ellis, chair and chief executive officer of the Global Wellness Summit, introduced the day’s events and top highlights for the organization’s most recent data. Most notably, Ellis shared that, per the organization’s data, the global wellness economy reached $6.3 trillion in 2023, with the largest segments in personal care and beauty and healthy eating, nutrition and weight loss. It is expected to reach nearly $9 trillion by 2028. More from WWD 6 Economic Factors That Will Dominate the Strategies of Home Furnishing and Decor Companies Alcova's 1st Trend Curation to Debut at World's Largest Home Textile Show Heimtextil From Fragrance Layering to Ozempic Everything - 9 Beauty and Wellness Trends to Look Out For in 2025 “We didn’t use the term wellness until about 15 years ago,” Ellis said. “What we’ve all done together is remarkable, and I’m proud that there is a wellness industry [that] is thriving.” Ahead of the presentation of the top 10 trends, each authored by an industry expert, the Global Wellness Institute’s senior research fellows Katherine Johnston and Ophelia Yeung presented the organization’s findings on the global wellness economy country rankings. Most notably, the reports showed that North America is the best-performing market in the category, with the U.S. in particular reaching $2 trillion and consumer spend growing every year. Since the pandemic, physical activity has become the largest segment in the U.S., eclipsing personal care and beauty, which now maintains the second-largest segment. Analog Wellness According to Global Wellness Summit vice president of research and forecasting Beth McGroarty, 2025 will be the year, more so than others, that people decide to intentionally log off and take a digital detox. With this, she pointed to a growth of apps that help manage and limit screen time. As consumers go offline, there will be a continued growth of social analog hobby spots — think ceramic studios or social wellness spots. “If I had to bet on AI driven or analog wellness, longevity clinics or logging off, I’d take the latter,” McGroarty said. Sauna Reimagined Saunas have become the night club, movie theater, spa and more. They are a go-to when it comes to wellness, but new models are taking a fresh approach — think DJ nights at Othership or vinyl listening sessions at Farris Bad. “Saunas are nothing new. They’ve been around for thousands of years, but around the world, we’re currently seeing them having this incredible renaissance,” said Spa Business editor at large and trend author Jane Kitchen. “Today they’re these widely cultural entertainment hub.” The trend is being widely driven by younger consumers seeking a solution to the loneliness epidemic, and it also plays into the above trend of analog wellness, as consumers seek social activity offline. The Supplement Paradox Supplements are continuing to become more precise and premium, thanks to biomarker-driven/test-to-treatment offerings, a focus on cellular longevity and an emphasis on personalized efficacy. “This trend points to a future where the market better meets medicine [and] better meets science,” said McGroarty, adding that consumers are increasingly willing to pay more for personalized or more premium ingestibles. Teen Wellness According to well-being writer and trend author Kate O’Brien, teens are increasingly reporting feelings of despair, loneliness and anxiety, creating a need for wellness programming for young people, whether it be travel retreats or intergenerational spa offerings from companies like One Hotels. “For us, it’s about coming together as parents, as providers of care for young people and as people in the spa industry,” O’Brien said. “We need to work [together] and we need to help these young people because their future depends on it.” Watershed Wellness This trend looks at the wellness industry’s need to focus on water conservation, as demand for the finite resource has doubled since 1960, Kitchen said, noting that tourism and hotels have impacted this issue. “It’s a big problem that’s only getting bigger, and the spa wellness industry just needs to rise up and address the issue,” Kitchen said. She pointed to some possible solutions, including smart water management systems and atmospheric water generators which use salt to pull water from the air. Augmented Biology The power of technology is rapidly advancing and in turn creating faster and more effective wellness results — using technology to enhance one’s health and longevity will continue to become more commonplace. Deputy creative foresight editor at The Future Laboratory and trend writer Olivia Houghton pointed to everything from genetic engineering to biohacking wearables to tech-assisted clothing. “This trend is reshaping what it means to be human,” she said. “We’re defining the limits of human health.” Longevity Redefines Work In his trend, David Stewart, founder of media company Ageist, looked at the growing power of the 50-plus demographic. “We’re really going to see across the world [a drop in birth rates],” said Stewart, placing the emphasis on older demographics. With a focus on this generation, Stewart said to expect more meaningful workplace initiatives to optimize this demographic’s experience outside of the typical gym membership. “The aging bomb that’s coming to work is going to change everything,” McGroarty said. Wellness Tackles Addiction The wellness industry isn’t just focused on biohacking and longevity. A segment of the industry is now focused on creating solutions for addictions, whether it be tobacco, social media or drugs. Journalist and trend writer Claire McCormack pointed to sobriety retreats, habit-adjusting apps, supplements and overdose aids, which have become commonplace at festivals and large events, as key to the category. According to McCormack, the industry at large is “poised to further destigmatize” the conversation around addiction with these innovative new solutions. Wellness on the Line Cruise lines and rail journeys are now getting into wellness programming, as spas and hotels have already done, focusing on digital detoxes, treatments, nutrition, fitness, healthy excursions and more. “It’s mindful journeying,” said writer and trend author Jane Wilson. Per the trend, there is a greater emphasis on off boat/off train excursions that enhance wellness — think a visit to a local hammam — than ever before. The Middle East’s Wellness Ambitions When it comes to wellness tourism, all eyes are on the Middle East, per the Global Wellness Summit, which will host its annual event in Abu Dhabi in November. “Culturally rooted wellness experiences are on the rise in the Middle East,” said Thomas Morris, senior partner at Finn Partners. He emphasized that as the trend continues to evolve it will combine tradition with the latest innovations in wellness technology. Sign up for WWD's Newsletter. For the latest news, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
SIMILARITY: 0.4379 This an essential question therefore you should be knowledgeable about it searching at plenty of health issues people are battling with today. No medicine might help when the source isn’t identified and introduced proper properproper care of. It truly is our meal influences our health and wellbeing – While healthy, diet-wealthy food nourishes the body and improves body functions, eating toxic and diet-deficient food may well be a disaster for the similar body functions along with the organs. One of the different facets, there’s anything influential in exercising our health and wellbeing like our meal. And the standard of the food items is dependent upon a couple of things – the ingredients we elect and exactly how we ready them. We devote many effort when choosing nutritious ingredients, like unprocessed & organic, and may we pay equal focus on the approach we decide to try ready them? To be able to make a meal within the healthiest possible way, we wish the most effective cookware. Since the information mill flooded with cookware produced from metals and ceramics, it might be rare to find the best one – a highly effective and non-toxic alternative that cooks food and it is dietary value for that maximum. Pure clay (unglazed, primary clay) is really a-natural material that’s a viable alternative to metals. All metals are reactive and form harmful toxins with nutrients which accumulate in bloodstream stream, tissues, and organs to create the muse for almost any compromised disease fighting capacity and lots of health issues. Pure clay, however, is non-toxic and inert inside the pure and natural form. It does not leach and keeps the nutrients in food intact by cooking with gentle, far-infrared heat. The containers produced from pure clay have excellent steam management characteristics that keep water-soluble nutrients locked inside and does not release them through vents much like conventional cookware. So, the food items cooked in pure clay is really completely non-toxic and wealthy in diet. Being another advantage, the cooking stays almost exactly the same or even less in situation of slow cooking, and food cooks completely without necessity for babysitting the pot! This will make cooking simpler along with the meals are really tasty and tender, reported by cooks who’ve switched to clay pot cooking permanently. These 4 elements plus much more established the apparent connection between our health and wellbeing along with the cookware. Knowing this, you need to be an educated prepare ongoing to maneuver forward so that your food may be healthy and you may too!